1 :- module(validator, [spec_predicate/2, spec_predicate_recursive/4, spec_indirection/2, spec_connective/4, spec_basic/2,
2 spec_exists/1, spec_exists/2,
3 true/1, atom/2,
4 valid/2, valid/3,
5 evaluate_spec_match/4,
6 list/4, compound/4, tuple/4,
7 spec_and/4, and/4, or/4
8 ]).
10 :- use_module(library(terms), [variant/2]).
11 :- use_module(library(lists)).
12 :- multifile spec_indirection/2, spec_predicate/2, spec_predicate_recursive/4, spec_connective/4.
13 :- dynamic spec_indirection/2, spec_predicate/2, spec_predicate_recursive/4, spec_connective/4.
16 :- use_module(plspec_logger,[log/3]).
20 spec_basic(var, var).
21 spec_basic(ground, ground).
22 spec_basic(nonvar, nonvar).
23 spec_basic(any, true).
25 % Definition of spec predicates
26 spec_predicate(atomic, atomic).
27 spec_predicate(atom, atom).
28 spec_predicate(atom(X), atom(X)). %for a concrete atom
29 spec_predicate(integer, integer).
30 spec_predicate(number, number).
31 spec_predicate(float, float).
33 spec_predicate_recursive(compound(X), compound(X), and, and_invariant).
34 spec_predicate_recursive(list(X), list(X), and, and_invariant).
35 spec_predicate_recursive(tuple(X), tuple(X), and, and_invariant).
37 spec_indirection(int, integer).
38 spec_indirection([X], list(X)).
39 spec_indirection(same(X), atom(X)).
41 spec_connective(and([H|T]), spec_and([H|T]), and, and_invariant).
42 spec_connective(one_of(X), spec_and(X), or, or_invariant).
44 %When does a predicate exists:
45 spec_exists(X) :- spec_indirection(X, _), !.
46 spec_exists(X) :- spec_basic(X, _), !.
47 spec_exists(X) :- spec_predicate(X, _), !.
48 spec_exists(X) :- spec_predicate_recursive(X, _, _, _), !.
49 spec_exists(X) :- spec_connective(X, _, _, _), !.
50 spec_exists(X, indirection(Y)) :- spec_indirection(X, Y), !.
51 spec_exists(X, predicate(Y)) :- spec_predicate(X, Y), !.
52 spec_exists(X, predicate_recursive(A,B,C)) :- spec_predicate_recursive(X, A, B, C), !.
53 spec_exists(X, connective(A,B,C)) :- spec_connective(X, A, B, C), !.
55 true(_).
57 atom(X, Y) :- atom(Y), X = Y.
59 valid(Type, Spec, Val) :-
60 ground(Spec),
61 evaluate_spec_match(Spec, Type, Val, Success),
62 Success == true, !.
63 valid(Type, Spec, Val) :-
64 \+ ground(Spec),
65 evaluate_spec_match(Spec, Type, Val, Success),
66 Success == true.
68 valid(Spec, Val) :-
69 ground(Spec),
70 evaluate_spec_match(Spec, def, Val, Success),
71 Success == true, !.
72 valid(Spec, Val) :-
73 \+ ground(Spec),
74 evaluate_spec_match(Spec, any, Val, Success),
75 Success == true.
78 % checks, if the spec exists. If no, fail, if yes, call evaluate_spec_match_aux
79 evaluate_spec_match(Spec, _Type, _, fail(spec_not_found(spec(Spec)))) :-
80 nonvar(Spec),
81 \+ spec_exists(Spec), !,
82 log(warning,'spec ~w not found~n', [Spec]).
84 evaluate_spec_match(Spec, Type, Val, Res) :-
85 evaluate_spec_match_case(Spec, Type,Val, Res).
87 %evaluate_spec_match_aux matches the value Val against the existing spec Spec.
88 % There are different kinds of spec predicates:
91 spec_basic_or_normal_pred(Spec,Predicate) :- spec_basic(Spec, Predicate).
92 spec_basic_or_normal_pred(Spec,Predicate) :- spec_predicate(Spec, Predicate).
94 spec_recursive_or_connective(Spec,Predicate,MergePred) :-
95 spec_predicate_recursive(Spec, Predicate, MergePred, _MergePredInvariant).
96 spec_recursive_or_connective(Spec,Predicate,MergePred) :- nonvar(Spec),
97 spec_connective(Spec, Predicate, MergePred, _MergePredInvariant).
100 % a basic spec %TODO: find better name
101 evaluate_spec_match_case(Spec, def, Val, Res) :-
102 spec_basic_or_normal_pred(Spec, Predicate),
103 !,
104 prepare_check_variant(Val, Vali),
105 (call(Predicate, Val) ->
106 Res = true,
107 (check_variant(Val, Vali) ->
108 true
109 ;
110 log(error,'implementation of spec ~w binds variables but should not~n', [Predicate])
111 )
112 ;
113 Res = fail(spec_not_matched(spec(Spec), value(Val)))
114 ).
115 % a recursive or connective spec
116 evaluate_spec_match_case(Spec, Type, Val, Res) :-
117 spec_recursive_or_connective(Spec, Predicate, MergePred),
118 !,
119 prepare_check_variant(Val, Vali),
120 (call(Predicate, Val, NewSpecs, NewVals) ->
121 call(MergePred, NewSpecs, Type, NewVals, Res),
122 (check_variant(Val, Vali) ->
123 true
124 ;
125 log(error,'implementation of spec ~w binds variables but should not~n', [Predicate])
126 )
127 ;
128 Res = fail(spec_not_matched(spec(Spec), value(Val)))
129 ).
130 %spec was an alias for another spec
131 evaluate_spec_match_case(Spec, Type, Val, Res) :-
132 spec_indirection(Spec, NewSpec),
133 evaluate_spec_match(NewSpec, Type, Val, Res).
136 :- load_files(library(system), [when(compile_time), imports([environ/2])]).
137 :- if(environ(prob_safe_mode,false)).
138 % checks disabled
139 prepare_check_variant(_,nocheck).
140 check_variant(_,_).
141 :-else.
142 prepare_check_variant(Val,Vars) :- term_variables(Val, Vars).
143 check_variant(_,Vars) :- is_vars(Vars). % check if we have instantiated any variable
144 is_vars([]).
145 is_vars([H|T]) :- var(H), is_vars(T).
146 % Note: the original implementation was using copy_term
147 % in SICStus copy_term discards co-routines and variant does not examine co-routines or attributes
148 % for SWI copy_term copies co-routines and variant does examine them
149 % for some reason this check was added in b7cb63b041fd25e91aa082e15e6450666b627035
150 % to allow plspec to attach co-routines to Val without raising the above error message
151 % however, it does not seem to work with 7.2.2
152 :- endif.
154 % built-in recursive specs
155 list(Spec, Val, NewSpecs, NewVals) :-
156 nonvar(Val), list1(Val, Spec, NewSpecs, NewVals).
157 %% list1 only ensures that the value is a list.
158 %% The type of its members is checked later on in a seperate step.
159 %% list1 will return a spec for each member.
160 %% If a tail is a variable, the bound value should be
161 %% of the same type as the list itself.
162 list1(L, Spec, [Spec|ST], [H|VT]) :-
163 nonvar(L), L = [H|T], !,
164 list1(T, Spec, ST, VT).
165 list1(L, _, [], []) :-
166 nonvar(L), L = [], !.
167 list1(Var, Spec, [list(Spec)], [Var]) :- var(Var).
170 compound(Spec, Val, NewSpecs, NewVars) :-
171 compound(Val),
172 Val =.. [Functor|NewVars],
173 Functor \= '[|]',
174 length(NewVars, Len),
175 length(NewSpecs, Len),
176 Spec =.. [Functor|NewSpecs].
179 tuple(SpecList, VarList, SpecList, VarList) :-
180 is_list(VarList).
182 spec_and(SpecList, Var, SpecList, VarRepeated) :-
183 SpecList \= [],
184 %% this is actually repeat
185 length(SpecList,L),
186 length(VarRepeated,L),
187 maplist(=(Var), VarRepeated).
190 and([], _, [], true).
191 and([S|Specs], Type, [V|Vals], Res) :-
192 evaluate_spec_match(S, Type, V, X),
193 (X == true ->
194 and(Specs, Type, Vals, Res)
195 ;
196 Res = fail(spec_not_matched(spec(S), value(V)))
197 ).
200 or(Specs, Type, Vals, true) :-
201 or2(Specs, Type, Vals).
202 or(Specs, _, Vals, fail(spec_not_matched_merge(specs(or(Specs)), values(Vals)))).
204 or2([HSpec|TSpec], Type, [HVal|TVal]) :-
205 evaluate_spec_match(HSpec, Type, HVal, X),
206 (X == true ->
207 true
208 ;
209 or2(TSpec, Type, TVal)
210 ).