• Steve Barker, Michael Leuschel, Mauricio Varea
    Efficient and Flexible Access Control via Logic Program Specialisation.
    In PEPM, Nevin Heintze and Peter Sestoft, ACM Press, 190--119, 2004.
  • Michael Butler, Michael Leuschel, Stephane Lo Presti, Phillip Turner
    The Use of Formal Methods in the Analysis of Trust (Position Paper).
    In iTrust, Christian Jensen and Stefan Poslad and Theo Dimitrakos, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2995, Springer-Verlag, 333--339, 2004.
    • Stephen Craig, John Gallagher, Michael Leuschel, Kim S. Henriksen
      Fully Automatic Binding Time Analysis for Prolog.
      In LOPSTR, Sandro Etalle, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3573, Springer-Verlag, 53--68, 2004.
    • Stephen Craig, Michael Leuschel
      Lix: An Effective Self-applicable Partial Evaluator for Prolog.
      In FLOPS, Yukiyoshi Kameyama and Peter J. Stuckey, Springer-Verlag, 85--99, 2004.
    • A Framework for the Integration of Partial Evaluation and Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs.
      In ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), 26, 3, ACM, 413--463, 2004.
    • ProB: Un outil de modélisation formelle (Invited Talk).
      In JFPLC, Fred Mesnard, Hermes Science Publications, Lavoisier, 13--13, 2004.
    • Michael Leuschel, Stephen Craig, Maurice Bruynooghe, Wim Vanhoof
      Specializing Interpreters using Offline Partial Deduction.
      In Program Development in Computational Logic, Maurice Bruynooghe and Kung-Kiu Lau, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3049, Springer-Verlag, 341--376, 2004.
    • Michael Leuschel, Jesper Jørgensen, Wim Vanhoof, Maurice Bruynooghe
      Offline Specialisation in Prolog Using a Hand-Written Compiler Generator.
      In TPLP, 4, 1--2, Cambridge University Press, 139--191, 2004.
    • Michael Leuschel, Edd Turner
      Visualising Larger State Spaces in ProB.
      Technical Report, ECS, University of Southampton, 2004.
      • Stephane Lo Presti, Michael Butler, Michael Leuschel, Colin Snook, Phillip Turner
        Formal Modelling and Verification of Trust in a Pervasive Application.
        Technical Report, DSSE, University of Southampton, 2004.
      • Wim Vanhoof, Maurice Bruynooghe, Michael Leuschel
        Binding-Time Analysis for Mercury.
        In Program Development in Computational Logic, Maurice Bruynooghe and Kung-Kiu Lau, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3049, Springer-Verlag, 189--232, 2004.
      • Berndt Farwer, Michael Leuschel
        Model Checking of Object Petri Nets in Prolog.
        In PPDP, Eugenio Moggi and David Scott Warren, ACM Press, 20--31, 2004.
      • Dominique Cansell, Stefan Hallerstede, Yann Zimmermann
        Construction sûre de systèmes électroniques.
        In Génie Logiciel, 67, 38--44, 2004.
        • Nikolaos S. Voros, Colin Snook, Stefan Hallerstede, Konstantinos Masselos
          Embedded System Design Using Formal Model Refinement: An Approach Based on the Combined Use of UML and the B Language.
          In Design Automation for Embedded Systems, 9, 2, Springer-Verlag, 67--99, 2004.
          • Stefan Hallerstede, Michael Butler
            Performance analysis of probabilistic action systems.
            In Formal Aspects of Computing, 16, 4, Springer-Verlag, 313--331, 2004.
            • Stefan Hallerstede, Yann Zimmermann
              Circuit Design by Refinement in Event-B.
              In Proceedings of the Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL'04), 2004.
              • Nikolaos S. Voros, Colin Snook, Stefan Hallerstede, Thierry Lecomte
                Embedded System Design Using the PUSSEE Method.
                In UML-B Specification for Proven Embedded Systems Design, J. Mermet, Kluwer, 37--52, 2004.
                • Stefan Hallerstede
                  In UML-B Specification for Proven Embedded Systems Design, J. Mermet, Kluwer, 109--120, 2004.
                  • Yann Zimmermann, Stefan Hallerstede, Dominique Cansell
                    Formal Modelling of Electronic Circuits Using Event-B, Case Study: SAE J1708 Serial Communication Link.
                    In UML-B Specification for Proven Embedded Systems Design, J. Mermet, Kluwer, 211--226, 2004.
                    • Dominique Cansell, Stefan Hallerstede, Ian Oliver
                      UML-B Specification and Hardware Implementation of a Hamming Coder/Decoder.
                      In UML-B Specification for Proven Embedded Systems Design, J. Mermet, Kluwer, 261--278, 2004.