1 | | % (c) 2009-2024 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen, |
2 | | % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf |
3 | | % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html) |
4 | | |
5 | | %:- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler.pl'). |
6 | | |
7 | | :- module(test_runner, [ |
8 | | test_repl/0, |
9 | | run_silently/0, |
10 | | run_safely/0, |
11 | | run_last_test/0, last/0, |
12 | | run_tests_by_id/1, ids/1, run_id/1, |
13 | | run_tests_all/0, run_tests_all_except/1, |
14 | | run_tests_by_category/1, run_tests_by_category/2, category/1, |
15 | | run_tests_by_first_category/1, |
16 | | makefile_by_category/2, copy/1, |
17 | | generate_makefile_all_tests/0, |
18 | | generate_makefile_for_coverage/0, |
19 | | full_flush/0, |
20 | | jenkins_sanity_check/0, |
21 | | sanity_check/1, |
22 | | v/0, vv/0, |
23 | | cache/0, % enable caching |
24 | | all_categories/1, |
25 | | all_ids/1, |
26 | | ids_in_category/2, |
27 | | set_prob_examples_location/1, |
28 | | halt_tests/0 % use to call halt with proper exit code; however, normally test predicates will call halt1 directly, mainly useful in junit mode |
29 | | ]). |
30 | | |
31 | | :- if(predicate_property(expects_dialect(_), _)). |
32 | | :- expects_dialect(sicstus4). |
33 | | :- endif. |
34 | | |
35 | | % Some errors, such as syntax errors, are only printed through the message mechanism and not thrown as exceptions. |
36 | | % These errors also don't terminate SICStus or affect the exit code, |
37 | | % which makes it easy for them to go unnoticed in CI runs. |
38 | | % As a workaround, add a portray_message hook to detect error messages |
39 | | % and halt the test runner at an appropriate time. |
40 | | |
41 | | :- dynamic(prolog_error_occurred/0). |
42 | | |
43 | | :- multifile(user:portray_message/2). |
44 | | user:portray_message(error, _) :- |
45 | | \+ prolog_error_occurred, |
46 | | assertz(prolog_error_occurred), |
47 | | fail. % to let SICStus portray the error |
48 | | |
49 | | check_no_prolog_startup_error :- |
50 | | prolog_error_occurred, |
51 | | !, |
52 | | format('*** Error(s) from Prolog while starting test runner! Aborting. ***~n', []), |
53 | | halt(1). |
54 | | check_no_prolog_startup_error. |
55 | | :- initialization(check_no_prolog_startup_error). |
56 | | |
57 | | :- use_module('../src/pathes', []). % set up library search paths |
58 | | |
59 | | % comment in to ensure that plspec loaded first: |
60 | | % :- use_module('../extensions/plspec/plspec/plspec_core'). |
61 | | |
62 | | :- use_module(probsrc(prob_cli)). % we call go_cli |
63 | | |
64 | | %:- set_prolog_flag(compiling,debugcode). |
65 | | %:- set_prolog_flag(source_info,on). |
66 | | %:- set_prolog_flag(profiling,on). |
67 | | |
68 | | /* |
69 | | :- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler.pl'). % (adds the profiler himself) |
70 | | :- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler_te.pl'). % (adds the term expander) |
71 | | %:- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler_gui.pl'). % (adds the term expander) |
72 | | :- enable_profiling_all(b_expression_sharing). |
73 | | :- enable_profiling(bsyntaxtree:transform_bexpr_with_acc/5). |
74 | | :- enable_profiling(bsyntaxtree:transform_bexpr/3). |
75 | | :- enable_profiling(b_ast_cleanup:recompute_used_ids_info/2). |
76 | | :- enable_profiling(bsyntaxtree:sub_expression_contains_wd_condition/1). |
77 | | |
78 | | for starting from Spider: |
79 | | set_prob_examples_location('../../prob_examples'), run_silently, test_repl. |
80 | | or use test_runner_cov.pl |
81 | | */ |
82 | | |
83 | | |
84 | | :- use_module(library(system)). |
85 | | :- use_module(library(lists)). |
86 | | :- use_module(library(sets), [intersect/2]). |
87 | | :- use_module(library(file_systems)). |
88 | | |
89 | | :- use_module(probsrc(junit_tests),[set_junit_dir/1,create_and_print_junit_result/4]). |
90 | | :- use_module(testcases). |
91 | | :- use_module(probsrc(system_call)). |
92 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools),[safe_number_codes/2,get_options/5]). |
93 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools_commands),[edit_file/1]). |
94 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools_printing), [start_terminal_colour/2, reset_terminal_colour/1, format_with_colour/4, format_with_colour_nl/4]). |
95 | | :- use_module(probsrc(error_manager),[get_total_number_of_errors/1, get_all_errors/1]). |
96 | | :- use_module(probsrc(debug),[formatsilent/3, debug_mode/1]). |
97 | | :- use_module(probsrc(performance_messages),[toggle_perfmessages/0]). |
98 | | |
99 | | :- use_module(probsrc(module_information)). |
100 | | :- module_info(group,testing). |
101 | | :- module_info(description,'This module runs the tests stored in testcases.pl.'). |
102 | | |
103 | | :- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, codes). |
104 | | |
105 | | |
106 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools), [ajoin_with_sep/3]). |
107 | | generate_makefile(RegenerateGoal,Filename,TargetCommand) :- |
108 | | tell(Filename), |
109 | | all_first_categories(AllTestCategories), |
110 | | ajoin_with_sep(AllTestCategories, ' \\\n\t', JoinedCategories), |
111 | | write('# This Makefile is generated automatically. DO NOT EDIT.\n'), |
112 | | write('# If you have added/removed a test category, regenerate using this command:\n'), |
113 | | format('# ./prolog.sh --file tests/test_runner.pl --goal "~q, halt ; halt(1)."\n\n', [RegenerateGoal]), |
114 | | format('categories = \\\n\t~w\n\n', [JoinedCategories]), |
115 | | write('.PHONY: test_all_source\n'), |
116 | | write('test_all_source: $(categories)\n\n'), |
117 | | write('.PHONY: $(categories)\n'), |
118 | | format('$(categories):\n\t~w\n', [TargetCommand]), |
119 | | told. |
120 | | |
121 | | %write_subtargets([G]) :- write(G). |
122 | | %write_subtargets([G|Gs]) :- |
123 | | % write(G), write(' '), |
124 | | % write_subtargets(Gs). |
125 | | |
126 | | generate_makefile_all_tests :- |
127 | | % run tests where category G is the first category to avoid running tests multiple times |
128 | | % also avoids concurrency issues when test run multiple times in parallel with diff checking of output |
129 | | generate_makefile(generate_makefile_all_tests, 'tests/Makefile_All_Tests', |
130 | | % Makefile_All_Tests is (indirectly) included from the top-level Makefile, |
131 | | % so the working directory is the repository root |
132 | | % and the test_runner.pl path must include the tests/ directory prefix. |
133 | | './prolog.sh --file tests/test_runner.pl --goal "run_silently, run_tests_by_first_category($@), halt_tests ; halt(1)."'). |
134 | | |
135 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools_platform), [host_platform/1]). |
136 | | % TODO Do we want to install SWI-Prolog on all CI runners? |
137 | | group_cannot_be_checked_on_ci_server(setlog). |
138 | | group_cannot_be_checked_on_ci_server(smt_solver_integration) :- |
139 | | host_platform(windows). % TODO Install Z3 on GitLab CI Windows runner |
140 | | |
141 | | generate_makefile_for_coverage :- |
142 | | generate_makefile(generate_makefile_for_coverage, 'Makefile_Coverage_Groups', './prolog.sh --file tests/prob_cov_runner.pl --goal "coverage_group_data($@), halt ; halt(1)."'). |
143 | | |
144 | | all_first_categories(X) :- % only categories that appear as first category |
145 | | findall(Group1, |
146 | | cli_testcase(_Id,[Group1|_],_Conf,_Args,_Desc), |
147 | | ListOfGroups), |
148 | | remove_dups(ListOfGroups,X). |
149 | | all_categories(X) :- |
150 | | findall(Groups, |
151 | | cli_testcase(_Id,Groups,_Conf,_Args,_Desc), |
152 | | List), |
153 | | append(List,ListOfGroups), |
154 | | remove_dups(ListOfGroups,X). |
155 | | |
156 | | all_ids(X) :- |
157 | | findall(Id, |
158 | | cli_testcase(Id,_Groups,_Conf,_Args,_Desc), |
159 | | List), |
160 | | remove_dups(List,X). |
161 | | |
162 | | ids_in_category(Category,IDs) :- |
163 | | findall(Id, |
164 | | (cli_testcase(Id,Groups,_Conf,_Args,_Desc),member(Category,Groups)), |
165 | | List), |
166 | | remove_dups(List,IDs). |
167 | | |
168 | | prob_junit_dir(JUnitDir) :- environ('PROB_JUNIT_DIR', JUnitDir). |
169 | | |
170 | | prob_junit_args(JUnitArgs) :- |
171 | | prob_junit_dir(JUnitDir), !, |
172 | | JUnitArgs = ['-junit', JUnitDir]. |
173 | | prob_junit_args([]). |
174 | | |
175 | | halt1_allowed :- \+ repl_mode. |
176 | | |
177 | | tests_multiply_timeout(Var) :- |
178 | | environ('TESTS_MULTIPLY_TIMEOUT', Var2), !, tools:arg_is_number(Var2,Var). |
179 | | tests_multiply_timeout(Var) :- multiply_timeout(Var). |
180 | | |
181 | | :- dynamic multiply_timeout/1. |
182 | | |
183 | | % call updir from within Spider, when you are in the src subdirectory |
184 | | set_cur_dir :- (directory_exists('./src') -> true /* we seem to be in the right directory */ |
185 | | ; directory_exists('./cia') -> current_directory(_Old,'./..') |
186 | | ; print('Please start tests from ProB directory or ProB/src directory'),nl, |
187 | | print('Current directory: '), |
188 | | current_directory(CD), print(CD), nl). |
189 | | |
190 | | reset_test_runner(SessionInfo) :- |
191 | | reset_nr_of_tests, set_cur_dir, |
192 | | retractall(test_skipped(_)), retractall(test_failed(_)), retractall(last_test_failed(_)), |
193 | | retractall(test_diff_failed(_,_,_)), |
194 | | statistics(walltime,[WStart,_]), |
195 | | bb_put(reset_test_runner_wtime,WStart), |
196 | | bb_put(reset_test_runner_info,SessionInfo). |
197 | | |
198 | | |
199 | | ids(Nr) :- show_command(Nr). |
200 | | show_command(Nr) :- cli_testcase(Nr,_,_,L,Desc), |
201 | | print('# '), print(Desc),nl, l_pr([probcli|L]). |
202 | | l_pr([]) :- nl. |
203 | | l_pr([H|T]) :- print(' '),print(H), l_pr(T). |
204 | | |
205 | | :- volatile sanity_check_failed/0. |
206 | | :- dynamic sanity_check_failed/0. |
207 | | jenkins_sanity_check :- |
208 | | sanity_check(true), |
209 | | (sanity_check_failed -> halt1 ; halt(0)). |
210 | | sanity_check(_Jenkins) :- |
211 | | cli_testcase(Id,Categories,_,Args,_Comm1), |
212 | | \+ member('-strict',Args), |
213 | | format_warning('*** test does not use -strict option: ',[]), print_test(Id,Categories),nl, |
214 | | assertz(sanity_check_failed), fail. |
215 | | sanity_check(Jenkins) :- |
216 | | Jenkins == false, |
217 | | cli_testcase_diff_check_output(Id,_F1,_F2), |
218 | | cli_testcase(Id,Categories,_I1,_A1,_Comm1), |
219 | | (Categories = [_] |
220 | | -> true |
221 | | ; format_warning('*** multiple categories for test with output file; can generate race conditions when run in parallel: ',[]), |
222 | | print_test(Id,Categories), |
223 | | nl /* can generate race conditions when run in parallel */), |
224 | | assertz(sanity_check_failed), fail. |
225 | | sanity_check(_Jenkins) :- |
226 | | cli_testcase_diff_check_output(Id,_F1,_F2), |
227 | | \+ (cli_testcase(Id,_Categories,_I1,_A1,_Comm1)), |
228 | | format_warning_nl('*** no cli_testcase, but diff output defined for id: ~w',[Id]), |
229 | | assertz(sanity_check_failed), fail. |
230 | | sanity_check(_Jenkins) :- |
231 | | cli_testcase(Id,C1,I1,A1,Comm1), |
232 | | cli_testcase(Id,C2,I2,A2,Comm2), |
233 | | [C1,I1,A1,Comm1] \= [C2,I2,A2,Comm2], |
234 | | format_warning_nl('*** multiple cli_testcases for id: ~w',[Id]), |
235 | | assertz(sanity_check_failed), fail. |
236 | | sanity_check(_Jenkins). |
237 | | |
238 | | |
239 | | format_error_nl(F,Args) :- format_with_colour_nl(user_output,[red,bold],F,Args). |
240 | | format_warning(F,Args) :- format_with_colour(user_output,[red],F,Args). |
241 | | format_warning_nl(F,Args) :- format_with_colour_nl(user_output,[red],F,Args). |
242 | | format_progress_nl(F,Args) :- format_with_colour_nl(user_output,[blue],F,Args). |
243 | | |
244 | | print_test(Id,Comment) :- print(Id),print(' : '), print(Comment). |
245 | | |
246 | | % run the latest test (with highest id) |
247 | | last :- run_last_test. |
248 | | run_last_test :- get_last_test_id(Id), |
249 | | run_tests_by_id(Id,_,no_skipping). |
250 | | |
251 | | get_last_test_id(Id) :- set_last_test_id, last_test_id(Id). |
252 | | |
253 | | set_last_test_id :- |
254 | | retractall(last_test_id(_)), assertz(last_test_id(-1)), |
255 | | cli_testcase(Id,C1,I1,A1,Comm1), |
256 | | (cli_testcase(Id,C2,I2,A2,Comm2), |
257 | | (C1,I1,A1,Comm1) \= (C2,I2,A2,Comm2) |
258 | | -> format_warning_nl('~n*** multiple entries for test id: ~w',[Id]) |
259 | | ; true), |
260 | | update_last(Id), |
261 | | fail. |
262 | | set_last_test_id. |
263 | | |
264 | | :- volatile last_test_id/1. |
265 | | :- dynamic last_test_id/1. |
266 | | update_last(Id) :- number(Id),!, % debug_print(9,Id), debug_print(9,' '), |
267 | | retract(last_test_id(L)), |
268 | | (Id>L -> Max = Id ; Max = L), |
269 | | assertz(last_test_id(Max)). |
270 | | update_last(Id) :- format_warning_nl('~n*** test id not a number: ~w',[Id]). |
271 | | |
272 | | repeat_id(ID,Nr) :- repeat_id_aux(ID,0,Nr,success,10000000,0,0). |
273 | | repeat_id_aux(ID,Nr,TotNr,Status1,Min,Max,Tot) :- Nr<TotNr, !, N1 is Nr+1, |
274 | | statistics(walltime,[Start,_]), |
275 | | run_tests_by_id(ID,Status,no_skipping), |
276 | | (Status=success -> Status2=Status1, Col=blue ; Status2=Status, Col=red), |
277 | | statistics(walltime,[Stop,_]), |
278 | | WT is Stop - Start, |
279 | | NewMin is min(Min,WT), NewMax is max(Max,WT), NewTot is Tot+WT, |
280 | | Average is NewTot / N1, |
281 | | format_with_colour_nl(user_output,[Col],'Test ~w repeated ~w/~w times~n Walltime Minumum = ~w ms, Maximum = ~w ms, Average = ~w ms~n Status=~w',[ID,N1,TotNr,NewMin,NewMax,Average,Status]), |
282 | | repeat_id_aux(ID,N1,TotNr,Status2,NewMin,NewMax,NewTot). |
283 | | repeat_id_aux(_,_,_TotNr,_Status,_Min,_Max,_). |
284 | | |
285 | | % run a test with a specific id |
286 | | run_id(X) :- run_tests_by_id(X,_,no_skipping). |
287 | | run_tests_by_id(X) :- run_tests_by_id(X,_,allow_skipping). |
288 | | run_tests_by_id(X,Status,AllowSkipping) :- reset_test_runner(id(X)), |
289 | | phrase(tests_by_id(X), Testcases), |
290 | | run_list(Testcases, AllowSkipping), |
291 | | check_failed(Status). |
292 | | tests_by_id([]) --> []. |
293 | | tests_by_id(From-To) --> !, |
294 | | ({From>To} -> [] |
295 | | ; tests_by_id(From), {F1 is From+1}, |
296 | | tests_by_id(F1-To)). |
297 | | tests_by_id([Id | Ids]) --> !, |
298 | | tests_by_id(Id), |
299 | | tests_by_id(Ids). |
300 | | tests_by_id(Id) --> |
301 | | {cli_testcase(Id,TestCategories,TestInfos,Arguments,Comment)}, !, |
302 | | [testcase(Id,TestCategories,TestInfos,Arguments,Comment)]. |
303 | | tests_by_id(Id) --> |
304 | | {\+(cli_testcase(Id,_Category,_Infos,_Arguments,_Comment))}, !, |
305 | | {format_warning_nl('*** No testcase with ID ~w found', [Id])}. |
306 | | |
307 | | :- use_module(library(random),[random_select/3]). |
308 | | run_random_tests(Nr) :- |
309 | | findall(testcase(Id,TestCategories,TestInfos,Arguments,Comment), |
310 | | cli_testcase(Id,TestCategories,TestInfos,Arguments,Comment),AllTests), |
311 | | select_random_tests(Nr,AllTests,Tests), |
312 | | reset_test_runner(random(Nr)), |
313 | | run_list(Tests), check_failed(_). |
314 | | select_random_tests(N,_,[]) :- N<1,!. |
315 | | select_random_tests(_,[],[]) :- !. |
316 | | select_random_tests(N,All,[X|Tests]) :- |
317 | | random_select(X,All,Rest), |
318 | | N1 is N-1, |
319 | | select_random_tests(N1,Rest,Tests). |
320 | | |
321 | | |
322 | | run_tests_all :- run_tests_all_except([]). |
323 | | |
324 | | :- use_module(library(ordsets)). |
325 | | run_tests_all_except(Categories) :- reset_test_runner(all_except(Categories)), |
326 | | findall(Test, test_not_in_categories(Categories, Test), Tests), |
327 | | run_list(Tests), |
328 | | check_failed(_). |
329 | | |
330 | | test_not_in_categories(Categories, Test) :- |
331 | | sort(Categories, SC), |
332 | | test_not_in_categories_aux(SC, Test). |
333 | | |
334 | | :- use_module(library(ordsets), [ord_intersect/2]). |
335 | | test_not_in_categories_aux(SC, testcase(Id,TestCategories,Infos,Arguments,Comment)) :- |
336 | | cli_testcase(Id,TestCategories,Infos,Arguments,Comment), |
337 | | sort(TestCategories,TC), |
338 | | \+ ord_intersect(TC,SC). |
339 | | |
340 | | |
341 | | :- dynamic silent_running/0, no_strict_running/0. |
342 | | run_silently :- silent_running, !. |
343 | | run_silently :- add_additional_arguments(['-silent']), assertz(silent_running). |
344 | | run_no_strict :- (no_strict_running -> true ; assertz(no_strict_running)). % useful to see all errors of a test |
345 | | |
346 | | % perform additional checks (e.g., used_ids info in AST) and throw errors when something is wrong |
347 | | run_safely :- add_additional_preference('PROB_SAFE_MODE','TRUE'). |
348 | | |
349 | | % run all tests with a specific category |
350 | | category(X) :- run_tests_by_category(X). |
351 | | run_tests_by_category(X) :- run_tests_by_category(X,all). |
352 | | run_tests_by_first_category(X) :- % used as entry in Jenkins when running all tests in parallel by category |
353 | | run_tests_by_category(X,first). |
354 | | run_tests_by_category(X,FirstOnly) :- |
355 | | reset_test_runner(category(X,FirstOnly)), |
356 | | (is_list(X) -> run_tests_by_category_aux(X,FirstOnly) ; run_tests_by_category_aux([X],FirstOnly)), |
357 | | check_failed(_). |
358 | | run_tests_by_category_aux(Categories,FirstOnly) :- |
359 | | get_tests_for_categories(Categories,FirstOnly,List), |
360 | | ( List=[] -> format_warning_nl('*** No testcase with categories ~w found', [Categories]) |
361 | | ; run_list(List)). |
362 | | |
363 | | get_tests_for_categories(Categories,List) :- |
364 | | get_tests_for_categories(Categories,all,List). |
365 | | get_tests_for_categories(Categories,FirstOnly,List) :- |
366 | | findall(testcase(Id, TestCategories, Infos, Arguments, Comment), |
367 | | (cli_testcase(Id, TestCategories, Infos, Arguments, Comment), |
368 | | (FirstOnly=first -> TestCategories=[C1|_], member(C1,Categories) |
369 | | ; intersect(Categories, TestCategories)) ), |
370 | | List). |
371 | | |
372 | | run_tests_using_command(Command) :- reset_test_runner(cmd(Command)), |
373 | | findall(testcase(Id, TestCategories, Infos, Arguments, Comment), |
374 | | (cli_testcase(Id, TestCategories, Infos, Arguments, Comment), |
375 | | member(Command, Arguments)), |
376 | | List), |
377 | | ( List=[] -> format_warning_nl('*** No testcase using command ~w found', [Command]) |
378 | | ; run_list(List), check_failed(_)). |
379 | | |
380 | | run_tests_using_preference(Pref,Val) :- reset_test_runner(using_pref(Pref,Val)), |
381 | | findall(testcase(Id, TestCategories, Infos, Arguments, Comment), |
382 | | (cli_testcase(Id, TestCategories, Infos, Arguments, Comment), |
383 | | append(_,['-p',CmdPref,Val|_],Arguments), |
384 | | match_preference(Pref,CmdPref) ), |
385 | | List), |
386 | | ( List=[] -> format_warning_nl('*** No testcase using preference ~w with value ~w found', [Pref,Val]) |
387 | | ; run_list(List), check_failed(_)). |
388 | | |
389 | | :- use_module(probsrc(preferences),[eclipse_preference/2]). |
390 | | match_preference(A,A). |
391 | | match_preference(A,B) :- eclipse_preference(A,B) ; eclipse_preference(B,A). |
392 | | |
393 | | % Generate file list (for copying) of a category : |
394 | | show_files(Cat) :- |
395 | | cli_testcase(Id, TestCategories, _Infos, Arguments, _Comment), |
396 | | member(Cat, TestCategories), % print(Arguments),nl, |
397 | | ( file_in_arguments(File,Arguments) |
398 | | ; |
399 | | get_testcase_diff_check_output(Id,_GeneratedFile,File)), |
400 | | format('~w ',[File]), |
401 | | fail. |
402 | | show_files(_) :- nl. |
403 | | |
404 | | file_in_arguments(F,['-p',_,_|T]) :- !, file_in_arguments(F,T). |
405 | | file_in_arguments(F,[C,_|T]) :- binary_command(C),!, file_in_arguments(F,T). |
406 | | file_in_arguments(F,[H|T]) :- is_file(H),H=F ; file_in_arguments(F,T). |
407 | | binary_command(eval). binary_command(evalt). binary_command(evalf). |
408 | | binary_command('-mc'). |
409 | | is_file(F) :- atom(F), atom_codes(F,Codes), member(47,Codes),!. |
410 | | |
411 | | |
412 | | % Generate a Makefile for all listed Categories |
413 | | % example: makefile_by_category('AlstomMakefile',[animate,history,sptxt,rel_fnc]) |
414 | | % the Makefile can be run to perform the listed tests on a compiled version of probcli |
415 | | makefile_by_category(File, Categories) :- |
416 | | (is_list(Categories) -> Cats = Categories ; Cats = [Categories]), |
417 | | my_open(File, Stream), |
418 | | format(Stream, 'PROBCLI=probcli~n',[]), |
419 | | format(Stream, 'test_all:', []), |
420 | | makefile_write_categories(Stream, Cats), |
421 | | makefile_by_category_aux(Stream, Cats), |
422 | | my_close(Stream). |
423 | | makefile_by_category_aux(_Stream, []). |
424 | | makefile_by_category_aux(Stream, [Cat | Cats]) :- |
425 | | makefile_by_category_single(Stream, Cat), |
426 | | makefile_by_category_aux(Stream, Cats). |
427 | | makefile_by_category_single(Stream, Cat) :- |
428 | | findall(testcase(Id, TestCategories, Infos, Arguments, Comment), |
429 | | (cli_testcase(Id, TestCategories, Infos, Arguments, Comment), |
430 | | member(Cat, TestCategories)), |
431 | | List), |
432 | | (List=[] -> format_warning_nl('*** No testcase with category ~w found', [Cat]) |
433 | | ; format(Stream, '~n~w:~n', [Cat]), makefile_write_calls(Stream, List)). |
434 | | |
435 | | my_open(user_output,S) :- !, S=user_output. |
436 | | my_open(File,S) :- open(File,write,S). |
437 | | my_close(user_output) :- !. |
438 | | my_close(S) :- close(S). |
439 | | |
440 | | makefile_write_categories(Stream, []) :- |
441 | | format(Stream, '~n', []). |
442 | | makefile_write_categories(Stream, [Cat | Cats]) :- |
443 | | format(Stream, ' ~a', [Cat]), |
444 | | makefile_write_categories(Stream, Cats). |
445 | | |
446 | | makefile_write_calls(_Stream, []). |
447 | | makefile_write_calls(Stream, [testcase(Id, _TestCategories, _Infos, Arguments, Comment) | Tests]) :- |
448 | | (Comment='' -> true ; format(Stream,'\techo \"Test ~w : ~w\"~n',[Id,Comment])), |
449 | | format(Stream, '\t$(PROBCLI)', []), |
450 | | makefile_write_arguments(Stream, Arguments), |
451 | | makefile_write_diff(Stream, Id), |
452 | | makefile_write_calls(Stream, Tests). |
453 | | |
454 | | makefile_write_arguments(Stream, []) :- |
455 | | format(Stream, '~n', []). |
456 | | makefile_write_arguments(Stream, [Arg | Args]) :- |
457 | | format(Stream, ' ~w', [Arg]), |
458 | | (quote_next_arg(Arg) -> makefile_write_arguments_quoted(Stream,Args) |
459 | | ; makefile_write_arguments(Stream, Args)). |
460 | | |
461 | | quote_next_arg('-goal'). % this will contain spaces ,... surround in "" for shell |
462 | | quote_next_arg('--check_goal'). |
463 | | quote_next_arg('-check_goal'). |
464 | | quote_next_arg('-cbc_deadlock_pred'). |
465 | | quote_next_arg('-eval'). |
466 | | quote_next_arg('-evalt'). |
467 | | quote_next_arg('-evalf'). |
468 | | quote_next_arg('-cbc_sequence_with_target'). % actually quotes next two ! |
469 | | quote_next_arg('-cbc_sequence_with_target_all'). % ditto <- TO DO |
470 | | |
471 | | |
472 | | makefile_write_arguments_quoted(Stream, []) :- |
473 | | format(Stream, '~n', []). |
474 | | makefile_write_arguments_quoted(Stream, [Arg | Args]) :- |
475 | | format(Stream, ' \"~w\"', [Arg]), |
476 | | makefile_write_arguments(Stream, Args). |
477 | | |
478 | | makefile_write_diff(Stream, ID) :- |
479 | | get_testcase_diff_check_output(ID, File1, File2), |
480 | | format(Stream, '\tdiff -b ~w ~w~n', [File1, File2]), |
481 | | fail. |
482 | | makefile_write_diff(_Stream, _ID). |
483 | | |
484 | | % ------------------------- |
485 | | |
486 | | copy(Cat) :- (Cat=[_|_] -> C=Cat ; C=[Cat]), |
487 | | generate_copy_commands(C,'testarchive/'). |
488 | | |
489 | | :- use_module(probsrc(b_trace_checking),[get_default_trace_file/2]). |
490 | | generate_copy_commands(Categories,Dest) :- |
491 | | cli_testcase(ID, TestCategories, _Infos, Arguments, _Comment), |
492 | | non_empty_inter(Categories,TestCategories), %print(ID),nl, |
493 | | Arguments=[MainFile|_], generate_copy_command(MainFile,Dest), % print(MainFile),nl, |
494 | | additional_testcase_file(ID,MainFile,Arguments,ExtraFile), |
495 | | generate_copy_command(ExtraFile,Dest), |
496 | | fail. |
497 | | generate_copy_commands(_,_). |
498 | | |
499 | | additional_testcase_file(ID,_,_,EFile) :- extra_testcase_file(ID,EFile). |
500 | | additional_testcase_file(_ID,File,Arguments,TFile) :- member('-t',Arguments), |
501 | | get_default_trace_file(File,TFile). |
502 | | additional_testcase_file(ID,_,_,RefFile2) :- get_testcase_diff_check_output(ID,_File1,RefFile2). |
503 | | |
504 | | non_empty_inter(A,B) :- member(X,A), member(X,B),!. |
505 | | |
506 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools_strings),[string_concatenate/3]). |
507 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools),[get_parent_directory/2]). |
508 | | generate_copy_command(File,Dest) :- |
509 | | safe_file_exists(File), |
510 | | get_parent_directory(File,Dir),!, |
511 | | string_concatenate(Dest,Dir,DestDir), |
512 | | string_concatenate(Dest,File,DestFile), |
513 | | format(user_output,'\tmkdir -p ~w~n',[DestDir]), |
514 | | get_command_path(mkdir,MkCmdPath), |
515 | | system_call(MkCmdPath, ['-p',DestDir],_Text1,_JExit1), |
516 | | format(user_output,'\tcp ~w ~w~n',[File,DestFile]), |
517 | | get_command_path(cp,CpCmdPath), |
518 | | system_call(CpCmdPath, [File,DestFile],_Text2,_JExit2). |
519 | | generate_copy_command(_,_). |
520 | | |
521 | | % ------------------------- |
522 | | |
523 | | :- dynamic test_failed/1, last_test_failed/1, test_diff_failed/3, test_skipped/1. |
524 | | halt_tests :- |
525 | | prolog_error_occurred, |
526 | | !, |
527 | | halt1. |
528 | | halt_tests :- test_failed(_),!, |
529 | | halt1. |
530 | | halt_tests :- |
531 | | nl,print('TEST RUN SUCCESSFUL'),nl, |
532 | | halt. % regular halt |
533 | | halt1 :- |
534 | | format_error_nl('TEST RUN FAILED',[]), |
535 | | halt(1). |
536 | | |
537 | | check_failed(failure) :- test_failed(X),!,print_failed_tests, |
538 | | print('Use the following command to run individual tests: '),nl, |
539 | | print(' ./prolog.sh --file tests/test_runner.pl --goal "run_id('),print(X),print(')."'),nl, |
540 | | (halt1_allowed -> halt1 ; print('halt(1) :: dontstop mode'),nl). |
541 | | check_failed(success) :- number_of_tests_run(Nr), |
542 | | start_terminal_colour([green,bold],user_output), |
543 | | findall(Y,test_skipped(Y),Skips), length(Skips,NrSkips), |
544 | | bb_get(reset_test_runner_info,Info), |
545 | | (Nr=1,NrSkips=0,Info\=category(_,_) -> format(user_output,'Test successful.~n',[]) |
546 | | ; NrSkips>0 -> format(user_output,'All ~w tests successful, ~w skipped (for ~w).~n',[Nr,NrSkips,Info]) |
547 | | ; format(user_output,'All ~w tests successful (for ~w).~n',[Nr,Info])), |
548 | | reset_terminal_colour(user_output). |
549 | | print_failed_tests :- number_of_tests_run(Nr), |
550 | | findall(Y,test_failed(Y),Fails), length(Fails,NrFails), |
551 | | findall(Y,test_skipped(Y),Skips), length(Skips,NrSkips), |
552 | | start_terminal_colour([red,bold],user_error), |
553 | | bb_get(reset_test_runner_info,Info), |
554 | | format(user_error,'*** Tests run: ~w, skipped: ~w, failed: ~w (for ~w) ***~n*** Failed tests:~n',[Nr,NrSkips,NrFails,Info]), |
555 | | test_failed(X), lookup_test_description(X,Desc), |
556 | | format(user_error,'~w ~w~n',[X,Desc]), |
557 | | fail. |
558 | | print_failed_tests :- nl(user_error), |
559 | | (user_interrupt_signal_received -> format(user_error,'Tests were interrupted by CTRL-C (user_interrupt)~n',[]) |
560 | | ; true), |
561 | | reset_terminal_colour(user_error). |
562 | | |
563 | | lookup_test_description(Id,Desc) :- cli_testcase(Id,_,_,_,Desc). |
564 | | |
565 | | :- dynamic user_interrupt_signal_received/0. |
566 | | run_list(List) :- run_list(List,allow_skipping). |
567 | | run_list(List,AllowSkipping) :- |
568 | | init_test_runner, |
569 | | retractall(user_interrupt_signal_received), |
570 | | length(List,Len), |
571 | | run_single_testcase_list_aux(List,Len,AllowSkipping). |
572 | | run_single_testcase_list_aux([],_,_) :- !. |
573 | | run_single_testcase_list_aux(List,_Len,allow_skipping) :- user_interrupt_signal_received,!, |
574 | | length(List,RestLen), |
575 | | format('Skipping ~w remaining tests~n',[RestLen]), |
576 | | maplist(assert_test_skipped,List). |
577 | | run_single_testcase_list_aux([TC|Tail],Len,AllowSkipping) :- |
578 | | print_progress_stats(Len), |
579 | | run_single_testcase(TC,AllowSkipping), |
580 | | run_single_testcase_list_aux(Tail,Len,AllowSkipping). |
581 | | assert_test_skipped(Id) :- assertz(test_skipped(Id)). |
582 | | |
583 | | print_progress_stats(All) :- number_of_tests_run(Nr), Nr>0,!, |
584 | | findall(Y,test_failed(Y),Fails), length(Fails,NrFails), |
585 | | (last_test_failed(Failed) -> ajoin(['(e.g. ', Failed, ')'],FailInfo) ; FailInfo = ''), |
586 | | findall(Y,test_skipped(Y),Skips), length(Skips,NrSkips), |
587 | | bb_get(reset_test_runner_wtime,WStart), |
588 | | statistics(walltime,[WNow,_]), Delta is round((WNow - WStart) / 1000), |
589 | | bb_get(reset_test_runner_info,Info), |
590 | | format_progress_nl('Progress: ~w/~w tests run, ~w skipped, ~w failed ~w (running since ~w sec for ~w)',[Nr,All,NrSkips,NrFails,FailInfo,Delta,Info]). |
591 | | print_progress_stats(_). |
592 | | |
593 | | cache :- add_additional_arguments(['-cache','/Users/leuschel/svn_root/NewProB/examples/cache/']). |
594 | | v :- add_additional_arguments(['-v']). % verbose |
595 | | vv :- add_additional_arguments(['-vv']). % very_verbose |
596 | | |
597 | | :- volatile additional_arguments/1. |
598 | | :- dynamic additional_arguments/1. |
599 | | % add additional cli arguments when running tests: |
600 | | add_additional_arguments(List) :- |
601 | | (retract(additional_arguments(Old)) -> true ; Old=[]), |
602 | | append(Old,List,New), |
603 | | assertz(additional_arguments(New)). |
604 | | |
605 | | reset_additional_arguments :- retractall(additional_arguments(_)). |
606 | | |
607 | | % auto complete a preference name and print error if no match found |
608 | | get_preference_name(Prefix,Name) :- auto_complete_preference(Prefix,Name),!. |
609 | | get_preference_name(Prefix,_) :- |
610 | | format_warning_nl('No matching preference found for: ~w',[Prefix]),fail. |
611 | | |
612 | | :- use_module(probsrc(preferences),[eclipse_preference/2]). |
613 | | auto_complete_preference(Prefix,Name) :- |
614 | | atom_codes(Prefix,PC), |
615 | | eclipse_preference(EP,Name), |
616 | | (atom_codes(EP,EPC) ; atom_codes(Name,EPC)), |
617 | | append(PC,_,EPC). |
618 | | |
619 | | % add additional preference when running tests: |
620 | | add_additional_preference(PREF,PREFVAL) :- |
621 | | (retract(additional_arguments(Old0)) -> remove_matching_pref(Old0,PREF,Old) ; Old=[]), |
622 | | New = ['-p',PREF,PREFVAL|Old], |
623 | | format('New additional arguments: ~w~n',[New]), |
624 | | assertz(additional_arguments(New)). |
625 | | |
626 | | % remove all preferences conflicting with PREF |
627 | | remove_matching_pref([],_PREF,[]). |
628 | | remove_matching_pref(['-p',P,OLD|T],PREF,Res) :- !, |
629 | | (P=PREF -> Res=T ; Res = ['-p',P,OLD|RT], remove_matching_pref(T,PREF,RT)). |
630 | | remove_matching_pref([H|T],PREF,[H|RT]) :- remove_matching_pref(T,PREF,RT). |
631 | | |
632 | | % remove all preferencs conflicting with other list of prefs |
633 | | remove_matching_prefs([],P,P). |
634 | | remove_matching_prefs(['-cache',_File|T],InPrefs,Res) :- !, |
635 | | remove_matching_prefs(T,InPrefs,Res). |
636 | | remove_matching_prefs(['-p',PREF,_|T],InPrefs,Res) :- |
637 | | remove_matching_pref(InPrefs,PREF,In2), |
638 | | remove_matching_prefs(T,In2,Res). |
639 | | remove_matching_prefs([_|T],InPrefs,Res) :- |
640 | | remove_matching_prefs(T,InPrefs,Res). |
641 | | |
642 | | :- use_module(probsrc(pathes_lib), [unavailable_extension/2]). |
643 | | unavailable_extension_for_test(Id,TestCategories,Ext,Reason) :- |
644 | | test_requires_extension(Id,TestCategories,Ext), |
645 | | unavailable_extension(Ext,Reason). |
646 | | |
647 | | :- dynamic skip_all_tests/0. |
648 | | |
649 | | skip_test(_, _, _, ReasonMsg, ReasonTerm) :- |
650 | | skip_all_tests, |
651 | | !, |
652 | | ReasonMsg = 'skipping all tests', |
653 | | ReasonTerm = skip_all_tests. |
654 | | skip_test(_Id, _TestCategories, TestConfigurationInfos, ReasonMsg, ReasonTerm) :- |
655 | | member(skip,TestConfigurationInfos), |
656 | | !, |
657 | | ReasonMsg = 'test marked as skipped', |
658 | | ReasonTerm = skip. |
659 | | skip_test(_Id, _TestCategories, TestConfigurationInfos, ReasonMsg, ReasonTerm) :- |
660 | | member(conditional_skip(Callable), TestConfigurationInfos), |
661 | | % Evaluate the condition in the context of the testcases module, |
662 | | % where it was defined, so that imports are visible to the condition. |
663 | | % We can't use a meta_predicate declaration here, |
664 | | % because the goal is nested inside a term. |
665 | | call(testcases:Callable), |
666 | | !, |
667 | | ReasonMsg = 'skip condition is true', |
668 | | ReasonTerm = conditional_skip(Callable). |
669 | | skip_test(_Id, TestCategories, _TestConfigurationInfos, ReasonMsg, ReasonTerm) :- |
670 | | member(private, TestCategories), |
671 | | \+ absolute_file_name(prob_examples(examples), _, [access(exist), file_type(directory), file_errors(fail)]), |
672 | | !, |
673 | | ReasonMsg = 'test requires non-public examples which are not available', |
674 | | ReasonTerm = private. |
675 | | skip_test(_Id, TestCategories, _TestConfigurationInfos, ReasonMsg, ReasonTerm) :- |
676 | | member(private_source_not_available, TestCategories), |
677 | | \+ directory_exists('../private_examples'), |
678 | | !, |
679 | | ReasonMsg = 'test requires private examples which are not available', |
680 | | ReasonTerm = private_source_not_available. |
681 | | skip_test(_Id, _TestCategories, TestConfigurationInfos, ReasonMsg, ReasonTerm) :- |
682 | | current_prolog_flag(dialect, swi), |
683 | | % TODO Handle swi_expected_failure differently. |
684 | | % Ideally, tests that are expected to fail on SWI should not be skipped, |
685 | | % but instead should be run normally with any failures ignored. |
686 | | % This would allow detecting when tests unexpectedly succeed |
687 | | % (i. e. have been fixed, but not unmarked as expected failure yet). |
688 | | member(swi_expected_failure, TestConfigurationInfos), |
689 | | !, |
690 | | ReasonMsg = 'test expected to fail on SWI-Prolog', |
691 | | ReasonTerm = swi_expected_failure. |
692 | | skip_test(_Id, TestCategories, _TestConfigurationInfos, ReasonMsg, ReasonTerm) :- |
693 | ? | group_cannot_be_checked_on_ci_server(Category), |
694 | | member(Category, TestCategories), |
695 | | !, |
696 | | ReasonMsg = 'category cannot be checked on CI', |
697 | | ReasonTerm = Category. |
698 | | skip_test(Id, TestCategories, _TestConfigurationInfos, ReasonMsg, ReasonTerm) :- |
699 | | unavailable_extension_for_test(Id,TestCategories,Ext,Reason), |
700 | | !, |
701 | | ajoin(['test requires an unavailable extension (',Reason,')'],ReasonMsg), |
702 | | ReasonTerm = Ext. |
703 | | |
704 | | |
706 | | % ------------------------ |
707 | | |
708 | | run_single_testcase(testcase(Id,TestCategories,Infos,Arguments,Comment),AllowSkipping) :- |
709 | | skip_test(Id,TestCategories,Infos,ReasonMsg,ReasonTerm), |
710 | | (AllowSkipping = allow_skipping -> true |
711 | | ; % Skipping disabled - print message, then continue to next clause to run the test anyway. |
712 | | format_progress_nl('Running test that would normally be skipped - ~w: ~q', [ReasonMsg,ReasonTerm]), |
713 | | fail), |
714 | | !, |
715 | | full_flush, |
716 | | format_with_colour_nl(user_output,[blue,bold],'Skipping test ~w (~w) because ~w: ~q', [Id,Comment,ReasonMsg,ReasonTerm]), |
717 | | print_junit_skip(Arguments), |
718 | | assertz(test_skipped(Id)), |
719 | | full_flush. |
720 | | run_single_testcase(testcase(Id,_TestCategories,_Infos,Arguments,Comment),_) :- |
721 | | full_flush, |
722 | | format_progress_nl('Running test ~w ~n ~w',[Id,Comment]), |
723 | | (debug_mode(off) -> true ; print('testcase: probcli '), print_args(Arguments),nl), |
724 | | clear_diff_output(Id), |
725 | | clear_logxml_output(Id), |
726 | | prob_junit_args(JUnitArgs), |
727 | | maplist(patch_prob_examples_loc,Arguments,Arguments0), % update path to prob_examples if necessary |
728 | | append(Arguments0, JUnitArgs, Arguments1), |
729 | | (additional_arguments(ExtraArgs) |
730 | | -> remove_matching_prefs(ExtraArgs,Arguments1,RemArguments1), % remove conflicting arguments now overriden |
731 | | append(ExtraArgs,RemArguments1,Arguments2) |
732 | | ; Arguments1=Arguments2), |
733 | ? | (tests_multiply_timeout(Factor) -> modify_timeout(Factor,Arguments2,Arguments3) ; Arguments3 = Arguments2), |
734 | | (no_strict_running, select('-strict',Arguments3,Arguments4) -> true ; Arguments4=Arguments3), |
735 | | (silent_running -> true ; print('executing: probcli '), print_args(Arguments4),nl), |
736 | | full_flush, |
737 | | test_started(Id), |
738 | | catch(prob_cli:run_probcli(Arguments4,[test_runner]), Exception, true), !, |
739 | | test_finished(Id,Walltime), |
740 | | (test_exception_is_success(Exception) |
741 | | -> check_diff_output(Id), |
742 | | check_logxml(Id) |
743 | | ; format_warning_nl('Exception in test ~w: ~w',[Id,Exception]), |
744 | | handle_test_exception(Exception), |
745 | | print_test_failed(Id,Exception) |
746 | | ), |
747 | | (prolog_error_occurred -> |
748 | | print_test_failed(Id,'Error(s) from Prolog during test! See console log for details. Aborting test run.'), |
749 | | halt1 |
750 | | ; true), |
751 | | !, |
752 | | (test_failed(Id) % asserted by check_diff_output/check_logxml/print_test_failed |
753 | | -> true % messages already printed above |
754 | | ; format_with_colour_nl(user_output,[green],'Test ~w completed successfully (in ~w ms)~n',[Id,Walltime]) |
755 | | ), |
756 | | safe_reset_cli(Id), |
757 | | full_flush. |
758 | | |
759 | | test_exception_is_success(Exception) :- var(Exception), !. % No exception was actually thrown |
760 | | test_exception_is_success(Exception) :- Exception == halt(0). % can be thrown by typechecker_test |
761 | | |
762 | | handle_test_exception(Exception) :- |
763 | | ( Exception = error(_,_) -> Type = 'Error' |
764 | | ; Exception = enumeration_warning(_,_,_,_,_) -> Type = 'Enumeration exception' |
765 | | ; Exception = solver_and_provers_too_weak -> Type = 'Solver exception' |
766 | | ; fail |
767 | | ), |
768 | | !, |
769 | | (halt1_allowed |
770 | | -> format_warning_nl('~w during test execution: ~w',[Type,Exception]), |
771 | | halt1 |
772 | | ; true). |
773 | | handle_test_exception(halt(1)) :- !. |
774 | | handle_test_exception(parse_errors(_)) :- !. |
775 | | handle_test_exception(user_interrupt_signal) :- !, |
776 | | assertz(user_interrupt_signal_received), |
777 | | format_warning_nl('CTRL-C received, aborting tests',[]). |
778 | | handle_test_exception(Exception) :- |
779 | | format_warning_nl('Exception not caught in test_runner: ~w',[Exception]), |
780 | | halt1. |
781 | | |
782 | | safe_reset_cli(Id) :- |
783 | | catch(prob_cli:reset_cli, % when bundles/extensions are missing we can get exceptions here |
784 | | Exception, |
785 | | (halt1_allowed |
786 | | -> format_warning_nl('Exception while resetting probcli: ~w',[Exception]), |
787 | | halt1 |
788 | | ; print_test_failed(Id,Exception) |
789 | | )). |
790 | | |
791 | | :- dynamic test_took_aux/2. |
792 | | :- dynamic last_testcase_run/1, number_of_tests_run/1. |
793 | | number_of_tests_run(0). |
794 | | reset_nr_of_tests :- retractall(number_of_tests_run(_)), assertz(number_of_tests_run(0)). |
795 | | |
796 | | :- use_module(library(system),[now/1, datime/2]). |
797 | | :- dynamic performance_session_running/1, performance_session_stats/4. |
798 | | |
799 | | performance_session_start :- |
800 | | now(When), |
801 | | datime(When,datime(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec)), |
802 | | format('~nStarting Codespeed Performance Monitoring session ~w:~w:~w:~w:~w:~w~n',[Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec]), |
803 | | retractall(performance_session_running(_)), |
804 | | assertz(performance_session_running(When)). |
805 | | |
806 | | :- use_module(probsrc(parsercall),[get_parser_version/1]). |
807 | | :- use_module(probsrc(version), [version_str/1, revision/1, lastchangeddate/1, format_prob_version/1]). |
808 | | performance_session_end(FilePrefix) :- |
809 | | performance_session_running(When), |
810 | | datime(When,datime(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec)), |
811 | | %tools:ajoin([FilePrefix,':',Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec],FileName), |
812 | | format('~nFinishing Codespeed session ~w:~w:~w:~w:~w:~w~n -> File : ~w~n',[Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec,FilePrefix]), |
813 | | open(FilePrefix,append,S), |
814 | | format(S,'~n/* Codespeed session ~w:~w:~w:~w:~w:~w */~n',[Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec]), |
815 | | version_str(Vers), portray_clause(S, session_prob_version(When,Vers)), |
816 | | revision(Rev), portray_clause(S, session_prob_revision(When,Rev)), |
817 | | lastchangeddate(DD), portray_clause(S, session_prob_lastchangeddate(When,DD)), |
818 | | get_parser_version(PV), portray_clause(S, session_prob_parser_version(When,PV)), |
819 | | current_prolog_flag(version, PrologVString), |
820 | | portray_clause(S, session_prolog_version_string(When,PrologVString)), |
821 | | current_prolog_flag(version_data, PrologVData), |
822 | | portray_clause(S, session_prolog_version_data(When,PrologVData)), |
823 | | current_prolog_flag(host_type, HostType), |
824 | | portray_clause(S, session_prolog_host_type(When,HostType)), |
825 | | write_perf_data(When,S). |
826 | | |
827 | | write_perf_data(When,S) :- additional_arguments(New), |
828 | | portray_clause(S, stored_additional_arguments(When,New)), |
829 | | fail. |
830 | | write_perf_data(When,S) :- performance_session_stats(When,Id,Time,WTime), |
831 | | portray_clause(S, stored_performance_test_stats(When,Id,Time,WTime)), |
832 | | fail. |
833 | | write_perf_data(_When,S) :- nl(S), nl(S), close(S). |
834 | | |
835 | | |
836 | | |
837 | | test_started(Id) :- |
838 | | retractall(last_testcase_run(_)), assertz(last_testcase_run(Id)), |
839 | | retractall(test_took_aux(_,_)), |
840 | | statistics(runtime,[Start,_]), |
841 | | statistics(walltime,[WStart,_]), |
842 | | bb_put(test_started,Start), |
843 | | bb_put(test_started_wtime,WStart), |
844 | | bb_put(test_target_coverage,0). % a special value which can be increased in ProB's source code |
845 | | % useful to measure the number of tests that cover a new feature |
846 | | |
847 | | :- public inc_test_target_coverage/0. |
848 | | % call this from prob_prolog if some code point you wish to test is covered |
849 | | % using the stats repl command you can then see how many tests have covered this code point |
850 | | inc_test_target_coverage :- |
851 | | bb_get(test_target_coverage,X), |
852 | | X1 is X+1, |
853 | | bb_put(test_target_coverage,X1). |
854 | | |
855 | | :- dynamic test_stats/6. |
856 | | test_finished(Id,WTime) :- |
857 | | statistics(runtime,[End,_]), |
858 | | statistics(walltime,[WEnd,_]), |
859 | | bb_get(test_started,Start), |
860 | | bb_get(test_started_wtime,WStart), |
861 | | bb_get(test_target_coverage,Covered), |
862 | | Time is End - Start, WTime is WEnd- WStart, |
863 | | retractall(test_took_aux(_,_)), |
864 | | assertz(test_took_aux(Time,WTime)), |
865 | | (retract(number_of_tests_run(Nr)) -> N1 is Nr+1 ; N1=1), |
866 | | assertz(number_of_tests_run(N1)), |
867 | | (retract(test_stats(Id,PrevTime,PrevWTime,_,_,_)) |
868 | | -> assertz(test_stats(Id,Time,WTime,PrevTime,PrevWTime,Covered)) |
869 | | ; assertz(test_stats(Id,Time,WTime,-1,-1,Covered)) |
870 | | ), |
871 | | (performance_session_running(When) |
872 | | -> assertz(performance_session_stats(When,Id,Time,WTime)) |
873 | | ; true). |
874 | | |
875 | | print_delta_stats :- print('Comparing walltimes with previous test run: '),nl, |
876 | | findall(delta(DeltaPerc,DeltaWTime,Id),test_delta_stat(Id,DeltaPerc,DeltaWTime),L), |
877 | | (L=[] -> print('No previous run information available'),nl |
878 | | ; print(' ID | % (delta absolute) | walltime (runtime)~n'),nl, |
879 | | sort(L,SL), |
880 | | maplist(print_delta,SL)). |
881 | | test_delta_stat(Id,DeltaPerc,DeltaWTime) :- |
882 | | test_stats(Id,_RTime,WTime,_PrevRTime,PrevWTime,_), |
883 | | PrevWTime>0, |
884 | | DeltaWTime is WTime - PrevWTime, |
885 | | DeltaPerc is (100*DeltaWTime) / PrevWTime. |
886 | | print_delta(delta(DeltaPerc,DeltaWTime,Id)) :- |
887 | | test_stats(Id,RTime,WTime,_PrevRTime,PrevWTime,_Cov), |
888 | | format(' ~w | ~2f % (~w ms) | ~w ms (~w ms runtime) [~w walltime ms previously]~n', |
889 | | [Id,DeltaPerc,DeltaWTime,WTime,RTime,PrevWTime]). |
890 | | |
891 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools),[print_memory_used_wo_gc/0]). |
892 | | print_current_stats :- print_current_stats(user_output,' | '). |
893 | | print_current_stats(Stream,Sep) :- |
894 | | print_memory_used_wo_gc,nl, |
895 | | bb_put(test_target_coverage_nr,0), |
896 | | bb_put(test_target_coverage_count,0), |
897 | | bb_put(test_counter_nr,0), |
898 | | format(Stream,' ID~wOK~wWALLTIME (ms)~wRUNTIME (ms)~wCOV~wDESCRIPTION~n',[Sep,Sep,Sep,Sep,Sep]), |
899 | | test_stats(Id,RTime,WTime,_PrevRTime,_PrevWTime,NrTargetCoverage), |
900 | | cli_testcase(Id,_Cat,_,_Args,Desc), |
901 | | (test_failed(Id) -> OK = '*FAILED*' ; OK = ' OK '), |
902 | | format(Stream,' ~w~w~w~w~w~w~w~w~w~w~w~n', |
903 | | [Id,Sep,OK,Sep,WTime,Sep,RTime,Sep,NrTargetCoverage,Sep,Desc]), |
904 | | bb_get(test_counter_nr,Nr), Nr1 is Nr+1, bb_put(test_counter_nr,Nr1), |
905 | | (NrTargetCoverage>0 |
906 | | -> bb_get(test_target_coverage_nr,TN), TN1 is TN+1, bb_put(test_target_coverage_nr,TN1), |
907 | | bb_get(test_target_coverage_count,NC), NC1 is NC+NrTargetCoverage, |
908 | | bb_put(test_target_coverage_count,NC1) |
909 | | ), |
910 | | fail. |
911 | | print_current_stats(_,_) :- |
912 | | bb_get(test_counter_nr,NrT), |
913 | | format('Number of tests: ~w~n',[NrT]), |
914 | | (bb_get(test_target_coverage_nr,Nr), Nr>0 -> |
915 | | bb_get(test_target_coverage_count,NrC), |
916 | | Perc is (100.0 * Nr) / NrT, |
917 | | format('Number of tests reaching test source code target: ~w (~2f %, total hits: ~w)~n',[Nr, Perc, NrC]) |
918 | | ; true). |
919 | | |
920 | | test_took(Time,WTime) :- test_took_aux(Time,WTime), !. |
921 | | test_took(0,0) :- |
922 | | format_warning_nl('test_took/2 called before test_finished/2, this should not happen!',[]). |
923 | | |
924 | | print_junit_skip(Arguments) :- |
925 | | prob_junit_dir(Dir) |
926 | | -> set_junit_dir(Dir), |
927 | | create_and_print_junit_result(['Integration Tests'],Arguments,0,skip) |
928 | | ; true. |
929 | | |
930 | | % if the test expects a time_out error, the timeout is not expanded |
931 | | % otherwise, timeout is increased to allow coverage analysis / junit / etc to finish |
932 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools_meta), [no_time_out_value/1]). |
933 | | multiply_and_truncate_timeout(OrigTimeout, Factor, NewTimeout) :- |
934 | | no_time_out_value(NoTimeout), |
935 | | % Make sure that the new timeout never exceeds the special "no timeout" value, |
936 | | % otherwise ProB prints lots of warnings about the timeout being too high. |
937 | | NewTimeout is min(round(Factor * OrigTimeout), NoTimeout). % Factor could be float |
938 | | |
939 | | modify_timeout(_,OldOptions,New) :- |
940 | | append(_,['-expcterr','time_out'|_],OldOptions), !, New=OldOptions. % we expect a time_out |
941 | | modify_timeout(Factor,[],['-p','TIME_OUT',NVal]) :- |
942 | | % timeout was not set at all - set it to Factor*Default |
943 | | % Note: there is a potential problem when the time_out is set inside the machine and not in the test !! TO DO: fix |
944 | | preferences:preference_default_value(time_out,DEFAULT), |
945 | | multiply_and_truncate_timeout(DEFAULT, Factor, NVal). |
946 | | modify_timeout(Factor,[GTC,OLD|T],[GTC,NewT|MT]) :- is_global_time_out_cmd(GTC),!, |
947 | | tools:arg_is_number(OLD,OLDT), |
948 | | multiply_and_truncate_timeout(Factor, OLDT, NewT), |
949 | | modify_timeout(Factor,T,MT). |
950 | | modify_timeout(Factor,['-p','TIME_OUT',OLD|T],['-p','TIME_OUT',NewT|T]) :- |
951 | | tools:arg_is_number(OLD,OLDT), !, |
952 | | multiply_and_truncate_timeout(Factor, OLDT, NewT). % TODO: we currently assume global_time_out appears before |
953 | ? | modify_timeout(Factor,[H|T],[H|MT]) :- modify_timeout(Factor,T,MT). |
954 | | |
955 | | is_global_time_out_cmd('-global_time_out'). |
956 | | is_global_time_out_cmd('--global_time_out'). |
957 | | is_global_time_out_cmd('-time_out'). % old version |
958 | | |
959 | | full_flush :- flush_output(user_output), flush_output(user_error). |
960 | | |
961 | | print_args([]). |
962 | | print_args([H|T]) :- print(H), print(' '), print_args(T). |
963 | | |
964 | | print_test_failed(Id,Msg) :- |
965 | | print_test_failed(Id,Msg,''). |
966 | | print_test_failed(Id,Msg1,Msg2) :- |
967 | | (Msg1 = user_interrupt_signal -> assertz(user_interrupt_signal_received) ; true), |
968 | | test_took(RunTime,WallTime), |
969 | | cli_testcase(Id,Categories,_Infos,Arguments,Comment), |
970 | | Categories = [FirstCat|_], !, |
971 | | ErrorMessage = ['Test with Id',Id,'failed.','Test Categories: ',Categories,'Test Arguments: ',Arguments,'Test Comment: ',Comment,'Error Messages in Test Runner: ',Msg1,Msg2,'Content of Error Manager: '], |
972 | | (get_all_errors(AllErrors) -> true ; AllErrors = []), |
973 | | append(ErrorMessage,AllErrors,FullErrorMessage), |
974 | | create_and_print_junit_result(['Integration Tests',FirstCat],Id,RunTime,error(FullErrorMessage)), |
975 | | assert_test_failed(Id), |
976 | | start_terminal_colour(red,user_error), |
977 | | format(user_error,'*** Test ~w FAILED (after ~w ms runtime, ~w ms walltime): ~w~w~n', |
978 | | [Id,RunTime,WallTime,Msg1,Msg2]), |
979 | | write('***'),print_memory_used_wo_gc,nl, |
980 | | reset_terminal_colour(user_error). |
981 | | |
982 | | assert_test_failed(Id) :- |
983 | | assertz(test_failed(Id)), |
984 | | retractall(last_test_failed(_)), |
985 | | assertz(last_test_failed(Id)). |
986 | | |
987 | | diff_failed(Id,F1,F2,DiffOutputText,CmpOutputText) :- |
988 | | test_took(Time,_), |
989 | | atom_codes(DiffOutputAtom,DiffOutputText), |
990 | | atom_codes(CmpOutputAtom,CmpOutputText), |
991 | | ErrMsg = ['Diff for test with Id\n',Id,'\nfailed:\n','Output file\n',F1,'\ndoes not correspond to stored version\n',F2, |
992 | | '\nOutput of Diff:\n',DiffOutputAtom, |
993 | | '\nOutput of Cmp:\n',CmpOutputAtom], |
994 | | create_and_print_junit_result(['Diff Checking'],Id,Time,error(ErrMsg)), |
995 | | assert_test_failed(Id), |
996 | | assertz(test_diff_failed(Id,F1,F2)), |
997 | | start_terminal_colour(red,user_error), |
998 | | format(user_error,'*** Test ~w FAILED: Diff failed:~nOutput file ~w~ndoes not correspond to stored version~n~w~n', [Id,F1,F2]), |
999 | | format(user_error,'Diff:~n~s~n',[DiffOutputText]), |
1000 | | format(user_error,'Cmp:~n~s~n',[CmpOutputText]), |
1001 | | reset_terminal_colour(user_error). |
1002 | | |
1003 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools_commands),[diff_files_with_editor/2]). |
1004 | | diff_in_editor :- findall(I,test_diff_failed(I,_,_),LI), sort(LI,SI), |
1005 | | format('Opening failed diff files in editor: ~w~n',[SI]), |
1006 | | test_diff_failed(Id,F1,F2), |
1007 | | format('Test ~w~n~w ~w~n',[Id,F1,F2]), |
1008 | | diff_files_with_editor(F1,F2), |
1009 | | fail. |
1010 | | diff_in_editor. |
1011 | | |
1012 | | |
1013 | | clear_diff_output(Id) :- % clear all files that should be generated |
1014 | | get_testcase_diff_check_output(Id,GeneratedFile,_StoredReferenceFile), |
1015 | | safe_file_exists(GeneratedFile), |
1016 | | (get_testcase_do_not_delete(Id,GeneratedFile) -> formatsilent(user_output,'% Keeping: ~w~n',[GeneratedFile]) |
1017 | | ; formatsilent(user_output,'% Deleting: ~w~n',[GeneratedFile]), |
1018 | | delete_file(GeneratedFile) |
1019 | | ),fail. |
1020 | | clear_diff_output(_). |
1021 | | |
1022 | | check_diff_output(Id) :- |
1023 | | findall(diff(Id,GeneratedFile,StoredReferenceFile), |
1024 | | get_testcase_diff_check_output(Id,GeneratedFile,StoredReferenceFile), |
1025 | | ListOfDiffsToCheck), |
1026 | | maplist(check_diff_output2, ListOfDiffsToCheck). |
1027 | | |
1028 | | check_diff_output2(diff(Id,GeneratedFile,StoredReferenceFile)) :- |
1029 | | \+ safe_file_exists(GeneratedFile) -> print_test_failed(Id,'Output file does not exist:',GeneratedFile) ; |
1030 | | \+ safe_file_exists(StoredReferenceFile) -> print_test_failed(Id,'Stored file does not exist:',StoredReferenceFile) ; |
1031 | | diff(Id,GeneratedFile,StoredReferenceFile). |
1032 | | |
1033 | | diff(Id,F1,F2) :- |
1034 | | formatsilent(user_output,'% Checking: diff / cmp ~w ~w~n',[F1,F2]), |
1035 | | get_command_path(diff,DiffPath), |
1036 | | get_command_path(cmp,CmpPath), |
1037 | | (system_call(DiffPath,['-b',F1,F2],DiffOutputText,_ErrTextDiff,ExitDiff) % use -q for quiet |
1038 | | -> true |
1039 | | ; DiffOutputText = "*** CALLING DIFF FAILED !", ExitDiff = fail |
1040 | | ), |
1041 | | formatsilent(user_output,'% Checking: cmp ~w ~w~n',[F1,F2]), |
1042 | | (system_call(CmpPath,['-b',F1,F2],CmpOutputText,_ErrTextCmp,_ExitCmp) |
1043 | | -> true |
1044 | | ; CmpOutputText = "*** CALLING CMP FAILED !" |
1045 | | ), |
1046 | | (ExitDiff = exit(0)%, ExitCmp = exit(0) |
1047 | | -> true |
1048 | | ; diff_failed(Id,F1,F2,DiffOutputText,CmpOutputText)). |
1049 | | |
1050 | | |
1051 | | % ---------------- |
1052 | | :- volatile logxml_file/1. |
1053 | | % logxml file used automatically when started by test_runner |
1054 | | :- dynamic logxml_file/1. |
1055 | | clear_logxml_output(_Id) :- logxml_file(GeneratedFile), |
1056 | | safe_file_exists(GeneratedFile), |
1057 | | delete_file(GeneratedFile), |
1058 | | fail. |
1059 | | clear_logxml_output(_). |
1060 | | |
1061 | | set_logxml_file(File) :- retractall(logxml_file(_)), assertz(logxml_file(File)), |
1062 | | format('Adding -logxml ~w.~n',[File]), |
1063 | | add_additional_arguments(['-logxml',File]). |
1064 | | |
1065 | | :- use_module(probsrc(logger),[read_xml_log_file/2]). |
1066 | | check_logxml(Id) :- |
1067 | | logxml_file(File),!, |
1068 | | xmllint(Id,File), |
1069 | | check_logxml(Id,File). |
1070 | | check_logxml(_). |
1071 | | |
1072 | | xmllint(Id,File) :- |
1073 | | (call_xmllint(File,ErrText,ExitLint) |
1074 | | -> (ExitLint = exit(0) -> true |
1075 | | ; print_test_failed(Id,'xmllint reported errors for file:',File), |
1076 | | formatsilent(user_error,'% xmllint result~n~s~n',[ErrText]) |
1077 | | ) |
1078 | | ; print_test_failed(Id,'Calling xmllint failed for file:',File) |
1079 | | ). |
1080 | | |
1081 | | :- dynamic use_logxml_schema/0. |
1082 | | set_use_logxml_schema :- (use_logxml_schema -> true ; assertz(use_logxml_schema)). |
1083 | | call_xmllint(File,ErrText,ExitLint) :- use_logxml_schema, |
1084 | | absolute_file_name(prob_home('doc/logxml_xsd.xml'),SchemaFile), |
1085 | | file_exists(SchemaFile),!, |
1086 | | get_command_path(xmllint,LintPath), |
1087 | | format('Calling ~w with schema ~w for logxml file ~w~n',[LintPath,SchemaFile,File]), |
1088 | | system_call(LintPath,['--schema', SchemaFile, File, '-noout'],_OutputText,ErrText,ExitLint). |
1089 | | call_xmllint(File,ErrText,ExitLint) :- |
1090 | | get_command_path(xmllint,LintPath), |
1091 | | format('Calling ~w without schema for logxml file ~w~n',[LintPath,File]), |
1092 | | system_call(LintPath,[File],_OutputText,ErrText,ExitLint). |
1093 | | |
1094 | | check_logxml(Id,File) :- |
1095 | | catch(read_xml_log_file(File,Infos), E, |
1096 | | print_test_failed(Id,'Exception trying to read logxml file:',E)), |
1097 | | !, |
1098 | | format_progress_nl('Read logxml file ~w, contains ~w.',[File,Infos]), |
1099 | | check_error_cound(Id,Infos). |
1100 | | check_logxml(Id,File) :- |
1101 | | print_test_failed(Id,'Logxml file could not be read:',File). |
1102 | | |
1103 | | check_error_cound(Id,Infos) :- |
1104 | | testcase_expects_errors(Id),!, |
1105 | | (member(expected_errors/E,Infos),E>0 -> true ; print_test_failed(Id,'Logxml file does not report errors:',Infos)). |
1106 | | check_error_cound(Id,Infos) :- |
1107 | | (member(errors/0,Infos),member(expected_errors/0,Infos) -> true |
1108 | | ; print_test_failed(Id,'Logxml file reports errors:',Infos)). |
1109 | | |
1110 | | testcase_expects_errors(Id) :- |
1111 | | cli_testcase(Id,_Cat,_Infos,Arguments,_Comment), |
1112 | | member(A,Arguments), expect_error_arg(A). |
1113 | | |
1114 | | expect_error_arg('-expcterr'). |
1115 | | expect_error_arg('-expecterr'). |
1116 | | expect_error_arg('-expect'). |
1117 | | expect_error_arg('-expcterrpos'). |
1118 | | |
1119 | | % ------------------ |
1120 | | |
1121 | | :- volatile repl_mode/0. |
1122 | | :- dynamic repl_mode/0. |
1123 | | |
1124 | | :- use_module(test_paths, [get_prob_examples_override/1, set_prob_examples_override/1]). |
1125 | | |
1126 | | set_prob_examples_location(Dir) :- |
1127 | | (atom(Dir) -> DirAtom = Dir ; atom_codes(DirAtom, Dir)), |
1128 | | format('Setting location of prob_examples directory to: ~s~n',[DirAtom]), |
1129 | | set_prob_examples_override(DirAtom). |
1130 | | |
1131 | | % Prefixes of arguments that contain file paths, |
1132 | | % which may need to be patched to an alternate prob_examples location. |
1133 | | path_arg_prefix("#file "). |
1134 | | path_arg_prefix(":cdclt #file "). |
1135 | | path_arg_prefix(":cdclt-file "). |
1136 | | path_arg_prefix(":cdclt-free #file "). |
1137 | | path_arg_prefix(":cdclt-double-check #file "). |
1138 | | path_arg_prefix(":cdclt-free-double-check #file "). |
1139 | | path_arg_prefix(":prob-file "). |
1140 | | path_arg_prefix(":z3-file "). |
1141 | | path_arg_prefix(":z3-free-file "). |
1142 | | path_arg_prefix(""). |
1143 | | |
1144 | | % update path to prob_examples if necessary: |
1145 | | patch_prob_examples_loc_0(NewLoc,Arg,PatchedArg) :- |
1146 | | path_arg_prefix(Prefix), |
1147 | | append(Prefix, ArgTail, Arg), |
1148 | | append("../prob_examples", PathTail, ArgTail), |
1149 | | !, |
1150 | | append(NewLoc, PathTail, PatchedArgTail), |
1151 | | append(Prefix, PatchedArgTail, PatchedArg). |
1152 | | |
1153 | | patch_prob_examples_loc(Arg,PatchedArg) :- |
1154 | | get_prob_examples_override(NewLocAtom), |
1155 | | atom_codes(NewLocAtom, NewLoc), |
1156 | | atom(Arg), |
1157 | | atom_codes(Arg,ArgC), |
1158 | | patch_prob_examples_loc_0(NewLoc,ArgC,PatchedArgC), |
1159 | | !, |
1160 | | atom_codes(PatchedArg,PatchedArgC), |
1161 | | format('Patched ~w to ~w~n',[Arg,PatchedArg]). |
1162 | | patch_prob_examples_loc(A,A). |
1163 | | |
1164 | | get_testcase_do_not_delete(Id,PF) :- |
1165 | | cli_testcase_do_not_delete(Id,F), |
1166 | | patch_prob_examples_loc(F,PF). |
1167 | | |
1168 | | get_testcase_diff_check_output(Id,PF1,PF2) :- |
1169 | | cli_testcase_diff_check_output(Id,F1,F2), |
1170 | | patch_prob_examples_loc(F1,PF1), |
1171 | | patch_prob_examples_loc(F2,PF2). |
1172 | | |
1173 | | :- use_module(extension('counter/counter'),[counter_init/0]). |
1174 | | :- use_module(probsrc(prob_startup), [startup_prob/0]). |
1175 | | init_test_runner :- startup_prob,counter_init. |
1176 | | :- use_module(library(lists),[maplist/2]). |
1177 | | % a minimal shell to execute tests: |
1178 | | test_repl :- |
1179 | | init_test_runner, |
1180 | | format_prob_version(user_output),nl, |
1181 | | assertz(repl_mode), |
1182 | | current_prolog_flag(argv,ArgV), treat_argv(ArgV), |
1183 | | test_repl_loop, |
1184 | | retractall(repl_mode). |
1185 | | |
1186 | | |
1187 | | treat_argv(['-prob-examples',Dir|T]) :- !, set_prob_examples_location(Dir), |
1188 | | treat_argv(T). |
1189 | | treat_argv(Args) :- maplist(eval_argv,Args). |
1190 | | |
1191 | | % execute tests provided on the command-line: |
1192 | | eval_argv(Cmd) :- format('ARGV ==> ~w~n',[Cmd]), |
1193 | | atom_codes(Cmd,C), safe_number_codes(Nr,C), !, test_eval(Nr). |
1194 | | eval_argv(Cmd) :- test_eval(Cmd),!. |
1195 | | |
1196 | | test_repl_loop :- safe_read(T), test_eval(T), !, test_repl_loop. |
1197 | | test_repl_loop. |
1198 | | |
1199 | | safe_read(T) :- |
1200 | | catch( |
1201 | | (prompt(OldPrompt, 'TEST ==> '), call_cleanup(read(T), prompt(_, OldPrompt))), |
1202 | | error(syntax_error(E),_), |
1203 | | (format_warning_nl('*** Syntax error: ~w~n*** Type Prolog term followed by a dot(.) and enter.',[E]), |
1204 | | safe_read(T))). |
1205 | | |
1206 | | :- meta_predicate wall(0). |
1207 | | wall(Call) :- |
1208 | | statistics(walltime,[Start,_]), |
1209 | | call(Call), |
1210 | | statistics(walltime,[Stop,_]), WT is Stop-Start, |
1211 | | format('Walltime: ~w ms~n',[WT]), |
1212 | | print_memory_used_wo_gc,nl. |
1213 | | |
1214 | | % ------------------------- |
1215 | | |
1216 | | :- use_module(library(file_systems)). |
1217 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools),[get_options/5]). |
1218 | | % true for test_files |
1219 | | test_file(Id,File,AbsFileName) :- cli_testcase(Id,_Cat,_Infos,Arguments,_Comment), |
1220 | | get_options(Arguments,prob_cli:recognised_cli_option,_Options,Files,fail), |
1221 | | member(File,Files), |
1222 | | is_existing_file(File), |
1223 | | absolute_file_name(File,AbsFileName). |
1224 | | |
1225 | | is_existing_file(X) :- \+ number(X), atom(X), |
1226 | | atom_codes(X,Codes),[BS] = "/", (member(BS,Codes) -> true), |
1227 | | file_exists(X). |
1228 | | |
1229 | | % obtain a list of all files used in tests |
1230 | | all_files(Files) :- findall(F,test_file(_,_,F),A), sort(A,Files). |
1231 | | |
1232 | | % a test file that can be loaded: |
1233 | | valid_test_file(Id,File,AbsFileName,XT) :- |
1234 | | test_file(Id,File,AbsFileName), |
1235 | | cli_testcase(Id,_Cat,_Infos,Arguments,_Comment), |
1236 | | \+ append(_,['-expcterr', load_main_file |_],Arguments), |
1237 | | tools:get_filename_extension(File,XT). |
1238 | | all_valid_files(Files,Mode) :- |
1239 | | findall(F, (valid_test_file(_,_,F,XT), |
1240 | | relevant_extension(XT,Mode)), |
1241 | | A), |
1242 | | sort(A,Files). |
1243 | | |
1244 | | % traverse a directory and indicate which specification files are used in tests and which ones not |
1245 | | traverse :- traverse('../prob_examples/public_examples/'). |
1246 | | traverse(SD) :- all_files(Files), absolute_file_name(SD,StartDir), |
1247 | | format('Examining files in ~w~n + means file is used in some test~n~n',[StartDir]), |
1248 | | traverse(StartDir,Files). |
1249 | | |
1250 | | traverse(Dir,AllFiles) :- file_member_of_directory(Dir,_,FullFile), |
1251 | | tools:get_filename_extension(FullFile,XT), |
1252 | | (member(FullFile,AllFiles) -> format(' + ~w~n',[FullFile]) |
1253 | | ; relevant_extension(XT,_) -> format('--- ~w~n',[FullFile])), |
1254 | | fail. |
1255 | | traverse(Dir,AllFiles) :- directory_member_of_directory(Dir,_,SubDir), |
1256 | | %format('~nSTART ~w~n',[SubDir]), |
1257 | | traverse(SubDir,AllFiles), |
1258 | | %format('~n END ~w~n',[SubDir]), |
1259 | | fail. |
1260 | | traverse(_,_). |
1261 | | |
1262 | | relevant_extension('mch',b). |
1263 | | relevant_extension('ref',b). |
1264 | | relevant_extension('imp',b). |
1265 | | relevant_extension('tla',tla). |
1266 | | relevant_extension('fuzz',z). |
1267 | | relevant_extension('tex',z). |
1268 | | relevant_extension('csp',csp). |
1269 | | relevant_extension('cspm',csp). |
1270 | | relevant_extension('eventb',eventb). |
1271 | | |
1272 | | % -------------------------- |
1273 | | |
1274 | | test_eval(quit) :- !,fail. |
1275 | | test_eval(q) :- !,fail. |
1276 | | test_eval(end_of_file) :- !,fail. % Ctrl-D |
1277 | | test_eval(Cmd) :- test_eval1(Cmd),!. |
1278 | | test_eval(Cmd) :- |
1279 | | format_warning_nl('Error executing command: ~w',[Cmd]). |
1280 | | |
1281 | | test_eval1(N) :- number(N),!, wall(run_id(N)). |
1282 | | test_eval1(last) :- !, wall(run_last_test). |
1283 | | test_eval1(N-M) :- number(N), number(M),!, wall(run_tests_by_id(N-M)). |
1284 | | test_eval1('..'(N,M)) :- !, test_eval1(N-M). |
1285 | | test_eval1(repeat(ID,M)) :- !, repeat_id(ID,M). |
1286 | | test_eval1(r) :- !, run_random_tests(25). |
1287 | | test_eval1(v) :- !,v. |
1288 | | test_eval1(verbose) :- !,v. |
1289 | | test_eval1(all_files) :- !, all_files(Files), length(Files,Len), |
1290 | | format('~nFiles = ~n~w~n # Files = ~w~n',[Files,Len]). |
1291 | | test_eval1(valid_files(Mode)) :- !, all_valid_files(Files,Mode), length(Files,Len), |
1292 | | format('~nValid ~w Files = ~n~w~n # Files = ~w~n',[Mode,Files,Len]). |
1293 | | test_eval1(files) :- !, traverse. |
1294 | | test_eval1(files(Dir)) :- !, traverse(Dir). |
1295 | | test_eval1(ex(Dir)) :- !, set_prob_examples_location(Dir). |
1296 | | test_eval1(cache) :- !,print('Enabling cache'),nl, |
1297 | | cache. |
1298 | | test_eval1(debug) :- !,print('Enabling Prolog debugging mode (use -v or -vv for ProB debugging info)'),nl, |
1299 | | debug, |
1300 | | retractall(multiply_timeout(_)), |
1301 | | assertz(multiply_timeout(10)). |
1302 | | test_eval1(factor(X)) :- !, |
1303 | | retractall(multiply_timeout(_)), |
1304 | | format('Setting timeout factor to ~w~n',[X]), |
1305 | | assertz(multiply_timeout(X)). |
1306 | | test_eval1(timeout(X)) :- !, |
1307 | | format('Adding -timeout ~w for model checking, disproving~nUse factor(X) to set TIME_OUT factor.~n',[X]), |
1308 | | add_additional_arguments(['-timeout',X]). |
1309 | | test_eval1(coverage) :- !, |
1310 | | format('Adding -coverage to all commands.~n',[]), |
1311 | | add_additional_arguments(['-coverage']). |
1312 | | test_eval1(opreuse) :- !, |
1313 | | format('Adding operation reuse to all commands.~n',[]), |
1314 | | add_additional_arguments(['-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE',true]). |
1315 | | test_eval1(opc) :- !, |
1316 | | format('Adding operation reuse and compression to all commands.~n',[]), |
1317 | | add_additional_arguments(['-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE',true]). |
1318 | | test_eval1(opcf) :- !, |
1319 | | format('Adding operation reuse and compression to all commands.~n',[]), |
1320 | | add_additional_arguments(['-p', 'COMPRESSION', 'TRUE', '-p', 'OPERATION_REUSE',full]). |
1321 | | test_eval1(reset) :- !, reset_additional_arguments. |
1322 | | test_eval1(logxml) :- !, File = './test_runner_logxml.xml', |
1323 | | set_logxml_file(File). |
1324 | | test_eval1(xsd) :- !, File = './test_runner_logxml.xml', |
1325 | | set_logxml_file(File), set_use_logxml_schema. |
1326 | | test_eval1(debug_off) :- !,print('Disabling Prolog debugging mode'),nl, |
1327 | | nodebug, |
1328 | | retractall(multiply_timeout(_)). |
1329 | | test_eval1(fast) :- !,print('Enabling jvm_parser_fastrw'),nl, |
1330 | | % TODO: only works at the very beginning; we need to be able to switch parser? |
1331 | | add_additional_preference('jvm_parser_fastrw','true'), |
1332 | | add_additional_preference('jvm_parser_force_parsing','true'). |
1333 | | test_eval1(force) :- !,print('Setting jvm_parser_force_parsing'),nl, |
1334 | | add_additional_preference('jvm_parser_force_parsing','true'). |
1335 | | test_eval1(clpfd) :- !,print('Enabling CLPFD'),nl, |
1336 | | add_additional_preference('CLPFD','TRUE'). |
1337 | | test_eval1(clpfd_off) :- !,print('Disabling CLPFD'),nl, |
1338 | | add_additional_preference('CLPFD','FALSE'). |
1339 | | test_eval1(smt) :- !,print('Enabling SMT'),nl, |
1340 | | add_additional_preference('SMT','TRUE'). |
1341 | | test_eval1(smt_off) :- !,print('Disabling SMT'),nl, |
1342 | | add_additional_preference('SMT','FALSE'). |
1343 | | test_eval1(chr) :- !,print('Enabling CHR'),nl, |
1344 | | add_additional_preference('CHR','TRUE'). |
1345 | | test_eval1(chr_off) :- !,print('Disabling CHR'),nl, |
1346 | | add_additional_preference('CHR','FALSE'). |
1347 | | test_eval1(cse_off) :- !,print('Disabling CSE'),nl, |
1348 | | add_additional_preference('CSE','FALSE'). |
1349 | | test_eval1(cse) :- !,print('Enabling CSE'),nl, |
1350 | | add_additional_preference('CSE','TRUE'). |
1351 | | test_eval1(cse_subst) :- !,print('Enabling CSE_SUBST'),nl, |
1352 | | add_additional_preference('CSE','TRUE'), |
1353 | | add_additional_preference('CSE_SUBST','TRUE'). |
1354 | | test_eval1(trace_info) :- !,print('Enabling TRACE_INFO'),nl, |
1355 | | add_additional_preference('TRACE_INFO','TRUE'). |
1356 | | % |
1357 | | test_eval1(p(PREF)) :- !, |
1358 | | get_preference_name(PREF,PName), |
1359 | | print('Enabling Preference '),print(PName),nl, |
1360 | | add_additional_preference(PName,'true'). |
1361 | | test_eval1(p(PREF,VAL)) :- !, |
1362 | | get_preference_name(PREF,PName), |
1363 | | print('Setting Preference '),print(PName),nl, |
1364 | | add_additional_preference(PName,VAL). |
1365 | | test_eval1(random) :- !,print('Enabling RANDOMISE_ENUMERATION_ORDER'),nl, |
1366 | | add_additional_preference('RANDOMISE_ENUMERATION_ORDER','TRUE'). |
1367 | | test_eval1(random_off) :- !,print('Enabling RANDOMISE_ENUMERATION_ORDER'),nl, |
1368 | | add_additional_preference('RANDOMISE_ENUMERATION_ORDER','FALSE'). |
1369 | | test_eval1(safe) :- !,print('Setting PROB_SAFE_MODE'),nl, |
1370 | | run_safely. |
1371 | | test_eval1(sanity_check) :- !, sanity_check(false). |
1372 | | test_eval1(sc) :- !, sanity_check(false). |
1373 | | test_eval1(trace) :- !, print('Enabling TRACE_UPON_ERROR'),nl, |
1374 | | add_additional_preference('TRACE_UPON_ERROR','TRUE'). |
1375 | | test_eval1(trace_off) :- !, print('Disabling TRACE_UPON_ERROR'),nl, |
1376 | | add_additional_preference('TRACE_UPON_ERROR','FALSE'). |
1377 | | test_eval1(raise) :- !,print('Enabling STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS'),nl, |
1378 | | add_additional_preference('STRICT_RAISE_ENUM_WARNINGS','TRUE'). |
1379 | | test_eval1(nopt) :- !,print('Disabling OPTIMIZE_AST'),nl, |
1380 | | add_additional_preference('OPTIMIZE_AST','FALSE'). |
1381 | | test_eval1(vv) :- !,vv. |
1382 | | test_eval1(version(X)) :- !, print_version(X). %cpp, java, full, lib |
1383 | | test_eval1(version) :- !, print_version(full_verbose). |
1384 | | test_eval1(silent) :- !, run_silently. |
1385 | | test_eval1(nostrict) :- !, run_no_strict. |
1386 | | test_eval1(no_strict) :- !, run_no_strict. |
1387 | | test_eval1(strict) :- !, retractall(no_strict_running). |
1388 | | test_eval1(skip) :- !, (retract(skip_all_tests) -> X=false ; assertz(skip_all_tests),X=true), |
1389 | | format('Marking all tests as skipped: ~w~n',[X]). |
1390 | | test_eval1(x) :- !,halt. |
1391 | | test_eval1(reload) :- !,use_module(probsrc(test_runner)), use_module(probsrc(testcases)). |
1392 | | :- if(predicate_property(make, _)). |
1393 | | test_eval1(make) :- !, make. |
1394 | | :- else. |
1395 | | test_eval1(make) :- !, |
1396 | | print('make/0 is only supported on SWI-Prolog - reloading just the testcases instead.'),nl, |
1397 | | test_eval1(reload). |
1398 | | :- endif. |
1399 | | test_eval1(edit) :- last_testcase_run(Id), |
1400 | | cli_testcase(Id,_,_Infos,Arguments,_Comment), |
1401 | | member(File,Arguments), safe_file_exists(File),!, |
1402 | | edit_file(File). |
1403 | | test_eval1(e) :- !, test_eval1(edit). |
1404 | | test_eval1(diff) :- !, diff_in_editor. |
1405 | | test_eval1(halt) :- !,halt. |
1406 | | test_eval1(info) :- !, get_total_number_of_errors(X), format('~nTotal number of errors: ~w~n~n',[X]). |
1407 | | test_eval1(cat) :- !, print('Categories: '), |
1408 | | findall(Cat, |
1409 | | (cli_testcase(_, TestCategories, _, _, _), member(Cat, TestCategories)), List), |
1410 | | sort(List,SL), print(SL),nl, |
1411 | | format('Type cat(Cat) or name of category to run it.~n',[]), |
1412 | | format('Note: priv is an alias for private_source_not_available.~n',[]). |
1413 | | test_eval1(all) :- !, wall(run_tests_all). |
1414 | | test_eval1(cata) :- !, category_analysis. |
1415 | | test_eval1(cat(Category)) :- !, |
1416 | | wall(run_tests_by_category(Category,all)). |
1417 | | test_eval1(priv) :- !, test_eval1(cat(private_source_not_available)). |
1418 | | test_eval1(first(Category)) :- !, |
1419 | | wall(run_tests_by_first_category(Category)). |
1420 | | test_eval1(list(Category)) :- !, |
1421 | | get_tests_for_categories([Category],TList), |
1422 | | findall(Id,member(testcase(Id, _, _, _, _),TList),List), |
1423 | | format('Tests for category: ~w~n',[List]). |
1424 | | test_eval1(make(Categories)) :- !, |
1425 | | wall(makefile_by_category(user_output,Categories)). |
1426 | | test_eval1(make(File,Categories)) :- !, |
1427 | | wall(makefile_by_category(File,Categories)). |
1428 | | test_eval1(files(Category)) :- !, show_files(Category). |
1429 | | test_eval1(uses(Command)) :- !, wall(run_tests_using_command(Command)). |
1430 | | test_eval1(uses(Pref,Val)) :- !, wall(run_tests_using_preference(Pref,Val)). |
1431 | | test_eval1(p) :- !, test_eval1(profile). |
1432 | | test_eval1(ps) :- !, test_eval1(print_profile). |
1433 | | test_eval1(pc) :- !, test_eval1(print_coverage). |
1434 | | test_eval1(delta) :- !, print_delta_stats. |
1435 | | test_eval1(stats) :- !, print_current_stats. |
1436 | | test_eval1(statscsv) :- !, print_current_stats(user_output,','). |
1437 | | test_eval1(start) :- !, performance_session_start. |
1438 | | test_eval1(stop) :- !, performance_session_end('log/test_runner_performance_log.pl'). |
1439 | | test_eval1(codespeed) :- !, |
1440 | | performance_session_start, |
1441 | | test_eval1(cat(codespeed)), |
1442 | | performance_session_end('log/test_runner_performance_codespeed_log.pl'). |
1443 | | test_eval1(prob_profile) :- !, |
1444 | | cli_print_statistics(prob_profile), |
1445 | | cli_print_statistics(disprover_profile). |
1446 | | test_eval1(profile) :- !, print('PROFILING : '), %spy([avl:avl_size/2]), |
1447 | | (current_prolog_flag(profiling,on) |
1448 | | -> set_prolog_flag(profiling,off), print('OFF') ; |
1449 | | set_prolog_flag(profiling,on), print('ON')), |
1450 | | nl,print('USE ps to print_profile or pc to print_coverage info'),nl. |
1451 | | test_eval1(profile_stats) :- !, test_eval1(print_profile). |
1452 | | test_eval1(print_profile) :- !, nl,print('PROFILE INFORMATION:'), nl, |
1453 | | catch(print_profile, |
1454 | | error(existence_error(_,_),_), |
1456 | | nl, debug:timer_statistics. |
1457 | | test_eval1(print_coverage) :- !, nl,print('COVERAGE INFORMATION:'), nl, |
1458 | | (current_prolog_flag(source_info,on) -> true ; format_warning_nl('Only useful when current_prolog_flag(source_info,on)!',[])), |
1459 | | catch(print_coverage, |
1460 | | error(existence_error(_,_),_), |
1462 | | nl. |
1463 | | test_eval1(profile_reset) :- !, nl,print('RESETTING PROFILE INFORMATION'), nl, |
1464 | | catch(profile_reset, |
1465 | | error(existence_error(_,_),_), |
1467 | | nl. |
1468 | | test_eval1(perf) :- !, toggle_perfmessages. |
1469 | | test_eval1(Category) :- valid_category(Category),!, |
1470 | | wall(run_tests_by_category(Category,all)). |
1471 | | test_eval1(codespeed(Id)) :- !, codespeed_id(Id). |
1472 | | test_eval1(cs(Id)) :- !, codespeed_id(Id). |
1473 | | test_eval1('-'(ProBCLICommand)) :- atom(ProBCLICommand), |
1474 | | atom_concat('-',ProBCLICommand,Atom), |
1475 | | (prob_cli:recognised_option(Atom,Call) -> true % from probcli.pl |
1476 | | ; format('Unknown probcli command: -~w~n',[ProBCLICommand]),fail), |
1477 | | !, |
1478 | | format('Executing probcli command ~w~n',[Call]), |
1479 | | call(prob_cli:Call). |
1480 | | test_eval1([H|T]) :- number(H),!, wall(run_tests_by_id([H|T],_,no_skipping)). |
1481 | | test_eval1([Category|T]) :- valid_category(Category),!, |
1482 | | wall(run_tests_by_category([Category|T],all)). |
1483 | | test_eval1(C) :- |
1484 | | (C=help -> true ; format('*** Unknown command ~w~n',[C])), |
1485 | | print(' Commands: Nr, Nr-Nr, last, q, x, v, vv, uses(Cmd), uses(Pref,Val),'),nl, |
1486 | | print(' repeat(id,nr), timeout(ms),factor(f), e,edit,diff, r (for 25 random tests),'),nl, |
1487 | | print(' cat, cat(Cats),make(Cats),make(File,Cats),files(Cat),'),nl, |
1488 | | print(' profile, profile_stats, (to turn Prolog profiling on and print info)'),nl, |
1489 | | print(' debug,debug_off, (to turn Prolog debug mode on or off)'),nl, |
1490 | | print(' perf, reload, sc,'),nl, |
1491 | | print(' -CMD, (for probcli commands like -profile)'),nl, |
1492 | | print(' * for setting preferences:'),nl, |
1493 | | print(' p(PREF), p(PREF,VAL),'),nl, |
1494 | | print(' clpfd,clpfd_off, smt,smt_off, chr,chr_off, cse,cse_subst,cse_off,'),nl, |
1495 | | print(' random,random_off, trace_info, nopt,'),nl, |
1496 | | print(' cache, perf, (turn ProB caching or performance messages on)'),nl, |
1497 | | print(' trace,trace_off, (set TRACE_UPON_ERROR preference)'),nl, |
1498 | | print(' * statistics:'),nl, |
1499 | | print(' delta, stats, info.'),nl. |
1500 | | |
1501 | | safe_file_exists(F) :- atom(F), file_exists(F). |
1502 | | |
1503 | | valid_category(Cat) :- |
1504 | | cli_testcase(_Id, TestCategories, _Infos, _Arguments, _Comment), |
1505 | | member(Cat, TestCategories). |
1506 | | |
1507 | | |
1508 | | % --------------------------- |
1509 | | |
1510 | | % run test using binary |
1511 | | % binaries are registered in a file probcli_bak/codespeed_versions.pl |
1512 | | % results for test ID are written to probcli_bak/codespeed/res_ID.csv |
1513 | | |
1514 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools), [ajoin/2,ajoin_with_sep/3]). |
1515 | | codespeed_id(Ids) :- codespeed_id(Ids,[min_date(date(2020,1,1))]). |
1516 | | codespeed_id([],_) :- !. |
1517 | | codespeed_id([H|T],Options) :- !, codespeed_id(H,Options),!, codespeed_id(T,Options). |
1518 | | codespeed_id(Cat,Options) :- atom(Cat),!, |
1519 | | get_tests_for_categories([Cat],List), |
1520 | | codespeed_id(List,Options). |
1521 | | codespeed_id(testcase(Id, _, _, _, _),Options) :- !, codespeed_id(Id,Options). |
1522 | | codespeed_id(Id,Options) :- |
1523 | | use_module('probcli_bak/codespeed_versions.pl'), % contains probcli_binary |
1524 | | cli_testcase(Id,_TestCategories,_TestInfos,Arguments,Comment), |
1525 | | format('Benchmarking test ~w using probcli binaries ~w~nTest Description: ~w~n',[Id,Options,Comment]), |
1526 | | maplist(convert_arg_to_atom,Arguments,Args2), |
1527 | | findall(probcli_binary(V1,V2,V3,F,Path,Sics,Date), |
1528 | | get_probcli_binary_info(Options,V1,V2,V3,F,Path,_Hash,Sics,Date),Binaries), |
1529 | | Repeats=3, |
1530 | | maplist(bench_probcli_binary_testcase(Id,Args2,Repeats),Binaries,Walltimes,Oks), |
1531 | | |
1532 | | ajoin(['codespeed/res_',Id,'.csv'],FName), |
1533 | | absolute_file_name(FName,AF,[relative_to(probcli_bak)]), |
1534 | | format('Writing codespeed results for ~w to ~w~n',[Id,AF]), |
1535 | | open(AF,write,Stream), |
1536 | | format(Stream,'\"Test ~w\"~n',[Id]), |
1537 | | format(Stream,'\"~w\"~n',[Comment]), |
1538 | | ajoin_with_sep(Arguments,' ',ArgsStr), |
1539 | | format(Stream,'Command:,\"probcli ~w\"~n~n',[ArgsStr]), |
1540 | | format(Stream,'\"~w.~w.~w-~w\",~w,~w,~w,~w,~w,~w,\"~w\"~n',[v1,v2,v3,f,sics,date,avg,min,max,ok,walltimes]), |
1541 | | maplist(print_codespeed_results(Stream,Repeats),Binaries,Walltimes,Oks), |
1542 | | close(Stream), |
1543 | | maplist(print_codespeed_results(user_output,Repeats),Binaries,Walltimes,Oks). |
1544 | | |
1545 | | get_probcli_binary_info(Options,V1,V2,V3,F,Path,Hash,Sics,Date) :- |
1546 | | probcli_binary(V1,V2,V3,F,Path,Hash,Sics,Date), % from codespeed_versions.pl |
1547 | | (( member(min_date(D2),Options), D2 @> Date |
1548 | | ; member(max_date(D3),Options), D3 @< Date |
1549 | | ; member(min_version(V12,V22,V32),Options), v(V12,V22,V32) @> v(V1,V2,V3) |
1550 | | ) |
1551 | | -> format('Excluding version ~w.~w.~w-~w ~w~n',[V1,V2,V3,F,Options]), |
1552 | | fail |
1553 | | ; % format('Including version ~w.~w.~w-~w ~w~n',[V1,V2,V3,F,Options]), |
1554 | | true). |
1555 | | |
1556 | | |
1557 | | %:- use_module(library(statistics),[min_max/3]). |
1558 | | print_codespeed_results(Stream,Repeats,probcli_binary(V1,V2,V3,F,_Path,sicstus(S1,S2,S3),date(Y,M,D)),Walltimes,Ok) :- |
1559 | | sumlist(Walltimes,Sum), |
1560 | | Average is Sum / Repeats, |
1561 | | min_member(Min,Walltimes), |
1562 | | max_member(Max,Walltimes), |
1563 | | ajoin([S1,'.',S2,'.',S3],Sics), |
1564 | | ajoin([Y,'/',M,'/',D],Date), |
1565 | | format(Stream,'\"~w.~w.~w-~w\",~w,~w,~w,~w,~w,~w,\"~w\"~n',[V1,V2,V3,F,Sics,Date,Average,Min,Max,Ok,Walltimes]). |
1566 | | |
1567 | | %bench_probcli_binary_testcase(Id,_Args,_Repeats,probcli_binary(V1,V2,V3,F,Path,_,_),Walltimes,Ok) :- |
1568 | | % format('~nDry run test ~w using version ~w.~w.~w-~w (~w)~n',[Id,V1,V2,V3,F,Path]),!, Ok=skipped, Walltimes=[0]. |
1569 | | bench_probcli_binary_testcase(Id,Args,Repeats,probcli_binary(V1,V2,V3,F,Path,_,_),Walltimes,Ok) :- |
1570 | | format('~nRunning test ~w using version ~w.~w.~w-~w (~w)~n',[Id,V1,V2,V3,F,Path]), |
1571 | | run_probcli_binary_testcase(Id,Path,Args,_WT,Ok), % run once for parser |
1572 | | rep_bench(Repeats,Id,Path,Args,Walltimes). |
1573 | | |
1574 | | rep_bench(0,_,_,_,[]). |
1575 | | rep_bench(Nr,Id,Path,Args,[WT1|WTR]) :- Nr>0, |
1576 | | run_probcli_binary_testcase(Id,Path,Args,WT1,_), |
1577 | | N1 is Nr-1, |
1578 | | rep_bench(N1,Id,Path,Args,WTR). |
1579 | | |
1580 | | :- use_module(probsrc(system_call), [system_call/5]). |
1581 | | run_probcli_binary_testcase(Id,Path,Arguments,WT,Ok) :- |
1582 | | statistics(walltime,[Start,_]), |
1583 | | % absolute_file_name('probcli_bak/',BakPath), |
1584 | | % atom_concat(BakPath,Path,Cmd), |
1585 | | absolute_file_name(Path,Cmd,[relative_to(probcli_bak)]), |
1586 | | format(' Test ~w :: ~w ~w~n',[Id,Cmd,Arguments]), |
1587 | | system_call(Cmd,Arguments,_OutputText,ErrText,Exit), |
1588 | | statistics(walltime,[Stop,_]), WT is Stop-Start, |
1589 | | format(' Walltime: ~w ms; ~w~n',[WT,Exit]), |
1590 | | (Exit=exit(0), ErrText = [] -> Ok=true |
1591 | | ; format_error_nl('STD-ERROR (~w):~n~s',[Exit,ErrText]), Ok=false |
1592 | | ). |
1593 | | |
1594 | | % convert for system_call/process_create which do not accept numbers: |
1595 | | convert_arg_to_atom(Nr,Atom) :- number(Nr), number_codes(Nr,C),!,atom_codes(Atom,C). |
1596 | | convert_arg_to_atom(A,A). |
1597 | | |
1598 | | |
1599 | | % -------------------- |
1600 | | |
1601 | | category_analysis :- |
1602 | | format('Analysing test categories:~n',[]), |
1603 | | findall(Cat-Id,(cli_testcase(Id,Categories,_,_Args,_Comm1),member(Cat,Categories)),L), |
1604 | | sort(L,SL), |
1605 | | keyclumped(SL,Groups), % Groups = [ Cat1 - [TestNr1, ...], Cat2 - [...], ...] |
1606 | | maplist(print_cat_group,Groups). |
1607 | | |
1608 | | nr_of_files(Cat,Id,Nr,DistinctNr) :- |
1609 | | findall(File,(cli_testcase(Id,Categories,_,Args,_Comm1), |
1610 | | member(Cat,Categories), |
1611 | | file_in_arguments(File,Args)),Files), |
1612 | | length(Files,Nr), |
1613 | | sort(Files,SFile), |
1614 | | length(SFile,DistinctNr). |
1615 | | |
1616 | | print_cat_group(Cat-Tests) :- |
1617 | | Tests = [First|T], |
1618 | | nr_of_files(Cat,_,NrFiles,Distinct), |
1619 | | (T=[] |
1620 | | -> format(' ~w : 1 test : [~w] : ~w files, ~w distinct~n',[Cat,First,NrFiles,Distinct]) |
1621 | | ; length(Tests,Len), |
1622 | | last(T,Last), |
1623 | | format(' ~w : ~w tests : [~w .. ~w] : ~w files, ~w distinct~n',[Cat,Len,First,Last,NrFiles,Distinct]) |
1624 | | ). |
1625 | | |