1 | % (c) 2013-2024 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen, | |
2 | % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf | |
3 | % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html) | |
4 | ||
5 | :- module(bmachine_static_checks, [static_check_main_machine/1, | |
6 | extended_static_check_machine/0, extended_static_check_machine/1, | |
7 | find_constant_expressions_in_operations/1, find_constant_expressions_in_operations/2, | |
8 | toplevel_raw_predicate_sanity_check/4]). | |
9 | ||
10 | :- use_module(probsrc(module_information)). | |
11 | :- module_info(group,typechecker). | |
12 | :- module_info(description,'Static checking of B machines upon construction. Detection of name clashes and uninitalised variables.'). | |
13 | ||
14 | :- use_module(bmachine_structure, [get_section/3]). | |
15 | :- use_module(b_read_write_info, [get_accessed_vars/4]). | |
16 | :- use_module(bsyntaxtree, [get_texpr_expr/2,get_texpr_id/2,get_texpr_ids/2, get_texpr_info/2]). | |
17 | :- use_module(error_manager, [add_warning/3, add_warning/4, add_error/4, add_message/4]). | |
18 | :- use_module(debug, [debug_println/2]). | |
19 | :- use_module(tools, [ajoin/2]). | |
20 | :- use_module(library(lists)). | |
21 | ||
22 | static_check_main_machine(Machine) :- | |
23 | debug_println(19,'Running static machine checks'), | |
24 | initialises_all_variables(Machine), | |
25 | check_name_clashes(Machine). | |
26 | ||
27 | ||
28 | % --------------------------------------------- | |
29 | % check for unnatural invariants and properties | |
30 | % --------------------------------------------- | |
31 | % the priority of the implication is sometimes surprising | |
32 | % a & (x=1) => (y=2) & c --> top-level symbol is the implication ! | |
33 | % the test is done on the raw predicate before ast_cleanup removes potential typing predicates; see tests 106, 107 | |
34 | toplevel_raw_predicate_sanity_check(invariant,MachName,RawPredicate,Infos) :- | |
35 | member(has_variables,Infos), % otherwise it is ok to have just a single disjunt, implication,... | |
36 | check_top_level(RawPredicate,MachName,'INVARIANT'), | |
37 | fail. | |
38 | toplevel_raw_predicate_sanity_check(properties,MachName,RawPredicate,Infos) :- | |
39 | member(has_constants,Infos), % otherwise it is ok to have just a single disjunt, implication,... | |
40 | check_top_level(RawPredicate,MachName,'PROPERTIES'), | |
41 | fail. | |
42 | toplevel_raw_predicate_sanity_check(_,_,_,_). | |
43 | ||
44 | % typical error: forget parentheses; if we write P => Q & R --> this is parsed as P => (Q & R) | |
45 | check_top_level(implication(_,B,C),MachName,SECT) :- | |
46 | (composed_predicate(B) ; composed_predicate(C)),!, | |
47 | add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,'Top-level implication (=>) in clause: ',MachName:SECT). | |
48 | check_top_level(disjunct(_,B,C),MachName,SECT) :- | |
49 | (composed_predicate(B) ; composed_predicate(C)),!, | |
50 | add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,'Top-level disjunction (or) in clause: ',MachName:SECT). | |
51 | check_top_level(equivalence(_,B,C),MachName,SECT) :- | |
52 | (composed_predicate(B) ; composed_predicate(C)),!, | |
53 | add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,'Top-level equivalence (<=>) in clause: ',MachName:SECT). | |
54 | ||
55 | % check if a predicate is composed of a binary operator where confusion may arise | |
56 | % with negation and quantification there are explicit parentheses; the user should not be confused | |
57 | composed_predicate(A) :- functor(A,Operator,N), | |
58 | boolean_operator(Operator), | |
59 | % Some binary operators (conjunct, disjunct) can have a varying number of arguments. | |
60 | % See predicates associative_functor/1 and unflatten_assoc/4 in btypechecker. | |
61 | N >= 2. | |
62 | boolean_operator(conjunct). | |
63 | boolean_operator(disjunct). | |
64 | boolean_operator(implication). | |
65 | boolean_operator(equivalence). | |
66 | ||
67 | % --------------------- | |
68 | % Checks is all variables are initialised by the machine | |
69 | % --------------------- | |
70 | initialises_all_variables(Machine) :- | |
71 | get_section(initialisation,Machine,Initialisation), | |
72 | % check wich variables are read / modified by the initialisation | |
73 | get_accessed_vars(Initialisation,[],Modifies,_Reads), | |
74 | get_machine_variables(Machine,SortedAllVars), | |
75 | % check for each variable, if the initialisation modifies it | |
76 | exclude(is_initialised(Modifies),SortedAllVars,Uninitialised), | |
77 | % generate a warning if unitialised is not empty | |
78 | generate_uninitialised_warning(Uninitialised,Initialisation), | |
79 | % now check order of initialisation sequences | |
80 | check_initialisation_order(Initialisation,SortedAllVars,[],_). | |
81 | ||
82 | get_machine_variables(Machine,SortedAllVars) :- | |
83 | % get all variables that should be initialised | |
84 | get_section(abstract_variables,Machine,AbsVars), | |
85 | get_section(concrete_variables,Machine,ConcVars), | |
86 | append(AbsVars,ConcVars,TAllVars), | |
87 | get_texpr_ids(TAllVars,AllVars), | |
88 | sort(AllVars,SortedAllVars). | |
89 | ||
90 | is_initialised(Modifies,Id) :- | |
91 | memberchk(Id,Modifies). | |
92 | ||
93 | generate_uninitialised_warning([],_) :- !. | |
94 | generate_uninitialised_warning(Vars,Initialisation) :- | |
95 | Msg='Machine may not initialise some of its variables: ', | |
96 | add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,Msg,Vars,Initialisation). | |
97 | ||
98 | ||
99 | :- use_module(library(ordsets)). | |
100 | % Check if order of sequential compositions in INITIALISATION is ok | |
101 | % TO DO: add support for if(LIST) and while | |
102 | check_initialisation_order(b(Subst,subst,Info),AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit) :- | |
103 | check_initialisation_order2(Subst,Info,AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit),!. | |
104 | check_initialisation_order(Subst,AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit) :- | |
105 | % print('CHCK '), translate:print_subst(Subst),nl, | |
106 | get_accessed_vars(Subst,[],Modifies,Reads), | |
107 | check_subst_or_pred(Subst,Modifies,Reads,AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit). | |
108 | ||
109 | check_subst_or_pred(Subst,Modifies,Reads,AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit) :- | |
110 | ord_union(Modifies,AlreadyInit,OutInit), % after Subst we have initialised OutInit | |
111 | % below is already checked by type checker: | |
112 | %ord_subtract(Modifies,AllVars,IllegalAssignments), | |
113 | %(IllegalAssignments=[] -> true | |
114 | % ; add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,'INITIALISATION writes illegal variables: ',IllegalAssignments,Subst)), | |
115 | ord_intersection(Reads,AllVars,ReadFromSameMachine), | |
116 | (atomic_subst(Subst) | |
117 | -> ord_subtract(ReadFromSameMachine,AlreadyInit,IllegalReads) | |
118 | ; ord_subtract(ReadFromSameMachine,OutInit,IllegalReads) % we use OutInit: there could be an if with sequence inside | |
119 | ), | |
120 | (IllegalReads=[] -> true | |
121 | ; add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,'INITIALISATION reads variables which are not yet initialised: ',IllegalReads,Subst)). | |
122 | ||
123 | :- use_module(bsyntaxtree,[find_identifier_uses/3]). | |
124 | check_initialisation_order2(choice([First|T]),Info,AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit) :- !, | |
125 | check_initialisation_order(First,AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit), % we pick the output of the first choice | |
126 | (T=[] -> true ; check_initialisation_order(b(choice(T),subst,Info),AllVars,AlreadyInit,_)). | |
127 | check_initialisation_order2(parallel([First|T]),Info,AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit) :- !, | |
128 | check_initialisation_order(First,AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit1), % we pick the output of the first choice | |
129 | (T=[] -> OutInit=OutInit1 | |
130 | ; check_initialisation_order2(parallel(T),Info,AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInitRest), | |
131 | ord_union(OutInit1,OutInitRest,OutInit) | |
132 | ). | |
133 | check_initialisation_order2(init_parallel(S),Info,AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit) :- !, | |
134 | check_initialisation_order(b(parallel(S),subst,Info),AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit). | |
135 | check_initialisation_order2(sequence([First|T]),Info,AllVars) --> !, | |
136 | check_initialisation_order(First,AllVars), | |
137 | ({T=[]} -> [] ; check_initialisation_order(b(sequence(T),subst,Info),AllVars)). | |
138 | check_initialisation_order2(any(_Ids,Pred,Subst),_Info,AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit) :- !, | |
139 | find_identifier_uses(Pred,[],Reads), | |
140 | check_subst_or_pred(Pred,[],Reads,AllVars,AlreadyInit,_), % check predicate reads are ok | |
141 | check_initialisation_order(Subst,AllVars,AlreadyInit,OutInit). | |
142 | % TO DO: also check if-then-else, while, ... | |
143 | ||
144 | atomic_subst(b(S,_,_)) :- atomic_subst2(S). | |
145 | atomic_subst2(skip). | |
146 | atomic_subst2(assign(_,_)). | |
147 | atomic_subst2(assign_single_id(_,_)). | |
148 | atomic_subst2(becomes_element_of(_,_)). | |
149 | %atomic_subst2(becomes_such(_,_)). % this needs to be dealt with separately, e.g., test 583 p,solved : (p = %i.(i : 1 .. 9|0) & solved = 0) | |
150 | ||
151 | % --------------------- | |
152 | % Checks if an operations parameter or local variable clashes with a variable | |
153 | % --------------------- | |
154 | check_name_clashes(Machine) :- | |
155 | debug_println(10,'Checking for name clashes'), | |
156 | get_all_machine_ids(Machine,SortedAllIds), | |
157 | % for each operation, compare the parameter names with existing vars/constants | |
158 | get_section(operation_bodies,Machine,Operations), | |
159 | maplist(op_name_clashes(SortedAllIds),Operations), | |
160 | get_section(definitions,Machine,Defs), | |
161 | maplist(def_name_clashes(SortedAllIds),Defs). | |
162 | ||
163 | get_all_machine_ids(Machine,SortedAllIds) :- | |
164 | % get all variables and constants that might clash | |
165 | get_section_ids(abstract_variables,Machine,'variable',AbsVars), | |
166 | get_section_ids(concrete_variables,Machine,'variable',ConcVars), | |
167 | get_section_ids(abstract_constants,Machine,'constant',AbsCons), | |
168 | get_section_ids(concrete_constants,Machine,'constant',ConcCons), | |
169 | get_section_ids(deferred_sets,Machine,'set',DefSets), | |
170 | get_section_ids(enumerated_sets,Machine,'set',EnumSets), | |
171 | get_section_ids(enumerated_elements,Machine,'set element',EnumElems), | |
172 | % enumerated b_get_named_machine_set(GlobalSetName,ListOfConstants) + b_get_machine_set(S) | |
173 | append([AbsVars,ConcVars,AbsCons,ConcCons,DefSets,EnumSets,EnumElems],AllIds), | |
174 | keyword_clash(AllIds), | |
175 | sort(AllIds,SortedAllIds). | |
176 | ||
177 | get_section_ids(Section,Machine,Class,ResultList) :- | |
178 | get_section(Section,Machine,Vars), | |
179 | findall(machine_id(ID,Class,Pos,Section), | |
180 | (member(TID,Vars),get_texpr_id(TID,ID),get_texpr_info(TID,Pos)),ResultList). | |
181 | ||
182 | ||
183 | :- use_module(tools_matching,[is_b_keyword/2]). | |
184 | ||
185 | % can be useful for Z, TLA+, Event-B machines: | |
186 | % Clashes may lead to strange type or parse errors in VisB, REPL, ... | |
187 | keyword_clash(AllIds) :- | |
188 | ? | member(machine_id(Name,Class,Pos,Section),AllIds), |
189 | is_b_keyword(Name,_), | |
190 | get_descr(Pos,Section,Descr), | |
191 | ajoin(['The ', Class, ' "', Name, '" (', Descr,') has the same name as a classical B keyword (may lead to unexpected parse or type errors when entering formulas unless you surround it by backquotes: `',Name,'`).'], Msg), | |
192 | (classical_b_mode | |
193 | -> add_message(bmachine_static_checks,Msg,'',Pos) % user probably uses new backquote syntax already | |
194 | ; add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,Msg,'',Pos) | |
195 | ), | |
196 | fail. | |
197 | keyword_clash(_). | |
198 | ||
199 | :- use_module(bsyntaxtree,[map_over_typed_bexpr/2]). | |
200 | :- use_module(external_functions,[is_external_function_name/1]). | |
201 | ||
202 | def_name_clashes(AllIds,definition_decl(Name,DefType,_DefPos,Args,_RawExpr,_Deps)) :- !, | |
203 | (is_external_function_name(Name) | |
204 | -> true % do not check external predicates, functions, subst | |
205 | % they are not written by user and possibly not used and definitions are virtual and not used anyway | |
206 | ; findall(b(identifier(ID),any,[nodeid(IdPos)]), | |
207 | member(identifier(IdPos,ID),Args),ArgIds), % args can sometimes not be identifiers; see test 1711 | |
208 | debug_println(4,checking_def(Name,DefType,Args,ArgIds)), | |
209 | include(clash_warnings('DEFINITION parameter',AllIds,'DEFINITION',Name),ArgIds,_ArgsCausingWarning) | |
210 | % TO DO: check Body; for this we need a map_over_raw_expression to detect local variables introduced ! | |
211 | ). | |
212 | def_name_clashes(_,D) :- print(unknown_def(D)),nl. | |
213 | ||
214 | :- use_module(preferences,[get_preference/2]). | |
215 | op_name_clashes(AllIds,Operation) :- | |
216 | get_texpr_expr(Operation,operation(IdFull,Results,Params,Subst)), | |
217 | %get_texpr_id(IdFull,op(Id)), | |
218 | IdFull = b(identifier(op(Id)),Type,Info), | |
219 | (get_preference(clash_strict_checks,true) | |
220 | -> include(clash_warnings('Operation name',AllIds,operation,Id),[b(identifier(Id),Type,Info)],_NameCausingWarning) % fix PROB-60 | |
221 | ; true), | |
222 | include(clash_warnings('Operation parameter',AllIds,operation,Id),Params,_ParamsCausingWarning), | |
223 | include(clash_warnings('Operation result variable',AllIds,operation,Id),Results,_ResultsCausingWarning), | |
224 | (map_over_typed_bexpr(bmachine_static_checks:check_operation_body_clashes(AllIds,Id),Subst),fail ; true). | |
225 | ||
226 | :- public check_operation_body_clashes/3. | |
227 | check_operation_body_clashes(AllIds,Operation,TSubst) :- | |
228 | get_texpr_expr(TSubst,Subst), | |
229 | (local_variable_clash(Subst,TSubst,AllIds,Operation); | |
230 | illegal_op_call(Subst,Operation)). | |
231 | ||
232 | local_variable_clash(Subst,TSubst,AllIds,Operation) :- | |
233 | introduces_local_variable(Subst,ID), | |
234 | clash_local_warnings(AllIds,Operation,ID,TSubst). | |
235 | ||
236 | % check if something like zz(1) <-- Op(a) is used; this is not allowed according to Atelier-B | |
237 | illegal_op_call(operation_call(CalledOperation,Results,_Parameters),Operation) :- | |
238 | member(TID,Results), \+ get_texpr_id(TID,_), | |
239 | (get_texpr_id(CalledOperation,op(CalledId)) -> true ; CalledId=CalledOperation), | |
240 | ajoin(['Return value of operation call to ',CalledId,' must be stored in identifier within:'],Msg), | |
241 | add_error(bmachine_static_checks,Msg,Operation,TID). | |
242 | ||
243 | % check for constructs which introduced local variables | |
244 | introduces_local_variable(var(Parameters,_),ID) :- | |
245 | % currently B-interpreter cannot correctly deal with this in the context of operation_call | |
246 | member(TID,Parameters), get_texpr_id(TID,ID). | |
247 | ||
248 | :- use_module(probsrc(error_manager),[extract_span_description/2]). | |
249 | % ord_member does not work below because of free variable Class | |
250 | my_ord_member(Name,Class,Descr,[machine_id(Name1,_,_,_)|T]) :- | |
251 | Name @> Name1, !, | |
252 | my_ord_member(Name,Class,Descr,T). | |
253 | my_ord_member(Name,Class,Descr,[machine_id(Name,Class,Pos,Section)|_]) :- | |
254 | get_descr(Pos,Section,Descr). | |
255 | ||
256 | get_descr(Pos,Section,Descr) :- | |
257 | (extract_span_description(Pos,Descr) -> true | |
258 | ; ajoin(['from section ',Section],Descr) ). | |
259 | ||
260 | clash_warnings(Context,AllIds,OpOrDef,OperationId,TName) :- | |
261 | get_texpr_id(TName,Name), | |
262 | my_ord_member(Name,Class,Descr,AllIds), !, | |
263 | ajoin(['The ', Class, ' "', Name, '" (', Descr,') has the same name as a ', | |
264 | Context, ' in ',OpOrDef,' "', OperationId,'".'], Msg), | |
265 | add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,Msg,'',TName). | |
266 | ||
267 | clash_local_warnings(AllIds,OperationId,Name,Pos) :- | |
268 | my_ord_member(Name,Class,Descr,AllIds), !, | |
269 | % we could check and see if Name is really visible from this location! | |
270 | % (see public_examples/B/Other/LustreTranslations/UMS_verif/M_UMS_verif.mch) | |
271 | ajoin(['The ', Class, ' "', Name, '" (', Descr,') has the same name as a local variable in operation "', OperationId,'".'], Msg), | |
272 | add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,Msg,'',Pos). | |
273 | ||
274 | % TODO: this does not and can not work here: | |
275 | % - Some preconditions are removed (typing only....) during machine simplification | |
276 | % - Needs to be verified during typechecking | |
277 | % --------------------- | |
278 | % Checks if an operations parameter is not typed by a pre condition | |
279 | % --------------------- | |
280 | %parameters_without_pre_condition(Machine) :- | |
281 | % get_section(operation_bodies,Machine,Operations), | |
282 | % maplist(parameters_without_pre_condition_aux,Operations). | |
283 | % | |
284 | %parameters_without_pre_condition_aux(Operation) :-trace, | |
285 | % get_texpr_expr(Operation,operation(IdFull,_Results,Params,Subst)), | |
286 | % get_texpr_id(IdFull,op(Id)), | |
287 | % (Params == [] | |
288 | % -> true % no parameters | |
289 | % ; (get_texpr_expr(Subst,precondition(_,_)) | |
290 | % -> true % parameters and precondition | |
291 | % ; ajoin(['Operation ', Id, ' has parameters but no pre-condition.'], Msg), | |
292 | % add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,Msg) | |
293 | % )). | |
294 | ||
295 | ||
297 | % these are run (optionally) after machine is loaded and bmachine pre-calculations have run | |
298 | ||
299 | :- use_module(b_read_write_info,[check_all_variables_written/0]). | |
300 | ||
301 | extended_static_check_machine :- | |
302 | extended_static_check_machine(_). | |
303 | extended_static_check_machine(Check) :- | |
304 | reset_static_check, | |
305 | esc_step(Check). | |
306 | ||
307 | :- use_module(probsrc(bmachine), [b_get_main_filename/1, b_machine_name/1, b_get_machine_header_position/2]). | |
308 | :- use_module(tools,[get_modulename_filename/2, get_filename_extension/2]). | |
309 | :- use_module(bsyntaxtree,[map_over_typed_bexpr_with_names/2]). | |
310 | :- use_module(specfile,[get_specification_description/2, animation_minor_mode/1, classical_b_mode/0]). | |
311 | :- use_module(bmachine). | |
312 | :- use_module(b_machine_hierarchy,[machine_type/2, machine_operations/2]). | |
313 | ||
314 | esc_step(variables) :- | |
315 | check_all_variables_written, | |
316 | fail. | |
317 | esc_step(machine_name) :- | |
318 | b_machine_name(Name), | |
319 | b_get_main_filename(Filename), | |
320 | get_modulename_filename(Filename,ModuleName), | |
321 | Name \= ModuleName, | |
322 | (atom_concat('MAIN_MACHINE_FOR_',RealName,Name) % see dummy_machine_name in bmachine_construction | |
323 | -> RealName \= ModuleName | |
324 | ; is_dummy_machine_name(Name,Filename) | |
325 | -> fail % dummy Rules DSL or Alloy machine name, do not create warning | |
326 | ; true | |
327 | ), | |
328 | (b_get_machine_header_position(Name,Span) -> true | |
329 | ; Span = src_position_with_filename(1,1,1,Filename)), | |
330 | get_specification_description(machine,MCH), | |
331 | ajoin(['Filename ',ModuleName,' does not match name of ', MCH, ': '],Msg), | |
332 | add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,Msg,Name,Span), | |
333 | fail. | |
334 | esc_step(variables) :- debug_println(19,checking_identifiers_for_clashes), | |
335 | full_b_machine(Machine), | |
336 | local_quantified_variable_clashes(Machine), | |
337 | fail. | |
338 | esc_step(operations) :- machine_type(MachName,abstract_machine), | |
339 | machine_operations(MachName,Ops), | |
340 | member(identifier(Span,OpName),Ops), | |
341 | atom_codes(OpName,Codes), member(46,Codes), % "." element of name | |
342 | % Section 7.23, paragraph 2 of Atelier-B handbook: in abstract machine we cannot use renamed operation names | |
343 | ajoin(['Operation name in abstract machine ',MachName,' is composed: '],Msg), | |
344 | add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,Msg,OpName,Span), | |
345 | fail. | |
346 | esc_step(operations) :- debug_println(19,checking_operation_bodies), | |
347 | b_get_machine_operation(ID,_Res,_TParas,Body,_OType,_Pos), | |
348 | check_operation_body(Body,ID), | |
349 | fail. | |
350 | esc_step(operations) :- portray_constant_expr_summary, fail. | |
351 | esc_step(constants) :- | |
352 | check_concrete_constants, % check concrete_constants(.) states | |
353 | fail. | |
354 | esc_step(unused_ids) :- | |
355 | check_unused_ids, | |
356 | fail. | |
357 | esc_step(_). | |
358 | ||
359 | :- use_module(probsrc(tools_strings), [atom_prefix/2]). | |
360 | is_dummy_machine_name(Name,_) :- atom_prefix('__RULES_MACHINE_Main',Name). | |
361 | is_dummy_machine_name(alloytranslation,_) :- animation_minor_mode(alloy). | |
362 | is_dummy_machine_name('DEFINITION_FILE',Filename) :- classical_b_mode, | |
363 | get_filename_extension(Filename,'def'). | |
364 | % when opening .def files; WARNING: sometimes def files use other extensions | |
365 | ||
366 | % TO DO: optionally do these kinds of checks in the REPL | |
367 | local_quantified_variable_clashes(Machine) :- | |
368 | get_all_machine_ids(Machine,SortedAllIds), | |
369 | (get_typed_section(Sec,SecID,Pred), | |
370 | debug_println(19,checking_local_quantified_variable_clashes(Sec,SecID)), | |
371 | map_over_typed_bexpr_with_names(bmachine_static_checks:check_introduced_ids(Sec,SecID,SortedAllIds),Pred) | |
372 | ; | |
373 | check_definition_clashes(SortedAllIds) | |
374 | ), | |
375 | fail. | |
376 | local_quantified_variable_clashes(_). | |
377 | ||
378 | :- use_module(bmachine,[b_get_typed_definition/3]). | |
379 | check_definition_clashes(SortedAllIds) :- | |
380 | Scope=[variables], | |
381 | b_get_typed_definition(Name,Scope,TExpr), | |
382 | % TODO: adapt type_check_definitions to return definitions with paras and add paras to list of Ids | |
383 | %print(check(Name,SortedAllIds)),nl, | |
384 | map_over_typed_bexpr_with_names(bmachine_static_checks:check_introduced_ids('DEFINITION',Name,SortedAllIds),TExpr). | |
385 | ||
386 | :- public check_introduced_ids/5. % used in map above | |
387 | check_introduced_ids(Section,SectionID,SortedAllIds,TExpr,TNames) :- | |
388 | \+ ignore_constructor(TExpr), | |
389 | (member(TName,TNames), | |
390 | clash_warnings('local variable',SortedAllIds,Section,SectionID,TName) | |
391 | ; removed_identifier(TExpr,TName), | |
392 | clash_warnings('(removed) local variable',SortedAllIds,Section,SectionID,TName) | |
393 | % TODO: also check duplicate_id_hides info fields ? | |
394 | ). | |
395 | ||
396 | % detect some identifiers that were removed | |
397 | removed_identifier(b(_,_,Infos),TId) :- | |
398 | member(was(WAS),Infos), | |
399 | introduced_ids(WAS,IDs), | |
400 | % this happens in EnumSetClash2.mch | |
401 | member(TId,IDs). | |
402 | ||
403 | introduced_ids(forall(IDs,_,_),IDs). | |
404 | introduced_ids(exists(IDs,_),IDs). % % are there more relevant cases? TODO: use syntaxtraversion | |
405 | ||
406 | % ignore certain constructs, which do not really introduce a new identifier: | |
407 | ignore_constructor(b(recursive_let(_,_),_,_)). | |
408 | ||
409 | ||
410 | get_typed_section(Kind,Name,SubPred) :- | |
411 | b_get_properties_from_machine(P), get_specification_description(properties,PS), | |
412 | get_sub_predicate(PS,P,Kind,Name,SubPred). | |
413 | get_typed_section(Kind,Name,SubPred) :- | |
414 | b_get_invariant_from_machine(P), get_specification_description(invariants,PS), | |
415 | get_sub_predicate(PS,P,Kind,Name,SubPred). | |
416 | get_typed_section(Kind,Name,SubPred) :- | |
417 | get_specification_description(assertions,APS), ajoin(['(dynamic) ',APS],AS), | |
418 | b_get_dynamic_assertions_from_machine(Ps), | |
419 | l_get_sub_predicate(AS,Ps,Kind,Name,SubPred). | |
420 | get_typed_section(Kind,Name,SubPred) :- | |
421 | get_specification_description(assertions,APS), ajoin(['(static) ',APS],AS), | |
422 | b_get_static_assertions_from_machine(Ps), | |
423 | l_get_sub_predicate(AS,Ps,Kind,Name,SubPred). | |
424 | get_typed_section(operation,OpName,P) :- b_get_machine_operation(OpName,_Results,_Parameters,P). | |
425 | % TO DO: add more sections: constraints, DEFINITION bodies | |
426 | ||
427 | ||
428 | :- use_module(bsyntaxtree, [conjunction_to_list/2, get_texpr_label/2]). | |
429 | get_sub_predicate(Clause,Pred,Kind,Name,SubPred) :- | |
430 | conjunction_to_list(Pred,Preds), | |
431 | l_get_sub_predicate(Clause,Preds,Kind,Name,SubPred). | |
432 | l_get_sub_predicate(Clause,Preds,Kind,Name,SubPred) :- | |
433 | member(SubPred,Preds), | |
434 | (get_texpr_label(SubPred,Label) | |
435 | -> Kind = predicate, ajoin([Label,'" in clause "',Clause],Name) | |
436 | ; Kind = clause, Name=Clause). | |
437 | ||
438 | ||
439 | % ------------------------- | |
440 | ||
441 | % check for reading uninitialised variables | |
442 | ||
443 | :- use_module(bmachine, [b_top_level_operation/1, b_top_level_feasible_operation/1, b_is_constant/1]). | |
444 | check_operation_body(Body,OpID) :- b_top_level_operation(OpID), | |
445 | \+ b_top_level_feasible_operation(OpID), | |
446 | add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,'Infeasible body for operation:',OpID,Body), | |
447 | fail. | |
448 | check_operation_body(Body,OpID) :- | |
449 | map_over_typed_bexpr(bmachine_static_checks:check_operation_body_var(OpID),Body), | |
450 | fail. | |
451 | check_operation_body(Body,OpID) :- | |
452 | check_for_constant_expressions(Body,OpID,[],_,_). | |
453 | ||
454 | check_operation_body_var(OpID,b(var(Parameters,Body),subst,_Pos)) :- | |
455 | get_texpr_ids(Parameters,Ps), sort(Ps,Uninitialised), | |
456 | get_accessed_vars(Body,[],_Modifies,Reads), | |
457 | ord_intersection(Uninitialised,Reads,URead), | |
458 | URead \= [], | |
459 | member(TID,Parameters), get_texpr_id(TID,ID), | |
460 | member(ID,URead), | |
461 | ajoin(['Possibly reading uninitialised variable in operation ',OpID,' : '],Msg), | |
462 | add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,Msg,ID,TID). | |
463 | % TO DO: we could pinpoint more precisely where the read occurs | |
464 | ||
465 | % locate potentially expensive fully constant expressions (depending only on B constants) | |
466 | % which are in a dynamic context (operations) and which may be recomputed many times | |
467 | % the b_compiler will quite often pre-compile those, but not always (e.g., for relational composition involving infinite functions or when we have WD conditions) | |
468 | :- use_module(error_manager,[get_tk_table_position_info/2]). | |
469 | :- use_module(translate,[translate_bexpression_with_limit/3]). | |
470 | find_constant_expressions_in_operations(List) :- | |
471 | find_constant_expressions_in_operations(create_messages,List). | |
472 | ||
473 | find_constant_expressions_in_operations(MsgOrWarn,_) :- | |
474 | reset_static_check, | |
475 | assert(store_expr(MsgOrWarn)), | |
476 | b_get_machine_operation(OpID,_Res,_TParas,Body,_OType,_Pos), | |
477 | check_for_constant_expressions(Body,OpID,[],_,_), | |
478 | fail. | |
479 | find_constant_expressions_in_operations(_,list([Header|List])) :- | |
480 | Header = ['Operation', 'Occurence', 'Expr', 'LocalIds', 'Source'], | |
481 | portray_constant_expr_summary, | |
482 | findall(list([OpID,Count,ES,LocalIds,Src]), | |
483 | (const_expr(OpID,Count,BExpr,LocalIds), | |
484 | translate_bexpression_with_limit(BExpr,100,ES), | |
485 | get_tk_table_position_info(BExpr,Src)), List), | |
486 | reset_static_check. | |
487 | ||
488 | :- use_module(bsyntaxtree,[syntaxtraversion/6]). | |
489 | check_for_constant_expressions(BExpr,OpID,LocalIds,IsConstant,IsExpensive) :- | |
490 | syntaxtraversion(BExpr,Expr,Type,_Infos,Subs,TNames), | |
491 | (get_texpr_ids(TNames,QuantifiedNewIds), list_to_ord_set(QuantifiedNewIds,SQuantifiedNewIds) | |
492 | -> ord_union(LocalIds,SQuantifiedNewIds,NewLocalIds) | |
493 | ; write(err(TNames)),nl, NewLocalIds = LocalIds), | |
494 | l_check_for_const(Subs,OpID,NewLocalIds,SQuantifiedNewIds,AreAllConstant,IsExpensive1,ExpensiveList), | |
495 | %translate:print_bexpr_or_subst(BExpr),nl, write(cst(AreAllConstant,IsExpensive1,LocalIds)),nl,nl, | |
496 | (AreAllConstant=is_constant, | |
497 | is_constant_expression(Expr,LocalIds,IsExpensive2) | |
498 | -> IsConstant = is_constant, | |
499 | combine_expensive(IsExpensive1,IsExpensive2,IsExpensive), | |
500 | (pred_or_subst(Type) % we may traverse the boundary of expressions to pred/subst: print expressions | |
501 | -> maplist(add_const_expr_msg(OpID,LocalIds),ExpensiveList) | |
502 | ; true) | |
503 | ; IsConstant = not_constant, IsExpensive=not_expensive, | |
504 | maplist(add_const_expr_msg(OpID,LocalIds),ExpensiveList) | |
505 | ). | |
506 | ||
507 | ||
508 | :- use_module(probsrc(b_interpreter_check),[norm_check/2]). | |
509 | :- use_module(probsrc(hashing),[my_term_hash/2]). | |
510 | :- use_module(probsrc(tools), [ajoin_with_sep/3]). | |
511 | add_const_expr_msg(OpID,LocalIds,BExpr) :- | |
512 | (LocalIds=[] -> debug:debug_mode(on) ; true), % decide whether to show outer-level constant expressions | |
513 | register_constant_expression(BExpr,OpID,LocalIds,Count,MsgOrWarn), | |
514 | (LocalIds = [] -> LMsg=[': '] | |
515 | ; length(LocalIds,Len), | |
516 | (Len =< 3 | |
517 | -> ajoin_with_sep(LocalIds,',',LIDS), | |
518 | LMsg = [' inside quantification (',LIDS,'): '] | |
519 | ; prefix_length(LocalIds,Prefix,2), | |
520 | last(LocalIds,LastId), | |
521 | ajoin_with_sep(Prefix,',',LIDS), | |
522 | LMsg = [' inside quantification (',Len,' ids: ',LIDS,',...,',LastId,'): '] | |
523 | ) | |
524 | ), | |
525 | (Count > 1 | |
526 | -> ajoin(['Repeated constant expression in operation ',OpID, | |
527 | ' (occurence nr. ',Count,', consider lifting it out)'|LMsg],Msg) | |
528 | ; ajoin(['Non-trivial constant expression in operation ',OpID,' (consider lifting it out)'|LMsg],Msg) | |
529 | ), | |
530 | (MsgOrWarn=create_messages | |
531 | -> add_message(b_machine_static_checks,Msg,BExpr,BExpr) | |
532 | ; add_warning(b_machine_static_checks,Msg,BExpr,BExpr)). | |
533 | ||
534 | :- dynamic store_expr/1, const_expr_hash_count/2, const_expr/4. | |
535 | reset_static_check :- retractall(const_expr_hash_count(_,_)), | |
536 | retractall(const_expr(_,_,_,_)), retractall(store_expr(_)). | |
537 | register_constant_expression(BExpr,OpID,LocalIds,Count,MsgOrWarn) :- | |
538 | norm_check(BExpr,Norm), my_term_hash(Norm,Hash), | |
539 | (retract(const_expr_hash_count(Hash,C)) -> Count is C+1 ; Count=1), | |
540 | assert(const_expr_hash_count(Hash,Count)), | |
541 | (store_expr(MsgOrWarn) -> assert(const_expr(OpID,Count,BExpr,LocalIds)) ; MsgOrWarn=message). | |
542 | ||
543 | portray_constant_expr_summary :- | |
544 | findall(Count,const_expr_hash_count(_,Count),LC), | |
545 | length(LC,Len), | |
546 | format('Constant expressions found: ~w~n',[Len]), | |
547 | sumlist(LC,Total), | |
548 | format('Total # of occurrences: ~w~n',[Total]). | |
549 | ||
550 | ||
551 | l_check_for_const([],_OpID,_,_,is_constant,not_expensive,[]). | |
552 | l_check_for_const([H|T],OpID,LocalIds,NewQuantLocalIds,AreAllConstant,IsExpensive,ExpResList) :- | |
553 | check_for_constant_expressions(H,OpID,LocalIds,IsConstant,IsExpensive0), | |
554 | project_is_expensive(IsExpensive0,NewQuantLocalIds,IsExpensive1), % project on NewIds introduced at top-level | |
555 | (IsConstant=is_constant | |
556 | -> (IsExpensive1=is_expensive, is_expression(H) % currently we only look for constant expressions | |
557 | -> ExpResList = [H|TR] % add to list for add_const_expr_msg | |
558 | ; ExpResList=TR), | |
559 | l_check_for_const(T,OpID,LocalIds,NewQuantLocalIds,AreAllConstant,IsExpensive2,TR), | |
560 | combine_expensive(IsExpensive1,IsExpensive2,IsExpensive) | |
561 | ; AreAllConstant=not_constant, IsExpensive=not_expensive, | |
562 | l_check_for_const(T,OpID,LocalIds,NewQuantLocalIds,_,_,ExpResList)). | |
563 | ||
564 | is_expression(b(_,T,_)) :- \+ pred_or_subst(T). | |
565 | ||
566 | pred_or_subst(pred). | |
567 | pred_or_subst(subst). | |
568 | ||
569 | % operators on abstract expensive/local_id domain: | |
570 | combine_expensive(not_expensive,IsExpensive2,IsExpensive) :- !, IsExpensive=IsExpensive2. | |
571 | combine_expensive(is_expensive,depends_on_local_ids(Ids,_),Res) :- !, | |
572 | Res=depends_on_local_ids(Ids,is_expensive). | |
573 | combine_expensive(is_expensive,_,IsExpensive) :- !, IsExpensive=is_expensive. | |
574 | combine_expensive(depends_on_local_ids(Ids1,IE1),depends_on_local_ids(Ids2,IE2),Res) :- !, | |
575 | combine_expensive(IE1,IE2,IE), | |
576 | ord_union(Ids1,Ids2,Ids), Res=depends_on_local_ids(Ids,IE). | |
577 | combine_expensive(depends_on_local_ids(Ids,IE1),IE2,Res) :- !, | |
578 | combine_expensive(IE1,IE2,IE), | |
579 | Res=depends_on_local_ids(Ids,IE). | |
580 | combine_expensive(A,B,C) :- write(combine_expensive_uncovered(A,B,C)),nl,nl,C=A. | |
581 | ||
582 | % project is_expensive domain value after leaving SQuantifiedNewIds | |
583 | project_is_expensive(depends_on_local_ids(LocalIds,IE),SQuantifiedNewIds,Res) :- !, | |
584 | ord_subtract(LocalIds,SQuantifiedNewIds,NewLocalIds), | |
585 | (NewLocalIds = [] -> Res = IE % is_expensive/not_expensive | |
586 | ; Res= depends_on_local_ids(NewLocalIds,IE)). | |
587 | project_is_expensive(IE,_,IE). | |
588 | ||
589 | :- use_module(probsrc(b_global_sets),[lookup_global_constant/2]). | |
590 | % check if based on top-level the expression is constant, assuming all args are constant | |
591 | is_constant_expression(identifier(ID),LocalIds,Kind) :- !, | |
592 | (ord_member(ID,LocalIds) -> Kind = depends_on_local_ids([ID],not_expensive) | |
593 | ; b_is_constant(ID) -> Kind = not_expensive | |
594 | ; b_get_machine_set(ID) -> Kind = not_expensive | |
595 | ; lookup_global_constant(ID,_) -> Kind = not_expensive). % enumerated set element | |
596 | is_constant_expression(Expr,_,IsExpensive) :- is_constant_expression(Expr,IsExpensive). | |
597 | ||
598 | is_constant_expression(value(_),not_expensive). | |
599 | % literals: | |
600 | is_constant_expression(max_int,not_expensive). | |
601 | is_constant_expression(min_int,not_expensive). | |
602 | is_constant_expression(boolean_false,not_expensive). | |
603 | is_constant_expression(boolean_true,not_expensive). | |
604 | is_constant_expression(empty_set,not_expensive). | |
605 | is_constant_expression(empty_sequence,not_expensive). | |
606 | is_constant_expression(integer(_),not_expensive). | |
607 | is_constant_expression(real(_),not_expensive). | |
608 | is_constant_expression(string(_),not_expensive). | |
609 | ||
610 | is_constant_expression(bool_set,not_expensive). | |
611 | is_constant_expression(freetype_set(_),not_expensive). | |
612 | is_constant_expression(real_set,not_expensive). | |
613 | is_constant_expression(string_set,not_expensive). | |
614 | is_constant_expression(typeset,not_expensive). | |
615 | is_constant_expression(integer_set(_),not_expensive). | |
616 | % simple arithmetic: | |
617 | is_constant_expression(unary_minus(_),not_expensive). | |
618 | is_constant_expression(add(_,_),not_expensive). | |
619 | is_constant_expression(minus(_,_),not_expensive). | |
620 | is_constant_expression(multiplication(_,_),not_expensive). | |
621 | % just constructing values: | |
622 | is_constant_expression(couple(_,_),not_expensive). | |
623 | is_constant_expression(record_field(_,_),not_expensive). | |
624 | is_constant_expression(rec(_),not_expensive). | |
625 | is_constant_expression(set_extension(_),not_expensive). | |
626 | is_constant_expression(sequence_extension(_),not_expensive). | |
627 | is_constant_expression(interval(_,_),not_expensive). | |
628 | % simple deconstructing | |
629 | is_constant_expression(first_of_pair(_),not_expensive). | |
630 | is_constant_expression(second_of_pair(_),not_expensive). | |
631 | is_constant_expression(record_field(_,_),not_expensive). | |
632 | % just typing | |
633 | % TODO: return typing instead of not_expensive as result and check context used later | |
634 | is_constant_expression(pow_subset(_),not_expensive). | |
635 | is_constant_expression(fin_subset(_),not_expensive). | |
636 | is_constant_expression(pow1_subset(_),not_expensive). | |
637 | is_constant_expression(fin1_subset(_),not_expensive). | |
638 | is_constant_expression(seq(_),not_expensive). | |
639 | is_constant_expression(seq1(_),not_expensive). | |
640 | is_constant_expression(iseq(_),not_expensive). | |
641 | is_constant_expression(iseq1(_),not_expensive). | |
642 | is_constant_expression(cartesian_product(_,_),not_expensive). | |
643 | is_constant_expression(mult_or_cart(_,_),not_expensive). | |
644 | is_constant_expression(relations(_,_),not_expensive). | |
645 | is_constant_expression(relations(_,_),not_expensive). | |
646 | is_constant_expression(struct(_),not_expensive). | |
647 | % TO DO: card : trivial if avl_set; maybe we should do this after constants_analysis | |
648 | % TODO: detect some external function calls as not constant: RANDOM, ... | |
649 | ||
650 | %is_constant_expression(domain(_),not_expensive). % is not expensive for symbolic lambas, and reasonable for avl_set | |
651 | is_constant_expression(composition(_,_),is_expensive). | |
652 | is_constant_expression(image(_,_),is_expensive). | |
653 | is_constant_expression(iteration(_,_),is_expensive). | |
654 | is_constant_expression(concat(_,_),is_expensive). | |
655 | is_constant_expression(reflexive_closure(_),is_expensive). | |
656 | is_constant_expression(closure(_),is_expensive). | |
657 | is_constant_expression(union(_,_),is_expensive). | |
658 | is_constant_expression(intersection(_,_),is_expensive). | |
659 | ||
660 | is_constant_expression(_,is_expensive). | |
661 | ||
662 | % --------------------------- | |
663 | ||
664 | % perform some checks on symbolic values; look for obvious WD errors | |
665 | ||
666 | :- use_module(probsrc(bsyntaxtree),[map_over_typed_bexpr/2]). | |
667 | :- use_module(probsrc(state_space),[is_concrete_constants_state_id/1, visited_expression/2]). | |
668 | :- use_module(probsrc(specfile),[state_corresponds_to_set_up_constants/2]). | |
669 | ||
670 | check_concrete_constants :- is_concrete_constants_state_id(ID),!, | |
671 | check_values_in_state(ID). | |
672 | check_concrete_constants. | |
673 | ||
674 | check_values_in_state(ID) :- debug_format(19,'Checking values in state with id = ~w~n',[ID]), | |
675 | visited_expression(ID,State), | |
676 | state_corresponds_to_set_up_constants(State,EState), | |
677 | member(bind(VarID,Value),EState), | |
678 | check_symbolic_values(Value,VarID), | |
679 | fail. | |
680 | check_values_in_state(_). | |
681 | ||
682 | :- use_module(debug,[debug_println/2, debug_format/3]). | |
683 | :- use_module(error_manager,[add_error/3]). | |
684 | ||
685 | check_symbolic_values(Var,Ctxt) :- var(Var),!, | |
686 | add_error(bmachine_static_checks,'Value is a variable',Ctxt). | |
687 | check_symbolic_values(closure(_,_,Body),Ctxt) :- !, | |
688 | debug_format(19,'Checking symbolic value for ~w~n',[Ctxt]), | |
689 | map_over_typed_bexpr(check_symbolic_value(Ctxt),Body). | |
690 | check_symbolic_values(_,_). | |
691 | ||
692 | check_symbolic_value(Ctxt,b(E,T,I)) :- check_aux(E,T,I,Ctxt). | |
693 | ||
694 | check_aux(function(b(Func,_,_I1),_Arg),_,I2,Ctxt) :- % _I1 sometimes unknown | |
695 | % TO DO: check if Info contains WD flag | |
696 | check_is_partial_function(Func,I2,Ctxt). | |
697 | % TO DO: check sequence operators, ... | |
698 | ||
699 | :- use_module(custom_explicit_sets,[is_not_avl_partial_function/2]). | |
700 | :- use_module(library(avl),[avl_size/2]). | |
701 | :- use_module(probsrc(translate), [translate_bvalue_with_limit/3]). | |
702 | check_is_partial_function(value(Val),Info,Ctxt) :- nonvar(Val), Val=avl_set(AVL), | |
703 | is_not_avl_partial_function(AVL,DuplicateKey),!, | |
704 | avl_size(AVL,Size), | |
705 | translate_bvalue_with_limit(DuplicateKey,80,DKS), | |
706 | ajoin(['Relation of size ', Size, ' is not a function (value for ',Ctxt, '); duplicate key: '],Msg), | |
707 | add_warning(bmachine_static_checks,Msg,DKS,Info). | |
708 | check_is_partial_function(_,_,_). | |
709 | ||
710 | % --------------------- | |
711 | % Checks if some identifiers are not used / are useless | |
712 | % --------------------- | |
713 | ||
714 | :- use_module(bmachine,[b_is_unused_constant/1, get_constant_span/2]). | |
715 | check_unused_ids :- | |
716 | b_is_unused_constant(ID), | |
717 | get_constant_span(ID,Span), | |
718 | % TO DO: check if the constant is used to define other used constants | |
719 | (get_preference(filter_unused_constants,true) | |
720 | -> add_message(bmachine_static_checks,'This constant is not used outside of the PROPERTIES/axioms (and is filtered away because FILTER_UNUSED preference is TRUE): ',ID,Span) | |
721 | ; add_message(bmachine_static_checks,'This constant is not used outside of the PROPERTIES/axioms: ',ID,Span) | |
722 | ), | |
723 | fail. | |
724 | check_unused_ids. |