1 % (c) 2009-2024 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
5 :- module(bool_pred,[free_var/1, bool_negate_check/2,
6 negate/2, bool_equality/3]).
8 /*
9 a module that supports a boolean type: pred_false, pred_true
10 with an efficient negation procedure
11 */
13 :- use_module(tools).
14 :- use_module(self_check).
15 :- use_module(error_manager).
16 :- use_module(tools_portability, [exists_source/1]).
18 :- use_module(module_information,[module_info/2]).
19 :- module_info(group,kernel).
20 :- module_info(description,'This module provides reified equality and negation for pred_true/pred_false.').
22 % Portable attributed variable handling.
23 % Use SICStus-style library(atts) and verify_attributes/3 if available,
24 % otherwise the SWI/hProlog-style attr builtins and attr_unify_hook/2.
25 :- if(\+ exists_source(library(atts))).
27 get_bool_pred_info(Var,Neg,ReifList) :- get_attr(Var,bool_pred,bool_pred_info(Neg,ReifList)).
28 put_bool_pred_info(Var,Neg,ReifList) :- put_attr(Var,bool_pred,bool_pred_info(Neg,ReifList)).
30 attr_unify_hook(bool_pred_info(NegThis,ThisReifList),Value) :-
31 (var(Value) -> (get_attr(Value,bool_pred,bool_pred_info(NegValue,ValReifList))
32 -> check_equalities(ThisReifList,Value,NegValue,EqGoal1,NewReifList,RR),
33 check_equalities(ValReifList,Value,NegThis,EqGoal2,RR,[]),
34 (nonvar(Value) -> print(attr_unify_hook_instantiated_value(Value)),nl /* check equalities could have forced value to be known now; should not happen */
35 ; put_attr(Value,bool_pred,bool_pred_info(NegValue,NewReifList))),
36 NegThis = NegValue,
37 Value \== NegThis,
38 EqGoal1,
39 EqGoal2
40 ; put_attr(Value,bool_pred,bool_pred_info(NegThis,ThisReifList))
41 )
42 ; (ThisReifList=[]
43 -> negate3(Value,NegThis)
44 ; negate3(Value,NegThis), check_inst_equalities(ThisReifList,Value))
45 ).
47 :- else.
49 :- use_module(library(atts)).
51 :- attribute bool_pred_info/2.
53 get_bool_pred_info(Var,Neg,ReifList) :- get_atts(Var,+bool_pred_info(Neg,ReifList)).
54 put_bool_pred_info(Var,Neg,ReifList) :- put_atts(Var,+bool_pred_info(Neg,ReifList)).
56 % verify_attributes is called whenever a variable Var that might have attributes is about to be bound to Value (it might have none).
57 % verify(VariableBeforeUnification, ValueWithWhichVariableUnifies, GoalWhichSICStusShouldCallAfterUnif)
58 verify_attributes(ThisVar,Value,Goal) :- get_atts(ThisVar,+bool_pred_info(NegThis,ThisReifList)),!,
59 % enter_log(ThisVar=Value), %% print(verify(ThisVar,Value,NegThis,ThisReifList)),nl, %%
60 (var(Value) -> (get_atts(Value,+bool_pred_info(NegValue,ValReifList))
61 -> Goal=[NegThis=NegValue,ThisVar\==NegThis,EqGoal1,EqGoal2],
62 check_equalities(ThisReifList,Value,NegValue,EqGoal1,NewReifList,RR),
63 check_equalities(ValReifList,ThisVar,NegThis,EqGoal2,RR,[]),
64 (nonvar(Value) -> print(verify_attribute_instantiated_value(Value)),nl /* check equalities could have forced value to be known now; should not happen */
65 ; put_atts(Value,+bool_pred_info(NegValue,NewReifList)))
66 ; put_atts(Value,+bool_pred_info(NegThis,ThisReifList)), Goal=[]
67 )
68 ; (ThisReifList=[]
69 -> Goal=[negate3(Value,NegThis)] %(var(NegThis) -> Goal=[negate3(Value,NegThis)] ; Goal=[])
70 ; Goal=[negate3(Value,NegThis),check_inst_equalities(ThisReifList,Value)])
71 ). %, exit_log(Goal),trace. %, print(done_verify(ThisVar,Value,Goal)),nl.
72 verify_attributes(_, _, [] ).
75 :- endif.
77 % store for each bool value the negated variable & list of reifications it is involved in
78 % bool_pred_info(NegationOfVariable, List of eqcheck(OtherVariable,ReificationVariable)
80 % check that we have a real variable without any bool_pred constraints attached
81 free_var(X) :- var(X), \+ get_bool_pred_info(X,_,_).
83 % check if currently X is negation of Y; call only for variable X
84 bool_negate_check(X,Y) :- get_bool_pred_info(X,OtherX,_),Y==OtherX.
86 negate(X,Y) :- %enter_log(negate(X,Y)),
87 (nonvar(X) -> negate3(X,Y)
88 ; nonvar(Y) -> negate3(Y,X)
89 ; get_bool_pred_info(X,OtherX,_) -> Y=OtherX, X \== Y, update_bool_pred_negation(Y,X)
90 ; get_bool_pred_info(Y,OtherY,_) -> put_bool_pred_info(X,Y,[]), X=OtherY, X \== Y
91 ; X \== Y, put_bool_pred_info(Y,X,[]), put_bool_pred_info(X,Y,[])
92 ).% ,exit_log(negate(X,Y)).
94 update_bool_pred_negation(X,_NegX) :- nonvar(X),!.
95 update_bool_pred_negation(X,NegX) :-
96 (get_bool_pred_info(OtherX,_,_) -> OtherX=NegX
97 ; put_bool_pred_info(X,NegX,[])).
99 %negate3(X,Y) :- print(negate3(X,Y)),nl,fail.
100 negate3(pred_true,pred_false). % for kernel_equality,... results
101 negate3(pred_false,pred_true).
102 %negate3(bool_true,bool_false). % for boolean values
103 %negate3(bool_false,bool_true).
106 :- assert_must_succeed((bool_pred:enter_log(a),bool_pred:enter_log(b),
107 bool_pred:exit_log(b),bool_pred:exit_log(a))).
108 % a simple logging facility to replay calls later
109 :- dynamic logging_level/1.
110 logging_level(0).
112 enter_log(X) :- retract(logging_level(L)),
113 indent_ws(L),print(X), print(','),nl,
114 L1 is L+1, assertz(logging_level(L1)).
115 exit_log(G) :- retract(logging_level(L)),
116 (L>0 -> L1 is L-1, assertz(logging_level(L1)), indent_ws(L1), print('exit '), print(G),nl
117 ; add_internal_error('*** negative - logging level !',L),
118 assertz(logging_level(L))).
119 indent_ws(X) :- X<1,!.
120 indent_ws(X) :- print(' '), X1 is X-1, indent_ws(X1).
123 % check if any reification can now be determined
124 % Idea: add other boolean operators here as well: imply, and, or ??
125 check_equalities([],_,_,true) --> [].
126 check_equalities([eqcheck(V2,Res)|T],V1,NegV1,Goal) -->
127 ( {V2==V1} -> {Goal=(Res=pred_true,G2)}
128 ; {V2==NegV1} -> {Goal=(Res=pred_false,G2)}
129 ; {V1==Res} -> {Goal=(V2=pred_true,G2)} % Warning: V2 could expect bool_true !
130 ; {NegV1==Res} -> {Goal=(V2=pred_false,G2)} % Warning: V2 could expect bool_false !
131 ; %{print(no_new_info),nl},
132 [eqcheck(V2,Res)], {Goal=G2}
133 ),check_equalities(T,V1,NegV1,G2).
135 % will be called with second argument instantiated to pred_false/pred_true
137 :- public check_inst_equalities/2. % used above
138 check_inst_equalities([],_).
139 check_inst_equalities([eqcheck(V2,Res)|T],V1) :-
140 (nonvar(V2) -> (V1=V2 -> Res=pred_true ; Res=pred_false)
141 ; V1=pred_true -> Res=V2
142 ; negate(V2,Res)
143 ), check_inst_equalities(T,V1).
145 :- assert_must_succeed((bool_pred:negate(X,Y), bool_pred:negate(X,Z), Y==Z, Z=pred_true, X==pred_false)).
146 % bool_pred:negate(X,Y), bool_pred:negate(X,Z), Y==Z, Z=pred_true, X==pred_false.
147 /*
148 CLP(FD) cannot do this:
149 | ?- X in 0..1, Y in 0..1, Z in 0..1, X #\= Y, X#\=Z.
150 X in 0..1,
151 Y in 0..1,
152 Z in 0..1 ?
153 yes
154 */
156 :- assert_must_succeed(( bool_pred:negate(X,Y), bool_pred:negate(Y,Z), X==Z, Z=pred_true, X==pred_true, Y==pred_false)).
157 :- assert_must_succeed((bool_pred:negate(X,Y), bool_pred:negate(X2,Y2), X=X2, Y==Y2, Y=pred_false, X2==pred_true)).
158 :- assert_must_succeed((bool_pred:negate(X,Y), bool_pred:negate(X,Z), Y==Z, Z=pred_true, X==pred_false)).
159 :- assert_must_succeed((bool_pred:negate(X,Y), bool_pred:negate(Y,Z), \+ bool_pred:negate(Z,X))).
160 :- assert_must_succeed((bool_pred:negate(X,Y), bool_pred:negate(Y,Z), bool_pred:negate(Z,X2), \+ X2=X)).
161 :- assert_must_succeed((bool_pred:negate(X,Y), bool_pred:negate(Y,Z), X2=X, \+ bool_pred:negate(Z,X2))).
162 :- assert_must_fail(bool_pred:negate(X,X)).
163 :- assert_must_succeed(( bool_pred:negate(X,Y), bool_pred:negate(V,Z), bool_pred:bool_equality(X,V,RXV), Z=Y, X==V, RXV==pred_true)).
164 :- assert_must_succeed(( bool_pred:negate(X,Y), bool_pred:negate(V,Z), bool_pred:bool_equality(X,V,RXV), Z=X, Y==V, RXV==pred_false)).
165 :- assert_must_succeed(( bool_pred:negate(X,Y), bool_pred:negate(V,Z), bool_pred:bool_equality(X,V,RXV), RXV=pred_false, Y==V, X==Z)).
166 :- assert_must_succeed(( bool_pred:negate(X,Y), bool_pred:negate(V,Z), bool_pred:bool_equality(X,V,RXV), RXV=pred_true, Y==Z, X==V)).
167 :- assert_must_succeed((Y=pred_true, bool_pred:bool_equality(X,Y,R) , R==X)).
168 :- assert_must_fail((Y=pred_false, bool_pred:bool_equality(X,Y,R) , R=X)).
171 %:- attribute bool_equality/2.
172 % bool_equality is actually solving: (X<=>Y) <=> R
173 % Note this is commutative and associative in its three arguments
174 bool_equality(X,Y,Res) :- %print(bool_equality(X,Y,Res)),nl, %% enter_log(bool_equality(X,Y,Res)), %%
175 ( nonvar(X) -> eq1(X,Y,Res)
176 ; nonvar(Y) -> eq1(Y,X,Res)
177 ; nonvar(Res) -> eq1(Res,X,Y)
178 ; X==Y -> Res=pred_true
179 ; X==Res -> Y=pred_true % Warning: Y could expect bool_true !
180 ; Y==Res -> X=pred_true % Warning: X could expect bool_true !
181 ; get_bool_pred_info(X,NX,XList)
182 -> (NX==Y -> Res=pred_false % Y is the negation of X
183 ; NX==Res -> Y=pred_false % Warning: Y could expect bool_false !
184 ; put_bool_pred_info(X,NX,[eqcheck(Y,Res)|XList]),
185 add_equality(Y,X,Res)
186 ),
187 blocking_force_eq3(Res,X,Y)
188 ; add_new_equality(X,Y,Res),add_equality(Y,X,Res),
189 blocking_force_eq3(Res,X,Y)
190 ). % ,exit_log(eq(X,Y,Res)).
192 % Missing rules (requires merging bool_true/pred_true, ...)
193 % X==Res -> Y=pred_true && Y==Res -> X=pred_true
194 % X==~Res -> Y=pred_false && Y==~Res -> X=pred_false [Missing above]
196 add_equality(X,Y,Res) :-
197 (get_bool_pred_info(X,NX,List)
198 -> put_bool_pred_info(X,NX,[eqcheck(Y,Res)|List])
199 ; add_new_equality(X,Y,Res)
200 ).
201 add_new_equality(X,Y,Res) :-
202 put_bool_pred_info(NX,X,[]),% NX is a fresh variable, no need to go through negate/2
203 put_bool_pred_info(X,NX,[eqcheck(Y,Res)]).
205 % X -> bool_equality(Y,Res) : check if X==Y -> Res=pred_true or if Y==NegatedX -> Res=pred_false
206 % we could also check if Res==X -> Y=pred_true
209 eq1(pred_true,X,X).
210 eq1(pred_false,X,Y) :- negate(X,Y).
212 % equality if one of the bools (second arg) is known: wait for other bool (arg1) or result
213 %:- block eq2(-,?,-).
214 %eq2(X,Y,Res) :- nonvar(Res),!,eq1(Res,X,Y).
215 %eq2(X,Y,Res) :- (X=Y -> Res=pred_true ; Res=pred_false).
217 %:- block blocking_force_eq(-,?,?). % when((?=(Res,X) ; nonvar(Res)), --> we could detect force_eq(A,A,pred_true/false)
218 %blocking_force_eq(Res,X,Y) :- force_eq(Res,X,Y).
220 blocking_force_eq3(Res,X,Y) :-
221 when((?=(Res,X) ; ?=(Res,Y) ; ?=(X,Y) ; nonvar(Res) ; nonvar(X) ; nonvar(Y)), bool_equality(X,Y,Res)).
223 %blocking_force_eq2(Res,X,Y) :- when((?=(Res,X) ; ?=(Res,Y) ; ?=(X,Y) ; nonvar(Res)), force_eq2(Res,X,Y)).
224 %
225 %force_eq2(Res,X,Y) :- X==Res,!, %print(forcing_eq_eq1(Res,X,Y)),nl,
226 % Y=pred_true.
227 %force_eq2(Res,X,Y) :- Y==Res,!, %print(forcing_eq_eq2(Res,X,Y)),nl,
228 % X=pred_true.
229 %force_eq2(Res,X,Y) :- X==Y,!, %aprint(forcing_eq_eq3(Res,X,Y)),nl,
230 % Res=pred_true.
231 %force_eq2(pred_true,X,X).
232 %force_eq2(pred_false,X,Y) :- negate(X,Y).