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Rodin User’s Handbook v.2.8
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Rodin User’s Handbook v.2.8 |
3.3.5 Relations Pairs and Cartesian product
|-> |
Pair |
** |
Cartesian product |
- Description
denotes the pair whose first element is and second element is .
denotes the set of pairs where the first element is a member of and second element is a member of .
- Definition
- Types
with and .
with and .
- WD Relations
<-> |
Relations |
<<-> |
Total relations |
<->> |
Surjective relations |
<<->> |
Total surjective relations |
- Description
is the set of relations between the two sets and . A relation consists of pairs where the first element is of and the second of . is just an abbreviation for .
A total relation is a relation which relates each element of to at least one element of . A surjective relation is a relation where there is at least one element of for each element of such that both are related.
- Definition

- Types
For and for each operator of , , , :
- WD
for each operator of , , , . Domain and Range
dom |
Domain |
ran |
Range |
- Description
If is a relation between the sets and , the domain is the set of the elements of that are related to at least one element of by . Likewise the range is the set of elements of to which at least one element of relates by .
- Definition

- Types
and with .
- WD Domain and Range Restrictions
<| |
Domain restriction |
<<| |
Domain subtraction |
|> |
Range restriction |
|>> |
Range subtraction |
- Description
The domain restriction is a subset of the relation that contains all of the pairs whose first element is in . is the subset where the pair’s first element is not in . In the same way, the range restriction is a subset that contains all of the pairs whose second element is in and is the set where the pair’s second element is not in .
- Definition

- Types
and with and 
and with and
- WD
for each operator of , , , Operations on relations
; |
Relational forward composition |
circ |
Relational backward composition |
<+ |
Relational override |
|| |
Parallel product |
>< |
Direct product |
~ |
Inverse |
- Description
An element is related by to an element if there is an element such that relates to and relates to . can be written as an alternative to . This reflects the fact that holds for two functions and .
The relational overwrite is equal to except all entries in whose first element is in the domain of are replaced by the corresponding entries in . The parallel product relates a pair to a pair when relates to and relates to . If a relation relates an element to and relates to , the direct product relates to the pair . The inverse relation relates an element to if the original relation relates to .
- Definition

- Types
with and 
with and 
with and 
with and 
with and 
- WD
for each operator of , , , , Relational image
[…] |
Relational image |
- Description
The relational image are those elements in the range of that are mapped from .
- Definition
- Types
with and
- WD Constant relations
id |
Identity relation |
prj1 |
First projection |
prj2 |
Second projection |
- Description
is the identity relation that maps every element to itself.
is a function that maps a pair to its first element. Likewise maps a pair to its second element.
, and are generic definitions. Their type must be inferred from the environment.
- Definition

- Types
for an arbitrary type .
and for arbitrary types and .
- WD

- Example
The assumption that a relation is irreflexive can be expressed by: Sets of functions
+-> |
Partial functions |
–> |
Total functions |
>+> |
Partial injections |
>-> |
Total injections |
+->> |
Partial surjections |
–>> |
Total surjections |
>->> |
Bijections |
- Description
A partial function from to is a relation that maps an element of to at most one element of . A function is total if its domain contains all elements of , i.e. it maps every element of to an element of . A function is injective (is an injection) if two distinct elements of are always mapped to distinct elements of . It is also equivalent to say that the inverse of an injective function is a also a function. A function is surjective (is a surjection) if for every element of there exists an element in that is mapped to it. A function is bijective (is a bijection) if it is both injective and surjective.
- Definition

- Types
, for each operator of , , , , , , :
- WD
For each operator of , , , , , , : Function application
(…) |
Function application |
- Description
The function application yields the value for of the function . It is only defined if is in the domain of and if is actually a function.
- Definition
- Types
with and
- WD
with being the type of . Lambda
% |
Lambda |
- Description
is a function that maps an “input” to a result such that holds.
is a pattern of identifiers, parentheses and which follows the following rules:
In the simplest case, is just an identifier.
- Definition
- Types
with , being a predicate and .
- WD
- Example
A function that returns the double value of a natural number:
The dot product of two 2-dimensional vectors can be defined by: