1 | % (c) 2014-2020 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen, | |
2 | % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf | |
3 | % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html) | |
4 | ||
5 | ||
6 | :- module(prologTasks,[prologTaskStart/3, prologTaskStep/3, prologTaskAbort/1, prologTaskFinish/1]). | |
7 | ||
8 | :- use_module(error_manager). | |
9 | :- use_module(tools_strings,[ajoin/2]). | |
10 | :- use_module(library(lists)). | |
11 | ||
12 | ||
13 | ||
14 | :- use_module(module_information,[module_info/2]). | |
15 | :- module_info(group,tcltk). | |
16 | :- module_info(description,'This module provides the interface to the Tcl/Tk tree_inspector.'). | |
17 | ||
18 | :- dynamic task_step/3. | |
19 | ||
20 | prologTaskStart(test,'Test Task',1000) :- !. | |
21 | prologTaskStart(Category,CatMsg,Length) :- | |
22 | get_category_name(Category,CatMsg), | |
23 | retractall(task_step(Category,_,_)), | |
24 | % collect all task steps: | |
25 | findall(task_step(Category,Prolog,Msg),get_task_steps(Category,Prolog,Msg),Tasks), | |
26 | %print(task_steps(Category,Tasks)),nl, | |
27 | length(Tasks,Length), | |
28 | maplist(assert,Tasks),nl. | |
29 | ||
30 | ||
31 | prologTaskStep(test,Nr,NewMsg) :- !, | |
32 | ajoin(['Running ', Nr],NewMsg). | |
33 | prologTaskStep(Category,Nr,NewMsg) :- %print(step(Nr)),nl, | |
34 | retract(task_step(Category,PrologCode,Msg)), | |
35 | % print(calling(PrologCode)),nl, | |
36 | statistics(walltime,[Start,_]), | |
37 | call(PrologCode), | |
38 | statistics(walltime,[Stop,_]), | |
39 | T is Stop-Start, | |
40 | % print(done(Msg)),nl, | |
41 | (get_task_info(Category,Nr,Info) | |
42 | -> ajoin(['Step ', Nr, ': ', Msg, ' [', Info, '] (', T, ' ms)'],NewMsg) | |
43 | ; ajoin(['Step ', Nr, ': ', Msg, ' (', T, ' ms)'],NewMsg) | |
44 | ). | |
45 | % TO DO: optionally return other stats : nr of test-cases, nr of feasible/infeasbile ops | |
46 | ||
47 | ||
48 | prologTaskAbort(Category) :- retract(task_step(Category,_PrologCode,Msg)), | |
49 | %add_internal_error('Pending task: ',task_step(Category,PrologCode,Msg)), | |
50 | print(aborting(Msg)),nl, | |
51 | fail. | |
52 | prologTaskAbort(_). | |
53 | ||
54 | % prologTaskFinish will also be called in case of Abort | |
55 | ||
56 | prologTaskFinish(cbc_tests(_EventSel,_TargetPredicateStr,_MaxLength,_Filename,_Final)) :- !, | |
57 | sap:cbc_gen_test_cases_finish_tasks. | |
58 | prologTaskFinish(_). | |
59 | ||
60 | :- use_module(sap,[get_counter_info/4]). | |
61 | :- use_module(sap). | |
62 | :- use_module(enabling_analysis,[cbc_enable_analysis_cache/4,feasible_operation_cache/2,init_or_op/1]). | |
63 | :- use_module(bmachine, [b_top_level_operation/1]). | |
64 | :- use_module(state_space, [operation_name_not_yet_covered/1]). | |
65 | ||
66 | ||
67 | ||
68 | get_category_name(feasibility,'Feasibility Analysis'). | |
69 | get_category_name(enabling(_),'Enabling Analysis'). | |
70 | get_category_name(cbc_tests(_,_,_,_,_),'CBC Testcase Generation'). | |
71 | ||
72 | get_task_info(cbc_tests(_,_,_,_,_),Nr,Info) :- | |
73 | N1 is Nr+1, | |
74 | get_counter_info(N1,Paths,Tests,Timeouts), | |
75 | sap:cbc_get_nr_uncovered_events(Unc), | |
76 | ajoin(['Uncovered: ',Unc, ', Paths: ',Paths,', Tests: ',Tests,', Timeouts: ',Timeouts],Info). | |
77 | ||
78 | % maybe we should move this to the corresponding modules, which register their tasks | |
79 | get_task_steps(feasibility,PrologCode,Msg) :- | |
80 | b_top_level_operation(OpName), | |
81 | operation_name_not_yet_covered(OpName), | |
82 | \+ feasible_operation_cache(OpName,_), % not yet computed | |
83 | PrologCode = enabling_analysis:feasible_operation(OpName,_), % will compute the cache | |
84 | ajoin(['feasibility of ',OpName],Msg). | |
85 | get_task_steps(enabling(ExtraTimeOut),PrologCode,Msg) :- %print(get_task(ExtraTimeOut)),nl, | |
86 | init_or_op(OpName), %print(op(OpName)),nl, | |
87 | \+ cbc_enable_analysis_cache(OpName,_,_,ExtraTimeOut), % not yet computed | |
88 | PrologCode = findall(1,enabling_analysis:cbc_enable_analysis(OpName,_,_,ExtraTimeOut),_), | |
89 | ajoin(['enabling of ',OpName],Msg). | |
90 | get_task_steps(cbc_tests(EventSel,TargetPredicateStr,MaxLength,Filename,Final),PrologCode,Msg) :- | |
91 | sap:cbc_gen_test_cases_task_step(EventSel,TargetPredicateStr,MaxLength,Filename, Final, Depth, PrologCode), | |
92 | ajoin(['cbc_tests for depth ',Depth],Msg). | |
93 |