1 | | % (c) 2009-2024 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen, |
2 | | % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf |
3 | | % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html) |
4 | | |
5 | | :- module(haskell_csp_analyzer,[is_csp_process/1, is_possible_csp_process/1, agent_functor/2, is_csp_constructor/1, |
6 | | cspPrintCompiled/2, channel_type_list/2, csp_full_type_constructor/3,csp_full_type_constant/2, |
7 | | %% csp_sub_type_constructor/3, csp_sub_type_constant/2, % reported as unnecessary exports by infolog |
8 | | name_type/2, agent_compiled/3, csp_constant/2, analyze/0, |
9 | | undefined_process_construct/1, definite_cspm_process_construct/4, csp_constructor/3, |
10 | | is_a_channel_name/1,agent_parameters/3, is_list_skeleton/1, |
11 | | lift/4, is_defined_agent/1, |
12 | | definite_cspm_process_expression/1, |
13 | | get_internal_csp_representation/1, |
14 | | %% blocking_append/3, % reported as an unnecessary export by infolog |
15 | | mynumbervars/1]). |
16 | | |
17 | | :- meta_predicate findall_keepvars(-,0,-). |
18 | | |
19 | | :- use_module(probsrc(module_information)). |
20 | | :- module_info(group,csp). |
21 | | :- module_info(description,'Pre-compiler and analyzer for CSP.'). |
22 | | |
23 | | /******** SICSTUS libraries ********/ |
24 | | :- use_module(library(lists)). |
25 | | :- use_module(library(codesio)). |
26 | | /******** ----------------- ********/ |
27 | | |
28 | | /************** PROB modules **************/ |
29 | | :- use_module(probsrc(self_check)). |
30 | | :- use_module(probsrc(debug),[debug_println/2, debug_mode/1, debug_print/2, |
31 | | debug_nl/1, debug_stats/1, debug_level/1]). |
32 | | :- use_module(probsrc(error_manager)). |
33 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools), [string_concatenate/3,remove_variables/3]). |
34 | | :- use_module(probsrc(gensym),[gensym/2]). |
35 | | :- use_module(probsrc(tools),[list_difference/3,exact_member/2]). |
36 | | %--------- CSP modules: |
37 | | :- use_module(probcspsrc(haskell_csp),[add_symbol_error/4, is_a_datatype/2, |
38 | | channel/2, bindval/3, agent/3, agent_curry/3, dataTypeDef/2, subTypeDef/2, nameType/2, |
39 | | cspTransparent/1, cspPrint/1, valid_constant/1, |
40 | | extract_span_info/2, |
41 | | evaluate_type_list/2, evaluate_argument/2]). |
42 | | :- use_module(probcspsrc(csp_sets),[extract_variables_from_generator_list/2]). |
43 | | :- use_module(probcspsrc(csp_tuples),[pattern_match_function_argument/3, is_constructor/3]). |
44 | | /************** ------------ **************/ |
45 | | |
46 | | :- dynamic is_csp_constructor/1. |
47 | | :- dynamic csp_full_type_constructor/3. |
48 | | :- dynamic csp_sub_type_constructor/3. |
49 | | :- dynamic csp_full_type_constant/2. |
50 | | :- dynamic csp_sub_type_constant/2. |
51 | | |
52 | | undefined_process_construct(X) :- \+ definite_cspm_process_construct(X,_,_,_), |
53 | | \+ potential_cspm_process_construct(X,_,_,_). |
54 | | /*defined_process_constructs(R) :- findall(F/N,(haskell_csp:clause(cspm_trans(X,_,_),_),nonvar(X), functor(X,F,N)),L),sort(L,R). |
55 | | haskell_csp:defined_process_constructs(L), write_term(L,[quoted(true)]),nl. */ |
56 | | |
57 | | %:- dynamic cspm_trans/3. |
58 | | /* findall(F/N,(haskell_csp:clause(cspm_trans(X,_,_),_),nonvar(X), functor(X,F,N)),L),sort(L,R), |
59 | | member(F2/N2,R), functor(X2,F2,N2) ,write_term(cspm_process_construct(X2),[quoted(true)]), print('.'), nl, fail */ |
60 | | |
61 | | % definite_cspm_process_construct(Construct, Span(s), OtherSubConstructs, DefiniteCSPSubConstructs) |
62 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(&(Grd,B), [],[Grd],[B]). |
63 | | %%definite_cspm_process_construct('&'(_G,B),[_G],[B]). |
64 | | definite_cspm_process_construct('/\\'(A,B,Span), [Span],[],[A,B]). |
65 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(';'(A,B,Span), [Span],[],[A,B]). |
66 | | definite_cspm_process_construct('[>'(A,B,Span), [Span],[],[A,B]). |
67 | | definite_cspm_process_construct('[]'(A,B,Span), [Span],[],[A,B]). |
68 | | definite_cspm_process_construct('\\'(A,Set,Span), [Span],[Set],[A]). |
69 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(ehide(A,Set,Span),[Span],[Set],[A]). |
70 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(exception(Set,A,B,Span), [Span],[Set],[A,B]). |
71 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(eexception(Set,A,B,Span),[Span],[Set],[A,B]). |
72 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(omega, [],[],[]). |
73 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(skip(Span), [Span],[],[]). |
74 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(stop(Span), [Span],[],[]). |
75 | | definite_cspm_process_construct('CHAOS'(Span,B), [Span],[B],[]). |
76 | | definite_cspm_process_construct('|||'(A,B,Span), [Span],[],[A,B]). |
77 | | definite_cspm_process_construct('|~|'(A,B,Span), [Span],[],[A,B]). |
78 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(val_of(A,Span), [Span],[],[A]). |
79 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(eprocRenaming(RenList,B,Span),[Span],[RenList],[B]). |
80 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(prefix(Span,A,B,C,Span2), [Span,Span2],[A,B],[C]). |
81 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(procRenaming(RenList,B,Span),[Span],[RenList],[B]). |
82 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(repSequence(Gen,A,Span), [Span],[Gen],[A]). |
83 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(elinkParallel(A,B,C,Span), [Span],[A],[B,C]). |
84 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(repChoice(Gen,A,Span), [Span],[Gen],[A]). |
85 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(repInterleave(Gen,A,Span), [Span],[Gen],[A]). |
86 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(repInternalChoice(Gen,A,Span),[Span],[Gen],[A]). |
87 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(lParallel(LinkList,B,C,Span),[Span],[LinkList],[B,C]). |
88 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(sharing(Set,B,C,Span), [Span],[Set],[B,C]). |
89 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(esharing(Set,B,C,Span), [Span],[Set],[B,C]). |
90 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(aParallel(E,A,C,B,Span), [Span],[E,C],[A,B]). |
91 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(eaParallel(C,A,D,B,Span), [Span],[C,D],[A,B]). |
92 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(procRepAParallel(Generators,pair(SYNC,A),Span),[Span],[Generators,SYNC],[A]). |
93 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(procRepLinkParallel(Generators,SYNC,A,Span), [Span],[Generators,SYNC],[A]). |
94 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(procRepSharing(SYNC,Generators,A,Span), [Span],[SYNC,Generators],[A]). |
95 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(procRenamingComp(A,Gen,Ren),[],[Gen,Ren],[A]). |
96 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(builtin_call(X), Span,Gen,P) :- definite_cspm_process_construct(X,Span,Gen,P). |
97 | | definite_cspm_process_construct(P,[],[],[]) :- is_csp_process(P). |
98 | | % potential CSPM constructs: |
99 | | |
100 | | % potential_cspm_process_construct(Construct, Span(s), OtherSubConstructs, PossibleCSPSubConstructsIfConstructItselfIsCSP) |
101 | | potential_cspm_process_construct(head(L),[],[],[L]). |
102 | | potential_cspm_process_construct(ifte(G,B,C,S1,S2,S3),[S1,S2,S3],[G],[B,C]). % version with source-spans |
103 | | potential_cspm_process_construct(agent_call(Span,A,Par), [Span],[A],[Par]). |
104 | | potential_cspm_process_construct(agent_call_curry(A,Par), [], [A],[Par]). |
105 | | |
106 | | |
107 | | |
108 | | |
109 | | :- dynamic is_function/1. |
110 | | :- dynamic is_csp_process/1. |
111 | | :- dynamic is_possible_csp_process/1. |
112 | | :- dynamic change_happened/0. |
113 | | :- dynamic cspPrintCompiled/2. |
114 | | |
115 | | definite_cspm_process_expression(X) :- var(X),!,fail. |
116 | | definite_cspm_process_expression(ifte(_Tst,T,E,_,_,_)) :- !, |
117 | ? | (definite_cspm_process_expression(T) ; definite_cspm_process_expression(E)). /* assume no typing error */ |
118 | | % let(_,E) and val_of(X,_) will be precompiled to agents, therefore the two clauses below will never matched |
119 | | %definite_cspm_process_expression(let(_,E)) :- !, definite_cspm_process_expression(E). |
120 | | %definite_cspm_process_expression(val_of(X,_)) :- !,is_csp_process(X). |
121 | | definite_cspm_process_expression(agent_call(_Span,F,Par)) :- |
122 | | atomic(F), !, /* Note: with currying we can have expressions here ! TO DO: ADAPT */ |
123 | ? | X=..[F|Par],is_csp_process(X). |
124 | | definite_cspm_process_expression(agent_call(_Span,lambda(_Args,Body),_Par)) :- !, |
125 | | %%print(check(Body)),nl, |
126 | | definite_cspm_process_expression(Body). |
127 | | definite_cspm_process_expression(agent_call_curry(F,[Par1|_])) :- !, |
128 | | atomic(F), /* Note: with currying we can have expressions here ! TO DO: ADAPT */ |
129 | | X=..[F|Par1],is_csp_process(X). |
130 | | definite_cspm_process_expression(head(X)) :- !, /* shouldn't X be a list of CSP constructs ??? */ |
131 | | definite_cspm_process_expression(X). |
132 | | definite_cspm_process_expression(lambda(_Head,Body)) :- nonvar(Body), !, definite_cspm_process_construct(Body,_,_,_). |
133 | ? | definite_cspm_process_expression(X) :- definite_cspm_process_construct(X,_,_,_). |
134 | | |
135 | | possible_cspm_process_expression(X) :- var(X),!. |
136 | | possible_cspm_process_expression(ifte(_Tst,T,E,_,_,_)) :- !, |
137 | | (possible_cspm_process_expression(T) , possible_cspm_process_expression(E)). |
138 | | /* assume no typing error; if either was definitely a CSP we would have matched above */ |
139 | | /* we require both to be possible CSP expressions ; influences unfolding of agent_calls,... see coz-example.csp*/ |
140 | | % the same as above for definite_cspm_process_expression applies to let(_,E) and val_of(X,_) (see comment above) |
141 | | % they are precompiled to agents |
142 | | %possible_cspm_process_expression(let(_,E)) :- !, possible_cspm_process_expression(E). |
143 | | %possible_cspm_process_expression(val_of(X,_)) :- !, is_possible_csp_process(X). |
144 | | possible_cspm_process_expression(agent_call(_Span,F,Par)) :- atomic(F),!, |
145 | | X=..[F|Par], is_possible_csp_process(X). |
146 | | possible_cspm_process_expression(agent_call(_,_,_)). /* TO DO: refine this */ |
147 | | possible_cspm_process_expression(agent_call_curry(_,_)). /* TO DO: refine this */ |
148 | | possible_cspm_process_expression(head(_)). |
149 | | |
150 | | check_definition_body(X,_,_) :- var(X),!,true. |
151 | | check_definition_body('$VAR'(X),_,_) :- !, cur_numbervars_index(Idx), X =< Idx. |
152 | | % let expressions will be first precomiled into agent calls (case for check_definition_body/3 will never occur) |
153 | | %check_definition_body(let(_,E),Def,Span) :- !, |
154 | | % check_definition_body(E,Def,Span). |
155 | | check_definition_body(lambda(_,E),Def,Span) :- !, |
156 | | check_definition_body(E,Def,Span). |
157 | | %check_definition_body(head(L),Def,Span) :- !, %% covered below by potential_cspm_process_construct |
158 | | % val_of(_,X) expressions will be first precomiled into agent calls (case for check_definition_body/3 will never occur) |
159 | | %check_definition_body(val_of(X,CallSpan),_Def,_Span) :- !, |
160 | | % (is_defined_value(X) -> true ; add_internal_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Undefined Value: ',X,CallSpan)). |
161 | | check_definition_body(agent_call(CallSpan,F,Par),_Def,_Span) :- atomic(F),!, X=..[F|Par], |
162 | | ((is_defined_agent(X); is_builtin_agent(X)) -> true ; add_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Undefined Agent Call: ',X,CallSpan)). |
163 | | check_definition_body(agent_call(CallSpan,X,Par),_Def,_Span) :- |
164 | | nonvar(X), X=lambda(Var,Body),!, |
165 | | length(Par,PL), length(Var,VL), |
166 | | (PL=VL -> true |
167 | | ; add_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Lambda parameters and arguments do not match: ',(Par,Var,Body),CallSpan)). |
168 | | check_definition_body(agent_call(CallSpan,F,Par),Def,_Span) :- !, |
169 | | (var(F) -> true ; |
170 | | (F=agent_call(Span2,F2,Par2) |
171 | | -> check_definition_body(agent_call(Span2,F2,Par2),Def,CallSpan) |
172 | | ; add_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Complicated LHS not yet supported in agent_call: ', |
173 | | agent_call(F,Par),CallSpan) |
174 | | ) |
175 | | ). |
176 | | check_definition_body(X,Def,Span) :- |
177 | ? | definite_cspm_process_construct(X,Spans,OtherSubExprs,List),!, |
178 | | l_check_spans(Spans,Span), l_check_non_csp_args(OtherSubExprs,Span), |
179 | | l_check_definite_csp_args(List,Def,Span). |
180 | | check_definition_body(X,Def,Span) :- |
181 | | potential_cspm_process_construct(X,Spans,OtherSubExprs,List), |
182 | | l_check_spans(Spans,Span), l_check_non_csp_args(OtherSubExprs,Span), |
183 | | l_check_possible_csp_args(List,Def,Span). |
184 | | |
185 | | check_definite_cspm_body_construct(X,D,S) :- |
186 | | check_definition_body(X,D,S),!. |
187 | | check_definite_cspm_body_construct(X,_Def,Span) :- |
188 | | add_internal_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Unknown CSP construct: ',X,Span). |
189 | | |
190 | | l_check_spans([],_Span). |
191 | | l_check_spans([H|T],OuterSpan) :- |
192 | | (extract_span_info(H,_Info) -> true |
193 | | ; add_internal_error('Illegal AST; unknown Span info: ',H:OuterSpan)), |
194 | | l_check_spans(T,OuterSpan). |
195 | | |
196 | | l_check_non_csp_args([],_Span). |
197 | | l_check_non_csp_args([H|T],OuterSpan) :- |
198 | | (\+ definite_cspm_process_expression(H) -> true |
199 | | ; (definite_cspm_process_construct(H,[Span|_],_,_) -> true ; Span=OuterSpan), |
200 | | add_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Illegal AST; CSP process in illegal position: ',H,Span)), |
201 | | l_check_non_csp_args(T,OuterSpan). |
202 | | l_check_definite_csp_args([],_,_Span). |
203 | | l_check_definite_csp_args([H|T],Def,Span) :- |
204 | | check_definite_cspm_body_construct(H,Def,Span),l_check_definite_csp_args(T,Def,Span). |
205 | | l_check_possible_csp_args([],_,_Span). |
206 | | l_check_possible_csp_args([H|T],Def,Span) :- |
207 | | check_definition_body(H,Def,Span),l_check_possible_csp_args(T,Def,Span). |
208 | | |
209 | | is_defined_agent(EX) :- var(EX),!,fail. |
210 | | is_defined_agent(EX) :- functor(EX,F,N), functor(Skel,F,N), |
211 | | agent_compiled_without_constraints(Skel,_,_). % avoid executing Constraint |
212 | | %is_defined_value(X) :- bindval(X,_,_). |
213 | | |
214 | | is_builtin_agent(Term) :- var(Term),!,fail. |
215 | | is_builtin_agent(Term) :- |
216 | | member(Term,[ union(_,_), inter(_,_), diff(_,_), 'Union'(_), 'Inter'(_), member(_,_), card(_), empty(_), |
217 | | set(_), head(_), tail(_), concat(_), null(_), elem(_,_), length(_), 'Set'(_), 'Seq'(_), seq(_)]),!. |
218 | | |
219 | | |
220 | | agent_compiled_without_constraints(Head,Body,Span) :- |
221 | ? | clause(agent_compiled(Head,Body,Span),_Constr). |
222 | | agent_compiled_with_constraints(Head,Body,Span,Constr) :- |
223 | | clause(agent_compiled(Head,Body,Span),Constr). |
224 | | |
225 | | /* compute which values/agents are CSP processes and which ones are just ordinary functions/values */ |
226 | | analyze :- reset_csp_analyzer, |
227 | | precompile_datatypes(init),% initialiazing constructors before starting to check the process bodies |
228 | | debug_stats(precompile_constants), |
229 | | precompile_constants, |
230 | | debug_stats(compile_nested_let_expressions), |
231 | | compile_nested_let_expressions, |
232 | | opt_csp_listing, |
233 | | debug_stats(find_csp_processes), |
234 | | debug_print(19,'% Finding Definite CSP Processes:'), |
235 | | analyze_recursively, |
236 | | debug_nl(19),debug_print(19,'% Finding Possible CSP Processes: '), |
237 | | analyze_recursively_possible, |
238 | | check, |
239 | | debug_stats(precompile_nametypes), |
240 | | precompile_nametypes, /* must be put before datatypes */ |
241 | | precompile_datatypes(eval), |
242 | | generate_channel_type_lists, |
243 | | precompile_cspPrint, |
244 | | debug_stats(precompile_finished). |
245 | | |
246 | | reset_csp_analyzer :- |
247 | | retractall(is_csp_process(_)), |
248 | | retractall(is_function(_)), |
249 | | retractall(is_possible_csp_process(_)), |
250 | | retractall(multiple_let_equations_for(_,_)), |
251 | | retractall(cspPrintCompiled(_,_)), |
252 | | retractall(csp_full_type_constructor(_,_,_)), |
253 | | retractall(csp_sub_type_constructor(_,_,_)), |
254 | | retractall(csp_full_type_constant(_,_)), |
255 | | retractall(csp_sub_type_constant(_,_)), |
256 | | retractall(is_csp_constructor(_)), |
257 | | retractall(channel_type_list(_,_)), |
258 | | retractall(name_type(_,_)), |
259 | | retractall(agent_functor(_,_)), |
260 | | retractall(agent_compiled(_,_,_)), |
261 | | retractall(agent_parameters(_,_,_)). |
262 | | |
263 | | precompile_cspPrint :- cspPrint(Expr), |
264 | | haskell_csp_analyzer:compile_body(Expr,'print',[],[],CompiledExpr), |
265 | | assertz(cspPrintCompiled(Expr,CompiledExpr)), |
266 | | fail. |
267 | | precompile_cspPrint. |
268 | | |
269 | | analyze_recursively :- |
270 | | retractall(change_happened), |
271 | ? | agent_compiled_without_constraints(X,Body,_Span), |
272 | | functor(X,F,N),functor(X2,F,N), |
273 | ? | \+ is_csp_process(X2), |
274 | | (is_function(X2) -> true ; assertz(is_function(X2))), |
275 | ? | definite_cspm_process_expression(Body), |
276 | | assertz(is_csp_process(X2)), |
277 | | assertz(change_happened), |
278 | | debug_mode(on),print(' '),print_agent(X2), |
279 | | fail. |
280 | | analyze_recursively :- debug_print(19,';'), |
281 | ? | (change_happened -> analyze_recursively ; debug_nl(19)). |
282 | | |
283 | | analyze_recursively_possible :- |
284 | | retractall(change_happened), |
285 | ? | is_function(X2), |
286 | ? | \+ is_csp_process(X2), \+ is_possible_csp_process(X2), |
287 | | findall(Body,agent_compiled_without_constraints(X2,Body,_Span),AllBodies), |
288 | | maplist(possible_cspm_process_expression,AllBodies), |
289 | | assertz(is_possible_csp_process(X2)), |
290 | | assertz(change_happened), |
291 | | debug_mode(on),print(' '),print_agent(X2), |
292 | | fail. |
293 | | analyze_recursively_possible :- debug_print(19,';'), |
294 | | (change_happened -> analyze_recursively_possible ; debug_nl(19)). |
295 | | |
296 | | |
297 | | check :- debug_println(15,'% Checking Definitions:'), |
298 | | findall(V,bindval(V,_,_),LBV), |
299 | | check_for_multiples(LBV), |
300 | | findall(W,(agent(W,_,_);agent_curry(W,_,_)),LAG), |
301 | | check_for_contig(LAG), |
302 | | % Note: we cannot detect if a function definition is interrupted by a bindval or channel def |
303 | | debug_nl(15), |
304 | | debug_println(9,'% Checking Definition bodies:'), |
305 | ? | agent_compiled_without_constraints(X,Body,Span), |
306 | | (debug_mode(on) -> print(' '),print_agent(X) ; true), |
307 | | check_definition_body(Body,X,Span), |
308 | | fail. |
309 | | check :- debug_nl(15). |
310 | | |
311 | | % ---------------------------------------------- |
312 | | |
313 | | |
314 | | |
315 | | csp_constant(C,T) :- csp_full_type_constant(C,T). |
316 | | csp_constant(C,T) :- csp_sub_type_constant(C,T). |
317 | | |
318 | ? | csp_constructor(C,T,A) :- csp_full_type_constructor(C,T,A). |
319 | | csp_constructor(C,T,A) :- csp_sub_type_constructor(C,T,A). |
320 | | |
321 | | csp_full_type_constant(apples,'FRUIT'). csp_full_type_constant(oranges,'FRUIT'). csp_full_type_constant(pears,'FRUIT'). % complementary to default CSP-M spec |
322 | | |
323 | | precompile_datatypes(E) :- |
324 | | (E = eval -> debug_println(15,'% Precompiling datatype constructor types: ') |
325 | | ; debug_println(15,'% Initialising datatype constructor types: ')), |
326 | | retractall(csp_full_type_constructor(_,_,_)), |
327 | ? | dataTypeDef(Type,ConstructorList), debug_println(15,Type), debug_println(15,' '), |
328 | ? | member(X,ConstructorList), |
329 | | (X = constructor(_) |
330 | | -> fail /* already asserted */ |
331 | | ; (X = 'constructorC'(C,dotTupleType(CT)),(E = eval -> evaluate_type_list(CT,CTypes) ; true) |
332 | | -> assertz(csp_full_type_constructor(C,Type,CTypes)) |
333 | | ; (X = 'constructorC'(C,typeTuple([dotTuple(CT)])),(E = eval -> evaluate_type_list(CT,CTypes) ; true) % can appear for example for sq.(x.y) |
334 | | -> assertz(csp_full_type_constructor(C,Type,CTypes)) |
335 | | ; (X = 'constructorC'(C,typeTuple(CT)),(E = eval -> evaluate_type_list(CT,CTypes) ; true) |
336 | | -> assertz(csp_full_type_constructor(C,Type,[typeTuple(CTypes)])) |
337 | | ; add_internal_error('Unknown constructor in precompile_datatypes: ',(Type:X)) |
338 | | ) |
339 | | ) |
340 | | ) |
341 | | ), |
342 | | fail. |
343 | | precompile_datatypes(E) :- debug_nl(15), |
344 | | retractall(csp_sub_type_constructor(_,_,_)), |
345 | | subTypeDef(Type,ConstructorList), debug_println(15,Type), debug_println(15,' '), |
346 | | member(X,ConstructorList), |
347 | | (X = constructor(_) |
348 | | -> fail /* already asserted */ |
349 | | ; (X = 'constructorC'(C,dotTupleType(CT)),(E = eval -> evaluate_type_list(CT,CTypes) ; true) % eval only when all declarations are pre-compiled |
350 | | -> assertz(csp_sub_type_constructor(C,Type,CTypes)) |
351 | | ; (X = 'constructorC'(C,typeTuple([dotTuple(CT)])),(E = eval -> evaluate_type_list(CT,CTypes) ; true) % can appear for example for sq.(x.y) |
352 | | -> assertz(csp_sub_type_constructor(C,Type,CTypes)) |
353 | | ; (X = 'constructorC'(C,typeTuple(CT)),(E = eval -> evaluate_type_list(CT,CTypes) ; true) |
354 | | -> assertz(csp_sub_type_constructor(C,Type,[typeTuple(CTypes)])) |
355 | | ; add_error(precompile_datatypes,'Unknown constructor: ',(Type:X)) |
356 | | ) |
357 | | ) |
358 | | ) |
359 | | ), |
360 | | fail. |
361 | | precompile_datatypes(_E) :- debug_nl(15). |
362 | | |
363 | | /* can be executed before definitions are parsed; as no need to call evaluate_list */ |
364 | | precompile_constants :- debug_print(20,'% Precompiling datatype constants: '), |
365 | | retractall(csp_full_type_constant(_,_)), |
366 | | retractall(csp_sub_type_constant(_,_)), |
367 | | retractall(is_csp_constructor(_)), |
368 | ? | dataTypeDef(Type,ConstructorList), debug_print(20,Type), debug_print(20,' '), |
369 | ? | member(constructor(C),ConstructorList), |
370 | | assertz(csp_full_type_constant(C,Type)), |
371 | | fail. |
372 | | precompile_constants :- |
373 | ? | is_a_datatype(_Type,ConstructorList), |
374 | ? | member('constructorC'(C,_),ConstructorList), |
375 | | assertz(is_csp_constructor(C)),fail. |
376 | | precompile_constants :- |
377 | | subTypeDef(SubType,ConstructorList), debug_print(20,SubType), debug_print(20,' '), |
378 | | member(constructor(C),ConstructorList), |
379 | | (csp_full_type_constant(C,_SuperType) -> true |
380 | | ; add_error(precompile_constants,'Subtype introduces new constant: ',(SubType:C)) |
381 | | ), |
382 | | assertz(csp_sub_type_constant(C,SubType)), |
383 | | fail. |
384 | | precompile_constants :- debug_nl(20). |
385 | | |
386 | | % ---------------------------------------------- |
387 | | |
388 | | :- dynamic channel_type_list/2, name_type/2. |
389 | | |
390 | | channel_type_list(left,[dataType('FRUIT')]). |
391 | | channel_type_list(right,[dataType('FRUIT')]). |
392 | | channel_type_list(mid,[dataType('FRUIT')]). |
393 | | channel_type_list(ack,[]). |
394 | | channel_type_list(a,[intType]). /* for test cases */ |
395 | | channel_type_list(b,[intType]). /* for test cases */ |
396 | | channel_type_list(c,[intType]). /* for test cases */ |
397 | | channel_type_list(gen1,[intType,intType]). /* for test cases */ |
398 | | channel_type_list(gen2,[intType,intType]). /* for test cases */ |
399 | | |
400 | | /* test cases for the is_not_infinite_type/1 predicate in haskell_csp module (see lines 374 - 398) */ |
401 | | |
402 | | channel_type_list(receive,[dataType('SubMsg')]). |
403 | | channel_type_list(contact,[dataType('SubSubMsg'),intType,boolType]). |
404 | | channel_type_list(infinite,[dataType('Inf')]). |
405 | | |
406 | | is_a_channel_name(Ch) :- channel(Ch,_). % use channel/2 rather than channel_type_list/2, as channel/2 available before precompilation |
407 | | |
408 | | /* TO DO: check if there can be a nesting of associative dotTuples and non-associative Tuples */ |
409 | | generate_channel_type_lists :- debug_print(20,'% Analyzing channels:'), |
410 | | retractall(channel_type_list(_,_)), |
411 | ? | channel(X,CType), debug_print(20,' '),debug_print(20,X), |
412 | | (CType = type(Type) -> true ; add_error_fail(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Channel type in wrong format: ',channel(X,Type))), |
413 | | (Type = dotTupleType(List) |
414 | | -> ((evaluate_type_list(List,EList),flatten_dotTupleTypes(EList,FlatEList)) |
415 | | -> assertz(channel_type_list(X,FlatEList)) %% EList ????? <---------- |
416 | | %, nl, print(dotTupleType(List,EList,FlatEList)),nl |
417 | | ; add_symbol_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Could not evaluate channel type list: ',channel(X,Type),X) |
418 | | ) |
419 | | ; Type = dotUnitType -> assertz(channel_type_list(X,[])) |
420 | | ; Type = typeTuple(List) |
421 | | -> (evaluate_type_list(List,EList) |
422 | | -> assertz(channel_type_list(X,[typeTuple(EList)])) |
423 | | ; add_symbol_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Could not evaluate non-associative tuple:',channel(X,Type),X) |
424 | | ) |
425 | | ; add_symbol_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Unexpected channel type: ',channel(X,Type),X) |
426 | | ), |
427 | | fail. |
428 | | generate_channel_type_lists :- debug_nl(20). |
429 | | |
430 | | flatten_dotTupleTypes([],[]). |
431 | | flatten_dotTupleTypes([dotTupleType(L)|T],R) :- !, |
432 | | flatten_dotTupleTypes(L,RL), |
433 | | append(RL,RR,R), |
434 | | flatten_dotTupleTypes(T,RR). |
435 | | flatten_dotTupleTypes([H|T],[H|R]) :- flatten_dotTupleTypes(T,R). |
436 | | |
437 | | |
438 | | precompile_nametypes :- debug_print(20,'% Analyzing nametypes:'), |
439 | | retractall(name_type(_,_)), |
440 | | nameType(X,CType), debug_print(20,' '),debug_print(20,X), |
441 | | (CType = type(Type) -> true ; add_error_fail(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Nametype type in wrong format: ',nameType(X,Type))), |
442 | | (Type = dotTupleType(List) |
443 | | -> (evaluate_type_list(List,EList) |
444 | | -> (EList = [TheType] -> true /* we have a single type; not really a dotTuple */ |
445 | | ; TheType = dotTupleType(EList)), %% was typeTuple ??? <---------- |
446 | | assertz(name_type(X,TheType)) |
447 | | ; add_symbol_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Could not evaluate nametype list:',nameType(X,Type),X) |
448 | | ) |
449 | | ; Type = dotUnitType -> assertz(name_type(X,dotUnitType)) |
450 | | ; Type = typeTuple(List) |
451 | | -> (evaluate_type_list(List,EList) |
452 | | -> assertz(name_type(X,typeTuple(EList))) |
453 | | ; add_symbol_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Could not evaluate non-associative tuple:',nameType(X,Type),X) |
454 | | ) |
455 | | ; add_symbol_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Unexpected nametype: ',nameType(X,Type),X) |
456 | | ), |
457 | | fail. |
458 | | precompile_nametypes :- debug_nl(20). |
459 | | |
460 | | :- use_module(library(samsort)). |
461 | | %check_for_multiples(S) :- length(S,Len), remove_dups(S,S2),length(S2,Len),!. |
462 | | check_for_multiples(S) :- samsort(S,SS),check_for_multiples2(SS). |
463 | | check_for_multiples2([]). |
464 | | check_for_multiples2([H|T]) :- |
465 | | (T=[H|T2] -> add_symbol_error(haskell_csp,'Multiple Definitions of: ',H,H) ; T2=T), |
466 | | check_for_multiples2(T2). |
467 | | |
468 | | check_for_contig([]). |
469 | | check_for_contig([H,H2|T]) :- functor(H,F,N), functor(H2,F,N), !, check_for_contig(T). |
470 | | check_for_contig([H|T]) :- |
471 | | (member(H,T) -> add_symbol_error(haskell_csp,'Definition not contiguous: ',H,H) ; true), |
472 | | check_for_contig(T). |
473 | | |
474 | | print_agent(T) :- nonvar(T),functor(T,F,N), print(F/N). |
475 | | |
476 | | |
477 | | |
478 | | /* ------------------------ LET COMPILATION ----------------------------- */ |
479 | | |
480 | | :- dynamic agent_compiled/3. |
481 | | :- dynamic agent_parameters/3. |
482 | | %agent_compiled(H,B) :- agent_compiled(H,B_SRCSPAN). |
483 | | |
484 | | |
485 | ? | get_agent(Head,Body,SRCSPAN) :- bindval(F,FBody,SRCSPAN), |
486 | | % (FBody = lambda(Args,Body) |
487 | | % -> Head =.. [F|Args] /* translate m = \ x,y @ BODY into m(x,y) = BODY */ |
488 | | % ; |
489 | | Head=F, Body=FBody |
490 | | % ) |
491 | | . |
492 | ? | get_agent(Head,Body,SRCSPAN) :- agent(Head,Body,SRCSPAN). |
493 | | get_agent(Head,Body,SRCSPAN) :- agent_curry(CHead,CBody,SRCSPAN), |
494 | | translate_agent_curry(CHead,CBody,Head,Body,SRCSPAN). |
495 | | |
496 | | |
497 | | translate_agent_curry(CHead,CBody,Head,Body,SPAN) :- |
498 | | CHead =.. [Function,Args1|Rest], |
499 | | Head =.. [Function|Args1], translate_into_lambda(Rest,CBody,Body,SPAN). |
500 | | %,nl,print(agent_curry(Head,Body)),nl,nl,nl. |
501 | | |
502 | | translate_into_lambda([],Body,Body,_SPAN). |
503 | | translate_into_lambda([Args1|Rest],Body,Res,SPAN) :- |
504 | | l_compile_head_para(Args1,NewParas,Constraint,lambda(Args1),SPAN), |
505 | | (Constraint = true |
506 | | -> LBody=RB |
507 | | ; S=no_loc_info_available, |
508 | | LBody = ifte(prolog_constraint(Constraint),RB,error(illegal_curried_arg),S,S,S) |
509 | | ), |
510 | | Res = lambda(NewParas,LBody), |
511 | | translate_into_lambda(Rest,Body,RB,SPAN). |
512 | | |
513 | | |
514 | | :- dynamic agent_functor/2. |
515 | | init_agent_functor :- retractall(agent_functor(_,_)), |
516 | ? | get_agent(X,_B,_SRCSPAN), nonvar(X), |
517 | | functor(X,F,Arity), |
518 | | assertz(agent_functor(F,Arity)), |
519 | | fail. |
520 | | init_agent_functor. |
521 | | |
522 | | %agent_functor(F,Arity) :- agent_parameters(F,Arity,_). |
523 | | |
524 | | % below we compile let expression into separate agent definitions |
525 | | % so that we get the treatment of local variables from Prolog |
526 | | % the same is applied to prefixes with input variables (which are also local variables) |
527 | | compile_nested_let_expressions :- debug_println(5,'% Compiling nested let expressions:'), |
528 | | retractall(agent_compiled(_,_,_)), |
529 | | retractall(agent_parameters(_,_,_)), |
530 | | init_agent_functor, reset_cur_numbervars_index, |
531 | ? | get_agent(X,Body,SRCSPAN), |
532 | | (var(X) -> |
533 | | add_internal_error(haskell_csp,'Error in compiled .pl File: Uninstantiated LHS in bindval or agent',(X,Body),SRCSPAN),fail |
534 | | ; true), |
535 | | compile_head(X,NX,Constraints,SRCSPAN), |
536 | | debug_println(5,compiled_head(X,NX,Constraints)), |
537 | | |
538 | | NX=..[F|_N_XARGS], |
539 | | (debug_mode(on) -> print(' '),print_agent(X),nl ; true), |
540 | | term_variables(X,InnerVariables), XARGS=InnerVariables, % these are the variables before extracting pattern matches into Constraints |
541 | | %debug_println(9,compiling_body(Body,F,_N_XARGS,XARGS)), |
542 | ? | (compile_body(Body,F,XARGS,[],Res) |
543 | | -> true |
544 | | ; add_internal_error(haskell_csp,'Unable to compile body of agent: ',agent(X,Body),SRCSPAN), fail |
545 | | ), |
546 | | assert_agent_compiled_head(NX,Res,SRCSPAN,Constraints), |
547 | | % (Constraints = true -> assert_agent_compiled(NX,Res,SRCSPAN) ; assert_agent_compiled(NX,Res,SRCSPAN,Constraints)), |
548 | | %portray_clause( (agent_compiled(NX,Res) :- Constraints)), |
549 | | fail. |
550 | | compile_nested_let_expressions :- (debug_mode(on) -> nl ; true). |
551 | | |
552 | | |
553 | | :- dynamic multiple_let_equations_for/2. |
554 | | |
555 | | multiple_definitions(Head) :- functor(Head,F,_), |
556 | | multiple_let_equations_for(F,_),!. |
557 | | multiple_definitions(Head) :- functor(Head,F,N), functor(CH,F,N), functor(CH2,F,N), |
558 | | get_agent(CH,Body,SRCSPAN), get_agent(CH2,Body2,SRCSPAN2), |
559 | | (CH,Body,SRCSPAN) \= (CH2,Body2,SRCSPAN2). |
560 | | |
561 | | compile_head(Head,NewHead,Constraints,SPAN) :- |
562 | | Head =.. [Func|Args], |
563 | | l_compile_head_para(Args,NewArgs,Constraints,Head,SPAN), |
564 | | NewHead =.. [Func|NewArgs]. |
565 | | |
566 | | l_compile_head_para([],[],true,_,_). |
567 | | l_compile_head_para([H|T],[NH|NT],Constraints,Head,SPAN) :- |
568 | | compile_head_para(H,NH,CH,Head,SPAN), |
569 | | l_compile_head_para(T,NT,CT,Head,SPAN), |
570 | | (CH=true -> Constraints=CT ; (CT=true -> Constraints=CH ; Constraints = ','(CH,CT))). |
571 | | |
572 | | |
573 | | compile_head_para(Var,NewPara,Constraint,_Head,_Span) :- var(Var),!, NewPara=Var, Constraint=true. |
574 | | compile_head_para(emptySet,NewPara,Constraint,_Head,_Span) :- !, Constraint=true, NewPara = setValue([]). |
575 | | compile_head_para(listPat(List),NewPara,RestConstr,Head,Span) :- !, NewPara=list(NList), |
576 | | l_compile_head_para(List,NList,RestConstr,Head,Span). |
577 | | compile_head_para(singleSetPat(List),NewPara,RestConstr,Head,Span) :- !, NewPara=setValue(NList), |
578 | | l_compile_head_para(List,NList,RestConstr,Head,Span). |
579 | | compile_head_para(dotpat(List),NewPara,Constraint,Head,Span) :- !, |
580 | | % TO DO: check if we have a record constructor and can construct a record pattern: we would need no constraint |
581 | | Constraint = (pattern_match_function_argument(tuple(WNList),NewPara,Head),RestConstr), |
582 | | l_compile_head_para(List,NList,RestConstr,Head,Span), |
583 | | wrap_free_vars(NList,WNList). % wrap free vars with in(.) |
584 | | compile_head_para(tuplePat(List),NewPara,Constraint,Head,Span) :- !, NewPara = na_tuple(NList), |
585 | | l_compile_head_para(List,NList,Constraint,Head,Span). |
586 | | compile_head_para(alsoPattern([Pat1]),NewPara,Constraint1,Head,Span) :- !, |
587 | | compile_head_para(Pat1,NewPara,Constraint1,Head,Span). |
588 | | compile_head_para(alsoPattern([Pat1|Tail]),NewPara,Constr,Head,Span) :- !, |
589 | | compile_head_para(Pat1,NewPara,Constraint1,Head,Span), |
590 | | compile_head_para(alsoPattern(Tail),NewPara2,Constraint2,Head,Span), |
591 | | Constr = (NewPara=NewPara2,Constraint1,Constraint2). |
592 | | compile_head_para(appendPattern([Pat1]),NewPara,Constraint1,Head,Span) :- !, |
593 | | compile_head_para(Pat1,NewPara,Constraint1,Head,Span). |
594 | | compile_head_para(appendPattern([H|T]),NewPara,Constraints,Head,Span) :- |
595 | | nonvar(H), H=listPat(HList),is_list_skeleton(HList),!, |
596 | | compile_head_para(H,NH,ConstraintH,Head,_), NH=list(NHList), |
597 | | NewPara = list(NewList), |
598 | | compile_head_para(appendPattern(T),NewT,ConstraintsT,Head,Span), |
599 | | Constraints = ','(ConstraintH,ConstraintsT), |
600 | | NewT = list(TList), append(NHList,TList,NewList). |
601 | | compile_head_para(appendPattern(Pat),NewPara,Constraint,Head,Span) :- |
602 | | is_list_skeleton(Pat), |
603 | | append(T,[H],Pat), |
604 | | nonvar(H), H=listPat(HList),is_list_skeleton(HList),!, |
605 | | compile_head_para(H,NH,ConstraintH,Head,_), NH=list(NHList), |
606 | | compile_head_para(appendPattern(T),NewT,ConstraintsT,Head,Span), |
607 | | NewPara = list(NewList), NewT = list(TList), |
608 | | Constraint=','(ConstraintH,','(append(TList,NHList,NewList),ConstraintsT)). |
609 | | % to do: appendPattern with more parameters |
610 | | compile_head_para(appendPattern(Pat),_,_,_Head,Span) :- |
611 | | %haskell_csp:get_symbol_span(Head,HeadSpan), |
612 | | add_error(compile_head_para,'Unsupported Append Pattern: ',Pat,Span),fail. |
613 | | compile_head_para(X,_,_,Head,Span) :- |
614 | | atomic(X), |
615 | | channel(X,_), %print(Head),nl, |
616 | | (multiple_definitions(Head) |
617 | | -> add_message(compile_head_para,'Warning: Channel name used as Function/Process argument: ',X) |
618 | | ; % haskell_csp:get_symbol_span(Head,HeadSpan), |
619 | | add_error(compile_head_para,'Warning: Channel name used as Function/Process argument: ',X, Span) |
620 | | ), |
621 | | fail. |
622 | | compile_head_para(X,NewPara,Constraint,_Head,_Span) :- |
623 | | atomic(X), evaluate_argument(X,NewPara), !, |
624 | | %% print(compiled_head_para(X,NewPara)),nl, |
625 | | Constraint=true. |
626 | | compile_head_para(P,P,true,_Head,_Span). |
627 | | |
628 | | |
629 | | wrap_free_vars([],[]). |
630 | | wrap_free_vars([H|T],[WH|WT]) :- |
631 | | (var(H) -> WH=in(H) ; WH=H), |
632 | | wrap_free_vars(T,WT). |
633 | | |
634 | | is_list_skeleton(X) :- var(X),!,fail. |
635 | | is_list_skeleton([]). |
636 | | is_list_skeleton([_|T]) :- is_list_skeleton(T). |
637 | | |
638 | | /* compile_body(ExpressionToCompile, Top-Level-FunName, ArgumentsToAddToNestedLetsOrPrefixes,LocalLets, CompiledExpr) */ |
639 | ? | compile_body(Body,F,XARGS,NDEFS,Res) :- compile_body(Body,F,XARGS,NDEFS,false,Res). |
640 | | /* false = we are not in a dangerous context where prefixes with input variables need to be lifted out */ |
641 | | |
642 | | %compile_body(X,F,XA,D,DC,R) :- print(compile_body(X,F,XA,D,DC,R)),nl,fail. |
643 | | compile_body(X,_F,_XARGS,_DEFS,_DC,Res) :- var(X),!, Res=X. |
644 | | %add_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Variable in compile_body:'(X,F)),Res=X. |
645 | | compile_body(lambda(Args,Body),F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res) :- !, %nl,print(lambda1(Args,Body)),nl, |
646 | | l_compile_head_para(Args,CArgs,Constraints,lambda(Args,Body),unknown_span), |
647 | | (Constraints=true -> true |
648 | | ; add_error(compile_body,'ProB does not (yet) support complicated patterns inside lambda: ',lambda(Args,Body))), |
649 | | mynumbervars(CArgs), % note: important that compilation of body does detect $VAR |
650 | | % otherwise will fail to add necessary parameters |
651 | | Res = lambda(CArgs,ResBody), |
652 | | append(Args,XARGS,NewXARGS), |
653 | | compile_body(Body,F,NewXARGS,DEFS,DC,ResBody). |
654 | | compile_body(val_of(X,Span),_F,_XARGS,DEFS,_DC,Res) :- !, /* we do not need to compile X itself !? */ |
655 | | % haskell_csp:get_symbol_span(X,Span), % does this work for local lets ??? |
656 | | (is_local_let2(X,0,[],DEFS,NX,NPar,_) |
657 | | -> Res = agent_call(Span,NX,NPar) |
658 | | ; Res=agent_call(Span,X,[])). |
659 | | compile_body(agent_call(_Span,TFun,[Arg]),F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res) :- |
660 | | cspTransparent([TFun]), !, |
661 | | compile_body(Arg,F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res). |
662 | | compile_body(agent_call_curry(X,Paras),F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res) :- !, |
663 | | /* translate agent_call_curry into nested agent_calls : */ |
664 | | (Paras=[Paras1|RestParas] |
665 | | -> compile_body(agent_call_curry(agent_call(no_loc_info_available,X,Paras1),RestParas),F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res) |
666 | | ; compile_body(X,F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res) |
667 | | ). |
668 | | compile_body(agent_call(_Span,X,Para),F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res) :- atomic(X), |
669 | | Term=..[X|Para], length(Para,N), length(NPara,N), Fun=..[X|NPara], |
670 | | (\+ agent(Fun,_Body,_Src), is_builtin_agent(Term), \+is_local_let(Fun,DEFS,_NewFun,_FXArgs,_)),!, |
671 | | compile_body(builtin_call(Term),F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res). |
672 | | compile_body(agent_call(Span,X,Para),F,XARGS,DEFS,_DC,Res) :- atomic(X), |
673 | | CX=X, %%%%compile_body(X,F,XARGS,DEFS,true,CX), |
674 | | l_compile_body(Para,F,XARGS,DEFS,true,CPara), |
675 | | (is_local_let2(CX,_Arity,CPara,DEFS,NX,NPara,_) -> Res = agent_call(Span,NX,NPara) ; Res=agent_call(Span,CX,CPara)). |
676 | | compile_body(prefix(Span,Values,ChannelExpr,CSP,Span2),F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res) :- !, |
677 | | compile_body(ChannelExpr,F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,NewChExpr), |
678 | | l_compile_channel_value(Values,F,XARGS,DEFS,NewVals,NewXARGS,Span), |
679 | | %print(comp_channel(Values,NewVals)),nl, |
680 | ? | compile_body(CSP,F,NewXARGS,DEFS,DC,NewCSP), |
681 | | ResBody = prefix(Span,NewVals,NewChExpr,NewCSP,Span2), |
682 | | (NewXARGS \= XARGS %,DC = true always lift out so that states are ground and that we need no variant/instance checks ! |
683 | | -> /* need to lift prefix */ |
684 | | gensym('->',GSF), debug_println(5,generating_agent_for_prefix(F,GSF, ResBody)), |
685 | | string_concatenate(F,GSF,PrefixName), |
686 | | Call =.. [PrefixName|XARGS], |
687 | | Res = agent_call(Span,PrefixName,XARGS), |
688 | | % portray_clause( prefix_agent(Call,ResBody) ), |
689 | | assert_agent(Call, ResBody,Span), |
690 | | functor(Call,CF,CN), functor(CallSkel,CF,CN), |
691 | | assertz( is_csp_process(CallSkel) ) |
692 | | ; %print(not_lifting_prefix(Values,F,XARGS,DC, NewXARGS),nl, |
693 | | Res = ResBody |
694 | | ). |
695 | | compile_body(X,F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res) :- |
696 | | replicated_or_comprehension(X,Op,Vars,OutsideOfScope,InScope,NewDC,ISCSP,Span),!, |
697 | | % print(repl(X,Op,Vars)),nl,print(inscope(InScope)),nl, print(outofscope(OutsideOfScope)),nl, |
698 | | (var(Vars) |
699 | | -> add_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Replicated variables var: ',X),fail ; true), |
700 | | %%print(compiling_set(OutsideOfScope,XARGS)),nl, |
701 | | % This part does not need the extra variables Vars as parameters |
702 | | compile_body(OutsideOfScope,F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,NewOutsideOfScope), |
703 | | % print(done_outside(NewOutsideOfScope)),nl, |
704 | | append(Vars,XARGS,NewXARGS), % add the variables of the comprehension as additional parameters to nested calls |
705 | | %%print(compiling_csp(InScope,NewXARGS)),nl, |
706 | | compile_body(InScope,F,NewXARGS,DEFS,NewDC,NewInScope), |
707 | | % print(done_csp(InScope,NewInScope)),nl, |
708 | | replicated_or_comprehension(ResBody,Op,Vars,NewOutsideOfScope,NewInScope,_,ISCSP,Span), |
709 | | (true %DC = true always lift out so that states are ground and that we need no variant/instance checks ! |
710 | | -> gensym('@',GSF), debug_println(5,generating_agent_for_repOp(F,GSF, ResBody)), |
711 | | string_concatenate(F,GSF,PrefixName), |
712 | | Call =.. [PrefixName|XARGS], |
713 | | Res = agent_call(Span,PrefixName,XARGS), % use Span ?? or no_loc_info_available |
714 | | % portray_clause( replicated(Call,ResBody) ), |
715 | | assert_agent(Call, ResBody, unknown_span), |
716 | | functor(Call,CF,CN), functor(CallSkel,CF,CN), |
717 | | (ISCSP=true -> assertz( is_csp_process(CallSkel) ) ; true) |
718 | | ; Res = ResBody |
719 | | ). |
720 | | compile_body(let(LIST,Body),F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res) :- !, %print(let(LIST)),nl, |
721 | | expand_let_definitions(LIST,ExpLIST), %print(extracting(ExpLIST)),nl, |
722 | | extract_new_funs_from_lets(ExpLIST,F,XARGS,[],LetDefs), |
723 | | append(LetDefs,DEFS,NDEFS), |
724 | | debug_println(5,new_funs(NDEFS)), |
725 | | compile_lets(ExpLIST,F,XARGS,NDEFS,DC), |
726 | | debug_println(5,nested_let_compile(Body,NDEFS)), |
727 | | compile_body(Body,F,XARGS,NDEFS,DC,Res). % check builtin calls in let declarations list |
728 | | compile_body(builtin_call(X),F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res) :- !, |
729 | | translate_builtin_call(X,TX), |
730 | | %(translate_builtin_call(X,TX) -> true ; TX=X), |
731 | | compile_body(TX,F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res). |
732 | | compile_body([H|T],F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res) :- !, l_compile_body([H|T],F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res). |
733 | | compile_body(FunName,_F,_XARGS,DEFS,_DC,Res) :- atomic(FunName), |
734 | | %(FunName=getPrio -> print(compile(FunName,DEFS)),nl ; true), |
735 | | is_local_let2(FunName,OriginalArity,[],DEFS,NewF,_,LLXARGS) ,!, %% append(LLXARGS,_,_XARGS) ?? |
736 | | %print(replacing(FunName,NewF,LLXARGS)),nl, |
737 | | % We have a local function whose function name is used: replace by a lambda closure which hides |
738 | | % the additional parameters required to call the lifted version NewF |
739 | | length(OrigArgs,OriginalArity), |
740 | | mynumbervars(OrigArgs), |
741 | | (LLXARGS=[] |
742 | | -> Res = NewF |
743 | | ; (append(OrigArgs,LLXARGS,FullArgs), |
744 | | haskell_csp:get_symbol_span(FunName,Span), |
745 | | Res = lambda(OrigArgs,agent_call(Span,NewF,FullArgs)) |
746 | | % ,print(generated(Res)),nl |
747 | | ) |
748 | | ). %% ,print(res(Res)),nl. |
749 | | compile_body(NV,F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,Res) :- nonvar(NV), NV=..[FN|Args], !, /* TO DO: IMPROVE ! */ |
750 | ? | l_compile_body(Args,F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,ResArgs), |
751 | | Res =.. [FN|ResArgs] %%,print(compiled(NV,Res)),nl |
752 | | . |
753 | | compile_body(X,_F,_X,_D,_DC,X). |
754 | | |
755 | | l_compile_body([],_F,_XARGS,_DEFS,_DC,[]). |
756 | | l_compile_body([H|T],F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,[RH|RT]) :- |
757 | | %print(compiling(H)),nl, |
758 | ? | compile_body(H,F,XARGS,DEFS,DC,RH), %print(finished(H)), nl, |
759 | | add_new_parameters(H,XARGS,NewXARGS), %print(newargs(NewXARGS,H)),nl, |
760 | ? | l_compile_body(T,F,NewXARGS,DEFS,DC,RT). |
761 | | |
762 | | % check whether we have to add parameters of the body to calls to the right |
763 | | add_new_parameters(X,Vars,NewVars) :- var(X),!,Vars=NewVars. |
764 | | add_new_parameters(comprehensionGenerator(VAR,_SET),Vars,NewVars) :- !, |
765 | | (var(VAR) -> NewVars=[VAR|Vars] |
766 | | ; %nl,print(comprehensionGenerator(VAR,_SET)),nl, |
767 | | NewVars=Vars) |
768 | | . %, check_var(VAR,_SET). |
769 | | add_new_parameters(_,V,V). |
770 | | |
771 | | :- public check_var/2. |
772 | | :- block check_var(-,?). |
773 | | check_var(V,SET) :- nl, print(not_var(V)),nl,print(SET),nl. |
774 | | |
775 | | % give some of CSP's operators are more distinctive name |
776 | | translate_builtin_call(set(X),R) :- !, R=seq_to_set(X). |
777 | | translate_builtin_call(seq(X),R) :- !, R=set_to_seq(X). |
778 | | translate_builtin_call(X,X). |
779 | | |
780 | | assert_agent(Head,Body,Span) :- |
781 | | compile_head(Head,NewHead,Constraints,Span), |
782 | | assert_agent_compiled_head(NewHead,Body,Span,Constraints). |
783 | | |
784 | | assert_agent_compiled_head(Head,OrigBody,Span,Constr) :- |
785 | | (preferences:get_preference(cspm_strip_source_location,true) |
786 | | -> clear_span(OrigBody,Body) %,print(clear_span(Res,CRes)),nl |
787 | | ; Body=OrigBody), |
788 | | lift(Head,LHead,(Body,Constr),(LBody,LConstr)), |
789 | | assertz((agent_compiled(LHead,LBody,Span) :- LConstr)), |
790 | | LHead =.. [Functor|Args], |
791 | | length(Args,Arity), |
792 | | compute_lazy_strict_types(Args,TL), |
793 | | (retract(agent_parameters(Functor,Arity,OldTL)) |
794 | | -> merge_lazy_strict_types(TL,OldTL,NewTL) ; NewTL = TL ), |
795 | | %% print(agent_parameters(Functor,Arity,NewTL)),nl, |
796 | | assertz(agent_parameters(Functor,Arity,NewTL)), |
797 | | (agent_functor(Functor,Arity) -> true ; assertz(agent_functor(Functor,Arity))). |
798 | | |
799 | | compute_lazy_strict_types([],[]). |
800 | | compute_lazy_strict_types([H|T],[HT|TT]) :- |
801 | | (var(H) -> HT=lazy ; HT=strict), |
802 | | compute_lazy_strict_types(T,TT). |
803 | | merge_lazy_strict_types([],[],[]). |
804 | | merge_lazy_strict_types([H1|T1],[H2|T2],[HH|TT]) :- |
805 | | (H1=strict -> HH=strict ; HH=H2), |
806 | | merge_lazy_strict_types(T1,T2,TT). |
807 | | |
808 | | :- assert_must_succeed( (X=p('$VAR'(1),R,f('$VAR'(1),'$VAR'(2))),haskell_csp_analyzer:lift(X,R,true,true), |
809 | | R=X) ). |
810 | | |
811 | | /* lift all the variables which have been numbervar'd in the head to real variables */ |
812 | | lift(Head,LiftedHead,Body,LiftedBody) :- |
813 | | lift2(Head,LiftedHead,[],VL,true), |
814 | | lift2(Body,LiftedBody,VL,_,false). /* do not lift $VARs inside Body which are not in head */ |
815 | | |
816 | | lift2(X,R,VL,AVL,_INS) :- (var(X); atomic(X)),!,R=X, VL=AVL. |
817 | | lift2('$VAR'(X),R,VarList,RVL,INS) :- !,lookup_insert(VarList,X,R,RVL,INS). |
818 | | lift2(lambda(Args,Body),ResTerm,VarList,RVL,false) :- !, |
819 | | ResTerm = lambda(Args,LiftedBody), RVL = VarList, |
820 | | lift2(Args,_LiftedArgs,[],LambdaVARs,true), |
821 | | list_difference(VarList,LambdaVARs,InnerVarList), % do not lift local $VARS (which hide outer $VAR) |
822 | | lift2(Body,LiftedBody,InnerVarList,_,false). |
823 | | % ,print(lifted_lambda(Args,Body,ResTerm)),nl. |
824 | | lift2(Term,ResTerm,VarList,RVL,INS) :- |
825 | | Term =.. [Functor|Args], |
826 | | l_lift2(Args,RArgs,VarList,RVL,INS), |
827 | | ResTerm =.. [Functor|RArgs]. |
828 | | |
829 | | % TO DO: check if we need to treat lambda's here: what if a lambda by accident has as |
830 | | % its local variable a $VAR which is currently being lifted !! |
831 | | |
832 | | |
833 | | l_lift2([],[],V,V,_INS). |
834 | | l_lift2([H|T],[LH|LT],Vin,Vout,INS) :- |
835 | | lift2(H,LH,Vin,V2,INS), |
836 | | l_lift2(T,LT,V2,Vout,INS). |
837 | | |
838 | | lookup_insert([],X,R,[X/R],INSERT) :- |
839 | | (INSERT=true -> true %Vout = [X/R] |
840 | | ; %Vout=[], |
841 | | R='$VAR'(X)). |
842 | | lookup_insert([K/V|T],X,R,[K/V|RT],INS) :- |
843 | | (K==X |
844 | | -> V=R,T=RT |
845 | | ; lookup_insert(T,X,R,RT,INS) |
846 | | ). |
847 | | |
848 | | %translate_builtin_call(set(X),set_to_seq(X)). |
849 | | |
850 | | replicatedOperator(repChoice(Generators,Body,Span),repChoice,Vars,Generators,Body,false,Span) :- |
851 | | /* false -> Body is not in a dangerous context (even if repChoice itself is in |
852 | | a dangerous context) */ |
853 | | extract_variables_from_generator_list(Generators,Vars). /* should the generators be put together with Body ?? */ |
854 | | replicatedOperator(repInternalChoice(Generators,Body,Span),repInternalChoice,Vars,Generators,Body,false,Span) :- |
855 | | extract_variables_from_generator_list(Generators,Vars). |
856 | | replicatedOperator(repInterleave(Generators,Body,Span),repInterleave,Vars,Generators,Body,true,Span) :- |
857 | | extract_variables_from_generator_list(Generators,Vars). |
858 | | replicatedOperator(repSequence(Generators,Body,Span),repSequence,Vars,Generators,Body,true,Span) :- |
859 | | extract_variables_from_generator_list(Generators,Vars). |
860 | | replicatedOperator(procRepAParallel(Generators,pair(Sync,Body),Span),procRepAParallel,Vars,Generators,[Sync,Body],true,Span) :- |
861 | | %print(repA(Generators)),nl, |
862 | | extract_variables_from_generator_list(Generators,Vars). |
863 | | replicatedOperator(procRepLinkParallel(Sync,Generators,Body,Span),procRepLinkParallel,Vars,[Generators,Sync],Body,true,Span) :- |
864 | | extract_variables_from_generator_list(Generators,Vars). |
865 | | replicatedOperator(procRepSharing(Sync,Generators,Body,Span),procRepSharing,Vars,[Generators,Sync],Body,true,Span) :- |
866 | | extract_variables_from_generator_list(Generators,Vars). |
867 | | /* last arg == true ->means-> dangerous as several branches active simultaneously -> local variables need |
868 | | to be extracted*/ |
869 | | |
870 | | % replicated_or_comprehension(EXPR, OperatorAsAtom, Variables, |
871 | | % Term(s)OutsideOfReplicatedVariablesScope (possibly defining new ones), |
872 | | % TermInScopeofVariables, Replicated_true/false, Span) |
873 | | replicated_or_comprehension(X,Op,Vars,Set,CSP,NewDC,true,Span) :- |
874 | | replicatedOperator(X,Op,Vars,Set,CSP,NewDC,Span). |
875 | | replicated_or_comprehension(X,Op,Vars,OutsideOfScope,InScope,NewDC,false,no_loc_info_available) :- |
876 | | comprehension_aux(X,Op,Vars,OutsideOfScope,InScope), NewDC=true. |
877 | | |
878 | | comprehension_aux(listExp(rangeEnum(Tuples),Generators),listComp, Vars , Generators, InScope) :- |
879 | | InScope = Tuples, |
880 | | extract_variables_from_generator_list(Generators,Vars). |
881 | | comprehension_aux(setExp(rangeEnum(Tuples),Generators), setComp, Vars , Generators, InScope) :- |
882 | | InScope = Tuples, |
883 | | extract_variables_from_generator_list(Generators,Vars). |
884 | | % TO DO: other setExp patterns ! |
885 | | comprehension_aux(procRenamingComp(A,Generators,RenameList),procRenamingComp,Vars,OutsideOfScope,InScope) :- |
886 | | OutsideOfScope = [A|Generators], |
887 | | InScope = RenameList, |
888 | | extract_variables_from_generator_list(Generators,Vars). |
889 | | |
890 | | l_compile_channel_value([],_F,XA,_DEFS,Res,XA,_Span) :- !, Res = []. |
891 | | l_compile_channel_value([H|T],F,XA,DEFS,Res,NewXA,Span) :- !, |
892 | | compile_channel_value(H,F,XA,DEFS,ResH,XA1,Span), append(ResH,ResT,Res), |
893 | | l_compile_channel_value(T,F,XA1,DEFS,ResT,NewXA,Span). |
894 | | l_compile_channel_value(E,F,XA,_,R,NXA,Span) :- |
895 | | add_internal_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Unkown channel value list: ',(E,F),Span), R=E,NXA=XA. |
896 | | |
897 | | |
898 | | compile_channel_value(VAR,F,XA,_DEFS,Res,NXA,Span) :- var(VAR),!, |
899 | | add_internal_error(compile_channel_value,'Variable as channel value: ',F,Span),NXA=XA, Res=[VAR]. |
900 | | compile_channel_value(out(Expr),F,XA,DEFS,Res,NXA,_Span) :- !, |
901 | | Res=[out(CE)],NXA=XA,compile_body(Expr,F,XA,DEFS,CE). |
902 | | compile_channel_value(dot(Expr),F,XA,DEFS,Res,NXA,_Span) :- !, |
903 | | Res=[out(CE)],NXA=XA,compile_body(Expr,F,XA,DEFS,CE). |
904 | | compile_channel_value(in(Expr),F,XA,DEFS,Res,NXA,Span) :- ground(Expr), !, |
905 | | add_message(haskell_csp_analyzer,'CSP Warning: Channel input contains no variable: ',Expr,Span), |
906 | | Res=[out(CE)],NXA=XA,compile_body(Expr,F,XA,DEFS,CE). |
907 | | compile_channel_value(in(Expr),F,XA,DEFS,Res,NXA,Span) :- |
908 | | compile_top_level_in_channel_value(Expr,F,XA,DEFS,Res,NXA,Span,warn),!. |
909 | | compile_channel_value(inGuard(Var,Guard),F,XA,DEFS,Res,NXA,Span) :- Res = [inGuard(VarNew,NewGuard)], |
910 | | compile_in_channel_value(Var,XA,VarRes,NXA,Span,warn), |
911 | | %print(compile_inGuard(Var,Guard,Res)),nl, |
912 | | VarRes=[in(VarNew)],!, |
913 | | compile_body(Guard,F,XA,DEFS,NewGuard). % XA instead of NXA: the input value cannot be used in the set expression |
914 | | compile_channel_value(E,F,XA,_,Res,NXA,Span) :- |
915 | | add_internal_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Illegal channel value or guard: ',E:F,Span), Res=[E],NXA=XA. |
916 | | |
917 | | compile_top_level_in_channel_value(Expr,F,XA,DEFS,Res,NXA,Span,_) :- % print(compile(Expr,XA,Res,NXA)),nl, |
918 | | nonvar(Expr),Expr = dotpat(List), |
919 | | List=[H|T], \+ is_csp_constructor(H),!, % we have a ?(x.y) --> treate like ?x?y |
920 | | compile_top_level_in_channel_value(H,F,XA,DEFS,R1,NXA1,Span,nowarn),append(R1,R2,Res), |
921 | | compile_top_level_in_channel_value(dotpat(T),F,NXA1,DEFS,R2,NXA,Span,nowarn). |
922 | | % here we need a case for treating channel fields like a?P.x as a.P?x or a?x.P.y as a?x.P?y where P is a constructor |
923 | | compile_top_level_in_channel_value(Expr,F,XA,DEFS,Res,NXA,Span,_) :- |
924 | | nonvar(Expr),Expr = dotpat(List), |
925 | | List = [H|T], nonvar(H),is_constructor(H,C,_Args),!, (length(T,1) -> T=[H1|_], LL = [out(C),in(H1)]; LL = [out(C),in(dotpat(T))]), |
926 | | l_compile_channel_value(LL,F,XA,DEFS,Res,NXA,Span). |
927 | | compile_top_level_in_channel_value(Expr,_F,XA,_DEFS,Res,NXA,_Span,_) :- % print(compile(Expr,XA,Res,NXA)),nl, |
928 | | nonvar(Expr),Expr = dotpat(List),List=[],!, % we have a ?(x.y) --> treate like ?x.?y |
929 | | Res = [],NXA=XA. |
930 | | compile_top_level_in_channel_value(Expr,_F,XtraArgs,_DEFS,Res,NewXtraArgs,Span,WarnIfNoVariables) :- |
931 | | compile_in_channel_value(Expr,XtraArgs,Res,NewXtraArgs,Span,WarnIfNoVariables). |
932 | | |
933 | | compile_in_channel_value(Expr,XA,[ResTerm],NXA,Span,Warn) :- !, |
934 | | add_extra_input_variable(Expr,XA,NXA,Res,Span), |
935 | | (XA==NXA -> |
936 | | %add_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Channel input contains no variable: ',Expr,Span) |
937 | | (Warn=nowarn -> true |
938 | | ; add_message(haskell_csp_analyzer,'CSP Warning: Channel input contains no variable: ',Expr,Span)), |
939 | | ResTerm = out(Res) |
940 | | ; ResTerm=in(Res)). |
941 | | |
942 | | % add_extra_input_variable(InputVariableTerm, ExtraLocalVariablesSoFar, |
943 | | % NewExtraLocalVariablesAfter, ResTransformedInputVariableTerm, Span) |
944 | | |
945 | | % Note: expression wrapped in in(.) can contain variables; they can thus not |
946 | | % yet be fully evaluated (mainly due to the CSP dot constructor) |
947 | | |
948 | | :- public blocking_append/3. % returned as constraint for pattern match |
949 | | :- block blocking_append(?,?,-). |
950 | | blocking_append(L1,L2,L3) :- append(L1,L2,L3). |
951 | | |
952 | | add_extra_input_variable(Var,XA,NXA,Res,Span) :- %print(add(Var,XA,NXA)),nl, |
953 | | var(Var),!, |
954 | | (exact_member(Var,XA) %% case will be catched from the CSP-M parser (e.g. c?x?x => Error message: Redefinition of x) |
955 | | -> (add_internal_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Internal Error: Channel input variable already used: ',Var,Span),NXA=XA) |
956 | | ; NXA=[Var|XA] |
957 | | ),Res=Var. |
958 | | add_extra_input_variable(listPat(List),XA,NXA,Res,Span) :- !, Res = list(RList), |
959 | | add_extra_input_variables(List,XA,NXA,RList,Span). |
960 | | add_extra_input_variable(singleSetPat(List),XA,NXA,Res,Span) :- !, Res = setValue(RList), |
961 | | add_extra_input_variables(List,XA,NXA,RList,Span). |
962 | | add_extra_input_variable(tuplePat(List),XA,NXA,Res,Span) :- !, Res = na_tuple(RList), |
963 | | add_extra_input_variables(List,XA,NXA,RList,Span). |
964 | | add_extra_input_variable(dotpat(List),XA,NXA,Res,Span) :- !, Res = dotTuple(RList), |
965 | | /* dotTuple or dotpat because it still needs to be evaluated */ |
966 | | /* TODO: CHECK if we don't have to detect records here ?? */ |
967 | | add_extra_input_tuple_variables(List,XA,NXA,RList,Span). |
968 | | add_extra_input_variable(alsoPattern([X,Y]),XA,NXA,Res,Span) :- !, Res = alsoPat(RX,RY), |
969 | | add_extra_input_variable(X,XA,NXX,RX,Span), |
970 | | add_extra_input_variable(Y,XA,NXY,RY,Span), append(NXX,NXY,NXA). % was NXA=NXX. |
971 | | add_extra_input_variable(appendPattern(List),_XA,_NXA,Res,Span) :- !, |
972 | | compile_append_pat(appendPattern(List),LRes,Constr), |
973 | | get_append_agent_result('AppPatFun',LRes,Constr,Res,Span). |
974 | | add_extra_input_variable(Expr,XA,NXA,Res,_Span) :- |
975 | | (Expr = int(_); valid_constant(Expr)),!, XA=NXA, Res=Expr. |
976 | | add_extra_input_variable(Expr,XA,NXA,Res,Span) :- |
977 | | add_error(haskell_csp_analyzer,'Channel input not recognized: ',Expr,Span), |
978 | | NXA=XA, Res=Expr. |
979 | | % TODO: check if other patterns can appear here,... |
980 | | |
981 | | get_append_agent_result(FunName,VarExpr,Constr,Res,Span) :- |
982 | | gensym(FunName,NewFun), |
983 | | %functor(Head,NewFun,1),arg(1,Head,VarExpr), |
984 | | Head =.. [NewFun|[VarExpr]], |
985 | | Res = appendPat(VarExpr,Head), |
986 | | assert_agent_compiled_head(Head,VarExpr,Span,Constr). %,print(assert_agent_compiled_head(Head,VarExpr,Span,Constr)),nl. |
987 | | |
988 | | compile_append_pat(appendPattern([Pat1]),NewPara,Constraint1) :- !, |
989 | | compile_head_para(Pat1,NewPara,Constraint1,_Head,_Span). |
990 | | compile_append_pat(appendPattern([H|T]),NewPara,ConstraintsT) :- |
991 | | nonvar(H), H=listPat(HList),is_list_skeleton(HList),!, |
992 | | NewPara = list(NewList), |
993 | | compile_append_pat(appendPattern(T),NewT,ConstraintsT), |
994 | | NewT = list(TList), append(HList,TList,NewList). |
995 | | compile_append_pat(appendPattern(Pat),NewPara,Constraint) :- |
996 | | is_list_skeleton(Pat), |
997 | | append(T,[H],Pat), |
998 | | nonvar(H), H=listPat(HList),is_list_skeleton(HList),!, |
999 | | compile_append_pat(appendPattern(T),NewT,_ConstraintsT), |
1000 | | NewPara = list(NewList), NewT = list(TList), |
1001 | | Constraint=blocking_append(TList,HList,NewList). |
1002 | | compile_append_pat(Pat,_NewPara,_Constraint) :- |
1003 | | add_internal_error('Internal Error: Expected append pattern instead of ', Pat),fail. |
1004 | | |
1005 | | add_extra_input_tuple_variable(Expr,XA,NXA,Res,_Span) :- % allow record constructors |
1006 | | %print(addi(Expr)),nl, |
1007 | | nonvar(Expr), is_csp_constructor(Expr),!, XA=NXA, Res=Expr. % TO DO: should we check the args ?! |
1008 | | add_extra_input_tuple_variable(Expr,XA,NXA,Res,Span) :- add_extra_input_variable(Expr,XA,NXA,Res,Span). |
1009 | | |
1010 | | add_extra_input_tuple_variables([],XA,XA,[],_). |
1011 | | add_extra_input_tuple_variables([V|T],XA,NXA,[CV|CT],Span) :- |
1012 | | add_extra_input_tuple_variable(V,XA,XA1,CV,Span), |
1013 | | add_extra_input_tuple_variables(T,XA1,NXA,CT,Span). |
1014 | | |
1015 | | add_extra_input_variables([],XA,XA,[],_). |
1016 | | add_extra_input_variables([V|T],XA,NXA,[CV|CT],Span) :- |
1017 | | add_extra_input_variable(V,XA,XA1,CV,Span), |
1018 | | add_extra_input_variables(T,XA1,NXA,CT,Span). |
1019 | | |
1020 | | compile_lets([],_F,_XA,_D,_DC). |
1021 | | compile_lets([L1|T],F,XA,D,DC) :- |
1022 | | compile_let(L1,F,XA,D,DC), compile_lets(T,F,XA,D,DC). |
1023 | | |
1024 | | |
1025 | | compile_let(agent_curry(Fun,Body,SRCSPAN),F,XARGS,DEFS,DC) :- !, |
1026 | | translate_agent_curry(Fun,Body,TFun,TBody,SRCSPAN), |
1027 | | compile_let(agent(TFun,TBody,SRCSPAN),F,XARGS,DEFS,DC). |
1028 | | compile_let(agent(Fun,Body,SRCSPAN),F,XARGS,DEFS,DC) :- |
1029 | | /* TO DO: treat multiple agent facts for same fun ;; DONE ?? */ |
1030 | | ( is_local_let(Fun,DEFS,NewFun,_FXArgs,_) |
1031 | | -> term_variables(Fun,ArgumentsToFun), |
1032 | | append(XARGS,ArgumentsToFun,NewXARGS), |
1033 | | debug_println(5,compile_within_let(Fun,NewXARGS)), |
1034 | | compile_body(Body,F,NewXARGS,DEFS,DC,Res), /* one could pass NewF instead of F */ |
1035 | | % portray_clause( let_agent(NewFun,Res) ), |
1036 | | assert_agent(NewFun,Res,SRCSPAN) |
1037 | | %print(assert_agent(NewFun,Res,SRCSPAN)),nl |
1038 | | ; add_internal_error(haskell_csp,'Could not find let function in defs: ',(Fun,DEFS),SRCSPAN) |
1039 | | ). |
1040 | | |
1041 | | expand_let_definitions(Lets,ExpLets) :- %print(expanding(Lets)),nl, |
1042 | | findall_keepvars(EA, member_expand(Lets,EA), ExpLets). % important to use findall_keepvars instead of findall to avoid free variable (parameters of outer function) renaming apart |
1043 | | |
1044 | | member_expand(Lets,EA) :- member(A,Lets),expand(A,EA). |
1045 | | |
1046 | | /* a version of findall that does not rename apart unbound variables */ |
1047 | | findall_keepvars(V,Goal,SolList) :- term_variables(Goal,GVars), term_variables(V,VVars), |
1048 | | remove_variables(GVars,VVars,Vars), |
1049 | | findall( sol(V,Vars), Goal, ISol), |
1050 | | % print(findall( sol(V,Vars), Goal, ISol)),nl, |
1051 | | l_unify(ISol,Vars,SolList). |
1052 | | l_unify([],_,[]). |
1053 | | l_unify([sol(V,SVars)|T],Vars,[V|TT]) :- |
1054 | | (SVars=Vars -> l_unify(T,Vars,TT) |
1055 | | ; add_internal_error('Variable Binding Clash in l_unify: ',l_unify([sol(V,SVars)|T],Vars,[V|TT])), |
1056 | | fail). |
1057 | | |
1058 | | expand(bindval(Fun,Body,Span),R) :- !,expand(agent(Fun,Body,Span),R). |
1059 | | expand(agent(Fun,Body,Span),R) :- !, R = agent(EFun,EBody,Span), |
1060 | | if(expand_agent(Fun,Body,outer,Span,EFun,EBody), |
1061 | | true, %(print(expanded_agent(R)),nl), |
1062 | | (add_internal_error(expand_agent,'Expand agent failed: ',agent(Fun,Body),Span),fail)). |
1063 | | expand(X,X). |
1064 | | |
1065 | | % expand definitions such as (p1,p2,p3) = c into three definitions of agent |
1066 | | %expand_agent(F,B,_,_,_FF,_BB) :- print(ea(F,B,_FF,_BB)),nl,fail. |
1067 | | expand_agent(Var,_Body,_,_,_RV,_RB) :- var(Var),!,fail. /* we have a variable; we assume this combes from a Wildcard _ underscore !!! example let (_,a) = Body .... */ |
1068 | | /* the wildcard value is thrown away: we do not need to compute this projection */ %RV=Var,RB=Body. |
1069 | | expand_agent('tuplePat'(Pat),Body, _,Span,Fun, ExpandedBody) :- !, |
1070 | | nth1(Nr,Pat,Head), |
1071 | | expand_agent(Head,na_tuple_projection(int(Nr),Body,Span),inner,Span,Fun,ExpandedBody). |
1072 | | %,print(expanded(Fun,ExpandedBody)),nl. |
1073 | | expand_agent(dotpat(Pat),Body, _,Span,Fun, ExpandedBody) :- !, |
1074 | | nth1(Nr,Pat,Head), |
1075 | | expand_agent(Head,tuple_projection(int(Nr),Body,Span),inner,Span,Fun,ExpandedBody). |
1076 | | expand_agent(singleSetPat([Pat]),Body, _,Span,Fun, ExpandedBody) :- !, |
1077 | | expand_agent(Pat,singleSetPatValue(Body,Span),inner,Span,Fun,ExpandedBody). |
1078 | | expand_agent(listPat(Pat),Body, _,Span,Fun, ExpandedBody) :- !, |
1079 | | nth1(Nr,Pat,Head), length(Pat,Len), |
1080 | | expand_agent(Head,list_projection(int(Nr),int(Len),Body,Span),inner,Span,Fun,ExpandedBody). |
1081 | | % TO DO: add more patterns |
1082 | | % TO DO: generate error if pattern contains constructs not yet translated |
1083 | | expand_agent(Fun,Body,inner,Span,FunR,BodyR) :- !, |
1084 | | ((atomic(Fun), \+ number(Fun)) -> FunR=Fun, BodyR=Body |
1085 | | ; add_error(expand_agent,'Cannot treat expression in LHS of let (use fresh variable): ',Fun,Span),fail). |
1086 | | expand_agent(Fun,Body,_,_,Fun,Body). %% check if Fun is atomic ?? |
1087 | | |
1088 | | |
1089 | | |
1090 | | extract_new_funs_from_lets([],_F,_XA,D,D). |
1091 | | extract_new_funs_from_lets([L1|T],F,XA,D,ND) :- |
1092 | | extract_new_funs_from_let(L1,F,XA,D,ND1), |
1093 | | extract_new_funs_from_lets(T,F,XA,ND1,ND). |
1094 | | |
1095 | | extract_new_funs_from_let(bindval(Fun,Body,SRCSPAN),F,XARGS,DEFS, NewDEFS) :- !, |
1096 | | extract_new_funs_from_let(agent(Fun,Body,SRCSPAN),F,XARGS,DEFS, NewDEFS). |
1097 | | extract_new_funs_from_let(agent_curry(Fun,Body,SRCSPAN),F,XARGS,DEFS, NewDEFS) :- !, |
1098 | | translate_agent_curry(Fun,Body,TFun,TBody,SRCSPAN), |
1099 | | extract_new_funs_from_let(agent(TFun,TBody,SRCSPAN),F,XARGS,DEFS, NewDEFS). |
1100 | | extract_new_funs_from_let(agent(Fun,_Body,_SRCSPAN),F,XARGS,DEFS, NewDEFS) :- |
1101 | | %Fun=.. [FunF|_FunArgs], |
1102 | | functor(Fun,FunF,Arity), |
1103 | | (builtin_functor(FunF,Arity) |
1104 | | -> add_error(extract_new_funs_from_let,'Not a user-definable function:',FunF/Arity,_SRSCPAN), |
1105 | | NewF = FunF |
1106 | | ; (is_local_let(Fun,DEFS,_,_,NewF) |
1107 | | -> %print(multiple_equations_for(F,Fun,SRCSPAN,NewF)),nl, |
1108 | | assertz(multiple_let_equations_for(NewF,Fun)) |
1109 | | ; gensym(FunF,FunFGS), |
1110 | | string_concatenate('*',FunFGS,P2), |
1111 | | string_concatenate(F,P2,NewF) /* This is not really required: but makes it more readable?? */ |
1112 | | ) |
1113 | | ), |
1114 | | debug_println(5,rename_let(FunF,NewF,XARGS)), |
1115 | | NewDEFS = [ local_let(FunF,Arity, NewF,XARGS) | DEFS]. |
1116 | | % commented out: is_possible_csp_process is computed by analyze_recursively_possible ???? |
1117 | | % functor(NewFun,CF,CN), functor(CallSkel,CF,CN). |
1118 | | % (is_possible_csp_process(CallSkel) -> true |
1119 | | % ; assertz( is_possible_csp_process(CallSkel) ) ). |
1120 | | |
1121 | | |
1122 | | |
1123 | | |
1124 | | builtin_functor('tuplePat',1). |
1125 | | builtin_functor(dotpat,1). |
1126 | | builtin_functor(Nr,0) :- number(Nr). |
1127 | | % TO DO: add more cases |
1128 | | |
1129 | | |
1130 | | |
1131 | | /* lookup if agent is a locally defined one and if so return the new call */ |
1132 | | is_local_let(X,DEFS,Res,XARGS,NewF) :- % print(check_is_local_let(X,DEFS,Res)),nl, |
1133 | | functor(X,F,Arity), |
1134 | | member(local_let(F,Arity,NewF,XARGS),DEFS), |
1135 | | X =.. [_|Args], |
1136 | | append(Args,XARGS,NA), |
1137 | | Res =.. [NewF|NA].%, print(res(Res)),nl. |
1138 | | |
1139 | | % same as above but with functor and args treated seperately |
1140 | | is_local_let2(Fun,OldArity,Args,DEFS,NewF,NA,XARGS) :- % print(check_is_local_let(X,DEFS,Res)),nl, |
1141 | | member(local_let(Fun,OldArity,NewF,XARGS),DEFS), |
1142 | | append(Args,XARGS,NA). %, print(res(Res)),nl. |
1143 | | |
1144 | | |
1145 | | :- dynamic cur_numbervars_index/1. |
1146 | | cur_numbervars_index(0). |
1147 | | |
1148 | | reset_cur_numbervars_index :- retractall(cur_numbervars_index(_)), |
1149 | | assertz(cur_numbervars_index(0)). |
1150 | | mynumbervars(Term) :- |
1151 | | cur_numbervars_index(Idx), |
1152 | | numbervars(Term,Idx,NewIdx), |
1153 | | retract(cur_numbervars_index(Idx)), |
1154 | | assertz(cur_numbervars_index(NewIdx)). |
1155 | | |
1156 | | % ------------------------------------------ |
1157 | | |
1158 | | |
1159 | | csp_span(no_loc_info_available). |
1160 | | csp_span(src_span(_,_,_,_,_,_)). |
1161 | | csp_span(src_position(_,_,_,_)). |
1162 | | csp_span(span_info(_,_)). |
1163 | | csp_span(multi_span(_,_,_,_,_,_,_)). |
1164 | | csp_span(src_span_operator(_,_)). |
1165 | | |
1166 | | % visited_expression(ID,E), haskell_csp:clear_span(E,CE), visited_expression(ID2,E2), ID2@>ID, haskell_csp:clear_span(E2,CE). |
1167 | | clear_span(X,R) :- var(X),!,R=X. |
1168 | | clear_span('|~|'(X,Y,SrcSpan),R) :- R='|~|'(CX,CY,SrcSpan), |
1169 | | % keep span for internal choice; it is currently being used for tau-priority partial order reduction |
1170 | | clear_span(X,CX), clear_span(Y,CY). |
1171 | | %clear_span(prefix(Span,NewVals,NewChExpr,X,_),R) :- !, |
1172 | | % R=prefix(Span,NewVals,NewChExpr,CX,no_loc_info_available), |
1173 | | % clear_span(X,CX). |
1174 | | clear_span(X,R) :- csp_span(X),!,R=no_loc_info_available. |
1175 | | clear_span(X,R) :- atomic(X),!,R=X. |
1176 | | clear_span(X,R) :- X=..[F|A], maplist(clear_span,A,CA), R=..[F|CA]. |
1177 | | |
1178 | | % ------------------------------------------ |
1179 | | |
1180 | | opt_csp_listing :- debug_level(L), (L<5 -> csp_listing ; true). |
1181 | | |
1182 | | csp_listing :- |
1183 | | nl, |
1184 | | agent_compiled_without_constraints(Head,Body,_Span), |
1185 | | portray_clause((Head :- Body)), |
1186 | | functor(Head,F,A), |
1187 | | (agent_parameters(F,A,List) |
1188 | | -> (List=[] -> true ; (print(' /* '), print(List), print('*/'))) |
1189 | | ; print(' **** NO agent_parameter fact ! ****') |
1190 | | ),nl, |
1191 | | fail. |
1192 | | csp_listing. |
1193 | | |
1194 | | get_internal_csp_representation(CodesClauses) :- |
1195 | | findall(Clause, csp_clause(Clause), CL), append(CL,CodesClauses). |
1196 | | |
1197 | | csp_clause(Clause) :- channel_type_list(C,T), |
1198 | | format_to_codes('~q.~N',[channel_type_list(C,T)],Clause). |
1199 | | csp_clause(Clause) :- name_type(C,T), |
1200 | | format_to_codes('~q.~N',[name_type(C,T)],Clause). |
1201 | | csp_clause(Clause) :- |
1202 | | haskell_csp_analyzer:agent_compiled_with_constraints(Head,Body,_Span,Constr), |
1203 | | functor(Head,F,A), |
1204 | | (agent_parameters(F,A,List) -> true ; List = no_agent_parameter_fact), |
1205 | | numbervars((Head,Body,Constr),0,_), |
1206 | | %portray_clause((Head :- Body)), |
1207 | | ((List=[],Constr=true) -> format_to_codes('~q :-~N ~q.~N',[Head,Body],Clause) |
1208 | | ; List=[] -> format_to_codes('~q :- ~q, /* Constraints */~N ~q.~N',[Head,Constr,Body],Clause) |
1209 | | ; Constr\=true -> format_to_codes('~q :- /* ~p */~N ~q, /* Constraints */~N ~q.~N',[Head,List,Constr,Body],Clause) |
1210 | | ; format_to_codes('~q :- /* ~p */~N ~q.~N',[Head,List,Body],Clause)). |