1 % (c) 2009-2025 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
5 % each cli_testcase consists of: id, list of categories, arguments to probcli, comment
7 :- module(testcases, [cli_testcase/5,
8 set_generating_coverage/0, unset_generating_coverage/0,
9 test_requires_extension/3, test_category_requires_extension/2,
10 cli_testcase_diff_check_output/3, cli_testcase_do_not_delete/2,
11 extra_testcase_file/2]).
13 %:- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler.pl').
14 %:- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler_te.pl').
15 %:- enable_profiling(cli_testcase/5).
17 :- use_module(probsrc(module_information),[module_info/2]).
18 :- module_info(group,testing).
19 :- module_info(description,'This module defines the (integration) tests.').
21 :- use_module(library(lists), [append/2]).
22 cli_testcase(Id,Groups,TestConfiguration,Arguments,Description) :-
23 ? cli_testcase(Id,Groups,ArgumentsTemp,Description),
24 options_all_tests(Id,AdditionalArguments),
25 append(ArgumentsTemp,AdditionalArguments,Arguments),
26 findall(Conf,additional_configuration(Id,Conf),TestConfiguration).
29 % options that should be used in all testcases
30 options_all_tests(1303,['-strict']) :- !.
31 options_all_tests(1351,['-strict']) :- !. % tests generate warnings and we still want to load the B machines
32 options_all_tests(1658,['-strict']) :- !.
33 options_all_tests(_,['-strict','-p','STRICT_RAISE_WARNINGS','TRUE']).
35 :- dynamic generating_coverage/0.
36 set_generating_coverage :- (generating_coverage -> true ; assertz(generating_coverage)).
37 unset_generating_coverage :- retractall(generating_coverage).
39 :- use_module(probsrc(tools_platform), [host_platform/1, platform_is_64_bit/0]).
40 :- use_module(probsrc(parsercall),[get_parser_version/6]).
41 additional_configuration(37, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). /* CLP(FD) buffer overflow on win32 */
42 additional_configuration(43, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). /* integer too large for 32-bit systems */
43 additional_configuration(50, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))).
44 additional_configuration(161, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))).
45 additional_configuration(271, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))).
46 %additional_configuration(324, skip). /* because only works if SMT mode is allowed to instantiate */
47 additional_configuration(539, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))).
48 additional_configuration(469, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). /* timeout */
49 additional_configuration(767, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). /* integer overflow on 32-bit systems */
50 additional_configuration(875, skip). % The type checker temporarily also allows {x|->y | x=y+1 } (added to support UNION/INTER with Prolog BParser)
51 additional_configuration(943, skip). % Skip until we move to new parser
52 additional_configuration(1101, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). % not enough memory
53 additional_configuration(1102, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). % not enough memory
54 additional_configuration(1103, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). % not enough memory
55 additional_configuration(1131, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). % not enough memory
56 additional_configuration(1157, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). % not enough memory
57 additional_configuration(1162, conditional_skip(host_platform(linux))). /* linux32 is too slow for this testcase Timeout when posting constraint: clpfd_interface:(list_to_fdset([506,506],_374556577),_374485321 in_set _374556577) -> timeout; ditto for linux 64?! */
58 additional_configuration(1207, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). /* integer overflow on 32-bit systems */
59 additional_configuration(1360, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). /* funnily enough: no clpfd overflow */
60 additional_configuration(844, skip). % repl option is not anymore available
61 additional_configuration(988, skip). % skip test case until merging 'feature/avl_sets_csp' with 'develop'
62 additional_configuration(987, skip). % no reductions can be gained in this test case
63 additional_configuration(1316, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))).
64 % Crashes on Windows, but only when running entire b_test category.
65 % Probably caused by an earlier test, but don't know which.
66 additional_configuration(1414, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))).
67 additional_configuration(1441, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). /* timeout */
68 additional_configuration(1447, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). /* timeout */
69 additional_configuration(1452, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). /* timeout */
70 additional_configuration(1609, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). /* integer overflow on 32-bit systems */
71 additional_configuration(1654, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). % file contains unicode and can not be checked out properly on windows
72 additional_configuration(1716, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). /* timeout */
73 additional_configuration(1753, conditional_skip(\+(host_platform(linux)))). % solving table/2 issue causes further slowdown; TODO: re-evaluate for SICStus 4.8
74 additional_configuration(1771, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))).
75 additional_configuration(1792, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))). /* CLP(FD) overflow on win32 */
76 additional_configuration(2423, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))).
77 additional_configuration(2425, conditional_skip(\+(platform_is_64_bit))).
79 % seems slow on Windows for SICStus 4.6 and 4.7
80 additional_configuration(1800, conditional_skip((host_platform(windows), current_prolog_flag(version_data,sicstus(V1,V2,_,_,_)), v(V1,V2) @>= v(4,6)))).
82 additional_configuration(1812, skip). % sometimes unknown or segfault using 4.12.2, wait for release of 4.12.3
84 additional_configuration(1926, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). % Alloy bug on windows: https://github.com/AlloyTools/org.alloytools.alloy/issues/112
86 % platoon_2_mch and platoon_3_0_mch platoon_4_0_mch are not animatable (any more) with more restrictive enumeration warning treatment; they require infinite total functions (xpos: NATURAL ** .... --> )
87 additional_configuration(129, skip).
88 additional_configuration(130, skip).
89 additional_configuration(131, skip).
90 additional_configuration(132, skip).
91 additional_configuration(333, skip).
92 additional_configuration(334, skip).
93 %additional_configuration(1308, skip). % Kodkod test, now fails with more conservative card treatment, 20th April 2016, git sha: a422afcd2949b8b0a40821f0029b41240935e695; works again 7th March 2024
94 additional_configuration(1552, skip). % removed unsafe function application treatment in b_compiler, 22nd July 2016
95 additional_configuration(1705, skip). % requires feature b_write_eventb_machine_to_classicalb_to_file to be added to cli_start_mc_with_tlc
96 additional_configuration(1809, skip). % skip until Kodkod problem solved
97 %additional_configuration(2001, conditional_skip((get_parser_version(_,V1,V2,V3,_,_), v(V1,V2,V3) @>= v(2,13,5)))). % Machine hash changes with new parser version
98 %additional_configuration(2021, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). % skip until kernel_attr used for not_empty_set and eq_empty_set
99 additional_configuration(2166, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). % occasional cdclt timeouts on windows
100 additional_configuration(2179, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). % currently reproducibly causes a native crash on Windows
101 additional_configuration(2249, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
102 additional_configuration(2252, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
103 additional_configuration(2261, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
104 additional_configuration(2262, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
105 additional_configuration(2267, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
106 additional_configuration(2280, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
107 additional_configuration(2281, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
108 additional_configuration(2282, conditional_skip((host_platform(windows) ; generating_coverage))). % some also time out in coverage build
109 additional_configuration(2293, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
110 additional_configuration(2294, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
111 additional_configuration(2363, conditional_skip((host_platform(windows) ; generating_coverage))). %
112 additional_configuration(2365, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
113 additional_configuration(2366, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
114 additional_configuration(2367, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
115 additional_configuration(2368, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
116 additional_configuration(2369, conditional_skip((host_platform(windows) ; generating_coverage))). %
117 additional_configuration(2370, conditional_skip((host_platform(windows) ; generating_coverage))). %
118 additional_configuration(2374, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
119 additional_configuration(2375, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
120 additional_configuration(2376, conditional_skip(host_platform(windows))). %
122 % these machines cannot be model checked symbolically as of now
123 % solvers / provers are too weak
124 % or they just take too long
125 additional_configuration(1431, skip).
126 additional_configuration(1582, skip).
127 additional_configuration(1583, skip).
128 additional_configuration(1585, skip).
130 % Very slow (or possibly hanging) on SWI
131 additional_configuration(24, conditional_skip(current_prolog_flag(dialect, swi))).
132 additional_configuration(31, conditional_skip(current_prolog_flag(dialect, swi))).
133 additional_configuration(62, conditional_skip(current_prolog_flag(dialect, swi))).
134 additional_configuration(1829, conditional_skip(current_prolog_flag(dialect, swi))).
135 additional_configuration(2265, conditional_skip(current_prolog_flag(dialect, swi))). % animation step 3 (operation aa358) takes 6-13 minutes on CI
136 additional_configuration(2428, conditional_skip(current_prolog_flag(dialect, swi))). % Slow
138 % fails due to limitation of CLP(FD) in SWI, not detecting failure of X #= Y+1, Y #=X+1.
139 additional_configuration(2415, swi_expected_failure).
141 % Tests that are currently expected to fail on SWI - used to check for regressions in SWI support.
142 % Note: Many of these are because of timeouts and will pass with a higher timeout.
143 % TODO Allow selectively increasing/multiplying timeouts for certain tests on SWI
145 % Unexpected residue
146 additional_configuration(289, swi_expected_failure). % happens since c274ab9695d37ee2e78db8c930ae809cf8b9c637 (or up to 2 commits before) on CI with SWI 9.1, not locally with 9.0.3; even though commit has no influence whatsoever on generated ast
147 additional_configuration(981, swi_expected_failure).
148 additional_configuration(1263, swi_expected_failure).
149 additional_configuration(1161, swi_expected_failure). % happens only on CI currently?
150 additional_configuration(1352, swi_expected_failure).
151 additional_configuration(1373, swi_expected_failure). % happens only on CI currently?
152 additional_configuration(1376, swi_expected_failure).
153 additional_configuration(2131, swi_expected_failure).
154 additional_configuration(2132, swi_expected_failure).
155 additional_configuration(2134, swi_expected_failure).
156 additional_configuration(2264, swi_expected_failure).
159 % Unexpected unbounded enumeration
160 additional_configuration(362, swi_expected_failure).
161 additional_configuration(1038, swi_expected_failure).
162 additional_configuration(1175, swi_expected_failure).
163 additional_configuration(1488, swi_expected_failure). % since Jan 2, 2023 ace9abbc9f6bf295c7d9e37421b57d0d215e6dc6
164 % possibly due to change in order of waking up not_equal_object after changing block to when
165 additional_configuration(1619, swi_expected_failure).
166 additional_configuration(2210, swi_expected_failure).
168 % Timeout while expanding a set comprehension, closure, forall, etc.
169 additional_configuration(40, swi_expected_failure).
170 additional_configuration(496, swi_expected_failure).
171 additional_configuration(979, swi_expected_failure).
172 additional_configuration(980, swi_expected_failure).
173 additional_configuration(982, swi_expected_failure).
174 additional_configuration(1059, swi_expected_failure).
175 additional_configuration(1101, swi_expected_failure).
176 additional_configuration(1108, swi_expected_failure).
177 additional_configuration(1331, swi_expected_failure).
178 additional_configuration(1332, swi_expected_failure).
179 additional_configuration(1384, swi_expected_failure).
180 additional_configuration(1562, swi_expected_failure). % not always a time-out
181 additional_configuration(1679, swi_expected_failure).
182 additional_configuration(1739, swi_expected_failure).
183 additional_configuration(2014, swi_expected_failure).
184 additional_configuration(2033, swi_expected_failure).
185 additional_configuration(2128, swi_expected_failure).
186 additional_configuration(2129, swi_expected_failure).
187 additional_configuration(2385, swi_expected_failure).
189 % Timeout during constants setup or transition
190 additional_configuration(41, swi_expected_failure).
191 additional_configuration(49, swi_expected_failure).
192 additional_configuration(292, swi_expected_failure).
193 additional_configuration(293, swi_expected_failure).
194 additional_configuration(305, swi_expected_failure).
195 additional_configuration(307, swi_expected_failure).
196 additional_configuration(387, swi_expected_failure).
197 additional_configuration(456, swi_expected_failure).
198 additional_configuration(642, swi_expected_failure). % sometimes times out
199 additional_configuration(708, swi_expected_failure).
200 additional_configuration(710, swi_expected_failure).
201 additional_configuration(1112, swi_expected_failure).
202 additional_configuration(1157, swi_expected_failure).
203 additional_configuration(1194, swi_expected_failure).
204 additional_configuration(1222, swi_expected_failure).
205 additional_configuration(1305, swi_expected_failure).
206 additional_configuration(1316, swi_expected_failure).
207 additional_configuration(1338, swi_expected_failure).
208 additional_configuration(1393, swi_expected_failure).
209 additional_configuration(1631, swi_expected_failure).
210 additional_configuration(1634, swi_expected_failure).
211 additional_configuration(1920, swi_expected_failure).
212 additional_configuration(1976, swi_expected_failure).
213 additional_configuration(2110, swi_expected_failure).
214 additional_configuration(2185, swi_expected_failure).
215 additional_configuration(2187, swi_expected_failure).
216 additional_configuration(2189, swi_expected_failure).
217 additional_configuration(2413, swi_expected_failure).
218 additional_configuration(2452, swi_expected_failure).
220 % Timeout during model check, CBC deadlock check, etc.
221 additional_configuration(324, swi_expected_failure).
222 additional_configuration(1306, swi_expected_failure).
223 additional_configuration(2399, swi_expected_failure).
224 additional_configuration(2445, swi_expected_failure). % occasionally times out on CI
226 % Timeout during something else
227 additional_configuration(1165, swi_expected_failure).
228 additional_configuration(1611, swi_expected_failure).
229 additional_configuration(2106, swi_expected_failure).
231 % Trace replay fails
232 additional_configuration(220, swi_expected_failure).
233 additional_configuration(626, swi_expected_failure). % only on CI
234 additional_configuration(1105, swi_expected_failure).
235 additional_configuration(1276, swi_expected_failure).
236 additional_configuration(1394, swi_expected_failure).
237 additional_configuration(1751, swi_expected_failure).
238 additional_configuration(1886, swi_expected_failure).
239 additional_configuration(1924, swi_expected_failure).
240 additional_configuration(1925, swi_expected_failure).
242 % Apparently bogus invariant violations found
243 additional_configuration(654, swi_expected_failure). % caused by https://github.com/SWI-Prolog/swipl-devel/issues/1160
244 additional_configuration(1185, swi_expected_failure). % ditto
245 additional_configuration(1207, swi_expected_failure). % time-out
246 additional_configuration(1655, swi_expected_failure). % also caused by table bug in CLPFD of SWI, issue 1160
247 additional_configuration(2315, swi_expected_failure). % see test 654, SetRelLaws_NatBool
249 % Apparently bogus general_error_occurred
250 additional_configuration(2463, swi_expected_failure).
252 % Did not get expected error
253 additional_configuration(396, swi_expected_failure). % happens only on CI currently?
255 % Predicate unknown, but no timeout
256 additional_configuration(1247, swi_expected_failure).
258 % Errors from external function READ_CSV
259 additional_configuration(1575, swi_expected_failure).
261 % External functions HASH and hash use term_hash/2
262 % and so gives different hashes on SWI than on SICStus.
263 additional_configuration(2182, swi_expected_failure).
265 % -----------------------------------
267 % we can infer required extensions for a test by looking at probcli commands, preferences
268 % but sometimes preferences are hidden in B model and/or in -evalt strings like -evalt :kodkod ...
269 % test_requires_extension(TestNr,Categories,...)
270 test_requires_extension(1538,_,kodkod_extension).
271 test_requires_extension(1856,_,avl_ugraphs_extension).
272 test_requires_extension(1935,_,xml2b_extension).
273 test_requires_extension(1936,_,xml2b_extension).
274 test_requires_extension(2039,_,wd_extension).
275 test_requires_extension(2053,_,unsat_core_extension).
276 test_requires_extension(2221,_,meta_interface_extension).
277 ?test_requires_extension(_,Cats,Extension) :- member(Cat,Cats), test_category_requires_extension(Cat,Extension).
279 % associate some test categories with extensions that are definitely required
280 test_category_requires_extension(alloy,alloy2b_extension).
281 %test_category_requires_extension(cache,cache_extension). % value_persistance
282 test_category_requires_extension(bmc,symbolic_model_checker_extension).
283 test_category_requires_extension(cache,probhash_extension). % cache needs probhash for machines
284 test_category_requires_extension(cbc_tests,cbc_extension).
285 test_category_requires_extension(chr,chr_extension).
286 test_category_requires_extension(cse,cse_extension).
287 test_category_requires_extension(cse_test,cse_extension).
288 test_category_requires_extension(csp_test,cspm_extension).
289 test_category_requires_extension(cspb,cspm_extension).
290 test_category_requires_extension(ctl,ltl_extension).
291 test_category_requires_extension(disprover,disprover_extension).
292 test_category_requires_extension(dot,dot_extension).
293 test_category_requires_extension(dot,meta_interface_extension).
294 test_category_requires_extension(cdclt,cdclt_extension).
295 test_category_requires_extension(enabling,cbc_extension).
296 test_category_requires_extension(fairness,ltl_extension).
297 test_category_requires_extension(hash,probhash_extension).
298 test_category_requires_extension(json_trace_replay,json_extension).
299 test_category_requires_extension(kodkod,kodkod_extension).
300 test_category_requires_extension(latex,latex_extension).
301 test_category_requires_extension(ltl,ltl_extension).
302 test_category_requires_extension(ltsmin_test,ltsmin_extension).
303 test_category_requires_extension(mcm_tests,cbc_extension). % mcm test case generation is in sap.pl
304 % Previously we said that only operation_reuse_full requires opcache_extension.
305 % But even with OPERATION_REUSE = TRUE (not full),
306 % ProB gives a warning if opcache_extension is unavailable,
307 % and the warning counts as an unexpected error and makes the tests fail.
308 test_category_requires_extension(operation_reuse,opcache_extension).
309 test_category_requires_extension(pge,pge_extension).
310 test_category_requires_extension(pge_fast,pge_extension).
311 test_category_requires_extension(por,por_extension).
312 test_category_requires_extension(proz,fuzz_extension).
313 test_category_requires_extension(random,random_permutations).
314 test_category_requires_extension(reals,external_reals_extension).
315 test_category_requires_extension(refinement,refinement_extension).
316 test_category_requires_extension(regex,regexp_extension).
317 test_category_requires_extension(satsolver_test,satsolver_extension).
318 test_category_requires_extension(setlog,setlog_extension).
319 test_category_requires_extension(smt,smtlib_extension).
320 test_category_requires_extension(smt_solver_integration,smt_extension).
321 test_category_requires_extension(symbolic_model_checker,symbolic_model_checker_extension).
322 test_category_requires_extension(symmetry_test,symmetry_extension).
323 test_category_requires_extension(tla,tla2b_extension).
324 test_category_requires_extension(tlc,tlc4b_extension).
325 test_category_requires_extension(visb,visb_extension).
326 test_category_requires_extension(wd,wd_extension).
327 test_category_requires_extension(xml,xml2b_extension).
329 % -----------------------------------
331 cli_testcase(0, [unit], ['-selfcheck', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE'], 'Unit tests').
332 cli_testcase(1, [unit], ['-selfcheck', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Unit tests (with CLPFD)').
333 cli_testcase(2, [unit], ['-selfcheck', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE'], 'Unit tests (with CLPDFD and SYMBOLIC)').
334 cli_testcase(3, [b_test], ['-t', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DEFINITIONS/SETPREF.mch', '-p', 'MAXINT', '1024', '-card', 'ID', '3'], 'check set MAXINT & card').
335 cli_testcase(4, [b_test], ['-t', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DEFINITIONS/DefinitionScopeOk.mch'], 'DEFINITION scope test').
336 cli_testcase(5, [b_test,forall], ['-t', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/ForAll_VariousVersions.mch'], 'For all test').
337 cli_testcase(6, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/NotMemberCheck.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-assertions', '-expcterr', virtual_time_out], 'Not member closures test').
338 cli_testcase(7, [bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr.mch', '-t', '-strict'], 'Carla Travel Agency trace check').
339 cli_testcase(8, [bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/RouteIsSeq.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
340 cli_testcase(9, [bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Sets2.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
341 cli_testcase(10, [bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Doors.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
342 cli_testcase(11, [bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/DSP0.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100', '-noinv', '-strict', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
343 cli_testcase(12, [bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/DSP0_complicated_initialisation.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100', '-noinv', '-strict', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
344 cli_testcase(13, [bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CSM.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-check_complete', '-cc', '341', '1229'], 'Model check CSM').
345 cli_testcase(14, [bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-check_complete', '-cc', '36', '121'], 'Model check scheduler').
346 cli_testcase(15, [bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/phonebook7.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete', '-strict'], 'Model check phonebook7').
347 cli_testcase(16, [bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/tictac.mch', '-mc', '100', '-noinv', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete', '-strict'], '').
348 cli_testcase(17, [bench,case], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Teletext_bench.mch', '-mc', '100', '-check_complete', '-cc', '14', '122', '-strict'], 'Teletext benchmark').
349 cli_testcase(18, [bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
350 cli_testcase(19, [bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/BZTT/TestBZTT_Data.mch', '-mc', '100', '-check_complete', '-cc', '26', '176', '-strict', '-l', 'log/TestBZTT_Data.log'], '').
351 cli_testcase(20, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/Kodkod/Power2Nr.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', '4', '0', '0'], '').
352 cli_testcase(21, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/Kodkod/Power2Nr.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-ma', '4', '0', '0'], '').
353 cli_testcase(22, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/Kodkod/StarTopologySingleSol.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
354 cli_testcase(23, [performance_tests,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/conc_seq_test.mch', '-strict', '-t'], 'sequence concatenation test').
355 cli_testcase(24, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/LargeSets/PartialFunCheck.mch', '-strict', '-t'], '').
356 cli_testcase(25, [performance_tests,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ForAll/ForAll_NATURAL.mch', '-strict', '-t'], '').
357 cli_testcase(26, [performance_tests,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ForAll/ForAllExpansion.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-mc', 100, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 10, '-cc', 15, 49], 'Forall quantifier test').
358 cli_testcase(27, [performance_tests,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ForAll/ForAllExpansian_Cartesian.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-assertions'], '').
359 cli_testcase(28, [performance_tests,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ForAll/ForAllExpansion_Cartesian2.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-assertions', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE'], '').
360 cli_testcase(29, [performance_tests,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ForAll/ForAllExpansion_Cartesian2.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-assertions', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
361 cli_testcase(30, [performance_tests,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ForAll/ForAllExpansion_Cartesian3.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-assertions'], '').
362 cli_testcase(31, [performance_tests], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
363 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/LargeSets/SeqCheck.mch', '-strict', '-t'], 'checks on large sequences').
364 cli_testcase(32, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SetLogInefficiencies.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
365 cli_testcase(33, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SetLogInefficiencies2.mch',
366 '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-t', '-strict'], 'A complex propagation test with sets of cardinality 1'). % TO DO: also get to work without SMT mode
367 cli_testcase(34, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SetLogInefficiencies3.mch', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-t', '-strict'], 'A complex propagation test with many sets of cardinality 4'). % TO DO: also get to work efficiently without SMT mode; times-out on Windows runner without SMT
368 cli_testcase(35, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/InfiniteClosures.mch', '-strict', '-t'], 'check whether ProB deals adequately with some infinite closures 1').
369 cli_testcase(36, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/InfiniteClosures2.mch', '-strict', '-t'], 'check whether ProB deals adequately with some infinite closures 2').
370 cli_testcase(37, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/InfiniteAbsSqrt.mch', '-strict', '-t'], 'InfiniteAbsSqrt').
371 cli_testcase(38, [performance_tests,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/InfCardChecks.mch', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-t'], 'InfCardChecks').
372 cli_testcase(39, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ID_Checks.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-assertions'], '').
373 cli_testcase(40, [performance_tests,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/DirectProductPerformance.mch', '-strict', '-init', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '20000'], 'Test the performance of the direct product operator.').
374 cli_testcase(41, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/DirectProductPerformance.mch', '-strict', '-init', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '15000'], '').
375 cli_testcase(42, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Sieve.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'goal_found', '-l', 'log/Sieve.log', '-expcterr', virtual_time_out], '').
376 % StartSieve generates virtual_time_out
377 cli_testcase(43, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/BinomialCoefficients.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
378 cli_testcase(44, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/SieveAlternate.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'goal_found', '-l', 'log/SieveAlternate.log', '-expcterr', virtual_time_out], '').
379 cli_testcase(45, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/GraphIso/CheckGraphIsomorphism.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-l', 'log/CheckGraphIsomorphism.log'], '').
380 cli_testcase(46, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/GraphIso/CheckLargeGraphIsomorphismAsConstants.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '5000'], '').
381 cli_testcase(47, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Theories/FiniteSequences1.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete', '-strict'], '').
382 cli_testcase(48, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Theories/FiniteSequences2.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete', '-strict'], '').
383 cli_testcase(49, [performance_tests,sat,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SATLIB/flat200-90.mch', '-t', '-p', 'STATIC_ORDERING', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '15000', '-l', 'log/SAT_flat200-90.log'], 'SAT test (flat200-90)').
384 cli_testcase(50, [parser,performance_tests,sat], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SATLIB/sudoku.mch', '-init', '-p', 'STATIC_ORDERING', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000'], 'Large machine to test the parser/JVM, skipped on Windows because the Windows build bot can not reserve enough memory.'). % used to require LARGE_JVM
385 cli_testcase(51, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ConstraintPropagation/MaxPropagation.mch', '-strict', '-t'], '').
386 cli_testcase(52, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ConstraintPropagation/MaxPropagation2.mch', '-strict', '-t'], '').
387 cli_testcase(53, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ConstraintPropagation/SetMembershipInference.mch', '-strict', '-t'], '').
388 cli_testcase(54, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ConstraintPropagation/SetMembershipReification.mch', '-strict', '-t'], '').
389 cli_testcase(55, [performance_tests,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/SortByPermutation_v2.mch', '-strict', '-t','-p', 'TIME_OUT', '7000'], 'Sort by permutation').
390 cli_testcase(56, [performance_tests,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/IPD/colouring/GraphColouringNAT2.mch', '-t', '-strict'], 'Graph colouring').
391 cli_testcase(57, [performance_tests,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Puzzles/Instance_small_60_400_9_ctx.eventb', '-init', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
392 cli_testcase(58, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/BZTT/PO_Scheduler.mch', '-mc', '100', '-check_complete', '-cc', '7', '6', '-strict', '-t', '-nodead'], 'Scheduler variation').
393 cli_testcase(59, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SMTLIB/IDL_SimpleUnsat.mch', '-strict', '-init', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails'], '').
394 cli_testcase(60, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SMTLIB/int_completeness1.mch', '-strict', '-init', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails'], '').
395 cli_testcase(61, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SMTLIB/int_completeness1_event.mch', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-t'], '').
396 cli_testcase(62, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SMTLIB/SquareEquivalenceProblem.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-mc', '10', '-cc', '2', '2'], '').
397 cli_testcase(63, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/clpfd_constraint_checks/IntegerComprSets.mch', '-strict', '-t'], '').
398 cli_testcase(64, [performance_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SeqEnumWithLargeMAXINT.mch', '-strict', '-t'], '').
399 cli_testcase(65, [performance_tests,sequences,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ConstraintPropagation/SequenceSolving.mch', '-strict', '-t'], 'SequenceSolving').
400 cli_testcase(66, [performance_tests,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SAT_Tests/SubsetReificationTest.mch', '-strict', '-t'], '').
401 cli_testcase(67, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/monitor2.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '15', '92', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-strict'], '').
402 cli_testcase(68, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/Symetric.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '2', '6', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-strict'], '').
403 cli_testcase(69, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '11', '47', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-strict'], '').
404 cli_testcase(70, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '36', '156', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'off', '-strict'], '').
405 cli_testcase(71, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '11', '47', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-strict'], '').
406 cli_testcase(72, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '36', '73', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'flood', '-strict'], '').
407 cli_testcase(73, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '150', '-cc', '145', '447', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'off', '-strict'], '').
408 cli_testcase(74, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '29', '92', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-strict'], 'scheduler1.ref with nauty (3)'). % used to be 94 instead of 92 transitions; change of INITIALISATION argument treatment April 2016
409 cli_testcase(75, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '29', '92', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-strict'], 'scheduler1.ref with hash (3)'). % used to be 94 instead of 92 transitions; change of INITIALISATION argument treatment April 2016
410 cli_testcase(76, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '150', '-cc', '145', '210', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'flood', '-strict'], '').
411 cli_testcase(77, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '51', '208', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '4', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '20', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', '120', '-strict'], 'scheduler1.ref with nauty (4)'). % used to be 211 instead of 208 transitions; change of INITIALISATION argument treatment April 2016
412 cli_testcase(78, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '51', '208', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '4', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '20', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', '120', '-strict'], 'scheduler1.ref with hash (4)'). % used to be 211 instead of 208 transitions; change of INITIALISATION argument treatment April 2016
413 cli_testcase(79, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', '81', '401', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '5', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '20', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', '120', '-strict'], 'scheduler1.ref with nauty (5)'). % used to be 405 transitions, see above
414 cli_testcase(80, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', '81', '401', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '5', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '20', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', '120', '-strict'], 'scheduler1.ref with hash (5)'). % used to be 405 transitions, see above
415 cli_testcase(81, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', '120', '696', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '6', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '20', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', '120', '-strict'], 'scheduler1.ref with nauty (6)'). % used to be 701 transitions, see above
416 cli_testcase(82, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', '120', '696', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '6', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '20', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', '120', '-strict'], 'scheduler1.ref with hash (6)'). % used to be 701 transitions, see above
417 cli_testcase(83, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', '169', '1121', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '7', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '20', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', '120', '-strict'], 'scheduler1.ref with nauty (7)'). % used to be 1127 transitions, see above
418 cli_testcase(84, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', '169', '1121', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '7', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '20', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', '120', '-strict'], 'scheduler1.ref with hash (7)'). % used to be 1127 transitions, see above
419 cli_testcase(85, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/PairRelation.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '39', '173', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-strict'], '').
420 cli_testcase(86, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/PairRelation.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '11', '47', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-strict'], '').
421 cli_testcase(87, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/PairRelation.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '39', '75', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'flood', '-strict'], '').
422 cli_testcase(88, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/SetRelation.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '38', '172', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'off', '-strict'], '').
423 cli_testcase(89, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/SetRelation.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '10', '46', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-strict'], '').
424 cli_testcase(90, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/SetRelation.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '38', '74', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'flood', '-strict'], '').
425 cli_testcase(91, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/RussianPostalPuzzle.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', '81', '177', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'off', '-nogoal', '-strict'], '').
426 cli_testcase(92, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/RussianPostalPuzzle.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', '48', '105', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-nogoal', '-strict'], '').
427 cli_testcase(93, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/RussianPostalPuzzle.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', '48', '105', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-nogoal', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
428 cli_testcase(94, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/RussianPostalPuzzle.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', '81', '138', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'flood', '-nogoal', '-strict'], '').
429 cli_testcase(95, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/TicTacToe_SimplerSym.mch', '-mc', '1500', '-cc', '1450', '4547', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
430 cli_testcase(96, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/TicTacToe_SimplerSym.mch', '-mc', '1500', '-cc', '1450', '4547', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict'], '').
431 cli_testcase(97, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/TicTacToe_SimplerSym.mch', '-mc', '6000', '-cc', '5480', '8577', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'flood', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict'], '').
432 cli_testcase(98, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/USB_4Endpoints.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-cc', '355', '11220', '-strict'], '').
433 cli_testcase(99, [symmetry_test,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/USB_4Endpoints.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-cc', '355', '11220', '-strict'], 'USB with Hash symmetry').
434 cli_testcase(100, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/USB_4Endpoints.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'flood', '-cc', '694', '11572', '-strict'], '').
435 cli_testcase(101, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/USB_4Endpoints.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-cc', '3013', '97730', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
436 cli_testcase(102, [symmetry_test,proz], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Derrick/video_club_abz08.fuzz', '-strict', '-card', 'TITLE', '2', '-card', 'PERSON', '2', '-mc', '100000', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-cc', '113', '596', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete', '-expcterr', virtual_time_out], '').
437 cli_testcase(103, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Hanoi6Sym.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'off', '-cc', '731', '2187', '-nogoal', '-strict'], '').
438 cli_testcase(104, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Hanoi6Sym.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-cc', '367', '1095', '-nogoal', '-strict'], 'Hanoi6Sym with hash'). % used to be 1096 transitions; changed in April 2016 due to INITIALISATION arg treatment change
439 cli_testcase(105, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Hanoi6Sym.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-cc', '367', '1095', '-nogoal', '-strict'], 'Hanoi6Sym with nauty'). % was also 1096 transitions, see above
440 cli_testcase(106, [symmetry_test,tickets], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/DiningCryptographers.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '65', '96', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '100', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'off', '-strict'], '').
441 cli_testcase(107, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/DiningCryptographers.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '65', '96', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '100', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-strict'], '').
442 cli_testcase(108, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/DiningCryptographers.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '65', '96', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '100', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-strict'], '').
443 cli_testcase(109, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/Fraikin/Library_FullSym.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-cc', '1158', '12064', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '100', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
444 cli_testcase(110, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-cc', '149', '248', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
445 cli_testcase(111, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-cc', '82', '136', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], ''). % used to be 137 transitions; changed in April 2016 due to INITIALISATION arg treatment change
446 cli_testcase(112, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-cc', '82', '136', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], ''). % ditto
447 cli_testcase(113, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-cc', '149', '204', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'flood', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
448 cli_testcase(114, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-cc', '144', '331', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').% used to be 332 transitions; changed in April 2016 due to INITIALISATION arg treatment change
449 cli_testcase(115, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-cc', '144', '331', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], ''). % ditto
450 cli_testcase(116, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '4', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-cc', '360', '1093', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
451 cli_testcase(117, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '4', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-cc', '360', '1093', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash' , '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
452 cli_testcase(118, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M1_mch.eventb', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-cc', '1339', '3786', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash' , '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], ''). % used to be 3787 transitions; changed in April 2016 due to INITIALISATION arg treatment change
453 cli_testcase(119, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M1_mch.eventb', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-cc', '1339', '3786', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], ''). % used to be 3787 transitions; changed in April 2016 due to INITIALISATION arg treatment change
454 cli_testcase(120, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M1_mch.eventb', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-cc', '3893', '10970', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'off', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
455 cli_testcase(121, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/PhilRing.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-cc', '8', '18', '-strict' , '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
456 cli_testcase(122, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/PhilRing.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-cc', '8', '18', '-strict'], '').
457 cli_testcase(123, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/PhilRing.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-cc', '13', '46', '-strict'], ''). % used to be 47 transitions; changed in April 2016 due to INITIALISATION arg treatment change
458 cli_testcase(124, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/PhilRing.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-cc', '13', '46', '-strict' , '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], ''). % ditto
459 cli_testcase(125, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/PhilRing.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '5', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-cc', '53', '342', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], ''). % used to be 345 transitions; changed in April 2016 due to INITIALISATION arg treatment change
460 cli_testcase(126, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/PhilRing.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '5', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-cc', '53', '342', '-strict' , '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], ''). % ditto
461 cli_testcase(127, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/TestValidation_ctx.eventb', '-init', '-aa', '10', '0', '0', '-strict'], 'Assertion validation on Event-B model'). % 17.11.2018: there were 11 assertions; now that labels are respected there are 10
462 cli_testcase(128, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/platoon/platoon_1_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict', '-expcterr', virtual_time_out], '').
463 cli_testcase(129, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/platoon/platoon_2_mch.eventb', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-strict'], '').
464 cli_testcase(130, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/platoon/platoon_2_mch.eventb', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'], '').
465 cli_testcase(131, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/platoon/platoon_3_0_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict'], '').
466 cli_testcase(132, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/platoon/platoon_4_0_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict'], '').
467 cli_testcase(133, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Records/SampleThreeRecordsTranslated.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '4', '6'], 'Check record translation').
468 cli_testcase(134, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Records/INTEGER_Record.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'TRUE'], '').
469 cli_testcase(135, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Test1.0/Testid_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict', '-pref_group', integer, int32, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
470 cli_testcase(136, [eventb_test,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/sieve.eventb', '-t', '-strict', '-mc', '1000', '-check_complete', '-cc', '33', '33', '-strict',
471 '--hash64', 797695222146570849 % used to be 177433764074139889 until June 11th 2024 when packing of avl leaves updated
472 % used to be 142217803204665821 until Sep 9th 2021 until state packing adapted
473 ], 'Complete model check of Sieve').
474 cli_testcase(137, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/TrafficLight/tlm_0.eventb', '-t', '-strict'], '').
475 cli_testcase(138, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/TrafficLight/tlm_1.eventb', '-t', '-strict'], '').
476 cli_testcase(139, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/TrafficLight/tlm_3.eventb', '-t', '-strict'], '').
477 cli_testcase(140, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Alexei/ttrain_fifo_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict'], '').
478 cli_testcase(141, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SET_Game/SET_Game_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 93], '').
479 cli_testcase(142, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Stefan_SecureBuilding/M21_mch.eventb', '-mc', '10000', '-t', '-check_complete', '-cc', '11', '80', '-strict'], 'Event-B Secure Building').
480 cli_testcase(143, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Train_Ch17/train_4_mch_lukas.eventb', '-mc', '200', '-t', '-strict', '-noass', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Abrial Train 4').
481 cli_testcase(144, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Test1.0/Testid_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '99999', '-p', 'MININT', '-99999', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
482 cli_testcase(145, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Test1.0/Testprj_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '99999', '-p', 'MININT', '-99999'], '').
483 cli_testcase(146, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Test1.0/TestPartition_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict'], 'Partition for Event-B').
484 cli_testcase(147, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/EventB_AtelierB/Lift.sys', '-t', '-strict'], '').
485 cli_testcase(148, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/MultiLevel/TestMC_m1_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', '20', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'event_error:evt1:simulation_error'], 'Test simulation error').
486 cli_testcase(149, [eventb_test,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Convergence/countdown_r_mch.eventb', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', '20', '-cc', '7', '7', '--hash64', 714084921427841469], '').
487 cli_testcase(150, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Convergence/anticipated_grd_error.eventb', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', '20', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'event_error:decr:variant_negative'], '').
488 cli_testcase(151, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Convergence/anticipated_var_error.eventb', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', '20', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'event_error:inc:invalid_variant'], '').
489 cli_testcase(152, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Convergence/anticipated_svar_error.eventb', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', '20', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'event_error:add:invalid_variant'], '').
490 cli_testcase(153, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Convergence/convergent_grd_error.eventb', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', '20', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'event_error:decr:variant_negative'], '').
491 cli_testcase(154, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Convergence/convergent_var_error.eventb', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', '20', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'event_error:decr:invalid_variant'], '').
492 cli_testcase(155, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Convergence/convergent_svar_error.eventb', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', '20', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'event_error:do_nothing:invalid_variant'], '').
493 cli_testcase(156, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Convergence/variant_integer.eventb', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', '20', '-nodead', '-cc', '8', '19'], 'Event-B variant check').
494 cli_testcase(157, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Convergence/variant_set.eventb', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', '20', '-nodead', '-cc', '17', '97'], '').
495 cli_testcase(158, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Merging/merging_R2.eventb', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', '20', '-nodead', '-cc', '12', '11'], '').
496 cli_testcase(159, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/MultiLevel/TheoremsInGuardsOK.eventb', '-mc', '10', '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '5', '4', '-strict'], 'Theorems in guards').
497 cli_testcase(160, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/MultiLevel/TheoremsInGuardsKO.eventb', '-mc', '10', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'event_error:inc:invalid_theorem_in_guard', '-strict'], '').
498 cli_testcase(161, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/CompareWithFDR/GenPrime.csp', '-t', '-strict'], '').
499 cli_testcase(162, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/demo/buses.csp', '-t', '-strict'], '').
500 cli_testcase(163, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/demo/Peterson_v2.csp', '-t', '-strict', '-mc',1000, '-cc', 215, 429], '').
501 cli_testcase(164, [csp_test], ['-cs', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/demo/mbuff.csp', '-t', '-strict'], '').
502 cli_testcase(165, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/demo/crossing.csp', '-t', '-strict', '-mc', '3910', '-check_complete', '-cc', '3933', '9367'], 'CSP crossing').
503 cli_testcase(166, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/SetCompTests.csp', '-t', '-strict'], '').
504 cli_testcase(167, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/SimpleCompLinkedPar.csp', '-t', '-strict', '-v'], 'CSP linked parallel test and exercise verbose flag in CSP mode').
505 cli_testcase(168, [csp_test], ['-cs', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/SequenceComprTests2.csp', '-t', '-strict'], 'Sequence comprehension in CSP').
506 cli_testcase(169, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/BigUnionInterTests.csp', '-t', '-strict'], '').
507 cli_testcase(170, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/299/faust_deadlock.csp', '-mc', '100000', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], '').
508 cli_testcase(171, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/FDRFeatureTests/LargeStateSpace.csp',
509 '-silent', '-mc', '999999', '-cc', '101102', '101101', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Long counter-example trace').
510 cli_testcase(172, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/FDRFeatureTests/RenameRecordPattern.csp', '-mc', '999999', '-t', '-check_complete', '-cc', '4', '4'], '').
511 cli_testcase(173, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/FDRFeatureTests/RenameRecordPattern2.csp', '-t', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
512 cli_testcase(174, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/FDRFeatureTests/SimpleRefTest.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
513 cli_testcase(175, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/fontaine/RecDataType.csp', '-t', '-strict'], '').
514 cli_testcase(176, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/fontaine/RecDataTypeFunctions.csp', '-t', '-strict'], '').
515 cli_testcase(177, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/InSituRefChecks.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'Q [F= MAIN', '-csp_assertion', 'MAIN [F= Q', '-csp_assertion', 'Q [T= R', '-csp_assertion', 'R [F= Q', '-cc', 9, 20, '-strict'], '').
516 cli_testcase(178, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/InSituRefChecks.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'Q [F= MAIN', '-csp_assertion', 'Q [F= R', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'refinement_check_fails'], '').
517 cli_testcase(179, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/UML_Compass/Microwave.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
518 cli_testcase(180, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/demo/roscoe_section2-2.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
519 cli_testcase(181, [csp_test,csp_bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ref_benchmarks/SimpleDeadlockCheck.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
520 cli_testcase(182, [csp_test,csp_bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/DivChecks.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
521 cli_testcase(183, [csp_test,csp_bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Failure_Divergence_Tests.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
522 cli_testcase(184, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Deadlock_Skip_Tests.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
523 cli_testcase(185, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Failures_Tests.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
524 cli_testcase(186, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/AgentErrorsLetWithIn.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
525 cli_testcase(188, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Deterministic_simple_v2.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
526 cli_testcase(189, [csp_test,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ref_benchmarks/abp_chapter5_roscoe_bench.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Roscoe chapter 5 tests').
527 cli_testcase(190, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ref_benchmarks/ucs1.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
528 cli_testcase(191, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/check_print.csp', '-t', '-strict'], '').
529 cli_testcase(192, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/check_set_compr_pat.csp', '-t', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-cc', '6', '10', '-strict'], '').
530 cli_testcase(193, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ref_benchmarks/failsim.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
531 cli_testcase(194, [typechecker_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/305/Environment.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
532 cli_testcase(195, [typechecker_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/308/Basic_Controller.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], '').
533 cli_testcase(196, [typechecker_test,unit], ['-typecheckertest','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Typecheckertests/expressions.mch', '-strict'], '').
535 % SBMF 2010
536 cli_testcase(197, [counterex], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Counterexamples/CarlaTravelAgencyErr.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-strict'], 'SBMF TravelAgency').
537 cli_testcase(198, [counterex], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Stefan_SecureBuilding/M21_err3_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-strict'], 'SBMF SecureBldg_M21_err3').
538 cli_testcase(199, [counterex], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/dfcheck_houseset.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-df', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-strict'], 'SBMF Houseset').
539 cli_testcase(200, [counterex], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/BreadthFirstTest.mch', '-mc', '100000', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-strict'], 'SBMF BFTest').
540 cli_testcase(201, [counterex], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/DepthFirstTest.mch', '-mc', '100000', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-strict'], 'SBMF DFTest').
541 cli_testcase(202, [counterex], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/Peterson_err.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-strict'], 'SBMF Peterson_err').
542 cli_testcase(203, [counterex], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], '').
543 cli_testcase(204, [counterex], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M3_mch.eventb', '-mc', '10000', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], '').
544 cli_testcase(205, [counterex,infinite,total_function], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_infinite_int.eventb', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
545 '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 3,
546 '-t', '-expcterr', virtual_time_out ], 'Requires total function from NATURAL to TC_Type; now succeeds again'). % was '-expcterr', setup_constants_fails
548 cli_testcase(206, [log_performance_tests,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/sieve.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-l', 'log/sieve.log', '-strict',
549 '--hash64', 797695222146570849, % see test 136
550 '-check_complete', '-cc', '33', '33'], 'Sieve Event-B version'). % test 136 with log
551 cli_testcase(207, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/RussianPostalPuzzle.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
552 cli_testcase(208, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/TrainTorchPuzzle.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
553 cli_testcase(209, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/BlocksWorldGeneric.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
554 cli_testcase(210, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Farmer.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
555 cli_testcase(211, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Hanoi.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
556 cli_testcase(212, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Hanoi6.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
557 cli_testcase(213, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Hanoi8.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], 'Hanoi 8').
558 cli_testcase(214, [puzzles_test,symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Hanoi6Sym.mch', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-mc', '10000', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
559 cli_testcase(215, [puzzles_test,symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Hanoi6Sym.mch','-p','SYMMETRY_MODE','hash','-mc','10000','-card','Stakes','4','-expcterr','goal_found'], 'Hanoi 6 with symmetry').
560 cli_testcase(216, [puzzles_test,symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Hanoi8Sym.mch', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-mc', '10000', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], 'Hanoi 8 with symmetry').
561 cli_testcase(217, [puzzles_test,xtl], ['-mc', '10000', '../prob_examples/public_examples/XTL/Hanoi.P', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'xtl_error'], 'Test XTL Hanoi example').
562 cli_testcase(218, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/water.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-expcterr', 'goal_found', '-vv'], 'Water puzzle').
563 cli_testcase(219, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/LatinSquares.mch', '-mc', '10000', '-p', 'MAXINT', 5, '-expcterr', deadlock], 'Latin squares puzzle').
564 cli_testcase(220, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/CrewAllocationConstants.mch', '-t', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '5000', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE'], 'Crew allocation puzzle (no CLPFD)').
565 cli_testcase(221, [puzzles_test,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/CrewAllocationConstants.mch', '-t', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '8000', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Crew allocation puzzle').
566 cli_testcase(222, [b_test,cruise,codespeed,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-mc', '1400', '-cc', '1361', '25696', '-strict', '--hash64', 753243318772366897 , '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 5], 'Complete Model Check of Cruise Controller'). % 17.9.2021: adapted hash from 203058745203935766 for sorted order of variables, 8.12.2015: adapted hash from 212678735433640605 for new order of variables
567 cli_testcase(223, [error_checks,wd,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/CardInfOverflow.mch', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'card_overflow_error', % was 'well_definedness_error' until 12th May 2024
568 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE'], '').
569 cli_testcase(224, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/TwoOpsSameName.mch', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], 'Two operations with the same name').
570 cli_testcase(225, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/PreCondViolated.mch', '-mc', '10', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'precondition_error'], 'Precondition violation detected').
571 cli_testcase(226, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/AssertCondViolated.mch', '-mc', '10', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'assert_error'], 'Assertion condition violation detected').
572 cli_testcase(227, [error_checks,while], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/WhileLoopOk.mch', '-t', '-mc', '30', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 30, '-check_complete', '-cc', '11', '66'], 'While loop check').
573 cli_testcase(228, [error_checks,while], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/WhileLoopVariantError.mch', '-mc', '10', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'while_variant_error'], '').
574 cli_testcase(229, [error_checks,while], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/WhileLoopVariantErr2.mch', '-mc', '10', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'while_variant_error'], '').
575 cli_testcase(230, [error_checks,while], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/WhileLoopInvariantError.mch', '-mc', '10', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'while_invariant_violation'], '').
576 cli_testcase(231, [error_checks,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/FunLaws_wderror.mch', '-mc', '2500', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error',
577 '-opterr', invariant_violation % as of 17.3.2023 we also raise an invariant error here
578 ], 'FunLaws with wd_error').
579 cli_testcase(232, [error_checks,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/UndefinedArithmetic/DivByZero.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'], '').
580 cli_testcase(233, [error_checks,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/TestWDProblems_mch.eventb', '-init', '-animate', '1', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-expcterr', 'event_error:divby0:action_not_executable'], '').
581 cli_testcase(234, [error_checks,wd,exists], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/UndefinedArithmetic/DivByZeroInsideNotExists.mch', '-strict', '-init', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_unknown'], '').
582 cli_testcase(235, [error_checks,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/UndefinedArithmetic/PowerOfNegativeNumber.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'], '').
583 cli_testcase(236, [error_checks,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/UndefinedInter.mch', '-init', '-animate', '1', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error','-expcterr', 'animate'], '').
584 cli_testcase(237, [error_checks,wd,quantified], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/UndefinedBigINTER.mch', '-init', '-animate', '1', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error','-expcterr', 'animate'], '').
585 cli_testcase(238, [error_checks,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/UndefinedArithmetic/MaxOfEmptySet.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'], '').
586 cli_testcase(239, [error_checks,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/UndefinedArithmetic/MinOfEmptySet.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'], '').
587 cli_testcase(240, [error_checks,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/UndefinedSeqOperations/LastEmptySeq.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'], '').
588 cli_testcase(241, [error_checks,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/UndefinedSeqOperations/FrontEmptySeq.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'], '').
589 cli_testcase(242, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/OpCalls/Caller.mch', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'precondition_error', '-mc', '100'], '').
590 cli_testcase(243, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/MultiAssignInit_bug.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], 'Check that we detect when we assign a variable twice in the INITIALISATION').
591 cli_testcase(244, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/TypeError1.mch', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], '').
592 cli_testcase(245, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/TypeError2.mch', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], '').
593 cli_testcase(246, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/TypeError3.mch', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], '').
594 cli_testcase(247, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/TypeError4.mch', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], '').
595 cli_testcase(248, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/CstDefError1.mch', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], '').
596 cli_testcase(249, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/CstDefError2.mch', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], '').
597 cli_testcase(250, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/ParameterError1.mch', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], '').
598 cli_testcase(251, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/TicTacToe_ErrOp.mch','-strict','-expcterr','type_error','-expcterr','load_main_file','-expcterr',bmachine_static_checks], '').
599 cli_testcase(252, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/AssignmentToParameterErr.mch', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], '').
600 cli_testcase(253, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/NoTypingForPara.mch', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], '').
601 cli_testcase(254, [error_checks,parser], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/RecursiveDefinition.mch', '-strict', '-expcterrpos', 'parse_error', 10, 0, '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], '').
602 cli_testcase(255, [tickets,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/184/ModeProtocolMachine_mch.eventb', '-mc', '20000', '-noass', '-card', 'MANAGERS', '1', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '10', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict' , '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'ModeProtocol model check').
603 cli_testcase(256, [tickets,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/184/ModeProtocolMachine_mch.eventb', '-mc', '200000', '-noass', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '10', '-cs', '--goal', 'card(incoming(MnAOC))>0 & card(outgoing(MnAOC))>0', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], 'ModeProtocol searching for goal').
604 cli_testcase(257, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/102/Bijections_mch.eventb', '-t', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '2', '1'], '').
605 cli_testcase(258, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/102/PartialInjections_mch.eventb', '-t', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '2', '1'], '').
606 cli_testcase(259, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/102/PartialFunctions_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '2', '1'], '').
607 cli_testcase(260, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/102/Relations_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '2', '1'], '').
608 cli_testcase(261, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/102/TotalFunctions_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '2', '1'], '').
609 cli_testcase(262, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/102/TotalInjections_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '2', '1'], '').
610 cli_testcase(263, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/102/TotalSurjections_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-t', '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '2', '1'], '').
611 cli_testcase(264, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/102/PartialSurjections_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-t', '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '2', '1'], '').
612 cli_testcase(265, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/102/TotalRelations_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-t', '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '2', '1'], '').
613 cli_testcase(266, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Sven1/AbsIntern.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
614 cli_testcase(267, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Sven1/AbsInternCst.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
615 cli_testcase(268, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio1/MAX_BIT_VECTOR_DEFINITION_v2.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-properties'], '').
616 cli_testcase(269, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio1/MAX_BIT_VECTOR_DEFINITION_v2.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE'], '').
617 cli_testcase(270, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio1/MAX_BIT_VECTOR_DEFINITION_v2.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100', '-properties', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE'], ''). % , '-p', 'EXPAND_CLOSURES_FOR_STATE', 'FALSE'
618 cli_testcase(271, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio1/MAX_BIT_VECTOR_DEFINITION_v2.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100', '-properties', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE'], 'Valerio1 Ticket. Can not be run on windows due to memory restrictions.'). % , '-p', 'EXPAND_CLOSURES_FOR_STATE', 'TRUE'
619 cli_testcase(272, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Butler1/M2_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-expcterr', 'event_error:Enter:simulation_error'], '').
620 cli_testcase(273, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio3/BV16_DEFINITION.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-properties', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], ''). % , '-p', 'EXPAND_CLOSURES_FOR_STATE', 'FALSE'
621 cli_testcase(274, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio3/POWER2_v2.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-aa', '19', '0', '0'], '').
622 cli_testcase(275, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio3/POWER2.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-ma', '18', '0', '0'], '').
623 cli_testcase(276, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio4/FailingInit1.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'initialisation_fails', '-expcterr', bmachine_static_checks], '').
624 cli_testcase(277, [tickets,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio4/FailingInit2.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'initialisation_fails', '-expecterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-expcterr', bmachine_static_checks], '').
625 cli_testcase(278, [tickets,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio4/FailingInit3.mch', '-init', '-strict',
626 % '-expcterrpos', 'initialisation_fails', 10, 27,
627 '-expcterr', 'initialisation_fails', % we now have two errors, one with and one without position info
628 '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-expcterr', bmachine_static_checks], '').
629 cli_testcase(279, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio4/FailingInit4.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'initialisation_fails', '-expcterr', bmachine_static_checks], '').
630 cli_testcase(280, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio4/FailingInit5.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'initialisation_fails', '-expcterr', bmachine_static_checks], '').
631 cli_testcase(281, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio6/Z80_Simple.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
632 cli_testcase(282, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Alstom1/TestBecomesElementOf.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'becomes element of cartesian product').
633 cli_testcase(283, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Alstom1/TestPFBecomeSuch.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'becomes element of partial function').
634 cli_testcase(284, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Alstom1/MAXINT_M1.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
635 cli_testcase(285, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/93/lift.eventb', '-strict', '-t', '-expcterr', 'event_error:ScheduleGoingUp:invalid_theorem_in_guard', '-expcterr', 'event_error:ScheduleGoingUp:invalid_modification'], '').
636 cli_testcase(286, [tickets,exists], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/TestExistsLetExtraction.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
637 cli_testcase(287, [tickets,imp], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/177/loop_invariant.imp', '-strict', '-t'], '').
638 cli_testcase(288, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/181/alstom_memory.mch', '-strict', '-t', '-mc', '100', '-check_complete', '-cc', '3', '8'], '').
639 cli_testcase(289, [laws,rel_fnc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/ExplicitComputationsEventB_ctx.eventb', '-init', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '9500'], 'Many explicit computations which check that all operators work as expected on various concrete data (for Event-B).'). % increased time-out from 7 sec to 9.5 sec on 18th of May; TO DO: investigate whether we can reduce it again; % was slowed down by commit ab8c8667c43324c15b337c213c4140af6ec7d110 add propagate_result_to_input for domain operator
640 cli_testcase(290, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/LawsEventBSpecific.eventb', '-t', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE',
641 '-opterr', virtual_time_out, % no longer required when x:NATURAL translated to x>=0
642 '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'LawsEventBSpecific (CLPFD FALSE)').
643 cli_testcase(291, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/EqualityLaws.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100000', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE'], '').
644 cli_testcase(292, [laws,rel_fnc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ExplicitComputations.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100000', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '7000'], 'Many explicit computations which check that all operators work as expected on various concrete data (CLPFD FALSE).').
645 cli_testcase(293, [laws,rel_fnc,cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ExplicitComputations.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100000', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '9000'], 'Many explicit computations which check that all operators work as expected on various concrete data (CLPFD mode).').
646 cli_testcase(294, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolLaws.mch', '-mc', '100000', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE'], 'Various laws about BOOL datatype and boolean connectives.').
647 cli_testcase(295, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticLaws.mch',
648 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticExpLaws.mch',
649 '-mc', '100000', '-cs', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE'], 'Various arithmetic laws.').
650 cli_testcase(296, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/NatRangeLaws.mch', '-mc', '100000', '-cs', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE'], 'Laws about intervals etc.').
651 cli_testcase(297, [laws,rel_fnc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Use model checking to check a variety of laws on relations.').
652 cli_testcase(298, [laws], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
653 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLaws.mch', '-mc', '600', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-cc', 513, 3841], 'Mathematical Laws about Sets').
654 cli_testcase(299, [laws], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
655 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLaws.mch', '-mc', '600', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-cc', 513, 3841], 'Mathematical Laws about Sets').
656 cli_testcase(300, [laws], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
657 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLaws.mch', '-mc', '600', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cc', 513, 3841], 'Mathematical Laws about Sets').
658 cli_testcase(301, [laws], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
659 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLaws.mch', '-mc', '600', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-cc', 513, 3841], 'Mathematical Laws about Sets'). % 513 states = 8*8*8 + 1
660 cli_testcase(302, [laws], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
661 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsNat.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Mathematical Laws about Sets (with Natural Numbers, CLPFD FALSE)').
662 cli_testcase(303, [laws], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
663 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsNat.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Mathematical Laws about Sets (with Natural Numbers)').
664 cli_testcase(304, [laws], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
665 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsNat.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Mathematical Laws about Sets (with Natural Numbers)').
666 cli_testcase(305, [laws,repl], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
667 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/REPL_UNIT_TESTS0.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100000', '-cs', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-assertions', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '28000'], 'Some REPL Unit Tests').
668 cli_testcase(306, [laws,repl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/REPL_UNIT_TESTS1.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100000', '-cs', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-assertions', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '28000'], 'Some REPL Unit Tests').
669 cli_testcase(307, [laws,repl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/REPL_UNIT_TESTS.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100000', '-cs', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-assertions', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '45000'], 'Some REPL Unit Tests').
670 cli_testcase(308, [laws,rel_fnc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/rel_fnc.mch', '-t', '-mc', '20000', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'A small machine to check that rel/fnc work as expected.').
671 cli_testcase(309, [laws,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/CardinalityLaws.mch', '-mc', '2500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Cardinality Laws').
672 cli_testcase(310, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-strict'], '').
673 cli_testcase(311, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M1_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-strict'], '').
674 cli_testcase(312, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M2_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-strict'], '').
675 cli_testcase(313, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M3_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-strict'], '').
676 cli_testcase(314, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/Lift.mch', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict'], '').
677 cli_testcase(315, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict'], '').
678 cli_testcase(316, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/RussianPostalPuzzle.mch', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict'], '').
679 cli_testcase(317, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/NoDeadlock.mch', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict'], '').
680 cli_testcase(318, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/SimpleDeadlock1.mch', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
681 cli_testcase(319, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/DeadlockIntBools.mch', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
682 cli_testcase(320, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/ProcessIDStarvation.mch', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
683 cli_testcase(321, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/ProcessIDStarvation_InvErr.mch', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict'], '').
684 cli_testcase(322, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/MinSet_Deadlock.mch', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
685 cli_testcase(323, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Vizing_Breitner/m12_Deadlock_Freedom_mch.eventb', '-p','TIME_OUT','200','-cbc_deadlock', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-p','DEFAULT_SETSIZE',1], ''). /* with size 2 only works if SMT mode is allowed to instantiate */
686 cli_testcase(324, [cbc,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Vizing_Breitner/m11_Conv_Stages_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict','-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE',2,
687 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '9500'], 'Vizing_Breitner challenging Deadlock Test'). % increased time-out for jenkins; locally the test runs in 22-23 seconds (MBA, Sept. 2015); time-out factor is 10 for -cbc_deadlock
688 % increased time-out from 7500 further for Windows gitlab runner on 14th Feb 2019
689 cli_testcase(325, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Deadlock/BrakeSystem_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
690 cli_testcase(326, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Deadlock/QueenEventsTF_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE'], '').
691 cli_testcase(327, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Deadlock/QueenEventsTF_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock_pred', 'n=15', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
692 cli_testcase(328, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Deadlock/QueenEventsTF_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock_pred', 'n=32', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
693 cli_testcase(329, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Alexei/ttrain_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
694 cli_testcase(330, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Alexei/ttrain_mch_unproven.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
695 cli_testcase(331, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Alexei/ttrain_fifo_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
696 cli_testcase(332, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/platoon/platoon_1_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check' ,'-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE' % TO DO: investigate why we now need CLPFD or SMT
697 ], '').
698 cli_testcase(333, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/platoon/platoon_2_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE'], '').
699 cli_testcase(334, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/platoon/platoon_2_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
700 cli_testcase(335, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Teaching/ch2_car/m0_mch_deadlock.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
701 cli_testcase(336, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Teaching/ch2_car/m0_mch_deadlock.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
702 cli_testcase(337, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Teaching/ch2_car/m0_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict'], '').
703 cli_testcase(338, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Teaching/ch2_car/m1_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict'], '').
704 cli_testcase(339, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Teaching/ch2_car/m2_mch.eventb',
705 '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict',
706 '-expcterr', 'enumeration_warning'], 'CBC Deadlock check with enumeration warning').
707 cli_testcase(340, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Teaching/ch2_car/m3_mch.eventb',
708 '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict',
709 '-expcterr', 'enumeration_warning'], 'CBC Deadlock check with enumeration warning').
710 cli_testcase(341, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Teaching/search/m_1b_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict'], '').
711 cli_testcase(342, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/TrafficLight/tlm_1.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
712 cli_testcase(343, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/TrafficLight/tlm_2.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
713 cli_testcase(344, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/TrafficLight/tlm_3.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
714 cli_testcase(345, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/benchmarks/siemens_mch_0.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict'], '').
715 cli_testcase(346, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/benchmarks/scheduler.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict'], '').
716 cli_testcase(347, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/benchmarks/earley_2.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
717 cli_testcase(348, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/benchmarks/mondex_m2.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
718 cli_testcase(349, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/benchmarks/cxcc0.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-v'], 'cxcc0 cbc_deadlock and exercise verbose mode').
719 cli_testcase(350, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/benchmarks/cxcc0.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'FALSE'], '').
720 cli_testcase(351, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/benchmarks/FMCH02.eventb', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '1', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], '').
721 cli_testcase(352, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_mch_WithInit.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], '').
722 cli_testcase(353, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], '').
723 cli_testcase(354, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v2.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], '').
724 cli_testcase(355, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v3.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], '').
725 cli_testcase(356, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v4.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], '').
726 cli_testcase(357, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v5.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '1'], '').
727 cli_testcase(358, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v5.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE'], '').
728 cli_testcase(359, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v5.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
729 cli_testcase(360, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v6.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '1', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], '').
730 cli_testcase(361, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v6.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], '').
731 cli_testcase(362, [cbc_deadlock,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Turcanu/machineEco_mch4.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check'], 'Deadlock CBC Test with SMT pref').
732 cli_testcase(363, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/GraphIso/HardGraph.mch', '-cbc_deadlock', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check_time_out', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '30', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '0', '-strict'], 'Test that time-out triggered within CBC Deadlock check'). % this test is now a bit fragile: with faster machines the check can be completed rather quickly
733 cli_testcase(364, [cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BMS/Poker_v2/FiveCardSolo_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict'], '').
734 cli_testcase(365, [puzzles_test,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/StableMarriages.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-cc', '7', '15', '-mc', '100', '--hash64', 192740982584039033], '').
735 cli_testcase(366, [puzzles_test,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/StableMarriagesLarger.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-cc', '7', '46', '-mc', '100',
736 '--hash64', 161314235289991900 % used to be 706576926696257193 % used to be 13443197532344872
737 ], 'Stable Marriages').
738 cli_testcase(367, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/GolombRuler.mch', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'], '').
739 cli_testcase(368, [puzzles_test,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Tischordnung.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-cc', '3', '7', '-mc', '100', '--hash64', 168992916868770688], '').
740 cli_testcase(369, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Wegenetz.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
741 cli_testcase(370, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/RussianPostalPuzzle.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
742 cli_testcase(371, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/TrainTorchPuzzle.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
743 cli_testcase(372, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/BlocksWorldGeneric.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
744 cli_testcase(373, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Farmer.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
745 cli_testcase(374, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Hanoi.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
746 cli_testcase(375, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/water.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], '').
747 cli_testcase(376, [puzzles_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Puzzles/CopyPastAsEvent_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict'], '').
748 cli_testcase(377, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Puzzles/Sudoku_ctx.eventb', '-t', '-strict'], '').
749 cli_testcase(378, [puzzles_test,queens,codespeed], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 5000,
750 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Puzzles/NQueensAsEvent_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict'], 'NQueens as events').
751 cli_testcase(379, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/PexSolve.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
752 cli_testcase(380, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/KnightsTour.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
753 cli_testcase(381, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/KnightsTour_v2.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
754 cli_testcase(382, [puzzles_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/SudokuAsConstant.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
755 cli_testcase(383, [puzzles_test,cbc,codespeed], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/SudokuHexAsConstant.mch', '-t', '-properties', '-sptxt', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/SudokuHexAsConstant_sptxt.txt', '-strict'], 'Sudoku Hex Puzzle').
756 cli_testcase(384, [puzzles_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/SudokuAsConstantNoSolution.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails'], '').
757 cli_testcase(385, [puzzles_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/LatinSquaresBig.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
758 cli_testcase(386, [puzzles_test,queens,codespeed], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/NQueens50.mch', '-t', '-properties', '-strict'], '').
759 cli_testcase(387, [puzzles_test,cbc,codespeed,clpfd_tables], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 19,
760 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/TwoQueensSevenKnights.mch', '-t', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'TwoQueensSevenKnights').
761 cli_testcase(388, [puzzles_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/SendMoreMoney.mch', '-t', '-strict'], 'SendMoreMoney').
762 cli_testcase(389, [puzzles_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/KissPassion.mch', '-t', '-strict'], 'KissPassion').
763 cli_testcase(390, [puzzles_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/CopySavePasteTools.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
764 cli_testcase(391, [puzzles_test,cbc_tests], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/NoNeighboursProblem.mch', '-cbc_sequence', 'SolAbove', '-strict'], 'Neighbour differ by more than one puzzle').
765 cli_testcase(392, [puzzles_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/SubsetSum.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
766 cli_testcase(393, [puzzles_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/SubsetSum2.mch', '-t', '-strict'], '').
767 cli_testcase(394, [puzzles_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/WhoKilledAgatha.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '100', '-check_complete', '-cc', '13', '18'], 'Agatha puzzle').
768 cli_testcase(395, [puzzles_test,codespeed,symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SET_Game/SET_GAM_Sym_NoSet20_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '7000', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-df', '-goal', 'n=18', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', '20', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'goal_found'], 'SET Game Test').
769 cli_testcase(396, [time_out_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SMTLIB/DTP_k2_n35_c175_s1.mch', '-strict', '-init', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails', '-expcterr', 'time_out', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE'], 'Without CLPFD, this test times out. 1191 is a copy of this test using CLPFD').
770 cli_testcase(397, [cbc,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', '-cbc', 'all', '-strict', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], '').
771 cli_testcase(398, [cbc,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/NATURAL_Add.mch', '-cbc', 'all', '-strict', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
772 cli_testcase(399, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/Lift.mch', '-cbc', 'all', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], '').
773 cli_testcase(400, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tutorial/DoubleCounter.mch', '-cbc', 'Double', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
774 cli_testcase(401, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tutorial/DoubleCounter.mch', '-cbc', 'Double', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAXINT', '150'], '').
775 cli_testcase(402, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Special/ConstrainedBasedChecking/mesiSet.mch',
776 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Special/ConstrainedBasedChecking/mesiSet_simplified.mch',
777 '-cbc', 'all', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], 'CBC mesiSet simplified').
778 cli_testcase(403, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Special/ConstrainedBasedChecking/mesiSet.mch', '-cbc', 'write', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], 'CBC mesiSet').
779 cli_testcase(404, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/ProcessIDStarvation_InvErr.mch', '-cbc', 'all', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], '').
780 cli_testcase(405, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/ProcessIDStarvation_InvErr.mch', '-cbc', 'Delete', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], '').
781 cli_testcase(406, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/ProcessIDStarvation_InvErr.mch', '-cbc', 'Run', '-strict'], '').
782 cli_testcase(407, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Alexei/ttrain_mch.eventb', '-cbc', 'all', '-strict'], '').
783 cli_testcase(408, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Alexei/ttrain_mch_unproven.eventb', '-cbc', 'bridge', '-strict'], '').
784 cli_testcase(409, [cbc,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Alexei/ttrain_mch_unproven.eventb', '-cbc', 'approach', '-strict', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], '').
785 cli_testcase(410, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Alexei/ttrain_mch_unproven.eventb', '-cbc', 'exit', '-strict'], '').
786 cli_testcase(411, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Alexei/ttrain_fifo_mch.eventb', '-cbc', 'bridge', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], '').
787 cli_testcase(412, [cbc,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Alexei/ttrain_fifo_mch.eventb', '-cbc', 'approach', '-strict', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], '').
788 cli_testcase(413, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Alexei/ttrain_fifo_mch.eventb', '-cbc', 'exit', '-strict'], '').
789 cli_testcase(414, [cbc,smt_test,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v5.eventb', '-cbc', 'all', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '4', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder cbc check').
790 cli_testcase(415, [cbc,smt_test,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v6.eventb', '-cbc', 'all', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder cbc check').
791 cli_testcase(416, [cbc,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BPEL2B_PurchaseOrder/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v6.eventb', '-cbc', 'all', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict'], '').
792 cli_testcase(417, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/Ticket167.eventb',
793 '-cbc', 'inc', '-strict',
794 '-expcterr', 'enumeration_warning'], 'CBC check with enumeration warning').
795 cli_testcase(418, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BMS/Poker_v2/FiveCardSolo_mch.eventb', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cbc', 'redeal', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], '').
796 cli_testcase(419, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BMS/Poker_v2/FiveCardSolo_mch.eventb', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cbc', 'HasFlush', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], '').
797 cli_testcase(420, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BMS/Poker_v2/FiveCardSolo_mch.eventb', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cbc', 'hasFourOfAKind', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], '').
798 cli_testcase(421, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BMS/Poker_v2/FiveCardSolo_mch.eventb', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cbc', 'HasStraight', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], '').
799 cli_testcase(422, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BMS/Poker_v2/FiveCardSolo_mch.eventb', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cbc', 'AddACredit', '-cbc', 'deal', '-strict', '-cbc', 'selectme', '-cbc', 'invselectme'], '').
800 cli_testcase(423, [cbc,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BMS/Poker_v2/FiveCardSolo_mch.eventb', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-cbc', 'hasFullHouse', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], '').
801 cli_testcase(424, [cbc,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BMS/Poker_v2/FiveCardSolo_mch.eventb', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-cbc', 'all', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], '').
802 cli_testcase(425, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb', '-cbc', 'all', '-strict'], '').
803 cli_testcase(426, [cbc,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M1_mch.eventb', '-cbc', 'all', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], '').
804 cli_testcase(427, [kodkod], ['-kodkod_comparision', '2', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/expressions/functions.mch', '-strict'], '').
805 cli_testcase(428, [kodkod], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'true', '-kodkod_comparision', '2', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/expressions/triples.mch', '-strict'], '').
806 cli_testcase(429, [kodkod], ['-kodkod_comparision', '3', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/expressions/relations.mch', '-strict'], '').
807 cli_testcase(430, [kodkod], ['-kodkod_comparision', '0', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/expressions/sequences.mch', '-strict'], '').
808 cli_testcase(431, [kodkod], ['-kodkod_comparision', '1', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/NoNeighboursProblem.mch', '-strict'], '').
809 cli_testcase(432, [kodkod], ['-p','MAX_INITIALISATIONS',50,'-kodkod_comparision', '0', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/WhoKilledAgatha.mch', '-strict'], '').
810 cli_testcase(433, [kodkod], ['-pacheck', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/predicate_analysis/basic.mch', '-strict'], '').
811 cli_testcase(434, [kodkod], ['-pacheck', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/predicate_analysis/function_cards.mch', '-strict'], '').
812 cli_testcase(435, [kodkod], ['-pacheck', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/predicate_analysis/setext_dombug.mch', '-strict'], '').
813 cli_testcase(436, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ref_benchmarks/general4.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
814 cli_testcase(437, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/TestPrimedBecomeSuch.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-expcterr', virtual_time_out], 'Test for $0 usage in become such substitutions.').
815 cli_testcase(438, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ref_benchmarks/basin_olderog_bank.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
816 cli_testcase(439, [b_test,strings], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/EmptyString.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-assertions'], 'Check that we allow the empty string.').
818 cli_testcase(440, [b_test,animate], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-init','-animate', '10', '-strict', '-goal', 'c=10', '-check_goal', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100'], 'Check that animate executes exactly 10 operations after INITIALISATION.').
819 cli_testcase(441, [b_test,animate], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch','-animate', '10', '-strict', '-goal', 'c=8', '-check_goal', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100'], 'Without -init we exacte SETUP_CONSTANTS, INITIALISATION and 8 operations.').
820 cli_testcase(442, [b_test,animate], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-init','-animate', '10', '-strict', '-goal', 'c=11', '-check_goal', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100', '-expcterr', 'check_goal'], 'Check that -check_goal fails if GOAL false.').
821 cli_testcase(443, [b_test,animate], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch','-animate', '10', '-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100', '-det_check'], 'Check that all animation steps are deterministic.').
822 cli_testcase(444, [b_test,animate], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_NonDet.mch','-animate', '4', '-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100', '-det_check', '-expcterr', 'det_check'], 'Check that all -det_check detects non-deterministic steps.').
823 cli_testcase(445, [b_test,animate], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-init','-animate', '10', '-strict', '-goal', 'c=10 & c>1 & c<mx', '-check_goal', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100'], 'Check that -check_goal can also deal with conjuncts.').
824 cli_testcase(446, [b_test,animate], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-init','-animate', '30', '-strict', '-goal', 'c=20', '-check_goal', '-p', 'MAXINT', '20', '-expcterr', 'animate'], 'Check that error raised if we cannot animate all steps -animate (but that we stay in the final state).').
825 cli_testcase(447, [b_test,animate], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-init','-animate_all', '-animate_stats', '-strict', '-goal', 'c=20', '-check_goal', '-p', 'MAXINT', '20'], 'Check that no error raised if we cannot animate all steps -animate_all (and that we stay in the final state).').
827 cli_testcase(448, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen1/Bi_func.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-t', '-check_complete', '-cc', '3', '11'], 'Check issue with existential quantifier inside set comprehension.').
828 cli_testcase(449, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Burdy1/TestOrApplyFun.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-t', '-check_complete', '-cc', '5', '10'], 'Check issue with undefined function application in context of disjunct.').
829 cli_testcase(450, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Plagge1/KnightKnaves2.mch', '-init', '-strict'], 'Check that no time-out occurs in compiled mode').
831 cli_testcase(451, [b_test,animate,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-init','-animate', '10', '-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100', '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his.txt'], 'Check that history properly written.').
832 cli_testcase(452, [b_test,animate,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-init','-animate', '10', '-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100', '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his.txt','-his_option', 'show_states'], 'Check that history option -his_option show_states works.').
833 cli_testcase(453, [b_test,animate,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-init','-animate', '10', '-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100', '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his.txt','-his_option', 'show_states','-his_option', 'show_init'], 'Check that history option -his_option show_states & show_init works.').
834 cli_testcase(454, [b_test,animate,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-init','-animate', '10', '-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100', '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his.txt','-his_option', 'show_init'], 'Check that history option -his_option show_init works.').
835 cli_testcase(455, [b_test,animate,sptxt], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-init','-animate', '10', '-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100', '-sptxt', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_sptxt.txt'], 'Check that history option -sptxt works.').
837 cli_testcase(456, [puzzles_test,queens], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Queens/QueensAllSolutions.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-check_complete', '-mc', 100, '-check_complete', '-cc', '94', '185'], 'A version of N-Queens where all solutions are computed and we try to find N.').
839 cli_testcase(457, [laws,rel_fnc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/FunLaws.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Use model checking to check a variety of laws on functions.').
840 cli_testcase(458, [laws,rel_fnc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/FunLawsWithLambda.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Use model checking to check a variety of laws on functions, including lambda abstractions.').
841 cli_testcase(459, [b_test,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/rel_fnc.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE','-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/xxdoesnotexist/rel_fnc_his.txt','-expcterr','open_file','-expcterr','history'], 'Check that we generate an error if hist file destination does not exist.').
842 cli_testcase(460, [b_test,sptxt], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/rel_fnc.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE','-sptxt', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/xxdoesnotexist/rel_fnc_his.txt','-expcterr','open_file','-expcterr','sptxt'], 'Check that we generate an error if sptxt file destination does not exist.').
843 cli_testcase(461, [b_test,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/rel_fnc.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE','-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/rel_fnc_his.txt','-his_option', 'show_states','-his_option', 'show_init', '-p','SHOW_EVENTB_ANY_VALUES','TRUE'], 'A small machine to check that rel/fnc work as expected; here we check it in conjunction with -his option.').
844 cli_testcase(462, [b_test,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-mc', '100', '-goal', 'c=10','-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100', '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his.txt','-his_option', 'show_states','-his_option', 'show_init','-expcterr','goal_found'], 'Check that history option works together with model checking.').
845 cli_testcase(463, [cbc_deadlock,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/SimpleDeadlock1.mch', '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check','-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/SimpleDeadlock1_his.txt','-his_option', 'show_states'], 'Check that -his works together with cbc_deadlock').
846 cli_testcase(464, [cbc,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/ProcessIDStarvation_InvErr.mch', '-cbc', 'Delete', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc', '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/ProcessIDStarvation_InvErr_his.txt','-his_option', 'show_states', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 6, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 500], 'Check that -his works with cbc invariant checking.'). % set DEFAULT_SETSIZE on 28th Aug 2014 to check that partition in Invariant detected
847 cli_testcase(465, [b_test,animate], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-animate', '5', '-strict', '-p', 'MAXINT', '100', '-load_state', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_saved10.P', '-goal', 'c=15', '-check_goal'], 'Check that animate works after load_state.').
848 cli_testcase(466, [b_test,animate,while], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/WhileLoopBench.mch', '-animate', '22', '-strict', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 28000, '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/WhileLoopBench_his.txt', '-his_option' , 'show_states'], 'Check animate with operation with while loop.').
849 cli_testcase(467, [b_test,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/IFTHENELSE.mch', '-t', '-strict','-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/IFTHENELSE_his.txt','-his_option', 'show_states'], 'Check simple if-then-else works correctly, and check -his option writes operation arguments into file.').
850 cli_testcase(468, [b_test,history,sptxt], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Farmer.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-bf','-strict', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'goal_found','-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Farmer_his.txt','-sptxt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Farmer_sptxt.txt'], 'Check that -his and -sptxt work when used together').
851 cli_testcase(469, [b_test,sptxt], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/LargeSets/LargeExplicitSet.mch', '-animate', '7', '-strict', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000,
852 '-nodead','-sptxt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/LargeSets/LargeExplicitSet_sptxt.txt'], 'Check that -sptxt expands large sets.'). % introduced a time-out on 18th of May 2014 to avoid time-out during closure expansion; cause commit on May 12 to b_enumerate.pl; reduced TIME_OUT again on 19th of May [completely removing time-out seems to still cause issues]; another slowdown was caused by commit 13d3b41ff8e1f15cea7437b3530c883c4e3bda6b on Sep 20th 2013 (improve union of avl_set with large intervals)
853 cli_testcase(470, [b_test,sptxt,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Train_Ch17/train_4_mch_lukas.eventb', '-t', '-strict', '-noass','-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Train_Ch17/train_4_mch_lukas_his.txt','-his_option','show_states','-sptxt','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Train_Ch17/train_4_mch_lukas_sptxt.txt'], 'Check -his and sptxt on a larger Event-B model.').
855 cli_testcase(471, [b_test,sptxt,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr_his.txt','-sptxt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr_sptxt.txt'], 'Check -his and -sptxt on a larger classical B model.').
856 cli_testcase(472, [b_test,sptxt,history], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SchneiderBook/Chapter12/TownsRRR.ref', '-t', '-strict', '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SchneiderBook/Chapter12/TownsRRR_his.txt','-his_option','show_states','-sptxt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SchneiderBook/Chapter12/TownsRRR_sptxt.txt'], 'Check -his and -sptxt on a classical B refinement.').
857 cli_testcase(473, [b_test,sptxt,history,records], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/SET_Game_Rec.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/SET_Game_Rec_his.txt','-his_option','show_states','-sptxt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/SET_Game_Rec_sptxt.txt'], 'Check -his and -sptxt for classical B records.').
858 cli_testcase(474, [b_test,sptxt,history,dot], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExpressionViewer/TotFunAnalyseTest.mch', '-ma', 1, 4, 0, '-dot_output', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExpressionViewer/dot_output/', '-dot_all'], 'Check -dot_output, -dot_all works.').
859 cli_testcase(475, [laws,repl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/REPL_UNIT_TESTS2.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100000', '-cs', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-assertions', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000'], 'Check that REPL unit tests work').
860 cli_testcase(476, [tickets,dot], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Mejia1/TestInit_mch.eventb', '-t', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', 4, 13, '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-dot', 'state_space', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Mejia1/TestInit_statespace.dot', '-p', 'DOT_PROP', 'TRUE', '-pref_group', dot_colors, classic, '-p','DOT_PEN_WIDTH',1], 'Check that -dot state_space output works and that no warning generated for existential quantifier on disjunction in Event-B mode').
861 cli_testcase(477, [cbc,smt_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/WhoKilledAgatha.mch', '-cbc_assertions'], 'Check CBC static assertion checking.').
862 cli_testcase(478, [cbc,smt_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/WhoKilledAgatha_wrongassert.mch','-strict', '-cbc_assertions','-expcterr',cbc_assertions], 'Check CBC static assertion checking with counter example.').
863 cli_testcase(479, [b_test,dot], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-mc', '100', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 7, '-bf', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/WhoKilledAgatha.mch','-dot', 'state_space', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/WhoKilledAgatha_statespace.dot','-strict', '-p', 'DOT_COLOR_ARC', steelblue, '-p', 'DOT_COLOR_NODE', olivedrab2, '-p', 'DOT_PEN_WIDTH', 2], 'Check Dot output with proper newline.').
864 cli_testcase(480, [b_test,dot], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DOT_LOOPS', 'FALSE',
865 '-p', 'DOT_ROOT', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 5,
866 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch','-mc', 4 ,'-bf' ,'-dot', 'state_space', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_statespace.dot','-strict', '-pref_group', dot_colors, classic, '-p','DOT_PEN_WIDTH',1, '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Check Dot output with proper newline.').
867 cli_testcase(481, [b_test,let], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/LET_multiple_variables.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-expcterr','type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], 'Check illegal LET with multiple variables.'). % added '-expcterr','type_error' : we now detect the error in the type checker
868 cli_testcase(482, [b_test,let], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/LET_multiple_variables.mch', '-mc', 100, '-expcterr','type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], 'Check that LET with non-equation predicate does not work.'). % error now detected during type check, not during model checking
869 cli_testcase(483, [csp_test,csp_bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ref_benchmarks/abp_chapter5_roscoe_DLK_DIV_bench.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check performance of Deadlock & DIV checks').
870 cli_testcase(484, [csp_test,csp_bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/NastyFDRDemos/LargeSpecRefineCheck.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check performance with Large Spec and small Impl').
871 cli_testcase(485, [csp_test,csp_bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/DeadlockTimeout.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check that deadlock checker works with timeout generated tau transitions').
872 cli_testcase(486, [csp_test,csp_bench,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/ParallelIntChoice.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check that deadlock checker works with internal choice generated tau transitions').
873 cli_testcase(487, [csp_test,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/DivChecks3.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check that ProB deals with Divergence correctly').
874 cli_testcase(488, [csp_test,csp_bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/ParallelIntChoice.csp', '-assertions', '-strict', '-p', 'CSP_STRIP_SOURCE_LOC', 'TRUE'], 'Check that stripping of source location works.').
875 cli_testcase(489, [csp_test,csp_bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ref_benchmarks/section7-1.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check more CSP assertions from Roscoe book usc').
876 cli_testcase(490, [csp_test,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/exception_operator.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check that new exception operator works').
877 cli_testcase(491, [csp_test,csp_bench], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ref_benchmarks/section7-2.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check more CSP assertions from Roscoe book usc, here with exception operator').
878 cli_testcase(492, [csp_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/evans/traffic_spec.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Checking CSP assertions.').
879 cli_testcase(493, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Mejia2/ticket_simplified.mch', '-t', '-mc',100,'-assertions', '-check_complete', '-cc', '3', '4'], 'Check cartesian product ticket').
880 cli_testcase(494, [laws,case], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SubstitutionLaws.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cs', '-t', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE'], 'Check basic properties of B substitutions.').
882 cli_testcase(495, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/SubstitutionSeqCompAssertErrCheck.mch', '-mc', '100', '-nodead', '-strict','-expcterr', 'assert_error'], 'Check that ProB finds error in Substitution assertion').
883 cli_testcase(496, [laws,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ExplicitComputationsCLPFD.mch', '-assertions', '-mc', '100000', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '7000'], 'Many explicit computations which check that all operators work as expected on various concrete data.').
884 cli_testcase(497, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_pp.mch', '-strict'], 'Check that pretty printing works').
885 cli_testcase(498, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_prettyprinted.mch', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_pp.mch', '-strict'], 'Check that pretty printing works').
886 cli_testcase(499, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-ppf', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_pp.mch', '-strict'], 'Check that pretty printing works').
887 cli_testcase(500, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_prettyprintedf.mch', '-ppf', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_pp.mch', '-strict'], 'Check that pretty printing works').
888 cli_testcase(501, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-mc', '1400', '-cc', '1361', '25696', '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 5], 'Check that compression works').
889 cli_testcase(502, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Abrial_BBook/BBook_Page80.mch', '-init', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check example from B-Book').
890 cli_testcase(503, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Abrial_BBook/BBook_Page83.mch', '-init', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check example from B-Book').
891 cli_testcase(504, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Abrial_BBook/MembershipProperty4_Page96.mch', '-init', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'Check rule from B-Book').
892 cli_testcase(505, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Abrial_BBook/MembershipProperty5_Page96.mch', '-init', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'Check that ProB finds counter example to erroneous rule from B-Book').
893 cli_testcase(506, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Abrial_BBook/MembershipProperty6_Page96.mch', '-init', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'Check that ProB finds counter example to erroneous rule from B-Book').
894 cli_testcase(507, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolLaws_SetCompr.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict'], 'Various laws about boolean connectives in set comprehension form.').
895 cli_testcase(508, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolLaws_SetComprCLPFD.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict'], 'Various laws about boolean connectives in set comprehension form.').
896 cli_testcase(509, [laws,strings], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/StringLaws.mch', '-t', '-mc', '500', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict'], 'Some Laws about the STRING datatype').
897 cli_testcase(510, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws.mch', '-init','-ppf', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws_internal.mch', '-strict'], 'Check that Pretty Printing works on a file with many operators').
898 cli_testcase(511, [csp_test,csp_det], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Deterministic1.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check more CSP deterministic assertions').
899 cli_testcase(512, [csp_test,csp_det], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Deterministic2_v2.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check more CSP deterministic assertions').
900 cli_testcase(513, [csp_test,csp_det,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/WaterBoiler.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check CSP assertions from WaterBoiler.csp example.').
901 cli_testcase(514, [tickets,dot], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Voting/NoCondorcetWinnerKodkod.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-assertions','-dot_output', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Voting/dot_output/', '-dot_all'], 'Check that we have no problem with the existential quantifier; check dot output for assertion with perm.').
902 cli_testcase(515, [b_test,dot], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '36', '156', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-df', '-strict','-dot', 'signature_merge','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_spmdot.dot','-dot', dfa_merge, '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_spddot.dot', '-dot','state_space', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_spdot.dot', '-pref_group', dot_colors, classic, '-p','DOT_PEN_WIDTH',1], 'Test reduced state space dot output.').
903 cli_testcase(516, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/Contrived/PartiallyEnumeratedSet.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '3', '16', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-strict'], 'Check that we detect unused enumerated set elements as symmetrical').
904 cli_testcase(517, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/Contrived/PartiallyEnumeratedSet.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '3', '16', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'nauty', '-strict'], 'Check that we detect unused enumerated set elements as symmetrical').
905 cli_testcase(518, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/monitor2.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '15', '92', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-strict'], 'Check that we detect unused enumerated set elements as symmetrical').
906 cli_testcase(519, [symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/monitor2.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '81', '529', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'off', '-strict'], 'Check original without symmetry').
907 cli_testcase(520, [tickets,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/Shi/hanoi7.csp', '-mc', '100', '-t', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Check that exception does not occur (Ticket)').
908 cli_testcase(521, [tickets,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/Shi/hanoi4.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check that exception does not occur (Ticket)').
909 cli_testcase(522, [tickets,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/ErrManagerLoop/PrintRoom.csp', '-mc', 100, '-strict','-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred', '-expcterr', check_channel_output_value], 'Check that channel output error detected and no infinite loop in printing error').
910 cli_testcase(523, [b_test,infinite,union], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/InfiniteClosures4.mch', '-strict','-assertions'], 'Check that infininite function represented by union is detected and can be applied; also test setting MAXINT using 2**31-1').
911 cli_testcase(524, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Beauger1/PredProblem.mch', '-t', '-strict'], 'Check that we can use relational composition ; with pred.').
912 cli_testcase(525, [b_test,infinite,finite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/InfiniteParityFunction.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-assertions'], 'Some more tests with infinite functions.').
913 cli_testcase(526, [b_test,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/FiniteInfiniteFunctions_ctx.eventb', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Some more tests with infinite functions and the finite check in Event-B.').
914 cli_testcase(527, [b_test,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/InfinitePartialSqrtFunction.mch', '-t', '-strict'], 'Check that we can deal with a partial infinite function.').
915 cli_testcase(528, [b_test,external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/UsesLibraryMath.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-assertions'], 'Check that external functions work.').
916 cli_testcase(529, [b_test,external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/PrologFun.mch', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check that external functions PROLOG_FUN work.').
917 cli_testcase(530, [b_test,external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/PrintExternal.mch', '-t', '-strict'], 'Check that external printing functions work.').
918 cli_testcase(531, [b_test,external,strings], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/LibraryStrings.mch', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check that external String functions work.').
919 cli_testcase(532, [symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/mondex_m1_c1_2.eventb', '-mc', 1000, '-p','SYMMETRY_MODE', hash, '-p','MAXINT',20, '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE','-cc', 269, 4079, '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Check that symmetry reduction and detection of unused constants also works if we have too many disequality axioms.').
920 cli_testcase(533, [b_test,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/InfiniteLanguageConcatenation.mch', '-mc', 1000, '-nodead','-assertions', '-check_complete', '-cc', '3', '2'], 'Check that this function is detected as infinite and not expanded.').
921 cli_testcase(534, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen3/TestingCircDef2.mch', '-mc', 1000, '-nodead','-assertions', '-check_complete', '-cc', '3', '2'], 'Check that the erroneous circular definition problem is gone.').
922 cli_testcase(535, [parser,tickets], ['-init', '-strict', '-evalt', '1+1=3', '-expcterr', 'eval_string'], 'Test that parser for eval strings works and that erroneous result caught.').
923 cli_testcase(536, [parser,tickets,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/InfiniteParityFunction.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-evalt', 'not(finite({x|x>2}))','-evalt', 'not(finite(NATURAL))', '-evalf', 'finite({x|x>2})', '-evalt', 'finite(NAT1)', '-evalt', 'NATURAL /: FIN1(INTEGER)'], 'Test that parser for eval strings works.').
924 cli_testcase(537, [tickets,strings], [ '-init', '-strict', '-p','MAXINT',10,
925 '-evalt', 'INTEGER/<:{1,2,3,7,9,10}',
926 '-evalt', 'NATURAL/<:{1,2,3,7,9,10}',
927 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1/<:{1,2,3,7,9,10}',
928 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1/<:{0,1,2,3,4}',
929 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1/<<:{1,2,3,7,9,10}',
930 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1/<<:1..100',
931 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1/<<:{x|x<100}',
932 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1/<<:{x|x>0}',
933 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1/<<:{x|x>=2}',
934 '-evalf', 'NATURAL1/<<:{x|x>=0}',
935 '-evalt', 'NATURAL/<<:{x|x>=0}',
936 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1/<<:0..MAXINT',
937 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1/<:0..MAXINT',
938 '-evalt', 'NATURAL/<:0..MAXINT',
939 '-evalf', 'NATURAL<:0..MAXINT',
940 '-evalt', 'INTEGER/<:MININT..MAXINT',
941 '-evalt', 'STRING/<<:{"a"}',
942 '-evalt', 'STRING/<:{"a"}',
943 '-evalf', 'STRING<:{"a"}',
944 '-evalf', 'STRING<<:{"a"}',
945 '-evalf', 'STRING/<:STRING',
946 '-evalt', 'STRING/<<:STRING',
947 '-evalt', 'BOOL /<<: {TRUE,FALSE}',
948 '-evalf', 'BOOL /<: {TRUE,FALSE}',
949 '-evalt', 'BOOL /<: {TRUE}'
950 %, '-expcterr', 'eval_string_enum_warning'
951 ], 'Test subset works without enum warnings.'). % used to be: 'Test that eval_string catches expansion errors.').
952 cli_testcase(538, [tickets], [ '-init', '-strict', '-p','MAXINT',10, '-evalt', '1..10 <: NATURAL1'], 'Test that these predicates do not cause enumeration warnings.').
953 cli_testcase(539, [b_test,kodkod], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/CrewAllocationConstantsLarge.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p','TIME_OUT',3000, '-p', 'SOLVER_FOR_PROPERTIES', 'kodkod', '-properties', '-assertions'], 'Check that Kodkod translator works and that solution is ok (via -assertions). Skipped on Windows because of Memory restrictions.').
954 cli_testcase(540, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/SimpleCounter.mch', '-cbc_tests', 5 ,'count=MAX-1', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/SimpleCounter_results.xml', '-cbc_cover', 'Increase', '-cbc_cover', 'Reset', '-cbc_cover', 'Halfway', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'Check that CBC test-case generation works.').
955 cli_testcase(541, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsLTL/SimpleLTL.csp', '-ltlformulat', 'G([a] => F(e(a)))', '-strict'],'Check LTL formula in File.').
956 cli_testcase(542, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsLTL/SimpleLTL.csp', '-ltlformulat', 'not (GF e(a) => GF [a]) => F [b]', '-strict'],'Check LTL formula in File.').
957 cli_testcase(543, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/VendingMachine.csp', '-ltlformulat', 'G([coin] => F (e(coffee) & e(tea)))', '-strict'],'Check LTL formula in File.').
958 cli_testcase(544, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/VendingMachine.csp', '-ltlformulat', 'GF(e(coin))', '-strict'],'Check LTL formula in File.').
959 cli_testcase(545, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/dot_tuples_ltl_simple.csp', '-ltlformulat', 'G([d] => F(e(ch.a)))', '-strict'],'Check LTL formula in File.').
960 cli_testcase(546, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/dot_tuples_ltl_simple.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'],'Check LTL formulas in File.').
961 cli_testcase(547, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Simple_LTL_Tupels.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'],'Check LTL formulas in File.').
962 cli_testcase(548, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Simple_LTL_Tupels.csp', '-ltlformulat', 'GF([tau] => not e(c.a.10.10))', '-strict'],'Check LTL formula in File.').
963 cli_testcase(549, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Simple_LTL_Tupels.csp', '-ltlformulat', '[e] U [c.a.1.10]', '-strict'],'Check LTL formula in File.').
964 cli_testcase(550, [b_test,recursion,external,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/SortSet.mch', '-assertions', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Check that recursive sorting function works.').
965 cli_testcase(551, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/TestingCardinality.csp',
966 '-aa', 2, 0, 0 % '-expcterr', virtual_time_out, model was rewritten to get rid of virtual timeout which now leads to unknown result
967 ], 'CSP Cardinality tests').
968 cli_testcase(552, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/DotTupleTestCase.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
969 cli_testcase(553, [b_test,recursion,external,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/RecursiveSeqLenFunction.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'FALSE'], 'Test that recursive functions work in non-symbolic mode.').
970 cli_testcase(554, [b_test,recursion,infinite,external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/Factorial.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'FALSE', '-assertions'], 'Test that other recursive function works.').
971 cli_testcase(555, [b_test,recursion,external,choose,sigma,union], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/RecursiveSigmaCHOOSEv1.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'FALSE', '-assertions'], 'Test that union of explicit set and recursive lambda function works.').
972 cli_testcase(556, [parser,tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/DefinitionCallSwallow/PerserDefBug.mch', '-strict', '-mc', '1', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Regression test for Definitions Bug in Parser').
973 cli_testcase(557, [b_test,recursion,external,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/Tests/NestedDef.mch', '-init', '-assertions','-strict', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'FALSE'], 'Test that we do not accidentally treat nested definion of variable with same name as abstract constant.').
974 cli_testcase(558, [b_test,recursion,external,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/Tests/RecursiveIntegerEquation.mch', '-init', '-assertions', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'FALSE', '-mc', 100, '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '3', '3'], 'Test that we do not accidentally treat equation over non-relation type.').
975 cli_testcase(559, [b_test,recursion,external,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/Tests/RecursiveEnumEquation.mch', '-init', '-assertions','-strict', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'FALSE', '-mc', 100, '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '3', '2'], 'Test that we do not accidentally treat equation over non-relation type.').
976 cli_testcase(560, [b_test,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Dining/Dining.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 15, '-check_complete', '-cc', '337', '1320'], 'Test that the dining philosophers without guidance by CSP have no deadlock').
977 cli_testcase(561, [b_test,csp_test,cspb], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Dining/Dining.mch', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Dining/Dining.csp', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-expecterr', 'deadlock'], 'Test that the dining philosophers with guidance by CSP have a deadlock').
978 cli_testcase(562, [b_test,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Pitesti/BankAccount_mch.eventb', '-test_description', '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Pitesti/test_description.xml', '-strict'], 'Simple constraint based test case generation').
979 cli_testcase(563, [b_test,mcm_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/TestM.mch', '-mcm_tests', '20', '1000', 'state = End', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/TestM_testcases.xml', '-strict'],'State based test generation').
980 cli_testcase(564, [b_test,csp_test,cspb], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Tickets/Treharne1/Test_corrected.mch', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Tickets/Treharne1/Test-ctrl.csp', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-cc', 5, 6], 'Test that BOOL synchronises with CSP booleans').
982 cli_testcase(565, [b_test,proz],['../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Testcases/comsets.fuzz', '-t', '-strict'],'ProZ test').
983 cli_testcase(566, [b_test,proz],['../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Testcases/distributed_concatenation.fuzz', '-t', '-strict'],'ProZ test').
984 cli_testcase(567, [b_test,proz],['../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Testcases/compaction.fuzz', '-t', '-strict'],'ProZ test').
985 cli_testcase(568, [b_test,proz],['../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Testcases/zrm_refcard_ops.fuzz', '-t', '-strict'],'ProZ test').
986 cli_testcase(569, [b_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/Fraikin/Library.mch','-p','IGNORE_HASH_COLLISIONS',
987 'TRUE','-p','FORGET_STATE_SPACE','FALSE','-p','SYMMETRY_MODE','hash', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete','-mc','9999',
988 '-ltlformulat','G( e(Reserve(m1,b1)) => not({b1:dom(reservation) & m1 : ran(reservation(b1))}) )', '-strict'],'Check enabled e() with multiple parameters').
989 cli_testcase(571, [b_test, let], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/CommonSubLetBug.mch','-mc', '100', '-nodead', '-strict'], 'Regression test regarding let predicate and common subexpression elimination').
990 cli_testcase(572, [b_test,ltl],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/DerrickSmith/Abstract.mch', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'],'Check ltl assertions from DEFINITIONS').
991 cli_testcase(573, [b_test,ltl],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Mikrowelle.mch', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'],'Check ltl assertions from DEFINITIONS').
992 cli_testcase(574, [b_test,ltl],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Dining/Dining.mch', '-ltlassertions', '-expcterr', ltl, '-strict'],'Check ltl assertions from DEFINITIONS in Dining.mch').
993 cli_testcase(575, [csp_test,ltl,pragmas],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Dining/Dining.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'],'Check ltl assertions from Pragmas in Dining.csp').
994 cli_testcase(576, [b_test,ltl,cspb],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Dining/Dining.mch', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Dining/Dining.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'],'Check ltl assertions from both Dining models in Csp and B.').
995 cli_testcase(577, [b_test,ltl],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/DerrickSmith/Abstract.mch', '-ltlformulat', 'G([AOp2] => F(sink))', '-strict'],'Check ltl formula').
996 cli_testcase(578, [b_test,ltl],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/DerrickSmith/Abstract.mch', '-ltlformulat', 'G([AOp2] => F(deadlock))', '-strict'],'Check ltl formula').
997 cli_testcase(579, [csp_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/ReplicatedSharing.csp', '-mc', '100000', '-t', '-check_complete', '-cc', '78', '302'],'Model check and trace replicated sharing processes.').
998 cli_testcase(580, [csp_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/SimpleReplicatedLinkedParallel.csp', '-mc', '100000', '-t', '-strict'],'Model check and trace replicated linked parallel processes.').
999 cli_testcase(581, [csp_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/SeqTests.csp', '-mc', '100000', '-nodead', '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing CSP sequences.').
1000 cli_testcase(582, [csp_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Sequences.csp', '-mc', '100000', '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing CSP sequence structures.').
1001 cli_testcase(583, [b_test,tla],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/GraphIso/GraphIso.tla', '-t', '-strict', '-p','TIME_OUT',7000], 'Testing TLA2B translation and loading.'). % increased time-out for commit 884a6ece23363e6d120cc9fdb3f72da9f6348f15: TO DO Investigate
1002 cli_testcase(584, [b_test,tla],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/ErrorTests/GraphIso.tla', '-init', '-strict'
1003 %'-expcterr', tla2b_parser, '-expcterr', load_main_file % TLA2B no longer generates .mch file !
1004 ],'Check that TLA2B does not overwrite pre-existing machine file').
1005 cli_testcase(585, [b_test],['-strict',
1006 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/SendMoreMoney.eval', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'],'Check that we can evaluate expr/pred from file without loading another machine').
1007 cli_testcase(586, [b_test,tla],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Login/Login_Deadlock.tla', '-init', '-strict',
1008 '-mc', 100, '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', hash, '-expcterr', deadlock],'Check that config file found and model checking TLA works').
1009 cli_testcase(587, [csp_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/SeqsAndSetsTest.csp', '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing the CSP-M builtin functions seq(-) and set(-).').
1010 cli_testcase(588, [b_test,pragmas],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/SymbolicPragmas.mch', '-init',
1012 '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Test that symbolic annotation pragma works.').
1013 cli_testcase(589,[csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/InputOutputChannelValues.csp', '-mc', '10000', '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing complicated CSP-M datatypes.').
1014 cli_testcase(590,[csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/CurryAgents.csp', '-mc', '10000', '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing Curry Agents in CSP-M models.').
1015 cli_testcase(591,[csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/replicates.csp', '-mc', '10000', '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing replicate processes.').
1016 cli_testcase(592,[csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/replicates2.csp', '-mc', '10000', '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing replicate processes.').
1017 cli_testcase(593, [b_test,cruise,operation_reuse,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-mc', '1400', '-cc', '1361', '25696', '--hash64', 753243318772366897,
1018 '-strict', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 5], 'Test Operation Reuse'). % 17.9.2021: adapted hash from 203058745203935766 for sorted order of variables
1019 cli_testcase(594, [b_test], [ '-init', '-strict',
1020 '-evalt_rc', '!x.(x:1..10=>x<11)', '-evalf_rc', '!y.(y:1..10 => y<10)'], 'Test that universally quantified predicates work in eval_string.').
1021 cli_testcase(595, [b_test],['-strict',
1022 '-eval_rule_file', '../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/KnightsKnaves.eval', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'],'Check that we can evaluate expr/pred from file with universal quantification').
1023 cli_testcase(596, [b_test,laws],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/TautologiesPL.mch', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-mc',100, '-nodead', '-cc',17,16, '-strict', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 15],'Check a list of tautologies').
1024 cli_testcase(597,[csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/DotDatatypes.csp', '-mc', '10000', '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing complex datatypes.').
1025 cli_testcase(598,[tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/DefMchSameName/DefMchSameName.mch', '-ma', 7, 0 , 0, '-strict'], 'Testing that -main_assertions work properly.').
1026 cli_testcase(599,[tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/858/ubahn_mch4.eventb', '-init', '-expcterr', setup_constants_inconsistent , '-strict'], 'Testing that no call_residue.').
1027 cli_testcase(600,[tickets,symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/1043/SymTest.mch', '-mc', 300, '-cc', 3, 31 , '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', hash, '-strict'], 'Testing that symmetry detected for enumerated set elements which are not used.'). % used to be -cc 3 44 but now INITIALISATION arguments are derived from target state
1028 cli_testcase(601,[tickets,symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/1043/SymTest.mch', '-mc', 300, '-cc', 3, 31 , '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', nauty, '-strict'], 'Testing that symmetry detected for enumerated set elements which are not used.'). % used to be -cc 3 44 but now INITIALISATION arguments are derived from target state
1029 cli_testcase(602,[tickets,symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/1043/SymTest.mch', '-mc', 300, '-cc', 197, 238 , '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', flood, '-strict'], 'Testing that symmetry detected for enumerated set elements which are not used.').
1030 cli_testcase(603,[b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/DefinitionMultiInclude/Main.mch', '-init', '-aa', 3, 0,0, '-strict'], 'Test same DEFINITION file include twice in different contexts.').
1031 cli_testcase(604, [csp_test,ltl],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/demo/Peterson_v2.csp', '-ltlformulat', 'G(not [critical.2])', '-strict', '-expcterr' ,ltl ],'Check ltl formula is reported as false').
1032 cli_testcase(605, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-eval', '(A <=> (waiting={})) & A', %'-p', 'BOOL_AS_PREDICATE', 'FALSE',
1033 '-expcterr' ,parse_machine_predicate_error], 'Test that BOOL as predicate can be disabled.').
1034 % BOOL_AS_PREDICATE is no longer supported:
1035 %cli_testcase(606, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-evalt', '(A <=> (waiting={})) & A', '-evalf', '(B <=> (waiting={})) & (B <=> not(waiting={}))', '-evalt', '!x.(x:1..10 => (A <=> x>z)) & z:0..11 & not(A)', '-p', 'BOOL_AS_PREDICATE', 'TRUE'], 'Test that BOOL as predicate works.').
1036 %cli_testcase(607, [b_test,sat],['-strict',
1037 % '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/SAT_uf20-02_pred.eval', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'BOOL_AS_PREDICATE', 'TRUE'],'Test that BOOL as predicate works.').
1038 cli_testcase(608,[tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/ConcatDisjUnion/SimpleGrammar.mch', '-init', '-mc', 100 , '-nodead', '-cc', 4, 3, '-strict'], 'Testing that concat does not generate wrong solutions.').
1039 cli_testcase(609,[tickets,b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Compilers/SyracuseGrammar.mch', '-init', '-mc', 100 , '-expcterr', deadlock, '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE'], 'Testing that concat works efficiently enough.').
1040 cli_testcase(610,[tickets,b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Compilers/SyracuseGrammar.mch', '-init', '-mc', 100 , '-expcterr', deadlock, '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Testing that concat works efficiently enough.').
1041 cli_testcase(611,[b_test,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/InfiniteRelationImage.mch', '-init', '-assertions', '-properties', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Testing that image for infinite relation works.').
1042 cli_testcase(612, [b_test,recursion,external,quantified,union,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Compilers/NFA.mch', '-t', '-mc', 100, '-cc', 6, 12, '-assertions','-strict'], 'Test recursive function with recursive call inside UNION.').
1043 cli_testcase(613, [b_test,pragmas],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/AssertionPragmas.mch', '-init', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/AssertionPragmas_internal.mch', '-strict'], 'Test that labels recognised.').
1044 cli_testcase(614, [b_test,recursion,infinite,quantified,refinement],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Compilers/NFA_det.ref', '-init', '-refchk', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Compilers/NFA_nondet_refine_spec.P', '-cc', 10, 22, '-strict'], 'Test trace refinement checking and ABSTRACT_CONSTANT reuse in NFA_det.').
1045 cli_testcase(615,[b_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Tests/LTL_1State.mch', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Tests/LTL_2States.mch', '-init', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'], 'Testing LTL formulas on simple statespaces.').
1046 cli_testcase(616, [b_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Partition.mch', '-init', '-assertions','-pp','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Partition_internal.mch', '-strict'], 'Test that partition properly solved and printed.').
1047 cli_testcase(617, [parser,b_test,tickets],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/RefLoadLoop/NFA_det.ref', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file', '-expcterr', invalid_machine_reference, '-expcterr', b_load_machine, '-strict'], 'Test that parser does not loop.').
1048 cli_testcase(618,[b_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Tests/LTL_4States.mch', '-init', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'], 'Testing LTL formulas on simple statespaces.').
1049 cli_testcase(619,[b_test,ctl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Tests/CTL_SetMove_2States.mch', '-init',
1050 '-ctlformulat', 'AG(EX{xx=bb})', '-ctlformula', 'AGEFEX[Move]true', '-ctlformula', 'AGEFEX[Set(aa)]{xx=aa}',
1051 '-ctlformulat', 'not(EF EX[Set(aa)]{xx=bb})',
1052 '-ctlformulat', 'EF EG {xx=bb}',
1053 '-ctlformulat', '{xx=bb} => EG {xx=bb}',
1054 '-ctlformulat', '{xx=bb} => not AF {xx=aa}',
1055 '-ctlformulat', '{xx=bb} => AF {not(xx=aa)}',
1056 '-strict'], 'Testing CTL formulas on simple statespaces.').
1057 cli_testcase(620,[b_test,ctl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Tests/CTL_SetMove_2States.mch', '-init', '-ctlformulat', '(EF EX[Set(aa)]{xx=bb})', '-expcterr', ctl,'-strict'], 'Testing CTL formulas on simple statespaces.').
1058 cli_testcase(621,[b_test,ctl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', '-init',
1059 '-ctlformulat', 'AG ( EX[swap]true => {active /= {}})',
1060 '-ctlformulat', 'AG ( (EX[new]true) or (EX[del]true) or (EX[swap]true) )',
1061 '-ctlformulat', 'AF {card(waiting)>0}',
1062 '-ctlformulat', 'AG( {card(active)>0} => EG e(swap))',
1063 '-strict'], 'Testing CTL formulas on simple statespaces.').
1064 cli_testcase(622,[b_test,ctl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', '-init','-ctlformulat', 'AG ( (EX[new]true) or (EX[del]true) )', '-expcterr', ctl,'-strict'], 'Testing CTL formulas on simple statespaces.').
1065 cli_testcase(623,[tickets,infinite,closure1], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/Closure1_Computations.mch', '-init', '-assertions','-strict'], 'Check that closure1 works well for large or infinite sets.').
1066 cli_testcase(624,[csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/3675/AIDCPRB_small.csp', '-mc', '10000', '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing complex datatypes.').
1067 cli_testcase(625, [b_test,tla,choose],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Tests/ChooseTest.tla', '-mc', 100, '-check_complete', '-cc', '3', '3'], 'Testing TLA2B translation and loading.').
1068 cli_testcase(626, [b_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/TestFD_Domain_Narrowing.mch', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'Test CLPFD on enumerated sets.').
1069 cli_testcase(627, [cbc,smt_test,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', '-cbc_sequence', 'new;new;del;ready', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], 'Check cbc_sequence').
1070 cli_testcase(628, [cbc,smt_test,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', '-cbc_sequence', 'new;new;del;del;del', '-strict', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', cbc_sequence_no_solution_found], 'Check cbc_sequence').
1071 cli_testcase(629, [tickets,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Burdy1/TestOrApplyFunErr.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-expcterr', well_definedness_error, '-strict'], 'Check issue with undefined function application in context of disjunct.').
1072 cli_testcase(630, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROBCORE-45/NotIntervalSol.mch', '-init', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 30, '-mc', '1000', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete', '-nodead', '-assertions', '-cbc_assertions', '-strict'], 'Check problem with not subset for intervals.').
1073 cli_testcase(631, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROBCORE-45/NotIntervalSol.mch', '-init', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 30, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-mc', '1000', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete', '-nodead', '-assertions', '-cbc_assertions', '-strict'], 'Check problem with not subset for intervals.').
1074 cli_testcase(632, [cbc,smt_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 2, '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/data_structure1_ctx_theorem_error.eventb', '-cbc_assertions', '-expcterr',cbc_assertions, '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'TRUE'], 'Check CBC static assertion checking.').
1075 cli_testcase(633, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/TestR_label_reuse.eventb', '-mc', 1000, '-noass', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'TRUE'], 'Test that PROOF_INFO not confused by two invariants with same name (inv3).').
1076 cli_testcase(634, [b_test,kodkod,dot,closure1], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/Loop.mch', '-strict', '-mc', 20, '-nodead', '-bf', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 8, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cc', 15, 14, '-dot', 'state_space', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/Loop_statespace.dot'], 'Test performance on example where ProB used to be very slow'). %% HAD TO INCREASE MAX_INITIALISATION to 15 from 8 since adding in_domain_wf to element_of_closure1_wf; TO DO: FIX
1077 cli_testcase(635, [b_test,kodkod], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/Loop.mch', '-strict', '-mc', 20, '-nodead', '-bf', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 8, '-p', 'SOLVER_FOR_PROPERTIES', 'kodkod', '-cc', 15, 14], 'Test performance on Loop example with Kodkod').
1078 cli_testcase(636, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ConfigChooser/PetChooser_mch.eventb', '-strict', '-mc', 300, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cc', 41, 236], 'Test performance on example where ProB used to be very slow').
1079 cli_testcase(637, [b_test,kodkod,strings,closure1], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/LoopAsStrings.mch', '-strict', '-mc', 20, '-nodead', '-bf', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 8, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cc', 15, 14], 'Test performance on example where ProB used to be very slow'). %% HAD TO INCREASE MAX_INITIALISATION to 15 from 8 since adding in_domain_wf to element_of_closure1_wf; TO DO: FIX
1080 cli_testcase(638, [b_test,recursion,external,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/TransitiveClosure/ComputeTClos_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'FALSE', '-assertions'], 'Test that recursive function works in Event-B.').
1081 cli_testcase(639, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsPow.mch', '-mc', '500', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Laws about sets of sets').
1082 cli_testcase(640, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsPow.mch', '-mc', '500', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Laws about sets of sets').
1083 cli_testcase(641, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsPow.mch', '-mc', '500', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Laws about sets of sets').
1084 cli_testcase(642, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsPowPow.mch', '-mc', '250', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Laws about sets of sets').
1085 cli_testcase(643, [laws,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Deploy/s1_mch1_switches_mch.eventb', '-mc', '250', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 2, '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cc', 10, 30], 'Check that deferred set is set to at least 3').
1086 cli_testcase(644, [laws,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/TestPartitionDeferredSetCardMch_mch.eventb', '-mc', '250', '-nodead', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 2, '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cc', 5, 6], 'Check that deferred set is set to at least 6').
1087 %cli_testcase(645, [plugin_units,wd,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/Tests/WrongComparisonInInvariant.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-expecterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-strict', '-mc', 5], '').
1088 cli_testcase(646, [b_test,cache], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/CrewAllocationConstants.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p','TIME_OUT',3000, '-cache', 'cache_does_not_exist/', '-expecterr', cache], 'Check that -cache option works on simple example.').
1089 cli_testcase(647, [b_test,cache], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/CrewAllocationConstants.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p','TIME_OUT',3000, '-cache', '../prob_examples/public_examples/cache/'], 'Check that -cache option works on simple example.').
1090 cli_testcase(648, [b_test,cache], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/CrewAllocationConstants.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p','TIME_OUT',3000, '-cache', '../prob_examples/public_examples/cache/'], 'Check that -cache option works on simple example (2nd time).').
1091 cli_testcase(649, [tickets,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-83/Time.mch', '-t', '-strict'], 'Check infinite function works. (PROB-83)').
1092 cli_testcase(650, [tickets,cbc,override], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Berkani1/CartesianProductOverrideAssertion.mch', '-cbc_assertions', '-strict', '-expcterr',cbc_assertions], 'Check that counter example for Cartesian product found.').
1093 cli_testcase(651, [tickets,override], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Berkani1/CartesianProductOverride.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-properties', '-assertions'], 'Check that counter example for Cartesian product found.').
1094 cli_testcase(652, [tickets,infinite,recursion], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Compilers/TuringMachine_Goedelisation.mch', '-mc', 300, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expecterr', deadlock, '-strict', '-cc', 245, 244], 'Check machine with several complicated infinite & recursive functions.').
1095 cli_testcase(653, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Mejia5/essai_fncs.mch', '-t', '-strict'], 'Check ticket (with NAT >+> NAT)').
1096 cli_testcase(654, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetRelLaws_NatBool.mch', '-mc', '750', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Various laws about relations.').
1097 cli_testcase(655, [typechecker_test,tickets], ['-mc','1000','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-46/Validate.mch','-expecterr',type_error ,'-expecterr', load_main_file, '-expecterr', b_read_write_info, '-strict'], 'Check type-error: Operation calls another operation of the same machine.'). % ADDED '-expecterr', btypechecker --> TO DO: ensure that we do not raise internal errors here !! <--------------
1098 cli_testcase(656, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/PostCorrespondence_Turing_MC.mch', '-mc', '750', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expecterr', goal_found], 'A non-trivial machine.').
1099 %cli_testcase(657, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/SimpleCorrectUsage.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/SimpleCorrectUsage_internal.mch'], '').
1100 cli_testcase(658, [cbc,cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Deploy/s4_mch9_schedule_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p','DEFAULT_SETSIZE',1], 'Check no typing error.').
1101 cli_testcase(659, [cbc,cbc_deadlock], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Deploy/s4_mch9_schedule_mch.eventb', '-cbc', 'all', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p','DEFAULT_SETSIZE',1], '').
1102 cli_testcase(660, [b_test,external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/TestLibraryIO.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Test IO Library').
1103 %cli_testcase(661, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/MultiplicationConversion.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/MultiplicationConversion_internal.mch'], '').
1104 %cli_testcase(662, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/KnownExponent.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/KnownExponent_internal.mch'], '').
1105 cli_testcase(664, [ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/SimpleCounter.mch', '-ltllimit', '50', '-ltlformula', 'G({1=1}=>X{2=2})', '-strict',
1106 '-p', 'use_safety_ltl_model_checker', false,
1107 '-expcterr', ltl_incomplete, '-expcterr', state_space], 'check that no error reported for incomplete model check').
1108 %cli_testcase(665, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/TrafficLightWarning/Car.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/TrafficLightWarning/Car_internal.mch'], '').
1109 %cli_testcase(666, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/TrafficLightWarning/TrafficLight.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/TrafficLightWarning/TrafficLight_internal.mch'], '').
1110 %cli_testcase(667, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/TrafficLightWarning/System.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/TrafficLightWarning/System_internal.mch'], '').
1111 cli_testcase(668, [ltl,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/BobAlice.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'],'Check LTL formulas in File.').
1112 %cli_testcase(669, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/Tests/IncorrectUnitDefinition.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-expecterr', 'incorrect_unit_definition'], '').
1113 %cli_testcase(670, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/Tests/BoolAndString.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict','-mc', 5], 'Bool and String are not annotated / used by the unit plugin. Just check that there is no error.').
1114 %cli_testcase(672, [plugin_units,wd,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/Tests/WrongOperation.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-expecterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-mc', 5], '').
1115 %cli_testcase(673, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/IrregularConversions.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/IrregularConversions_internal.mch'], '').
1116 %cli_testcase(675, [plugin_units,wd,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/IfTypeAndClash.mch','-plugin','units','-expecterr','well_definedness_error','-strict','-pp','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/IfTypeAndClash_internal.mch'], '').
1117 %cli_testcase(676, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/UserDefinedAlias.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/UserDefinedAlias_internal.mch'], '').
1118 %cli_testcase(677, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/ctx.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/ctx_internal.mch'], '').
1119 %cli_testcase(678, [plugin_units,imp,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/ctx_i.imp', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/ctx_i_internal.mch'], '').
1120 %cli_testcase(679, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/fuel0.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/fuel0_internal.mch'], '').
1121 %cli_testcase(680, [plugin_units,imp,pragmas,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/fuel_i.imp', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/fuel_i_internal.mch'],
1122 %'also checks that invariants copied to refinement machine').
1123 %cli_testcase(681, [plugin_units,wd,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/IntegerOperations.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-expecterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/IntegerOperations_internal.mch','-p', 'plugin(units,fixpoint_halt_on_error)','false'], '').
1124 cli_testcase(682, [ltl,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/slicing/peterson_modelcheck.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'],'Check LTL formulas in File.').
1125 %cli_testcase(683, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/AdditionConversion.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/AdditionConversion_internal.mch'], '').
1126 cli_testcase(684, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/3675/AIDCPRB.csp', '-mc', '10000', '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '8650', '20089'],'Model checking test for fixed bug number 3675.').
1127 cli_testcase(685, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/3675/SafetyPRB.csp', '-mc', '150000', '-nodead', '-cc', '74528', '297023'],'Model checking test for fixed bug number 3675.').
1128 %cli_testcase(686, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/SequenceOperations.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/SequenceOperations_internal.mch'], '').
1129 cli_testcase(687, [b_test,csp_test,cspb,strings], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/FeatureTests/StringMachine.mch', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/FeatureTests/StringMachine.csp', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-expecterr', 'deadlock'], 'Test that the machine with guidance by CSP have a deadlock').
1130 %cli_testcase(688, [plugin_units,wd,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/Tests/SomeUnitErrors.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-expecterr', 'well_definedness_error'], '').
1131 cli_testcase(689, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance/Safety_Metro_23_08_2012/GCDoor_M2_mch.eventb', '-cbc', all, '-strict'], 'Test that proof info works well and no invariant checked').
1132 cli_testcase(690, [cbc,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/M1_err_mch.eventb', '-cbc', all, '-strict', '-expecterr', cbc, '-expecterr', 'event_refinement', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Test that error detected').
1133 cli_testcase(691, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/TestInvPreserv_M2_ko_mch.eventb', '-mc', 100, '-strict', '-expecterr', 'invariant_violation', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', 1], 'Test that error detected').
1134 cli_testcase(692, [eventb_test,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/TestInvPreserv_M2_ko_mch.eventb', '-mc', 100, '-nodead', '-strict', '-expecterr', 'event_error:setX:action_not_executable', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Test that error detected').
1135 cli_testcase(693, [eventb_test,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/TestInvPreserv_M2_ko_rename.eventb', '-mc', 100, '-strict', '-expecterr', 'invariant_violation', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', 1], 'Test that error detected').
1136 cli_testcase(694, [eventb_test,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/TestInvPreserv_M2_ko_rename.eventb', '-mc', 100, '-nodead', '-strict', '-expecterr', 'event_error:setX3:action_not_executable', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Test that error detected').
1137 %cli_testcase(695, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InferenceTests/InvolvedConstraintUnits.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InferenceTests/InvolvedConstraintUnits_internal.mch'], '').
1138 %cli_testcase(696, [plugin_units,wd,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InferenceTests/InvolvedConstraintUnitsUnsat.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict','-expecterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InferenceTests/InvolvedConstraintUnitsUnsat_internal.mch'], '').
1139 cli_testcase(697, [tickets,external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Burlando1/machine_test_PRINTF.mch', '-t', '-strict'], 'Test PRINTF').
1140 cli_testcase(698, [b_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/SudokuAsConstant.mch', '-t','-strict', '-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'TRUE'], 'Check TRACE_INFO flag').
1141 cli_testcase(699, [cbc,cbc_deadlock,exists], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/ExistsDeadlockTests.mch', '-cbc_deadlock', '-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'TRUE','-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-strict'], 'Check that guard simplification works correctly').
1142 %cli_testcase(700, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_train/T_m0.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_train/T_m0_internal.mch'], '').
1143 %cli_testcase(701, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_train/T_m1.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_train/T_m1_internal.mch'], '').
1144 cli_testcase(702, [b_test,tla],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Tests/SetLaws.tla', '-mc', 1000, '-nodead', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Testing TLA2B translation laws.').
1145 cli_testcase(703, [b_test,tla],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Tests/NatLaws.tla', '-mc', 1000, '-nodead', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Testing TLA2B translation laws.').
1146 %cli_testcase(704, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m0.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m0_internal.mch'], '').
1147 %cli_testcase(705, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m1.mch','-expcterr',bmachine_static_checks, '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m1_internal.mch'], '').
1148 %cli_testcase(706, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m2.mch','-expcterr',bmachine_static_checks, '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m2_internal.mch'], '').
1149 %cli_testcase(707, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m3.mch','-expcterr',bmachine_static_checks, '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m3_internal.mch'], '').
1150 cli_testcase(708, [laws],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/LawsArithmeticCsts.mch', '-init', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails','-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Testing setting up constants finds no counter-example to mathematical laws.').
1151 cli_testcase(709, [laws,kodkod],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/LawsArithmeticCsts.mch', '-init', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails','-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'SOLVER_FOR_PROPERTIES', 'kodkod','-p', 'TIME_OUT', '9000', '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE'], 'Testing setting up constants finds no counter-example to mathematical laws.').
1152 cli_testcase(710, [laws],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/LawsSetsCsts.mch', '-init', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 3500], 'Testing setting up constants finds no counter-example to mathematical laws.').
1153 cli_testcase(711, [laws,kodkod],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/LawsRelCsts.mch', '-init', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails','-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'SOLVER_FOR_PROPERTIES', 'kodkod', '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE'], 'Testing setting up constants finds no counter-example to mathematical laws.').
1154 cli_testcase(712, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sequences/AppendBuiltInFunctionTypeError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the built-in operator ^ raises expected error.').
1155 cli_testcase(713, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sequences/ConcatBuiltInFunctionTypeError1.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the concat(<...>) built-in function raises expected error.').
1156 cli_testcase(714, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sequences/ConcatBuiltInFunctionTypeError2.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the concat(<...>) built-in function raises expected error.').
1157 cli_testcase(715, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sequences/ExpandingInfiniteSequenceError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing of raising error by expanding infinite sequences.').
1158 cli_testcase(716, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sequences/HeadBuiltInFunctionTypeError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the head(-) built-in function raises expected error.').
1159 cli_testcase(717, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sequences/IsElemListTypeError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing if the elem(-,-) built-in function raises expected error.').
1160 cli_testcase(718, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sequences/LengthBuiltInFunctionInfiniteSeqError.csp', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'deadlock', '-strict'], 'Testing if the length(-) built-in function raises expected error by calling it with infinite sequence.').
1161 cli_testcase(719, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sequences/LengthBuiltInFunctionTypeError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the length(-) built-in function raises expected error.').
1162 cli_testcase(720, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sequences/NullBuiltInFunctionTypeError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the null(-) built-in function raises expected error.').
1163 cli_testcase(721, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sequences/SeqBuiltInFunctionTypeError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the seq(-) built-in function raises expected error.').
1164 cli_testcase(722, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sequences/SetBuiltInFunctionTypeError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the set(-) built-in function raises expected error.').
1165 cli_testcase(723, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sequences/TailBuiltInFunctionTypeError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the tail(-) built-in function raises expected error.').
1166 cli_testcase(724, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/ReplicatedInternalChoiceEmptySetError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'cspm_trans', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing of error raising by defining a replicated internal choice process over an empty set.').
1167 cli_testcase(725, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/EmptySetTypeError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sets', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the empty(-) built-in function raises expected error.').
1168 cli_testcase(726, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/ReplicatedOperatorsOverEmptyPatternSets.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10], 'Testing replicated operators over over empty pattern sets (||| x:{}@ P, ; x:<>@P, || x:{} @[a] P and [|a|] x:{} @P).').
1169 cli_testcase(727, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/EmptySetInReplicatedLinkedParallelError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'csp_sequences', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing of error raising by defining a replicated linked parallel process over an empty set.').
1170 cli_testcase(728, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/InterleavingSpecialCase.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing a special case of the |||-operator (STOP ||| STOP).').
1171 cli_testcase(729, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/UndefinedConstructError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred', '-expcterr', 'full_normalise_csp_process'], 'Testing for raising undefined constructor error.').
1172 cli_testcase(730, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/TooManyOutputValuesOnChannelError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'enumerate_action', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing for raising an error, when there are too many output values on channel.').
1173 cli_testcase(731, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/NotABooleanValueErrorIfThenElse.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for raising an error, when there is no boolean value expression in the if-then-else-condition.').
1174 cli_testcase(732, [laws,kodkod],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/LawsSetsCsts.mch', '-init', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails','-strict', '-p', 'SOLVER_FOR_PROPERTIES', 'kodkod', '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE'], 'Testing setting up constants finds no counter-example to mathematical laws.').
1175 cli_testcase(733, [b_test,csp_test,cspb], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/TestVariableProbing.mch', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/TestVariableProbing.csp', '-t', '-strict'], 'Test probing of B variables').
1176 cli_testcase(734, [laws,kodkod], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolLaws_SetCompr.mch', '-init', '-cs', '-p', 'KODKOD','TRUE', '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'Various laws about boolean connectives in set comprehension form.').
1177 cli_testcase(735, [laws,kodkod], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolLaws_SetComprCLPFD.mch', '-init', '-cs', '-p', 'KODKOD','TRUE', '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'Various laws about boolean connectives in set comprehension form.').
1178 cli_testcase(736, [b_test,csp_test,cspb], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/EventB/m_partner_behaviour.eventb', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/EventB/m_partner_behaviour.csp', '-t', '-strict'], 'Test Event-B+CSP + discharged calc'). % Warning: Event-B model has error (modification of variable EndStateVar not allowed in receive_Request)
1179 cli_testcase(737, [b_test,external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/LibraryFiles.mch', '-init', '-assertions','-strict'], 'Check that external functions work.').
1180 cli_testcase(738, [b_test,proz],['../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Testcases/freetypes.fuzz', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-strict'],'ProZ test for freetypes').
1181 cli_testcase(739, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_tupels/ChannelOutputValuesError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'evaluate_channel_outputs', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing raising an error when no channel tuple is given as prefix event.').
1182 cli_testcase(740, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/TypeErrorInChannelOutput.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'check_channel_output_value', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing raising of channel output error.').
1183 cli_testcase(741, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_tupels/ChannelNotDeclaredError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'evaluate_channel_outputs', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred', '-expcterr', 'enumerate_action'], 'Testing raising of channel not declared errors.').
1184 cli_testcase(742, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_tupels/ListProjectionError1.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'list_projection','-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing for list projection errors inside local definitions (let-within clauses).').
1185 cli_testcase(743, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_tupels/ListProjectionError2.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'list_projection','-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for list projection errors inside local definitions (let-within clauses).').
1186 cli_testcase(744, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_tupels/ListProjectionError3.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'list_projection','-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for list projection errors inside local definitions (let-within clauses).').
1187 cli_testcase(745, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_tupels/TupleProjectionError1.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'csp_tuples','-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for tuple projection errors inside local definitions (let-within clauses).').
1188 cli_testcase(746, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_tupels/TupleProjectionError2.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'csp_tuples','-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for tuple projection errors inside local definitions (let-within clauses).').
1189 cli_testcase(747, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_tupels/NaTupleProjectionError1.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'csp_tuples','-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for not-associative tuple projection errors inside local definitions (let-within clauses).').
1190 cli_testcase(748, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_tupels/NaTupleProjectionError2.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'csp_tuples','-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for not-associative tuple projection errors inside local definitions (let-within clauses).').
1191 cli_testcase(749, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/CardinalityOfInfiniteSetError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sets', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the card(-) built-in function raises expected error by calling it with infinite set.').
1192 cli_testcase(750, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/CardinalityTypeError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sets', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the card(-) built-in function raises expected type error by calling it with expression, which is not a set.').
1193 cli_testcase(751, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/InterEmptySetError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sets', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing if the Inter(-) built-in function raises expected error by calling it with an empty set.').
1194 cli_testcase(752, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/ExpandClosureSetError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'csp_sets', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for errors by expanding closure set elements (error occurs if the element is not a channel name e.g. just constructor).').
1195 cli_testcase(753, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/ExpandingSymbolicSetError1.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'expand_symbolic_set', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for errors by expanding symbolic sets.').
1196 cli_testcase(754, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/demo/Peterson_v2.csp', '-mc', 1000, '-strict', '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-cc', 215, 429, '-statistics'], 'Test compression with CSP').
1197 cli_testcase(755, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/TestVariableProbing.csp', '-MAIN', 'OTHER', '-mc', 100, '-cc', 4, 4, '-strict'], 'Test setting main process').
1198 cli_testcase(756, [xtl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/XTL/Promela/promela_int.P', '-t', '-mc', 100,
1199 '-cc', 23, 29, '-strict'], 'Test Promela XTL interpreter').
1200 cli_testcase(757, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/TestingForParseAndLoadErrors.csp', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp'], 'Testing the error clauses of the pasrse and load predicates in the haskell_csp module.').
1201 cli_testcase(758, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Farmer.csp', '-strict', '-get_csp_assertions_as_string'], 'Testing getting Csp assertions from file.').
1202 cli_testcase(759, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/EnumerateInfiniteChannelInputError1.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'enumerate_channel_input_value', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing enumerating infinite channel input error.').
1203 cli_testcase(760, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/EnumerateIllegalTypeOfChannelError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'enumerate_channel_input_value', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing enumerating infinite channel input error.').
1204 cli_testcase(761, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/EnumerateInfiniteChannelInputError2.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'enumerate_channel_input_value', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing for raising enumerating infinite channel type error for sequences.').
1205 cli_testcase(762, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/ChannelInputSetEnumerationResultError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'set_enumeration_tuple_result', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for raising type error on channel input.').
1206 cli_testcase(763, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/ChannelTooFewValuesOnChannelError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'enumerate_action', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing for raising type error in channel input.').
1207 cli_testcase(764, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/InterleavedIfThenElseBlocks.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 1000], 'Testing interleaved if-then-else blocks.').
1208 cli_testcase(767, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/BAC9_ZC/pas_as_env_inv_ld.mch','-strict', '-t', '-p',
1209 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 27, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 1, '-p', 'WARN_IF_DEFINITION_HIDES_VARIABLE', 'FALSE', '-sptxt', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/BAC9_ZC/pas_as_env_inv_ld_sptxt.txt'], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1210 cli_testcase(777, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/AdaptedBModelPropCheck/acs_as_env_ctx_aiguille.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 49, 2, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0, '-strict'], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1211 cli_testcase(778, [private,data_validation,siemens,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/AdaptedBModelPropCheck/acs_as_env_cfg_ipart.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 144, 4, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1212 cli_testcase(779, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/AdaptedBModelPropCheck/acs_as_env_cfg_ipart.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-ma', 95, 2, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test (main assertions).').
1213 cli_testcase(780, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/cbtc_mes_as_env_inv_easitf_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 127, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1214 cli_testcase(781, [private,data_validation,siemens,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/cbtc_mes_as_env_inv_easitf_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-ma', 22, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test (main assertions).').
1215 cli_testcase(782, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/cbtc_mes_as_env_inv_etors_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 142, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1216 cli_testcase(783, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/cbtc_mes_as_env_inv_stors_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 147, 1, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1217 cli_testcase(784, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/par1_mes_as_env_inv_etors_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 125, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1218 cli_testcase(785, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/par1_pans_as_env_inv_etors_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 188, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1219 cli_testcase(786, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/par1_pans_as_env_inv_etors_dist_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 184, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1220 cli_testcase(787, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/par1_pans_as_env_inv_mesitf_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 182, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1221 cli_testcase(788, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/par1_pans_as_env_inv_pasitf_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 176, 1, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1222 cli_testcase(789, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/par1_pans_as_env_inv_se_dj_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 174, 2, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1223 cli_testcase(790, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/par1_pans_as_env_inv_ss_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 192, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1224 cli_testcase(791, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/par1_pans_as_env_inv_stors_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 192, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1225 cli_testcase(792, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/Canarsie_PAR1_PAL/par1_pans_as_env_inv_tcs_bs.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 183, 8, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE'], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.'). % added DATA_VALIDATION to prevent merging of assertions, otherwise we get 179 TRUE + 8 FALSE
1226 cli_testcase(793, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/CBTC_Sol_Line4_SaoPaulo/pas_as_env_inv_etorf.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-init', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_inconsistent',
1227 '-opterr','setup_constants_fails', % setup can fail when value too large to be stored and no partial_setup_constants is done
1228 '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1229 cli_testcase(794, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/CBTC_Sol_Line4_SaoPaulo/pas_as_env_inv_etorf.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-init', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_inconsistent',
1230 '-opterr','setup_constants_fails', % setup can fail when value too large to be stored and no partial_setup_constants is done
1231 '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'WARN_IF_DEFINITION_HIDES_VARIABLE', 'FALSE','-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1232 cli_testcase(795, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/CBTC_Sol_Line4_SaoPaulo/cmnb_heure_cst_gen.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 7, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'WARN_IF_DEFINITION_HIDES_VARIABLE', 'FALSE','-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1233 cli_testcase(796, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/CBTC_Sol_Line4_SaoPaulo/pas_as_env_ctx_trainstop.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 6, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'WARN_IF_DEFINITION_HIDES_VARIABLE', 'FALSE','-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1234 cli_testcase(797, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/CBTC_Sol_Line4_SaoPaulo/pas_as_env_inv_quai.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 50, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'WARN_IF_DEFINITION_HIDES_VARIABLE', 'FALSE','-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.'). % changed -aa 51 to 50 due to partition detection in Sept. 2014
1235 cli_testcase(798, [private,data_validation,siemens], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/CBTC_Sol_Line4_SaoPaulo/pas_as_env_inv_zaum.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-aa', 40, 0, 0, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p', 'WARN_IF_DEFINITION_HIDES_VARIABLE', 'FALSE','-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1236 cli_testcase(799, [private,data_validation,siemens,closure1], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/CBTC_Sol_Line4_SaoPaulo/pas_as_env_inv_cv_sui_v2.mch','-strict', '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE','-aa', 61, 2, 0, % was '-aa', 62, 1, 0, for pas_as_env_inv_cv_sui.mch with prior closure(.) definition
1237 '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 25000, '-p', 'WARN_IF_DEFINITION_HIDES_VARIABLE', 'FALSE','-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test.').
1238 cli_testcase(800, [private,smt_test,bosch,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Bosch/CrCtl_0.5.0_v9/CrCtl_Comb2_Final_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock_pred', 'Counter=10 & P_CrCtl_Mode=STANDBY', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
1239 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2, '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 1, '-strict', '-expcterr', cbc_deadlock_check, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0],'Bosch CBC Test.').
1240 cli_testcase(801, [private,smt_test,bosch], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Bosch/CrCtl_0.5.0_v8/CrCtl_Comb2_Final_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock_pred', 'Counter=10', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
1241 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2, '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 1, '-strict', '-expcterr', cbc_deadlock_check, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0],'Bosch CBC Test.').
1242 cli_testcase(802, [private,smt_test,bosch], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Bosch/CrCtl_0.5.0_v7/CrCtl_Comb2_Final_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock_pred', 'Counter=10', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
1243 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2, '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 1, '-strict', '-expcterr', cbc_deadlock_check, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0],'Bosch CBC Test.').
1244 cli_testcase(803, [private,smt_test,bosch,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Bosch/CrCtl_0.5.0_v6/CrCtl_Comb2_Final_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock_pred', 'Counter=10', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
1245 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2, '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 1, '-strict', '-expcterr', cbc_deadlock_check, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0],'Bosch CBC Test.').
1246 cli_testcase(804, [private,smt_test,bosch], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Bosch/CrCtl_0.5.0_v5/CrCtl_Comb2_Final_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock_pred', 'Counter=10', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
1247 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2, '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 1, '-strict', '-expcterr', cbc_deadlock_check, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0],'Bosch CBC Test.').
1248 cli_testcase(805, [private,smt_test,bosch], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Bosch/CrCtl_0.5.0_v5/CrCtl_Comb2_Final_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
1249 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2, '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 1, '-strict', '-expcterr', cbc_deadlock_check, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0],'Bosch CBC Test.').
1250 cli_testcase(806, [private,smt_test,bosch], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Bosch/CrCtl_0.5.0_v4/CrCtl_Comb2_Final_mch.eventb', '-cbc_deadlock_pred', 'Counter=10', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
1251 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2, '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 1, '-strict', '-expcterr', cbc_deadlock_check, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0],'Bosch CBC Test.').
1252 cli_testcase(807, [tickets,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/Shi/milnerSched5.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check that exception does not occur (Ticket PROB-43)').
1253 cli_testcase(808, [b_test,dot], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-dot', 'state_as_graph', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr_state_graph.dot'], 'Check State Graph Generation').
1254 cli_testcase(809, [private,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/LargeMachTypeErr/LargeValueOk.mch', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check loading large data').
1255 cli_testcase(810, [private,typechecker_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/LargeMachTypeErr/sequenceur_values.mch', '-expcterr', type_error, '-expcterr', load_main_file, '-strict'], 'Check large number of errors').
1256 cli_testcase(811, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_tupels/ChannelNameUsedAsValueError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'valid_value', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred','-expcterr', 'check_channel_output_value'], 'Testing for raising channel name used as value error.').
1257 cli_testcase(812, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_tupels/IllegalDataValueError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, % '-expcterr', 'valid_value', % after fixing issue 304 cf test 2301 we no longer raise valid_value error for sets
1258 '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred','-expcterr', 'check_channel_output_value'], 'Testing for raising illegal data value error.').
1259 cli_testcase(813, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_tupels/MismatchNumberOfArgumentsForChannelSynchrError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'unify_tuple_args', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for raising mismatch number of arguments error.').
1260 cli_testcase(814, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality1.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1261 cli_testcase(815, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality2.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1262 cli_testcase(816, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality3.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1263 cli_testcase(817, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality4.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1264 cli_testcase(818, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality5.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1265 cli_testcase(819, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality6.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1266 cli_testcase(820, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality7.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1267 cli_testcase(821, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality8.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1268 cli_testcase(822, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality9.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1269 cli_testcase(823, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality10.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1270 cli_testcase(824, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality11.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1271 cli_testcase(825, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality12.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1272 cli_testcase(826, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality1.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1273 cli_testcase(827, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality2.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1274 cli_testcase(828, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality3.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1275 cli_testcase(829, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality4.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1276 cli_testcase(830, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality5.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1277 cli_testcase(831, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality6.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1278 cli_testcase(832, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality7.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1279 cli_testcase(833, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality8.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1280 cli_testcase(834, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality9.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1281 cli_testcase(835, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality10.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1282 cli_testcase(836, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality11.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1283 cli_testcase(837, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality12.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1284 cli_testcase(838, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/TestingComprehensionSetGuards.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10000], 'Testing set comprehension guards.').
1285 cli_testcase(839, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/ExpandingDataTypeDefBody.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10], 'Testing expanding symbolic sets.').
1286 cli_testcase(840, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/ChannelNameUsedForLocalVariableError.csp', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'csp_sets'], 'Testing for raising channel name used as local variable error.').
1287 cli_testcase(841, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/PatternListTooLongForChannelError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'csp_sets', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing raising pattern list too long error.').
1288 cli_testcase(842, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/TooManyValuesInRenamePatternError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Testing raising too many values in rename pattern error.').
1289 cli_testcase(843, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/TypeErrorForChannelInputVariable.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'enumerate_datatype_el', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing raising type error for channel input variable exception.').
1290 cli_testcase(844, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Farmer.csp', '-strict', '-get_csp_enumerated_assertions_as_string'], 'Testing getting enumerated assertions from file.').
1291 cli_testcase(845, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Farmer.csp', '-strict', '-prologOut', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Farmer_temp.pl'], 'Testing translating CSP-M file to specific prolog file.').
1292 cli_testcase(846, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/IsMemberSetCouldNotEvaluateError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'csp_sets', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for raising could not evaluate error for the member(-,-) built-in function.').
1293 cli_testcase(847, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/NotASingletonSetError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'singleSetElement', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for raising not a singleton set error.').
1294 cli_testcase(848, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality13.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10000], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1295 cli_testcase(849, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality13.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10000], 'Testing for type errors in disequality.').
1296 cli_testcase(850, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/NotABooleanExpressionError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for raising not a boolean expression error.').
1297 cli_testcase(851, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/subtype_ex.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 1000,'-expcterr', 'deadlock' ,'-df'], 'Testing complex subtype expressions.').
1298 cli_testcase(852, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/subtype_nametype_ex.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 2500,'-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing complex subtype expressions.').
1299 cli_testcase(853, [private,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/examples/CSP/Winter/miniAlvey.csp', '-strict', '-t', '-c'], 'Testing complex CSP spec.').
1300 cli_testcase(854, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/NoMatchingCaseForFunctionCallError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'cspm_trans', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for no matching case for function call error.').
1301 cli_testcase(855, [b_test,cache], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/RussianPostalPuzzle.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', '81', '177', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '2', '-nogoal', '-strict', '-cache', '../prob_examples/public_examples/cache/'], 'Check that no error in reuse of cached operations').
1302 cli_testcase(856, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInEquality14.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10000], 'Testing for type errors in equality.').
1303 cli_testcase(857, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/TypeErrorInNonEquality14.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10000], 'Testing for type errors in disequality.').
1304 cli_testcase(858, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Farmer.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 1000, '-expcterr', 'deadlock', '-save', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Farmer_state.txt'], 'Testing saving XSB Specification state.').
1305 cli_testcase(859, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/NotEnoughArgumentsOnChannelError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 20, '-bf', '-expcterr', 'l_enumerate_channel_input_value', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for raising not enough arguments on channel error.').
1306 cli_testcase(860, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/TestingIsMemberBuiltInFunction.csp', '-mc', '100000', '-nodead', '-strict', '-assertions'], 'Testing member(-,-) builtin function.').
1307 cli_testcase(861, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/UnknownExpandChannelPatternExpressionError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for raising unknown expand channel pattern expression error (possible when expanding sharing, synchronisation-sets/closures).').
1308 cli_testcase(862, [error_checks,csp_test,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/UnsupportedRefinementOperatorError.csp', '-strict', '-assertions', '-expcterr', 'unsupported_refinement_operator'
1309 % '-expcterr', 'check_assertions', '-expcterr', 'checkAssertion'
1310 ], 'Testing for raising unsupproted refinement operator error (e.g. [R=).').
1311 cli_testcase(863, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/NonAtomicArgumentError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', deadlock, '-bf'], 'Testing for raising Non-atomic argument error.').
1312 %cli_testcase(864, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/TestingUnicodeFeatures.csp', '-strict', '-csp_add_unicode','../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/TestingUnicodeFeatures_unicode.csp'], 'Testing the unicode features of the CSPM tool.').
1313 %cli_testcase(865, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/TestingUnicodeFeatures_unicode_saved.csp', '-strict', '-csp_remove_unicode', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/TestingUnicodeFeatures_no_unicode.csp'], 'Testing the unicode features of the CSPM tool.').
1314 cli_testcase(866, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/CouldNotExpandInfiniteDatatypeBody.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'csp_sets', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for raising could not expand infinite datatype body error.').
1315 cli_testcase(867, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/ExpandingDatatypeBodies.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10], 'Testing expanding datatype bodies with complicated datat structures.').
1316 cli_testcase(868, [parser,tickets,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Dining/Dining.mch', '-ltlformulat', 'G {taken= {} ', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'ltl'], 'Testing that LTL parser does not loop. (PARSERLIB-11)').
1317 cli_testcase(869, [parser,tickets,ctl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Dining/Dining.mch', '-ctlformula', 'AG {taken= {} ', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'ctl'], 'Testing that CTL parser does not loop. (PARSERLIB-11)').
1318 cli_testcase(870, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/Renaming.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10], 'Testing for raising could not expand infinite datatype body error.').
1319 cli_testcase(871, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/openETCS/ATB/Model_ctx.eventb', '-init', '-strict', '-properties'], 'Check that no time-out occurs; check C <: S21*S22 <=> C : S21 <-> S22 rule in check_subset_of0').
1320 %cli_testcase(872, [plugin_units,wd,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/Tests/WrongOperationTopParameter.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-expecterr', well_definedness_error, '-mc', 5], '').
1321 %cli_testcase(873, [plugin_units,wd,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/Tests/WrongConversionMultiplication.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-expecterr', well_definedness_error, '-mc', 5], '').
1322 %cli_testcase(874, [plugin_units,wd,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/Tests/WrongConversionAddition.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-expecterr', well_definedness_error, '-mc', 5], '').
1323 cli_testcase(875, [tickets,error_checks], ['-eval', 'g = {x|->y | x=y+1 }', '-expecterr', type_expression_error], 'Check that a type error instead of an internal failure is reported when an expression is used where an identifier is expected (Ticket PROB-213).').
1324 cli_testcase(876, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/demo/mbuff.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Checking CSP assertions.').
1325 cli_testcase(877, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/demo/crossing.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Checking CSP assertions.').
1326 cli_testcase(878, [csp_test], ['-csp_eval', '(seq(set(<1,2,3>))==<1,2,3>) and (set(seq({1,2,3}))=={1,2,3})', '-strict'], 'Checking CSP expressions without loading a specific model first.').
1327 cli_testcase(879, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/demo/crossing.csp', '-csp_eval', 'diff(NonTock,{|enter,leave|}) == {error,gate.down,gate.go_down,gate.go_up,gate.up,sensor.in,sensor.out}', '-strict'], 'Checking CSP expressions.').
1328 cli_testcase(880, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/demo/crossing.csp', '-csp_eval', 'diff(NonTock,{|enter,leave|}', '-expcterr', 'parsing_csp_expression', '-strict'], 'Checking raising parse error while evaluating syntactically non correct CSP expressions.').
1329 %cli_testcase(881, [plugin_units,wd,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/Choice.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict','-expecterr', 'well_definedness_error','-pp','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/Choice_internal.mch'], '').
1330 cli_testcase(882,[private,data_validation],['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/Ticket_Oct11_2012/Rule_DB_SIGAREA_0024.mch','-strict', '-t', '-assertions'], 'Issue related to cut in b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf.').
1331 cli_testcase(883, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ucsexamples/chapter14/maxpro.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Checking CSP assertions from file').
1332 cli_testcase(884, [b_test,proz], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Woodcock/InnerMember.fuzz', '-t', '-mc', 100,
1333 '-expcterr', 'bmachine_static_checks', '-strict'], 'Checking Z model and check warning for TRUE/FALSE clash generated'). % added -expcterr 23/2/2021
1334 cli_testcase(885, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/TryingToApplyUndefinedFunctionError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'evaluate_agent_call_parameters', '-expcterr', 'cspm_trans', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for raising trying to apply undefined process/function error.').
1335 cli_testcase(886, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/CouldNotUnifyLambdaArgsError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'cspm_trans', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for raising of could not unify lambda args error.').
1336 cli_testcase(887, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/CallingNonAtomicFunctionArgumentError.csp', '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp', '-expcterr', 'deadlock'], 'Testing for raising of trying to call non-atomic function error.').
1337 cli_testcase(888, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp_analyzer/UnsupportedAppendPatternError.csp', '-expcterr', 'compile_head_para', '-strict'], 'Testing for raising of unsupported append pattern error.').
1338 cli_testcase(889, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/TestingComplexChannelTypes.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Testing outputing channel values of complex types.').
1339 cli_testcase(890, [error_checks,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp_analyzer/IllegalASTCSPProcessInIllegalPositionError.csp', '-expcterr', 'haskell_csp_analyzer', '-strict'], 'Testing for raising of unsupported append pattern error.').
1340 cli_testcase(891, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/PatternMatchingAppendPatternsAsChannelInputValues.csp', '-mc', 1000, '-nodead', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Testing for pattern matching append patterns as input values.').
1341 cli_testcase(892, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/CheckingPossibleInputVariablesOnChannel.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Testing for possible input patterns on channels.').
1342 cli_testcase(893,[private,cbc_tests],['../prob_examples/examples/B/L4MicroKernel/L4API/API.mch','-strict', '-cbc_sequence', 'TimeoutIPC','-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 3], 'Check that no errors produced by cbc_sequence (Ticket PROB-215).').
1343 cli_testcase(894,[tickets,enabling],['-enabling_analysis_csv','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/minienabling_analysis.csv','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/minienabling.mch'], 'Check CSV output of a simple enabling analysis (Ticket PROB-215).').
1344 cli_testcase(895, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/3675/SafetyPRB.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'],'Assertions check of processes with complex events.').
1345 cli_testcase(896, [kodkod], ['-p','KODKOD','TRUE', '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE','-eval','card(10..x) = 0 & x : 0..100 & (x<10 => x+x>5)', '-strict'],'The translation to Kodkod should not fail because a helper variable has no possible values (Ticket PROB-218)').
1346 cli_testcase(897, [kodkod], ['-p','KODKOD','TRUE','-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE','-eval','S<:1..10 & S/={}', '-strict'],'Checking the information about the integer range of the elements of an empty set (Ticket PROB-220)').
1347 cli_testcase(898, [b_test], ['-evalt', 'x \\/ 2..n = 0..(n+10) & x /\\ 2..n = {} & x <: 0..n+20 & n=10000', '-strict'],'Checking set partition inside eval').
1348 cli_testcase(899, [kodkod], ['-p','KODKOD','TRUE','-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-mc',1000,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-217/kodkod_overflow.mch', '-nodead', '-strict'],'The output of the predicate analysis alone does not prevent integer overflows - (Ticket PROB-217)').
1349 cli_testcase(900, [csp_test,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/ProcessesWithArguments.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'Q(3) [F= Q3', '-csp_assertion', 'Q3 [F= Q(3)', '-csp_assertion', 'Q(4) [T= Q(1,3)', '-csp_assertion', 'Q(1,3) [F= Q(4)', '-strict'], 'Checking various refinement assertions of processes with arguments.').
1350 cli_testcase(901, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/ProcessesWithArguments.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'Q(10) :[deadlock free [FD]]', '-expcterr', 'model_check_fails', '-strict'], 'Deadlock checking of a process called with argument.').
1351 cli_testcase(902, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/ProcessesWithArguments.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'Q2(9) :[livelock free]', '-cc', 13, 12, '-strict'], 'Livelock checking of a process called with argument.').
1352 cli_testcase(903, [csp_test, csp_det], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/ProcessesWithArguments.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'Q2(9) :[deterministic [FD]]', '-expcterr', 'model_check_fails','-strict'], 'Determinism checking of a process called with argument (must fail).').
1353 cli_testcase(904, [csp_test, csp_det], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/ProcessesWithArguments.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'a.1 -> a.2 -> STOP :[deadlock free [FD]]', '-expcterr', 'model_check_fails', '-strict'], 'Deadlock checking of a process called with argument.').
1354 cli_testcase(905, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/ProcessesWithArguments.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'a.1 -> a.2 -> STOP [T= a.1 -> STOP', '-strict'], '').
1355 cli_testcase(906, [csp_test,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/ProcessesWithArguments.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'a.1 -> a.2 -> STOP [F= a.1 -> STOP', '-expcterr', 'refinement_check_fails', '-strict'], '').
1356 cli_testcase(907, [csp_test,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/ProcessesWithArguments.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'a.1 -> a.2 -> STOP [F= a.1 -> b.1 -> STOP', '-expcterr', 'parsing_csp_declaration', '-strict'], 'Checking expecting error to occur.').
1357 cli_testcase(908, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/ProcessesWithArguments.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'a.1 -> a.2 -> STOP [F= a.1 -> a.1.1 -> STOP',
1358 '-expcterr', 'refinement_check_fails',
1359 '-expcterr', 'enumerate_action', '-strict'], 'CSP model with too many values on output channel').
1360 cli_testcase(909, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/ProcessesWithArguments.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'Q(4) [] Q(2) [FD= Q(2,2) [] Q(1,1)', '-strict'], '').
1361 cli_testcase(910, [analysis_test, kodkod], ['-pacheck','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/predicate_analysis/sets.mch', '-strict'], 'Test cases for the predicate analysis: rules about sets').
1362 cli_testcase(911, [analysis_test,sigma, kodkod], ['-pacheck','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/predicate_analysis/arithmetic.mch', '-strict'], 'Test cases for the predicate analysis: some arithmetic (mainly SIGMA)').
1363 cli_testcase(912, [kodkod,cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/TestCBCAssertionCheck.mch', '-cbc_assertions', '-strict', '-p','SOLVER_FOR_PROPERTIES', 'kodkod', '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-expcterr',cbc_assertions], 'Check that Kodkod CBC Checking works.').
1364 cli_testcase(913, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/ExpandingDataTypeDefBody.csp', '-csp_eval', 'D1 == {A,B.0,B.1,B.2,B.3,C.0.0,C.0.1,C.0.2,C.0.3,C.1.0,C.1.1,C.1.2,C.1.3,C.2.0,C.2.1,C.2.2,C.2.3,C.3.0,C.3.1,C.3.2,C.3.3}', '-strict'], 'Evaluating CSP-M expressions.').
1365 cli_testcase(914, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/ExpandingDataTypeDefBody.csp', '-csp_eval', '{|c.C|} =={c.(C.0.0),c.(C.0.1),c.(C.0.2),c.(C.0.3),c.(C.1.0),c.(C.1.1),c.(C.1.2),c.(C.1.3),c.(C.2.0),c.(C.2.1),c.(C.2.2),c.(C.2.3),c.(C.3.0),c.(C.3.1),c.(C.3.2),c.(C.3.3)}', '-strict'], 'Evaluating CSP-M expressions').
1366 cli_testcase(915, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/ExpandingDataTypeDefBody.csp', '-csp_eval', '{1..3} == {1,2,3}', '-strict'], 'Evaluating CSP-M expressions.').
1367 cli_testcase(916, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/verysimple.csp', '-csp_eval', 'Events', '-strict'], 'Evaluating CSP-M expressions.').
1368 cli_testcase(917, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/verysimple.csp', '-csp_eval', '{|a|}', '-strict'], 'Evaluating CSP-M expressions.').
1369 cli_testcase(918, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/verysimple.csp', '-csp_eval', '{1..}','-strict','-expcterr',expand_symbolic_set], 'Testing raising of infinite set error.').
1370 cli_testcase(919, [b_test, csp_test,cspb], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsCSPB/Airports.mch', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsCSPB/AirportsCtrl.csp', '-assertions', '-cc', 859, 3533, '-strict'], 'Checking CSP-M assertions for CSP-M || B models.').
1371 cli_testcase(920, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/ExpandingDataTypeDefBody.csp', '-csp_eval',
1372 '{x | x <- D1, (B.1) != x} == {A,B.0,B.2,B.3,C.0.0,C.0.1,C.0.2,C.0.3,C.1.0,C.1.1,C.1.2,C.1.3,C.2.0,C.2.1,C.2.2,C.2.3,C.3.0,C.3.1,C.3.2,C.3.3}', '-strict'], 'Evaluating CSP-M expressions.').
1373 cli_testcase(921, [error_checks, csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/csp_sets/EmptySetNotAllowedForInterError.csp', '-mc', 10,'-expcterr', 'is_member_set2', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred', '-strict', '-expcterr', virtual_time_out], 'Testing raising of empty set not allowed for Inter(-) error.').
1374 cli_testcase(922, [csp_test], ['-csp_eval', 'if member(1,{1..10}) then true else false', '-strict'], 'Evaluating CSP-M expressions.').
1375 cli_testcase(923, [error_checks], ['-mc', 1000, '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-226/parallel_subst.mch', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file', '-strict'], 'Parallel assignments to the same variable should be forbidden. (Ticket PROB-226)').
1376 cli_testcase(924, [error_checks], ['-mc', 1000, '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/UnknownPromotedOp.mch', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file', '-strict'], 'Type-checker error when promoting an operation that does not exist.').
1377 cli_testcase(925, [error_checks], ['-mc', 1000, '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/IncludeSeenOnlyOnce.mch', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file', '-strict'], 'Expecting error when including a machine twice that is used as a seen/used machine.').
1378 cli_testcase(926, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/verysimple.csp', '-ltlformulat', 'GF [a]', '-expcterr', 'ltl', '-strict'],'Checking for raising number of arguments not correct error.').
1379 cli_testcase(927, [typechecker_test], ['-eval', 'a-b=c & a=0', '-strict'], 'Type-checking a minus when the type of the arguments is determinded later (an integer).').
1380 cli_testcase(928, [typechecker_test], ['-eval', 'a-b=c & a={0}', '-strict'], 'Type-checking a minus when the type of the arguments is determinded later (a set).').
1381 cli_testcase(929, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/ltl/ExtraArgumentsInCSPLTLPatternError.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-expcterr', 'enumerate_action', '-expcterr', 'ltl', '-strict'],'Checking for raising number of arguments not correct error.').
1382 cli_testcase(930, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/ltl/MissingElementsInCSPPatternError.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-expcterr', 'ltl', '-strict'],'Checking for raising number of arguments not correct error.').
1383 cli_testcase(931, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ucsexamples/chapter20/phone.csp', '-csp_eval', 'Phones', '-strict'], 'Evaluating CSP-M expressions.').
1384 cli_testcase(932, [typechecker_test,error_checks], ['-eval', 'a-b=c & a=TRUE', '-expcterr', 'type_expression_error', '-strict'], 'Type-checking a minus when the type of the arguments is determinded later (type error).').
1385 cli_testcase(933, [typechecker_test,error_checks], ['-eval', 'a*b=c & a=TRUE', '-expcterr', 'type_expression_error', '-strict'], 'Type-checking * when the type of the arguments is determinded later (type error).').
1386 cli_testcase(934, [typechecker_test], ['-eval', '[a,c:=1,3](a<b&b<c)', '-strict'], 'Type-checking a substitution on a predicate').
1387 cli_testcase(935, [typechecker_test,error_checks], ['-eval', '[a,c:=1,3,5](a<b&b<c)', '-expcterr', 'type_expression_error', '-strict'], 'Type-checking a substitution on a predicate (type error)').
1388 cli_testcase(936, [b_test, csp_test,ltl,cspb], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsCSPB/Airports.mch', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsCSPB/AirportsCtrl.csp',
1389 %'-p', 'csp_event_visible_to_user', 'false', % used to be csp_event probcli option
1390 '-ltlformulat', 'G not [link.AMS.AMS]', '-strict'], 'Checking ltl formulas for CSP-M || B models.').
1391 cli_testcase(937, [b_test, csp_test,ltl,cspb], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsCSPB/Airports.mch', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsCSPB/AirportsCtrl.csp', '-ltlformulat', 'G not [link(AMS,AMS)]', '-strict'], 'Checking ltl formulas for CSP-M || B models.').
1392 cli_testcase(938, [error_checks,refinement], ['-mc', 1000, '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/MachineWithParametersErr1.ref'], 'Check for error: Wrong number of parameters in refinement.').
1393 cli_testcase(939, [error_checks,refinement], ['-mc', 1000, '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/MachineWithParametersErr2.ref'], 'Check for error: Wrong parameters in refinement.').
1394 cli_testcase(940, [cbc], ['-cbc', all, '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Treharne1/House_Tracker16.mch'], 'Check that we quickly see that there is no counterexample.').
1395 cli_testcase(941, [cbc], ['-cbc', all, '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/ReservationLivre.mch', '-expcterr',cbc], 'Check that we find counterexample with larger scope.').
1396 %cli_testcase(942, [plugin_units,wd,case,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/Case.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/Case_internal.mch','-p','plugin(units,fixpoint_halt_on_error)','false'], '').
1397 cli_testcase(943, [parser,typechecker_test,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/UnrecognisedPragma.mch','-strict','-expcterr',load_main_file,'-expcterrpos',parse_error, 7, 5],'Check Pragma error message (with SNAPSHOT parser from 12/3/2019 we no longer get parse errors)').
1398 cli_testcase(944, [dot], ['-evalt','r:1..3-->>1..3 & r(1)/=1 & r(1)/=2 & r(2)/=2', '-evaldot', '../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/evalout.dot','-strict'],'').
1399 cli_testcase(945, [eventb_test, theories], ['-t', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/TestBoolOps_mch.eventb'], 'Check BoolOps Theory.').
1400 cli_testcase(946, [cbc,smt_test,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/CBC_Refinement/M2_mch.eventb', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cbc', all, '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], 'Check counter-example found in SMT mode').
1401 cli_testcase(947, [cbc,smt_test,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/CBC_Refinement/M2_mch.eventb', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cbc', 'RemAuth', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], 'Check counter-example found in SMT mode').
1402 cli_testcase(948, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/WaterBoiler.csp', '-csp_eval', 'member(fill.3,{|fill|}) == true', '-strict'], 'Evaluating CSP-M expressions.').
1403 cli_testcase(949, [tickets], ['-assertions', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PrjMemCheck/PrjTestsOK.mch',
1404 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PrjMemCheck/PrjTestsOK_For_AtelierB.mch'], 'Check that we prj1/prj2 work correctly.').
1405 cli_testcase(950, [tickets,wd], ['-assertions', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PrjMemCheck/PrjTestsKO1.mch', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-expcterr', 'check_assertions', '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'TRUE'], 'Check that we prj1/prj2 detect wd errors.').
1406 cli_testcase(951, [tickets,wd], ['-assertions', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PrjMemCheck/PrjTestsKO2.mch', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-expcterr', 'check_assertions', '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'TRUE'], 'Check that we prj1/prj2 detect wd errors.').
1407 cli_testcase(952, [tickets,wd], ['-assertions', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PrjMemCheck/PrjTestsKO3.mch', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-expcterr', 'check_assertions', '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'TRUE'], 'Check that we prj1/prj2 detect wd errors.').
1408 cli_testcase(953, [tickets,wd], ['-assertions', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PrjMemCheck/PrjTestsKO4.mch', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-expcterr', 'check_assertions', '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'TRUE'], 'Check that we prj1/prj2 detect wd errors.').
1409 cli_testcase(954, [eventb_test, theories], ['-t','-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/DumbDataTheoryModel.eventb'],'Check model that uses user defined datatypes via the Theory Plugin.').
1410 cli_testcase(955, [eventb_test, theories], ['-mc',100,'-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/NonTrivialTypeParameters.eventb'],'Theory Plugin: Datatypes whose type parameters are not only type expressions').
1411 cli_testcase(956, [eventb_test,card], ['-mc',1000,'-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Puzzles/Hanoi_mch_3s_6d.eventb', '-noass', '-cc', 731, 2186, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'],'Check that constraint solver not perplexed by use of card() for last').
1412 %cli_testcase(957, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/DifferentUnitNotations.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/DifferentUnitNotations_internal.mch'], '').
1413 cli_testcase(958, [eventb_test], ['-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'FALSE' , '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '100', '-expcterr', 'time_out_for_invariant',
1414 '-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/ComplicatedProvenInvariant2_v2.eventb'],'Check that Time Out occurs without Proof Info usage. (CLPFD disabled because it causes an overflow on the 32 bit testbots').
1415 cli_testcase(959, [eventb_test], ['-mc',100, '-t', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '200', '-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/ComplicatedProvenInvariant2_v2.eventb', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'],'Check that Proof Info works').
1416 cli_testcase(960, [eventb_test], ['-mc',0, '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'FALSE' , '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '200', '-expcterr', 'time_out_for_assertions', '-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/ComplicatedProvenInvariant_INITCheck_mch.eventb', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'],'Check that Proof Info works also for INITIALISATION').
1417 cli_testcase(961, [eventb_test], ['-mc',100, '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'TRUE' , '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '200', '-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/ComplicatedProvenInvariant_INITCheck_mch.eventb', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'],'Check that Proof Info works also for INITIALISATION').
1418 cli_testcase(962, [eventb_test], ['-mc',100, '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'TRUE' , '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '200', '-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/ComplicatedProvenDynamicTheorem_mch.eventb', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'],'Check that Proof Info works also for dynamic theorems').
1420 cli_testcase(963, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/WaterBoiler.csp', '-ltlformulat', '[open] => ((X [fill._]) or (X [close])) ', '-strict'],'Check LTL formula in File.').
1421 cli_testcase(964, [eventb_test,wd], ['-mc',100, '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'TRUE' , '-expcterr', well_definedness_error, '-expcterr', invariant_violation, '-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/TestProofDirected_WD_Inv_mch.eventb'],'Check that Proof Info works well in conjunction with ill-defined invariants').
1422 cli_testcase(965, [eventb_test,wd], ['-mc',100, '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'TRUE' , '-expcterr', well_definedness_error, '-expcterr', assertion_violation,
1423 %'-expcterr', checking_assertions, % was actually a warning generated by translate_events_in_current_scope_to_warnings
1424 '-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/TestProofDirected_WD_Thm_mch.eventb'],'Check that Proof Info works well in conjunction with ill-defined theorems').
1425 cli_testcase(966, [eventb_test], ['-mc',100, '-noass', '-nodead', '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'FALSE' , '-expcterr', invariant_violation, '-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/TestProofDirected_WD_Thm_mch.eventb'],'Check that Proof Info works well in conjunction with ill-defined theorems and -noass checking').
1426 cli_testcase(967, [eventb_test], ['-mc',100, '-noass', '-nodead',
1427 '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'TRUE' ,
1428 %'-expcterr', invariant_violation, % the proof of the invariant relies on the theorem, which is proven but has wd-problem
1429 '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete',
1430 '-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/TestProofDirected_WD_Thm_mch.eventb'],'Check that Proof Info works well in conjunction with ill-defined theorems and -noass checking').
1431 cli_testcase(968, [eventb_test], ['-mc',100, '-noass', '-nodead', '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'TRUE' , '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete', '-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/TestProofDirected_FalseThm_mch.eventb'],'Check that Proof Info works well in conjunction with ill-defined theorems and -noass checking').
1432 cli_testcase(969, [b_test,recursion,external], ['-assertions', '-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Bracknell1/C0.mch'],'Check that no recursion detected').
1433 cli_testcase(970, [b_test,recursion,external], ['-init', '-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Bracknell1/C0_ctx.eventb'],'Check that no recursion detected').
1434 cli_testcase(971, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Prj1NATURAL.mch', '-t', '-mc', '1000', '-strict'], 'Check that prj1(NATURAL,...) not expanded').
1435 cli_testcase(972, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/plavis_MemoryLoad_SP_14_TestComp_v2.mch',
1436 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 3, '-p', 'MININT', -1, '-init', '-strict'],
1437 'Check that partitioning into components and seq enum works'). % changed to _v2 model with extra constraint on 6/1/2021
1438 cli_testcase(973, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/ComponentPartitioningTest.mch', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-init', '-strict'], 'Check that partitioning into components works').
1439 cli_testcase(974, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/PartitionConstraintAssertionCheck.mch', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cbc_deadlock', '-expcterr', 'cbc_deadlock_check', '-strict'],
1440 'Check that partitioning into components works').
1441 cli_testcase(975, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/PruningActionsTest1.mch', '-mc', '1000000', '-p', 'por', ample_sets, '-expcterr', invariant_violation, '-strict'], 'POR test.').
1442 cli_testcase(976, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/PruningActionsTest2.mch', '-mc', '1000000', '-p', 'por', ample_sets, '-expcterr', deadlock, '-strict'], 'POR test (deadlock and invariant violation).').
1443 cli_testcase(977, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BridgeTransitions.mch', '-mc', '1000000', '-cc', 55, '_', '-check_complete_operation_coverage', '-p', 'por', ample_sets, '-min_max_coverage', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BridgeTransitions_por.cov', '-strict'], 'POR test (no state space reductions).').
1444 cli_testcase(978, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/CycleDetections.mch', '-mc', '1000000', '-p', 'por', ample_sets, '-expcterr', invariant_violation, '-strict'], 'POR test.').
1445 % commit 484a10c2cdd8cc4b13f1be8f30e8eac7be5a30c3 from 23 Oct 2013 broke 979-982; CSE optimization should recover performance
1446 cli_testcase(979, [while,private,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_2_ori.mch', '-animate_all', '-strict', '-cc', 113, 112, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 35000, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-his', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_2_ori.his','-expcterr', invariant_violation], 'Rule Test 4 of Alstom compilation project'). % increased time-out from 15000; added -p CLPFD FALSE
1447 cli_testcase(980, [while,private,data_validation,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_SIGAREA_0024_ori.mch', '-animate_all', '-strict', '-cc', 40, 39, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 35000, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-his', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_SIGAREA_0024_ori.his'], 'Rule Test 5 of Alstom compilation project'). % increased time-out from 15000; added -p CLPFD FALSE
1448 cli_testcase(981, [private,data_validation,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_Route_0001ori.mch', '-animate_all', '-strict', '-cc', 97, 96, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 28000, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-his', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_Route_0001ori.his'], 'Rule Test 1 of Alstom compilation project'). % increased time-out from 15000; added -p CLPFD FALSE
1449 cli_testcase(982, [private,data_validation,alstom], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_1_ori.mch', '-animate_all', '-strict', '-cc', 48, 47, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 55000, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-his', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_1_ori.his','-expcterr', invariant_violation], 'Rule Test 3 of Alstom compilation project'). % increased time-out from 45000; added -p CLPFD FALSE
1450 cli_testcase(983, [private,data_validation,alstom], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_ESA_TRIGGER_0009_ori.mch', '-strict', '-cc', 112, 111, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-t'], 'Rule Test 2 of Alstom compilation project').
1451 cli_testcase(984, [private,symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/BossaAcadie/scheduler.mch', '-strict', '-cc', 145, 1935, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-mc', 9000, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 20, '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', hash, '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Bossa example'). % was 1936 transitions; now 1935 with INITIALISATION arguments derived from target state
1452 cli_testcase(985, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/GraphIso/HardGraph_Nr5.mch', '-strict', '-cc', 3, 3, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-mc', 20, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 4, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Hard graph; isomorphism detected means no deadlock').
1453 cli_testcase(986, [eventb_test], ['-t','-mc',800,'-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Puzzles/MRushHour_new.eventb','-expcterr', invariant_violation],'Check that new Proof Info works with wd in guards/actions accepted').
1454 cli_testcase(987, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance/CAN_Bus/CB3FSMM_mch_v2.eventb', '-mc', '1000000', '-noass', '-nogoal', '-p', 'por', ample_sets, '-strict'], 'Testing if coverages of the constants and values of the generated reduced state space are matching with the coverages of the constants and values of the full state space.').
1455 cli_testcase(988, [csp_test,dot], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/Copy.csp', '-df', '-mc', '1000', '-cc', '14', '24', '-strict','-dot','signature_merge','../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/Copy_spmdot.dot','-dot', 'dfa_merge','../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/Copy_spddot.dot', '-pref_group', dot_colors, classic, '-p','DOT_PEN_WIDTH',1], 'Test reduced state space dot output for CSP. (DF search to avoid different dot graphs due to order of exploration)').
1456 cli_testcase(989, [eventb_test], ['-assertions','-strict','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/PerformanceTests/LargeConstants_ctx.eventb','-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/PerformanceTests/LargeConstants_ctx_internal.mch'],'Check that set comprehensions converted properly').
1457 cli_testcase(990, [b_test,smt_test], ['-evalt', 'ran(%v0.(v0: 0..30001 | v0)) = 0..30001', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict'],'Checking non-regresson against issue reported by Medeiros Jr on 28.1.2013').
1458 cli_testcase(991, [tickets,csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/RecursiveInclude/Procs.csp', '-mc', 100000, '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing of recursive and local (by means of no absolute path files must be given in order to include a CSP model to another CSP model) including for CSP models.').
1459 cli_testcase(992, [b_test], ['-evalt', '{x| x = x mod 33 & x = x mod 44} = 0..32', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'],'Ensure mod constraint propagation works').
1460 cli_testcase(993, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/examples/CSP/Kharmeh_PhD/4-isa-system-evaluation.csp', '-mc', 2000, '-cc', 264, 430, '-strict'],'Non trivial test case'). % changed from -cc 265 431 after adding more normalisation rules
1461 cli_testcase(994, [b_test,case], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/CaseStmt.mch', '-t', '-mc', 200, '-cc', 4, 13, '-strict'],'Check case statement with else').
1462 cli_testcase(995, [laws,rel_fnc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/FunLawsWithLambda.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Laws this time with MEMO and CLPFD').
1463 cli_testcase(996, [b_test,smt_test], ['-evalt', '{x|x/2 : 20..30} = 40..61', '-evalt', '{x|x/20 : 22..23} = 440..479', '-evalt', 'ran(%v0.(v0: 0..20000 | [v0 mod 2/1,v0 mod 4/2,v0 mod 8/4,v0 mod 16/8,v0 mod 32/16,v0 mod 64/32,v0 mod 128/64])) = 1..7 --> 0..1', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-strict'],'Ensure division constraint propagation works').
1464 cli_testcase(997, [csp_test,refusal_trace_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/RefusalBasedRefinement/RefusalBasedRefinement_simple.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'],'Simple test case for refusal based refinement checking (CSP).').
1465 cli_testcase(998, [csp_test,refusal_trace_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/RefusalBasedRefinement/RefTestRoscoeBook.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'],'Test case for refusal based refinement checking (CSP) from Roscoe\'s book. Note: Difference in the results delivered by FDR and ProB of the commented out assertion "P2 [R= P1".').
1466 cli_testcase(999, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/197/robot_ctx02_ctx.eventb', '-init', '-properties', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 2, '-strict'],'Check WD Axiom loading').
1467 cli_testcase(1000, [b_test,union,card], ['-evalt', 'x \\/ y \\/ z <: 1011..1013 & card(x) > card(y) & card(y)>card(z)', '-evalt', '{x,y,z|x \\/ y \\/ z <: 21011..21012 & card(x) > card(y) & card(y)>card(z)} = {(({21011,21012}|->{21011})|->{}),(({21011,21012}|->{21012})|->{})}', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'Ensure that domains propagated to union arguments.').
1468 cli_testcase(1001, [b_test,union,card], ['-evalt', '{x|x <| [1,2,3] = [1,2] & card(x)=2} = {{1,2}}',
1469 '-evalt', 'x <| s = [1,2,3] \\/ {29|->29} & x <: 1..1000 & s = %i.(i:1..300|i)',
1470 '-evalt', 's |> x = [1,2,3] \\/ {29|->29} & x <: 1..1000 & s = %i.(i:1..300|i)',
1471 '-evalt', '{x| [1,4,3]|>x = [1,4] & card(x)=2}={{1,4}}',
1472 '-evalf', 's |> x = [1,2,3] \\/ {29|->29} & x <: 2..3000 & s = %i.(i:1..900|i) ',
1473 '-evalt', '{x|#s.(x <| s = [1,2,3] \\/ {29|->29} & x <: 1..30 & s = %i.(i:1..300|i))} = {{1,2,3,29}}',
1474 '-evalt', '{z,x|[1,2,z] |>> x = [1,2] & z:12..13 & x<:11..12}={(12|->{11,12}),(12|->{12})}',
1475 '-evalt', 'x <<| [11,12,13,14,z] = [11,12,13,14] & z:12..13 ',
1476 '-evalt', 'x <| [111,222,333,444,555] = [111,222,333,444]',
1477 '-evalt', 'x <<| [111,222,333,444,555] = [111,222,333,444]',
1478 '-evalt', '[111,222,333,444,555] |>x = [111,222,333,444]',
1479 '-evalt', '[111,222,333,444,555] |>>x = [111,222,333,444]',
1480 '-evalt', '{x|{x} <<| [111,222,333,444,555,666] = [111,222,333,444,555]} = {6}',
1481 '-evalt', '{x| [111,222,333,444,555,666] |>> {x} = [111,222,333,444,555]} = {666}',
1482 '-evalt', '{x| {x} <| [111,222,333,444,555,666] = {5|->555}} = {5}',
1483 '-evalt', '{x| [111,222,333,444,555,666] |> {x} = {5|->555}} = {555}',
1484 '-evalt', '{x| [111,222,333,444,555,555] |> {x} = {5|->555,6|->555}} = {555}',
1485 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'Ensure that domain/range restriction properly treated.').
1486 cli_testcase(1002, [cbc,private], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 127, '-p', 'MININT', -128,
1487 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/bank-Extraer_SP_29.prob',
1488 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/bancoG-Withdraw_NR_22.prob',
1489 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-LoadMemory_SP_11.prob',
1490 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-LoadMemory_SP_12.prob'
1491 %,'-expcterr', 'eval_string_enum_warning'
1492 ], 'SetLog tests now succeeding tests').
1493 cli_testcase(1003, [cbc,private], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 127, '-p', 'MININT', -128,
1494 %sc
1495 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/sc-SCAddCat_SP_4.prob',
1496 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/sc-SCAddCat_SP_22.prob',
1497 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/sc-SCSetLevel_DNF_3.prob',
1498 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/sc-SCSetSC_DNF_3.prob',
1499 %bank
1500 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/bank-CerrarCaja_SP_12.prob',
1501 %banco G
1502 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/bancoG-Withdraw_NR_18.prob',
1503 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/bancoG-Withdraw_NR_2.prob',
1504 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/bancoG-Withdraw_NR_24.prob',
1505 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/bancoG-Withdraw_NR_25.prob',
1506 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/bancoG-Withdraw_NR_4.prob',
1507 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/bancoG-Withdraw_NR_5.prob',
1508 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/bancoG-Withdraw_NR_8.prob',
1509 %qsee
1510 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-LoadMemory_SP_10.prob',
1511 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-LoadMemory_SP_9.prob',
1512 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-TransmitMemoryDumpAux_SP_6.prob',
1513 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-TransmitMemoryDumpAux_SP_8.prob',
1514 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-TransmitMemoryDumpOk21_SP_3.prob',
1515 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-TransmitMemoryDumpOk21_SP_6.prob',
1516 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-TransmitMemoryDumpOk21_SP_8.prob',
1517 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-TransmitScientificData_SP_16.prob',
1518 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-TransmitScientificData_SP_24.prob',
1519 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-TransmitScientificData_SP_8.prob',
1520 %plavis ; two more missing
1521 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/plavis-TransData_SP_45.prob',
1522 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/plavis-TransData_SP_52.prob',
1523 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/plavis-MemoryLoad_SP_55.prob',
1524 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/plavis-RetrieveEData_SP_23.prob',
1525 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/plavis-TransData_SP_13.prob',
1526 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/plavis-TransData_SP_24.prob',
1527 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/plavis-TransData_SP_3.prob',
1528 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/plavis-TransData_SP_31.prob',
1529 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/plavis-TransData_SP_38.prob',
1530 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/plavis-TransData_SP_39.prob',
1531 % iae
1532 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/iae-DetectReferenceEvent_NR_103.prob',
1533 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/iae-DetectReferenceEvent_NR_146.prob',
1534 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/iae-DetectReferenceEvent_NR_148.prob',
1535 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/iae-DetectReferenceEvent_NR_149.prob',
1536 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/iae-DetectReferenceEvent_NR_18.prob',
1537 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/iae-DetectReferenceEvent_NR_56.prob',
1538 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/iae-DetectReferenceEvent_NR_58.prob',
1539 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/iae-DetectReferenceEvent_NR_59.prob',
1540 % sensors
1541 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/sensors-KeepMaxReading_SP_5.prob'
1542 %,'-expcterr', 'eval_string_enum_warning'
1543 ], 'SetLog tests some originally succeeding tests').
1544 cli_testcase(1004, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/RefinementChecking/CCounterErr_mch.eventb', '-cbc_refinement', '-expcterr', cbc_refinement], '').
1545 cli_testcase(1005, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/RefinementChecking/CCounter_mch.eventb', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1546 cli_testcase(1006, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/RefinementChecking/CEnterLeave_mch.eventb', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1547 cli_testcase(1007, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/RefinementChecking/CEnterLeaveErr1_mch.eventb', '-cbc_refinement', '-expcterr', cbc_refinement], '').
1548 cli_testcase(1008, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/RefinementChecking/CEnterLeave_Rename_mch.eventb', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1549 cli_testcase(1009, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/RefinementChecking/CMergeErr_mch.eventb', '-cbc_refinement', '-expcterr', cbc_refinement, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
1550 cli_testcase(1010, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/RefinementChecking/CMerge_mch.eventb', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1551 cli_testcase(1011, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['./distribution_examples/Refinement/ServerR.ref', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1552 cli_testcase(1012, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['./distribution_examples/Refinement/ServerR_wrong.ref', '-cbc_refinement', '-expcterr', cbc_refinement], '').
1553 cli_testcase(1013, [cbc_refinement,imp,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/ConcreteVars/MI.imp', '-cbc_refinement'], 'CBC refinement check on implementation').
1554 cli_testcase(1014, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/FibMemo.mch', '-mc', 120, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'deadlock', '-cc', 100, 99], 'Test that no CLPFD overflow occurs'). % no warning is generated for clpfd overflows at the moment; so the test is not really that useful
1555 cli_testcase(1015, [cbc_refinement,imp,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Copy/ReturnEqualI.imp', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1556 cli_testcase(1016, [cbc_refinement,imp,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Division/DivisionImplOk.imp', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1557 cli_testcase(1017, [cbc_refinement,imp,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Division/DivisionImplWrongCondition.imp', '-cbc_refinement', '-expcterr', cbc_refinement], '').
1558 cli_testcase(1018, [b_test,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/Schedular/Schedular1.mch', '-refchk', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/Schedular/Schedular0_refine_spec.P', '-expcterr', 'refinement_check_fails', '-strict'], 'Checking for expected refinement error. Example taken from the paper: Automatic Refinement Checking for B.').
1559 cli_testcase(1019, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/FTP/FileTransfer1.ref', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1560 cli_testcase(1020, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/FTP/FileTransfer2.ref', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1561 cli_testcase(1021, [cbc_refinement,imp,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Mul/MulImp.imp', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1562 cli_testcase(1022, [cbc_refinement,imp,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Mul/MulImpErr.imp', '-cbc_refinement', '-expcterr', cbc_refinement], '').
1563 cli_testcase(1023, [cbc_refinement,imp,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Power/AExpBImpl.imp', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1564 cli_testcase(1024, [cbc_refinement,imp,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Simple10/Simple10Imp.imp', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1565 cli_testcase(1025, [cbc_refinement,imp,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Simple10/Simple10ImpErr.imp', '-cbc_refinement', '-expcterr', cbc_refinement, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], '').
1566 cli_testcase(1026, [cbc_refinement,imp,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Simple10/Simple10ImpErr2.imp', '-cbc_refinement', '-expcterr', cbc_refinement], '').
1567 cli_testcase(1027, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/ServerR.ref', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1568 cli_testcase(1028, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/ServerR_wrong.ref', '-cbc_refinement', '-expcterr', cbc_refinement], '').
1569 cli_testcase(1029, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/SwapR.ref', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1570 cli_testcase(1030, [b_test,infinite,sequences, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FunctionalProgramming/SequenceTheory.mch', '-t', '-assertions'], 'Check infinite functions and sets').
1571 cli_testcase(1031, [b_test,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DeferredSetAndConstants.mch', '-init',
1572 '-evalt', 'ID3=3 & ID1:ID2 & ID0:ID2 & (xx=ID5 => not(xx=ID6)) & (xx=ID6 => not(xx=ID5))'],'Check that name clashes between deferred set ids and other ids handled gracefully').
1573 cli_testcase(1032, [csp_test,refusal_trace_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/RefusalBasedRefinement/RefusalBasedRefinement_DIV.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'],'Simple test case for refusals-divergence based refinement checking (CSP).').
1574 cli_testcase(1033, [dot], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', '-bf', '-mc', 1000, '-strict', '-dotexpr', transition_diagram, 'card(active)',
1575 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler_transition_diagram.dot',
1576 '-p', 'DOT_LOOPS', 'FALSE' % added 7/11/2023
1577 ],'Check Transition Diagram for Expression.').
1578 cli_testcase(1034, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/leuschel4/SetBecomeElementOf.mch', '-t'], 'check no error with ::').
1579 cli_testcase(1035, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/SubstSetInTests.mch', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD' ,'TRUE', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE'], 'check no error with ::').
1580 cli_testcase(1036, [tickets,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/LargeRelationSetTests.mch', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD' ,'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE'], 'check no residue in symbolic mode due to lambda_res projected away').
1581 cli_testcase(1037, [b_test], ['-evalt', '{x|x**4 = 160000}={-20,20}', '-evalt', '{x|x**3 = -125000} = {-50}', '-evalt', 'x**4 = y & y=160000', '-evalt', '{x,y|x**4 = y & y:140000..160004}={(-20|->160000),(20|->160000)}', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'Ensure exponentation constraint propagation.').
1582 cli_testcase(1038, [b_test], ['-evalt', 'x mod 100000 >= 99999',
1583 '-evalf', 'x mod 100000 > 99999',
1584 '-evalt', '(x+2) mod 100000 >= 99999',
1585 '-evalt', '(x-2) mod 100000 >= 99999 & x>2',
1586 '-evalt', '{x,y|x mod y = x & y : 10..11 & x>0 & x+3>y}={(8|->10),(9|->10),(9|->11),(10|->11)}',
1587 '-evalt', 'x:NATURAL & x mod 10000 = 9999',
1588 '-evalt', 'x:NATURAL & x mod 10000 = 998',
1589 '-evalf', 'x:NATURAL & x mod 10000 = 10000',
1590 '-evalf', 'x:NATURAL & x mod 10000 = 10001',
1591 '-evalt', '{X|X:1..20 & X**8 = 256} = {2}',
1592 '-evalt', '{X|X:1..20 & X**9 = 256} = {}',
1593 '-evalt', '{X,Y,Z|X:1..20 & Y : 8..9 & Z : 255..513 & X**Y = Z} = {(2,8,256),(2,9,512)}',
1594 '-evalt', '{X,Y,Z|X:1..20 & Y : 8..9 & Z : 1..513 & X**Y = Z} = {((1|->8)|->1),((1|->9)|->1),((2|->8)|->256),((2|->9)|->512)}',
1595 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'
1596 %, '-expcterr', eval_string_enum_warning
1597 ], 'Ensure modulo constraint propagation.').
1598 cli_testcase(1039, [cbc_refinement,imp,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/MaxDevelopment/MaxImp.imp', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1599 cli_testcase(1040, [cbc_refinement,imp,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/MaxDevelopment/MaxImpVector.imp', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1600 cli_testcase(1041, [cbc_refinement,wd,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/MaxDevelopment/MaxR.ref', '-cbc_refinement', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'], 'Max is applied to an empty set here - wd error in constraint solver').
1601 cli_testcase(1042, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/MaxDevelopment/MaxR2.ref', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
1602 cli_testcase(1043, [pge], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CAN_BUS_tlc.mch', '-mc', '1000000', '-bf', '-p', pge, full,
1603 '-get_coverage_information', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CAN_BUS_tlc.cov',
1604 '-strict'],
1605 'Testing for identical coverage information after the PGE optimization.').
1606 cli_testcase(1044, [pge], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/EventB/EventB_Projekt/lift_solution.mch', '-mc', '1000000', '-bf', '-p', pge, full, '-p', timeout_cbc_analysis, 60000, '-get_coverage_information', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/EventB/EventB_Projekt/lift_solution_Coverage_pge.txt', '-strict'], 'Testing for identical coverage information after the PGE optimization.').
1607 cli_testcase(1045, [pge_fast,private], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Deploy/Bosch/CruiseControl/CrsCtl_m4.eventb', '-mc', '1000000', '-bf', '-p', pge, full, '-get_coverage_information', '../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Deploy/Bosch/CruiseControl/CrsCtl_m4_Coverage_pge.txt', '-strict', '-expecterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Testing for identical coverage information after the PGE optimization.').
1608 cli_testcase(1046, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/PruningActionsTest2.mch', '-mc', '1000000', '-noinv', '-p', 'por', ample_sets, '-expcterr', deadlock, '-strict'], 'POR test (deadlock).').
1609 cli_testcase(1047, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/ActivatingDepAction.mch', '-mc', '1000000', '-nodead', '-p', 'por', ample_sets, '-expcterr', invariant_violation, '-strict'], 'POR test (invariant violation).').
1610 cli_testcase(1048, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Georghe1/seq_m_mch_concrete_constants.eventb', '-mc', '100', '-expecterr', 'deadlock', '-expecterr', 'event_error:append:action_not_executable'], 'Can now also be initialized with ProB and enumeration_warning exception detection.').
1611 cli_testcase(1049, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Georghe1/seq_m_mch_abstract_constants.eventb', '-mc', '100', '-expecterr', 'deadlock', '-expecterr', 'event_error:append:action_not_executable'], 'Same as 1048, no with abstract constants - should not time out').
1612 cli_testcase(1050, [eventb_test,cbc,private], ['../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance_WP2/SubstationMeter_2603_2013.eventb', '-cbc', 'all', '-strict'], 'Test that proof info correctly used; machine fully proven.').
1613 cli_testcase(1051, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/FinitenessLaws.mch', '-init', '-assertions', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Various laws about finitness of sets.').
1614 cli_testcase(1052, [eventb_test,cbc,private], ['../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance_WP2/SubstationMeter_finite_mch.eventb', '-strict', '-mc', 50, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test multi-level animation.').
1615 % generates many "Keeping comprehension-set symbolic" messages due to assignment in confirm event:
1616 % quoted := quoted |>> {a|->c|->d|->e|a : NAT & (c : NAT1 & (d : NAT1 & (e : NAT & a = prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER)(prj1(INTEGER*INTEGER,INTEGER)(prj1((INTEGER*INTEGER)*INTEGER,INTEGER)(quoted(reqid)))))))}
1617 cli_testcase(1054, [b_test, let], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/NestedAnys.mch', '-t', '-mc', 100, '-cc', 6, 7], 'Check LET extraction').
1618 cli_testcase(1055, [csp_test,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ucsexamples/chapter04/abp.csp','-assertions','-strict'], 'Checking CSP-M assertions.').
1619 cli_testcase(1056, [csp_test,refusal_trace_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Williams/vg.csp','-assertions','-strict'], 'Checking CSP-M assertions of refusal trace refinements.').
1620 cli_testcase(1057, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/LoopPartition/bug.eventb', '-init','-expecterr', 'setup_constants_fails'], 'Check that partition(SET,{A},{B},{A,B}) does not lead to a loop in find_inequal_global_set_identifiers').
1621 cli_testcase(1058, [csp_test,refusal_trace_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsCSP/protocol_short.csp','-assertions','-t','-strict'], 'Expanding partial constructors inside of closures (see declaration: Network_Data_Fwd = {| CData |} in file).').
1622 cli_testcase(1059, [b_test,card], ['-evalt', '{X,F|bool(X /\\ {1} = {} & X \\/ {1} = 1..50000)=F & F:{TRUE,FALSE} & F=bool({1} <: {2,1})} = { (2..50000,TRUE) }',
1623 '-evalt', '{X,F|bool(X /\\ {1} = {} & X \\/ {1} = 1..50000)=F & F:{TRUE,FALSE} & F=bool({1} <: {2,1})} <<: { (2..50000,TRUE), ({},TRUE) }',
1624 '-evalt', 'card(%(X,F).(bool(X /\\ {1} = {} & X \\/ {1} = 1..50000)=F & F:{TRUE,FALSE} & F=bool({1} <: {2,1})|F))=1',
1625 '-evalt', '{X| X /\\ {1} = {} & X \\/ {1} = 1..20} = {2..20}'], 'Check partition detection inside expressions').
1626 cli_testcase(1060, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/PartitionDetection.mch', '-t'], 'Check partition detection inside substitutions').
1627 cli_testcase(1061, [b_test], ['-evalt', '#f.(f : 1..11 --> 1..10 & dom(f~) = 1..10)', '-evalt', '#f.(f:1..49 -->> 1..49)', '-evalf', '#f.(f:1..19 -->> 1..20)',
1628 '-evalt', '#f.(f : 1..10 --> 1..10 & ran(f) = 1..10)'],'Check that range/domain/-->> scale properly').
1629 cli_testcase(1062, [b_test,infinite], ['-evalt', '#(i,f).(i = %x.(x:INTEGER|x+1) & f = (i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i) & 2008 = f(2000))', '-evalt', '#(i,f).(i = %x.(x:INTEGER|x*x) & f = (i;i) & f[{1,2,4,8,101}]={1,2**4,4**4,8**4,104060401})',
1630 '-evalt', '#(i,m,f).(i = %x.(x:INTEGER|x+1) & m = %y.(y:NATURAL|y*y) & f = (i;m;i) & 1+2001**2 = f(2000))',
1631 '-evalt', 'i = %(x,y).(x:INTEGER&y:INTEGER|x+y) & m = %y.(y:NATURAL|y*y) & f = (i;m) & 2500 = f(20,30)',
1632 '-evalt', 'i = %(x,y).(x:INTEGER&y:INTEGER|x+y) & m = %y.(y:NATURAL1|bool(y>100)) & f = (i;m) & TRUE = f(20,90)',
1633 '-evalt', 'poly = %(x,y,z).(x:INTEGER&y:INTEGER&z:INTEGER|x*x+y*y+z*z) & dec = %v.(v:NATURAL1|v-1) & f = (poly ; dec) & f(1,2,3)=13',
1634 '-evalt', 'max0 = %x.(x<:INTEGER|max(x)-1) & inc = %v.(v:INTEGER|v+1) & m = (max0;inc) & m(1..100 \\/ {4321})=4321',
1635 '-evalt', 'max0 = %x.(x<:INTEGER|max(x)-2) & inc = %v.(v:INTEGER|v+1) & is=%s.(s<:INTEGER|inc[s]) & m = (is;max0;inc) & m(1..100 \\/ {4321})=4321'
1636 ],'Check that relational composition of infinite function works').
1637 cli_testcase(1063, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/FeatureTests/ThmInGuard_mch.eventb', '-mc', 100, '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test that theorem in guards can be loaded.').
1638 cli_testcase(1064, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/FeatureTests/EventWithSlash_mch.eventb', '-mc', 100, '-expcterr', invariant_violation, '-strict'], 'Test that slash in Event Name does not cause problems.').
1640 cli_testcase(1065, [b_test], ['-evalt', '{X,Y,Z,V,W,A,B,C} = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} & X>Y & Y>Z & Z>V & V>W & W>A & A>B & B>C',
1641 '-evalf', '{X,Y,Z,V,W,A,B,C} = {1,2,3,4,5,7,8} & X>Y & Y>Z & Z>V & V>W & W>A & A>B & B>C'], 'Test that constraint propagation for set extension works').
1643 cli_testcase(1066, [b_test,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/GCD.mch', '-init',
1644 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 128,
1645 '-evalt', 'half(201)=100',
1646 '-evalnwd', 'gcd({10,15})', % this one is not well defined
1647 '-evalt', 'gcdc({1000,750})=250'], 'Check that expression values enumerated'). % gcd({10,15}) requires enumeration of result value
1649 cli_testcase(1067, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', '-cbc_sequence', 'new;del', '-cbc_sequence', 'new;ready', '-cbc_sequence', 'new;ready,swap'], 'Check that constraints can be solved').
1650 cli_testcase(1068, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', '-cbc_sequence', 'new;del;del', '-expcterr', cbc_sequence_no_solution_found], 'Check that constraints cannot be solved').
1651 cli_testcase(1069, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', '-cbc_tests', 3, '1=1', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler_cbc_tests.xml'], 'Check that full coverage can be achieved').
1652 cli_testcase(1070, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/InvolvedSequences.mch', '-cbc_sequence', 'BookFlight;BookHotel;BookReturnFlight', '-cbc_sequence', 'BookFlight;BookReturnFlight;BookHotel;BookHotel'], 'Check that constraints can be solved').
1653 cli_testcase(1071, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/InvolvedSequences2.mch', '-cbc_sequence', 'Op1;Op2;Op3;Target3', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Check that constraints can be solved').
1654 cli_testcase(1072, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/InvolvedSequences2.mch', '-cbc_tests', 2, '1=1', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/InvolvedSequences2_cbc_tests.xml', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'cbc_tests'], 'Check that coverage cannot be achieved').
1655 cli_testcase(1073, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/InvolvedSequences2.mch', '-cbc_tests', 4, '1=1', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/InvolvedSequences2_cbc_tests.xml', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Check that full coverage can be achieved').
1656 cli_testcase(1074, [cbc,tla,smt_test,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/SumAndProduct/Merz/SumAndProductTransition.tla', '-cbc_sequence', 'Step2;Step3;Step4', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE' ], 'Check cbc sequence on TLA example').
1657 cli_testcase(1075, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SetLogInefficiencies4.mch', '-init', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 128, '-assertions'], 'Check that ProB deals well with certain examples which Setlog cannot deal with').
1658 cli_testcase(1076, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/VariableCaptureComprSet.mch', '-cbc' ,'all', '-expcterr', 'cbc', '-assertions', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-mc', 100, '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check that variable capture problems do not confuse ProB').
1660 cli_testcase(1077, [b_test,closure1,card], ['-evalt', '{y|#(r,r2).({x,y|x<y} = r & r2 = (r;r) & 20|->y : r2 & y|->25 : r2)} = (22..23)',
1661 '-evalf', '{y|#(r,r2).({x,y|x<y} = r & r2 = (r;r) & 20|->y : r2 & y|->25 : r2)} = (22..24)',
1662 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:NATURAL|x+x) & f2 = (f;f) & i = f2[1..n] & card(i)=n & min(i)=4 & max(i)=4*n & n=5000',
1663 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:NATURAL|x+x) & f2 = (f;f) & f4 = (f2;f2) & i = f4[1..n] & card(i)=n & min(i)=16 & max(i)=16*n & n=2000',
1664 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:NATURAL|x+x) & f2 = (f;f) & r1 = {x,y|x:1..n & y:{x,x+1}} & comp = {x,z|#y.(x|->y:r1 & y|->z:f2)} & comp2 = (r1 ; f2) & comp=comp2 & n=1000 & card(comp2) = 2*n & max(ran(comp2))=4*(n+1)',
1665 '-evalt', 'half = {x,y|y+y=x} & card(half[1024 .. xx] \\/ (closure1(half) ; half)[1024 .. xx])=10 & xx=1024',
1666 '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'
1667 , '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 7000 % TEMPORARILY INCREASE TIME OUT: TO DO investigate why r1 = {x,y|x:1..n & y:{x,x+1}} & comp = {x,z|#y.(x|->y:r1 & z=y+y+y+y)} & n=1000 & max(ran(comp))=4*(n+1) is much slower since frozen_dif_aux checks for int_plus4
1668 ], 'Test that symbolic relational composition works').
1669 cli_testcase(1078, [private,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/PerformanceIssue_Apr13/TOP3_CONC_def7_obs_original.mch', '-init' ,'-aa', 0,1,0, '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE'], 'Check that performance issue related to symbolic relational composition solved').
1670 cli_testcase(1079, [cbc,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/SumAndProduct/Merz/SumAndProductCst.mch', '-assertions', '-init', '-det_check', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE' , '-p' ,'TIME_OUT', 12000], 'Check solving on example with nested set comprehensions').
1671 cli_testcase(1080, [b_test,closure1], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelClosureLaws.mch', '-init' ,'-assertions', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Check various assertions about relational composition and closure1').
1672 cli_testcase(1081, [b_test,closure1], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelClosureLaws.mch', '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-mc', 20, '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Check various assertions about relational composition and closure1').
1673 cli_testcase(1082, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/TUBerlin/Interleaving.csp','-assertions','-strict'], 'Checking CSP-M assertions.').
1674 cli_testcase(1083, [tickets,data_validation], ['-evalt', 'adii = %ii.(ii : INTEGER +-> {FALSE,TRUE}|(ii |>> {FALSE})) & afq = {y,z|z : BOOL & (y : {(0|->1)}[{m}] & z = FALSE)} & afs = adii(afq)', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE',
1675 '-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE' %, '-expcterr' , eval_string_enum_warning
1676 ],'ensure no avl_set(empty) is generated anymore').
1677 cli_testcase(1084, [cbc,card], ['-evalt', 'r:INTEGER<->INTEGER & dom(r)=2..20',
1678 '-evalt', 'r:INTEGER<->BOOL & dom(r)=2..50',
1679 '-evalt', 'r:INTEGER<->INTEGER & ran(r)=2..50',
1680 %'-evalt', 'r:INTEGER<->INTEGER & ran(r)=2..16 & card(r)>=15',
1681 %'-evalt', 'r:INTEGER<->INTEGER & dom(r)=2..16 & card(r)>=15',
1682 '-evalt', 'r:INTEGER<->INTEGER & dom(r)=10002..10016',
1683 '-evalt', 'r:INTEGER<->INTEGER & ran(r)=10002..10016',
1684 '-evalt', 'card({r|r:INTEGER<->INTEGER & dom(r)=61..64 & card(r)=4 & ran(r) = 55..56})=14',
1685 '-evalt', 'card({r|r:INTEGER<->INTEGER & dom(r)=9961..9964 & card(r)=4 & ran(r) = 2155..2158})=24',
1686 '-evalt', 'card({r|r:INTEGER<->INTEGER & dom(r)=61..64 & card(r)=4 & ran(r) = 155..159})=0',
1687 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE' %, '-expcterr', eval_string_enum_warning
1688 ],'ensure proper constraint-solving for domain/range').
1689 cli_testcase(1085, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance/DoorLockSystem/LOCKSR2_mch.eventb', '-mc', 100, '-cc', 24, 32, '-vacuity_check', '-expcterr', vacuity_check, '-strict'], 'Checking vacuity_check command').
1690 cli_testcase(1086, [csp_test, cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/clpfd_tests/SetComprehensionCBC.csp','-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-assertions','-strict', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000], % increase timeout for windows
1691 'Checking CSP-M assertions (CBC test case).'). % was skipped in 2013 188167bc320f854a4634146299c3f19278047c8e
1692 cli_testcase(1087, [b_test,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/InfiniteIntersection.mch', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-init', '-assertions'], 'Check we can take intersection with infinite sets').
1693 cli_testcase(1088, [cbc,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/phonebook7.mch','-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1694 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, % increased time-out after change of pfun enumeration priority; TO DO: fix
1695 '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', % added SMT option after adding wait flag for propagate_result_to_input in domain_wf in bsets_clp
1696 '-cbc', 'all','-strict'], 'Check that we do not time-out (due to delaying normalisation of variables).').
1697 cli_testcase(1089, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/InfiniteIntersection2.mch', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'FALSE','-init', '-assertions'], 'Check ProB now detects even/odd automatically as symbolic').
1698 cli_testcase(1090, [b_test,infinite,sigma,union], [
1699 '-evalt', 'f = {x,y,z| x*x + y*y = z*z} & {y|(3,4,y):f} = {-5,5}',
1700 '-evalt', 's = {x,y,z| z:seq(NATURAL) & x^y=z} & {v|([1111,2222,3333,4444],[99999,8888],v):s} = {[1111,2222,3333,4444,99999,8888]}',
1701 '-evalt', 's = {x,y| x<:POW(NATURAL) & union(x)=y & SIGMA(z).(z:y|z)>1000} & s({{890},{},{1,199}}) = res & SIGMA(v).(v:res|v)=1090',
1702 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'],'ensure ProB detects certain relations as infinite automatically').
1703 cli_testcase(1091, [csp_test, csp_det,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/Ivo/AgentCurry.csp', '-assertions','-strict'], 'Checking CSP-M assertions (agent curry calls).').
1704 cli_testcase(1092, [csp_test, csp_det,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ucsexamples/chapter06/commsec.csp', '-assertions','-strict'], 'Checking CSP-M assertions (agent curry calls).').
1705 cli_testcase(1093, [b_test,infinite,override,sigma,union,card], [
1706 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:NATURAL|x+x) & g = f <+ {0|->1} & g(0)=res0 & g(111)=res1',
1707 '-evalt', 'f = {x,y|x:NATURAL & y=x+x or y=x*x} & g = f <+ {0|->111,222|->1024} & union({res|g[{222}] =res})=rr222 & union({res|g[{1000}] =res}) = rr1000 & card(rr222)=1 & card(rr1000)=2 & SIGMA(z).(z:rr1000|z)=1002000',
1708 '-evalt', 'r1 = {x,y|x*x<y & (x+1)*(x+1)>y} & r2 = %z.(z>20|z) & r12 = r1 <+ r2 & (21,x21):r12 & {x10|10|->x10 : r12}=r10 & SIGMA(v).(v:r10|v)+x21=2231',
1709 '-evalt', 'r1 = {x,y|x*x<y & (x+1)*(x+1)>y} & r2 = %z.(z>20|z) & r21 = r2 <+ r1 & {x|21|->x : r21}=x21 & x21 = ((21*21)+1)..((22*22)-1)',
1710 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'],'ensure symbolic treatment of override').
1711 cli_testcase(1094, [tickets, proz], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Tickets/Thompson1/System.fuzz', '-init', '-eval', 'map={}','-strict'], 'Checking CSP-M assertions (agent curry calls).').
1712 cli_testcase(1095, [b_test,cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/BZTT/GSM_revue.mch', '-t', '-mc', 3000, '-cc', 1850, 53594, '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Checking old BZTT example.').
1713 cli_testcase(1096, [b_test,cbc,smt_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/BZTT/GSM_revue.mch', '-cbc', all, '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], 'Checking old BZTT example.').
1714 cli_testcase(1097, [tickets,eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-292/MTool1__04.eventb', '-mc', 100, '-expcterr', invariant_violation, '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'TRUE'], 'Check that proof info not confused by event extending itself (PROB-292)').
1715 cli_testcase(1098, [tickets,tla,tlc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen4/Test.mch', '-state_trace', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen4/Test.tla.trace'], 'Check that state_trace works with constants').
1716 cli_testcase(1099, [b_test,card,infinite], [ '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1500,
1717 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic*/ {x,y|x:0..2**32 & x mod 2 =0 & y=x*x} & f(x) = 10000',
1718 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic*/ {x,y|x:0..2**132 & x mod 2 =0 & y=x*x} & f(x) = 10000',
1719 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic*/ {x,y|x:0..2**25 & x mod 2 =0 & y=x*x} & {r|f(r) = 10000}=res & card(res)=1 & #vv.(vv:res &vv=100)',
1720 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'],'ensure detection of large set comprehensions'). % TO DO: see if we can it to work again without symbolic
1721 cli_testcase(1100, [b_test,card], [
1722 '-evalt', 'r = {(111,2222),(333,4444)} & s = (2000..2001)*{v|v>3000} & x : (r||s)',
1723 '-evalt', 'card(((1..100)*(50..60) || (2..30)*(20..22))) = 95700',
1724 '-evalt', 'card(((1..100)*(50..60) || (2..30)*(23..22)))=0',
1725 '-evalt', '(((1..10)*(50..60) || (2..30)*(23..24)))~ = (((50..60)*(1..10) || (23..24)*(2..30)))',
1726 '-evalt', 'card(((1..1000)*(50..60) || (2..30)*(20..22))) = 957000',
1727 '-evalt', 'card(((1..n)*(50..60) || (2..30)*(20..22))) = 957*n & n=10',
1728 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE' %, '-expcterr', 'eval_string_enum_warning'
1729 ],'ensure symbolic treatment of parallel product works').
1731 cli_testcase(1101, [private,data_validation,infinite,union],[
1732 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578.EML.014/360_002.mch',
1733 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578.EML.014/380_002.mch',
1734 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578.EML.014/612_001.mch',
1735 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578.EML.014/019_100_corrected.mch',
1736 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578.EML.014/CF_TVD_8.mch',
1737 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578.EML.014/CF_CBTC_TER_1.mch',
1738 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578.EML.014/CF_ZMA_PRUD_1.mch',
1739 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578.EML.014/CF_ZMA_PRUD_7.mch',
1740 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '11000', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'FALSE', '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', '0', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE', '-init', '-assertions',
1741 '-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'FALSE', % changed to FALSE to reduce output
1742 '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', '-strict'],
1743 'check data validation tasks with infinite sets').
1744 cli_testcase(1102, [private,data_validation,infinite],[
1745 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578.EML.014/019_100.mch',
1746 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '9000', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'FALSE', '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', '0', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE', '-init', '-aa', 12,1,0,'-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'TRUE', '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', '-strict'],
1747 'check data validation tasks with infinite sets').
1748 cli_testcase(1103, [private,data_validation,infinite],[
1749 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578.EML.014/435_002.mch',
1750 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '9000', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'FALSE', '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', '0', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE', '-init', '-aa', 0,1,0,'-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'TRUE', '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', '-strict'],
1751 'check data validation tasks with infinite sets').
1752 cli_testcase(1104, [b_test, let,quantified,union,card], [
1753 '-evalt', 'INTER(x , y,z ).(x=1..y & y=5&z=2|x) = {1,2,3,4,5}',
1754 '-evalt', 'UNION(x , y,z ).(x=1..y & y=5&z=2|x) = {1,2,3,4,5}',
1755 '-evalt', 'UNION(x , y ).(x=1..y & y=20|x)=1..20',
1756 '-evalt', 'UNION(beu).(beu=1|{2}) = {2}',
1757 '-evalt', 'UNION(xx).(xx<:55..60|xx) = 55..60',
1758 '-evalt', 'UNION(x , y ).(x=1..y & y=20&v<10|x)=r & v=20 & r={}',
1759 '-evalt', 'UNION(x , y ).(x=1..y & y=20&v<10|x)=r & v=5 & r=1..20',
1760 '-evalt', 'UNION(x).(x=1 & x>2|{1}) = {}',
1761 '-evalf', 'card(UNION(x).(x=1 & x>2|{1}))>0',
1762 '-evalt', 'UNION(x).(x=1 & (x>2 or x<3)|{x}) = {1}',
1763 '-evalt', 'UNION(x,y).(x=1 & (x>2 or x<y) & y:0..3|{x|->y}) = {(1|->2),(1|->3)}',
1764 '-evalt', 'UNION(x,y).(x=y & y=x+1 & x:1..100|{x|->y}) = {}',
1765 '-evalt', 'UNION(x,y).(x=1 & y:1..2|{x+y}) = {2,3}',
1766 '-evalt', 'INTER(x,y).(x=1 & y:1..2|{x+y}) = {}',
1767 '-evalt', 'INTER(x,y).(x=1 & y:1..2|{x+y,x+y+1})={3}',
1768 '-evalt', 'INTER(x,y,z).(x=1000 & z=x+1000 & y:1..2|{x+y+z,x+y+z+1}) = {3002}',
1769 '-evalf', '!(x,y).(x=1 & y:(x+1)..(x+19) => y+y<30)',
1770 '-evalt', '!(x,y).(x=1 & y:(x+1)..(x+19) => y+y<42)',
1771 '-evalt', '!x.(x=100 & x>200 => x>999)',
1772 '-evalt', '!x.(x=100 & x>50 => x>99)',
1773 '-evalf', '!x.(x=100 & x>50 => x>100)',
1774 '-evalt', '!(x,y,z,v).(x=10 & y=20 & z=x+y & v:x..z => v:NATURAL1)',
1775 '-evalt', 'f = {1|->2} & !e.(2:dom(f) & e=f(2) => e>100)',
1776 '-evalf', 'f = {1|->2} & !e.(1:dom(f) & e=f(1) => e>100)',
1777 '-evalf', 'f = {1|->2} & !e.(e=f(1) => e>100)',
1778 '-evalt', 'f = {1|->200} & !e.(e=f(1) => e>199)'
1779 ],'ensure UNION/INTER can be dealt with by typechecker, + LET introduction works correctly...').
1780 cli_testcase(1105,[private, data_validation,alstom,codespeed],[
1781 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/sgd_Jun11/vital_gradient_v3/vital_gradient_optimized.mch',
1782 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', '2147483647', '-p', 'MININT', '-2147483648', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '35000', '-t'],
1783 'check that trace can be replayed').
1784 cli_testcase(1106, [b_test,recursion,external,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/PrimitiveRecursiveFunctions.mch',
1785 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/SumTLA.mch',
1786 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/TransitiveClosureFunction.mch',
1787 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/TransitiveClosureFunctionIFTE.mch',
1788 '-assertions', '-strict', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'FALSE'], 'Test that other recursive functions work.').
1789 cli_testcase(1107, [ltl,csp_test,refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/RefusalBasedRefinement/RefusalBasedRefinement_simple.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'],'Check LTL formulas with the \'Av(-)\'-operator from File.').
1790 cli_testcase(1108, [b_test,sigma,card,forall], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1791 '-evalt', 'bool(!(x,y).(x:1..400000 & y:1..x => x>=y)) /= bool(!(x,y).(x:1..400000 & y:1..x => x>y))',
1792 '-evalt', 'bool(!x.(x:POW(1..100) & card(x)>1 => SIGMA(y).(y:x|y)>3)) = bool(!x.(x:POW(1..100) & card(x)>1 => SIGMA(y).(y:x|y)<200))',
1793 % we wrap into bool to avoid top-level rewriting of !
1794 '-evalt', '!(x,y).(x:1..400000 & y:1..x => x>=y)',
1795 '-evalf', '!(x,y).(x:1..400000 & y:1..x => x>y)',
1796 '-evalf', '!x.(x:POW(1..100) & card(x)>1 => SIGMA(y).(y:x|y)>3)',
1797 '-evalf', '!x.(x:POW(1..100) & card(x)>1 => SIGMA(y).(y:x|y)<200)',
1798 '-strict'], 'Check that forall can now deal with large domains').
1799 cli_testcase(1109, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio3/BV16_DEFINITION.mch', '-strict', '-init', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1800 '-evalf', '!(vec).( vec : BIT_VECTOR => size (vec)<=16)',
1801 '-evalt', 'bool(!(vec).( vec : BIT_VECTOR => size (vec)<=16))=bool(!(vec).( vec : BIT_VECTOR => size (vec)<=2))'
1802 %,'-expcterr', 'eval_string_enum_warning'
1803 ], 'Check that ProB now detects this quantification to be false'). % previously it was not detected due to limited enumeration
1804 cli_testcase(1110, [ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/PruningActionsTest2.mch', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'], 'Checking independency of actions by means of LTL Formulas.').
1805 cli_testcase(1111, [tickets,quantified,union],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/UNION_PerfTest.mch',
1806 '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-assertions' ,'-p' ,'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1807 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000], 'Ensure symbolic ran closure can be expanded efficiently').
1808 cli_testcase(1112, [tickets,alstom],['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/cbtc/params_cbtc.mch',
1809 '-init' ,'-p' ,'IGNORE_PRJ_TYPES', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '3500'], 'Ensure symbolic ran closure can be expanded efficiently').
1810 cli_testcase(1113, [b_test,card], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1811 '-evalt', 'card({x|#y.(y:111..112 & x = {{y*y}})}) = 2',
1812 '-evalt', 'card({x|#y.(y:111..112 & x = {{{{{y*y}}}}})}) = 2',
1813 '-evalt', 'card({x|#y.(y:POW(BOOL) & card(y)=1 & x = ({(y,TRUE)},TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE))}) =2',
1814 '-evalt', '{x|#y.(y:POW(BOOL) & card(y)=1 & x = {(y,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE)})} = {{((({FALSE}|->TRUE)|->FALSE)|->TRUE)},{((({TRUE}|->TRUE)|->FALSE)|->TRUE)}}',
1815 '-evalt', '{x,y|#z.(z:{1024,2048,4096} & x=z+z & y={{z*z}})} = {(2048|->{{1048576}}),(4096|->{{4194304}}),(8192|->{{16777216}})}',
1816 '-evalt', '{x|#z.(z:1..2**20 & x=z & x+z<100)} = 1..49',
1817 '-strict'], 'Check closures with top-level existential quantifiers').
1818 cli_testcase(1114, [tickets,csp_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/315/ANN_Neuron.csp',
1819 '-t' , '-mc', 200, '-check_complete', '-cc', 26, 42], 'Ensure ticket remains fixed').
1820 cli_testcase(1115, [tickets,eventb_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Ticket_ThmGuard/M2_mch.eventb',
1821 '-t' , '-mc', 200, '-check_complete'], 'Ensure theorem in guards work').
1822 cli_testcase(1116, [dot,eventb_test,dot],['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/UnicodeIds_mch.eventb',
1823 '-mc', 200, '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-dot', 'state_space', '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/UnicodeIds_spdot.dot'], 'Ensure Unicode characters work in Dot export').
1824 cli_testcase(1117, [tickets],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Srivastava1/Total_M1.mch',
1825 '-t' , '-strict'], 'Ensure that expensive arg in relations check not computed').
1826 cli_testcase(1118, [eventb_test, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/ClosureTest.eventb','-assertions','-strict','-cc',2,1], 'Check if the closure definition works').
1827 cli_testcase(1119, [csp_test,cspb], ['-expecterr','deadlock','../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Tickets/Bauer/machine.mch','-csp-guide','../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Tickets/Bauer/machine.csp','-mc',1000,'-his','../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Tickets/Bauer/machine_his.txt','-his_option','show_states','-strict'], 'Check if the closure definition works').
1828 cli_testcase(1120, [tickets,csp_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ErrorModels/haskell_csp/TypeErrorInChannelInput.csp', '-mc', 10, '-expcterr', 'check_channel_output_value', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred'], 'Checking for raising type error in channel input.').
1829 cli_testcase(1121, [tickets,csp_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/ComplexDataTypes.csp', '-t'], 'Checking complex input/output values for channel.').
1831 cli_testcase(1122, [private,data_validation,exists], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_14082013/410_002.mch', '-init' ,'-assertions', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE'], 'Check that WD issue inside negate exists solved').
1832 cli_testcase(1123, [tickets,exists], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/IllegalFunCalls/FunCall_Exists_correct.mch', '-init' ,'-assertions'], 'Check that WD issue inside negate exists solved').
1833 cli_testcase(1124, [tickets,wd,exists], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/IllegalFunCalls/FunCall_Exists_error.mch', '-init' ,'-assertions', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-expcterr', check_assertions], 'Check that WD issue inside negate exists solved').
1834 cli_testcase(1125, [b_test,data_validation,infinite,override], ['-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE',
1835 '-evalt', 'r=INTEGER*{3333} & s= {(1,1)} & ov = r <+ s & r1 = ov(1) & r2 = ov(2) & r3 = ov[1..3] & r3={r1}\\/{r2} & r1000=ov(1000) & r1000>3332'],
1836 'Test that override works symbolically').
1837 cli_testcase(1126, [private,data_validation,infinite,override], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_14082013/PB_00611_005.mch',
1838 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_14082013/PS_00611_006.mch',
1839 '-init' ,'-assertions', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE'], 'Check symbolic override issues solved').
1840 cli_testcase(1127, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-306/OperationCallBug.mch', '-strict', '-init',
1841 '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], 'Check type checker for wrong number of arguments in operation call').
1842 cli_testcase(1128, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-306/OperationCallBug2.mch', '-strict', '-init',
1843 '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], 'Check type checker for wrong number of results in operation call').
1844 cli_testcase(1130, [private,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_03092013/error/0050_001.mch',
1845 '-init' ,'-assertions', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 3500], 'Check bug remains solved (unification in b_compute_expression2)').
1846 cli_testcase(1131, [private,data_validation],[
1847 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_06092013/C_02_001.mch',
1848 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '11000', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'FALSE', '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', '0', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE', '-init', '-assertions', '-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'FALSE', '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', '-strict'],
1849 'check memory consumption ok').
1850 cli_testcase(1132,[csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/CSPOZ/CurriedNATupleFunNested.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Nested NA-Tuples.').
1852 cli_testcase(1133, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/demo/basin_olderog_bank.csp', '-mc', 1000, '-cc', 129, 673, '-strict'], '').
1853 cli_testcase(1134, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/AgentErrorsLetWithIn.csp', '-mc', 10, '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'general_error_occurred', '-expcterr', 'singleSetElement', '-strict'], 'Testing raising of singleSetElement error.').
1854 cli_testcase(1135, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/CSPOZ/CurriedNATupleFunNested.csp', '-assertions', '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing curry functions.').
1855 cli_testcase(1136, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/evans/KeyNETv2.csp', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-cc', 24, 23, '-assertions', '-strict'], '').
1856 cli_testcase(1137, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/DIV.csp', '-mc', '10', '-cc', 2, 3, '-strict'], 'Testing normalising of DIV |~| DIV.').
1857 cli_testcase(1138, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/SleepSetsStudyCase.mch', '-mc', 1000, '-noinv', '-expcterr', 'deadlock', '-cc',7,7, '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-strict'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction.').
1858 cli_testcase(1139, [por,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/SleepSetsStudyCase.mch', '-ltlformulat', 'F {x=1 & y=1}', '-cc',10,12, '-p', por, ample_sets,'-strict'], 'LTL Model checking with partial order reduction.').
1859 cli_testcase(1140, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/SleepSetsStudyCase.mch', '-mc', 1000, '-nodead', '-cc',11,17, '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-strict'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction (no state space reductions).').
1860 cli_testcase(1141, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/BPEL2B/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v2.eventb', '-mc', 10000, '-noinv', '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-expcterr', deadlock,'-strict'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction (deadlock check).').
1861 cli_testcase(1142, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/BPEL2B/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v3.eventb', '-mc', 10000, '-noinv', '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-expcterr', deadlock,'-strict'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction (deadlock check).').
1862 cli_testcase(1143, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/BPEL2B/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v4.eventb', '-mc', 10000, '-noinv', '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-expcterr', deadlock,'-strict'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction (deadlock check).').
1863 cli_testcase(1144, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/BPEL2B/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v5.eventb', '-mc', 10000, '-check_complete_operation_coverage', '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-min_max_coverage', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/BPEL2B/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v5_Coverage_POR.txt', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction (min...max coverage check).').
1864 cli_testcase(1145, [b_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1865 '-evalt', '{} <: (1..100000000 \\/ {-1})'],
1866 'Check that we do not compute <: if first arg {}').
1867 cli_testcase(1146, [private,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_06092013/T_032_002.mch',
1868 '-init' ,'-aa', 0,1,0, '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 11500, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1869 '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0 ], 'Check test eq_emtpy_set bug remains solved'). % increased time-out from 7500
1870 cli_testcase(1147, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/em_abs.mch', '-mc', 10000, '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-min_max_coverage', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/em_abs_Coverage_POR.txt', '-strict'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction (min...max coverage check). Peterson\'s algorithm').
1871 cli_testcase(1148, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/peterson_R.ref', '-mc', 10000, '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-check_complete_operation_coverage', '-min_max_coverage', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/peterson_R_Coverage_POR.txt', '-strict'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction (min...max coverage check). Peterson\'s algorithm').
1872 cli_testcase(1149, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/syspeterson.mch', '-mc', 10000, '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-expcterr', invariant_violation, '-strict'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction (invariant violation is expected). Peterson\'s algorithm').
1873 cli_testcase(1150, [eventb_test, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/BoolOpsTest1.eventb', '-mc', 10, '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '5', '9'], 'Checking the BoolOps theory').
1874 cli_testcase(1151, [eventb_test, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/ListTest1.eventb', '-mc', 100, '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '86', '236'], 'Checking the List theory').
1875 cli_testcase(1152, [eventb_test, theories,symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/ClosureTest1.eventb', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', nauty, '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 100, '-mc', 1000, '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '756', '4371'], 'Checking the closure theory').
1876 cli_testcase(1153, [eventb_test, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/SumProductTest1.eventb', '-mc', 100, '-nodead', '-check_complete', '-cc', '86', '85'], 'Checking the SUM and PRODUCT theory').
1877 cli_testcase(1154, [b_test,union], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1878 '-evalt', 'x : 1..1000040 \\/ {10000061} & x mod 2 = 0',
1879 '-evalt', 'x : 1..10000040 \\/ {10000061} & x mod 2 = 0',
1880 '-evalt', 'x : 1..10000040 \\/ {10000061}'
1881 % does not work yet: ,'-evalt', ' x : {-33} \/ {0} \/ 1..10000040 \/ {10000061} \/ {-22}'
1882 ], 'Check union of AVL with large interval does not expand interval').
1883 cli_testcase(1155, [eventb_test, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/BinaryTreeTest1.eventb', '-mc', 100, '-nodead', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Checking the BinaryTree theory').
1884 cli_testcase(1156, [eventb_test, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/SeqTest1.eventb', '-mc', 2000, '-nodead', '-strict'], 'Checking the Seq theory').
1885 cli_testcase(1157, [private,data_validation,infinite,override],[
1886 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578.EML.014/670_002.mch',
1887 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '15000', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'FALSE', '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', '0', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE', '-init', '-assertions', '-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'FALSE', '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', '-strict'],
1888 'check override computed explicitly for A*B*C <+ {...} for reasonable sizes'). % increased TIME_OUT from 11000
1889 cli_testcase(1158, [b_test], ['-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE','-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1890 '-evalt', '95|->93 : dom({x,y,z| x>z & y<z})',
1891 '-evalf', '94|->93 : dom({x,y,z| x>z & y<z})' ],
1892 'check symbolic treatment of domain').
1893 cli_testcase(1159, [b_test,card], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1894 '-evalt', '{S1|S1 <: {"d","f","3","14","play"} & {"d"} /<<: S1 & card(S1):4..5} = {{"14","3","f","play"}}' ],
1895 'simple CBC check from old paper').
1896 cli_testcase(1160, [b_test,infinite], ['-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE','-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1897 '-evalt', 'f = %i.(i:1..100|i*i) & f[NATURAL1] = x & max(x)=10000',
1898 '-evalt', 'f = %i.(i:1..100|i*i) & f[{v|v<=20}] = x & max(x)=400',
1899 '-evalt', 'f = %i.(i:0..100|i*i) & f[NATURAL1] = x & min(x)=1'],
1900 'test that we can take image of infinite set').
1901 cli_testcase(1161, [private,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_24092013/07_001.mch',
1902 '-init' ,'-assertions', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 39500,
1903 '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0 ], 'Check performance'). % increased time-out from 9500 (16th July 2014)
1904 cli_testcase(1162, [private,data_validation], [%'../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_24092013/02_001_adapted.mch', % moved to test 1376
1905 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_24092013/30_001_adapted.mch',
1906 '-init' ,'-assertions', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 35000,
1907 '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0 ], 'Check performance').
1908 cli_testcase(1163, [b_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1909 '-evalf', '0..x <: 1..100000 & x>0',
1910 '-evalt', '0..101001 <: 0..x & x <1001000',
1911 '-evalt', '1..2**65 <: 1..2**66',
1912 '-evalf', '1..2**67 <: 1..2**66',
1913 '-evalt', '1..2**65 <: x..2**66 & x:0..10',
1914 '-evalf', '1..2**65 <: x..2**66 & x:2..100000',
1915 '-evalf', 'x:180..200 & y: 3000..4000 & x+y=z & x..z <: x..w & w<3500 & w<z',
1916 '-evalt', 'x:180..200 & y: 3000..4000 & x+y=z & x..z <: x..w & w<3500 & w<=z',
1918 '-evalf', '0..x <<: 1..100000 & x>0',
1919 '-evalt', '0..101001 <<: 0..x & x <1001000',
1920 '-evalt', '1..2**65 <<: 1..2**66',
1921 '-evalf', '1..2**66 <<: 1..2**66',
1922 '-evalt', '2..2**66 <<: 1..2**66',
1923 '-evalt', '-10000..x <<: 1..2 & x>-(2**20)',
1924 '-evalf', 'x:180..200 & y: 3000..4000 & x+y=z & x..z <<: x..w & w<3500 & w<=z',
1926 '-evalt', '{x|1..x /<: 1..10000 & x<10003} = {10001,10002}',
1927 '-evalt', '1000..x /<: 1..y & y..1010 /<: y..1009 & x..1010 /<: x..1009 & y>0',
1929 '-evalt', '1..2**65 /<<: 1..2**65',
1930 '-evalf', '1..2**65 /<<: 1..2**66',
1931 '-evalf', '2..2**66 /<<: 1..2**66',
1932 '-evalf', 'x..y /<<: 1001..1002 & x:100..200 & y:0..10',
1933 '-evalt', '{x,y|x..y /<<: 1001..1002 & x:100..200 & y:0..100}={(100,100)}',
1934 '-evalt', '{x,y|x..y /<<: 1001..1002 & x:1001..1030 & y<1004} = {(1001|->1002),(1001|->1003),(1002|->1003),(1003|->1003)}',
1935 '-evalt', '{x,y|x..y /<<: 1001..1002 & x:1001..1030 & y<1005} = {(1001|->1002),(1001|->1003),(1001|->1004),(1002|->1003),(1002|->1004),(1003|->1003),(1003|->1004),(1004|->1004)}',
1936 '-evalt', '10..y /<<: 200..x & x>100 & y:1..5',
1937 '-evalt', '{x,y|10000..x /<<: 10000..y & y>10000 & y<150000 & x<10005} = {(10001|->10001),(10002|->10001),(10002|->10002),(10003|->10001),(10003|->10002),(10003|->10003),(10004|->10001),(10004|->10002),(10004|->10003),(10004|->10004)}'
1939 ], 'Check interval treatment in subset').
1940 cli_testcase(1164, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/BPMN/intervention.csp', '-mc', '10', '-nodead', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Testing the CSPM-Tool for parsing very long CSP expressions.').
1941 cli_testcase(1165, [b_test,sequences,strings], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', %'-expcterr', eval_string_enum_warning,
1942 '-evalt', 'mdp = 5 * 43 & (yy: mdp + 1 .. ( mdp + 43 ) & yy: dom(memp)) & memp:seq(STRING)',
1943 '-evalt', '16: dom(memp) & memp:seq(STRING)',
1944 '-evalt', 'memp:seq(STRING) & 16: dom(memp)',
1945 '-evalt', 'memp:seq(STRING) & mdp = 5 * 43 & (yy: mdp + 1 .. ( mdp + 43 ) & yy: dom(memp))',
1946 '-evalt', '{x} /\\ 0..2000 = {} & x>0'
1947 ], 'Check constraint propagation of in domain + in sequence + interval intersection').
1948 cli_testcase(1166, [b_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
1949 '-evalt', 'x /\\ 1000..2000 = {1001}',
1950 '-evalt', 'x /\\ 1000..2000 = {y}',
1951 '-evalt', '1000..2000 /\\ x = {y}',
1952 '-evalt', '{x} /\\ 10000..999999 = r & r={y}',
1953 '-evalt', '{x} /\\ 10000..999999 = {y}',
1954 '-evalt', '10000..x = {y}',
1955 '-evalf', '10000..20000000 = {y}',
1956 '-evalf', '{x|x>2} = {y}',
1957 '-evalt', 'x:0..999999 & y:0..99999 & {x} /\\ 10000..999999 = {y}',
1958 '-evalt', '{x} /\\ {y} /= {} & x:1000..2000 & y>=0',
1959 '-evalt', '{x} /\\ {y} /= {} & x:1000000..20000000 & y>=0',
1960 '-evalt', 'a..b = {x} & x:100..1002',
1961 '-evalt', '{a,b,x|a..b = {x} & x:1000..1002} = {((1000|->1000)|->1000),((1001|->1001)|->1001),((1002|->1002)|->1002)}',
1963 '-evalt', '{x|x>0} = NATURAL1',
1964 '-evalf', '{x|x>0} = NATURAL',
1965 '-evalt', '{x|x>0} /= NATURAL',
1966 '-evalt', '{x|x<110} /= NATURAL',
1967 '-evalt', '{x|x>0} <: NATURAL1',
1968 '-evalf', '{x|x>=0} <: NATURAL1',
1969 '-evalt', '{x|x>0} <: INTEGER',
1970 '-evalt', '{x|x>0} <: {x|x>-1}',
1971 '-evalt', '{x|x>0} <: {x|x>0}',
1972 '-evalf', '{x|x>0} <: {x|x>1}',
1973 '-evalf', 'NATURAL1 <: 0..10000',
1974 '-evalt', '{x|x>1} <<: {x|x>0}',
1975 '-evalf', '{x|x>0} <<: {x|x>0}',
1976 '-evalf', '{x|x>0} <<: NATURAL1',
1977 '-evalt', '{x|x>0} <<: NATURAL',
1978 '-evalt', '{x|x>0} <<: INTEGER',
1979 '-evalf', '{x|x>0} <<: {x|x>2}',
1980 '-evalt', '{x|x>0} <<: {x|x>-200}',
1981 '-evalf', 'NATURAL1 <<: 0..10000',
1982 '-evalf', '{x|x<20000} <<: 0..10000',
1983 '-evalf', '{x|x>0} /<: NATURAL1',
1984 '-evalt', '{x|x>=0} /<: NATURAL1',
1985 '-evalf', '{x|x>0} /<: INTEGER',
1986 '-evalf', '{x|x>0} /<: {x|x>-1}',
1987 '-evalf', '{x|x>0} /<: {x|x>0}',
1988 '-evalt', '{x|x>0} /<: {x|x>1}',
1989 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 /<: 0..10000',
1990 '-evalt', '{x|x>=0} /<<: NATURAL',
1991 '-evalt', '{x|x>=0} /<<: NATURAL1',
1992 '-evalf', '{x|x>=0} /<<: INTEGER',
1993 '-evalt', 'NATURAL /<<: NATURAL1',
1994 '-evalf', '1..100 /<<: NATURAL1',
1995 '-evalt', '0..100 /<<: NATURAL1',
1996 '-evalt', '{x|x<20000} /<<: 0..10000',
1997 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 /<<: 0..10000',
1999 '-evalf', '0..B <: 1..B & B:1..1000000',
2000 '-evalf', '0..x <: 1..1000 & x>0',
2001 '-evalf', '0..B <<: 1..B & B:1..1000000',
2002 '-evalf', '0..x <<: 1..1000 & x>0',
2003 '-evalt', '{x,y} /<<: NATURAL1 & x:2..3 & y:0..5',
2004 '-evalf', '{x,y} /<<: NATURAL1 & x:2..3 & y:1..5',
2005 '-evalt', '{x,y} <<: NATURAL1 & x:2..3 & y:4..5',
2006 '-evalf', '{x,y} <<: NATURAL1 & x:-22..-3 & y:-4..0',
2007 '-evalt', '%(x,y).( x:1..4 & y : {-1, 0, 1} | x + y)[INTEGER*INTEGER] /\\ {x|x<=3} = 0..3',
2008 '-evalt', '{x,z|x:1..z & x:z..3} = {(1|->1),(2|->2),(3|->3)}' % just a check about interval propagation
2009 %,
2010 %'-evalt', 'x /\\ y /= {} & x<:1..10000 & y<:10000..20000',
2011 %'-evalt', 'x /\\ y /= {} & x = {y|y : 1..n & y mod 2 = 0} & y = {v|v:1..n & v mod 17 = 0} & n = 10000',
2012 %'-evalt', '{x|NATURAL1 /\\ 0..x /= {} & x< 20} = 1..19'
2013 ], 'Check constraint propagation of intersection with intervals').
2014 cli_testcase(1167, [laws,union], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/generalized_union_inter_ctx.eventb', '-mc', 1250, '-nodead', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 3, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 100, '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-assertions', '-cbc_assertions'], 'Check laws about generalized union/inter').
2015 cli_testcase(1168, [b_test,smt_test], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
2016 '-evalt', '{y,f|f = %x.(x:1..10|x+y) & f(5)=1005} = {(1000|->[1001,1002,1003,1004,1005,1006,1007,1008,1009,1010])}'
2017 ], 'Check constraint propagation for partially known functions').
2018 cli_testcase(1169, [b_test,cbc], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
2019 '-p','MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0, '-cbc_assertions',
2020 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/RULE_r967_1.mch', '-expcterr', 'cbc_assertions'
2021 ], 'Check ProB finds counter example for rule').
2022 cli_testcase(1170, [b_test,cbc], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
2023 '-p','MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0, '-cbc_assertions_proof', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
2024 '-expcterr', 'cbc_assertions_enumeration_warning',
2025 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/RULE_InSetLeavesXY_32_1.mch',
2026 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/RULE_r967_preuve_backward.mch'
2027 ], 'Check ProB finds counter example for rule').
2028 cli_testcase(1171, [b_test,cbc], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
2029 '-p','MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0, '-cbc_assertions_proof', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
2030 '-expcterr', 'cbc_assertions_enumeration_warning',
2031 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Disprover/EnumWarningTests/DefSet_ShouldGenerateEnumWarning2.mch'
2032 ], 'Check ProB finds no counter example for rule and no proof').
2033 cli_testcase(1172, [b_test,cbc], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
2034 '-p','MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0, '-cbc_assertions_proof', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
2035 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Disprover/EnumWarningTests/DefSet_NoEnumWarning1.mch'
2036 ], 'Check ProB finds no counter example for rule and no proof').
2038 cli_testcase(1173, [b_test,cbc], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE',
2039 '-p','MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0, '-cbc_assertions_proof', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
2040 '-expcterr', 'cbc_assertions_enumeration_warning',
2041 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Disprover/EnumWarningTests/DefSet_ShouldGenerateEnumWarning1.mch'
2042 ], 'Check ProB finds no counter example for rule and no proof').
2043 cli_testcase(1174, [b_test,cbc], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
2044 '-p','MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0, '-cbc_assertions_proof', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
2045 '-expcterr', 'cbc_assertions_enumeration_warning',
2046 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Disprover/EnumWarningTests/DefSet_ShouldGenerateEnumWarning1.mch'
2047 ], 'Check ProB finds no counter example for rule and no proof').
2048 cli_testcase(1175, [b_test,card], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
2049 '-evalf', 'n: INTEGER & {n} = r & r={n1} & (n1/=n)',
2050 '-evalf', 'n: POW(INTEGER) & {n} = r & r={n1} & (n1/=n)',
2051 '-evalf', 'n: BOOL & {n} = r & r={n1} & (n1/=n)',
2052 '-evalf', 'n>0 & {n} ={n1} & (n1/=n)',
2053 '-evalf', 'f:POW(NATURAL) & f2 = f \\/ {p2} & p1:f & p1/:f2 & p1/=p2',
2054 '-evalf', 'f:POW(NATURAL) & f2 = f \\/ {p2} & p1:f & p1/:f2',
2055 '-evalf', 'p1:dom(f) & f2 = {p2} <<| f & p1 /: dom(f2) & p1/=p2 & f:NATURAL <->NATURAL',
2056 '-evalt', 'p1:dom(f) & f2 = {p2} <<| f & p1 /: dom(f2) & p1=p2 & f:NATURAL <->NATURAL',
2057 '-evalf', 'x /= y & s={x,y,z} & x/=z & y/=z & x:NATURAL1 & card(s)<3',
2058 '-evalf', 'x:s & y:s & z:s & x /= y & x/=z & y/=z & x:NATURAL1 & card(s)<3',
2059 '-evalf', 'x /= y & x/=z & y/=z & s={x,y,z} & card(s)<3 & s<:STRING',
2060 '-evalf', 'f:NATURAL +-> INTEGER & f2 = f <+ {p2|->1} & p1:dom(f) & p1/:dom(f2) & p1/=p2',
2061 '-evalt', 'x /= "a" & (x /= "a" => y>1000000) & (y>1000000 => x = "b") & y<2000000',
2062 '-evalt', 'x /= "a" & (x /= "a" => y>100000 & y<200000) & (y>100000 => x = "b")',
2063 '-evalt', 'x /= "a" & ("a" /= x => y>100000 & y<200000) & (y>100000 => x = "b")',
2064 '-evalt', 'x /= 33 & (x /= 33 => y>1000000) & (y>1000000 => x = 2133) & y<2000000',
2065 '-evalt', 'x /= 1 & (1 /= x => y>100000 & y<200000) & (y>100000 => x = 2)',
2066 '-evalf', 'x /= 1 & (1 /= x => y>100000 & y<200000) & (y>100000 => x = 1)'
2067 ], 'Check that a few inconsistencies can be detected without enumeration').
2068 cli_testcase(1176, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/em_abs.mch', '-mc', 10000, '-noinv', '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-strict'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction (Without Coverage). Peterson\'s algorithm').
2069 cli_testcase(1177, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/em_abs.mch', '-mc', 10000, '-check_complete_operation_coverage', '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-strict'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction (Operations Coverage Check). Peterson\'s algorithm').
2070 cli_testcase(1178, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/peterson_R.ref', '-mc', 10000, '-check_complete_operation_coverage', '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-strict'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction (min...max coverage check). Peterson\'s algorithm').
2071 cli_testcase(1179, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/syspeterson.mch', '-noinv', '-mc', 10000, '-p', por, 'ample_sets', '-strict'], 'Model checking with partial order reduction (min...max coverage check). Peterson\'s algorithm').
2072 cli_testcase(1180, [b_test,card], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
2073 '-evalt', '{x|#y.(y>x & (y mod 1000 = 0 or y<x+20)) & x:1..4} = 1..4',
2074 '-evalt', '{x|#y.(y>x & (y mod 1000 = 0 or y<x+20)) & x:1..40} = 1..40',
2075 '-evalf', '{x|#y.(y>x & (y mod 1000 = 0 or y<x+20)) & x:1..40} = 1..4',
2076 '-evalf', '{x|#y.(y>x & (y mod 1000 = 0 or y<x+20)) & x:1..40} /= 1..40',
2077 '-evalt', '{x|#y.(y>x) & x:1..100} /= {}',
2078 '-evalf', '{x|#y.(y>x) & x:1..100} = {}',
2079 '-evalt', 'card({x|#y.(y>x) & x:1..100}) = 100',
2080 '-evalt', 'card({x,y| x>=60000 & x<=64999 & x mod 2 =1 & y=x+x}) = 2500',
2081 '-evalt', 'card({x,y| x>=60000 & x<=64999 & x mod 2 =1 & y=x+x}) = 2500',
2082 '-evalt', 'x = (1 .. 100000) - {4} & card(x) = 99999',
2083 '-evalt', '{x| x:1..100 & {y|y:x..x+10} = {z|z>=x & z<x+11 & #v.(v>x)}} = 1..100',
2084 '-evalt', '[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]:{x|x:seq(0..1) & 1:ran(x)}',
2085 '-evalf', '[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]:{x|x:seq(0..1) & 1:ran(x)}',
2086 '-evalt', '[0,0,1,1,0,1,0]:{x|x:seq(0..1) & card(x)>5}',
2087 '-evalt', '{x| x:1..10 or x:{2**20,2**21} or x = 2**27} = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1048576,2097152,134217728}'
2088 ],'Check enum warnings properly dealt with').
2089 cli_testcase(1181, [b_test,card,sequences], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'eval_string',
2090 '-evalf', '{x|x:seq(0..1) & card(x)>5 & card(x)-50 /= 50} /= {x|x:seq(0..1) & card(x)>5 & card(x) /= 20}'
2091 ],'Check enum warnings generated').
2092 cli_testcase(1182, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen6/PerfectNumber_v2.mch', '-t'], 'Check proper working of ProB for perfect number set comprehension').
2093 cli_testcase(1183, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio3/POWER2.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-aa', '18', '0', '1'], 'Variation of test 274; check that enum warning generated').
2094 cli_testcase(1184, [eventb_test,cbc], ['../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance_WP2/SubstationMeter_2703_2013.eventb', '-strict', '-mc', 1000, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', virtual_time_out, '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test multi-level animation (like 1052 but without finite restriction on events).').
2095 cli_testcase(1185, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/LawsEventBSpecific.eventb', '-t', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'same as 290 (but no virtual time-out with CLPFD)').
2096 cli_testcase(1186, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/finiteTest_ctx.eventb',
2097 '-mc', '1000', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 30, '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-cbc_assertions', '-assertions', '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'FALSE'], 'some checks with the finite operator').
2098 cli_testcase(1187, [b_test,sequences,card], ['-evalt', 'x:seq({1}) & 55:dom(x)', '-evalf', 'x:seq({1}) & 55:dom(x) & card(x)=10', '-evalt',
2099 'x:seq({1}) & 5:dom(x) & card(x)>6', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE', % required to enable special card treatment
2100 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-strict'
2101 %, '-expcterr', eval_string_enum_warning
2102 ], 'Ensure proper enumeration of sequences (CLPFD=FALSE).').
2103 cli_testcase(1188, [b_test,external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/Argv.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-strict', '-argv', 'one two three', '-cc', 5, 12 ], 'check the ARGV external function').
2104 cli_testcase(1189, [b_test,tickets,closure1], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen7/ClosureTest2.mch', '-init', '-properties'], 'Check closure1 enumeration issue resolved').
2105 cli_testcase(1190, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/ReverseArray.mch', '-init', '-mc', 1000, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 100 ], 'Check simple example with WHILE loop').
2106 cli_testcase(1191, [time_out_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SMTLIB/DTP_k2_n35_c175_s1.mch', '-strict', '-init', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails'], 'Copy of 396 using CLPFD. This time, no time_out occurs.').
2107 cli_testcase(1192, [eventb_test,records], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Records/SampleThreeRecordMachine_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'TRUE', '-t', '-cc', 4, 6], 'Check that record detection works with nested records').
2108 cli_testcase(1193, [eventb_test,records], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Records/IntBoolMachine_mch.eventb', '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'TRUE', '-t', '-expcterr', virtual_time_out,
2109 '-evalt', 'make_BIBIRec((TRUE,55),(FALSE,66)) = ((TRUE,55),(FALSE,66))'], 'Check that record detection works with nested records').
2110 cli_testcase(1194, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/platoon/platoon1_prob_simplified_v3.eventb',
2111 % '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/platoon/platoon1_prob_simplified.eventb', % fixed power_of WD error
2112 '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'USE_RECORD_CONSTRUCTION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 20, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 40,
2113 '-expcterr', virtual_time_out,
2114 '-evalt', 'sqrt(0)=0',
2115 '-evalt', 'sqrt(10)=3',
2116 '-evalt', 'sqrt(10000)=100',
2117 '-evalt', 'dist(make(10|->20) |-> make(10|->20)) = 0',
2118 '-evalt', 'dist(make(10|->20) |-> make(10|->30)) = 10',
2119 '-evalt', 'dist(make(10|->20) |-> make(0|->20)) = 10', % WD error with platoon1_prob_simplified.eventb
2120 '-evalt', 'dist(make(0|->20) |-> make(10|->20)) = 10',
2121 '-evalt', 'dist(make(10|->20) |-> make(20|->20)) = 10',
2122 '-evalt', 'dist(make(10|->10) |-> make(20|->20)) = 14',
2123 '-evalt', 'dist(make(10|->10) |-> make(10010|->10010)) = 14142',
2124 '-evalt', 'xcoord(make(1024,2048)) = 1024',
2125 '-evalt', 'ycoord(make(1024,2048)) = 2048'
2126 ], 'Check that record detection + symbolic treatment work').
2127 cli_testcase(1195, [performance_tests,b_test,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/GraphIso/CheckLargeGraphIsomorphismAsConstants_v2.mch',
2128 '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '5000'],
2129 'Test constraint solving for larger graph').
2130 cli_testcase(1196, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr.mch', '-t', '-strict',
2131 '-csvhist', 'card(session) |-> card(session_response) |-> card(user_hotel_bookings) |-> user_rental_bookings',
2132 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr.csv'],
2133 'Test evaluating expression over history and saving to CSV file').
2134 cli_testcase(1197, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/PartitionTest_ctx.eventb', '-init', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Test partition border cases').
2135 cli_testcase(1198, [b_test,infinite,total_function], [
2136 '-evalt', '(NATURAL * NATURAL)* {1024} : (NATURAL*NATURAL) --> NATURAL',
2137 '-evalt', 'NATURAL * {0} : NATURAL --> NATURAL',
2138 '-evalt', 'NATURAL * {0} : NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
2139 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 * {0} : NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
2140 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 * {0} : INTEGER +-> NATURAL',
2141 '-evalf', 'NATURAL * {0} : NATURAL --> NATURAL1',
2142 '-evalf', 'NATURAL * {0} : NATURAL +-> NATURAL1',
2143 '-evalf', 'NATURAL1 * {0} : NATURAL --> NATURAL',
2144 '-evalf', 'NATURAL * {0} : NATURAL1 --> NATURAL'
2145 ], 'Test cartesian product with singleton set recognised as total function').
2146 cli_testcase(1199, [eventb_test,tickets,infinite, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/Kanso_Symbolic/C_Cart_ctx.eventb',
2147 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/Kanso_Symbolic/C_bijNAT_ctx.eventb',
2148 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/Kanso_Symbolic/C_symbolic_ctx.eventb',
2149 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/ConstraintSolving_Demo_ctx.eventb',
2150 '-init','-assertions', '-strict'], 'Checking that various infinite functions can be defined and checked').
2151 cli_testcase(1200, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/MaxClique.mch',
2152 '-init','-assertions', '-strict'], 'Checking constraint solving capabilities').
2153 cli_testcase(1201, [eventb_test, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/SeqTest2_ctx.eventb', '-init', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Test Theory Plugin support').
2154 cli_testcase(1202, [eventb_test,recursion,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/Kanso_ModularExp/ExpModFunctionCtxt_ctx.eventb',
2155 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/Kanso_ModularExp/ModularExponenation.mch', '-init', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Test Recursive Function support').
2156 cli_testcase(1203, [b_test,queens], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/PeaceableQueens/JustQueens_8_8.mch', '-init', '-strict'], 'A constraint solving example').
2157 cli_testcase(1204, [eventb_test, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/NaturalTest.eventb', '-mc', 10, '-nodead', '-cc', 8, 7, '-strict'], 'Checking the operators of the inductive theory of natural numbers').
2158 cli_testcase(1205, [eventb_test, theories, recursion, infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/RecOpTypeTest.eventb', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Checking a reference to a theory\'s type parameter in a recursive operator definition').
2159 cli_testcase(1206, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-320/Hierarchical_temp.mch', '-t',
2160 '-mc', 1000, '-noinv', '-bf',
2161 '-expcterr', 'precondition_error'], 'Check precondition error raised and error message generation works. (Ticket PROB-320)').
2162 cli_testcase(1207, [tickets], ['-p', 'TIME_OUT', 7000, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
2163 '-evalf', '61*(x*x)+1 = y*y & x:1..1500000 & y>0'], 'Check that no instantiation error or other problem occurs').
2164 cli_testcase(1208, [typechecker_test,unit], ['-typecheckertest','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Typecheckertests/including.mch', '-strict'], 'Typechecker test when including other machines').
2165 cli_testcase(1209, [typechecker_test,unit], ['-typecheckertest','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Typecheckertests/definitions.mch', '-strict'], 'Typechecker test when using definitions').
2166 cli_testcase(1210, [typechecker_test,unit,parser,refinement], ['-typecheckertest','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Typecheckertests/refi.ref', '-strict'], 'Typechecker test when using refinement').
2167 cli_testcase(1211, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/Ivo/ListPattern.csp', '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing compiling of list patterns given as function parameters.').
2168 cli_testcase(1212, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/ucsexamples/chapter15/cache.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Testing compiling of list patterns given as function parameters.').
2169 cli_testcase(1213, [puzzles_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/EulerWay.mch', '-init'], 'Test that this puzzle can be solved quickly; used to take very long; solved in svn commit r12434').
2170 cli_testcase(1214, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/OverridingBuiltinFunctions.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Testing if we can override built-in functions.').
2171 cli_testcase(1215, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/OverridingBuiltinFunctionsLets.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Testing if we can override built-in functions.').
2172 cli_testcase(1216, [b_test,cbc,union,card], [
2173 '-evalt', 'z:10001..10002 & {x,y} \\/ t = {z}',
2174 '-evalt', 'z:10001..10002 & {x} \\/ {y} = {z}',
2175 '-evalf', 'z:10001..10002 & {x,y} \\/ t = {z} & y<10001',
2176 '-evalf', 'z:10001..10002 & {x,y} \\/ t = {z} & t<:9000..10000 & t/= {}',
2177 '-evalf', 'z:10001..10002 & {x,y} \\/ t = {z} & t:POW1(9000..10000)',
2178 '-evalt', 'z:10001..10002 & {x} \\/ {y,v} = {z}',
2179 '-evalt', 'z:10001..10002 & {x,v} \\/ {y} = {z}',
2180 '-evalt', 'z:10001..10002 & {x,v} \\/ t = {z} & {a} \\/ {b} = t',
2181 '-evalt', 'union({{x},{y},{z}}) = {3333}', % works by ast_cleanup translating to union
2182 '-evalt', 'union({{x}}) = {3333}', % ditto
2183 '-evalt', 'union({{x},{y},{z},{w}}) = {v} & v:200001..300001 & w:300001..400001', % ditto
2184 '-evalt', 'union({S,V,W}) = 1..10 & S/\\V = {} & S/\\W ={} & V /\\ W = {} & card(S) < card(V) & card(V) < card(W)' % ditto + partition detection
2185 % TO DO: z:10001..10002 & {x,w} \\/ {y,v} = {z}
2186 ], 'Testing propagation in union from result to arguments.').
2187 cli_testcase(1217, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Disprover/ProofTests/TestPrj_Nat_ctx.eventb', '-cbc_assertions',
2188 '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'FALSE', '-strict'], 'Testing if prj1|->prj2 theorems can be proven').
2189 cli_testcase(1218, [b_test,sequences], [
2190 '-evalf', 'p:perm(5..20) & p(10)=21'
2191 ], 'Testing propagation for permutation sequence.').
2192 cli_testcase(1219, [puzzles_test,queens], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/NQueens40_perm.mch', '-init', '-properties', '-strict'], '').
2193 cli_testcase(1220, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/AssertionsLet.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'c?x -> c.x -> STOP [T= c?x:{1..3} -> c.x -> STOP', '-assertions', '-cc', 38, 41, '-strict'], '').
2194 cli_testcase(1221, [ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/PROB-319/toy3.csp', '-ltllimit', 10000, '-ltlfile','../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/PROB-319/toyprop3c.ltl','-expcterr', ltl_counterexample, '-strict'], 'Regression test for ticket PROB-319: Unable to find a counter-example in the SCC').
2195 cli_testcase(1222, [private,cbc], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/alloc_large.mch', '-init', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '18500'],
2196 'Test that ProB finds isomorphism for large graph'). % increased time out from 9500
2197 cli_testcase(1223, [b_test,card], [
2198 '-evalf', 'z:11..10002 & z2:10003..520004 & z3: -1000..10 & z4:-22222..-2000 &a: {z,z2} & a:{z3,z4}',
2199 '-evalt', 'z:11..10002 & z2:10003..520004 & z3: -1000..11 & z4:-22222..-2000 &a: {z2,z} & a:{z3,z4}',
2200 '-evalf', 'x <: 1..7 & y <: 1..7 & (x<:y <=> y<:x) & x/\\y = {3} & x\\/y = 1..7 & card(x) = card(y)+1',
2201 '-evalt', 'y:1..1000001 & f:100001..100005 --> 1..9000 & x:dom(f) & x:2..100003 & (x>5000 => y:100001..100002)',
2202 '-evalf', 'f: 1..10 --> 100..200 & x:dom(f~) & x>200',
2203 '-evalf', 'f: 10..200 --> 1..200000 & x|->y : f & (x>200 or x<10)',
2204 '-evalf', 'f: (BOOL*BOOL) --> 100..200000 & b|->x : f & (x>200000 or x<100)',
2205 '-evalf', 'f: 10001..10110 --> NATURAL & !x.(x:dom(f) => f(x):dom(f)) & g:20010..20020 --> BOOL & !x.(x:dom(f) => f(x):dom(g))',
2206 '-evalt', 'f : 1001..2001 --> 1900..3333 & x|->y : f & y<x',
2207 '-evalf', 'f : 1001..2001 --> 1900..3333 & x|->y : f & y+101<x',
2208 '-evalf', 'x:1..400 & y:1..400 & f: 2..390 --> 391..399 & x|->y :f & y|->x :f',
2209 '-evalt', 'r: 1001..1005 <-> 1000..1099 & x|->y : r & v|->w : r & x+y = v+w+103 & card(r) = 3',
2210 '-evalt', 'card({r,x,y,v,w|r: 1001..1005 <-> 1000..1099 & x|->y : r & v|->w : r & x+y = v+w+103 & card(r) = 2}) = 1',
2211 '-evalt', '{r,x,y,v,w|r: 1001..1005 <-> 1000..1099 & x|->y : r & v|->w : r & x+y = v+w+103 & card(r) = 2} = {(((({(1001|->1000),(1005|->1099)}|->1005)|->1099)|->1001)|->1000)}',
2212 '-evalt', 'card({r,x,y,v,w|r: 1001..1005 <-> 1000..1099 & x|->y : r & v|->w : r & x+y = v+w+103 & card(r) = 3}) = 498',
2213 '-evalt', 'card({r,x,y,v,w|r: 1001..1005 +-> 1000..1099 & x|->y : r & v|->w : r & x+y = v+w+103 & card(r) = 3}) = 300',
2214 '-evalt', 's = {(1,rec(a:1)), (2,rec(a:2))} & (1,rec(a:x)) : s',
2215 '-evalt', 'a = {rec(x:1,y:22),rec(x:2,y:44)} & {v,w|rec(x:v,y:w):a} = {(1,22),(2,44)}',
2216 '-evalt', 'a = {rec(x:(1,33),y:22),rec(x:(2,34),y:44),rec(x:(3,34),y:45)} & {v1,w|rec(x:(v1,34),y:w):a} = {(2|->44),(3|->45)}',
2217 '-evalf', 'a = {rec(x:(1,33),y:22),rec(x:(2,34),y:44),rec(x:(3,34),y:45)} & rec(x:(v1,v2),y:w):a & v1+v2+w <56',
2218 '-evalt', 'a = {rec(x:(1,33),y:22),rec(x:(2,34),y:44),rec(x:(3,34),y:45)} & rec(x:(v1,v2),y:w):a & v1+v2+w <57',
2219 '-evalt', 'ran({vv,ww,x|x=rec(x:ww,y:vv) & vv:1..n & ww:33..34})=r1 & n=50 & rec(x:a,y:b):r1 & rec(x:a+1,y:b):r1 & b>a',
2220 '-evalt', 'a = {rec(x:(1,33),y:22,z:TRUE),rec(x:(2,34),y:44,z:TRUE),rec(x:(3,34),y:45,z:TRUE)} & rec(x:(v1,v2),y:w,z:bb):a & v1+v2+w <57',
2221 '-evalf', 'a = {rec(x:(1,33),y:22,z:FALSE),rec(x:(2,34),y:44,z:TRUE),rec(x:(3,34),y:45,z:TRUE)} & rec(x:(v1,v2),y:w,z:TRUE):a & v1+v2+w <57'
2222 ], 'Testing propagation for membership.').
2223 cli_testcase(1224, [typechecker_test,tickets], ['-init','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/PROB-323/PROB-323.eventb','-strict'], 'This machine should not throw a type error.').
2224 cli_testcase(1225, [eventb_test,laws, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/ListLaws_ctx.eventb',
2225 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/PairLaws_ctx.eventb',
2226 '-assertions','-strict'], 'Various checks for sets involving freetypes (Lists Theory)').
2227 cli_testcase(1226, [b_test,finite], [
2228 '-evalu', 's=({x|x mod 2 = 0 & x>200}) & s:FIN(s)'
2229 , '-expcterr', eval_string_enum_warning
2230 ], 'Check that finite warning produced').
2231 cli_testcase(1227, [eventb_test,laws, proz,theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/ListLawsMC_mch.eventb','-mc',500, '-bf', '-strict',
2232 '-expcterr', 'virtual_time_out', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Various checks for sets involving freetypes (Lists Theory)').
2233 cli_testcase(1228, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Disprover/EnumWarningTests/MammarLaleau_Failures_ReadDoors_inv8_selected.mch', '-cbc_assertions',
2234 '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'FALSE', '-strict'], 'Check no enum warning occurs when using bool with integer inside').
2235 cli_testcase(1229, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/PROB-322/ExpressionTest.eventb','-init','-strict'], 'Checking usage of typeof-Operator').
2236 cli_testcase(1230, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Disprover/EnumWarningTests/MammarLaleau_Cylinders_LockGearCylinder_inv4_selected.mch',
2237 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Disprover/EnumWarningTests/MammarLaleau_Doors_Make_GearExtended_inv2_all.mch',
2238 '-cbc_assertions',
2239 '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'FALSE' ,'-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE', '-strict'], 'Check no time-out occurs').
2240 cli_testcase(1231, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/TestingFairness.mch', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation.').
2241 cli_testcase(1232, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/MutualExclusion.mch', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation.').
2242 cli_testcase(1233, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/WeakFairnessTest.mch', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation.').
2243 cli_testcase(1234, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/phils.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation.').
2244 cli_testcase(1235, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/FairnessUnderscoreArgs.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'], 'Test fairness.').
2245 cli_testcase(1236, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SF(C) => GF {addr=4 or addr =5}', '-expcterr', ltl, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation for finding the right counter example.').
2246 cli_testcase(1237, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SF(E) => GF {addr=4 or addr =5}', '-expcterr', ltl, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation for finding the right counter example.').
2247 cli_testcase(1238, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SF(D) => GF {addr=4 or addr =5}', '-expcterr', ltl, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation for finding the right counter example.').
2248 cli_testcase(1239, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SF(C) & SF(E) => GF {addr=4 or addr =5}', '-expcterr', ltl, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation for finding the right counter example.').
2249 cli_testcase(1240, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs.mch', '-ltlformula', '(SF(C) & SF(E)) or (SF(F) & SF(E)) => GF {addr = 4 or addr = 5}', '-expcterr', ltl, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation for finding the right counter example.').
2250 cli_testcase(1241, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs.mch', '-ltlformula', '(SF(C) & SF(E)) or (SF(F) & SF(E)) => GF {addr = 4 or addr = 5}', '-expcterr', ltl, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation for finding the right counter example.').
2251 cli_testcase(1242, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/rabp_scc_issue.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'], 'Test fairness.').
2252 cli_testcase(1243, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/rabp_scc_issue.csp', '-ltlformula', 'SEF => G ([left.0] => F [right.0])', '-strict'], 'Test general fairness.').
2253 cli_testcase(1244, [b_test, ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/TestingFairness.mch',
2254 '-ltlformulat', true, '-ltlformulat', 'G{1=1}',
2255 '-ctlformulat', 'AG{1=1}', '-ctlformulaf', 'EF{1=2}',
2256 %'-ltlformulaf', false, % does not work !
2257 '-ltlformulaf', 'G{1=2}', '-strict'], 'Testing the trivial LTL formula true + other trivial ones.').
2258 cli_testcase(1245, [b_test, ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/TestingFairness.mch', '-ltlformulat', false, '-expcterr', 'ltl', '-strict'], 'Testing the trivial LTL formula false.').
2259 cli_testcase(1246, [cbc], [
2260 '-evalf', 'x/0 = 1 & x:1..20',
2261 '-evalf', 'x:-2..2 & 10/x =1',
2262 '-evalt', 'x:-2..2 & 10/x = 5',
2263 '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE'], 'Testing no WD error generated in disprover mode.').
2264 cli_testcase(1247, [cbc], [
2265 '-evalt', 'i>200 & (i mod 37 = 7)',
2266 '-evalt', 'i>200 & (i mod 37 = 1)',
2267 '-evalt', 'i>20 & (i mod 2 = 0)',
2268 '-evalf', 'i>200 & (i mod 37 = 7) & i < 229',
2269 '-evalt', '{i|i>200 & (i mod 50 = 10) & i<1000} = {210,260,310,360,410,460,510,560,610,660,710,760,810,860,910,960}',
2270 '-evalt', '{i|i>200 & (i mod 50 = 10) & i<1000 & i mod 100 /= 10} = {260,360,460,560,660,760,860,960}',
2271 '-evalt', 'x > 0 & x mod 30 =0 & x mod 19 = 0',
2272 '-evalt', 'x > 0 & x mod 50 =0 & x mod 61 = 0 & x mod 23 = 0',
2273 '-evalf', 'x > 0 & x mod 50 =0 & x mod 61 = 0 & x mod 23 = 0 & x<70150'
2274 ], 'Testing improved constraint propagation for modulo.').
2275 cli_testcase(1248, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Disprover_InstantiationError/GraphColour_PO.mch', '-init', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 300, '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
2276 '-expcterr', setup_constants_fails, '-opterr', time_out, '-strict'], 'Check that no instantiation error occurs'). % time_out may not occur on fast machines
2277 cli_testcase(1249, [cbc,slot], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SlotToolSolver_Inconsistency.mch',
2278 '-init', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 2500, '-expcterr', setup_constants_fails,
2279 '-opterr', 'setup_constants_inconsistent', '-strict'
2280 %,'-expcterr', det_value_not_stored_for_constant % changed from warning to message 18/02/2018
2281 ], 'Check that inconsistency detected quickly').
2282 cli_testcase(1250, [cbc], [
2283 '-evalf', 'f:0..100 --> POW(1..100) & f(20) = {99} & !x.(x:dom(f) => !y.(y:f(x) => y /= 99))',
2284 '-evalt', 'f:0..100 --> POW(1..100) & f(20) = {98} & !x.(x:dom(f) => !y.(y:f(x) => y /= 99))',
2285 '-evalf', 'f:0..100 --> POW(1..100) & f(20) = {99} & !x.(x:dom(f) => !y.(y:f(x) & y>20 => y /= 99))'
2286 ], 'Check universal quantification inconsistency detected').
2287 cli_testcase(1251, [cbc,chr], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Pacemaker/PO_M4_AATR_Decrease_Interval_inv2_INV.mch', '-init', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 500, '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', setup_constants_fails, '-strict'], 'Check that inconsistency detected quickly (with CHR)').
2288 cli_testcase(1252, [cbc,wd], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Pacemaker/PO_M4_AATR_Decrease_Interval_inv2_INV.mch', '-init', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 300, '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'FALSE', '-expcterr', setup_constants_fails,
2289 '-opterr', 'setup_constants_unknown',
2290 '-opterr', time_out,
2291 '-opterr', virtual_time_out,
2292 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error, '-strict'], 'Check that division by zero detected.').
2293 cli_testcase(1253, [tickets,union], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/LambdaUnionEnumWarning/Seq1UnionFunction.mch',
2294 '-init', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check that symbolic function not expanded in rel. composition').
2295 cli_testcase(1254, [cbc, tickets, chr], ['-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE',
2296 '-evalf', 'x> a & x: 33..a',
2297 '-evalt', 'x>=a & x>=33 & x<=a',
2298 '-evalf', 'x>a & x>=33 & x<=a'
2299 ], 'Check CHR detects inconsistencies').
2300 cli_testcase(1255, [cbc], ['-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
2301 '-evalf', 'z>0 & z mod z = 100 & x:{1,2,3} & not(x>0)'], 'Check no enum warning').
2302 cli_testcase(1256, [tickets,card], [
2303 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/Cansell_RingLead/ring_ctx.eventb',
2304 '-init'], 'Check no infinite loop when computing minimum cardinality').
2305 cli_testcase(1257, [b_test,csp_test,ltl,fairness,cspb],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Williams/ME.mch', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Williams/ME.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'],'Check ltl assertions with imposed fairness constraints in (ME.mch|| ME.csp).').
2306 cli_testcase(1258, [eventb_test,ltl],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Concurrent/fact_m_v3_mch.eventb', '-ltlformulat', 'F ([found0])', '-strict'],'Check an ltl formula on an Event-B model.').
2307 cli_testcase(1259, [b_test,csp_test,ltl,fairness,cspb],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Williams/pris.mch', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Williams/pris.csp', '-ltlformulat', 'SF(In.p1) & SF(In.p2) & SF(In.p3) => F[Done]', '-strict'],'Check an LTL formula with imposed fairness constraints in (pris.mch|| pris.csp).').
2308 cli_testcase(1260, [b_test,proz,theories,infinite],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/FreetypeIntList.mch',
2309 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/FreeTypeAndRecursion.mch',
2310 '-p','MAXINT',10,'-t','-strict'],
2311 'Check rudimental freetype functionally').
2312 cli_testcase(1261, [cbc], [
2313 '-evalt', '(x:{y|y:NATURAL & y mod 100 = 1} <=> v=0) & v=0 & x>1'
2314 ], 'Test reification of closures').
2315 cli_testcase(1262, [b_test,union],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen8/EnumerateFunctionTests.mch','-mc', 1000, '-cc', 4,10,'-strict'],'Check union with full relations does not time out').
2316 cli_testcase(1263, [b_test,tickets,card],['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/CardTruthBody/DPLL_Backtrack_mch_not_symbolic.eventb', '-t', '-mc', 100, '-strict'],'Check function unit_resolve detected as symbolic without symbolic annotation').
2317 cli_testcase(1264, [b_test,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/FormaleSprachen.mch',
2318 '-init','-assertions', '-strict'], 'Checking various operations work on infinite sets (e.g., complement set).').
2319 cli_testcase(1265, [tickets,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/MinCardInference/RegularGrammar_Ex1_ctx.eventb', '-init',
2320 '-evalt', 'card(Symbols)=4',
2321 '-evalt', 'card(NonTerminals)=2',
2322 '-evalt', 'card(Terminals)=2'], 'Check that minimum cardinality inference works').
2323 cli_testcase(1266, [b_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen9/SimpleCSGGrammar2_SlowCLPFD.mch','-t','-strict','-p','CLPFD','TRUE'],'Check no time-out').
2324 cli_testcase(1267, [cbc,sequences], [
2325 '-evalt', '{n|[11,22,3,4,5,6,7] /|\\ n = [11,22]} = {2}'
2326 , '-evalt', '{l|[2222]^l /|\\ 7 = l} = {[2222,2222,2222,2222,2222,2222,2222]}'
2327 , '-evalt', '{x,n|[1111,x,33,44] /|\\ n = [1111,2222] & n:0..4} = {(2222,2)}'
2328 , '-evalt', '{x,y,n|[1111,x,3333,4444,y,y] /|\\ n = [1111,2222,3333,4444,5555] & n:0..6} = {((2222|->5555)|->5)}'
2329 %,'-evalt', '{n,x,y|[11,22,3,4,5,6,7] /|\ n = [x,y]} = {((2|->11)|->22)}' % does not work yet TO DO
2330 ],
2331 'test sequence constraint solving').
2332 cli_testcase(1268, [b_test,recursion,external,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/Factorial_TLAStyle.mch', '-init', '-assertions', '-strict', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'FALSE'], 'Test that other recursive function works also with TLA style if-then-else.').
2333 cli_testcase(1269, [tickets,card], [
2334 '-evalt', 'm={{1,2},{1,3}} & {k1,k2|k1:m & 1:k1 & k2:m & 1:k2 & k1/=k2} =r & card(r)=2',
2335 '-evalt', 'm={{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}} & {k1,k2|k1:m & 1:k1 & k2:m & 1:k2 & k1/=k2} =r & card(r)=2',
2336 '-evalt', 'm={{1,2},{1,3}} & {k1,k2|k1:m & 1:k1 & k2:m-{k1} & 1:k2} =r & card(r)=2',
2337 '-evalt', 'm={{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}} & {k1,k2|k1:m & 1:k1 & k2:m-{k1} & 1:k2} =r & card(r)=2'
2338 ], 'ensure bug in not_equal_object for sets remains fixed').
2339 cli_testcase(1270, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsPow2.mch', '-mc', '200', '-bf', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'More laws about sets of sets').
2340 cli_testcase(1271, [b_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen10/PrettyPrintBug.mch','-mc', 200, '-t', '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen10/PrettyPrintBug_his.txt','-strict'],'Check no time-out').
2341 cli_testcase(1272, [cbc,card], [
2342 '-evalf', 'card({x|x:1..10 & x*x<i}) = 0 & i>1',
2343 '-evalt', 'card({x|x>1 & x<2**e & x mod 2 = 0}) = 0',
2344 '-evalt', 'card({b|b:1..8 & b mod n = 1})=c & n:2..4',
2345 '-evalt', 'f: 1..n --> 0..1000 & f(1)=0 & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)>0}) = n/2 & n=100',
2346 '-evalt', 'n=20 & f:1..n --> BOOL & card({x|x:1..n & f(x)=TRUE})=n/2 & !y.(y:1..(n-1) => ( f(y)=TRUE => f(y+1)=TRUE))',
2347 '-evalt', 'n=100 & f:1..n --> BOOL & card({x|x:dom(f) & f(x)=TRUE})=50'
2348 ], 'ensure proper reification of card').
2349 cli_testcase(1273, [cbc,card], [
2350 '-evalf', '{10,22} <: {x|x>10 & x mod 2 = 0}',
2351 '-evalt', '{100,22} <: {x|x>10 & x mod 2 = 0}',
2352 '-evalf', '{11,22} <: {x|x>10 & x mod 2 = 0}',
2353 '-evalt', 'card({S|S <<: 12..15 & (12:S => 15:S & 14 /:S) & (13:S <=> 12:S) & S/={}})=4',
2354 '-evalt', 'card({S|S <<: 12..14 & (12:S => 15:S & 14 /:S) & (13:S <=> 12:S) & S/={}}) =1',
2355 '-evalt', 'card({S|S <<: 12..19 & (12:S => 15:S & 14 /:S) & (13:S <=> 12:S) & S/={}})=79',
2356 '-evalt', 'card({S|S <<: 11..18 & (12:S => 15:S & 14 /:S) & (15:S <=> 12:S) & S/={}})=95',
2357 '-evalt', 'card({S|S <: 11..18 & (12:S => 15:S & 14 /:S) & (15:S <=> 12:S) & S/={}})=95',
2358 '-evalt', 'card({S|S <: 12..15 & (12:S => 15:S) & 14 /:S }) = 6',
2359 '-evalt', 'card({S|S <<: 12..15 & (12:S => 15:S) & 14 /:S }) = 6',
2360 '-evalt', '({S|S <: 12..15 & (12:S => 15:S) & 14 /:S }) = {{},{12,15},{13},{12,13,15},{13,15},{15}}'
2361 ], 'ensure no expansion in subset and proper computation of all solutions').
2362 cli_testcase(1274, [tickets],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen11/RecNatFunLoop.mch', '-init', '-assertions', '-strict', '-vv'],'Check no infinite recursion').
2363 cli_testcase(1275, [tickets,typechecker_test,let],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/TestScopeLHSAssignmentLET.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', type_error, '-expcterr', load_main_file],'LET introduces a duplicate variable').
2364 cli_testcase(1276, [tickets,cbc],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Compilers/LLParsing.mch', '-t', '-strict'],'Check no enumeration warning due to existential quantifiers').
2365 cli_testcase(1277, [tickets,typechecker_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-333/InvalidAssignmentBecomesSuch.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', type_error, '-expcterr', load_main_file],'A becomes such assignment is not allowed to write to an read-only identifier').
2366 cli_testcase(1278, [tickets,typechecker_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-333/InvalidAssignmentElementOf.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', type_error, '-expcterr', load_main_file],'An element of assignment is not allowed to write to an read-only identifier').
2367 cli_testcase(1279, [tickets,typechecker_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-333/InvalidAssignmentOpCall.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', type_error, '-expcterr', load_main_file],'An operation call assignment is not allowed to write to an read-only identifier').
2368 cli_testcase(1280, [tickets,typechecker_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-333/InvalidAssignmentToAnyVar.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', type_error, '-expcterr', load_main_file],'Assignment to variables introduced by ANY are not allowed').
2369 cli_testcase(1281, [tickets,typechecker_test,let],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-333/InvalidAssignmentToLetVar.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-expcterr', type_error, '-expcterr', load_main_file],'Assignment to variables introduced by LET are not allowed').
2370 cli_testcase(1282, [tickets,let,card],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-333/M1.mch'
2371 , '-init', '-strict', '-assertions'
2372 , '-evalt', '#(b).(b:NAT)'
2373 , '-evalt', '#(a).(a:NAT)'
2374 , '-evalt', '!(a).(a:ID => card(ID-{a}) = 1)'
2375 , '-evalt', '!(ab).(ab:ID => card(ID-{ab}) = 1)'
2376 , '-evalt', ' #aa.(not(myTRUE))'
2377 , '-evalt', '{aa|myTRUE} = {aa}'
2378 , '-expcterrpos', definition_variable_capture, 6, 10
2379 , '-expcterrpos', definition_variable_capture, 7, 5
2380 , '-expcterrpos', definition_variable_capture, 1, 10
2381 , '-expcterrpos', definition_variable_capture, 1, 4 % from -evalt's above
2382 ],'Assignment to variables introduced by LET are not allowed').
2383 cli_testcase(1283, [b_test,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/NestedFunUpdate_Error.mch', '-nodead', '-mc', 10, '-strict',
2384 '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'], 'Ensure we find error in assignment.').
2385 cli_testcase(1284, [eventb_test,tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/SlowLambdaFunctions/TestParIf2_v2_mch.eventb',
2386 '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 40,
2387 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000,
2388 '-mc', 1000, '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete', '-cc', 193, 4369,
2389 '-strict'], 'Ensure performance acceptable for nested function applications.').
2390 cli_testcase(1285, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PartialFunCBCPerformance/Prove_simpler_ctx.eventb',
2391 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PartialFunCBCPerformance/ProveCommutativityAxioms_ctx.eventb',
2392 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 90,
2393 '-init', '-mc', 1000, '-nodead', '-strict'
2394 ], 'Ensure we find solution to initalisation.').
2395 cli_testcase(1286, [eventb_test,choose, theories],['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/TestHilbert.eventb','-assertions','-strict'], 'Test if the tagged CHOOSE operator in a theory works.').
2396 cli_testcase(1287, [eventb_test, recursion, infinite, theories],['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/RecursiveSetFunctions_ctx.eventb','-assertions', '-init', '-strict',
2397 '-evalt', 'sumset(1..1000) = 500500'], 'Test that recursive functions with COND work and that we can use Theory operators in evalt.').
2398 cli_testcase(1288, [tickets,smt_test,chr,siemens],['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/RuleValidation/v7_4_trad_pour_m_leuschel-2012-05-04/OrderXY_78_1.mch',
2399 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 100,
2400 '-expcterr', cbc_assertions_time_out,
2401 '-cbc_assertions','-strict'], 'Test Siemens Proof Rule.').
2402 cli_testcase(1289, [tickets,records],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen12/RecordCallResidue.mch', '-init', '-assertions', '-strict'],'Check no call residue for records.').
2403 cli_testcase(1290, [tickets],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen13/VirtualTimeout.mch', '-init', '-mc', 100, '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete','-expcterr', 'time_out_for_invariant'],'Check incomplete model checking detected.').
2404 cli_testcase(1291, [tickets,infinite,override],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen13/OverrideSymbolicTest.mch', '-t', '-strict'],'Check override substitution works symbolically.').
2405 cli_testcase(1292, [b_test,case],['../prob_examples/examples/B/Satpathy/Teletext104/Teletext104_deterministic.mch', '-t', '-strict'],'Check this relatively large machine works.').
2406 cli_testcase(1293, [b_test,tla],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Tests/TLC_Regression_Tests/test1.tla', '-mc', 100, '-strict'], 'TLC regression test: equality.').
2407 cli_testcase(1294, [b_test,tla],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Tests/TLC_Regression_Tests/test2.tla', '-mc', 100, '-strict'], 'TLC regression test: functions.').
2408 %cli_testcase(1295, [b_test,tla],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Tests/TLC_Regression_Tests/test3.tla', '-mc', 100, '-strict'], 'TLC regression test: function application.'). virtual timeout PROB-367
2409 cli_testcase(1296, [b_test,tla],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Tests/TLC_Regression_Tests/test4.tla', '-mc', 100, '-strict'], 'TLC regression test: sets.').
2410 cli_testcase(1297, [b_test,tla],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Tests/TLC_Regression_Tests/test5.tla', '-mc', 100, '-strict'], 'TLC regression test: Cartesian Product.').
2411 cli_testcase(1298, [b_test,tla],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Tests/TLC_Regression_Tests/test6.tla', '-mc', 100, '-strict'], 'TLC regression test: Propositional Logic.').
2412 cli_testcase(1299, [b_test,tla,choose],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Tests/TLC_Regression_Tests/test7.tla',
2413 '-expcterrpos', 'bmachine_static_checks', 34, 9, % forall rhs does not use ids
2414 '-mc', 100, '-strict'], 'TLC regression test: Choose operator.').
2415 cli_testcase(1300, [cbc], [
2416 '-evalf', '[1,2,3,3,3,4] : seq({1, 2, 3}) - seq({1, 2})',
2417 '-evalt', '[1,2,3,3,3,4] /: seq({1, 2, 3}) - seq({1, 2})',
2418 '-evalf', '[1,2,2,2,2,1] : seq({1, 2, 3}) - seq({1, 2})',
2419 '-evalt', '[1,2,2,2,2,1] /: seq({1, 2, 3}) - seq({1, 2})',
2420 '-evalt', '[1,2,3,3,3,2] : seq({1, 2, 3}) - seq({1, 2})',
2421 '-evalf', '[1,2,3,3,3,2] /: seq({1, 2, 3}) - seq({1, 2})',
2422 '-evalt', '[1,2,2,2,2,1,v] : seq({1, 2, 3}) - seq({1, 2}) & v>1',
2423 '-evalt', '{x | x : NATURAL - {x|x>10}} = 0..10',
2424 '-evalt', '{x | x : NATURAL - NATURAL1} = 0..0',
2425 '-evalt', 'x /: NATURAL - {x|x>10} & x>0 & x<100',
2426 '-evalt', '11..99 = {x|x /: NATURAL - {x|x>10} & x>0 & x<100}',
2427 '-evalt', 'x : NATURAL1 /\\ {x|x>20 & x mod 2 = 0}',
2428 '-evalt', 'x /: NATURAL1 /\\ {x|x>20 & x mod 2 = 0}',
2429 '-evalt', '-11 /: NATURAL1 /\\ {x|x>20 & x mod 2 = 0}',
2430 '-evalt', '1024 : NATURAL1 /\\ {x|x>20 & x mod 2 = 0}',
2431 '-evalf', '1024 /: NATURAL1 /\\ {x|x>20 & x mod 2 = 0}',
2432 '-evalt', '1025 /: NATURAL1 /\\ {x|x>20 & x mod 2 = 0}',
2433 '-evalf', '1025 : NATURAL1 /\\ {x|x>20 & x mod 2 = 0}',
2434 '-evalt', '[1,2] : seq({1, 2, 3}) /\\ seq({0, 1, 2})',
2435 '-evalt', '[1,2,3] /: seq({1, 2, 3}) /\\ seq({0, 1, 2})',
2436 '-evalt', '[1,2,3,4] /: seq({1, 2, 3}) /\\ seq({0, 1, 2})',
2437 '-evalt', '[1,2,2,2,1,2] : seq({1, 2, 3}) /\\ seq({0, 1, 2})',
2438 '-evalt', 'seq({1, 2, 3}) /\\ seq({0, 1, 2}) = sq & [1,2,2,2,1] : sq',
2439 '-evalt', 'seq({1, 2, 3}) \\/ seq({0, 1, 2}) = sq & [1,2,3,3,2] : sq',
2440 '-evalf', 'seq({1, 2, 3}) \\/ seq({0, 1, 2}) = sq & [1,2,3,3,2] /: sq',
2441 '-evalt', 'seq({1, 2, 3}) \\/ seq({0, 1, 2}) = sq & [1,2,3,3,2,0] /: sq',
2442 '-evalf', 'seq({1, 2, 3}) \\/ seq({0, 1, 2}) = sq & [1,2,3,3,2,0] : sq',
2443 '-evalt', '{200,201,301,400} - {x|x>0 & x mod 100 = 0} = {201,301}',
2444 '-evalt', '{200,201,301,400} /\\ {x|x>0 & x mod 100 = 0} = {200,400}',
2445 '-evalt', '500 : ( {x|x>0 & x mod 100 = 0} - {200,400})',
2446 '-evalt', '400 /: ( {x|x>0 & x mod 100 = 0} - {200,400})',
2447 '-evalf', '400 : ( {x|x>0 & x mod 100 = 0} - {200,400})',
2448 '-evalt', 'abs = id(NATURAL) \\/ %x.(x<0|-x) & abs(2001)=2001 & abs(-2002)=2002', % added 23.3.2015
2449 '-evalt', 'f = id(NATURAL) /\\ %x.(x<100|-x) & f={0|->0}', % added 23.3.2015
2450 '-evalt', 'abs = %x.(x<0|-x) \\/ id(NATURAL) & abs(2001)=2001 & abs(-2002)=2002', % added 23.3.2015
2451 '-evalt', '0: NATURAL - {1} - {2}', % added 14.5.2018
2452 '-evalt', '3: NATURAL - {1} - {2}', % added 14.5.2018
2453 '-evalf', '1: NATURAL - {1} - {2}', % added 14.5.2018
2454 '-evalf', '2: NATURAL - {1} - {2}', % added 14.5.2018
2455 '-evalt', '33: NATURAL - {1} - {2}', % added 14.5.2018
2456 '-evalf', '0: NATURAL1 - {11} - {22}', % added 14.5.2018
2457 '-evalf', '11: NATURAL1 - {11} - {22}', % added 14.5.2018
2458 '-evalf', '22: NATURAL1 - {11} - {22}', % added 14.5.2018
2459 '-evalt', '1: NATURAL1 - {11} - {22}', % added 14.5.2018
2460 '-evalt', '23: NATURAL1 - {11} - {22}', % added 14.5.2018
2461 '-evalf', '{} = NATURAL1 - {11} - {22}' % added 14.5.2018
2462 ], 'ensure symbolic treatment of set difference and intersection membership').
2463 cli_testcase(1301, [tickets,infinite,strings,card], [
2464 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 /: {NATURAL,INTEGER,NATURAL,1..2,{}}',
2465 '-evalf', 'NATURAL1 : {NATURAL,INTEGER,NATURAL,1..2,{}}',
2466 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 : {NATURAL,INTEGER,NATURAL1,1..2,{}}',
2467 '-evalt', '1..2 : {NATURAL,INTEGER,NATURAL1,1..2,{},1..3,{2}}',
2468 '-evalt', '{} : {NATURAL,INTEGER,NATURAL1,1..2,{},1..3,{2}}',
2469 '-evalt', '{NATURAL} <: {NATURAL,INTEGER,NATURAL1,1..2,{},1..3,{2}}',
2470 '-evalt', '{NATURAL} <<: {NATURAL,INTEGER,NATURAL1,1..2,{},1..3,{2}}',
2471 '-evalt', '{NATURAL,{},INTEGER} <<: {NATURAL,INTEGER,NATURAL1,1..2,{},1..3,{2}}',
2472 '-evalt', '{NATURAL,{},INTEGER,{1,2}} <<: {NATURAL,INTEGER,NATURAL1,1..2,{},1..3,{2}}',
2473 '-evalf', '{NATURAL,{},INTEGER,{1,3}} <<: {NATURAL,INTEGER,NATURAL1,1..2,{},1..3,{2}}',
2474 '-evalt', '7=card({NATURAL,INTEGER,NATURAL1,1..2,{},1..3,{2}})',
2475 '-evalt', '5=card({NATURAL1,INTEGER,NATURAL1,1..2,{},1..3,{1,2}})',
2476 '-evalt', '{NATURAL1,INTEGER,x} = r & {}:r',
2477 '-evalt', '{STRING,{},{"hallo"}} = s & card(s)=3 & {}:s & STRING:s',
2478 '-evalt', 'r = { {1..2},{NATURAL}, {INTEGER}, {{}}, {NATURAL1}, {NATURAL1,NATURAL} } & {x} : r & x=NATURAL',
2479 '-evalt', 'r = { {1..2},{NATURAL}, {INTEGER}, {{}}, {NATURAL1}, {NATURAL1,NATURAL} } & {x,y} : r & x=NATURAL & y=NATURAL1',
2480 '-evalf', 'r = { {1..2},{NATURAL}, {INTEGER}, {{}}, {NATURAL1}, {NATURAL1,INTEGER} } & {x,y} : r & x=NATURAL & y=NATURAL1',
2481 '-evalt', '{x|x>10 & x*x = 100} : {NATURAL,{},1..3,{2},INTEGER}',
2482 '-evalt', '{x|x>4 & x*x = 100} : {NATURAL,{},1..3,{10},INTEGER}',
2483 '-evalt', '{3,2,1} : {NATURAL1,{},1..3,{2},INTEGER}'
2484 ], 'test putting infinite global sets into AVL sets').
2485 cli_testcase(1302,[private,data_validation,alstom,while],['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/Ticket_July2_2014/Rule_TMS_Signal_0107.mch','-strict', '-t', '-pref_group', integer, int32, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 15000 ], 'Ticket related to variables only read in while loop').
2486 cli_testcase(1303,[private,data_validation,alstom,while],['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/Ticket_July2_2014/Rule_DB_SIGAREA_0030.mch','-strict', '-t', '-pref_group', integer, int32, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 15000,
2487 '-mc', 100, '-bf',
2488 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation' , '-expcterr', bmachine_static_checks, '-expcterrpos', type_error, 719, 48], 'Ticket related to local variables modified in while loop which are also constants of another machine (length)').
2489 cli_testcase(1304, [eventb_test,laws, proz, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/ListLawsMC_inf_mch.eventb','-t', '-strict',
2490 '-expcterr', 'virtual_time_out'], 'Various checks for sets involving freetypes (Lists Theory; PROB-325) that no wd-error occurs').
2491 cli_testcase(1305, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Euler_Project/Euler_Problem_009.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-properties'], 'Test that this puzzle now solved also when encoded as machine').
2492 cli_testcase(1306, [b_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen15/PostCorrespondence_MC.mch','-mc', 50, '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 3500, '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'],'Check no call residue').
2493 cli_testcase(1307,[private,b_test,alstom,data_validation],['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/Ticket_July9_2014/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0062.mch','-strict', '-expcterr', type_error, '-expcterr', load_main_file], 'Ticket related to operation defined multiple times + raising of error messages').
2494 cli_testcase(1308, [b_test,kodkod,tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-331/HadamardMatrixRel_ForKodkod.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-p','TIME_OUT',3000, '-p', 'SOLVER_FOR_PROPERTIES', 'kodkod', '-p', 'KODKOD_ONLY_FULL', 'FALSE'], 'Check that Kodkod finds solution. (PROB-331)').
2495 cli_testcase(1309,[proz,recursion],['../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Tickets/PROB-343/RecursiveDatatype.fuzz','-p','DEFAULT_SETSIZE','2','-p','TIME_OUT','1000','-mc',1000,'-nodead','-cc',4,3,'-strict'],'Z Freetypes: Checking simple recursive definition').
2496 cli_testcase(1310, [tickets], [
2497 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-335/RecordDetectionBugSimple.mch', % used to generate a virtual time-out (fixed July 13th 2014)
2498 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-335/ExtremaFinding.mch', '-mc', 100, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 20, '-nodead',
2499 '-init', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check that Record Detection does not mess up. (PROB-335)').
2500 cli_testcase(1311, [cbc], ['-evalt', 'a : NATURAL & b : NATURAL & c : NATURAL & a < b & b < c & a**2 + b ** 2 = c ** 2 & a + b + c = 1000 & result=PI(x).(x:{a,b,c}|x)'], 'Test that Euler Puzzle 9 can be solved using Eval console').
2501 cli_testcase(1312, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Euler_Project/Euler_Problem_004.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-properties', '-assertions','-p', 'TIME_OUT', 10000 ], 'Test that this puzzle can be solved'). % temporariliy set an increased time-out (Sept. 2014) TO DO: remove again !!
2502 cli_testcase(1313, [tickets,infinite],
2503 ['-evalt', 'x=prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER) & y=prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER) & x=y',
2504 '-evalt', 'x=prj1(INTEGER,POW(NATURAL*INTEGER)) & y=prj1(INTEGER,POW(NATURAL*INTEGER)) & x=y',
2505 '-evalt', 'prj1(NATURAL1,NATURAL1)(222,333)=222',
2506 '-evalt', 'prj2(NATURAL1,NATURAL1)(222,333)=333',
2507 '-evalt', 'dom(prj1(NATURAL,NATURAL1)) = NATURAL*NATURAL1',
2508 '-evalt', 'dom(prj2(NATURAL1,NATURAL1)) = NATURAL1*NATURAL1'
2509 ], 'Check that no infinite expansion occurs when comparing two prj1 functions + other prj1/prj2 tests (PROB-346)').
2510 cli_testcase(1314, [cbc,card], [
2511 '-evalt', ' s = [x,y,z] & rev(s) = {1|->v,v|->w,w|->v} & v>w',
2512 '-evalt', '{s,x,y,z,v,w|s = [x,y,z] & rev(s) = {1|->v,v|->w,w|->v} & v>w} = {((((([2,3,3]|->2)|->3)|->3)|->3)|->2)}',
2513 '-evalt', 'rev({x|->y}) = {v|->w} & w:NATURAL',
2514 '-evalt', 'card({s,x,y,z,v,w|s = [x,y,z] & rev(s) = {1|->v,v|->w,w|->v} }) = 2',
2515 '-evalt', '{s,x,y,z,v,w|s = [x,y,z] & rev(s) = {1|->v,v|->w,w|->v} } = {((((([2,3,2]|->2)|->3)|->2)|->2)|->3),((((([2,3,3]|->2)|->3)|->3)|->3)|->2)}',
2516 '-evalt' , '{v,w,x,y,z|{1|->v,v|->w,w|->v} = [x,y,z]} = {((((2|->3)|->2)|->3)|->2),((((3|->2)|->3)|->3)|->2)}',
2517 '-evalt' , '{v,w,x,y|{1|->v,v|->w,w|->v} = [x,y,x]} = {(((2|->3)|->2)|->3)}',
2518 '-evalt', 'min({1+10,x}) = max({1+10,x})',
2519 '-evalt', '{x|min({1+10,x}) = max({1+10,x})} = {11}'
2520 ], 'Testing constraint propagation for reverse and unification with set extensions.').
2521 cli_testcase(1315, [cbc], [
2522 '-evalf', 'x:INTEGER & x>y & x=y',
2523 '-evalf', 'x+1 > y+1 & x=y',
2524 '-evalf', 'x+1 < y+1 & x=y',
2525 % require CHR: '-evalf', 'x<y & y<z & x=z', or '-evalf', 'x+1 < y & x=y'
2526 '-evalt', '!(x,y).(x:INTEGER & x>y => x/=y)'
2527 ], 'Check simple inconsistencies with <, > detected now').
2528 cli_testcase(1316, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Euler_Project/Euler_Problem_067.mch', '-init', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-assertions','-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000 %increased time-out for cobra
2529 ], 'Test challenging puzzle').
2530 cli_testcase(1317, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/Underscore_LTL.csp', '-ltlassertions', '-strict'], 'Checking underscore arguments in LTL formulas.').
2531 cli_testcase(1318, [b_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '36', '156', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'COMPRESSION' , 'TRUE'], 'Test COMPRESSION for spec using sets').
2532 cli_testcase(1319, [b_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler.mch',
2533 '-mc', '100', '-bf', '-cc', '36', '156', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-save_state',
2534 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_bf_states.P'], 'Test -save_state works').
2535 cli_testcase(1320, [cbc], [
2536 '-evalt', 's = {y|y>2 & y mod 33 /= 1} & r={x|x:30..100 & x /:s} & r={34,67,100}'], 'check b_not_test_closure_enum works').
2537 cli_testcase(1321, [cbc,wd], [
2538 '-evalnwd', '{} : (1..(10/0) +-> {22})',
2539 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error], 'check WD error detected for binary_in_definitely_true').
2540 cli_testcase(1322, [cbc,wd], [
2541 '-evalnwd', '{} : POW(1..(10/0))',
2542 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error], 'check WD error detected for unary_in_definitely_true').
2543 cli_testcase(1323, [eventb_test,tickets,theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/testSUM_Theory_agg_op_ctx.eventb',
2544 '-init', '-assertions',
2545 '-strict'], 'Ensure no variable clash with agg_op1/2.').
2546 cli_testcase(1324, [b_test], [
2547 '-eval', 'a & b', % <-- error
2548 '-evalt', 'a=5',
2549 % '-p', 'BOOL_AS_PREDICATE', 'TRUE' % no longer exists, hence we now get an error:
2550 '-expcterr' ,parse_machine_predicate_error
2551 ], 'Extended formula syntax (is no longer supported).').
2552 cli_testcase(1325, [b_test,refinement,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/Refinement/RefDefSetAsEnumSet.mch',
2553 '-init', '-assertions',
2554 '-strict'], 'Ensure enumerated set declaration in refinement using all-diff with card detected.').
2555 cli_testcase(1326, [b_test,cse, cse_test, strings], ['-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 150,
2556 '-evalf', 'x:1..500000 & y:1..500000 & (x+y)**2 = 4+(x+y)**2',
2557 '-evalf', '(x*y*z) = (y*x*z)+10',
2558 '-evalf', '(x*y*z) = (y*z*x)+10',
2559 '-evalf', '(x*(z*y)) = ((y*x)*z)+10',
2560 '-evalf', '(x*y*z*z*x) = (z*x*y*x*z)+10',
2561 '-evalf', '(x*y*(z*z)*x) = (z*(x*y)*x*z)+10',
2562 '-evalf', '(x\\/y\\/v\\/x) /= (v\\/x\\/y) & x<:BOOL', % CSE does not fully detect LHS and RHS identical (because of idempotence)
2563 '-evalf', '(x\\/y\\/v\\/x) /= (v\\/x\\/x\\/y) & x<:BOOL',
2564 '-evalf', '(x\\/y\\/v\\/x) /= (v\\/x\\/x\\/y) & x<:STRING',
2565 '-evalf', '(x\\/y\\/v\\/x) <<: (v\\/x\\/x\\/y) & x<:STRING',
2566 '-evalf', '(x\\/y\\/v\\/x) /<: (v\\/x\\/x\\/y) & x<:STRING',
2567 '-evalt', '(x\\/y\\/v\\/x) <: (v\\/x\\/x\\/y) & x<:BOOL',
2568 '-evalt', '(x\\/y\\/v\\/x) /<<: (v\\/x\\/x\\/y) & x<:BOOL',
2569 '-evalt', '(x*y*(z*z)*x) = (z*(x*y)*x*z*x)-36 & x:0..2 & y:0..2 & z:0..3',
2570 '-evalt', '#x.((x>10+10) & (x>10+10 => b=TRUE) & x:1..200)',
2571 '-evalt', '{0|->1,4|->2}(x*2+x*2) > 1',
2572 '-evalt', '{0|->x*x, 1|->(x*x)+1}(v) = 9 & v:0..1 & x:0..10', % had WD error v:0..10
2573 '-evalt', '{xx,yy| xx:1..100 & yy>xx & yy<110 & xx|->yy:{yy,xx|xx:20..22 & yy:{xx-2,xx-3}}} = {(17|->20),(18|->20),(18|->21),(19|->21),(19|->22),(20|->22)}',
2574 '-evalt', '{xx,yy| xx:1..(90+5*2) & yy>xx & yy<100+(5*2) & xx|->yy:{yy,xx|xx:(10+5*2)..22 & yy:{xx-2,xx-3}}} = {(17|->20),(18|->20),(18|->21),(19|->21),(19|->22),(20|->22)}',
2575 '-evalt', '{xx,yy| xx:1..(90+5*2) & yy>xx & yy<100+(5*2) & xx-2 > 15 & xx-2 < 18 & xx|->yy:{yy,xx|xx:(10+5*2)..22 & yy:{xx-2,xx-3}}} = {(18|->20),(18|->21),(19|->21),(19|->22)}'
2576 ], 'Ensure CSE works').
2577 cli_testcase(1327, [tickets,cse], ['-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '150s',
2578 '-expcterr', set_eclipse_preference
2579 ], 'Ensure error in set preference discovered').
2580 cli_testcase(1328, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Seiter_RefinementChecking/auth_0_mch.eventb', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
2581 cli_testcase(1329, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Seiter_RefinementChecking/auth_1_mch.eventb', '-cbc_refinement'], '').
2582 cli_testcase(1330, [cbc_refinement,refinement], ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Seiter_RefinementChecking/auth_2_mch.eventb', '-cbc_refinement', '-expcterr', cbc_refinement], '').
2583 cli_testcase(1331, [tickets, slot], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-356/SlotSolver.mch',
2584 '-init', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '25000', '-eval', 'CHECK(ges, ger, 1)'
2585 ], 'Ensure no access record errors (PROB-356)').
2586 cli_testcase(1332, [tickets, slot], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-355/SlotSolver.mch',
2587 '-init', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '20000', '-eval', 's1 : COURSES & CHECK(s1, soz, 1)'
2588 ], 'Ensure no infinite loop (PROB-355)').
2589 cli_testcase(1333, [cbc_deadlock,cache], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch',
2590 '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 5, '-cbc_deadlock', '-strict', '-mc', '100', '-cache', '../prob_examples/public_examples/cache/', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Check that test 315 works with cache'). % TO DO: is much slower than without cache
2591 cli_testcase(1334, [b_test,cruise,cse_test,codespeed,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-strict', '-model_check', '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE', '--hash64', 753243318772366897, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 5, '-cc', '1361', '25696'], 'Check CSE for Cruise Controller'). % the hash is only valid on 64-bit systems ( conditional skip added); % 17.9.2021: adapted hash from 203058745203935766 for sorted order of variables, adapted hash on 8.12.2015 for new variable order
2592 cli_testcase(1335, [b_test,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-strict', '-mc', '20', '--hash64', 1095242179479036905, '-expcterr', 'hash', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Check that --hash option works').
2593 cli_testcase(1336, [tickets,slot,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/SLOT-24_no_print/SlotSolver.mch',
2594 '-init', '-evalt', 'CHECK(ges, ger, 1)', '-evalf', 'CHECK(rom, jap, 1)', '-main_assertions'
2595 ], 'Ensure no access record errors (SLOT-24)').
2596 cli_testcase(1337, [parser,tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PARSERLIB-32/TestDefOrder.mch',
2597 '-mc', 100
2598 ], 'Ensure that definition order for predicate-definitions does not matter (PARSERLIB-32)').
2599 cli_testcase(1338, [private, tickets, recursion,slot, unsat_core], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/SlotTool/SlotTool_19092014/SlotSolver.mch',
2600 '-init', '-assertions'
2601 ], 'Ensure complicated unsat core computations keep on working (SLOT-24)').
2602 %cli_testcase(1339, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/GenericUsageOfSquare.mch', '-plugin', 'units', '-strict', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/GenericUsageOfSquare_internal.mch'], 'Check that operations calls and definitions are parametrical regarding units').
2603 cli_testcase(1340, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SF(C) & WF(D) => GF {addr=4 or addr =5}', '-expcterr', ltl, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation for finding the right counter example.').
2604 cli_testcase(1341, [b_test,cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/Bakery0.mch', '-bf', '-mc', 100, '--all_paths', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/Bakery0_all_paths.xml', '-strict'], 'XML all path export.').
2605 cli_testcase(1342, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/M_Events_with_Args.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SF(Evt) => F (not(e(Evt1)) & not(e(Evt2)))', '-expcterr', ltl, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation for finding the right counter example.').
2606 cli_testcase(1343, [csp_test,assertions], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/AlsoPatterns.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Testing enumerating of also patterns on channel data types.').
2607 cli_testcase(1344, [csp_test,assertions], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/AParallel.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Testing pattern matching for alphabetised parallel operators.').
2608 cli_testcase(1345, [csp_test,assertions], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/AParallel1.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Testing pattern matching for alphabetised parallel operators.').
2609 cli_testcase(1346, [csp_test,assertions], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Andreas_Hense/P2P/p2p_v3.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Testing assertions in the CSP specification (for this specification ProB performs better than FDR2).').
2610 cli_testcase(1347, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Andreas_Hense/ATM/ATM_v5.csp', '-t', '-strict'], '').
2611 cli_testcase(1348, [csp_test,assertions,records], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Ivo/EnumeratingDataTypes.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Enumerating partial data type records.').
2612 cli_testcase(1349, [b_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/Threads.mch', '-ltlassertions',
2613 '-ltlformula', 'GF deadlock(Step1_p1,Step1_p2)',
2614 '-ltlformula', 'G deterministic(Step1_p1,Sync)',
2615 '-ltlformula', 'G(e(Step1_p2) or controller(Step1_p1,Sync))',
2616 '-strict'], 'Covering the new APs (deadlock(...),deterministic(...), and controller(...)) of the LTL interpreter.').
2617 cli_testcase(1350, [cbc,tickets,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Savary/R08_ByteArray_mch.eventb', '-cbc_sequence', 'aload_R07' ], 'Check cbc sequence on example with partially enumerated sets').
2618 cli_testcase(1351, [tickets,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/GeneralElectric_DV/Ticket_CLPFD_Overflow/Machine_Bug3.mch', '-init', '-p', 'MAXINT', '2147483647', '-p', 'MININT', '-2147483648', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '3500',
2619 '-expcterrpos', type_error, 716, 48,
2620 '-expecterr', 'bmachine_construction',
2621 '-expcterrpos', 'bmachine_static_checks', 716, 0 % added this 15.12.2015 as we now also generate warning for length
2622 ], 'Check abs DEFINITION error message works (and VAR hides constant)').
2623 cli_testcase(1352, [tickets,while,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/GeneralElectric_DV/Ticket_CLPFD_Overflow/Machine_Bug3_renamed.mch',
2624 '-t', '-p', 'MAXINT', '2147483647', '-p', 'MININT', '-2147483648', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '3500' ], 'Check no error in compiling While loop').
2625 cli_testcase(1353, [b_test], [
2626 '-evalt', '{x|x>99988844111111222200 & x<99988844111111222300 & x mod 20 = 1} = res & 2000 /: res & 99988844111111222201 : res',
2627 '-eval', '{x|x>99988844111111222200 & x<99988844111111222300 & x mod 20 = 1}'
2628 , '-evalt', '{x|x>ll & x<99988844111111222300 & x mod 20 = 9} = res & (ll=99988844111111222200 or ll = 99988844111111222201) & 99988844111111222209 : res'
2629 , '-evalt', '{x|x>ll & x<99988844111111222300 & x mod 20 = 2} = res & 2000 /: res & 99988844111111222202 : res & (ll=99988844111111222200 or ll = 99988844111111222201)'
2630 ], 'Check CLPFD Overflow is caught').
2631 cli_testcase(1354, [ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/HDCP/HDCP0_mch_mch.eventb','-ltllimit', 10000,'-ltlfile','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/HDCP/HDCP0.ltl', '-strict'], 'Regression test for checking LTL formulas.').
2632 cli_testcase(1355, [ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/HDCP/HDCP1_mch_mch.eventb','-ltllimit', 10000,'-ltlfile','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/HDCP/HDCP1.ltl', '-strict'], 'Regression test for checking LTL formulas.').
2633 cli_testcase(1356, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-cbc_tests', 4, '1=1', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_cbc_tests.xml', '-expcterr', 'cbc_tests'], 'Check that full coverage cannot be achieved').
2634 cli_testcase(1357, [cbc,cbc_tests,enabling], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-cbc_tests', 5, '1=1', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_cbc_tests.xml', '-feasibility_analysis'], 'Check that full coverage can be achieved').
2635 cli_testcase(1358, [cbc,enabling], ['../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Savary/R08_ByteArray_enum_partition.eventb',
2636 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 3000,
2637 '-feasibility_analysis_csv', 1500,
2638 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Savary/R08_ByteArray_enum_partition_feasibility.csv'], 'Check feasibility analysis works').
2639 cli_testcase(1359, [cbc,tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/SeqTest/SeqTest_ctx.eventb', '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/SeqTest/SeqTest3_ctx.eventb',
2640 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/SeqTest/SortRecFunction_ctx.eventb',
2641 '-p', 'MAXINT', '3', '-t' ,'-assertions'], 'Check no enumeration warning').
2642 cli_testcase(1360, [cbc,enabling], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/FeasibilityOperationCheck.mch',
2643 '-opterr', 'clpfd_overflow',
2644 '-feasibility_analysis_csv', 750,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/FeasibilityOperationCheck_feasibility.csv'], 'Check feasibility analysis works').
2645 cli_testcase(1361, [ctl,tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/MammarFrappier/FlightSystem_corrected_3_3.mch',
2646 '-expcterrpos', 'bmachine_static_checks', 65, 4, % forall rhs does not use ids
2647 '-ctlformula', 'AG({Customers1|->Flights1 /: tickets} => EF({Customers1|->Flights1 : tickets}))',
2648 '-ltllimit', 100, '-expcterr', 'ctl_incomplete', '-expcterr', 'state_space',
2649 '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE'], 'Check that incomplete CTL model check detected').
2650 cli_testcase(1362, [ctl,tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/MammarFrappier/FlightSystem_corrected_3_3.mch',
2651 '-expcterrpos', 'bmachine_static_checks', 65, 4, % forall rhs does not use ids
2652 '-ctlformulat', 'AG({Customers1|->Flights1 /: tickets} => EF({Customers1|->Flights1 : tickets}))',
2653 '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-cc', 2199, 15212], 'Check that CTL model check works without ltllimit').
2654 cli_testcase(1363, [ctl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch',
2655 '-p', 'MAXINT', 20,
2656 '-ctlformulaf', 'AG({c<mx})', '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his.txt', '-his_option','show_states'
2657 ], 'Check that CTL model check works without ltllimit').
2658 cli_testcase(1364, [ctl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler.mch',
2659 '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3',
2660 '-ctlformulaf', 'AG {active={} or ready = {} or waiting ={}}', '-bf', '-mc', 9999, '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_his.txt', '-his_option','show_states'
2661 ], 'Check that CTL model check generates correct counter example').
2662 cli_testcase(1365, [ctl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler.mch',
2663 '-ctlformulat', 'AG({card(ready)>1} => EF {card(active)>0})',
2664 '-ctlformulat', 'AG EF {active = {}}',
2665 '-ctlformulat', 'EG {active = {}}',
2666 '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3'
2667 ], 'Check CTL formulas').
2668 cli_testcase(1366, [cbc, cbc_tests,bmc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/TimingExampleSimpler_v2.mch', '-bmc', 50, '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/TimingExampleSimpler_v2_his.txt', '-his_option','show_states',
2669 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check BMC works').
2670 cli_testcase(1367, [cbc,tickets,bmc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/OpCallModifiesInfo/OpCallModifiesInfo.mch', '-bmc', 5,
2671 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check Modifies Info correct for operation calls').
2672 cli_testcase(1368, [cbc,tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/ComponentPartitioning/ManyPartialFunctions.mch', '-init',
2673 '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 5], 'Check component partition works with equality inlining').
2674 cli_testcase(1369, [b_test,tla,tlc],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-mc_with_tlc'], 'TLC regression test').
2675 cli_testcase(1370, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/Aymerick/CBC_M_mch.eventb', '-cbc_tests', 4, '', '', '-expcterr', 'cbc_tests'], 'Check that full coverage cannot be achieved and no exceptions').
2676 cli_testcase(1371, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/Aymerick/CBC_M_mch.eventb', '-cbc_tests', 4, '', '', '-cbc_cover_match', 'c'], 'Check that cbc_cover_match option works').
2677 cli_testcase(1372, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/FormaleSprachen.mch',
2678 '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
2679 '-init','-assertions', '-strict'], 'Test 1264 but with SMT mode.').
2680 cli_testcase(1373, [private,codespeed,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/vesg_Aug11/gradient_train_altitude.mch',
2681 '-animate', 5, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 300000000, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE'], 'Test Alstom example').
2682 cli_testcase(1374, [tickets,card], [
2683 '-evalf', 'n:0..4 & m=6 & not(((((card((1 .. n <-> 5 .. m) \\/ {{0 |-> 0}}) = 1 + card(1 .. n <-> 5 .. m) & card((1 .. n +-> 5 .. m) \\/ {{0 |-> 0}}) = 1 + card(1 .. n +-> 5 .. m)) & card((1 .. n --> 5 .. m) \\/ {{0 |-> 0}}) = 1 + card(1 .. n --> 5 .. m)) & card((1 .. n >+> 5 .. m) \\/ {{0 |-> 0}}) = 1 + card(1 .. n >+> 5 .. m)) & card((1 .. n >-> 5 .. m) \\/ {{0 |-> 0}}) = 1 + card(1 .. n >-> 5 .. m)) & card((1 .. n -->> 5 .. m) \\/ {{0 |-> 0}}) = 1 + card(1 .. n -->> 5 .. m))'],
2684 'Test that no choice points due to add_element').
2685 cli_testcase(1375, [cbc, cbc_tests, tickets,bmc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/Counters/VerySimpleCounterWrong.mch', '-bmc', 6,
2686 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check BMC works').
2687 cli_testcase(1376, [private,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_24092013/02_001_adapted.mch',
2688 '-init' ,'-assertions', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 155000,
2689 '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0 ], 'Check performance (previously part of 1162)').
2690 cli_testcase(1377, [private,data_validation,cse_test], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_2_ori.mch', '-animate_all', '-strict', '-cc', 49, 48, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 35000, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647,
2691 '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 1, '-his', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_2_ori.his', '-sptxt', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_2_ori.sptxt', '-expcterr', invariant_violation, '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE'], 'Rule Test 4 of Alstom compilation project with CSE'). % Signal_Overlap_SDDBs is non-deterministic: hence MAX_OPERATIONS 1
2692 cli_testcase(1378, [private,data_validation,cse_test], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_SIGAREA_0024_ori.mch', '-animate_all', '-strict', '-cc', 40, 39, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 35000, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-his', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_SIGAREA_0024_ori.his', '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE'], 'Rule Test 5 of Alstom compilation project with CSE').
2693 cli_testcase(1379, [private,data_validation,cse_test], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_Route_0001ori.mch', '-animate_all', '-strict', '-cc', 97, 96, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 28000, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-his', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_Route_0001ori.his', '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE'], 'Rule Test 1 of Alstom compilation project (test 981) with CSE').
2694 cli_testcase(1380, [private,data_validation,alstom,cse_test], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_ESA_TRIGGER_0009_ori.mch', '-strict', '-cc', 112, 111, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-t', '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE'], 'Rule Test 2 of Alstom compilation project with CSE').
2695 cli_testcase(1381, [tickets,cse_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/CSE/BoolValue.mch',
2696 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/CSE/ExplicitComputations_Reduced.mch',
2697 '-init', '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE'], 'Check sharing of predicates works').
2698 cli_testcase(1382, [cbc, disprover], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/prob13265_hyp_removed.mch',
2699 '-cbc_assertions', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 0], 'Check partitioning for cbc_assertions works').
2700 cli_testcase(1383, [tickets, external,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/Ticket_Dec08_2014/Segment_refAdhesionLevel_GER5.mch',
2701 '-t', '-sptxt', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/Ticket_Dec08_2014/Segment_refAdhesionLevel_GER5_sptxt.txt'], 'Check join works in conjunction with perm with paritally instantiated lists').
2702 cli_testcase(1384, [cbc,sigma,card], [
2703 '-evalt', '{y|SIGMA(x).(x:1..10 & x mod 5 = 0|x+y) = 215} = {100}',
2704 '-evalt', '{y|PI(x).(x:1..10 & x mod 5 = 0|x+y) = 66} = {-16,1}',
2705 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(x).(x:{y} \\/ {z}|x) = 10 & y>z & z>0',
2706 '-evalt', '{y,z|SIGMA(x).(x:{y} \\/ {z}|x+3) = 10 & y>z & z>0} = {(3,1)}',
2707 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(i).(i:1..1000|i)=500500',
2708 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(i).(i:0..1000|i)=500500',
2709 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(i).(i:-2..1000|i)=500497',
2710 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(i).(i:-3..1000|i)=500494',
2711 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(i).(i:-2..-3|i)=0',
2712 '-evalt', '{y,m|PI(x).(x:1..3|x+y) = m & m:25..100} = {(2,60)}',
2713 '-evalt', 'x = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o] & SIGMA(i).(i:dom(x)|x(i))=124 & !j.(j:2..size(x) => x(j-1)<x(j)) & a>0',
2714 '-evalf', 's:seq(NATURAL1) & size(s)=220 & SIGMA(i).(i:1..size(s)|s(i)) = 200',
2715 '-evalf', 'x = SIGMA(i).(i:1..n|i) & x<0',
2716 '-evalt', 'x = SIGMA(i).(i:1..n|i) & n>1 & x = 5050',
2717 '-evalt', '{n|5050 = SIGMA(i).(i:1..n|i)} = {100}',
2718 '-evalf', 'x = SIGMA(i).(i:1..n|i) & n>100 & x < 5151',
2719 '-evalt', '{x,n|x = SIGMA(i).(i:-3..n|i) & n>1 & x < 5150 & x>5100} = {(5145,101)}',
2720 '-evalf', 's = [x,10,y] & PI(i).(i:dom(s)|s(i)) = r & x>0 & y>0 & r<10',
2721 '-evalt', 's<:11..15 & card(s)<3 & SIGMA(x).(x:s|x)=23'
2722 ], 'Check constraint propagation of SIGMA / PI work better now').
2723 cli_testcase(1385, [cbc,sigma], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Minesweeper.mch',
2724 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Minesweeper_v2.mch',
2725 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Minesweeper_v3.mch', still time-out
2726 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Minesweeper_v4.mch',
2727 '-init', '-cbc_assertions'], 'Check this version with SIGMA can be solved efficiently').
2728 cli_testcase(1386, [cbc,atelierb], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/FalsePO1.mch',
2729 '-cbc_assertions', '-expecterr', 'cbc_assertions', '-cbc_result_file', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt'], 'Test Atelier-B Disprover interface').
2730 cli_testcase(1387, [cbc,atelierb,chr], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/TimeOutPO1.mch',
2731 '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
2732 '-cbc_assertions',
2733 '-cbc_result_file', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt'], 'Test Atelier-B Disprover interface').
2734 cli_testcase(1388, [cbc,atelierb,chr], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/TruePO1.mch',
2735 '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
2736 '-cbc_assertions',
2737 '-cbc_result_file', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt'], 'Test Atelier-B Disprover interface').
2738 cli_testcase(1389, [cbc,atelierb,chr], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/DeferredSetPO1.mch',
2739 '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
2740 '-cbc_assertions',
2741 '-cbc_result_file', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt'], 'Test Atelier-B Disprover interface').
2742 /* does not work yet:
2743 cli_testcase(1382, [private, tickets, recursion,slot,cse, unsat_core], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/SlotTool/SlotTool_19092014/SlotSolver.mch',
2744 '-init', '-assertions', '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE'
2745 ], 'Ensure complicated unsat core computations keep on working with CSE TRUE (SLOT-24)').
2746 */
2747 cli_testcase(1390, [tickets], [
2748 '-evalu', '({1}*INTEGER)=f & res = f[{1}] & res=MININT..MAXINT', '-expcterr', eval_string_enum_warning],
2749 'Check that we do not report this as true / false').
2750 cli_testcase(1391, [tickets,proz], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Daniel/Praxis/network2.fuzz',
2751 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Daniel/scheduler.fuzz',
2752 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Daniel/SudokuSETS9.fuzz',
2753 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Daniel/watergate.fuzz',
2754 '-t'],
2755 'Ensure no pending co-routines for instantiation of freetype value (network2)').
2756 cli_testcase(1392, [cbc,sigma], [
2757 '-evalt', 'r = {s1,s2| SIGMA(i).(i:s1|i) = SIGMA(j).(j:s2|j)} & {x,y}|->{10}:r & {6}|->{x}:r',
2758 '-evalt', 'r = {s1,s2| SIGMA(i).(i:s1|i) = SIGMA(j).(j:s2|j)} & {x,y|{x,y}|->{10}:r & {6}|->{x}:r} = {(6,4)}',
2759 '-evalf', '{x,y}=s & {v,w,z}=r & s<:r & r<:11..14 & SIGMA(i).(i:s|i) > SIGMA(j).(j:r|j)' % already worked before
2760 ], 'Check that we can find a solution : choice point enumerated before enumerating y').
2761 cli_testcase(1393, [tickets,slot,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/SLOT-PERFORMANCE3_no_print/WiWiSolver.mch',
2762 '-init', % '-v', % generates non-ground closure warnings
2763 '-evalt', '{x,s,y| x:MAJORS & s : 1..6 & y = bool(CHECK_P_WP_SEMESTER(x, s))} = {((bwl_bachelor|->1)|->TRUE),((bwl_bachelor|->2)|->TRUE),((bwl_bachelor|->3)|->FALSE),((bwl_bachelor|->4)|->FALSE),((bwl_bachelor|->5)|->FALSE),((bwl_bachelor|->6)|->TRUE),((bwl_master|->1)|->FALSE),((bwl_master|->2)|->FALSE),((bwl_master|->3)|->FALSE),((bwl_master|->4)|->TRUE),((bwl_master|->5)|->TRUE),((bwl_master|->6)|->TRUE),((vwl_bachelor|->1)|->TRUE),((vwl_bachelor|->2)|->TRUE),((vwl_bachelor|->3)|->FALSE),((vwl_bachelor|->4)|->FALSE),((vwl_bachelor|->5)|->TRUE),((vwl_bachelor|->6)|->TRUE),((vwl_master|->1)|->FALSE),((vwl_master|->2)|->TRUE),((vwl_master|->3)|->FALSE),((vwl_master|->4)|->TRUE),((vwl_master|->5)|->TRUE),((vwl_master|->6)|->TRUE),((wichem_bachelor|->1)|->TRUE),((wichem_bachelor|->2)|->TRUE),((wichem_bachelor|->3)|->TRUE),((wichem_bachelor|->4)|->TRUE),((wichem_bachelor|->5)|->FALSE),((wichem_bachelor|->6)|->FALSE),((wichem_master|->1)|->TRUE),((wichem_master|->2)|->FALSE),((wichem_master|->3)|->TRUE),((wichem_master|->4)|->TRUE),((wichem_master|->5)|->TRUE),((wichem_master|->6)|->TRUE)}'
2764 ], 'Ensure no time-out due to total-function setup too late').
2765 cli_testcase(1394, [tickets,alstom,private,codespeed,union,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/ixl/lausanne.mch', '-t',
2766 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000], 'Ensure no time-out due to rel_compose calling union without WF').
2767 cli_testcase(1395, [cbc, symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/DefSetWithConstantsTest2.mch', '-init',
2768 '-expecterr', 'setup_constants_fails', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '9000'], 'Ensure static symmetry reduction works').
2769 cli_testcase(1396, [cbc, symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/DefSetWithConstantsTest3.mch', '-mc', 9999, '-nodead',
2770 '-cc', 19, 18 ], 'Ensure static symmetry reduction works').
2771 cli_testcase(1397, [cbc, forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/HandshakeSimple_TotFun.mch', '-mc', 1000, '-nodead', '-assertions', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete' ], 'Ensure forall quantifier also uses contrapositive').
2772 cli_testcase(1398, [cbc, symmetry_test,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/DefSetWithConstantsTest2.mch', '-cbc_sequence', '',
2773 '-expecterr', 'cbc_sequence_no_solution_found'], 'Ensure static symmetry reduction works').
2775 cli_testcase(1399, [cbc], [
2776 '-evalf', 'v0 = (x0 - x2) & v1 = (x1 - x2) & v2 = (x0 - x1) & v0 <= 1 & v0 >= 0 & v1 <= 1 & v1 >= 0 & not(x0 = x1) & not(v2 = 1) & not(v2 = -1) & v2+v1=v0'
2777 ], 'Check that we can detect inconsistency without enum warning'). % requires propagate_zero in clpfd_interface; variation of toroidal queens 2 with v2+v1=v0 added for CLPFD
2778 cli_testcase(1400, [cbc,disprover,chr], [
2779 '-evalf', 'v0 = (x0 - x2) & v1 = (x1 - x2) & v2 = (x0 - x1) & v0 <= 1 & v0 >= 0 & v1 <= 1 & v1 >= 0 & not(x0 = x1) & not(v2 = 1) & not(v2 = -1)',
2780 '-evalf' , 'not(v2=1) & v0 = (x0 - x2) & v1+x2 = (x1) & v2+x1 = (x0) & v0:0..1 & v1:0..1 & not(x0 = x1) & not(v2 = -1)',
2781 '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE'
2782 ], 'Check that we can detect inconsistency without enum warning'). % requires propagate_zero in clpfd_interface + IDL CHR rules; derived from toroidal queens 2 SMT benchmark
2784 cli_testcase(1401, [tickets,csp_test,cspb,sequences], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Tickets/PROB-369/BufferSpec2.fuzz', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Tickets/PROB-369/BufferSpec2.csp', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-t',
2785 '-evalt', '-2 mod 3 = 1'], 'Check synchronisation with sequence type works and z minor mode set for modulo (PROB-368, PROB-369, PROB-371)').
2786 cli_testcase(1402, [cbc,atelierb,chr,disprover,private], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/TruePO1_Taut.mch',
2787 '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
2788 '-cbc_assertions_tautology_proof',
2789 '-cbc_result_file', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt'], 'Test Atelier-B Disprover interface').
2790 cli_testcase(1403, [cbc,smt,chr], [
2791 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/queens_bench/n_queen/queen3-1.smt2', % Virtual Timeout
2792 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/queens_bench/n_queen/queen8-1.smt2',
2793 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/queens_bench/n_queen/queen10-1.smt2',
2794 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/queens_bench/n_queen/queen20-1.smt2',
2795 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/queens_bench/toroidal_bench/toroidal_queen2-1.smt2',
2796 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/queens_bench/toroidal_bench/toroidal_queen3-1.smt2',
2797 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/queens_bench/toroidal_bench/toroidal_queen5-1.smt2',
2798 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/queens_bench/super_queen/super_queen10-1.smt2',
2799 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/queens_bench/super_queen/super_queen20-1.smt2',
2800 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER1-1-ninc.smt2',
2801 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER1-2-ninc.smt2',
2802 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER2-1-ninc.smt2',
2803 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER2-2-ninc.smt2',
2804 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER2-3-ninc.smt2',
2805 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER3-1-ninc.smt2',
2806 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER3-2-ninc.smt2',
2807 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER3-3-ninc.smt2',
2808 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER3-4-ninc.smt2',
2809 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER4-1-ninc.smt2',
2810 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER4-2-ninc.smt2',
2811 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER5-2-ninc.smt2',
2812 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/QF_IDL/mathsat/fischer/FISCHER12-2-ninc.smt2',
2813 '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], 'Test SMT interface and solving').
2814 %
2816 cli_testcase(1404, [ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ABZ_Landing_Gear/Ref4_ControllerHandle_mch.eventb', '-mc', 99999, '-cc' , 8629, 41811,
2817 '-ltlformula', 'G (deterministic(con_stop_stimulate_extend_gear_valve,con_stimulate_extend_gear_valve,con_stop_stimulate_retract_gear_valve,con_stimulate_retract_gear_valve,con_stop_stimulate_close_door_valve,con_stimulate_close_door_valve,con_stop_stimulate_open_door_valve,con_stimulate_open_door_valve))'
2818 ], 'Check LTL pattern deterministic').
2819 cli_testcase(1405, [dot], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/VerySimpleDFA.mch', '-bf', '-mc', 1000, '-strict', '-dotexpr', transition_diagram, 's',
2820 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/VerySimpleDFA_transition_diagram.dot',
2821 '-p', 'DOT_LOOPS', 'FALSE' % added 7/11/2023
2822 ],'Check Transition Diagram for Expression.').
2823 cli_testcase(1406, [b_test,cbc,atelierb,disprover], ['-cbc_assertions_tautology_proof', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'ALLOW_UNTYPED_IDENTIFIERS', 'TRUE',
2824 '-expcterr', 'cbc_assertions_enumeration_warning',
2825 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/TypingIssues/prob17066_not_provable.mch'
2826 ], 'Check ProB finds no counter example for rule and no proof').
2827 cli_testcase(1407, [b_test,cbc,atelierb,disprover], ['-cbc_assertions_tautology_proof', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'ALLOW_UNTYPED_IDENTIFIERS', 'TRUE',
2828 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/TypingIssues/prob17066_provable.mch'
2829 ], 'Check ProB finds no counter example for rule and no proof').
2831 cli_testcase(1408, [cbc,sigma], [
2832 '-evalt', 'x+y+z+v=40 & x<y & y<z & z<v &x>0 & all = {x,y,z,v} & gen = {a1,a2,a3,r| a1\\/a2\\/a3=all & a1/\\a2={} & a2/\\a3={} & a1/\\a3={} & r=SIGMA(t1).(t1:a1|t1)-SIGMA(t2).(t2:a2|t2)} & 1..40 <: ran(gen)', % Stones Puzzle
2833 '-evalt' , 'all = {1,2,4} & gen = {a1,a2,r| a1\\/a2=all & a1/\\a2={} & r=SIGMA(t1).(t1:a1|t1)+SIGMA(t2).(t2:a2|t2)}'
2834 ], 'Check that partition propagates well (no enum warning)').
2836 cli_testcase(1409, [cbc,disprover,private], [
2837 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/GearDoor1_mch.pl',
2838 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/GearsDoorsHandle3_mch.pl',
2839 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M2_mch.pl',
2840 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M20_mch.pl',
2841 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M3_mch.pl',
2842 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M30_mch.pl',
2843 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel3/m1_true.pl',
2844 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel3/m2_mch.pl',
2846 %,'../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M4_mch.pl'
2847 ],'Check Disprover can prove all POs').
2848 cli_testcase(1410, [cbc,disprover,private], [
2849 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_Ch4_Brp/brp_1_true.pl',
2850 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_Ch4_Brp/brp_3_true.pl',
2852 ],'Check Disprover can prove all POs; this test also checks register predicate works better').
2853 cli_testcase(1411, [cbc,disprover], [
2854 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/DisproverDefSetTest2_ctx.pl',
2855 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/DisproverDefSetTest3_ctx.pl',
2856 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/DisproverDefSetTest4_ctx.pl',
2857 '-check_disprover_result', 0,0,2,
2859 ],'Check Disprover cannot prove po').
2860 cli_testcase(1412, [cbc,random,sigma], [
2862 '-evalt', 'x:1..20 --> 1..100 & SIGMA(v).(v:1..20|x(v)) = 20*50'
2863 % without random we get x = [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,90,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
2864 % with it: e.g., x = [46,29,99,5,2,61,100,49,46,23,8,61,37,100,99,29,98,8,5,95]
2865 ],'Check random enumeration').
2866 cli_testcase(1413, [cbc,chr,disprover], [
2867 '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE',
2868 '-evalf', 'xx>0 & xx+1 <= p & xx=p'
2869 %'-evalf', 'xx>0 & xx+2 <= p & xx=p' % does not work yet
2870 ],'Check CHR propagation').
2871 cli_testcase(1414, [b_test,cbc,atelierb,disprover,private], ['-cbc_assertions_tautology_proof', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
2872 '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE',
2873 %'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProvableByPP/prob9313.mch', % does not work yet
2874 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProvableByPP/prob9313_1.mch'
2875 ], 'Check ProB finds proof').
2876 cli_testcase(1415, [cbc,random], [
2878 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/RandomEnumeration.mch',
2879 '-init', '-assertions'
2880 ],'Check random enumeration').
2881 cli_testcase(1416, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/ImplicationPriority.mch','-expcterr',bmachine_static_checks, '-init'], 'Test warning thrown for strange PROPERTIES clause.').
2882 cli_testcase(1417, [cbc,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SetMultipleSolutions.mch', '-mc', 100, '-nodead'], 'Test no max-reached warning (improvement to cardinality_as_int1 which avoids unordered enumeration).').
2883 cli_testcase(1418, [cbc,sigma,card], [
2884 '-evalf', 'card(s)=5 & card(r)=3 & SIGMA(x).(x:r|x)=SIGMA(y).(y:s|y) & s<:0..16 & r<:s',
2885 '-evalt', 'card(x)=10 & !y.(y:x & y<50 => y+1:x) & x<:1..50',
2886 '-evalt', '{x|card(x)=10 & !y.(y:x & y<50 => y+1:x) & x<:1..50} = {41..50}',
2887 '-evalt', '{x|card(x)=50 & !y.(y:x & y<50 => y+1:x) & x<:1..50} = {1..50}',
2888 '-evalt', '{x|card(x)=150 & !y.(y:x & y<50 => y+1:x) & x<:1..50} = {}',
2889 '-evalt', 'card(x)=10 & !(y,z).(y|->z:x & y<50 => y+1|->z:x) & x<:(1..50)*{TRUE}',
2890 '-evalt', 'card(x)=10 & !(y).(y:x & y\'f1<50 => rec(f1:y\'f1+1):x) & x<:struct(f1:1..50)',
2891 '-evalt', 'card(x)=10 & !(y,z).(y|->z:x & y<50 => y+1|->z:x) & x<:(1..50)*{"A","B"}'
2892 % slow:'-evalt', 'card(x)=10 & !(y).(y:x & y\'f1<50 => rec(f1:y\'f1+1,f2:y\'f2):x) & x<:struct(f1:1..50,f2:BOOL)'
2893 % also slow: card(x)=10 & !(y).(y:x & prj1(INTEGER,BOOL)(y)<50 => (prj1(INTEGER,BOOL)(y)+1,TRUE):x) & x<:(1..50)*BOOL
2894 % fast: card(x)=10 & !(y).(y:x & prj1(INTEGER,BOOL)(y)<50 => (prj1(INTEGER,BOOL)(y)+1,prj2(INTEGER,BOOL)(y)):x) & x<:(1..50)*BOOL
2895 % slow card(x)=4 & !(y).(y:x & y'f2<50 => rec(f2:y'f2+1,f1:y'f1):x) & x<:struct(f2:1..50,f1:BOOL)
2896 % slow : card(x)=10 & !(y,z).(z|->y:x => ( y<50 => z|->y+1:x)) & x<:BOOL*(1..50)
2897 ], 'Test this is solved quickly using new ordered_value check for card.').
2898 cli_testcase(1419, [cbc,card], [ '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
2899 '-evalt', 'card(x)=1 & !(y).(y:x & y\'f1<50 => rec(f1:y\'f1+1,f2:y\'f2):x) & x<:struct(f1:1..50,f2:BOOL)',
2900 '-evalt', 'card(x)=10 & !(y).(y:x & y\'f1<50 => rec(f1:y\'f1+1,f2:y\'f2):x) & x<:struct(f1:1..50,f2:{TRUE})',
2901 '-evalt', 'card(x)=1 & !(y).(y:x & prj1(INTEGER,BOOL)(y)<50 => (prj1(INTEGER,BOOL)(y)+1,TRUE):x) & x<:(1..50)*BOOL'
2902 ], 'Test this is solved quickly using new ordered_value check for card & avoid bug in expand all quantifeir.').
2903 cli_testcase(1420, [tickets,sigma], [
2904 '-evalt', 'Z={((((1|->1)|->-59843)|->-57163)),((((2|->1)|->-57163)|->-56910))} & r=SIGMA(a,b,c,d).((a,b,c,d):Z|d-c)'
2905 ], 'Test issue with Sigma/Pi for multiple variables').
2906 cli_testcase(1421, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/Counters/InfiniteAndFiniteCounterCorrect.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3'], 'Contains Finite and Infinite Counter').
2907 cli_testcase(1422, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/Counters/InfiniteAndFiniteCounterWrong.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Contains Finite and Infinite Counter + Invariant Violation').
2908 cli_testcase(1423, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/Counters/InfiniteCounter.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3'], 'Contains Infinite Counter').
2909 cli_testcase(1424, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/Counters/VerySimpleCounter.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3'], 'Simple Counter').
2910 cli_testcase(1425, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/Counters/VerySimpleCounterWrong.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Simple Counter + Invariant Violation').
2911 cli_testcase(1426, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/Counters/VerySimpleCounterWrongLargeBranching.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'],'Simple Counter with large branching factor').
2912 cli_testcase(1427, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/InitTriesToAssignConstant.mch', '-t', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], 'Check that we detect when we assign a constant in the INITIALISATION').
2913 cli_testcase(1428, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/Bakery0.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3'], 'Bakery Model without Invariant Violation').
2914 cli_testcase(1429, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/Bakery0Wrong.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Bakery Model with Invariant Violation').
2915 cli_testcase(1430, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsNatural.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Mathematical Laws about Sets with Natural sets mixed').
2916 cli_testcase(1431, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/TimingExampleSimpler_v2_VariablesEvenMoreLimited.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Invariant Violation, Variables limited to finite sets').
2917 cli_testcase(1432, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/TimingExampleSimpler_v3_VariablesLimited.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3'], 'No Invariant Violation, Variables limited to finite sets').
2918 cli_testcase(1433, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/TimingExampleSimpler_v2.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Negative Test: Currently the solvers are too weak for this test.').
2919 cli_testcase(1434, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/TimingExampleSimpler_v3.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Negative Test: Currently the solvers are too weak for this test.').
2920 cli_testcase(1435, [cbc, symmetry_test,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/GraphMining_RunningExample_Unsat.mch', '-init', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails',
2921 '-opterr', 'setup_constants_inconsistent'], 'Test odered set symmetry breaking works with card(S)>Nr constraint.').
2922 cli_testcase(1436, [cbc,disprover,private], [
2923 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/GearDoor1_mch.pl',
2924 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/GearsDoorsHandle3_mch.pl',
2925 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M2_mch.pl',
2926 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M20_mch.pl',
2927 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M3_mch.pl',
2928 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M30_mch.pl',
2929 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel3/m1_true.pl',
2930 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel3/m2_mch.pl',
2931 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel2/m0_mch.pl',
2932 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel2/m1_mch.pl',
2933 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel2/m2_mch.pl',
2934 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel1/LPN0_mch.pl',
2935 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel1/LPN1_mch.pl',
2936 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel1/LPN2_mch.pl',
2938 %,'../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M4_mch.pl'
2939 ],'Test 1409 with double check').
2940 cli_testcase(1437, [cbc,disprover,private], [
2941 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_Ch4_Brp/brp_1_true.pl',
2942 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_Ch4_Brp/brp_3_true.pl',
2944 ],'Test 1410 with double check').
2945 cli_testcase(1438, [cbc,disprover], [
2946 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/DisproverDefSetTest2_ctx.pl',
2947 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/DisproverDefSetTest3_ctx.pl',
2948 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/DisproverDefSetTest4_ctx.pl',
2949 '-check_disprover_result', 0,0,2,
2951 ],'Test 1411 with double check').
2952 cli_testcase(1439, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/LambdaInverse/LambdaInverseBehaviour.mch', '-init', '-sptxt', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/LambdaInverse/LambdaInverseBehaviour.sptxt'], 'Test no lambda closure in result state.').
2953 cli_testcase(1440, [cbc,disprover], [
2954 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/InconsistenHyp_ctx.pl',
2956 '-expcterr', 'disprover_inconsistent_hypotheses'
2957 ],'Test 1411 with double check').
2958 cli_testcase(1441, [disprover,s21], [
2959 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/S21/train_0_mch.pl',
2960 '-timeout', 500, % sets disprover_timeout
2961 '-opterr', 'disprover_inconsistent_hypotheses', % with larger time_out or faster machine we can find those
2962 '-check_disprover_result', '>10',0,'<25' % on faster machine we can get 12,0,23
2964 ],'S21 proof obligations').
2965 cli_testcase(1442, [disprover,s21], [
2966 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/S21/train_1_mch.pl',
2967 '-check_disprover_result', '>15',0,'<28', % changed 8th January 2018 to 16,0,27, was 15,0,28, after improved propagation for function application; see test 1885; changed to >15,0,<28 for faster Gitlab Win64 runners
2968 '-opterr', 'disprover_inconsistent_hypotheses' % with larger time_out or faster machine we can find those
2969 ],'S21 proof obligations').
2970 cli_testcase(1443, [disprover,s21], [
2971 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/S21/train_2_mch.pl',
2972 '-timeout', 500, % sets disprover_timeout
2973 '-opterr', 'disprover_inconsistent_hypotheses', % with larger time_out or faster machine we can find those
2974 '-check_disprover_result', '>=0',0,'=<6'
2975 ],'S21 proof obligations').
2976 cli_testcase(1444, [disprover,s21], [
2977 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/S21/train_3_mch.pl',
2978 '-check_disprover_result', 11,0,0,
2979 '-expcterr', 'disprover_inconsistent_hypotheses'
2980 ],'S21 proof obligations').
2981 cli_testcase(1445, [disprover,s21], [
2982 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/S21/train_4_mch.pl',
2983 '-check_disprover_result', 1,0,0,
2984 '-expcterr', 'disprover_inconsistent_hypotheses'
2985 ],'S21 proof obligations').
2986 cli_testcase(1446, [disprover,s21], [
2987 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/S21/train_5_mch.pl',
2988 '-check_disprover_result', 79,0,0,
2989 '-expcterr', 'disprover_inconsistent_hypotheses'
2990 ],'S21 proof obligations').
2991 cli_testcase(1447, [disprover,s21], [
2992 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/S21/train_ctx0_ctx.pl',
2993 % '-check_disprover_result', 1,10,6,
2994 '-check_disprover_result', 5,10,2,
2995 % proven: [axm10/WD]
2996 % disproven: [axm2/THM,axm3/THM,axm4/THM,axm5/THM,axm6/THM,axm7/THM,axm8/THM,axm11/THM,axm10/THM,axm9/THM]
2997 '-timeout', 2000 % timeout per PO
2998 ],'S21 proof obligations').
2999 cli_testcase(1448, [disprover,s21], [
3000 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/S21/train_ctx1_ctx.pl',
3001 '-check_disprover_result', 1,0,2
3002 ],'S21 proof obligations, axm2/WD can be proven'). /* was skipped: PO 'axm2/WD' no longer provable due to change of cardinality3 block declaration; was fixed by merging kernel_cardinality */
3003 cli_testcase(1449, [disprover,s21], [
3004 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/S21/train_ctx2_ctx.pl',
3005 '-check_disprover_result', 7,0,0,
3006 '-expcterr', 'disprover_inconsistent_hypotheses'
3007 ],'S21 proof obligations').
3008 cli_testcase(1450, [disprover,s21], [
3009 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/S21/train_ctx5_ctx.pl',
3010 '-check_disprover_result', 0,0,0
3011 ],'S21 proof obligations').
3012 cli_testcase(1451, [cbc,atelierb,chr,unsat_core], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/TrueContradiction.mch',
3013 '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
3014 '-cbc_assertions', '-cbc_option', contradiction_check, '-cbc_option', tautology_check , '-cbc_option', unsat_core,
3015 '-cbc_result_file', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt',
3016 '-strict', '-expcterr', contradiction_in_hypotheses], 'Test Atelier-B Disprover interface').
3017 cli_testcase(1452, [disprover,exists], [
3018 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Mammar_Laleau_ABZ/Cylinders_mch.pl',
3019 '-timeout', 2500, % sets disprover_timeout
3020 '-check_disprover_result', 37,0,0
3021 ],'ABZ Mammar Laleau - requires exists expansion').
3022 cli_testcase(1453, [disprover], [
3023 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Mammar_Laleau_ABZ/Gears_mch.pl',
3024 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Mammar_Laleau_ABZ/Doors_mch.pl',
3025 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Mammar_Laleau_ABZ/GearsIntermediateStates_mch.pl',
3026 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Mammar_Laleau_ABZ/Failures_mch.pl' % requires good reification of partial_function test
3027 ],'ABZ Mammar Laleau POs should all be proven, test closure reification').
3028 cli_testcase(1454, [disprover,cbc], ['-p','SMT','TRUE',
3029 '-evalf', 'not(handler_ind : dom({FALSE |-> d,TRUE |-> c}) &{FALSE |-> a,TRUE |-> b} : BOOL +-> INTEGER) & handler_ind : BOOL & d:INTEGER', % other small test
3030 '-evalf', 'not(handler_ind : dom({FALSE |-> d,TRUE |-> c}) &{FALSE |-> a,TRUE |-> b} : BOOL --> INTEGER) & handler_ind : BOOL & d:INTEGER', % other small test
3031 '-evalf', 'not(f<+{po |-> {TRUE |-> currentTime + 12,FALSE |-> 16}(po)} : BOOL --> NATURAL) & f : BOOL --> NATURAL&po=TRUE & currentTime:NATURAL', % this checks not_total_function improvement
3032 '-evalf', 'not(f <+ {po |-> {TRUE |-> currentTime + 12,FALSE |-> 16}(po)} : BOOL +-> NATURAL) & f : BOOL +-> NATURAL & currentTime>0', % this checks not_partial_function improvement
3033 '-evalf', 'not(BOOL * {currentTime + 4} : BOOL --> NATURAL) & currentTime >0' % this checks not_subset improvement for not_total_function
3034 ],'Check reification of x:NATURAL and choice point in not_total_function and not_partial_function').
3035 cli_testcase(1455, [cbc,atelierb,disprover], ['-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
3036 '-evalf', 'not(#(i0).(i0 : INTEGER & ((tdc <+ {i |-> TRUE}) <+ {i0 |-> TRUE} = {1,2,3} * {TRUE} & door_closing = TRUE => door_closed = FALSE))) & (door_closing = TRUE => (door_open = FALSE & door_closed = FALSE))'
3037 ], 'Test splitting of existential quantifier').
3038 % some laws also checked in CHR+DISPROVER mode:
3039 cli_testcase(1456, [laws,rel_fnc,cbc,disprover], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ExplicitComputations.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100000', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '9000',
3040 '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE'], 'Many explicit computations which check that all operators work as expected on various concrete data (CLPFD+DISPROVER mode).').
3041 cli_testcase(1457, [laws,chr], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolLaws.mch', '-mc', '100000', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE',
3042 '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE'], 'Various laws about BOOL datatype and boolean connectives.').
3043 cli_testcase(1458, [laws,chr], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticLaws.mch', '-mc', '100000', '-cs', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE',
3044 '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE'], 'Various arithmetic laws.').
3045 cli_testcase(1459, [laws,chr], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/NatRangeLaws.mch', '-mc', '100000', '-cs', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE',
3046 '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE'], 'Laws about intervals etc.').
3047 cli_testcase(1460, [laws,rel_fnc,chr], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE',
3048 '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Use model checking to check a variety of laws on relations.').
3049 cli_testcase(1461, [laws,chr], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLaws.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE',
3050 '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Mathematical Laws about Sets').
3051 cli_testcase(1462, [cbc,atelierb,disprover], ['-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
3052 '-evalf', 'not(!(i0).(i0 : {1,2,3} => (three_door_open <+ {i |-> FALSE})(i0) = FALSE or three_door_closed(i0) = FALSE)) & three_door_open : {1,2,3} --> BOOL & three_door_closed : {1,2,3} --> BOOL & ( door_open = TRUE => three_door_open = {1,2,3} * {TRUE}) & ( door_closed = TRUE => three_door_closed = {1,2,3} * {TRUE}) & !(i).(i : {1,2,3} => three_door_open(i) = FALSE or three_door_closed(i) = FALSE) & (door_open = FALSE or door_closed = FALSE)',
3053 '-evalf', 'not( (gears_rtr = TRUE <=> three_gears_rtr <+ {i |-> TRUE} = {1,2,3} * {TRUE} )) & ( gears_rtr = TRUE <=> three_gears_rtr = {1,2,3} * {TRUE}) & i : {1,2,3} & three_gears_ext(i) = FALSE & three_gears_rtr(i) = FALSE & (three_gears_rtr <+ {i |-> TRUE}) /= {1,2,3} * {TRUE} '
3054 ], 'Test improved treatment of function overwrite').
3055 cli_testcase(1463, [disprover], [
3056 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel2/m6_mch.pl',
3057 '-timeout', 600, % sets disprover_timeout
3058 '-check_disprover_result', '>101',0,'<2' % on a fast machine we can get 103 true and 0 unknown, otherwise 102 and 1
3059 ],'Requires function overwrite + better sharing of negated preds').
3060 cli_testcase(1464, [cbc,cse, cse_test,sigma], [ '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE',
3061 '-evalf', 'x+y >100 & x+y <99',
3062 '-evalt', '(x+y)+(x+y)=(x+y) & x:INTEGER',
3063 '-evalt', '((x+y)+z)*(x+y)+((x+z)+y) + (x+z) = 0',
3064 '-evalt', '!x.(x:NATURAL &x+z<10 => x+z<11) & z=2',
3065 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(x).(x:NATURAL &x+z<4 | x+z)=5 & z=2',
3066 '-evalt', 'PI(x).(x:NATURAL &x+z<4 | x+z)=6 & z=2',
3067 '-evalt', '(z>1 => #x.(x:NATURAL &x+z<10 & x+z<11)) & z=2',
3068 '-evalt', '%(x).(x:NATURAL1 &x+z<4 | x+z)=[3] & z=2',
3069 '-evalt', '{x,r | x:NATURAL1 &x+z<4 & r= x+z}=[3] & z=2',
3070 '-evalt', '{v|v+(x+x) : 0..10 & v:0..5 & v+(x+x) < 3}={0} & x+x : 0..4',
3071 '-evalt', 'f:BOOL +-> 0..10 & (f/={} => f(TRUE)>5) & (FALSE:dom(f)=> f(TRUE)>5)',
3072 '-evalt', 'f:BOOL +-> 0..10 & (f/={} => f(TRUE)>5) <=> b=TRUE & (FALSE:dom(f)=> f(TRUE)>5) <=> b=FALSE',
3073 '-evalt', 'f:1..3+->1..3 & (x:dom(f) => #r.(r=f(x) & r>2 & r<10))<=>b=TRUE & x:3..4 & f={}',
3074 '-evalt', 'f:BOOL +-> 0..10 & (f/={} => (f(TRUE)>5 <=> c=TRUE)) <=> b=TRUE & (FALSE:dom(f)=> (f(TRUE)>5<=>c=FALSE)) <=> b=FALSE & c=FALSE',
3075 '-evalf', 'a: 1..6 --> {0,1,5} & b: 1..3 --> {30,210,21} & SIGMA(i).(i:1..0|a(i))+SIGMA(j).(j:1..3|b(i))=20 & r=b(i)'
3076 ], 'Some simple CSE tests').
3078 cli_testcase(1465,[cse, cse_test,private],['-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 127, '-p', 'MININT', -128,
3080 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/plavis-MemoryLoad_SP_55.prob',
3081 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/qsee-TransmitMemoryDumpOk21_SP_6.prob'
3082 % ,'-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/examples/Setlog/prob-ttf/plavis-TransData_SP_13.prob' %% does not work yet
3083 ], 'Test from 1003').
3084 cli_testcase(1466,[cse,tickets], ['-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE',
3085 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel3/m3_act0_inv2_as_b.mch',
3086 '-init'
3087 ], 'Test WD issue does not prevent from finding solution').
3089 cli_testcase(1467, [disprover,private], [
3090 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/Pacemaker_1_15March2011/M0_AOO_mch.pl',
3091 '-check_disprover_result', 27,0,1
3092 ],'Pacemaker proof obligations').
3093 cli_testcase(1468, [por,enabling], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/DepEnabling.mch', '-mc', '1000000', '-noinv', '-p', 'por', ample_sets, '-expcterr', deadlock, '-strict'], 'Testing whether the deadlock state is found when model checking with POR.').
3094 cli_testcase(1469, [por,enabling], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/DepEnabling.mch', '-mc', '1000000', '-noinv', '-p', 'por', ample_sets, '-expcterr', deadlock, '-strict'], 'Testing whether the deadlock state is found when model checking with POR.').
3095 cli_testcase(1470, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/mbuff.csp', '-ltlformula', 'SF(snd_mess.t1.d1) & SF(mess.t1.d1) & SF(rcv_mess.t1.d1) & SF(right.t1.d1) => G ([left.t1.d1] => F [right.t1.d1])', '-check_complete', '-cc', '1406', '4063', '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation.').
3096 cli_testcase(1471, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/mbuff.csp', '-ltlformula', 'SEF => G ([left.t1.d1] => F [right.t1.d1])', '-check_complete', '-cc', '1406', '4063', '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation.').
3097 cli_testcase(1472, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/peterson.csp', '-ltlformula', 'WF(p2enter) & WF(p2critical) & WF(p2leave) & WF(p2resetflag2) & WF(p2set1turn) & WF(p1set2turn) & WF(p1gettrueflag2) & WF(p2gettrueflag2) & WF(p2gettrueflag1) & WF(p1get1turn) & WF(p2get2turn) & WF(p1enter) => G ([p1setflag1] => F [p1enter])', '-check_complete', '-cc', 57, 113, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation.').
3098 cli_testcase(1473, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/peterson.csp', '-ltlformula', 'WEF => G ([p1setflag1] => F [p1enter])', '-check_complete', '-cc', 57, 113, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation (skipped until next ProB parser release).').
3099 cli_testcase(1474, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/pris.csp', '-ltlformula', 'SF(in.A) & SF(in.B) & SF(in.C) => F[done]', '-cc', 48, 61, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation.').
3100 cli_testcase(1475, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/pris.csp', '-ltlformula', 'SEF => F[done]', '-cc', 48, 61, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation (skipped until next ProB parser release).').
3101 cli_testcase(1476, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/scheduler.csp', '-ltlformula', 'WF(ready.5) & WF(ready.4) & WF(ready.3) & WF(ready.2) & WF(leave.1) => G ([enter.1] => F [leave.1])', '-cc', 3194, 12046, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation.').
3102 cli_testcase(1477, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/scheduler.csp', '-ltlformula', 'WEF => G ([enter.1] => F [leave.1])', '-cc', 3194, 12046, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation (skipped until next ProB parser release).').
3103 cli_testcase(1478, [cbc,cse, cse_test,sigma], [ '-p', 'CSE', 'FALSE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
3104 '-evalf', 'a: 1..6 --> {0,1,5} & b: 1..3 --> {30,210,21} & SIGMA(i).(i:1..0|a(i))+SIGMA(j).(j:1..3|b(i))=20 & r=b(i)'
3105 ], 'Test new FDSET collection for function application').
3106 cli_testcase(1479, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/scheduler.csp', '-ltlformula', 'SF(ready.5) & SF(ready.4) & SF(ready.3) & SF(ready.2) & SF(leave.1) => G ([enter.1] => F [leave.1])', '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation (fix of the memory exhaustion issue).').
3107 cli_testcase(1480, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/scheduler.csp', '-ltlformula', 'SF(ready.5) & SF(ready.4) & SF(ready.3) & SF(ready.2) & SF(delete.1) => G ([new.1] => F [delete.1])', '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation (fix of the memory exhaustion issue).').
3108 cli_testcase(1481, [csp_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/phils.csp', '-ltlformula', 'SF(sits._) => G ([sits.0] => F [eats.0])', '-expcterr', ltl, '-strict'], 'Testing fairness check to fail when using _ as argument in order to set a group of events (e.g. sits._) as fairness constraints.').
3109 cli_testcase(1482, [tickets,override], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/FunOverrideTest.mch', '-mc', 99, '-strict'], 'Test f(x) := E substitution deals with f being a relation.').
3110 cli_testcase(1483, [laws,sequences], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SeqLaws.mch', '-mc', '500', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-assertions'], 'Laws about sequences').
3111 cli_testcase(1484, [cbc,tickets], [
3112 '-evalt', 'res=x*x+4*x+14',
3113 '-evalt', 'x*x+4*x+14=res'
3114 ], 'Check no CLPFD overflow').
3115 cli_testcase(1485, [tickets], [
3116 '-evalt', 'x = -(x) & y={x,2} & z={x,3}',
3117 '-evalt', 'x = -v & v=2+w & w=10 & y={x,2} & z={x,3}'
3118 ], 'Check no error in predicate partitioning and equality replacement').
3119 cli_testcase(1486, [b_test,override], ['-t', '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/OverrideRelationAssignment.mch'], 'Check function override assignment works for relation').
3120 cli_testcase(1487, [records,cbc], [
3121 '-evalf', 'r:struct(f1:11..20,f2:12..20) & r\'f1+10 = r\'f2',
3122 '-evalt', 'r:struct(f1:11..20,f2:12..30) & r\'f1+10 = r\'f2',
3123 '-evalt', 'r:struct(f1:11..20,f2:12..30) & r\'f1+10 = r\'f2 & s:struct(f1:15..20,f2:1..100) & s=r'
3124 ], 'A few REPL tests with records').
3125 cli_testcase(1488, [cbc], [
3126 '-evalf', 'A /= {} & A <<: {x} & x:INTEGER', % NotSubsetoOfSingleton
3127 '-evalf', '{(x,y)} <: R & x /: dom(R) & R : INTEGER <-> INTEGER', % SingletonNotSubsetRel
3128 '-evalf', 'X /\\ Y = Z & X = {} & Z /= {} & X<:INTEGER', % dinters(X,Y,Z) & X = {} & Z neq {} --> false
3129 '-evalf', 'R:INTEGER<->INTEGER & A={} & Q= A <| R & dom(Q)=D & D /= {}', %DresEmpty2 % is_rel(R) & A = {} & dres(A,R,Q) & dom(Q,D) & D neq {}
3130 '-evalf', 'R:INTEGER<->INTEGER & R /= {} & dom(R)=D & D <<: {X}', % DomNotSubsetOfSingleton % is_rel(R) & R neq {} & dom(R,D) & ssubset(D,{X})
3131 '-evalf', 'R:INTEGER<->INTEGER & R /= {} & dom(R)=D & A=D & A <| R=Q & R /\\ Q = {}', % DresCapEqual
3132 '-evalf', 'R:INTEGER<->INTEGER & R /= {} & dom(R)=D & A=D & A <| R = {}', % DresEqual
3133 '-evalf', 'R:INTEGER<->INTEGER & dom(R)=D & X /: D & dom({(X,Y),B}) = DS & D=DS & Y:INTEGER', % SingletonMappletNotInDom % is_rel(R) & dom(R,D) & X nin D & dom({[X,Y] / B},DS) & D = DS
3134 % This does not work R:INTEGER<->INTEGER & dom(R)=D & X /: D & dom({(X,Y),B,B2}) = DS & D=DS & Y:INTEGER
3135 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'
3136 ], 'Check that ProB can handle Setlog TTF filtering rules').
3137 cli_testcase(1489, [b_test,proz,private],['../prob_examples/examples/Z/Cristia/birthdayBook/zspec.fuzz', '-t', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 3, '-strict'],'ProZ test (new Init/init schema detection)').
3138 cli_testcase(1490, [cbc_tests,cbc,proz,private],['../prob_examples/examples/Z/Cristia/birthdayBook/zspec.fuzz',
3139 '-cbc_tests', 2 ,'', '', '-cbc_cover_all'],'Check that we can cover all events').
3140 cli_testcase(1491, [eventb_test,infinite,override], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/FeatureTests/InfiniteChanges_mch.eventb', '-t'], 'Test that we can override infinite functions.').
3141 cli_testcase(1492, [tickets,alstom,random,private], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/ixl_Apr_2015/scheduler_i.mch', '-animate', 10, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE',
3142 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 12000, % increased time-out from 6000 for gitlab windows runner on Feb 9th 2020
3143 '-p', 'RANDOMISE_ENUMERATION_ORDER', 'TRUE'], 'Test that random enumeration works without CLPFD.').
3144 cli_testcase(1493, [pge_fast], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/SkippingComplexGuardsEvaluation_mch_mx5000.eventb', '-mc', 1000000, '-p', 'pge', full, '-get_coverage_information', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/SkippingComplexGuardsEvaluation_mch_mx5000_Coverage.txt', '-strict'], 'Pathological test case for the PGE optimisation: 0 guard evaluations should be skipped.').
3145 cli_testcase(1494, [pge_fast], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/NoDisablings_mx5.eventb', '-mc', 1000000, '-p', 'pge', full, '-get_coverage_information', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/NoDisablings_mx5_Coverage.txt', '-strict'], 'Pathological test case for the PGE optimisation: fixed number of guard evaluations should be skipped.').
3146 cli_testcase(1495, [pge_fast,enabling], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/PGE_Deadlock.mch', '-mc', 1000000, '-noinv', '-p', 'pge', full, '-expcterr', deadlock, '-strict'], 'Testing whether the deadlock state is discovered when -noinv is set (invariant should not be used for the enabling analysis when model checking just for deadlock freedom).').
3147 cli_testcase(1496, [pge_fast], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/PGE_Deadlock.mch', '-mc', 1000000, '-p', 'pge', full, '-expcterr', invariant_violation, '-strict'], 'Testing whether the invariant violation is discovered.').
3148 cli_testcase(1497, [pge_fast], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/PGE_Deadlock.mch', '-ltlformulaf', 'G not deadlock', '-p', pge, full, '-strict'], 'Testing whether the deadlock state is discovered when using PGE while LTL model checking.').
3149 cli_testcase(1498, [cbc,queens,card], [
3150 '-evalt', '{x| x:1..3 -->> 5..7 & x(2)=6} = {{(1|->5),(2|->6),(3|->7)},{(1|->7),(2|->6),(3|->5)}}',
3151 '-evalt', '{x| x:1..3 -->> 5..7 & x(2)>x(3)} = {{(1|->7),(2|->6),(3|->5)},{(1|->5),(2|->7),(3|->6)},{(1|->6),(2|->7),(3|->5)}}',
3152 '-evalt', '{x| x:1..3 -->> 5..8 & x(2)>x(3)}={}',
3153 '-evalt', 'n = 50 & queens : 1..n -->> 1..n &!(q1,q2).(q1:1..n & q2:2..n & q2>q1 => queens(q1)+q2-q1 /= queens(q2) & queens(q1)-q2+q1 /= queens(q2))',
3154 '-evalt', '{x| x:1..3 +->> 5..7 & x(2)=6} = {{(1|->5),(2|->6),(3|->7)},{(1|->7),(2|->6),(3|->5)}}',
3155 '-evalt', '{x| x:1..3 +->> 5..7 & x(2)>x(3)} = {{(1|->7),(2|->6),(3|->5)},{(1|->5),(2|->7),(3|->6)},{(1|->6),(2|->7),(3|->5)}}',
3156 '-evalt', '{x| x:1..3 +->> 5..8 & x(2)>x(3)}={}',
3157 '-evalt', 'n = 50 & queens : 1..n +->> 1..n &!(q1,q2).(q1:1..n & q2:2..n & q2>q1 => queens(q1)+q2-q1 /= queens(q2) & queens(q1)-q2+q1 /= queens(q2))',
3158 '-evalt', 'n = 50 & queens : 1..n >->> 1..n &!(q1,q2).(q1:1..n & q2:2..n & q2>q1 => queens(q1)+q2-q1 /= queens(q2) & queens(q1)-q2+q1 /= queens(q2))' % now added also total_bijection
3159 ], 'Check -->> / +->> optimization works correctly (test new treatment to treat like >-> when domain card = range card; now also >->>)').
3160 cli_testcase(1499, [cbc,cse], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Special/ConstrainedBasedChecking/mesiSet.mch',
3161 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Special/ConstrainedBasedChecking/mesiSet_simplified.mch',
3162 '-cbc', 'all', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc', '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE'], 'Test 402 with CSE enabled; nonvar types occur').
3163 cli_testcase(1500, [cse,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/CommonSubexpressions/Sequence_CSE_Test2.mch', '-mc', '1002', '-nodead', '-bf', '-hash64', 667488836707065541, '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE'], 'Test CSE with Sequence Substitutions'). % % 17.9.2021: adapted hash from 25104873554326101 for sorted order of variables
3164 cli_testcase(1501, [cse,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/CommonSubexpressions/WhileLoop_CSE_Test1.mch', '-mc', '500', '-nodead', '-bf', '-hash64', 137772507059734089, '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test CSE with While Substitutions').
3165 cli_testcase(1502, [cse,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/CommonSubexpressions/WhileLoop_CSE_Test2.mch', '-mc', '500', '-nodead', '-bf', '-hash64', 642472838688353119, '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test CSE with While Substitutions').
3166 cli_testcase(1503, [cse,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/CommonSubexpressions/WhileLoop_CSE_Test3.mch', '-mc', '500', '-nodead', '-bf', '-hash64', 642472838688353119, '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test CSE with While Substitutions').
3167 cli_testcase(1504, [cse,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/CommonSubexpressions/WhileLoop_CSE_Test5.mch', '-mc', '500', '-nodead', '-bf', '-hash64', 571377810868391599, '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test CSE with While Substitutions').
3168 cli_testcase(1505, [smt_solver_integration], [
3169 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x = 1',
3170 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x = 1 & x > 2'
3171 %'-evalt', ':cvc4 x = 1',
3172 %'-evalf', ':cvc4 x = 1 & x > 2'
3173 ], 'some simple constraints that should be solved by cvc4 / z3').
3174 cli_testcase(1506, [smt_solver_integration], [
3175 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check r:struct(f1:11..20,f2:12..30) & r\'f1+10 = r\'f2',
3176 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check r:struct(f1:11..20,f2:12..20) & r\'f1+10 = r\'f2',
3177 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check r:struct(f1:11..20,f2:12..30) & r\'f1+10 = r\'f2 & s:struct(f1:15..20,f2:1..100) & s=r',
3178 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check v1:struct(lderb:{TRUE},mspue:{FALSE},fhhxr:{TRUE})',
3179 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check Dom = struct(f1:-1..3)',
3180 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check Dom = struct(f1:-1..3) & SS : POW(Dom)',
3181 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check Dom = struct(r:1..3) & ff:Dom<->BOOL & gg:Dom<->BOOL & not(ff <<: gg => #xx.(xx:gg & xx/:ff))'
3182 %'-evalt', ':cvc4 r:struct(f1:11..20,f2:12..30) & r\'f1+10 = r\'f2',
3183 %'-evalf', ':cvc4 r:struct(f1:11..20,f2:12..20) & r\'f1+10 = r\'f2',
3184 %'-evalt', ':cvc4 r:struct(f1:11..20,f2:12..30) & r\'f1+10 = r\'f2 & s:struct(f1:15..20,f2:1..100) & s=r',
3185 %'-evalt', ':cvc4 v1:struct(lderb:{TRUE},mspue:{FALSE},fhhxr:{TRUE})'
3186 ], 'records support by smt solvers').
3187 %cli_testcase(1507, [smt_solver_integration], [
3188 % '-evalt', ':cvc4 test = \"asdfasdfasdF\"'
3189 % ], 'string support by smt solvers').
3190 cli_testcase(1508, [smt_solver_integration], [
3191 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x>0 & x+1 <= p & x=p',
3192 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x>0 & x+2 <= p & x=p',
3193 '-evalf', ':z3 not(Pace_Int - sp >= 0) & (sp > 0 & sp < Pace_Int)' % taken from pacemaker disprover testcase; requires CHR probably to double check
3194 %'-evalf', ':cvc x>0 & x+1 <= p & x=p',
3195 %'-evalf', ':cvc x>0 & x+2 <= p & x=p',
3196 %'-evalf', ':cvc not(Pace_Int - sp >= 0) & (sp > 0 & sp < Pace_Int)' % taken from pacemaker disprover testcase
3197 ], 'check that smt solvers would be able to replace the chr code in some cases').
3198 cli_testcase(1509, [smt_solver_integration], [
3199 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check {x} <: {999}',
3200 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check {x} <: {999,1000} & x > 999',
3201 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x = {1,2} /\\ {3,4}',
3202 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x={(1,2),(3,4),(4,5),(6,7),(8,9)} & y|->v : x & y|->w : x'
3203 %'-evalt', ':cvc4 {x} <: {999}',
3204 %'-evalt', ':cvc4 {x} <: {999,1000} & x > 999',
3205 %'-evalt', ':cvc4 x={(1,2),(3,4),(4,5),(6,7),(8,9)} & y|->v : x & y|->w : x'
3206 ], 'simple set constraints for smt solvers').
3207 cli_testcase(1510, [smt_solver_integration], [
3208 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x : {1,2} --> NAT',
3209 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x : {1,2} --> NAT & x = {(1,1)}',
3210 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x : {1,2} --> NAT & x = {(1,1),(2,1)}'
3211 ], 'functions for z3 (in theory supported by cvc4, but often unknown)').
3212 cli_testcase(1511, [smt_solver_integration], [
3213 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s = min({1}) & s=2',
3214 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s = min({1,2}) & s>2'
3215 %'-evalf', ':cvc s = min({1}) & s=2',
3216 %'-evalf', ':cvc s = min({1,2}) & s>2'
3217 ], 'check that smt solvers can falsify min / max').
3218 cli_testcase(1512, [cse, ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/TestingFairness.mch',
3219 '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CSE_SUBST', 'TRUE',
3220 '-ltlformulat', true, '-ltlformulat', 'G{1=1}',
3221 '-ctlformulat', 'AG{1=1}', '-ctlformulaf', 'EF{1=2}',
3222 %'-ltlformulaf', false, % does not work !
3223 '-ltlformulaf', 'G{1=2}', '-strict'], 'Test 1244 with CSE_SUBST, checks top-level PRE detected inside lazy_let_subst.').
3224 cli_testcase(1513, [smt_solver_integration], [
3225 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x=dom({(1,2)})',
3226 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x=ran({(1,2)})'
3227 ], 'domain and range computation using z3').
3228 cli_testcase(1514, [cse,case],['../prob_examples/examples/B/Satpathy/Teletext104/Teletext104_deterministic.mch', '-t',
3229 '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CSE_SUBST', 'TRUE'
3230 ],'Test 1292 with CSE_SUBST: Check this relatively large machine works.').
3231 cli_testcase(1515, [cse], [
3232 '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CSE_SUBST', 'TRUE',
3233 '-evalt', '(x>1 => 10/x>2) & #v.(v:10..20 & (x>2 => 10/x=v))'
3234 ], 'check that no pending co-routines or wd problem').
3235 cli_testcase(1516, [smt_solver_integration], [
3236 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x = {(1,5),(2,6),(3,7)} & i = x[{1,2}] & 7:i',
3237 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x = {(1,5),(2,6),(3,7)} & i = x[{1,2}]'
3238 ], 'check that smt solvers can falsify image (at least z3 can)').
3239 cli_testcase(1517, [smt_solver_integration], [
3240 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x = 1 .. 4 & z = x /\\ 5 ..3 & z /= {}',
3241 %'-evalf', ':cvc x = 1 .. 4 & z = x /\\ 5 ..3 & z /= {}',
3242 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x = 1 .. 4 & z = x /\\ 5 .. 3'
3243 %'-evalt', ':cvc x = 1 .. 4 & z = x /\\ 5 .. 3' removed for now
3244 ], 'intervals for smt solvers').
3245 cli_testcase(1518, [cbc], [
3246 '-evalt', 'x = %i.(i:1..10|i+i) & x[{j}]={8}',
3247 '-evalt', 'ran({x,j|x = {1|->2,2|->4, 4|->8, 5|->8} & x[{j}]={8}})=4..5',
3248 '-evalt', 'ran({x,j|x = {1|->2,23|->4, 44|->8, 55|->8} & x[{j}]={8}})={44,55}',
3249 '-evalt', 'x = %i.(i:1001..1100|i+i) & x[{j}]={2100}',
3250 '-evalt', 'x = %i.(i:1..10|i+i) & x[{5,j}]={16,10}',
3251 '-evalf', 'x = %i.(i:1..10|i+i) & x[{5,j}]={16,11}'
3252 ], 'check that we propagate/instantiate for image').
3253 cli_testcase(1519, [b_test,external,records,strings], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/LibraryStrings.mch',
3254 '-evalt', '{rec(sa:"1.101"),rec(sa:"1.102")} =x & x<: (struct(sa : {s| s : STRING & size(STRING_SPLIT(s,"."))=2}))',
3255 '-evalf', '{rec(sa:"1.101"),rec(sa:"1.102.3")} =x & x<: (struct(sa : {s| s : STRING & size(STRING_SPLIT(s,"."))=2}))'
3256 ], 'Check that no infinite expansion occurs here.').
3257 cli_testcase(1520, [b_test,unicode,atelierb],
3258 ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/UnicodeSupport/t1_2_atelierb.mch', '-t'
3259 ],'Test Atelier-B unicode support.').
3260 cli_testcase(1521, [b_test,external,records,infinite],
3261 ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/SymbolicSubArgs/SymbolicSubArg.mch',
3262 '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', % test also passes without this
3263 '-assertions'
3264 ], 'Check that no infinite expansion occurs here.').
3265 cli_testcase(1522, [b_test,external,records,infinite],
3266 ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/SymbolicSubArgs/SymbolicSubArg.mch',
3267 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/SymbolicSubArgs/NonSymbolicSubArg.mch',
3268 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/SymbolicSubArgs/NonSymbolicSubArgDEF.mch',
3269 '-assertions'
3270 ], 'Like test 1521, but a few virtual time outs occur for NonSymbolic files.').
3271 cli_testcase(1523, [smt_solver_integration], [
3272 '-eval', ':z3-version',
3273 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x = %i.(i:1..10|i+i) & x[{j}]={8}',
3274 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x = %i.(i:1..10|i+i) & x[{5,j}]={16,10}',
3275 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x = %i.(i:1..10|i+i) & x[{5,j}]={16,11}'
3276 ], 'parts of test 1518 using smt solvers').
3277 cli_testcase(1524, [tickets,records], [
3278 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-381/DuplicateFieldInRecord.mch',
3279 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-381/DuplicateFieldInRecordType.mch', '-init',
3280 '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], 'Check multiple use of record field detected. (Ticket PROB-381)').
3281 cli_testcase(1525, [cbc], [
3282 '-evalf', 'x:S & y:S & y/:T & S<:NATURAL & T=S'
3283 ], 'ensure above is detected FALSE wo enum warning; requires better reification for FD equality').
3284 cli_testcase(1526, [cbc], [
3285 '-evalt', 'f = {(1|->2),(2|->3),(3|->4),(4|->5),(5|->6),(6|->7),(7|->8),(8|->9),(9|->10),(10|->8)} & x = f[x] & x /= {}',
3286 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:1..9|x+1) \\/ {10|->8} & x = f[x] & x /= {}',
3287 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:1..n|x+1) \\/ {n+1|->8} & x = f[x] & x /= {} & n=10'
3288 ], 'ensure above solved without enum warning (better propagation for image)').
3289 cli_testcase(1527, [smt_solver_integration], [
3290 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:1..400 & y:1..400 & f: 280..290 --> 290..299 & x|->y :f & y|->x :f'
3291 ], 'check that a model with a complicated representation can be translated back from z3 to prob').
3292 cli_testcase(1528, [cbc], [
3293 '-evalt', 'x = ["A","G","G"] & z = ["A","G","T","G","G"] & n = min({size(x),size(z)}) & m :1..n & xi: 1..m >-> 1..size(x) & zi: 1..m >-> 1..size(z) & !i.(i:1..m => x(xi(i)) = z(zi(i))) & !j.(j:1..(m-1) => xi(j)<xi(j+1) & zi(j)<zi(j+1)) & m>2 & sol1 = (xi;x) & sol2 = (zi;z)',
3294 '-evalt', 'x = ["A","G","G"] & z = ["A","G","T","G","G"] & n = min({size(x),size(z)}) & m :1..n & xi: 1..m >-> 1..size(x) & zi: 1..m >-> 1..size(z) & !j.(j:1..(m-1) => xi(j)<xi(j+1) & zi(j)<zi(j+1)) & m>2 & (xi;x) = (zi;z)',
3295 '-evalt', 'x = ["A","G","G","Z","G"] & z = ["A","G","T","G","G","T","G"] & n = min({size(x),size(z)}) & m :1..n & xi: 1..m >-> 1..size(x) & zi: 1..m >-> 1..size(z) & !j.(j:1..(m-1) => xi(j)<xi(j+1) & zi(j)<zi(j+1)) & m>3 & (xi;x) = (zi;z)',
3296 '-evalf', 'x = ["A","G","G"] & z = ["A","G","T","G","G"] & n = min({size(x),size(z)}) & m :1..n & xi: 1..m >-> 1..size(x) & zi: 1..m >-> 1..size(z) & !i.(i:1..m => x(xi(i)) = z(zi(i))) & !j.(j:1..(m-1) => xi(j)<xi(j+1) & zi(j)<zi(j+1)) & m>3 & sol1 = (xi;x) & sol2 = (zi;z)' ], 'find longest common substring example').
3297 cli_testcase(1529, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/verysimple.csp',
3298 '-csp_assertion', 'MAIN |= LTL: \"G ([b.blue.blue] => X [c.blue.blue])\"',
3299 '-csp_assertion', 'MAIN |= LTL: \"G ([i.2] => X [j.3])\"',
3300 '-csp_assertion', 'MAIN |= LTL: \"G ([a.red] => X e(b.red._))\"',
3301 '-csp_assertion', 'MAIN |= CTL: \"EGAF e(a.red)\"' , '-strict'
3302 ], 'Check LTL and CTL assertions (all are satisfied by the MAIN process).').
3303 cli_testcase(1530, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/verysimple.csp',
3304 '-csp_assertion', 'MAIN |= LTL: \"G ([i.2] => X [j.4])\"', '-expcterr', model_check_fails, '-strict'
3305 ], 'Check LTL assertion (check should fail).').
3306 cli_testcase(1531, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/verysimple.csp',
3307 '-csp_assertion', 'MAIN |= CTL: \"AGAF e(a.red)\"', '-strict'
3308 ], 'Check CTL assertion (check should not fail).').
3309 cli_testcase(1532, [cbc,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/FiveWayTraffic/FiveWay_new_mch.eventb',
3310 '-mc', 1000, '-strict','-cc', '29', '65',
3311 '--hash64', 1088314065090582434 % used to be 591402958158885188 % used to be 971801032035978952
3312 ], 'Check no time-out for setup-constants (relational image for singleton set).').
3313 cli_testcase(1533, [cbc,disprover], [
3314 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/FiveWayTraffic/TwoWay_mch.pl',
3315 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/FiveWayTraffic/Traffic_Context2_prob_ctx.pl'
3316 %, '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/FiveWayTraffic/FiveWay_new_prob_mch.pl' % requires higher-timeout
3317 ],'Check Disprover can prove all POs').
3318 cli_testcase(1534, [cbc,union,card], [
3319 '-evalt', 'card({x,y| { x \\/ y } <: {{1} \\/ {2}}}) = 9' % { x \/ y } <: {{1} \/ {2}} from Grieskamp Zeta paper
3320 ], 'check set comprehenion can be computed without enum warning (union constraint propagation)').
3321 cli_testcase(1535, [cbc,card], [
3322 '-evalt', '{x,y| x = {1,2} & x \\/ y = {1,2,3} & 1:y } = {({1,2}|->{1,3}),({1,2}|->{1,2,3})}'
3323 ,'-evalt', 'card({x,y| x<:1..3 & y<:1..3 & ( x \\/ y) = (1..3) }) = 27'
3324 ,'-evalt', 'card({x,y| { x \\/ y } <: {{1} \\/ {2} \\/ {3}} }) = 27'
3325 ,'-evalt', '{x,y| x = {1,2} & x \\/ y = 1..5 & 1:y } = {({1,2}|->{1,2,3,4,5}),({1,2}|->{1,3,4,5})}'
3326 ,'-evalt', '{x,y| x = {1,2} & x \\/ y = 1..5 } = {({1,2}|->{1,2,3,4,5}),({1,2}|->{1,3,4,5}),({1,2}|->{2,3,4,5}),({1,2}|->{3,4,5})}'
3327 ,'-evalt', 'card({x,y| x \\/ y = 1..5 }) = 243'
3328 ], 'Check kernel bug in add_element and copy_list_skeleton fixed').
3329 cli_testcase(1536, [cbc], [
3330 '-evalt', 'sqr = %x.(x>=0|x*x) & (sqr)[{xx}] = {2500}'
3331 , '-evalt', 'sqr = %x.(x>=0&x<52|x*x) & (sqr)[{xx}] = {2500}'
3332 , '-evalt', 'sqr = %x.(x>=0|x*x) & (sqr)[{xx,vv}] = {2500}'
3333 ], 'check no enum warning (image propagation)').
3334 cli_testcase(1537, [tickets,laws], [
3335 '-evalf', 'x:0..5 & (-2) ** x = (8)'
3336 , '-evalt', 'x:0..5 & (-2) ** x = -8'
3337 , '-evalt', '{x|x>0 & (-2) ** x = -8} = {3}'
3338 , '-evalf', 'x:0..3 & (-1) ** x = (-46)'
3339 , '-evalf', 'x:-18..-11 & -1 ** x = -46'
3340 , '-evalt', '{x|x:0..5 & (-1) ** x = -1} = {1,3,5}'
3341 , '-evalt', '{x|x:0..5 & (-1) ** x = 1} = {0,2,4}'
3342 , '-evalt', '{x|x:0..5 & (1) ** x = 1} = 0..5'
3343 % , '-evalf', 'x=2 & x**y <1 & y>0' % check propagation
3344 , '-evalf', 'x:INTEGER & x**1 /= x' % check propagation
3345 , '-evalf', 'x:INTEGER & x**0 /= 1' % check propagation
3346 , '-evalf', '1**x /= 1 & x>0' % check propagation
3347 ], 'check no instantiation error when base is 1 or -1').
3348 cli_testcase(1538, [kodkod], [ '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3349 '-evalt', ':kodkod 2+3=x' % check no warning because nothing for kodkod to solve
3350 ,'-evalt', ':kodkod G = %x.(x:1..n|(x+1) mod n) & A\\/B = dom(G)\\/ran(G) & A/\\B={} & G[A]<:B & G[B]<:A & n=15 & 1:A' % bipartite graph detection
3351 ], 'check no warning and :kodkod works').
3352 cli_testcase(1539, [laws,tla],['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLC/Laws/NegDivision.tla', '-mc', 1000, '-strict'], 'Test that the division semantics of TLA preserved.').
3353 cli_testcase(1540, [laws,proz,sequences],['../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/ZLive/IntegerTests.fuzz',
3354 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/ZLive/SetTests.fuzz',
3355 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/ZLive/SequenceTests.fuzz',
3356 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/ZLive/RelationTests.fuzz',
3357 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/ZLive/FreeTypeTests.fuzz',
3358 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/ZLive/MiscTests.fuzz',
3359 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/ZLive/LetTests.fuzz',
3360 '-mc', 1000, '-nodead', '-strict'], 'Test Integer Z laws and that the division semantics of Z is preserved.').
3361 cli_testcase(1541, [cbc], [
3362 '-evalt', '2 : ran({y|y : INTEGER * INTEGER & #(x).(y = x |-> x + 2 & x : NATURAL)})',
3363 '-evalt', '-2 /: ran({y|y : INTEGER * INTEGER & #(x).(y = x |-> x + 2 & x : NATURAL)})',
3364 '-evalt', '1 /: ran({y|y : INTEGER * INTEGER & #(x).(y = x |-> x + 2 & x : NATURAL)})',
3365 '-evalt', '-10..1 /\\ ran({y|y : INTEGER * INTEGER & #(x).(y = x |-> x + 2 & x : NATURAL)}) = {}',
3366 '-evalt', '-10..10 /\\ ran({y|y : INTEGER * INTEGER & #(x).(y = x |-> x + 2 & x : NATURAL)}) = 2..10',
3367 '-evalf', '-2 : ran({y|y : INTEGER * INTEGER & #(x).(y = x |-> x + 2 & x : NATURAL)})',
3368 '-evalt', '2:ran({x|x:BOOL*BOOL*INTEGER & #(b,z).( x = (b,b,z) & z>1 & z<10)})',
3369 '-evalt', '22:ran({x|x:BOOL*BOOL*INTEGER & #(b,z).( x = (b,b,z) & z>1)})',
3370 '-evalt', '1/:ran({x|x:BOOL*BOOL*INTEGER & #(b,z).( x = (b,b,z) & z>1 )})',
3371 '-evalt', '1 : dom({y|y : INTEGER * INTEGER & #(x).(y = x |-> x + 2 & x : NATURAL)})',
3372 '-evalt', '(TRUE,TRUE):dom({x|x:BOOL*BOOL*INTEGER & #(b,z).( x = (b,b,z) & z>1 )})',
3373 '-evalf', '(TRUE,FALSE):dom({x|x:BOOL*BOOL*INTEGER & #(b,z).( x = (b,b,z) & z>1 )})'
3374 ],'ensure proper symbolic treatment for domain/range').
3375 cli_testcase(1542, [cbc], [
3376 '-evalf', '{x|x>100 & x mod 102 = 2} = {}',
3377 '-evalf', '%x.(x>100 & x mod 102 = 2|x*x) = {}',
3378 '-evalt', '{x|x>100 & x mod 102 = 2} /\\ {x| x<100 & x mod 102 =2} = {}',
3379 '-evalt', '%x.(x>100 & x mod 102 = 2|x*x) /= {}',
3380 '-evalt', '{x|x>100 & x mod 102 = 2} /= {}',
3381 '-evalt', '{x|x*x < i & x>2} ={} & i>2',
3382 '-evalt', '{x|x*x < i & x>2} /= {} & i>9',
3383 '-evalt', '{x|x<20} /= {}',
3384 '-evalf', '{x|x<20} = {}'
3385 ], 'symbolic treatment of closure emptiness').
3386 cli_testcase(1543, [b_test,tickets],
3387 ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Beauger2/bug_not_labels_corrected.mch', '-aa', 0,3,0,
3388 '-ppf', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Beauger2/bug_not_labels_corrected_ppf.mch'
3389 ], 'Check that labels correctly assigned.').
3390 cli_testcase(1544, [b_test,trees],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/TreeExample.mch',
3391 '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-assertions', '-init', '-strict'], 'Test that the Atelier-B tree operators supported.').
3392 cli_testcase(1545, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticLaws.mch',
3393 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticExpLaws.mch',
3394 '-mc', '100000', '-cs', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE',
3395 '-p', 'NORMALIZE_AST', 'TRUE'], 'Various arithmetic laws with AST Normalization.').
3396 cli_testcase(1546, [cbc,trees,sequences], [
3397 '-evalt', '{si|si : dom((%u.(u : seq(INTEGER)|[1] ^ u) ; {[1] |-> 33,[1,2] |-> 55})) & si/=[]} = {[2]}',
3399 '-evalt', 'arity({[]|->22,[1]|->33,[1,1]|->44,[1,2]|->55},[1])=2'
3400 ], 'ensure proper constraint solving/propagation for sequence concatenation').
3401 cli_testcase(1547, [laws,trees,sequences], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/TreeLaws.mch',
3402 '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-mc', '100', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Laws about trees').
3403 cli_testcase(1548, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/Tickets/Test2.mch', '-ltlformula', 'WEF => not (GF {addr=2} & GF [C])', '-expcterr', ltl, '-strict'], 'Test fairness implementation for finding the right counter example.').
3404 cli_testcase(1549, [b_test,fairness,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/Tickets/Test2.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SEF => not (GF {addr=2} & GF [C])', '-strict'], '').
3405 cli_testcase(1550, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3406 '-evalt', 'not((y > 0 & y * y > 20) <=> (y * y > 25 & y > 0))',
3407 '-evalf', 'not((y > 0 & y * y > 20) <=> (y * y > 21 & y > 0))'
3408 ], 'test constraint solving for <=>').
3409 cli_testcase(1551, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3410 '-evalt', '{b|[a,b,c](2)=333} =res & a : res & b:res'
3411 ], 'test constraint solving and compilation of closures (apply sequence extension)').
3412 cli_testcase(1552, [cbc,trees], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3413 '-evalt', 'a = {(1, {([]|->2)} ), (2, const(1, [a(1)]))}',
3414 '-evalt', 'a = {1 |-> {[] |-> 2}, 2 |-> (dom({pi,ff,p|((pi : seq(INTEGER) & ff : INTEGER) & p : seq(INTEGER)) & (p |-> ff : [a(1)](1) & pi = 1 -> p)}) \\/ {[] |-> 1})}',
3415 '-evalt', 'a : 1..2 --> tree({1,2}) & a = {(2, bin(2)), (1, const(1, [a(2)]))}'
3416 ], 'test constraint solving and compilation of closures (function application)').
3417 cli_testcase(1553, [csp_test], [
3418 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/Ivo/RenamedSymbol.csp', '-assertions', '-strict'],
3419 '').
3420 cli_testcase(1554, [tickets,while],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen18_While/Loop.mch',
3421 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen18_While/LoopBy2.mch',
3422 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen18_While/LoopByDouble.mch',
3423 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen18_While/LoopByTwiceSeqComp.mch',
3424 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen18_While/LoopByClash.mch',
3425 '-t', '-mc', 100, '-strict'],
3426 'Check compilation of operation calls inside while loop.').
3427 cli_testcase(1555, [tickets,cbc,slot,trees],[
3428 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Schneider2_Trees/NewSolver_v2.mch',
3429 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Schneider2_Trees/NewSolver_v3.mch',
3430 '-evalt', 'CHOOSE_MODULES("bk-phi-H-2013", solution)'], 'Test constraint solving with trees').
3431 cli_testcase(1556, [cbc],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3432 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/Mengen_Gesetze_PowBool_ctx.eventb',
3433 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/Mengen_Gesetze_FiniteInt_ctx.eventb',
3434 '-cbc_assertion', 'Gesetze:assoc1', '-cbc_assertion', 'Gesetze:assoc2',
3435 '-cbc_assertion', 'Gesetze:comm1', '-cbc_assertion', 'Gesetze:comm2',
3436 '-cbc_assertion', 'Gesetze:DeMorgan1', '-cbc_assertion', 'Gesetze:DeMorgan2',
3437 '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'FALSE'], 'Test cbc assertion with label works').
3438 cli_testcase(1557, [laws],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3439 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/Mengen_Gesetze_Bool_ctx.eventb',
3440 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/KuratowskiPairDefinition_Enum_ctx.eventb',
3441 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/KuratowskiPairDefinition_Int_ctx.eventb',
3442 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/Mengen_Gesetze_PowBool_ctx.eventb', % tales 24 seconds
3443 '-cbc_assertions', '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'FALSE'], 'Test laws over sets using cbc').
3444 cli_testcase(1558, [cbc,card],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3445 '-evalt', 'f: 1..40 --> BOOL & card({x|x|->TRUE:((1..40)*BOOL) & x|->TRUE :f}) : 10..11', % did not work before
3446 '-evalt', 'f: 1..40 --> BOOL & card({x|x:1..40 & x|->TRUE :f}) : 10..11'
3447 ], 'Test reification of closure for cardinality').
3448 cli_testcase(1559, [cbc,tickets,card],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3449 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/EinsteinPuzzle/UnsatCore_einstein_ctx_v2.mch', '-init',
3450 '-evalt', 't: Menschen >-> Getraenke & Daene |-> Tee : t',
3451 '-evalt', 't: Menschen -->> Getraenke & Daene |-> Tee : t',
3452 '-evalt', 't: Menschen --> Getraenke & Daene |-> Tee : t',
3453 '-evalt', 't: Menschen >->> Getraenke & Daene |-> Tee : t'
3454 ], 'Test reification of closure for cardinality').
3455 cli_testcase(1560, [cbc,card], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3456 '-evalf', 'n>=0 & n1>0 & {n1} \\/ {n} = r & r={n} & not(n1=n)',
3457 '-evalf', '{n} /<: {n,n1} & n:INTEGER',
3458 '-evalf', '0..B <: 1..B & B:1..1000000',
3459 '-evalf', '0..x <: 1..1000 & x>0',
3460 '-evalt', '{x|x>0} <: NATURAL1',
3461 '-evalf', 'x:seq1(0..1) & x:seq1(2..3)',
3462 '-evalt', 'a..b = {x} & x:100..1002',
3463 '-evalt', 'x <: (1..100000000 \\/ {-1}) & x={}',
3464 '-evalt', 'card(iseq1(1 .. 3) \\/ {{}}) = 16',
3465 '-evalt', 'bool(!x.(x<:1..10 => card(x) <11))',
3466 '-evalt', 'r:INTEGER<->INTEGER & dom(r)=1..4',
3467 '-evalt', 'r:INTEGER<->INTEGER & ran(r)=2..20 & dom(r) = 1..10',
3468 '-evalf', '{x|x>20} = {1,y,5,x,4}',
3469 '-evalf', '{x|x>20} = y & 1:y',
3470 '-evalt', '{x|x>20} = y & 21:y',
3471 '-evalf', '2..b = {1,y,5,x,4}',
3472 '-evalt', '{X| X /\\ {1} = {} & X \\/ {1} = 1..20} = {2..20}',
3473 '-evalt', 'a..b = {x} & x:100..1002',
3474 '-eval', '{x|[1,2,3,4,5,6] |>> {x} = [1,2,3,4,5]}',
3475 '-eval', '{x|[33] |>> {x} = []}',
3476 '-evalt', 'all = [S,E,N,D, M,O,R, Y] & {S,E,N,D, M,O,R, Y} <: 0..9 & S >0 & M >0 & card(ran(all)) = size(all) & S*1000 + E*100 + N*10 + D + M*1000 + O*100 + R*10 + E = M*10000 + O*1000 + N*100 + E*10 + Y'
3477 ], 'test a few constraints from the ProB-TO-DO-List').
3478 cli_testcase(1561, [cbc], [
3479 '-evalf', 'not(#x.(x>100))',
3480 '-evalt', '1..b = {1,y,5,x,4}',
3481 '-evalt', 'a..b = {1,y,5,x,4}'
3482 ], 'test a few constraints from the ProB-TO-DO-List (with enum warning)').
3483 cli_testcase(1562, [slot,trees,parser,card],[
3484 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Schneider5_Trees/Solver.mch',
3485 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 35000,
3486 '-evalt', '%(x).(x : dom(course_module_combinations) & card(course_module_combinations(x)) > 0|1)={("bk-phi-H-2013"|->1)}',
3487 '-evalt', '%(x).(x : dom(course_module_combinations) & course_module_combinations(x) /= {} |1)={("bk-phi-H-2013"|->1)}'
3488 % '-evalt', '%(x).(x : dom(course_module_combinations) & card(course_module_combinations(x)) > 1|1)={("bk-phi-H-2013"|->1)}' % still causes problem
3489 ], 'Test no complicated set-unification with backtracking').
3490 cli_testcase(1563, [parser,tickets], [
3491 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/CommentsOneLine/OneLineComments.mch', '-t'
3492 ], 'Test parser can deal with one line comments').
3493 cli_testcase(1564, [kodkod], [ '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3494 '-evalf', 'x:0..3 & y:0..3 & (x*y)+7<0',
3495 '-evalf', ':kodkod x:0..3 & y:0..3 & (x*y)+7<0'
3496 ], 'Test Kodkod bug fixed').
3497 cli_testcase(1565, [fairness], [
3498 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs2.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SF(E) & WF(C) => F {addr = 4 or addr = 5}', '-expcterr', 'ltl', '-strict'], 'Test finding the right fairness loop.').
3499 cli_testcase(1566, [fairness], [
3500 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs2.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SF(C) & SF(E) & SF(G) => F {addr = 4 or addr = 5}', '-expcterr', 'ltl', '-strict'], 'Test finding the right fairness loop.').
3501 cli_testcase(1567, [fairness], [
3502 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs2.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SEF => F {addr = 4 or addr = 5}', '-strict'], 'Testing the fairness algorithm.').
3503 cli_testcase(1568, [fairness], [
3504 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs3.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SF(E) & SF(D) => F { addr = 8}', '-expcterr', 'ltl', '-strict'], 'Test finding the right fairness loop.').
3505 cli_testcase(1569, [fairness], [
3506 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs3.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SF(B) & SF(G) & SF(E) & SF(D) => F { addr = 8}', '-expcterr', 'ltl', '-strict'], 'Test finding the right fairness loop.').
3507 cli_testcase(1570, [fairness], [
3508 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs3.mch', '-ltlformula', 'WEF => F { addr = 8}', '-expcterr', 'ltl', '-strict'], 'Test finding the right fairness loop.').
3509 cli_testcase(1571, [fairness], [
3510 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Fairness/RecursiveSCCs3.mch', '-ltlformula', 'SEF => F { addr = 8}', '-strict'], 'Testing the fairness checking algorithm.').
3511 cli_testcase(1572, [fairness], [
3512 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/Fairness/bully.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'Network |= LTL: \"WEF => G ([fail.2] => F [coordinator.1.2])\"', '-expcterr', 'model_check_fails', '-strict'], 'Test finding the right fairness loop.').
3513 cli_testcase(1573, [fairness], [
3514 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/LTL/Fairness/bully.csp', '-csp_assertion', 'Network |= LTL: \"SEF => G ([fail.2] => F [coordinator.1.2])\"', '-expcterr', 'model_check_fails', '-strict'], 'Test finding the right fairness loop.').
3515 cli_testcase(1574, [chr,card], ['-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3516 '-evalt', '{x,y,s|x..y <: 11..18 & card(x..y)=s & x=y} = {((11|->11)|->1),((12|->12)|->1),((13|->13)|->1),((14|->14)|->1),((15|->15)|->1),((16|->16)|->1),((17|->17)|->1),((18|->18)|->1)}',
3517 '-evalt', '{x,y|x..y <: 11..18 & card(x..y)=5 & x<y} = {(11|->15),(12|->16),(13|->17),(14|->18)}'
3518 ], 'Test CHR interval propagation').
3519 cli_testcase(1575, [external, b_test], [
3520 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/CSV_Reader.mch',
3521 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/CSV/ChemicalElements.mch', '-t'], 'test CSV reader.').
3522 cli_testcase(1576, [chr], ['-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE',
3523 '-evalt', 'x+y=100 & x>y',
3524 '-evalt', 'x=100-y & x>y'
3525 ], 'Test stronger CHR IDL propagation').
3526 cli_testcase(1577, [cbc,union,infinite], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3527 '-evalt', 'x = NATURAL1 \\/ -3..-1 & 11:x & -3:x & 0 /: x',
3528 '-evalt', '-3..-1 \\/ NATURAL1 = x & 11:x & -3:x & 0 /: x',
3529 '-evalt', 'x = NATURAL1 \\/ {-1} & 11:x & -1:x & 0 /: x',
3530 '-evalt', 'x = NATURAL1 \\/ {-1,-3} & 11:x & -1:x & -3:x & 0 /: x',
3531 '-evalt', 'x = {-1,-33} \\/ NATURAL1 & 11:x & -1:x & -33:x & 0 /: x'
3532 ], 'Test better symbolic treatment of union').
3533 cli_testcase(1578, [cbc,bmc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/BinarySearchEvents_Overflow_v2.mch', '-bmc', 5,
3534 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check error found using bmc').
3535 cli_testcase(1579, [cbc,bmc,clpfd_tables], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/BinarySearchEvents_Overflow_v3.mch', '-bmc', 10,
3536 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 3500], 'Check error found using bmc'). % increased time-out for windows runner from default 2500, Feb 17th 2020
3537 cli_testcase(1580, [symbolic_model_checker], [
3538 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/BinarySearchEvents_Overflow_v1.mch',
3539 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/BinarySearchEvents_Overflow_v2.mch', % fails with SICStus 4.5; fd_degree behaves differently
3540 '-symbolic_model_check', 'bmc',
3541 '-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'TRUE',
3542 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check error found using BMC').
3543 cli_testcase(1582, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/BinarySearchEvents_Overflow_v2.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ic3',
3544 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check error found using IC3').
3545 cli_testcase(1583, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/BinarySearchEvents_Overflow_v2.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'ctigar',
3546 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check error found using CTIGAR').
3547 cli_testcase(1584, [symbolic_model_checker], [
3548 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/BinarySearchEvents_Overflow_v1.mch',
3549 % '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/BinarySearchEvents_Overflow_v2.mch', % fails with SICStus 4.5; see test 1580
3550 '-symbolic_model_check', 'bmc',
3551 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check error found using BMC').
3552 cli_testcase(1585, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/BinarySearchEvents_Overflow_v2.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'kinduction',
3553 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check error found using k-Induction').
3554 cli_testcase(1586, [cbc,wd,error_checks,union], ['-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'TRUE',
3555 '-evalnwd', 'r = {1|->2, 2|-> 1/0}(1)',
3556 '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'
3557 ], 'Test better symbolic treatment of union').
3558 cli_testcase(1587, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3559 '-evalt', 'x:0..127 & y:0..127 & x2=x & y2=y+1 & not(x2:0..127 & y2:0..127)',
3560 '-evalt', 'f: 1..100 --> 10..20 & x:10..20 & f2=f & x2=x+1 & not(f2:1..100 --> 10..20 & x2:11..20)',
3561 '-evalf', 'f: 1..100 --> 10..20 & x:10..20 & f2=f & x2=x+1 & not(f2:1..100 --> 10..20 & x2:11..21)'
3562 ], 'Test inlining of id1=id2 equalities and subsequent detection of identical predicates').
3563 cli_testcase(1588, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3564 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE',
3565 '-evalt', 'x:0..127 & y:0..127 & x2=x & y2=y+1 & not(x2:0..127 & y2:0..127)',
3566 '-evalt', 'f: 1..100 --> 10..20 & x:10..20 & f2=f & x2=x+1 & not(f2:1..100 --> 10..20 & x2:11..20)'
3567 % '-evalf', 'f: 1..100 --> 10..20 & x:10..20 & f2=f & x2=x+1 & not(f2:1..100 --> 10..20 & x2:11..21)' requires CLPFD
3568 ], 'Test 1587 without CLPFD').
3569 cli_testcase(1589, [cbc,forall], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3570 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/ForallDomainExpansion/UnsatCore.mch',
3571 '-init'
3572 ],'Test that forall with domain is expanded').
3573 cli_testcase(1590, [cbc,bmc,forall], [
3574 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/ForallDomainExpansion/binarySearchFail_impl_prob_mch.eventb',
3575 '-bmc', 10, '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'
3576 ],'Test that forall with domain is expanded and BMC finds problem').
3578 cli_testcase(1591, [tla,tlc],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/Peterson.mch', '-mc_with_tlc'], 'TLC regression test').
3579 cli_testcase(1592, [tla,tlc],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/Peterson_err.mch', '-mc_with_tlc'
3580 %, '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation' % currently there is no feedback to probcli about invariant violations found
3581 ], 'TLC regression test').
3582 cli_testcase(1593, [puzzles_test],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Bridges.mch', '-init'
3583 ], 'Bridges Puzzle').
3584 cli_testcase(1594, [cbc,sigma,card], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3585 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(x).(x:M|30) = 3000 & M<:1..100',
3586 '-evalt', '{M|SIGMA(x).(x:M|30) = 300 & M<:1..10} = {1..10}',
3587 '-evalt', '{M|SIGMA(x).(x:M|30) = 270 & M<:1..10}=res & card(res)=10',
3588 % this is slow: {M|SIGMA(x).(x:M|30) = 570 & M<:1..20}=res & card(res)=20; 17 seconds
3589 % this does not work: {M|SIGMA(x).(x:M|30) = 3000 & M<:1..100}
3590 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(x).(x:M|cp(x)) = 3000 & M=1..100 & cp:M --> {0,15,30}',
3591 '-evalt', 'M=1..20 & {cp|SIGMA(x).(x:M|cp(x)) = 570 & cp:M --> {0,30}}=res & card(res)=20',
3592 '-evalt', 'M=1..100 & {cp|SIGMA(x).(x:M|cp(x)) = 3000 & cp:M --> {0,15,30}}=res & card(res)=1',
3593 '-evalt', 'PI(x).(x:{-1} \\/ 1..20|x) = -2432902008176640000',
3594 '-evalt', 'PI(x).(x:M|20) = 400 & M<:1..10',
3595 '-evalf', 'SIGMA(x).(x:M|20) = 50 & M<:1..10',
3596 '-evalf', 'PI(x).(x:M|20) = 500 & M<:1..10'
3597 ], 'Test SIGMA and PI').
3598 cli_testcase(1595, [tickets,eventb_test],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3599 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/TheoremInGuards/TestM1_mch.eventb',
3600 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/TheoremInGuards/VM_1_mch.eventb',
3601 '-t', '-mc', 100 ], 'Test theorem in guards can use dropped abstract variables').
3602 cli_testcase(1596, [tickets,eventb_test],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3603 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/TheoremInGuards/TestM1_error_mch.eventb',
3604 '-mc', 100, '-expcterr', 'event_error:teste:invalid_theorem_in_guard'
3605 ], 'Test theorem in guards can use dropped abstract variables and error found').
3606 cli_testcase(1597, [tickets,tla,exists],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3607 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/ExistsEnumeration/MC_AlternatingBit_Internal.mch',
3608 '-t', '-mc', 500 , '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test no problem with LoseAck action and existential quantifier').
3609 cli_testcase(1598, [tickets,tla,hash],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3610 '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Distribution/FIFO/MCInnerFIFO.mch', '-scope', 'card(q)<=qLen',
3611 '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 40,
3612 '-mc', 6000, '-cc', 5810, 9661 ,
3613 '--hash64', 1092224097070366805 % 413665275772098592 %1134041423096647838 % changed after packing rec/1, used to be 66366088829346955 and 523977694511884201
3614 ], 'Test SCOPE works correctly').
3615 cli_testcase(1599, [b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3616 '-expcterr', 'bmachine_static_checks',
3617 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ExistentialGlobalSetIDTest.mch', '-mc', '1000',
3618 '-evalt', '#(ID).( cc /: ID & dom({x,y|x=1 & y:ID}) = {})'
3619 ], 'Check that local identifier ID does not confuse optimiser').
3620 cli_testcase(1600, [tickets,private,quantified,union], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3621 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Tickets/MemoryError_bugly.mch', '-init', '-assertions'
3622 ], 'Check that UNION and dom(dom()) memory consumption issue solved').
3623 cli_testcase(1601, [b_test, imp, refinement,private], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3624 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/turbomeca/pld_i.imp',
3625 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/control/M1_i.imp',
3626 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/JCRE/opcodes_i.imp', '-t'
3627 ], 'Check implementation machines').
3628 cli_testcase(1602, [b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3629 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SchneiderBook/Chapter17/Array.mch','-t'
3630 ], 'Check Schneider example').
3631 cli_testcase(1603, [private,alstom,data_validation], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3632 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/exemple7.mch',
3633 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/exemple7_occuper_zone.mch',
3634 '-t'
3635 ], 'Check Alstom machines').
3636 cli_testcase(1604, [eventb_test,private], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3637 '../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/PaulSimon/ca_m01_mch.eventb',
3638 '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '30', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', '30',
3639 '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3',
3640 '-t'
3641 ], 'Check Paul Simon complicated EventB machine').
3642 cli_testcase(1605, [cbc, infinite], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3643 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & f : INTEGER --> {0}',
3644 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & f : INTEGER +-> {0}',
3645 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & f : INTEGER +-> {u}',
3646 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & {u|f : INTEGER +-> {u}} = {0}',
3647 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & {u|f : INTEGER --> {u}} = {0}',
3648 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & f : INTEGER +-> NATURAL',
3649 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & f : INTEGER --> NATURAL',
3650 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & f : INTEGER +-> 0..2',
3651 '-evalf', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & f : INTEGER +-> 1..2',
3652 '-evalf', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & f : INTEGER --> 1..2',
3653 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|1000) & f : INTEGER +-> 999..1002',
3654 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|1000) & f : INTEGER --> 999..1002',
3655 '-evalt', 'f = INTEGER*{1000} & f : INTEGER --> 999..1002',
3656 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|1000) & f = INTEGER*{1000}',
3657 '-evalf', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|1000) & f = INTEGER*{1001}',
3658 '-evalf', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & f : INTEGER +-> NATURAL1',
3659 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & f : INTEGER -->> {0}',
3660 '-evalf', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|0) & f : INTEGER -->> {0,1}',
3661 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x/=0|1000/x) & f : INTEGER +-> INTEGER & f(500)=2',
3662 '-evalf', 'f = %x.(x/=0|1000/x) & f : INTEGER --> INTEGER',
3663 '-evalt', '{x|x/=0} = INTEGER \\ {0}',
3664 '-evalf', '{x|x/=0} = INTEGER \\ {1}',
3665 '-evalf', '{x|x/=0} /= INTEGER \\ {0}',
3666 '-evalt', '{x|x/=0} /= INTEGER \\ {1}',
3667 '-evalf', '{x|x/=0} = INTEGER',
3668 '-evalt', '{x|x/=0} /= INTEGER',
3669 '-evalf', 'INTEGER={x|x/=0}',
3670 '-evalt', 'INTEGER/={x|x/=0}',
3671 '-evalt', '{b|INTEGER={x|x/=0} <=> b=TRUE}={FALSE}',
3672 '-evalt', 'NATURAL/={x|x/=0}',
3673 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1/={x|x/=0}',
3674 '-evalt', '{x|x/=0} /= NATURAL1',
3675 '-evalf', '{x|x/=0} = NATURAL',
3676 '-evalt', '{x,y,z|x <: BOOL & y = x*x & y:{z}-->{z}} = {({FALSE}|->{(FALSE|->FALSE)}|->FALSE),({TRUE}|->{(TRUE|->TRUE)}|->TRUE)}',
3677 '-evalt', 'card({x,y,z|x <: BOOL & y = x*x & y/:{z}-->{z}})=6',
3678 '-evalt', 'dom({x1,x2,y|x1 <: BOOL & x2<:BOOL & y = (x1*x2)*{TRUE} & y:(BOOL*{TRUE})+->{FALSE}}) = {({}|->{}),({}|->{FALSE}),({}|->{FALSE,TRUE}),({}|->{TRUE}),({FALSE}|->{}),({FALSE,TRUE}|->{}),({TRUE}|->{})}'
3679 ], 'Check that %x.(x:P|E) is detected as cartesian product closure for dom_range_for_specific_closure').
3680 cli_testcase(1606, [cbc,card], [
3681 '-evalt', 'n=10000000 & x : (1..n) \\ {5000000}',
3682 '-evalt', 'x:(1000..a) \\ {b}',
3683 '-evalt', 'x: 1000..b /\\ 1500..c',
3684 '-evalt', 'x:1000..2000 & x /: b..2000',
3685 '-evalt', 'x:(1000..2000) \\ (b..2000)',
3686 '-evalt', 'x:(1000..a) \\ (b..a)',
3687 '-evalt', '{x,y| x:200..205 & y : 101..190 & x /: y..y+100} = {(202|->101),(203|->101),(203|->102),(204|->101),(204|->102),(204|->103),(205|->101),(205|->102),(205|->103),(205|->104)}',
3688 '-evalt', 'card({x,y| x:200..295 & y : 101..190 & x /: y..y+100})=4455'
3689 ], 'Test symbolic treatment of set-difference membership').
3690 cli_testcase(1607, [tickets,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/TestAnyChoice.mch',
3691 '-t', '-strict'], 'Test that definition can be used at top-level of forall quantifier').
3692 cli_testcase(1608, [symmetry_test,proz,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Daniel/Derrick_ICFEM06.fuzz', '-strict',
3693 '-mc', '10000', '-cc', '29', '149' ], 'Test min card inference works.').
3694 cli_testcase(1609, [cbc,tickets], [ '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483648,
3695 '-evalt', 'x : NAT1 +-> {1,2,3} & (n:NAT & 1..n = dom(x)) & x /= {}'
3696 ], 'Test that pf does not expand NAT1').
3697 cli_testcase(1610, [cbc,card], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3698 '-evalt', 'f=[{1},{3},{6,2,4,8},{1,2,3}] & x:1..4 & y=f(x) & card(y)>3',
3699 '-evalt', '{f,x,y|f=[{1},{3},{6,2,4,8},{1,2,3}] & x:1..4 & y=f(x) & card(y)>3} = {(([{1},{3},{2,4,6,8},{1,2,3}]|->3)|->{2,4,6,8})}'
3700 ], 'Test cardinality restriction').
3701 cli_testcase(1611, [b_test,sequences,card], ['-evalt', 'x:seq({1}) & 55:dom(x)', '-evalf', 'x:seq({1}) & 55:dom(x) & card(x)=10', '-evalt', 'x:seq({1}) & 5:dom(x) & card(x)>6', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-strict'
3702 %, '-expcterr', eval_string_enum_warning
3703 ], 'Ensure proper enumeration of sequences (CLPFD=TRUE).'). % variation of test 1187
3704 cli_testcase(1612, [eventb_test, theories], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-assertions',
3705 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/Sequences/TestConcat_ctx.eventb',
3706 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/Sequences/TestMySequences_ctx_ok.eventb',
3707 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/Sequences/TestMySequences_ctx_ok2.eventb'], 'Check Sequence Theory Mapping.').
3708 cli_testcase(1613, [eventb_test, theories], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3709 '-assertions', '-expecterr', 'check_assertions',
3710 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/Sequences/TestMySequences_ctx_err.eventb'],
3711 'Check Sequence Theory Mapping leads to error (due to wrong mapping).').
3712 cli_testcase(1614, [eventb_test, theories], [ '-assertions',
3713 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/Sequences/MySequences_ctx.eventb'], 'Check Sequence Theory in context.').
3714 cli_testcase(1615, [cbc, cbc_tests,bmc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/Counters/CounterArticle.mch', '-bmc', 4,
3715 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check BMC works').
3716 cli_testcase(1616, [symbolic_model_checker], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/Counters/CounterArticle64_ok.mch', '-symbolic_model_check', 'kinduction'], 'Check kinduction works for this example').
3717 cli_testcase(1617, [bmc,tickets], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3718 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/bmc_unsat_axioms/f_m0.eventb',
3719 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/bmc_unsat_axioms/f_m1.eventb',
3720 '-bmc', 10], 'Check no counter example reported').
3721 cli_testcase(1618, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3722 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/ArgumentationAsSets.mch',
3723 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Mathematical/Arguments_Example_ctx.eventb',
3724 '-assertions'], 'Check Argumentation Theory example').
3725 cli_testcase(1619, [b_test, infinite,total_function], ['-evalt', 'x mod 100000 >= 99999',
3726 '-evalt', 'x : NATURAL --> {1,2,3}',
3727 '-evalt', 'x : NATURAL --> {1,2,3} & x(7) = 3',
3728 '-evalf', 'x : NATURAL --> {1,2,3} & x(7) = 3 & x(7) = 2',
3729 '-evalt', 'not(x : INTEGER --> {1,2})',
3730 '-evalf', 'y/=x & {x,y} = {x|x > 2}'
3731 ], 'Ensure symbolic treatment of (infinite) total functions.').
3732 cli_testcase(1620, [b_test,external,choose], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/ChooseExternal.mch', '-assertions'], 'Test choose and MU operator.').
3733 cli_testcase(1621, [b_test,let], [
3734 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/LetTest_IllegalCyclic.mch',
3735 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/LetTest_IllegalNondet.mch',
3736 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/LetTest_IllegalNotAllDefined.mch',
3737 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/LetTest_IllegalNotVarLHS.mch',
3738 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/LetTest_IllegalVar.mch',
3739 '-expcterr','type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], 'Check illegal LETs detected.').
3740 cli_testcase(1622, [b_test,recursion,infinite,let], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FunctionalProgramming/Factorial_NewSyntax.mch',
3741 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FunctionalProgramming/SeqNaturalFoldr_NewSyntax.mch',
3742 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/SortSet_NewSyntax.mch',
3743 '-t', '-strict'], 'Test new IF-THEN-ELSE / LET Syntax for expressions.').
3744 cli_testcase(1623, [b_test], [
3745 '-evalf', 'z < first([z]) & 0<z',
3746 '-evalf', 'z < first([z]) & z:INTEGER',
3747 '-evalf', 'z < last([z]) & 0<z',
3748 %'-evalf', 'z < first([z,z]) & 0<z', % currently requires DISPROVER_MODE
3749 %'-evalf', 'z < first(v) & v=[z] & 0<z',
3750 '-evalf', 'z > first([z]) & z>0'
3751 ], 'Ensure ast_cleanup removes first/last.').
3752 cli_testcase(1624, [cbc,card], [
3753 '-evalt', 'x:1..n --> BOOL & card({y|y:1..n & y|->FALSE:x})=cf & cf:15..26 & card({y|y:1..n & y|->TRUE:x})=ct &ct:22..25 & ct+cf=n & x(n/2)=FALSE & x(n/4)=FALSE & n=40',
3754 '-evalt', 'x:1..n --> BOOL & card({y|y:1..n & y|->FALSE:x})=cf & cf:15..26 & card({y|y:1..n & y|->TRUE:x})=ct &ct:22..25 & x(n/2)=FALSE & x(n/4)=FALSE & n=40',
3755 '-evalt', 'x:1..n --> BOOL & card({y|y:1..n & y|->FALSE:x})=cf & cf:15..26 & card({y|y:1..n & y|->TRUE:x})=ct &ct:22..25 & ct+cf=n & x(n/2)=TRUE & x(n/4)=TRUE & n=40',
3756 '-evalt', 'x:1..n --> BOOL & card({y|y:1..n & y|->FALSE:x})=cf & cf:5..16 & card({y|y:1..n & y|->TRUE:x})=ct &ct:27..29 & ct+cf=n & x(n/2)=FALSE & x(n/4)=FALSE & n=40 & x(3*n/4)=TRUE',
3757 '-evalf', 'x:1..n --> BOOL & card({y|y:1..n & y|->FALSE:x})=cf & cf:15..19 & card({y|y:1..n & y|->TRUE:x})=ct &ct:15..20 & ct+cf=n & x(n/2)=FALSE & x(n/4)=FALSE & n=40',
3758 % x:1..n --> BOOL & card({y|y:1..n & y|->FALSE:x})=cf & cf:15..19 & card({y|y:1..n & y|->TRUE:x})=ct &ct:15..20 & x(n/2)=FALSE & x(n/4)=FALSE & n=40 % this is not yet detected as failing quickly
3759 '-evalt', 'x:1..n --> BOOL & card(x~[{FALSE}])=cf & cf:15..26 & card(x~[{TRUE}])=ct & ct:22..25 & x(n/2)=FALSE & x(n/4)=FALSE & ct+cf=n & n=40',
3760 % '-evalt', 'x:1..n --> BOOL & card(x~[{FALSE}]):15..26 & card(x~[{TRUE}]):22..25 & x(n/2)=FALSE & x(n/4)=FALSE & n=40' does not work yet
3761 '-evalt', 's=1..20 & x <: s & card(x)=cx & cx:3..4 & y <: s & card(y)=cy & cy:3..4 & x/\\y={} & cx+cy=7 & (9:x or 9:y) & (18:y or 10:x)', % this test does not really exercise reification yet
3762 '-evalt', 's=1..20 & x: s-->BOOL & card({t|t:1..20 & t|->TRUE:x})=cx & cx:3..4 & y:s-->BOOL & card({t|t:1..20 & t|->TRUE:y})=cy & cy:3..4 & x~[{TRUE}]/\\y~[{TRUE}]={} & cx+cy=7 & (9|->TRUE:x or 9|->TRUE:y) & (18|->TRUE:y or 10|->TRUE:x)', % THIS ONE IS FASTER: reason t:1..20 TO DO: try and get rid of need for this !!
3763 '-evalt', 's=1..n & x<:s & card(x):15..26 & n/2/:x & n/4/:x & n=40' % another test; not requiring reification
3764 ], 'Test cardinality reification propagates through check_finite_card.').
3765 cli_testcase(1625, [cbc,card], [
3766 '-evalt', 'i=2..x & card(i):10..9122110 & x > 9121000'], 'Check card of interval propagates').
3767 cli_testcase(1626, [cbc,records,card], [
3768 '-evalt', '{v|v:0..5 & card({x,y|x|->y:{(2,2),(2,4)} & x+y>v}):2..3}=0..3',
3769 '-evalt', '{c,v,z|card({x|rec(a:x):v & x:(z..(z+3))})=c & v={rec(a:2),rec(a:4)} & c>1} = {((2|->{rec(a:2),rec(a:4)})|->1),((2|->{rec(a:2),rec(a:4)})|->2)}'
3770 ], 'A few card tests; test reification involving records').
3771 cli_testcase(1627, [cbc,card], [
3772 '-evalt', 's=1..20 & x: s-->BOOL & card({t|t|->TRUE:x})=cx & cx:3..4 & y:s-->BOOL & card({t|t|->TRUE:y})=cy & cy:3..4 & x~[{TRUE}]/\\y~[{TRUE}]={} & cx+cy=7 & (9|->TRUE:x or 9|->TRUE:y) & (18|->TRUE:y or 10|->TRUE:x)', % this counter part was much slower ! due to missing t:1..20 constraint; now solved
3773 '-evalt', 'x:1..n --> BOOL & card({y|y|->FALSE:x}):15..26 & card({y|y|->TRUE:x}):12..25 & x(n/2)=FALSE & x(n/4)=FALSE & n=40',
3774 '-evalt', 's=1..20 & x: s-->BOOL & card({t|t|->TRUE:x}):18..19',
3775 '-evalt', 's=1..20 & x: s-->BOOL & card({t|t|->FALSE:x}):18..19',
3776 '-evalt', 's=1..130 & x: s-->BOOL & card({t|t|->TRUE:x}):128..129',
3777 '-evalt', 's=1..258 & x: s-->BOOL & card({t|t|->FALSE:x})=card({t|t|->TRUE:x})',
3778 '-evalt', 's:1..n --> 1..n & card({x|x|->x:s})=n & n=50',
3779 '-evalt', 'card({s,n|s:1..n --> 1..n & card({x|x|->x:s})=n & n=50})=1', % non-linear pattern
3780 '-evalt', 's: 1..20 --> (BOOL*(1..20)) & card({x|x|->(TRUE|->x):s})=10 & card({x|x|->(FALSE|->x):s})=10',
3781 '-evalt', 's: 1..20 --> (BOOL*(1..20)) & card({x|x|->(TRUE|->x):s})=10 & card({x|x|->(FALSE|->x+1):s})=10', % non-linear pattern with addition
3782 '-evalt', 's: 1..20 --> (BOOL*(1..20)) & card({x|x|->(FALSE|->x):s})=10 & card({x|x|->(TRUE|->x-1):s})=10' % non-linear pattern with minus
3783 ], 'Check card propagates without need for t:1..20 constraint').
3784 cli_testcase(1628, [cbc,tickets,card], [
3785 '-evalt', 'card({f|f : 1..20 --> POW(7..11) & !x.(x:1..20 => card(f(x)) = 4 & {7,8,9} <: f(x)) & !x.(x:1..10 => f(x) /= f(x+10)) & !x.(x:1..9 => f(10+x) /= f(1+x)) & 10: f(1) })=1',
3786 % {f|f : 1..20 --> POW(7..11) & !x.(x:1..20 => card(f(x)) = 4 & {7,8,9} <: f(x)) & !x.(x:1..10 => f(x) /= f(x+10)) & !x.(x:1..9 => f(10+x) /= f(1+x)) & 10: f(1) & printf("~nf(1)=~w~n",f(1)) & !i.(i:2..20 => printf("f(i)=~w~n",(i,f(i)))) }
3787 '-evalt', '1=card({f|f : 1..100 --> POW(7..11) & !x.(x:1..100 => card(f(x)) = 4 & {7,8,9} <: f(x)) & !x.(x:1..90 => f(x) /= f(x+10)) & !x.(x:1..9 => f(90+x) /= f(1+x)) & 10: f(1)})'
3788 ], 'A variation of test 34; computing all solutions').
3789 cli_testcase(1629, [cbc,queens,card],
3790 ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/CardReify1/MaxQueensNoCheck_v5.mch',
3791 '-t', '-mc', 10], 'Check reification of card works with dom of total function').
3792 cli_testcase(1630, [cbc,card], [
3793 '-evalt', 'f:1..20 >->> 1..20 & card({i|i:1..20 & f~(i)=i})=4', %this also worked before
3794 '-evalt', 'f:1..20 >->> 1..20 & card({i|i:ran(f) & f~(i)=i})=4'
3795 ], 'Check reification of card with range').
3796 cli_testcase(1631, [cbc,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Queens/NBishopsSets.mch',
3797 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 25000, % got slower between 1.9.0 and 1.9.1 (commit 943d37585be8eeac46c93705d51c2392fde0fda3)
3798 % got slower again with e1c23513051449cc13b0767394959b4c485e306f ,but _v2 of model is faster
3799 '-init'], 'See that ProB can solve this puzzle').
3800 cli_testcase(1632, [cbc,while], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen23_WhilePerformance/WhileSlow_CartProduct.mch', '-t',
3801 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 15000 ], % increased time-out for jenkins
3802 'See that performance of while loop with IF with existential quantifier is ok').
3803 cli_testcase(1633, [kodkod], [ '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
3804 '-evalf', ':kodkod args<:{1,2,3,4} & x:args & x<2 & x/=1',
3805 '-evalf', ':kodkod args<:{2,4,5,9,16,32} & x:args & x<4 & x/=2', % used to generate java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: too many atoms (32 <= 2^6) for too few powers of 2 (4< 6),
3806 '-evalt', ':kodkod args<:{2,4,5,9,16,32} & x:args & x<4' % used to generate java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: too many atoms (32 <= 2^6) for too few powers of 2 (4< 6)
3807 % '-evalf', ':kodkod args={1,2,3} & atts : args <-> args & dom(atts) = args & x = card(atts)&x < 2' %% TO DO: fix KODKOD
3808 ], 'check kodkod integer ranges are correctly computed, prevent regression').
3809 cli_testcase(1634, [b_test,external], [
3810 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/MAXIMIZE_Test.mch',
3811 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Queens/MaxQueensNoCheck_MAXIMIZE.mch',
3812 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Argumentation/Example3_MAXIMIZE.mch',
3813 '-assertions'],
3814 'Check MAXIMIZE external function').
3815 cli_testcase(1635, [private,tickets,codespeed,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DataValidationProject/Tickets/Burdy3/Rule_DB_General_0006.mch', '-t',
3816 %'-p','SHOW_EVENTB_ANY_VALUES','TRUE', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 1000,
3817 '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE'
3818 ],
3819 'Codespeed test; test that cartesian product / concat_sequence performance issue fixed'). % AlstomBurdy_Rule6_CLP
3820 cli_testcase(1636, [b_test,tickets,wd,private,data_validation], [
3821 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/GeneralElectric_DV/Ticket_Coudour1/rule.mch',
3822 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error,
3823 '-mc', 10, '-nodead'],
3824 'Check WD error found').
3825 cli_testcase(1637, [b_test,tickets,private,data_validation], [
3826 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/GeneralElectric_DV/Ticket_Coudour2/fonction_totale.mch',
3827 '-t', '-expcterr', setup_constants_inconsistent,
3828 '-properties', '-expcterr', check_properties],
3829 'Check partial setup constants possible despite inconsistency').
3830 cli_testcase(1638, [b_test,tickets,private,data_validation], [
3831 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/GeneralElectric_DV/Ticket_Coudour2/fonction_totale_v2.mch',
3832 '-animate_all', '-expcterr', setup_constants_fails,
3833 '-opterr', 'setup_constants_inconsistent'], % we now also generate this msg when not all csts are found deterministically
3834 'Check inconsistent properties detected by animate_all').
3835 cli_testcase(1639, [b_test], ['-check_java_version'], 'Check check_java_version works').
3836 cli_testcase(1640, [tickets], ['-evalt', '{}/:STRING --> BOOL',
3837 '-evalt', '{"ab"|->TRUE }/:STRING --> BOOL',
3838 '-evalt', '{"ab"|->TRUE,"ab"|->FALSE }/:STRING --> BOOL',
3839 '-evalt', 'not({TRUE|->"STRING2"} : BOOL >+>> STRING)',
3840 '-evalt', 'not({TRUE|->"STRING2"} : BOOL +->> STRING)'
3841 ], 'Check bug in not_total_function fixed').
3842 cli_testcase(1641, [laws,rel_fnc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/FunLawsStrings.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Use model checking to check a variety of laws on functions over infinite base domain.').
3843 cli_testcase(1642, [private,tickets,operation_reuse,data_validation], [
3844 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/GeneralElectric_DV/Ticket_Coudour3/rule1.mch',
3845 '-t', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE',
3846 '-expcterr', invariant_violation],
3847 'Check operation reuse problem fixed').
3848 cli_testcase(1643, [b_test,operation_reuse], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CSM.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict',
3849 '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE','-check_complete', '-cc', '341', '1229'], 'Test 13 with operation reuse').
3850 cli_testcase(1644, [b_test,operation_reuse,symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/scheduler1.ref', '-mc', '150', '-cc', '145', '447',
3851 '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', '3', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'off', '-strict'], 'Test 73 with operation reuse').
3852 cli_testcase(1645, [b_test,operation_reuse,symmetry_test], ['-p', 'MAXINT', '5', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/DiningCryptographers.mch', '-mc', '100', '-cc', '65', '96', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', '100', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE','-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'off', '-strict'], 'Test 106 with operation reuse').
3853 cli_testcase(1646, [cbc,operation_reuse,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/FiveWayTraffic/FiveWay_new_mch.eventb',
3854 '-mc', 1000, '-strict','-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE','-cc', '29', '65',
3855 '--hash64', 1088314065090582434 % used to be 591402958158885188 % used to be 971801032035978952 until 9 Sep 2021 after changes to state_packing
3856 ], 'Test 1532 with operation reuse.').
3857 cli_testcase(1647, [b_test,csp_test,pge,cspb],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Williams/ME.mch', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Williams/ME.csp', '-mc', 10000, '-p', 'pge', disabled, '-strict'],'Testing PGE optimisation for (ME.mch||ME.csp).').
3858 cli_testcase(1648, [b_test,csp_test,pge,cspb],['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Ivo/verysimple.mch', '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Ivo/verysimple.csp', '-mc', 10000, '-bf', '-p', 'pge', disabled, '-expcterr', deadlock, '-strict'],'Finding the deadlock because of the impossibility to execute the b operation (verysimple.mch||verysimple.csp).').
3859 cli_testcase(1649, [cbc,card], [
3860 '-evalf', 'occupies : Pigeons >-> Holes & Pigeons=1..100 & Holes=1..99',
3861 '-evalt', 'occupies : Pigeons >-> Holes & Pigeons=2..100 & Holes=1..99',
3862 '-evalt', 'id(NATURAL) : NATURAL >-> NATURAL', % also check infinite functions work
3863 '-evalt', 'id(NATURAL1) : NATURAL1 >-> NATURAL1', % also check infinite functions work
3864 '-evalt', 'id(NATURAL1) : NATURAL1 >-> NATURAL',
3865 '-evalf', 'id(NATURAL1) : NATURAL >-> NATURAL',
3866 '-evalf', 'id(NATURAL) : NATURAL1 >-> NATURAL',
3867 '-evalf', 'id(NATURAL) : NATURAL >-> NATURAL1',
3868 '-evalt', 'id(NATURAL1) /: NATURAL >-> NATURAL'
3869 ], 'Ensure card. check for total_injection works').
3870 cli_testcase(1650, [parser,tickets], [
3871 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/SyntaxErrors/MissingSemicolon.mch',
3872 '-expcterrpos', parse_error, 13, 2, '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'],
3873 'Check parser correctly reports syntax error and position').
3874 cli_testcase(1651, [b_test,execute], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch', '-init','-execute_all',
3875 '-animate_stats', '-strict', '-goal', 'c=20', '-p', 'MAXINT', '20'], 'Check -execute_all.').
3876 cli_testcase(1652, [parser,tickets], [
3877 '-eval', '2>1 & & 3>2',
3878 '-expcterrpos', parse_machine_predicate_error, 1, 6 ],
3879 'Check parser correctly reports syntax error and position for eval').
3880 cli_testcase(1653, [b_test,tickets,hash], [
3881 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/SelectMultipleTrueCases.mch',
3882 '-t', '-mc', 100, '-nogoal', '-cc', 4, 10, '--hash64', 357695998652715541 ],
3883 'Select with multiple true branches dealt with').
3884 cli_testcase(1654, [parser,tickets], [
3885 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PARSERLIB-44/BinPacking_UnicodeMinus.mch',
3886 '-init' ],
3887 'Check parser correctly parses unicode minus used for --> (PARSERLIB-44)').
3888 cli_testcase(1655, [laws,records], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/RecSetLaws.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-t', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Various laws about records.').
3889 cli_testcase(1656, [tickets,records,private], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Tickets/record_projection_bugly.mch', '-assertions'], 'Check performance.').
3890 cli_testcase(1657, [eventb_test,tickets,private], [
3891 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance_WP2/v5_Aug2014/ex_mch.eventb',
3892 '-t' ],
3893 'Check COMMS__ComputeLeastCostRoutes efficient (avoiding re-calculation of same assignment; see PROB-351)').
3894 cli_testcase(1658, [parser,tickets], [
3895 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen25_OpNamingWarning/Naming_VAR.mch',
3896 '-expcterrpos', type_error, 5, 6
3897 ],
3898 'Check type checker reports id clash in VAR').
3899 cli_testcase(1659, [parser,tickets], [
3900 '-eval', ' 2 = TRUE',
3901 '-expcterrpos', type_expression_error, 1, 7 ],
3902 'Check type checker correctly reports error and position in eval').
3903 cli_testcase(1660, [parser,tickets], [
3904 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen25_OpNamingWarning/ReadingUninitialisedVar.mch', '-animate', 10,
3905 '-expcterrpos', reading_undefined_variable, 6, 12 , '-nodead' ],
3906 'Check interpreter reports unitialised var and that -nodead works for -animate').
3907 cli_testcase(1661, [eventb_test,tickets,private], [
3908 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance_WP2/v5_Aug2014/ex_mch.eventb',
3909 '-mc', 10 , '-opterr', 'time_out_for_assertions', % not raised anymore 26.2.2021, see test 2087
3910 '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'],
3911 'Check that virtual-time_out in assertion checking caught (or not raised)').
3912 cli_testcase(1662, [b_test,csp_test,cspb], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/FeatureTests/AssertionViolation.mch',
3913 '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/FeatureTests/AssertionViolation.csp',
3914 '-mc', '1000', '-expcterr', assertion_violation, '-nodead'], 'Test that static assertion violation found').
3915 cli_testcase(1663, [b_test,csp_test,cspb], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/FeatureTests/AssertionViolationDynamic.mch',
3916 '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/FeatureTests/AssertionViolationDynamic.csp',
3917 '-mc', '1000', '-expcterr', assertion_violation], 'Test that dynamic assertion violation found').
3918 cli_testcase(1664, [b_test,csp_test,cspb], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/FeatureTests/AssertionViolationDynamic.mch',
3919 '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/FeatureTests/AssertionViolationDynamicShort.csp',
3920 '-mc', '1000', '-nodead'], 'Test that no dynamic assertion violation found').
3921 %cli_testcase(1665, [plugin_units,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/Records.mch',
3922 % '-plugin', 'units', '-strict',
3923 % '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/Records_internal.mch'],
3924 % 'Check that records are supported in unit plugin').
3925 cli_testcase(1666, [kodkod,tickets,random], [
3926 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/BendispostoTutoren/tuts_cando_only.mch', '-init', '-assertions',
3928 'Check that Randomise Enumeration order and Kodkod work together').
3929 cli_testcase(1667, [cbc,tickets,kodkod,random], [
3930 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/BendispostoTutoren/tuts_working.mch', '-init', '-assertions',
3932 'Check that Randomise Enumeration order and Kodkod work together').
3933 cli_testcase(1668, [cbc,random], [
3934 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/BendispostoTutoren/tuts_working.mch', '-init', '-assertions',
3936 'Check that Randomise Enumeration order and Kodkod work together').
3937 cli_testcase(1669, [tickets,cbc,card], ['-p', 'MAXINT', 3,
3938 '-evalt', 'card(perm(NAT))=24',
3939 '-evalt', 'perm(NAT) /= {}',
3940 '-evalf', 'perm(NAT) = {}',
3941 '-evalt', 'perm(NAT) ={[1,0,2,3],[1,0,3,2],[2,0,1,3],[2,0,3,1],[3,0,1,2],[3,0,2,1],[0,1,2,3],[0,1,3,2],[2,1,0,3],[2,1,3,0],[3,1,0,2],[3,1,2,0],[0,2,1,3],[0,2,3,1],[1,2,0,3],[1,2,3,0],[3,2,0,1],[3,2,1,0],[0,3,1,2],[0,3,2,1],[1,3,0,2],[1,3,2,0],[2,3,0,1],[2,3,1,0]}',
3942 '-evalt', 'perm(NAT) = perm(0..MAXINT)',
3943 '-evalt', 'perm(NAT1) = perm(1..MAXINT)',
3944 '-evalt', 'card(perm(INT))=120',
3945 '-evalt', 'card(iseq(NAT)) = 65'
3946 ],
3947 'Check that perm(NAT)={} bug fixed').
3948 cli_testcase(1670, [b_test], ['-t', '-expcterr', trace_checking_fails,
3949 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DEFINITIONS/SETPREF.mch', '-p', 'MAXINT', '22', '-card', 'ID', '2'], 'check trace checking fails').
3950 cli_testcase(1671, [tickets, parser], ['-t', '--model-check',
3951 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DollarSymbol/ValidMachines/AssignByPredicateWithDEFTransitive.mch',
3952 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DollarSymbol/ValidMachines/AssignByPredicateWithDEF.mch'],
3953 'check $0 can be used within definitions (PARSERLIB-47)').
3954 cli_testcase(1672, [tickets, parser], [
3955 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DollarSymbol/ErrorMachines/DollarInInvariant.mch',
3956 '-expcterrpos', type_error, 2, 21, '-expcterr', load_main_file],
3957 'check $0 cannot be used in invariant (PARSERLIB-47)').
3958 cli_testcase(1673, [tickets, parser], [
3959 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/IllegalSeesIncludes/CyclicM1.mch',
3960 '-expcterr', parse_error, '-expcterr', load_main_file],
3961 'check cyclic sees detected and does not lead to parser exception').
3962 cli_testcase(1674, [pragmas, parser], ['-init',
3963 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/FilePragma.mch',
3964 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/Files2/FilePragma2.mch'],
3965 'check @file "Path" pragma works').
3966 cli_testcase(1675, [b_test,mcm_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/MCM_Tests/SimpleTestModel.mch', '-mcm_tests', '20', '1000', '1=1', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/MCM_Tests/SimpleTestModel_mcm_tests.xml', '-strict'],'State based test generation with non-deterministic initialisation').
3967 cli_testcase(1676, [b_test,mcm_tests,private], ['../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Soton/MCM_Tests/FENCEM7_mch.eventb',
3968 '-mcm_tests', '10', '4000', '1=1',
3969 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Soton/MCM_Tests/tests.xml',
3970 '-mcm_cover', 'IssueLoad IssueStore ObserveLoadAfterStore',
3972 '-strict'],'State based test generation with internal operation arguments').
3973 cli_testcase(1677, [tickets,while], [
3974 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-412/WhileVariantNotDecreased.mch', '-animate', 10,
3975 '-expcterr', animate, '-expcterrpos', while_variant_error, 24, 16 ],
3976 'Check variant not decreasing error found and position ok (PROB-412)').
3977 cli_testcase(1678, [while,tickets], [
3978 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen24_WhileSeesBug/While.mch',
3979 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen24_WhileSeesBug/Runner.mch',
3980 '-t', '-mc', 1000 ],
3981 'Check bug with while loop compilation because of incorrect read/modifies info (not renamed) fixed').
3982 cli_testcase(1679, [b_test], [
3983 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ParityFunction.mch',
3984 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Sieve_WithMin.mch',
3985 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Chapter13/Booksrr.ref',
3986 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Chapter_10/Safes.mch',
3987 '-t'],
3988 'A few trace tests from the Tcl/Tk Regression Test suite').
3989 cli_testcase(1680, [b_test,private], [
3990 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/TestString.mch',
3991 '-expcterr', 'virtual_time_out',
3992 '-t'],
3993 'A few trace tests from the Tcl/Tk Regression Test suite').
3994 cli_testcase(1681, [b_test,private,exists], [
3995 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/control/M1.ref',
3996 %'../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/control/M1_i.imp', % bmachine_static_checks: Operation result "status" has the same name as a variable or constant in operation "UTILS.nextState".
3997 '-t'],
3998 'Check no exists body warning').
3999 cli_testcase(1682, [tickets,private,data_validation], [
4000 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/ssp/tms_ssp_0004.mch',
4001 '-t'],
4002 'Check no time-out').
4003 cli_testcase(1683, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4004 '-evalt', '(A=TRUE) <=> (X:Y..Z) & Y:1..10 & Z:0..2 & X >12 & (A=FALSE => X:15..16)'
4005 ], 'check interval reification').
4006 cli_testcase(1684, [cbc], [ '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4007 '-evalt', '(A=TRUE) <=> (X:Y..Z) & Y:1..10 & Z:0..2 & X >12 & (A=FALSE => X:15..16)'
4008 ], 'check interval reification').
4009 cli_testcase(1685, [cbc], [
4010 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 : x & (x = { {22}, {33}} or x={ NATURAL1 })',
4011 '-evalf', 'NATURAL1 : x & x = { {22}, {33}}',
4012 '-evalt', '{x|x>30 & x mod 3 =0} /\\ {x|x<50 & x mod 2 =0} = {36,42,48}'
4013 ], 'a few checks').
4015 cli_testcase(1686, [cbc,laws,finite], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4016 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=POW(POW(1..9))',
4017 '-evalf', 'x/:FIN(x) & x=POW(POW(1..9))',
4018 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=FIN(POW(1..10))',
4019 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=POW(POW(1..10))',
4020 '-evalf', 'x/:FIN(x) & x=POW(POW(1..10))',
4021 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=POW(POW(POW(1..10)))',
4022 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x=POW(POW(POW(NATURAL1)))',
4023 '-evalt', 'x/:FIN(x) & x=POW(POW(POW(NATURAL1)))',
4024 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x=FIN(POW(POW(NATURAL1)))',
4025 '-evalt', 'x/:FIN(x) & x=FIN(POW(POW(NATURAL1)))',
4026 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x=FIN(INTEGER)',
4027 '-evalt', 'x/:FIN(x) & x=FIN(INTEGER)',
4028 '-evalt', 'x/:FIN(x) & x=POW(INTEGER)',
4029 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x = %x.(x:NATURAL1|1)',
4030 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x = %x.(x:POW(POW(1..11))|1)',
4031 % '-evalt', 'x/:FIN(x) & x = %x.(x:POW(POW(1..11))|1)', % computes x, time-out
4032 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x = (3..2)*INTEGER',
4033 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x = INTEGER*(3..2)',
4034 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x = INTEGER*(2..3)',
4035 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x = POW(POW(1..10))*(2..3)',
4036 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x = POW(POW(1..11))*(2..3)',
4037 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x = POW(POW(1..11))*{2,4}',
4038 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x = POW(POW(1..11))*(4..3)',
4039 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x = NATURAL1*(4..3)',
4040 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x = NATURAL1*{2,4}',
4041 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x = (1..2)*NATURAL1',
4042 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x = INTEGER*NATURAL1',
4043 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=iseq(1..10)',
4044 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x=iseq(NATURAL)',
4045 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=perm(POW(1..9))',
4046 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x= {x|x : INTEGER & x < 3}',
4047 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=iseq(POW(POW(1..11)))',
4048 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=iseq1(POW(POW(1..11)))',
4049 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x=seq(POW(POW(1..11)))',
4050 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x=seq1(POW(POW(1..11)))',
4051 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=seq(4..3)',
4052 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=seq1(4..3)',
4053 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=id(POW(POW(1..11)))',
4054 '-evalf', 'x:FIN(x) & x=perm(NATURAL)',
4055 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=perm(POW(POW(1..11)))',
4056 '-evalf', 'x/:FIN(x) & x=perm(POW(POW(1..11)))',
4057 '-evalt', '{z|z:seq(BOOL) & size(z)<=0} = {[]}'
4058 ], 'a few checks about finite').
4059 cli_testcase(1687, [tickets,parser], [
4060 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen27_NestedMchErr/M1.mch',
4061 '-expcterr', load_main_file, '-expcterrpos', parse_error, 2, 5 ],
4062 'Check error found and position ok').
4063 cli_testcase(1688, [cbc,laws,finite], [ '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
4064 '-evalf', 'x/:FIN(x) & x=(POW(1..11) +-> POW(1..9))',
4065 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=(POW(1..11) +-> POW(1..9))',
4066 '-evalt', 'x:FIN(x) & x=perm(POW(1..9))',
4067 '-evalt', '{b|x:FIN(x) <=> b=TRUE}=bb & x = %x.(x:POW(POW(1..200)*POW(1..300))|card(x)) & bb={TRUE}',
4068 '-evalt', ' {b|x:FIN(x) <=> b=TRUE}=bb & x = %x.(x:POW(POW(1..200)*POW(1..300)*STRING*POW(1..100))|card(x)) & bb={FALSE}',
4069 '-evalt', ' {b|x:FIN(x) <=> b=TRUE}=bb & x = %x.(x:POW(POW(1..200)*POW(1..3000)*STRING*POW(1..1000))|card(x)) & bb={FALSE}'
4070 % '-expcterr', 'eval_string_enum_warning'
4071 ], 'a few checks about finite').
4072 cli_testcase(1689, [tickets,kodkod], [
4073 '-evalf', ':kodkod args={1,2,3} & atts : args <-> args & dom(atts) = args & x = card(atts)&x < 2',
4074 '-opterr', 'kodkod_fail'
4075 ], 'check card interval analysis bug fixed (PROB-411)').
4076 cli_testcase(1690, [tickets], [
4077 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen21_Sees/AllGroups.mch',
4078 '-t', '-mc', 100, '-bf',
4079 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'
4080 ], 'check sees bug remains fixed').
4081 cli_testcase(1691, [tickets,records], [
4082 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/RecordPartiallyTyped/Knowledge_loop.mch',
4083 '-init',
4084 '-expcterrpos', 'type_expression_error', 17, 45
4085 ], 'check that record type bug fixed, no type generated: record([field(a,b)|any])').
4086 cli_testcase(1692, [tickets,quantified,union], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4087 '-evalt', 'UNION(i).(i:1..2|{i|->i}) ^ UNION(j).(j:1..3|{j|->j}) = [1,2,1,2,3]',
4088 '-evalt', 'UNION(i).(i:1..2|{i|->i}) ^ {} = [1,2]',
4089 '-evalf', 'UNION(i).(i:1..2|{i|->i}) ^ UNION(j).(j:1..3|{j|->j}) = [1,2,3,4,5]'
4090 ], 'ensure both UNIONs are translated').
4091 cli_testcase(1693, [tickets,let], [
4092 '-eval', 'i = 20 & (LET i BE i= i+1 IN i END) =res',
4093 '-expcterr', type_expression_error
4094 ], 'ensure error in nested LET expression detected').
4095 cli_testcase(1694, [tickets,error_checks,let], [
4096 '-eval', '(LET i,j BE i=i+10 & j=i+20 IN i+j END)',
4097 '-expcterr', type_expression_error,
4098 '-expcterr', eval_string
4099 ], 'ensure error in nested LET expression detected').
4100 cli_testcase(1695, [tickets,error_checks,let], [
4101 '-eval', '(LET i,j BE j=i+20 & i=10 IN i+j END)',
4102 '-expcterr', type_expression_error,
4103 '-expcterr', eval_string
4104 ], 'ensure error in nested LET expression detected').
4105 cli_testcase(1696, [tickets,let], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4106 '-evalt', 'i=1 & r=LET i BE i=10 IN LET j BE j=i+20 IN i+j END END & r=40',
4107 % '-evalt', 'k = 1..n & n:2..3 & (LET i,j BE i={10}\\/k & j= i \\/ i IN res=i \\/ j END)',
4108 % '-evalt', '(LET i,j BE i=10 & j=i+20 IN i+j END) =40',
4109 '-evalt', 'i = 100 & (LET i,j BE i={10} & j= 20 IN (LET j BE j=i \\/ i IN i \\/ j END) END) = {10}',
4110 '-evalt', 'x=1 & y=2 & #(x,y).(x=30 & y=x+x & res=y+x) & res=90'
4111 ], 'ensure nested LET predicate and expression work').
4112 cli_testcase(1697, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4113 '-evalt', '{y,n|{x|x:1..n} = {y}} = {1|->1}',
4114 '-evalt', 'x:{y|y>0 & y mod 100 = 0} & x:{z|z<1000 & z mod 500 = 0}',
4115 '-evalt', '{x|x:1..n} = {y}'
4116 ], 'check improved set comprehension propagation').
4117 cli_testcase(1698, [cbc], [
4118 '-evalt', 'x:c1 & c1={y|y>0 & y mod 100 = 0} & x:c2 & c2= {z|z<1000 & z mod 500 = 0}',
4119 % these now did not work before:
4120 '-evalt', 'p = {x|x>100 & x<n & x mod 2 =0} & p = {102,104}',
4121 '-evalt', 'p = {x|x>100 & x<n & x mod 2 =0} & p = {102,104,106,108}',
4122 '-evalt', 'p = {x|x>100 & x<n & x mod 2 =0} & p = {102,104,106,108} & n=110',
4123 '-evalf', 'p = {x|x>100 & x<n & x mod 2 =0} & p = {102,104,106,108,113}'
4124 % '-evalf', 'p = {x|x>100 & x<n & x mod 2 =0} & p = {102,104,106,108,112}' % TO DO: does not work yet
4125 % '-evalt', 'p = {x|x>100 & x<n & x mod 2 =0} & {102} <: p' % TO DO: nor this
4126 ], 'check improved set comprehension propagation').
4127 cli_testcase(1699, [private,csp_test,cspb,hash], ['../prob_examples/examples/CSPB/Treharne/CSPB-SwanseaPlanModel/Interlocking.mch',
4128 '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/examples/CSPB/Treharne/CSPB-SwanseaPlanModel/Ctrl.csp',
4129 '-mc', '40', '-bf', '-cc', 148, 687,
4130 '--hash64', 418094361645960853, % 197635050763058334, % used to be 537894344680006343, % used to be 838177507379154842 until Sep 9th 2021
4131 '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test CSP||B model'). % % 17.9.2021: adapted hash from 268712975971443200 for sorted order of variable, before hash was 906866094249096570, but we changed order of machine inclusion
4132 cli_testcase(1700, [private,csp_test,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksFairness/ProB/DPhil/dphil_ltl6.csp',
4133 '-mc', '3000', '-bf', '-cc', 1764, 7125, '--hash64', 419761536083491376], 'Test Dining Philosophers state space (CSP normalisation)').
4134 cli_testcase(1701, [csp_test,cspb,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Counter.mch',
4135 '-csp-guide', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Counter.csp',
4136 '-mc', '40', '-bf', '-cc', 15, 15, '--hash64', 987057609118852348], 'Test CSP||B model').
4137 cli_testcase(1702,[cbc,enabling],[
4138 '-enabling_analysis_csv','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_enabling_analysis.csv',
4139 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch',
4140 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000
4141 ], 'Check CSV output of Cruise Control').
4142 cli_testcase(1703,[cbc,enabling],[
4143 '-enabling_analysis_csv','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance/CAN_Bus/CB3FSMM_mch_v2_enabling_analysis.csv',
4144 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance/CAN_Bus/CB3FSMM_mch_v2.eventb',
4145 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000,
4146 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error % added 28/5/2018, T2ReleaseBus -> Update, was previously not detected
4147 ], 'Check CSV output of CAN Bus Control').
4148 cli_testcase(1704, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Space InPath/phonebook7.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'check space in path works').
4149 cli_testcase(1705, [tla,tlc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/ExportClassicalB/TestLeftAsVar_mch.eventb',
4150 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/Tester/UseBKeywords.eventb', '-mc_with_tlc'], 'check TLC for Event-B model with classical B keywords').
4151 cli_testcase(1706, [b_test, infinite,total_function], [
4152 '-evalt', 'f : NATURAL --> STRING',
4153 '-evalt', 'f : NATURAL --> POW(INTEGER)',
4154 '-evalt', 'f : STRING --> {11,22,33} & f("abc")>22 & f("xyz") < 22',
4155 '-evalt', 'f : STRING --> STRING & f("abc")="ABC" & f("xyz") = "XYZ"'
4156 ], 'Ensure symbolic treatment of (infinite) total functions with complicated range types.').
4157 cli_testcase(1707, [b_test,cruise,operation_reuse,codespeed,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-mc', '1400', '-cc', '1361', '25696', '-strict', '--hash64', 753243318772366897, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 5,
4158 '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE',
4159 '-check_op_cache_stats', 663, 296, 26, 25], 'Complete Model Check of Cruise Controller'). % 17.9.2021: adapted hash from 203058745203935766 for sorted order of variable
4160 cli_testcase(1708, [private,tickets,operation_reuse,operation_reuse_full,data_validation], [
4161 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/GeneralElectric_DV/Ticket_Coudour3/rule1.mch',
4162 '-t', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'full',
4163 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '9000', % try and fix performance issue on Gitlab windows runner
4164 '-expcterr', invariant_violation],
4165 'Check operation reuse problem fixed').
4166 cli_testcase(1709, [b_test,operation_reuse,operation_reuse_full], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CSM.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict',
4167 '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'full','-check_complete', '-cc', '341', '1229'], 'Test 13 with operation reuse').
4168 cli_testcase(1710, [cbc], [
4169 '-evalt', 'x = {1|->2, 2|->3, 3|->4} & r={y|(y,3):x} & r={2}',
4170 '-evalt', 'x = {1|->2, 2|->3, 3|->4, 22|->3} & r={y|(y,3):x} & r={2,22}',
4171 '-evalt', 'x = {1|->2, 2|->3, 3|->4} & r={y|(y,5):x} & r={}'
4172 ], 'Test new compilation of set membership.').
4173 cli_testcase(1711, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/ParseErrors/DefinitionInQuantifier2.mch',
4174 '-expcterrpos', type_error, 16, 18,
4175 '-expcterrpos', bmachine_construction, 12, 1, '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'
4176 ], 'Check illegal DEFINITION args detected').
4177 cli_testcase(1712, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/DefGoal.mch',
4178 '-execute_all', '-nogoal', '-check_goal'
4179 ], 'Check -check_goal works with -execute_all').
4180 cli_testcase(1713, [b_test,external,hash], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/TestLibraryMeta.mch', '-model-check', '-strict'], 'Check that external functions on state space work.').
4181 cli_testcase(1714, [cbc, clpfd_tables], [
4182 '-evalf', 'r = {x,y,z|x:{1,4,7,10,13,16,19,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48}&y=x+1&z=y+1} & (x |-> y) |-> z : r & y : 10 .. 13 & z < 11', % takes Kodkod about 2 seconds to solve
4183 '-evalt', 'r = {x,y,z|x:{1,4,7,10,13,16,19,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48}&y=x+1&z=y+1} & (x |-> y) |-> z : r & y : 10 .. 13 & z > 11', % takes Kodkod about 2 seconds, z3 90 ms, ProB 10 ms
4184 '-evalt', 'r = {x,y,z|x:{1,4,7,10,13,16,19,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48}&y=x+1&z=y+1} & {x,y,z|(x |-> y) |-> z : r & y : 10 .. 13 & z >11} = {(10,11,12)}'
4185 ], 'Test new clpfd_table module.'). % tests also pass with prior version of ProB
4186 cli_testcase(1715, [tickets,codespeed,data_validation], [
4187 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/Boucles_Jul11/essai2_boucle1.mch',
4188 '-t', '-strict',
4189 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation',
4190 '-p', 'MAXINT', 10000000, '-p', 'MININT', -10000000, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 14000], % increased from 8000 for windows jenkins jobs
4191 'Test performance (codespeed test Alstom_essai2_boucle1) + tests watched-literal function application').
4192 cli_testcase(1716, [tickets,slot,clpfd_tables], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/SLOT-PERFORMANCE6_no_print/Solver_v2.mch',
4193 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 75000, % increased time-out for Gitlab Windows runner from 25000 on Feb 9th 2020
4194 '-init', % '-v', % generates non-ground closure warnings
4195 '-evalt', 'CHECK({"BK-GER-H-2013"}, cmcc, choiceUnits, choiceGroups)', % this worked before
4196 '-evalt', 'CHECK_wr({"BK-GES-H-2013"}, cmcc, choiceUnits, choiceGroups,{mod47,mod46, mod45, mod44, mod43},{au76,au77,au79,au80,au81},UNITS)', % this also worked before
4197 '-evalt', 'CHECK_wr({"BK-GES-H-2013"}, cmcc, choiceUnits, choiceGroups,{mod47,mod46, mod45, mod44, mod43},{au76,au77,au79,au80,au81,au82,au83,au84},{unit182,unit183,unit184,unit185,unit186,unit187,unit188,unit189,unit190,unit191,unit192,unit193,unit194,unit234,unit267,unit268} )' % this did NOT work before
4198 % '-evalt', 'CHECK({"BK-GES-H-2013"}, cmcc, choiceUnits, choiceGroups)' % does not yet work
4199 ], 'Ensure no time-out and that new element/3 constraint for function application and table constraint work').
4200 cli_testcase(1717, [cbc,clpfd_tables], [
4201 '-evalf', 'f = {aa|->(1,aa), x|->(2,x+1), y|->(3,y+1)} & x:1..2 & aa:0..1 & y:4..5 & r = f(v) & v:3..4 & x+y<v',
4202 '-evalf', 'f = {aa|->(1,aa), x|->(2,x+1), y|->(3,y+1)} & x:1..2 & aa:0..1 & y:3..5 & r = f(v) & v:2..4 & prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER)(r) /: 2..3',
4203 '-evalt', 'f = {aa|->(1,aa), x|->(2,x+1), y|->(3,y+1)} & x:1..2 & aa:0..1 & y:3..5 & r = f(v) & v:2..4 & prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER)(r) =2',
4204 '-evalf', 'f = {aa|->rec(p1:1,p2:aa), x|->rec(p1:2,p2:x+1), y|->rec(p1:3,p2:y+1)} & x:1..2 & aa:0..1 & y:3..5 & r = f(v) & v:2..4 & r\'p1 /: 2..3',
4205 '-evalt', 'f = {aa|->rec(p1:1,p2:aa), x|->rec(p1:2,p2:x+1), y|->rec(p1:3,p2:y+1)} & x:1..2 & aa:0..1 & y:3..5 & r = f(v) & v:2..4 & r\'p1 =2'
4206 ], 'Exercise new element/3 function application treatment').
4207 cli_testcase(1718, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/Lift_inf.mch', '-cbc_sequence', 'dec;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc;inc', '-strict', '-goal', 'curfloor=40', '-check_goal'], 'Check cbc_sequence for longer sequence').
4208 cli_testcase(1719, [smt_solver_integration], [
4210 '-evalt', 'x = 1',
4211 '-evalf', 'x = 1 & x > 2',
4212 '-evalf', 'x:INTEGER & x>y & y>x',
4213 '-evalt', 'r:struct(f1:11..20,f2:12..30) & r\'f1+10 = r\'f2',
4214 '-evalf', 'r:struct(f1:11..20,f2:12..20) & r\'f1+10 = r\'f2',
4215 '-evalt', 'r:struct(f1:11..20,f2:12..30) & r\'f1+10 = r\'f2 & s:struct(f1:15..20,f2:1..100) & s=r',
4216 '-evalt', 'v1:struct(lderb:{TRUE},mspue:{FALSE},fhhxr:{TRUE})',
4217 '-evalf', 'x>0 & x+2 <= p & x=p',
4218 % '-evalf', 'not(Pace_Int - sp >= 0) & (sp > 0 & sp < Pace_Int)', % relies on timeout_constraint, only works with enable_time_out_for_constraints compile flag
4219 '-evalt', '{x} <: {999}',
4220 '-evalt', '{x} <: {999,1000} & x > 999',
4221 '-evalt', 'x = {1,2} /\\ {3,4}',
4222 '-evalt', 'x = {(1,2),(3,4),(4,5),(6,7),(8,9)} & y|->v : x & y|->w : x',
4223 '-evalt', 'x : {1,2} --> NAT',
4224 '-evalf', 'x : {1,2} --> NAT & x = {(1,1)}',
4225 '-evalt', 'x : {1,2} --> NAT & x = {(1,1),(2,1)}',
4226 '-evalf', 's = min({1}) & s=2',
4227 '-evalf', 's = min({1,2}) & s>2',
4228 '-evalt', 'x = %i.(i:1..10|i+i) & x[{j}]={8}',
4229 '-evalt', 'x = %i.(i:1..10|i+i) & x[{5,j}]={16,10}',
4230 '-evalf', 'x = %i.(i:1..10|i+i) & x[{5,j}]={16,11}',
4231 '-evalt', 'x:1..10 & #y.(y:1..10 & y>x) & #y.(y:1..10 & y<x)'
4232 ], 'some constraints that should be solved by the integrated ProB / SMT solver').
4233 cli_testcase(1720, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4234 '-evalt', '{x|x:1..n} = {y,y+1}',
4235 '-evalt', '1..n = {y,y+1}',
4236 '-evalt', '1..n = r & r={y,y+1}',
4237 '-evalt', '{n,y|#r.(1001..n = r & r={y,y+1})} = {(1002,1001)}',
4238 '-evalf', '1001..n = r & r={y,y+2}',
4239 '-evalt', '1001..n = {y,y+2,y+1} & n<20000' % TO DO: get rid of necessity for n<20000
4240 ], 'test improved constraint propagation for in_interval and frozen_dif').
4241 cli_testcase(1721, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4242 '-evalf', 'X:INTEGER & X*Y /= X*Y2 & Y2=Y',
4243 '-evalf', 'X:INTEGER & X+Y /= Y2+X & Y2=Y'
4244 ], 'test improved clpfd_neq_expr').
4245 cli_testcase(1722, [cbc,cse], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE',
4246 '-evalf', 'not(#(x,y,z).((x+1)*y = 1000 & (x+1)*z=y & z=(x+1) ))', % already worked before
4247 '-evalt', 'not(#(x,y,z).((x+1)*y = 1001 & (x+1)*z=y & z=(x+1) ))', % already worked before
4248 '-evalt', 'not(#(X,Y,Z,Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4).(X:INTEGER & X*Y=Z1 & Z1*Z = Z2 & Z*X = Z3 & Z3*Y = Z4 & Z2 /= Z4))',
4249 '-evalf', 'not(not(#(X,Y,Z,Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4).(X:INTEGER & X*Y=Z1 & Z1*Z = Z2 & Z*X = Z3 & Z3*Y = Z4 & Z2 /= Z4)))',
4250 '-evalf', '#(X,Y,Z).(X:INTEGER & #(Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4).(X*Y=Z1 & Z1*Z = Z2 & Z*X = Z3 & Z3*Y = Z4 & Z2 /= Z4))'
4251 ], 'test single usage identifier inlining').
4252 cli_testcase(1723, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4253 '-evalf', 'X:INTEGER & Y*X /= X*Y2 & Y2=Y',
4254 '-evalf', 'X:INTEGER & X*Y*(Z+V) /= (V+Z)*X*Y',
4255 '-evalf', 'X:INTEGER & X+Y+(Z*V) /= (V*Z)+X+Y',
4256 '-evalt', 'not(#(X,Y,Z,Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4).(X:INTEGER & X*Y=Z1 & Z1*Z = Z2 & Z*X = Z3 & Z3*Y = Z4 & Z2 /= Z4))',
4257 '-evalf', 'x:INTEGER & (x-(x+a*b)) /= (y-(b*a+x)) & y=x', % added later
4258 '-evalf', 'x:INTEGER & (-(x+a*b)) /= (-(b*a+y)) & y=x' % added later
4259 ], 'test improved commutativity detection in clpfd_neq_expr').
4260 cli_testcase(1724, [tickets], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4261 '-execute_all', '-check_goal',
4262 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/CheckGoal.mch'],'test check_goal with executed_all').
4263 cli_testcase(1725, [tickets, b_test], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4264 '-assertions', '-init',
4265 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Visibility/M2_xx.mch'],'test visibility in assertions clause').
4266 cli_testcase(1726, [b_test,external,xml], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/XML_Reader.mch', '-t', '-assertions',
4267 '-evalt', 'READ_XML_FROM_STRING("<h3>hallo</h3>") = [rec(attributes:{},element:"h3",meta:{("xmlLineNumber"|->"1")},pId:0,recId:1), rec(attributes:{("text"|->"hallo")},element:"CText",meta:{("xmlLineNumber"|-> "1")},pId:1,recId:2)]',
4268 '-strict'], 'Check that external function to read XML works.').
4269 cli_testcase(1727, [b_test,ltl,safety], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/SafetyMC/BeverageVendingMachine.mch', '-ltlformulaf', 'G not [bget]', '-p', 'use_safety_ltl_model_checker', true, '-strict'],'Check that safety model checker does not produce incomplete counter examples when transition propositions appear in the safety ltl formula.').
4270 cli_testcase(1728, [error_checks], [ '-strict',
4271 '-expcterrpos', 'bmachine_static_checks', 10, 15,
4272 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/InitialisationChecks/IllegalOrderOfInits.mch'],'test detection of illegal initialisations').
4273 cli_testcase(1729, [error_checks], [ '-strict',
4274 '-expcterrpos', 'bmachine_static_checks', 10, 25,
4275 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/InitialisationChecks/IllegalParallelInit.mch'],'test detection of illegal initialisations').
4276 cli_testcase(1730, [error_checks], [ '-strict',
4277 '-expcterrpos', 'bmachine_static_checks', 14, 2,
4278 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/InitialisationChecks/IllegalChoiceOrderInit.mch'],'test detection of illegal initialisations').
4279 cli_testcase(1731, [cbc,infinite], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4281 '-evalt', 'f=%x.(x:iseq(struct(a:STRING))|x) & f([rec(a:"a")])=[rec(a:"a")]',
4282 '-evalt', 'f=%x.(x:iseq(struct(a:STRING,b:BOOL))|x) & f([rec(a:"a",b:TRUE)])=[rec(a:"a",b:xx)] & xx=TRUE',
4283 '-evalt', 'f=%x.(x:iseq(struct(a:NATURAL,b:BOOL))|x) & f([rec(a:222,b:TRUE)])=[rec(a:222,b:xx)] & xx=TRUE',
4284 '-evalt', 'f=%x.(x:iseq1(struct(a:NATURAL,b:BOOL))|x) & f([rec(a:222,b:TRUE)])=[rec(a:222,b:xx)] & xx=TRUE',
4285 '-evalt', 'f=%x.(x:seq1(struct(a:NATURAL,b:BOOL))|x) & f([rec(a:222,b:TRUE)])=[rec(a:222,b:xx)] & xx=TRUE',
4286 '-evalt', 'f=%x.(x:seq(struct(a:NATURAL,b:BOOL))|x) & f([rec(a:222,b:TRUE)])=[rec(a:222,b:xx)] & xx=TRUE',
4287 '-evalt', 'f=%x.(x:iseq(struct(a:seq1(NATURAL),b:BOOL))|x) & f([rec(a:[222],b:TRUE)])=[rec(a:[222],b:xx)] & xx=TRUE',
4288 '-evalf', 'f=%x.(x:iseq(struct(a:STRING))|x) & f([rec(a:"a")])=[rec(a:"b")]'],
4289 'test detection of infinite function without virtual time-outs').
4290 cli_testcase(1732, [tickets], [
4291 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen31_VirtualTimeout/VirtualTimeout.mch', '-mc', 1000, '-expcterr','model_check_incomplete','-expcterr','virtual_time_out'], 'Check that we detect that model-checking incomplete.').
4292 cli_testcase(1733, [tickets,execute], [ % '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4293 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen31_VirtualTimeout/VirtualTimeout.mch', '-execute', 1000,
4294 '-animate_stats',
4295 '-expcterr','virtual_time_out_execute'], 'Check that we detect that execute incomplete.').
4296 cli_testcase(1734, [tickets,animate], [ % '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4297 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen31_VirtualTimeout/VirtualTimeout.mch', '-animate', 5,
4298 '-animate_stats',
4299 '-expcterr','virtual_time_out'], 'Check that we detect that execute incomplete.').
4300 cli_testcase(1735, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/InitialisationChecks/InitCBCCheck.mch', '-cbc_sequence', 'Goal', '-strict'], 'Check cbc_sequence with non-det. INITIALISATION').
4301 cli_testcase(1736, [error_checks,b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/InitialisationChecks/InitIF_Fails.mch', '-init',
4302 %'-expcterrpos', initialisation_fails, 13,17,
4303 '-expcterr', 'initialisation_fails', % we now store the error as a state error with more precise pos 14,23 and
4304 % and the error is also raised in probcli in perform_random_init_after_setup_constants without position info
4305 '-strict'], 'Check INITIALISATION error inside IF located').
4306 cli_testcase(1737, [cbc,b_test,quantified,union,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/UNION_CardGT.mch', '-t'], 'test_closure for lambda closures avoid interference between domain and range expression').
4307 cli_testcase(1738, [external,b_test,xml], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/XML/utf8_data.mch', '-assertions'], 'test READ_XML with UTF-8 encoding').
4308 cli_testcase(1739, [cbc,private], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alloy/req2_v3_not_conj_check.mch',
4309 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alloy/req2_v3_not_conj_check2.mch', % version with larger CONTEXT set, more difficult
4310 '-t', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '9500'], 'test not conjunction treatment of kernel').
4311 cli_testcase(1740, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4313 '-evalt', '#x.(x:1..10000 & x mod 22 = 11) or b=TRUE',
4314 '-evalt', '(#x.(x:1..10000 & x mod 22 = 11) or b=TRUE) => b=FALSE',
4315 '-evalt', '(#x.(x:1..10000 & x mod 22 = 22) or b=TRUE) => b=FALSE',
4316 '-evalf', '(b=FALSE => (#x.(x:1..10000 & x mod 22 = 22) or b=TRUE)) & (b=TRUE => (#x.(x:1..10000 & x mod 22 = 22) or b=FALSE))'
4317 ],
4318 'test reification of RHS of disjunction (or)').
4319 cli_testcase(1741, [ctl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/CTLIssue.mch', '-ctlformulat', 'AF {x=4}'], 'Testing bug-fix caused by an unnecessary cut.').
4320 cli_testcase(1742, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/verysimple.csp',
4321 '-ltlformulat', 'GF e(a.red)', '-strict'
4322 ], 'Test check should show that verysimple fulfills the LTL formula, which is equivalent to the CTL formula AGAF e(a.red).').
4323 cli_testcase(1743, [cbc,infinite,union], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4324 '-evalt', '{3} <| %x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) = {3|->4}',
4325 '-evalf', '{3} <| %x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) = {a,b} & a/=b',
4326 '-evalt', '2..4 = ran((1..3) <| %x.(x:NATURAL|x+1))',
4327 '-evalt', '1..3 = dom(%x.(x:NATURAL|x+1)|>(2..4))',
4328 '-evalt', '(1..9) <| pred = %x.(x:1..9|x-1)',
4329 '-evalt', '(1..9) <| succ = %x.(x:1..9|x+1)',
4330 '-evalt', '{n} <| succ = {15|->x} & n<20'
4331 ], 'Test better symbolic treatment of union').
4332 cli_testcase(1744, [cbc,infinite,union], [
4333 '-evalt', '4|->b : {3} <<| %x.(x:NATURAL|x+1)',
4334 '-evalf', '4|->b : (%x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) |>> (1..9))',
4335 '-evalt', '14|->b : (%x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) |>> (1..9))',
4336 '-evalt', '{b|14|->b : (%x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) |>> (1..9))} = {15}',
4337 '-evalt', 'x = {-1,-33} \\/ NATURAL1 & 11:x & -1:x & -33:x & 0 /: x'
4338 ], 'Test better symbolic treatment of union').
4339 cli_testcase(1745, [tickets,codespeed], [
4340 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/EulerWay.mch',
4341 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/EulerWayDisjunction.mch', % this does not work yet; disjoin_true change makes this version too slow
4342 '-init', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 9500
4343 ],
4344 'EulerWay Codespeed Test').
4345 cli_testcase(1746, [cbc], [
4346 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Feasibility_baloadR07.mch',
4347 '-init'
4348 ],
4349 'Check reification of existential quantifier with 27 cases not problematic').
4350 cli_testcase(1747, [codespeed], [
4351 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/SortByPermutation_v2.mch',
4352 '-t', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 9500, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE'],
4353 'SortByPermutation_v2 Codespeed Test 55 wo CLPFD').
4354 cli_testcase(1748, [codespeed], [
4355 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ModelChecking/CountToMAXINT.mch',
4356 '-mc', 500002, '-p', 'MAXINT', 500000, '-nodead'],
4357 'MC_CountToMAXINT_50000 Codespeed Test').
4358 cli_testcase(1749, [codespeed, symmetry_test,cse], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SET_Game/SET_GAM_Sym_NoSet20_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-p', 'SYMMETRY_MODE', 'hash', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '7000', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-df', '-goal', 'n=18', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', '20', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'goal_found', '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE'], 'Test 395 with CSE').
4359 cli_testcase(1750, [private,alstom,codespeed,data_validation], [
4360 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/axl3/axl3.mch',
4361 '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'],
4362 'axl3 Codespeed Test').
4363 cli_testcase(1751, [private,alstom,codespeed,data_validation], [
4364 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/cbtc/actions_cbtc.mch',
4365 '-t', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'],
4366 'actions_cbtc Codespeed Test').
4367 cli_testcase(1752, [private,codespeed,private,data_validation], [
4368 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DataValidationProject/Rule_TMS_Route_0006.mch',
4369 '-p', 'MAXINT', 10000000, '-p', 'MININT', -10000000, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
4370 '-p', 'SHOW_EVENTB_ANY_VALUES', 'true',
4371 '-mc', 1000, '-df', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation',
4372 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE'],
4373 'ClearSy_RuleTMS_R0006 Codespeed Test').
4374 cli_testcase(1753, [codespeed,private,data_validation,clpfd_tables], [
4375 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DataValidationProject/Rule_TMS_Route_0006.mch',
4376 '-p', 'MAXINT', 10000000, '-p', 'MININT', -10000000,
4377 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '80000', % sometimes breaks on windows test runner; requires 31 seconds on MacBookPro
4378 % has become slower when switching to table/3 using method(aux) option
4379 '-p', 'SHOW_EVENTB_ANY_VALUES', 'true',
4380 '-mc', 1000, '-df', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation',
4381 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'],
4382 'ClearSy_RuleTMS_R0006_CLPFD Codespeed Test').
4383 cli_testcase(1754, [cbc,sigma], [
4384 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Tests/TestSIGMA.mch',
4385 '-init', '-assertions'
4386 ],
4387 'Check reification of IF-THEN-ELSE in SIGMA + WD detection of total avl function').
4388 cli_testcase(1755, [tickets,quantified,union], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4389 '-evalt', 'UNION(x).(x:1..4|{x+y}) = 12..15',
4390 '-evalf', 'UNION(x).(x:1..4|{x+y}) = 12..16',
4391 '-evalt', '{y|UNION(x).(x:1..4|{x+y}) = 12..15} = {11}',
4392 '-evalt', '{n|UNION(x).(x:1..10|{x}) = 1..n} = {10}',
4393 '-evalt', 'UNION(x).(x:1..n|{x}) = 1..10', % used to generate warning
4394 '-evalf', '{n|UNION(x).(x:1..n|{x}) = 1..0} = {0}', % used to generate virtual time-out
4395 '-evalt', '{n|n:NATURAL & UNION(x).(x:1..n|{x}) = 1..0} = {0}',
4396 '-evalt', '{n|n:-1..3 & UNION(x).(x:1..n|{x}) = 1..0} = {-1,0}'
4397 ], 'ensure new UNION treatment with better propagation').
4398 cli_testcase(1756, [tickets,card], [
4399 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/SetSetupTests/CardDefSetConstraint.mch',
4400 '-init', '-assertions'
4401 ],
4402 'Check deferred set size inference improved').
4403 cli_testcase(1757, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4404 '-evalt', '{x,y|IF x:0..3 THEN y=2 ELSE 1=0 END} = {(0|->2),(1|->2),(2|->2),(3|->2)}',
4405 '-evalt', '{x,y|IF x/:0..3 THEN 1=0 ELSE y=2 END} = {(0|->2),(1|->2),(2|->2),(3|->2)}'
4406 ], 'exercise => FALSE AST simplification').
4407 cli_testcase(1758, [b_test,ltl,safety], [
4408 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/SafetyMC/BeverageVendingMachine.mch',
4409 '-ltlformulaf', 'G not [bget]',
4410 '-p', 'use_safety_ltl_model_checker', true, '-strict'
4411 ],
4412 'Check that safety model checker does not produce incomplete counter examples when transition propositions appear in the safety ltl formula.').
4413 cli_testcase(1759, [b_test,ltl,safety], [
4414 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/SafetyMC/BeverageVendingMachine.mch',
4415 '-ltlformulaf', 'G not ({nsoda = 0} => X [sget])',
4416 '-p', 'use_safety_ltl_model_checker', true, '-strict'
4417 ],
4418 'Check that safety model checker does not produce incomplete counter examples when transition propositions appear in the safety ltl formula.').
4419 cli_testcase(1760, [b_test,ltl,safety], [
4420 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/SafetyMC/BeverageVendingMachine.mch',
4421 '-ltlformulaf', '{paid=FALSE} or ({nbeer=1} & {nsoda =1}) & (({nbeer = 0}) R (X [bget]))',
4422 '-p', 'use_safety_ltl_model_checker', true, '-strict'
4423 ],'Check that safety model checker does not produce incomplete counter examples when transition propositions appear in the safety ltl formula.').
4424 cli_testcase(1761, [b_test,ltl,safety], [
4425 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/SafetyMC/BeverageVendingMachine.mch',
4426 '-ltlassertions', '-p', 'use_safety_ltl_model_checker', true, '-strict'
4427 ],'Checking that the safety LTL model checker succeeds on each assertions.').
4428 cli_testcase(1762, [b_test,ltl,safety], [
4429 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/SafetyMC/BeverageVendingMachine.mch',
4430 '-ltlformulaf', 'F [ret_coin] => {paid=TRUE}', '-p', 'use_safety_ltl_model_checker', true, '-strict'
4431 ],'Check that safety model checker does not produce incomplete counter examples when transition propositions appear in the safety ltl formula.').
4432 cli_testcase(1763, [cbc,slot,tickets,wd, unsat_core,let], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/SLOT-WD-ISSUE/Solver.mch',
4433 '-assertions',
4434 '-expcterrpos', definition_variable_capture, 270, 12,
4435 '-evalt', 'UNSAT_CORE_SESSIONS({group3, group4}) = {session3,session4}'
4436 ], 'Check that wd issue with let predicates solved (expressions not guarded)').
4437 cli_testcase(1764, [laws], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4438 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolLaws.mch',
4439 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticLaws.mch',
4440 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticExpLaws.mch',
4441 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLaws.mch',
4442 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsNat.mch',
4443 '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'OPTIMIZE_AST', 'FALSE', '-opterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Mathematical Laws with AST optimization disabled').
4444 cli_testcase(1765, [cbc,private], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/AWE_JASP/v7/JavaBC0.mch',
4445 '-t', '-mc', '200',
4446 '-nogoal', '-noass'
4447 ], 'Check Java Bytecode interpreter').
4448 cli_testcase(1766, [private,case,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ForAllExpansionEnumWarning.mch',
4449 '-init', '-aa', 0,0,1
4450 ], 'Check forall not expanded').
4451 cli_testcase(1767, [b_test,case], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/CaseStmt_v2.mch', '-t', '-strict'],'Check case statement with multiple values for same case').
4452 cli_testcase(1768, [b_test,case], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/CaseStmt_Illegal1.mch', '-init',
4453 '-expcterrpos', type_error, 24, 10, '-expcterr', load_main_file,
4454 '-strict'],'Check case statement with else').
4455 cli_testcase(1769, [tickets,kodkod,card], [ '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4456 '-evalt', ':kodkod card({a,b|a:BOOL & b:1..k})=4 & k:0..2',
4457 '-evalf', ':kodkod card({a,b|a:BOOL & b:1..k})=3 & k:0..10',
4458 '-evalt', ':kodkod card({a,b,c})=1 & {a,b,c}<:BOOL',
4459 '-evalt', ':kodkod card({a,b,c})=2 & {a,b,c}<:1..10 & a+b+c=20'
4460 ], 'check card interval analysis succeeds (PROB-411)').
4461 cli_testcase(1770,[cbc,enabling],[
4462 '-enabling_analysis_csv','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Enabling/ChoiceByPredicate_enabling_analysis.csv',
4463 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Enabling/ChoiceByPredicate.mch',
4464 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000
4465 ], 'Check CSV enabling output for becomes_such').
4466 cli_testcase(1771,[cbc,enabling,case],[
4467 '-enabling_analysis_csv','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Enabling/OpParameterTests_enabling_analysis.csv',
4468 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Enabling/OpParameterTests.mch',
4469 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 6500 % enabling analysis takes 0.1 this
4470 ], 'Check CSV enabling output for variety of substitutions').
4471 cli_testcase(1772, [por,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/Threads51.mch', '-ltlformulat', 'GF {v1=n}',
4472 '-p', por, ample_sets], 'Check LTL property with partial order reduction.').
4473 cli_testcase(1773, [por,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/Threads51.mch', '-ltlformulat', 'G not {v1>n+1}',
4474 '-p', use_safety_ltl_model_checker, true, '-p', por, ample_sets], 'Check LTL property with partial order reduction.').
4475 cli_testcase(1774, [por,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CAN_BUS_tlc.mch',
4476 '-ltlformulat', 'G not deadlock', '-p', por, ample_sets, '-p', pge, full
4477 ], 'Check LTL property with partial order reduction.').
4478 cli_testcase(1775, [por,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CAN_BUS_tlc.mch',
4479 '-ltlformulat', 'G not deadlock', '-p', por, ample_sets, '-p', pge, full,
4480 '-p', use_safety_ltl_model_checker, true
4481 ], 'Check LTL property with partial order reduction.').
4482 cli_testcase(1776, [tickets,while], [
4483 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen32_CompileBug/M1.mch',
4484 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen32_CompileBug/M1_Internal.mch',
4485 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen32_CompileBug/M1_Internal_v2.mch',
4486 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen32_CompileBug/M1_Internal_v3.mch',
4487 '-t'
4488 ],
4489 'Check compilation of while with op call and inner while works').
4490 cli_testcase(1777, [por], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/PORTest_WriteDependencies.mch', '-model_check', '-noinv', '-p', por, ample_sets,
4491 '-expcterr', deadlock], 'Check that no incorrect reduction is performed on the model.').
4492 cli_testcase(1778, [laws,random], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4493 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolLaws.mch',
4494 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticLaws.mch',
4495 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticExpLaws.mch',
4496 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLaws.mch',
4497 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsNat.mch',
4498 '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-p', 'RANDOMISE_ENUMERATION_ORDER', 'TRUE', '-opterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Mathematical Laws with random enumeration').
4499 cli_testcase(1779, [b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4500 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Constants6.mch',
4501 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Constants7.mch',
4502 '-property', 'minnr = 7 & mxnr =9 & pid(p1) = a & pid(p2)=b & pid(p3)=c & pnr(p1)=minnr & pnr(p3)=mxnr & root=a',
4503 '-t'
4504 ],
4505 'Check -property command works').
4506 cli_testcase(1780, [external,b_test,xml], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/XML_Reader_Writer.mch', '-init', '-assertions'], 'test READ_XML and WRITE_XML').
4507 cli_testcase(1781, [b_test,preferences], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/SET_PREF_Illegal.mch', '-init', '-expcterr', pref_definitions], 'test we detect setting illegal preference').
4508 cli_testcase(1782, [b_test,preferences], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/LocalOperationCall.mch',
4509 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/LocalOperationCall2.mch',
4510 '-t'], 'test calling local operations').
4511 cli_testcase(1783, [b_test,error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DEFINITIONS/HygMacroTest.mch', '-init', '-expcterr', definition_variable_capture], 'test we detect variable capture problem').
4512 cli_testcase(1784, [b_test,error_checks,execute], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/ExecuteNonDetCsts.mch', '-init', '-det_constants', '-execute_all', '-expcterr', det_check], 'test we detect non-deterministic constant setup').
4513 cli_testcase(1785, [b_test,execute], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/ExecuteNonDetCsts.mch', '-execute_all', '-check_goal'], 'test execute + check goal').
4514 cli_testcase(1786, [b_test,error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/OpCalls/IllegalOpCall.mch', '-init', '-expcterrpos', bmachine_static_checks, 15,19], 'test error raised when operation call left hand side is not an identifier').
4515 cli_testcase(1787, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpCalls/UseCopy.mch', '-t'
4516 ], 'test output parameters can be read').
4517 cli_testcase(1788, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Values/Sensor0_i.imp',
4518 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Values/DefSetsImp.imp',
4519 '-t'
4520 ], 'test VALUES clause').
4521 cli_testcase(1789, [b_test,external,records,strings], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4522 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/LibraryStrings.mch',
4523 '-evalt', '{rec(sa:"1.101"),rec(sa:"1.102")} =x & x<: (struct(sa : /*@symbolic*/ {s| s : STRING & size(STRING_SPLIT(s,"."))=2}))',
4524 '-evalf', '{rec(sa:"1.101"),rec(sa:"1.102.3")} =x & x<: (struct(sa : /*@symbolic*/ {s| s : STRING & size(STRING_SPLIT(s,"."))=2}))'
4525 ], 'Check that no infinite expansion occurs here.').
4526 cli_testcase(1790, [b_test,external,hash], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4527 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/TestLibraryHash.mch', '-assertions'], 'Check HASH and SHA_HASH').
4528 cli_testcase(1791, [b_test,external,rulesdsl], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4529 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Rules/CSV/Runner_CSV.rmch', '-execute_all',
4530 '-goal', '(RULE_AW1="FAIL" & card(RULE_AW1_Counterexamples) = 6)',
4531 '-check_goal'], 'Check Rules DSL example with CSV reading').
4532 cli_testcase(1792, [cbc,exists], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4533 '-evalt', 'y:7..30000000000 & not(#x.(x:1..10 & x:8..y))',
4534 '-evalf', 'y:20..30000000000 & not(#x.(x:1..10 & x:8..y))',
4535 '-evalf', 'y:7..30000000000 & not(#x.(x /: 1..y))',
4536 '-evalf', 'y:7..30000000000 & not(#x.(not(x : 1..y)))',
4537 '-evalt', 'x<:BOOL & x/={} & #y.(y /: x)'
4538 ], 'check translation of exists into not equal empty_set').
4539 cli_testcase(1793,[cbc,enabling,private],['-enabling_analysis_csv','../prob_examples/examples/B/Amira_Genisys/ConferenceReviewSystem/Functional_Simplified_v2_enabling.csv',
4540 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Amira_Genisys/ConferenceReviewSystem/Functional_Simplified_v2.mch'], 'Check CSV output of a simple enabling analysis (Ticket PROB-215).').
4541 cli_testcase(1794,[cbc,exists],['-t', '-cc', 5, 4,
4542 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Constraint_with_exists.mch',
4543 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Constraint_with_exists_v2.mch'], 'Check improved treatment of in_domain_subtraction and restriction.').
4544 cli_testcase(1795, [cbc,forall], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4545 '-evalf', 'yy:1..5 & !x.(x<:POW(INTEGER) => {yy}:x)',
4546 '-evalt', '!x.(x:INTEGER => x<0 or x>y) & y:-1..10',
4547 '-evalf', '!x.(x:INTEGER => x<0 or x>y) & y:1..10',
4548 '-evalf', 'yy:1..5 & !x.(x<:POW(NATURAL) => {yy}:x)',
4549 '-evalt', 'yy:-1..5 & !x.(x<:POW(NATURAL) => {yy}/:x)',
4550 '-evalf', 'yy:1..5 & !x.(x<:POW(1..10) => {yy}:x)',
4551 '-evalf', '!x.(x:NATURAL => x>y) & y:1..10',
4552 '-evalt', '!x.(x:NATURAL => x>y) & y:-1..10',
4553 '-evalf', '!x.(x:INTEGER => (x:NATURAL => x>y)) & y:1..10',
4554 '-evalt', '!x.(x:INTEGER => (x:NATURAL => x>y)) & y:-1..10'
4555 ], 'check improved treatment of forall').
4556 cli_testcase(1796,[eventb_test,wd],['-t', '-mc', 100, '-bf',
4557 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/VariantWDError2_mch.eventb',
4558 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error,
4559 '-expcterr', 'event_error:inc:event_wd_error' ], 'Check detection of WD errors for variants.').
4560 cli_testcase(1797,[enabling,eventb_test,read_write],[
4561 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Concurrent_Program_Development/conc_4_mch_finite.eventb',
4562 '-t',
4563 '-read_write_matrix_csv', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Concurrent_Program_Development/conc_4_rw_matrix.csv'
4564 ], 'Check read-write-matrix with witnesses correctly computed.').
4565 cli_testcase(1798, [laws,rel_fnc,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/FunLawsWithLambda.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE-EVALUATION', 'TRUE',
4566 '-p', 'TRY-FIND-ABORT', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test 458 with TRY_FIND_ABORT (and test using - instead of _).').
4567 cli_testcase(1799,[tickets,cbc,clpfd_tables],[
4568 '-evalf', 'deadline : BOOL --> 0..1 & (%d.(d : BOOL & deadline(d) > 0|deadline(d) - 1) /: BOOL <-> NATURAL)',
4569 '-evalf', 'deadline : BOOL --> 0..2 & (%d.(d : BOOL & deadline(d) > 0|deadline(d) - 1) /: BOOL +-> NATURAL)',
4570 '-evalt', 'deadline : BOOL --> 0..10 & (%d.(d : BOOL & deadline(d) >= 0|deadline(d) - 1) /: BOOL +-> NATURAL)',
4571 '-evalf', 'deadline : BOOL --> 1..2 & (%d.(d : BOOL & deadline(d) > 1|deadline(d) - 2) /: BOOL <-> NATURAL)'
4572 ], 'Check element/3 SICStus bug solved.').
4573 cli_testcase(1800,[tickets,disprover,cbc,clpfd_tables],[
4574 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Disprover/Tickets/LOCKR1_mch.pl',
4575 '-expecterr', disprover_unsound,
4576 %'-check_disprover_result', 0,1,10 % Update/inv6/INV is reported false : check that this is correct, the counter example seems indeed valid; there was probably a bug in an earlier version of Rodin
4577 %'-check_disprover_result', 3,1,7 % when using the new WD prover we can prove 3 POs
4578 %'-check_disprover_result', 5,1,5, % and now 4,5 POs
4579 '-check_disprover_result', 8,1,2, % and now 8 POs
4580 '-timeout', 800 % for Windows
4581 ], 'Check element/3 SICStus bug solved.'). % we still have issue with CHR and element/3
4582 cli_testcase(1801, [tickets,eventb_test,records], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4583 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/InitialisationByPredicate/TestBecomeSuch.mch',
4584 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/InitialisationByPredicate/TestBecomeSuch_mch.eventb',
4585 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/InitialisationByPredicate/M0_v4_mch.eventb', % record detection
4586 '-t'
4587 ], 'Check that Event-B becomes_such works correctly, in particular with record detection.').
4588 cli_testcase(1802,[eventb_test,witnesses],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4589 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/Witnesses/NonDetAssign1_mch.eventb',
4590 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/Witnesses/NonDetAssign1_finite_unproven_mch.eventb',
4591 '-t', '-mc', 500, '-opterr', model_check_incomplete
4592 ], 'Check witness for removed abstract variable.').
4593 cli_testcase(1803,[eventb_test,witnesses,cbc],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4594 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/Witnesses/NonDetAssign1_finite_unproven_mch.eventb',
4595 '-cbc', 'all'
4596 ], 'Check cbc invariant with witnesses.').
4597 cli_testcase(1804,[eventb_test,witnesses],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4598 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/Witnesses/NonDetAssign1_error_mch.eventb',
4599 '-mc', 500,
4600 '-expcterr', 'event_error:inc:action_not_executable'
4601 ], 'Check witness error found.').
4602 cli_testcase(1805,[eventb_test,witnesses],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4603 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/Witnesses/Guard0_simerror_mch.eventb',
4604 '-mc', 500, '-nodead',
4605 '-expcterr', 'event_error:even_dec:simulation_error'
4606 ], 'Check witness error found.').
4607 cli_testcase(1806,[eventb_test],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4608 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/Witnesses/VariantNegative_mch.eventb',
4609 '-mc', 500, '-nodead',
4610 '-expcterr', 'event_error:dec:variant_negative'
4611 ], 'Check variant error found.').
4612 cli_testcase(1807,[eventb_test],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4613 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/Witnesses/VariantError_mch.eventb',
4614 '-mc', 500, '-nodead',
4615 '-expcterr', 'event_error:dec:invalid_variant'
4616 ], 'Check variant error found.').
4617 cli_testcase(1808,[eventb_test],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4618 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/Witnesses/TheoremInGuardError_mch.eventb',
4619 '-mc', 500, '-nodead',
4620 '-expcterr', 'event_error:dec:invalid_theorem_in_guard'
4621 ], 'Check variant error found.').
4622 cli_testcase(1809, [tickets,kodkod], [ '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4623 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Kodkod7_QueensBug/Queen_BoardVersion.mch',
4624 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Kodkod7_QueensBug/Queen_BoardVersion_v2.mch',
4625 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Kodkod7_QueensBug/Queen_BoardVersion_v3.mch',
4626 '-init'
4627 ], 'check Kodkod bug fixed').
4628 cli_testcase(1810, [b_test,unicode,atelierb],
4630 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/UnicodeSupport/TestUmlauteInString.mch', '-assertions',
4631 '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/UnicodeSupport/TestUmlauteInString_Internal.mch'
4632 ],'Test unicode support.').
4633 cli_testcase(1811, [tickets,eventb_test,records], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4634 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/SheBang.mch', '-t'
4635 ], 'Test parser accepts she-bang line starting with #!.').
4636 cli_testcase(1812, [smt_solver_integration,private], [
4637 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/GearDoor1_mch.pl',
4638 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/GearsDoorsHandle3_mch.pl',
4639 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M2_mch.pl',
4640 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M20_mch.pl',
4641 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M3_mch.pl',
4642 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M30_mch.pl',
4643 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_ABZ_Devel3/m1_true.pl',
4645 %,'../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/ABZ14_Mery/M4_mch.pl'
4646 ],'Check Disprover can prove all POs (subset of 1409,1436 for z3)').
4647 cli_testcase(1813, [smt_solver_integration,private], [
4648 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_Ch4_Brp/brp_1_true.pl',
4650 '-check_disprover_result', 7,0,0
4651 ],'Check Disprover can prove all POs; this test also checks register predicate works better').
4652 cli_testcase(1814, [smt_solver_integration,private], [
4653 '../prob_examples/examples/ProofObligations/Abrial_Ch4_Brp/brp_3_true.pl',
4655 '-check_disprover_result', 60,0,0
4656 ],'Check Disprover can prove all POs; this test also checks register predicate works better').
4657 cli_testcase(1815, [smt_solver_integration], [
4658 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/DisproverDefSetTest2_ctx.pl',
4659 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/DisproverDefSetTest3_ctx.pl',
4660 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/DisproverDefSetTest4_ctx.pl',
4662 '-check_disprover_result', 0,0,2
4663 ],'Check Disprover cannot prove po').
4664 cli_testcase(1816, [b_test,external,strings], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4665 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/SubStringFunctions.mch', '-assertions',
4666 '-evalt', 'INT_TO_DEC_STRING(101,2)="1.01"',
4667 '-evalt', 'INT_TO_DEC_STRING(101,-2)="10100"',
4668 '-evalt', 'INT_TO_DEC_STRING(-1001,2)="-10.01"',
4669 '-evalt', 'INT_TO_DEC_STRING(-101,-2)="-10100"',
4670 '-evalt', 'INT_TO_DEC_STRING(-101,3)="-0.101"',
4671 '-evalt', 'STRING_CONTAINS_STRING("aabb","ab")',
4672 '-evalt', 'STRING_CONTAINS_STRING("aabb","")',
4673 '-evalf', 'STRING_CONTAINS_STRING("aabbab","bbb")'
4674 ], 'Check substring and decimal string conversion external functions.').
4675 cli_testcase(1817, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE',
4676 '-evalt', '{x|x>10 & x<20 & x mod 5=0} = {15}',
4677 '-evalt', 'x>10 & x<20',
4678 '-evalt', 'x>18 & y<1024 & x<20 & y>1020' % does not work yet
4679 %'-evalt', 'x>18 & (y<1024 & (x<20 & y>1020))' % no longer works
4680 ], 'Test detection of intervals when CLPFD disabled').
4681 cli_testcase(1818, [cbc,union], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE',
4682 '-evalt', 'UNION(x).(x:1..RANGE_LAMBDA|{x+1})=res & RANGE_LAMBDA:{10,11} & res = 2..11',
4683 '-evalt', 'UNION(x).(x:1..12|{x+1})={2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13}',
4684 '-evalt', 'UNION(x).(x:1..2|{x+y}) = 12..13',
4685 '-evalt', '{y|UNION(x).(x:1..2|{x+y}) = 12..13} = {11}'
4686 ], 'Test UNION translation for singleton set').
4687 cli_testcase(1819, [b_test,strings], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4688 '-evalt', ' "ab c " = \'\'\'ab c \'\'\' ', % "ab c " = '''ab c '''
4689 '-evalf', ' "ab c" = \'\'\'abc\'\'\' ',
4690 '-evalf', ' "abc" = " abc" ',
4691 '-evalt', ' "ab\'c" = "ab\\\'c" ', % a \' inside "..." is now one character
4692 '-evalt', ' "ab\\\'c" /= "ab\\\\\'c" ', % "ab\'c" /= "ab\\'c"
4693 '-evalf', ' "ab\'c" = "ab\\\\\'c" ',
4694 '-evalt', ' "ab\\x" = "ab\\\\x" ',
4695 '-evalt', ' "ab\\\"c" = \'\'\'ab"c\'\'\' ', % "ab\"c" = '''ab"c'''
4696 '-evalt', ' "ab\'c" = \'\'\'ab\'c\'\'\' ' % "ab'c" = '''ab'c'''
4697 ], 'Test alternate STRING literal form with three apostrophes').
4698 cli_testcase(1820, [laws,unicode], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/UnicodeLaws.mch', '-init', '-assertions', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-mc', 1000, '-nodead'], 'Various laws about Unicode symbols and their ASCII counterpart.').
4699 cli_testcase(1821, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/BMC/CounterWrongInit.mch', '-cbc', 'INITIALISATION', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], 'Check INITIALISATION counter-example found').
4700 cli_testcase(1822, [cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/BMC/CounterWrongInit.mch', '-cbc', 'all', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'cbc'], 'Check INITIALISATION counter-example found').
4701 cli_testcase(1823, [cbc,bmc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/BMC/CounterWrongInit.mch', '-bmc', '10', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check INITIALISATION counter-example found').
4702 cli_testcase(1824, [cbc], [
4703 '-evalt', '(not((3 = soda) <=> (soda > coins / coins & coins = coins)) & (coins : NATURAL & soda : NATURAL)) & coins /= 0 ',
4704 '-evalt', '{x,y| y = x/x & x = y+y}= {(2,1)}',
4705 '-evalt', '{x,y| y = x/x & x = y+y+100}= {(102,1)}'
4706 ], 'Check propagation of division x/x').
4707 cli_testcase(1825, [cbc,wd], [
4708 '-evalnwd', 'r = x/x & r<10 & x<1 & x>-1',
4709 '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'
4710 ], 'Check propagation of division x/x does not prevent WD error detection').
4711 cli_testcase(1826, [rulesdsl], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4712 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Rules_Machines/SimpleRulesMachine.rmch',
4713 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 2,
4714 '-evalt', 'test="SUCCESS"',
4715 '-evalt', 'test_Counterexamples={}'
4716 ], 'Check simple Rules machine').
4717 cli_testcase(1827, [cbc,wd,sequences], ['-p', 'STRING_AS_SEQUENCE', 'TRUE',
4718 '-evalt', '"a" ^ x = "ab" ^ y & x^x = "bb"',
4719 '-evalt', '{x,y|"a" ^ x = "ab" ^ y & x^x = "bb"} = {("b","")}',
4720 '-evalt', '"a"^"b"^"c" = "abc"'
4721 ], 'Check concat operator works on strings').
4722 cli_testcase(1828, [cbc,tickets,union,card], [
4723 '-evalt', '{x,s|union(s) = {} & x<:INTEGER & x:s} = { ({},{{}}) }',
4724 '-evalt', 'union(s) = {} & x<:INTEGER & x:s',
4725 '-evalt', 'union(s) = {} & x<:INTEGER & x:s & card(s)=1',
4726 '-evalf', 'union(s) = {} & x<:INTEGER & x:s & card(s)=2',
4727 '-evalf', 'union(s) = {} & x<:INTEGER & x:s & card(s)=3',
4728 '-evalf', 'union(s) = {} & x<:INTEGER & x:s & card(s)>1',
4729 '-evalf', 'union(s) = {} & s<:POW(1..2) & card(s)>1',
4730 '-evalt', 'union(s) = {1} & s<:POW(1..2) & card(s)>1',
4731 '-evalf', 'union(s) = {1} & s<:POW(1..2) & card(s)>2',
4732 '-evalf', 'union(s) = {1} & s<:POW(1..2) & card(s)=3',
4733 '-evalf', 'union(s) = {TRUE} & s<:POW(BOOL) & card(s)>2',
4734 '-evalf', 'union(s) = {TRUE} & s<:POW(BOOL) & card(s)=3',
4735 '-evalt', 'union(s) = {TRUE} & s<:POW(BOOL) & card(s)=2',
4736 '-evalt', 'union(s) = {TRUE} & s<:POW(BOOL) & card(s)>1',
4737 '-evalt', ' {s,x|x<:{2,3} & x:s & card(s)=2 & {2,3}:s & 2/: x} = {({{},{2,3}}|->{}),({{2,3},{3}}|->{3})}',
4738 '-evalf', 'x<:{2,3} & s = {x} \\/ s2 & card(s)=3 & s2 = {{2,3},{2}} & 2:x'
4739 ], 'Check card operator does not generate solutions with repeated entries').
4740 cli_testcase(1829, [cbc,forall], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4741 '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 5,
4742 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/GraphColouring/Coloring_40_wo_axm9.eventb',
4743 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '8000', % has gotten slower with SICStus 4.6; especially COLORING1 step
4744 '-t'
4745 ], 'Check forall improvements').
4746 cli_testcase(1830, [cbc,forall], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4747 '-evalt', '!y.(y>3 => !x.(x>2 => TRUE=TRUE))',
4748 '-evalt', '!y.(y>3 => !x.(x>2 => 2>1))',
4749 '-evalt', 'y:4..5 & !y.(y>3 => !x.(x>2 => 2>1))',
4750 '-evalt', '{y|y:3..5 & !y.(y>3 => !x.(x>2 => 1<11))} = 3..5'
4751 ], 'Check forall useless detection improvement').
4752 cli_testcase(1831, [tickets,while,rulesdsl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen34_compile2/FunctionWithWhileLoop.rmch', '-t' ], % increased time-out for jenkins
4753 'Check that compile issue solved when expanding Operation Calls with return parameters').
4754 cli_testcase(1832, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolWithArithLaws.mch', '-mc', '100000', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE'], 'Various laws about BOOL datatype and boolean connectives; this times using arithmetic operators.').
4755 cli_testcase(1833, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/INTEGERSET_Laws.mch', '-mc', '100000', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-assertions'], 'Various laws about BOOL datatype and boolean connectives; this times using arithmetic operators.').
4756 cli_testcase(1834, [performance_tests,b_test,codespeed], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/EnumeratedSetDetection.mch',
4757 '-t', '-strict', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '1000'],
4758 'Test enumerated set detection').
4759 cli_testcase(1835, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/NameClashes/scheduler0.mch',
4761 '-init', '-expcterr', 'bmachine_static_checks'],
4762 'Test enumerated set detection (PROB-60)').
4763 cli_testcase(1836, [tickets], [
4764 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/DefinitionCapture/DefCaptureAtelierB.mch',
4765 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/DefinitionCapture/DefCapture.mch',
4766 '-opterr', 'bmachine_static_checks', % forall rhs does not use ids due to capture
4767 '-init', '-expcterr', 'definition_variable_capture'],
4768 'Test detection of variable capture (PROB-71)').
4769 cli_testcase(1837, [tickets,enabling], [
4770 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Enabling/OpCallSelect.mch',
4771 '-feasibility_analysis_csv', 1000, '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Enabling/OpCallSelect_feasibility.csv'],
4772 'Test that operation call treated in enabling condition (PROB-379)').
4773 cli_testcase(1838, [cbc,card], [
4774 '-evalt', 'x \\/ y \\/ z = 1..10 & x/\\ y = {} & x /\\ z = {} & y /\\ z = {} & x=1..8 & y={10}',
4775 '-evalt', 'union({x,y,z}) = 1..10 & x/\\ y = {} & x /\\ z = {} & y /\\ z = {} & z=1..7 & y={8,10}',
4776 '-evalt', 'x \\/ y \\/ z = BOOL & x/\\ y = {} & x /\\ z = {} & y /\\ z = {} & x={TRUE} & y={FALSE}',
4777 '-evalt', 'x \\/ y \\/ z = {"a","b","c"} & x/\\ y = {} & x /\\ z = {} & y /\\ z = {} & x={"a"} & y={"b"}',
4778 '-evalt', 'x \\/ y \\/ z = {"a","b","c"} & x/\\ y = {} & x /\\ z = {} & y /\\ z = {} & x={"a"} & y={"b"} & z=s',
4779 '-evalf', 'x \\/ y \\/ z = {"a","b","c"} & x/\\ y = {} & x /\\ z = {} & y /\\ z = {} & x={"a"} & y={"b"} & card(z)=2',
4780 '-evalt', 'x \\/ y \\/ z = {{"a","b"},{"c"},{"d"}} & x/\\ y = {} & x /\\ z = {} & y /\\ z = {} & x={{"c"}} & z={{"d"}}'
4781 ], 'Testing partition propagation (all_but_one_set_known).').
4782 cli_testcase(1839, [cbc], [
4783 '-evalt', '{r,t|{x| bool(x>2)=t & x<5}=r & t=TRUE} = {({3,4}|->TRUE)}',
4784 '-evalt', '{r,t|{x| bool(x<=2)=t & x<5}=r & t=FALSE} = {({3,4}|->FALSE)}'
4785 ], 'Testing bool simplification in b_compiler.').
4786 cli_testcase(1840, [latex, b_test], [
4787 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Latex/tests/ProBLatex.mch', '-init', '-animate', 5,
4788 '-latex', '../prob_examples/public_examples/Latex/tests/prob_latex_doc_raw.tex',
4789 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Latex/tests/prob_latex_doc.tex'
4790 ], 'Testing Latex mode.').
4792 cli_testcase(1841, [cbc], [
4793 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch',
4794 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/phonebook7.mch',
4795 '-cbc_redundant_invariants', 0, '-strict'], 'Test searching for redundant invariants').
4796 cli_testcase(1842, [cbc], [
4797 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch',
4798 '-expcterr', cbc_redundant_invariants,
4799 '-cbc_redundant_invariants', 0, '-strict'], 'Test searching for redundant invariants').
4800 cli_testcase(1843, [cbc], [
4801 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch',
4802 '-cbc_redundant_invariants', 6, '-strict'], 'Test searching for redundant invariants').
4803 cli_testcase(1844, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/SetOperators/TestPartition.mch',
4804 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/SetOperators/TestPartition3.mch',
4805 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/SetOperators/TestPartition2.mch',
4806 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/LeaderElectionRing.mch',
4807 '-t', '-strict'], 'Test B partition and other tests from Tcl/Tk regression tests').
4808 cli_testcase(1845, [b_test,cruise], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/spec_Cruise/Cruise1.ref',
4809 '-t', '-mc', 100, '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete',
4810 '-strict'], 'Test Cruise refinement machine').
4811 cli_testcase(1846, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Kleine/coz-example.csp',
4812 '-cc', 12886, 38955, '-mc', 20000, '-strict'], 'Test OZ CSP translation and possible CSP process detection').
4813 cli_testcase(1847, [execute,b_test,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Execute/execute_wd_error.mch',
4814 '-execute', 20, '-expcterr', 'execute', '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error',
4815 '-nodead', '-nogoal', '-strict', '-goal', 'i=10', '-check_goal'], 'Test WD error caught').
4816 cli_testcase(1848, [cbc,records,card], [
4817 '-evalt', '{rec(a:999,b:999,c:TRUE)}:POW({r|r\'a : 1..1000 & r\'b : 1..1000 & r:struct(a:INTEGER,b:INTEGER,c:BOOL)})',
4818 '-evalt', '{rec(a:999,b:999,c:TRUE),rec(a:1,b:2,c:FALSE)}:POW({r|r\'a : 1..2000 & r\'b : 1..20000 & r:struct(a:INTEGER,b:INTEGER,c:BOOL)})',
4819 '-evalt', '{rec(a:999,b:999,c:TRUE)}:POW({r|r\'a : 1..1000 & r\'b : 1..1000 & r:struct(a:NATURAL,b:NATURAL,c:{TRUE})})',
4820 '-evalt', '{rec(a:999,b:999,c:FALSE)}/:POW({r|r\'a : 1..1000 & r\'b : 1..1000 & r:struct(a:NATURAL,b:NATURAL,c:{TRUE})})',
4821 '-evalf', '{rec(a:999,b:1001,c:TRUE)}:POW({r|r\'a : 1..1000 & r\'b : 1..1000 & r:struct(a:NATURAL,b:NATURAL,c:{TRUE})})',
4822 '-evalf', '{rec(a:999,b:0,c:TRUE)}:POW({r|r\'a : 1..1000 & r\'b : -1..1000 & r:struct(a:NATURAL,b:NATURAL1,c:{TRUE})})',
4823 '-evalt', 'card({r|r\'a : 1..1000 & r\'b : 1..1000 & r:struct(a:INTEGER,b:INTEGER,c:BOOL)}) = 2000000',
4824 '-evalt', 'card({r|r\'a : 1..1000 & r\'b : 1..1000 & r:struct(a:INTEGER,b:NATURAL,c:BOOL)}) = 2000000'
4825 ], 'Testing struct comprehension set detection in ast cleanup.').
4826 cli_testcase(1849, [proz,records], [
4827 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Ledru/RoZ_simple/model.fuzz',
4828 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Ledru/RoZ_simple/model_internal_simplified.mch', '-p', 'ALLOW_COMPLEX_LETS', 'TRUE',
4829 '-t', '-mc', 10, '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test Z models with complex records,... work').
4830 cli_testcase(1850, [proz,b_test], [
4831 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Ledru/RoZ_simple/model.tex',
4832 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Testcases/comsets.tex',
4833 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Testcases/distributed_concatenation.tex',
4834 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Testcases/compaction.tex',
4835 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Testcases/zrm_refcard_ops.tex',
4836 '-t', '-mc', 10, '-nodead', '-strict', '-opterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test loading .tex file works').
4837 cli_testcase(1851, [cbc], [
4838 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/synthesis/synthesis_constraint_restricted_domains_smaller_library.eval'
4839 ], 'Test solving a complicated synthesis constraint').
4840 cli_testcase(1852, [b_test,refinement], [
4842 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/Simple/Spec1_with_new_op_err.ref',
4843 '-init','-expcterr', 'type_error',
4844 '-opterr', 'load_main_file', % prob now emits a warning rather than an error, and can thus load the file
4845 '-strict'], 'Test ALLOW_NEW_OPERATIONS_IN_REFINEMENT preference').
4846 cli_testcase(1853, [b_test,refinement], [
4847 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/Simple/Spec1_with_new_op.ref',
4848 '-t', '-mc', 10, '-strict'], 'Test ALLOW_NEW_OPERATIONS_IN_REFINEMENT preference').
4849 cli_testcase(1854, [cbc,records], [
4850 '-evalt', 'union(ran(f)) <: 2..3 & f = %x.(x:n..(n+1)|{x}) & n:1..1500000',
4851 '-evalt', 'union(ran(f)) : POW(2..3) & f = %x.(x:n..(n+1)|{x}) & n:1..1500000'
4852 ], 'Testing ast cleanup improvement.').
4853 cli_testcase(1855, [slot,tickets,private,xml, unsat_core], [
4854 '../prob_examples/examples/B/SlotTool/Ticket_11092017/Solver.mch',
4855 '-init',
4856 '-expcterrpos', definition_variable_capture, 279, 12,
4857 '-eval', 'UNSAT_CORE_SESSIONS({group3, group4})',
4858 '-evalt', 'UNSAT_CORE_SESSIONS({group3, group4})={session3,session4}', '-strict'],
4859 'Test instantiate to any issue solved').
4860 cli_testcase(1856, [b_test,external,closure1], [
4861 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/UGraphsFunctions.mch',
4862 '-init', '-assertions'], 'Test CLOSURE1 and SCCS external functions').
4863 cli_testcase(1857, [tickets,b_test], [
4864 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-403/CONTEXT_JUST_SETS.mch',
4865 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PROB-403/CONTEXT2.mch', % does work now: constants are no longer up multiple times (but properties are still included multiple times)
4866 '-t' ],
4867 'Check constants, sets, ... can be included multiple times without prefix (PROB-403)').
4868 cli_testcase(1858, [proz,records], [
4869 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Ledru/RoZ_constraint/model.zed',
4870 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Ledru/RoZ/model.tex',
4871 '-t', '-mc', 10, '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test Z models using new rec__ SYMBOLIC annotation and do_not_enumerate_binary_boolean_operator/wfx_no_enumeration').
4872 cli_testcase(1859, [b_test,external,strings,wd], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4873 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/SubStringFunctions.mch',
4874 '-evalnwd', 'STRING_TO_INT("1.1")',
4875 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error
4876 ], 'Check that error raised when converting float to int.').
4877 cli_testcase(1860, [b_test,card], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4878 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/CardPropagation/DeferredSetSurjectionTest.mch',
4879 '-init'
4880 ], 'Check that cardinality of deferred set adjusted for surjections.').
4881 cli_testcase(1861, [b_test,wd], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4882 '-evalnwd', '[11,22,33] /|\\ 4',
4883 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error
4884 ], 'Check wd error for prefix sequence.').
4885 cli_testcase(1862, [b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4886 '-evalt', '{x,y|x:INTEGER & y=x+1} = r & r2 = r~ & res = r2[{22,23}] & SIGMA(xx).(xx:res|xx)=43',
4887 '-evalt', '{x,y|x:INTEGER & y=x+1} = r & r2 = r~ & res = r2[{x}] & SIGMA(x).(x:res|x)=x-1 & x:{50,51}'
4888 ], 'Check that relational inverse works on infinite set').
4889 cli_testcase(1863, [b_test,wd], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4890 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'TRUE',
4891 '-evalnwd', 'f : 1..2 +-> 3..4 & f(3) = 3',
4892 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error
4893 ], 'Check wd error for function application outside of domain.').
4894 cli_testcase(1864, [b_test,wd], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4895 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'TRUE',
4896 '-evalnwd', 'f : 1..2 --> 3..4 & f(3) = 3', % total function; hits another area of ProB source code
4897 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error
4898 ], 'Check wd error for function application outside of domain.').
4899 cli_testcase(1865, [b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4900 '-evalt', 'idc = {x,y|x:INTEGER & y:INTEGER & y=x} & res = idc[{550}] & res = {550}',
4901 '-evalt', 'idc = {x,y|x:INTEGER & y:NATURAL & y=x} & res = idc[{550}] & res = {550}',
4902 %'-evalt', 'idc = {x,y|x:NATURAL & y:NATURAL & y=x} & res = idc[{550}] & res = {550}',
4903 '-evalt', 'idc = {x,y|x:INTEGER & y:NATURAL & y=x} & res = idc[{-550}] & res={}',
4904 '-evalt', 'idc = {x,y|x:INTEGER & y:INTEGER & y=x} & dom(idc)=INTEGER'
4905 ], 'Check that id closures can be manipulated').
4906 cli_testcase(1866, [b_test,wd], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4907 '-evalnwd', '22 mod -3',
4908 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error
4909 ], 'Check wd error for modulo negative number.').
4910 cli_testcase(1867, [b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4912 '-evalt', 'n=1000 & f:1..n --> BOOL & f:1..n +-> BOOL & !x.(x:dom(f) => f(x) = bool(x>50)) & f: 1..n <-> BOOL & dom(f)=1..n'
4914 cli_testcase(1868, [while,private,xml], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4915 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Thales/Ticket_closure_body_enum/ENV_Model.prob',
4916 %'../prob_examples/examples/B/Thales/Ticket_closure_body_enum/src/test/environment/ENV_Model.mch',
4917 '-t'
4918 ], 'Check that closure body enumeration in while issue fixed.').
4919 cli_testcase(1869, [b_test],
4920 [%'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', % does not work with non-det
4921 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/phonebook7.mch',
4922 '-strict','-t',
4923 '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0], 'Check that trace replay works with MAX_OPERATIONS == 0').
4924 cli_testcase(1870, [b_test,while],
4927 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpCalls/GetTrain2.mch',
4928 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpCalls/SwitchParameters2.mch',
4929 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpCalls/GetTrain_v2/GetTrain2.mch',
4930 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpCalls/GetTrain_v2/GetTrain2_LargeVariant.mch',
4931 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpCalls/GetTrain_v2/GetTrain3.mch',
4932 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpCalls/ReadOutput/OpCallR.ref',
4933 '-strict','-t'], 'Check that OpCalls can be used to assign output with same result variable name').
4934 cli_testcase(1871, [b_test],
4936 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpCalls/ReadOutput/OpCallErrR.ref', '-mc', 10, '-nodead',
4937 '-strict', '-expcterr', 'precondition_error'
4938 ], 'Check that precondition_error on output variable previous value detected').
4939 cli_testcase(1872, [b_test,external,strings], [
4940 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/TestLibraryStrings.mch',
4942 '-evalt', 'STRINGIFY("abc\\nef") = "\\"abc\\\\nef\\""',
4943 '-init', '-assertions'], 'Test STRING_TO_ENUM and STRINGIFY external functions and escaping').
4944 cli_testcase(1873, [b_test,external,rulesdsl], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4946 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Rules/CSV/RulesChemistry.rmch',
4947 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 5,
4948 '-evalt', 'check_atomic_number="SUCCESS"', '-evalt', 'check_atomic_number_Counterexamples={}',
4949 '-evalt', 'check_atomic_weight_increasing="FAIL"', '-evalt', 'check_atomic_weight_increasing_Counterexamples={(1|->"Atomic weight not increasing for element: 18 Argon with aw=399480, next aw =390983 of Potassium\\n"),(1|->"Atomic weight not increasing for element: 27 Cobalt with aw=589332, next aw =586934 of Nickel\\n"),(1|->"Atomic weight not increasing for element: 52 Tellurium with aw=1276000, next aw =1269045 of Iodine\\n"),(1|->"Atomic weight not increasing for element: 90 Thorium with aw=2320381, next aw =2310359 of Protactinium\\n"),(1|->"Atomic weight not increasing for element: 92 Uranium with aw=2380289, next aw =2370480 of Neptunium\\n"),(1|->"Atomic weight not increasing for element: 94 Plutonium with aw=2440642, next aw =2430614 of Americium\\n")}',
4950 '-evalt', 'compute_atomic_weights="EXECUTED"',
4951 '-evalt', 'import_data="EXECUTED"'
4952 ],
4953 'Check Rules DSL example with CSV reading').
4954 cli_testcase(1874, [b_test,infinite], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4955 '-evalt', '%x.(x:NATURAL|x) : NATURAL --> NATURAL',
4956 '-evalf', '%x.(x:NATURAL|x) : INTEGER --> NATURAL',
4957 '-evalf', '%x.(x:NATURAL|x) : NATURAL1 --> NATURAL',
4958 '-evalf', '%x.(x:NATURAL1|x) : NATURAL --> NATURAL',
4959 '-evalt', '%x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) : NATURAL --> NATURAL',
4960 '-evalt', '%x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) : NATURAL --> NATURAL1',
4961 '-evalf', '%x.(x:NATURAL|x-1) : NATURAL --> NATURAL',
4962 '-evalt', '%(x,y).(x:NATURAL&y:NATURAL|x+y) : NATURAL*NATURAL --> NATURAL',
4963 '-evalf', '%(x,y).(x:NATURAL&y:NATURAL|x+y) : NATURAL*NATURAL --> NATURAL1',
4964 '-evalt', '%(x,y).(x:1..100 & y:1..100|x+y) : (1..100)*(1..100) --> (2..200)',
4965 '-evalt', '%(x,y).(x:1..100 & y:1..100|x+y) : (1..100)*(1..100) --> (1..10000)',
4966 '-evalf', '%(x,y).(x:1..100 & y:1..100|x+y) : (1..100)*(1..100) --> (3..200)',
4967 '-evalt', '%(x,y).(x:1..100 & y:1..100|x*y) : (1..100)*(1..100) --> (1..10000)',
4968 '-evalf', '%(x,y).(x:1..100 & y:1..100|x*y) : (1..100)*(1..100) --> (2..10000)',
4969 '-evalf', '%(x,y).(x:1..100 & y:1..101|x*y) : (1..100)*(1..101) --> (1..10000)',
4970 % '-evalt', '%(x,y).(x:0..999 & y:0..999|(x*y) mod 1000) : (0..999)*(0..999) --> (0..999)', % slow due to expansion
4971 '-evalt', '%(x,y).(x:0..9999 & y:0..9999|(x*y) mod 10000) : (0..9999)*(0..9999) --> (0..9999)',
4972 % TO DO:
4973 % {x|x:NATURAL*NATURAL & prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER)(x)=prj2(INTEGER,INTEGER)(x)} : NATURAL --> NATURAL % not detected as lambda,
4974 '-evalt', '%(aa).(aa : INTEGER | [aa]) : INTEGER --> seq(INTEGER)',
4975 %'-evalf', '%(aa).(aa : INTEGER | [aa]) : INTEGER --> seq(NATURAL)', % succeeds but has non-critical enum warning
4976 '-evalt', '%(aa).(aa : NATURAL1 | [aa]) : NATURAL1 --> seq(NATURAL1)',
4977 '-evalt', 'n=16 & cc = /*@symbolic*/ %ui.(ui:0..((2**n)-1) | ui/(2**8)) & cc:(0..((2**n)-1))--> 0..255',
4978 '-evalf', 'n=16 & cc = /*@symbolic*/ %ui.(ui:0..((2**n)-1) | ui/(2**8)) & cc:(0..((2**n)-1))--> 0..254'
4979 ], 'Check new symbolic total function range detection').
4980 cli_testcase(1875, [b_test,external], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
4981 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/TestBitLibrary.mch',
4983 '-init', '-assertions'
4984 ], 'Check new bitwise external functions BAND, BOR, BXOR,...').
4985 cli_testcase(1876, [error_checks,b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/TypeErrorUnusedDefinition.mch',
4987 '-expcterrpos', definition_type_error, 9, 21,
4988 '-expcterrpos', definition_type_error, 10, 35,
4989 '-expcterrpos', definition_type_error, 10, 39
4990 ], 'Check type error in unused DEFINITION detected').
4991 cli_testcase(1877, [b_test,external,random], [
4992 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/TestLibraryRandom.mch',
4993 '-mc', 100, '-assertions'], 'Test random_subset, random_permutation').
4994 cli_testcase(1878, [tickets,private], [
4995 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/Ticket_Nov28_2017/scheduler_pb.mch', '-t',
4996 '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE',
4997 '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-check_goal',
4998 '-evalt', 'x:in_cmd_signals',
4999 '-evalt', 'in_cmd_signals : t_signal --> t_color', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '7000'
5000 ], 'Test symbolic override works as expected').
5001 cli_testcase(1879, [b_test,closure1,infinite,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen7/ClosureTest.mch', '-init', % '-expecterr', 'virtual_time_out', % reflexive closure now detected infinite
5002 '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails',
5003 '-opterr', 'setup_constants_inconsistent' % we now also generate this msg when not all csts are found deterministically
5004 ], 'Check closure now infinite').
5005 cli_testcase(1880, [b_test,closure1], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5006 '-evalt', '22|->22 : closure({})',
5007 '-evalf', '22|->21 : closure({})',
5008 '-evalt', '22|->22 : iterate({},0)',
5009 '-evalt', '11|->66 : closure({11|->22,22|->33,22|->44,33|->55,33|->66})',
5010 '-evalt', '{100|->100,11|->66} <: closure({11|->22,22|->33,22|->44,33|->55,33|->66})',
5011 '-evalt', 'closure1({11|->22,22|->33,22|->44,33|->55,33|->66}) <: closure({11|->22,22|->33,22|->44,33|->55,33|->66})',
5012 '-evalf', '33|->22 : closure({11|->22,22|->33,22|->44,33|->55,33|->66})'
5013 ], 'Check some reflexive closure predicates').
5014 cli_testcase(1881, [cbc,symmetry_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/StaticSymmetryReduction/DefSetTest1.mch', '-mc', '15',
5015 '-nodead',
5016 '-cc', '7', '6', '-strict' ], 'Check that static symmetry reduction works as expected').
5017 cli_testcase(1882, [b_test,closure1,forall], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5018 '-evalt', '!(x,y).(x:S & y:S => (x>y => x=y+2)) & S = {0,x} & x>0',
5019 '-evalf', '!(x,y).(x:S & y:S => (x>y => x=y+2)) & S = {0,x,y} & x>y & y>0',
5020 '-evalf', '!(x,y).(x:y & y<:1..2 => x>2)'
5021 ], 'Test forall splitting').
5022 cli_testcase(1883, [b_test,closure1], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5023 '-evalf', 'x: 1..n --> 1..n & closure1(x)[{1}] = {} & n=25',
5024 '-evalt', 'x: 1..n --> 1..n & closure1(x)[{1}] = 3..n & n=7'
5025 ], 'Check image for closure1 improvements').
5026 cli_testcase(1884, [b_test,card], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DeferredSetAndConstants2.mch', '-mc', '5',
5027 '-nodead',
5028 '-cc', '3', '2', '-strict'], 'Check that enumerated set / partition detection works').
5029 cli_testcase(1885, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5030 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'FALSE',
5031 '-evalf', 'f = %x.(x:1..90|100+x) & f(v)+f(w)+f(y)+f(z) < 400',
5032 '-evalf', 'f = %x.(x:1..90|rec(a:100+x,b:x)) & f(v)\'a+f(w)\'a+f(y)\'a+f(z)\'a < 400',
5033 '-evalt', 'v={1|->rec(a:11,b:22), 2|->rec(a:22,b:33)}& r={x|v(x)\'b = x}'
5034 ], 'Test improved propagation for function application, also in combination with record field reduction in b_compiler').
5035 cli_testcase(1886,[private, data_validation,alstom,codespeed],[
5036 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/sgd_Jun11/vital_gradient_v3/vital_gradient_optimized.mch',
5037 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', % data_validation_mode preference
5038 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', '2147483647', '-p', 'MININT', '-2147483648', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '35000', '-t'],
5039 'test 1105 in DATA_VALIDATION mode').
5040 cli_testcase(1887, [b_test,symmetry_test], [
5041 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/StaticSymmetryReduction/DefSetPartTest1.mch',
5042 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/StaticSymmetryReduction/DefSetPartTest2.mch',
5043 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/StaticSymmetryReduction/DefSetPartTest3.mch',
5044 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/StaticSymmetryReduction/DefSetPartTest4.mch',
5045 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/StaticSymmetryReduction/DefSetPartTest5.mch',
5046 '-mc', '1000', '-nodead', '-nogoal', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Check that partition symmetry reduction works').
5047 cli_testcase(1888, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5048 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'FALSE',
5049 '-evalnwd', 'v = %x.(x:1..20|x+x) & y<4 & z=v(y) & (y:{-1,2}) & y /= 2',
5050 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error
5051 ], 'Test improved propagation for function application does not prevent finding WD problem').
5052 cli_testcase(1889, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5053 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'FALSE',
5054 '-evalnwd', 'v = %x.(x:1..20|x+x) & {y,z|y<4 & z=v(y) & (y:{-1,2})} =res',
5055 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error
5056 ], 'Test improved propagation for function application does not prevent finding WD problem').
5057 cli_testcase(1890, [private,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_24092013/07_001.mch',
5058 '-init' ,'-assertions', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 39500,
5059 '-p', 'DETECT_LAMBDAS', 'TRUE',
5060 '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0 ], 'Test 1161 with lambda detection').
5061 cli_testcase(1891, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5062 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Tests/TestSequenceVariable.mch',
5063 '-cbc', 'all', '-expcterr', cbc
5064 ], 'Test cbc finds error with sequence type').
5065 cli_testcase(1892, [cbc,symmetry_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5066 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Tests/TestPartitionStaticSymReduction.mch',
5067 '-cbc', 'all'
5068 ], 'Test static symmetry reduction works with cbc').
5069 cli_testcase(1893, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5070 '-evalf', '{1,2}*(1..1000) = {}',
5071 '-evalt', '{1,2}*(1..1000) /= {}',
5072 '-evalf', '{1,2}*x = {} & x<:INTEGER & 22:x',
5073 '-evalt', '{1,2}*x /= {} & x<:INTEGER & 22:x',
5074 '-evalf', 'x*x = {} & x<:INTEGER & 22:x',
5075 '-evalt', 'x*x /= {} & x<:INTEGER & 22:x'
5076 ], 'Test improved detection of empty cartesian product closures').
5077 cli_testcase(1894, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5078 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/RiverCrossing_BMC.mch',
5079 '-init', '-assertions', '-model-check', '-nogoal', '-nodead'
5080 ], 'Test constraints solved quickly').
5081 cli_testcase(1895, [b_test,let], [
5082 '-evalt', '40 = LET i,j BE i=10 & j=i+20 IN i+j END'
5083 ], 'ensure error in nested LET expression detected').
5084 cli_testcase(1896, [proz,let], [ '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Daniel/tests/let.tex', '-t',
5085 '-mc', 2000, '-cc', 1839, 4195
5086 ], 'ensure Zed LETs treated correctly').
5087 cli_testcase(1897, [cbc,card], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5088 '-evalt', 'card(%(x,y).(x:(1..10) --> BOOL&y:iseq(1..2)|1)) = 5120',
5089 '-evalt', 'card(%(x,y).(x:(1..10) --> BOOL&y:(1..10) --> BOOL|1))>100',
5090 '-evalt', 'card(%(x,y).(x:(1..10) --> BOOL&y:(1..10) +-> BOOL|1))>100',
5091 '-evalt', 'card(%(x,y).(x:(1..10) -->> BOOL&y:(1..10) +->> BOOL|1))>100',
5092 '-evalt', 'card(%(x,y).(x:(1..10) <-> BOOL&y:(1..10) >->> (2..11)|1))>100'
5093 ], 'Test improved detection of cartesian product closures').
5094 cli_testcase(1898, [tickets,strings], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5095 '-evalt', 'x = "a\\\\" & y="bcd"',
5096 '-evalf', 'x = "a\\\\" & x="a"'
5097 ], 'Test \\ at end of string (no pushback overflow)').
5098 cli_testcase(1899, [tickets,proz,private], [ '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 900, % TO DO: try and reduce the need for this high value
5099 '../prob_examples/examples/Z/Patterns/forProB/ReturnHome ProZ v1.tex',
5100 '-t', '-model-check'],
5101 'Ensure no timeouts').
5102 cli_testcase(1900, [tickets,proz,private], [ '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 1800,
5103 '../prob_examples/examples/Z/Patterns/forProB/ReturnHome ProZ v2.tex',
5104 '-t', '-model-check'],
5105 'Ensure no timeouts').
5106 cli_testcase(1901, [tickets, let], [
5107 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/LET_Illegal.mch',
5108 '-expcterrpos', type_error, 14, 35, '-expcterrpos', type_error, 14, 53, '-expcterr', load_main_file],
5109 'check illegal LET detected').
5110 cli_testcase(1902, [tickets,private,data_validation,let], [
5111 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/Ticket_LET_Mar26_2018/essai.mch',
5112 '-expcterrpos', type_error, 25, 5, '-expcterr', load_main_file],
5113 'check illegal LET detected and no infinite loop in typechecker').
5114 cli_testcase(1903, [b_test,infinite,total_function], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5115 '-evalt', 'f = NATURAL1 * {22} & f: NATURAL1 --> NATURAL',
5116 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:NATURAL1|x+1) & f: NATURAL1 --> NATURAL',
5117 '-evalf', 'f = %x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) & f: NATURAL1 --> NATURAL',
5118 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic*/ {x|x:NATURAL1*INTEGER & prj2(INTEGER,INTEGER)(x)=prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER)(x)+1} & r = f(2)',
5119 % '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic*/ {x|x:NATURAL1*INTEGER & prj2(INTEGER,INTEGER)(x)=prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER)(x)+1} & f: NATURAL1 --> NATURAL' % TODO
5120 %'-evalf', 'f = NATURAL1 * {22,33} & f: NATURAL1 --> NATURAL' %% TO DO
5121 '-evalt', ' %(x,z).(x:NATURAL & z:NATURAL|x+z) : (NATURAL*NATURAL)-->NATURAL',
5122 '-evalt', ' %(x,z).(x:NATURAL & z:NATURAL|max({z,x,x/z,-x})) : (NATURAL*NATURAL)-->NATURAL'
5123 %'-evalf', '%(x,z).(x:NATURAL & z:NATURAL|min({z,x,x/z,-x})) : (NATURAL*NATURAL)-->NATURAL' % raises enum warning; but finds counter example; see test 1956
5124 ], 'Test symbolic treatment of total function').
5125 cli_testcase(1904,[enabling,private,read_write],[
5126 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ASTD/wetransfer-545a33/Case_Study_Handmade/TRAIN_CONTROL_M6.mch',
5127 '-t',
5128 '-read_write_matrix_csv', '../prob_examples/examples/B/ASTD/wetransfer-545a33/Case_Study_Handmade/TRAIN_CONTROL_M6_rw_matrix.csv'
5129 ], 'Check read-write-matrix with nested operation calls.').
5130 cli_testcase(1905, [b_test,infinite,total_function,card], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5131 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
5132 '-evalt', 'card({x|x > 2 & x mod 2 =0 & x<=10})=4',
5133 '-evalt', '{x|x > 2 & x mod 2 =0 & x<=10} = {4,6,8,10}',
5134 '-evalt', '{x|x > 2 & x mod 2 =0 & x<10} = {4,6,8}',
5135 '-evalt', '{x|x >= 2 & x mod 2 =0 & x<10} = {2,4,6,8}',
5136 '-evalt', '{x|x : NATURAL & x mod 2 = 0 & x <= 10} = {0,2,4,6,8,10}',
5137 '-evalt', '{x|x : NATURAL1 & x mod 2 = 0 & x <= 10} = {2,4,6,8,10}'
5138 ], 'Test improved integer enumeration in non-CLPFD mode').
5139 cli_testcase(1906, [b_test,while,private,records],
5142 '../prob_examples/examples/B/SupervisoryControl/obs1/DES_12_3_Prop4_H_Fig8b_PartitionV1.mch',
5143 '-strict','-t'], 'Check that type checking definitions not confounded by parameter/variable A clash').
5144 cli_testcase(1907,[csp_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5145 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsCSPB/AirportsCtrl.csp',
5146 '-t', '-strict'], 'Testing example with src_span_operator.').
5147 cli_testcase(1908,[csp_test,private], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5148 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ASTD/Library/Library_2_1.csp',
5149 '-t', '-mc', 90, '-strict'], 'Test state space finite using new [] normalisation rule.').
5150 cli_testcase(1909, [ltl,xtl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/XTL/BauerZiege.P',
5151 '-ltlformulat', 'G not(deadlock)',
5152 '-ltlformulaf', 'G not(e(move))',
5153 '-ltlformulaf', 'G not({unsafe})'], 'Test XTL LTL example').
5154 cli_testcase(1910, [b_test,pragmas], [
5155 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/package_pragma/a/aa/Machine_A.mch',
5156 '-init'], 'Test package pragme with dot').
5157 cli_testcase(1911, [tickets,tla,wd], [
5158 '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Thales/PingPong/scn_1_node.tla',
5159 '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Thales/PingPong_ASSERT/scn_1_node.tla',
5160 '-t', '-mc', 40], 'Check no wd errors thrown').
5161 cli_testcase(1912, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5162 '-evalf', 'NATURAL \\{1} \\ {2} = NATURAL \\ {3} \\ {1}',
5163 '-evalt', 'NATURAL \\{1} \\ {2} = NATURAL \\ {2} \\ {1}',
5164 '-evalt', 'NATURAL \\{12} \\ {22} = NATURAL \\ {22} \\ {12}',
5165 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 \\{12} \\ {22} = NATURAL1 \\ {22} \\ {12}',
5166 '-evalt', 'NATURAL \\{0} \\ {2} = NATURAL \\ {2} \\ {0}',
5167 '-evalt', 'NATURAL \\{0} \\ {1} = NATURAL \\ {1} \\ {0}',
5168 '-evalf', 'NATURAL \\{0} \\ {2} = NATURAL \\ {1} \\ {0}',
5169 '-evalf', 'NATURAL \\{0} \\ {1} = NATURAL \\ {2} \\ {0}',
5170 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 \\{12} \\ {22} = NATURAL \\ {22} \\ {12} \\ {0}',
5171 '-evalf', 'NATURAL1 \\{12} = NATURAL \\{12}',
5172 '-evalf', '{x|x>22 & x<100} = {y|y>=k}',
5173 '-evalt', '{x|x>22} = {y|y>=k}',
5174 '-evalt', '{x|x>22} = {x|x>=k}',
5175 '-evalt', '{x|x>22 & x<100} = {y|y>=k & y<m}',
5176 '-evalt', '{x,y|x>22&y>100} = /*@symbolic*/ {y1,x1|x1>k & y1>m}',
5177 '-evalf', 'NATURAL1 = NATURAL - {1}',
5178 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 = NATURAL - {0}',
5179 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 = NATURAL1 - {0}',
5180 '-evalf', '{x|x>0 & x mod 22 = 0 & x < 1000} = NATURAL'
5181 %'-evalf', '{x|x>0 & x mod 22 = 0 & x < 1000} = NATURAL \\{12}' % commented out for the moment; conflict with 1081
5182 ], 'ensure symbolic treatment of equality').
5183 cli_testcase(1913, [cbc], [
5184 '-evalf', '{x|x>0 & x mod 22 = 0} = NATURAL \\{12}',
5185 '-evalf', '{x|x>0 & x mod 2 = 0} = {x|x>0 & x mod 3 = 0}',
5186 '-evalt', '{x|x>0 & x /= 22} = {x|x>0 & (x = 22 => x>22)}',
5187 '-evalf', 'NATURAL1 \\{12} = INTEGER \\{12}'
5188 ], 'ensure symbolic treatment of equality').
5189 cli_testcase(1914, [cbc,sequences,sigma], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5190 '-evalt', 'x:iseq(50001..50002) & y:1..100005 & SIGMA(yy).(yy:1..size(x)|x(yy)) = y & y>50002',
5191 '-evalt', 'x:iseq(50001..50002) & y:1..100005 & SIGMA(yy).(yy:dom(x)|x(yy)) = y & y>50002',
5192 '-evalt', 'x:iseq(80001..80002) & y:1..100005 & SIGMA(yy).(yy:dom(x)|x(yy)) = y'
5193 ], 'ensure earlier enumeration of iseq').
5194 cli_testcase(1915, [cbc,private,enabling,wd], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/etcs/actions_scn_f6_372_bis.mch',
5195 '-feasibility_analysis_csv', 1000, '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/etcs/actions_feasibility.csv'
5196 ], 'Check that feasibility can be shown without wd errors').
5197 cli_testcase(1916,[cbc],[
5198 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance/CAN_Bus/CB3FSMM_mch_v2.eventb',
5199 '-cbc', 'T2ReleaseBus', '-expcterr', 'cbc'
5200 ], 'Check invariant violation found despite use of unproven finite() in invariant').
5201 cli_testcase(1917, [b_test,card], ['-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DeferredSetMaxCardWithUnion.mch', '-init' ,'-assertions'], 'check enumerated set detected despite use of subsidiary identifier').
5202 cli_testcase(1918, [refinement], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/EventB_AtelierB/SimpleCounter1.ref',
5203 '-t', '-mc', 100, '-cc', 10, 28,
5204 '-strict'], 'Test ref keyword for Atelier-B Event-B model').
5205 cli_testcase(1919, [external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/SORT_External.mch',
5206 '-assertions', '-t'], 'test SORT and SQUASH external functions').
5207 cli_testcase(1920,[while, codespeed],[
5208 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/While/LiftExec.mch','-strict',
5209 '-init', '-property', 'LIM=500', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 2500,
5210 '-animate', 1,
5211 '-goal', 'counter=LIM', '-check_goal' ], 'Performance of while loop').
5212 cli_testcase(1921,[wd, error_checks],[
5213 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/WD_SetCompr_Error.mch', '-strict',
5214 '-init', '-expcterr', well_definedness_error,
5215 '-opterr', 'setup_constants_fails', % as of 17.3.2023 we have partial_setup_constants
5216 '-opterr', setup_constants_unknown
5217 ], 'Check error detected and no constants found').
5218 cli_testcase(1922,[wd, tickets],[
5219 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/VBF_DB_EnumWarning/Ticket.mch', '-strict',
5220 '-init'
5221 ], 'Check no enum warning raised due to large CLPFD interval but small fd_size').
5222 cli_testcase(1923, [tickets,infinite], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5223 '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647,
5224 '-evalt', 'x <: INT - {0}',
5225 '-evalf', '{0,1,2} <: INT - {0}',
5226 '-evalt', '{-2147483647,1,2,2147483647} <: INT - {0}',
5227 '-evalf', '{2147483648} <: INT - {0}'
5228 ], 'ensure symbolic treatment of set difference').
5229 cli_testcase(1924,[tickets,while],[
5230 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpCalls/ParaClash/Call1.mch', '-strict',
5231 '-t'
5232 ], 'Check no issue with compilation of operation calls with id clashes').
5233 cli_testcase(1925,[tickets,while],[
5234 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpCalls/ParaClash/Call1_Clash.mch', '-strict',
5235 '-expcterr', bmachine_static_checks, % Warnings about variable clashes
5236 '-t'
5237 ], 'Check no issue with compilation of operation calls with id clashes').
5238 cli_testcase(1926,[alloy],[
5239 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/Join_Binary.als',
5240 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/Join_Complex.als',
5241 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/Quantifiers.als',
5242 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/Comprehension.als',
5243 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/CartesianProduct.als',
5244 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/Restrictions.als',
5245 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/EmptyAssert.als',
5246 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/EmptyPred.als',
5247 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/TestUtilInteger.als',
5248 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/natural_no_alias.als',
5249 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/natural.als',
5250 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/Arithmetic.als',
5251 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/TestUtilBool.als',
5252 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/BinaryDifferentlyTyped.als',
5253 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/ambiguous_field_name.als',
5254 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/Puzzles/harry-potter.als',
5255 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/Puzzles/queens.als',
5256 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/Puzzles/queens_with_pred.als',
5257 '-strict', '-t', '-p', 'ALLOY_STRICT_INTEGERS', 'TRUE'
5258 ], 'Check Alloy translation').
5259 cli_testcase(1927,[alloy,cbc,cbc_tests],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5260 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/alloy_models/toys/grandpa.als',
5261 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/alloy_models/toys/grandpa.als',
5262 '-cbc_sequence', run0,
5263 '-expcterr', 'cbc_sequence_no_solution_found',
5264 '-strict'], 'Test Alloy model and *no* solution for run0').
5265 cli_testcase(1928,[alloy,cbc],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5266 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/multiplicity_birthday_test.als',
5267 '-t', '-mc', 100, '-cc', 3, 3, % 3 nodes: root, setup_constants, init
5268 '-strict'], 'Test Alloy models have exactly one solution').
5269 cli_testcase(1929,[alloy,cbc,cbc_tests],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5270 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/laws/orderings.als',
5271 '-cbc_sequence', run0,
5272 '-strict'], 'Test Alloy model and solution for run0 found').
5273 cli_testcase(1930,[alloy,cbc,cbc_tests],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5274 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/alloy_models/systems/lists.als',
5275 '-cbc_sequence', run0,
5276 '-strict'], 'Test Alloy model and solution for run0 found').
5277 cli_testcase(1931,[b_test],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5278 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DEFINITIONS/VariableListAsDEFINITION.mch',
5279 '-init'], 'Try using DEFINITION as variable list').
5280 cli_testcase(1932,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5281 '../private_examples/Thales/Hansen_CSV_Loop/CSV_Input.rmch',
5282 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE'], 'Ensure complex set unification due to partial sequence skeleton is avoided').
5283 /* requires new parser: */
5284 cli_testcase(1933, [union,infinite], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5285 '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647,
5286 '-evalt', 'r = /*@symbolic*/ UNION(x).(x:NATURAL|{x,x+100}) & 100:r',
5287 '-evalf', 'r = /*@symbolic*/ UNION(x).(x:NATURAL|{x,x+100}) & -100:r',
5288 '-evalt', 'r = /*@symbolic*/ UNION(x).(x:NATURAL|{x+1}) & 1:r & 0/:r',
5289 '-evalt', 'r = /*@symbolic*/ UNION(x).(x:NATURAL|{x+2,x+3}) & 2:r & 1/:r',
5290 '-evalt', 'r = /*@symbolic*/ {u|#x.(x : NATURAL & u : {x |-> x * x,x |-> x + x})} & 10|->20 : r',
5291 '-evalt', '!y.(y:10..12 => #x.(x : NATURAL & y|->2*y : {x |-> x * x,x |-> x + x}))',
5292 '-evalf', '!y.(y:10..12 => #x.(x : NATURAL & y|->3*y : {x |-> x * x,x |-> x + x}))',
5293 '-evalt', 'r = /*@symbolic*/ UNION(x).(x:NATURAL|{x|->x*x, x|->x+x}) & r[10..11]=x',
5294 '-evalt', 'r = /*@symbolic*/ UNION(x).(x:NATURAL|{x|->x*x, x|->x+x}) & r[10..11]={20,22,100,121}',
5295 '-evalt', '{u,v|u=10|->v & #x.(x : NATURAL & u : {x |-> x * x,x |-> x + x})} = {((10|->20)|->20),((10|->100)|->100)}'
5296 ], 'ensure symbolic treatment of UNION').
5297 cli_testcase(1934,[cbc],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5298 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/TestProjection.mch',
5299 '-assertions'], 'Ensure projection onto static assertion filters out unrelated constant').
5300 cli_testcase(1935,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5301 '../private_examples/Thales/Hansen_EnumerationProblem/Runner_EnumerationProblem.rmch',
5302 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats',
5303 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000,
5304 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5305 '-silent', '-noinv'], 'Ensure no time-out in COMP_CSVRecords').
5306 cli_testcase(1936,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5307 '../private_examples/Thales/Hansen_EnumerationProblem/Runner_EnumerationProblem.rmch',
5308 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats',
5309 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000,
5310 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'FALSE', '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5311 '-silent', '-noinv'], 'Ensure no time-out in COMP_CSVRecords (TRY_FIND_ABORT=FALSE)').
5312 cli_testcase(1937, [b_test,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/TestLabel.mch', '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/TestLabel_pp.mch', '-strict'], 'Check that pretty printing label pragma works').
5313 cli_testcase(1938, [laws,strings,external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/StringLiteralTests.mch', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Some tests about the STRING literals').
5314 cli_testcase(1939, [union,infinite], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5315 '-p', 'MAXINT', 127, '-p', 'MININT', -128,
5316 '-evalt', 'x = INTEGER \\ {1000} & !v.(v:x => v/=1000)',
5317 '-evalf', 'x = INTEGER \\ {1000} & !v.(v:x => v>2000)',
5318 '-evalt', 'x = INTEGER \\ {10} & x \\/ {11} = res & res=x'
5319 ], 'Test for not-member closures').
5320 cli_testcase(1940, [tickets,pragmas], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5321 '-aa', 2, 0, 0, % check that label pragmas respected
5322 '-properties',
5323 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Pragmas/LabelBoolPragmaDisappears.mch'
5324 ], 'Test label pragma respected by assertions').
5325 cli_testcase(1941, [refinement,b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5326 '-init',
5327 '-dot', invariant, '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/LinkingInvariants/M1_invariant.dot',
5328 '-dot', machine_hierarchy, '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/LinkingInvariants/M1_hierarchy.dot',
5329 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/LinkingInvariants/M1.ref'
5330 ], 'Test one invariant copied from abstract machine').
5331 cli_testcase(1942, [error_checks,private], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5332 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Satpathy/SystemOnChip/Router.mch', '-t'
5333 ], 'Check no bmachine_static_checks for disjunction in invariant').
5334 cli_testcase(1943, [b_test,external,regex], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/TestLibraryRegexp.mch', '-assertions', '-force_no_silent'], 'Test Regular Expression Library').
5335 cli_testcase(1944,[eventb_test],[
5336 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/TreeFileSysContPerm/FMCH02.eventb',
5337 '-t', '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 2
5338 ], 'Check Event-B model with complicated properties (and axiomatized transitive closure)').
5339 cli_testcase(1945,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5340 '../private_examples/ClearSy/N_ITERa_avec_DV_sans_DV/rule_avec_DV.mch',
5341 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats',
5342 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000,
5343 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'FALSE', '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5344 % '-p', 'LIFT_EXISTS', 'TRUE', % should also work without this
5345 '-execute_expect_steps', 44,
5346 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE & caval__rule__1__ALL={({}|->TRUE)} & caval__rule__1__isKO=FALSE',
5347 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__2__done=TRUE & caval__rule__2__dataverified={} & caval__rule__2__isKO=FALSE',
5348 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__3__done=TRUE & caval__rule__3__dataverified={} & caval__rule__3__isKO=FALSE',
5349 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__4__done=TRUE & card(caval__rule__4__ALL)=3 & caval__rule__4__isKO=TRUE',
5350 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__5__done=TRUE & card(caval__rule__5__ALL)=5 & caval__rule__5__isKO=TRUE',
5351 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__6__done=TRUE & caval__rule__6__dataverified={} & caval__rule__6__isKO=TRUE',
5352 '-silent', '-noinv'], 'Ensure no problem with caval__rule__2__ALL set comprehension and lifting out of exists quantifier').
5353 cli_testcase(1946,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5354 '../private_examples/ClearSy/N_ITERa_avec_DV_sans_DV/rule_avec_DV.mch',
5355 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats',
5356 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000,
5357 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'FALSE', '-p', 'LIFT_EXISTS', 'TRUE',
5358 '-execute_expect_steps', 44,
5359 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE & caval__rule__1__ALL={({}|->TRUE)} & caval__rule__1__isKO=FALSE',
5360 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__2__done=TRUE & caval__rule__2__dataverified={} & caval__rule__2__isKO=FALSE',
5361 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__3__done=TRUE & caval__rule__3__dataverified={} & caval__rule__3__isKO=FALSE',
5362 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__4__done=TRUE & card(caval__rule__4__ALL)=3 & caval__rule__4__isKO=TRUE',
5363 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__5__done=TRUE & card(caval__rule__5__ALL)=5 & caval__rule__5__isKO=TRUE',
5364 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__6__done=TRUE & caval__rule__6__dataverified={} & caval__rule__6__isKO=TRUE',
5365 '-silent', '-noinv'], 'Ensure no problem with caval__rule__2__ALL set comprehension and lifting out of exists quantifier').
5366 cli_testcase(1947, [smt_solver_integration], [
5367 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Z3/Aufgabe2.mch', '-init', %'-vv',
5368 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:liefert',
5369 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:bes',
5370 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x|->a3:liefert',
5371 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check l2|->a3:liefert',
5372 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:liefert[{l1}]',
5373 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:liefert[{l1}] & k|->b : bes & x:b',
5374 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:liefert[{l1}] & k|->b : bes & x:b & k /= k2 & x /= a1 & k /= k3'
5375 ], 'some constraints that should be solved by z3; check ticket with ProB state').
5376 cli_testcase(1948, [infinite,tickets], [
5377 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen36_Lambda/TestBugly.mch', '-init',
5378 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000,
5379 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'TRUE',
5380 '-mc', 100, '-nodead'
5381 ], 'check nested function calls cause no problem').
5382 cli_testcase(1949, [b_test], [
5383 '-evalt', '{x,res|IF x>2 THEN 22 ELSIF x<0 THEN 33 ELSE 44 END = res & x<3 & x>0} = {(1|->44),(2|->44)}'
5384 ], 'test ELSIF for expressions').
5385 cli_testcase(1950,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5386 '../private_examples/ClearSy/Well_def_1.9.0_b5/Err/rule_SSO_SLOT_MSG_ID_SET_SSO/rule.mch',
5387 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats',
5388 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000,
5389 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5390 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE',
5391 '-execute_expect_steps', 6,
5392 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__4__done=TRUE & caval__rule__4__isKO=TRUE',
5393 '-ppf', '../private_examples/ClearSy/Well_def_1.9.0_b5/Err/rule_SSO_SLOT_MSG_ID_SET_SSO/rule_SSO_SLOT_bugly.mch',
5394 '-p', 'BUGLY', 'TRUE',
5395 '-silent'
5396 ], 'Ensure wd-problem solved').
5397 cli_testcase(1951,[wd,tickets,private,data_validation],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5398 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Tickets/Well_def_1.9.0_b5/rule_bugly.mch',
5399 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats',
5400 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000,
5401 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5402 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE',
5403 '-silent'], 'Ensure wd-problem solved (BUGLY version of test 1950)').
5404 cli_testcase(1952,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5405 '../private_examples/ClearSy/ComparePv10Pv11/DebugPv10/rule_Test__RGP_71237__RI_091/rule.mch',
5406 '../private_examples/ClearSy/ComparePv10Pv11/DebugPv11/rule_Test__RGP_71237__RI_091/rule.mch',
5407 '-execute', 9, '-animate_stats', '-silent',
5408 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000,
5409 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5410 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647,
5411 '-silent'], 'Ensure in_domain delay solved').
5412 cli_testcase(1953,[b_test,operation_calls_in_expr],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5413 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/CallOperationInExprSimple.mch',
5415 '-t', '-assertions',
5416 '-evalt', 'Double(33)=66',
5417 '-evalt', 'Double(Double(33))=132',
5418 '-evalf', 'Double(3)=3',
5419 '-evalt', 'Divisors(17)=2'
5420 ], 'Test calling operations in expressions').
5421 cli_testcase(1954,[b_test,operation_calls_in_expr],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5422 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/CallOperationInExpr_Compile.mch',
5424 '-t'
5425 ], 'Test calling operations in expressions with closure compilation').
5426 cli_testcase(1955,[b_test],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5427 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/LogXML/WD_Error.mch',
5428 '-execute_all', '-logxml', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/LogXML/problog.xml',
5429 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error
5430 ], 'Test generation of locations in xml file').
5431 % file should contain start_line,end_line XML info; we cannot test with a diff, as time-stamp and prob version info is found in the logxml file !
5432 % xmllint --schema doc/logxml_xsd.xml ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/LogXML/problog.xml -noout
5433 cli_testcase(1956, [b_test,infinite,total_function], [
5434 '-evalf', '%(x,z).(x:NATURAL & z:NATURAL1|min({z,x,x/z,-x})) : (NATURAL*NATURAL1)-->NATURAL' % raises enum warning; but finds counter example
5435 ], 'Test symbolic treatment of total function').
5436 cli_testcase(1957,[private_source_not_available], % also covering operation_calls_in_expr
5438 '../private_examples/Thales/Hansen_Compile/Main_StringToIPV4.mch',
5439 '-execute', 4, '-animate_stats', '-silent', '-expcterr', deadlock,
5440 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647,
5441 '-silent'], 'Ensure compilation of operation_call_in_expr with op(.) identifiers in read info solved; contains while'). % ALLOW_OPERATION_CALLS_IN_EXPRESSIONS
5442 cli_testcase(1958, [b_test,cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5443 '-evalt', '{x|1..x <: {1,2,3,5} & x>1} = 2..3',
5444 '-evalt', 'card({x|1..x <: {1,2,3,5} & x>1}) = 2',
5445 '-evalt', '{ss | ss <: 0..0 & ss /= {} & ss=0..max(ss)} = {{0}}',
5446 '-evalt', '{ss | ss <: 0..2 & ss /= {} & ss=0..max(ss)} = {{0},{0,1},{0,1,2}}'
5447 %'-evalt', '{x,y|x..y <: {10,12,13,15} & y>x} = 12..13', % requires CHR
5448 ], 'Ensure improved treatment of interval subset').
5449 cli_testcase(1959, [b_test,cbc], [
5450 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {z|z>3 & z mod 3 =0} <: {x|x>5 & x mod 3=0}',
5451 '-evalf', '/*@symbolic */ {z|z>3 & z mod 3 =0} <: {x|x>6 & x mod 3=0}',
5452 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {z|z>3 & z mod 3 =0} <: {x|x>1}',
5453 '-evalf', '{z|z:seq(BOOL) & 1|->TRUE:z} <: {z|z:seq(BOOL) & 1|->FALSE:z}',
5454 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {z,v|z:seq(BOOL) & 1|->TRUE:z & v>2} <: /*@symbolic */ {v,z|v:seq(BOOL) & 1|->TRUE:v & z>1}',
5455 '-evalf', '/*@symbolic */ {z,v|z:seq(BOOL) & 1|->TRUE:z & v>2} <: /*@symbolic */ {v,z|v:seq(BOOL) & 1|->TRUE:v & z>3}',
5456 '-evalt', '{z|z>3 & z mod 3 =0} <: NATURAL'
5457 ], 'Ensure improved symbolic treatment of subset').
5458 cli_testcase(1960,[b_test,operation_calls_in_expr],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5459 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/OperationWithAssert.mch',
5461 '-assertions'
5462 ], 'Test calling operations with assertions inside expressions').
5463 cli_testcase(1961,[refinement],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5464 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/AtelierB_EventB/Main1.ref',
5465 '-mc', 1000
5466 ], 'Check that abstract events not copied to refinement machine, as they are refined.').
5467 cli_testcase(1962,[alloy,cbc,cbc_tests],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5468 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/laws/SetLaws_Scope2.als',
5469 '-cbc_sequence', check0,
5470 '-expcterr', 'cbc_sequence_no_solution_found',
5471 '-strict'], 'Test Alloy laws and *no* solution for check0').
5472 cli_testcase(1963, [b_test,cruise,codespeed], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5473 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-mc', '1400', '-bf',
5474 '-cc', '1361', '1379', % was 1360, but now we store transitions for uncovered operations
5475 '-strict', '-nodead', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 5,
5476 '-p', 'SAFETY_MODEL_CHECK', 'TRUE'], 'Complete Model Check of Cruise Controller with SAFETY_MODEL_CHECK').
5477 cli_testcase(1964, [refinement], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5478 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/AtelierB_EventB/Main1_v2.ref',
5479 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/AtelierB_EventB/Main2_v2.ref',
5480 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/AtelierB_EventB/Main2_v3.ref',
5481 '-strict','-mc', '1000'], 'Check invariants copied correctly').
5482 cli_testcase(1965, [refinement], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5483 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/AtelierB_EventB/Main1_err.ref',
5484 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation', '-strict',
5485 '-mc', '1000'], 'Check invariants copied correctly').
5486 cli_testcase(1966, [wd,exists,rulesdsl], [
5487 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen37_WD_Exists/WD_Exists.rmch',
5488 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error, '-expcterr', animate,
5489 '-animate', 3], 'Check WD error inside negated existential quantifier detected').
5490 cli_testcase(1967, [b_test,infinite,total_function,wd], [
5491 '-evalnwd', '%(x,z).(x:NATURAL & z:NATURAL|min({z,x,x/z,-x})) : (NATURAL*NATURAL)-->NATURAL', % raises enum warning; but finds counter example
5492 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error,
5493 '-opterr', eval_string_enum_warning
5494 ], 'Test wd error found due to division by 0').
5495 cli_testcase(1968, [b_test,infinite,memoize], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FunctionalProgramming/MemoizationTests.mch', '-assertions'], 'Check function memoization works').
5496 cli_testcase(1969, [b_test,operation_calls_in_expr], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/ExpressionsWithOperations/TopologyOpExpr.mch',
5498 '-t', '-assertions'], 'Check local operations called in expressions').
5499 cli_testcase(1970, [laws,rel_fnc,wd,memoize], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/FunLawsWithLambdaMemo.mch',
5500 '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE-EVALUATION', 'TRUE',
5502 '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test 458 with MEMOIZE_FUNCTIONS.').
5503 cli_testcase(1971, [b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5504 '-evalt_rc', '%x.(x:NATURAL|x) : NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
5505 '-evalt_rc', '%x.(x:NATURAL1|x) : INTEGER +-> NATURAL1',
5506 '-evalf_rc', '%x.(x:NATURAL|x) : NATURAL1 +-> NATURAL',
5507 '-evalf_rc', '%x.(x:NATURAL|x) : NATURAL +-> NATURAL1',
5508 '-evalt_rc', '%x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) : NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
5509 '-evalt_rc', '%x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) : NATURAL +-> NATURAL1',
5510 '-evalf_rc', '%x.(x:NATURAL|x-1) : NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
5511 '-evalt_rc', 'f=%x.(x:NATURAL1|x-1) & f: NATURAL1 +-> NATURAL',
5512 '-evalt_rc', 'f=%x.(x:NATURAL1|x-1) & f: NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
5513 '-evalt_rc', 'f=%x.(x:NATURAL1|x-1) & f: INTEGER +-> NATURAL',
5514 '-evalt_rc', '%(x,y).(x:NATURAL&y:NATURAL|x+y) : NATURAL*NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
5515 '-evalf_rc', '%(x,y).(x:NATURAL&y:NATURAL|x+y) : NATURAL*NATURAL +-> NATURAL1',
5516 '-evalt_rc', '%(x,y).(x:1..100 & y:1..100|x+y) : (1..100)*(1..100) +-> (2..200)',
5517 '-evalt_rc', '%(x,y).(x:1..100 & y:1..100|x+y) : (1..100)*(1..100) +-> (1..10000)',
5518 '-evalf_rc', '%(x,y).(x:1..100 & y:1..100|x+y) : (1..100)*(1..100) +-> (3..200)',
5519 '-evalt_rc', '%(x,y).(x:1..100 & y:1..100|x*y) : (1..100)*(1..100) +-> (1..10000)',
5520 '-evalf_rc', '%(x,y).(x:1..100 & y:1..100|x*y) : (1..100)*(1..100) +-> (2..10000)',
5521 '-evalf_rc', '%(x,y).(x:1..100 & y:1..101|x*y) : (1..100)*(1..101) +-> (1..10000)',
5522 '-evalt_rc', '%(x,y).(x:0..9999 & y:0..9999|(x*y) mod 10000) : (0..9999)*(0..9999) +-> (0..9999)',
5523 '-evalt_rc', '%(aa).(aa : INTEGER | [aa]) : INTEGER +-> seq(INTEGER)',
5524 %'-evalf_rc', '%(aa).(aa : INTEGER | [aa]) : INTEGER +-> seq(NATURAL)', % succeeds but has non-critical enum warning
5525 '-evalt_rc', '%(aa).(aa : NATURAL1 | [aa]) : NATURAL +-> seq(NATURAL1)'
5526 ], 'Check new symbolic partial function range detection').
5527 cli_testcase(1972, [tickets,sequences], [
5528 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/ReversePendingCoroutine/TestSuffixWithReverse.mch',
5529 '-mc', 100, '-nodead', '-assertions', '-cc', 5,4], 'Check no pending co-routine in reverse of sequence').
5530 cli_testcase(1973,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5531 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2019_June/string_tail/rule_nok.mch',
5532 '-execute', 4, '-animate_stats', '-silent', '-expcterr', deadlock,
5533 '-execute_expect_steps', 3,
5534 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE',
5535 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__isKO=FALSE',
5536 '-silent'], 'Ensure pending co-routing in reverse of sequence solved').
5537 cli_testcase(1974,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5538 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2019_June/performance/toto_ko.mch',
5539 '-execute', 4, '-animate_stats', '-expcterr', deadlock,
5540 '-execute_expect_steps', 3,
5541 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__5__done=TRUE',
5542 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__5__isKO=TRUE',
5543 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__5__ALL = {({(1|->2|->3|->4|->2)}|->FALSE),({(1|->2|->3|->4|->3)}|->FALSE)}',
5544 '-silent'], 'Ensure we do not wait for identifier in exists using used_ids_defined_by_equality optimisation').
5545 cli_testcase(1975, [b_test,exists], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-version',
5546 '-evalt_rc', '{x | x=1 & #(OO,MM).(MM>x & OO:NATURAL1)} = {1}',
5547 '-evalt_rc', '{x | x>1 & x<10 & #(OO,MM).(MM>x & OO:NATURAL1)} = 2..9',
5548 '-evalt_rc', '{x | x=1 & #(OO,MM,VV).(MM>x & OO:NATURAL1 & VV>x)} = {1}',
5549 '-evalt_rc', '{x | x:10..12 & #(OO,MM,VV).(MM>x & OO:NATURAL1 & MM<12 & VV>x)} = {10}'
5550 ], 'Partitioning of exists works').
5551 cli_testcase(1976, [laws,rel_fnc,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ExplicitComputations.mch', '-t', '-mc', '100000', '-nodead', '-cs', '-strict',
5552 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', % currently fails with FALSE !
5553 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '7000',
5554 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE'], 'Test 292 in DATA_VALIDATION mode.').
5555 cli_testcase(1977,[private_source_not_available],[
5556 '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', % Note: generated virtual timeout, no longer does after override does not try to expand symbolic closures anymore
5557 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2019_Aug/call_residue/rule_erreur.mch',
5558 '-p', 'RAISE_ABORT_IMMEDIATELY', 'TRUE', % FALSE was necessary as of 3974491412f39ab8b6beea3d2a7c47e7c56315ae
5559 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats', '-noinv',
5560 '-execute_expect_steps', 23,
5561 '-evalt', 'caval__ic___DFCT___COMPUTED__CLA_01218__Poste_enclenchement__done=TRUE',
5562 '-evalt', 'caval__ic___DFCT___COMPUTED__ATR_42912__Numero_poste_organe__done=TRUE',
5563 '-silent'], 'Ensure we have no call_residue internal error').
5564 cli_testcase(1978, [b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPTIMIZE_AST', 'FALSE',
5565 '-evalf_rc', '2=3 & 1=1 <=> 4=5 & 2=2',
5566 '-evalt_rc', '2**3**2 = 512',
5567 '-evalt_rc', '10-5+4-3=6',
5568 '-evalt_rc', '8 / 2 * 4 = 16',
5569 '-evalt_rc', '8 / 4 / 2 = 1',
5570 '-evalf_rc', '!x.(x=100 & x>50 => x>100)',
5571 '-evalt_rc', '#x.(not(x:BOOL --> {1,2}))'
5572 ], 'Test associativity of certain B operators').
5573 cli_testcase(1979, [error_checks,wd,sequences], [
5574 '-eval', 'x:perm(NATURAL)',
5575 '-expcterr', infinite_sequence, '-expcterr', eval_string_enum_warning
5576 ], 'Test error raised for x:perm(S) for infinite set S').
5577 cli_testcase(1980,[private_source_not_available],[
5579 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2019_Sep/rule_dummy/rule_dummy_acc.mch',
5580 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats', '-noinv',
5581 '-execute_expect_steps', 3,
5582 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE',
5583 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__1__ALL)=4299'
5584 ], 'Ensure that compilation of set_extension works properly').
5585 cli_testcase(1981,[private_source_not_available,regex],[
5587 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2019_Sep/non_ground_closure/rule.mch',
5588 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats', '-noinv',
5589 '-execute_expect_steps', 13,
5590 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE',
5591 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__10__done=TRUE',
5592 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__10__ALL)=254',
5593 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__11__done=TRUE',
5594 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__11__ALL)=254'
5595 ], 'Ensure that no internal error due to non-ground closure').
5596 cli_testcase(1982, [eventb_test,private], ['../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial/ess_simple/m0_mch.eventb',
5597 '-expcterr', 'virtual_time_out', '-t'],
5598 'Test trace replay and execute by predicate for Event-B.').
5599 cli_testcase(1983,[private,regex],[
5601 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2019_Sep/memo_error/rule.mch',
5602 '-execute', 5, '-animate_stats', '-noinv',
5603 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE',
5604 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__2__done=TRUE',
5605 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__3__done=TRUE',
5606 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__3__ALL={({}|->{428}|->{}|->TRUE),({}|->{447}|->{}|->TRUE),({}|->{464}|->{}|->TRUE),({}|->{483}|->{}|->TRUE),({}|->{503}|->{}|->TRUE),({}|->{521}|->{}|->TRUE),({}|->{540}|->{}|->TRUE),({}|->{560}|->{}|->TRUE)}',
5607 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__4__done=FALSE'
5608 ], 'Ensure memoization expansion problem solved').
5609 cli_testcase(1984,[private_source_not_available],[
5611 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2019_Sep/wd_issue/rule.mch',
5612 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats',
5613 '-execute_expect_steps', 3,
5614 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE',
5615 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__ALL={({("WholeGuideway"|->"struct(segment: [struct(segment: struct(edge: 1, offset0: 0.00, offset1: 999.99), direction: UP), struct(segment: struct(edge: 2, offset0: 0.00, offset1: 199.99), direction: UP)])")}|->FALSE),({("WholeGuideway"|->"struct(segment: [struct(segment: struct(edge: 2, offset0: 0.00, offset1: 199.99), direction: DOWN), struct(segment: struct(edge: 1, offset0: 0.00, offset1: 999.99), direction: DOWN)])")}|->FALSE),({("WholeGuideway"|->"struct(segment: [struct(segment: struct(edge: 5, offset0: 0.00, offset1: 199.99), direction: DOWN)])")}|->FALSE),({("WholeGuideway"|->"struct(segment: [struct(segment: struct(edge: 5, offset0: 0.00, offset1: 199.99), direction: UP)])")}|->FALSE)}'
5616 ], 'Ensure no spurious wd error due to enumeration of assertion_expression for function application').
5617 cli_testcase(1985, [b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPTIMIZE_AST', 'FALSE',
5618 '-evalt_rc', 'hl : 1..10 +-> 0..11 & (DL=TRUE => (2..4) * {11} <: hl) & (6 |-> hl(4) : hl) & DL=TRUE',
5619 '-evalt_rc', 'hl : 1..10 +-> 0..11 & (DL=TRUE => (2..4) * {11} <: hl) & (6 |-> hl(4) : hl)',
5620 '-evalt_rc', 'hl : 1..10 +-> 0..11 & (DL=TRUE => (2..4) * {11} <: hl) & (6 |-> hl(4) : hl) & (DL=FALSE => (3..5) * {11} <: hl) & (6 |-> hl(4) : hl)',
5621 '-evalt_rc', 'hl : 1..12 +-> 0..300 & (DL=TRUE => (2..4) * {100} <: hl) & (6 |-> hl(4) : hl) & (DL=FALSE => (3..5) * {11} <: hl) & (6 |-> hl(4) : hl)'
5622 ], 'Ensure reified subset test instantiates solution').
5623 cli_testcase(1986, [b_test,cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5624 '-evalt_rc', '{b,x,y|({x|->y}: 1..2 +-> 3..4 <=> b=TRUE) & x:0..1 & y:2..3} = {(FALSE|->0|->2),(FALSE|->0|->3),(FALSE|->1|->2),(TRUE|->1|->3)}',
5625 '-evalt_rc', '{b,x,y|({x|->y,x+1|->y+1}: 1..2 --> 3..4 <=> b=TRUE) & x:0..1 & y:2..3} = {(FALSE|->0|->2),(FALSE|->0|->3),(FALSE|->1|->2),(TRUE|->1|->3)}',
5626 '-evalt_rc', '{b,x,y|({x|->y}: 1..2 +-> 3..4 <=> b=TRUE) & x:0..1 & y:2..3} = {(FALSE|->0|->2),(FALSE|->0|->3),(FALSE|->1|->2),(TRUE|->1|->3)}',
5627 '-evalt_rc', '{b,x,y|({x|->y}: 1..2 +-> 3..4 <=> b=TRUE) & x:0..1 & y:2..3} = {(FALSE|->0|->2),(FALSE|->0|->3),(FALSE|->1|->2),(TRUE|->1|->3)}',
5628 '-evalt_rc', '{b,x,y|({x|->y}: 1..3 +-> 3..4 <=> b=TRUE) & x:0..1 & y:2..3} = {(FALSE|->0|->2),(FALSE|->0|->3),(FALSE|->1|->2),(TRUE|->1|->3)}',
5629 '-evalt_rc', '{b,x,y|({x|->y}: 1..3 --> 3..4 <=> b=TRUE) & x:0..1 & y:2..3} = {(FALSE|->0|->2),(FALSE|->0|->3),(FALSE|->1|->2),(FALSE|->1|->3)}'
5630 ], 'Ensure reification of partial_function works').
5631 cli_testcase(1987, [alloy,cbc_tests], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/sequence_tests.als', '-cbc_sequence', 'run0;run1;run2'], 'Test translation of sequences from Alloy to B.').
5632 cli_testcase(1988, [b_test,external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/TestDoNotEnumerate.mch', '-t', '-assertions'], 'Test DO_NOT_ENUMERATE external function works.').
5633 cli_testcase(1989, [b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPTIMIZE_AST', 'FALSE',
5634 '-evalt_rc', ' f = {1|->2,2|->x} & f /: 1..2 -->> 2..3 & x :2..3',
5635 '-evalt_rc', '{x| #f.(f = {1|->2,2|->x} & f /: 1..2 -->> 2..3) & x :2..3} = {2}',
5636 '-evalt_rc', ' f = {1|->2,x|->x} & f /: 1..2 -->> 2..3 & x :2..4',
5637 '-evalt_rc', ' {x|#f.(f = {1|->2,x|->x} & f /: 1..2 -->> 2..3) & x :2..4} = 2..4',
5638 '-evalt_rc', ' {x|#f.(f = {1|->2,x|->x+1} & f /: 1..2 -->> 2..3) & x :2..4} = 3..4',
5639 '-evalt_rc', ' {x|#f.(f = {1|->2,x|->x+1} & f /: 1..2 -->> 2..4) & x :2..4} = 2..4',
5640 '-evalt_rc', ' f = {1|->2,2|->x} & f /: 1..2 >-> 2..4 & x :2..3',
5641 '-evalt_rc', ' {x|#f.(f = {1|->2,2|->x} & f /: 1..2 >-> 2..4) & x :2..3} = {2}',
5642 '-evalt_rc', ' {x|#f.(f = {1|->3,2|->x} & f /: 1..2 >-> 2..4) & x :2..5} = {3,5}'
5643 ], 'Ensure reified total_function test for not total surjection and injection works').
5644 cli_testcase(1990, [strings,external], [
5645 '-evalt_rc', 'size("abc")=3',
5646 '-evalt_rc', 'conc(["a","b","c"])= "abc"',
5647 '-evalt_rc', 'conc(["a","b","c"])= "a"^"b"^"c"',
5648 '-evalt_rc', 'size(conc(["a","b","c"]))= 3',
5649 '-evalt_rc', 'size(conc([ [1],[2],[3]]))= size(conc(["a","b","c"]))',
5650 '-evalt_rc', 'conc([x,".",y]) = "file.txt"',
5651 '-evalt_rc', '{x,y|conc([x,".",y]) = "file.txt"} = {("file","txt")}'
5652 ], 'Test conc and size can be applied to STRING literals').
5653 cli_testcase(1991, [b_test,error_checks],
5654 ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/InconsistentPROPERTIES.mch',
5656 '-execute_all', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_inconsistent'], 'Test inconsistent PROPERTIES detected in execute.').
5657 cli_testcase(1992, [b_test,error_checks],
5658 ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/InconsistentPROPERTIES.mch',
5660 '-execute_all', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_inconsistent'], 'Test inconsistent PROPERTIES detected in execute with ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_SETUP_CONSTANTS.').
5661 cli_testcase(1993,[alloy],[
5662 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/TestUtilInteger.als',
5663 '-strict', '-t', '-p', 'ALLOY_STRICT_INTEGERS', 'FALSE'
5664 ], 'Check Alloy translation without strict integers').
5665 cli_testcase(1994, [cbc,smt,chr], [
5666 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/smtlib_trans_for_z3/z3_pow.smt2',
5667 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/smtlib_trans_for_z3/z3_knights_knaves.smt2',
5670 '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'], 'Test SMT interface and solving').
5671 cli_testcase(1995, [b_test], [
5672 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5673 '-evalt_rc', '([1,2] ; %x.(x:NATURAL|x+2) ; %y.(y:NATURAL|bool(y>3)) ; {TRUE|->"true", FALSE |-> "false"})(2) = "true"',
5674 '-evalt_rc', '([1,2] ; %x.(x:NATURAL|x+2) ; (%y.(y:NATURAL|bool(y>3)) ; {TRUE|->"true", FALSE |-> "false"}))(2) = "true"',
5675 '-evalt_rc', '([1,2] ; %x.(x:NATURAL|x+2) ; %y.(y:NATURAL|bool(y>3)) ; {TRUE|->"true", FALSE |-> "false"})(1) = "false"',
5676 '-evalt_rc', ' ([1,2] ; %x.(x:NATURAL|x+2) ; %y.(y:NATURAL|bool(y>3)))(2)=TRUE',
5677 '-evalt_rc', '([1,2,3] ; %x.(x:NATURAL|x+2) ; %y.(y:NATURAL|y*2))(2) = 8'
5678 ], 'Test relational composition ast cleanup rewrites').
5679 cli_testcase(1996, [laws,strings,external], ['stdlib/AssertionsForLibraries.mch', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Assertions for external functions'). % for LibraryMath, LibraryStrings
5681 cli_testcase(1997, [private,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_Route_0001ori.mch', '-animate_all', '-strict', '-cc', 97, 96, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 28000, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647, '-his', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_Route_0001ori.his',
5682 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE'], 'Rule Test 1 of Alstom compilation project (test 981) with DATA_VALIDATION').
5683 cli_testcase(1998, [private,data_validation,siemens,closure1], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/CBTC_Sol_Line4_SaoPaulo/pas_as_env_inv_cv_sui_v2.mch','-strict',
5684 '-p','CLPFD', 'TRUE',
5685 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5686 '-aa', 61, 2, 0, % was '-aa', 62, 1, 0, for pas_as_env_inv_cv_sui.mch with prior closure(.) definition
5687 '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 25000, '-p', 'WARN_IF_DEFINITION_HIDES_VARIABLE', 'FALSE','-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test 799 with DATA_VALIDATION.').
5688 cli_testcase(1999, [private,data_validation,siemens,closure1], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/CBTC_Sol_Line4_SaoPaulo/pas_as_env_inv_cv_sui_v2.mch','-strict',
5689 '-p','CLPFD', 'FALSE',
5690 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5691 '-aa', 61, 2, 0, % was '-aa', 62, 1, 0, for pas_as_env_inv_cv_sui.mch with prior closure(.) definition
5692 '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 25000, '-p', 'WARN_IF_DEFINITION_HIDES_VARIABLE', 'FALSE','-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0], 'Siemens Data Validation Test 799 with DATA_VALIDATION and CLPFD FALSE.').
5693 cli_testcase(2000, [private,data_validation], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_24092013/07_001.mch',
5694 '-init' ,'-assertions', '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MEMO', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 9500,
5695 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5696 '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0 ], 'Test 1161/1890 with DATA_VALIDATION').
5697 cli_testcase(2001, [b_test,hash], [
5698 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch',
5699 '-machine_statistics', '-machine_files',
5700 '-machine_hash',
5701 '-machine_hash_check', '712fcdfdbc7482738bd9a616ced01c9b457e77ed',
5702 % before improved position info for operation names, etc. (parser 2.13.5): '5f2171aad61098a8bff85cc09ea09f9ad8b72c8a',
5703 % before avoiding duplicate removed_typing: 'db72de00b9638c148db966df68d234226261418e',
5704 % before avoiding duplicate nodeid entries in info field for conjunct/1: 'ff47205b5011f1e35f75002b2d2fc115d3d9aff1',
5705 % before flat conjunct term format (parser 2.9.31): 'aab862683ad0396cce6178d6a3fe024be7504866',
5706 % before new parser pos infos: '749253625ce2e799e722ab57631d67859e7f0774',
5707 % before removing if_elsif position infos: '5159c4e2368c5be7b393a588434b86dc8588fedb',
5708 % before removing nodeid(none): '9644995ace8f8f24e2ac48d026503b1e4ed4520c', 3/3/2021
5709 % before fixing computation of reads info for SELECT: '0612a27195f445d314bdd5f7cc8de5ef91c91577',
5710 % before adding meta about header positions: '841add099ffe2d4c2f049649586f0c4013417af0',
5711 '-strict'], 'Test machine information commands').
5712 cli_testcase(2002,[private_source_not_available],[
5714 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5715 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2020/01_Jan/regressions2/rule_Regle_Transverse_Variable_Q_DIR/rule.mch',
5716 '-execute_all', '-silent',
5717 '-execute_expect_steps', 6,
5718 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE & caval__rule__2__done=TRUE & caval__rule__3__done=TRUE & caval__rule__4__done=TRUE',
5719 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__1__ALL) = 1187 & card(caval__rule__4__ALL) = 180'
5720 ], 'Ensure useless existentially quantified variable (value) does not perturb enumeration').
5721 cli_testcase(2003,[private_source_not_available],[
5723 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5724 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2020/01_Jan/ticket_record_typing/ruleERR_missingdata.mch',
5725 '-execute_all',
5726 '-execute_expect_steps', 3, '-silent',
5727 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE',
5728 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__ALL={({("FINAL_GEIF__id1"|->1|->"eq11"|->"eq11"|->1|->"aa")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id1"|->1|->"eq21"|->"eq21"|->1|->"aa")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id1"|->2|->"A_equ2__tst2"|->"A_equ2__tst2"|->2|->"aa")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id2"|->3|->"A_equ2__tst1"|->"A_equ2__tst1"|->3|->"aa")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id2"|->4|->"A_equ2__tst2"|->"A_equ2__tst1"|->4|->"aa")}|->FALSE)}'
5729 ], 'Ensure problem with type checker and wrongly sorted record fields solved').
5730 cli_testcase(2004,[private_source_not_available],[
5732 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5733 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2020/01_Jan/ticket_record_typing/ruleOK_noExpectedName.mch',
5734 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 3,
5735 '-silent',
5736 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE',
5737 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__ALL={({("FINAL_GEIF__id1"|->1|->"eq11"|->1|->"{1,2,3,4}")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id1"|->1|->"eq21"|->1|->"{1,2,3,4}")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id1"|->2|->"A_equ2__tst2"|->2|->"{1,2,3,4}")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id2"|->3|->"A_equ2__tst1"|->3|->"{1,2,3,4}")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id2"|->4|->"A_equ2__tst2"|->4|->"{1,2,3,4}")}|->FALSE)} '
5738 ], 'Variation of test 2003 with file which did not exhibit initial problem').
5739 cli_testcase(2005,[tickets,records],[
5741 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/RecordInDefinitions.mch',
5742 '-mc', '10', '-assertions'
5743 ], 'Ensure problem with type checker and wrongly sorted record fields solved').
5744 cli_testcase(2006,[tickets],[
5745 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Vu_Inclusion/BError_1.mch',
5746 '-init'
5747 ], 'Check no variable clash in machine inclusion').
5748 cli_testcase(2007,[private_source_not_available],[
5750 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
5751 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2020/01_Jan/memory/Debug__2486__INF/rule_OPS_SDS_2486/rule.mch',
5752 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2020/01_Jan/memory/Debug__2486__TO_STRING/rule_OPS_SDS_2486/rule.mch',
5753 '-execute_all', '-silent',
5754 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE & caval__rule__2__done=TRUE & caval__rule__3__done=TRUE'
5755 ], 'Test infinite loop in instantiated_enough for filter_cannot_match in b_compiler solved').
5756 cli_testcase(2008, [cbc,wd,sequences,strings], ['-p', 'STRING_AS_SEQUENCE', 'TRUE',
5757 '-evalt', 'rev("ab")="ba"',
5758 '-evalt', '{"abc","aba","a",""} = a & {x|x:a & x=rev(x)} = {"","a","aba"}',
5759 '-evalt', 'rev("a" ^ "b" ^ "c") = "cba"',
5760 '-evalt', 'rev(conc(["a" , "b" , "c"])) = "cba"'
5761 ], 'Check rev operator works on strings').
5762 cli_testcase(2009, [b_test,card,sequences], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
5763 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {x|x:seq(0..1) & card(x)>5} /= /*@symbolic */ {x|x:seq(0..1) & card(x)>5 & card(x) /= 10}',
5764 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {x|x:seq(0..1) & card(x)>5} /= /*@symbolic */ {x|x:seq(0..1) & card(x)>6}',
5765 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {x|x:seq(0..1) & card(x)>5} /= /*@symbolic */ {x|x:seq(0..2) & card(x)>5}'
5766 ],'Check symbolic treatment works'). % also works without /*@symbolic */
5767 cli_testcase(2010,[cbc],[
5768 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/DominatingSets/TestSolverStrength_DomBV.mch',
5769 '-init', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 7500 % Linux Gitlab runners seem considerably slower than MacBook here
5770 ], 'Check SOLVER_STRENGTH used for reification').
5771 cli_testcase(2011, [cbc,tickets], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5772 '-evalt', '{Knights,Knaves| Knights \\/ Knaves = All & Knights /\\ Knaves = {} & (1:Knights <=> (2:Knaves or 3:Knaves)) & (2:Knights <=> 1:Knights)}=Res & All=1..3 & Res = {({1,2}|->{3})}',
5773 '-evalt', 'Knights \\/ Knaves = All & Knights /\\ Knaves = {} & (1:Knights <=> (2:Knaves or 3:Knaves)) & (2:Knights <=> 1:Knights)',
5774 '-evalt', '{ck,Knights,Knaves| ck=card(Knights) & Knights \\/ Knaves = All & Knights /\\ Knaves = {} & (1:Knights <=> (2:Knaves or 3:Knaves)) & (2:Knights <=> 1:Knights)}=Res & All=1..3 & Res = {(2|->{1,2}|->{3})}'
5775 ], 'Test would produce set lists with repeated entries').
5776 cli_testcase(2012,[cbc],[
5777 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/Generated/Assertions/GenAssertions1000.mch',
5778 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/Generated/Assertions/GenPowAssertions1000.mch',
5780 '-init', '-assertions'
5781 ], 'Check generated assertions all solvable').
5782 cli_testcase(2013,[cbc],[
5783 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SAT_Tests/ReificationCompTests.mch',
5784 '-t'
5785 ], 'Check reification with function applications work').
5786 cli_testcase(2014, [private,data_validation,pragmas], ['../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/C578/2013/machines_06092013/T_032_002_pragmas.mch',
5787 '-init' ,'-aa', 0,1,0, '-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 7500, '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE',
5788 '-p', 'ENUMERATE_INFINITE_TYPES', 'FALSE', '-p', 'EXPAND_FORALL_UPTO', 0 ], 'Test 1146 with SYMBOLIC FALSE').
5789 cli_testcase(2015,[private_source_not_available],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
5790 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2020/02_Feb/well-def2/rule_OK.mch',
5791 '-execute_all', '-silent',
5792 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE & caval__rule__2__done=TRUE & caval__rule__3__done=TRUE & caval__rule__4__done=TRUE',
5793 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__4__ALL = {({}|->36|->TRUE),({}|->114|->TRUE),({("DVP_OK_paquet_commutable.xls"|->"MSG_P_SI11_MA_SI11-SI21-S"|->"P_SI11_E1"|->444)}|->132|->FALSE)}'
5794 ], 'Test idle waitflag not variable issue in exists solved').
5795 cli_testcase(2016, [codespeed], ['-version', '-cpp-version'], 'Just check startup time').
5796 cli_testcase(2017,[wd],[
5797 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/testPowerWD_ctx.eventb',
5798 '-init', '-expcterr', well_definedness_error, '-expcterr', setup_constants_fails,
5799 '-opterr', 'setup_constants_unknown' %% ?? or unknown ???
5800 ], 'Test WD error for power_of with negative base found').
5801 cli_testcase(2018,[wd,wd_prover],[
5802 '-evalt', ':wd x = 10/2',
5803 '-evalf', ':wd x = 10/0',
5804 '-evalt', ':wd a>0 & x>0 & x:1..10 & f:1..10-->INTEGER & f(x)=2 & x>1',
5805 '-evalt', ':wd z:2..8 & f=%x.(x:2..10|x) & y=f(z)',
5806 '-evalt', ':wd x:2..4 & f=%x.(x:1..8|x) & r=f(x)',
5807 '-evalt', ':wd %x.(x:2..8 | %x.(x:2..8|10/3)(x)) = x',
5808 '-evalt', ':wd %x.(x:2..8 | %x.(x:2..8|10/x)(x)) = x',
5809 '-evalt', ':wd x:NATURAL1 & y:NATURAL1 & x mod y = x/y',
5810 '-evalt', ':wd x:NAT1 & y:1..MAXINT & x mod y = x/y',
5811 '-evalt', ':wd s:perm(1..10) & f=s(1)',
5812 '-evalf', ':wd s:perm(1..10) & f=s(0)',
5813 '-evalf', ':wd s:perm(1..10) & f=s(11)',
5814 '-evalt', ':wd s:perm(1..10) & x:dom(s) & s2:perm(1..10) & s2(x)=res',
5815 '-evalt', ':wd x:iseq(BOOL) & size(x) = 1',
5816 '-evalt', ':wd x:POW(1..2) & card(x)=1',
5817 '-evalt', ':wd x:FIN(NATURAL1) & card(x)=1',
5818 '-evalt', ':wd card(iseq(BOOL))=r',
5819 '-evalf', ':wd card(seq(BOOL))=r',
5820 '-evalt', ':wd x:seq(NATURAL) & card(x)=2',
5821 '-evalt', ':wd x:seq(NATURAL1) & size(x)=2',
5822 '-evalt', ':wd size([1,2,x])=3',
5823 '-evalt', ':wd x={} & card(x)=0 & 1:x',
5824 '-evalt', ':wd size([1,2,4])=3',
5825 '-evalt', ':wd first(x->[2])=1',
5826 '-evalt', ':wd first(rev([1,2,3])) = 1',
5827 '-evalt', ':wd y:iseq(1..2) & first(y^rev([1,2,3])) >1',
5828 '-evalt', ':wd conc([[1] , [2]]) = res',
5829 '-evalt', ':wd first([1,2,3])=res',
5830 '-evalt', ':wd [1,2,3] /|\\ 2 = res',
5831 '-evalt', ':wd f = aGraph*{[]} & g:aGraph & f(g)=[2] & aGraph<:BOOL',
5832 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL +-> seq(INTEGER) & f = aGraph*{[]} & g:aGraph & f(g)=[2]',
5833 '-evalt', ':wd x:NATURAL1 & y>=x & x mod y = x/y',
5834 '-evalt', ':wd f : NATURAL1 --> INTEGER & x>2 & res=f(x)',
5835 '-evalt', ':wd x/={} & inter(x)={1}',
5836 '-evalt', ':wd f = %(p1,z1).(p1:A & z1:A|p1+z1) & A <: INTEGER & g: INTEGER +-> A & 1:dom(g) & res = f(g(1),g(1))',
5837 '-evalt', ':wd SIGMA(x).(x:1..10|x) =res',
5838 '-evalt', ':wd x:1..10 & f:1..10 --> BOOL & r=f(x)',
5839 '-evalf', ':wd x:1..10 & f:2..10 --> BOOL & r=f(x)',
5840 '-evalt', ':wd x=0 or res=10/x',
5841 '-evalt', ':wd f : NATURAL1 --> NATURAL1 & x>2 & res=f( f(x) )',
5842 '-evalt', ':wd f : NATURAL --> NATURAL1 & x>2 & res=f( f(x) )',
5843 '-evalt', ':wd f : INTEGER --> NATURAL1 & x>2 & res=f( f(x) )',
5844 '-evalf', ':wd f : NATURAL1 --> NATURAL & x>2 & res=f( f(x) )',
5845 '-evalt', ':wd f: 1..10 --> BOOL & card(S <| f)=9 & card(f <+ {x|->TRUE})=10 & card(S2 <<| f)=0 & card(f|>{TRUE})=0',
5846 '-evalt', ':wd f: 1..10 -->BOOL & res = (f <+ {11 |-> TRUE})(10)',
5847 '-evalf', ':wd f: 1..10 -->BOOL & res = (f <+ {11 |-> TRUE})(0)',
5848 '-evalt', ':wd f : 1..n --> BOOL & n=3 & f(3)=TRUE',
5849 '-evalt', ':wd f : {1,3,5,7,9} --> {1,3,5,7,9} & f(5)=3',
5850 '-evalt', ':wd f : {a,b} --> {1,3,5,7,9} & f(a)=3 & a:INTEGER',
5851 '-evalt', ':wd teamr : 1..11 >-> 1..22 & pp:ran(teamr) & res=teamr~(pp)',
5852 '-evalt', ':wd teamr : 1..11 >-> 1..22 & pp:ran(teamr) & res=teamr(teamr~(pp))',
5853 '-evalt', ':wd card( { tr | tr: 1..NRTrains & tr : other}) = 1',
5854 '-evalt', ':wd S <: NATURAL1 & f : S >+> S & pl : ran(f) & vps : S --> 0..mx & res=vps(pl)',
5855 '-evalt', ':wd S <: NATURAL1 & f : S >+> S & pl : dom(f) & vps : S --> 0..mx & res=vps(pl)',
5856 '-evalt', ':wd a:iseq(BOOL) & x:dom(a) & r=10/x',
5857 '-evalt', ':wd a:INTEGER+->NATURAL1 & x:ran(a) & r=10/x',
5858 '-evalf', ':wd a:INTEGER+->NATURAL1 & x:dom(a) & r=10/x',
5859 '-evalf', ':wd a:INTEGER+->z..y & x:ran(a) & r=10/x',
5860 '-evalf', ':wd a:INTEGER+->x..y & x:ran(a) & r=10/x',
5861 '-evalt', ':wd S_ESPC <: NAT & aspect_pi : S_ESPC --> INT & S_ESPC = {PL02,PL04} & res = aspect_pi (PL02)',
5862 '-evalt', ':wd a:1..10 & b:2..20 & f: (1..10)*(2..40) --> BOOL & f(a|->b)=TRUE',
5863 '-evalt', ':wd a:1..10 & b:2..20 & f: (1..10) --> ((2..40) --> BOOL) & f(a)(b)=TRUE',
5864 '-evalt', ':wd x:FIN(x) & x<:INTEGER & card(x)=10',
5865 '-evalt', ':wd x:FIN(x) & x<:INTEGER & y <: x & card(y)=10',
5866 '-evalt', ':wd x:FIN(x) & x<:INTEGER & y <<: x & card(y)=10',
5867 '-evalt', ':wd f:NATURAL1 --> NATURAL1 & a:NATURAL1 & b:NATURAL & f(a)=c & f(b+1)=c', %% PP runs forever
5868 '-evalt', ':wd f:NATURAL1 --> NATURAL1 & a:NATURAL1 & b:NATURAL & 10 / f(a) = 10 / a & 10 / f(b+1) = 10 / (b+1)', %% PP runs forever
5869 '-evalt', ':wd f:NATURAL1 --> NATURAL1 & a:NATURAL1 & b:NATURAL & max({a,b,c})=c',
5870 '-evalt', ':wd f:NATURAL1 --> NATURAL1 & a:NATURAL1 & b:NATURAL & c>a & max(a..c)=c',
5871 '-evalt', ':wd g:a..c --> NATURAL1 & a:NATURAL1 & b:NATURAL & c>a & g(a)=g(c)',
5872 '-evalt', ':wd a:NATURAL1 & b:NATURAL & c>a & s <: {a,b,c} & card(s)=3',
5873 '-evalt', ':wd %x.(x:2..4 | %x.(x:4..8|10/x)(2*x)) = x',
5874 '-evalf', ':wd %x.(x:2..4 | %x.(x:4..7|10/x)(2*x)) = x',
5875 '-evalf', ':wd %x.(x:2..4 | %x.(x:5..8|10/x)(2*x)) = x',
5876 '-evalt', ':wd x:1..10 & f:1..100 --> INT & f(9*x+10)=res',
5877 '-evalt', ':wd x:1..10 & f:1..99 --> INT & f(9*x+9)=res',
5878 '-evalf', ':wd x:1..10 & f:1..99 --> INT & f(9*x+10)=res',
5879 '-evalt', ':wd x:10..109 & f:1..10 --> INT & f(x/10)=res',
5880 '-evalf', ':wd x:9..109 & f:1..10 --> INT & f(x/10)=res',
5881 '-evalf', ':wd x:10..110 & f:1..10 --> INT & f(x/10)=res',
5882 '-evalt', ':wd a : 1 .. sz --> INTEGER & p : perm(dom(a)) & i : 1 .. sz - 1 & res= p(i)',
5883 '-evalt', ':wd a : 1 .. sz --> INTEGER & sz=5 & p : perm(dom(a)) & i : 1 .. sz - 1 & res= p(i)',
5884 '-evalt', ':wd ff: BOOL <-> BOOL & x:dom(ff) & fnc(ff)(x) = res',
5885 '-evalt', ':wd y /=0 & res = x/-y',
5886 '-evalt', ':wd x>0 & (y>=0 & z>=0 => (x**(y*z) = (x**y)**z))',
5887 '-evalt', ':wd (y>=0 & z>=0 & x:INTEGER => (x**(y+z) = x**y * x**z)) ',
5888 '-evalt', ':wd card(perm(1..10)) > 10 & card({x,y|x:1..22 & y=x}) = 22 & card({x,y|x<:1..10 & y=x}) = 1024',
5889 '-evalf', ':wd card({x,y|x:INTEGER & y=x})> 0',
5890 '-evalt', ':wd {n| #x.(x<:(BOOL*BOOL*BOOL) & card(x)=n)} = 0..8',
5891 '-evalt', ':wd x<:INTEGER & {n| #x.(x<:(BOOL*BOOL*BOOL) & card(x)=n)} = 0..8',
5892 '-evalf', ':wd x<:BOOL & {n| #x.(x<:(BOOL*INTEGER*BOOL) & card(x)=n)} = 0..8',
5893 '-evalt', ':wd tail( %x.(x:1..10|TRUE) )=res',
5894 '-evalf', ':wd tail( %x.(x:1..yy|TRUE) )=res',
5895 '-evalt', ':wd card({rr|rr:BOOL<->BOOL & closure1(rr)=rr}) =res',
5896 '-evalt', ':wd r={TRUE|->FALSE} & card({y,x|x|->y:r})=c',
5897 '-evalt', ':wd card({rr|rr:BOOL+->BOOL & closure1(rr)=rr}) =res',
5898 %'-evalt', ':wd f = {x,y|x<:1..10 & y=x} & res = f((1..2))',
5899 %'-evalt', ':wd f = {x,y|x<:1..10 & y=x} & res = f({1,10})',
5900 '-evalt', ':wd r=[1,11,111] & card({y,x|x|->y:r}) = s',
5901 '-evalt', ':wd r = [1,11,11] & card(r~[{11}])=1',
5902 '-evalt', ':wd r = pred & card(r[1..10])=10',
5903 '-evalt', ':wd x={1|->11,3|->33,5|->55,7|->77,9|->99,100000|->0} & y:dom(x) & res= x(y)',
5904 '-evalt', ':wd x={1|->rec(d:11),3|->rec(d:33),100000|->rec(d:0)} & y:dom(x) & res= x(y)',
5905 '-evalt', ':wd f={1|->x, 3|->y} & 11=f(1)',
5906 '-evalt', ':wd x:1..n-->BOOL & !i.(i:1..(n-2) => (x(i)=TRUE <=> (x(i+1)=FALSE & x(i+2)=FALSE)))',
5907 '-evalt', ':wd s1 |-> s2 : {(1,2),(2,3),(3,5)} & [0,100,200,300,400,500,600,700](s1) = res',
5908 '-evalt', ':wd s1 |-> s2 : {(1,2),(2,3),(3,5)}~ & [0,100,200,300,400,500,600,700](s2) = res',
5909 '-evalt', ':wd s2 : ran({(1,2),(2,3),(3,5)}) & [0,100,200,300,400,500,600,700](s2) = res',
5910 '-evalt', ':wd i5 = %x.(x>10|100+x) & 100:dom(i5) & res=i5(100)',
5911 '-evalf', ':wd i5 = %x.(x>10|100+x) & 11:dom(i5) & res=i5(10)',
5912 '-evalt', ':wd card(struct(f1:1..2,f2:1..2))=res',
5913 '-evalf', ':wd card(struct(f1:1..2,f2:NATURAL))=res',
5914 '-evalt', ':wd target = [2,1,1,2,1] & n=size(target) & i:1..n & target(i)=res',
5915 '-evalf', ':wd target = [2,1,1,2,1] & n=size(target) & i:1..n & target(i+1)=res',
5916 '-evalf', ':wd target = [2,1,1,2,1] & n=size(target) & i:0..n & target(i)=res',
5917 '-evalt', ':wd Right:seq(BOOL) & (Right/=[] => tail(Right)=res)',
5918 '-evalt', ':wd Right:seq(BOOL) & (Right<-FALSE)(1)=cur',
5919 '-evalt', ':wd ds : (POW(INTEGER)*seq(BOOL)) --> POW(INTEGER) & res=ds(cur,[input])',
5920 '-evalt', ':wd K : seq(BOOL) <-> seq(BOOL) & ix|->iy:K & res= ix^iy',
5921 '-evalt', ':wd arr : 1 .. n --> BOOL & j : 1 .. n - 1 & i=j & i2=i+1 & arr(i2)=res',
5922 '-evalf', ':wd f: BOOL --> 1..10 & g : 2..20 --> BOOL & bb:BOOL & (f;g)(bb)=res',
5923 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL --> 1..10 & g : 0..20 --> BOOL & bb:BOOL & (f;g)(bb)=res',
5924 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL --> 1..10 & g : 0..20 --> BOOL & bb:BOOL & fg = (f;g) & (fg)(bb)=res',
5925 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL --> 1..10 & g : 0..20 --> 8..16 & bb:BOOL & g(((f;g))(bb))=res',
5926 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL --> 1..10 & g : 0..20 --> 8..16 & bb:BOOL & fg = (f;g) & g((fg)(bb))=res',
5927 '-evalt', ':wd max({1} \\/ (1..100 /\\ {x|x>2 & x<2}))=res',
5928 '-evalf', ':wd max((1..100 /\\ {x|x>2 & x<2}))=res',
5929 '-evalt', ':wd iv:seq(BOOL) & size(iv)>0 & res=first(iv)',
5930 '-evalt', ':wd iv:seq(INT) & size(iv)>=1 & res=first(iv)',
5931 '-evalt', ':wd iv:seq(NAT) & card(iv)>=1 & res=first(iv)',
5932 '-evalf', ':wd iv:seq(INT) & size(iv)>=0 & res=first(iv)',
5933 '-evalt', ':wd iv:seq(NATURAL1) & size(iv)>x & x>=1 & res=first(iv)',
5934 % '-evalt', ':wd iv:seq(NATURAL1) & b:seq(BOOL) & size(iv)>size(b) & res=first(iv)',
5935 '-evalt', ':wd iv:seq(NATURAL1) & b:seq(BOOL) & size(iv)>size(b) & size(b) > 0 & res=first(iv)',
5936 '-evalt', ':wd iv:seq(NATURAL1) & b:seq(BOOL) & size(iv)>size(b) & card(b) > 0 & res=first(iv)',
5937 '-evalt', ':wd iv:seq(NATURAL1) & b:seq(BOOL) & size(iv)>size(b) & b /= {} & res=first(iv)',
5938 '-evalt', ':wd ff:seq(BOOL) & (ff/=<> => (first(ff) = last(rev(ff)) & last(ff) = first(rev(ff))))',
5939 '-evalt', ':wd ff:seq(BOOL) & card(ff^ff) > card(rev(ff))',
5940 '-evalt', ':wd ff:seq1(INT) & x=max(ran((ff)))',
5941 '-evalt', ':wd ff:seq1(INT) & x=max(ran(rev(ff)))',
5942 '-evalt', ':wd ff:seq1(INT) & x=max(ran(ff^ff))',
5943 '-evalt', ':wd ff: 1..10 --> INT & m = max(ran(ff))',
5944 '-evalf', ':wd ff: 1..10 +-> INT & m = max(ran(ff))',
5945 '-evalt', ':wd ff:seq(BOOL) & xx:1..(size(ff)) => (( (ff/|\\xx)/\\(ff\\|/xx) ) = <> )',
5946 '-evalt', ':wd ff:seq(BOOL) & xx:NAT1 & xx:1..(size(ff)) => (( (ff/|\\xx)/\\(ff\\|/xx) ) = <> )',
5947 '-evalt', ':wd f:1..10 --> BOOL & x:NATURAL1 & x<11 & res=f(x)',
5948 '-evalt', ':wd f:1..10 --> BOOL & x:NATURAL1 & x<=card(f) & res=f(x)',
5949 '-evalt', ':wd f:1..10 --> BOOL & x:NAT1 & x<11 & res=f(x)',
5950 '-evalt', ':wd f:1..10 --> BOOL & x:NAT1 & x<size(f) & res=f(x)',
5951 '-evalt', ':wd f:1..10 --> BOOL & x:NAT1 & x<card(f) & res=f(x)',
5952 '-evalt', ':wd min(NAT1)=1 & min(NAT)=0 & max(NAT)=maxint',
5953 '-evalt', ':wd ff:seq1(BOOL) => (first(ff)=ff(1) & last(ff) = ff(size(ff)))',
5954 '-evalt', ':wd s:seq(BOOL) & i:NATURAL1 & i<= size(s) & res=s(i)',
5955 '-evalt', ':wd s:seq(BOOL) & j:NATURAL1 & i>j & i<= size(s) & res=s(i)',
5956 '-evalt', ':wd (IF y>0 THEN [1] ELSE [2] END)^[3] = x',
5957 '-evalt', ':wd (IF y>0 THEN [1] ELSE [2] END)^[3,4] = x',
5958 '-evalt', ':wd first(IF y>0 THEN [1] ELSE [2] END) = x',
5959 '-evalt', ':wd y:seq(INT) & r=tail(IF x<0 THEN [0] ELSE [x] END^y)',
5960 '-evalt', ':wd yy:1..9 & xx<yy & r=1/(10-xx)',
5961 '-evalt', ':wd yy:1..10 & xx<yy & r=1/(10-xx)', % requires to store < in hyps
5962 '-evalt', ':wd yy:1..10 & yy>xx & r=1/(10-xx)', % ditto
5963 '-evalf', ':wd yy:1..10 & xx<=yy & r=1/(10-xx)',
5964 '-evalt', ':wd ts = [TRUE,FALSE,TRUE] & t={1,3,5} & i:1..card(t) & res=ts(i)',
5965 '-evalt', ':wd ts = [TRUE,FALSE,TRUE] & t={1,3,5} & i:0..card(t)-1 & res=ts(i+1)',
5966 '-evalt', ':wd d=1..n & a:d --> 1..100 & d /= {} & res=max(d)',
5967 '-evalt', ':wd a:1..n --> 1..100 & 1..n /= {} & res=a(1)',
5968 '-evalt', ':wd d=1..n & a:d --> 1..100 & d /= {} & res=a(1)',
5969 '-evalt', ':wd d=1..n & a:d --> 1..100 & d /= {} & res=a(n)',
5970 '-evalt', ':wd g : 1 .. n >-> NATURAL & k:1..n & j:k..n & n>k & j>=k & res = min(g[k..j])',
5971 '-evalt', ':wd f : i..j --> BOOL & x:i..j & res=f(i)',
5972 '-evalt', ':wd g : 1 .. n >-> NATURAL & k:1..n & j:k..n & res = min(g[k..j])',
5973 '-evalt', ':wd j : k .. n & ll : k .. j & g : 1 .. n >-> NATURAL & k : 1 .. n & ll:NATURAL & res = g(ll)',
5974 '-evalt', ':wd j:1..k & f:1..k --> BOOL & j/=k & res=f(j+1)',
5975 '-evalt', ':wd j:1..k & f:1..k --> BOOL & j/=1 & res=f(j-1)',
5976 '-evalt', ':wd f: 1..10 +-> BOOL & 1..9 <: dom(f) & res=f(1)',
5977 '-evalt', ':wd f: 1..10 +-> BOOL & !x.(x:1..9 => x:dom(f)) & res=f(1)',
5978 '-evalf', ':wd f: 1..10 +-> BOOL & !x.(x:1..9 => x:dom(f)) & 1..9 <: dom(f) &res=f(10)',
5979 '-evalt', ':wd s:seq(BOOL) & size(s)=10 & xx:1..n & n<10 & res = (s /|\\ n)(xx)',
5980 '-evalt', ':wd s:seq(BOOL) & size(s)=10 & xx:1..n & n<=10 & res = (s /|\\ n)(xx)',
5981 '-evalf', ':wd s:seq(BOOL) & size(s)=10 & xx:1..n & n<=10 & res = (s /|\\ n)(xx+1)',
5982 '-evalf', ':wd s:seq(BOOL) & size(s)=10 & xx:1..11 & n<=10 & res = (s /|\\ n)(xx)',
5983 '-evalt', ':wd sze = 8 & MSG = 1 .. sze --> BIT & BIT = {0,1} & c:MSG & res = c(1)',
5984 '-evalf', ':wd sze = 8 & MSG = 1 .. sze --> BIT & BIT = {0,1} & c:MSG & res = c(0)',
5985 '-evalt', ':wd make = id(INTEGER * INTEGER) & coord = make~ & xcoord = (coord ; %(z_,z__).(z_ : INTEGER & z__ : INTEGER|z_)) & res = xcoord((1,2))',
5986 '-evalt', ':wd make = id(NATURAL1 * NATURAL1) & coord = make~ & xcoord = (coord ; %(z_,z__).(z_ : INTEGER & z__ : INTEGER|z_)) & res = xcoord((1,2))',
5987 '-evalf', ':wd make = id(NATURAL1 * NATURAL1) & coord = make~ & xcoord = (coord ; %(z_,z__).(z_ : INTEGER & z__ : INTEGER|z_)) & res = xcoord((1,0))',
5988 '-evalf', ':wd j : k .. n & l: k..j & g : 1 .. n >-> NATURAL & res = g(l)', % l not guaranteed >= 1
5989 '-evalt', ':wd k>=1 & j : k .. n & l: k..j & g : 1 .. n >-> NATURAL & res = g(l)',
5990 '-evalt', ':wd BVc=16 & BIdx = 1..BVc & s:BIdx --> BOOL & res=size(s)',
5991 '-evalf', ':wd BVc>=0 & BIdx = 1..BVc & s:BIdx --> BOOL & res=first(s)',
5992 '-evalt', ':wd BVc>0 & BIdx = 1..BVc & s:BIdx --> BOOL & res=first(s)',
5993 '-evalt', ':wd BVc=16 & BIT={0,1} & BIdx = 1..BVc & bt:BIdx --> BIT & bit_not : BIT >->> BIT & res = bit_not(bt(1))',
5994 '-evalt', ':wd BVc=16 & BIT={0,1} & BIdx = 1..BVc & BV16 = BIdx --> BIT & bt:BV16 & bit_not : BIT >->> BIT & res = bit_not(bt(1))',
5995 '-evalt', ':wd U_MAX = (pow2__16) -1 & U_MIN = 0 & USHORT = U_MIN..U_MAX & v0 : USHORT & res = v0 mod 2',
5996 '-evalt', ':wd U_MAX = pow2__8 - 1 & U_MIN = 0 & UCHAR = ( U_MIN .. U_MAX) & uchar_byte = % ( v0 ) . ( v0 : UCHAR | [v0 mod 2,v0/2]) & w1:UCHAR & res=uchar_byte(w1)',
5997 '-evalt', ':wd x: iseq(BOOL) & TRUE:ran(x) & res = x~(TRUE)',
5998 '-evalt', ':wd f : BOOL --> iseq(BOOL) & x=f(TRUE) & p1:dom(x) & res=x(p1)',
5999 '-evalt', ':wd f : BOOL --> iseq(BOOL) & x:ran(f) & p1:dom(x) & res=x(p1)',
6000 '-evalt', ':wd PFT = BOOL --> iseq(BOOL) & f : PFT & x:ran(f) & p1:dom(x) & res=x(p1)',
6001 '-evalt', ':wd PFT = iseq(BOOL) --> BOOL & f : PFT & x:dom(f) & p1:dom(x) & res=x(p1)',
6002 '-evalt', ':wd s : seq1(BOOL) & i=size(s) & res = s(i)',
6003 '-evalt', ':wd s : seq1(BOOL) & i=size(s) & res = s /|\\ i',
6004 '-evalt', ':wd s : seq1(BOOL) & i=size(s)/2 & res = s /|\\ (size(s)/2)',
6005 % does not work yet: :wd s : seq1(BOOL) & i=size(s)/2 & res = s /|\ i
6006 '-evalt', ':wd stackTypes : -4 .. MaxSize --> BOOL & MaxSize : 0 .. 9 & stackSz <= MaxSize & stackSz > 1 & shart = stackTypes(stackSz)',
6007 % does not work yet: :wd stackTypes : -4 .. MaxSize-1 --> BOOL & MaxSize : 0 .. 9 & stackSz <= MaxSize & stackSz > 1 & shart = stackTypes(stackSz-1)
6008 '-evalt', ':wd ZO=3 & ZQ=4 & adz = {ZO|->TRUE,ZQ|->FALSE} & r:dom(adz) & res=adz(r)',
6009 '-evalt', ':wd ZO=3 & ZQ=4 & adz = {ZO|->TRUE,ZQ|->FALSE} & r:{3} & res=adz(r)',
6010 '-evalt', ':wd ZO=3 & ZQ=4 & adz = {ZO|->TRUE,ZQ|->FALSE} & r:{ZO,ZQ} & res=adz(r)',
6011 % :wd ZO=3 & ZQ=4 & adz = {3|->TRUE,4|->vv} & r:{3,4} & res=adz(r) % TODO
6012 % :wd ZO=3 & ZQ=4 & adz = {ZO|->TRUE,ZQ|->FALSE} & r:{3,4} & res=adz(r) % TODO
6013 '-evalt', ':wd CS : INTEGER +-> INTEGER & {3,4} <: dom(CS) & 5:dom(CS) & res=CS(3)',
6014 '-evalt', ':wd CS : INTEGER +-> INTEGER & {3,x} <: dom(CS) & res=CS(x)',
6015 '-evalt', ':wd CS : INTEGER +-> INTEGER & {y,x} <: dom(CS) & res=CS(x)',
6016 '-evalt', ':wd CS : INTEGER +-> INTEGER & ds <: dom(CS) & x:ds & res=CS(x)',
6017 '-evalt', ':wd CS : INTEGER +-> INTEGER & x = dom(CS) - other & 3:x & res=CS(3)',
6018 '-evalt', ':wd CS : INTEGER +-> INTEGER & {3} = dom(CS) - other & res=CS(3)',
6019 '-evalt', ':wd x:struct(f:BOOL --> STRING,g:POW(1..2)) & res= card(x\'g)',
6020 '-evalt', ':wd x:TS & TS=struct(f:BOOL --> STRING,g:POW(1..2)) & res= card(x\'g)',
6021 '-evalt', ':wd x:struct(f:BOOL --> STRING, g:BOOL) & res= x\'f(TRUE)',
6022 '-evalt',':wd x:struct(f:BOOL --> STRING) & xf = x\'f & res= xf(TRUE)',
6023 '-evalt', ':wd x:TS & TS=struct(f:BOOL --> STRING) & xf = x\'f & res= xf(TRUE)',
6024 '-evalt', ':wd X = Y \\/ Z & Y /\\ Z = {} & Y<:1..10 & Z <:1..10 & Y /= {} & res=max(X)',
6025 '-evalt', ':wd X = Y \\/ Z & Y /\\ Z = {} & Y<:1..10 & Z <:1..10 & 2:Y & res=max(X)',
6026 '-evalt', ':wd v:NAT1 & {TRUE|->v,FALSE|->w/v}(bool(x>10)) = res',
6027 '-evalt', ':wd V : N >-> NAT & da /= {} & V[da] /= {} & da <: 1..100 & res = V~(max(V[da]))',
6028 '-evalf', ':wd V : N >-> NAT & da /= {} & da <: 1..100 & res = V~(max(V[da]))', % cannot prove not empty
6029 '-evalt', ':wd f = %v1.(v1 : 0..512 & v1 <= SMAX|v1) \\/ %v1.(v1 : 0..512 & not(v1 <= SMAX)|v1 - 256) & f(0)=res',
6030 '-evalt', ':wd A<:NAT & f:A*A --> INTEGER & g:BOOL-->A & res= f(g(x),g(y))',
6031 '-evalt', ':wd N<:NAT & V : N >-> NAT & y:dom(V) & k = V(y) & m = (V~ ; a) & a : N +-> N & n : N >->> N & k |-> y : m & res = V~(k)',
6032 '-evalt', ':wd SIG : ran(fst) >->> NAT & fst : BOOL --> NATURAL & res = SIG(fst(r))',
6033 '-evalt', ':wd accel : 1 .. VEH --> MIN_A .. MAX_A & VEH >= 2 & v : 2 .. d_veh - 1 & d_veh : 1 .. VEH + 1 & res=accel(v-1)',
6034 '-evalt', ':wd b : RwSmallDom --> BOOL & x:RwDom & RwSmallDom = MinRwAddress .. MaxRwAddress & RwDom = MinRwPointer .. MaxRwPointer & MinRwAddress = MinRwPointer & MaxRwAddress = 3 + MaxRwPointer & res =b(x)',
6035 '-evalf', ':wd lightArcTo = {towinglight |-> 2475} \\/ {allroundlight |-> 3600} \\/ {sternlight |-> 2475} \\/ {sidelightPort |-> 3600} \\/ {sidelightStarboard |-> 1125} \\/ {mastheadlight |-> 1125} & towinglight:STRING & res = lightArcTo(towinglight)',
6036 '-evalt', ':wd lightArcTo = {11 |-> 2475} \\/ {22 |-> 3600} \\/ {33 |-> 2475} \\/ {44 |-> 3600} \\/ {55 |-> 1125} \\/ {66 |-> 1125} & res = lightArcTo(55)',
6037 '-evalt', ':wd cdoor=1..10 & cmd_doors : BOOL --> POW(cdoor) & carriage_ds : cdoor --> BOOL & cmd:dom(cmd_doors) & d : cmd_doors(cmd) & res = carriage_ds(d)',
6038 '-evalf', ':wd res = 3 mod -2',
6039 '-evalt', ':wd f: NAT +-> NAT & dom(f) /\\ {a} /= {} & res=f(a)',
6040 '-evalt', ':wd f: NAT >+> NAT & {a} /\\ ran(f) /= {} & res=f~(a)',
6041 '-evalf', ':wd f: BOOL <-> INTEGER & card({TRUE} <| f)=10',
6042 '-evalt', ':wd f: NATURAL <-> 2..10 & card(1..10 <| f)=10',
6043 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL <-> INTEGER & card(f |> {11})=10',
6044 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL <-> NATURAL & card(f |> {11})=10',
6045 '-evalt', ':wd f : BOOL <-> INTEGER & card(dom(f))=1',
6046 '-evalt', ':wd f : 1..10 <-> INTEGER & card(dom(f))=1',
6047 '-evalf', ':wd f : INTEGER <-> 1..10 & card(dom(f))=1',
6048 '-evalt', ':wd f : INTEGER <-> 1..10 & card(ran(f))=1',
6049 '-evalt', ':wd x : {f | f: 1..10 --> BOOL & f(1)=f(10)} & res=x(1)',
6050 '-evalf', ':wd ff : NATURAL +-> BOOL & res=card(ff |> {FALSE})',
6051 '-evalt', ':wd f: NATURAL <-> NATURAL & x<:1..10 & res = card((1..2) <| f |> x)',
6052 '-evalt', ':wd T=BOOL & sq = {f|f : INTEGER +-> T & #n.(n >= 0 & f : 1 .. n --> T)} & 1:dom(s) & s:sq & res=s(1)',
6053 '-evalt', ':wd T=BOOL & sq = {f|f : INTEGER +-> T & #n.(n >= 0 & f : 1 .. n --> T)} & s1 = sq - {{}} & 1:dom(s) & s:s1 & res=s(1)',
6054 '-evalt', ':wd vehicle = 1 & accel : 1 .. VEHICLES --> BOOL & vehicle : 1 .. VEHICLES + 1 & VEHICLES : NAT1 & res = accel(vehicle)',
6055 '-evalt', ':wd D=1..10 & f:D-->BOOL & g:D-->BOOL & h:{f,g} & res= h(2)',
6056 '-evalt', ':wd i : BOOL --> dom(wtp) & wtp : NAT1 +-> BOOL & res = wtp(i(TRUE))',
6057 '-evalt', ':wd i : BOOL --> (BOOL --> dom(wtp)) & wtp : NAT1 +-> BOOL & res = wtp(i(TRUE)(TRUE))',
6058 '-evalt', ':wd MAtemp: BOOL +-> POW(INTEGER) & res = (({tr} <<| MAtemp) \\/ {tr |-> 1..2})(tr)',
6059 '-evalt', ':wd MAtemp: BOOL +-> POW(INTEGER) & res = ((MAtemp) <+ {tr |-> 1..2})(tr)',
6060 '-evalt', ':wd s = {1|->3} & res = s(card(s))',
6061 '-evalt', ':wd D=1..10 & d1:D & res = rev({} /\\ {1 |-> d1})',
6062 '-evalt', ':wd D=1..10 & d1:D & res = rev({1 |-> d1} /\\ [])',
6063 '-evalf', ':wd D=1..10 & d1:D & res = rev({1 |-> 1, 1 |-> d1})',
6064 '-evalt', ':wd D=1..10 & d1:D & res = rev({2 |-> d1, 1 |-> d1})',
6065 '-evalf', ':wd q: 0..10 --> BOOL & a>0 & res=q(a mod 12)',
6066 '-evalt', ':wd q: 0..10 --> BOOL & a>0 & res=q(a mod 11)',
6067 '-evalt', ':wd q: 0..10 --> BOOL & a>0 & a<11 & res=q(a mod 101)',
6068 '-evalt', ':wd n:NAT1 & q: 0..(n) --> BOOL & a>0 & res=q(a mod n)',
6069 '-evalt', ':wd n:NAT1 & q: 0..(n-1) --> BOOL & a>0 & res=q(a mod n)',
6070 '-evalt', ':wd wt : 1..w --> BOOL & wtp : NAT1 +-> BOOL & wt <: wtp & m:dom(wt) & res=wtp(m)',
6071 '-evalt', ':wd wt : 1..w --> BOOL & wtp : NAT1 +-> BOOL & wt <: wtp & m>0 & m<w & w>1 & res=wtp(m)',
6072 '-evalf', ':wd Trains <: NATURAL & isConnected : (trainKind~)[{13}] --> BOOL & tr : Trains & trainKind = {t1 |-> 11,t2 |-> 22} & trainKind : Trains --> TrainKind & res = isConnected(tr)',
6073 '-evalt', ':wd Trains <: NATURAL & isConnected : (trainKind~)[{11}] --> BOOL & tr : Trains & trainKind = {t1 |-> 11,t2 |-> 22} & trainKind : Trains --> TrainKind & res = isConnected(tr)',
6074 '-evalt', ':wd tpp = {1,2} & ppp : tpp & ers = {1|->2,2|->1}(ppp)',
6075 '-evalf', ':wd a:NAT & tpp = {a,b} & a/=b & ppp : tpp & ers = {a|->1,a|->2}(ppp)',
6076 '-evalt', ':wd a:NAT & tpp = {a,b} & a/=b & ppp : tpp & ers = {a|->b,b|->a}(ppp)',
6077 '-evalt', ':wd f = %x.(x<10 |x-1) & res=f(1)',
6078 '-evalf', ':wd f = %x.(x<10 |x-1) & res=f(10)',
6079 '-evalt', ':wd f = %x.(x:NATURAL1 & x<10 |x-1) & res=f(1)',
6080 '-evalt', ':wd f = %x.(x:NATURAL1 & x:{1,3,5,7,y} |x-1) & res=f(1)',
6081 '-evalt', ':wd ic = struct(val:(1..2 --> BOOL)) & x:ic & res = x\'val(1)',
6082 '-evalt', ':wd ic = struct(val:seq1(BOOL)) & x:ic & res = x\'val(1)',
6083 '-evalt', ':wd ic = struct(val:seq1(BOOL)) & x:BOOL-->ic & res = x(TRUE)\'val(1)',
6084 '-evalt', ':wd ic = struct(val:seq1(BOOL)) & x:BOOL+->ic & TRUE:dom(x) & res = x(TRUE)\'val(1)',
6085 '-evalt', ':wd f = (%(x,y,z).(x:BOOL & y:1..2 & z:BOOL|1)) & res = f(TRUE,2,FALSE)',
6086 '-evalt', ':wd f = %x.(x:1..100 & x:aa|x+1) & y:aa & y:2..5 & res=f(y)',
6087 '-evalt', ':wd s = ["a","b"] & y:ran(s) & x: {s~(y)} & res = s(x)',
6088 '-evalt', ':wd s = ["a","b"] & y:ran(s) & v:dom(s) & x: {v,s~(y)} & res = s(x)',
6089 '-evalt', ':wd s = ["a","b"] & y:ran(s) & v:dom(s) & x: {v} \\/ {s~(y)} & res = s(x)',
6090 '-evalt', ':wd s = ["a","b"] & r = ["x","y","z"] & x:dom(s) & res= r(x)',
6091 '-evalf', ':wd s = ["a","b"] & r = ["x","y","z"] & x:dom(r) & res= s(x)',
6092 '-evalt', ':wd s = ["a","b"] & r = ["a","b","c"] & x:ran(s) & res= r~(x)',
6093 '-evalf', ':wd s = ["a","b"] & r = ["a","b","c"] & x:ran(r) & res= s~(x)',
6094 '-evalt', ':wd s = {"a","b","c","d"} & r = ["a","b","c","d","e","f"] & x:s & res= r~(x)',
6095 '-evalf', ':wd s = {"a","b","cc","d"} & r = ["a","b","c","d","e","f"] & x:s & res= r~(x)',
6096 '-evalf', ':wd y<10 & res=%x.(x:NATURAL1|x-1)(y)', % test assertion_expression
6097 '-evalt', ':wd y>1 & res=%x.(x:NATURAL1|x-1)(y)',
6098 '-evalt', ':wd f : BOOL --> (NATURAL * (BOOL --> BOOL)) & g = prj2(INTEGER,(BOOL<->BOOL))(f(TRUE)) & res = g(x)',
6099 '-evalt', ':wd f : BOOL --> ((BOOL --> BOOL)*NAT) & g = prj1((BOOL<->BOOL),INTEGER)(f(TRUE)) & res = g(x)',
6100 '-evalt', ':wd f : BOOL --> ((BOOL --> BOOL)*NAT) & g = prj1((BOOL<->BOOL),NAT)(f(TRUE)) & res = g(x)',
6101 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL +-> BOOL & g:BOOL +-> BOOL & dom(f) <: dom(g) & y:dom(f) & res=g(y)',
6102 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL +-> BOOL & g:BOOL +-> BOOL & !x,y.(x|->y:f => x:dom(g)) & y:dom(f) & res=g(y)',
6103 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL +-> BOOL & g:BOOL >+> BOOL & !x,y.(x|->y:f => x:ran(g)) & y:dom(f) & res=g~(y)',
6104 '-evalt', ':wd TRACK : FIN(NATURAL1) & x: TRACK +-> NATURAL1 & card(x)<3',
6105 '-evalt', ':wd TRACK : FIN(NATURAL1) & x: TRACK --> NATURAL1 & card(x)<3',
6106 '-evalf', ':wd TRACK : FIN(NATURAL1) & x: TRACK <-> NATURAL1 & card(x)<3',
6107 '-evalt', ':wd TRACK : FIN(NATURAL1) & x: TRACK <-> BOOL & card(x)<3',
6108 '-evalt', ':wd TRACK : FIN(NATURAL1) & x: TRACK <->> BOOL & card(x)<3',
6109 '-evalf', ':wd TRACK : FIN(NATURAL1) & x: NATURAL1 +-> TRACK & card(x)<3',
6110 '-evalt', ':wd TRACK : FIN(NATURAL1) & x: NATURAL1 >-> TRACK & card(x)<3',
6111 '-evalt', ':wd x>=0 & res= 10 / (2**x)',
6112 '-evalf', ':wd x>=0 & res= 10 / (x**2)',
6113 '-evalt', ':wd x>0 & res= 10 / (x**2)',
6114 '-evalt', ':wd x/=0 & res= 10 / (x**2)',
6115 '-evalt', ':wd x>=0 & res= 10 mod (2**x)',
6116 '-evalt', ':wd a:0..2**8 & z:0..8 & res = (a/(2**z)) mod 2',
6117 '-evalt', ':wd f = %(x,y).(x:NATURAL1 & y:NATURAL1 &x<y | x+y) & res = f(1,2)',
6118 '-evalf', ':wd f = %(x,y).(x:NATURAL1 & y:NATURAL1 &x<y | x+y) & res = f(2,2)',
6119 '-evalt', ':wd f = %(x,y,z).(x:NATURAL1 & y:NATURAL1 & z:NATURAL & x<y | x+y+z) & res = f(1,2,3)',
6120 '-evalt', ':wd f=%x.(x:seq1({0,1})|x) & res = f([1,0])',
6121 '-evalt', ':wd f=%(x,y).(x:POW(BOOL) & y:POW(BOOL) & card(x)=card(y)|x) & res = f({TRUE},{FALSE})',
6122 '-evalt', ':wd f=%(x,y).(x:POW1(BOOL) & y:POW1(BOOL) & card(x)=card(y)|x) & res = f({TRUE},{FALSE})',
6123 '-evalt', ':wd card({a,b|a:{1..2,1..3} & b:1..3}) = res',
6124 '-evalt', ':wd card({a,b|a={1,2} & b:1..3}) = res',
6125 '-evalf', ':wd card({x,y|x:{y,y+1} & y:{x,x-1} & x:INTEGER})=res',
6126 '-evalf', ':wd card({y,x|x:{y,y+1} & y:{x,x-1} & x:INTEGER})=res',
6127 '-evalt', ':wd card({y,x|x:{y,y+1} & y:1..2 & x:INTEGER})=res',
6128 '-evalt', ':wd card({x,y|x:{y,y+1} & y:1..2 & x:INTEGER})=res',
6129 '-evalt', ':wd card({v,w,x|x ={{1,v},{3,w}} & v:2..3 & w:2..3}) = res',
6130 '-evalt', ':wd card({v,w,x,a,b|x ={{1,v},{3,w}} & a=x & b=x & v:2..3 & w:2..3}) = res',
6131 '-evalt', ':wd card({x,y,z|z:{1,3} & x:1..z & {y}<:{x,x+1}})=8',
6132 '-evalt', ':wd card({x,y,z|z:{1,3} & x:1..z & {y}<<:{x,x+1}})=8',
6133 '-evalt', ':wd tt : BOOL --> FIN1(NATURAL) & res=max(tt(TRUE))',
6134 '-evalt', ':wd t : BOOL --> A & A<:BOOL & f : A --> BOOL & loc:ran(t) & res = f(loc)',
6135 '-evalt', ':wd t : BOOL --> FIN(A) & A<:BOOL & f : A --> BOOL & loc:ran(t) & pos: loc & res = f(pos)',
6136 '-evalf', ':wd t : BOOL --> FIN(A) & A<:BOOL & B<:A & f : B --> BOOL & loc:ran(t) & pos: loc & res = f(pos)',
6137 '-evalt', ':wd t : BOOL --> (A+->A) & A<:BOOL & f : (A*A) --> BOOL & loc:ran(t) & pos: loc & res = f(pos)',
6138 '-evalf', ':wd t : BOOL --> (A+->A) & A<:BOOL & B<:A & f : (A*B) --> BOOL & loc:ran(t) & pos: loc & res = f(pos)',
6139 '-evalt', ':wd t : BOOL --> (A+->B) & A<:BOOL & B<:A & f : (A*A) --> BOOL & loc:ran(t) & pos: loc & res = f(pos)',
6140 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL --> FIN(NATURAL) & f: BOOL <-> POW1(INTEGER) & res = max(f(TRUE))',
6141 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL --> FIN(NATURAL) & ran(f) <: POW1(INTEGER) & res = max(f(TRUE))',
6142 '-evalt', ':wd f: FIN(NATURAL) >+>> BOOL & dom(f) <: POW1(INTEGER) & res = max(f~(TRUE))',
6143 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL --> FIN(NATURAL) & !x.(x:ran(f)=> x/={}) & res = max(f(TRUE))',
6144 '-evalt', ':wd f: BOOL --> POW(NATURAL) & !x.(x:ran(f)=> x/={} & x:FIN(x)) & res = max(f(TRUE))',
6145 '-evalt', ':wd ll<:INTEGER & ll/={} & ll:FIN(ll) & ff=max(ll)', % added integer type
6146 '-evalt', ':wd xx : dom(ff) \\/ {yy} & ff: BOOL +-> BOOL & res = (ff <+ {yy |-> TRUE})(xx)',
6147 '-evalt', ':wd (xx : dom(ff) or xx: {yy}) & ff: BOOL +-> BOOL & res = (ff <+ {yy |-> TRUE})(xx)',
6148 '-evalt', ':wd f: NATURAL +-> INTEGER & x|->y:f & f(x)=res',
6149 '-evalt', ':wd a=[2,3,4] & res=first(front(a))',
6150 '-evalt', ':wd a=[2,3,4] & res=front(tail(a))',
6151 '-evalt', ':wd a=[2,3,4] & res=front(rev(tail(a)))',
6152 '-evalt', ':wd a=[2,3,4] & res=front(front(rev(a)))',
6153 '-evalt', ':wd a=[2,3,4] & res=front(front(rev(front(a))))',
6154 '-evalt', ':wd aa = [2,3,4,5] & size(1..3 <| aa) = 3',
6155 '-evalt', ':wd aa = [2,3,4,5] & b=[2,3] & size(dom(b) <| aa) = 2',
6156 '-evalf', ':wd a = {1|->2, 2|->3} & b = {2|->4,3|->5} & gg:1..10+->1..10 & x:1..3 & res = ((a;b) <+ (ss <| gg)) (x)',
6157 '-evalf', ':wd a = {1|->2, 2|->3, 3|->4} & b = {2|->4,3|->5} & gg:1..10+->1..10 & x:1..3 & res = ((a;b) <+ (ss <| gg)) (x)',
6158 '-evalt', ':wd a = {1|->2, 2|->3} & b = {2|->4,3|->5} & gg:1..10+->1..10 & x:1..2 & res = ((a;b) <+ (ss <| gg)) (x)',
6159 '-evalt', ':wd a = {1|->"a", 2|->"b"} & b = {"a"|->4,"b"|->5} & gg:1..10+->1..10 & x:1..2 & res = (a;b) (x)',
6160 '-evalt', ':wd a = {"A"|->"a", "B"|->"b"} & b = {"a"|->4,"b"|->5} & gg:STRING+->1..10 & x:{"A","B"} & res = ((a;b) <+ (ss <| gg)) (x)',
6161 '-evalt', ':wd f = %x.(x:1..10 & x mod 2 =0 | x/2) & y:1..10 & y mod 2 = 0 &res=f(y)',
6162 '-evalt', ':wd f = %x.(x:1..10 & x mod 2 =0 | x/2) & res=f(4)',
6163 '-evalf', ':wd x=card({x,y| x+y = 1})',
6164 '-evalt', ':wd x=card({x,y| [x,y] : iseq({0,1,2})})',
6165 '-evalt', ':wd x=card({x,y| rev([x,y]) : iseq({0,1,2})})',
6166 '-evalt', ':wd x=card({x,y| x:seq(INT) & y:seq(INT) & rev(x ^ y) : iseq({0,1,2})})',
6167 '-evalt', ':wd x=card({x,y| x \\/ y <: 1..5})',
6168 '-evalt', ':wd x=card({x| x+2 = 10})',
6169 '-evalt', ':wd x=card({x| x*2 : 1..10})',
6170 '-evalt', ':wd x=card({x,y| {x+1,y+2} \\/ {3} <: 1..5})',
6171 '-evalt', ':wd card({x| [0,0] <+ {x|->1} : 1..3 --> 0..1})=res',
6172 '-evalt', ':wd f : BOOL \\ a --> BOOL & x /: a & res = f(x)',
6173 '-evalf', ':wd f:INTEGER \\ (2..10) --> NAT & x<=2 & res=f(x)',
6174 '-evalt', ':wd f:INTEGER \\ (2..10) --> NAT & x<2 & res=f(x)',
6175 '-evalt', ':wd f:INTEGER \\ (2..10) --> NAT & x>10 & res=f(x)',
6176 '-evalt', ':wd f:INTEGER \\ ELS --> NAT & ELS = (2..10) & x<2 & res=f(x)',
6177 '-evalf', ':wd f = {x,r | x:BOOL & r > 2} & res = max(ran(f))',
6178 '-evalt', ':wd f = %x.(x:BOOL | 10+12) & res = max(ran(f))', % check we do not loose typing info of dom(f)=BOOL
6179 '-evalt', ':wd a:1..n --> 1..100 & a /= {} & res=a(1)',
6180 '-evalt', ':wd a:1..n --> 1..100 & a /= {} & res=a(n)',
6181 '-evalt', ':wd cf: BOOL <->BOOL & cf={} & x:dom(cf) & r=cf(x)',
6182 %'-evalt', ':wd a/=FALSE & f = {TRUE|->11} & res =f(a)',
6183 '-evalt', ':wd card(union({{1,2},{3,4}})) = r',
6184 '-evalt', ':wd x:POW(1..3) & card(union({{1,2},{3,4} \\/ x})) = r',
6185 '-evalt', ':wd real(1)=1.0',
6186 '-evalt', ':wd 1=floor(1.0)',
6187 '-evalt', ':wd 1=ceiling(1.0)',
6188 '-evalt', ':wd 1.0/2.0 > 0.0',
6189 '-evalt', ':wd SIGMA(x).(x:{1.0,2.0}|x/2.0) = 1.5',
6190 '-evalt', ':wd PI(x).(x:{4.0,2.0}|x/2.0) = 2.0',
6191 '-evalt', ':wd x<:POW(1..3) & card(union( x )) = r',
6192 '-evalt', ':wd x<:POW(1..3) & card(union({{1,2},{3,4}} \\/ x)) = r',
6193 '-evalt', ':wd x<:perm(1..3) & card(union( x )) = r',
6194 '-evalt', ':wd x:NAT & y:NAT & y=prj2(INT,INT)((x,y))',
6195 '-evalt', ':wd x<:INTEGER & card(inter({x,y,{1}})) = 1',
6196 '-evalt', ':wd x<:POW(INTEGER) & card(inter({{1}}\\/x) ) = 1',
6197 '-evalf', ':wd x<:POW(INTEGER) & card(inter({NATURAL}\\/x) ) = 1',
6198 '-evalf', ':wd SIGMA(x).(x:NATURAL|x) =res',
6199 '-evalt', ':wd PI(x).(x:1..100|x) =res',
6200 '-evalf', ':wd PI(x).(x:NATURAL|x) =res',
6201 '-prob-profile'
6202 % '-evalt', ':wd BV>0 & BIdx = 1..BV & s:BIdx --> BOOL & res=first(s)' % needs fix in parser: resetdefinitions
6203 ], 'Test new well-definedness analysis').
6204 cli_testcase(2019,[b_test],[
6205 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ASSERT_Disabled_Test.mch',
6206 '-t'
6207 ], 'Test ASSERT_CHECKING preference').
6208 cli_testcase(2020,[b_test],[
6209 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ASSERT_Enabled_Test.mch',
6210 '-mc', 100, '-no-state-errors', '-nodead',
6211 '-cc', 8, 10,
6212 '-expcterr', assert_error % assert error is still registered, but model checking runs to the end
6213 ], 'Test -no-state-errors model checking option').
6214 cli_testcase(2021,[cbc],[
6215 '-evalt', '{x} /\\ {y} /= {} & x:1000000..20000000 & y:0..2000000',
6216 '-evalt', 'x:1000000..20000000 & y:0..2000000 & {x} /\\ {y} /= {}' % used to be very slow
6217 ], 'Performance issue with intersection of two singleton sets, Check that non-empty set detected and x and y are unified').
6218 cli_testcase(2022, [disprover,infinite,total_function,wd], [
6219 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/WD/TestWD_Prover_ctx.pl',
6220 '-check_disprover_result', 11,0,0,
6221 '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6222 ],'WD proof obligations all discharged using new rule-based WD prover').
6223 cli_testcase(2023, [disprover,wd], [
6224 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/WD/BitFunctions_ctx.pl',
6225 '-check_disprover_result', 4,0,0,
6226 '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6227 ],'WD proof obligations all discharged using new rule-based WD prover (involving division)').
6228 cli_testcase(2024, [wd,wd_prover], [
6229 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/SortByPermutation5.mch',
6230 '-wd', 10, 10, '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6231 ],'Test all WD POs generated and discharged').
6232 cli_testcase(2025, [wd,wd_prover], [
6233 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticLaws.mch',
6234 '-wd', 69, 71, % changed from 67/69 on Jul 29th 2023 due to change in machine
6235 '-timeout', 200, % timeout per PO
6236 '-silent' %-expcterr', 'well_def_analyser' % warnings for 2 undischarged POs due to min/max in non-silent mode
6237 ],'Test all WD POs generated and discharged').
6238 cli_testcase(2026, [wd,wd_prover], [
6239 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/NFA_to_DFA_Unicode.mch',
6240 '-wd', 16, 16, '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6241 ],'Test all WD POs generated and discharged').
6242 cli_testcase(2027, [wd,wd_prover], [
6243 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/CardTrick.mch',
6244 '-wd', 28, 28, '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6245 ],'Test all WD POs generated and discharged').
6246 cli_testcase(2028, [error_checks], [
6247 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Warnings/VarNotWritten.mch',
6248 '-lint',
6249 '-expcterrpos', bmachine_static_checks, 1, 8,
6250 '-expcterrpos', check_all_variables_written, 3, 10
6251 ],'Test extended static checking (ESC) aka linting').
6252 cli_testcase(2029, [wd,wd_prover], [
6253 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/WD_Tests/Substitutions/SeqComp1.ref',
6254 '-wd', 1, 1, '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6255 ],'Test sequential composition correctly dealt withby WD').
6256 cli_testcase(2030, [wd,wd_prover,sequences], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/SeqLaws.mch',
6257 '-wd', 59, 59, '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6258 ], 'Test all WD POs generated and discharged').
6259 cli_testcase(2031, [enabling,read_write], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CAN_BUS_tlc.mch',
6260 '-read_write_matrix_csv', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CAN_BUS_tlc_rw_matrix.csv',
6261 '-strict'],
6262 'Check correct computation of read_write_matrix.').
6263 cli_testcase(2032, [b_test,records], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/AssignToRecordField.mch',
6264 '-t'
6265 ], 'Check that we can assign to the field of a record variable').
6266 cli_testcase(2033, [b_test,recursion,infinite], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/Tests/NFA_DFA_Explosion.mch',
6267 '-mc', 100
6268 ], 'Check that we total function check works for recursive function').
6269 cli_testcase(2034,[wd],[
6270 '-evalt', 'BOOL <<->> {TRUE} = {{(FALSE|->TRUE),(TRUE|->TRUE)}}',
6271 '-evalt', 'BOOL <->> {TRUE} = {{(FALSE|->TRUE)},{(FALSE|->TRUE),(TRUE|->TRUE)},{(TRUE|->TRUE)}}',
6272 '-evalt', 'BOOL <<-> {TRUE} = {{(FALSE|->TRUE),(TRUE|->TRUE)}}',
6273 '-evalt', '{TRUE} <<-> {BOOL} = {{(TRUE|->{FALSE,TRUE})}}',
6274 '-evalt', 'card((1..2)<<->BOOL) = 9',
6275 '-evalt', 'card((1..2)<<->>BOOL) = 7',
6276 '-evalt', 'card((1..2)<->>BOOL) = 9',
6277 '-evalt', 'card((1..5)<<->BOOL) = 3**5',
6278 '-evalt', 'card((1..5)<<->>BOOL) = 241',
6279 '-evalt', 'card((1..5)<->>BOOL) = 961',
6280 '-evalt', 'card((1..5)<->>BOOL) = card(BOOL <<-> (1..5))',
6281 '-evalt', 'card((1..8)<->>BOOL) = card(BOOL <<-> (1..8))',
6282 '-evalt', 'card((1..20)<<->BOOL) = 3486784401',
6283 '-evalt', 'card((1..20)<->>BOOL) = 1099509530625',
6284 '-evalt', 'card(BOOL<<->(1..20)) = 1099509530625',
6285 '-evalt', 'card((1..200)<<->{TRUE}) = 1'
6286 ], 'Check that Event-B special relation operators are supported').
6287 cli_testcase(2035, [cbc,bmc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/DeadlockTest.mch', '-bdc', 5,
6288 '-expcterr', 'deadlock',
6289 '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/DeadlockTest_his.txt', '-his_option','show_states'
6290 ], 'Check new bounded deadlock checking command').
6291 cli_testcase(2036, [wd,wd_prover,sequences], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/FunLaws_wderror.mch',
6292 '-wd', 84, 90, '-timeout', 200, % timeout per PO
6293 '-silent' %-expcterr', 'well_def_analyser' % warnings for undischarged POs
6294 ], 'Test no cycle and timeout').
6295 cli_testcase(2037,[sequences],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6296 '-evalt', 'cur = [1,2,3,4] & {pre,LHS | pre:seq(INTEGER) & LHS : {2,3,4} & cur = pre^[LHS]} = xx & [1,2,3]|->4:xx',
6297 '-evalt', 'cur = [1,2,3,4] & {pre,LHS | pre:seq(INTEGER) & LHS : {2,3,4} & cur = pre<-LHS} = xx & [1,2,3]|->4:xx',
6298 '-evalt', 'cur = [1,2,3,4] & {pre,RHS | pre:seq(INTEGER) & RHS : {1,3} & cur = RHS->pre} = xx & [2,3,4]|->1:xx',
6299 '-evalt', 'cur = [1,2,3,4] & {pre,post,LHS | LHS : {2,3} & cur = pre^([LHS]^post)} = xx & ran(xx)={2,3}',
6300 '-evalt', 'cur = [1,2,3,4] & {pre,post,LHS | LHS : {2,3} & cur = (pre^[LHS])^post} = xx & ran(xx)={2,3}'
6301 ], 'Check improved treatment of insert_tail and insert_front').
6302 cli_testcase(2038,[sequences,json_trace_replay],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6303 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Info4/Kapitel3-CF/PDA/PDA_to_CFG.mch',
6304 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Info4/Kapitel3-CF/PDA/PDA_to_CFG.prob2trace'
6305 ], 'Check no enumeration warnings (insert_tail improvement)').
6306 cli_testcase(2039, [private_source_not_available], ['../private_examples/ClearSy/2020/03_Mar/wd_timeout/invalidRef_welldef.mch',
6307 '-wd', 616, 1132,
6308 % was 612/1132 until May 8th 2024 ba38a0d451ed87533a5c2df30edd2c16d35ef8c5 eval_set_extension improved,
6309 % was 620/1140 before 89519d2dc27ac03d4a6233dbe9fc4b6c2dcf3b50,
6310 % was 618/1148 was 711, and 714 before commit 5e3cb4b7 move assertions from LibraryFiles.mch to AssertionsForLibraryFiles.mch
6311 '-silent' %-expcterr', 'well_def_analyser' % warnings for undischarged POs
6312 ], 'Test performance on larger machine').
6313 cli_testcase(2040, [wd,wd_prover], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/EventB2Java/sort_m2_data400.mch',
6314 '-wd', 39, 39, '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6315 ], 'Test machine with a lot of index computations').
6316 cli_testcase(2041, [wd,wd_prover], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/EventB2Java/sort_m2_data400_mch.eventb',
6317 '-wd', 43, 43, '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6318 ], 'Test machine with a lot of index computations').
6319 cli_testcase(2042, [wd,wd_prover], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Records/SampleThreeRecordsTranslated.mch',
6320 '-wd', 46, 46, '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6321 ], 'Test machine with records and id usage').
6322 cli_testcase(2043, [wd,wd_prover], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Consumer_Producer/buffer11_10_v3.mch',
6323 '-wd', 5, 5, '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6324 ], 'Test machine with sequence manipulations').
6325 cli_testcase(2044, [wd,wd_prover], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6326 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/NastySetComprehensions.mch',
6327 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/PartitionIntoComponentsTest2.mch',
6328 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/EulerOfficers6.mch',
6329 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SAT_Tests/IceCream_kSAT.mch',
6330 '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLC/GOAL/RushHour_TLC.mch',
6331 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ABCD/TraceChecking/TravelAgency_TraceCheck.mch',
6332 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Valerio1/BIT_DEFINITION.mch',
6333 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/Rubik_2by2_Sym.mch',
6334 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/PeaceableQueens/NineQueensAndKingBW.mch',
6335 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/Schleusen.mch',
6336 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/BZTT/TestBZTT2.mch',
6337 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/RiverCrossing_BMC.mch',
6338 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/EventB/rodin_train_4.mch',
6339 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Voting/NoCondorcetWinnerKodkod.mch',
6340 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/FunLawsWithLambda.mch',
6341 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SAT_Tests/ReificationCompTests.mch',
6342 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/EventB/ETH_Elevator/elevator10.mch',
6343 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/SeqLaws.mch',
6344 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Compilers/LLParsingStaged.mch',
6345 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/GardnerSwitchingPuzzle_v3.mch',
6346 % now no longer fully proven due to remove_finite rule made more conservative
6347 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/benchmarks/mondex_m3.eventb',
6348 '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLC/NoError/USB_4Endpoints.mch',
6349 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ABZ_Landing_Gear_Journal/Ref3_ControllerSensors_mch_eventb.mch',
6350 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance/Safety_Metro_23_08_2012/EmergencyDoors_M2_mch.eventb',
6351 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/platoon/platoon_3_0_mch.eventb',
6352 '-wd-check-all', '-global_time_out', 400 % time out per PO
6353 ], 'Test machine with sequence manipulations').
6354 cli_testcase(2045, [b_test,kodkod], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/GraphMiningSimple.mch', '-strict', '-p','TIME_OUT',1000, '-p', 'SOLVER_FOR_PROPERTIES', 'kodkod', '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-properties'], 'Check that Kodkod translator works for LET expressions.').
6355 cli_testcase(2046, [csp_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/ReplicatedLinkedParallel.csp', '-nodead', '-mc', 100, '-assertions'], 'Test order of replicated linked parallel processes').
6356 cli_testcase(2047,[wd,wd_prover],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6357 '-evalt', ':prove x:INTEGER & (x>y & y>z) => x>=z',
6358 '-evalu', ':prove x:INTEGER & (x>y & z>y) => x>=z',
6359 '-evalt', ':prove 2>1',
6360 '-evalt', ':prove (x:STRING & x/=y) => y/=x',
6361 '-evalt', ':prove x+1>=x',
6362 '-evalt', ':prove x/=1+x',
6363 '-evalt', ':prove x+2>x',
6364 '-evalt', ':prove x>x-1',
6365 '-evalt', ':prove (x:1..10 & f:1..11 --> BOOL => x:dom(f))',
6366 '-evalu', ':prove (x<:STRING) => (x <<: x)',
6367 '-evalt', ':prove (x<:STRING) => (x <: x)',
6368 '-evalt', ':prove (x<:STRING) => (x /\\ y <: x)',
6369 '-evalu', ':prove (x<:STRING) => (x \\/ y <: x)',
6370 '-evalt', ':prove (x<:STRING) => (x <: x \\/ y)',
6371 '-evalt', ':prove (x<:STRING & y={} ) => (x \\/ y <: x)',
6372 '-evalt', ':prove (x<y => x:x..y)',
6373 '-evalt', ':prove (x<=y => x:x..y)',
6374 '-evalu', ':prove (x>y => x:x..y)',
6375 '-evalt', ':prove (z:x..y => x:x..y)',
6376 '-evalu', ':prove (z:y..y => x:x..y)',
6377 '-evalt', ':prove (a>0 => 10+a>=10)',
6378 %'-evalt', ':prove (a>0 & b=10 => b+a>=b)', % TO DO
6379 '-evalt', ':prove (b>0 => a mod b <= b)',
6380 %'-evalt', ':prove (b>0 => a mod b < b)', % TO DO
6381 '-evalu', ':prove (x:1..n & n>1 => (x+1) mod n : 1..(n))', % mod could be 0
6382 '-evalt', ':prove (x:1..n & n>1 => (x+1) mod n : 0..(n))',
6383 '-evalu', ':prove (x:1..n & n>1 => (x+1) mod n : 0..(n-2))', % interval could be empty
6384 '-evalt', ':prove (x:1..n & n>1 => (x+1) mod n : 0..(n-1))',
6385 '-evalt', ':prove x:INTEGER & x<y & y<z => x < z',
6386 '-evalt', ':prove x:INTEGER & x<y & y<=z => x < z', % TO DO: x<=y & y<z => x < z
6387 '-evalu', ':prove x:INTEGER & x<=y & y<=z => x < z',
6388 '-evalt', ':prove (r : ran(V) & V: BOOL --> AType & AType = struct(attrs: STRING +-> STRING) ) => r\'attrs : (STRING) +-> (STRING)',
6389 '-evalt', ':prove a:NATURAL1 +-> BOOL & a/={} & dom(a)=1..n => 1:dom(a)',
6390 '-evalt', ':prove a:1..n --> BOOL & a/={} => 1:dom(a)',
6391 '-evalt', ':prove a:1..n >-> BOOL & a/={} => 1:dom(a)',
6392 '-evalu', ':prove a:1..n +-> BOOL & a/={} => 1:dom(a)',
6393 '-evalt', ':prove (A: BOOL+->BOOL & dom(A)={TRUE} => A /= {})',
6394 '-evalt', ':prove a:perm(BOOL) => 1:dom(a)',
6395 '-evalt', ':prove a:perm(BOOL) => 2:dom(a)',
6396 '-evalu', ':prove a:perm(BOOL) => 3:dom(a)',
6397 '-evalu', ':prove a:perm(BOOL) => 0:dom(a)',
6398 '-evalt', ':prove not(x=7) or not(x=3)',
6399 '-evalt', ':prove x=TRUE => x /= FALSE',
6400 '-evalt', ':prove x="TRUE" => x /= "FALSE"',
6401 '-evalu', ':prove (x="T" or x="F")',
6402 '-evalt', ':prove (x=TRUE or x=FALSE)',
6403 '-evalt', ':prove i={2} => i/={1}',
6404 '-evalt', ':prove i={2} => i/={1,3}',
6405 '-evalt', ':prove i={2,4} => i/={1}',
6406 '-evalu', ':prove i={2,4} => i/={4,2}',
6407 '-evalu', ':prove i={2,4} => i/={4,z}',
6408 '-evalu', ':prove {1,2}/={2,z1,z2,z3}',
6409 '-evalt', ':prove {1,2,4} /= {1,2,5} & {1,2,4} /= {xx,yy}',
6410 '-evalt', ':prove 1 < z => - z <= -2',
6411 '-evalu', ':prove 1 < z => - z < -2',
6412 '-evalt', ':prove z>2 => -3* z < -6',
6413 '-evalt', ':prove z>=3 => -3* z <= -9',
6414 '-evalu', ':prove z>=3 => -3* z <= -10',
6415 '-evalt', ':prove z <= 1 => 3*z <= 4',
6416 '-evalu', ':prove z <= 2 => 3*z <= 4',
6417 '-evalu', ':prove z <= -1 => 3*z <= -4',
6418 '-evalt', ':prove z <= -2 => 3*z <= -4',
6419 '-evalt', ':prove z <= -2 => 3*z <= -5',
6420 '-evalt', ':prove z <= -34 => 3*z <= -100',
6421 '-evalu', ':prove z <= -33 => 3*z <= -100',
6422 '-evalt', ':prove x>=6 => 11 <= 2*x',
6423 '-evalt', ':prove x>=5 => 10 <= 2*x',
6424 '-evalu', ':prove x>=5 => 11 <= 2*x',
6425 '-evalt', ':prove x>=-5 => -11 <= 2*x',
6426 '-evalt', ':prove z>=4 => (-3*z <= -10 & -3*z <= -12)',
6427 '-evalu', ':prove z>=3 => -3*z <= -10',
6428 '-evalt', ':prove x:INTEGER & -x>=-y => x <= y',
6429 '-evalt', ':prove x:INTEGER & x>y => -x < -y',
6430 '-evalt', ':prove not(- lo755 <= -1) or - lo755 <= 0',
6431 '-evalt', ':prove li2 <= 4 & -li2 <= -4 => not(li2 <= 0)',
6432 '-evalt', ':prove not(li2 <= 1) or (not(- li2 <= -1) or not(li2 <= 0))',
6433 '-evalt', ':prove (not(li2 <= 1) or not(- li2 <= -1)) or not(li2 <= 0)',
6434 '-evalt', ':prove ((x>0 => y>0) & x>0) => y>0',
6435 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL<->BOOL & (x<:dom(f) or x<:dom(g)) => x <: dom(f\\/g)',
6436 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL<->BOOL & (x:dom(f) or x:dom(g)) => x : dom(f\\/g)',
6437 '-evalt', ':prove !(x,f).(f:INTEGER +-> INTEGER => x:dom(f <+ {x|->x}))',
6438 '-evalt', ':prove !(x,y).(x<:INTEGER & x<:y & y<:x => y=x)',
6439 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL --> 0..n & p>f(TRUE) => p>=1',
6440 '-evalu', ':prove f:BOOL --> 0..n & p>f(TRUE) => p>=2',
6441 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL --> 1..n & p>f(TRUE) => p>=2',
6442 '-evalt', ':prove p>l1(niz) & p<=l2(niz) & l1:BOOL --> 1..TE & l2:BOOL-->1..TE & TE:NATURAL1 => ( p-1:1..TE )',
6443 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL --> 0..10 & p<f(TRUE) => p<=9',
6444 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL --> 0..10 & p<f(TRUE) => p+1<=10',
6445 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL --> 0..n & p<f(TRUE) => p+1<=n',
6446 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL --> m..n & p>f(TRUE) => p-1>=m',
6447 '-evalt', ':prove x>y => x/: 1..y',
6448 '-evalt', ':prove 10 <= n1 & 10 <= n2 => 20 <= n1+n2',
6449 '-evalu', ':prove 1 <= n1 & 1 <= n2 => 3 <= n1+n2',
6450 '-evalt', ':prove 1 <= n1 & 1 <= n2 => 2 <= n1+n2',
6451 '-evalu', ':prove -2 <= n1 & -2 <= n2 => -3 <= n1+n2',
6452 '-evalt', ':prove -1 <= n1 & -1 <= n2 => -3 <= n1+n2',
6453 '-evalu', ':prove 5 >= n1 & 5 >= n2 => 9 >= n1+n2',
6454 '-evalt', ':prove 10 >= n1 & 10 >= n2 => 20 >= n1+n2',
6455 '-evalu', ':prove -1 >= n1 & -1 >= n2 => -3 >= n1+n2',
6456 '-evalt', ':prove -1 >= n1 & -1 >= n2 => -2 >= n1+n2',
6457 '-evalu', ':prove x<= y & z <= y => x+z <= 1*y',
6458 '-evalt', ':prove x<= y & z <= y => x+z <= 2*y',
6459 '-evalt', ':prove x:INTEGER & x<= y1 & z <= y2 => x+z <= y1+y2',
6460 '-evalt', ':prove x:INTEGER & x<= y1 & z <= y2 => x+z <= y2+y1',
6461 '-evalt', ':prove a:INTEGER & a>=b & c>=d => a+c >= b+d',
6462 % :prove x:INTEGER & x<= y2 & z <= y1 => x+z <= y2+y1 % would require decompose_floor to be non-det
6463 % :prove (x>y & y>z) => x/=z % TO DO
6464 '-evalt', ':prove x=3 => not( x=3 => x=2)',
6465 '-evalt', ':prove x=2 => x=2',
6466 '-evalu', ':prove x=2 => x=3',
6467 '-evalu', ':prove not(x=3 => x=2)',
6468 '-evalt', ':prove (s2 = s \\/ {0} & s3 = s \\/ {0} & s4 = s2 \\/ {1} & s5 = s3 \\/ {1}) => s4 = s5',
6469 '-evalt', ':prove a={1|->11,2|->22} & b={1|->33,4|->44} & ab= a><b => 1:dom(ab)',
6470 '-evalu', ':prove a={1|->11,2|->22} & b={1|->33,4|->44} & ab= a><b => dom(ab) <: 2..4',
6471 '-evalt', ':prove a={1|->11,2|->22} & b={1|->33,4|->44} & ab= a><b => dom(ab) <: 1..4',
6472 '-evalt', ':prove f=%x.(x:1..10|x) & g=%y.(y:5..15|y+1) & fg=f><g & a:5..10 => a:dom(fg)',
6473 '-evalt', ':prove f=%x.(x:1..10|x+xx) & g=%y.(y:5..15|y+yy) & fg=f><g & a:5..10 => a:dom(fg)',
6474 '-evalu', ':prove f=%x.(x:1..10|x+xx) & g=%y.(y:5..zz|y+yy) & fg=f><g & a:5..10 & zz>=9 => a:dom(fg)',
6475 '-evalt', ':prove f=%x.(x:1..10|x+xx) & g=%y.(y:5..zz|y+yy) & fg=f><g & a:5..10 & zz>=10 => a:dom(fg)',
6476 '-evalt', ':prove {A,B,C} <: POW(INTEGER) & a:A+->B & b:A+->C => dom(a><b) <: A',
6477 '-evalt', ':prove {A,B,C} <: POW(INTEGER) & a:A+->B & b:A+->C => a><b : A+->(INTEGER*INTEGER)',
6478 '-evalt', ':prove f=%x.(x:INTEGER|{TRUE|->1,FALSE|->0}(bool(x>0))) => f(a):0..1',
6479 '-evalt', ':prove f=%x.(x:INTEGER|IF (x>0) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) => f(a):0..1',
6480 '-evalt', ':prove f=%x.(x:INTEGER|IF (x>0) THEN -1 ELSE 1 END) => f(a):{-1,1}',
6481 '-evalu', ':prove a=0 & f=%a.(a:0..3|a) & x:0..10 => x:dom(f)',
6482 '-evalu', ':prove a:0..1 & f=%a.(a:2..3|a) => f(x) : 0..1',
6483 '-evalt', ':prove a:0..1 & f=%b.(b:2..3|a) => f(x) : 0..1',
6484 '-evalu', ':prove x:1..10 & y:1..11 => max({x,y}) : 1..10',
6485 '-evalt', ':prove x:1..10 & y:1..10 => max({x,y}) : 1..10',
6486 '-evalt', ':prove f = %x.(x:INTEGER|max({x,-x})) => f(y) >=0',
6487 '-evalt', ':prove f = %x.(x:INTEGER|max({-x,x})) => f(y) >=0',
6488 '-evalu', ':prove f:BOOL +-> BOOL & x|->TRUE /: (f) => f \\/ {x|->TRUE} : BOOL +-> BOOL', %% WRONG
6489 % '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL +-> BOOL & x /: dom(f) => f \\/ {x|->TRUE} : BOOL +-> BOOL', %% NOT yet proven
6490 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL +-> BOOL & g <: f => f \\/ g : BOOL +-> BOOL',
6491 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL +-> BOOL & g <: f => g \\/ f : BOOL +-> BOOL',
6492 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL +-> BOOL & g <: f => f \\/ f : BOOL +-> BOOL',
6493 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL +-> BOOL & g <: f => g \\/ g : BOOL +-> BOOL',
6494 '-evalt', ':prove f:{FALSE} +-> BOOL => f \\/ {TRUE|->x} : BOOL +-> BOOL',
6495 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL +-> BOOL & x /: dom(f) => f \\/ {x|->TRUE} : BOOL +-> BOOL',
6496 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL +-> BOOL & x /: a & a=dom(f) => f \\/ {x|->TRUE} : BOOL +-> BOOL',
6497 '-evalt', ':prove a /\\ b = {} & a<:BOOL => (a-c) /\\ b = {}',
6498 '-evalt', ':prove a /\\ b = {} & a<:BOOL => (a-{x}) /\\ b = {}',
6499 '-evalt', ':prove a /\\ b = {} & a<:BOOL & a2 = a -{x} => b /\\ a2 = {}',
6500 '-evalt', ':prove a /\\ b = {} & a<:BOOL & a2 = a -{x} & b2=b => a2 /\\ b2 = {}',
6501 '-evalt', ':prove a <: b & b<:BOOL & B2 = b \\/ {x} => a<:B2',
6502 '-evalt', ':prove f:BOOL<->BOOL & f[a] <: b & b<:BOOL & B2 = b \\/ {x} => f[a]<:B2',
6503 '-evalt', ':prove T2_readpriority : NATURAL & BUSwrite : NATURAL +-> INTEGER & 0 : dom(BUSwrite) & T2_readpriority:dom(BUSwrite) & BUSwrite2 = BUSwrite <+ {ppriority |-> pv} => (T2_readpriority:dom(BUSwrite2))',
6504 '-evalt', ':prove NS=1..5 & BW:NS+->INTEGER & pmax=max(dom(BW)) => pmax>0',
6505 '-evalt', ':prove NS=1..5 & BW:NS+->INTEGER & B=pmax & v=BW(pmax) & pmax=max(dom(BW)) => B>0',
6506 '-evalt', ':prove A<:INT & f:A+->A => B <| f : A+->A',
6507 '-evalt', ':prove A<:INT & f:A+->A => B <<| f : A+->A',
6508 '-evalt', ':prove A<:INT & f:A+->A => f |> B : A+->A',
6509 '-evalt', ':prove A<:INT & f:A+->A => f |>> B : A+->A',
6510 '-evalt', ':prove A<:INT & f:A+->A => B <| f |> C : A+->A',
6511 '-evalt', ':prove x:1..5 & y:1..10 => !z.(z:x..y => z>=1)',
6512 '-evalt', ':prove x:1..5 & y:1..10 & z:0..3 => !z.(z:x..y => z>=1)',
6513 '-evalt', ':prove x:1..5 & y:1..10 & z:2..3 => !z.(z:x..y => z>=1)',
6514 '-evalu', ':prove x:1..5 & y:1..10 & z:2..3 => !z.(z:x..y => z>=2)',
6515 '-evalt', ':prove c<: INTEGER & a <: b & b<: c => a <: b',
6516 '-evalu', ':prove c<: INTEGER & a <: b & b<: c => c <: b',
6517 % '-evalt', ':prove a:0..1 & f=%b.(b:2..3|b) => f(x) : 2..3', % TO DO: add b:2..3 to hyps
6518 '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6519 ], 'Test WD prover directly').
6520 cli_testcase(2048,[cbc],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6521 '-evalt', 'dom(%(x,y,z).(x:BOOL & y:11..22 & z:BOOL|1)) = (X*A)*Z',
6522 '-evalf', 'dom(%(x,y,z).(x:BOOL & y:11..22 & z:BOOL|1)) \\/ {(TRUE,33,TRUE)} = (X*A)*Z',
6523 '-evalt', 'dom(%(x,y,z).(x:BOOL & y:11..22 & z:BOOL|1)) \\/ (BOOL*{33})*BOOL = (X*A)*Z',
6524 '-evalt', 'dom(%(x,y,z).(x:BOOL & y:11..22 & z:BOOL|1)) \\/ (BOOL*{33})*{TRUE} /= (BOOL*(1..1000000))*BOOL',
6525 '-evalt', 'dom(%(x,y,z).(x:BOOL & y:11..11 & z:BOOL|1)) \\/ (BOOL*{11})*{TRUE,FALSE} = (XX*AA)*XX',
6526 '-evalt', 'dom(%(x,y,z).(x:BOOL & y:11..22 & z:BOOL|1)) \\/ {(TRUE,33,TRUE)} = (X*A)*X <=> (A /= {100} or X/={TRUE})',
6527 '-evalt', 'avl = {1|->2, 1|->3} & avl = A*B',
6528 '-evalt', 'avl = {(1|->2),(1|->33),(2|->2),(2|->33)} & avl = A*B',
6529 '-evalt', 'avl = {(1|->2),(1|->33),(2|->2),(2|->33),(44|->2),(44|->33)} & avl = A*B',
6530 '-evalf', 'avl = {1|->2, 2|->3} & avl = A*B',
6531 '-evalf', 'avl = {1|->2, 1|->3, 2|->2} & avl = A*B',
6532 '-evalf', 'avl = {(1|->2),(1|->33),(2|->2),(2|->33),(44|->2),(44|->33),(44|->44)} & avl = A*B',
6533 '-evalf', 'avl = {(1|->2),(1|->33),(2|->2),(2|->33),(44|->2)} & avl = A*B',
6534 '-evalf', 'avl = {(1|->2),(1|->33),(2|->2),(44|->2),(44|->33)} & avl = A*B',
6535 '-evalf', 'avl = {(1|->2),(1|->33),(2|->33),(44|->2),(44|->33)} & avl = A*B',
6536 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE'
6537 ], 'Test improved cartesian product equality').
6538 cli_testcase(2049,[kodkod],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6539 '-evalt', ':kodkod A={1,2,44} & B={2,33} & avl = {1|->2, 1|->33, 2|->2, 2|->33, 44|->2, 44|->33} & avl = A*B',
6540 '-evalt', ':kodkod A={1,2,44} & avl = {1|->2, 1|->33, 2|->2, 2|->33, 44|->2, 44|->33} & avl = A*B',
6541 '-evalt', ':kodkod avl = {1|->2, 1|->33, 2|->2, 2|->33, 44|->2, 44|->33} & avl = A*B',
6542 '-evalt', ':kodkod x = {1|->TRUE,2|->TRUE,5|->TRUE} & x=a*b',
6543 '-evalf', ':kodkod x = BOOL*BOOL*{TRUE} \\/ {(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE)} & x=a*b',
6544 '-evalt', ':kodkod x = BOOL*BOOL*BOOL & x=a*b'
6545 ], 'Test corrected cartesian product kodkod propagation rule').
6546 cli_testcase(2050, [b_test,enabling], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ReadWriteAnalysis/BecomesSuchTest.mch',
6547 '-read_write_matrix_csv', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ReadWriteAnalysis/BecomesSuchTest_rw.csv'
6548 ], 'Check that read write analysis works for becomes such').
6549 cli_testcase(2051, [b_test,enabling], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ReadWriteAnalysis/BecomesSuchTest2.mch',
6550 '-read_write_matrix_csv', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ReadWriteAnalysis/BecomesSuchTest2_rw.csv'
6551 ], 'Check that read write analysis works for becomes such').
6552 cli_testcase(2052, [wd,wd_prover], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6553 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/cbi/sydb.mch',
6554 '-wd-check-all', '-timeout', 200 % timeout per PO
6555 ], 'Test private machines can be proven 100%').
6556 cli_testcase(2053,[cbc],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6557 '-evalf', ':core (A=TRUE or B=TRUE) & (A=TRUE or C=FALSE) & (A=FALSE or B=FALSE) & (B=TRUE or C=FALSE) & (A=FALSE or B=FALSE) & (A=FALSE or B=TRUE) & (B=FALSE or C=TRUE)',
6558 '-evalf', ':core x > 1 & x>2 & x>0 & x <10 & y > x & x > z & z > y & z <12 & y > 2',
6559 '-evalf', ':core LET a BE a=x+10 IN y<a & y<100 & y>0 & y>a END',
6560 '-evalf', ':core x>2 & y>2 & z>2 & y<2 & z<2 & x<2',
6561 '-evalf', ':cores x>2 & y>2 & z>2 & y<2 & z<2 & x<2',
6562 '-evalf', ':cores not(x<10 or x>=10 or z>0)',
6563 '-evalf', ':cores not(x<10 or x>=10 or z>0 or x>9)',
6564 '-evalf', ':min-core x>1 & x<y & y<z & z<2 & x<2',
6565 '-evalf', ':min-core x>2 & y>2 & z>2 & y<2 & z<2 & x<v & v<2 & x+y+v /= 0',
6566 '-evalf', ':core (x=TRUE => (y>1 & z>1)) & y<0 & (x=FALSE => (y>1 & z<1))'
6567 % '-evalf', ':core x>0 & 10/(x*x) < 1 & x<4' % we need to clear WD error !
6568 % '-evalu', ':core x<: POW(BOOL) & x={} & card(res)>1 & res = inter(x) '
6569 ], 'Test unsat core computation').
6570 cli_testcase(2054,[cbc,tickets],[ '-p', 'NORMALIZE_AST', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPTIMIZE_AST', 'TRUE',
6571 '-evalt', '(# /* LET */ (v_1,v_0).( v_1=(8388608 + (P_4 * 2097152 + P_5)) & v_0=((IF P_9 = TRUE THEN 16 ELSE 0 END) + P_10) & (# /* LET */ (v_2).( v_2=bool(mux_I_87477 + v_1 * (3 * - 1) * 64 + P_6 + mux_I_87463 * P_8 + ((IF v_0 < 16 THEN v_0 ELSE v_0 - 32 END) * v_1 * 4 + 0) < 0) & 2 * dz + 1 = (IF not(mux_I_87448 = 0) & v_2 = TRUE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) - (IF v_2 = TRUE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))))) & mux_I_87463 <= 15 & 0 <= mux_I_87463 & mux_I_87477 <= 1073741823 & 1073741824 * - 1 <= mux_I_87477 & mux_I_87448 <= 4398046511103 & 0 <= mux_I_87448 & P_10 <= 15 & 0 <= P_10 & P_8 <= 58720268 & 0 <= P_8 & P_7 <= 15 & 0 <= P_7 & P_6 <= 3848290795520 & 0 <= P_6 & P_5 <= 3 & 0 <= P_5 & P_4 <= 3 & 0 <= P_4 & P_3 <= 1 * - 1 & 939524288 * - 1 <= P_3 & P_2 <= 43 & 0 <= P_2'
6572 ], 'Test unsat normalize AST issue fixed').
6573 cli_testcase(2055,[smt_solver_integration],[ '-p', 'NORMALIZE_AST', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPTIMIZE_AST', 'TRUE',
6574 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '10000',
6575 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check (# /* LET */ (v_1,v_0).( v_1=(8388608 + (P_4 * 2097152 + P_5)) & v_0=((IF P_9 = TRUE THEN 16 ELSE 0 END) + P_10) & (# /* LET */ (v_2).( v_2=bool(mux_I_87477 + v_1 * (3 * - 1) * 64 + P_6 + mux_I_87463 * P_8 + ((IF v_0 < 16 THEN v_0 ELSE v_0 - 32 END) * v_1 * 4 + 0) < 0) & 2 * dz + 1 = (IF not(mux_I_87448 = 0) & v_2 = TRUE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) - (IF v_2 = TRUE THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))))) & mux_I_87463 <= 15 & 0 <= mux_I_87463 & mux_I_87477 <= 1073741823 & 1073741824 * - 1 <= mux_I_87477 & mux_I_87448 <= 4398046511103 & 0 <= mux_I_87448 & P_10 <= 15 & 0 <= P_10 & P_8 <= 58720268 & 0 <= P_8 & P_7 <= 15 & 0 <= P_7 & P_6 <= 3848290795520 & 0 <= P_6 & P_5 <= 3 & 0 <= P_5 & P_4 <= 3 & 0 <= P_4 & P_3 <= 1 * - 1 & 939524288 * - 1 <= P_3 & P_2 <= 43 & 0 <= P_2'
6576 ], 'Test overflow issue in Z3 interface solved').
6577 cli_testcase(2056,[chr,tickets],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE',
6578 '-evalt', 'c1<c2 & x>=-5000 & c1+c2+x < -5000 & c1=-1 & c2=0'
6579 ], 'Test bug in CHR/clpfd_check_geq_nr fixed').
6580 cli_testcase(2057, [external, reals], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6581 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/Reals/RealExternalFunctions.mch',
6582 '-evalt', 'r = /*@symbolic*/ {f|f/=1.0} & 2.0 : r',
6583 '-assertions'
6584 ], 'Test new features on reals').
6585 cli_testcase(2058,[cse,tickets],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE',
6586 '-evalt', 'cc=0 & CUST=1..3 & tokens:CUST+->0..3 & not(cc:dom(tokens) & (tokens(cc)<3 => tokens<+{(cc,tokens(cc)+1)}:CUST+->0..3))'
6587 ], 'Test bug in CSE and compiling of lazy_lookup with non-WD expression fixed').
6588 cli_testcase(2059,[cse,tickets],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CSE', 'TRUE',
6589 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolLaws.mch',
6590 '-evalt', 'bool(not(pt or qt))=bool(not(pt) & not(qt)) & bool(not(PP=TRUE or TRUE=TRUE))=bool(not(QQ=TRUE) & not(TRUE=TRUE))'
6591 ], 'Test bug in CSE and double negation (and negated_cse info) fixed').
6592 cli_testcase(2060, [smt_solver_integration], [
6593 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/phonebook7.mch', % for SETS NAME, Code = {c1,c2,c3,c4}
6594 '-eval', ':z3-version',
6595 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a<:{11}*{TRUE} & x:a',
6596 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x = 2',
6597 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a<:-1..3 & -1:a',
6598 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:-1..3 & -2:a',
6599 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:BOOL & x=y',
6600 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & x=y',
6601 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a<:(1..3)*{22} & x:a',
6602 %'-evalt', ':z3 a<:(1..n)*{22} & n:0..2 & x:a',
6603 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x ={1|->TRUE, 2|->FALSE} & y=x', % ISSUE SSIMT-2
6605 % some :prove examples from test 2047
6606 '-evalt', ':z3 x:INTEGER & (x>y & y>z) => x>=z',
6607 '-evalt', ':z3 !(x,y,z).(x:INTEGER & (x>=y & y>z) => x>z)',
6608 '-evalt', ':z3 !(x,y,z).(x:INTEGER & (x>y & y>=z) => x>z)',
6609 '-evalf', ':z3 !(x,y,z).(x:INTEGER & (x>=y & y>=z) => x>z)',
6610 '-evalt', ':z3 !x.(x:INTEGER => x+1>=x)',
6611 '-evalt', ':z3 !x.(x:INTEGER => x/=1+x)',
6612 '-evalt', ':z3 !x.(x:INTEGER => x>x-1)',
6613 %'-evalt', ':z3 !(x,f).(x:1..10 & f:1..11 --> BOOL => x:dom(f))', % UNKNOWN
6614 '-evalt', ':z3 !(x,y).(x:INTEGER & x<y => x:x..y)',
6615 '-evalt', ':z3 !(x,y).(x:INTEGER & x<=y => x:x..y)',
6616 '-evalf', ':z3 !(x,y).(x:INTEGER & x>y => x:x..y)',
6617 '-evalt', ':z3 !(x,y,z).(x:INTEGER & z:x..y => x:x..y)',
6618 '-evalf', ':z3 !(x,y,z).(x:INTEGER & z:y..y => x:x..y)',
6619 '-evalt', ':z3 !a.(a:INTEGER & a>0 => 10+a>=10)',
6620 '-evalt', ':z3 !(a,b).(a:INTEGER & a>=0 & b>0 => a mod b <= b)',
6621 '-evalt', ':z3 !(a,b).(a:INTEGER => a mod b <= b)',
6622 % :z3 !(x,n).(x:1..n & n>1 => (x+1) mod n : 1..(n)) % UNKNOWN
6623 '-evalt', ':z3 !(x,y,z).(x:INTEGER & x<y & y<z => x < z)',
6624 % :z3 !(a,n).(a:NATURAL1 +-> BOOL & a/={} & dom(a)=1..n => 1:dom(a)) % UNKNOWN
6625 % :z3 !(x,f).(f:INTEGER +-> INTEGER => x:dom(f <+ {x|->x})) % UNKNOWN
6626 % :z3 !(x,f).(f:1..10 --> INTEGER & x>1 & x<10 => x:dom(f)) % UNKNOWN
6627 '-evalt', ':z3 !(x,y).(x<:INTEGER & x<:y & y<:x => y=x)',
6629 % examples using enumerated/deferred sets
6630 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check res = {c1} \\/ ({c2} /\\ {c1})',
6631 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check res = {c1} \\/ ({c2} \\ {c1})',
6632 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check not(c1:res) & not(c2:res) & c3:res',
6634 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x =[2,3] & y=x~ & d = {v|#(w).(w:{3} & (w,v):y)}',
6635 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x =[2,3] & y=x~ & d = y[{3,4}]',
6636 '-evalt', ':z3 x =[2,3] & d = x~[{3,4}]',
6638 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x ={1|->TRUE, 2|->FALSE} & y=x~',
6639 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x ={1|->TRUE, 2|->FALSE} & y= {TRUE|->FALSE}',
6640 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x = %i.(i:1..10|i+i) & x[{5,j}]={16,10}',
6641 '-evalt', ':z3 dom({1|->1}/\\{2|->3}) = {}',
6642 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ((IF id0 /= 0.0 THEN {1,2,3} ELSE inter({}) END) /<: {})',
6643 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(POW(REAL)) & id1 : POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * REAL) * REAL)) * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)))))))) * INTEGER * INTEGER & not(id0 /= {} & (id1 : seq1(POW(REAL)) & (inter(id0) - first(id1) /= {} & inter(id0) - first(id1) : FIN(inter(id0) - first(id1)) & /* falsity */ {} /= {})) & max(inter(id0) - first(id1)) < MU({}) * real(prj2(id3)))',
6644 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(BOOL * POW(REAL)) & not(id0 /= {} & id0 : FIN(id0) & card(id0) <= 1 & (prj2(MU(id0)) /= {} & prj2(MU(id0)) : FIN(prj2(MU(id0))) & card(prj2(MU(id0))) <= 1 & /* falsity */ {} /= {}) & MU(prj2(MU(id0))) < - min({}))',
6645 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : REAL * INTEGER & id1 : REAL & id10 : REAL & id11 : POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL))) & id2 : REAL & id3 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & id4 : INTEGER & id5 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id9 : POW(INTEGER * (REAL * INTEGER)) & not(id10 <= id10 & iseq(BOOL) <: union(id11) & ((id1 < 0.0 => 84.55477380542352 = real(floor(84.55477380542352))) & ((id1 = 0.0 => 0.0 <= 84.55477380542352) & (- id2 /= 0.0 & (RPOW(id1,84.55477380542352) / - id2 : dom({id0,id0} <+ {}) & ({id0,id0} <+ {} : REAL +-> INTEGER & ((pred : FIN(pred) => id3 : seq1(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & ((not(pred : FIN(pred)) => id5 : seq(INTEGER)) & ((IF pred : FIN(pred) THEN first(id3) ELSE id4 -> id5 END) : seq1(INTEGER) & /* falsity */ -2548 > 0))))))) & ({id0,id0} <+ {})(RPOW(id1,84.55477380542352) / - id2) + first(IF pred : FIN(pred) THEN first(id3) ELSE id4 -> id5 END) = prj2(last(id9)) mod -2548))',
6646 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & id1 : INTEGER & id2 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & not(id1 : dom(id0) & (id0 : INTEGER +-> POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & (id2 : seq1(INTEGER) & (id0(id1) : seq(INTEGER) & (id0(id1) ^ front(id2) : seq1(INTEGER) & /* falsity */ -40 > 0)))) & last(id0(id1) ^ front(id2)) > - ((MININT + 1) mod -40))',
6647 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & id1 : INTEGER & id2 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & not(id1 : dom(id0) & (id0 : INTEGER +-> POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & (id2 : seq1(INTEGER) & (id0(id1) : seq(INTEGER) & (id0(id1) ^ front(id2) : seq1(INTEGER) & /* falsity */ -40 > 0)))) & last(id0(id1) ^ front(id2)) > - ((MININT + 1) mod -40))',
6648 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : INTEGER & id1 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * REAL)) & not((31 / id0 >= MININT ** MININT => id1 : seq1(INTEGER * REAL)) & /* falsity */ {} /= {} & (IF id0 /= 0 & MININT >= 0 & 31 / id0 >= MININT ** MININT THEN prj1(first(id1)) ELSE min(pred[NAT1]) END) > inter({})(floor(real(MININT))))',
6649 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id1 : POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) * REAL * BOOL) & id2 : POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) * REAL * BOOL) & id3 : INTEGER & id4 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id5 : REAL & not(id4 : seq(INTEGER) & (ceiling(id5) : 0 .. size(id4 <- MININT) & /* falsity */ {} /= {}) & (LET id0 BE id0=((id4 <- MININT) \\|/ ceiling(id5)) IN ( ASSERT_EXPR (bool(id1 <: id2),"lambda function %(id0) called outside of domain, condition false: ",MININT / id3 )) END) >= ceiling(3.405527294103958 - 65.31562945967323) + max({}))',
6650 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : INTEGER & id1 : POW(POW(POW(POW(POW(REAL)) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * REAL)) * INTEGER) & id2 : POW(POW(POW(POW(REAL)) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * REAL)) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & id4 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & not(MININT >= 0 & (id2 : dom(id1) & (id1 : POW(POW(POW(POW(REAL)) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * REAL)) +-> INTEGER & (id1(id2) /= 0 & /* falsity */ {} /= {}))) & (id0 ** MININT / id1(id2)) ** MU({}) = last(conc(id3) ^ last(id4)))',
6651 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * (POW(REAL * REAL) * (REAL * INTEGER))) & id1 : POW(BOOL * (REAL * REAL)) & not(id0 : seq(POW(REAL * REAL) * (REAL * INTEGER)) & (44 : 0 .. size(id0) & (rev(id0 \\|/ 44) : seq1(POW(REAL * REAL) * (REAL * INTEGER)) & /* falsity */ {} /= {})) & last(rev(id0 \\|/ 44)) /= (ran(BOOL <| id1) |-> MU({})))',
6652 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) & id1 : POW(POW(BOOL)) * REAL * REAL & not([] : dom(id0) & (id0 : POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) +-> POW(INTEGER * REAL) & (id0([]) : seq1(REAL) & (tail(id0([])) : seq1(REAL) & /* falsity */ {} /= {}))) & last(tail(id0([]))) < min({}) / prj2(prj1(id1)))',
6653 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id4 : POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) & not(id4 : seq1(POW(REAL)) & (first(id4) /= {} & first(id4) : FIN(first(id4)) & card(first(id4)) <= 1 & /* falsity */ {} /= {}) & MU(first(id4)) < min({}))',
6654 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check not(MININT : 0 .. size([]) & ([] \\|/ MININT : seq1(REAL) & /* falsity */ {} /= {}) & first([] \\|/ MININT) + MU({}) <= union(NAT1 +-> FLOAT)(floor(- 36.68245935131156)))',
6655 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check not({id3,id4,id5|id3 : INTEGER & id4 : BOOL * POW(POW(BOOL)) & id5 : POW(INTEGER)} : FIN({id3,id4,id5|id3 : INTEGER & id4 : BOOL * POW(POW(BOOL)) & id5 : POW(INTEGER)}) & ({id3,id4,id5,id6|id3 : POW(INTEGER * (BOOL * REAL)) & id4 : REAL & id5 : REAL & id6 : BOOL & bfalse} : FIN({id3,id4,id5,id6|id3 : POW(INTEGER * (BOOL * REAL)) & id4 : REAL & id5 : REAL & id6 : BOOL & bfalse}) & (SIGMA(id3,id4,id5,id6).(id3 : POW(INTEGER * (BOOL * REAL)) & id4 : REAL & id5 : REAL & id6 : BOOL & bfalse|MININT) /= 0 & /* falsity */ {} /= {})) & FDIV(PI(id3,id4,id5).(id3 : INTEGER & id4 : BOOL * POW(POW(BOOL)) & id5 : POW(INTEGER)|MAXINT),SIGMA(id3,id4,id5,id6).(id3 : POW(INTEGER * (BOOL * REAL)) & id4 : REAL & id5 : REAL & id6 : BOOL & bfalse|MININT)) <= MU({}))',
6656 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * (BOOL * REAL)) & id1 : INTEGER & id2 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * REAL * REAL & id3 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & id4 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) * POW(REAL) * REAL & not(id1 : dom(id0) & (id0 : INTEGER +-> BOOL * REAL & (id3 : seq1(REAL) & ((prj2(id2) < 0.0 => last(id3) = real(floor(last(id3)))) & ((prj2(id2) = 0.0 => 0.0 <= last(id3)) & /* falsity */ {} /= {})))) & prj2(id0(id1)) - RPOW(prj2(id2),last(id3)) : MU({}) /\\ prj2(prj1(id4)))',
6657 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id4 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id5 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & not({id0,id1,id2,id3|id0 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & id1 : BOOL & id2 : REAL & id3 : POW(BOOL * (BOOL * BOOL)) & (id5 : seq1(REAL) & (9.31527276375276 < 0.0 => 75.22337798147748 = real(floor(75.22337798147748))) & (id4 : seq1(INTEGER) & last(id4) > ceiling(13.145672480086924)))} : FIN({id0,id1,id2,id3|id0 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & id1 : BOOL & id2 : REAL & id3 : POW(BOOL * (BOOL * BOOL)) & (id5 : seq1(REAL) & (9.31527276375276 < 0.0 => 75.22337798147748 = real(floor(75.22337798147748))) & (id4 : seq1(INTEGER) & last(id4) > ceiling(13.145672480086924)))}) & /* falsity */ {} /= {} & SIGMA(id0,id1,id2,id3).(id0 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & id1 : BOOL & id2 : REAL & id3 : POW(BOOL * (BOOL * BOOL)) & (id5 : seq1(REAL) & (9.31527276375276 < 0.0 => 75.22337798147748 = real(floor(75.22337798147748))) & (id4 : seq1(INTEGER) & last(id4) > ceiling(13.145672480086924)))|first(id5) * RPOW(9.31527276375276,75.22337798147748)) <= RPOW(MU({}),MU(REAL) / MU(REAL)))',
6658 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(POW(INTEGER)) & id3 : POW(POW(REAL)) * INTEGER & not((NAT1 <: inter(id0) => union({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(INTEGER) & bfalse}) /= {} & union({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(INTEGER) & bfalse}) : FIN(union({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(INTEGER) & bfalse})) & card(union({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(INTEGER) & bfalse})) <= 1) & ((not(NAT1 <: inter(id0)) => {id1,id2|id1 : INTEGER * REAL & id2 : BOOL} : FIN({id1,id2|id1 : INTEGER * REAL & id2 : BOOL})) & /* falsity */ {} /= {}) & (IF id0 /= {} & NAT1 <: inter(id0) THEN MU(union({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(INTEGER) & bfalse})) ELSE PI(id1,id2).(id1 : INTEGER * REAL & id2 : BOOL|prj2(id3)) END) < ceiling(min({})))',
6659 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL * INTEGER)) & id1 : REAL & id2 : BOOL * POW(REAL * INTEGER) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & not(id0 : seq1(POW(REAL * INTEGER)) & (id1 - id1 : dom(first(id0)) & (first(id0) : REAL +-> INTEGER & ({id2|id2 : INTEGER & /* falsity */ not(btrue)} : FIN({id2|id2 : INTEGER & /* falsity */ not(btrue)}) & (SIGMA(id2).(id2 : INTEGER & /* falsity */ not(btrue)|FDIV(24,id2)) >= 0 & /* falsity */ {} /= {})))) & first(id0)(id1 - id1) ** SIGMA(id2).(id2 : INTEGER & /* falsity */ not(btrue)|FDIV(24,id2)) /= prj2(prj1(id2))(min({})))',
6660 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id9 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & not(id9 : seq(INTEGER) & (MININT : 0 .. size(id9) & (id9 /|\\ MININT : seq1(INTEGER) & /* falsity */ {} /= {})) & last(id9 /|\\ MININT) < max({}))',
6661 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id1 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER)) & id2 : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * BOOL * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * BOOL & not({id0|id0 : REAL & (id3 : dom(id2) & (id2 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * BOOL +-> POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id2(id3) : seq1(INTEGER)) & (id1 : seq(POW(INTEGER)) & floor(100.56482246140652) > size(id1)))} : FIN({id0|id0 : REAL & (id3 : dom(id2) & (id2 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * BOOL +-> POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id2(id3) : seq1(INTEGER)) & (id1 : seq(POW(INTEGER)) & floor(100.56482246140652) > size(id1)))}) & (POW1({}) /= {} & POW1({}) : FIN(POW1({})) & card(POW1({})) <= 1 & (STRING : FIN(STRING) & /* falsity */ -63 > 0)) & SIGMA(id0).(id0 : REAL & (id3 : dom(id2) & (id2 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * BOOL +-> POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id2(id3) : seq1(INTEGER)) & (id1 : seq(POW(INTEGER)) & floor(100.56482246140652) > size(id1)))|first(id2(id3))) >= MU(POW1({}))(card(STRING) mod -63))',
6662 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & not(conc([]) : seq1(INTEGER) & (tail(conc([])) : seq1(INTEGER) & id0 : seq(INTEGER)) & first(tail(conc([]))) <= - last(id0 <- MAXINT))',
6663 '-evalt', ':z3 id1 : POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * POW(BOOL))) * REAL & id2 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * REAL)) * (POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * (REAL * (BOOL * INTEGER))))) * BOOL)))) & id4 : INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)))))) * (INTEGER * INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * REAL)) * (POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * (REAL * (BOOL * INTEGER))))) * BOOL))))) & id5 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * REAL)) * (POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * (REAL * (BOOL * INTEGER))))) * BOOL)))))) & not(prj1(id1) : {} & (id2 : seq1(POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * REAL)) * (POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * (REAL * (BOOL * INTEGER))))) * BOOL)))) & (front(id2) : seq(seq(POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * REAL)) * (POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * (REAL * (BOOL * INTEGER))))) * BOOL))) & (97.54326068780833 /= 35.137962494237755 => id5 : seq1(INTEGER * INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * REAL)) * (POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * (REAL * (BOOL * INTEGER))))) * BOOL)))))))) & ({}(prj1(id1)) ^ conc(front(id2))) /: ( ASSERT_EXPR (bool((IF 97.54326068780833 = 35.137962494237755 THEN prj2(id4) ELSE last(id5) END) : (succ |>> NAT1) * {}),"projection function called outside of domain: ",prj2(IF 97.54326068780833 = 35.137962494237755 THEN prj2(id4) ELSE last(id5) END) )))',
6664 '-evalt', ':z3 id4 : REAL & id5 : POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL))) * INTEGER) * REAL)) & not({id0,id1,id2,id3|id0 : INTEGER & id1 : INTEGER * INTEGER & id2 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL))) * BOOL & bfalse} : FIN({id0,id1,id2,id3|id0 : INTEGER & id1 : INTEGER * INTEGER & id2 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL))) * BOOL & bfalse}) & ((real(MININT) < 0.0 => SIGMA(id0,id1,id2,id3).(id0 : INTEGER & id1 : INTEGER * INTEGER & id2 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL))) * BOOL & bfalse|id4) = real(floor(SIGMA(id0,id1,id2,id3).(id0 : INTEGER & id1 : INTEGER * INTEGER & id2 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL))) * BOOL & bfalse|id4)))) & ((real(MININT) = 0.0 => 0.0 <= SIGMA(id0,id1,id2,id3).(id0 : INTEGER & id1 : INTEGER * INTEGER & id2 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL))) * BOOL & bfalse|id4)) & (id5 /= {} & id5 : FIN(id5) & card(id5) <= 1 & ({id6,id7|id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : BOOL & bfalse} : FIN({id6,id7|id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : BOOL & bfalse}) & (PI(id6,id7).(id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : BOOL & bfalse|MAXINT) : {rel_x|rel_x : INTEGER & (rel_x : {} & #rel_y.(rel_y : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL))) * INTEGER) & rel_y : union({}[{rel_x}])))} & ({rel_x,rel_y|rel_x : INTEGER & rel_y : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL))) * INTEGER) & (rel_x : {} & rel_y : union({}[{rel_x}]))} : INTEGER +-> INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL))) * INTEGER) & ({rel_x,rel_y|rel_x : INTEGER & rel_y : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL))) * INTEGER) & (rel_x : {} & rel_y : union({}[{rel_x}]))}(PI(id6,id7).(id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : BOOL & bfalse|MAXINT)) : dom(prj2(MU(id5))) & prj2(MU(id5)) : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL))) * INTEGER) +-> REAL))))))) & RPOW(real(MININT),SIGMA(id0,id1,id2,id3).(id0 : INTEGER & id1 : INTEGER * INTEGER & id2 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL))) * BOOL & bfalse|id4)) + last([47.83110392595881,28.847294871004024,83.74217309396853,28.730975640438306]) < prj2(MU(id5))({rel_x,rel_y|rel_x : INTEGER & rel_y : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL))) * INTEGER) & (rel_x : {} & rel_y : union({}[{rel_x}]))}(PI(id6,id7).(id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : BOOL & bfalse|MAXINT))))',
6665 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(POW(INTEGER) * BOOL) & id1 : INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL) * INTEGER))) & id2 : INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL) * INTEGER))) & id3 : POW(POW(INTEGER) * POW(POW(INTEGER) * BOOL * BOOL)) & not(NAT : dom(id3) & (id3 : POW(INTEGER) +-> POW(POW(INTEGER) * BOOL * BOOL) & (conc([]) : seq1(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER) * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL) * INTEGER))) * BOOL)))) & first(conc([])) : seq1(POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER) * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL) * INTEGER))) * BOOL))))) & {`_prj_arg1__`,`_prj_arg2__`|`_prj_arg1__` : INTEGER & `_prj_arg2__` : POW(INTEGER) * BOOL & (`_prj_arg1__` : NATURAL & `_prj_arg2__` : id0)} <| ({id1,id2,id1,id2} || id3(NAT)) /<<: first(first(conc([]))))',
6666 '-evalt', ':z3 id0 : REAL & id1 : INTEGER & id6 : POW(STRING) & not(conc([]) : seq1(INTEGER) & (id1 > 0 & (MAXINT mod id1 /= 0 & (floor(id0) / (MAXINT mod id1) >= 0 & ({id2,id3,id4,id5|id2 : INTEGER * (POW(POW(INTEGER)) * REAL) * POW(BOOL) & id3 : POW(BOOL) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id4 : INTEGER & id5 : BOOL & (STRING = id6\\/STRING & id6/\\STRING = {})} : FIN({id2,id3,id4,id5|id2 : INTEGER * (POW(POW(INTEGER)) * REAL) * POW(BOOL) & id3 : POW(BOOL) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id4 : INTEGER & id5 : BOOL & (STRING = id6\\/STRING & id6/\\STRING = {})}) & (FDIV(- id1,MININT - 1) > 0 & SIGMA(id2,id3,id4,id5).(id2 : INTEGER * (POW(POW(INTEGER)) * REAL) * POW(BOOL) & id3 : POW(BOOL) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id4 : INTEGER & id5 : BOOL & (STRING = id6\\/STRING & id6/\\STRING = {})|id1) >= 0))))) & first(conc([])) ** (floor(id0) / (MAXINT mod id1)) < SIGMA(id2,id3,id4,id5).(id2 : INTEGER * (POW(POW(INTEGER)) * REAL) * POW(BOOL) & id3 : POW(BOOL) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id4 : INTEGER & id5 : BOOL & (STRING = id6\\/STRING & id6/\\STRING = {})|id1) mod FDIV(- id1,MININT - 1))',
6667 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(BOOL * BOOL) & id1 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id5 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * POW(POW(POW(BOOL * INTEGER * (BOOL * INTEGER) * (POW(BOOL) * INTEGER))))) & not(#rel_x.(rel_x : INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) & (rel_x : dom(id5) & (closure1(id0) || iterate(id1,MININT)) >->> {} : union(id5[{rel_x}]))) & MININT >= 0)',
6668 '-evalt', ':z3 id0 : POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * REAL & id5 : POW(POW(POW(POW(POW(POW(POW(POW(BOOL * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))))) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * (POW(BOOL) * POW(BOOL * INTEGER)) * BOOL * BOOL)) * INTEGER))) * INTEGER) * (BOOL * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * INTEGER * BOOL * INTEGER)) * REAL * POW(INTEGER * REAL))) & id6 : POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL))) & id7 : POW(INTEGER) * POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL))) & not(id6 /= {} & id6 : FIN(id6) & card(id6) <= 1 & (seq(REAL) \\/ MU(id6)) /: prj2(id7) & ([] <- id0 : {} & ([] : seq1(POW(POW(POW(POW(POW(POW(BOOL * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))))) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * (POW(BOOL) * POW(BOOL * INTEGER)) * BOOL * BOOL)) * INTEGER))) * INTEGER) * (BOOL * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * INTEGER * BOOL * INTEGER)) * REAL) & (rev([]) : seq1(POW(POW(POW(POW(POW(POW(BOOL * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))))) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * (POW(BOOL) * POW(BOOL * INTEGER)) * BOOL * BOOL)) * INTEGER))) * INTEGER) * (BOOL * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * INTEGER * BOOL * INTEGER)) * REAL) & (id5 /= {} & id5 : FIN(id5) & card(id5) <= 1))) & (({} +-> INTEGER) <-> {}([] <- id0)) <| {first([]),last(rev([]))} = dom({} <<| MU(id5))))',
6669 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * INTEGER)) * (POW(REAL) * (POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * INTEGER)) & id2 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * (POW(REAL) * INTEGER))) & id3 : POW(REAL * POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))))) & id4 : POW(POW(REAL) * REAL) & not(REAL : dom(id4) & (id4 : POW(REAL) +-> REAL & (id4(REAL) : dom(id3) & id3 : REAL +-> POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)))))) & seq1(iseq(NAT1)) /: id3(id4(REAL)) & ([] : seq1(REAL * INTEGER) & (prj1(id0) : seq1(INTEGER * INTEGER) & (prj1(last(prj1(id0))) > 0 & (prj2(first([])) >= 0 & (id2 : seq(seq(POW(REAL) * INTEGER)) & conc(id2) : seq1(POW(REAL) * INTEGER))))) & prj2(first([])) mod prj1(last(prj1(id0))) = prj2(first(conc(id2)))))',
6670 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id1 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & id2 : POW(POW(INTEGER)) & not([] : seq1(INTEGER) & (id1 : seq1(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & (first(id1) : seq1(INTEGER) & (first(first(id1)) > 0 & (first([]) >= 0 & (union(id2) /= {} & union(id2) : FIN(union(id2))))))) & first([]) mod first(first(id1)) /= max(union(id2)))',
6671 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) * POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))))) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & not(prj1(id0) : seq1(POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) * POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))))) & (conc([]) : seq1(INTEGER) & first(conc([])) >= 0) & iterate(first(prj1(id0)),first(conc([]))) : FIN(iterate(first(prj1(id0)),first(conc([])))))',
6672 '-evalt', ':z3 id0 : INTEGER * REAL * POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER))) & not(MAXINT : 0 .. size([]) & ([] /|\\ MAXINT : seq1(POW(INTEGER)) & prj2(id0) : seq1(POW(POW(INTEGER)))) & POW1(first([] /|\\ MAXINT)) <: last(prj2(id0)) - POW1(NATURAL1))',
6673 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : BOOL * POW(POW(POW(POW(BOOL)))) * BOOL & id1 : POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) & id2 : POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL * (BOOL * BOOL) * INTEGER)))) * POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) & not([] : seq1(BOOL) & [prj1(prj1(id0)),first([]),last(TRUE -> []),TRUE] : (id1 - id2 \\/ prj2(id3)) /\\ {LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & (MAXINT : 0 .. size([]) & LAMBDA_RESULT___ = [] /|\\ MAXINT)})',
6674 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id1 : POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & not(MAXINT / 76 : {rel_x|rel_x : INTEGER & (rel_x : {} & #rel_y.(rel_y : POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & rel_y : union({}[{rel_x}])))} & {rel_x,rel_y|rel_x : INTEGER & rel_y : POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & (rel_x : {} & rel_y : union({}[{rel_x}]))} : INTEGER +-> POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & /*@symbolic*/ %(`_prj_arg1__`,`_prj_arg2__`).(`_prj_arg1__` : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & `_prj_arg2__` : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & (`_prj_arg1__` : NAT1 >+> BOOL & (id1 : seq1(POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & `_prj_arg2__` : last(id1)))|`_prj_arg2__`) /<<: {rel_x,rel_y|rel_x : INTEGER & rel_y : POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & (rel_x : {} & rel_y : union({}[{rel_x}]))}(MAXINT / 76))',
6675 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(POW(POW(REAL))) & id1 : POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL * BOOL)) & not((NAT1 +->> NAT1) /= {} & NAT1 +->> NAT1 : FIN(NAT1 +->> NAT1) & card(NAT1 +->> NAT1) <= 1 & conc([]) : seq1(POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL) * (INTEGER * POW(REAL * BOOL)))) & (MU(NAT1 +->> NAT1) || union(id0) * (FLOAT +-> BOOL)) <<: ((pred || {}) |> (NAT1 <| id1)) \\/ first(conc([])))',
6676 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(BOOL * INTEGER) & id1 : POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL * INTEGER)) & id2 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER))) & not(id1 : seq1(POW(BOOL * INTEGER)) & (real(28) : {} & ((id0 ; pred) /\\ first(id1) : BOOL +-> INTEGER & (id2 : seq1(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER))) & (MAXINT - 63 : dom(first(id2)) & (first(id2) : INTEGER +-> POW(INTEGER) & (first(id2)(MAXINT - 63) /= {} & first(id2)(MAXINT - 63) : FIN(first(id2)(MAXINT - 63)) & card(first(id2)(MAXINT - 63)) <= 1)))))) & ((id0 ; pred) /\\ first(id1))({}(real(28))) >= MU(first(id2)(MAXINT - 63)))',
6677 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id2 : BOOL * (INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER)))) * BOOL) * INTEGER) & not([] : seq1(INTEGER) & ({id2,id3|id2 : POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL))) * POW(INTEGER * (REAL * REAL)))) & id3 : BOOL & MININT <= MININT} : FIN({id2,id3|id2 : POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL))) * POW(INTEGER * (REAL * REAL)))) & id3 : BOOL & MININT <= MININT}) & prj2(prj2(id2)) >= 0) & first([]) <= SIGMA(id2,id3).(id2 : POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL))) * POW(INTEGER * (REAL * REAL)))) & id3 : BOOL & MININT <= MININT|-45) ** prj2(prj2(id2)))',
6678 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(BOOL * REAL) & id1 : POW(BOOL * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) & id2 : POW(BOOL * POW(REAL * REAL)) & id3 : BOOL & id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : POW(INTEGER * (BOOL * BOOL * (REAL * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)))) & id8 : INTEGER & not(47 <= id8 <=> - MAXINT >= min(NAT) & ((id0~ >-> ({} || id1)) /= {} & (id3 : dom(id2) & (id2 : BOOL +-> POW(REAL * REAL) & (MAXINT : 0 .. size([]) & [] \\|/ MAXINT : seq1(POW(REAL * BOOL))))) & inter(id0~ >-> ({} || id1))[(id2(id3) ; first([] \\|/ MAXINT))] = ran(union({}) - (id6 ; id7))))',
6679 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * BOOL)) & id1 : POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * (POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * REAL)) & id2 : POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & id3 : POW(REAL * POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * (POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) * REAL)))) & not(id0 : seq1(INTEGER * BOOL) & {id1|id1 : POW(INTEGER)} : FIN({id1|id1 : POW(INTEGER)}) & prj1(first(id0)) < floor(PI(id1).(id1 : POW(INTEGER)|31.664361750768247)) & (MININT : 0 .. size([]) & ([] /|\\ MININT : dom(id1[id2]) & (id1[id2] : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) +-> REAL & (id3 /= {} & id3 : FIN(id3) & card(id3) <= 1))) & id1[id2]([] /|\\ MININT) < prj1(MU(id3))))',
6680 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * BOOL)) & id1 : POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * (POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * REAL)) & id2 : POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & id3 : POW(REAL * POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * (POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) * REAL)))) & not(id0 : seq1(INTEGER * BOOL) & {id1|id1 : POW(INTEGER)} : FIN({id1|id1 : POW(INTEGER)}) & prj1(first(id0)) < floor(PI(id1).(id1 : POW(INTEGER)|31.664361750768247)) & (MININT : 0 .. size([]) & ([] /|\\ MININT : dom(id1[id2]) & (id1[id2] : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) +-> REAL & (id3 /= {} & id3 : FIN(id3) & card(id3) <= 1))) & id1[id2]([] /|\\ MININT) < prj1(MU(id3))))',
6681 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id2 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * REAL)) & not({id0,id1|id0 : REAL & id1 : INTEGER & (id2 : seq1(REAL) & 14.442731089354858 < id0)} : FIN({id0,id1|id0 : REAL & id1 : INTEGER & (id2 : seq1(REAL) & 14.442731089354858 < id0)}) & (id3 : seq1(INTEGER * REAL) & prj2(17 |-> []) : seq1(REAL)) & PI(id0,id1).(id0 : REAL & id1 : INTEGER & (id2 : seq1(REAL) & 14.442731089354858 < id0)|last(id2)) + ( ASSERT_EXPR (bool(first(id3) : NAT * REAL),"projection function called outside of domain: ",prj2(first(id3)) )) <= first(prj2(17 |-> [])))',
6682 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id4 : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL)))))) & id5 : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL))))) * BOOL) & id6 : POW(BOOL * BOOL) & id7 : POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(REAL)) & id8 : POW(POW(REAL)) & not({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & (id4 <<| id5 /<: ({} ; id6) & (id7 /= {} & id7 : FIN(id7) & card(id7) <= 1 & LAMBDA_RESULT___ = prj2(MU(id7))))} /= {} & (ceiling(57.32899186303727) : {} & id8 /= {}) & inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & (id4 <<| id5 /<: ({} ; id6) & (id7 /= {} & id7 : FIN(id7) & card(id7) <= 1 & LAMBDA_RESULT___ = prj2(MU(id7))))}) <<: {}(ceiling(57.32899186303727)) /\\ inter(id8))',
6684 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * (BOOL * REAL)) & id1 : INTEGER & id2 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * REAL * REAL & id3 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & id4 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) * POW(REAL) * REAL & not(id1 : dom(id0) & (id0 : INTEGER +-> BOOL * REAL & (id3 : seq1(REAL) & ((prj2(id2) < 0.0 => last(id3) = real(floor(last(id3)))) & ((prj2(id2) = 0.0 => 0.0 <= last(id3)) & /* falsity */ {} /= {})))) & prj2(id0(id1)) - RPOW(prj2(id2),last(id3)) : MU({}) /\\ prj2(prj1(id4)))',
6685 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL) * POW(INTEGER * REAL)))) & id1 : POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL) * POW(INTEGER * REAL))) & id2 : INTEGER & not(conc([]) : seq1(POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL))) & (id1 : seq(POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL) * POW(INTEGER * REAL))) & (id2 : 0 .. size(id1) & id1 /|\\ id2 : seq1(POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL) * POW(INTEGER * REAL))))) & id((INTEGER<->REAL)) <: first(conc([])) <| first(id1 /|\\ id2) & (id0 : seq1(POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL) * POW(INTEGER * REAL)))) & last(id0) : seq1(POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL) * POW(INTEGER * REAL))) & closure1(first(last(id0))) <: first(conc([])) <| first(id1 /|\\ id2)))',
6686 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id1 : POW(BOOL) & id2 : INTEGER & id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : POW(BOOL * (INTEGER * REAL)) & not(18 : 0 .. size([]) & ([] \\|/ 18 : seq1(INTEGER) & ({id3,id4,id5|id3 : INTEGER & id4 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) * INTEGER))) & id5 : BOOL & (id6 : seq1(INTEGER) & id2 >= MAXINT)} : FIN({id3,id4,id5|id3 : INTEGER & id4 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) * INTEGER))) & id5 : BOOL & (id6 : seq1(INTEGER) & id2 >= MAXINT)}) & (FALSE : dom(id7) & id7 : BOOL +-> INTEGER * REAL))) & ({id0|id0 : INTEGER & {} /<: id1 - BOOL} = dom((id2 .. MININT) * ({} <<-> NAT))\\/{first([] \\|/ 18),- card(BOOL),PI(id3,id4,id5).(id3 : INTEGER & id4 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) * INTEGER))) & id5 : BOOL & (id6 : seq1(INTEGER) & id2 >= MAXINT)|first(id6)),prj1(id7(FALSE))}\\/{id8|id8 : INTEGER & FIN1(NATURAL1) /: {}} & dom((id2 .. MININT) * ({} <<-> NAT))/\\{first([] \\|/ 18),- card(BOOL),PI(id3,id4,id5).(id3 : INTEGER & id4 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) * INTEGER))) & id5 : BOOL & (id6 : seq1(INTEGER) & id2 >= MAXINT)|first(id6)),prj1(id7(FALSE))} = {} & dom((id2 .. MININT) * ({} <<-> NAT))/\\{id8|id8 : INTEGER & FIN1(NATURAL1) /: {}} = {} & {first([] \\|/ 18),- card(BOOL),PI(id3,id4,id5).(id3 : INTEGER & id4 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) * INTEGER))) & id5 : BOOL & (id6 : seq1(INTEGER) & id2 >= MAXINT)|first(id6)),prj1(id7(FALSE))}/\\{id8|id8 : INTEGER & FIN1(NATURAL1) /: {}} = {}))',
6688 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check not(id0 /= 0 & 85 > 3 / id0)',
6689 '-evalt', '{RANGE_LAMBDA__|RANGE_LAMBDA__ : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * BOOL * BOOL) & RANGE_LAMBDA__ = union({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * BOOL * BOOL) & (POW(NATURAL) /<<: {} & (MAXINT : 0 .. size([]) & [] \\|/ MAXINT : seq1(POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * BOOL * BOOL)) & LAMBDA_RESULT___ = first([] \\|/ MAXINT)))})} /= {} & (/*@symbolic*/ %(`_prj_arg1__`,`_prj_arg2__`).(`_prj_arg1__` : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) & `_prj_arg2__` : BOOL & (`_prj_arg1__` : closure1({`__comp_result__`|`__comp_result__` : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) & bfalse}) & (rev([]) : seq1(POW(BOOL)) & `_prj_arg2__` : first(rev([]))))|`_prj_arg2__`) ; id(union(FIN1({})))) /<<: inter({RANGE_LAMBDA__|RANGE_LAMBDA__ : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * BOOL * BOOL) & RANGE_LAMBDA__ = union({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * BOOL * BOOL) & (POW(NATURAL) /<<: {} & (MAXINT : 0 .. size([]) & [] \\|/ MAXINT : seq1(POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL))) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * BOOL * BOOL)) & LAMBDA_RESULT___ = first([] \\|/ MAXINT)))})})',
6691 % clash checks Code = {c1,c2,c3,c4}, db,active,activec={}
6692 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check dom(db) /= active',
6693 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check #active.(dom(db) /= active)',
6694 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check #db.(db /= active)',
6695 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #(c1,c2).(c1:Name & c2:Code & db={c1|->c2})',
6696 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check #(c1,c2,db).(c1:Name & c2:Code & db={c2|->c1})',
6697 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check #(c1,c2).(c1:Name & c2:Code & (c1:active <=> c2:activec))',
6698 '-evalt', ':z3 !(c1,c2).(c1:db & c2:db => c1=c2)', % db is empty, was unsupported LEQ_SYM
6699 % precomputation
6700 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x : POW({1,2,y}) & z:x & z>2',
6701 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check {1|->2,e}~ = r',
6703 ], 'some simple constraints that should be solved by cvc4 / z3').
6704 cli_testcase(2061, [cbc,atelierb,chr,disprover,private], [
6705 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProvableByPP/prob2023.mch',
6706 '-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DISPROVER_MODE', 'TRUE',
6707 '-cbc_assertions_tautology_proof',
6708 '-cbc_result_file', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt'],
6709 'Test Atelier-B Disprover interface and non-critical enum warning ignored').
6710 cli_testcase(2062, [kodkod,tickets], [
6711 '-evalt', ':kodkod b = {x | x>2 & x<3}',
6712 '-evalf', ':kodkod x>2 & x<3',
6713 '-evalt', ':kodkod (f3={a,c,e|a:NATURAL & c:NATURAL1 & e:{x|x=1 & x=2} & a=1 & c=2})',
6714 '-evalt', ':kodkod (f1={a,e|a:INTEGER & e:{TRUE} & a=1}) & (f2={a,c,e|a:INTEGER & e:{TRUE} & a=1 & c:NATURAL1 & e:{FALSE}}) & (f3={a,c,e|a:NATURAL & c:NATURAL1 & e:{x|x=1 & x=2} & a=1}) & (f4={a,c,e|a:NATURAL & c:NATURAL1 & e:INTEGER & a=-1}) & (f5={a,b|a>2 & a<1 & b=a}) & (f6=%x.(x>10 & x<20|100)) & (f7={a,b|a:NATURAL1 & b=a & a<=20}) & (i1={a,c,e|a:INTEGER & e:{TRUE} & a=1 & c:NATURAL1}) & (i2={a,c,e|a:INTEGER & e:{TRUE} & a=1 & c>4000}) & (i3={a,b,c|a:NATURAL1 & b<0 & c>10}) & (i4={a,b|a>=200 & b=a*a}) & (i5=%x.(x>10|100+x)) & (i6={x,y,z|z=x+y & x>100 & y:{200,201}}) & i4/:FIN(i4)' % not all predicates are translated
6715 ], 'check no inconsistency detected at top-level (Ticket KODKOD-4)').
6716 cli_testcase(2063, [smt_solver_integration,tickets], [
6717 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymmetryReduction/StaticSymmetryReduction/DefSet5.mch',
6718 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '30000',
6719 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check (ID=P1\\/P2) & (P1/\\P2={}) & (aa/=bb) & ({aa,bb,xx}<:ID) & (card(ID)=5) & (aa:P1) & (bb:P2) & (xx:P2) & (xx/=bb) & (card(P1)=1) & not((aa:P1) & (bb:P2) & (xx:P2) & (xx=bb) & (card(P1)=1))'
6720 % seems to run into time-out sometimes
6721 ], 'check model translation works and as const bug fixed (Ticket SSIMT-8)').
6722 cli_testcase(2064, [cbc,tickets,sigma], [
6723 '-evalf', 'PI(x).(x:{0,y}|x)=2', % was reporting solution y=2
6724 '-evalt', 'PI(x).(x:{1,y}|x)=2',
6725 '-evalf', 'SIGMA(x).(x:{1,y}|x)=2',
6726 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(x).(x:{1,y}|x)=3',
6727 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(x).(x:{0,y}|x)=22',
6729 ], 'check issue with PI and 0 accumulator fixed').
6730 cli_testcase(2065, [external,reals,sigma], [
6731 '-evalt', 'PI(x).(x:{1.0,y}|x)=2.0',
6732 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(x).(x:{1.0,2.0}|x) = 3.0',
6733 '-evalf', 'SIGMA(x).(x:{1.0,2.0}|x) = 2.0',
6734 '-evalt', 'PI(x).(x:{1.0,2.0}|x) = 2.0',
6735 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(x).(x:{1.0,2.0}|x+x) = 6.0',
6736 '-evalt', 'PI(x).(x:{1.0,2.0}|x+x) = 8.0',
6737 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(x).(x:1..100|real(x)) = 5050.0',
6739 ], 'check SIGMA and PI work with reals').
6740 cli_testcase(2066, [cbc,infinite], [
6741 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ %x.(x:NATURAL|x mod 2) & res = f \\ f & r2 = f /\\ f',
6742 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ %x.(x:NATURAL|x mod 2) & res = f \\ f & res={}',
6743 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ %x.(x:NATURAL|x mod 2) & r2 = f /\\ f & r2 = f',
6745 ], 'check symbolic treatment of intersection and set subtraction / difference').
6746 cli_testcase(2067,[b_test,operation_calls_in_expr],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6747 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/CallOperationInExprMultipleReturns.mch',
6749 '-assertions',
6751 ], 'Test calling operations in expressions with multiple return args').
6752 cli_testcase(2068, [sequences,infinite,exists], [
6753 '-evalt', 'SB = {x|#n.(x:1..n >-> BOOL)} & [TRUE,FALSE] : SB & [] : SB',
6754 '-evalt', 'SB = {x|#n.(x:1..n --> BOOL)} & [TRUE,FALSE] : SB & [TRUE,TRUE] : SB & [] : SB',
6755 '-evalt', 'SB = {x|#n.(n:NATURAL1 & x:1..n --> BOOL)} & [TRUE,FALSE] : SB & [TRUE,TRUE] : SB & [] /: SB',
6756 '-evalt', 'SB = {x|#n.(n>0 & x:1..n --> BOOL)} & [TRUE,FALSE] : SB & [TRUE,TRUE] : SB & [] /: SB',
6757 '-evalt', 'SB = {x|#n.(n>=1 & x:1..n --> BOOL)} & [TRUE,FALSE] : SB & [TRUE,TRUE] : SB & [] /: SB',
6758 '-evalt', 'SB = {x|#n.(0<n & x:1..n --> BOOL)} & [TRUE,FALSE] : SB & [TRUE,TRUE] : SB & [] /: SB',
6759 '-evalt', 'SB = {x|#n.(n:NATURAL & x:1..n --> BOOL)} & [TRUE,FALSE] : SB & [TRUE,TRUE] : SB & [] : SB',
6760 '-evalt', 'SB = {x|#n.(n:NATURAL1 & x:1..n >-> NATURAL)} & [11,22] : SB & [22,22] /: SB & [] /: SB',
6761 '-evalt', 'SB = {x|#n.(x:1..n >->> BOOL)} & [TRUE,FALSE] : SB & [TRUE,TRUE] /: SB & perm(BOOL) = SB',
6762 '-evalt', 'SB = {x|#n.(n:NATURAL1 & x:1..n >->> BOOL)} & [TRUE,FALSE] : SB & [TRUE,TRUE] /: SB & perm(BOOL) = SB',
6764 ], 'check detection of sequence operator written using exists').
6765 cli_testcase(2069, [cbc,infinite], [
6766 '-evalt', 'bs = (NATURAL*{TRUE}) & bs2 = bs <+ {0|->FALSE} & bf = 0..3 <| bs2',
6767 '-evalt', 'bs = (NATURAL*{TRUE}) & bs2 = bs <+ {2|->FALSE} & bf = 1..3 <| bs2 & bf = [TRUE,FALSE,TRUE]',
6768 '-evalt', 'bs = (NATURAL*{TRUE}) & bs2 = bs <+ {0|->FALSE} & bs3 = bs <+ {3|->FALSE} & bf = 0..4 <| bs2',
6769 '-evalt', 'bs = (NATURAL*{TRUE}) & bs2 = bs <+ {0|->FALSE} & bf = {x|x>3} <<| bs2',
6770 '-evalt', 'bs = (NATURAL*{TRUE}) & bs2 = bs <+ {0|->FALSE} & bf = {x|x>3} <<| bs2 & bf = {(0|->FALSE),(1|->TRUE),(2|->TRUE),(3|->TRUE)}',
6771 '-evalt', 'bs = (NATURAL*{TRUE}) & bf = bs |>> {TRUE}',
6772 '-evalt', 'bs = (NATURAL*{TRUE}) & bf = bs |>> {TRUE} & bf={}',
6773 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y,z|x+y=z & x>y & x:NATURAL & y:NATURAL} & r=(0..2)*(0..1) <| f',
6774 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y,z|x+y=z & x>y & x:NATURAL & y:NATURAL} & r=(0..2)*(0..1) <| f & r = {(1|->0|->1),(2|->0|->2),(2|->1|->3)}',
6775 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y,z,r|x+y+z=r & x:NATURAL & y:NATURAL & z:NATURAL} & r= f |> {3}',
6776 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y,z,r|x+y+z=r & x:NATURAL & y:NATURAL & z:NATURAL} & r= f |> {0,1} & r = {(0|->0|->0|->0),(0|->0|->1|->1),(0|->1|->0|->1),(1|->0|->0|->1)}',
6777 '-evalt', ' f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y,z,r|x+y+z=r & x:NATURAL & y:NATURAL & z:NATURAL} & BB={0,1} & ff = (BB*BB*BB) <| f ',
6778 '-evalt', ' f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y,z,r|x+y+z=r & x:NATURAL & y:NATURAL & z:NATURAL} & BB={0,1} & ff = (BB*BB*BB) <| f & ff = {(0|->0|->0|->0),(0|->0|->1|->1),(0|->1|->0|->1),(0|->1|->1|->2),(1|->0|->0|->1),(1|->0|->1|->2),(1|->1|->0|->2),(1|->1|->1|->3)}',
6779 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y,z,r|x+y+z=r & x:NATURAL & y:NATURAL & z:NATURAL} & BB={1} & ff = (BB*BB*BB) <| f & ff = {1|->1|->1|->3}',
6780 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y,z,r|x+y+z:{r,r+1} & x:NATURAL & y:NATURAL & z:NATURAL} & BB={1} & ff = (BB*BB*BB) <| f & ff = {(1|->1|->1|->2),(1|->1|->1|->3)}',
6781 % TO DO: bs = (NATURAL*{TRUE}) & bs2 = bs <+ {0|->FALSE} & bf = bs2 |> {FALSE}
6783 ], 'check symbolic treatment for domain restriction for closures').
6784 cli_testcase(2070, [cbc,clpfd_tables], [
6785 '-evalt', '3 : {r,r+1}',
6786 '-evalt', 'card({r|3 : {r,r+1}}) /= 3',
6787 '-evalt', '{r|3 : {r,r+1}} = {2,3}',
6789 ], 'check that element/3 constraint also enumerates before enumeration warnings are generated').
6790 cli_testcase(2071, [cbc,cbc_tests], [
6791 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Altran/SafetyLogic_Anime_m3_mch.eventb',
6792 '-cbc_tests', 5, 'trainKind(tr1):{Ertms}', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Altran/test_2071_cbc.xml',
6793 '-cbc_cover', 'trainEntring', '-force_no_silent'
6794 ], 'check that test-case generation works for Altran example').
6795 cli_testcase(2072, [cbc,cbc_tests], [
6796 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Altran/SafetyLogic_Anime_m3_mch.eventb',
6797 '-cbc_tests', 3, '{Ertms}=ran(trainKind)', '../prob_examples/examples/B/Altran/test_2072_cbc.xml',
6798 '-cbc_cover', 'trainEntring',
6799 '-expcterr', 'cbc_tests', '-force_no_silent'
6800 ], 'check that no instantation or other error; coverage cannot be achieved here').
6801 cli_testcase(2073, [cbc,infinite], [
6802 %'-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) & g = f <+ {0|->0} & g : INTEGER +-> INTEGER', % NOW UNKOWN
6803 %'-evalt', 'g = /*@symbolic*/ {x,rr|x |-> rr : {(0|->0)} or (x /: {0} & (x : NATURAL & rr = x + 1))} & g:NATURAL +-> NATURAL', % NOW UNKOWN
6804 '-evalf', 'g = /*@symbolic*/ {x,rr|x |-> rr : {(0|->0)} or (x /: {0} & (x : NATURAL & rr = x + 1))} & g:NATURAL1 +-> NATURAL',
6805 '-evalf', 'g = /*@symbolic*/ {x,rr|x |-> rr : {(0|->0)} or (x /: {0} & (x : NATURAL & rr = x + 1))} & g:NATURAL +-> NATURAL1',
6806 '-evalf', 'g = /*@symbolic*/ {x,rr|x |-> rr : {(1|->1)} or (x /: {0} & (x : NATURAL & rr = x + 1))} & g:NATURAL +-> NATURAL1',
6807 %'-evalt', 'g = /*@symbolic*/ {x,rr|x |-> rr : {(1|->1)} or (x /: {1} & (x : NATURAL & rr = x + 1))} & g:NATURAL +-> NATURAL1', % NOW UNKNOWN, requires CHR
6808 '-evalf', 'f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y|x:NATURAL & (x>=100 => y=100) & (x<100 => y=x)} & f:NATURAL +-> NATURAL1',
6809 %'-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y|x:NATURAL & (x>=100 => y=100) & (x<100 => y=x+1)} & f:NATURAL +-> NATURAL1', % NOW UNKOWN
6810 %'-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y|x:NATURAL & (x>=100 => y=100) & (x<100 => y=x)} & f:NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
6811 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y|x:NATURAL & y = IF (x>=100) THEN 100 ELSE x END} & f:NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
6812 '-evalf', 'NATURAL*{1,3} = f & f: NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
6813 '-evalt', 'NATURAL*{1} = f & f: NATURAL +-> NATURAL1',
6814 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:1..10|10) \\/ %x.(x>10|11) & f: NATURAL1 +-> 10..11'
6815 % does not work: f = /*@symbolic */ {x,y|x:NATURAL & (x>=100 => y=100) & (x<100 => y=x+1)} & f:NATURAL +-> 1..100
6816 % because this does not work: {x,y|y /: (1 .. 10) & (x : NATURAL & (x >= 10 => y = 10) & (x < 10 => y = x + 1))} = {}
6817 % this does work: {x,y|y /: (1 .. 10) & (x : NATURAL & y=IF x >= 10 THEN 10 ELSE x + 1 END)} = {}
6818 %'-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'FALSE' % TODO: TRUE by avoiding expansions of symbolic closures ?
6819 ], 'check symbolic treatment for partial function check').
6820 cli_testcase(2074, [cbc,infinite,exists], [
6821 '-evalt', 'g = /*@symbolic*/ {x,rr|x |-> rr : {(1|->1)} or (x /: {1} & (x : NATURAL & rr = x + 1))} & dom(g)=dd & dd=NATURAL',
6822 '-evalf', 'g = /*@symbolic*/ {x,rr|x |-> rr : {(1|->1)} or (x /: {1} & (x : NATURAL & rr = x + 1))} & dom(g)=dd & dd=NATURAL1',
6823 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) & g = f <+ {1|->1} & dom(g)=dd & dd=NATURAL',
6825 ], 'check symbolic treatment for domain with optimized exists construction').
6826 cli_testcase(2075, [cbc,infinite], [
6827 '-evalf', 'f = %x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) <+ {0|->0} & f:NATURAL --> NATURAL1',
6828 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:1..10|0) \\/ %x.(x>10|x) & f: NATURAL1 --> NATURAL',
6829 '-evalf', 'f = %x.(x:1..10|0) \\/ %x.(x>=10|x) & f: NATURAL1 --> NATURAL',
6830 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:1..10|10) \\/ %x.(x>=10|x) & f: NATURAL1 --> NATURAL',
6831 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:1..10|10) \\/ %x.(x>=10|x) & f: NATURAL1 --> NATURAL1',
6832 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:1..10|10) \\/ %x.(x>=10|x) & f: NATURAL1 --> GT9 & GT9 = {x|x>9}',
6833 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:1..10|10) \\/ %x.(x>10|11) & f: NATURAL1 --> 10..11',
6834 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:NATURAL|x) <+ {0|->1} & f:NATURAL --> NATURAL1',
6835 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:1..10|{10}) \\/ %x.(x>10|{x,10}) & f: NATURAL1 --> POW(NATURAL1)',
6836 '-evalt', 'f= /*@symbolic*/ {domid,ranid|domid |-> ranid : {(1|->TRUE)} or (domid /: {1} & (ranid = FALSE & domid : NATURAL))} & f:NATURAL --> BOOL', % example from Kraibi/Modele00_r1_prob_mch
6837 %'-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) <+ {0|->0} & f:NATURAL --> NATURAL'
6838 % f = %x.(x<=10|11) \/ %x.(x>=10|x+1) & f: INTEGER --> NATURAL
6839 % f = %x.(x:1..10|0) \/ %x.(x>10|x+1) & f: NATURAL1 --> NATURAL
6841 ], 'check symbolic treatment of total function').
6842 cli_testcase(2076, [alloy], [
6843 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/SimpleTests/overflow/milicevic.als',
6844 '-strict', '-mc', 10, '-nodead', '-cc', 2, 1
6845 ], 'Check util/boolean supported and no overflow detected').
6846 cli_testcase(2077, [b_test,json_trace_replay,visb], [
6847 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/Train/SimpleTrainTrack.mch',
6848 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/Train/SimpleTrainTrack.prob2trace',
6849 '-visb', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/Train/Track.json',
6850 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/Train/Track_Trace.html'], 'Check JSON replay and VisB HTML generation').
6851 cli_testcase(2078, [infinite], [
6852 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x:INTEGER|x+1) & r = %y.(y:1..n|n+1) & res = ((r;f);f) & n=10000',
6853 '-evalt', 'f = %i.(i:1..3000|x+i) & a = %x.(x:INTEGER|x+1) & res = (f;a) & x:0..20 & res(1)=11'
6854 ], 'Check symbolic relational composition').
6855 cli_testcase(2079, [ltsmin_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/SleepSetsStudyCase.mch', '-mc-with-lts-seq', '-noinv', '-expcterr', 'ltsmin_counter_example_found', %'deadlock', '-cc',7,7,
6856 '-strict'], 'A variation of deadlock test 1138 for LTSmin.').
6857 cli_testcase(2080, [ltsmin_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb',
6858 '-mc-with-lts-seq', '-noinv', '-expcterr', 'ltsmin_counter_example_found', %'deadlock',
6859 '-strict'], 'A variation of deadlock test 203 for LTSmin.').
6860 cli_testcase(2081, [ltsmin_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M3_mch.eventb',
6861 '-mc-with-lts-seq', '-noinv', '-expcterr', 'ltsmin_counter_example_found', %'deadlock',
6862 '-strict'], 'A variation of deadlock test 203 for LTSmin.').
6863 cli_testcase(2082, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb',
6864 '-model-check', '-noinv', '-expcterr', 'deadlock',
6865 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE',
6866 '-strict'], 'A variation of deadlock test 203 with COMPRESSION.').
6867 cli_testcase(2083, [ltsmin_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CAN_BUS_tlc.mch',
6868 '-mc-with-lts-seq', '-nodead', '-strict'],
6869 'Test 1043 with LTSMin.').
6870 cli_testcase(2084, [ltsmin_test], [
6871 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CSM.mch', % '-check_complete','-cc', '341', '1229'
6872 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler.mch', % '-check_complete', '-cc', '36', '121'
6873 '-mc-with-lts-seq', '-nodead', '-strict'],
6874 'Test 13, 14 with LTSMin.').
6875 cli_testcase(2085, [bench,operation_reuse,operation_reuse_full], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CSM.mch', '-mc', '1000', '-strict',
6876 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', full,
6877 '-check_complete', '-cc', '341', '1229'], 'Test 13 (CSM) with compression and reuse').
6878 cli_testcase(2086, [infinite], [
6879 '-evalf', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t + 100) & f /: NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
6880 '-evalt', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t + 100) & f : NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
6881 '-evalt', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t + 100) & f /: NATURAL1 +-> NATURAL',
6882 '-evalt', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t - 1) & f /: NATURAL +-> NATURAL',
6883 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ %p.(p:BOOL|(%t.(t:NATURAL|t+100))) & f: BOOL --> (NATURAL +-> NATURAL)'
6884 ], 'Check symbolic treatment of not partial function test').
6885 cli_testcase(2087, [infinite], [
6886 '-evalf', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t + 100) & f /: NATURAL --> NATURAL',
6887 '-evalt', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t + 100) & f : NATURAL --> NATURAL1',
6888 '-evalt', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t + 100) & f /: NATURAL1 --> NATURAL',
6889 '-evalt', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL1|t + 100) & f /: NATURAL --> NATURAL',
6890 '-evalt', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t - 1) & f /: NATURAL --> NATURAL',
6891 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ %p.(p:BOOL|(%t.(t:NATURAL|t+100))) & f: BOOL --> (NATURAL --> NATURAL)'
6892 ], 'Check symbolic treatment of not total function test').
6893 cli_testcase(2088, [infinite], [
6894 '-evalf', 'n:NATURAL & n..(n+1) /<: NATURAL',
6895 '-evalt', 'n:NATURAL & n..(n+1) /<: NATURAL1',
6896 '-evalf', 'n:NATURAL & n..(n+1) /<: {x|x>=0}',
6897 '-evalf', 'n>100 & n..(n+1) /<: {x|x>=100}',
6898 '-evalt', 'n:NATURAL & n..(n+1) /<: {x|x<10}',
6899 '-evalt', 'n:NATURAL & n..(n) /<: {x|x<10}',
6900 '-evalf', 'n<10 & n..(n) /<: {x|x<10}',
6901 '-evalt', 'n<10 & n..(n+1) /<: {x|x<10}',
6902 '-evalf', 'n<9 & n..(n+1) /<: {x|x<10}',
6903 '-evalf', 'n..(n+1) /<: {x|x:INTEGER}',
6904 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic */ %p.(p:BOOL|(%t.(t:NATURAL|t..(t+100)))) & f: BOOL --> (NATURAL --> POW(NATURAL))'
6905 ], 'Check symbolic treatment of not subset for intervals').
6906 cli_testcase(2089, [infinite], [
6907 '-evalf', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t - 1) & f : NATURAL -->> NATURAL1',
6908 '-evalt', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t - 1) & f /: NATURAL -->> NATURAL1',
6909 '-evalf', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t - 1) & f : NATURAL +->> NATURAL1',
6910 '-evalf', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t + 2) & f : NATURAL -->> NATURAL1',
6911 '-evalt', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t - 1) & f /: NATURAL +->> NATURAL1',
6912 '-evalt', 'f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t - 1) & f /: NATURAL -->> NATURAL1',
6913 % still unknown: f = %t.(t : NATURAL|t + 1) & f /: NATURAL +->> NATURAL1 because z_ : NATURAL1 & not(#t.(t : NATURAL & z_ = t + 1)) is unknown
6914 '-evalf', '/*@symbolic */ {x|#y.(y:NATURAL & x=y-2)} <: NATURAL',
6915 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {x|#y.(y:NATURAL & x=y+2)} <: NATURAL',
6916 '-evalf', 'NATURAL <: /*@symbolic */ {x|#y.(y:NATURAL & x=y-2)} ',
6917 '-evalf', 'NATURAL <: /*@symbolic */ {x|#y.(y:NATURAL & x=y+2)} ',
6918 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 /<: /*@symbolic */ {x|#y.(y:NATURAL & x=y+2)}',
6919 '-evalf', '/*@symbolic */ {x|#y.(y:NATURAL & x=y+2)} /<: NATURAL',
6920 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {x|#y.(y:NATURAL & x=y-2)} /<: NATURAL',
6921 '-evalt', 'z:NATURAL1 & not(#y.(y:NATURAL & z=y+2))',
6922 '-evalf', 'f = /*@symbolic */ %p.(p:BOOL|(%t.(t:NATURAL|t+100))) & f: BOOL --> (NATURAL -->> NATURAL)'
6923 ], 'Check symbolic treatment of total surjection and not subset').
6924 cli_testcase(2090, [tla,json_trace_replay], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Google_Group/Einstein/Einstein_v2.tla',
6925 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Google_Group/Einstein/Einstein_v2.prob2trace',
6926 % '-t',
6927 '-mc', 5, '-nodead'], 'check TLA model can be solved and FALSE action loaded (requires tla2bast 1.1.4)').
6928 cli_testcase(2091, [cbc], [
6929 '-evalt', 'memp : seq(STRING) & memp /= [] & dom(memp) <<: 1 .. 20',
6930 '-evalt', 'memp : seq(STRING) & memp /= [] & dom(memp) <<: 1 .. 200',
6931 '-evalt', 'memp : seq(STRING) & memp /= [] & dom(memp) <<: 1 .. 2000',
6932 '-evalt', 'memp : seq(STRING) & memp /= [] & dom(memp) <<: 1 .. 20 & dom(memp) /= {}',
6933 '-evalt', 'memp : seq(STRING) & memp /= [] & dom(memp) <: 1 .. 20 & dom(memp) /= {}',
6934 '-evalt', 'memp : seq(STRING) & memp /= [] & dom(memp) <<: 1 .. 43',
6935 '-evalt', 'memp : seq(STRING) & (1 .. 43 /\\ dom(memp)) /= {} & dom(memp) <<: 1 .. 43',
6936 '-evalt', 'memp : seq(STRING) & mdp >=0 & mdp < 1 & memp /= {} & (mdp + 1 .. mdp + 43 /\\ dom(memp)) /= {} & dom(memp) <<: mdp + 1 .. mdp + 43'
6937 ], 'Check strict subset issues solved'). % related to test 1003 (plavis-TransData_SP_13.prob)
6938 cli_testcase(2092, [cbc], [
6939 '-evalf', 'n:NATURAL1 & not(1001:NATURAL)',
6940 '-evalf', 'n:NATURAL1 & not(1001:NATURAL1)',
6941 '-evalf', 'n:NATURAL & not(1001:NATURAL1)',
6942 '-evalf', 'n<100 & not(1001:NATURAL1)',
6943 %'-evalf', 'n:NATURAL1 & x:2..3 & not(x:NATURAL1)', % TODO: still unknown
6944 '-evalf', 'n>100 & not(1001:NATURAL1)',
6946 ], 'Check no enumeration warning issues leading to UNKNOWN').
6947 cli_testcase(2093, [cbc,bmc,tla],
6948 ['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Google_Group/Einstein/TLA_Examples/Einstein.tla',
6950 '-bmc', 1, '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation',
6951 '-sptxt', '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Google_Group/Einstein/TLA_Examples/prob_bmc_counterexample_test2093.mch'], 'check TLA model can be solved with bmc').
6952 cli_testcase(2094, [cbc,tla],
6953 ['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Google_Group/Einstein/TLA_Examples/Einstein.tla',
6955 '-cbc', 'all', '-expcterr', 'cbc',
6956 '-sptxt', '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Google_Group/Einstein/TLA_Examples/prob_cbc_counterexample_test2094.mch'], 'check TLA model can be solved with bmc').
6957 cli_testcase(2095,[alloy,cbc,cbc_tests],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6958 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/Puzzles/einsteins_puzzle.als',
6959 '-cbc_sequence', run0,
6960 '-strict'], 'Test Alloy model and solution for run0 found').
6961 cli_testcase(2096, [smt_solver_integration], [
6962 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '30000',
6963 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check s=id(1..100)',
6964 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check s=union({{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{1,2,10}})',
6965 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s=union({{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{1,2,10}}) & s={}',
6966 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check s=inter({{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{1,2,10}})',
6967 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check s=inter({{1,2,3},{1,2,6},{1,2,10}})',
6968 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a=[1,2,3,4,5]~',
6969 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x = %i.(i:1..10|i+i) & x[{j}]=a',
6970 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x = %i.(i:1..10|i+i) & x[{j}]={8}',
6971 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check f=%x.(x:INTEGER|x*x*x) & f(f(x))=y & y=512', % TODO: doesn't terminate since Z3 4.13.2
6972 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a : FIN((1..3) * (1..3)) & a/={} & (2,2):a',
6973 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a : FIN((1..3) * INT)',
6974 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:POW1(1..10) & y = x*x',
6975 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:POW1(1..10) & {} = x*x'
6976 ], 'check new z3 translation with lambdas').
6977 cli_testcase(2097,[cbc,bmc],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6978 '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Benchmarks/Queens/NQueens.mch',
6979 '-bmc', 1, '-expecterr', 'invariant_violation',
6980 '-strict'], 'Test invariant violation after INITIALISATION found').
6981 cli_testcase(2098, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
6982 '-evalt', 'q : 1 .. 16 --> 1 .. 16 & card(ran(q))=16',
6983 '-evalt', 'q : 1 .. 16 --> 1 .. 16 & card(ran(q))=card(dom(q))',
6984 %'-evalt', 'q : 1 .. 16 --> 1 .. 16 & card({R|R:INTEGER & #D.(D:dom(q) & R=q(D))})=card(dom(q))', % only works in Disprover mode
6985 %'-evalt', 'q : 1 .. 16 --> 1 .. 16 & card({R|R:INTEGER & #D.(D|->R:q)})=card(dom(q))',
6986 '-evalt', 'f=%x.(x:1..1000|x+1) & 1000=card(ran(f))',
6987 '-evalt', 'f=%x.(x:1..n|x+1) & res=card(ran(f))& n:{1000,1001} & res=1001'
6988 ], 'Test improved card of range treatment').
6989 cli_testcase(2099, [laws,bmc], [
6990 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticExpLaws.mch',
6991 '-bmc', 7 %'-opterr', 'clpfd_overflow' % after changing get_assign_expr_priority_wf we no longer have an overflow
6992 ], 'BMC: Various arithmetic laws with power; see clpfd overflow caught or not generated.').
6993 cli_testcase(2100, [laws,bmc], [
6994 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolLaws.mch',
6995 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticLaws.mch',
6996 '-bmc', 6], 'BMC: Various bool and arithmetic laws.').
6997 cli_testcase(2101, [laws,bmc], [
6998 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/NatRangeLaws.mch',
6999 '-bmc', 4], 'BMC: Various intervals laws.').
7000 cli_testcase(2102, [laws,bmc], [
7001 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws.mch',
7002 '-bmc', 1], 'BMC: Various bool and arithmetic laws.'). % TO DO: examine timeouts for larger values of bmc
7003 cli_testcase(2103, [laws,bmc,tickets], [
7004 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/BMC_CallResidue/SetLaws_reduced2.mch',
7005 '-bmc', 4], 'BMC: check no pending co-routines due to POW (power_set use of findall).').
7006 cli_testcase(2104, [laws,bmc], [
7007 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLaws.mch',
7008 '-bmc', 3], 'BMC: Various set laws.'). % used to generate call_residue for b_not_test_conjunction/7 due to time-out
7009 cli_testcase(2105, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '10000',
7010 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check x=1 or x=2',
7011 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check x=1 & x=2',
7012 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check {S,E,N,D, M,O,R, Y} <: 0..9 & S >0 & M >0 & card({S,E,N,D, M,O,R, Y}) = 8 & S*1000 + E*100 + N*10 + D + M*1000 + O*100 + R*10 + E = M*10000 + O*1000 + N*100 + E*10 + Y',
7013 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check sqrt>0 & sqrt*sqrt <= i & (sqrt+1)*(sqrt+1)>i & i = 10000000',
7014 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check n = 8 & queens : 1..n >-> 1..n & !(q1,q2).(q1:1..n & q2:2..n & q2>q1 => queens(q1)+(q2-q1) /= queens(q2) & queens(q1)+(q1-q2) /= queens(q2))',
7015 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check DOM = 1..9 & SUBSQ = { {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9} } & Board : DOM --> (DOM --> DOM) & !y.(y:DOM => !(x1,x2).(x1:DOM & x1<x2 & x2:DOM => Board(x1)(y) /= Board(x2)(y) & Board(y)(x1) /= Board(y)(x2))) & !(s1,s2).(s1:SUBSQ & s2:SUBSQ => !(x1,y1,x2,y2).( (x1:s1 & x2:s1 & x1>=x2 & (x1=x2 => y1>y2) & y1:s2 & y2:s2 & (x1,y1) /= (x2,y2)) => Board(x1)(y1) /= Board(x2)(y2))) & Board(1)(1)=7 & Board(1)(2)=8 & Board(1)(3)=1 & Board(1)(4)=6 & Board(1)(6)=2 & Board(1)(7)=9 & Board(1)(9) = 5 & Board(2)(1)=9 & Board(2)(3)=2 & Board(2)(4)=7 & Board(2)(5)=1 & Board(3)(3)=6 & Board(3)(4)=8 & Board(3)(8)=1 & Board(3)(9)=2 & Board(4)(1)=2 & Board(4)(4)=3 & Board(4)(7)=8 & Board(4)(8)=5 & Board(4)(9)=1 & Board(5)(2)=7 & Board(5)(3)=3 & Board(5)(4)=5 & Board(5)(9)=4 & Board(6)(3)=8 & Board(6)(6)=9 & Board(6)(7)=3 & Board(6)(8)=6 & Board(7)(1)=1 & Board(7)(2)=9 & Board(7)(6)=7 & Board(7)(8)=8 & Board(8)(1)=8 & Board(8)(2)=6 & Board(8)(3)=7 & Board(8)(6)=3 & Board(8)(7)=4 & Board(8)(9)=9 & Board(9)(3)=5 & Board(9)(7)=1',
7016 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check DOM = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} & Board : DOM --> (DOM --> DOM) & (Board : INTEGER +-> ((INTEGER<->INTEGER)) & 1 : dom(Board) & 1 : dom(Board(1)) & Board(1) : INTEGER +-> INTEGER & Board(1)(1) = 7)',
7017 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check DOM = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} & Board(1)(1) = 7',
7018 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check {K,P} <: 1..9 & {I,S,A,O,N} <: 0..9 & (1000*K+100*I+10*S+S) * (1000*K+100*I+10*S+S) = 1000000*P+100000*A+10000*S+1000*S+100*I+10*O+N & card({K, I, S, P, A, O, N}) = 7',
7019 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check (A=TRUE <=> (B=FALSE or C=FALSE)) & (B=TRUE <=> A=TRUE)',
7020 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check (A=TRUE <=> (B=FALSE or C=FALSE)) & (B=TRUE <=> A=TRUE) & B=FALSE',
7021 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check cube = %x.(x:INTEGER|x*x*x) & ([1,2,3,4,5] ; cube) = list & cube[1..10] = image & cube(y) = 15625',
7022 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check DOM = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} & (Board : INTEGER +-> ((INTEGER<->INTEGER)) & 1 : dom(Board) & 1 : dom(Board(1)) & Board(1) : INTEGER +-> INTEGER & Board(1)(1) = 7)',
7023 % the following constraints have been found by the Prolog fuzzer
7024 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check {"a"} : FIN({"a"}) or 279936 < - (0 + (-32 - min({54,-27,2}))) + ((-23 + max({12,-51,30}) / 113) - 9) <=> {"n","6","o","e"} - {"7","s"} /= {"Cev"}',
7025 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check -54 .. 4 <<: {-19470,-19144,-19076,-17773,-11298,-9821,-8847,-8790,-8609,-8232,-508,245,416,1018,5075,6575,10043,18046,19308} <=> (not(-35 - - (- 28 * MAXINT) >= max({59,41,61,-4,-13,50,28,58,-17,58,54,-54,54,5,-20,-23,34,-8,-25,-16,-47,-42,-34,33,18,-49,-5,-7,-10,32,-35,-40,17,-25,10,-29,-15,23,-23,7,10})) <=> 0 /= -12187)',
7026 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check btrue => -21 .. -11 <<: {13761} & -32 .. -11 /<: {-11745,-5153,-16613,-17839,-3598,-11064,-15654,-1151,-14874,-13025,8362,-3180,12111,5227,-1287,18256,5858,18146,8052,-2114,18763,9259,-18295,2081,16790,9462,8630,11820,-11320,-15826,-12584,16862,6,-441,-6442,13118,-1346,-11977} => (btrue => - 1 * - (0 * (1 - min({41,49,28,-36,-61,-13,31,41,1,44,-10,-29,-39,-35,17,46,-57,-61,-56,16,16,27,-15,-34,-59}) / 4)) < MAXINT)',
7027 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check btrue => -32 .. -11 /<: {-11745,-5153} => (btrue => - 1 * - (0 * (1 - min({41,49}) / 4)) < MAXINT)',
7028 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check btrue => -21 .. -11 <<: {13761} & -32 .. -11 /<: {-11745,-5153} => (btrue => - 1 * - (0 * (1 - min({41,49}) / 4)) < MAXINT)',
7029 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check {-19910,-18746,-16773,-15446,-14701,-12806,-11000,-9666,-8702,-6212,6573,9274,11522,11745,12209,17151,17624,18421,18593,19723} - {-19961,-19856,-18755,-18112,-17873,-15773,-13681,-12937,-11171,-10677,-7082,-7061,-4992,-4435,-3456,-3261,-2223,-1579,315,609,971,1484,2294,2495,3596,5065,5194,5609,5813,6792,6798,6920,7107,7195,7404,7990,9187,9517,11009,13260,14137,14147,15716,18611,19110,19337,19513} <<: {-4672,-17796,-4395,-14514,-4171,-13133,18369,-10632,7894,-15167,9678,9553,14831,6214,-6487,3093,-19899,-16914,306,-5209,-19188,-19968,4718,6866,-18040,947,-18538,5729,18888,-5761,-6479,-6113,1143,5424,7706,16860,-8906,-8415} => (-50 .. 10 = {-15424,1561,3745,-2865,-2186,-8876,-15970,-10344,1889,2751,-14364,-19299,-8441,-2199,10931,-1527,-557,-8985,-1152,-11802,6361,13242,11952,16544} => {-19444,-18905,-13816,-9049,-8343,-7466,-6334,-4630,-4492,-4139,-3813,-2461,921,1467,2179,2359,3401,3891,4620,7103,7156,9120,9807,10217,13043,15032,15064,15710,15848,19094,19884} /\\ {12048,11231,1868,417,9577,-13582,2563,12378,14444,2407,-6123,-6200,-12295,-15450,-11725,-6065,-4717,-7484} <: {9763,-5634,-7807,15930,16096,9294,9872,6155,-7741,16455,13929,8926,-10738,479,10765} <=> 79 mod 101 >= max({}))',
7031 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check ({FALSE,TRUE} <<: {FALSE,TRUE} or {} <<: {"+n9r]I<","00ML","5nAgN<]2-6pF[tSEcB^","7!J<4*","8iL];D&Z:ni!s3*}(}k_}_?-w;",">GlCdZ:","?Nn!bHODO1wL;","C78H","G:n2D^L4","O_ijw=8Ji~7oK?ZF","O_vdN.ikYTh","S{}K2m","WF{3>i8E3","n9*Lq^do","_Mu04s,9DAXNc~&","e>kKr","gOmYLo7","jca","oJ","v2&!aeJLwl","y;f+]","9"}) & (not({} <<: {"+n9rI","00ML","5nAgN2-6pFtSEcB^","7!J4","8iLDZni!s3_?-w;",">GlCdZ:","?Nn!bHODO1wL","C78H","G:n2DL4","O_ijw=8Ji7oK?ZF","O_vdN.ikYTh","SK2m","WF3>i8E3","n9*Lq^do","_Mu04s,9DAXNc","ekKr","gOmYLo7","jca","oJ","v2&!aeJLwl","y;f+","9"}) or not({FALSE,TRUE} <<: {FALSE,TRUE})) & (({} <<: {FALSE,TRUE} & (not(TRUE : {FALSE,TRUE}) or not(0 > min({-62,-49,-45,-43,-41,-31,-29,-24,-17,-5,-2,5,11,12,14,28,37,43,46,56,61,62})) or not({FALSE,TRUE} \\/ {FALSE,TRUE} <<: {FALSE,TRUE}))) or (TRUE : {FALSE,TRUE} & 0 > min({-62,-49,-45,-43,-41,-31,-29,-24,-17,-5,-2,5,11,12,14,28,37,43,46,56,61,62}) & {FALSE,TRUE} \\/ {FALSE,TRUE} <<: {FALSE,TRUE} & not({} <<: {FALSE,TRUE})) or not({} <<: {-18838,-17452,-17385,-17368,-16258,-14024,-13647,-11800,-10149,-9457,-8517,-6852,-6530,-3702,-3635,-3275,-1683,-983,1569,5914,6252,7434,11539,15004,16490,16542,17084,17672,19117,19164})) & ({} <<: {-18838,-17452,-17385,-17368,-16258,-14024,-13647,-11800,-10149,-9457,-8517,-6852,-6530,-3702,-3635,-3275,-1683,-983,1569,5914,6252,7434,11539,15004,16490,16542,17084,17672,19117,19164} or ((not({} <<: {FALSE,TRUE}) or (TRUE : {FALSE,TRUE} & 0 > min({-62,-49,-45,-43,-41,-31,-29,-24,-17,-5,-2,5,11,12,14,28,37,43,46,56,61,62}) & {FALSE,TRUE} \\/ {FALSE,TRUE} <<: {FALSE,TRUE})) & (not(TRUE : {FALSE,TRUE}) or not(0 > min({-62,-49,-45,-43,-41,-31,-29,-24,-17,-5,-2,5,11,12,14,28,37,43,46,56,61,62})) or {} <<: {FALSE,TRUE})))',
7032 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check min({-9,62,62,52,10,56,-40,-21,-41,-10,55,36,-49,51,32,38,13,-25,57,30,2,-2,44,31,-2,52,34,-46,-37,-34,27,2,38,-12,12,13,11,10,-25,43,-3,-15,32,44,-29,11,-60,-25}) /= -5382 & -9 .. 26 /<<: {-19996,-19637,-17345,-16440,-16151,-14331,-14216,-13851,-13702,-13513,-13120,-12762,-12362,-11205,-10452,-9575,-8455,-7689,-6723,-6420,-4168,-4084,-2567,126,1166,2415,3104,5409,5412,7177,7411,9946,10042,12934,13241,13475,13619,13840,14144,14347,14970,15179,15440,15963,17294,17661,18921,19903} <=> (5 ** 6 * (66 mod 69)) / 42 > ((125 mod 19) / 121) * (MAXINT * max({}))',
7034 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check ({13863,-2724,15542,-18887,11221,-11891,-17574,-2849,-13338,19123,-9651,-5848,-12601,15297,4528,-5524,-4136,-5229,-16157,-12619,-8161,-1247,-16962,10733,-2138,16616,-14300,-4637,-19621,4539,-15785,-248,-10087,-15335,-10899,-2532,13760,11564,-12141,-11280,3565,-14514,19104,3527} - {-811,-12966,17308,-9349,2149,9738,-318,14025,-18399,-17958,15260,-19451,-15085,9909,15837,-16231,4087,6545} /<<: {-6211,7604,19023,-8033,14009,5059,9369,-18930,-13755,-14150,8712,-11423,-1960,18652,-9294,19555,4807,5600,-17247,-16758,2745,12564,-6405,-10912,13623,-4015,-5184,19632,-1836,15510,4486,-18481,-4349,5837,1862,-13487,7275,-17300,-5584,-876,-10597,13971,-19380,-9716,-14414} or ({-19777,-19020,-17674,-17355,-16229,-15507,-14186,-9887,-7089,-4810,-4582,-4364,149,5703,8016,8955,9972,10690,11129,13218,15561,16863,18620} \\/ {} <: {-16699,-14540,-8802,-8022,-6474,-5385,-3859,-3146,-2872,-2219,-650,-258,470,2074,2387,2999,4265,7137,9264,15016,15222,15771,16836,17115,17840,18226,18317,18571,19862} & not({FALSE} /<<: {}))) <=> 8 .. 26 /<<: {-9274,-5298,-13637,9226,-1388,-2737,11191,-4811,-18395,13977,-19670,-12926,-7852,5226,13179,-14651,16848,-8312,9455,7659,1725,-2596,-8742,-13336,-17732,-18768,16309,13978,10408,6762,-909,15051,-7266,-82,-6845,-16879,14941,15517,-15212,-14214,-12398,7673}',
7035 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check not(({13863,-2724,15542,-18887,11221,-11891,-17574,-2849,-13338,19123,-9651,-5848,-12601,15297,4528,-5524,-4136,-5229,-16157,-12619,-8161,-1247,-16962,10733,-2138,16616,-14300,-4637,-19621,4539,-15785,-248,-10087,-15335,-10899,-2532,13760,11564,-12141,-11280,3565,-14514,19104,3527} - {-811,-12966,17308,-9349,2149,9738,-318,14025,-18399,-17958,15260,-19451,-15085,9909,15837,-16231,4087,6545} /<<: {-6211,7604,19023,-8033,14009,5059,9369,-18930,-13755,-14150,8712,-11423,-1960,18652,-9294,19555,4807,5600,-17247,-16758,2745,12564,-6405,-10912,13623,-4015,-5184,19632,-1836,15510,4486,-18481,-4349,5837,1862,-13487,7275,-17300,-5584,-876,-10597,13971,-19380,-9716,-14414} or ({-19777,-19020,-17674,-17355,-16229,-15507,-14186,-9887,-7089,-4810,-4582,-4364,149,5703,8016,8955,9972,10690,11129,13218,15561,16863,18620} \\/ {} <: {-16699,-14540,-8802,-8022,-6474,-5385,-3859,-3146,-2872,-2219,-650,-258,470,2074,2387,2999,4265,7137,9264,15016,15222,15771,16836,17115,17840,18226,18317,18571,19862} & not({FALSE} /<<: {}))) <=> 8 .. 26 /<<: {-9274,-5298,-13637,9226,-1388,-2737,11191,-4811,-18395,13977,-19670,-12926,-7852,5226,13179,-14651,16848,-8312,9455,7659,1725,-2596,-8742,-13336,-17732,-18768,16309,13978,10408,6762,-909,15051,-7266,-82,-6845,-16879,14941,15517,-15212,-14214,-12398,7673})',
7036 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check id0 : seq(INTEGER) & {id1,id2,id3|id1 : POW(INTEGER) & id2 : POW(REAL) & id3 : STRING & (-1 >= 0 & 56.289243046663664 /: FLOAT)} : FIN({id1,id2,id3|id1 : POW(INTEGER) & id2 : POW(REAL) & id3 : STRING & (-1 >= 0 & 56.289243046663664 /: FLOAT)}) & first(MAXINT -> id0) > PI(id1,id2,id3).(id1 : POW(INTEGER) & id2 : POW(REAL) & id3 : STRING & (-1 >= 0 & 56.289243046663664 /: FLOAT)|MAXINT ** -1)',
7037 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check id0 : seq(INTEGER) & {id1,id2,id3|id1 : POW(INTEGER) & id2 : POW(REAL) & id3 : STRING & (MININT >= 0 & 56.289243046663664 /: FLOAT)} : FIN({id1,id2,id3|id1 : POW(INTEGER) & id2 : POW(REAL) & id3 : STRING & (MININT >= 0 & 56.289243046663664 /: FLOAT)}) & first(MAXINT -> id0) > PI(id1,id2,id3).(id1 : POW(INTEGER) & id2 : POW(REAL) & id3 : STRING & (MININT >= 0 & 56.289243046663664 /: FLOAT)|MAXINT ** MININT)',
7038 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check not(conc([[FALSE,TRUE]]) : seq(BOOL) & aecwp : seq(BOOL) & [[FALSE,TRUE]] : seq(seq(BOOL)) & conc([[FALSE,TRUE]]) ^ aecwp = [FALSE,TRUE]) & aecwp = [TRUE]',
7039 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check conc([[FALSE,TRUE]]) : seq(BOOL) & aecwp : seq(BOOL) & [[FALSE,TRUE]] : seq(seq(BOOL)) & conc([[FALSE,TRUE]]) ^ aecwp = [FALSE,TRUE]',
7040 '-evalt', ':cdclt x * y =10 & !z.(z:1..10 => z:1..x & z:1..10)',
7041 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check (pred : FIN(pred) => MININT >= 0) & (((id3 < 0.0 => 54.41823282691894 = real(floor(54.41823282691894))) & (id3 = 0.0 => 0.0 <= 54.41823282691894))) & real(IF pred : FIN(pred) THEN MININT ** MININT ELSE card(NAT) END) <= (40.23865881169138 + id3) - (id3 - 28.807142597628857)',
7042 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check ({zz|zz : POW(INTEGER) & bfalse} /= {} & {1,2} /= (inter({zz|zz : POW(INTEGER) & bfalse}))) <=> id10 < - 98',
7043 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check s={x,y|(x>y & y>=x & ASSERT_EXPR(FALSE,"err",x)=2)}',
7044 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check {(1,2)}={x,y|(x>y & y>=x & ASSERT_EXPR(FALSE,"err",x)=2)}',
7045 '-evalt', ':cdclt id0 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) * INTEGER & id1 : INTEGER * BOOL & id2 : POW(INTEGER) * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & (({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & bfalse} /= {} & (iseq(NAT1) \\/ seq(NATURAL)) /: inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & bfalse})) or FDIV(MAXINT,MININT) * floor(51.72862577682177) > MAXINT ** 26 + (MININT - 1) or (MININT : 0 .. size([]) & [] \\|/ MININT : perm(INTEGER) & (NATURAL /= {} & NATURAL : FIN(NATURAL) & min(NATURAL) < prj2(id0))) <=> (prj1(id2) /= {} & prj1(id2) : FIN(prj1(id2)) & card(prj1(id2)) <= 1 & prj1(id1) < MU(prj1(id2))))',
7046 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check id10 : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id4 : INTEGER * INTEGER & id5 : POW(INTEGER) & id6 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & id7 : POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)))) & ({id0,id1,id2|id0 : BOOL & id1 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) & id2 : REAL & ((id5 = NAT1 => id6 : seq(REAL) & MININT : 0 .. size(id6)) & ((id5 /= NAT1 => id6 : seq(REAL) & MININT : 0 .. size(id6)) & (IF id5 = NAT1 THEN id6 \\|/ MININT ELSE id6 /|\\ MININT END) : seq1(REAL)) & (id3 : seq1(INTEGER) & last(id3) >= prj1(id4) => NATURAL >+> NAT /<: {}))} : FIN({id0,id1,id2|id0 : BOOL & id1 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) & id2 : REAL & ((id5 = NAT1 => id6 : seq(REAL) & MININT : 0 .. size(id6)) & ((id5 /= NAT1 => id6 : seq(REAL) & MININT : 0 .. size(id6)) & (IF id5 = NAT1 THEN id6 \\|/ MININT ELSE id6 /|\\ MININT END) : seq1(REAL)) & (id3 : seq1(INTEGER) & last(id3) >= prj1(id4) => NATURAL >+> NAT /<: {}))}) & (id7 /= {} & {RANGE_LAMBDA__|RANGE_LAMBDA__ : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & RANGE_LAMBDA__ = id10} /= {}) & PI(id0,id1,id2).(id0 : BOOL & id1 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) & id2 : REAL & ((id5 = NAT1 => id6 : seq(REAL) & MININT : 0 .. size(id6)) & ((id5 /= NAT1 => id6 : seq(REAL) & MININT : 0 .. size(id6)) & (IF id5 = NAT1 THEN id6 \\|/ MININT ELSE id6 /|\\ MININT END) : seq1(REAL)) & (id3 : seq1(INTEGER) & last(id3) >= prj1(id4) => NATURAL >+> NAT /<: {}))|first(IF id5 = NAT1 THEN id6 \\|/ MININT ELSE id6 /|\\ MININT END)) /: {LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) * REAL & (NATURAL1 /= {} & NATURAL1 : FIN(NATURAL1) & card(NATURAL1) <= 1 & MU(NATURAL1) < FDIV(MAXINT,MININT) & (MININT : 0 .. size([]) & [] \\|/ MININT : seq1(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) * REAL) & LAMBDA_RESULT___ = first([] \\|/ MININT)))}[seq1(inter(id7) - inter({RANGE_LAMBDA__|RANGE_LAMBDA__ : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & RANGE_LAMBDA__ = id10}))])'
7047 % enumeration warning
7048 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER) & id1 : INTEGER * INTEGER * REAL * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER)) & id10 : INTEGER * INTEGER & id6 : INTEGER & id8 : INTEGER & id9 : POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * INTEGER)) & (prj2(id1) : seq1(POW(INTEGER)) & ((id0 \\/ last(prj2(id1))) /= {} & id0 \\/ last(prj2(id1)) : FIN(id0 \\/ last(prj2(id1))) & ({id2,id3|id2 : INTEGER & id3 : INTEGER & ({id7|id7 : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & bfalse} : FIN({id7|id7 : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & bfalse}) & (MININT > 0 & MININT >= 0) & ({id4,id5|id4 : INTEGER * POW(BOOL * (INTEGER * REAL)) & id5 : REAL * REAL & bfalse} : FIN({id4,id5|id4 : INTEGER * POW(BOOL * (INTEGER * REAL)) & id5 : REAL * REAL & bfalse}) & FDIV(MAXINT,MAXINT) >= SIGMA(id4,id5).(id4 : INTEGER * POW(BOOL * (INTEGER * REAL)) & id5 : REAL * REAL & bfalse|id6)))} : FIN({id2,id3|id2 : INTEGER & id3 : INTEGER & ({id7|id7 : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & bfalse} : FIN({id7|id7 : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & bfalse}) & (MININT > 0 & MININT >= 0) & ({id4,id5|id4 : INTEGER * POW(BOOL * (INTEGER * REAL)) & id5 : REAL * REAL & bfalse} : FIN({id4,id5|id4 : INTEGER * POW(BOOL * (INTEGER * REAL)) & id5 : REAL * REAL & bfalse}) & FDIV(MAXINT,MAXINT) >= SIGMA(id4,id5).(id4 : INTEGER * POW(BOOL * (INTEGER * REAL)) & id5 : REAL * REAL & bfalse|id6)))}) & (id9 : seq(INTEGER * INTEGER) & prj2(first(id9 <- id10)) /= 0))) & min(id0 \\/ last(prj2(id1))) < FDIV(SIGMA(id2,id3).(id2 : INTEGER & id3 : INTEGER & ({id7|id7 : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & bfalse} : FIN({id7|id7 : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & bfalse}) & (MININT > 0 & MININT >= 0) & ({id4,id5|id4 : INTEGER * POW(BOOL * (INTEGER * REAL)) & id5 : REAL * REAL & bfalse} : FIN({id4,id5|id4 : INTEGER * POW(BOOL * (INTEGER * REAL)) & id5 : REAL * REAL & bfalse}) & FDIV(MAXINT,MAXINT) >= SIGMA(id4,id5).(id4 : INTEGER * POW(BOOL * (INTEGER * REAL)) & id5 : REAL * REAL & bfalse|id6)))|SIGMA(id7).(id7 : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & bfalse|id8) ** (MININT mod MININT)),prj2(first(id9 <- id10))))'
7049 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & id1 : POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * POW(INTEGER))) & (id0 : seq1(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & (first(id0) : seq(INTEGER) & ({id1,id2,id3,id4|id1 : BOOL & id2 : REAL * POW(INTEGER * (REAL * INTEGER)) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * (BOOL * POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL))))) & id4 : POW(INTEGER) * BOOL & ({id5,id6,id7,id8|id5 : REAL * INTEGER & id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : REAL & id8 : INTEGER} : FIN({id5,id6,id7,id8|id5 : REAL * INTEGER & id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : REAL & id8 : INTEGER}) & bfalse)} : FIN({id1,id2,id3,id4|id1 : BOOL & id2 : REAL * POW(INTEGER * (REAL * INTEGER)) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * (BOOL * POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL))))) & id4 : POW(INTEGER) * BOOL & ({id5,id6,id7,id8|id5 : REAL * INTEGER & id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : REAL & id8 : INTEGER} : FIN({id5,id6,id7,id8|id5 : REAL * INTEGER & id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : REAL & id8 : INTEGER}) & bfalse)}) & ({id1,id2,id3,id4|id1 : INTEGER & id2 : INTEGER & id3 : REAL & id4 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & /* falsity */ not(btrue)} : FIN({id1,id2,id3,id4|id1 : INTEGER & id2 : INTEGER & id3 : REAL & id4 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & /* falsity */ not(btrue)}) & (PI(id1,id2,id3,id4).(id1 : INTEGER & id2 : INTEGER & id3 : REAL & id4 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & /* falsity */ not(btrue)|91 mod MININT) /= 0 & (id1 : seq(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * POW(INTEGER)) & (MAXINT : 0 .. size(id1) & (id1 \\|/ MAXINT : seq1(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * POW(INTEGER)) & (prj2(first(id1 \\|/ MAXINT)) /= {} & prj2(first(id1 \\|/ MAXINT)) : FIN(prj2(first(id1 \\|/ MAXINT))))))))))) & size(MAXINT - MININT -> first(id0)) + FDIV(SIGMA(id1,id2,id3,id4).(id1 : BOOL & id2 : REAL * POW(INTEGER * (REAL * INTEGER)) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * (BOOL * POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL))))) & id4 : POW(INTEGER) * BOOL & ({id5,id6,id7,id8|id5 : REAL * INTEGER & id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : REAL & id8 : INTEGER} : FIN({id5,id6,id7,id8|id5 : REAL * INTEGER & id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : REAL & id8 : INTEGER}) & bfalse)|SIGMA(id5,id6,id7,id8).(id5 : REAL * INTEGER & id6 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id7 : REAL & id8 : INTEGER|id8)),PI(id1,id2,id3,id4).(id1 : INTEGER & id2 : INTEGER & id3 : REAL & id4 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & /* falsity */ not(btrue)|91 mod MININT)) > min(prj2(first(id1 \\|/ MAXINT))))',
7050 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * (POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * REAL) * POW(INTEGER * REAL)))) & ({id0,id1,id2|id0 : REAL & id1 : REAL & id2 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & ({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse} /= {} & (inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse}) /= {} & inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse}) : FIN(inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse}))) & (82 <= MININT & id1 /: {}))} : FIN({id0,id1,id2|id0 : REAL & id1 : REAL & id2 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & ({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse} /= {} & (inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse}) /= {} & inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse}) : FIN(inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse}))) & (82 <= MININT & id1 /: {}))}) & (id0 : seq1(POW(INTEGER * (POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)) * REAL) * POW(INTEGER * REAL)))) & (first(id0) /= {} & first(id0) : FIN(first(id0)) & card(first(id0)) <= 1)) & [PI(id0,id1,id2).(id0 : REAL & id1 : REAL & id2 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & ({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse} /= {} & (inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse}) /= {} & inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse}) : FIN(inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse}))) & (82 <= MININT & id1 /: {}))|min(inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL) & bfalse})))] = prj2(prj2(MU(first(id0)))))',
7051 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check id1 : REAL & id10 : POW(BOOL * (POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) * INTEGER)) & id2 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER)) * REAL & id3 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & id4 : INTEGER & id9 : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) * POW(INTEGER)) * (REAL * BOOL) & (id3 : seq(REAL) & (id1 /= 0.0 & {id5,id6,id7,id8|id5 : INTEGER & id6 : POW(REAL) & id7 : POW(REAL) * POW(INTEGER) & id8 : REAL & (id3 : seq(REAL) & (MININT / 14 : 0 .. size(rev(id3)) & /* falsity */ NATURAL /<: INTEGER) & {rel_x,rel_y|rel_x : POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) & rel_y : INTEGER & (rel_x : dom(prj1(id9)) & rel_y : union(prj1(id9)[{rel_x}]))} /= (id10 - id10)[BOOL \\/ BOOL])} : FIN({id5,id6,id7,id8|id5 : INTEGER & id6 : POW(REAL) & id7 : POW(REAL) * POW(INTEGER) & id8 : REAL & (id3 : seq(REAL) & (MININT / 14 : 0 .. size(rev(id3)) & /* falsity */ NATURAL /<: INTEGER) & {rel_x,rel_y|rel_x : POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) & rel_y : INTEGER & (rel_x : dom(prj1(id9)) & rel_y : union(prj1(id9)[{rel_x}]))} /= (id10 - id10)[BOOL \\/ BOOL])})) & (prj2(id2) + last(id1 -> id3)) - (real(FDIV(id4,71)) - - (64.81253750591223 / id1)) < PI(id5,id6,id7,id8).(id5 : INTEGER & id6 : POW(REAL) & id7 : POW(REAL) * POW(INTEGER) & id8 : REAL & (id3 : seq(REAL) & (MININT / 14 : 0 .. size(rev(id3)) & /* falsity */ NATURAL /<: INTEGER) & {rel_x,rel_y|rel_x : POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) & rel_y : INTEGER & (rel_x : dom(prj1(id9)) & rel_y : union(prj1(id9)[{rel_x}]))} /= (id10 - id10)[BOOL \\/ BOOL])|{id11,id12|id11 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & id12 : REAL & /* falsity */ NATURAL /<: INTEGER}(rev(id3) /|\\ MININT / 14)))',
7052 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & id1 : POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * POW(BOOL * (POW(POW(POW(BOOL))) * POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * BOOL) * INTEGER * POW(BOOL * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(POW(REAL))))) & id2 : POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL)) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * POW(BOOL * (POW(POW(POW(BOOL))) * POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * BOOL) * INTEGER) & id4 : POW(BOOL * REAL) & (id2 : seq1(POW(REAL)) & first(id2) : dom(({} ; id1)) & ({} ; id1) : POW(REAL) +-> POW(BOOL * (POW(POW(POW(BOOL))) * POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * BOOL) * INTEGER * POW(BOOL * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(POW(REAL)))) & prj2(id3) /= {} & prj2(id3) : FIN(prj2(id3)) & card(prj2(id3)) <= 1 & MU(prj2(id3)) : dom(({} ; id1)(first(id2))) & ({} ; id1)(first(id2)) : BOOL * (POW(POW(POW(BOOL))) * POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * BOOL) * INTEGER +-> POW(BOOL * POW(INTEGER * BOOL) * POW(POW(REAL))) & id0 : seq(seq(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & conc(id0) : {} & {}(conc(id0)) /= {} & {}(conc(id0)) : FIN({}(conc(id0))) & card({}(conc(id0))) <= 1 => !z_.(z_ : POW(POW(POW(REAL))) & z_ : MU({}(conc(id0))) => z_ <: ({} ; id1)(first(id2))(MU(prj2(id3)))[{rel_x,rel_y|rel_x : BOOL & rel_y : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & (rel_x : dom((id4 ; {}) <+ {}) & rel_y : union(((id4 ; {}) <+ {})[{rel_x}]))}]))',
7053 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check id1 : REAL & id10 : INTEGER & id11 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & id2 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & id4 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * BOOL * STRING) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)))) & id5 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL * STRING) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & id6 : POW(POW(INTEGER * BOOL * STRING) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & id7 : BOOL * (BOOL * (POW(INTEGER * BOOL * STRING) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & id9 : INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * (BOOL * REAL))) * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * (INTEGER * (REAL * POW(POW(BOOL * (INTEGER * REAL))) * REAL))))))))) & (id3 : seq1(POW(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & (MININT : dom(id4) & (id4 : INTEGER +-> POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * BOOL * STRING) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & (id4(MININT) : seq1(POW(INTEGER * BOOL * STRING) * POW(INTEGER * INTEGER)) & (id6 /= {} & id6 : FIN(id6) & card(id6) <= 1)))) & (((%fnc_x.(fnc_x : INTEGER|{fnc_x + 1}) ; {} <+ {}) +->> STRING) <| ({id0,LAMBDA_RESULT___|id0 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL * STRING) & LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & (id1 <= 96.78377063569759 & (id2 : seq1(INTEGER) & LAMBDA_RESULT___ = tail(id2)))} |> {`__comp_result__`|`__comp_result__` : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & `__comp_result__` = []} - last(id3))) /= ({last(id4(MININT)),prj2([] |-> id5),prj1(MU(id6)),prj2(prj2(id7))} <+ {id8,LAMBDA_RESULT___|id8 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL * STRING) & LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & (prj1(id9) >= FDIV(id10,MAXINT) & ((pred /<<: succ => 76 : 0 .. size([])) & (not(pred /<<: succ) => id11 : seq1(POW(INTEGER * INTEGER))) & LAMBDA_RESULT___ = (IF pred /<<: succ THEN [] \\|/ 76 ELSE last(id11) END)))}))',
7054 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check id0 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & id1 : POW(INTEGER * (POW(REAL * REAL) * REAL)) & (union({RANGE_LAMBDA__|RANGE_LAMBDA__ : POW(STRING) & RANGE_LAMBDA__ = {}}) : FIN(union({RANGE_LAMBDA__|RANGE_LAMBDA__ : POW(STRING) & RANGE_LAMBDA__ = {}})) => id0 /= {} & id0 : FIN(id0) & card(id0) <= 1 & (id1 : seq1(POW(REAL * REAL) * REAL) & {id2,id3,id4|id2 : INTEGER & id3 : REAL & id4 : BOOL & bfalse} : FIN({id2,id3,id4|id2 : INTEGER & id3 : REAL & id4 : BOOL & bfalse})) & prj2(MU(id0)) + prj2(first(id1)) <= SIGMA(id2,id3,id4).(id2 : INTEGER & id3 : REAL & id4 : BOOL & bfalse|{id5,id6|id5 : INTEGER & id6 : REAL & bfalse}(MININT ** MAXINT)))',
7055 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check id10 : INTEGER & id11 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER)) & id12 : POW(BOOL * BOOL * (POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * INTEGER))) * BOOL)) & id13 : POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(REAL))) * REAL & id14 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) * POW(POW(INTEGER * (INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * BOOL)))) & id3 : POW(INTEGER * (BOOL * BOOL)) * POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * (POW(INTEGER * REAL) * REAL))))) & id5 : POW(POW(POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(REAL))))) * REAL)) & id9 : INTEGER & closure({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : BOOL * BOOL & (id5 /= {} & id5 : FIN(id5) & card(id5) <= 1 & {} /<<: MU(id5) & (prj1(id3) : seq1(BOOL * BOOL) & LAMBDA_RESULT___ = first(prj1(id3))))}) /= {LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : BOOL * BOOL & ((prj1(id13) : FIN(prj1(id13)) => succ |>> {} <<: prj1(id14)) & (id9 - id10 : first(id11) & (id12 /= {} & id12 : FIN(id12) & card(id12) <= 1) & LAMBDA_RESULT___ = (IF id11 : seq1(POW(INTEGER)) & id9 - id10 : first(id11) THEN prj1(MU(id12)) ELSE MU({}) END)))}',
7056 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check id0 : INTEGER & id1 : POW(INTEGER * BOOL) & id2 : INTEGER * BOOL & id3 : POW(INTEGER * INTEGER) & (NATURAL /= {} & NATURAL : FIN(NATURAL) & card(NATURAL) <= 1 & (id0 + MAXINT >= 0 & (id1 : seq(BOOL) & (MAXINT : dom(id3) & (id3 : INTEGER +-> INTEGER & id3(MAXINT) /= 0)))) & - (MU(NATURAL) ** (id0 + MAXINT)) <= size(rev(id1)) - FDIV(prj1(id2),id3(MAXINT)) => {`__comp_result__`|`__comp_result__` : INTEGER & `__comp_result__` = 78 / MININT} /= {} & {`__comp_result__`|`__comp_result__` : INTEGER & `__comp_result__` = 78 / MININT} : FIN({`__comp_result__`|`__comp_result__` : INTEGER & `__comp_result__` = 78 / MININT}) & (prj2(37.40741472684934 |-> INTEGER) /= {} & prj2(37.40741472684934 |-> INTEGER) : FIN(prj2(37.40741472684934 |-> INTEGER)) & card(prj2(37.40741472684934 |-> INTEGER)) <= 1) & min({`__comp_result__`|`__comp_result__` : INTEGER & `__comp_result__` = 78 / MININT}) >= MU(prj2(37.40741472684934 |-> INTEGER)))'
7057 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check {id0,id1,id2,id3|id0 : INTEGER & id1 : REAL * BOOL & id2 : BOOL & id3 : POW(STRING) & (MININT >= 0 & id4 < 70.20556312165694)} : FIN({id0,id1,id2,id3|id0 : INTEGER & id1 : REAL * BOOL & id2 : BOOL & id3 : POW(STRING) & (MININT >= 0 & id4 < 70.20556312165694)}) & - id6 /= 0 & PI(id0,id1,id2,id3).(id0 : INTEGER & id1 : REAL * BOOL & id2 : BOOL & id3 : POW(STRING) & (MININT >= 0 & id4 < 70.20556312165694)|MININT ** MININT) < prj2((INTEGER<->STRING),INTEGER)(id5) / - id6',
7058 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check - id1 /= 0 & {id2,id3,id4,id5|id2 : INTEGER & id3 : POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL)) * BOOL & id4 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * (POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * REAL))) * POW(INTEGER) & id5 : BOOL & (MININT > 0 & id2 >= 0 & 46.49107043099957 : {})} : FIN({id2,id3,id4,id5|id2 : INTEGER & id3 : POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL)) * BOOL & id4 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * (POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * REAL))) * POW(INTEGER) & id5 : BOOL & (MININT > 0 & id2 >= 0 & 46.49107043099957 : {})}) & prj1(INTEGER,REAL)(id0) / - id1 /= SIGMA(id2,id3,id4,id5).(id2 : INTEGER & id3 : POW(INTEGER * POW(BOOL)) * BOOL & id4 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * (POW(POW(INTEGER * REAL)) * REAL))) * POW(INTEGER) & id5 : BOOL & (MININT > 0 & id2 >= 0 & 46.49107043099957 : {})|id2 mod MININT)',
7059 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check {id0|id0 : INTEGER & MININT > 0} : FIN({id0|id0 : INTEGER & MININT > 0}) & prj2(STRING,INTEGER)(id1) /= 0 & PI(id0).(id0 : INTEGER & MININT > 0|66 mod MININT) < - id0 / prj2(STRING,INTEGER)(id1)',
7060 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER)(id1) > 0 & (first(id0) >= 0 & (id0 : seq1(INTEGER) & {id2,id3|id2 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & id3 : REAL & (MININT > 0 & MININT >= 0 & id4 /: INT)} : FIN({id2,id3|id2 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & id3 : REAL & (MININT > 0 & MININT >= 0 & id4 /: INT)}))) & first(id0) mod prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER)(id1) >= PI(id2,id3).(id2 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & id3 : REAL & (MININT > 0 & MININT >= 0 & id4 /: INT)|MININT mod MININT)',
7061 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check not(conc([[FALSE,TRUE]]) : seq(BOOL) & aecwp : seq(BOOL) & [[FALSE,TRUE]] : seq(seq(BOOL)) & conc([[FALSE,TRUE]]) ^ aecwp = [FALSE,TRUE])',
7062 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check not([FALSE,TRUE] : seq(BOOL) & [FALSE,TRUE] ^ aecwp = [FALSE,TRUE])'
7063 ], 'Some arbitrary constraints that should be solved by CDCL(T).').
7064 cli_testcase(2106, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7065 '-evalt', 'pubkey = 1000000993* 1000001011 & x>999000000 & y>x & x mod 2 = 1 & y mod 2 = 1 & pubkey = x*y', % from Z3 tutorial
7066 '-evalt', 'pubkey = 1000000993* 1000001001 & x>1000000720 & y>x & pubkey = x*y', % very fast with CLP(FD), z3 already 2.6 secs
7067 '-evalt', 'h*3600 + m*60 + s = tot & m:0..60 & s:0..60 & h2*3600 + m2*60 + s2 = tot & m2:0..60 & s2:0..60 & tot:1..10000 & (h,m,s) /= (h2,m2,s2)' % from article Functional synthesis for linear arithmetic and sets
7068 ], 'Constraints involving large numbers').
7069 cli_testcase(2107,[b_test,tickets],[
7070 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/VirtualTimeoutConstants.mch',
7071 '-model-check', '-pref_group', 'model_check', 'unlimited', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete',
7072 '-expcterr', 'virtual_time_out'], 'Test virtual time out detected for disable_timeout').
7073 cli_testcase(2108,[b_test,tickets],[
7074 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/VirtualTimeoutConstants.mch',
7075 '-model-check', '-pref_group', 'model_check', 'disable_max', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete',
7076 '-expcterr', 'virtual_time_out'], 'Test virtual time out detected also with time_out').
7077 cli_testcase(2109, [tickets], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7078 '-evalt', 'ff = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] & x:0..1 & b=TRUE <=> dom(ff) <: 1..10**x',
7079 '-evalt', 'ff = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] & x:0..1 & b=TRUE <=> ff: 1..10**x --> INTEGER',
7080 '-evalt', 'ff = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] & {x,b|x:0..1 & b=TRUE <=> ff: 1..10**x --> INTEGER} = {(0|->FALSE),(1|->FALSE)}',
7081 '-evalt', 'ff = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] & {x,b|x:0..5 & b=TRUE <=> ff: 1..2**x --> INTEGER} = res & 4|->TRUE : res'
7082 ], 'Check reification of subset/total function works (and does not instantiate/commit)').
7083 cli_testcase(2110, [tickets], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7084 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/LargeSets/SeqCheck.mch',
7085 '-mc', 100, '-cc', 10, 136], 'Check state space for test 31').
7086 cli_testcase(2111, [tickets], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7087 '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
7088 '-evalf', 'x:INTEGER & x<y & y<x',
7089 '-evalf', 'x:INTEGER & x<y & y<=x',
7090 '-evalf', 'x:INTEGER & x<=y & y<x',
7091 '-evalt', 'x:INT & x<=y & y<=x',
7092 '-evalf', 'x:POW(INTEGER) & x<<:y & y<<:x',
7093 '-evalf', 'x:POW(INTEGER) & x<<:y & y<:x',
7094 '-evalf', 'x:POW(INTEGER) & x<:y & y<<:x',
7095 '-evalt', 'x:POW(INT) & x<:y & y<:x'
7096 ], 'Check inconsistency detection when registering predicates (without CHR)').
7097 cli_testcase(2112, [b_test,cache], [
7098 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/Cache/PrimeNumbers.mch',
7099 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/Cache/PrimeNumbersSum.mch',
7101 '-mc', '10000', '-nodead',
7102 '-show_cache', % test this feature
7103 '-cache', '../prob_examples/public_examples/cache/'], 'Check that -cache option works with new preference and with subsidiary machine with multiple constant solutions.').
7104 cli_testcase(2113, [cbc], [
7105 '-evalt', 'y:NATURAL & (y<400 => #x.(y:10..x & x:1..100)) ',
7106 '-evalt', 'y:NATURAL & (not(y<400) or #x.(y:10..x & x:1..100)) '
7107 ], 'Test enumeration of implication when RHS not reified').
7108 cli_testcase(2114, [tickets, wd], [
7109 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'TRUE',
7110 '-evalnwd', '{}(x) : {}(x) .. 5 & x:1..100 ',
7111 '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'
7112 ], 'Test we do not add unbounded FD variable for enumeration').
7113 cli_testcase(2115, [ltl,safety], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Tests/LargeSCC.mch', '-ltllimit', '50', '-ltlformulaf', 'G({xx<10})', '-strict'
7114 %'-p', 'use_safety_ltl_model_checker', false,
7115 ], 'check that safety model check works even without ltl2ba for simple G {...} formula').
7116 cli_testcase(2116, [infinite], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7117 '-evalt', '{x|x>100} /= {x|x mod 2 =0 & x>0}',
7118 '-evalf', ' /*@symbolic*/ {x|x:1..2**20 & x mod 3 =1} /= {x|x:1..2**20 & x mod 3 =1}',
7119 '-evalf', ' /*@symbolic*/ {x|x:1..2**25 & x mod 3 =1} /= {x|x:1..2**25 & x mod 3 =1}'
7120 ], 'Test we do not expand second arg to not equal when first is closure'). % useful with DOUBLE_EVALUATION in Evaluation View
7121 cli_testcase(2117, [smt_solver_integration], [
7122 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a=prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER)((1,2))',
7123 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check 1=prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER)((1,2))',
7124 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check 2=prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER)((1,2))',
7125 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a=prj2(INTEGER,INTEGER)((1,2))',
7126 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check 2=prj2(INTEGER,INTEGER)((1,2))',
7127 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check 1=prj2(INTEGER,INTEGER)((1,2))',
7128 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a = (1..3)*(1..3) & b : a & c = prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER)(b)',
7129 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a = (1..3)*POW(1..3) & b : a & c = prj1(INTEGER,POW(INTEGER))(b)',
7130 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a = (1..3)*POW1(1..3) & b : a & c = prj1(INTEGER,POW(INTEGER))(b)'
7131 ], 'check couple projection functions for z3').
7132 cli_testcase(2118, [smt_solver_integration], [
7133 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={1}<<|{(1,2),(2,3)}',
7134 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check {}={4}<<|{(1,2),(2,3)}',
7135 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check {(2,3)}={1}<<|{(1,2),(2,3)}',
7136 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={1}<|{(1,2),(2,3)}',
7137 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check {}={3}<|{(1,2),(2,3)}',
7138 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check {}={1}<|{(1,2),(2,3)}',
7139 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={(1,2),(2,3)}|>{1}',
7140 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check {(1,2),(2,3)}={(1,2),(2,3)}|>{1}',
7141 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={(1,2),(2,3)}|>{3}',
7142 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={(1,2),(2,3)}|>>{3}',
7143 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={(1,2),(2,3)}|>>{1}',
7144 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check {}={(1,2),(2,3)}|>>{1}'
7145 ], 'check domain and range subtraction and restriction for z3').
7146 cli_testcase(2119, [smt_solver_integration,private], [
7147 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Other/BMaude/Mutex3.mch', '-init',
7148 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a = pc <+ {2 |-> wait}',
7149 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check pc(1) = noncrit & pc(2) = noncrit & (pc(2) = noncrit & pc1 = pc <+ {2 |-> wait} & y1 = y & n1 = n) & not(pc1(1) = noncrit)'
7150 ], 'check z3 model translation for couple of enumerated set type and capitalised enumerated set').
7151 cli_testcase(2120, [smt_solver_integration], [
7152 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Train_Ch17/Train_1_beebook_tlc.mch', '-init',
7153 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check nxt = {(R1|->{(A|->B),(B|->C),(L|->A)}),(R2|->{(A|->B),(B|->D),(D|->E),(E|->F),(F|->G),(L|->A)}),(R3|->{(A|->B),(B|->D),(D|->K),(J|->N),(K|->J),(L|->A)}),(R4|->{(F|->G),(H|->I),(I|->K),(K|->F),(M|->H)}),(R5|->{(H|->I),(I|->J),(J|->N),(M|->H)}),(R6|->{(A|->L),(B|->A),(C|->B)}),(R7|->{(A|->L),(B|->A),(D|->B),(E|->D),(F|->E),(G|->F)}),(R8|->{(A|->L),(B|->A),(D|->B),(J|->K),(K|->D),(N|->J)}),(R9|->{(F|->K),(G|->F),(H|->M),(I|->H),(K|->I)}),(R10|->{(H|->M),(I|->H),(J|->I),(N|->J)})}'
7154 ], 'check z3 model translation for nested couples').
7155 cli_testcase(2121, [smt_solver_integration], [
7156 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & y:INTEGER & (y /= 0 => ( -x/y = -(x/y) & x/-y = -(x/y) & (x>=0 & y>0 => (x mod y = x - y * ( x / y )))))',
7157 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & y:INTEGER & (y /= 0 => ( -x/y = -(x/y) & x/-y = -(x/y) & (x>=0 & y>0 => (x mod y = x - y * ( x / y ))))) & x/= 1',
7158 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & y:INTEGER & (y /= 0 => ( -x/y = -(x/y) & x/-y = -(x/y) & (x>=0 & y>0 => (x mod y = x - y * ( x / y ))))) & x/= 1 & x /=-1',
7159 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & y:INTEGER & (y /= 0 => ( -x/y = -(x/y) & x/-y = -(x/y) & (x>=0 & y>0 => (x mod y = x - y * ( x / y ))))) & x/= 1 & x /=-1 & y /= 0',
7160 '-evalt', ':z3 x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not( -x/y = -(x/y) )',
7161 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & y/=0 & not( -x/y = -(x/y) )',
7162 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not (x>y or x<=y)',
7163 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not ( (x<=y <=> min({x,y}) = x) )',
7164 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={x|x:-10..10 & (x/2 = 4 or x/2 = -4)}',
7165 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={x|x:-10..10 & x/2 = 4}',
7166 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={x|x:0..10 & (x mod 2 = 0 or x mod 2 = 0)}',
7167 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={x|x:1..10 & x < 5 & x mod 2 = 0}',
7168 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={x|x:1..10 & x < 5 & x mod 2 = 1}',
7169 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={x|x:1..10 & x mod 2 = 0}',
7170 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={x|x:1..10 & x mod 2 = 1}',
7171 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={x|x:1..100 & x mod 2 = 0}',
7172 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a={x|x:1..100 & x mod 3 = 1}'
7173 ], 'check integer division in z3').
7174 cli_testcase(2122, [smt_solver_integration], [
7175 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '30000',
7176 '-eval', ':z3-version',
7177 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check not({1} = dom({(1,2)}))', %% this was a bug in z3 version 4.8.10 and earlier when using pull_nested_quantifiers
7178 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check {1} = dom({(1,2)})', %% with lambda expressions that use an existential quantifier at the top-level
7179 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check not({2} = ran({(1,2)}))', %% (note that we don't use pull_nested_quantifiers anymore; slow for large constraints)
7180 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check {2} = ran({(1,2)})', %%
7181 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check not({1,2,3,4} = dom({(1,2),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4)}))',
7182 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check {1,2,3,4} = dom({(1,2),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4)})',
7183 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check not({1,2} = dom({(1,2),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4)}))',
7184 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check not({2,3,4} = ran({(1,2),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4)}))',
7185 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check {2,3,4} = ran({(1,2),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4)})',
7186 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check not({2,3} = ran({(1,2),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4)}))',
7187 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check hh:1..3<->1..3 & not (iterate(hh,1)=(hh))', % unsupported: wait for Z3 to support lambda inside recursive functions again
7188 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x*y = y*x)',
7189 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not(x*(y+z) = x*y + x*z)',
7190 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x+y = y+x)',
7191 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x*1 = x)',
7192 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(1*x = x)',
7193 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x*0 = 0)',
7194 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(0*x = 0)',
7195 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not((x+y)+z = x + (y+z))',
7196 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not((x*y)*z = x*(y*z))',
7197 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(2*x = x+x)',
7198 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x**2 = x*x)',
7199 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & (x>=0 => 1**x = 1)',
7200 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & (x>=0 => (((x / 2)*2 = x) <=> (x mod 2 = 0)))',
7201 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>y or x<=y)',
7202 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>y or x=y or x<y)',
7203 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>=y or x<y)',
7204 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>=y or x<=y)',
7205 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & (x>y & x<=y)',
7206 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & (x<y & y<x)',
7207 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x-x = 0 )',
7208 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x=y <=> x-y = 0)',
7209 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>y <=> x >= y+1)',
7210 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x<y <=> x <= y-1)',
7211 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x<y or y<x) <=> x/=y)',
7212 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x<y & y<=z) => x<z)',
7213 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x<y & y<z) => x<z)',
7214 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x<=y & y<z) => x<z)',
7215 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x<=y & y<=z) => x<=z)',
7216 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x<=y & y<=x) => x=y)',
7217 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x=y <=> y=x)',
7218 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x/=y <=> y/=x)',
7219 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x<y <=> y>x)',
7220 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>y <=> y<x)',
7221 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x<=y <=> y>=x)',
7222 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>=y <=> y<=x)',
7223 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(not(x<y) <=> x>=y)',
7224 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(not(x<=y) <=> x>y)',
7225 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x=y or x=z) => (y=x or z=x))',
7226 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x=y or x=z) <=> (y=x or z=x))',
7227 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x=y <=> x=z) => (y=z or x/=y))',
7228 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not ( (x-y-x+y = 0) )',
7229 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not ( x*x >= 0 )',
7230 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not ( (x*x = 0 <=> x=0) )',
7231 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not ( x*x = -x * -x )',
7232 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not (x<=y <=> min({x,y}) = x)',
7233 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not (x<=y <=> max({x,y}) = y)',
7234 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not (x<y <=> max({x,y}) /= x)',
7235 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not (x<y <=> min({x,y}) /= y)',
7236 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & (x>=0 & y>0 => ((x/y) * y = x - x mod y))',
7237 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(succ(x) = x+1)',
7238 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(pred(x) = x-1)',
7239 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x < succ(x))',
7240 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x > pred(x))',
7241 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(pred(succ(x)) = x)',
7242 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x+succ(y) = succ(x+y))',
7243 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x*succ(y) = x+x*y)',
7244 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not (x**1 = x)',
7245 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(#x.(x:INTEGER & {x} \\/ {1,2} = {1,2} ) )',
7246 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not( min({x}) = x )',
7247 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & (x <= y => min({x,y}) = x )',
7248 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & (y <= x => min({x,y}) = y )',
7249 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not( x:y..z <=> (y<=x & x<=z))',
7250 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not( x:y..z <=> (y<=x & x<=z & y<=z))',
7251 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & y /= 0 & not ( -x/y = -(x/y) )',
7252 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check (2=3 & 1=1 <=> 4=5 & 2=2)',
7253 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check SS : POW(-1..3) & not (SS = {z|z:INTEGER & #x.(x:SS & z=x*1)})', % Unknown with Z3 4.11.2 but can be solved with 4.12.0
7254 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check SS : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not ( SS <<: VV or SS /<<: VV )',
7255 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check SS : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not ( (VV <<: SS & SS <: TT) => (VV <<: TT))',
7256 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check #t1.(t1:INTEGER & (#t2.(!(t8,rr).(t8 |-> rr : t2 => t1 >= t8 ) & ran(t2) = {1,3} )))',
7257 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & a={a,b,c,d|a|->b : ff & c|->d : gg} & ff/={} & gg/={}',
7258 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & dom((ff ; (gg~))) <: dom(ff)',
7259 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & dom((ff ; (gg~))) <: dom(ff) & ff /= {}',
7260 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & dom((ff ; (gg~))) <: dom(ff) & ff /= {} & gg /= {}',
7261 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & a = ff><gg',
7262 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & a = ff><gg & ff /= {}',
7263 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & a = ff><gg & ff /= {} & gg /= {}',
7264 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & not(dom(ff><gg) = dom(ff)/\\dom(gg))', % Unknown with Z3 4.11.2 but can be solved with 4.12.0
7265 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & a=(ff||gg)',
7266 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & a=(ff||gg) & ff/={}',
7267 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & a=(ff||gg) & ff/={} & gg/={}',
7268 %'-evalt', ':z3 {x|x>2 & x / 22 > 10} = x & (x={} <=> B=TRUE)', % double check with ProB not possible due to enumeration warnings; enumeration warning when translating SMT-LIB model to B
7269 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x<:BOOL & x <: y & not(POW(x) <: POW(y))',
7270 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check x<:BOOL & x <: y & not(POW(x) <<: POW(y))', % unknown since Z3 4.12.2
7271 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check x<:BOOL & x <<: y & not(POW(x) <<: POW(y))', % Z3 answers unknown
7272 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not(z>=0 => (x*y)**z = x**z * y**z)', % Z3 answers unknown
7273 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not(y>=0 & z>=0 => (x**(y+z) = x**y * x**z))', % Z3 answers unknown
7274 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not(y>=0 & z>=0 => (x**(y*z) = (x**y)**z))', % Z3 answers unknown
7275 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(#x.(x:INTEGER & {x} \\/ {1,2} = {1,2} ) )',
7276 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not( min({x}) = x )',
7277 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x <= y => min({x,y}) = x )',
7278 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(y <= x => min({x,y}) = y )',
7279 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not( min({x}\\/{y,z}) = min({min({x}), min({y,z})}) )', % Z3 answers unknown
7280 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not( min({y,z} \\/ {x}) = min({min({y,z}),x}) )', % Z3 answers unknown
7281 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not( x:y..z <=> (y<=x & x<=z))',
7282 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not( x:y..z <=> (y<=x & x<=z & y<=z))',
7283 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & y /= 0 & not ( -x/y = -(x/y) )',
7284 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check (2=3 & 1=1 <=> 4=5 & 2=2)',
7285 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check S : {{},{0}} & not (S = ran(%x.(x:S|x*1)))',
7286 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check S : POW(-1..3) & not (S = ran(%x.(x:S|x*1)))',
7287 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check S : POW(-1..3) & not (S = {z|z:INTEGER & #x.(x:S & z=x*1)})',
7288 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check S : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not ( S <<: VV or S /<<: VV )',
7289 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check S : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not ( (VV <<: S & S <: TT) => (VV <<: TT))',
7290 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check S : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not (S /\\ VV = {} <=> S <: (-1..3) - VV)',
7291 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check S : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not((S=VV & S /= {}) => (max(S) = max(VV) & min(S)=min(VV)))', % unknown
7292 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check S : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not((S <: VV & S/= {}) => (max(S) <= max(VV) & min(S) >= min(VV)))', % sometimes unknown
7293 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & not( a<:b <=> POW(a) <: POW(b) )',
7294 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & not( a<<:b <=> POW(a) <<: POW(b))', % Z3 answers unknown
7295 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & not( POW(a) /<: POW1(b) & FIN(a) /<: FIN1(b))', % Z3 answers unknown
7296 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( (a={} or b={}) => (a*b)={} & (a*b) <: (c*d) )',
7297 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( ( (a={} or b={} & f : a <-> b) => f: c <-> d ))',
7298 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( ( (a={} or b={} & f : a +-> b) => f: c +-> d ))',
7299 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( ( (a={} or b={} & f : a >+> b) => f: c >+> d ))',
7300 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( ( a <: c & b<:d => (a*b) <: c*d))',
7301 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( a <: c & b<:d & f : a <-> b => f: c <-> d )',
7302 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( a <: c & b<:d & f : a +-> b => f: c +-> d )',
7303 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( a <: c & b<:d & f : a >+> b => f: c >+> d )',
7304 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( b<:d & f : a --> b => f: a --> d )',
7305 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( b<:d & f : a >-> b => f: a >-> d )',
7306 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( a<:c & f : a +->> b => f: c +->> b )',
7307 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not((s1=s2 <=> s2=s1))',
7308 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1=s2 or s1 /= s2 )',
7309 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1=s2 & s2=s3 => s1 = s3 )',
7310 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1=s2 & s2/=s3 => s1 /= s3 )',
7311 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not(s1=s2 <=> card({s1,s2}) = 1)', % Z3 answers unknown
7312 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1=s2 <=> {s1,s2} = {s1} )',
7313 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not({s1,s2,s3} = {s3} \\/ {s2} \\/ {s1} )',
7314 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not({x| x=s1 or x=s2} = {s2,s1} )',
7315 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1 : dom( { s2 |-> s2, s3|->s3, s1 |->s1} ) )',
7316 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not((s1/=s2 => s1 /: dom( { s2 |-> s2} ) ) )',
7317 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1 /: {s1,s2,s3} - {s2,s1} )',
7318 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check S={"a","b"} & s1:S & s2:S & s3:S & not(card({s1,s2,s3} - {s2,s1}) < 2)',
7319 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1:STRING <=> 1=1 )',
7320 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1/:STRING <=> 1=2 )',
7321 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1=s2 <=> {s1} \\/ {s2} = {s1})',
7322 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( {s1,s2} \\/ {s3} = {s1,s2,s3})',
7323 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check s1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( {s2} \\/ {s1,s2,s3} = {s1,s2,s3} )',
7324 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check S={"a","b"} & s1:S & s2:S & s3:S & not( s1 /= s3 => ({s1,s2} /\\ {s3,s2} = {s2}))',
7325 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check S={"a","b"} & s1:S & s2:S & s3:S & not( #x.(x:STRING & {x} \\/ {s1,s2} = {s1,s2} & x:{s1,s2,s3}))',
7326 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check S={"a","b"} & s1:S & s2:S & s3:S & not( #x.(x:STRING & {x} \\/ {s1,s2} = {s1,s2} ) )',
7327 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check SS<:POW(BOOL) & not( SS \\/ (TT /\\ VV) = (SS \\/ TT) /\\ (SS \\/ VV))',
7328 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x<:BOOL & not(POW(x) = POW1(x) \\/ {{}})',
7329 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check x/={{1,19}} & x/={{1,7},{2,-1},{2,-3}} & x/={} & x/={{}} & x/={{0,1},{0,-9},{0,-1}} & x/={{4,2},{2,-1},{3,-4},{5,10},{9,-3},{3,7}}', % model translation became unknown with Z3 version 4.12.3
7330 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check rx:BOOL <-> BOOL & not(( id(BOOL) ; rx) = rx)',
7331 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a : STRING +-> STRING',
7332 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a : STRING +-> STRING & a /= {}',
7333 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a : STRING +-> STRING & a = {"a"|->"b"}',
7334 % z3 answers unknown for the following constraints
7335 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check not(#t1.(t1:INTEGER & (#t2.(!(t8,rr).(t8 |-> rr : t2 => t1 >= t8 ) & ran(t2) = {1,3} ))))',
7336 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & not (ff <<: gg => (card(ff) < card(gg)))',
7337 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check SS : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not (SS <<: VV => (card(SS) < card(VV)))',
7338 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check SS : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not (SS <: VV => (card(SS) <= card(VV)))'
7340 ], 'check some laws for z3').
7341 cli_testcase(2123, [b_test], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7342 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/phonebook7.mch',
7343 % clash checks Code = {c1,c2,c3,c4}, db,active,activec={}
7344 '-evalf', 'dom(db) /= active', % z3 reports Unknwon !
7345 '-evalt', '#active.(dom(db) /= active)',
7346 '-evalt', '#db.(db /= active)',
7347 '-evalf', '#(c1,c2).(c1:Name & c2:Code & db={c1|->c2})',
7348 '-evalt', '#(c1,c2,db).(c1:Name & c2:Code & db={c2|->c1})',
7349 '-evalt', '#(c1,c2).(c1:Name & c2:Code & (c1:active <=> c2:activec))'
7350 ], 'check REPL deals well with clashes of quantified variables').
7351 cli_testcase(2124, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7352 '-evalt', 'card({x | x:{1,3} or x:{4,9}}) = 4',
7353 '-evalt', 'card({x | x:{1,3} or x:{3,9}}) = 3'
7354 ], 'check clpfd_reify_inlist works with enumeration').
7355 cli_testcase(2125, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7356 '-evalf', '#(x,y,z,v,xz).(x:BOOL & x/=y & v/=z & x=v & (x=z <=> xz=TRUE) & (xz=FALSE => x=TRUE) & (xz=FALSE => x=FALSE))',
7357 '-evalt', '#(x,y,z,v,xz).(x:BOOL & x/=y & v/=z & x=v & (x=z <=> xz=TRUE) & (xz=FALSE => x=TRUE) & (xz=TRUE => x=FALSE))',
7358 '-evalt', '{x,y|x=TRUE => y=TRUE} = {(FALSE,TRUE),(FALSE,FALSE),(TRUE,TRUE)}'
7359 ], 'check let detection for implication not applied').
7360 cli_testcase(2126, [cbc], [
7361 '-evalf', 'x>2 & x:3..10 & x mod 3 = 1 & x mod 3 = 2',
7362 '-evalt', 'x>2 & x:3..10 & x mod 3 = 1 & x mod 3 /= 2'
7363 ], 'check modulo propagation terminates').
7364 cli_testcase(2127, [csp_test,ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsLTL/SimpleLTL.csp',
7365 '-ltlformulat', 'globally([a] implies finally(e(a)))',
7366 '-ltlformulat', 'not (globally finally e(a) implies GF [a]) implies finally [b]','-strict'],
7367 'Check LTL using new textual forms; variations of tests 541, 542. Requires parser 2.9.28').
7368 cli_testcase(2128, [b_test,external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/TestDoNotEnumerateAnalysis.mch',
7369 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/TestDoNotEnumerateAnalysis2.mch',
7370 '-t', '-assertions'], 'Test DO_NOT_ENUMERATE analysis; like test 1988 but automatic annotation.').
7371 cli_testcase(2129, [cbc,external], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Train_Ch17/Train_1_beebook_tlc.mch',
7372 '-evalt', 'tf : domain --> ROUTES & tf <: rtbl & OCC1 <: domain & tf[OCC1] = frm1 & A : OCC1 & A|->R5 /: tf',
7373 '-evalt', 'tf : domain --> ROUTES & tf <: rtbl & OCC1 <: domain & tf[OCC1] <: frm1 & A : OCC1 & A|->R5 /: tf', % delayed enumeration for frm1
7374 '-evalt', 'rsrtbl1 : resbl1 --> resrt1 & rsrtbl1 <: rtbl & OCC1 <: resbl1 & rsrtbl1[OCC1] = frm1 & LBT1 <: OCC1 & R5 /: resrt - ran(rsrtbl1) & (A : LBT1 & (OCC2 = OCC1 - {A} & rsrtbl2 = {A} <<| rsrtbl1)) & R5 /: resrt - ran(rsrtbl2)',
7375 '-evalt', 'rsrtbl1 : resbl1 --> resrt1 & rsrtbl1 <: rtbl & OCC1 <: resbl1 & rsrtbl1[OCC1] <: frm1 & LBT1 <: OCC1 & R5 /: resrt - ran(rsrtbl1) & (A : LBT1 & (OCC2 = OCC1 - {A} & rsrtbl2 = {A} <<| rsrtbl1)) & R5 /: resrt - ran(rsrtbl2)', % delayed enumeration for frm1
7376 '-evalt', 'not((rsrtbl1 : resbl1 --> resrt1 & rsrtbl1 <: rtbl & OCC1 <: resbl1 & rsrtbl1[OCC1] <: frm1 & LBT1 <: OCC1 & R5 /: resrt - ran(rsrtbl1) & (A : LBT1 & (OCC2 = OCC1 - {A} & rsrtbl2 = {A} <<| rsrtbl1))) => R5 : resrt - ran(rsrtbl2))' % with implication
7377 ], 'Test DO_NOT_ENUMERATE analysis; infer also delayed enumeration for certain variables.').
7378 cli_testcase(2130, [cbc,sigma], [
7379 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(x).(x=y+z|x)=3 & z<0 & z>-10',
7380 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(x).({x}<:{0,y}|x)=22', % normally rewritten to member by ast_cleanup
7381 '-evalf', 'PI(x).({x}<:{0,y}|x)=2',
7382 '-p', 'OPTIMIZE_AST', 'FALSE',
7384 ], 'check detection of equality and subset in PI/SIGMA').
7385 cli_testcase(2131, [laws], [
7386 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 7000,
7387 '-evalf', 'VV={1,3} & not(#(c,f).(c:0..3 & f:1..c >->> VV & 1<c))',
7389 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ((dom(ff\\/gg) = dom(ff) \\/ dom(gg)) )',
7390 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( ran(ff\\/gg) = ran(ff) \\/ ran(gg) )',
7391 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( dom(ff/\\gg) <: dom(ff) /\\ dom(gg) )',
7392 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( ran(ff/\\gg) <: ran(ff) /\\ ran(gg) )',
7393 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( (ff \\/ gg)~ = ff~ \\/ gg~ )',
7394 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( dom((ff ; (gg~))) <: dom(ff) )',
7395 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (ff : setX --> setY <=> (ff: setX +-> setY & dom(ff) = setX))',
7396 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (ff <: ff \\/ gg & gg <: ff \\/ gg )',
7397 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (ff /\\ gg <: ff & ff /\\ gg <: gg)',
7398 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( {xx | xx: ff & xx:gg} = ff /\\ gg)',
7399 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( {xx | xx: ff & not(xx:gg)} = ff \\ gg)',
7400 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (!xx.(xx:ff & xx:gg => xx: ff /\\ gg))',
7401 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (!xx.(xx:ff & not(xx:gg) => (xx: ff \\ gg & xx /: gg)))',
7402 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (#xx.(xx:ff & xx/:gg) => not(ff \\/ gg = gg) & not(ff \\ gg = {}))',
7403 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( ff <<: gg or ff /<<: gg )',
7404 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( ff : POW(gg) or ff /: POW(gg) )',
7405 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( (ff <: gg & ff /<<: gg) => ff = gg)',
7406 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( (ff <<: gg ) => (ff /= gg & card(gg)>0))',
7407 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( ff <<: gg => #xx.(xx:gg & xx/:ff))',
7408 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( ff <: gg <=> !x.(x:ff => x:gg) )',
7409 '-evalf', 'ff:1..1<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (ff <<: gg => (card(ff) < card(gg)))',
7410 %% '-evalf', 'ff:1..1<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (card(ff \\/ gg) <= (card(ff) + card(gg)))', % TIME_OUT
7411 %% probably due to CLPFD propagation; this ff={} & gg:1..1<->BOOL & (card(ff \/ gg) > card(gg)) has issue as well
7412 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (ff /\\ gg = {} <=> ff <: ((1..3)*BOOL) - gg)',
7413 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( (ff<+gg) = (gg \\/ (dom(gg)<<|ff)) )',
7414 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( ff<+{} = ff & {}<+ff = ff & ff<+ff = ff)',
7415 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (ff~ = {yy,xx|xx:dom(ff)&yy:ran(ff)&({xx|->yy}<:ff)})',
7416 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (id(ff) = {xx,yy|xx:ff&yy:ff&xx=yy})',
7417 '-evalf', 'ff:1..2<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (prj1(ff,gg) = ({xx,yy,zz|xx:(ff)&yy:(gg)&zz=xx}) )',
7418 '-evalf', 'ff:1..2<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (prj2(ff,gg) = ({xx,yy,zz|xx:(ff)&yy:(gg)&zz=yy}) )',
7419 '-evalf', 'hh:1..3<->1..3 & not (iterate(hh,1)=(hh))',
7420 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & not (dom(ff><gg) = dom(ff)/\\dom(gg)) // Crashes Z3',
7421 '-evalf', 'ff:1..2<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (card((ff><gg)) <= card(ff)*card(gg))',
7422 '-evalf', 'ff:1..2<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not ( dom((ff||gg)) = dom(ff)*dom(gg)) // Crashes Z3',
7423 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not( xx: xx..xx+1 )',
7424 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not(xx: xx..xx+1 )',
7425 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not(xx: xx..xx )',
7426 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not(xx: xx-1..xx )',
7427 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not((xx<zz <=> xx:0..zz-1) )',
7428 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not((xx<=zz <=> xx:0..zz) )',
7429 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not(card(xx..xx) = 1 & card(xx..xx-1) = 0 )',
7430 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not(card(xx..xx+1) = 2 )',
7431 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not((xx>zz <=> card(xx..zz) = 0) )',
7432 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not((xx<=zz => card(xx..zz) = zz-xx+1) )',
7433 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not((xx<1 => {} : 1..xx --> INTEGER) )',
7434 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not({} : 1..0 --> INTEGER )',
7435 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not(xx..zz = {nn | nn:INT & nn>=xx & nn<=zz})',
7436 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not( (xx..zz = {} <=> zz < xx) )',
7437 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not( (xx..zz /= {} <=> zz >= xx) )',
7438 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not( (#v.(v:xx..zz) <=> zz >= xx) )',
7439 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not( !v.(v:xx..zz => v>=xx & v <= zz))',
7440 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not( xx..(xx-1) <: xx..zz )',
7441 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not( xx..zz <: xx..zz )',
7442 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not( xx..zz <: xx..(zz+1) )',
7443 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not( (xx+1)..zz <: xx..zz )',
7444 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not( xx..(zz-1) <: xx..zz )',
7445 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & zz:0..3 & not( (xx+1)..(zz-1) <: xx..zz)',
7446 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x*y = y*x)',
7447 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not(x*(y+z) = x*y + x*z)',
7448 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x+y = y+x)',
7449 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x*1 = x)',
7450 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(1*x = x)',
7451 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x*0 = 0)',
7452 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(0*x = 0)',
7453 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not((x+y)+z = x + (y+z))',
7454 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not((x*y)*z = x*(y*z))',
7455 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(2*x = x+x)',
7456 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x**2 = x*x)',
7457 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>=0 => 1**x = 1)',
7458 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>=0 => (((x / 2)*2 = x) <=> (x mod 2 = 0)))',
7459 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>0 => 2**x = 2*(2**(x-1)))',
7460 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>0 => 2**(10*x) = 2*(2**(10*x-1)))',
7461 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>0 => 3**(10*x) = 3*(3**(10*x-1)))',
7462 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>y or x<=y) ',
7463 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>y or x=y or x<y) ',
7464 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>=y or x<y) ',
7465 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>=y or x<=y) ',
7466 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & (x>y & x<=y) ',
7467 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & (x<y & y<x) ',
7468 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x-x = 0 )',
7469 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x=y <=> x-y = 0) ',
7470 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>y <=> x >= y+1) ',
7471 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x<y <=> x <= y-1) ',
7472 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x<y or y<x) <=> x/=y) ',
7473 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x<y & y<=z) => x<z) ',
7474 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-4..4 & not((x<y & y<z) => x<z) ',
7475 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-4..4 & not((x<=y & y<z) => x<z) ',
7476 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x<=y & y<=z) => x<=z) ',
7477 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x<=y & y<=x) => x=y)',
7478 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x=y <=> y=x) ',
7479 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x/=y <=> y/=x) ',
7480 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x<y <=> y>x) ',
7481 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>y <=> y<x) ',
7482 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x<=y <=> y>=x) ',
7483 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>=y <=> y<=x) ',
7484 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(not(x<y) <=> x>=y) ',
7485 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(not(x<=y) <=> x>y) ',
7486 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x=y or x=z) => (y=x or z=x)) ',
7487 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x=y or x=z) <=> (y=x or z=x)) ',
7488 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x=y <=> x=z) => (y=z or x/=y))',
7489 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not ( (x-y-x+y = 0) )',
7490 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not ( x*x >= 0 )',
7491 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not ( (x*x = 0 <=> x=0) )',
7492 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not ( (x*x = 0 => x=0) )',
7493 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not ( (x=0 => x*x = 0) )',
7494 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not ( x*x = -x * -x )',
7495 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not (x<=y <=> min({x,y}) = x)',
7496 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not (x<=y <=> max({x,y}) = y)',
7497 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not (x<y <=> max({x,y}) /= x)',
7498 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not (x<y <=> min({x,y}) /= y)',
7499 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>=0 & y>0 => ((x/y) * y = x - x mod y))',
7500 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not(x/=y & x/=z & y/=z => SIGMA(zz).(zz:{x,y,z}|zz) = x+y+z)',
7501 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not(x/=y & x/=z & y/=z => PI(zz).(zz:{x,y,z}|zz) = x*y*z)',
7502 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(SIGMA(zz).(zz:{x}|zz) = x)',
7503 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(PI(zz).(zz:{x}|zz) = x)',
7504 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(succ(x) = x+1) ',
7505 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(pred(x) = x-1) ',
7506 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x < succ(x))',
7507 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x > pred(x))',
7508 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(pred(succ(x)) = x)',
7509 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x+succ(y) = succ(x+y))',
7510 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x*succ(y) = x+x*y)',
7511 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>=0 => 1**x = 1)',
7512 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not (x**1 = x)',
7513 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not (x**0 = 1)',
7514 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x>0 => 0**x = 0)',
7515 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not(z>=0 => (x*y)**z = x**z * y**z)',
7516 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not(y>=0 & z>=0 => (x**(y+z) = x**y * x**z))',
7517 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not(y>=0 & z>=0 => (x**(y*z) = (x**y)**z))',
7518 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(#x.(x:INTEGER & {x} \\/ {1,2} = {1,2} ) )',
7519 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not( min({x}) = x )',
7520 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(x <= y => min({x,y}) = x )',
7521 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not(y <= x => min({x,y}) = y )',
7522 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not( min({x}\\/{y,z}) = min({min({x}), min({y,z})}) )',
7523 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not( min({y,z} \\/ {x}) = min({min({y,z}),x}) )',
7524 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not( x:y..z <=> (y<=x & x<=z))',
7525 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & z:-3..3 & not( x:y..z <=> (y<=x & x<=z & y<=z))',
7526 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & y /= 0 & not ( -x/y = -(x/y) )',
7527 '-evalf', '(2=3 & 1=1 <=> 4=5 & 2=2)',
7528 '-evalf', 'SS : POW(-1..3) & not (SS = ran(%x.(x:SS|x*1)))',
7529 '-evalf', 'SS : POW(-1..3) & not (SS = {z|z:INTEGER & #x.(x:SS & z=x*1)})',
7530 '-evalf', 'SS : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not ( SS <<: VV or SS /<<: VV )',
7531 '-evalf', 'SS : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not ( (VV <<: SS & SS <: TT) => (VV <<: TT))',
7532 '-evalf', 'SS : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not (SS <<: VV => (card(SS) < card(VV)))',
7533 '-evalf', 'SS : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not (SS <: VV => (card(SS) <= card(VV)))',
7534 '-evalf', 'SS : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not (SS /\\ VV = {} <=> SS <: (-1..3) - VV)',
7535 '-evalf', 'SS : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not((SS=VV & SS /= {}) => (max(SS) = max(VV) & min(SS)=min(VV)))',
7536 '-evalf', 'SS : POW(-1..3) & VV : POW(-1..3) & not((SS <: VV & SS/= {}) => (max(SS) <= max(VV) & min(SS) >= min(VV)))',
7537 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & not( a<:b <=> POW(a) <: POW(b) )',
7538 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & not( a<<:b <=> POW(a) <<: POW(b))',
7539 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & not( POW(a) /<: POW1(b) & FIN(a) /<: FIN1(b))',
7540 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( (a={} or b={}) => (a*b)={} & (a*b) <: (c*d) )',
7541 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( ( (a={} or b={} & f : a <-> b) => f: c <-> d ))',
7542 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( ( (a={} or b={} & f : a +-> b) => f: c +-> d ))',
7543 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( ( (a={} or b={} & f : a >+> b) => f: c >+> d ))',
7544 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( ( a <: c & b<:d => (a*b) <: c*d))',
7545 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( a <: c & b<:d & f : a <-> b => f: c <-> d )',
7546 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( a <: c & b<:d & f : a +-> b => f: c +-> d )',
7547 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( a <: c & b<:d & f : a >+> b => f: c >+> d )',
7548 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( b<:d & f : a --> b => f: a --> d )',
7549 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( b<:d & f : a >-> b => f: a >-> d )',
7550 '-evalf', 'a<:1..3 & b<:1..3 & c<:1..3 & d<:1..3 & not( a<:c & f : a +->> b => f: c +->> b )',
7551 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not((s1=s2 <=> s2=s1))',
7552 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1=s2 or s1 /= s2 )',
7553 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1=s2 & s2=s3 => s1 = s3 )',
7554 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1=s2 & s2/=s3 => s1 /= s3 )',
7555 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not(s1=s2 <=> card({s1,s2}) = 1)',
7556 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1=s2 <=> {s1,s2} = {s1} )',
7557 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not({s1,s2,s3} = {s3} \\/ {s2} \\/ {s1} )',
7558 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not({x| x=s1 or x=s2} = {s2,s1} )',
7559 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1 : dom( { s2 |-> s2, s3|->s3, s1 |->s1} ) )',
7560 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not((s1/=s2 => s1 /: dom( { s2 |-> s2} ) ) )',
7561 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1 /: {s1,s2,s3} - {s2,s1} )',
7562 '-evalf', 'S={"a","b"} & s1:S & s2:S & s3:S & not(card({s1,s2,s3} - {s2,s1}) < 2)',
7563 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1:STRING <=> 1=1 )',
7564 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1/:STRING <=> 1=2 )',
7565 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( s1=s2 <=> {s1} \\/ {s2} = {s1})',
7566 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( {s1,s2} \\/ {s3} = {s1,s2,s3})',
7567 '-evalf', 's1:STRING & s2:STRING & not( {s2} \\/ {s1,s2,s3} = {s1,s2,s3} )',
7568 '-evalf', 'S={"a","b"} & s1:S & s2:S & s3:S & not( s1 /= s3 => ({s1,s2} /\\ {s3,s2} = {s2}))',
7569 '-evalf', 'S={"a","b"} & s1:S & s2:S & s3:S & not( #x.(x:STRING & {x} \\/ {s1,s2} = {s1,s2} & x:{s1,s2,s3}))',
7570 '-evalf', 'S={"a","b"} & s1:S & s2:S & s3:S & not( #x.(x:STRING & {x} \\/ {s1,s2} = {s1,s2} ) )',
7571 '-evalf', 'SS<:POW(BOOL) & not( SS \\/ (TT /\\ VV) = (SS \\/ TT) /\\ (SS \\/ VV))',
7572 '-evalf', 'SS<:POW(BOOL) & not( SS <<: VV => (card(SS) < card(VV)) )',
7573 '-evalf', 'x<:BOOL & not(POW(x) = POW1(x) \\/ {{}})',
7574 '-evalf', 'not(#t138.(x<:BOOL & (!t135.(t135 <: x => t135 : t138 \\/ {{}}) & !t135.(t135 : t138 \\/ {{}} => t135 <: x) & (!t137.(t137 <: x & not(t137 = {}) => t137 : t138) & !t137.(t137 : t138 => t137 <: x & not(t137 = {}))))))', % translation of above for z3
7575 '-evalf', 'x<:BOOL & x <<: y & not(POW(x) <<: POW(y))',
7576 '-evalf', 'x<:BOOL & not(x = y) & x <: y & not(not(#t166.(btrue & (!t163.(t163 <: x => t163 : t166) & !t163.(t163 : t166 => t163 <: x) & (!t165.(t165 <: y => t165 : t166) & !t165.(t165 : t166 => t165 <: y))))) & #(t168,t170).(t168 <: t170 & (!t167.(t167 <: x => t167 : t168) & !t167.(t167 : t168 => t167 <: x) & (!t169.(t169 <: y => t169 : t170) & !t169.(t169 : t170 => t169 <: y)))))', % translation of above for z3
7577 '-evalf', 'SS<:BOOL & VV<:BOOL & not(union({SS,VV})=SS \\/ VV)',
7578 '-evalf', 'SS<:BOOL & VV<:BOOL & not(union({SS,VV,WW})=SS \\/ VV \\/ WW)',
7579 '-evalf', 'SS<:BOOL & VV<:BOOL & SV = {SS}\\/{VV} & SVW= SV\\/{WW} & not(union(SVW)=SS \\/ VV \\/ WW)',
7580 '-evalt', 'SS<:BOOL & VV<:BOOL & SV = {SS}\\/{VV} & SVW= SV\\/{WW} & not(inter(SVW)=SS \\/ VV \\/ WW)',
7581 '-evalf', 'SS<:BOOL & VV<:BOOL & SV = {SS}\\/{VV} & SVW= SV\\/{WW} & not(inter(SVW)=SS /\\ VV /\\ WW)',
7582 '-evalf', 'SS<:POW(BOOL) & not(union({SS,TT}) = SS \\/ TT)',
7583 '-evalf', 'SS<:POW(BOOL) & not(SS/={} & TT/={} => inter(SS \\/ TT) = inter(SS) /\\ inter(TT))',
7584 '-evalf', 'r:BOOL <-> BOOL & not(r <: closure1(r))',
7585 '-evalf', 'r:BOOL <-> BOOL & not(r <: closure(r))',
7586 '-evalf', 'rx:BOOL <-> BOOL & not(id( dom(rx) \\/ ran(rx) ) <: closure(rx))',
7587 '-evalf', 'rx:BOOL <-> BOOL & not(( id(BOOL) ; rx) = rx)',
7588 '-evalf', 'rx:BOOL <-> BOOL & not(( rx ; id(BOOL) ) = rx)',
7589 '-evalf', 'rx:BOOL <-> BOOL & ff:BOOL<->BOOL & not(( rx; ff )~ = (ff~ ; rx ~))',
7590 '-evalf', 'rx:BOOL <-> BOOL & ff:BOOL<->BOOL & not( (ff ; rx)[HH] = rx[ff[HH]])',
7591 '-evalf', 'ff:BOOL<->BOOL & not( gg <+ ff = (dom(ff) <<| gg) \\/ ff )',
7592 '-evalf', 'ff:BOOL<->BOOL & gg:BOOL<->BOOL & not( dom(ff) <<| gg = {a,b| (a,b):gg & a/:dom(ff)} )',
7593 '-evalf', 'ff:BOOL<->BOOL & gg:BOOL<->BOOL & not( gg |>> ran(ff) = {a,b| (a,b):gg & b/:ran(ff)})',
7594 '-evalf', 'ff:BOOL<->BOOL & ii=1 & not (iterate(ff,ii) = ff)',
7595 '-evalf', 'x<:BOOL & x <: y & not(POW(x) <: POW(y))',
7596 '-evalt', 'x<:BOOL & x <: y & not(POW(x) <<: POW(y))', % True,
7597 '-evalf', 'x<:BOOL & x <<: y & not(POW(x) <<: POW(y))',
7598 '-evalf', 'xx:0..3 & not(xx>xx-1 & card(xx..xx) = 1)', % used to cause timeout in CHR mode
7599 '-evalf', 'f:BOOL-->POW(BOOL) & card(f(TRUE))=0 & card(f(FALSE))=0 & card(union(ran(f)))>0',
7601 ], 'check laws expressed as individual constraints').
7603 cli_testcase(2132, [laws], ['-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
7604 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x<y & y<z) => x<z) ', % does not work with CLPFD=FALSE
7605 '-evalf', 'x:-3..3 & y:-3..3 & not((x<=y & y<z) => x<z) '
7606 |Cmds],'Test 2131 with SMT true') :-
7607 cli_testcase(2131, _, Cmds,_).
7608 cli_testcase(2133, [laws, chr], ['-p', 'CHR', 'TRUE' |Cmds],'Test 2131 with SMT and CHR true') :-
7609 cli_testcase(2132, _, Cmds,_).
7610 cli_testcase(2134, [laws], ['-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE' |Cmds],'Test 2131 with CLPFD false') :-
7611 cli_testcase(2131, _, Cmds,_).
7612 cli_testcase(2135, [b_test], [
7613 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Uses/MachineB_wrong_uses.mch',
7614 '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], 'Check that operations of a used machine cannot be called').
7615 cli_testcase(2136, [b_test], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7616 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ModelChecking/IncrementalStatePackingTestLargeSlow_err.mch',
7617 '-mc', 20, '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'TRUE',
7618 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check that invariant (proven for all events) violation found').
7619 cli_testcase(2137, [b_test, operation_reuse, operation_reuse_full], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7620 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ModelChecking/IncrementalStatePackingTestLargeSlow_err.mch',
7621 '-mc', 20, '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'full', '-p', 'PROOF_INFO', 'TRUE',
7622 '-expcterr', 'invariant_violation'], 'Check that invariant (proven for all events) violation found').
7623 cli_testcase(2138, [eventb_test, operation_reuse, operation_reuse_full, codespeed], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7624 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ABZ_Landing_Gear/Ref3_ControllerSensors_mch.eventb',
7625 '-mc', 2500, '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'full', '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-nodead',
7626 '-cc', 2354, 10154,
7627 '-check_op_cache_stats', 242, 0, 24, 0 % used to be 248,24,2;
7628 % but after improving Proof info 6 calls to invariant checks have disappeared; see also test 2218
7629 ], 'Check that operation reuse works for Event-B').
7630 cli_testcase(2139, [b_test, operation_reuse, operation_reuse_full, codespeed], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7631 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Other/Meeduse/gpuScheduler_main.mch',
7632 '-mc', 4000, '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'full', '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-noass',
7633 '-cc', 3180, 26054,
7634 '-check_op_cache_stats', 9598, 3566, 4, 10],% 3566 was 3500, before remove_finite rule made more conservative
7635 'Check Meeduse model').
7636 cli_testcase(2140, [b_test, operation_reuse, operation_reuse_full, codespeed], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7637 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Other/Meeduse/gpuScheduler_main.mch',
7638 '-mc', 4000, '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'full', '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-noass',
7639 '-nodead', '-p', 'SAFETY_MODEL_CHECK', 'TRUE', '-bf',
7640 '-cc', 3180, 3181, % was 3179, but now we store at least one transition per operation for coverage
7641 '-check_op_cache_stats', 9598 , 3566, 4, 10], % 3566 was 3500, before remove_finite rule made more conservative
7642 'Test 2140 with safety invariant model checking').
7643 cli_testcase(2141, [eventb_test, operation_reuse, operation_reuse_full, codespeed], [
7644 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance_WP2/v6_Sep2014/ex_mch.eventb',
7645 '-animate', 300, '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'full', '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE',
7646 '-check_op_cache_stats', '_', '_', 41, 28], 'Test used to pose problem to operation reuse').
7647 cli_testcase(2142, [cbc], [
7648 '-evalt','x>1 & y:NATURAL & y=x+x & z={y,x}',
7649 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'CHR', 'FALSE'], 'Check CLPFD overflows are caught').
7650 cli_testcase(2143, [operation_reuse, csp_test,cspb], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS','TRUE',
7651 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsCSPB/Airports.mch', '-csp-guide',
7652 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/WilliamsCSPB/AirportsCtrl.csp',
7653 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE', '-mc', 1000,
7654 '-check_op_cache_stats', 127, 0, 2 , 0,
7655 '-cc', 843, 3504, '-strict'], 'Checking operation reuse CSP-M || B models.').
7656 cli_testcase(2144, [operation_reuse,csp_test,cspb],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS','TRUE',
7657 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Dining/Dining.mch', '-csp-guide',
7658 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Dining/Dining.csp',
7659 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE',
7660 '-mc', 5000, '-nodead',
7661 '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 100,
7662 '-check_op_cache_stats', 516, 373, 3 , 2,
7663 '-cc', 1862, 4957,
7664 '-strict'],'Check operation_reuse in Dining.csp').
7665 cli_testcase(2145, [operation_reuse,csp_test,cspb],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS','TRUE',
7666 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/LTSMin/Counters_smaller.mch', '-csp-guide',
7667 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/LTSMin/Counters.csp',
7668 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE',
7669 '-mc', 85000,
7670 '-check_op_cache_stats', 63, 0 , 3 , 0,
7671 '-cc', 21486, 21486,
7672 '-strict'],'Check operation_reuse in Dining.csp').
7673 cli_testcase(2146, [b_test,card], ['-strict', '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS','TRUE',
7674 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DeferredSetsDisjointSubsets1.mch', '-init' ,'-assertions'], 'check cardinality of deferred set detects disjoint subsets').
7675 cli_testcase(2147, [smt_solver_integration], [
7676 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a="(!&/()=>\\"<,.\\"-_%?"',
7677 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a=""',
7678 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a="\\""',
7679 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a="\\"\\""'
7680 ], 'check z3 model translation for strings').
7681 cli_testcase(2148, [operation_reuse,eventb_test],[
7682 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Soton/UML-B/drone_0_mch.eventb',
7683 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE',
7684 '-mc', 3000, '-scope', 'card(SCXML_eq)<5',
7685 '-check_op_cache_stats', 1164, 0, 15 , 0,
7686 % analysed are these, but many more are added to the state space'-cc', 2422, 10767,
7687 '-strict'],'Check operation_reuse with scope').
7688 cli_testcase(2149, [smt_solver_integration], [
7689 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check rev(["a","b"]) = a',
7690 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check rev(["a"]) = []',
7691 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check first(["a","b"]) = a',
7692 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check last(["a","b"]) = a',
7693 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ["a","b"]<-"c" = a',
7694 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check "c"->["a","b"] = a',
7695 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check tail(["a","b"]) = a',
7696 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check front(["a","b"]) = a',
7697 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check rev([3,4]) = a',
7698 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check rev([6]) = []',
7699 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check first([7,8]) = a',
7700 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check last([9,10]) = a',
7701 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check [11,12,13]<-14 = a',
7702 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check 9->[6,155] = a',
7703 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check tail([4,7]) = a',
7704 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check front([4,7]) = a',
7705 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check size([4,7,5]) = a',
7706 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check size([4,7,5]) = 3',
7707 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check size([4,7,5]) = 4'
7708 ], 'check sequences with z3').
7709 cli_testcase(2150, [operation_reuse,eventb_test],[
7710 '../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/SAP/TUCC_Example/v3/m_wodel123_partner_behaviour.eventb',
7711 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE',
7712 '-mc', 1000, '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete',
7713 '-op_cache_profile',
7714 '-strict'],'Check that unmodifiable check works and read vars are correctly computed').
7715 cli_testcase(2151, [pragmas,eventb_test],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7716 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/TestProBIgnoreAxioms_ctx.eventb',
7717 '-init', '-p', 'USE_IGNORE_PRAGMAS', 'TRUE',
7718 '-strict'],'Check prob-ignore labels respected').
7719 cli_testcase(2152, [b_test],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7720 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/Compression/TotFunSkeleton.mch',
7721 '-mc', 1000, '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete',
7722 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'full', '-memory', '-prob-profile', % TODO: check that we Stored 1 AVL sets
7723 '-strict'],'Exercise bit-vector compression').
7724 cli_testcase(2153, [b_test,json_trace_replay,records,operation_reuse], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/AssignToRecordField.mch',
7725 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'full',
7726 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/AssignToRecordField.prob2trace'
7727 ], 'Check read information correctly identfied').
7728 cli_testcase(2154, [tickets,json_trace_replay], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PartitionPrettyPrintBug/ABZ16_m4.eventb',
7729 '-pp', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PartitionPrettyPrintBug/ABZ16_m4_pp.mch',
7730 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PartitionPrettyPrintBug/ABZ16_m4.prob2trace'
7731 ], 'Check partition pretty-printing properly parenthesised').
7732 cli_testcase(2155, [b_test,cruise,external,operation_reuse], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7733 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-mc', '1400', '-bf',
7734 '-scope', 'PROB_STATISTICS("bf-level")<5',
7735 '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE',
7736 '-cc', '833', '6578', % 456 are ignored
7737 '-strict', '-nodead', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 5], 'Test SCOPE with breadth-first level predicate').
7738 cli_testcase(2156, [wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PartitionPrettyPrintBug/ABZ16_m4.eventb',
7739 '-evalu', ':prove not(x=STANDBY) => not(x=PREPARATION)',
7740 '-evalu', ':prove x=STANDBY => x=PREPARATION',
7741 '-evalt', ':prove x=TRUE => not(x=FALSE)',
7742 '-evalt', ':prove not(x=TRUE) => x=FALSE',
7743 '-evalt', ':prove x=STANDBY => not(x=PREPARATION)'
7744 ], 'Check simple equalities proven by wd prover').
7745 cli_testcase(2157, [infinite,external,choose], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7746 '-evalt', 's={f|f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x : NATURAL | IF x = 1 THEN 1 ELSE x+1 END)} & res = CHOOSE(s)(2)',
7747 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x : NATURAL | IF x = 1 THEN 1 ELSE x+1 END) & s = {f} & res = CHOOSE(s)(2)',
7748 '-evalt', 's={f|f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x : NATURAL | IF x = 1 THEN 1 ELSE x+1 END)} & res = MU(s)(2)',
7749 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x : NATURAL | IF x = 1 THEN 1 ELSE x+1 END) & s = {f} & 3 = MU(s)(2)'
7750 % '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x : NATURAL | IF x = 1 THEN 1 ELSE x+1 END) & s = {f, {0|->0}}' % does not work
7751 ], 'Check singleton sets with infinite element are not expanded, and check MU/CHOOSE').
7752 cli_testcase(2158, [infinite,external,choose,recursion], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7753 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x : NATURAL | IF x = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 2+f(x-1) END) /*@desc recursive_let */ & f(20)=40',
7754 '-evalt', 'f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x >=0 | IF x = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 2+f(x-1) END) /*@desc letrec */ & f(20)=41',
7755 '-evalt', '{f|f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x : NATURAL | IF x = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 2+f(x-1) END) /*@desc recursive_let*/ } = s & rf = CHOOSE(s) & res = rf(10)',
7756 '-evalt', '{f|f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x : NATURAL | IF x = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 2+f(x-1) END) /*@desc recursive_let*/ } = s & rf = MU(s) & 20 = rf(10)',
7757 '-evalt', 'MU({f|f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x>=0 | IF x = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 2+f(x-1) END) /*@desc recursive_let*/ })(10) = 20',
7758 '-evalt', 'MU({f|f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x : NATURAL1 | IF x = 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1+f(x/2) END) /*@desc letrec */})(1024) = 10',
7759 '-evalt', 'card({f|f = /*@symbolic*/ %x.(x : NATURAL1 | IF x = 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1+f(x/2) END) /*@desc letrec */})=1'
7760 ], 'Check recursive_let pragma annotation').
7761 cli_testcase(2159, [infinite,external,choose], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7762 '-evalt', 'ilog2 = /*@symbolic */ {x,r| x:NATURAL & 2**r<=x & 2**(r+1) > x} & res=ilog2(1024)',
7763 '-evalt', 'ilog2 = /*@symbolic */ {x,r| x:NATURAL & 2**r<=x & 2**(r+1) > x} & 10=ilog2(1024) & ilog2(1025)=10 & ilog2(2048)=11',
7764 '-evalt', 'ilog3 = /*@symbolic */ {x,r| x:NATURAL & 3**r<=x & 3**(r+1) > x} & 4=ilog3(81) & ilog3(1000)=6',
7765 '-evalt', '1**r = t & t:0..100'
7766 ], 'Check propagation of power_of / exponentiation').
7767 cli_testcase(2160, [external], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7768 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/NonDetDetection/NonDetSelect.mch',
7769 '-mc', 1000, '-noinv', '-noass', '-expecterr', 'goal_found'
7770 ], 'Check NON_DET_STATE external function and use of external functions in GOAL').
7771 cli_testcase(2161, [recursion,json_trace_replay,infinite], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7772 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/Factorial_NewSyntax.mch',
7773 '-trace_replay', json, '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/Factorial_NewSyntax.prob2trace',
7774 '-assertions'
7775 ], 'Check JSON trace replay works with recursive function').
7776 cli_testcase(2162, [cdclt,smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7777 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/ABZ16_m4.eventb', '-init',
7778 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
7779 '-evalf', ':z3-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7780 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7781 '-evalf', ':z3-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7782 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7783 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
7784 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
7785 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
7786 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
7787 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
7788 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
7789 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_8.eval',
7790 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_9.eval',
7791 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval',
7792 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_11.eval',
7793 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_12.eval',
7794 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_13.eval',
7795 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_14.eval',
7796 '-evalf', ':cdclt-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m4/m4_monolithic_bmc_k_15.eval'
7797 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints of ABZ16_m4').
7798 cli_testcase(2163, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7799 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/ABZ16_m6.eventb', '-init',
7800 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
7801 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7802 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7803 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
7804 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
7805 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7806 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7807 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
7808 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval'
7809 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints of ABZ16_m6 containing unfixed deferred sets').
7810 cli_testcase(2164, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7811 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearSwitch/R5_Switch.eventb', '-init',
7812 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
7813 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearSwitch/Ref5_Switch_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7814 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearSwitch/Ref5_Switch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7815 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearSwitch/Ref5_Switch_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
7816 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearSwitch/Ref5_Switch_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
7817 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearSwitch/Ref5_Switch_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7818 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearSwitch/Ref5_Switch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7819 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearSwitch/Ref5_Switch_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
7820 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearSwitch/Ref5_Switch_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval'
7821 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearSwitch/Ref5_Switch_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval' % needs more than 60 seconds
7822 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints of Landing Gear R5 Switch').
7823 cli_testcase(2165, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'FALSE',
7824 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/R6_Lights.eventb', '-init',
7825 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
7826 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7827 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7828 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
7829 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
7830 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7831 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7832 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
7833 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval'
7834 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval', % needs more than 60 seconds
7835 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval', %
7836 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval' %
7837 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints of Landing Gear R6 Lights').
7838 cli_testcase(2166, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'FALSE',
7839 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching.mch', '-init',
7840 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
7841 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/core_bug.eval',
7842 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7843 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7844 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
7845 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
7846 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
7847 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
7848 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
7849 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
7850 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_8.eval',
7851 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_9.eval',
7852 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval',
7853 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_11.eval',
7854 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_12.eval',
7855 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_13.eval',
7856 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_14.eval',
7857 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_15.eval',
7858 % long runtime for the following tests
7859 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_16.eval',
7860 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_17.eval',
7861 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_18.eval',
7862 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_19.eval',
7863 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_20.eval',
7864 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_21.eval',
7865 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_22.eval',
7866 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_23.eval',
7867 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_24.eval',
7868 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_25.eval',
7869 % same constraints but not considering the current state
7870 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/core_bug.eval',
7871 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7872 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7873 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
7874 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
7875 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
7876 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
7877 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
7878 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
7879 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_8.eval',
7880 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_9.eval',
7881 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval',
7882 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_11.eval',
7883 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_12.eval',
7884 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_13.eval',
7885 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_14.eval',
7886 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_15.eval',
7887 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_16.eval',
7888 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_17.eval',
7889 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_18.eval',
7890 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_19.eval',
7891 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_20.eval',
7892 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_21.eval',
7893 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_22.eval',
7894 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_23.eval',
7895 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_24.eval',
7896 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_25.eval'
7898 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints of LargeBranching').
7899 cli_testcase(2167, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7900 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase.tla', '-init',
7901 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
7902 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7903 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7904 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
7905 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
7906 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
7907 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
7908 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
7909 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
7910 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_8.eval',
7911 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_9.eval',
7912 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval',
7913 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_11.eval',
7914 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_12.eval',
7915 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_13.eval',
7916 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_14.eval',
7917 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_15.eval',
7918 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_16.eval',
7919 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_17.eval',
7920 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_18.eval',
7921 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_19.eval',
7922 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_20.eval',
7923 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_21.eval',
7924 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_22.eval',
7925 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_23.eval',
7926 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_24.eval',
7927 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_25.eval',
7928 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7929 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7930 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
7931 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
7932 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
7933 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
7934 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
7935 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
7936 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_8.eval',
7937 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_9.eval',
7938 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval',
7939 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_11.eval',
7940 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_12.eval',
7941 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_13.eval',
7942 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_14.eval',
7943 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_15.eval',
7944 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_16.eval',
7945 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_17.eval',
7946 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_18.eval',
7947 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_19.eval',
7948 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_20.eval',
7949 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_21.eval',
7950 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_22.eval',
7951 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_23.eval',
7952 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_24.eval',
7953 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_25.eval'
7955 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints of SimpleTwoPhase').
7956 cli_testcase(2168, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7957 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents.mch', '-init',
7958 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
7959 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7960 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7961 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval'
7962 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval' % sometimes exceeds the time limit on the Mac runner
7963 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints of SearchEvents').
7964 cli_testcase(2169, [eventb_test,json_trace_replay,operation_reuse], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7965 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Teaching/ch2_car/m3_mch.eventb',
7966 '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-mc', 500,
7967 '-property', 'd=3', '-cc', 239, 505,
7968 '-trace_replay', 'json',
7969 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Teaching/ch2_car/m3_mch.prob2trace',
7970 '-read_write_matrix_csv', '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Teaching/ch2_car/m3_rw_matrix.csv'
7971 ], 'Check variant variables lead to no problem').
7972 cli_testcase(2170, [b_test,recursion,external,quantified,union,json_trace_replay,infinite], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7973 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Compilers/NFA.mch',
7974 '-trace_replay', 'json','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Compilers/NFA.prob2trace'], 'Test trace replay with recursive symbolic functions.').
7975 cli_testcase(2171, [infinite], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7976 '-evalt', '%n.(n:NATURAL|%x.(x:NATURAL|2*x+n)) = f & f = %n.(n:NATURAL|%y.(y:NATURAL|2*y+n))'
7977 ], 'Test comparison of symbolic functions / sets with alpha-conversion').
7978 cli_testcase(2172, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7979 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents.mch', '-init',
7980 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '30000',
7981 '-evalf', ':prob-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7982 '-evalt', ':prob-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7983 '-evalf', ':prob-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval'
7984 % SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval too slow
7985 ], 'Adapted version of test 2168 for prob').
7986 cli_testcase(2173, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
7987 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
7988 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/SAT_uf20-02.eval',
7989 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/SAT_uf20-02_pred.eval',
7990 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/SAT_uf20-02_unsat.eval'
7991 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for SAT constraints').
7992 cli_testcase(2174, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'FALSE',
7993 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching.mch',
7994 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '3000', '-init',
7996 '-evalf', ':prob-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
7997 '-evalt', ':prob-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
7998 '-evalt', ':prob-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
7999 '-evalt', ':prob-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
8001 '-evalf', ':z3-free-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8002 '-evalt', ':z3-free-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8003 '-evalt', ':z3-free-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
8004 '-evalt', ':z3-free-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval'
8005 ], 'Variation of test 2166 with z3 and prob; testing new :z3-free command').
8006 cli_testcase(2175, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'FALSE',
8007 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '3000',
8008 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check l = {1,2,4} & !x.(x:l => y /= x) & (#z.(z:l & y=z+z) <=> b=TRUE)',
8009 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x : POW({1,2,y}) & z:x & z>2', % check precomputation does not fail
8010 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check !(x,y).(x|->y:[1,2,3] => v /= x)',
8011 '-evalt', ':z3-cns DOM = 1..3 & Board : POW(DOM * DOM * DOM)', % check POW elimination
8012 '-evalt', ':z3-cns Board : POW(DOM * DOM * DOM) & DOM <: INTEGER',
8013 %'-evalt', ':z3-axm Board : POW(DOM * DOM * DOM) & DOM <: INTEGER', % unkown since Z3 4.12.2
8014 '-evalt', ':z3-cns mxint = 500 & goal : -mxint ..mxint', % is now more performant
8015 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check not(A\\/B=BOOL & A/\\B={}) & A={TRUE} & A \\/ B = BOOL', % check negated partition
8016 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check ((x:FIN(x) or x<:NATURAL1) => B=TRUE) & (x=1..10 or x = NATURAL) & B=TRUE', % TODO: mk_value fails
8017 '-evalt', ':z3-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/argumentation_theory.eval'
8018 ], 'Check quantifier expansion for z3').
8019 cli_testcase(2176, [cdclt,smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8020 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8021 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & !ii.(ii:2..3 => aa(ii)/=aa(ii-1)) & ran(aa)={FALSE}',
8022 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & !ii.(ii:2..3 => aa(ii)/=aa(ii-1)) & ran(aa)={FALSE}', % unknown
8023 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & !ii.(ii:2..3 => aa(ii)/=aa(ii-1)) & ran(aa)={FALSE,TRUE}', % unknown
8024 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & !ii.(ii:2..3 => aa(ii)/=aa(ii-1)) & ran(aa)={FALSE}',
8025 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & !ii.(ii:2..3 => aa(ii)/=aa(ii-1)) & ran(aa)={FALSE}', % unknown
8026 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & {ii|aa(ii)=TRUE} = dom(aa) & FALSE:ran(aa)',
8027 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & {ii|aa(ii)=TRUE} = dom(aa) & FALSE:ran(aa)',
8028 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & SIGMA(ii).(ii|->TRUE:aa|ii) = 6',
8029 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & SIGMA(ii).(ii|->TRUE:aa|ii) = 6 & FALSE:ran(aa)',
8030 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & PI(ii).(ii|->TRUE:aa|ii+1) = 24',
8031 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & PI(ii).(ii|->TRUE:aa|ii+1) = 24 & FALSE:ran(aa)',
8032 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & UNION(ii).(ii|->TRUE:aa |{ii}) = 1..3',
8033 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & UNION(ii).(ii|->TRUE:aa |{ii}) = 1..3 & FALSE:ran(aa)',
8034 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & UNION(ii).(ii|->TRUE:aa |{ii}) = 1..3',
8035 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & UNION(ii).(ii|->TRUE:aa |{ii}) = 1..3 & FALSE:ran(aa)',
8036 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & INTER(ii).(ii|->TRUE:aa or ii=0|ii..(ii+1)) = 0..1',
8037 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & INTER(ii).(ii|->TRUE:aa or ii=0|ii..(ii+1)) = 0..1 & TRUE:ran(aa)',
8038 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & LET ii BE ii=3 IN aa(ii)=TRUE & x=1..ii END & a(ii)=FALSE',
8039 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & LET ii BE ii=3 IN aa(ii)=TRUE & x=1..ii END & a(ii)=FALSE'
8040 % :z3 ii=1 & aa:1..3 --> BOOL & SIGMA(ii).(ii|->TRUE:aa|ii) = 6 % translation failed
8041 ], 'Check quantifier scoping for SMT solvers').
8042 cli_testcase(2177, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8043 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents.mch', '-init',
8044 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8045 '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'false',
8046 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'true',
8047 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/min_example_wd_problem.eval',
8048 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/min_example_wd_problem2.eval',
8049 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2.eval',
8050 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug.eval',
8051 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug2.eval',
8052 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug3.eval',
8053 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd.eval',
8054 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd2.eval',
8055 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd_contradiction.eval',
8056 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/min_example_wd_problem.eval',
8057 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/min_example_wd_problem2.eval',
8058 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2.eval',
8059 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug.eval',
8060 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug2.eval',
8061 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug3.eval',
8062 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd.eval',
8063 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd2.eval',
8064 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd_contradiction.eval'
8065 ], 'Test well-definedness issue for CDCL(T) solver to not report unsatisfiability for satisfiable formulas: SearchEvents').
8066 cli_testcase(2178, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8067 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/R6_Lights.eventb', '-init',
8068 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8069 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'true',
8070 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_1_core.eval',
8071 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_1_core.eval',
8072 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd.eval',
8073 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd.eval',
8074 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd2.eval',
8075 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd2.eval',
8076 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd3.eval',
8077 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd3.eval',
8078 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd_contradiction.eval',
8079 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd_contradiction.eval'
8080 ], 'Test well-definedness issue for CDCL(T) solver to not report unsatisfiability for satisfiable formulas: LandingGearLights').
8081 cli_testcase(2179, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8082 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents.mch', '-init',
8083 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8084 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'false',
8085 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'true',
8086 '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'false',
8087 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/min_example_wd_problem.eval',
8088 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/min_example_wd_problem2.eval',
8089 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2.eval',
8090 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug.eval',
8091 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug2.eval',
8092 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug3.eval',
8093 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd.eval',
8094 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd2.eval',
8095 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd_contradiction.eval',
8096 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/min_example_wd_problem.eval',
8097 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/min_example_wd_problem2.eval',
8098 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2.eval',
8099 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug.eval',
8100 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug2.eval',
8101 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug3.eval',
8102 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd.eval',
8103 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd2.eval',
8104 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd_contradiction.eval'
8105 ], 'Test well-definedness issue for CDCL(T) solver to not report unsatisfiability for satisfiable formulas without static analysis: SearchEvents').
8106 cli_testcase(2180, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8107 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/R6_Lights.eventb', '-init',
8108 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'false',
8109 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8110 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_1_core.eval',
8111 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_1_core.eval',
8112 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd.eval',
8113 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd.eval',
8114 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd2.eval',
8115 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd2.eval',
8116 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd3.eval',
8117 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd3.eval',
8118 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd_contradiction.eval',
8119 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd_contradiction.eval'
8120 ], 'Test well-definedness issue for CDCL(T) solver to not report unsatisfiability for satisfiable formulas without static analysis: LandingGearLights').
8121 cli_testcase(2181, [b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8122 '-evalt', '#file .(file:1..2)',
8123 '-evalt', '#file . (file:1..2)'], 'Check #file can be used for existential quantifier').
8124 cli_testcase(2182, [b_test,external,hash], ['stdlib/AssertionsForLibraryHash.mch', '-assertions', '-strict'], 'Assertions for LibraryHash').
8125 cli_testcase(2183, [b_test,forall], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8126 '-evalf', '!(x,y).(x|->y : { (y,x),(1,2)} => x<y)',
8127 '-evalf', '!(x,y).(x|->y : { (y,x),(1,2)} => x>y)',
8128 '-evalf', '!(x,y).(x>0 & x|->y : { (y,10/x),(1,2)} => y/=2)',
8129 '-evalt', '!(x,y).(x|->y : { (y,x),(1,2)} & x>0 & y>0 => x+y>0)'
8130 ], 'Test forall with sets reusing parameters').
8131 cli_testcase(2184, [cbc,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ForAll/QueensWithEvents_ForallTest1.mch',
8132 '-mc', 60, '-cc', 43, 82, '-strict'], 'Check forall instead of perm in N-Queens').
8133 cli_testcase(2185, [cbc,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ForAll/QueensWithEvents_ForallTest2.mch',
8134 '-mc', 60, '-cc', 7, 10, '-strict'], 'Check forall instead of perm in N-Queens').
8135 cli_testcase(2186, [cbc,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ForAll/QueensWithEvents_ForallTest3.mch',
8136 '-mc', 60, '-cc', 7, 10, '-strict'], 'Check forall instead of perm in N-Queens').
8137 cli_testcase(2187, [cbc,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ForAll/QueensWithEvents_ForallTest2b.mch',
8138 '-mc', 60, '-cc', 7, 10, '-strict'], 'Check forall instead of perm in N-Queens').
8139 cli_testcase(2188, [b_test,forall], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8140 '-evalt', 'a:1..n --> BOOL & !i.(i|->TRUE:a => i mod 2=0) & n=40 & !i.(i|->FALSE:a => i mod 2=1)',
8141 '-evalf', 'a:1..n --> BOOL & n=200 & !i.(i|->FALSE:a => i mod 2=1) & a(n)=FALSE',
8142 '-evalf', 'a:1..n --> BOOL & n=200 & !i.(i|->FALSE:a => i mod 2=1) & a(2)=FALSE'
8143 ], 'Test forall for set membership with a pattern is not delaying').
8144 cli_testcase(2189, [cbc,card,forall], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Queens/NBishopsSets_v2.mch',
8145 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 5000, % set it higher for Windows bot
8146 '-init'], 'See that ProB can solve this puzzle; variation of test 1631').
8147 cli_testcase(2190, [cbc_refinement,refinement], [
8148 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/RefinementChecks.csp',
8149 '--MAIN', 'A', '-mc', '100',
8150 '-save', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/RefinementChecks_A_spec.P'
8151 ], 'Save CSP state space for later refinement check').
8152 cli_testcase(2191, [cbc_refinement,refinement], [
8153 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/RefinementChecks.csp',
8154 '--MAIN', 'C',
8155 '-refchk', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/RefinementChecks_A_spec_saved.P'
8156 ], 'CSP refinement check against saved state space').
8157 cli_testcase(2192, [cbc_refinement,refinement], [
8158 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/RefinementChecks.csp',
8159 '--MAIN', 'D',
8160 '-refchk', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/RefinementChecks_A_spec_saved.P'
8161 ], 'CSP refinement check against saved state space').
8162 cli_testcase(2193, [cbc_refinement,refinement], [
8163 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/RefinementChecks.csp',
8164 '--MAIN', 'E',
8165 '-refchk', '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/RefinementChecks_A_spec_saved.P'
8166 ], 'CSP refinement check against saved state space').
8167 cli_testcase(2194,[private_source_not_available],[
8168 '../private_examples/Thales/Hansen_FMTools_Issue2/WD_Issue.prob',
8169 '-df', '-mc', 200, '-expcterr', goal_found,
8170 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'FALSE'], 'Ensure no wd error found').
8171 cli_testcase(2195, [tickets, union], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8172 '-evalt', '%i.(i:dom(g)|UNION(x,y).(x=g(i) & x:dom(f) & y = f(x) & y /= {} |y))=res & f = {2|->{22}} & g=[1,2]',
8173 '-evalt', '%i.(i:dom(g)|UNION(x,y).(x=g(i) & x:dom(f) & y = f(x) & y /= {} |y))=res & f = {2|->{22}} & g=[1,2] & res = {(1|->{}),(2|->{22})}',
8174 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'TRUE'], 'Ensure no wd error found due to quant_union_inter_let/find_one_point rules bug').
8175 cli_testcase(2196, [error_checks], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8176 '-eval', 'x = {(1|->2)|->3, 44|->(55|->66)}',
8177 '-expcterr', 'type_expression_error'],
8178 'Ensure type error caught').
8179 cli_testcase(2197, [kodkod], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8180 '-evalf', ':kodkod mx=10 & x: (0-mx)..mx & y:(0-1)..mx & z:(0-1)..mx & not((x=y or x=z) => (y=x or z=x)) & ((x=y <=> x=z) => (y=z or x/=y))',
8181 '-evalt', ':kodkod mx=10 & x: (0-mx)..mx & y:(0-1)..mx & z:(0-1)..mx & ((x=y or x=z) => (y=x or z=x)) & ((x=y <=> x=z) => (y=z or x/=y))',
8182 '-evalt', ':kodkod card({x,y,z,mx| mx=3 & x: (0-mx)..mx & y:(0-1)..mx & z:(0-1)..mx & ((x=y or x=z) => (y=x or z=x)) & ((x=y <=> x=z) => (y=z or x/=y))})=175',
8183 '-evalt', ':kodkod ({x,y,z,mx| mx=10 & x: (0-mx)..mx & y:(0-1)..mx & z:(0-1)..mx & not((x=y or x=z) => (y=x or z=x)) & ((x=y <=> x=z) => (y=z or x/=y))})={}',
8184 '-evalt', ':kodkod card({x,y,z,mx| mx=3 & x: (0-mx)..mx & y:(0-1)..mx & z:(0-1)..mx & ((x:{y,z}) => (x:{z,y})) & ((x=y <=> x=z) => (y=z or x/=y))})=175',
8185 '-evalt', ':kodkod ({x,y,z,mx| mx=10 & x: (0-mx)..mx & y:(0-1)..mx & z:(0-1)..mx & not((x:{y,z}) => (x:{z,y})) & ((x=y <=> x=z) => (y=z or x/=y))})={}',
8186 '-evalt', 'card({x,y,z,mx| mx=3 & x: (0-mx)..mx & y:(0-1)..mx & z:(0-1)..mx & (((x:{y,y}) => (x:{z,z})) & ((x=y <=> x=z) => (y=z or x/=y)))})=155'
8187 ], 'Ensure issue in kodkod integer cast typing solved').
8188 cli_testcase(2198, [b_test], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Values/DefSetsPartiallyEnum.mch',
8189 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Values/DefSetsPartiallyEnumImp.imp',
8190 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Values/DefSetsPartiallyEnum_v2.mch',
8191 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Values/ArrayValuationAImp.imp',
8192 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Implementations/Values/EnumSetImp.imp',
8193 '-t', '-assertions', '-mc', 10, '-nodead'
8194 ], 'test VALUES clause can access constants in abstraction and check partial enumerated sets detection').
8195 cli_testcase(2199, [smt], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/SendMoreMoney.smt2',
8196 '../prob_examples/public_examples/SMT/KnightsKnaves.smt2'
8197 ], 'test Send More Money in SMTLib format').
8198 cli_testcase(2200, [ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Tests/UnchangedOperator.mch',
8199 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Tests/UnchangedOperator2.mch',
8200 '-ltlassertions',
8202 ], 'test new LTL operators unchanged, changed, increasing, decreasing, BA').
8203 cli_testcase(2201, [ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Tests/UnchangedOperator.mch',
8204 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Tests/UnchangedOperator2.mch',
8205 '-ltlassertions',
8207 ], 'test 2001 without LTL safety mc').
8208 cli_testcase(2202, [tickets], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8209 '-evalf', 'ff:1..1<->BOOL & not (ff : setX --> setY <=> (ff: setX +-> setY & dom(ff) = setX))',
8210 '-evalf', 'ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..2<->BOOL & not (ff : setX --> setY <=> (ff: setX +-> setY & dom(ff) = setX))',
8211 % these below were already false before fixing the ticket; they just test other similar dangerous calls:
8212 '-evalf', 'ff:1..2<->BOOL & setX <: 1..3 & not (ff : setX --> setY <=> (ff: setX +-> setY & SIGMA(y).(y:dom(ff)|y)= SIGMA(y).(y:setX|y)))',
8213 '-evalf', 'SIGMA(y).(y:S|y) = 2 & S<:0..1',
8214 '-evalf', 'SIGMA(y).(y:S|y) = 2 & S<:0..1 & S={s1,s2}',
8215 '-evalt', 'SIGMA(y).(y:S|y) = 1 & S<:0..1 & S={s1,s2}',
8216 '-evalf', 'SIGMA(y).(y:S|y) = 4 & (S<:1..2 <=> f:1..2 --> BOOL) & f:1..2 +->BOOL & card(f)=2'
8217 ], 'check that subset-reification issue generating lists with duplicates is solved on SWI').
8218 cli_testcase(2203, [tickets,union], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8219 '-evalt', 'UNION(x,y).(x:INTEGER & y=x+1|{x|->y}) = f & f(2)=3',
8220 '-evalt', 'UNION(a,b).(a:1..2 & b:BOOL|{b|->a}) = UNION(b,a).(a:1..2 & b:BOOL|{b|->a})',
8221 '-evalt', 'UNION(a,b).(a:1..2 & b:BOOL|{b|->a}) = UNION(b,a,c).(a:1..2 & b:BOOL & c=a+1|{b|->a})',
8222 '-evalt', 'UNION(a,b,c).(a:BOOL & b:1..6 & c:10..20 & b+b=c|{b|->a}) = {(5|->FALSE),(5|->TRUE),(6|->FALSE),(6|->TRUE)}'
8223 ,
8224 '-evalt', 'UNION(c,b,a).(a:BOOL & b:1..6 & c:10..20 & b+b=c|{b|->a}) = {(5|->FALSE),(5|->TRUE),(6|->FALSE),(6|->TRUE)}',
8225 '-evalt', 'UNION(c,a,b).(a:BOOL & b:1..6 & c:10..20 & b+b=c|{b|->a}) = {(5|->FALSE),(5|->TRUE),(6|->FALSE),(6|->TRUE)}'
8226 ], 'check UNION into comprehension set translation').
8227 cli_testcase(2204,[wd,wd_prover],[
8228 '-evalt', ':prove (x>1 & x<20) => not(x mod 20 = 0)',
8229 '-evalt', ':prove (x>=1 & x<20) => not(x mod 20 = 0)',
8230 '-evalt', ':prove (x>1 & x<y) => not(x mod y = 0)',
8231 '-evalt', ':prove (x>=1 & x<20) => (x mod 20) >= 1',
8232 '-evalu', ':prove (x>1 & x<=20) => not(x mod 20 = 0)',
8233 '-evalu', ':prove (x>=1 & x<=20) => (x mod 20) >= 1',
8234 '-evalu', ':prove x>1 => not(x mod 20 = 0)',
8235 '-evalu', ':prove not(x mod 2 = 0) or not(x > 1)',
8238 '-evalt', ':prove x mod 2 /= 2',
8239 '-evalt', ':prove x mod 2 : 0..1',
8240 '-evalt', ':prove x mod 2 < 2',
8241 '-evalt', ':prove 2 mod x <= 2',
8242 '-evalt', ':prove x mod 2 : NATURAL',
8243 '-evalt', ':prove x mod 2 : {0,1}',
8244 '-evalt', ':prove x mod 2 : {0,1,3}',
8245 '-evalt', ':prove x:0..3 => x mod 4 : {0,1,2,3}',
8246 '-evalt', ':prove x:0..3 => x mod 4 : {0,1,2,3,5}',
8247 '-evalt', ':prove x:0..3 => x mod 6 : {0,1,2,3,4}',
8248 '-evalt', ':prove x:0..3 => x mod 5 : {0,1,2,3,5}',
8249 '-evalt', ':prove x:{1,2,3,4,5} => x mod 10 : {0,1,2,3,4,5,9}',
8250 '-evalt', ':prove x:{1,3,5} => x mod 10 : {0,1,2,3,4,5,9}',
8251 '-evalu', ':prove x mod 2 /= 1',
8252 '-evalu', ':prove x mod 2 /= 0',
8253 '-evalu', ':prove 2 mod x <= 1',
8254 '-evalu', ':prove 2 mod x > 0',
8255 '-evalu', ':prove x mod 2 : NATURAL1',
8256 '-evalu', ':prove x:0..3 => x mod 5 : {0,1,3,5}',
8257 '-evalu', ':prove x:{1,3,5,6} => x mod 10 : {0,1,2,3,4,5,9}',
8258 '-evalu', ':prove x mod 3 < 2'
8259 ], 'check bug in modulo proof rule fixed').
8260 cli_testcase(2205, [infinite, external, regex, let], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8261 '-evalt', 'f = %s.(s:STRING & REGEX_MATCH(s,"[a-z]+")=TRUE | s)',
8262 '-evalt', 'f = %s.(s:STRING & REGEX_MATCH(s,"[a-z]+")=TRUE | s) & f("abz") = "abz"',
8263 '-evalt', 'f = %s.(s:STRING & REGEX_MATCH(s,"[a-z]+")=TRUE | s) & "ab0" /: dom(f)',
8264 '-evalt', 'f = %s.(s:STRING & GET_STRING_IS_DECIMAL(s) = TRUE| s) & f("10.0") = "10.0" & "a" /: dom(f)',
8265 '-evalt', 'f = LET pat BE pat = "[a-z]+" IN %s.(s:STRING & REGEX_MATCH(s,pat)=TRUE | (pat,s)) END & f("abz")=r',
8266 '-evalt', 'f = LET pat BE pat = "[a-z]+" IN %s.(s:STRING & REGEX_MATCH(s,pat)=TRUE | REGEX_REPLACE(s,pat,"xx")) END & f("abz")="xx"',
8267 '-evalt', 'f = LET pat BE pat = "([a-z]+)([A-Z]*)" IN %s.(s:STRING & REGEX_MATCH(s,pat)=TRUE | REGEX_REPLACE(s,pat,"$1")) END & f("abzAZ")=abz', % also checks $1 feature
8268 '-evalt', 'f = LET pat BE pat = "([a-z]+)([A-Z]*)" IN %s.(s:STRING & REGEX_MATCH(s,pat)=TRUE | REGEX_REPLACE(s,pat,"$1.$2")) END & f("abzAZ")=abz.AZ', % also checks $1 feature
8269 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x /= "" | x^x) & f("a") = "aa"',
8270 '-evalt', 'f = %x.("" /= x | x^x) & f("a") = "aa"',
8271 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x /= 0 | 100/x) & f(2) = 50',
8272 '-evalt', 'f = %(x,y).(x /= 0 | y/x) & f(2,100) = 50',
8273 '-evalt', 'f = %(x,y).(x /= y | y/(y-x)) & f(5,10) = 2',
8274 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x < y*y | x+x) & f(2)=res & y:3..5',
8275 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x > y*y | x+x) & f(200)=res & y:3..5',
8276 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x <= y*y | x+x) & f(2)=res & y:3..5',
8277 '-evalt', 'f = %x.(x >= y*y | x+x) & f(200)=res & y:3..5',
8278 '-evalt', 'f = %x.( y*y <= x | x+x) & f(200)=res & y:3..5'
8279 ], 'check detection of function as symbolic involving certain external predicates').
8280 cli_testcase(2206, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8281 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents.mch', '-init',
8282 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8283 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'false',
8284 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'false',
8285 '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'false',
8286 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/min_example_wd_problem.eval',
8287 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/min_example_wd_problem2.eval',
8288 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2.eval',
8289 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug.eval',
8290 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug2.eval',
8291 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug3.eval',
8292 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd.eval',
8293 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd2.eval',
8294 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd_contradiction.eval',
8295 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/min_example_wd_problem.eval',
8296 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/min_example_wd_problem2.eval',
8297 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2.eval',
8298 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug.eval',
8299 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug2.eval',
8300 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v2_static_analysis_bug3.eval',
8301 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd.eval',
8302 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd2.eval',
8303 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SearchEvents/SearchEvents_monolithic_bmc_k_3_core_v3_wd_contradiction.eval'
8304 ], 'Test well-definedness issue for CDCL(T) solver to not report unsatisfiability for satisfiable formulas without static analysis and symmetry breaking: SearchEvents').
8305 cli_testcase(2207, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8306 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/R6_Lights.eventb', '-init',
8307 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8308 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'true',
8309 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'false',
8310 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_1_core.eval',
8311 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd.eval',
8312 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_1_core.eval',
8313 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd.eval',
8314 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd2.eval',
8315 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd2.eval',
8316 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd3.eval',
8317 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd3.eval',
8318 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd_contradiction.eval'
8319 ], 'Test well-definedness issue for CDCL(T) solver to not report unsatisfiability for satisfiable formulas: LandingGearLights (static analysis but no symmetry breaking)').
8320 cli_testcase(2208, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8321 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/R6_Lights.eventb', '-init',
8322 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8323 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'false',
8324 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'false',
8325 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_1_core.eval',
8326 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd.eval',
8327 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_1_core.eval',
8328 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd.eval',
8329 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd2.eval',
8330 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd2.eval',
8331 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd3.eval',
8332 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd3.eval',
8333 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearLights/Ref6_CockpitLights_monolithic_bmc_k_6_wd_contradiction.eval'
8334 ], 'Test well-definedness issue for CDCL(T) solver to not report unsatisfiability for satisfiable formulas: LandingGearLights (no static analysis or symmetry breaking)').
8335 cli_testcase(2209,[private_source_not_available],[
8336 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2022/28_Apr/rule_RVF219/rule_RVF219_compo.mch',
8337 '-execute_all', '-silent',
8338 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE & caval__rule__2__done=TRUE & caval__rule__3__done=TRUE & caval__rule__4__done=TRUE & caval__rule__8__done=TRUE',
8339 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__2__ALL)=25504'
8340 ], 'Test performance issue with term_variables in exists').
8341 cli_testcase(2210,[cbc,quantified,exists],[
8342 '-evalt', '{x|x:1..10 & #y.(y>x & y*y >10)}=res',
8343 '-evalt', 'card({x|x:1..10 & #y.(y>x & y*y >10)})=10'
8344 ], 'Check enumeration warning in existential quantifier not propagated out').
8345 cli_testcase(2211,[wd,wd_prover],[
8346 '-evalt', ':prove shock_absorber:INTEGER => not(shock_absorber : {ground,flight} \\ {shock_absorber})',
8347 '-evalt', ':prove shock_absorber:INTEGER => (shock_absorber /: {ground,flight} \\ {shock_absorber})',
8348 '-evalu', ':prove shock_absorber:INTEGER => not(shock_absorber /: {ground,flight} \\ {shock_absorber})',
8349 '-evalt', ':prove x:INTEGER & x=shock_absorber => (x /: {ground,flight} \\ {shock_absorber})',
8350 '-evalt', ':prove x:BOOL & x=shock_absorber => not(x : {ground,flight} \\ {shock_absorber})',
8351 '-evalt', ':prove x<:BOOL & x /<: y => x/=y',
8352 '-evalt', ':prove x<:BOOL & x /<: y => y/=x',
8353 '-evalt', ':prove x<:BOOL & x /<: y => not(y=x)',
8354 '-evalt', ':prove x>0 & y>0 => not(x>0 & y<=0)',
8355 '-evalt', ':prove x>0 & y>0 => not(x<=0 & y>0)',
8356 '-evalt', ':prove x>0 & y>0 => not(x<=0 & y<=1)',
8357 '-evalu', ':prove x>0 & y>0 => not(x<=1 & y<=1)',
8358 '-evalt', ':prove x>0 & y>0 => not(x<=0 or y<=0)',
8359 '-evalu', ':prove x>0 & y>0 => not(x<=0 or y>0)',
8360 '-evalt', ':prove x>0 => (y>0 => not(x<=0 or y<=0))',
8361 '-evalt', ':prove x>0 => ( x=1 or x>1)',
8362 '-evalu', ':prove x>0 => not( x=1 or x>1)',
8363 '-evalt', ':prove x>0 => not( x/=1 & not(x>1))',
8364 '-evalt', ':prove x>1 & y>2 => not( x>0 => not(y>2))',
8365 '-evalt', ':prove a <:b & a /<<: {1,2} => b /<<: {1,2}', % requires to push all hyps (push_more_hyps option)
8366 '-evalt', ':prove a ={} & b<:BOOL => b/<<:a',
8367 '-evalt', ':prove a =BOOL & b<:BOOL => a/<<:b',
8368 '-evalu', ':prove a ={} & b<:BOOL => a/<<:b',
8369 '-evalu', ':prove a =BOOL & b<:BOOL => b/<<:a',
8370 '-evalt', ':prove a ={} & b<:BOOL & a/=b => b/<:a',
8371 '-evalt', ':prove a ={} & b<:BOOL & a/=b => not(b<:a)',
8372 '-evalu', ':prove a ={} & b<:BOOL & a/=c => not(b<:a)',
8373 '-evalt', ':prove a=b => (a>0 <=> b>0)',
8374 '-evalu', ':prove a=b => (a>0 <=> b>=0)',
8375 '-evalu', ':prove a>=b => (a>0 <=> b>0)',
8376 '-evalt', ':prove a:INTEGER => (a>b <=> not(b>=a))',
8377 '-evalt', ':prove a:INTEGER => not(a>b <=> not(a>b))',
8378 '-evalu', ':prove a:INTEGER => not(a>b <=> not(a>=b))',
8379 '-evalu', ':prove a<:BOOL => not(a<:b <=> b<:a)',
8380 '-evalu', ':prove a<:BOOL => not(not(a<:b) <=> not(b<:a))',
8381 '-evalt', ':prove a<:BOOL => not((a<:b) <=> not(a<:b))', % requires to push all hyps
8382 '-evalt', ':prove a<:BOOL => not(not(a<<:b) <=> (a<<:b))', % ditto, requires push_more_hyps option
8383 '-evalt', ':prove x<:INTEGER & inter({x,y,{1}}) : FIN(inter({x,y,{1}}))',
8384 '-evalt', ':prove x<:POW(INTEGER) & inter({{1}}\\/x) : FIN(inter({{1}}\\/x))',
8385 '-evalu', ':prove x<:POW(INTEGER) & inter({NATURAL}\\/x) : FIN(inter({NATURAL}\\/x))'
8386 ], 'check wd prover can deal with negations in goal').
8387 cli_testcase(2212, [b_test,json_trace_replay], [
8388 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Includes/InclQueue.mch',
8389 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Includes/InclQueue.prob2trace'
8390 ], 'Check inclusion of machine with parameters').
8391 cli_testcase(2213, [cbc,disprover,private], [
8392 '../prob_examples/public_examples/ProofObligations/Tickets/TestPartialFunctionBuggyProofRule_ctx.pl',
8393 '-check_disprover_result', 0,1,0,
8395 '-export_po' % exercise the export_po_as_machine (nested_print_sequent_as_classicalb)
8396 % this is also done in ProB for Rodin
8397 ],'Test this PO involving partial function cannot be proven').
8398 cli_testcase(2214, [ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/OperatingSystem/12301853/m03_proB_mch.eventb',
8399 '--model-check', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete' , '-cc', 465, 1662,
8400 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 20,
8401 '-ltlfile',
8402 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/OperatingSystem/12301853/LTL_m03.ltl'],
8403 'Check Rodin LTL file format now supported').
8404 cli_testcase(2215, [ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/OperatingSystem/12301853/m06_proB_mch.eventb',
8405 '--model-check', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete' , '-cc', 309, 964,
8406 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 30,
8407 '-ltlfile',
8408 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/OperatingSystem/12301853/LTL_m06.ltl'],
8409 'Check Rodin LTL file format now supported').
8410 cli_testcase(2216, [ltl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/OperatingSystem/12301853/m11_proB_mch.eventb',
8411 '--model-check', '-cc', 105, 252,
8412 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 30, '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 100,
8413 '-ltlfile',
8414 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/OperatingSystem/12301853/LTL_m11.ltl'],
8415 'Check Rodin LTL file format now supported').
8416 cli_testcase(2217, [eventb_test,operation_reuse],
8417 ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Pacemaker/M4_VVIR_prob_mch.eventb',
8418 '-mc', 100000, '-cc', 25814, 42617 , '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE',
8419 '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'
8420 ], 'Check Pacemaker model with operation reuse.').
8421 cli_testcase(2218, [eventb_test,operation_reuse],
8422 ['../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Pacemaker/M4_VVIR_prob_mch.eventb',
8423 '-cbc', all,
8424 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 100
8425 ], 'Check that all proof info available for Pacemaker model (with conjuncts as invariants).').
8426 cli_testcase(2219, [tickets], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/ParseErrors/SemicolonError.mch',
8427 '-expcterrpos', parse_error, 6, 17,
8428 '-expcterrpos', parse_error, 8, 18, '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'
8429 ], 'Check semicolons detected'). % https://github.com/hhu-stups/prob-issues/issues/141
8430 cli_testcase(2220, [b_test,json_trace_replay,visb], [
8431 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/TrafficLight/TrafficLight.mch', '-init',
8432 '-visb-click', 'peds_green',
8433 '-visb-click', 'peds_red',
8434 '-visb-click', 'cars_yellow_1',
8435 '-visb-click', 'cars_green',
8436 '-visb-click', 'cars_yellow_2',
8437 '-visb-click', 'cars_red',
8438 '-visb-click', 'peds_green',
8439 '-visb', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/TrafficLight/traffic_light.json',
8440 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/TrafficLight/TrafficLight_Trace.html',
8441 '-his', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/TrafficLight/TrafficLight_Trace.txt'
8442 %'-his_option','json' % cannot be tested for equality at moment because of metadata
8443 ],
8444 'Check VisB click response').
8445 cli_testcase(2221, [b_test,infinite,memoize,recursion], [
8446 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RecursiveFunctions/Fibonacci_Memoized.mch', '-assertions', '-init',
8447 '-csv', 'prob_memo_profile', 'user_output',
8448 '-csv', 'constants_analysis', 'user_output',
8449 '-assertions'],
8450 'test new prob_memo_profile csv command').
8451 cli_testcase(2222, [xtl,ctl], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/XTL/microwave.P',
8452 '-ctlformulat', 'AG ({closed} or {open})',
8453 '-ctlformulat', 'EF ( EG ({closed}))',
8454 '-ctlformulaf', 'EG ({closed})',
8455 '-ctlformulat', 'EF ({heat})',
8456 '-ctlformulaf', 'EF ( AG ({closed}))',
8457 '-ctlformulaf', 'AF ({heat})',
8458 '-ctlformulat', 'AX ({closed})',
8459 '-ctlformulat', 'AX AX({heat} or {open})'
8460 ], 'Testing CTL for XTL model').
8461 cli_testcase(2223,[cbc,external],[
8462 '-evalt', '{v|%(r,s).(r:INTEGER|r+s)(0|->%(x,y).(x:INTEGER|x*y)(v|->v))=10000} = {-100,100}',
8463 '-evalt', '{v|%(r,s).(r:INTEGER|r*s)(v|->%(x,y).(x:INTEGER|x*y)(v|->v))=1000} = {10}',
8464 '-evalt', '{v|%(r,s).(r:INTEGER|r*s)(v|->%(x,v).(x:INTEGER|x*v)(v|->v))=1000} = {10}',
8465 '-evalf', '%(r,s).(r:INTEGER|r+s)(0|->%(x,y).(x:INTEGER|x*y)(v|->v))=1000',
8466 '-evalf', '%(r,s).(r:INTEGER|r*s)(v|->%(x,y).(x:INTEGER|x*y)(v|->v))=10000',
8467 '-evalf', '%(r,s).(r:INTEGER|r*s)(v|->%(x,v).(x:INTEGER|x*v)(v|->v))=10000',
8468 '-evalt', '(%(x,y).(x:INTEGER|%v.(v:INTEGER|v+x*y))(v|->v))(0)=10000',
8469 '-evalf', '(%(x,y).(x:INTEGER|%v.(v:INTEGER|v+x*y))(v|->v))(0)=1000',
8470 '-evalt', '{v|(%(x,y).(x:INTEGER|%v.(v:INTEGER|v+x*y))(v|->v))(0)=10000}={-100,100}',
8471 '-evalt', 's=STRINGIFY(%(r,s).(r:INTEGER|r*s)(v|->%(x,y).(x:INTEGER|x*y)(v|->v))) & s = "v * (v * v)"'
8472 ], 'Check lambda function call inlining').
8473 cli_testcase(2224, [error_checks,wd], [
8474 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DEFINITIONS/DefCallStackDisplay.mch',
8475 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DEFINITIONS/DefCallStackDisplay2.mch',
8476 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/DEFINITIONS/DefCallStackDisplay3.mch',
8477 '-model_check',
8478 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error
8479 ],
8480 'exercise printing of call stack').
8482 cli_testcase(2225,[b_test,operation_calls_in_expr],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8483 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/OpCallsInExpr/OpCallInExpression.mch',
8484 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/OpCallsInExpr/OpCallInExpression_v4.mch',
8485 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/OpCallsInExpr/OpCallInExpression2.mch',
8486 '-mc', '1000',
8487 '-assertions'
8488 ], 'Test calling operations in expressions mixed with allowing local calls').
8489 cli_testcase(2226,[b_test,operation_calls_in_expr],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8490 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/OpCallsInExpr/OpCallInExpression_v2.mch',
8491 '-init',
8492 '-expcterrpos', type_error, 13, 31, '-expcterr', load_main_file
8493 ], 'Detect erroneous operation call').
8494 cli_testcase(2227,[b_test,operation_calls_in_expr],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8495 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/OpCallsInExpr/OpCallInExpression_v3.mch',
8496 '-init',
8497 '-expcterrpos', type_error, 14, 11, '-expcterr', load_main_file
8498 ], 'Detect erroneous operation call').
8499 cli_testcase(2228, [laws,rel_fnc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws.mch', '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete',
8500 '-p', 'OPTIMIZE_AST', 'FALSE'], 'Test 297 without OPTIMIZE_AST.').
8501 cli_testcase(2229, [eventb_test, theories], ['-mc', 100, '-cc', 9, 16, '-strict', '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/Mammar_Somme/sum_set.eventb'], 'Check support for SUM axiomatic operator on sets of integers').
8502 cli_testcase(2230, [eventb_test, theories, json_trace_replay],
8503 ['-mc', 100, '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete', '-assertions',
8504 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/TestTheoryFloats1_mch.prob2trace',
8505 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/TestTheoryFloats1_mch.eventb'],
8506 'Check support for real operators').
8507 cli_testcase(2231, [eventb_test, theories, json_trace_replay,strings],
8508 ['-mc', 3, '-assertions', '-nodead',
8510 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/StandardLibrary/RealTheoryTests1_ctx.eventb',
8511 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/TestStringTheory1_ctx.eventb',
8512 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/TestRealsOpTheory_ctx.eventb'],
8513 'Check support for strings, unicode REAL and new preference').
8514 cli_testcase(2232, [eventb_test, theories, clpfd_tables],
8515 ['-mc', 100, '-opterr', 'model_check_incomplete', '-assertions', '-nodead',
8516 '-opterr', 'virtual_time_out',
8518 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/StandardLibrary/Sampler_mch.eventb',
8519 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/StandardLibrary/Sampler2_mch.eventb',
8520 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/StandardLibrary/JobQueue_mch.eventb',
8521 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/StandardLibrary/ConnectedNetwork_mch.eventb'],
8522 % Sampler2 creates a simulation_error when using SICStus 4.7 standard table/2 constraint
8523 'Check support for standard library without .ptm theory mapping file and fix issue with SICS table/2').
8524 cli_testcase(2233, [cbc,sigma], [
8525 '-evalt', ' data = {TRUE|->0, FALSE|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8526 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->0, 2|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8527 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->-1, 2|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-2',
8528 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->1, 2|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=0',
8529 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->-1, 2|->-1} & res = PI(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=1',
8530 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->0, 2|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res<0',
8531 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->0, 2|->-1} & res = PI(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=0',
8532 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->2, 2|->-1} & res = PI(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-2',
8533 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->0, 3|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8534 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->0, 2|->0, 3|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8535 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->0, 2|->0, 3|->-1, 4|->0} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8536 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->0, 2|->0, 3|->-1, 4|->0, -1|->0} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8537 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->0, 2|->0, 3|->-1, 4|->0, -1|->2} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=1',
8538 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->0, 2|->0, 3|->-1, 5|->0, -11|->2} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=1',
8539 '-evalt', ' data = {"a"|->0, "b"|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8540 '-evalt', ' data = {(1,1)|->0, (1,2)|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8541 '-evalt', ' data = {(1,1)|->0, (2,1)|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8542 '-evalt', ' data = {1|->0, 1|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8543 '-evalt', ' data = {(1,1)|->0, (1,1)|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8544 '-evalt', ' data = {(1,1)|->0, (1,1)|->-1, (1,2)|->0} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8545 '-evalt', ' data = {rec(f:1)|->0, rec(f:2)|->-1} & res = SIGMA(x,y).(x|->y:data|y) & res=-1',
8547 ], 'check bug in clpfd:table/2 circumvented').
8548 cli_testcase(2234, [tla,visb,cbc], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Examples/EinsteinRiddle/Einstein.tla',
8549 '-cbc', all, '-expecterr', cbc,
8550 '-visb_with_vars', '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Examples/EinsteinRiddle/Einstein_tla.json',
8551 '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Examples/EinsteinRiddle/Einstein.html'
8552 ], 'check TLA model can be solved and visualised'). % see also test 2090
8553 cli_testcase(2235, [visb], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/AI/MCTS.mch',
8554 '-animate', 100,
8555 '-dot', 'custom_graph', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/AI/MCTS_100.dot',
8556 % we could also generate .pdf
8557 '-visb_with_vars', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/AI/MCTS_visb.json',
8558 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/AI/MCTS_100.html'
8559 ], 'check MCTS with VisB and CustomGraph').
8560 cli_testcase(2236, [b_test,strings], [
8561 '-evalt', ' size("a//") = 3',
8562 '-evalt', ' size("a// ") = 4',
8563 '-evalt', ' "abc//def" = "abc/" ^ "/def"',
8564 '-evalt', ' size("a// ") = 4 // comment',
8565 '-evalt', ' size("a// ") = /* comment */ 4 // comment',
8566 '-evalt', ' size("a\\\\") = 2'
8567 ], 'check double slash in strings').
8568 cli_testcase(2237, [laws], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticLaws.mch',
8569 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticExpLaws.mch',
8570 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE',
8571 '-mc', '100000', '-cs', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE'], 'Test 295 without CLPFD.').
8572 cli_testcase(2238,[tickets,json_trace_replay],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8573 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Gruteser1/Ticket_clpfd_Rangierfahrt.mch',
8574 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Gruteser1/Ticket_clpfd_Rangierfahrt.prob2trace'
8575 ], 'Check opt_ground_atom accidental cut issue solved').
8576 cli_testcase(2239,[tickets,json_trace_replay],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8577 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Gruteser1/Rangierfahrt0_prob.mch',
8578 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Gruteser1/ProblemTrace.prob2trace'
8579 ], 'Check opt_ground_atom accidental cut issue solved on larger example'). % step 24 is the important one
8580 cli_testcase(2240,[tickets,operation_reuse,json_trace_replay],[ % prob-issues #238
8581 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Vu_TraceReplayOpReuse/Poker.mch', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE',
8582 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Vu_TraceReplayOpReuse/Poker.prob2trace'
8583 ], 'Check operation caching copies max reached infos to ensure executed by predicate is used by trace replay').
8584 cli_testcase(2241, [cruise,ltl,safety], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1.mch', '-ltlformulat', 'G ([CruiseBecomesAllowed] => X e(SetCruiseSpeed))', '-p', 'LTL_SAFETY_MODEL_CHECK', 'TRUE',
8585 '-cc', '1361', '25696', '-p', 'MAX_INITIALISATIONS', 5], 'Ensure safety mc inspects entire state space').
8586 cli_testcase(2242,[b_test,json_trace_replay],[
8587 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Other/Leftpad/Leftpad_i.imp',
8588 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Other/Leftpad/Leftpad_i.prob2trace'
8589 ], 'Check VALUES clause with interval as set').
8590 cli_testcase(2243,[ltl,external],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8591 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/LTL/Tests/NonDetOutput.mch',
8592 '-ltlformulat', 'G {GET_IS_DET("Set")=TRUE}',
8593 '-ltlformulaf', 'G {GET_IS_DET_OUTPUT("Choose")=TRUE}',
8594 '-ltlformulat', 'G {NON_DET_STATE=FALSE}',
8595 '-ltlformulaf', 'G {NON_DET_OUTPUT_STATE=FALSE}',
8596 '-ltlformulat', 'G {not("Set" : NON_DET_OUTPUT_OPERATIONS)}',
8597 '-ltlformulaf', 'G {not("Choose" : NON_DET_OUTPUT_OPERATIONS)}'
8598 ], 'Check using external determinism checking functions in LTL').
8599 cli_testcase(2244,[wd],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8600 '-evalt', ':check-ast x/0 = x mod 0',
8601 '-evalt', ':check-ast first({})=1 => last({})=2',
8602 '-evalt', ':check-ast last({})=1 => tail([3,2])=[2]',
8603 '-evalt', ':check-ast (min({})=1 or max({})=1) <=> {}(2)>0',
8604 '-evalt', ':check-ast (-1)**2 = x',
8605 '-evalt', ':check-ast 2>3 => (-1)**2 = x',
8606 '-evalt', ':check-ast #lkyde.(union(lkyde) <: {FALSE,TRUE})'
8607 ], 'Run a few ASTs with WD conditions through check-ast').
8608 cli_testcase(2245,[b_test,refinement,json_trace_replay],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8609 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/InclusionChecks/SimpleRefSees/Ref1.ref',
8610 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/InclusionChecks/SimpleRefSees/Ref1.prob2trace'
8611 ], 'Check inclusion at abstract and refined level').
8612 cli_testcase(2246,[b_test,refinement,json_trace_replay],[ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8613 '../prob_examples/examples/B/KILOK/Aufteilung/Rangierfahrt_KI_prob.mch',
8614 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/examples/B/KILOK/Aufteilung/Rangierfahrt_KI_prob.prob2trace'
8615 ], 'Check inclusion at abstract and refined level').
8616 cli_testcase(2247,[b_test,refinement,json_trace_replay],[
8617 '../prob_examples/examples/B/KILOK/Aufteilung/Rangierfahrt_KI.mch',
8618 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/examples/B/KILOK/Aufteilung/Rangierfahrt_KI.prob2trace'
8619 ], 'Check inclusion at abstract and refined level, in particular for deferred sets'). % machine has invariant violation
8620 cli_testcase(2248,[cbc,tickets],[
8621 '-evalt', 'mousePositionBlockSlot : POW(INTEGER) & not(mousePositionBlockSlot = {})',
8622 '-evalt', 'mp : POW(INTEGER) & isClickedBlock = mp & not(mp <: blockedTime) & not(mp = {})',
8623 '-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'TRUE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE'
8624 ], 'Check trace value printing issue fixed').
8625 cli_testcase(2249, [cdclt], [%'-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8626 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/R4_Handle.eventb', '-init',
8627 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8628 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/test.eval',
8629 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8630 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8631 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
8632 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_contradiction.eval',
8633 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_contradiction2.eval',
8634 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction.eval',
8635 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction2.eval',
8636 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction3.eval',
8637 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction4.eval',
8638 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution.eval',
8639 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution2.eval', % timeout
8640 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution3.eval',
8641 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution4.eval',
8642 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution.eval',
8643 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution2.eval',
8644 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution3.eval',
8645 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution5.eval',
8646 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution6.eval',
8647 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution7.eval', % timeout
8648 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution8.eval',
8649 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution9.eval', % timeout
8650 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution10.eval', % timeout again after eval_set_extension pre-compiles sets with enumerated set elements
8651 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/test.eval',
8652 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8653 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8654 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_contradiction.eval',
8655 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_contradiction2.eval',
8656 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction.eval',
8657 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction2.eval',
8658 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction3.eval',
8659 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction4.eval',
8660 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution.eval',
8661 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution2.eval',
8662 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution3.eval',
8663 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution4.eval',
8664 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution.eval',
8665 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution2.eval',
8666 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution3.eval',
8667 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution4.eval',
8668 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution5.eval',
8669 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution6.eval',
8670 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution7.eval', % timeout
8671 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution8.eval'
8672 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution9.eval', % timeout
8673 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints of Landing Gear R4 Handle').
8674 cli_testcase(2250, [cdclt], [ %'-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8675 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/R4_Handle.eventb', '-init',
8676 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8677 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'false',
8678 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'false',
8679 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/test.eval',
8680 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8681 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8682 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_contradiction.eval',
8683 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_contradiction2.eval',
8684 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
8685 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction.eval',
8686 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction2.eval',
8687 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction3.eval',
8688 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction4.eval',
8689 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution.eval',
8690 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution2.eval',
8691 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution3.eval',
8692 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution4.eval',
8693 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution.eval',
8694 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution2.eval',
8695 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution3.eval',
8696 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution5.eval',
8697 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution6.eval',
8698 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution7.eval', % timeout
8699 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution8.eval', % timeout
8700 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution9.eval', % timeout
8701 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution10.eval', % timeout
8702 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/test.eval',
8703 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8704 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8705 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_contradiction.eval',
8706 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_contradiction2.eval',
8707 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction.eval',
8708 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction2.eval',
8709 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction3.eval',
8710 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction4.eval',
8711 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution.eval',
8712 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution2.eval',
8713 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution3.eval',
8714 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution4.eval',
8715 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution.eval',
8716 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution2.eval',
8717 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution3.eval',
8718 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution4.eval',
8719 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution5.eval',
8720 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution6.eval',
8721 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution7.eval', % timeout
8722 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution8.eval'
8723 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution9.eval', % timeout
8724 %'-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution10.eval' % timeout due to adding finite PO
8725 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver without static analysis and symmetry breaking for BMC constraints of Landing Gear R4 Handle').
8726 cli_testcase(2251, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8727 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/R4_Handle.eventb', '-init',
8728 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8729 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/test.eval', % timeout
8730 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval', % unknown
8731 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval', % unknown
8732 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_contradiction.eval',
8733 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_contradiction2.eval',
8734 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction.eval',
8735 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction2.eval',
8736 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction3.eval',
8737 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction4.eval',
8738 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution.eval',
8739 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution2.eval', % unknown
8740 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution3.eval',
8741 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution4.eval', % unkown
8742 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution.eval', % timeout
8743 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution2.eval', % unknown
8744 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution3.eval',
8745 %'-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/test.eval', % unknown
8746 %'-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval', % unknown
8747 %'-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval', % occasional unknown
8748 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_contradiction.eval',
8749 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_contradiction2.eval',
8750 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction.eval',
8751 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction2.eval',
8752 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction3.eval',
8753 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_contradiction4.eval',
8754 '-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution.eval',
8755 %'-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution2.eval', % occasional unknown
8756 '-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution3.eval'
8757 %'-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_1_solution4.eval', % unknown
8758 %'-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution.eval', % unknown
8759 %'-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution2.eval', % unknown
8760 %'-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LandingGearHandle/Ref4_ControllerHandle_monolithic_bmc_k_2_solution3.eval' % unknown since Z3 version 4.13.0
8761 ], 'Double check Z3 interface for BMC constraints of Landing Gear R4 Handle').
8762 cli_testcase(2252, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8763 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/PM_M0_AAI.eventb', '-init',
8764 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8765 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Change_Pace_Int.eval',
8766 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_OFF.eval',
8767 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_OFF_with_Sensor.eval',
8768 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_ON.eval',
8769 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Sense_ON.eval',
8770 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_tic.eval',
8771 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Change_Pace_Int.eval',
8772 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_OFF.eval',
8773 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_OFF_with_Sensor.eval', % timeout
8774 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_ON.eval', % timeout
8775 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Sense_ON.eval'
8776 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_tic.eval' % timeout
8777 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for inductive invariant constraints of a pacemaker model').
8778 cli_testcase(2253, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8779 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/PM_M0_AAI.eventb', '-init',
8780 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8781 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'false',
8782 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'false',
8783 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Change_Pace_Int.eval',
8784 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_OFF.eval',
8785 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_OFF_with_Sensor.eval',
8786 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_ON.eval',
8787 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Sense_ON.eval',
8788 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_tic.eval',
8789 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Change_Pace_Int.eval',
8790 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_OFF.eval',
8791 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_OFF_with_Sensor.eval', % timeout
8792 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_ON.eval', % timeout
8793 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Sense_ON.eval'
8794 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_tic.eval' % timeout
8795 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver without static symmetry breaking and static analysis for inductive invariant constraints of a pacemaker model').
8796 cli_testcase(2254, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8797 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/PM_M0_AAI.eventb', '-init',
8798 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '5000',
8799 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Change_Pace_Int.eval',
8800 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_OFF.eval',
8801 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_OFF_with_Sensor.eval',
8802 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_ON.eval',
8803 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Sense_ON.eval',
8804 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_tic.eval',
8805 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Change_Pace_Int.eval',
8806 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_OFF.eval',
8807 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_OFF_with_Sensor.eval',
8808 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Pace_ON.eval',
8809 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_Sense_ON.eval',
8810 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_tic.eval'
8811 ], 'Double check integration of Z3 for inductive invariant constraints of a pacemaker model').
8812 cli_testcase(2255, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8813 '-p', 'maxNrOfInitialisations', '1',
8814 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8815 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/PM_M1_VOOR.eventb', '-init',
8816 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Acler_sensed.eval',
8817 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_OFF.eval',
8818 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_ON.eval',
8819 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Decrease_Interval.eval',
8820 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Increase_Interval.eval',
8821 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_tic.eval',
8822 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Acler_sensed.eval',
8823 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_OFF.eval',
8824 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_ON.eval', % timeout
8825 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Decrease_Interval.eval',
8826 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Increase_Interval.eval',
8827 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_tic.eval'
8828 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for inductive invariant constraints of a pacemaker model').
8829 cli_testcase(2256, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8830 '-p', 'maxNrOfInitialisations', '1',
8831 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8832 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'false',
8833 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'false',
8834 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/PM_M1_VOOR.eventb', '-init',
8835 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Acler_sensed.eval',
8836 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_OFF.eval',
8837 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_ON.eval',
8838 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Decrease_Interval.eval',
8839 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Increase_Interval.eval',
8840 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_tic.eval',
8841 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Acler_sensed.eval',
8842 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_OFF.eval',
8843 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_ON.eval', % timeout
8844 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Decrease_Interval.eval',
8845 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Increase_Interval.eval'
8846 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_tic.eval' % timeout
8847 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver without static symmetry breaking and static analysis for inductive invariant constraints of a pacemaker model').
8848 cli_testcase(2257, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8849 '-p', 'maxNrOfInitialisations', '1',
8850 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '20000',
8851 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/PM_M1_VOOR.eventb', '-init',
8852 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Acler_sensed.eval',
8853 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_OFF.eval',
8854 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_ON.eval',
8855 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Decrease_Interval.eval',
8856 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Increase_Interval.eval',
8857 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_tic.eval',
8858 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Acler_sensed.eval',
8859 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_OFF.eval',
8860 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_ON.eval',
8861 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Decrease_Interval.eval',
8862 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Increase_Interval.eval',
8863 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_tic.eval'
8864 ], 'Double check integration of Z3 for inductive invariant constraints of a pacemaker model').
8866 cli_testcase(2258, [kodkod, tickets], [
8867 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/PM_M1_VOOR.eventb',
8868 '-init', '-p', 'SOLVER_FOR_PROPERTIES', 'kodkod'], 'Check division bug in Kodkod interval analysis').
8870 cli_testcase(2259, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'FALSE',
8871 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching.mch', '-init',
8872 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8873 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/core_bug.eval',
8874 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8875 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8876 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
8877 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
8878 % same constraints but not considering the current state
8879 '-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/core_bug.eval',
8880 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8881 '-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8882 '-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
8883 '-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval'
8884 ], 'Double check integration of Z3 solver for BMC constraints of LargeBranching').
8885 cli_testcase(2260, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8886 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase.tla', '-init',
8887 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8888 %'-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval', % unknown in Gitlab pipeline
8889 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8890 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
8891 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
8892 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_23.eval',
8893 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_24.eval',
8894 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_25.eval',
8895 %'-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval', % unknown in Gitlab pipeline
8896 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8897 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
8898 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
8899 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_23.eval',
8900 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_24.eval',
8901 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/SimpleTwoPhase/SimpleTwoPhase_monolithic_bmc_k_25.eval'
8902 ], 'Double check integration of Z3 solver for BMC constraints of SimpleTwoPhase').
8903 cli_testcase(2261, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8904 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8905 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch.eventb', '-init',
8906 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8907 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8908 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
8909 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval',
8910 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8911 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8912 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
8913 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval'
8914 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints of a binary search model').
8915 cli_testcase(2262, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8916 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8917 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'false',
8918 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'false',
8919 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch.eventb', '-init',
8920 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8921 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8922 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
8923 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval', % sometimes throws clpfd overflow error in unsat core computation, CDCL(T) result is fine
8924 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8925 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8926 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval'
8927 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval'
8928 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver without static symmetry breaking and static analysis for BMC constraints of a binary search model').
8929 cli_testcase(2263, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8930 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8931 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch.eventb', '-init',
8932 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8933 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8934 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
8935 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval',
8936 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8937 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
8938 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
8939 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BinarySearch/binary_search_prob_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval'
8940 ], 'Double check integration of Z3 for BMC constraints of a binary search model').
8941 cli_testcase(2264, [cbc,tickets], [
8942 '-evalf', 'x=SIGMA(y).(y:1..n|y) & x = PI(y).(y:1..n|y) & n:4..10', % used to be issue in norm_expr, mapping PI to SIGMA
8943 '-evalt', 'x=SIGMA(y).(y:1..n|y) & x = PI(y).(y:1..n|y) & n:2..10'
8944 ], 'Check issue in norm_expr fixed').
8946 cli_testcase(2265, [private], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8947 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '1000', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-pref_group', 'integer', 'int32', '-noinv',
8948 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats',
8949 '-evalt', 'aa41=TRUE & aa42=FALSE & aa44=TRUE & aa45=FALSE & aa48=TRUE & aa50=TRUE & card(aa49)=160',
8950 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Olaf/rule_Regle_P3_NID_C/rule_olaf_bugly.mch'],'Data validation run').
8951 cli_testcase(2266,[private],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8952 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/N_ITERa_avec_DV_sans_DV/rule_avec_DV_bugly.mch',
8953 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats',
8954 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000,
8955 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'FALSE', '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
8956 % '-p', 'LIFT_EXISTS', 'TRUE', % should also work without this
8957 '-execute_expect_steps', 44,
8958 '-evalt', 'card(aa100)=243 & aa101=TRUE & card(aa102)=128 & aa103=TRUE',
8959 '-evalt', 'card(aa111)=234 & aa112=TRUE & card(aa119)=246 & aa120=TRUE',
8960 '-evalt', 'card(aa96)=110 & aa97=TRUE & card(aa98)=110 & aa99=TRUE',
8961 %'-silent',
8962 '-noinv'], 'Scrambled version of test 1945').
8963 cli_testcase(2267, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8964 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
8965 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/TwoPurses.mch', '-init',
8966 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/TwoPurses/TwoPurses_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
8967 % '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/TwoPurses/TwoPurses_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval', % sometimes times out
8968 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/TwoPurses/TwoPurses_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval'
8969 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/TwoPurses/TwoPurses_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval' % successful but takes some time
8970 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints of a simple model with nested quantified formulas and WD conditions.').
8971 cli_testcase(2268,[private],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8972 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/rule_SSO_SLOT_MSG_ID_SET_SSO_Well_def/rule_SSO_SLOT_bugly.mch',
8973 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats',
8974 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000,
8975 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
8976 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE',
8977 '-execute_expect_steps', 6,
8978 '-evalt', 'aa33=TRUE & aa34=TRUE & aa36=TRUE & aa37=TRUE & aa39=TRUE & aa40=FALSE & aa41={} &aa42=TRUE & aa43=FALSE',
8979 '-silent'
8980 ], 'Scrambled version of 1950; ensure wd-problem solved').
8981 cli_testcase(2270,[private],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8982 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/rule_Test__RGP_71237__RI_091/rule_DebugPv10_bugly.mch',
8983 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/rule_Test__RGP_71237__RI_091/rule_DebugPv11_bugly.mch',
8984 '-execute', 9, '-animate_stats', '-silent',
8985 '-evalt', 'aa650=FALSE & aa651=TRUE & aa718=TRUE & aa716=TRUE & aa717=(NATURAL1 * {[]}) & aa721=(NATURAL1 * {FALSE})',
8986 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 1000,
8987 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
8988 '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'MAXINT', 2147483647, '-p', 'MININT', -2147483647], 'Scrambled version of 1952; Ensure in_domain delay solved. In addition check cartesian product detection with seq types.').
8989 cli_testcase(2271,[private],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8990 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2019_June/string_tail/rule_nok_bugly.mch',
8991 '-execute', 4, '-animate_stats', '-silent',
8992 '-expcterr', deadlock,
8993 '-execute_expect_steps', 3,
8994 '-evalt', 'aa747=TRUE',
8995 '-evalt', 'aa748=FALSE & aa749={({}|->TRUE)}'
8996 ], 'Scrambled version of test 1973, Ensure pending co-routing in reverse of sequence solved').
8997 cli_testcase(2272,[private],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
8998 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2019_June/performance/toto_ko_bugly.mch',
8999 '-execute', 4, '-animate_stats', '-expcterr', deadlock,
9000 '-execute_expect_steps', 3,
9001 '-evalt', 'aa6=TRUE',
9002 '-evalt', 'aa7=TRUE',
9003 '-evalt', 'aa8 = {({(1|->2|->3|->4|->2)}|->FALSE),({(1|->2|->3|->4|->3)}|->FALSE)}' ], 'Scrambled version of 1974, Ensure we do not wait for identifier in exists using used_ids_defined_by_equality optimisation').
9004 cli_testcase(2273,[private],[
9005 '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', % Note: generated virtual timeout, no longer does after override does not try to expand symbolic closures anymore
9006 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2019_Aug/call_residue/rule_erreur_bugly.mch',
9007 '-p', 'RAISE_ABORT_IMMEDIATELY', 'FALSE', % necessary as of 3974491412f39ab8b6beea3d2a7c47e7c56315ae
9008 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats', '-noinv',
9009 '-execute_expect_steps', 23,
9010 '-evalt', 'aa518=TRUE',
9011 '-evalt', 'aa553=TRUE',
9012 '-evalt', 'aa555=TRUE'], 'Scrambled version of test 1977; Ensure we have no call_residue internal error').
9013 cli_testcase(2274,[private],[
9015 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2019_Sep/rule_dummy/rule_dummy_acc_bugly.mch',
9016 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats', '-noinv',
9017 '-execute_expect_steps', 3,
9018 '-evalt', 'aa32=TRUE',
9019 '-evalt', 'card(aa33)=4299'
9020 ], 'Scrambled version of 1980, Ensure that compilation of set_extension works properly').
9021 cli_testcase(2275,[private,regex],[
9023 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2019_Sep/non_ground_closure/rule_bugly.mch',
9024 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats', '-noinv',
9025 '-execute_expect_steps', 13,
9026 '-evalt', 'aa155=TRUE',
9027 '-evalt', 'aa157=TRUE',
9028 '-evalt', 'card(aa158)=254',
9029 '-evalt', 'aa159=TRUE',
9030 '-evalt', 'card(aa160)=254'
9031 ], 'Scrambled version of 1981; Ensure that no internal error due to non-ground closure').
9032 cli_testcase(2276,[private],[
9034 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
9035 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2020/01_Jan/regressions2/rule_Regle_Transverse_Variable_Q_DIR/rule_bugly.mch', '-p', 'BUGLY', 'TRUE',
9036 '-execute_all', %'-silent',
9037 '-animate_stats',
9038 '-execute_expect_steps', 6,
9039 '-evalt', 'aa40=TRUE & aa42=TRUE & aa44=TRUE & aa46=TRUE',
9040 '-evalt', 'card(aa41) = 1187 & card(aa47) = 180'
9041 ], 'Scrambled version of test 2002, Ensure useless existentially quantified variable (value) does not perturb enumeration').
9042 cli_testcase(2277,[private],[
9044 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
9045 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2020/01_Jan/ticket_record_typing/ruleERR_missingdata_bugly.mch',
9046 '-execute_all',
9047 '-execute_expect_steps', 3, %'-silent',
9048 '-evalt', 'aa646=TRUE',
9049 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__ALL={({("FINAL_GEIF__id1"|->1|->"eq11"|->"eq11"|->1|->"aa")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id1"|->1|->"eq21"|->"eq21"|->1|->"aa")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id1"|->2|->"A_equ2__tst2"|->"A_equ2__tst2"|->2|->"aa")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id2"|->3|->"A_equ2__tst1"|->"A_equ2__tst1"|->3|->"aa")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id2"|->4|->"A_equ2__tst2"|->"A_equ2__tst1"|->4|->"aa")}|->FALSE)}'
9050 ], 'Scrambled version of 2003; Ensure problem with type checker and wrongly sorted record fields solved').
9051 cli_testcase(2278,[private],[
9053 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
9054 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2020/01_Jan/ticket_record_typing/ruleOK_noExpectedName_bugly.mch',
9055 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 3,
9056 '-silent',
9057 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE',
9058 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__ALL={({("FINAL_GEIF__id1"|->1|->"eq11"|->1|->"{1,2,3,4}")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id1"|->1|->"eq21"|->1|->"{1,2,3,4}")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id1"|->2|->"A_equ2__tst2"|->2|->"{1,2,3,4}")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id2"|->3|->"A_equ2__tst1"|->3|->"{1,2,3,4}")}|->FALSE),({("FINAL_GEIF__id2"|->4|->"A_equ2__tst2"|->4|->"{1,2,3,4}")}|->FALSE)} '
9059 ], 'Scrambled version of test 2004; Variation of test 2003 with file which did not exhibit initial problem').
9060 cli_testcase(2279,[private],[
9062 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
9063 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2020/01_Jan/memory/Debug__2486__INF/rule_OPS_SDS_2486/rule_bugly.mch',
9064 %'../private_examples/ClearSy/2020/01_Jan/memory/Debug__2486__TO_STRING/rule_OPS_SDS_2486/rule.mch',
9065 '-execute', 4, %'-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 5, %'-silent',
9066 '-animate_stats',
9067 '-evalt', 'aa151=TRUE & aa153=TRUE & aa155=FALSE'
9068 ], 'Scrambled version of 2007 restricted to 4 steps; Test infinite loop in instantiated_enough for filter_cannot_match in b_compiler solved. Also test enum warning due to seq/set type and record values solved.').
9069 cli_testcase(2280, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9070 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9071 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'true',
9072 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch.eventb', '-init',
9073 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9074 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9075 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
9076 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9077 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9078 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Bepi_Soton/M0_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval'
9079 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints that cannot be decided due to the use of unfixed deferred sets.').
9080 cli_testcase(2281, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9081 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9082 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'true',
9083 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/SSF/Bepi_Soton/M1_mch.eventb', '-init',
9084 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Bepi_Soton/M1_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9085 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Bepi_Soton/M1_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9086 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Bepi_Soton/M1_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
9087 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Bepi_Soton/M1_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9088 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Bepi_Soton/M1_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9089 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Bepi_Soton/M1_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval'
9090 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints some of which cannot be decided due to the use of unfixed deferred sets.').
9091 cli_testcase(2282, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9092 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9093 '-p', 'cdclt_use_idl_theory_solver', 'true',
9094 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/PM_M0_AAI.eventb', '-init',
9095 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9096 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9097 '-evalf', ':cdclt #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval', % ProB is not able to double check the result
9098 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9099 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9100 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval'
9101 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for BMC constraints including IDL constraints.').
9102 cli_testcase(2283,[private_source_not_available],[
9103 '-p', 'JVM_PARSER_HEAP_MB', '12000', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 20000, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-release-java-parser',
9104 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2023/rules_GDE_TAILLE_loss/rule_CHAMPS_COMMUNS_AUX_FICHIERS_MCMDORIGINE_RVF64_MCMD_FOLIO.mch',
9105 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 10, %'-silent',
9106 '-animate_stats',
9107 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__3__ALL)=426',
9108 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__4__ALL)=395',
9109 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__6__ALL)=395',
9110 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__8__ALL)=563',
9111 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__8__done=TRUE'
9112 ], 'Issue with allow_to_lift_exists annotation for domain/range solved.'). % takes about 70 seconds; has strongly nested type with huge cardinalities
9113 cli_testcase(2284,[tickets],[
9115 '-evalt', '{x|x<:BOOL & card(x) <= 0} = {{}}',
9116 '-evalt', '{x|x<:BOOL & card(x) = 0} = {{}}',
9117 '-evalt', '{x|x<:BOOL & card(x) > 0} = {{TRUE,FALSE},{TRUE},{FALSE}}',
9118 '-evalt', '{x|x<:BOOL & card(x) >= 1} = {{TRUE,FALSE},{TRUE},{FALSE}}'
9119 ], 'Detect card to equal/not_equal empty_set transformations work correctly').
9120 cli_testcase(2285,[b_test,refinement,json_trace_replay],[
9121 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/TraceReplay/CheckOptimizedReplay.mch',
9122 '-expcterr', 'replay_json_trace_file', % it is actually a warning for imprecise replay
9123 '-expcterr', 'trace_replay', % ditto
9124 '-evalt', 'cnt=5 & pc=1', % check we are in right end state
9125 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/TraceReplay/CheckOptimizedReplay.prob2trace'
9126 ], 'Check flexible replay where parameter is negated').
9127 cli_testcase(2286,[infinite,cbc],[
9128 '-evalt', 'closure1({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 <-> 1..3',
9129 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 <-> 1..3',
9130 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : INTEGER <-> 1..3',
9131 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 <-> INTEGER',
9132 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 <->> 1..3',
9133 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 <<-> 1..3',
9134 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 <<->> 1..3',
9135 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 +-> 1..3',
9136 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 +->> 1..3',
9137 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 --> 1..3',
9138 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 -->> 1..3',
9139 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 >-> 1..3',
9140 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 >->> 1..3',
9141 '-evalf', 'closure({1|->2,2|->3}) : 1..3 >+> 1..3',
9142 '-evalt', 'f=%x.(x:INTEGER|x*x) & f:INTEGER +-> INTEGER',
9143 '-evalf', 'f=%x.(x:INTEGER|x*x) & f:INTEGER >+> INTEGER'
9144 % does not work yet: closure({1|->2,2|->3}) /: 1..3 <-> 1..3
9145 ], 'Check infinite reflexive closure result can be checked symbolically').
9146 cli_testcase(2287,[private_source_not_available],[
9147 '-p', 'JVM_PARSER_HEAP_MB', '12000', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 25000, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-release-java-parser',
9148 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2023/Machines_perf_0111/Thales_All/rule_zcpa2.mch',
9149 '-noinv', % there are invariant violations
9150 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 5, %'-silent',
9151 '-animate_stats',
9152 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE & caval__rule__2__done=TRUE',
9153 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__1__ALL)=96',
9154 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__2__ALL)=17'
9155 ], 'Issue with virtual timeout in exists for rel_composition/iterate solved.'). % takes about 30 seconds
9156 cli_testcase(2288, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9157 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '20000',
9158 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/PM_M0_AAI.eventb', '-init',
9159 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9160 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9161 '-evalf', ':z3 #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval', % ProB is not able to double check the result
9162 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9163 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9164 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_AAI/M0_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval'
9165 ], 'Double check Z3 solver for BMC constraints including IDL constraints.').
9166 cli_testcase(2289, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9167 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '1000',
9168 '-p', 'z3_solve_for_animation', 'true',
9169 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/unfixed_deferred_sets/simple_unfixed_deferred_sets.mch', '-init',
9170 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check f:BOOL --> DS3',
9171 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check f:BOOL >-> DS3',
9172 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check !x.(x:INTEGER => card(DS) = x)',
9173 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check !x.(x:INTEGER => card(DS3) = x)',
9174 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check f:1..4 >-> DS3',
9175 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check f:1..4 >->> DS3',
9176 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check f:BOOL -->> DS3',
9177 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card(DS) = x',
9178 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card(DS3) = x',
9179 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check f:1..3 -->> DS3',
9180 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check f:BOOL <-> DS3',
9181 '-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check f:BOOL --> DS3',
9182 '-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check f:BOOL >-> DS3',
9183 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check !x.(x:INTEGER => card(DS) = x)', % unfixed deferred set
9184 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check !x.(x:INTEGER => card(DS3) = x)', % unfixed deferred set
9185 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check f:1..4 >-> DS3', % unfixed deferred set
9186 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check f:1..4 >->> DS3', % unfixed deferred set
9187 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check f:BOOL -->> DS3', % unfixed deferred set
9188 '-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check x:INTEGER & card(DS) = x',
9189 '-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check x:INTEGER & card(DS3) = x',
9190 '-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check f:1..3 -->> DS3',
9191 '-evalt', ':z3-free-double-check f:BOOL <-> DS3',
9192 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check f:1..5 -->> (DS3*(1..2))', % nested unfixed deferred set
9193 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check f:1..6 -->> (DS3*(1..2))'
9194 ], 'Double check Z3 solver for constraints involving unfixed deferred sets.').
9195 cli_testcase(2290, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9196 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9197 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/unfixed_deferred_sets/simple_unfixed_deferred_sets.mch', '-init',
9198 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check f:BOOL --> DS3',
9199 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check f:BOOL >-> DS3',
9200 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check !x.(x:INTEGER => card(DS) = x)',
9201 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check !x.(x:INTEGER => card(DS3) = x)',
9202 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check f:1..4 >-> DS3',
9203 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check f:1..4 >->> DS3',
9204 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check f:BOOL -->> DS3',
9205 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check x:INTEGER & card(DS) = x',
9206 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check x:INTEGER & card(DS3) = x',
9207 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check f:1..3 -->> DS3',
9208 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check f:BOOL <-> DS3',
9209 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check f:BOOL --> DS3',
9210 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check f:BOOL >-> DS3',
9211 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check !x.(x:INTEGER => card(DS) = x)', % unfixed deferred set
9212 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check !x.(x:INTEGER => card(DS3) = x)', % unfixed deferred set
9213 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check f:1..4 >-> DS3', % unfixed deferred set
9214 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check f:1..4 >->> DS3', % unfixed deferred set
9215 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check f:BOOL -->> DS3', % unfixed deferred set
9216 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check x:INTEGER & card(DS) = x',
9217 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check x:INTEGER & card(DS3) = x',
9218 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check f:1..3 -->> DS3',
9219 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check f:BOOL <-> DS3',
9220 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check f:1..5 -->> (DS3*(1..2))', % nested unfixed deferred set
9221 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check f:1..6 -->> (DS3*(1..2))'
9222 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for constraints involving unfixed deferred sets.').
9223 cli_testcase(2291, [external,reals,wd], [
9224 '-evalt', 'max({2.0,3.0,x})=r & x:{2.0,4.1} & r>3.0',
9225 '-evalt', 'min({2.0,3.0,x})=r & x:{2.0,1.1} & r<2.0',
9226 '-evalf', 'min({2.0,3.0,x})=r & x:{2.0,4.1} & r>3.0',
9227 '-evalt', 'max(ran(%x.(x:1..100|2.0 / real(x)))) = 2.0',
9228 '-evalt', 'min(ran(%x.(x:1..100|2.0 / real(x)))) = 0.02',
9229 '-evalt', 'min(ran(%x.(x:1..100|-2.0 / real(x)))) = -2.0',
9230 '-evalt', ':wd ll<:REAL & ll/={} & ll:FIN(ll) & ff=max(ll)', % from test 2018 with REAL
9231 '-evalt', ':wd ll<:REAL & ll/={} & ll:FIN(ll) & ff=min(ll)',
9233 ], 'check min and max work with reals').
9234 cli_testcase(2292, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9235 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '1000',
9236 '-p', 'z3_solve_for_animation', 'true',
9237 '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLC/NoError/safecap2549260349036854403.mch', '-init',
9238 '-eval', ':z3-double-check not(tl : TRAIN +-> AMBIT) & tl = {} <+ {tt |-> {A_S10 |-> AD,S10_S12 |-> AE,S12_S14 |-> AG,S14_S16 |-> AI,S14_S116 |-> AI,S16_B |-> AL,S116_C |-> BL}({A_B |-> A_S10,A_C |-> A_S10}(ll))}',
9239 '-eval', ':z3-double-check not(tl : TRAIN +-> AMBIT) & tl = {tt |-> AD}',
9240 '-eval', ':z3-double-check aa : TRAIN -->> AMBIT',
9241 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check not(tl : TRAIN +-> AMBIT) & tl = {} <+ {tt |-> {A_S10 |-> AD,S10_S12 |-> AE,S12_S14 |-> AG,S14_S16 |-> AI,S14_S116 |-> AI,S16_B |-> AL,S116_C |-> BL}({A_B |-> A_S10,A_C |-> A_S10}(ll))}',
9242 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check not(tl : TRAIN +-> AMBIT) & tl = {tt |-> AD}',
9243 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check aa : TRAIN -->> AMBIT'
9244 ], 'Double check Z3 solver for constraints involving unfixed deferred sets.').
9245 cli_testcase(2293, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9246 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9247 '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLC/NoError/safecap2549260349036854403.mch', '-init',
9248 '-eval', ':cdclt-double-check not(tl : TRAIN +-> AMBIT) & tl = {} <+ {tt |-> {A_S10 |-> AD,S10_S12 |-> AE,S12_S14 |-> AG,S14_S16 |-> AI,S14_S116 |-> AI,S16_B |-> AL,S116_C |-> BL}({A_B |-> A_S10,A_C |-> A_S10}(ll))}',
9249 '-eval', ':cdclt-double-check not(tl : TRAIN +-> AMBIT) & tl = {tt |-> AD}',
9250 '-eval', ':cdclt-double-check aa : TRAIN -->> AMBIT',
9251 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check not(tl : TRAIN +-> AMBIT) & tl = {} <+ {tt |-> {A_S10 |-> AD,S10_S12 |-> AE,S12_S14 |-> AG,S14_S16 |-> AI,S14_S116 |-> AI,S16_B |-> AL,S116_C |-> BL}({A_B |-> A_S10,A_C |-> A_S10}(ll))}',
9252 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check not(tl : TRAIN +-> AMBIT) & tl = {tt |-> AD}',
9253 '-eval', ':cdclt-free-double-check aa : TRAIN -->> AMBIT'
9254 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for constraints involving unfixed deferred sets.').
9255 cli_testcase(2294, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9256 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9257 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/ModelChecking/BooleanFunctions.mch', '-init',
9258 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BooleanFunctions/BooleanFunctions_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
9259 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BooleanFunctions/BooleanFunctions_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval', % sometimes throws enumeration warning
9260 % '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BooleanFunctions/BooleanFunctions_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval', % comment out to avoid unknowns in buildbot
9261 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BooleanFunctions/BooleanFunctions_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval', % can take some time
9262 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BooleanFunctions/BooleanFunctions_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
9263 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BooleanFunctions/BooleanFunctions_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval'
9264 % '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BooleanFunctions/BooleanFunctions_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval' % sometimes unknown on buildbot
9265 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/BooleanFunctions/BooleanFunctions_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval' % can take some time
9266 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) solver for constraints involving choice points within ProB\'s constraint solver for which we use chronological backtracking instead of backjumping.').
9267 cli_testcase(2295, [eventb_test, theories], [
9269 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/Float/ctx_float_tests_nodiv_ctx.eventb',
9270 '-assertions'],
9271 'Check that Event-B float theory with inductive datatype').
9272 cli_testcase(2296, [cbc], [
9273 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/Cansell_RingLead/elect2_2_mch.eventb',
9274 '-evalf', ':prob-file ../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/Cansell_RingLead/bmc/elect2_2_mch_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval'], 'Ensure we do not produce unfixed_deferred_set Unknown result').
9275 cli_testcase(2297, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9276 '-evalt', '{y|y<:BOOL & %x.(x:INTEGER|x+1)(card(y))=2} = {{FALSE},{TRUE}}',
9277 '-evalt', '{x|x<:BOOL & %x.(x:INTEGER|x+1)(card(x))=2} = {{FALSE},{TRUE}}',
9278 '-evalt', '{v|(%(x,v).(x:INTEGER|x*v)(v|->v))=100} = {-10,10}'
9279 ], 'Check no issues with variable clashes and lambda function (inlining)').
9280 cli_testcase(2298,[private_source_not_available],[
9281 '-p', 'JVM_PARSER_HEAP_MB', '12000', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 20000, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-release-java-parser',
9282 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2019_May/perf_3264/rule_186.mch',
9283 '-execute', 49, %'-silent',
9284 '-animate_stats',
9285 '-evalt', 'card(ic___OPS_SDS_3264_BBS)=218',
9286 '-evalt', 'card(ic___OPS_SDS_3264_DPS)=185',
9287 '-evalt', 'card(ic___edge_chaining)=304',
9288 '-evalt', 'card(ic___ns___edge_paths)=17186',
9289 '-evalt', 'caval__ic___ns___edge_paths__initialized=TRUE',
9290 '-evalt', 'caval__ic___edge_normal_chaining__done=TRUE',
9291 '-evalt', 'caval__ic___OPS_SDS_3264_OTHER_DP_IN_BLOCK__done = TRUE',
9292 '-evalt', 'caval__acc___edge__LINK_DOWN_TANGENT__done=TRUE'
9293 ], 'Issue with lambda treatment of b_test_closure.'). % takes about 62 seconds for 49 steps; difficult step is number 51
9294 cli_testcase(2299, [cbc,cbc_tests], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9295 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/Ontology/Person_incremental.mch',
9296 '-cbc_sequence_with_target', 'add', '{(hasSpeed |-> 0)} : dom(testcases)',
9297 '-cbc_sequence_with_target', 'add', '{(hasSpeed |-> 1)} : dom(testcases)'
9298 ], 'Check issue with expansion of large set solved').
9299 cli_testcase(2300, [cbc], [%'-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9300 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {x|x:1..100000000 & x / 22 > 10} = x & (x={} <=> B=TRUE)',
9301 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {x|x>2 & x / 22 > 10} = x & (x={} <=> B=TRUE)',
9302 '-evalf', '/*@symbolic */ {x|x>2 & x / 22 > 10} = x & (x={} <=> B=TRUE) & /*@symbolic */ {x|x>2 & x / 23 > 11} = x & (x={} <=> B=FALSE)',
9303 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {x|x>2 & x / 22 > 10} = x & (x*{1}) /= (x*{2})',
9304 % some with WD conditions:
9305 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {x|x:1..100000000 & x mod 22=1} = x & (x={} <=> B=TRUE)',
9306 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {x|x>2 & x mod 22=1} = x & (x={} <=> B=TRUE)',
9307 '-evalf', '/*@symbolic */ {x|x>2 & x mod 22=1} = x & (x={} <=> B=TRUE) & /*@symbolic */ {x|x>2 & x mod 23=1} = x & (x={} <=> B=FALSE)',
9308 '-evalt', '/*@symbolic */ {x|x>2 & x mod 22=1} = x & (x*{1}) /= (x*{2})',
9309 '-evalf', '/*@symbolic */ {x|x<0 & x mod 22=1 & x>-1000} = x & (x={} <=> B=TRUE) & (!x.(x:1..10000 => (B=FALSE <=> x+x < 20000))) & (!x.(x:1..10000 => (B=TRUE <=> x+x < 20000))) '
9310 ], 'Check that empty-ness check of closures has been improved').
9311 cli_testcase(2301, [csp_test], [
9312 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/Tickets/304/SetChannelSynchronisation.csp',
9313 '-t'
9314 ], 'Check issue 304 with synchronisation of CSP sets').
9315 cli_testcase(2302, [cbc], [%'-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9316 '-evalt', 'id0 <: {1} & INTEGER - id0 +-> {} : FIN1(INTEGER +-> {})',
9317 '-evalt', 'id0 <: {1} & INTEGER - id0 +-> {} : POW1(INTEGER +-> {})',
9318 '-evalt', 'id0 <: {1} & INTEGER - id0 +-> {} : FIN(INTEGER +-> {})',
9319 '-evalt', 'INTEGER --> {1} : FIN1(INTEGER --> {1})'
9320 ], 'Check no problem with inf Prolog term for cardinality').
9321 cli_testcase(2303, [infinite,b_test,json_trace_replay], [
9322 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/DeferredSets/InfiniteDeferredSets.mch',
9323 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/DeferredSets/InfiniteDeferredSets2.mch',
9324 '-trace_replay', 'json', % model name removed in trace file
9325 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/DeferredSets/InfiniteDeferredSets.prob2trace',
9326 '-expcterr', 'virtual_time_out', % TODO: should this be generated here?
9327 '-evalt', 'ID2 /= ID3 & {iv}:FIN1(ID) & {iv,ID2,ID3,ID4}:FIN1(ID)',
9328 '-evalt', '#ss.(ss<:ID & card(ss) = 3)',
9329 '-evalt', '#ss.(ss<:ID & card(ss) = 20)',
9330 '-evalt', 'ss={iv,ID2,ID3,ID4} & ii /: ss',
9331 '-evalf', 'ID : FIN(ID)',
9332 '-evalt', 'not(ID = {iv})',
9333 '-evalf', '(ID = {iv})',
9334 '-evalt', 'iv:ID',
9335 '-evalt', '#x.(x /= iv)',
9336 '-evalt', 'not(#x.(ID = {x}))',
9337 '-evalf', '(#x.(ID = {x}))',
9338 '-evalf', '(B=TRUE <=> ({x}=ID)) & (B=TRUE <=> ({x} /= ID))',
9339 '-evalt', 'f:BOOL >-> ID',
9340 '-evalf', 'f:BOOL >->> ID'
9341 ], 'Check issue 304 with synchronisation of CSP sets').
9342 cli_testcase(2304, [wd,wd_prover], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9343 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/ProofDirected/benchmarks/mondex_m3.eventb',
9344 '-silent',
9345 '-wd', 65, 72, '-timeout', 400 % timeout per PO
9346 ], 'Test we no longer prove all POs'). % some were unprovable, old remove_finite cleanup rule was unsound for proving
9347 cli_testcase(2305, [external,reals,json_trace_replay], [
9348 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/TraceReplay/TestNonDetInitReplayReals.mch',
9349 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/TraceReplay/TestNonDetInitReplayReals.prob2trace',
9350 '-evalt', 'ff(aa)=30.0 & ff(bb)=21.0'
9351 ], 'Check trace replay with becomes element of :: and reals work').
9352 cli_testcase(2306, [infinite,eventb_test,json_trace_replay], [
9353 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/SEMCODT/MachineSystemLibrary_mch.eventb',
9354 '-expcterr', 'virtual_time_out', % TODO: should this be generated here?
9355 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/SEMCODT/MachineSystemLibrary_mch.prob2trace'
9356 ], 'Check infinite deferred set works').
9357 cli_testcase(2307, [b_test,let], [%'-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9358 '-evalt', 'LET x BE x=1+1 IN %y.(y:0..x|y+x+x) END (x) = res & x=0 & res=4',
9359 '-evalf', 'LET x BE x=1+1 IN %y.(y:0..x|y+x+x) END (x) = res & x=0 & res=6',
9360 '-evalt', 'LET x BE x=1+1 IN %y.(y:0..x|y+x+x) END (xx) = res & xx=0 & res=4'
9361 ], 'Check lambda inlining with LET expressions').
9362 cli_testcase(2308, [external,reals,json_trace_replay], [
9363 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/UninitialisedVAR/Person_LeiTai.mch',
9364 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/UninitialisedVAR/Person_LeiTai.prob2trace',
9365 %Note: if we animate one step further we get a problem reading an uninitialised variable
9366 '-evalt', 'card(testcases)=16'
9367 ], 'Check no time-out in invariant due to closure expansion for WF priority').
9368 cli_testcase(2309, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9369 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check y:-10..10 & n:-10..10 & a=IF n>7 THEN 1/y ELSE 1/n END', % rewrite if and add y/=0 and n/=0
9370 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check z:-10..10 & a=LET x BE x=1/z IN 2*x*x END', % rewrite let and add z/=0
9371 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check z:-10..10 & LET x BE x=1/z IN %y.(y:0..x|y+x+x) END (x) = res', % add z/=0
9372 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check x:INTEGER & s:POW(1..10) & x=min(s)', % add s/={}
9373 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check x:INTEGER & s:POW(1..10) & x=max(s)', % add s/={}
9374 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check x:INTEGER & {(1,2)}(x)=2', % add x:dom({(1,2)})
9375 '-evalf', ':cdclt !(y,n).(y:-10..10 & n:-10..10 => IF n>7 THEN 1/y ELSE 1/n END<100)', % not WD: could be true or false depending on whether you add POs to LHS or RHS of forall
9376 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #(y,n).(y:-10..10 & n:-10..10 & IF n>7 THEN 1/y ELSE 1/n END<100)',
9377 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check a=bool(#(y,n).(y:-10..10 & n:-10..10 & IF n>7 THEN 1/y ELSE 1/n END<100))'
9378 ], 'Check rewriting of if- and let-expressions and some WD conditions for the SMT solver').
9379 cli_testcase(2310,[private_source_not_available],[
9381 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2023/rules_GDE_TAILLE_loss/rule_CHAMPS_COMMUNS_AUX_FICHIERS_MCMDORIGINE_RVF64_MCMD_FOLIO.mch',
9382 '-execute_all', '-animate_stats', '-noinv',
9383 '-execute_expect_steps', 10, '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 30000,
9384 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__8__done=TRUE',
9385 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__3__ALL)=426 & card(caval__rule__4__ALL)=395 & card(caval__rule__6__ALL)=395' ],
9386 'Ensure no timeout due to exists not lifted'). % now takes about 70 seconds for 10 steps; see e99501de85ca9cba167aec3cbae67c1271121b32
9387 cli_testcase(2311, [proz,json_trace_replay], [
9389 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Daniel/Praxis/network2.tex',
9390 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/Z/Daniel/Praxis/network2.prob2trace',
9391 '-evalt', 'card({wsIdle,wsEditing})=2',
9392 '-evalt', 'wsWaiting({1}) = wsWaiting({x})'
9393 ], 'Check JSON trace replay works with freetype ids in trace').
9394 cli_testcase(2312, [eventb_test, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/ListTest1.eventb', '-init',
9396 '-evalt', 'cons(2,nil) /= nil',
9397 '-evalf', 'cons(2,nil) = cons(3,x)',
9398 '-evalt', 'cons(x,nil) /= nil & x>2 & x<10',
9399 '-evalt', 'card({cons(2,nil) , cons(3,nil)})=2',
9400 '-evalt', 'cons(TRUE,nil) /= cons(FALSE,nil)'
9401 % '-evalt', 'card({cons(2,nil) , cons(3,nil)})=2 & cons(TRUE,nil) /= cons(FALSE,nil)' % does not work yet; type error
9402 ], 'Checking using polymorphic freetype constructors in formulas').
9403 cli_testcase(2313,[private],[
9405 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
9406 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2023/Machines_perf0323/Lowesoft/rule_Eq_9_internal_bugly.mch',
9407 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 4, %'-silent',
9408 '-animate_stats',
9409 '-evalt', 'aa56=TRUE & card(aa57)=9670 & aa58=TRUE & aa59={}'
9410 ], 'Test no slowdown'). % was due to apply_check_tuple_delay real division, although issue only appears in original file before scrambling, as it modifies strings and results
9411 cli_testcase(2314,[private_source_not_available],[
9413 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
9414 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2023/Machines_perf_0323/Lowesoft/rule_Rule_Eq_0009.mch',
9415 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 4, %'-silent',
9416 '-animate_stats',
9417 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE & card(caval__rule__1__ALL)=9670 & caval__rule__2__done=TRUE & card(caval__rule__2__ALL)=795'
9418 ], 'version of 2313 not scrambled'). % tests fix in 30e348cf02697748b3f902c7f7e7fd2bccd279bb
9419 cli_testcase(2315, [laws,data_validation], [
9420 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws.mch',
9421 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/EqualityLaws.mch',
9422 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolLaws.mch',
9423 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/ArithmeticLaws.mch',
9424 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLaws.mch',
9425 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsNat.mch',
9426 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/CardinalityLaws.mch',
9427 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/FunLaws.mch',
9428 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SubstitutionLaws.mch',
9429 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/BoolLaws_SetCompr.mch',
9430 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsPow.mch',
9431 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsPowPow.mch',
9432 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetRelLaws_NatBool.mch',
9433 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws_BOOL1.mch',
9434 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws_BOOL2.mch',
9435 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws_BOOL3.mch',
9436 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws_STRING1.mch',
9437 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws_REC1.mch',
9438 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/FunLawsRecStrings.mch',
9439 '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict','-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-opterr', 'model_check_incomplete',
9440 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE'], 'Laws (297,...) with DATA_VALIDATION.').
9441 cli_testcase(2316,[private_source_not_available],[
9443 '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-release-java-parser', '-noinv',
9444 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2023/perf_0704/rule_genz.mch',
9445 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 17, %'-silent',
9446 '-animate_stats',
9447 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE & card(caval__rule__1__ALL)=1808 & card(ic___Elementary_ZoneKpMax)=1809'
9448 ], 'test we do not lift gz,bmz_name exists and idle waitflag works without duplication of calls'). % takes around 90 secs
9449 cli_testcase(2317,[wd,wd_prover],[
9450 '-evalt', ':prove x<:INTEGER & card(x):0..1 => x:FIN(x)',
9451 '-evalt', ':prove x<:INTEGER & card(x)<= y => x:FIN(x)',
9452 '-evalt', ':prove x<:INTEGER & card(x)<= 10 => x:FIN(x)',
9453 '-evalt', ':prove x<:INTEGER & card(x)< 10 => x:FIN(x)',
9454 '-evalt', ':prove x<:INTEGER & 10>card(x) => x:FIN(x)',
9455 '-evalt', ':prove x<:INTEGER & y>=card(x) => x:FIN(x)',
9456 '-evalt', ':prove real(1) /= 0.0',
9457 '-evalt', ':prove real(1) /= real(0)',
9458 '-evalt', ':prove floor(1.1) = ceiling(0.9)',
9459 '-evalt', ':prove floor(1.1) /= ceiling(1.1)',
9460 '-evalu', ':prove real(0) /= 0.0'
9461 ], 'check wd prover can use previous card hyps to prove finite and some simple real literals').
9462 cli_testcase(2318,[cbc],[
9463 '-evalt', 'iterate(%x.(x:NATURAL|x+2),2000)[{20}] = {4020}',
9464 '-evalt', 'iterate(%x.(x:NATURAL|x+2),2000)(20) = 4020',
9465 '-evalt', 'iterate(%x.(x:NATURAL|x+2),20000)[{20}] = {40020}',
9466 '-evalt', 'iterate(%x.(x:1..20100|x+2),10000)[{20}] = {20020}',
9467 % now also check that image of closure / closure1 still works:
9468 '-evalt', 'closure1(%x.(x:NATURAL|x/2))[{20}] = {10,5,2,1,0}',
9469 '-evalt', 'closure1(%x.(x:1..1000|x/2))[{20}] = {10,5,2,1,0}',
9470 '-evalt', 'closure(%x.(x:NATURAL|x/2))[{20}] = {20,10,5,2,1,0}',
9471 '-evalt', 'closure(%x.(x:1..1000|x/2))[{20}] = {20,10,5,2,1,0}'
9472 ], 'check performance improvement for image of iterate').
9473 cli_testcase(2319,[smt_solver_integration],[
9474 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL',
9475 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=1.1',
9476 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=-1.1',
9477 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a/=b',
9478 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=1.2*b',
9479 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=1.2+b',
9480 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=1.2-b',
9481 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=1.2/b',
9482 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & b/=0.0 & a=1.2/b',
9483 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & b/=0.0 & b/=1.0 & a=1.2/b',
9484 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=1.2*0.5',
9485 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=1.2*0.5 & a /= 0.6',
9486 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=1.2/0.5',
9487 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=1.2+0.5',
9488 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=1.2-0.5',
9489 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=1.2-0.5',
9490 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=max({1.1,1.2,1.3})',
9491 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=max({1.1,1.2,1.3}) & a/=1.3',
9492 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=min({1.1,1.2,1.3})',
9493 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check a:REAL & a=min({1.1,1.2,1.3}) & a/=1.1',
9494 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a=1.0/49.0',
9495 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check 0.0=0.0/49.0',
9496 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a=1.0/1000000000.0',
9497 '-evalt', ':z3 x*2.2=4.4 & x=2.0',
9498 '-evalf', ':z3 x*2.2=4.4 & x=3.0',
9499 '-evalt', ':z3 a=3.2*8.9 & a=28.48',
9500 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a=3.2/8.9',
9501 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check a=3.2/8.9*3.564',
9502 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check floor(4.2) = 4',
9503 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check floor(4.9) = 4',
9504 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check floor(-4.2) = -5',
9505 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check floor(-4.9) = -5',
9506 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ceiling(4.2) = 5',
9507 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ceiling(4.9) = 5',
9508 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ceiling(-4.2) = -4',
9509 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check ceiling(-4.9) = -4',
9510 '-evalt', ':z3 a:REAL & a=3.2+8.90000000000001 & floor(a)=b & a=12.10000000000001 & b=12',
9511 '-evalt', ':z3 a:REAL & a=3.2+8.9 & floor(a)=b & a=12.1 & b=12',
9512 '-evalf', ':z3 a:REAL & a=3.2+8.9 & floor(a)=b & a=12.1 & b=10',
9513 '-evalf', ':z3 !(id0).(id0 : REAL => 0 <= floor(id0))',
9514 '-evalf', ':z3 !(id0).(id0 : REAL => 0 <= ceiling(id0))',
9515 '-evalf', ':z3 !(id0,id1,id2,id3).(id0 : STRING * INTEGER & id1 : REAL & id2 : POW(INTEGER * POW(INTEGER * STRING)) & id3 : INTEGER & MAXINT / 52 <= floor(id1) => id3 + id3 <= 94 / 31)',
9516 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id1 : INTEGER & real(id1) = 0.0',
9517 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check id1 : INTEGER & real(id1) = 0.0 & id1 = 1',
9518 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id0 : REAL & id1 : INTEGER & not(real(id1) /= 0.0 & - ((id0 + 46.65095758838716) / real(id1)) /: dom(union({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(REAL * POW(INTEGER * REAL)) & bfalse})))',
9519 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check id3 : INTEGER & (42.994762156651845 / 7.561341603220248) * real(id3) <= real(ceiling(29.615766387109186))',
9520 '-evalt', ':z3 id10 : REAL & id11 : POW(REAL) * REAL & id3 : POW(BOOL * (BOOL * POW(BOOL))) & id4 : POW(BOOL * POW(BOOL) * POW(INTEGER)) & ({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(BOOL * POW(INTEGER) * REAL) & bfalse} /= {} & ((id3 ; id4) <| {rel_x,rel_y|rel_x : BOOL * POW(INTEGER) & rel_y : REAL & (rel_x : {} & rel_y : union({}[{rel_x}]))}) /= (inter({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(BOOL * POW(INTEGER) * REAL) & bfalse}) /\\ union({LAMBDA_RESULT___|LAMBDA_RESULT___ : POW(BOOL * POW(INTEGER) * REAL) & bfalse}))) <=> 71.86386245644421 * (76.4118627261523 + id10) < - 98.95914556742649 + prj2(id11)'
9521 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check a=max({1.2,1.3,1.4,0.4}) & b=floor(a)', % Z3 is not able to solve the following formulas
9522 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check a=max({1.2,1.3,1.4,0.4}) & b=ceiling(a)',
9523 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check a=min({1.2,1.3,1.4,0.4}) & b=floor(a+0.35)',
9524 %'-evalt', ':z3-double-check a=min({1.2,1.3,1.4,0.4}) & b=ceiling(a*3.2)',
9525 ], 'simple formulas to double check real support of Z3').
9526 cli_testcase(2320,[tickets, infinite],[
9527 '-evalt', 'ran(id2) <: BOOL & {} <<: (pred ; id2)'
9528 ], 'check symbolic composition works with list value'). % required type argument to construct closure
9529 cli_testcase(2322,[tickets, wd],[
9530 '-evalt', '(id0 : seq1(INTEGER) & last(id0) < 84 * MAXINT) <=> (first(id5) /= 0.0 & (id5 : seq1(REAL) & {id6|id6 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & bfalse} : FIN({id6|id6 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & bfalse})) & (id4 - 96.9113325147011) / first(id5) < PI(id6).(id6 : POW(INTEGER * REAL) & bfalse|prj1(REAL,POW(REAL))(id7)))'
9531 %'-expcterr', well_definedness_error % was evalnw but with reification of REAL comparison (3b3f2834dde2a25ffc480300bdf5e11f28a4aabf) we now find solution
9532 ], 'check no pending coroutine').
9533 cli_testcase(2323, [external,wd], [
9534 '-evalt', ':wd x>0 & r:BOOL<->BOOL & iterate(r,x) = res',
9535 '-evalf', ':wd x<10 & r:BOOL<->BOOL & iterate(r,x) = res',
9536 '-evalt', ':wd x:NATURAL & r:BOOL<->BOOL & iterate(r,x) = res',
9537 '-evalt', ':wd x<:BOOL & r:BOOL<->BOOL & iterate(r,card(x)) = res',
9538 '-evalt', ':wd x<:1..10 & r:BOOL<->BOOL & iterate(r,card(x)) = res',
9539 '-evalt', 'r : BOOL<->BOOL & (x:3..4 => iterate(r,y) = iterate(r,y-1)) & y:0..10 & x>10 & x<100'
9540 ], 'check wd works with iterate ').
9541 cli_testcase(2324, [external,tickets], [
9542 '-evalt', ':prob (id0 : seq1(REAL) & real(MININT) = first(id0)) <=> prj2(REAL,REAL)(id1) <= id2'
9543 ], 'ensure default instantiation for REAL generated in case term not needed').
9544 cli_testcase(2325, [wd], [ '-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'TRUE',
9545 '-evalf', '(card(inter({rr|rr : POW(INTEGER) & rr = NATURAL1})) <= 1 & inter({rr|rr : POW(INTEGER) & rr = NATURAL1}) : FIN(inter({rr|rr : POW(INTEGER) & rr = NATURAL1}))) & SIGMA(id0,id1,id2).(id0 : STRING & id1 : STRING & id2 : STRING & FLOAT <: id3|79 * MININT) >= MU(inter({rr|rr : POW(INTEGER) & rr = NATURAL1}))'
9546 ], 'test improved WD treatment for predicate components'). % WFE grounded at end for all components in one go
9547 cli_testcase(2326, [wd], [ '-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'TRUE',
9548 '-evalnwd', '(card(inter({rr|rr : POW(INTEGER) & rr = NATURAL1})) <= 1 & SIGMA(id0).(id0 : BOOL|79 * MININT) >= MU(inter({rr|rr : POW(INTEGER) & rr = NATURAL1})))',
9549 '-evalnwd', '(card(inter({rr|rr : POW(INTEGER) & rr = NATURAL1})) <= 1 & SIGMA(id0).(id0 : BOOL|79 * MININT) < 2)',
9550 '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'
9551 ], 'test improved WD treatment for predicate components'). % WFE grounded at end for all components in one go
9552 cli_testcase(2327, [b_test], [
9553 '-eval', '{xx,xx|xx:BOOL} =res & res:BOOL<->BOOL',
9554 '-expcterr', 'type_expression_error'
9555 ], 'test duplicate ids in comprehension set detected').
9556 cli_testcase(2328, [b_test,infinite, total_function], [ '-p', 'TRACE_INFO', 'TRUE',
9557 '-eval', '(id10 ; id11) : STRING --> BOOL & ran(id10)<:BOOL',
9558 '-eval', '(id10 ; id11) : STRING --> BOOL & ran(id10)<:BOOL & id11 = id(BOOL)', % this one could be solved in principle
9559 '-evalt', '(id10 ; id11) : STRING --> BOOL & ran(id10)<:BOOL & id11 = id(BOOL) & id10 = STRING*{TRUE}',
9560 '-expcterr', 'eval_string_enum_warning'
9561 ], 'test no call_residue due to symbolic total function closure').
9562 cli_testcase(2329, [wd], [
9563 '-evalnwd', 'max(NATURAL1)>0',
9564 '-evalnwd', 'max(NATURAL)>0',
9565 '-evalnwd', 'max(INTEGER)>0',
9566 '-evalnwd', 'min(INTEGER)<0',
9567 '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'
9568 ], 'test reporting of min/max of unbounded global sets as non wd').
9569 cli_testcase(2330, [tickets], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9570 '-evalt', '(id1 : dom(id0) & id0 : POW(INTEGER * POW(POW(STRING))) +-> INTEGER & MININT * 61 < id0(id1)) <=> (id3 : dom(id2) & id2 : INTEGER +-> POW(INTEGER * INTEGER * INTEGER) & prj2(NATURAL,INT) = id2(id3))',
9571 '-evalt', 'x={NATURAL1,NATURAL} & y:x & 0:y' % was also working before
9572 ], 'Check no enumeration warning thrown during normalisation').
9573 cli_testcase(2331, [b_test], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9574 '-evalt', '{x\x22c5\x:1..10|x*x} = {1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100}', % \x22c5\ is Unicode dot
9575 '-evalt', '{x\x22c5\x:1..10|x*x} = {1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100}',
9576 '-evalt', '{x,y\x22c5\x:1..5 & y:2..3|x*y} = {2,3,4,6,8,9,10,12,15}',
9577 '-evalt', '{x\x22c5\ x:{x,y\x22c5\x:1..5 & y:2..3|x*y} & x<12 & x>9|x*10} = {100}',
9578 '-evalt', 'prj2(prj1(1|->2|->3)) = 2',
9579 '-evalt', 'prj1(prj1(1|->2|->3)) = 1',
9580 '-evalt', 'prj2(1|->2|->3) = 3',
9581 '-evalt', 'prj2(prj1(1|->2|->3)) = prj2(INTEGER,INTEGER)(prj1(INTEGER*INTEGER,INTEGER)(1|->2|->3))', % mix
9582 '-evalt', 'prj2(INTEGER,INTEGER)[{2}*{3}] = {3}' % old style still works
9583 ], 'Check new Event-B prj1/prj2 and set comprehension syntax').
9584 cli_testcase(2332, [tickets,card], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9585 '-evalt', '(INTEGER /\\ id0) /= {} & INTEGER /\\ id0 : FIN(INTEGER /\\ id0) & card(id0) <= 1 & MU(INTEGER /\\ id0) = 111',
9586 '-evalt', '(INTEGER /\\ id0) /= {} & INTEGER /\\ id0 : FIN(INTEGER /\\ id0) & card(INTEGER /\\ id0) <= 1 & MU(INTEGER /\\ id0) = 0',
9587 '-evalt', '(INTEGER /\\ id0) /= {} & INTEGER /\\ id0 : FIN(INTEGER /\\ id0) & card(INTEGER /\\ id0) <= 1 & MU(INTEGER /\\ id0) >= 0'
9588 ], 'Check cyclic term issue in construct_interval_closure solved').
9589 cli_testcase(2333, [tickets,card,wd], [
9590 '-evalnwd', 'id1 <: INT & 1 < card(seq1(id1))',
9591 '-evalnwd', ' id1 <: INT & 1 + ceiling(id0) < card(seq1(id1))',
9592 '-opterr', 'eval_string_enum_warning',
9593 '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'
9594 ], 'Check CLPFD unification with inf is prevented').
9595 cli_testcase(2334,[smt_solver_integration],[
9596 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check size([]) /: {}'
9597 ], 'ensure bug in size of empty sequence for Z3 fixed').
9598 cli_testcase(2335,[infinite,external],[
9599 '-evalf', '(INTEGER<->id1) /= {} & INTEGER<->id1 : FIN(INTEGER<->id1) & card(INTEGER<->id1) <= 1 & MU(INTEGER<-> id1) /= {x,y | x : INTEGER & y : BOOL & bfalse}', % used to be -evalu
9600 '-evalnwd', '(INTEGER<->id1) /= {} & card(INTEGER<->id1) <= 1 & MU(INTEGER<-> id1) /= {x,y | x : INTEGER & y : BOOL & bfalse}',
9601 '-opterr', 'eval_string_enum_warning',
9602 '-expcterr', 'well_definedness_error'
9603 ], 'ensure no representation error due to infinite cardinality').
9604 cli_testcase(2336, [infinite], [
9605 '-evalt', 'INTEGER /= {x}',
9606 '-evalf', 'INTEGER = {x}',
9607 '-evalt', '{x} /= INTEGER',
9608 '-evalt', 'REAL /= {x}',
9609 '-evalt', 'FLOAT /= {x}',
9610 '-evalt', 'NATURAL /= {x}',
9611 '-evalt', 'NATURAL1 /= {x}',
9612 '-evalt', 'STRING /= {x}',
9613 '-evalt', '{x,y} /= INTEGER',
9614 '-evalt', '{x,y} /= REAL',
9615 '-evalt', '{x,y,z} /= INTEGER',
9616 '-evalt', '{x,y,z} /= INTEGER <=> B=TRUE',
9617 '-evalt', '{x,y,z} /= INTEGER <=> B=TRUE & card({x,y,z})=3',
9618 '-evalt', '{x|x>1} /= {x}',
9619 '-evalt', '{x|x<2} /= {x}',
9620 '-evalt', '{x} /= {z|z>100}'
9621 %'-evalt', '{x,y,z} /= {z|z>100} <=> B=TRUE' % does not work yet
9622 ], 'test not equal with infinite global sets succeed').
9623 cli_testcase(2337, [wd,tickets], [
9624 '-evalt', '{id19,id20|id19 : BOOL & id20 <: INTEGER}(id1) = x'
9625 % in principle this is a WD error as the relation is not a function
9626 % here this leads to x not being assigned a value as id20 is marked as do_not_enumerate
9627 ], 'test no pending co-routines for WD issue').
9628 cli_testcase(2338, [infinite,tickets], [
9629 '-evalf', 'not({1|->2} : INTEGER <->> {2})',
9630 '-evalt', '({1|->2} : INTEGER <->> {2})',
9631 '-evalt', 'not({1|->2,2|->3} : INTEGER <->> {2})',
9632 '-evalt', 'not({1|->3,2|->3} : INTEGER <->> {2,3})',
9633 '-evalt', 'not({1|->2,2|->4} : INTEGER <->> {2,3,4})',
9634 '-evalf', 'not({1|->4,2|->2} : INTEGER <->> {2,4})',
9635 '-evalt', '({1|->4,2|->2} : INTEGER <->> {2,4})',
9636 '-evalf', 'not({1|->4,2|->3} : INTEGER <->> 3..4)',
9637 '-evalt', '({1|->4,2|->3} : INTEGER <->> 3..4)'
9638 ], 'test issue with negation of surjection_relation').
9639 cli_testcase(2339, [infinite,tickets,reals], [
9640 '-evalt', 'not(REAL <<: {})',
9641 '-evalt', 'not(FLOAT <<: {})',
9642 '-evalt', 'not(FLOAT <<: {1.0})',
9643 '-evalt', 'not(REAL <<: {1.0})',
9644 '-evalt', 'not(REAL <<: {1.0}) & not( REAL <: {}) & not( REAL <: {1.0})',
9645 '-evalf', 'REAL <<: {}',
9646 '-evalf', 'REAL <: {}',
9647 '-evalf', 'REAL <: {1.0,2.0}',
9648 '-evalf', 'FLOAT <: {1.0,2.0}'
9649 ], 'test issue with negation of strict subset for reals').
9650 cli_testcase(2340, [laws,reals], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RealLaws.mch', '-mc', '500', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict'], 'Some Laws about the REAL datatype').
9651 cli_testcase(2341, [laws,reals,strings], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetRelLaws_RecRealString.mch', '-mc', '500', '-nogoal', '-nodead','-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Some Laws using both STRING and REAL datatype').
9652 cli_testcase(2342, [tickets,records], [
9653 '-eval', 'rec(a:1,a:2) = rec(a:1)',
9654 '-expcterr', 'type_expression_error'
9655 ], 'test duplicate record field with same type detected').
9656 cli_testcase(2343, [b_test,refinement],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/Simple/ifabc1.mch', '-init', '-ref_check','F', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/Simple/ifabc2_refine_spec.P'], 'Test failure trace refinement checking for B.').
9657 cli_testcase(2344, [b_test,refinement],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/Simple/ifabc2.mch', '-init', '-ref_check', 'F', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/Simple/ifabc1_refine_spec.P',
9658 '-expcterr', 'refinement_check_fails'], 'Test failure trace refinement checking for B finds counter example.').
9659 cli_testcase(2345, [cbc,json_trace_replay],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SAT_Tests/IceCream_Generic.mch',
9660 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/SAT_Tests/IceCream_Generic.prob2trace'],
9661 'Test example is now solved without SMT mode.').
9662 cli_testcase(2346, [cbc],['../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Stock/concreteTrace_ctx.eventb',
9663 '-init'],
9664 'Test propagation of empty total function range to relation').
9665 cli_testcase(2347, [cbc,random],['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Info4/TuringMachine_Cook_SAT.mch',
9666 '-evalt', ':prob #Alphabet.(1:Alphabet)', % and check existential quantifier with clash not removed
9667 '-evalt', '#Alphabet.(1:Alphabet)', % ditto
9668 '-evalt', ':prob #Alphabet.(I/:Alphabet)', % ditto
9669 '-evalf', '!x.(x : POW(Alphabet) => card(x) = 3)', % ditto
9670 '-init'],
9671 'Test SAT-style encoding of Cook of TM works').
9672 cli_testcase(2348, [tickets,records], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9673 '-evalf', '{x,y,z,v,w,a} <: 1..3 & {x|->y,x|->z,v|->z,v|->w,a|->w,w|->a} /\\ {z|->y,z|->v,y|->x,w|->x,w|->z,a|->z,a|->y,w|->y,a|->x,v|->y} = {}',
9674 '-evalt', '{x,y,z,v,w,a} <: 1..150 & {x|->y,x|->z,v|->z,v|->w,a|->w,w|->a} /\\ {z|->y,z|->v,y|->x,w|->x,w|->z,a|->z,a|->y,w|->y,a|->x,v|->y} = {}',
9675 '-evalt', '{x,y,z,v,w,a} <: 1..3 & {x|->y,x|->z,v|->z,v|->w,a|->w,w|->a} /\\ {z|->y,z|->v,y|->x,w|->x,w|->z,a|->z,a|->y,w|->y,a|->x} = {}'
9676 ], 'Test expansion of disjointness of set extensions').
9677 cli_testcase(2349, [csp_test], [
9678 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/other/Kleine/needham-schroeder.csp', '-assertions'],
9679 'Test no call residues due to ignore_infinite_datatypes kludge.').
9680 cli_testcase(2350, [tickets,external], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9681 '-evalt', 'e_ne : {rec(Id:{"ne_1717"}),rec(Id:{"ne_102"})} & MU(e_ne\'Id) = "ne_1717" & i_e = "sig1725" & {iC1,iC2} <: ({"ne_1717" |->{("ic1"|->0.0),("ic2"|->0.167),("ic3"|->1.0)}})(MU(e_ne\'Id))~ & prj1(iC1) <= 0.2 & 0.2 < prj1(iC2) & {(0.0|->"ic1"|->1),(0.167|->"ic2"|->2),(1.0|->"ic3"|->3)}(iC1) = pred({(0.0|->"ic1"|->1),(0.167|->"ic2"|->2),(1.0|->"ic3"|->3)}(iC2))', % used to fail
9682 '-evalt', 'e_ne : {rec(Id:{"ne_1717"}),rec(Id:{"ne_102"})} & MU(e_ne\'Id) = "ne_1717" & i_e = "sig1725" & {iC1,iC2} <: ({"ne_1717" |->{("ic1"|->0.0),("ic2"|->0.167),("ic3"|->1.0)}})(MU(e_ne\'Id))~ & prj1(iC1) <= 0.2 & 0.2 < prj1(iC2) & {(0.0|->"ic1"|->1),(0.167|->"ic2"|->2),(1.0|->"ic3"|->3)}(iC1) = pred({(0.0|->"ic1"|->1),(0.167|->"ic2"|->2),(1.0|->"ic3"|->3)}(iC2)) & iC1 = (0.167|->"ic2")', % was ok
9683 '-evalt', 'e_ne : {rec(Id:{"ne_1717"}),rec(Id:{"ne_102"})} & MU(e_ne\'Id) = "ne_1717" & i_e = "sig1725" & {iC1,iC2} <: ({"ne_1717" |->{("ic1"|->0.0),("ic2"|->0.167),("ic3"|->1.0)}})(MU(e_ne\'Id))~ & prj1(iC1) <= 0.2 & 0.2 < prj1(iC2) & {(0.0|->"ic1"|->1),(0.167|->"ic2"|->2)}(iC1) = pred({(0.167|->"ic2"|->2),(1.0|->"ic3"|->3)}(iC2))', % used to fail
9684 '-evalt', 'e_ne : {rec(Id:{"ne_1717"}),rec(Id:{"ne_102"})} & MU(e_ne\'Id) = "ne_1717" & i_e = "sig1725" & {iC1,iC2} <: ({"ne_1717" |->{("ne_1717_aps01_ic1"|->0),("ne_1717_aps01_ic2"|->1),("ne_1717_aps01_ic3"|->10)}})(MU(e_ne\'Id))~ & prj1(iC1) <= 2 & 2 < prj1(iC2) & {(0|->"ne_1717_aps01_ic1"|->1),(1|->"ne_1717_aps01_ic2"|->2),(10|->"ne_1717_aps01_ic3"|->3)}(iC1) = pred({(0|->"ne_1717_aps01_ic1"|->1),(1|->"ne_1717_aps01_ic2"|->2),(10|->"ne_1717_aps01_ic3"|->3)}(iC2)) & e_sloc = ("ne_1717"|->2)'
9685 ],
9686 'Test equality reification for floating numbers fixed.').
9687 cli_testcase(2351, [b_test,records], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9688 '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', % ensure fast without CLPFD propagations
9689 '-evalt', ':prob n=10000 & s=UNION(x).(x:1..n|{rec(f1:x,f2:x+1)}) & !y,z.(y:2..n & rec(f1:y,f2:z):s => z>2)', % used to take 12 secs
9690 '-evalt', ':prob n=10000 & s=UNION(x).(x:1..n|{rec(f1:x,f2:x+1)}) & !y,r.(y:2..n & r\'f1=y & r:s => r\'f2>2)'
9691 ], 'Test performance of looking up records').
9692 cli_testcase(2352, [smt_solver_integration], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9693 % see smt_solvers_interface/ast_cleanup_for_smt.pl and smt_solvers_interface/set_rewriter.pl
9694 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) < 3',
9695 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 3 > card({x,y,z})',
9696 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) <= 2',
9697 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 2 >= card({x,y,z})',
9698 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) < 4',
9699 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 4 > card({x,y,z})',
9700 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) <= 4',
9701 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 4 >= card({x,y,z})',
9702 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) <= 3',
9703 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 3 >= card({x,y,z})',
9704 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) >= 3',
9705 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 3 >= card({x,y,z})',
9706 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) > 3',
9707 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 3 < card({x,y,z})',
9708 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) > 2',
9709 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 2 < card({x,y,z})',
9710 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) >= 1',
9711 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 1 <= card({x,y,z})',
9712 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y}) = 1',
9713 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 1 = card({x,y})',
9714 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y}) /= 1',
9715 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 1 /= card({x,y})',
9716 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) = 0',
9717 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 0 = card({x,y,z})',
9718 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) = 3',
9719 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 3 = card({x,y,z})',
9720 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) = 0',
9721 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & card({x,y,z}) >= 4',
9722 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 4 <= card({x,y,z})',
9723 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check x:INTEGER & 0 = card({x,y,z})',
9724 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:POW(INTEGER) & card(x) = 0', % these rules also work for sets that are not statically finite
9725 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:POW(INTEGER) & 0 = card(x)',
9726 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:POW(INTEGER) & card(x) /= 0',
9727 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:POW(INTEGER) & 0 /= card(x)',
9728 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:POW(INTEGER) & card(x) > 0',
9729 '-evalt', ':z3-double-check x:POW(INTEGER) & 0 < card(x)'
9730 ], 'Test rewriting of cardinality constraints using finite sets for Z3.').
9731 cli_testcase(2353, [b_test,external,records,rulesdsl,xml], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9732 '../prob_examples/examples/Rules/RailML_Simple/RailML3_IS.rmch',
9733 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 86,
9734 '-evalt', 'RailML3_IS_NETWORK_IDS={"nw01"} & card(RailML_spotLocation)=41 & card(RailML_signalIS)=13 & card(RailML_netRelation)=13',
9735 '-evalt', 'card(warnings_linearLocation_Counterexamples)=72 & warnings_level_Counterexamples={}',
9736 '-evalt', 'card(warnings_spotLocation_Counterexamples)=41 & warnings_netRelation_Counterexamples={}',
9737 '-evalt', 'TEST /= {}'
9738 ], 'Test avl indexed lookup for complex records with set field values works').
9739 cli_testcase(2354, [cbc], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9740 '-p', 'SOLVER_STRENGTH', 10, % will force attempt_reification
9741 '-evalt', ':prob n=2000 & f:1..n-->BOOL & !i.(i:2..n => (f(i)=TRUE =>f(i-1)=FALSE)) & f(1)=TRUE'
9742 ], 'Test performance wrt reification').
9743 cli_testcase(2355, [satsolver_test], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9744 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check x=TRUE or x=FALSE',
9745 '-evalf', ':sat-double-check x=TRUE & x=FALSE',
9746 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check x=TRUE & (x=TRUE => y=TRUE) & (y=TRUE => x=TRUE)',
9747 '-evalf', ':sat-double-check x=TRUE & (x=TRUE => y=TRUE) & (y=TRUE => x=FALSE)',
9748 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check x=TRUE & (x=TRUE <=> y=TRUE) & (y=TRUE <=> z=TRUE)',
9749 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check n=12 & f:1..n-->BOOL & !i.(i:2..n => (f(i)=TRUE =>f(i-1)=FALSE)) & f(1)=TRUE',
9750 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check n=12 & f:1..n-->BOOL & !i.(i:2..n => (f(i)=TRUE =>f(i-1)=FALSE)) & f(1)=TRUE & f(12)=TRUE',
9751 '-evalf', ':sat-double-check n=12 & f:1..n-->BOOL & !i.(i:2..n => (f(i)=TRUE <=>f(i-1)=FALSE)) & f(1)=TRUE & f(12)=TRUE',
9752 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check n=12 & f:1..n-->BOOL & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=TRUE})=1',
9753 '-evalf', ':sat-double-check n=12 & f:1..n-->BOOL & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=TRUE})=1 & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=FALSE})=1',
9754 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check n=6 & f:1..n-->BOOL & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=TRUE})>2 & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=FALSE})>2',
9755 '-evalf', ':sat-double-check n=6 & f:1..n-->BOOL & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=TRUE})>3 & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=FALSE})>2',
9756 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check n=6 & f:1..n-->BOOL & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=TRUE})<4 & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=FALSE})<4',
9757 '-evalf', ':sat-double-check n=6 & f:1..n-->BOOL & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=TRUE})<3 & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=FALSE})<4',
9758 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check f:1..3-->BOOL & card({y|y:1..3 & f(y)=TRUE}) <=2 &f(1)=TRUE & f(3)=TRUE',
9759 '-evalf', ':sat-double-check f:1..3-->BOOL & card({y|y:1..3 & f(y)=TRUE}) <=2 &f(1)=TRUE & f(3)=TRUE & f(2)=TRUE',
9760 '-evalf', ':sat-double-check f:1..100-->BOOL & card({y|y:1..100 & f(y)=TRUE}) <=6 &f(1)=TRUE & f(3)=TRUE & !i.(i:1..10 => (f(i)=FALSE => f(i*10)=TRUE))',
9761 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check f:1..100-->BOOL & card({y|y:1..100 & f(y)=TRUE}) <=10 &f(1)=TRUE & f(3)=TRUE & !i.(i:1..10 => (f(i)=FALSE => f(i*10)=TRUE))',
9762 '-evalf', ':sat f:1..100-->BOOL & card({y|y:1..100 & f(y)=TRUE}) >=20 & card({y|y:1..100 & f(y)=TRUE}) <=19', % ProB times out here
9763 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check f:1..100-->BOOL & card({y|y:1..100 & f(y)=TRUE}) >=20 & card({y|y:1..100 & f(y)=TRUE}) <=20',
9764 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check n=3 & f:1..n-->BOOL & f(1)=TRUE & card({i|i:1..n & (f(i)=TRUE or i=2)})=2',
9765 '-evalf', ':sat-double-check n=3 & f:1..n-->BOOL & f(1)=TRUE & card({i|i:1..n & (f(i)=TRUE or i=2)})=1',
9766 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check f:1..n --> BOOL & n=50 & f(1)=TRUE & !i.(i:2..n => f(i) /= f(i-1))',
9767 '-evalf', ':sat-double-check f:1..n --> BOOL & n=3 & f(1)=TRUE & !i.(i:2..n => f(i) /= f(i-1)) & card({i|i:1..3 & (f(i)=TRUE or i=1)})=3',
9768 '-evalf', ':sat-double-check f:1..n --> BOOL & n=3 & f(1)=TRUE & !i.(i:2..n => f(i) /= f(i-1)) & card({i|i:1..3 & (f(i)=TRUE or i=1)})=1',
9769 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check f:1..n --> BOOL & n=3 & f(1)=TRUE & !i.(i:2..n => f(i) /= f(i-1)) & card({i|i:1..3 & (f(i)=TRUE or i=1)})=2',
9770 '-evalf', ':sat-double-check f:1..n --> BOOL & n=3 & f(1)=TRUE & !i.(i:2..n => f(i) /= f(i-1)) & card({i|i:1..3 & (f(i)=TRUE or i=2)})=2',
9771 '-evalt', ':sat-double-check f:1..n --> BOOL & n=3 & f(1)=TRUE & !i.(i:2..n => f(i) /= f(i-1)) & card({i|i:1..3 & (f(i)=TRUE or i=2)})=3'
9772 ], 'Test new satsolver backend.').
9773 cli_testcase(2356, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9774 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/ABZ16_m6.eventb', '-init',
9775 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9776 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9777 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9778 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
9779 '-eval', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
9780 '-eval', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9781 '-eval', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/ABZ16_m6/m6_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval'
9782 ], 'Double check integration of Z3 for BMC constraints of ABZ16_m6 containing unfixed deferred sets').
9783 cli_testcase(2357,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9784 '-p', 'JVM_PARSER_HEAP_MB', '12000', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 20000, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-release-java-parser',
9785 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2023/error_0720/rule_CHAMPS_COMMUNS_AUX_FICHIERS_MCMDOUVERTUREITIAU_RVF65_MCMD_FOLIO.mch',
9786 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 15, %'-silent',
9787 '-animate_stats',
9788 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__12__ALL)=8',
9789 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__ALL={({}|->{109}|->{}|->TRUE)}',
9790 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__10__ALL={} & caval__rule__11__ALL={}',
9791 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__2__ALL={} & caval__rule__5__ALL={} & caval__rule__6__ALL={}',
9792 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__13__done=TRUE'
9793 ], 'Issue used_ids field wrong fro memoization closure leading to identifier not found error'). % fixed in c5e3cd063a89b7b6d3c8c255ec6517ee76981415
9794 cli_testcase(2358,[private,regex],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'PROB_SAFE_MODE', 'TRUE',
9795 '-p', 'JVM_PARSER_HEAP_MB', '12000', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 20000, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-release-java-parser',
9796 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2023/error_0720/rule_RVF65_bugly.mch',
9797 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 15, %'-silent',
9798 '-animate_stats',
9799 '-evalt', 'card(aahm)=16',
9800 '-evalt', 'aajl={({}|->{109}|->{}|->TRUE)}',
9801 '-evalt', 'aarl={} & aatl={}',
9802 '-evalt', 'aall={} & aahl={} & aadm={}',
9803 '-evalt', 'aaam=TRUE'
9804 ], 'Bugly version of test 2357'). % not sure the original error also occurs with this model
9805 cli_testcase(2359,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9806 '-p', 'JVM_PARSER_HEAP_MB', '12000', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 20000, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-release-java-parser',
9807 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2023/Machines_0731/rule_OPS_SDS_4537/rule.mch',
9808 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 3, %'-silent',
9809 '-animate_stats',
9810 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__ALL={} & caval__Compute_Variables_CounterExamples={}',
9811 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE'
9812 ], 'Test no virtual time-out (ZC_PROP_1 in UNION used only in one disjunct)').
9813 % in principle a virtual time-out is ok as ZC_PROP_1 has infinitely many values, but is not used in result of UNION
9814 cli_testcase(2360, [error_checks], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ErrorMachines/Clashes/DefParaClash.mch', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'type_error', '-expcterr', 'load_main_file'], 'Ensure no internal error').
9815 cli_testcase(2361,[private,data_validation,external,regex],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9816 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 2000, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-animate_all',
9817 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2023/perf_0810/RVF354_MDYS_op1.mch',
9818 '-evalt', 'card(rule_check_1)=1108 & rule_done_1=TRUE'
9819 ], 'Test Caval prob-users example works fast'). % was still slow with 1.12.1, fast since 6796bf80d653dbdfa2f88a30980158c82af0a5ec
9820 cli_testcase(2362,[private,data_validation,external,regex],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9821 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 2000, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-animate_all',
9822 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2023/perf_0810/RVF354_MDYS_op2.mch',
9823 '-evalt', 'card(rule_check_2)=1108 & rule_done_2=TRUE'
9824 ], 'Test Caval prob-users example works fast'). % ditto, was still slow with 1.12.1
9825 cli_testcase(2363, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'FALSE',
9826 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching.mch', '-init',
9827 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9828 '-p', 'cdclt_use_idl_theory_solver', 'true',
9829 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check -ct <= -2 & ct <= 33554432',
9830 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check -ct <= -2 & not(-ct <= -33554432) & ct <= 33554432',
9831 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check -ct <= -2 & -ct <= -2 & not(-ct <= -33554432) & ct <= 33554432 & ct__ <= 0 & not(-ct__ <= -33554432)',
9832 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check ct <= 2 & -ct <= -2 & not(-ct <= -33554432) & ct <= 33554432 & ct__ <= 0 & not(-ct__ <= -33554432) & ct__ <= 33554432',
9833 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check lim <= 33554432 & -lim <= -33554432 & ct <= 2 & -ct <= -2 & not(-ct <= -33554432) & ct <= 33554432 & ct__ <= 0 & not(-ct__ <= -33554432) & ct__ <= 33554432',
9834 '-evalt', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/core_bug.eval',
9835 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9836 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9837 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
9838 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
9839 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
9840 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
9841 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
9842 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
9843 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_8.eval',
9844 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_9.eval',
9845 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval', % sometimes times out on Windows
9846 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check -ct <= -2 & ct <= 33554432',
9847 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check -ct <= -2 & not(-ct <= -33554432) & ct <= 33554432',
9848 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check -ct <= -2 & -ct <= -2 & not(-ct <= -33554432) & ct <= 33554432 & ct__ <= 0 & not(-ct__ <= -33554432)',
9849 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check ct <= 2 & -ct <= -2 & not(-ct <= -33554432) & ct <= 33554432 & ct__ <= 0 & not(-ct__ <= -33554432) & ct__ <= 33554432',
9850 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check lim <= 33554432 & -lim <= -33554432 & ct <= 2 & -ct <= -2 & not(-ct <= -33554432) & ct <= 33554432 & ct__ <= 0 & not(-ct__ <= -33554432) & ct__ <= 33554432',
9851 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/core_bug.eval',
9852 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9853 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9854 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
9855 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
9856 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
9857 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
9858 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
9859 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
9860 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_8.eval',
9861 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_9.eval',
9862 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval',
9863 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_11.eval',
9864 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_12.eval',
9865 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_13.eval',
9866 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_14.eval',
9867 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_15.eval',
9868 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_16.eval',
9869 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_17.eval',
9870 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_18.eval',
9871 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_19.eval',
9872 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_20.eval',
9873 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_21.eval',
9874 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_22.eval',
9875 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_23.eval',
9876 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_24.eval',
9877 '-evalt', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/LargeBranching/LargeBranching_monolithic_bmc_k_25.eval'
9878 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) using the additional IDL solver similar to test 2166.').
9879 cli_testcase(2364, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9880 '-evalt', ':idl x:INTEGER & x>y',
9881 '-evalf', ':idl x:INTEGER & x>y & y>x',
9882 '-evalt', ':idl x:INTEGER & x=1',
9883 '-evalf', ':idl x:INTEGER & x<3 & x>3',
9884 '-evalf', ':idl x:INTEGER & x<3 & x-1>3',
9885 '-evalt', ':idl x:INTEGER & x<3 & y<4',
9886 '-evalt', ':idl x:INTEGER & x<3 & y-2>4',
9887 '-evalt', ':idl x:INTEGER & x<3 & y-2<4',
9888 '-evalf', ':idl x:INTEGER & x<3-2 & x-2>(-1)',
9889 '-evalt', ':idl x:INTEGER & x+y<x+2',
9890 '-evalt', ':idl x:INTEGER & x-y<=2 & y-z<=1 & z-x<=-1',
9891 '-evalf', ':idl x:INTEGER & x-y<=2 & y-z<=1 & z-x<=-4',
9892 '-evalf', ':idl x:INTEGER & x<y+3 & y<=z+2 & z<x-4',
9893 '-evalf', ':idl x:INTEGER & x<=z-6 & x<=w-3 & y<=x+3 & z<=y+2 & z<=w-1 & w<=y+5',
9894 '-evalt', ':idl x:INTEGER & x<=z-5 & x<=w-3 & y<=x+3 & z<=y+2 & z<=w-1 & w<=y+5',
9895 '-evalf', ':idl x:INTEGER & x<=z-5 & x<=w-3 & y<=x+3 & z=y+2 & z=w-1 & w=y+5',
9896 '-evalt', ':idl x:INTEGER & x=w-3 & y=x+3 & z=y+2'
9897 ], 'Simple tests for the graph-based solver for the IDL.').
9898 cli_testcase(2365, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9899 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9900 '-p', 'maxNrOfInitialisations', '1',
9901 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/PM_M1_VOOR.eventb', '-init',
9902 '-p', 'cdclt_use_idl_theory_solver', 'true',
9903 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'true',
9904 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'true',
9905 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9906 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
9907 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Acler_sensed.eval',
9908 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_OFF.eval',
9909 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_ON.eval',
9910 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Decrease_Interval.eval',
9911 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Increase_Interval.eval',
9912 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_tic.eval',
9913 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9914 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9915 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Acler_sensed.eval',
9916 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_OFF.eval',
9917 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_ON.eval',
9918 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Decrease_Interval.eval',
9919 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Increase_Interval.eval',
9920 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_tic.eval'
9921 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) using the additional IDL solver for constraints from inductive invariant checking of a pacemaker model.').
9922 cli_testcase(2366, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9923 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9924 '-p', 'maxNrOfInitialisations', '1',
9925 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/PM_M1_VOOR.eventb', '-init',
9926 '-p', 'cdclt_use_idl_theory_solver', 'true',
9927 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'false',
9928 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'false',
9929 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9930 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
9931 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Acler_sensed.eval',
9932 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_OFF.eval',
9933 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_ON.eval',
9934 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Decrease_Interval.eval',
9935 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Increase_Interval.eval',
9936 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_tic.eval',
9937 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9938 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9939 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Acler_sensed.eval',
9940 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_OFF.eval',
9941 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_ON.eval',
9942 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Decrease_Interval.eval',
9943 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Increase_Interval.eval',
9944 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_tic.eval'
9945 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) using the additional IDL solver as in test 2365 but without the additional static analysis.').
9946 cli_testcase(2367, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9947 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9948 '-p', 'maxNrOfInitialisations', '1',
9949 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/PM_M0_VOO.eventb', '-init',
9950 '-p', 'cdclt_use_idl_theory_solver', 'true',
9951 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'true',
9952 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'true',
9953 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9954 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9955 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
9956 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
9957 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
9958 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
9959 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
9960 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
9961 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9962 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval'
9963 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval' % sometimes times out on Windows
9964 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) using the additional IDL solver for constraints from bounded model checking of a pacemaker model.').
9965 cli_testcase(2368, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9966 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9967 '-p', 'maxNrOfInitialisations', '1',
9968 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/PM_M0_VOO.eventb', '-init',
9969 '-p', 'cdclt_use_idl_theory_solver', 'true',
9970 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'false',
9971 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'false',
9972 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9973 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9974 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
9975 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
9976 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
9977 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
9978 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
9979 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
9980 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9981 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9982 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval'
9983 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) using the additional IDL solver as in test 2367 but without the additional static analysis.').
9984 cli_testcase(2369, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
9985 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
9986 '-p', 'maxNrOfInitialisations', '1',
9987 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/PM_M3_AAI.eventb', '-init',
9988 '-p', 'cdclt_use_idl_theory_solver', 'true',
9989 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'true',
9990 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'true',
9991 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
9992 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
9993 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
9994 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
9995 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
9996 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
9997 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
9998 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
9999 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10000 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10001 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval' % cannot be solved by ProB in time
10002 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval' %
10003 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) using the additional IDL solver for constraints from bounded model checking of a pacemaker model.').
10004 cli_testcase(2370, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10005 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
10006 '-p', 'maxNrOfInitialisations', '1',
10007 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/PM_M3_AAI.eventb', '-init',
10008 '-p', 'cdclt_use_idl_theory_solver', 'true',
10009 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'true',
10010 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'true',
10011 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10012 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10013 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
10014 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
10015 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
10016 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
10017 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
10018 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
10019 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10020 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10021 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval' % cannot be solved by ProB in time
10022 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval' % sometimes times out on Windows
10023 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) using the additional IDL solver as in test 2369 but without the additional static analysis.').
10024 cli_testcase(2371, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10025 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
10026 '-p', 'maxNrOfInitialisations', '1',
10027 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/PM_M1_VOOR.eventb', '-init',
10028 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10029 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
10030 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Acler_sensed.eval',
10031 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_OFF.eval',
10032 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_ON.eval',
10033 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Decrease_Interval.eval',
10034 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Increase_Interval.eval',
10035 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_tic.eval',
10036 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10037 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10038 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Acler_sensed.eval',
10039 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_OFF.eval',
10040 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Pace_ON.eval',
10041 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Decrease_Interval.eval',
10042 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_Increase_Interval.eval',
10043 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M1_VOOR/M1_VOOR_tic.eval'
10044 ], 'Double check Z3 using constraints from inductive invariant checking of a pacemaker.').
10045 cli_testcase(2372, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10046 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
10047 '-p', 'maxNrOfInitialisations', '1',
10048 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/PM_M0_VOO.eventb', '-init',
10049 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10050 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10051 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
10052 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
10053 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
10054 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
10055 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
10056 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
10057 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10058 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10059 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
10060 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval', % cannot be solved by ProB in time
10061 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval', %
10062 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval', %
10063 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval', %
10064 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M0_VOO/M0_VOO_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval' %
10065 ], 'Double check Z3 using constraints from boundel model checking of a pacemaker.').
10066 cli_testcase(2373, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10067 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
10068 '-p', 'maxNrOfInitialisations', '1',
10069 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/PM_M3_AAI.eventb', '-init',
10070 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10071 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10072 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
10073 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
10074 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
10075 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
10076 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
10077 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
10078 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10079 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10080 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval', % cannot be solved by ProB in time
10081 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval', %
10082 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval', %
10083 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval', %
10084 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval', %
10085 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/PM_M3_AAI/M3_AAI_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval' %
10086 ], 'Double check Z3 using constraints from boundel model checking of a pacemaker refinement used in test 2372.').
10087 cli_testcase(2374, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10088 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
10089 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot.mch', '-init',
10090 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'true',
10091 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'true',
10092 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10093 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10094 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
10095 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
10096 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
10097 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
10098 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
10099 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
10100 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_8.eval',
10101 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_9.eval',
10102 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval', % sometimes times out on Windows
10103 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10104 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval'
10105 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) for constraints from bounded model checking of a lightbot model.').
10106 cli_testcase(2375, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10107 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
10108 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot.mch', '-init',
10109 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'false',
10110 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'false',
10111 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10112 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10113 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
10114 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
10115 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
10116 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
10117 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
10118 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
10119 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_8.eval',
10120 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_9.eval',
10121 %'-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval', % sometimes times out on Windows
10122 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10123 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval'
10124 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) for the same constraints used in test 2374 but without the additional static analysis.').
10125 cli_testcase(2376, [cdclt], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10126 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
10127 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot.mch', '-init',
10128 '-p', 'cdclt_use_idl_theory_solver', 'true',
10129 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_static_analysis', 'true',
10130 '-p', 'cdclt_perform_symmetry_breaking', 'true',
10131 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10132 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10133 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
10134 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
10135 '-evalf', ':cdclt-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
10136 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10137 '-evalf', ':cdclt-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval'
10138 ], 'Double check CDCL(T) for the same constraints used in test 2374 but using the additional IDL solver.').
10139 cli_testcase(2377, [smt_solver_integration], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10140 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '60000',
10141 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot.mch', '-init',
10142 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10143 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10144 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
10145 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval',
10146 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval',
10147 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval',
10148 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval',
10149 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval',
10150 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_8.eval',
10151 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_9.eval',
10152 '-evalf', ':z3-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval',
10153 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_0.eval',
10154 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_1.eval',
10155 '-evalf', ':z3-free-double-check #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_2.eval',
10156 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_3.eval', % cannot be solved by ProB in time
10157 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_4.eval', %
10158 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_5.eval', %
10159 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_6.eval', %
10160 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_7.eval', %
10161 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_8.eval', %
10162 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_9.eval', %
10163 '-evalf', ':z3-free #file ../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SmtSolverTests/Lightbot/Lightbot_monolithic_bmc_k_10.eval'
10164 ], 'Double check Z3 for constraints from bounded model checking of a lightbot model.').
10166 cli_testcase(2378, [setlog], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10167 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f:1..3 --> 1..3 & card(ran(f))=3 & f(1)>1',
10168 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f:INTEGER+->INTEGER & dom(f)=1..2 & dom(f)/=1..1 & f/={}',
10169 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f:INTEGER+->INTEGER & dom(f)=1..2 & dom(f)/=1..1 & f/={} & ran(f)=1..2',
10170 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f:INTEGER+->INTEGER & dom(f)<:1..2 & dom(f)/=1..1 & dom(f)/={}',
10171 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check a<:1..3 & (2:a <=> 3:a) & (2:a <=> 1/:a) & a /\\ 1..1 = {}',
10172 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check ff:1..3<->BOOL & gg:1..3<->BOOL & not ((dom(ff\\/gg) = dom(ff) \\/ dom(gg)) )', % now failing with 14h version of setlog, and quite a few more below
10173 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check f:1..3 --> BOOL & f~:BOOL +-> INTEGER',
10174 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check f:1..3 --> BOOL & f~:BOOL +-> INTEGER & card(ran(f))<=2',
10175 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x:BOOL & x/=TRUE',
10176 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x:BOOL & x/=TRUE & x/=FALSE',
10177 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check s<:1..10 & not(1..3 <:s or s<:1..3)',
10178 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check f:1..3 --> BOOL & f~:BOOL +-> INTEGER & ran(f) <: {TRUE,FALSE}',
10179 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x <: {TRUE,FALSE} & {TRUE} <: x & {FALSE}<: x & x/= BOOL',
10180 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x<:1..3 & not(2:x <=> 3:x) & 3:x & 2:x',
10181 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x:1..10 & #y.(y:BOOL & y=TRUE & x<2)',
10182 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x:1..10 & !y.(y:1..9 => x>y)',
10183 '-evalt', ':slog x <: 1..5 & r[x]=x & r[{1}] /= {1} & card(x)=3',
10184 '-evalt', ':slog x <: 1..5 & r[x]=x & r[{1}] /= {1} & card(x)=3 & r[{2}]={2}',
10185 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x <: 1..5 & r:1..5 <-> 1..5 & r[x]=x & r[{1}] /= {1} & card(x)=3 & r[{2}]={2}', % a bit slow
10186 '-evalt', ':slog x>0 & x:S & x=max(S)',
10187 '-evalt', ':slog x>0 & x:S & (x=max(S) or (y:S & y>x))',
10188 '-evalt', ':slog x>0 & x:S & not(x=max(S)) & (y:S & y>x)',
10189 '-evalt', ':slog x>1 & x:S & !y.(y:S => y<=x)',
10190 %'-evalt', ':slog x>1 & x:S & !y.(y:S => #z.(z:S & z>y))', % translation failed
10191 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check {x|x:1..10 & x>z} = 3..10',
10193 % idl from test 2364
10194 '-evalt', ':slog x:INTEGER & x>y',
10195 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x:INTEGER & x>y & y>x',
10196 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x:INTEGER & x=1',
10197 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x:INTEGER & x<3 & x>3',
10198 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x:INTEGER & x<3 & x-1>3',
10199 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x:INTEGER & x<3 & y<4',
10200 '-evalt', ':slog x:INTEGER & x<3 & y-2>4',
10201 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x:INTEGER & x<3 & y-2<4',
10202 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x:INTEGER & x<3-2 & x-2>(-1)',
10203 '-evalt', ':slog x:INTEGER & x+y<x+2',
10204 '-evalt', ':slog x:INTEGER & x-y<=2 & y-z<=1 & z-x<=-1',
10205 '-evalf', ':slog x:INTEGER & x-y<=2 & y-z<=1 & z-x<=-4',
10206 '-evalf', ':slog x:INTEGER & x<y+3 & y<=z+2 & z<x-4',
10207 '-evalf', ':slog x:INTEGER & x<=z-6 & x<=w-3 & y<=x+3 & z<=y+2 & z<=w-1 & w<=y+5',
10208 '-evalt', ':slog x:INTEGER & x<=z-5 & x<=w-3 & y<=x+3 & z<=y+2 & z<=w-1 & w<=y+5',
10209 '-evalf', ':slog x:INTEGER & x<=z-5 & x<=w-3 & y<=x+3 & z=y+2 & z=w-1 & w=y+5',
10210 '-evalt', ':slog x:INTEGER & x=w-3 & y=x+3 & z=y+2',
10211 % from test 2309
10212 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x:INTEGER & s:POW(1..10) & x=min(s)',
10213 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x:INTEGER & s:POW(1..10) & x=max(s)',
10214 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x:INTEGER & {(1,2)}(x)=2',
10215 % from test 2211
10216 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check not(x<:BOOL & x /<: y => x/=y)',
10217 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check not(x<:BOOL & x /<: y => y/=x)',
10218 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check not(x<:BOOL & x /<: y => not(y=x))',
10219 '-evalf', ':slog not(x>0 & y>0 => not(x>0 & y<=0))',
10220 '-evalf', ':slog not(x>0 & y>0 => not(x<=0 & y>0))',
10221 '-evalf', ':slog not(x>0 & y>0 => not(x<=0 & y<=1))',
10222 '-evalt', ':slog not(x>0 & y>0 => not(x<=1 & y<=1))',
10223 '-evalf', ':slog not(x>0 & y>0 => not(x<=0 or y<=0))',
10224 '-evalt', ':slog not(x>0 & y>0 => not(x<=0 or y>0))',
10225 '-evalf', ':slog not(x>0 => (y>0 => not(x<=0 or y<=0)))',
10226 '-evalf', ':slog not(x>0 => ( x=1 or x>1))',
10227 '-evalt', ':slog not(x>0 => not( x=1 or x>1))',
10228 '-evalf', ':slog not(x>0 => not( x/=1 & not(x>1)))',
10229 '-evalf', ':slog not(x>1 & y>2 => not( x>0 => not(y>2)))',
10230 '-evalf', ':slog not(a <:b & a /<<: {1,2} => b /<<: {1,2})',
10231 '-evalf', ':slog not(a ={} & b<:BOOL => b/<<:a)',
10232 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check not(a =BOOL & b<:BOOL => a/<<:b)',
10233 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check not(a ={} & b<:BOOL => a/<<:b)',
10234 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check not(a =BOOL & b<:BOOL => b/<<:a)',
10235 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check not(a ={} & b<:BOOL & a/=b => b/<:a)',
10236 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check not(a ={} & b<:BOOL & a/=b => not(b<:a))',
10237 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check not(a ={} & b<:BOOL & a/=c => not(b<:a))',
10238 '-evalf', ':slog not(a=b => (a>0 <=> b>0))',
10239 '-evalt', ':slog not(a=b => (a>0 <=> b>=0))',
10240 '-evalt', ':slog not(a>=b => (a>0 <=> b>0))',
10241 '-evalf', ':slog not(a:INTEGER => (a>b <=> not(b>=a)))',
10242 '-evalf', ':slog not(a:INTEGER => not(a>b <=> not(a>b)))',
10243 '-evalt', ':slog not(a:INTEGER => not(a>b <=> not(a>=b)))',
10244 '-evalt', ':slog not(a<:BOOL => not(a<:b <=> b<:a))',
10245 '-evalt', ':slog not(a<:BOOL => not(not(a<:b) <=> not(b<:a)))',
10246 '-evalf', ':slog not(a<:BOOL => not((a<:b) <=> not(a<:b)))',
10247 '-evalf', ':slog not(a<:BOOL => not(not(a<<:b) <=> (a<<:b)))',
10249 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x:POW({1,2}) & 3:x',
10250 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x:POW({1,2}) & card(x)>2',
10251 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x:FIN1({1,2}) & 2:x & card(x)=2',
10252 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x: 1..3 +-> 1..2 & 3:ran(x)',
10253 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x: 1..3 +-> 1..2 & 2:ran(x)',
10254 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x: 1..2 +-> NATURAL1 & 0:ran(x)',
10255 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x: 1..2 +-> NATURAL & 0:ran(x)',
10256 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x: 0..2<->1..2 & 0:ran(x)',
10257 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x: 1..2<->1..2 & 0:ran(x)',
10258 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x: 1..2<->1..2 & 0:dom(x)',
10259 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x: 0..2<->1..2 & 0:dom(x)',
10260 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x: NATURAL1<->1..2 & 0:ran(x)',
10261 '-evalt', ':slog x: NATURAL1<->1..2 & 2:ran(x)',
10262 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x: NATURAL1<->1..2 & 0:dom(x)',
10263 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x: NATURAL<->1..2 & 0:dom(x)',
10264 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x: NATURAL1 +-> 1..2 & 0:dom(x)',
10265 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x: NATURAL +-> 1..2 & 0:dom(x)',
10266 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x: NATURAL1 +-> NATURAL1 & 1:dom(x) & 1:ran(x)',
10267 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x: NATURAL1 +-> NATURAL1 & (0:dom(x) or 0:ran(x))',
10268 '-evalt', ':slog x: NATURAL1 +-> NATURAL1 & (1:dom(x) or 0:ran(x))',
10269 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x <: NATURAL1 & x<:0..1 & card(x)=1',
10270 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x <: NATURAL1 & x<:0..1 & card(x)=2',
10271 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x : NATURAL1 <-> 0..1 & dom(x)<:-1..0 & x /= {}',
10272 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x /: NATURAL1 <-> INTEGER & dom(x)<:-1..1 & ran(x)<:3..4',
10273 '-evalf', ':slog x /: NATURAL1 <-> INTEGER & dom(x)<:1..2 & ran(x)<:3..4',
10274 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x<: -1..2 & not(x<:NATURAL)',
10275 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x<: 1..2 & not(x<:NATURAL)',
10276 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x:POW1(NATURAL1) & x<:-1..0',
10277 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x:POW1(NATURAL1) & x<:0..1',
10278 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x/:POW1(NATURAL) & x<:-1..0',
10279 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x/:POW(NATURAL) & x<:2..3',
10280 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x/:POW1(NATURAL) & x<:2..3',
10281 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check x/:POW1(NATURAL) & x<:2..3 & x/={}',
10282 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f:1..2 +-> 1..2 & not(f \\/ {1 |-> 1} : INTEGER +->INTEGER)',
10283 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check f:1..2 +-> 1..2 & not(f \\/ {1 |-> f(1)} : INTEGER +->INTEGER)',
10284 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f:1..2 +-> 1..2 & not(f <+ {3 |-> 1} : 1..2 +->INTEGER)',
10285 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check f:1..2 +-> 1..2 & not(f <+ {1 |-> 1} : 1..2 +->INTEGER)',
10286 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f:1..2 +-> 1..2 & not(f \\/ {1 |-> 3} : 1..2 +->INTEGER)',
10287 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f:1..2 +-> 1..2 & not(f \\/ {1 |-> 1} : 1..2 +->1..2)',
10288 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f:BOOL --> POW(1..2) & not(f <+ {TRUE|->1..3} : BOOL +-> POW(1..2))',
10289 '-evalf', ':slog-double-check f:BOOL --> POW(1..2) & not(f <+ {TRUE|->1..2} : BOOL +-> POW(1..2))',
10290 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check x = POW(1 .. 2)',
10291 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f: BOOL --> (BOOL +-> BOOL) & f(TRUE):BOOL-->BOOL',
10292 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f: BOOL --> (BOOL +-> BOOL) & f(FALSE)={}',
10293 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f: BOOL --> POW(BOOL) & f(TRUE)={TRUE} & f(FALSE)={}',
10294 '-evalt', ':slog-double-check f: BOOL --> POW(BOOL) & f(TRUE):POW1(BOOL) & f(FALSE)={}'
10295 % does not work :slog-double-check f: BOOL --> (BOOL +-> BOOL) & f(FALSE)={} & f(TRUE):BOOL-->BOOL
10296 % times out: :slog f:BOOL +-> BOOL & not(f <+ {TRUE |-> TRUE} : BOOL +->BOOL)
10297 ], 'Simple tests for setlog solver.').
10298 cli_testcase(2379, [eventb_test, theories, reals], ['../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Toulouse/Dupont/RealsTest_mch.eventb',
10299 '--model-check', '-cc', '7', '6', '-nodead',
10301 '-evalt', 'plus(Rone,Rone) |-> Rone : gt', '-evalt', 'plus(Rone,Rzero) = Rone',
10302 '-evalt', 'times(Rone,Rzero) = Rzero',
10303 '-evalt', 'plus(Rone,Rzero) : RReal'
10304 ], 'Checking real theory with currying of binary operators').
10305 cli_testcase(2380, [eventb_test, theories], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/SeqTest1.eventb', '-mc', 2000, '-nodead', '-strict',
10306 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'TRUE'], 'Test 1156 for Seq theory with TRY_FIND_ABORT').
10307 cli_testcase(2381, [b_test,json_trace_replay,visb], [
10308 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Toulouse/Mendil/T_TemperatureMachine_mch.eventb',
10309 '-expcterr', virtual_time_out,
10310 '-evalt', 'unit(xx)=Kelvin & value(xx)=-100',
10311 '-evalf', 'unit(xx)=Kelvin & unit(xx)=Celsius',
10312 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Toulouse/Mendil/T_TemperatureMachine_presentation.prob2trace',
10313 '-visb', '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Toulouse/Mendil/Temp_VisB.json',
10314 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Toulouse/Mendil/Temp_VisB.html'], 'Check JSON replay and VisB HTML generation with theory operators').
10315 cli_testcase(2382, [eventb_test, theories, reals], [
10316 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Toulouse/Dupont/SimpleRealsPlusTest_ctx.eventb',
10317 '-evalt', 'plus(Rone,Rzero) : RReal',
10318 '-evalt', 'plus(Rone,Rzero) : RRealPlus',
10319 '-assertions'],
10320 'Check that reals are allowed for type checking in Event-B theories that use reals').
10321 cli_testcase(2383, [b_test,wd], [
10322 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Toulouse/Mendil/T_TemperatureMachinePrefix_mch.eventb',
10323 '-p', 'TRY_FIND_ABORT', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', model_check_incomplete,
10324 '-expcterr', virtual_time_out, '-mc', 100], 'Check no spurious WD errors').
10325 cli_testcase(2384, [b_test,wd], [
10326 '-evalf', 'bla = %x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) & bla /: POW(NATURAL*NATURAL)', % was wrong
10327 '-evalt', 'bla = %x.(x:NATURAL|x+1) & bla : POW(NATURAL*NATURAL)',
10328 '-evalt', 'bla = %x.(x:NATURAL|x-1) & bla /: POW(NATURAL*NATURAL)',
10329 '-evalf', 'bla = %x.(x:NATURAL|x-1) & bla : POW(NATURAL*NATURAL)'
10330 ], 'Check issue in symbolic subset check solved'). % bug was in get_subset_counter_example_closure
10331 cli_testcase(2385, [b_test], [
10332 './distribution_examples/Simple/ACounter.mch',
10333 './distribution_examples/Simple/Bakery0.mch',
10334 './distribution_examples/Simple/Bakery1.mch',
10335 './distribution_examples/Simple/GCD.mch',
10336 './distribution_examples/Simple/KnightsKnaves.mch',
10337 % './distribution_examples/Simple/Lift.mch', % invariant violation
10339 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/CSM.mch',
10340 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/Schleusen.mch',
10341 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/SATLIB_blocksworld_medium.mch',
10342 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/SATLIB_uf20-903.mch',
10343 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/Sieve.mch',
10344 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/Sorting.mch',
10345 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/SortingUnicode.mch',
10346 % './distribution_examples/LessSimple/TravelAgency.mch', % invariant violation
10347 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/phonebook.mch',
10348 %'./distribution_examples/LessSimple/phonebook6.mch', % invariant violation
10349 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/scheduler.mch',
10350 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/tictac.mch',
10351 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/GraphColouring/GraphColouringNAT.mch',
10353 './distribution_examples/Records/Schleusen_Records.mch',
10354 './distribution_examples/Refinement/Server.mch',
10355 './distribution_examples/Refinement/ServerR.ref',
10356 './distribution_examples/Tutorial/StackConstructive.mch',
10358 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/Farmer.mch',
10359 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/GardnerSwitchingPuzzle_v2.mch',
10360 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/GolombRuler2.mch',
10361 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/Hanoi.mch',
10362 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/KissPassion.mch',
10363 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/NoNeighboursProblem.mch',
10364 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/PexSolve.mch',
10365 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/RussianPostalPuzzle.mch',
10366 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/SendMoreMoney.mch',
10367 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/SubsetSum2.mch',
10368 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/SudokuSETS9.mch',
10369 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/TrainTorchPuzzle.mch',
10370 './distribution_examples/Puzzles/WhoKilledAgatha.mch',
10372 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/BlocksWorldGeneric.mch',
10373 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/CopySavePasteTools.mch',
10374 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/Hanoi.mch',
10375 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/Jars.mch',
10376 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/LatinSquares.mch',
10377 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/Lift0.mch',
10378 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/Lift2.mch',
10379 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/Lift3.mch',
10380 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/Mandelbrot.mch',
10381 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/NQueens.mch',
10382 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/NQueens.mch',
10383 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/NQueensBig.mch',
10384 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/Puzzle8.mch',
10385 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/RushHour.mch',
10386 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/SamuraiSudoku_Hard.mch',
10387 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/SendMoreMoney.mch',
10388 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/SudokuAsConstant.mch',
10389 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/TwoQueensSevenKnights.mch',
10390 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/gol.mch',
10391 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/gol_v2.mch',
10392 './distribution_examples/GraphicalAnimation/scheduler.mch',
10393 '-init', '-mc', 15, '-opterr', model_check_incomplete, '-nogoal', '-nodead' ], 'Check distribution examples can be loaded').
10394 cli_testcase(2386, [b_test,cbc], [
10395 '-evalf', 'x1 : (0 .. 4294967295) & x2 : (0 .. 255) & res = x1 / 2 ** x2 & res <0',
10396 '-evalf', 'x1 : (0 .. 4294967295) & x2 : (0 .. 255) & res = x1 / 2 ** x2 & res > 4294967295',
10397 '-evalf', 'x1 : (0 .. 4294967295) & x2 : (0 .. 255) & res = x1 / 2 ** x2 & res /: (0 .. 4294967295)',
10398 '-evalt', 'x1 : (0 .. 4294967295) & x2 : (0 .. 255) & res = x1 / 2 ** x2 & res /: (1 .. 4294967295)'
10399 ], 'Check no CLPFD overflow').
10400 cli_testcase(2387,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10401 '-p', 'JVM_PARSER_HEAP_MB', '12000', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 2000, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-release-java-parser',
10402 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2023/perf_1124/rule.mch',
10403 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 5, %'-silent',
10404 '-animate_stats',
10405 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__1__ALL)=303',
10406 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__2__ALL)=303',
10407 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__3__ALL)=71',
10408 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__3__done=TRUE'
10409 ], 'Fix issue in STRING_JOIN sorting too early').
10410 cli_testcase(2388,[private,external,strings],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10411 '-p', 'JVM_PARSER_HEAP_MB', '12000', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 2000, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-release-java-parser',
10412 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Caval/2023/perf_1124/rule_bugly.mch',
10413 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 5, %'-silent',
10414 '-evalt', 'card(aaxc)=303',
10415 '-evalt', 'card(aazc)=303',
10416 '-evalt', 'card(aabd)=71',
10417 '-evalt', 'aayc=TRUE'
10418 ], 'Fix issue in STRING_JOIN sorting too early'). % bugly version of test 2387
10419 cli_testcase(2389, [b_test,infinite], [
10420 '-evalt', 'NEG /\\ NATURAL = {} & NEG \\/ NATURAL = INTEGER ',
10421 '-evalt', 'NEG /\\ NATURAL = {} & NEG \\/ NATURAL = INTEGER & -1:NEG & -1000:NEG & 0 /: NEG & 1/:NEG',
10422 '-evalt', 'NEG /\\ NATURAL1 = {} & NEG \\/ NATURAL1 = INTEGER & -1:NEG & -1000:NEG & 0 : NEG & 1/:NEG',
10423 '-evalt', 'NEG = {x|x < 0} & NEG /\\ NATURAL = {}',
10424 '-evalt', 'NEG = {x|x < 1} & NEG /\\ NATURAL1 = {}',
10425 '-evalf', 'NEG = {x|x < 1} & NEG /\\ NATURAL = {}',
10426 '-evalt', 'NEG = {x|x < 1} & NEG \\/ NATURAL1 = INTEGER',
10427 '-evalt', 'NEG = {x|x < 1} & NEG \\/ NATURAL = INTEGER',
10428 '-evalt', 'NEG = {x|x /: NATURAL} & NEG \\/ NATURAL =INTEGER',
10429 '-evalt', 'NEG = {x|x /: NATURAL} & NEG \\/ NATURAL1 = res & res /= INTEGER & 0/:res & 1000:res',
10430 '-evalt', 'NEG = {x|x /: NATURAL} & NEG /\\ NATURAL = {}',
10431 '-evalt', 'NEG = {x|x /: NATURAL} & NEG /\\ NATURAL1 = {}',
10432 '-evalt', 'NEG = {x|x /: NATURAL1} & NEG /\\ NATURAL1 = {}',
10433 '-evalf', 'NEG = {x|x /: NATURAL1} & NEG /\\ NATURAL = {}',
10434 '-evalt', 'NEG = {x|x /: NATURAL1} & NATURAL1 /\\ NEG = {}'
10435 ], 'Check infinite partition works').
10436 cli_testcase(2390, [b_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10437 './distribution_examples/Simple/Lift.mch', % invariant violation
10438 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/TravelAgency.mch', % invariant violation
10439 './distribution_examples/LessSimple/phonebook6.mch', % invariant violation
10440 '-init', '-mc', 1500, '-bf',
10441 '-expcterr', invariant_violation, '-nogoal', '-nodead' ], 'Check distribution examples can be loaded').
10442 cli_testcase(2391, [external,json_trace_replay], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10443 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/JSON/ReadProB2JSON.mch',
10444 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/JSON/ReadProB2JSON.prob2trace'
10445 ], 'Check READ_JSON_AS_XML').
10446 cli_testcase(2392, [cbc], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10447 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/B2SAT/pigeon/pigeon_bv_simple2_expanded2.eval',
10448 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/B2SAT/pigeon/pigeon_bv_simple2_expanded3.eval',
10449 '-evalt_file', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/B2SAT/pigeon/pigeon_bv_simple2_expanded5.eval'
10450 ], 'Check many quantifiers and disjunctions and merging of FD info from disjuncts').
10451 cli_testcase(2393, [satsolver_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10452 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/B2SAT/pigeon/Pigeon_30_bv.mch', '-init',
10453 '-properties'
10454 ], 'Test b2sat performance and quantifier expansion'). %SET_PREF_SOLVER_FOR_PROPERTIES
10455 cli_testcase(2394, [smt_solver_integration], [
10456 '-evalf', ':z3-sat A=TRUE & A=FALSE',
10457 '-evalf', ':z3-sat A=TRUE & (A=FALSE or B=TRUE) & B=FALSE',
10458 '-evalt', ':z3-sat A=TRUE & B=TRUE',
10459 '-evalt', ':z3-sat A=TRUE & B=TRUE & (A=FALSE or B=FALSE or C=TRUE)',
10460 '-evalf', ':z3-sat A=TRUE & B=TRUE & (A=FALSE or B=FALSE or C=TRUE) & C=FALSE',
10461 '-evalt', ':z3-sat (A=TRUE => B=FALSE) & A=FALSE & B=TRUE',
10462 '-evalf', ':z3-sat (A=TRUE => B=FALSE) & A=TRUE & B=TRUE',
10463 '-evalf', ':z3-sat (A=TRUE <=> B=FALSE) & A=TRUE & B=TRUE',
10464 '-evalt', ':z3-sat (A=TRUE <=> B=FALSE) & A=TRUE & B=FALSE',
10465 '-evalt', ':z3-sat not(A=TRUE)',
10466 '-evalf', ':z3-sat not(A=TRUE) & A=TRUE'
10467 ], 'Some simple tests for Z3 SAT solver').
10468 % z3-sat uses normal B to Z3-SMTlib translation, but different settings of Z3
10469 % sat-z3 uses b2sat translation and then Z3 as ordinary sat solver
10470 cli_testcase(2395, [satsolver_test,smt_solver_integration], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10471 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check x=TRUE or x=FALSE',
10472 '-evalf', ':sat-z3-double-check x=TRUE & x=FALSE',
10473 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check x=TRUE & (x=TRUE => y=TRUE) & (y=TRUE => x=TRUE)',
10474 '-evalf', ':sat-z3-double-check x=TRUE & (x=TRUE => y=TRUE) & (y=TRUE => x=FALSE)',
10475 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check x=TRUE & (x=TRUE <=> y=TRUE) & (y=TRUE <=> z=TRUE)',
10476 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check n=12 & f:1..n-->BOOL & !i.(i:2..n => (f(i)=TRUE =>f(i-1)=FALSE)) & f(1)=TRUE',
10477 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check n=12 & f:1..n-->BOOL & !i.(i:2..n => (f(i)=TRUE =>f(i-1)=FALSE)) & f(1)=TRUE & f(12)=TRUE',
10478 '-evalf', ':sat-z3-double-check n=12 & f:1..n-->BOOL & !i.(i:2..n => (f(i)=TRUE <=>f(i-1)=FALSE)) & f(1)=TRUE & f(12)=TRUE',
10479 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check n=12 & f:1..n-->BOOL & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=TRUE})=1',
10480 '-evalf', ':sat-z3-double-check n=12 & f:1..n-->BOOL & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=TRUE})=1 & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=FALSE})=1',
10481 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check n=6 & f:1..n-->BOOL & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=TRUE})>2 & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=FALSE})>2',
10482 '-evalf', ':sat-z3-double-check n=6 & f:1..n-->BOOL & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=TRUE})>3 & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=FALSE})>2',
10483 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check n=6 & f:1..n-->BOOL & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=TRUE})<4 & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=FALSE})<4',
10484 '-evalf', ':sat-z3-double-check n=6 & f:1..n-->BOOL & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=TRUE})<3 & card({i|i:1..n & f(i)=FALSE})<4',
10485 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check f:1..3-->BOOL & card({y|y:1..3 & f(y)=TRUE}) <=2 &f(1)=TRUE & f(3)=TRUE',
10486 '-evalf', ':sat-z3-double-check f:1..3-->BOOL & card({y|y:1..3 & f(y)=TRUE}) <=2 &f(1)=TRUE & f(3)=TRUE & f(2)=TRUE',
10487 '-evalf', ':sat-z3-double-check f:1..100-->BOOL & card({y|y:1..100 & f(y)=TRUE}) <=6 &f(1)=TRUE & f(3)=TRUE & !i.(i:1..10 => (f(i)=FALSE => f(i*10)=TRUE))',
10488 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check f:1..100-->BOOL & card({y|y:1..100 & f(y)=TRUE}) <=10 &f(1)=TRUE & f(3)=TRUE & !i.(i:1..10 => (f(i)=FALSE => f(i*10)=TRUE))',
10489 '-evalf', ':sat f:1..100-->BOOL & card({y|y:1..100 & f(y)=TRUE}) >=20 & card({y|y:1..100 & f(y)=TRUE}) <=19', % ProB times out here
10490 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check f:1..100-->BOOL & card({y|y:1..100 & f(y)=TRUE}) >=20 & card({y|y:1..100 & f(y)=TRUE}) <=20',
10491 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check n=3 & f:1..n-->BOOL & f(1)=TRUE & card({i|i:1..n & (f(i)=TRUE or i=2)})=2',
10492 '-evalf', ':sat-z3-double-check n=3 & f:1..n-->BOOL & f(1)=TRUE & card({i|i:1..n & (f(i)=TRUE or i=2)})=1',
10493 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check f:1..n --> BOOL & n=50 & f(1)=TRUE & !i.(i:2..n => f(i) /= f(i-1))',
10494 '-evalf', ':sat-z3-double-check f:1..n --> BOOL & n=3 & f(1)=TRUE & !i.(i:2..n => f(i) /= f(i-1)) & card({i|i:1..3 & (f(i)=TRUE or i=1)})=3',
10495 '-evalf', ':sat-z3-double-check f:1..n --> BOOL & n=3 & f(1)=TRUE & !i.(i:2..n => f(i) /= f(i-1)) & card({i|i:1..3 & (f(i)=TRUE or i=1)})=1',
10496 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check f:1..n --> BOOL & n=3 & f(1)=TRUE & !i.(i:2..n => f(i) /= f(i-1)) & card({i|i:1..3 & (f(i)=TRUE or i=1)})=2',
10497 '-evalf', ':sat-z3-double-check f:1..n --> BOOL & n=3 & f(1)=TRUE & !i.(i:2..n => f(i) /= f(i-1)) & card({i|i:1..3 & (f(i)=TRUE or i=2)})=2',
10498 '-evalt', ':sat-z3-double-check f:1..n --> BOOL & n=3 & f(1)=TRUE & !i.(i:2..n => f(i) /= f(i-1)) & card({i|i:1..3 & (f(i)=TRUE or i=2)})=3'
10499 ], 'Test new satsolver backend (test 2355) but with Z3 as sat solver.').
10500 cli_testcase(2396, [cbc,external,strings], [
10501 '-evalt', '{x,y|conc([x,"_",y])="a_b"} = {("a"|->"b")}',
10502 '-evalt', '{x|conc(x) = "a_b" & size(x)=3 & x(2)="_"} = {["a","_","b"]}',
10503 '-evalt', '{x|conc(x) = "a_b" & size(x)=3 & x(2)=""} = {["","","a_b"],["a","","_b"],["a_","","b"],["a_b","",""]}',
10504 '-evalf', 'conc(x)="a_b" & x(2)="x" & size(x)<3' % <4 does not work yet
10505 ], 'Test predicates with conc for strings').
10506 cli_testcase(2397, [tickets,json_trace_replay], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10507 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/LetPredicateReify/tictac_MCTS.mch',
10508 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/LetPredicateReify/tictac_MCTS.prob2trace',
10509 '-evalt', 'WIN(0) or WIN(1)',
10510 '-evalt', 'not(WIN(1) => WIN(0))'
10511 ], 'Check let_predicate predicate reuse issue solved').
10512 cli_testcase(2398, [tickets], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10513 '-evalt', '{x,v,y|x:1..2 & x:y & y<:1..4 & v=x+1 & LET x BE x=v+v IN x:y END} = {(1|->2|->{1,4}),(1|->2|->{1,2,4}),(1|->2|->{1,2,3,4}),(1|->2|->{1,3,4})}',
10514 '-evalt', 'x:1..2 & y:3..4 & (x:z or LET x BE x=y+y IN x:z & x+1:z END) & z<:6..8'
10515 ], 'Check let_predicate predicate reuse issue solved').
10516 cli_testcase(2399, [eventb_test,theories], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10517 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Floats/AitSadoune_MEDI2023/TestPowOperator_ctx.eventb',
10518 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Floats/AitSadoune_MEDI2023/TestFloatTheory2_ctx.eventb',
10519 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Floats/AitSadoune_MEDI2023/TestFloatTheory3_ctx.eventb',
10520 '-init', '-assertions'],'Check float theory with axiomatic operators via set comprehensions').
10521 cli_testcase(2400, [eventb_test,theories,json_trace_replay], [
10522 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Floats/AitSadoune_MEDI2023/mch_floating_point_speed2_v2.eventb',
10523 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Floats/AitSadoune_MEDI2023/mch_floating_point_speed2_v2.prob2trace',
10524 '-expcterr', 'virtual_time_out'],'Check overriding direct def predicate operators via set comprehensions').
10525 cli_testcase(2401, [laws], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10526 '-evalt', '{n|n>0 & 2**n <= 7} = 1..2',
10527 '-evalt', '{n|n>0 & 2**n <= 8} = 1..3',
10528 '-evalt', '{n|n>0 & 2**n <= 1024} = 1..10',
10529 '-evalt', '{n|n>0 & 2**n <= 1023} = 1..9',
10530 '-evalt', '{n|n>0 & 2**n <= 2000} = 1..10',
10531 '-evalt', '{n|n>0 & 2**n <= 2**33+1} = 1..33',
10532 '-evalt', '{n|n>0 & 3**n <= 3**10} = 1..10',
10533 '-evalt', '!b.(b:2..10 => {n|n>0 & b**n <= b**10} = 1..10)',
10534 '-evalt', '!b.(b:2..10 => {n|n>0 & b**n <= b**11-1} = 1..10)'
10535 ], 'Check power propagation').
10536 cli_testcase(2402, [eventb_test,dot], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/MultiLevel/TestMC_m1_mch.eventb', '-mc', '1000', '-strict', '-p', 'NUMBER_OF_ANIMATED_ABSTRACTIONS', '20', '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'event_error:evt1:simulation_error',
10537 '-dot', 'last_error', '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/MultiLevel/TestMC_m1_sim_error.dot'], 'Test dot visualisation of simulation error from test 148').
10538 cli_testcase(2403, [eventb_test,theories], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10539 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/Inductive/BaumTest_ctx.eventb',
10540 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/Inductive/BaumTest2_ctx.eventb',
10541 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Theory/Inductive/TestInductiveRecOp_ctx.eventb',
10542 '-init', '-assertions'],'Check inductive datatypes').
10543 cli_testcase(2404, [tickets], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE',
10544 '-evalf', 'S=[11,22,33] & ((x=1 & #y.(3|->y:S)) or (x=2 & not(#y.(3|->y:S)))) <=> P=TRUE & x>1 & x<10 & P=TRUE',
10545 '-evalf', 'S=[11,22,33] & ((x=1 & v:ran(S)) or (x=2 & not(v:ran(S)))) <=> P=TRUE & x>1 & x<10 & P=TRUE & v:{22,33}'
10546 ],'Check interference between predicate reuse of exists in reification and non-required predicates').
10547 cli_testcase(2405,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10548 '-p', 'JVM_PARSER_HEAP_MB', '12000', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 2000, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-release-java-parser',
10549 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2024/perf_0126/rule_RVF192_MSVI_FOLIO.mch',
10550 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 3, %'-silent',
10551 '-animate_stats',
10552 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__1__ALL)=0',
10553 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE'
10554 ], 'Check interference between predicate reuse of exists in reification and non-required predicates').
10555 cli_testcase(2406,[private_source_not_available],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10556 '-p', 'JVM_PARSER_HEAP_MB', '12000', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 2000, '-p', 'DATA_VALIDATION', 'TRUE', '-release-java-parser',
10557 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2023/Machines_perf_0323/CCSL/rule_TYPES_AUTORISES_RVF3_GEN__MRGA.mch',
10558 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 3, %'-silent',
10559 '-animate_stats',
10560 '-evalt', 'card(caval__rule__1__ALL)=84458',
10561 '-evalt', 'caval__rule__1__done=TRUE'
10562 ], 'Performance check for non-det reification of exists').
10563 cli_testcase(2407, [eventb_test,theories,json_trace_replay], [
10564 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/ABZ2023/Mammar_v15/M3_sep5_mch.eventb',
10565 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/ABZ2023/Mammar_v15/M3_sep5_mch.prob2trace',
10566 '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_unknown',
10567 '-expcterr', 'virtual_time_out'],'Check prob-ignore label recognised with 8722 hyphen').
10568 cli_testcase(2408, [eventb_test], ['../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/ABZ2023/Mammar_v16/C2_ctx.eventb', '-mc', '10', '-strict',
10569 '-nodead', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Test cardinality inference for deferred set works').
10570 cli_testcase(2409, [eventb_test,theories,json_trace_replay,visb], [
10571 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/ABZ2023/Mammar_v19/M8_mch.eventb',
10572 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/ABZ2023/Mammar_v19/M8_mch.prob2trace',
10573 '-visb', '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/ABZ2023/Mammar_v19/visualization/AMAN_M8_vis.json',
10574 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/ABZ2023/Mammar_v19/m8_VisB.html'
10575 ],'Check that new description_event terms recognised').
10576 cli_testcase(2410, [kodkod], [ '-p', 'KODKOD_RAISE_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10577 '-evalt', ':kodkod sss - {TRUE} = {} & sss = {TRUE} '
10578 ,'-evalt', ':kodkod sss - {TRUE} = {FALSE} & sss /= {FALSE}'
10579 ,'-evalf', ':kodkod sss - {TRUE} = {FALSE} & FALSE /: sss'
10580 ,'-evalt', ':kodkod sss - {1,4,5} = {} & sss = {1,4,5}'
10581 ], 'check constraint propagation bug for set_subtraction fixed').
10582 cli_testcase(2411, [b_test, imp, refinement,while], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10583 '../prob_examples/examples/B/B2Sol/SAC_2024_CaseStudy/B_weth_i.imp', '-mc', 100,
10584 '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'
10585 ], 'Check visibility and $0 access in invariant of while loops').
10586 cli_testcase(2412, [b_test, operation_reuse,while], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10587 '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE', '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE',
10588 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/codegenerator/SetCardBig.mch', '-mc', 100,
10589 '-cc', 3,3
10590 ], 'Check correct read info for while loop').
10591 cli_testcase(2413,[private,systerel],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10592 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Systerel/Ticket_C578.EML.010/bug65anofirst_wo_adc_pragma.mch',
10593 '-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'FALSE', '-aa', 4, 0, 0, '-init', '-p', 'CLPFD', 'FALSE', % much slower with CLPFD
10594 %'-p', 'SYMBOLIC', 'TRUE', % this takes very long
10595 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 10000
10596 ], 'Check ticket Ticket_C578.EML.010 from 2013'). % used to be big difference from source, much slower than with probcli
10597 cli_testcase(2414, [smt_solver_integration], [
10598 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Train_Ch17/Train_1_beebook_tlc.mch', '-init',
10599 '-p', 'TIME_OUT', '30000',
10600 '-evalf', ':z3 #(TRK,frm,resrt,rsrtbl).(not(rsrtbl : resbl --> resrt & r = R8 & r : resrt - frm & TRK1 = ((dom(nxt(r)) <<| TRK) |>> ran(nxt(r))) \\/ nxt(r) & frm1 = frm & nxt1 = nxt & resrt1 = resrt & rsrtbl1 = rsrtbl & (r1 = R9 & r1 : resrt - ran(rsrtbl) & (resrt2 = resrt - {r1} & frm2 = frm - {r1}) & TRK2 = TRK & nxt2 = nxt & rsrtbl2 = rsrtbl) & (r2 = R9 & r2 : resrt1 - ran(rsrtbl1) & (resrt3 = resrt1 - {r2} & frm3 = frm1 - {r2}) & TRK3 = TRK1 & nxt3 = nxt1 & rsrtbl3 = rsrtbl1) & (r3 = R8 & r3 : resrt2 - frm2 & TRK4 = ((dom(nxt2(r3)) <<| TRK2) |>> ran(nxt2(r3))) \\/ nxt2(r3) & frm4 = frm2 & nxt4 = nxt2 & resrt4 = resrt2 & rsrtbl4 = rsrtbl2) => TRK3 = TRK4 & frm3 = frm4 & nxt3 = nxt4 & resrt3 = resrt4 & rsrtbl3 = rsrtbl4))',
10601 '-evalf', ':z3 #(LBT,TRK,frm,OCC,resbl,resrt,rsrtbl).(not(rsrtbl : resbl --> resrt & rsrtbl <: rtbl & OCC <: resbl & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rtbl~)[{r}] - (rsrtbl~)[{r}]] /\\ (rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC = {}) & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rsrtbl~)[{r}]] <: (rsrtbl~)[{r}]) & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC] <: (rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC) & TRK : BLOCKS >+> BLOCKS & frm <: resrt & rsrtbl[OCC] <: frm & !r.(r : resrt - frm => rtbl |> {r} = rsrtbl |> {r}) & !(x,y).(x |-> y : TRK => #r.(x |-> y : nxt(r))) & !r.(r : frm => (rsrtbl~)[{r}] <| nxt(r) = (rsrtbl~)[{r}] <| TRK) & LBT <: OCC & !(a,b).(b : LBT & (b : ran(nxt(rsrtbl(b))) & (a = (nxt(rsrtbl(b))~)(b) & a : dom(rsrtbl))) => rsrtbl(a) /= rsrtbl(b)) & rsrtbl : resbl --> resrt & rsrtbl <: rtbl & OCC <: resbl & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rtbl~)[{r}] - (rsrtbl~)[{r}]] /\\ (rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC = {}) & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rsrtbl~)[{r}]] <: (rsrtbl~)[{r}]) & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC] <: (rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC) & (R2 : resrt - frm & (rsrtbl~)[{R2}] <| {(A|->B),(B|->D),(D|->E),(E|->F),(F|->G),(L|->A)} = (rsrtbl~)[{R2}] <| TRK & R7 : resrt - ran(rsrtbl)) & (R7 : resrt - ran(rsrtbl) & (resrt1 = resrt - {R7} & frm1 = frm - {R7}) & LBT1 = LBT & TRK1 = TRK & OCC1 = OCC & resbl1 = resbl & rsrtbl1 = rsrtbl & fst1 = fst & lst1 = lst & nxt1 = nxt & rtbl1 = rtbl) & rsrtbl1 = resrtbl => R2 : resrt1 - frm1 & (rsrtbl1~)[{R2}] <| {(A|->B),(B|->D),(D|->E),(E|->F),(F|->G),(L|->A)} = (rsrtbl1~)[{R2}] <| TRK))',
10602 '-evalf', 'not(rsrtbl : resbl --> resrt & rsrtbl <: rtbl & OCC <: resbl & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rtbl~)[{r}] - (rsrtbl~)[{r}]] /\\ (rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC = {}) & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rsrtbl~)[{r}]] <: (rsrtbl~)[{r}]) & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC] <: (rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC) & TRK : BLOCKS >+> BLOCKS & frm <: resrt & rsrtbl[OCC] <: frm & !r.(r : resrt - frm => rtbl |> {r} = rsrtbl |> {r}) & !(x,y).(x |-> y : TRK => #r.(x |-> y : nxt(r))) & !r.(r : frm => (rsrtbl~)[{r}] <| nxt(r) = (rsrtbl~)[{r}] <| TRK) & LBT <: OCC & !(a,b).(b : LBT & (b : ran(nxt(rsrtbl(b))) & (a = (nxt(rsrtbl(b))~)(b) & a : dom(rsrtbl))) => rsrtbl(a) /= rsrtbl(b)) & rsrtbl : resbl --> resrt & rsrtbl <: rtbl & OCC <: resbl & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rtbl~)[{r}] - (rsrtbl~)[{r}]] /\\ (rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC = {}) & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rsrtbl~)[{r}]] <: (rsrtbl~)[{r}]) & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC] <: (rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC) & (K : LBT & K : dom(TRK) & TRK(K) : OCC & (OCC1 = OCC - {K} & rsrtbl1 = {K} <<| rsrtbl & resbl1 = resbl - {K} & LBT1 = LBT - {K} \\/ {TRK(K)}) & TRK1 = TRK) & (J : OCC & J : dom(TRK) & TRK(J) /: OCC & OCC2 = OCC \\/ {TRK(J)} & LBT2 = LBT & TRK2 = TRK & resbl2 = resbl & rsrtbl2 = rsrtbl) & (J : OCC1 & J : dom(TRK1) & TRK1(J) /: OCC1 & OCC3 = OCC1 \\/ {TRK1(J)} & LBT3 = LBT1 & TRK3 = TRK1 & resbl3 = resbl1 & rsrtbl3 = rsrtbl1) & (K : LBT2 & K : dom(TRK2) & TRK2(K) : OCC2 & (OCC4 = OCC2 - {K} & rsrtbl4 = {K} <<| rsrtbl2 & resbl4 = resbl2 - {K} & LBT4 = LBT2 - {K} \\/ {TRK2(K)}) & TRK4 = TRK2) => LBT3 = LBT4 & OCC3 = OCC4 & TRK3 = TRK4 & resbl3 = resbl4 & rsrtbl3 = rsrtbl4)',
10603 '-evalf', ':z3 #(LBT,TRK,frm,OCC,resbl,resrt,rsrtbl).(not(rsrtbl : resbl --> resrt & rsrtbl <: rtbl & OCC <: resbl & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rtbl~)[{r}] - (rsrtbl~)[{r}]] /\\ (rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC = {}) & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rsrtbl~)[{r}]] <: (rsrtbl~)[{r}]) & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC] <: (rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC) & TRK : BLOCKS >+> BLOCKS & frm <: resrt & rsrtbl[OCC] <: frm & !r.(r : resrt - frm => rtbl |> {r} = rsrtbl |> {r}) & !(x,y).(x |-> y : TRK => #r.(x |-> y : nxt(r))) & !r.(r : frm => (rsrtbl~)[{r}] <| nxt(r) = (rsrtbl~)[{r}] <| TRK) & LBT <: OCC & !(a,b).(b : LBT & (b : ran(nxt(rsrtbl(b))) & (a = (nxt(rsrtbl(b))~)(b) & a : dom(rsrtbl))) => rsrtbl(a) /= rsrtbl(b)) & rsrtbl : resbl --> resrt & rsrtbl <: rtbl & OCC <: resbl & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rtbl~)[{r}] - (rsrtbl~)[{r}]] /\\ (rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC = {}) & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rsrtbl~)[{r}]] <: (rsrtbl~)[{r}]) & !r.(r : ROUTES => nxt(r)[(rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC] <: (rsrtbl~)[{r}] - OCC) & (R2 : resrt - frm & (rsrtbl~)[{R2}] <| nxt(R2) = (rsrtbl~)[{R2}] <| TRK & R7 : resrt - ran(rsrtbl)) & (R7 : resrt - ran(rsrtbl) & (resrt1 = resrt - {R7} & frm1 = frm - {R7}) & LBT1 = LBT & TRK1 = TRK & OCC1 = OCC & resbl1 = resbl & rsrtbl1 = rsrtbl & fst1 = fst & lst1 = lst & nxt1 = nxt & rtbl1 = rtbl) => R2 : resrt1 - frm1 & (rsrtbl~)[{R2}] <| nxt(R2) = (rsrtbl~)[{R2}] <| TRK))'
10604 ], 'check AST optimization for z3').
10605 cli_testcase(2415, [cbc,infinite], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10606 '-evalt', 'F=%x.(x:INTEGER|x+1) & F /: FIN(F)',
10607 '-evalt', 'F=%x.(x>2|x+1) & F /: FIN(F)',
10608 '-evalt', 'F=%x.(x>2 or x=0|x+1) & F /: FIN(F)',
10609 % '-evalt', 'F=%x.(x=10 or x<0|x+1) & F /: FIN(F)', % does not work yet
10610 '-evalt', 'F= %(x,y).(x=y+1 & y=x+1 | x+y) & F : FIN(F)',
10611 '-evalt', 'F=%x.(x:NATURAL1 & x/=2 & x/=4| x+1)',
10612 '-evalt', 'F=%afh.(afh: INTEGER +-> INTEGER & afh/={} | card(afh))',
10613 '-evalt', 'F=%afh.(afh: INTEGER +-> INTEGER & {}/=afh | card(afh))',
10614 '-evalt', 'F=%afh.(afh: INTEGER <-> INTEGER & {}/=afh | card(afh))',
10615 '-evalt', 'F=%afh.(afh: INTEGER --> INTEGER & {}/=afh | card(afh))',
10616 '-evalt', 'F=%afh.(afh: BOOL --> INTEGER & {}/=afh | card(afh))',
10617 '-evalt', 'F=/*@symbolic*/{x| x:S1 or x:S2} & F /: FIN(F) & S1<:INTEGER & S1 = NATURAL1 & S2 <: 1..5',
10618 '-evalt', 'F=/*@symbolic*/{x| x:S1 or x:S2} & F /: FIN(F) & S1<:INTEGER & S1 <: 1..5 & S2 = NATURAL1',
10619 '-evalt', 'F=%x.(x:NATURAL1 & x/=2 & x/=4| x+1) & F /: FIN(F)',
10620 '-evalt', 'F=%x.(x:POW(NATURAL1) & x/={}| card(x)) & F /: FIN(F)',
10621 '-evalt', 'F=%x.(x:POW(INTEGER) & x/={}| card(x)) & F /: FIN(F)',
10622 '-evalt', 'F=%afh.(afh: INTEGER --> INTEGER & {}/=afh | card(afh)) & F /: FIN(F)',
10623 '-evalt', 'F=%afh.(afh: POW(INTEGER --> INTEGER) & {}/=afh | card(afh)) & F /: FIN(F)',
10624 '-evalt', 'F=%afh.(afh: seq(STRING +-> INTEGER) & {}/=afh | card(afh)) & F /: FIN(F)',
10625 '-evalf', 'F=%afh.(afh: seq({}) & afh:INTEGER<->INTEGER & {}/=afh | card(afh)) & F /: FIN(F)',
10626 '-evalt', 'F=%afh.(afh: seq({}) & afh:INTEGER<->INTEGER & {}/=afh | card(afh)) & F : FIN(F)',
10627 '-evalt', '%(afh,afi).(afh: INTEGER +-> INTEGER & afh/={} & afi: INTEGER |afi)=F & F/:FIN(F)'
10628 ], 'check improved infinite detection allowing not_equal works').
10629 cli_testcase(2416, [b_test,closure1,infinite,wd], ['../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen7/ClosureTest_NotWD.mch', '-init',
10630 '-expecterr', 'well_definedness_error', '-opterr', 'setup_constants_unknown',
10631 '-opterr', 'virtual_time_out', '-expcterr', 'setup_constants_fails'
10632 ], 'Version of test 1879 where wd error not masked by failure').
10633 cli_testcase(2417, [eventb_test,theories,json_trace_replay,visb], [
10634 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/TraceReplaySlow/Execute_by_Predicate_Problem_Enumerated.mch',
10635 '-p', 'MAX_OPERATIONS', 0, % avoid virtual_time_out
10636 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/TraceReplaySlow/Execute_by_Predicate_Problem_Enumerated.prob2trace'
10637 ],'Check that execute by predicate with seq. composition and becomes_such works').
10638 cli_testcase(2418, [eventb_test,card], [
10639 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Soton/Property/c0_property_Prob_ctx_v1.eventb',
10640 '-init'], 'Check deferred set detection works via card(.) axiom of other deferred set').
10641 cli_testcase(2419, [eventb_test,card], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10642 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Toulouse/Riviere/bdi/TermsContext_ctx.eventb',
10643 '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 20,
10644 '-init'], 'Check deferred max set size detection works via card(.) and partition').
10645 cli_testcase(2420, [eventb_test,infinite,theories], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10646 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Toulouse/Riviere/bdi/bdireasoning_mch_v2.eventb',
10647 '-p', 'DEFAULT_SETSIZE', 20,
10648 '-init'], 'Check no virtual time-out due to function with symbolic results').
10649 cli_testcase(2421, [b_test,proz,theories,infinite],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10650 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/FreeTypeInFreeType.mch',
10651 '-init','-assertions'],
10652 'Check freetypes can use fields with other freetypes as type').
10653 cli_testcase(2422, [tla,reals,external],['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10654 '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/Reals/Demo01_generated.mch',
10655 '-init'],
10656 'Check TLA+ division via CHOOSE is treated').
10657 cli_testcase(2423, [reals,external], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'REAL_SOLVER', float_solver,
10658 '-evalt', '{x|0.001 + x = 1000.0} = {999.999}',
10659 '-evalt', '{x|x+1.0=3.0} = {y|y=3.0-1.0}',
10660 '-evalt', '{x|x-1.0=3.0} = {y|y=3.0+1.0}',
10661 '-evalf', 'X+10.0e10 = 1.0e-9 & sol=-1.0E+11 & (X=sol or X=RNEXT(sol) or RNEXT(sol)=X)'
10662 ], 'check deterministic constraint propagation for real addition/subtraction').
10663 cli_testcase(2424, [reals,external], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'REAL_SOLVER', float_solver,
10664 '-evalt', '{x,y,ok|RNEXT(100.0) = x & x = RNEXT(y) & (y=100.0 <=> ok=TRUE)} = {(100.00000000000001|->100.0|->TRUE)}',
10665 '-evalt', 'REPSILON>0.0',
10666 '-evalt', 'RNEXT(0.0) = REPSILON',
10667 '-evalt', 'RMAXFLOAT > 10.0E30'
10668 ], 'check new float operators').
10669 cli_testcase(2425, [reals,external], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'REAL_SOLVER', precise_float_solver,
10670 '-evalt', '{x|0.001 + x = 1000.0} = {999.999}',
10671 '-evalt', '{x|0.001 - x = 1000.0} = {-999.999}',
10672 '-evalt', '{x|300.0-x=20.0} = {280.0}',
10673 '-evalt', '{x|x-180.0=20.0} = {200.0}',
10674 '-evalf', 'X+10.0e10 = 1.0e-9 & sol=-1.0E+11 & (X=sol or X=RNEXT(sol) or RNEXT(sol)=X)', % non-solution rejected
10675 '-evalt', '{x|10.0e10 = 1.0e-9-x} = {-1.0E+11}', % but it is a solution for minus
10676 '-evalt', 'x + 1.0 = 3.0 & RNEXT(p)=2.0 & x:{p,1.0,3.0}', % check that predecessor of 2.0 accepted as solution
10677 '-evalt', '{x|1.0 = 3.0 - x} = {2.0}',
10678 '-evalt', '{x|2.0*x=4.0} = {2.0}',
10679 '-evalt', '{x|x*2.0=4.0} = {2.0}',
10680 '-evalf', 'x*0.0 = 2.0',
10681 '-evalt', 'x * 12.0 = 4.0 & RPREV(p)=4.0/12.0 & x:{p,1.0,2.0}' % check that succ accepted as solution
10682 %'-evalt', '{x|x+1.0=3.0} = {y|y=3.0-1.0}', % rejected due to ambiguous solution
10683 ], 'check deterministic constraint propagation with default precise solver'). % these tests rely on 64-bit floats
10684 cli_testcase(2426, [wd], [
10685 '-evalt', ':wd x:seq(1..10) & !i.(i:2..size(x) => x(i-1)<x(i))'
10686 ], 'check wd works with arithmetic manipulations of sequence indexes ').
10687 cli_testcase(2427, [private_source_not_available], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10688 '../prob_examples/examples/B/PlanPro/PlanProGross.mch', '-init',
10689 '-release-java-parser', '-p', 'JVM_PARSER_HEAP_MB', 12000, '-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE',
10690 '-p', 'jvm_parser_fastrw', 'TRUE', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 30000
10691 ], 'check SICS 4.9 call_cleanup performance problem solved'). % source is available but test takes quite long
10692 cli_testcase(2428, [eventb_test,infinite,theories], [
10693 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Toulouse/Riviere/HorlageDeepInstance_ctx.eventb', '-init',
10694 '-evalt', 'BAP(clock)[{tick_midnight}][Inv(clock) /\\ Grd(clock)[{tick_midnight}]] <: Inv(clock)',
10695 '-evalt', 'BAP(clock)[{tick_min}][Inv(clock) /\\ Grd(clock)[{tick_min}]] <: Inv(clock)',
10696 '-evalt', 'BAP(clock)[{tick_min}][AP(clock)] = {1|->0}',
10697 '-assertions' ], % check assertions worked due to expansion of quantifier for events and because label was not recognised, improved symbolic treatment from 25.5.2024 fixes this (but checking still slower than if theorem axm16 expanded)
10698 'check symbolic image treatment works').
10699 cli_testcase(2429, [eventb_test,infinite,theories], [
10700 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Toulouse/Riviere/HorlogeDeepMachine_mch.eventb', '-model-check', '-noass',
10701 '-cc', 1442, 1442],
10702 'check symbolic image treatment works'). % still generates a lot of enum warnings on the console, TODO: fix
10703 cli_testcase(2430, [reals,external], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE', '-p', 'REAL_SOLVER', precise_float_solver,
10704 '-evalt', '{x|x + 2.0 = 3.0} = {0.9999999999999998,0.9999999999999999,1.0,1.0000000000000002}',
10705 '-evalt', 'card({x|x + 2.0 = 3.0}) = 4',
10706 '-evalt', 'card({x|x + 1.0 = 3.0}) = 2',
10707 '-evalt', 'card({x|x + 2.5 = 3.0}) = 7',
10708 '-evalt', '0.5000000000000002 : ({x|x + 2.5 = 3.0})',
10709 '-evalt', 'x + 2.99 = 3.0 & x:{0.01, 0.02}',
10710 '-evalt', '{x|x*3.0 = 4.0} = {1.3333333333333333,1.3333333333333335}',
10711 '-evalt', '{x,y|x+0.005 = 0.006 & y+0.005 = x} = {(0.001|->-0.004)}',
10712 '-evalt', '{y|y+0.005 = 0.0009999999999999998} = {}',
10713 '-evalf', 'y+0.005 = 0.0009999999999999998',
10714 '-evalf', 'y*y = -0.01',
10715 %'-evalt', 'y*y = 0.0', % can be solved but currently generates enumeration warning as there are many solutions
10716 '-evalt', 'y*y = 4.0',
10717 '-evalt', '{y|y*y = 16.0}={-4.0,4.0}',
10718 '-evalt', '{y|y*y = 100.0}={-10.0, 10.0}',
10719 '-evalt', '{y|y*y = 3.0}={}',
10720 '-evalt', '{y|y**2 = 16.0}={-4.0,4.0}',
10721 '-evalt', '{y|y**2 = 100.0}={-10.0, 10.0}',
10722 '-evalt', '{y|y**2 = 3.0}={}',
10723 '-evalt', 'c=card({y|y*y=x}) & x = 2.0E-309 & c=14', % there are 7 square roots
10724 '-evalt', 'n=%r.(r:REAL|RNEXT(r)) & cs = {x,c|x: UNION(i).(i:1..100|iterate(n,i)[{2.0}]) & c=card({y|y*y=x})/2} & r=ran(cs) & ok=card({x|x|->1:cs}) & r={0,1} & ok=71', % 71 of 100 numbers after 2.0 have a square root
10725 '-evalt', '{i|i:10..20 & 10.0**i + 1.0 = 10.0**i} = 16..20',
10726 '-evalt', '{y|y/2.0 = 4.0}={8.0}',
10727 '-evalt', '{x|x / 0.01 = 3.0}={0.03,0.030000000000000002}',
10728 '-evalt', '{x|RABS(x) = 2.0} = {2.0, -2.0}',
10729 '-evalt', '{x|RABS(x) = -2.0} = {}',
10730 '-evalt', '{x|RABS(x) = 0.0} = {0.0}',
10731 '-evalt', '{x| -x = 2.0} = {-2.0}',
10732 '-evalt', '{y|x = RSQRT(y)}=r & x=4.0 & r={16.0,16.000000000000004}',
10733 '-evalt', '{y|x = RSQRT(y)}=r & x=-4.0 & r={}'
10734 ], 'check non-deterministic constraint propagation with default precise solver'). % these tests rely on 64-bit floats
10735 cli_testcase(2431, [reals,json_trace_replay,visb], [
10736 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/Physics/MovingParticles4.mch',
10737 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/Physics/MovingParticles4.prob2trace',
10738 '-visb', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/Physics/four_bodies.json',
10739 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/Physics/MovingParticles4.html'], 'Check JSON replay and VisB HTML generation with reals').
10740 cli_testcase(2432, [tickets,theories], [
10741 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tickets/IllegalEvent/J_ClientServer_mch.eventb',
10742 '-mc', 100, '-nodead', '-cc', 17, 16], 'Check issue with adding non-default declaration to events solved').
10743 cli_testcase(2433, [rulesdsl], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10744 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Rules_Machines/RulesExample.rmch',
10745 '-execute_all',
10746 '-evalt', 'TestOnSuccess = "FAIL"',
10747 '-evalt', 'TestOnSuccess_Counterexamples = {(1,"fail for x = 0"),(1,"fail for x = 1"),(1,"fail for x = 2"),(1,"fail for x = 3"),(1,"fail for x = 4"),(1,"fail for x = 5")}',
10748 '-evalt', 'TestOnSuccess_Successful = {(1,"success for x = 3"),(1,"success for x = 5"),(2,"success for x = 4")}'
10749 ], 'Check success messages and counter examples of rulesdsl.').
10750 cli_testcase(2434, [cbc,infinite], [
10751 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/DecompositionNaturalNumber.mch',
10752 '-init', '-assertions'], 'Check example with infinite functions work').
10753 cli_testcase(2435, [rulesdsl], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10754 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Rules_Machines/TestDependency.rmch',
10755 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 6,
10756 '-evalt', 'check_y="SUCCESS"', '-evalt', 'check_y_Counterexamples={}',
10757 '-evalt', 'check_y_sum="SUCCESS"', '-evalt', 'check_y_sum_Counterexamples={}',
10758 '-evalt', 'set_limit="EXECUTED"', '-evalt', 'limit=10',
10759 '-evalt', 'set_x_to_prime="EXECUTED"', '-evalt', 'x={13}',
10760 '-evalt', 'set_y_to_next_primes="EXECUTED"', '-evalt', 'y={13,17,19,23}'
10761 ], 'Check simple Rules machine').
10762 cli_testcase(2436, [cbc,infinite,smt_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'FALSE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
10763 '-evalt', 'a:1..10 & c:1..10 & f(a)=c & f:NATURAL1 --> NATURAL1',
10764 '-evalt', 'f(a)=c & f:NATURAL1 --> NATURAL1 & a:1..10 & c:1..10',
10765 '-evalt', 'f(2)=3 & f(3)=4 & f:NATURAL1 --> NATURAL1'
10766 ], 'check force_in_domain does not instantiate too early').
10767 cli_testcase(2437, [cbc,infinite], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'FALSE', '-p', 'SMT', 'TRUE',
10768 '-evalt', 'cs = INTEGER \\ (1..100) & x: cs & x>0',
10769 '-evalf', 'cs = INTEGER \\ (1..1000) & x: cs & x>0 & x<999',
10770 '-evalt', 'cs = INTEGER \\ (1..1000) & x: cs & x>2',
10771 '-evalt', '(x<1 or x>100) & x>0',
10772 '-evalt', 'x /: 1..100 & x>0'
10773 ], 'check not element of avl interval propagates CLPFD info').
10774 cli_testcase(2438, [b_test,proz,theories], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10775 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/FreeTypeNonRecursive.mch',
10776 '-init', '-assertions'], 'Check examples with finite freetypes').
10777 cli_testcase(2439, [laws,theories], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10778 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsFreeType.mch',
10779 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsFreeType2.mch',
10780 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsFreeType3.mch',
10781 '-mc', '740', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict'], 'Mathematical Laws about sets with finite freetype elements'). % has more than 513 = 8*8*8+1 states as freetype(Id) value not normalised
10782 cli_testcase(2440, [laws,theories], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10783 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SeqLawsFreeType.mch',
10784 '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict'], 'Mathematical Laws about sequences with finite freetype elements').
10785 cli_testcase(2441, [laws,theories], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10786 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLawsFreeType.mch',
10787 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLawsFreeType2.mch',
10788 '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict',
10789 '-p', 'DOUBLE_EVALUATION', 'TRUE', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Mathematical Laws about relations with finite freetype elements').
10790 cli_testcase(2442, [laws,theories], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10791 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SeqLawsFreeType2.mch',
10792 '-noass', % they still lead to a time-out
10793 '-mc', '500', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict'], 'Mathematical Laws about sequences with finite freetype elements').
10794 cli_testcase(2443, [laws,eventb_test,theories], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10795 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/SetLaws.eventb',
10796 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Laws/SetLaws2_mch.eventb',
10797 '-mc', '513', '-cs', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict'], 'Mathematical Laws about sets with finite freetype elements').
10798 cli_testcase(2444, [laws,theories], [
10799 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsPowFreetypes.mch', % 4098 states
10800 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsPowBOOL.mch',
10801 '-mc', '500', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Laws about sets of sets with freetypes').
10802 cli_testcase(2445, [laws,theories], [
10803 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsPowPowFreetypes.mch',
10804 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/SetLawsPowPowBOOL.mch',
10805 '-mc', '50', '-nogoal', '-nodead', '-strict', '-expcterr', 'model_check_incomplete'], 'Laws about sets of sets of sets with freetypes').
10806 cli_testcase(2446, [satsolver_test], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10807 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/B2SAT/isomorphism/Iso2.mch',
10808 '-init', '-assertions'
10809 ], 'Check example with equality for graph1 late in properties works').
10810 cli_testcase(2447, [json_trace_replay,b_test], [
10811 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpParameters/OpAnyParaTest.mch', '-prob-profile',
10812 '-expecterr', 'virtual_time_out',
10813 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpParameters/OpAnyParaTest.prob2trace'], 'Check JSON replay with virtual ANY params').
10814 cli_testcase(2448, [json_trace_replay,operation_reuse], [
10815 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpParameters/OpAnyParaTest.mch', '-prob-profile',
10816 '-expecterr', 'virtual_time_out', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE', 'TRUE',
10817 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/OpParameters/OpAnyParaTest.prob2trace'], 'Check enum warnings preserved by caching'). % so that JSON trace replay attempts execution by predicate
10818 cli_testcase(2449, [b_test], [
10819 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/INCLUDES_USES_SEES/InitialisationOverride/TestOverrideInit2.mch',
10820 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/INCLUDES_USES_SEES/InitialisationOverride/TestOverrideInit3.mch',
10821 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/INCLUDES_USES_SEES/InitialisationOverride/TestOverrideInit4.mch',
10822 '-p', 'ALLOW_INITIALISATION_OVERRIDE', 'TRUE', '--model-check', '-nodead', '-cc',2,1], 'Check new feature to allow overriding INITIALISATION').
10823 cli_testcase(2450, [b_test], [
10824 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/INCLUDES_USES_SEES/InitialisationOverride/TestOverrideInit2.mch',
10825 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/INCLUDES_USES_SEES/InitialisationOverride/TestOverrideInit3.mch',
10826 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/INCLUDES_USES_SEES/InitialisationOverride/TestOverrideInit4.mch',
10827 '-p', 'ALLOW_INITIALISATION_OVERRIDE', 'FALSE', '-expecterr', 'type_error', '-expecterr', 'load_main_file'], 'Check error when new feature not activated').
10828 cli_testcase(2451, [b_test,external,hash], [
10829 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/SHA/TestShaHashFile.mch', '-init', '-assertions'], 'Check SHA_HASH_FILE_HEX external function').
10830 cli_testcase(2452, [tickets,private], [
10831 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ClearSy/Tickets/mejia_exception/DLFunctions_1.mch', '-init', '-assertions', '-p', 'TIME_OUT', 2500], 'Check exception when doubling priority fixed').
10832 cli_testcase(2453, [b_test,json_trace_replay], [ '-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
10833 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/DefRecordFieldTest1.mch',
10834 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/DefRecordFieldTest1.prob2trace'
10835 ], 'Check definition can rewrite record fields').
10836 cli_testcase(2454, [b_test], [
10838 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/DefRecordFieldTest2_err.mch', '-init',
10839 '-expcterrpos', 'type_error', 5, 21,
10840 '-expcterrpos', 'definition_rewrite', 9, 13, '-expcterr', load_main_file
10841 ], 'Check illegal definition rewrite of record field detected').
10842 cli_testcase(2455, [json_trace_replay,visb], [
10843 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/GroupExample2.mch',
10844 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/GroupExample2.prob2trace',
10845 '-visb', '',
10846 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/GroupExample2.html'], 'Check PROB_REQUIRED_VERSION definition and using tuples for VISB_SVG_OBJECTS').
10847 cli_testcase(2456, [b_test], [
10849 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ProBRequiredVersionTest.mch', '-init',
10850 '-expcterrpos', 'prob_too_old', 3, 26], 'Check PROB_REQUIRED_VERSION reports prob too old').
10851 cli_testcase(2457, [json_trace_replay,b_test], [
10853 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/DefTestIdentifierList.mch',
10854 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/DefTestIdentifierList.prob2trace'], 'Check definition with list of ids can be used').
10855 cli_testcase(2458, [json_trace_replay,visb], [
10857 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/GroupExample3.mch',
10858 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/GroupExample3.prob2trace',
10859 '-visb', '',
10860 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/GroupExample3.html'], 'Check new group_id feature').
10861 cli_testcase(2459, [b_test,wd], [
10862 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error,
10863 '-evalnwd', 'x={i,j|i:0..10 & j={v|v:0..i & v/(10-i) > 0}}',
10864 '-evalnwd', 'x={i,j,k|i:0..10 & k={v|v:0..i & v mod 2 =0} & j={v|v:0..i & v/(10-i) > 0}}',
10865 '-evalnwd', 'x={i,j,k|i:0..10 & j={v|v:0..i & v/(10-i) > 0} & k={v|v:0..i & v mod 2 =0} }',
10866 '-evalt', 'x={i,j,k|i:0..10 & j={v|v:0..i & v/(10-i) > 0} & k={v|v:0..i & v mod 2 =0} & 3:k}',
10867 '-evalt', 'LIM:9..10 & r={x|x/={} & x={i,j,k|i:0..LIM & j={v|v:0..i & v/(10-i) > 0} & k={v|v:0..i & v mod 2 =0}}} & LIM<10',
10868 '-evalnwd', 'LIM:9..10 & r={x|x/={} & x={i,j,k|i:0..LIM & j={v|v:0..i & v/(10-i) > 0} & k={v|v:0..i & v mod 2 =0}}} & LIM>9',
10869 '-evalnwd', 'res={LIM,r|LIM:9..10 & r={x|x/={} & x={i,j,k|i:0..LIM & j={v|v:0..i & v/(10-i) > 0} & k={v|v:0..i & v mod 2 =0}}} }',
10870 '-evalt', 'res={LIM,r|LIM:8..10 & r={x|x/={} & x={i,j,k|i:0..LIM & j={v|v:0..i & v/(10-i) > 0} & k={v|v:0..i & v mod 2 =0}}} & {ll|ll:8..LIM & ll mod 2=0} = {8}} & card(res)=2',
10871 '-evalnwd', 'res={LIM,r|LIM:8..10 & r={x|x/={} & x={i,j,k|i:0..LIM & j={v|v:0..i & v/(10-i) > 0} & k={v|v:0..i & v mod 2 =0}}} & {ll|ll:8..LIM & ll mod 2=0} = {8,10}}'
10872 % TODO: this should probably be caught as not WD,
10873 % we need to avoid assigning set compr result in case of WD error which makes card fail
10874 % res={LIM,r|LIM:8..10 & r={x|x/={} & x={i,j,k|i:0..LIM & j={v|v:0..i & v/(10-i) > 0} & k={v|v:0..i & v mod 2 =0}}} & {ll|ll:8..LIM & ll mod 2=0} = {8,10}} & card(res)=2
10875 ],
10876 'Check wd treatment for nested set comprehensions').
10877 cli_testcase(2460, [private_source_not_available], [
10878 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2024/wd_test/scenario_figure_24_prob.prob',
10879 '-trace_replay', 'json','../private_examples/ClearSy/2024/wd_test/scenario_figure_24_prob.prob2trace',
10880 '-evalnwd', 'GET_IS_ENABLED("rbc_calcul_loc_dht_aval")=TRUE',
10881 '-expcterr', well_definedness_error,
10882 '-visb', '',
10883 '../private_examples/ClearSy/2024/wd_test/scenario_figure_24_prob.html'], 'Check wd error detected').
10884 cli_testcase(2461, [b_test,infinite], [
10885 '-evalt', 'f = prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER) & comp = ((f ; [11,22,33]) ; succ) & res = comp(2,99999)',
10886 '-evalt', 'f = prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER) & comp = (f ; ([11,22,33] ; succ)) & res = comp(2,99999)', % already worked before
10887 '-evalt', 'f = prj1(NATURAL,INTEGER) & comp = ((f ; [11,22,33,44,55]) ; succ) & res = comp(5,99999)',
10888 '-evalt', ' f = prj1(2..3,INTEGER) & comp = ((f ; [11,22,33,44,55]) ; succ) & 34=comp(3,1)',
10889 '-evalt', 'f = prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER) & comp = ((f ; [11,22,33,44,55]) ; succ) & comp[(2..2)*{1}] = {23}',
10890 '-evalt', 'f = prj1(INTEGER,INTEGER) & comp = ((f ; [11,22,33,44,55]) ; succ) & comp[(2..3)*{1}] = {23,34}',
10891 '-evalt', 'f = prj1(NATURAL,INTEGER) & comp = ((f ; [11,22,33,44,55]) ; succ) & comp[(2..2)*{1}] = {23}'
10892 ], 'Check some infinite compositions now work by detecting projection').
10893 cli_testcase(2462, [b_test,external,records,rulesdsl,xml], [
10894 '../prob_examples/examples/Rules/railML_FLB/RailML3_validation.rmch',
10895 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 234, %'-animate-stats',
10896 '-evalt', 'card(warnings_tvdSection_Counterexamples)=2 & warnings_tvdSection_Successful={}'
10897 ], 'Test larger railML example'). % generates enum warnings
10898 cli_testcase(2463, [b_test,external,recursion,infinite], [
10900 '../prob_examples/examples/B/SupervisoryControl/non_ground_closure/section5_1_5_2.mch',
10901 '-model-check', '-expecterr', model_check_incomplete, '-cc', 4, 46
10902 ], 'Test supervisory control example which used to generate non-ground closure message').
10903 cli_testcase(2464, [b_test,external,recursion,infinite], [
10905 '../prob_examples/examples/B/SupervisoryControl/performance_test/test_composite_component_LB_processing.mch',
10906 '-execute_all', '-execute_expect_steps', 7
10907 ], 'Test supervisory control example which used to take very long'). % 370 secs in version 1.7.1, 24 secs in 1.8.0 and 3 secs in 1.13.1
10908 cli_testcase(2465, [tickets,json_trace_replay], [
10910 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/ForallBothTrueFalse_NotCallResidue/ProB_Rodin_PO_SelectedHyps.mch',
10911 '-trace_replay', 'json','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/ForallBothTrueFalse_NotCallResidue/ProB_Rodin_PO_SelectedHyps.prob2trace'
10912 ], 'Test call residue in disprover mode solved').
10913 cli_testcase(2466, [b_test,cbc], [
10915 '-evalt', 'chams:POW({TRUE}*STRING*INTEGER) & cproj={("a"|->13),("b"|->17),("c"|->19)} & cproj = {c2,c3| TRUE|->c2|->c3:chams}', % worked before
10916 '-evalt', 'chams:POW({TRUE}*STRING*INTEGER) & col={"b"}& cproj:col-->INTEGER & cproj[{"b"}]={13} & cproj = {c2,c3| TRUE|->c2|->c3:chams}',
10917 '-evalt', 'chams:POW({TRUE}*STRING*INTEGER) & col={"b","r","y"}& cproj:col-->INTEGER & cproj[{"b"}]={13} & cproj[{"r"}]={15} & cproj[{"y"}]={17} & cproj = {c2,c3| TRUE|->c2|->c3:chams}',
10918 '-evalt', 'col={"b","r","y"} & res={chams,cproj | chams:POW({TRUE}*STRING*INTEGER) & cproj:col-->INTEGER & cproj[{"b"}]={13} & cproj[{"r"}]={15} & cproj[{"y"}]={17} & cproj = {c2,c3| TRUE|->c2|->c3:chams} & !(i,j,k).((i,j,k):chams => i=TRUE & (j,k):cproj)} & card(res)=1', % added universal quantification
10919 '-evalt', 'col={"b","r","y"} & res={chams,cproj | chams:POW({TRUE}*STRING*INTEGER) & cproj:col-->INTEGER & cproj[{"b"}]={13} & cproj[{"r"}]={15} & cproj[{"y"}]={17} & cproj = {c2,c3| TRUE|->c2|->c3:chams} }', % requires propagation from body of closure to result
10920 '-evalt', 'col={"b","r","y"} & res={chams,cproj | chams:POW({TRUE}*STRING*INTEGER) & cproj:col-->INTEGER & cproj[{"b"}]={13} & cproj[{"r"}]={15} & cproj[{"y"}]={17} & /*@symbolic*/{c2,c3| TRUE|->c2|->c3:chams}<:cproj }'
10921 %
10922 ], 'Check closure expansion results are lazily checked').
10923 % does not work yet:
10924 % col={"b","r","y"} & res={chams,cproj | chams:POW({TRUE}*STRING*INTEGER) & cproj:col-->INTEGER & cproj[{"b"}]={13} & cproj[{"r"}]={15} & cproj[{"y"}]={17} & {c2,c3| TRUE|->c2|->c3:chams}<:cproj }
10925 % we need to use b_compute_comprehension_set_symbolic for arg1 of <:
10926 cli_testcase(2467, [cbc,alloy], [
10928 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Alloy/Alloy6/chameleons_schmidt_Internal1b.mch',
10929 '-model-check', '-cc', 362, 992
10930 ], 'Test adapted version of conversion of Alloy6 chameleon model').
10931 cli_testcase(2468, [b_test,cbc], [
10933 '-evalt', '{} /= {x|x>10 & x< 7000000 & x mod 10 = 0}', % takes 0.7 secs when expanded
10934 '-evalt', '{x|x>10 & x< 7000000 & x mod 10 = 0} /= {}',
10935 '-evalt', '{} /= {x|x>10 & x< 7000000 & x mod 10 = 0}',
10936 '-evalt', '{i|i:1..100 & {x|x>10 & x< 7000000+i & x mod 10 = 0} /= {}} = 1..100', % now takes 3 ms
10937 '-evalt', '{i|i:1..100 & {} /= {x|x>10 & x< 7000000+i & x mod 10 = 0} } = 1..100',
10938 '-evalt', '{i|i:1..100 & {} /= {x|x>10 & x< 10+i & x mod 100 = 0} } = 91..100'
10939 ], 'Test comprehension sets not expanded').
10940 cli_testcase(2469,[wd,wd_prover],[
10941 '-evalt', ':prove x:POW1(BOOL) => x \\/ y /= {}',
10942 '-evalu', ':prove x:POW1(BOOL) => x \\ y /= {}',
10943 '-evalu', ':prove x:POW1(BOOL) & x<:y => x \\ y /= {}',
10944 '-evalt', ':prove x:POW1(BOOL) & x/<:y => x \\ y /= {}',
10945 '-evalt', ':prove x:POW1(BOOL) & y<<:x => x \\ y /= {}',
10946 '-evalu', ':prove a <: b & a<:BOOL => b\\a = {}',
10947 '-evalt', ':prove a <: b & a<:BOOL => a\\b = {}',
10948 '-evalt', ':prove a <<: b & a<:BOOL => a\\b = {}',
10949 '-evalt', ':prove a = b & a<:BOOL => a\\b = {}',
10950 '-evalt', ':prove a = b & a<:BOOL => POW1(a\\b) = {}',
10951 '-evalt', ':prove a <: b & a<:BOOL => x /: a\\b',
10952 '-evalt', ':prove a <: b & a<:BOOL => x /\\ a\\b = {}',
10953 '-evalt', ':prove a<b => a..b /= {}',
10954 '-evalt', ':prove a<b => b..a = {}',
10955 '-evalt', ':prove a<b => POW1(b..a) = {}',
10956 '-evalt', ':prove a<b => dom((POW1(b..a)*NATURAL)~) = {}',
10957 '-evalu', ':prove x<<:{1} => {}=x<->x',
10958 '-evalt', ':prove x<<:{1} => {}/=x<->x',
10959 '-evalu', ':prove x<<:{1,2} => {}/={1}<<->x',
10960 '-evalu', ':prove x<<:{1,2} => {}/={1}-->x',
10961 '-evalt', ':prove x<<:{1,2} => {}/=x<<->{1}',
10962 '-evalt', ':prove x<<:{1,2} => {}/=x-->{1}',
10963 '-evalt', ':prove x<<:{1,2} => {}/=x<<->x',
10964 '-evalt', ':prove x<<:{1,2} => {}/=x-->x',
10965 '-evalt', ':prove a<b => {}/=(b..a)<<->(x..b)', % empty set is a total relation
10966 '-evalt', ':prove a<b => {}/=(b..a)-->(x..b)',
10967 '-evalt', ':prove a<b => {}=(a..b)<<->(b..a)',
10968 '-evalt', ':prove a<b => {}=(a..b)-->(b..a)',
10969 '-evalt', ':prove a<b => {}/={1}<<->(a..b)',
10970 '-evalt', ':prove a<b => {}/={1}-->(a..b)',
10971 '-evalt', ':prove x<<:{1} => {}=x',
10972 '-evalt', ':prove x/<<:{1} => {}/=x',
10973 '-evalu', ':prove x<<:{2,1} => {}=x',
10974 '-evalt', ':prove x:BOOL => card({x}) = 1',
10975 '-evalt', ':prove not({{TRUE}} <: { {} } )',
10976 '-evalt', ':prove x:BOOL => not({{x}} <: { {} } )',
10977 '-evalt', ':prove x:BOOL => union({{x}}) /= {}',
10978 '-evalt', ':prove x:BOOL & s={x} => union({s}) /= {}',
10979 '-evalt', ':prove x:BOOL & s={x} => union({s,s2,s3}) /= {}',
10980 '-evalt', ':prove x:BOOL => not({x} : {{}})',
10981 % '-evalt', ':prove x:BOOL & {x}:s => not( s <: { {} })',
10982 '-evalt', ':prove x=1 & not(x=1) => y=77', % detect false_hyp
10983 '-evalt', ':prove not(x>=2) & x>1 => y=33',
10984 '-evalt', ':prove (x=1 => y>1) => (x=1 => y>1)', % trigger implications
10985 '-evalt', ':prove (x=1 => y>1) => (x=1 => y>0)',
10986 '-evalt', ':prove (x=1 => y>1) & x=1 => y>0',
10987 '-evalu', ':prove (x=1 => y=77) & not(y=78) => (x=1 => z>3)',
10988 '-evalt', ':prove (x=1 => y=77) & not(y=77) => (x=1 => z>3)',
10989 '-evalt', ':prove (x=1 => y=1) & (y=1 => (x=1 => v=11)) & x=1 => v=11',
10990 '-evalt', ':prove (x=1 => y=1) & (y=1 => (x=1 <=> v=11)) & x=1 => v=11',
10991 '-evalt', ':prove (x=1 => y=1) & (y=1 => (not(v=11) => not(x=1))) & x=1 => v=11',
10992 '-evalt', ':prove (x=1 => y=1) & (x=1 => z=2) & ((y=1 & z=2) => v=11) & x=1 => v=11',
10993 '-evalt', ':prove (x=1 => (y=1 & z=2)) & ((y=1 & z=2) => v=11) & x=1 => v=11',
10994 '-evalt', ':prove (x=1 => (y=1 & z=2 & w=3)) & ((y=1 & z=2 & w=3) => v=11) & x=1 => v=11',
10995 '-evalu', ':prove (x=1 => (y=1 & z=2 & w=3)) & v=5 & ((y=1 & z=2 & w=3 & v=4) => v=11) & x=1 => v=11',
10996 '-evalu', ':prove (x=1 => (y=1 & z=22 & w=3)) & v=4 & ((y=1 & z=2 & w=3 & v=4) => v=11) & x=1 => v=11',
10997 '-evalt', ':prove (x=1 => (y=1 & z=2 & w=3)) & v=4 & ((y=1 & z=2 & w=3 & v=4) => v=11) & x=1 => v=11',
10998 '-evalt', ':prove (x=1 => (z=2 & y=1 & w=3)) & v=4 & ((y=1 & v=4 & z=2 & w=3) => v=11) & x=1 => v=11'
10999 % :prove (not(x=1) or y=22) => (x=1 => y=22)
11000 % :prove (not(x=1) or y>1) => (x=1 => y>0)
11001 ], 'check not_empty set proof rules').
11002 cli_testcase(2470, [wd], [
11003 '-evalt', ':wd (%p.(p:NATURAL|(%t.(t:NATURAL|t+1))))(1)(0)=1'
11004 ], 'check wd works with useless lets and nested function applications').
11005 cli_testcase(2471, [wd], [
11006 '-evalt', ':prove s: BOOL >->> BOOL => s : BOOL >+> BOOL',
11007 '-evalt', ':prove s: BOOL >->> BOOL => s : BOOL --> BOOL',
11008 '-evalt', ':prove s: BOOL >->> BOOL => s : BOOL >-> BOOL',
11009 '-evalu', ':prove s: {TRUE} --> BOOL => s : BOOL >-> BOOL',
11010 '-evalt', ':prove s: {TRUE} >-> BOOL => s : BOOL +-> BOOL',
11011 '-evalt', ':wd gn = %s.(s: BOOL >+> BOOL | s) & sv: BOOL >->> BOOL & res=gn(sv)',
11012 '-evalt', ':wd f:BOOL +-> BOOL & g:BOOL +-> BOOL & d=dom(f;g) & x:d & res=(f;g)(x)',
11013 '-evalt', ':wd f : I --> INTEGER & I=1..2 & f<: I*I & y:I & res=f(f(y))',
11014 '-evalt', ':wd f : I --> INTEGER & I=1..2 & fi<: I*I & fi~=f & y:I & res=f(f(y))',
11015 '-evalt', ':wd f : I --> INTEGER & I=1..2 & fi<: I*I & f~=fi & y:I & res=f(f(y))',
11016 '-evalt', ':wd f : I --> INTEGER & I=1..2 & fi<: I*I & fi~=(f~)~ & y:I & res=f(f(y))',
11017 '-evalt', ':prove f:{TRUE}+->BOOL & g:BOOL+->BOOL => dom(f;g) <: {TRUE}',
11018 '-evalt', ':prove A<:NATURAL & f:A+->BOOL & g:BOOL+->BOOL => dom(f;g) <: A',
11019 '-evalt', ':prove s:iseq(NATURAL) & dom(s) <: A => dom(tail(s)) <: A',
11020 '-evalt', ':prove s:iseq(NATURAL) & dom(s) <: A => dom(front(s)) <: A',
11021 '-evalt', ':prove dom(s) <: D & s:seq(BOOL) => dom(s \\|/ k) <: D',
11022 '-evalt', ':prove dom(s) <: D & s:seq(BOOL) => dom(s /|\\ k) <: D'
11023 ], 'check function transitivity and domain/range inference rules').
11024 cli_testcase(2472, [external,json_trace_replay], ['-p', 'STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS', 'TRUE',
11025 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/JSON/ReadProB2JSONNew.mch',
11026 '-trace_replay', 'json', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExternalFunctions/JSON/ReadProB2JSONNew.prob2trace'
11027 ], 'Check READ_JSON').
11029 % /Users/leuschel/git_root/prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter.mch -ctlformula 'AG {c<mx}' -p MAXINT 10
11030 % store counter example
11032 % sicstus -l tests/test_runner.pl --goal "id(690-694)."
11033 % INSERT NEW TESTCASES ABOVE THIS LINE; cli_testcase is sorted in ascending order
11034 % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11036 % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11037 % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11039 % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
11041 % cli_testcase_diff_check_output is sorted in descending order
11043 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(2402,
11044 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/MultiLevel/TestMC_m1_sim_error.dot',
11045 '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/MultiLevel/TestMC_m1_sim_error_saved.dot').
11046 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(2220,
11047 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/TrafficLight/TrafficLight_Trace.txt',
11048 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/VisB/TrafficLight/TrafficLight_Trace_Saved.txt').
11049 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(2190,
11050 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/RefinementChecks_A_spec.P',
11051 '../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/RefinementChecks_A_spec_saved.P').
11052 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(2154,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PartitionPrettyPrintBug/ABZ16_m4_pp.mch',
11053 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/PartitionPrettyPrintBug/ABZ16_m4_Internal.mch').
11054 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(2094,'../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Google_Group/Einstein/TLA_Examples/prob_cbc_counterexample_test2094.mch',
11055 '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Google_Group/Einstein/TLA_Examples/prob_cbc_counterexample.mch').
11056 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(2093,'../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Google_Group/Einstein/TLA_Examples/prob_bmc_counterexample_test2093.mch',
11057 '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/TLA_Google_Group/Einstein/TLA_Examples/prob_bmc_counterexample.mch').
11058 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(2061,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result_true.txt').
11059 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(2051,
11060 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ReadWriteAnalysis/BecomesSuchTest2_rw.csv',
11061 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ReadWriteAnalysis/BecomesSuchTest2_rw_saved.csv').
11062 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(2050,
11063 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ReadWriteAnalysis/BecomesSuchTest_rw.csv',
11064 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/ReadWriteAnalysis/BecomesSuchTest_rw_saved.csv').
11065 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(2035,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/DeadlockTest_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/DeadlockTest_his_saved.txt').
11066 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(2031,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CAN_BUS_tlc_rw_matrix.csv','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CAN_BUS_tlc_rw_matrix_saved.csv').
11067 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1941,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/LinkingInvariants/M1_invariant.dot', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/LinkingInvariants/M1_invariant_saved.dot').
11068 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1941,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/LinkingInvariants/M1_hierarchy.dot', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/RefinementChecking/LinkingInvariants/M1_hierarchy_saved.dot').
11069 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1937,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/TestLabel_pp.mch','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/TestLabel_pp_saved.mch').
11071 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1915,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/etcs/actions_feasibility.csv',
11072 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/etcs/actions_feasibility_saved.csv').
11073 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1904,'../prob_examples/examples/B/ASTD/wetransfer-545a33/Case_Study_Handmade/TRAIN_CONTROL_M6_rw_matrix.csv',
11074 '../prob_examples/examples/B/ASTD/wetransfer-545a33/Case_Study_Handmade/TRAIN_CONTROL_M6_rw_matrix_saved.csv').
11075 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1840,'../prob_examples/public_examples/Latex/tests/prob_latex_doc.tex',
11076 '../prob_examples/public_examples/Latex/tests/prob_latex_doc_saved.tex').
11077 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1837,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Enabling/OpCallSelect_feasibility.csv',
11078 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Enabling/OpCallSelect_feasibility_saved.csv').
11079 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1810,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/UnicodeSupport/TestUmlauteInString_Internal.mch',
11080 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/UnicodeSupport/TestUmlauteInString_Internal_Saved.mch').
11081 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1797,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Concurrent_Program_Development/conc_4_rw_matrix.csv',
11082 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Concurrent_Program_Development/conc_4_rw_matrix_saved.csv').
11083 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1793,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Amira_Genisys/ConferenceReviewSystem/Functional_Simplified_v2_enabling.csv',
11084 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Amira_Genisys/ConferenceReviewSystem/Functional_Simplified_v2_enabling_saved.csv').
11085 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1771,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Enabling/OpParameterTests_enabling_analysis.csv', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Enabling/OpParameterTests_enabling_analysis_saved.csv').
11086 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1770,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Enabling/ChoiceByPredicate_enabling_analysis.csv', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/Enabling/ChoiceByPredicate_enabling_analysis_saved.csv').
11087 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1703,'../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance/CAN_Bus/CB3FSMM_mch_v2_enabling_analysis.csv', '../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance/CAN_Bus/CB3FSMM_mch_v2_enabling_analysis_saved.csv').
11088 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1702,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_enabling_analysis.csv', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_enabling_analysis_saved.csv').
11089 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1676,'../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Soton/MCM_Tests/tests.xml', '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Soton/MCM_Tests/FENCEM7_mcm_tests_1675_saved.xml').
11090 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1675,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/MCM_Tests/SimpleTestModel_mcm_tests.xml', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/MCM_Tests/SimpleTestModel_mcm_tests_saved.xml').
11091 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1665,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/Records_internal.mch',
11092 % '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/Records_internal_saved.mch').
11093 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1543,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Beauger2/bug_not_labels_corrected_ppf.mch','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Beauger2/bug_not_labels_corrected_ppf_saved.mch').
11094 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1494,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/NoDisablings_mx5_Coverage.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/NoDisablings_mx5_Coverage_saved.txt').
11095 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1493,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/SkippingComplexGuardsEvaluation_mch_mx5000_Coverage.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/SkippingComplexGuardsEvaluation_mch_mx5000_Coverage_saved.txt').
11096 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1451,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result_true.txt').
11097 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1439,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/LambdaInverse/LambdaInverseBehaviour.sptxt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/LambdaInverse/LambdaInverseBehaviour_saved.sptxt').
11098 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1405,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/VerySimpleDFA_transition_diagram.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/VerySimpleDFA_transition_diagram_saved.dot').
11099 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1402,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result_true.txt').
11100 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1389,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result_defset.txt').
11101 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1388,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result_true.txt').
11102 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1387,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result_enumwarning.txt').
11103 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1386,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result.txt','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/DisproverProject/ProB_Result_false.txt').
11104 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1383,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/Ticket_Dec08_2014/Segment_refAdhesionLevel_GER5_sptxt.txt','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/Ticket_Dec08_2014/Segment_refAdhesionLevel_GER5_sptxt_saved.txt').
11105 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1378,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_SIGAREA_0024_ori.his','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_SIGAREA_0024_ori_saved.his').
11106 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1377,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_2_ori.his','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_2_ori_saved.his').
11107 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1377,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_2_ori.sptxt','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_2_ori_saved.sptxt').
11108 % the provided counter-example varies for test 1366:
11109 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1366,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/TimingExampleSimpler_v2_his.txt',
11110 % '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SymbolicModelChecking/TimingExampleSimpler_v2_his_saved.txt').
11111 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1364,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_his.txt',
11112 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_his_ctl_saved.txt').
11113 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1363,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his.txt',
11114 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his_ctl20_saved.txt').
11115 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1360,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/FeasibilityOperationCheck_feasibility.csv',
11116 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/FeasibilityOperationCheck_feasibility_saved.csv').
11117 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1358,'../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Savary/R08_ByteArray_enum_partition_feasibility.csv',
11118 '../prob_examples/examples/EventBPrologPackages/Savary/R08_ByteArray_enum_partition_feasibility_saved.csv').
11119 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1357,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_cbc_tests.xml',
11120 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_cbc_tests_saved.xml').
11121 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1341,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/Bakery0_all_paths.xml',
11122 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/Bakery0_all_paths_saved.xml').
11123 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1339,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/GenericUsageOfSquare_internal.mch',
11124 % '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/GenericUsageOfSquare_internal_saved.mch').
11125 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1319,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_bf_states.P','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_bf_saved_states.P').
11126 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1271,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen10/PrettyPrintBug_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Hansen10/PrettyPrintBug_his_saved.txt').
11127 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1196,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr.csv','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr_saved.csv').
11128 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1148,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/peterson_R_Coverage_POR.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/peterson_R_Coverage_saved.txt').
11129 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1147,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/em_abs_Coverage_POR.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/Peterson/em_abs_Coverage_saved.txt').
11130 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1144,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/BPEL2B/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v5_Coverage_POR.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BenchmarksPOR/BPEL2B/Model_Machine_4_NoDeadlock_v5_Coverage_saved.txt').
11131 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1119,'../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Tickets/Bauer/machine_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/CSPB/Tickets/Bauer/machine_his_saved.txt').
11132 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1116,'../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/UnicodeIds_spdot.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Tests/UnicodeIds_spdot_saved.dot').
11133 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1045,'../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Deploy/Bosch/CruiseControl/CrsCtl_m4_Coverage_pge.txt','../prob_examples/examples/RodinModels/Deploy/Bosch/CruiseControl/CrsCtl_m4_Coverage.txt').
11134 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1044,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/EventB/EventB_Projekt/lift_solution_Coverage_pge.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/EventB/EventB_Projekt/lift_solution_Coverage.txt').
11135 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1043,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CAN_BUS_tlc.cov','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CAN_BUS_tlc_saved.cov').
11136 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(1033,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler_transition_diagram.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/scheduler_transition_diagram_saved.dot').
11137 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(989,'../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/PerformanceTests/LargeConstants_ctx_internal.mch','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/PerformanceTests/LargeConstants_ctx_internal_saved.mch').
11138 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(988,'../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/Copy_spmdot.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/Copy_spmdot_saved.dot').
11139 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(988,'../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/Copy_spddot.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/simple/Copy_spddot_saved.dot').
11140 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(987,'../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance/CAN_Bus/CB3FSMM_mch_v2_por.cov','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Advance/CAN_Bus/CB3FSMM_mch_v2.cov').
11141 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(977,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BridgeTransitions_por.cov','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Ivo/BridgeTransitions.cov').
11142 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(982,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_1_ori.his','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_1_ori_saved.his').
11143 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(981,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_Route_0001ori.his','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_Route_0001ori_saved.his').
11144 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(980,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_SIGAREA_0024_ori.his','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_DB_SIGAREA_0024_ori_saved.his').
11145 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(979,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_2_ori.his','../prob_examples/examples/B/Alstom/CompilatonProject/Regles/Rule_TMS_Overlap_0017_2_ori_saved.his').
11146 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(957,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/DifferentUnitNotations_internal.mch',
11147 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/DifferentUnitNotations_internal_saved.mch').
11148 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(944,'../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/evalout.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/Eval/evalout_saved.dot').
11149 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(942,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/Case_internal.mch',
11150 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/Case_internal_saved.mch').
11151 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(894,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/minienabling_analysis.csv',
11152 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/minienabling_analysis_saved.csv').
11153 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(881,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/Choice_internal.mch',
11154 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/Choice_internal_saved.mch').
11155 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(865,'../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/TestingUnicodeFeatures_no_unicode.csp',
11156 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/TestingUnicodeFeatures_no_unicode_saved.csp').
11157 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(864,'../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/TestingUnicodeFeatures_unicode.csp',
11158 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/CSP/mydemos/OtherCoverageTests/TestingUnicodeFeatures_unicode_saved.csp').
11159 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(808,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr_state_graph.dot',
11160 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr_state_graph_saved.dot').
11161 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(767,'../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/BAC9_ZC/pas_as_env_inv_ld_sptxt.txt',
11162 '../prob_examples/examples/B/Siemens/BAC9_ZC/pas_as_env_inv_ld_sptxt_saved.txt').
11163 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(707,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m3_internal.mch',
11164 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m3_internal_saved.mch').
11165 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(706,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m2_internal.mch',
11166 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m2_internal_saved.mch').
11167 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(705,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m1_internal.mch',
11168 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m1_internal_saved.mch').
11169 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(704,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m0_internal.mch',
11170 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_nuclear/C_m0_internal_saved.mch').
11171 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(701,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_train/T_m1_internal.mch',
11172 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_train/T_m1_internal_saved.mch').
11173 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(700,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_train/T_m0_internal.mch',
11174 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/Abrial_Hybrid/hybrid_train/T_m0_internal_saved.mch').
11175 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(696,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InferenceTests/InvolvedConstraintUnitsUnsat_internal.mch',
11176 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InferenceTests/InvolvedConstraintUnitsUnsat_internal_saved.mch').
11177 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(695,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InferenceTests/InvolvedConstraintUnits_internal.mch',
11178 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InferenceTests/InvolvedConstraintUnits_internal_saved.mch').
11179 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(686,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/SequenceOperations_internal.mch',
11180 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/SequenceOperations_internal_saved.mch').
11181 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(683,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/AdditionConversion_internal.mch',
11182 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/AdditionConversion_internal_saved.mch').
11183 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(681,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/IntegerOperations_internal.mch',
11184 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/IntegerOperations_internal_saved.mch').
11185 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(680,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/fuel_i_internal.mch',
11186 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/fuel_i_internal_saved.mch').
11187 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(679,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/fuel0_internal.mch',
11188 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/fuel0_internal_saved.mch').
11189 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(678,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/ctx_i_internal.mch',
11190 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/ctx_i_internal_saved.mch').
11191 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(677,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/ctx_internal.mch',
11192 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/FuelLevel/ctx_internal_saved.mch').
11193 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(676,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/UserDefinedAlias_internal.mch',
11194 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/UserDefinedAlias_internal_saved.mch').
11195 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(675,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/IfTypeAndClash_internal.mch',
11196 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/IfTypeAndClash_internal_saved.mch').
11197 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(673,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/IrregularConversions_internal.mch',
11198 % '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/IrregularConversions_internal_saved.mch').
11199 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(667,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/TrafficLightWarning/System_internal.mch',
11200 % '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/TrafficLightWarning/System_internal_saved.mch').
11201 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(666,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/TrafficLightWarning/TrafficLight_internal.mch',
11202 % '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/TrafficLightWarning/TrafficLight_internal_saved.mch').
11203 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(665,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/TrafficLightWarning/Car_internal.mch',
11204 % '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/CaseStudies/TrafficLightWarning/Car_internal_saved.mch').
11205 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(662,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/KnownExponent_internal.mch',
11206 % '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/KnownExponent_internal_saved.mch').
11207 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(661,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/MultiplicationConversion_internal.mch',
11208 %'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/MultiplicationConversion_internal_saved.mch').
11209 %cli_testcase_diff_check_output(657,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/SimpleCorrectUsage_internal.mch',
11210 % '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PragmasUnits/InternalRepresentationTests/SimpleCorrectUsage_internal_saved.mch').
11211 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(634,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/Loop_statespace.dot',
11212 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Kodkod/Loop_statespace_saved.dot').
11213 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(616,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Partition_internal.mch',
11214 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tester/Partition_internal_saved.mch').
11215 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(613,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/AssertionPragmas_internal.mch',
11216 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Pragmas/AssertionPragmas_internal_saved.mch').
11217 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(540,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/SimpleCounter_results.xml',
11218 '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/TestCaseGeneration/SimpleCounter_results_saved.xml').
11220 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(514,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Voting/dot_output/NoCondorcetWinnerKodkod_A0_true.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Voting/dot_output/NoCondorcetWinnerKodkod_A0_true_saved.dot').
11221 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(514,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Voting/dot_output/NoCondorcetWinnerKodkod_A1_true.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Voting/dot_output/NoCondorcetWinnerKodkod_A1_true_saved.dot').
11222 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(514,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Voting/dot_output/NoCondorcetWinnerKodkod_A2_true.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Voting/dot_output/NoCondorcetWinnerKodkod_A2_true_saved.dot').
11223 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(514,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Voting/dot_output/NoCondorcetWinnerKodkod_A3_true.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Mathematical/Voting/dot_output/NoCondorcetWinnerKodkod_A3_true_saved.dot').
11226 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(584,'../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/ErrorTests/GraphIso_tla.mch', '../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/ErrorTests/GraphIso_tla_saved.mch').
11227 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(563,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/TestM_testcases.xml', '../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/TestM_testcases_saved.xml').
11228 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(562,'../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Pitesti/bank_testfile.xml','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Pitesti/bank_testfile_saved.xml').
11229 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(515,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_spdot.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_spdot_saved.dot').
11230 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(515,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_spmdot.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_spmdot_saved.dot').
11231 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(515,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_spddot.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Demo/scheduler_spddot_saved.dot').
11232 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(510,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws_internal.mch','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/RelLaws_internal_saved.mch').
11233 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(500,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_pp.mch','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_prettyprintedf.mch').
11234 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(499,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_pp.mch','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_prettyprintedf.mch').
11235 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(498,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_pp.mch','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_pp_saved.mch').
11236 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(497,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_pp.mch','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_prettyprinted.mch').
11237 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(451,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his_saved.txt').
11238 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(452,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his_saved2.txt').
11239 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(453,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his_saved3.txt').
11240 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(454,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his_saved4.txt').
11241 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(455,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_sptxt.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_sptxt_saved.txt').
11242 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(461,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/rel_fnc_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Daniel/rel_fnc_his_saved.txt').
11244 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(462,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_his_saved3.txt').
11245 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(463,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/SimpleDeadlock1_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/SimpleDeadlock1_his_saved.txt'). % FAILS with old write_history
11246 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(464,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/ProcessIDStarvation_InvErr_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/CBC/ProcessIDStarvation_InvErr_his_saved.txt').
11247 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(466,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/WhileLoopBench_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/WhileLoopBench_saved_his.txt').
11248 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(467,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/IFTHENELSE_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/FeatureChecks/IFTHENELSE_saved_his.txt').
11249 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(468,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Farmer_sptxt.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Farmer_saved_sptxt.txt').
11250 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(468,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Farmer_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/Farmer_saved_his.txt').
11251 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(469,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/LargeSets/LargeExplicitSet_sptxt.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/PerformanceTests/LargeSets/LargeExplicitSet_saved_sptxt.txt').
11252 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(470,'../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Train_Ch17/train_4_mch_lukas_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Train_Ch17/train_4_mch_lukas_saved_his.txt').
11253 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(470,'../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Train_Ch17/train_4_mch_lukas_sptxt.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/EventBPrologPackages/Abrial_Train_Ch17/train_4_mch_lukas_saved_sptxt.txt').
11254 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(471,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr_sptxt.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr_saved_sptxt.txt').
11255 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(471,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/CarlaTravelAgencyErr_saved_his.txt').
11256 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(472,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SchneiderBook/Chapter12/TownsRRR_sptxt.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SchneiderBook/Chapter12/TownsRRR_saved_sptxt.txt').
11257 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(472,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SchneiderBook/Chapter12/TownsRRR_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SchneiderBook/Chapter12/TownsRRR_saved_his.txt').
11258 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(473,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/SET_Game_Rec_sptxt.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/SET_Game_Rec_saved_sptxt.txt').
11259 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(473,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/SET_Game_Rec_his.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/NewSyntax/SET_Game_Rec_saved_his.txt').
11260 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(474,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExpressionViewer/dot_output/TotFunAnalyseTest_A0_true.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExpressionViewer/dot_output/TotFunAnalyseTest_A0_true_saved.dot').
11261 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(474,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExpressionViewer/dot_output/TotFunAnalyseTest_A1_false.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExpressionViewer/dot_output/TotFunAnalyseTest_A1_false_saved.dot').
11262 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(474,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExpressionViewer/dot_output/TotFunAnalyseTest_A2_false.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExpressionViewer/dot_output/TotFunAnalyseTest_A2_false_saved.dot').
11263 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(474,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExpressionViewer/dot_output/TotFunAnalyseTest_A3_false.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExpressionViewer/dot_output/TotFunAnalyseTest_A3_false_saved.dot').
11264 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(474,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExpressionViewer/dot_output/TotFunAnalyseTest_A4_false.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/ExpressionViewer/dot_output/TotFunAnalyseTest_A4_false_saved.dot').
11265 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(476,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Mejia1/TestInit_statespace.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Tickets/Mejia1/TestInit_statespace_saved.dot').
11266 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(479,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/WhoKilledAgatha_statespace.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/WhoKilledAgatha_statespace_saved.dot').
11267 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(480,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_statespace.dot','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Benchmarks/Cruise_finite1_statespace_saved.dot').
11268 cli_testcase_diff_check_output(383,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/SudokuHexAsConstant_sptxt.txt','../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Puzzles/SudokuHexAsConstant_sptxt_saved.txt').
11270 % specify that a testcase output file should not be deleted before running the tests
11271 cli_testcase_do_not_delete(584,'../prob_examples/public_examples/TLA/ErrorTests/GraphIso_tla.mch').
11273 % declaration of additinoal testcase files; in order to be able to generate archives
11274 % of standalone tests
11275 extra_testcase_file(305,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/REPL_UNIT_TESTS0.def').
11276 extra_testcase_file(306,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/REPL_UNIT_TESTS1.def').
11277 extra_testcase_file(307,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/REPL_UNIT_TESTS.def').
11278 extra_testcase_file(465,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Simple/UpCounter_saved10.P').
11279 extra_testcase_file(472,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SchneiderBook/Chapter12/TownsRR.ref').
11280 extra_testcase_file(472,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SchneiderBook/Chapter12/TownsR.ref').
11281 extra_testcase_file(472,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/SchneiderBook/Chapter12/Towns.mch').
11282 extra_testcase_file(475,'../prob_examples/public_examples/B/Laws/REPL_UNIT_TESTS2.def').
11284 % use
11285 % sicstus -l tests/test_runner.pl --goal "run_last_test, halt ; halt."
11286 % or
11287 % make runlast
11288 % to just run last test case
11289 % use
11290 % sicstus -l tests/test_runner.pl --goal "id(ID), halt ; halt."
11291 % to run a specific test