1 | % (c) 2009-2024 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen, | |
2 | % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf | |
3 | % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html) | |
4 | ||
5 | % WARNING (debug_properties DEPRECATED) : | |
6 | % it is planned to replace the debug_properties commands using the unsat_cores.pl predicates | |
7 | % operation enabling code should be moved to a separate module | |
8 | ||
9 | :- module(predicate_debugger,[tcltk_debug_properties/3, | |
10 | tcltk_debug_properties_or_op/4, | |
11 | tcltk_get_unsat_core_with_types/1]). | |
12 | ||
13 | ||
14 | :- use_module(probsrc(tools)). | |
15 | ||
16 | :- use_module(probsrc(module_information),[module_info/2]). | |
17 | :- module_info(group,misc). | |
18 | :- module_info(description,'The predicate debugger adds conjuncts one by one until the predicate becomes unsatisfiable.'). | |
19 | ||
20 | :- use_module(probsrc(debug)). | |
21 | :- use_module(probsrc(self_check)). | |
22 | :- use_module(probsrc(preferences)). | |
23 | :- use_module(probsrc(error_manager)). | |
24 | ||
25 | :- use_module(probsrc(translate)). | |
26 | :- use_module(probsrc(b_interpreter)). | |
27 | :- use_module(probsrc(bsyntaxtree)). | |
28 | :- use_module(probsrc(b_ast_cleanup)). | |
29 | ||
30 | :- use_module(library(timeout)). | |
31 | :- use_module(library(lists)). | |
32 | ||
33 | :- use_module(probsrc(b_operation_guards),[get_operation_enabling_condition/7]). | |
34 | ||
35 | ||
36 | /* b_interpreter:b_debug_properties. */ | |
37 | ||
38 | :- volatile checked_property/1, last_checked_solution/2, failed_property/2, time_out_property/2, cur_conjunct_nr/1, projection_onto_component/1. | |
39 | :- dynamic checked_property/1. | |
40 | :- dynamic last_checked_solution/2. | |
41 | :- dynamic failed_property/2. | |
42 | :- dynamic time_out_property/2. | |
43 | :- dynamic cur_conjunct_nr/1. | |
44 | :- dynamic projection_onto_component/1. | |
45 | ||
46 | reset_debug_properties :- | |
47 | retractall(last_debug_info(_,_)), | |
48 | retractall(checked_property(_)), | |
49 | retractall(last_checked_solution(_,_)), | |
50 | retractall(failed_property(_,_)), | |
51 | retractall(time_out_property(_,_)), | |
52 | retractall(cur_conjunct_nr(_)), | |
53 | retractall(projection_onto_component(_)). | |
54 | ||
55 | :- use_module(probsrc(b_global_sets),[b_global_set/1, b_fd_card/2, unfixed_deferred_set/1]). | |
56 | tcltk_debug_properties(RealRes,UnsatCore,Satisfiable) :- | |
57 | tcltk_debug_properties_or_op('@PROPERTIES',UnsatCore,RealRes,Satisfiable). | |
58 | ||
59 | % code below because names with $ cause problems in Tcl with eval | |
60 | % code duplicated from tcltk_interface; but predicate debugger is deprecated anyway | |
61 | adapt_tcl_operation_name(X,R) :- var(X),!,R=X. | |
62 | adapt_tcl_operation_name('@PROPERTIES','$setup_constants') :- !. | |
63 | adapt_tcl_operation_name('@INITIALISATION','$initialise_machine') :- !. | |
64 | adapt_tcl_operation_name(X,X). | |
65 | ||
66 | tcltk_debug_properties_or_op(TclOpName,ComputeUnsatCore,list(RealRes),Satisfiable) :- | |
67 | adapt_tcl_operation_name(TclOpName,OpName), | |
68 | print(tcltk_debug_properties_or_op(OpName,ComputeUnsatCore,RealRes)),nl, | |
69 | (ComputeUnsatCore==false -> | |
70 | (OpName='$setup_constants' -> b_debug_properties | |
71 | ; OpName = '@GOAL' -> b_debug_goal | |
72 | ; b_debug_operation(OpName)) | |
73 | ; set_fast_unsat_core(ComputeUnsatCore), | |
74 | print('*** Finding Unsat Core : '), print(ComputeUnsatCore),nl, | |
75 | (b_find_unsat_core | |
76 | -> print('*** Finished '),nl | |
77 | ; add_error_fail(predicate_debugger,'Finding Unsat Core failed',OpName)) | |
78 | ), | |
79 | print(debugged(OpName)),nl, | |
80 | findall(TP, (checked_property(P), | |
81 | translate_bexpression_with_limit(P,TrP), | |
82 | ajoin([TrP,' &\n'],TP)), | |
83 | Res1), | |
84 | (projection_onto_component(_SubNr) | |
85 | -> Res1P = ['(only a sub-component was analysed)\n'|Res1] ; Res1P=Res1), | |
86 | (Res1=[] -> R1=Res1P ; | |
87 | R1=['\n ********\n\nSATISFIABLE CONSTRAINTS and PROPERTIES:\n'|Res1P] | |
88 | ), | |
89 | findall(TP2,( (failed_property(P,_),TRES='false' ; time_out_property(P,_),TRES='time_out'), | |
90 | translate_status(P,TRES,TP2)), | |
91 | Res2), | |
92 | (Res2=[] -> R2=['\nNo unsatisfiable PROPERTY or CONSTRAINT'], Satisfiable=true | |
93 | ; R2=['\n ********\n\nFirst unsatisfiable PROPERTY or CONSTRAINT:\n'|Res2], | |
94 | Satisfiable=false | |
95 | ), | |
96 | findall(TP, (last_checked_solution(ConstantsState,_), % TO DO: Project on remaining variables !? | |
97 | translate_equivalence(b(identifier('SOLUTION'),boolean,[]),ConstantsState,TP)), | |
98 | Res12), | |
99 | append(R2,['\n\n ********\n\nSolution for satisfiable part:\n'|Res12],R2Res12), | |
100 | append(R1,R2Res12,Res), | |
101 | findall(SetDescr,(b_global_set(Set),b_fd_card(Set,Card), | |
102 | create_texpr(identifier(Set),set(global(Set)),[],SetId), | |
103 | create_texpr(card(SetId),integer,[],CardExpr), | |
104 | create_texpr(value(int(Card)),integer,[],ValExpr), | |
105 | create_texpr(equal(CardExpr,ValExpr),prop,[],EqualExpr), | |
106 | translate_bexpression(EqualExpr,SetDescr1), | |
107 | (unfixed_deferred_set(Set) -> Xtra = ' (assumed for deferred set)' ; Xtra=''), | |
108 | ajoin([SetDescr1,Xtra,'\n'],SetDescr)), Sets), | |
109 | ||
110 | append(['\nCardinalities of SETS:\n'|Sets],Res,SRes), | |
111 | preferences:get_preference(minint,MININT), | |
112 | preferences:get_preference(maxint,MAXINT), | |
113 | clear_error_context, | |
114 | ajoin(['MININT .. MAXINT = ',MININT,'..',MAXINT],MINMAX), | |
115 | RealRes = ['SETTINGS:\n',MINMAX|SRes]. | |
116 | tcltk_debug_properties_or_op([],_,list(['Machine has no PROPERTIES']),true). | |
117 | ||
118 | failed_or_time_out_property(P) :- failed_property(P,_) ; time_out_property(P,_). | |
119 | ||
120 | :- use_module(library(codesio),[write_to_codes/2]). | |
121 | :- use_module(probsrc(tools),[ajoin/2]). | |
122 | % use_module(probsrc(predicate_debugger)),predicate_debugger:print_unsat_core_with_types | |
123 | tcltk_get_unsat_core_with_types(ResultCodes) :- | |
124 | get_unsat_core(AllConj), | |
125 | translate_predicate_into_machine(AllConj,'UnsatCore',ResultAtom), | |
126 | write_to_codes(ResultAtom,ResultCodes). | |
127 | ||
128 | get_unsat_core(AllConj) :- (checked_property(_) ; failed_or_time_out_property(_)), !, | |
129 | findall(P,checked_property(P),Ps), | |
130 | findall(UnsatP,failed_or_time_out_property(UnsatP),UPs), | |
131 | append(Ps,UPs,All), | |
132 | conjunct_predicates(All,AllConj). | |
133 | get_unsat_core(Core) :- print('No predicate debugger analysis run'),nl, | |
134 | print('Trying to extract from b_interpreter'),nl, | |
135 | b_interpreter:get_unsat_component_predicate(_,Core,_Vars),!. | |
136 | get_unsat_core(b(truth,pred,[])). | |
137 | ||
138 | ||
139 | translate_equivalence(A,B,R) :- | |
140 | translate_bexpression(A,TA), | |
141 | translate_bstate(B,TB), | |
142 | ajoin([TA,'\n == ',TB,'\n'],R). | |
143 | :- use_module(probsrc(translate),[translate_span/2]). | |
144 | translate_status(A,Status,R) :- | |
145 | translate_bexpression(A,TA), | |
146 | (translate_span(A,ASpan) | |
147 | -> ajoin([TA,'\n == ',Status,' ',ASpan],R) | |
148 | ; ajoin([TA,'\n == ',Status],R)). | |
149 | ||
150 | ||
151 | ||
152 | :- use_module(probsrc(bmachine)). | |
153 | b_debug_properties :- set_error_context(b_debug_properties), | |
154 | reset_debug_properties, | |
155 | %%b_extract_constants_and_properties(Constants,CstTypes,Properties), | |
156 | %b_machine_has_constants_or_properties, | |
157 | b_get_machine_constants(TypedConstants), | |
158 | get_adapted_properties(TypedConstants,AProperties,ATypedConstants,AllowTimeout), | |
159 | nr_of_conjuncts(AProperties,NrConj), | |
160 | (b_debug_properties2(AProperties,ATypedConstants,[],NrConj,AllowTimeout) -> true ; true). | |
161 | ||
162 | b_debug_goal :- | |
163 | bmachine:b_get_machine_goal(Goal), | |
164 | b_debug_predicate(Goal). | |
165 | b_debug_predicate(FullPred) :- set_error_context(b_debug_predicate), | |
166 | reset_debug_properties, | |
167 | get_parameters(FullPred,Params,Pred), | |
168 | get_current_state('@PRED',CurID,CurBState), | |
169 | set_error_context(b_debug_predicate(CurID)), | |
170 | nr_of_conjuncts(Pred,NrConj), | |
171 | (b_debug_properties2(Pred,Params,CurBState,NrConj,allow_timeout) -> true ; true). | |
172 | ||
173 | get_parameters(b(exists(Parameters,Pred),pred,_),Parameters,Pred) :- !. | |
174 | get_parameters(Pred,[],Pred). | |
175 | ||
176 | :- use_module(library(lists)). | |
177 | get_adapted_properties(TypedConstants,Pred,CTypedConstants,do_not_allow_timeout) :- | |
178 | %(b_interpreter:nr_of_components(NrC), NrC>1), | |
179 | preferences:get_preference(partition_predicates,true), | |
180 | b_interpreter:get_unsat_component_predicate(CompNr,Pred,Vars),!, % means there was no timeout | |
181 | assertz(projection_onto_component(CompNr)), | |
182 | print(debugging_unsat_or_skipped_component(CompNr)),nl, | |
183 | print(component_vars(Vars)),nl, | |
184 | project_texpr_identifiers(TypedConstants,Vars,CTypedConstants). | |
185 | get_adapted_properties(TypedConstants,Properties,TypedConstants,allow_timeout) :- | |
186 | % TO DO determine whether timeout occured | |
187 | b_get_properties_from_machine(Properties). | |
188 | ||
189 | ||
190 | % only keep texpr_identifiers whose id is in the provided list | |
191 | project_texpr_identifiers([],_,[]). | |
192 | project_texpr_identifiers([TID|T],Vars,Res) :- | |
193 | (get_texpr_id(TID,ID),member(ID,Vars) | |
194 | -> Res = [TID|R2] ; Res=R2), | |
195 | project_texpr_identifiers(T,Vars,R2). | |
196 | ||
197 | :- use_module(probsrc(specfile),[state_corresponds_to_initialised_b_machine/2, state_corresponds_to_set_up_constants/2]). | |
198 | /* b_interpreter:tcltk_debug_properties_or_op(prog1,R)*/ | |
199 | b_debug_operation(OpName) :- | |
200 | reset_debug_properties, | |
201 | get_current_state(OpName,CurID,CurBState), | |
202 | set_error_context(operation(OpName,CurID)), | |
203 | (get_operation_enabling_condition(OpName,Parameters,EnablingCondition,BSVars,_,true,false) -> true | |
204 | ; add_error(b_debug_operation,'Operation does not exist or cannot determine enabling condition: ',OpName),fail),!, | |
205 | print('Enabling: '), print_bexpr(EnablingCondition),nl, | |
206 | flush_output(user), | |
207 | nr_of_conjuncts(EnablingCondition,NrConj), | |
208 | insert_before_substitution_variables(BSVars,[],CurBState,CurBState,NewCurBState), | |
209 | extract_exists_parameters(EnablingCondition,Parameters,NewCond,NewParas), | |
210 | (b_debug_properties2(NewCond,NewParas,NewCurBState,NrConj,allow_timeout) -> true ; true). | |
211 | ||
212 | :- use_module(probsrc(state_space),[current_expression/2]). | |
213 | get_current_state(OpName,CurID,CurBState) :- | |
214 | (current_expression(CurID,CurState) -> true | |
215 | ; add_error(predicate_debugger,'Could not get current state',OpName),fail), | |
216 | (state_corresponds_to_initialised_b_machine(CurState,CurBState) -> true | |
217 | ; (OpName=='$initialise_machine', | |
218 | state_corresponds_to_set_up_constants(CurState,CurBState)) -> true | |
219 | ; add_error(b_debug_operation,'Machine not yet initialised! ',CurState),fail). | |
220 | ||
221 | ||
222 | % Try to lift out existentially quantified variables to the outer level; to make the debugging more fine-grained | |
223 | extract_exists_parameters(Pred,Parameters, NewPred, NewParas) :- | |
224 | get_texpr_expr(Pred,exists(Vars,Body)), | |
225 | disjoint_list_union(Parameters,Vars,Paras1), !, % also checks if no clash exists; otherwise we have to keep exists | |
226 | extract_exists_parameters(Body,Paras1,NewPred,NewParas). | |
227 | extract_exists_parameters(Pred,Parameters, NewPred, NewParas) :- | |
228 | get_texpr_expr(Pred,conjunct(LHS,RHS)),!, | |
229 | extract_exists_parameters(LHS,Parameters, NewLHS, IntParas), | |
230 | extract_exists_parameters(RHS,IntParas,NewRHS,NewParas), | |
231 | conjunct_predicates([NewLHS,NewRHS],NewPred). | |
232 | extract_exists_parameters(Pred,Par,Pred,Par). | |
233 | ||
234 | % ----------------------------------------- | |
235 | ||
236 | :- use_module(library(timeout)). | |
237 | ||
238 | ||
239 | nr_of_conjuncts(Pred,Nr) :- | |
240 | is_a_conjunct(Pred,LHS,RHS),!, | |
241 | nr_of_conjuncts(LHS,NrL), | |
242 | nr_of_conjuncts(RHS,NrR), | |
243 | Nr is NrL+NrR. | |
244 | nr_of_conjuncts(_,1). | |
245 | ||
246 | :- volatile last_debug_info/2. | |
247 | :- dynamic last_debug_info/2. | |
248 | b_debug_properties2(Pred,Constants,GlobalState,TotalNr,AllowTimeout) :- | |
249 | create_texpr(truth,pred,[b_debug_properties],Truth), | |
250 | retractall(last_debug_info(_,_)), assertz(last_debug_info(Constants,GlobalState)), | |
251 | (b_debug_find_first_unsat_property(Pred,Truth,Constants,GlobalState,TotalNr,AllowTimeout) | |
252 | -> print('ALL PROPERTIES SATISFIABLE'),nl | |
253 | ; true % get_preference(debug_try_minimise,false) -> true ; b_find_unsat_core(Constants,GlobalState) | |
254 | ). | |
255 | ||
256 | b_find_unsat_core :- /* assumes that b_debug_properties was run before */ | |
257 | % b_machine_has_constants_or_properties, | |
258 | % b_get_machine_constants(TypedConstants), | |
259 | % b_get_properties_from_machine(Properties),!, | |
260 | % get_adapted_properties(TypedConstants,_AProperties,ATypedConstants), | |
261 | %b_find_unsat_core(ATypedConstants,[]). | |
262 | last_debug_info(Constants,GlobalState), b_find_unsat_core(Constants,GlobalState). | |
263 | b_find_unsat_core(Constants,GlobalState) :- | |
265 | (last_checked_solution(_,Time) | |
266 | -> print(' Time for last solution in ms: '), print(Time), nl ; true), | |
267 | findall(P,checked_property(P),SatProps), | |
268 | (failed_property(FailProp,USTime) -> true | |
269 | ; time_out_property(FailProp,USTime) -> true | |
270 | ; add_error_fail(b_find_unsat_core,'No failed or timed-out property:',SatProps)), | |
271 | print(' Time for unsatisfiable conjuncts in ms: '), print(USTime), nl, | |
272 | append(SatProps,[FailProp],Props), | |
273 | length(SatProps,SL), | |
274 | b_debug_try_remove_props(SatProps,Props,[],Constants,GlobalState,1,SL). | |
275 | % TO DO: partition into components; try removing compnents without FailProp | |
276 | ||
277 | b_debug_try_remove_props([],_,_,_,_,_,_) :- !. | |
278 | b_debug_try_remove_props([],_,_,TypedConstants,GlobalState,Count,_) :- !, % for debug | |
279 | format('~nFINISHED (~w); CHECKING CORE~n',[Count]), | |
280 | get_unsat_core(Core), | |
281 | nl,translate:print_bexpr(Core),nl, | |
282 | (timeout_fast_check_property(unsat,Core,TypedConstants,_,GlobalState,TimeOutResC) -> true | |
283 | ; TimeOutResC = 'UNSAT'), | |
284 | format('~nCORE RESULT: ~w~n',[TimeOutResC]). | |
285 | b_debug_try_remove_props([H|TSat],[H|TUnsat],Required,TypedConstants,GlobalState,Count,Total) :- | |
286 | append(Required,TSat,ConjunctsWithoutH), | |
287 | conjunct_predicates(ConjunctsWithoutH,SatPred), | |
288 | translate_bexpression(H,PT), | |
289 | format('~nCHECKING REMOVAL(~w/~w) OF: ~w~n',[Count,Total,PT]), | |
290 | (timeout_fast_check_property(sat,SatPred,TypedConstants,Sol,GlobalState,TimeOutResSat) | |
291 | -> (\+ is_time_out_result(TimeOutResSat) | |
292 | -> append(Required,TUnsat,ConjunctsWithoutH2), | |
293 | conjunct_predicates(ConjunctsWithoutH2,UnsatPred), | |
294 | ((timeout_fast_check_property(unsat,UnsatPred,TypedConstants,_,GlobalState,TimeOutRes), | |
295 | print(res(TimeOutRes)),nl, | |
296 | (is_time_out_result(TimeOutRes) -> \+ time_out_property(_,_) ; true) | |
297 | ) | |
298 | -> print('Required for inconsistency : '), print(TimeOutRes),nl, | |
299 | append(Required,[H],NewRequired) | |
300 | ; /* H is not required for inconsistency/timeout */ | |
301 | print('NOT required for INCONSISTENCY !'),nl, | |
302 | % print_bexpr(UnsatPred),nl, | |
303 | Required=NewRequired, | |
304 | % TO DO: update found solution | |
305 | (retract(last_checked_solution(_,LastTime)) -> true | |
306 | ; print('*** Could not remove last_checked_solution'),nl, | |
307 | preferences:get_computed_preference(debug_time_out,LastTime) | |
308 | ), | |
309 | assertz(last_checked_solution(Sol,LastTime)), | |
310 | (retract(checked_property(H)) -> true | |
311 | ; print('*** Could not remove checked_property: '), print(H),nl | |
312 | ) | |
313 | ) | |
314 | ; print('Required for efficiency'),nl, | |
315 | append(Required,[H],NewRequired) | |
316 | ) | |
317 | ; nl,print('*** INTERNAL ERROR: FAILED'),nl,nl, | |
318 | append(Required,[H],NewRequired) | |
319 | ), | |
320 | C1 is Count+1, | |
321 | b_debug_try_remove_props(TSat,TUnsat,NewRequired,TypedConstants,GlobalState,C1,Total). | |
322 | ||
323 | b_debug_find_first_unsat_property(Pred,Rest,Constants,GlobalState,TotalNr,AllowTimeout) :- | |
324 | is_a_conjunct(Pred,LHS,RHS),!, | |
325 | (b_debug_find_first_unsat_property(LHS,Rest,Constants,GlobalState,TotalNr,AllowTimeout) | |
326 | -> conjunct_predicates([Rest,LHS],Rest2), | |
327 | b_debug_find_first_unsat_property(RHS,Rest2,Constants,GlobalState,TotalNr,AllowTimeout) | |
328 | ; fail | |
329 | ). | |
330 | b_debug_find_first_unsat_property(Prop,Rest,TypedConstants,GlobalState,TotalNr,AllowTimeout) :- | |
331 | nl,nl,flush_output(user), | |
332 | conjunct_predicates([Rest,Prop],Pred), | |
333 | (retract(cur_conjunct_nr(CurNr)) -> true ; CurNr=1), CurNrP1 is CurNr+1, | |
334 | assertz(cur_conjunct_nr(CurNrP1)), | |
335 | translate_bexpression(Prop,PT), | |
336 | format('~nCHECKING (~w/~w) OF: ~w~n',[CurNr,TotalNr,PT]), | |
337 | statistics(runtime,[Start,_]), | |
338 | (timeout_check_property(Pred,TypedConstants,ConstantsState,GlobalState,TimeOutRes) | |
339 | -> statistics(runtime,[Stop,_]), Time is Stop - Start, | |
340 | print_time(TimeOutRes,Time), | |
341 | format('~nINFO: ~w~n~n',[TimeOutRes]), | |
342 | (((\+ last_checked_solution(_,_) % we haven't found a solution yet | |
343 | ; AllowTimeout=allow_timeout), | |
344 | is_time_out_result(TimeOutRes)) | |
345 | -> assertz(time_out_property(Prop,Time)) | |
346 | ; is_time_out_failure(TimeOutRes) | |
347 | -> assertz(time_out_property(Prop,Time)) | |
348 | ; | |
349 | assert_checked_property(Prop,ConstantsState,Time) % could also be timeout | |
350 | ) | |
351 | ; statistics(runtime,[Stop,_]), Time is Stop - Start, | |
352 | assertz(failed_property(Prop,Time)), | |
353 | print('No Solution Found !! ('),print(Time), print(' ms)'),nl, flush_output(user), | |
354 | %print_bexpr(Pred),nl, | |
355 | fail | |
356 | ). | |
357 | ||
358 | is_time_out_failure(virtual_time_out(failure_enumeration_warning(_,_,_,_,_))). | |
359 | ||
360 | print_time(TimeOutRes,Time) :- is_time_out_result(TimeOutRes),!, | |
361 | (TimeOutRes=virtual_time_out(_) -> print('VIRTUAL ') ; true), | |
362 | print('TIMEOUT !! ('),print(Time), print(' ms)'),nl, flush_output(user). | |
363 | print_time(_TimeOutRes,Time) :- | |
364 | print('OK ('), print(Time), print(' ms)'), flush_output(user). | |
365 | ||
366 | ||
367 | last_unsat_time(Time) :- time_out_property(_,Time) -> true ; failed_property(_,Time). | |
368 | ||
369 | set_fast_unsat_core(T) :- retractall(fast_unsat_core), | |
370 | (T==fast -> assertz(fast_unsat_core) ; true). | |
371 | :- dynamic fast_unsat_core/0. | |
372 | fast_unsat_core. | |
373 | ||
374 | additional_time(301). % additional time given to account for variations in solving | |
375 | %additional_time(1301). | |
376 | ||
377 | get_timeout(sat,DebugTimeOut) :- | |
378 | last_checked_solution(_,LTime), | |
379 | !, | |
380 | additional_time(AT), | |
381 | DebugTimeOut is LTime+AT. | |
382 | get_timeout(unsat,DebugTimeOut) :- | |
383 | last_unsat_time(USTime), | |
384 | last_checked_solution(_,LSTime), | |
385 | (fast_unsat_core -> TT is min(USTime,LSTime) ; TT is max(USTime,LSTime)), | |
386 | !, | |
387 | additional_time(AT), | |
388 | DebugTimeOut is TT+AT. | |
389 | get_timeout(S,DebugTimeOut) :- print('*** Could not get TimeOut : '), print(S),nl, | |
390 | preferences:get_preference(time_out,CurTO), DebugTimeOut is CurTO * 1. | |
391 | ||
392 | ||
393 | timeout_fast_check_property(ExpectSat,Pred,TypedConstants,ConstantsState,GlobalState,TimeOutRes) :- | |
394 | get_timeout(ExpectSat,DebugTimeOut), | |
395 | % print(time_out_value(DebugTimeOut)),nl, | |
396 | % print_bexpr(Pred),nl, | |
397 | statistics(runtime,[Start,_]), | |
398 | timeout_check_property_aux(Pred,TypedConstants,ConstantsState,GlobalState,DebugTimeOut,TimeOutRes), | |
399 | statistics(runtime,[Stop,_]), Time is Stop - Start, print(time(Time)),nl, | |
400 | (is_time_out_result(TimeOutRes) -> print(time_out_occurred(Time,DebugTimeOut)),nl, | |
401 | (debug:debug_mode(on) -> print_bexpr(Pred),nl ; true) | |
402 | ; true). | |
403 | ||
404 | timeout_check_property(Pred,TypedConstants,ConstantsState,GlobalState,TimeOutRes) :- | |
405 | preferences:get_computed_preference(debug_time_out,DebugTimeOut), | |
406 | timeout_check_property_aux(Pred,TypedConstants,ConstantsState,GlobalState,DebugTimeOut,TimeOutRes), | |
407 | % Note: will translate failure with enumeration warning into virtual_timeout; see is_time_out_failure above | |
408 | format('~nCHECKING RESULT is: ~w~n',[TimeOutRes]). | |
409 | ||
410 | timeout_check_property_aux(Pred,TypedConstants,ConstantsState,GlobalState, DebugTimeOut,TimeOutRes) :- | |
411 | catch( | |
412 | time_out_with_enum_warning_one_solution( | |
413 | b_check_property_satisfiable(Pred,TypedConstants,ConstantsState,GlobalState), | |
414 | DebugTimeOut,TimeOutRes), | |
415 | E, | |
416 | TimeOutRes = virtual_time_out(exception(E))). % probably CLPFD overflow | |
417 | ||
418 | ||
419 | assert_checked_property(P,ConstantsState,Time) :- | |
420 | assertz(checked_property(P)), | |
421 | (var(ConstantsState) -> print('NO SOLUTION'),nl | |
422 | ; retractall(last_checked_solution(_,_)), | |
423 | assertz(last_checked_solution(ConstantsState,Time))). | |
424 | ||
425 | :- use_module(probsrc(kernel_waitflags)). | |
426 | :- use_module(probsrc(b_enumerate)). | |
427 | ||
428 | % TO DO: call something which will use predicate_components | |
429 | ||
430 | b_check_property_satisfiable(Properties,TypedConstants,ConstantsState,GlobalState) :- | |
431 | b_ast_cleanup:clean_up_pred(Properties,[],Pred), | |
432 | set_up_typed_localstate(TypedConstants,_FreshVars,TypedVals,[],ConstantsState,positive), | |
433 | b_interpreter_components:reset_component_info(false), | |
434 | append(ConstantsState,GlobalState,State), | |
435 | b_interpreter_components:b_trace_test_components(Pred,State,TypedVals), | |
436 | \+ b_interpreter_components:unsat_component_exists. | |
437 | ||
438 | ||
439 |