Hotels and Registration
To get the prices listed below use the keyword (Buchungsstichwort) "Avocs-Tagung" when booking your stay.
- Residenz
Hotel Eurostar
15 single rooms at 49 EUR, 4 double rooms at 80 EUR (reserved until Aug. 20)
Merowingerstra�e 84 40225 D�sseldorf Tel.: 0211-93098 - 0 Fax: 0211-93098-198
Email: - Haus Mooren
5 single rooms at 60 EUR, 5 double rooms at 70 EUR, 2 double rooms at 75 EUR (reserved until End of Aug.)
Witzelstra�e 79 40225 D�sseldorf Tel.: 0211-957766-0 Fax: 0211-319956
Email: - Hotel an der Uni
7 single rooms at 49 EUR, 6 double rooms at 69 EUR (reserved until Aug 15.)
Moorenstr. 4 40225 D�sseldorf Tel.: +49 211 15763340 Fax.: +49 211 15763342
Email: - Hotel Flora
15 rooms at 97 - 113 EUR (reserved until 01/08/2010)
Auf'm Hennekamp 37 40225 D�sseldorf Tel +49-211-93498-0 Fax +49-211-93498-10
Email: - Auszeit Hotel
20 rooms at 89 - 111 EUR (reserved until 20/08/2010)
Auf'm Hennekamp 71 40225 D�sseldorf Tel +49-211-3020590 fax: Fax +49-211-30205999