1 % (c) 2009-2024 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
4 :- module(eval_interface,
5 [
6 get_value_string_of_formula/5,
7 b_compute_expression_no_wd/4
9 ]
10 ).
12 % TO DO: clean up API, and integrate parts form eval_strings and other modules
14 :- use_module(probsrc(module_information),[module_info/2]).
15 :- module_info(group,repl).
16 :- module_info(description,'Utilities for evaluating formulas, predicates, expressions.').
18 %%
19 % Evaluate predicate or expression ... at least it tries XD
20 % Expressions return value is translated by pretty printer.
21 % Value is unknown if Expr is neither a predicate or expression.
22 %
24 %%
25 % Evaluate the predicate Expr in LocaleState and State.
26 % It does check for consistency by checking Expr == !!Expr.
27 % Thus it yields in addition to true and false also
28 % x_both_true_and_not_true and undefined
29 % as flag signaling internal errors.
31 :- use_module(probsrc(error_manager)).
32 :- use_module(probsrc(bsyntaxtree),[check_if_typed_predicate/1,check_if_typed_expression/1]).
33 :- use_module(probsrc(preferences),[temporary_set_preference/3,reset_temporary_preference/2]).
34 :- use_module(probsrc(translate), [translate_bvalue_with_limit/3]).
36 % was x_get_value_of_expr
38 % get_value_of_expression or predicate without wd errors: TO DO: move to another module
39 get_value_string_of_formula(State, LocalState, Expr, _Lim, Value):-
40 check_if_typed_predicate(Expr),!,
41 temporary_set_preference(disprover_mode,false,CHNG), % avoid WD Errors, we detect WD issues by failure below
42 temporary_set_preference(find_abort_values,false,CHNG2),
43 % print('Test: '),translate:print_bexpr(Expr),nl,
44 get_bool_expr_value(Expr,LocalState,State,Value),
45 reset_temporary_preference(disprover_mode,CHNG),
46 reset_temporary_preference(find_abort_values,CHNG2),
47 clear_wd_errors. % ,print('Value: '), print(Value),nl.
48 get_value_string_of_formula(State, LocalState, Expr, Lim, Value):-
49 check_if_typed_expression(Expr),!,
50 % print('Eval: '),translate:print_bexpr(Expr),nl,
51 (b_compute_expression_no_wd(Expr, LocalState, State, Value0)
52 -> translate_bvalue_with_limit(Value0, Lim, Value) % we show maximally 10 lines a 40 chars
53 ; Value = unknown).
54 get_value_string_of_formula(_State, _LocalState, _Expr, _, unknown).
56 % (error(representation_error(max_clpfd_integer)
58 :- use_module(probsrc(b_interpreter), [
59 b_test_boolean_expression_cs/5,
60 b_not_test_boolean_expression_cs/5]).
62 get_bool_expr_value(Expr,LocalState,State,Value) :-
63 catch(get_bool_expr_val2(Expr,LocalState,State,Value), E, (
64 add_exception_warning('Exception in bvisual while evaluating predicate: ', E),
65 Value=undefined
66 )).
67 get_bool_expr_val2(Expr,LocalState,State,Value) :-
68 ( b_test_boolean_expression_cs(Expr,LocalState,State,'formula visualisation',0) ->
69 ( b_not_test_boolean_expression_cs(Expr,LocalState,State,'formula visualisation (negated)',0)
70 -> Value = x_both_true_and_not_true, % was x_unknown_true_and_not_true
71 % we should add an error message here
72 % this should never happen
73 print('### Error, x_both_true_and_not_true: '), print(Expr),nl
74 ; Value = true
75 )
76 ; b_not_test_boolean_expression_cs(Expr,LocalState,State,'formula visualisation',0) ->
77 Value = false
78 %, print(value_false),nl
79 ;
80 Value = undefined % was x_undefined_false_and_not_false
81 %, print(value_undefined),nl
82 ).
84 add_exception_warning(_,E) :- is_enumeration_warning_exception(E),!.
85 add_exception_warning(Msg,E) :-
86 add_warning(bvisual,Msg,E).
88 :- use_module(probsrc(b_interpreter),[b_compute_expression_nowf/6]).
90 b_compute_expression_no_wd(Fun, LocalState, State, FunValue) :-
91 temporary_set_preference(disprover_mode,true,CHNG), % avoid WD Errors, we detect WD issues by failure below
92 temporary_set_preference(find_abort_values,false,CHNG2),
93 (catch(
94 b_compute_expression_nowf(Fun, LocalState, State, FunValue,'formula visualisation',0),
95 E,
96 (add_exception_warning('Exception in bvisual while evaluating expression: ',E),fail)
97 )
98 -> reset_temporary_preference(disprover_mode,CHNG),
99 reset_temporary_preference(find_abort_values,CHNG2)
100 ; reset_temporary_preference(disprover_mode,CHNG),
101 reset_temporary_preference(find_abort_values,CHNG2), fail).