1 % (c) 2009-2024 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
5 :- module(kernel_dif,[frozen_dif/2, fd_frozen_dif/2,
6 syntactic_equality_test/3
7 %, post_dif/2
8 ]).
11 :- use_module(module_information,[module_info/2]).
12 :- module_info(group,kernel).
13 :- module_info(description,'This module provides a dif which works with reified equality.').
15 :- use_module(clpfd_interface,[clpfd_can_intersect/2]).
16 % a version of frozen_dif which uses FD information to avoid calling frozen_dif if possible
17 fd_frozen_dif(X,Y) :-
18 ? (clpfd_can_intersect(X,Y) -> frozen_dif(X,Y)
19 ; true % X and Y must be different
20 ).
22 :- use_module(preferences).
23 % check if a frozen dif co-routine is pending and stating that the variables are different
24 % cf testcase 1175
25 %frozen_dif(X,Y) :- preferences:preference(use_smt_mode,false),!,fail.
26 frozen_dif(X,Y) :-
27 % print(check_frozen(X,Y)),nl, translate:l_print_frozen_info([X,Y]),nl,
28 var(X),
29 !,
30 X \== Y, % avoid calling frozen when both variables identical
31 frozen(X,Goal), %print(frozen(X,Y)),nl,portray_clause((check_frozen_dif(X,Y) :- Goal)),nl,
32 %terms:term_size(Goal,Sz), (Sz>200 -> print(large_frozen(X,Y,Sz)),nl,print(Goal),nl ; true),
33 preferences:preference(solver_strength,Strength),
34 Limit is 5+2*Strength,
35 ? frozen_dif_aux(Goal,Limit,X,Y). % increase required from 5 to 6 for SlotTool_04092017 issue
36 frozen_dif(X,Y) :- var(Y), frozen(Y,Goal), % do we need this in clpfd mode ? should we use solver_strength?
37 preferences:preference(solver_strength,Strength),
38 Limit is 2+Strength, % with TRACE_INFO or in SWI we may have additional goals and limit may be reached
39 ? frozen_dif_aux(Goal,Limit,Y,X).
40 frozen_dif_aux(kernel_objects:int_plus4(Nr,A,B),_,X,Y) :- !,
41 integer(Nr), % should always be the case, TO DO: maybe use CHR for this
42 Nr \= 0, % should normally also always be true, as int_plus4 would not have been called
43 (A==X -> B==Y % TO DO: maybe check if Y is variable and has int_plus attached wrt B to detect that z+1 is different from z+2
44 ; B==X -> A==Y % ditto
45 ).
46 frozen_dif_aux(prolog:dif(A,B),_,X,Y) :- !,
47 (A==X,B==Y ; A==Y,B==X). % , print(frozen_dif(X,Y)),nl.
48 frozen_dif_aux(dif(A,B),_,X,Y) :- !,
49 (A==X,B==Y ; A==Y,B==X). % , print(frozen_dif(X,Y)),nl.
50 % Nr: put an upper bound on checks; avoid slow-down when frozen goal very large; see e.g. alloc_large in test 1222
51 % TO DO: use attribute and get more efficient lookup
52 frozen_dif_aux((A,B),Nr,X,Y) :-
53 Nr>1, %(Nr>1 -> true ; print(frozen_dif_limit_reached(X,Y,(A,B))),nl,fail),
54 N1 is Nr-1,
55 ? (frozen_dif_aux(A,N1,X,Y) -> true ; frozen_dif_aux(B,N1,X,Y)).
59 % a reified version for syntactic equality ==
61 % trigger Res to pred_true when two variables become identical (as CLPFD does not do this)
62 % it is supposed to be used in conjunction with ((X#=Y) #<=> R01)
63 %syntactic_equality_test(X,Y,Res) :- Res==pred_true, !, print(useless_syntactic_test(X,Y,Res)),nl.
64 syntactic_equality_test(X,Y,Res) :-
65 % TO DO: attach attribute/co-routine so that dif will trigger Res to be pred_false ?
66 % e.g., (X=Y <=> r=TRUE) & X:1..100 & Y /= X does not deterministically set r to FALSE (but does if Y/=X moved to the left)
67 %reify(X,Y,Res), % a way to attach information for frozen_eqeq check
68 %when(?=(X,Y),(X==Y -> Res=pred_true ; true)). % CLPFD does not detect variable equality
69 when((?=(X,Y) ; nonvar(Res)),syntactic_eq_prop(Res,X,Y)). % CLPFD does not detect variable equality
71 syntactic_eq_prop(Res,X,Y) :- var(Res), !,
72 (X==Y -> Res=pred_true
73 ; Res=pred_false). % syntactically not equal, as ?=(X,Y) triggered they must be different FD values
74 syntactic_eq_prop(pred_true,X,Y) :- (var(X),var(Y) -> X=Y ; true). % CLPFD reification does not unify ! required for test 1525
75 syntactic_eq_prop(pred_false,X,Y) :- dif(X,Y). % or frozen_dif ??
78 /*
79 % currently not used:
81 :- block reify(-,-,-).
82 reify(_,_,_).
84 post_dif(X,Y) :- dif(X,Y),
85 (frozen_eqeq(X,Y,Res) -> print(frz(X,Y,Res)),nl, Res=pred_false ; true).
87 %kernel_dif:syntactic_equality_test(X,Y,R), kernel_dif:post_dif(X,Y), -> R==pred_false
89 frozen_eqeq(X,Y,R) :-
90 % print(check_frozen(X,Y)),nl, translate:l_print_frozen_info([X,Y]),nl,
91 var(X),!,frozen(X,Goal),
92 frozen_eqeq_aux(Goal,5,X,Y,R).
93 frozen_eqeq(X,Y,R) :- var(Y), frozen(Y,Goal), % do we need this in clpfd mode ?
94 frozen_eqeq_aux(Goal,2,Y,X,R).
95 frozen_eqeq_aux(kernel_dif:reify(A,B,R),_,X,Y,R) :-
96 (A==X,B==Y ; A==Y,B==X),
97 !. % , print(frozen_dif(X,Y)),nl.
98 % Nr: put an upper bound on checks; avoid slow-down when frozen goal very large; see e.g. alloc_large in test 1220
99 % TO DO: use attribute and get more efficient lookup
100 frozen_eqeq_aux((A,B),Nr,X,Y,R) :- Nr>1, N1 is Nr-1,
101 (frozen_eqeq_aux(A,N1,X,Y,R) -> true ; frozen_eqeq_aux(B,N1,X,Y,R)).
102 */