1 | | % (c) 2009-2024 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen, |
2 | | % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf |
3 | | % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html) |
4 | | |
5 | | |
6 | | :- module(b_interpreter, |
7 | | [b_test_boolean_expression/4, b_test_boolean_expression/6, |
8 | | %b_test_boolean_expression_wf/3, |
9 | | b_test_boolean_expression_cs/5, |
10 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state/4, b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state/5, |
11 | | % b_det_test_boolean_expression/6, |
12 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression/4, b_not_test_boolean_expression/6, |
13 | | %b_not_test_boolean_expression_wf/3, |
14 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression_cs/5, |
15 | | |
16 | | b_convert_bool/5, |
17 | | b_convert_bool_timeout/7, |
18 | | b_compute_expression/5, |
19 | | |
20 | | b_execute_top_level_statement/7, |
21 | | b_execute_statement_nowf/5, |
22 | | |
23 | | b_compute_expression_nowf/4, b_compute_expression_nowf/6, b_compute_expression_nowf/7, |
24 | | |
25 | | b_set_up_concrete_constants/2, b_partial_set_up_concrete_constants/1, |
26 | | b_initialise_machine/4, |
27 | | |
28 | | b_execute_top_level_operation_update/5, b_execute_top_level_operation_wf/8, |
29 | | |
30 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_set_wf/4, |
31 | | %state_satisfies_negation_of_invariant/1, |
32 | | |
33 | | b_state_violates_invariant/2, |
34 | | state_violates_assertions/2, |
35 | | analyse_invariant_for_state/1, |
36 | | |
37 | | insert_before_substitution_variables/5, % add $0 values to a store |
38 | | |
39 | | try_lookup_value_in_store_and_global_sets/3, lookup_value_in_store_and_global_sets_wf/7, |
40 | | set_up_typed_localstate/6, set_up_typed_localstate2/8, |
41 | | %set_up_localstate_for_let/7, |
42 | | |
43 | | set_projection_on_static_assertions/1, |
44 | | |
45 | | tcltk_unsatisfiable_components_exist/0, |
46 | | tcltk_quick_describe_unsat_properties/2, |
47 | | |
48 | | get_unsat_component_predicate/3, |
49 | | properties_were_filtered/1, % true if PROPERTIES / axioms filtered due to prob-ignore pragmas |
50 | | b_generate_for_all_list_domain_nolwf/8 % for predicate_evaluator |
51 | | ]). |
52 | | |
53 | | :- meta_predicate not_with_enum_warning_and_possible_delay(0,-,?,?,?). |
54 | | :- meta_predicate not_with_enum_warning_delay(0,-,?,?,?,?). |
55 | | |
56 | | %:- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler.pl'). |
57 | | %:- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler_te.pl'). |
58 | | %:- enable_profiling(b_test_boolean_expression/4). |
59 | | %:- enable_profiling(b_test_boolean_expression_cs/5). |
60 | | |
61 | | :- use_module(kernel_objects). |
62 | | :- use_module(bsets_clp). |
63 | | :- use_module(delay). |
64 | | |
65 | | |
66 | | :- use_module(kernel_mappings). |
67 | | :- use_module(b_global_sets). |
68 | | :- use_module(store). |
69 | | :- use_module(library(lists)). |
70 | | :- use_module(library(ordsets)). |
71 | | :- use_module(library(avl)). |
72 | | |
73 | | :- use_module(b_global_sets). |
74 | | :- use_module(bmachine). |
75 | | :- use_module(b_enumerate, [b_enumerate_values_in_store/5, |
76 | | b_tighter_enumerate_all_values/2, b_tighter_enumerate_values_in_ctxt/3]). |
77 | | :- use_module(debug). |
78 | | :- use_module(performance_messages). |
79 | | :- use_module(self_check). |
80 | | :- use_module(tools). |
81 | | |
82 | | :- use_module(module_information,[module_info/2]). |
83 | | :- module_info(group,interpreter). |
84 | | :- module_info(description,'This module provides the basic interpreter for expressions, predicates and substitutions.'). |
85 | | |
86 | | :- use_module(preferences). |
87 | | :- use_module(error_manager). |
88 | | :- use_module(typechecker). |
89 | | :- use_module(specfile,[state_corresponds_to_initialised_b_machine/2 |
90 | | ,state_corresponds_to_set_up_constants_only/2]). |
91 | | |
92 | | :- use_module(bsyntaxtree). |
93 | | |
94 | | :- use_module(translate). |
95 | | |
96 | | :- use_module(kernel_waitflags). |
97 | | :- use_module(kernel_reals). |
98 | | :- use_module(kernel_records). |
99 | | |
100 | | :- use_module(kodkodsrc(kodkod),[kodkod_request/5]). |
101 | | |
102 | | :- use_module(custom_explicit_sets). |
103 | | :- use_module(closures,[is_symbolic_closure/1, |
104 | | mark_closure_as_symbolic/2, mark_closure_as_recursive/2, mark_closure/3]). |
105 | | |
106 | | :- use_module(state_space). |
107 | | :- use_module(b_interpreter_eventb). |
108 | | :- use_module(tools_printing,[print_term_summary/1,print_functor/1]). |
109 | | :- use_module(value_persistance,[load_partial_constants/3,lookup_cached_transitions/3]). |
110 | | :- use_module(extrasrc(b_expression_sharing),[is_lazy_let_identifier/1]). |
111 | | :- use_module(bool_pred,[negate/2]). |
112 | | :- use_module(smt_solvers_interface(smt_solvers_interface),[smt_add_predicate/5]). |
113 | | |
114 | | :- use_module(debug). |
115 | | :- use_module(external_functions). |
116 | | |
117 | | :- use_module(static_ordering,[sort_ids_by_usage/4,reorder_state/3]). |
118 | | %:- use_module(bsyntaxtree,[predicate_has_ignore_pragma/1]). |
119 | | :- use_module(tools_lists,[exclude_count/4, optimized_nth1/3]). |
120 | | :- use_module(tools_meta, [safe_time_out/3]). |
121 | | |
122 | | :- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, codes). |
123 | | |
124 | | /* ----------------------------------*/ |
125 | | |
126 | | /* For partial evaluation */ |
127 | | |
128 | | %:- use_module('~/cvs_root/cogen2/logen_source/runtime/logen_dispatcher.pl'). |
129 | | |
130 | | % new profiler |
131 | | %:- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler.pl'). |
132 | | %:- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler_te.pl'). |
133 | | %:- enable_profiling_naming(b_interpreter:b_state_violates_invariant_aux/2,name). |
134 | | |
135 | | %name(b_interpreter:b_state_violates_invariant_aux,_,INVERIANT). |
136 | | |
137 | | %b_state_violates_invariant(ID,State) :- |
138 | | % b_intepreter:b_state_violates_invariant_aux(ID,State). |
139 | | |
140 | | % old profiler |
141 | | :- use_module(runtime_profiler,[profile_single_call/3]). |
142 | | |
143 | | % called by force_check_invariantKO and indirectly by model_checker (State was prepare_state_for_specfile_trans ) |
144 | | b_state_violates_invariant(ID,State) :- |
145 | | b_state_violates_invariant_aux(ID,State). |
146 | | |
147 | | b_state_violates_invariant_aux(ID,CurBState) :- |
148 | | retract(specialized_inv(ID,AVL)), % Note: when we assert this we check that invariant holds in predecessor state |
149 | | intersect_invs(AVL,SPO), !, |
150 | | (SPO = b(truth,_,_) -> fail |
151 | | ; profile_single_call('INVARIANT-Specialized',ID,b_interpreter:b_state_violates_spec_invariant(ID,SPO,CurBState))). |
152 | | b_state_violates_invariant_aux(ID,CurBState) :- |
153 | | profile_single_call('INVARIANT',ID,b_interpreter:state_violates_invariant(ID,CurBState)). |
154 | | |
155 | | b_state_violates_spec_invariant(ID,SPO,CurBState) :- |
156 | | \+ check_invariant_predicate_with_time_out(ID,SPO,CurBState). |
157 | | |
158 | | intersect_invs(invariant_preserved,Inv) :- !, Inv= b(truth,pred,[]). |
159 | | intersect_invs([],Inv) :- !, add_internal_error('Illegal empty specialized inv list:', intersect_invs([],Inv)), |
160 | | Inv = b(falsity,pred,[]). |
161 | | intersect_invs(A,InvList) :- |
162 | | avl_domain(A,OpList), |
163 | | get_mask(OpList,Mask), %print(check(OpList,Mask)),nl, |
164 | | findall(nth1_invariant(Nr), member(Nr,Mask), InvList). |
165 | | |
166 | | % intersect all masks of specialized invariant nrs to be checked |
167 | | get_mask([],[]). |
168 | | get_mask([H|T],Res) :- |
169 | | b_specialized_invariant_mask_for_op(H,Mask),get_mask3(T,Mask,Res). |
170 | | get_mask3([],Acc,Acc). |
171 | | get_mask3([H|T],Acc,Res) :- |
172 | | b_specialized_invariant_mask_for_op(H,Mask), |
173 | | ord_intersection(Mask,Acc,A1), |
174 | | get_mask3(T,A1,Res). |
175 | | /* ----------------------------------*/ |
176 | | |
177 | | :- load_files(library(system), [when(compile_time), imports([environ/2])]). |
178 | | |
179 | | |
180 | | state_satisfies_invariant_aux(ID,State) :- |
181 | | check_invariant_with_time_out(ID,State). % version without partial evaluation |
182 | | |
183 | | |
184 | | :- use_module(library(timeout)). |
185 | | |
186 | | :- use_module(tools_printing,[format_with_colour_nl/4]). |
187 | | :- use_module(probsrc(specfile),[prepare_state_for_specfile_trans/3]). |
188 | | % called by prob_cli when invariant violation found: |
189 | | % we no longer have access to the specialized_inv facts |
190 | | analyse_invariant_for_state(ID) :- |
191 | | b_invariant_number_list(InvList), |
192 | | visited_expression(ID,State), |
193 | | prepare_state_for_specfile_trans(State,ID,PreparedCurState), |
194 | | maplist(check_invariant(ID,PreparedCurState),InvList). |
195 | | check_invariant(ID,State,InvariantNr) :- |
196 | | enter_new_error_scope(L,check_invariant), |
197 | | check_invariant_predicate_with_time_out_res(InvariantNr,State,TimeOutRes), |
198 | | (TimeOutRes=success -> true |
199 | | ; InvariantNr = nth1_invariant(Nr), |
200 | | b_nth1_invariant(Nr,Invariant,_UsedIds), |
201 | | translate_bexpression_with_limit(Invariant,TS), |
202 | | translate_span(Invariant,SpanStr), |
203 | | (TimeOutRes=failure -> InvRes=false ; InvRes=unknown), |
204 | | format_with_colour_nl(user_output,[red,bold], |
205 | | '*** Invariant ~w ~w is ~w (in state with id ~w):~n ~w',[Nr,SpanStr,InvRes,ID,TS]), |
206 | | % add_message(check_invariant,'Invariant false: ',Nr,TS), |
207 | | (debug_mode(off) -> true |
208 | | ; translate:print_bstate(State),nl |
209 | | ) |
210 | | % TODO: pass check dot_file_prefix or similar to analyse_invariant_for_state and call: |
211 | | % bvisual:get_tree_from_expr(Tree, Invariant, [], State), |
212 | | % bvisual:write_dot_graph_to_file(Tree,'invariant.dot') |
213 | | ), exit_error_scope(L,_ErrOcc,check_invariant). |
214 | | |
215 | | |
216 | | |
217 | | check_invariant_with_time_out(ID,State) :- |
218 | | %b_get_invariant_from_machine(Invariant), |
219 | | b_invariant_number_list(InvList), % ensures operation caching can be applied |
220 | | % TO DO: we could just get unproven invariants; unless we are in an initial state |
221 | | check_invariant_predicate_with_time_out(ID,InvList,State). |
222 | | |
223 | | |
224 | | check_invariant_predicate_with_time_out(ID,Invariant,State) :- |
225 | | (check_invariant_predicate_with_time_out_res(Invariant,State,TimeOutRes) |
226 | | -> check_time_out_res(TimeOutRes,ID)). |
227 | | |
228 | | check_invariant_predicate_with_time_out_res(b(truth,_,_),_State,TimeOutRes) :- !, % only typing in invariant |
229 | | TimeOutRes = success. |
230 | | check_invariant_predicate_with_time_out_res(Invariant,State,TimeOutRes) :- |
231 | | set_error_context(checking_invariant), |
232 | | preferences:get_computed_preference(debug_time_out,DebugTimeOut), |
233 | | call_cleanup( |
234 | | (time_out_with_enum_warning_one_solution_no_new_error_scope( |
235 | | b_interpreter:check_invariant_predicate_aux(Invariant,State ), |
236 | | DebugTimeOut,TimeOutRes) |
237 | | -> true |
238 | | ; TimeOutRes = failure), |
239 | | clear_error_context). |
240 | | |
241 | | % process typed predicates, lists and special invariant(Nr) terms |
242 | | check_invariant_predicate_aux(nth1_invariant(Nr),State) :- !, |
243 | | (get_preference(try_operation_reuse,false) |
244 | | -> check_nth1_invariant(Nr,State) |
245 | | ; \+ b_operation_cache:check_invariant_violated_cache(Nr,State) % will call check_nth1_invariant if necessary |
246 | | % note : for performance it is important that the State is prepared but not expanded |
247 | | % (e.g. it should be expanded_const_and_vars with the info field containing the packed state) |
248 | | ). |
249 | | check_invariant_predicate_aux([],_) :- !. |
250 | | check_invariant_predicate_aux([H|T],State) :- !, |
251 | | check_invariant_predicate_aux(H,State), |
252 | | check_invariant_predicate_aux(T,State). |
253 | | check_invariant_predicate_aux(Invariant,State) :- |
254 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state(Invariant,[],State,'INVARIANT',0). |
255 | | |
256 | | % check the nth invariant |
257 | | check_nth1_invariant(Nr,State) :- |
258 | | if(b_nth1_invariant(Nr,Invariant,_UsedIds), |
259 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state(Invariant,[],State,'INVARIANT',Nr), % add Nr to call_stack |
260 | | add_internal_error('Invariant does not exist:',Nr)). |
261 | | |
262 | | |
263 | | check_time_out_res(time_out,ID) :- !, |
264 | | format('**** TIMEOUT during invariant evaluation in state ~w!~n',[ID]), |
265 | | assert_time_out_for_invariant(ID), |
266 | | fail. |
267 | | check_time_out_res(virtual_time_out(_WARNING),ID) :- !, |
268 | | format('**** VIRTUAL TIMEOUT during invariant evaluation in state ~w!~n',[ID]), |
269 | | assert_time_out_for_invariant(ID), |
270 | | fail. |
271 | | check_time_out_res(failure,_) :- !, fail. |
272 | | check_time_out_res(_,_). |
273 | | |
274 | | % b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state: |
275 | | % idea: check each conjunct individually; avoids multiplication of choice points between conjuncts |
276 | | |
277 | | :- use_module(specfile,[expand_const_and_vars_to_full_store/2]). |
278 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state(b(Expr,_,Infos),LS,S,PredKind) :- |
279 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state(b(Expr,_,Infos),LS,S,PredKind,0). |
280 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state(b(Expr,_,Infos),LS,S,PredKind,Nr) :- |
281 | | expand_const_and_vars_to_full_store(S,FS), % ensure we have full store |
282 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state2(Expr,Infos,LS,FS,PredKind,Nr). |
283 | | |
284 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state1(b(Expr,_,Infos),LS,S,Kind,Nr) :- !, |
285 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state2(Expr,Infos,LS,S,Kind,Nr). |
286 | | |
287 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state2(conjunct(LHS,RHS),_,LocalState,State,Kind,Nr) :- !, |
288 | | % usually LHS is the nested conjunct and RHS atomic: |
289 | | %it would be better to swap LHS and RHS: but does not seem to buy anything |
290 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state1(LHS,LocalState,State,Kind,Nr), |
291 | | !, % do we need this cut; it makes partial evaluation more tricky |
292 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state1(RHS,LocalState,State,Kind,Nr). |
293 | | % TO DO: treate lazy_let_pred ? |
294 | | b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state2(BE,Infos,LS,S,Kind,Nr) :- |
295 | | b_test_boolean_expression_cs(b(BE,pred,Infos),LS,S,Kind,Nr). |
296 | | |
297 | | state_violates_invariant(ID,State) :- |
298 | | State \== root, |
299 | | State \= concrete_constants(_), % machine not yet initialised (cf state_corresponds_to_initialised_b_machine) |
300 | | \+(state_satisfies_invariant_aux(ID,State)). |
301 | | |
302 | | |
303 | | % new profiler |
304 | | %:- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler.pl'). |
305 | | %:- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler_te.pl'). |
306 | | %:- enable_profiling_naming(b_interpreter:state_violates_assertions_aux/2,name2). |
307 | | |
308 | | %name2(b_interpreter:state_violates_assertions_aux,_,ASSERTIONS). |
309 | | |
310 | | %state_violates_assertions(ID,State) :- |
311 | | % b_interpreter:state_violates_assertions_aux(ID,State). |
312 | | |
313 | | % old profiler |
314 | | :- use_module(runtime_profiler,[profile_single_call/3]). |
315 | | :- use_module(bmachine,[get_assertions_from_machine/2, b_machine_has_dynamic_assertions/0, b_machine_has_static_assertions/0]). |
316 | | state_violates_assertions(ID,State) :- |
317 | | profile_single_call('ASSERTIONS',ID,b_interpreter:state_violates_assertions_aux(ID,State)). |
318 | | state_violates_assertions_aux(ID,State) :- |
319 | | b_machine_has_dynamic_assertions, |
320 | | state_corresponds_to_initialised_b_machine(State,BState), !, |
321 | | \+(state_satisfies_assertions(ID,dynamic,BState)). |
322 | | state_violates_assertions_aux(ID,State) :- |
323 | | b_machine_has_static_assertions, |
324 | | state_corresponds_to_set_up_constants_only(State,BState), |
325 | | \+(state_satisfies_assertions(ID,static,BState)). |
326 | | state_satisfies_assertions(ID,Type,State) :- |
327 | | ( get_assertions_from_machine(Type,Ass) -> |
328 | | set_error_context(checking_assertions), |
329 | | %enter_new_error_scope(Level,checking_assertions), |
330 | | preferences:get_computed_preference(debug_time_out,DebugTimeOut), |
331 | | %print(checking_assertions(ID)),nl, |
332 | | time_out_with_enum_warning_one_solution( |
333 | | b_test_list_of_boolean_expression_for_ground_state(Ass,'ASSERTION ',[],State), |
334 | | DebugTimeOut,TimeOutRes, clear_errors), |
335 | | % TO DO: in case of a virtual time-out (cf UML-B/drone_2_error.eventb) we could try and continue with the next assertion |
336 | | clear_error_context, |
337 | | (nonvar(TimeOutRes), |
338 | | (TimeOutRes == time_out, Kind='TIMEOUT' ; TimeOutRes = virtual_time_out(_), Kind = 'Virtual TIMEOUT') |
339 | | -> format('~n*** ~w during assertion checking for state id ~w!~n',[Kind,ID]), |
340 | | assert_time_out_for_assertions(ID) |
341 | | ; true |
342 | | ) |
343 | | ; true |
344 | | ). |
345 | | |
346 | | |
347 | | |
348 | | /* ----------------------------------*/ |
349 | | /* b_test_boolean_expression */ |
350 | | /* ----------------------------------*/ |
351 | | |
352 | | |
353 | | :- type variable_id_list +--> list(type(variable_id)). |
354 | | |
355 | | :- type boolean_expression +--> call(bsyntaxtree:check_if_typed_predicate). |
356 | | |
357 | | % used for testing ASSERTIONS on a fully ground state |
358 | | b_test_list_of_boolean_expression_for_ground_state(List,PredKind,LS,S) :- |
359 | | b_test_list_of_boolean_expression_aux(List,PredKind,1,LS,S). |
360 | | |
361 | | b_test_list_of_boolean_expression_aux([],_,_,_,_). |
362 | | b_test_list_of_boolean_expression_aux([B1|T],PredKind,Nr,LS,S) :- %nl,print(nr(PredKind,Nr)),nl, |
363 | | (b_test_boolean_expression_for_ground_state1(B1,LS,S,PredKind,Nr) |
364 | | -> N1 is Nr+1, b_test_list_of_boolean_expression_aux(T,PredKind,N1,LS,S) |
365 | | ; silent_mode(off), |
366 | | (critical_enumeration_warning_occured_in_error_scope -> Res='UNKNOWN' |
367 | | ; abort_error_occured_in_error_scope -> Res ='NOT-WELL-DEFINED' |
368 | | ; Res='false'), |
369 | | ajoin([PredKind, Nr, ' is ', Res,': '],Msg), |
370 | | add_message(b_interpreter,Msg,B1,B1), % TO DO: get just label/location? |
371 | | fail). |
372 | | |
373 | | |
374 | | :- use_module(b_interpreter_components). |
375 | | |
376 | | |
377 | | :- assert_pre(b_interpreter:b_test_boolean_expression_cs(E,LS,S,_,_), |
378 | | (bsyntaxtree:check_if_typed_predicate(E),type_check(LS,store),type_check(S,store) )). |
379 | | :- assert_post(b_interpreter:b_test_boolean_expression_cs(_,_,_,_,_), true ). |
380 | | |
381 | | |
382 | | % --------------------- BOOLEAN EXPRESSIONS ---------------------------- |
383 | | |
384 | | :- use_module(b_interpreter_check). |
385 | | :- use_module(kernel_propagation, [do_not_enumerate_binary_boolean_operator/3]). |
386 | | |
387 | | % a version where we can provide an initial call stack entry for context |
388 | | b_test_boolean_expression_cs(E,LS,S,PredKind,Nr) :- |
389 | | init_wait_flags_cs(E,PredKind,Nr,b_test_boolean_expression_cs,WF), |
390 | | % TO DO: call b_trace_test_components ? |
391 | | b_test_boolean_expression(E,LS,S,WF), |
392 | | ground_wait_flags(WF). |
393 | | |
394 | | init_wait_flags_cs(E,PredKind,Nr,PP,WF) :- |
395 | | (PredKind=none -> init_wait_flags(WF,[PP]) |
396 | | ; get_texpr_pos(E,Pos), |
397 | | CallStackEntry = prob_command_context(check_pred_command(PredKind,Nr),Pos), |
398 | | init_wait_flags_and_push_call_stack(no_wf_available,CallStackEntry,WF) |
399 | | ). |
400 | | |
401 | | |
402 | | b_test_boolean_expression(b(Expr,_,Infos),LS,S,WF) :- !, |
403 | | (b_interpreter_check:composed(Expr) -> empty_avl(Ai) |
404 | | ; Ai = no_avl), % simple expression: no sharing is possible: no need to register expressions |
405 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(Expr,Infos,LS,S,WF,Ai,_). |
406 | | b_test_boolean_expression(E,LS,S,WF) :- % will generate error message |
407 | | empty_avl(Ai), b_test_boolean_expression(E,LS,S,WF,Ai,_). |
408 | | |
409 | | :- assert_pre(b_interpreter:b_test_boolean_expression(E,LS,S,WF), |
410 | | (nonvar(E),bsyntaxtree:check_if_typed_predicate(E),type_check(LS,store),type_check(S,store), |
411 | | type_check(WF,wait_flag))). |
412 | | :- assert_post(b_interpreter:b_test_boolean_expression(_,_,_,WF), type_check(WF,wait_flag)). |
413 | | |
414 | | |
415 | | %b_test_boolean_expression(Expr,_,_,_) :- print('test: '),translate:print_bexpr(Expr),nl,print(Expr),nl,fail. %% |
416 | | |
417 | | :- load_files(library(system), [when(compile_time), imports([environ/2])]). |
418 | | :- if(environ(prob_debug_watch_flag,true)). |
419 | | b_test_boolean_expressiond(b(Expr,_,Infos),LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
420 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(Expr,Infos,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao). |
421 | | b_test_boolean_expression(Expr,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
422 | | (waitflag0_is_set(WF) |
423 | | -> debug:watch(300,b_interpreter:b_test_boolean_expressiond(Expr,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao)) |
424 | | ; debug:watch_det(300,b_interpreter:b_test_boolean_expressiond(Expr,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao)) ). |
425 | | :- else. |
426 | | b_test_boolean_expression(b(Expr,Type,Infos),LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
427 | | (preference(smt_supported_interpreter,true) |
428 | | -> b_test_boolean_expression2(Expr,Infos,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao), |
429 | | get_wait_flag1(smt_call,WF,BeforeEnumWF), |
430 | | gensym:gensym(smt_assertion_name,Symbol), |
431 | | smt_add_predicate(BeforeEnumWF,b(Expr,Type,Infos),LS,S,Symbol) |
432 | | ; |
433 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(Expr,Infos,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao)). |
434 | | :- endif. |
435 | | b_test_boolean_expression(E,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
436 | | add_internal_error('Boolean expression not properly wrapped: ', |
437 | | b_test_boolean_expression(E,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao)), |
438 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(E,[],LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao). |
439 | | |
440 | | |
441 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(truth,_,_,_,_WF,Ai,Ao) :- !,Ai=Ao. |
442 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(falsity,_,_,_,_WF,_Ai,_Ao) :- !,fail. |
443 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(negation(BExpr),_,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
444 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(BExpr,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao). |
445 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(conjunct(LHS,RHS),_,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
446 | | b_test_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Aii), |
447 | | b_test_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii,Ao). |
448 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(implication(LHS,RHS),Info,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
449 | | %b_compiler:b_compile(LHS,[],LocalState,State,CLHS), % this slows down Cruise benchmark from 3.75 s to 4.3 |
450 | | !, |
451 | | b_test_implication(LHS,RHS,Info,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao). |
452 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(equivalence(LHS,RHS),_,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
453 | | b_test_equivalence(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao). |
454 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(disjunct(LHS,RHS),Info,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
455 | | % TO DO: normalise disjunct first ? |
456 | | copy_wf_start(WF,disjunct,CWF), |
457 | | if(b_check_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,CWF,PredRes,Ai,Aii), |
458 | | % we can check lhs |
459 | | if(b_interpreter_check:b_check_boolean_expression0(pred_false,PredRes,RHS,LocalState,State,CWF,RR,Aii,Ao), |
460 | | ( /* we can also check rhs */ |
461 | | b_interpreter_check:disjoin(PredRes,RR,pred_true,LHS,RHS,WF), |
462 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF) |
463 | | ), |
464 | | ( |
465 | | Ao=Aii, |
466 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF), |
467 | | imply_test_boolean_expression(PredRes,pred_false,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii), |
468 | | perfmessagecall(choice_point,reification_of_disjunction_rhs_failed,translate:print_bexpr(RHS),Info), |
469 | | enumerate_bool(PredRes,15,WF) |
470 | | ) |
471 | | ), |
472 | | % we cannot check lhs |
473 | | if((always_well_defined(RHS), |
474 | | b_check_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,CWF,PredRes,Ai,Aii)), |
475 | | ( |
476 | | Ao=Aii, |
477 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF), |
478 | | imply_test_boolean_expression(PredRes,pred_false,LHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii), |
479 | | perfmessagecall(choice_point,reification_of_disjunction_lhs_failed,translate:print_bexpr(LHS),Info), |
480 | | enumerate_bool(PredRes,15,WF) |
481 | | ), |
482 | | % we cannot check neither lhs nor rhs: |
483 | | (Ai=Ao, |
484 | | get_priority_of_boolean_expression2(disjunct(LHS,RHS),StartPrio), |
485 | | %get_wait_flag(Prio,disjunct,WF,WF2), |
486 | | get_binary_choice_wait_flag_exp_backoff(StartPrio,disjunct,WF,WF2), |
487 | | % be sure that e.g. for (x=2 or x=3) both branches will be tested once deterministic propagation is over |
488 | | %print(prio(Prio)), print(' : '),print_bexpr(LHS), print(' or '), print_bexpr(RHS),nl, |
489 | | perfmessagecall(choice_point,reification_of_disjunction_failed,translate:print_bexpr(b(disjunct(LHS,RHS),pred,Info)),Info), |
490 | | b_test_disjunction(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,WF2,Ai) |
491 | | ) |
492 | | ) |
493 | | ). |
494 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(exists(Parameters,RHS),Infos,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !,Ai=Ao, |
495 | | b_test_exists(Parameters,RHS,Infos,LocalState,State,WF). |
496 | | %b_test_boolean_expression2(forall(PARS,LHS,RHS),_Inf,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
497 | | % PARS = [b(identifier(R1),integer,_),b(identifier(R2),integer,_)], |
498 | | % LHS = b(conjunct(b(conjunct(MEM1,MEM2),pred,_I1),NEQ),pred,_I2), |
499 | | % NEQ = b(not_equal(b(identifier(RR1),integer,_I3),b(identifier(RR2),integer,_I4)),pred,_I5), |
500 | | % (RR1=R1, RR2=R2 ; RR1=R2, RR2=R1), |
501 | | % MEM1 = b(member(b(identifier(RRR1),integer,_),b(SET,set(integer),_)),pred,_), |
502 | | % MEM2 = b(member(b(identifier(RRR2),integer,_),b(SET,set(integer),_)),pred,_), |
503 | | % (RRR1=R1, RRR2=R2 ; RRR1=R2, RRR2=R1), |
504 | | % /* TO DO: check that RHS is symmetric ! */ /* TO DO : generalize symmetry breaking */ |
505 | | % !, % print(symmetry_breaking_forall(R1,R2)),nl, |
506 | | % GT = b(less(b(identifier(R1),integer,_I3),b(identifier(R2),integer,_I4)),pred,_I5), |
507 | | % NewLHS = b(conjunct(b(conjunct(MEM1,MEM2),pred,_I1),GT),pred,_I2), |
508 | | % b_test_boolean_expression2(forall(PARS,NewLHS,RHS),_Inf,LocalState,State,WF). |
509 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(forall(Parameters,LHS,RHS),Infos,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !,Ai=Ao, |
510 | | /* !ID.(LHS => RHS) */ |
511 | | % print_message(forall(Parameters,LHS,RHS)), |
512 | | % get_wait_flag0(WF,WF0), when(nonvar(WF0), |
513 | | b_for_all(Parameters,Infos,LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF). %). |
514 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(let_predicate(Ids,AssignmentExprs,Pred),Infos,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
515 | | Ai=Ao, % any expression inside the LET cannot be safely reused |
516 | | (is_truth(Pred) |
517 | | -> % useless let, only sense of computations below is in detecting WD errors |
518 | | get_enumeration_starting_wait_flag(useless_let_predicate(Ids),WF,ESWF), |
519 | | when(nonvar(ESWF),set_up_localstate_for_let(Ids,_,AssignmentExprs,LocalState,State,_LetState,WF)) |
520 | | ; set_up_localstate_for_let(Ids,ParaValues,AssignmentExprs,LocalState,State,LetState,WF), |
521 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_quantifier_info(WF,let_quantifier,Ids,ParaValues,Infos,WF2), |
522 | | b_test_boolean_expression(Pred,LetState,State,WF2)). % we could pass Ai in if Ids fresh |
523 | | |
524 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(lazy_let_pred(Id,AssignmentExpr,Expr),_I,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
525 | | add_lazy_let_id_and_expression(Id,AssignmentExpr,LocalState,State,NewLocalState,WF,Ai), |
526 | | b_test_boolean_expression(Expr,NewLocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao). % we could use Ai,Ao version as lazy lets never interfere with each other and never invalidate existing expressions |
527 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(lazy_lookup_pred(Id),_Info,LocalState,_State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, Ai=Ao, |
528 | | lookup_value_for_existing_id_wf(Id,LocalState,(Trigger,Value),WF), % should normally only occur in LocalState; value introduced by lazy_let |
529 | | (Trigger,Value) = (pred_true,pred_true). % force evaluation |
530 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(value(PredVal),_Info,_LocalState,_State,_WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, % this can occur when lazy_lookup_pred gets compiled by b_compiler |
531 | | is_pred_true(PredVal),Ai=Ao. |
532 | | b_test_boolean_expression2(Pred,Info,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
533 | | % TO DO: we could put some of the operators into the Ai store (comparison operators) |
534 | | b_interpreter_check:register_predicate(Pred,Info,pred_true,Reused,Ai,Ao), |
535 | | (Reused==true |
536 | | -> %% print('REUSED: '), translate:print_bexpr(Pred),nl |
537 | | true |
538 | | ; b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(Pred,Info,LocalState,State,WF)). |
539 | | |
540 | | :- block is_pred_true(-). |
541 | | is_pred_true(X) :- (X=pred_true -> true ; X=pred_false -> fail ; add_internal_error('Illegal call: ',is_pred_true(X)),fail). |
542 | | :- block is_pred_false(-). |
543 | | is_pred_false(X) :- (X=pred_false -> true ; X=pred_true -> fail ; add_internal_error('Illegal call: ',is_pred_false(X)),fail). |
544 | | |
545 | | |
546 | | % we could simply call disjunct(NegLHS,RHS) ? |
547 | | % A => B has more of a feeling of a passive constraint than A or B |
548 | | % hence we use a lower priority here for enumerate_bool below and do not |
549 | | % try to reify rhs if lhs reification failed (but maybe we should) |
550 | | b_test_implication(LHS,RHS,_Info,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
551 | | copy_wf_start(WF,implication,CWF), |
552 | | if(b_check_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,CWF,PredRes,Ai,Aii), |
553 | | %% print('checking => '), print_bexpr(LHS), print(' '), print(PredRes),nl, |
554 | | %% The following improves constraint propagation; but can be tricky with undefinedness |
555 | | if((var(PredRes),always_well_defined(RHS), |
556 | | b_check_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,CWF,RHSPredRes,Aii,Ao)), |
557 | | (/* also propagate from right to left */ |
558 | | b_interpreter_check:imply_true(PredRes,RHSPredRes), |
559 | | perfmessage_bexpr(good(reify),'Fully reified implication with LHS: ',LHS), |
560 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF) |
561 | | ), |
562 | | ( Aii=Ao, |
563 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF), |
564 | | imply_test_boolean_expression(PredRes,pred_true,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii), |
565 | | (nonvar(PredRes) -> true |
566 | | ; performance_monitoring_on, |
567 | | \+always_well_defined(RHS) -> perfmessage_bexpr(reify,'Cannot reify RHS of => due to WD condition, creating choice point:',RHS) |
568 | | ; perfmessage_bexpr(reify,'Cannot reify RHS of =>, creating choice point:',RHS) |
569 | | ), |
570 | | enumerate_bool(PredRes,10000,WF) % lower priority than disjunction (15); we could use last_finite_priority ? |
571 | | ) |
572 | | ), |
573 | | ( Ai=Ao, |
574 | | perfmessage_bexpr(reify,'Cannot reify LHS of =>, creating binary choice point:',LHS), |
575 | | get_binary_choice_wait_flag(implication,WF,WF2), |
576 | | block_test_implication(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,WF2) |
577 | | ) |
578 | | ). |
579 | | |
580 | | % ------------ |
581 | | |
582 | | :- discontiguous b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2/5. |
583 | | %b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(Expr,T,LocalState,State,WF) :- print(eval(Expr,T)),nl,fail. |
584 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(partition(LHS,RHS),_,LocalState,State,WF) :- !, |
585 | | b_compute_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), %print(lhs(SV1)),nl, |
586 | | l_compute_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,SV2,WF), % RHS is Prolog list of expressions |
587 | | kernel_call_predicate(partition_wf(SV1,SV2,WF),kernel_objects,WF,partition(LHS,RHS)). |
588 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(member(TElem,TSet),_,LocalState,State,WF) :- !, |
589 | | b_test_member_expression(TElem,TSet,LocalState,State,WF). |
590 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(not_member(TElem,TSet),Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- !, |
591 | | get_texpr_expr(TSet,Set), |
592 | | b_test_notmember_expression(Set,TElem,TSet,Info,LocalState,State,WF). |
593 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(freetype_case(Freetype,Case,Expr),_,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
594 | | !,equal_object_wf(Value,freeval(Freetype,Case,_),b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2,WF), |
595 | | b_compute_expression(Expr,LocalState,State,Value,WF). % NOT COVERED (16) |
596 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(finite(SetExpr),_,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
597 | | !, b_compute_expression(SetExpr,LocalState,State,Value,WF), |
598 | | kernel_call_predicate(is_finite_set_wf(Value,WF),kernel_objects,WF,finite(SetExpr)). |
599 | | /* Extension for Kodkod */ |
600 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(kodkod(ProblemId,_),_,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
601 | | !,get_wait_flag1(kodkod_call,WF,WF0), |
602 | | kodkod_request(ProblemId,pos,LocalState,State,WF0). % NOT COVERED (17) |
603 | | %b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(equal(Arg1,Arg2),_,LocalState,State,WF) :- get_texpr_type(Arg1,integer),!, |
604 | | % b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,ExprRes,WF), |
605 | | % b_compute_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,ExprRes,WF). /* avoids one extra variable compared to code below + could fail earlier ; but problem as b_compute_expression still uses = in some places */ |
606 | | |
607 | | :- include(b_arithmetic_expressions). |
608 | | %The following clause improves Nqueens performance by about 50 %; by avoiding intermediate variables |
609 | | % TO DO: do the same for >, <, >= ... |
610 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(equal(Arg1,Arg2),Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- !, |
611 | | b_test_atomic_equal_boolean_expression(Arg1,Arg2,Info,LocalState,State,WF). |
612 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(not_equal(Arg1,Arg2),Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- !, |
613 | | b_test_atomic_not_equal_boolean_expression(Arg1,Arg2,Info,LocalState,State,WF). |
614 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(less_equal(Arg1,Arg2),_Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
615 | | %get_texpr_type(Arg1,integer), % type checker already checks this |
616 | | preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,true), |
617 | | %\+ member(no_clpfd_arith_integer_expression,Info), |
618 | | !, |
619 | | b_compute_arith_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,CLPFD_Expr1,WF), |
620 | | b_compute_arith_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,CLPFD_Expr2,WF), |
621 | | clpfd_interface:clpfd_leq_expr(CLPFD_Expr1,CLPFD_Expr2). |
622 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(greater_equal(Arg1,Arg2),_Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
623 | | %get_texpr_type(Arg1,integer), % type checker already checks this |
624 | | preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,true), |
625 | | %\+ member(no_clpfd_arith_integer_expression,Info), |
626 | | !, |
627 | | b_compute_arith_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,CLPFD_Expr1,WF), |
628 | | b_compute_arith_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,CLPFD_Expr2,WF), |
629 | | clpfd_interface:clpfd_leq_expr(CLPFD_Expr2,CLPFD_Expr1). |
630 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(less(Arg1,Arg2),_Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
631 | | %get_texpr_type(Arg1,integer), % type checker already checks this |
632 | | preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,true), |
633 | | % \+ member(no_clpfd_arith_integer_expression,Info), |
634 | | !, |
635 | | b_compute_arith_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,CLPFD_Expr1,WF), |
636 | | b_compute_arith_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,CLPFD_Expr2,WF), |
637 | | clpfd_interface:clpfd_lt_expr(CLPFD_Expr1,CLPFD_Expr2). |
638 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(greater(Arg1,Arg2),_Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
639 | | %get_texpr_type(Arg1,integer), % type checker already checks this |
640 | | preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,true), |
641 | | %\+ member(no_clpfd_arith_integer_expression,Info), |
642 | | !, |
643 | | b_compute_arith_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,CLPFD_Expr1,WF), |
644 | | b_compute_arith_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,CLPFD_Expr2,WF), |
645 | | clpfd_interface:clpfd_lt_expr(CLPFD_Expr2,CLPFD_Expr1). |
646 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(external_pred_call(FunName,Args),Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
647 | | !, |
648 | | (do_not_evaluate_args(FunName) -> EvaluatedArgs=[] |
649 | | ; b_compute_expressions(Args, LocalState,State, EvaluatedArgs, WF)), |
650 | | push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,external_call(FunName,EvaluatedArgs,Info),WF2), |
651 | | call_external_predicate(FunName,Args,EvaluatedArgs,LocalState,State,pred_true,Info,WF2). |
652 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(Expression,Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
653 | | preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false), |
654 | | special_binary_predicate(Expression,Module:Kernel_predicate,Arg1,T1,Arg2,T2), |
655 | | (nonmember(contains_wd_condition,Info) -> true ; preference(disprover_mode,true)), |
656 | | !, |
657 | | % print('Special call: '), print_bexpr(Expression),nl, print(Kernel_predicate),print(' : '),nl, |
658 | | %(Arg1==list_of_expressions -> b_compute_expressions ... % no longer needed |
659 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
660 | | b_compute_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,SV2,WF), |
661 | | KernelCall =.. [Kernel_predicate,SV1,T1,SV2,T2,WF], |
662 | | kernel_call_predicate(KernelCall,Module,WF,Expression). |
663 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(Expression,_,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
664 | | functor(Expression,BOP,2), |
665 | | kernel_mappings:binary_boolean_operator(BOP,Module:Kernel_predicate,WFEnabled),!, |
666 | | arg(1,Expression,Arg1), arg(2,Expression,Arg2), |
667 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), % TODO: symbolic for some BOP: <:, <<: ? |
668 | | (binary_boolean_operator_trivially_true(BOP,SV1) |
669 | | -> check_well_defined(Arg2,LocalState,State,WF) |
670 | | ; b_compute_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,SV2,WF), |
671 | | ( WFEnabled==yes -> |
672 | | KernelCall =.. [Kernel_predicate,SV1,SV2,WF2], |
673 | | (do_not_enumerate_binary_boolean_operator(BOP,Arg1,Arg2) % we assume: this is only true for WFEnabled predicates |
674 | | -> add_wait_flag_info(WF,wfx_no_enumeration,WF2) |
675 | | ; WF2=WF) |
676 | | ; KernelCall =.. [Kernel_predicate,SV1,SV2], WF2=WF % note: WF2 still used in kernel_call_predicate |
677 | | ), |
678 | | kernel_call_predicate(KernelCall,Module,WF2,Expression) |
679 | | ). |
680 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(E,Info,_LS,_S,_WF) :- |
681 | | add_internal_error('Uncovered boolean expression: ',b(E,pred,Info)), |
682 | | print_functor(E),nl, |
683 | | fail. |
684 | | |
685 | | |
686 | | binary_boolean_operator_trivially_true(subset,X) :- X==[]. |
687 | | |
688 | | check_well_defined(Arg,_LocalState,_State,_WF) :- |
689 | | always_well_defined(Arg),!. |
690 | | check_well_defined(Arg,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
691 | | b_compute_expression(Arg,LocalState,State,_,WF). |
692 | | |
693 | | %:- use_module(specfile,[animation_minor_mode/1]). |
694 | | :- use_module(b_machine_hierarchy,[abstract_constant/2, concrete_constant/2]). |
695 | | b_test_atomic_equal_boolean_expression(Arg1,Arg2,_Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
696 | | Arg1 = b(_,integer,_), %get_texpr_type(Arg1,integer), |
697 | | preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,true),!, |
698 | | (Arg2 = b(_,integer,_) -> true ; add_internal_error('Type error in AST, not wrapped integer: ',Arg2)), |
699 | | b_test_arith_equal_boolean_expression(Arg1,Arg2,LocalState,State,WF). |
700 | | b_test_atomic_equal_boolean_expression(Arg1,Arg2,Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
701 | | member(prob_annotation('LAMBDA-EQUALITY'),Info), |
702 | | \+ simple_expression(Arg2), |
703 | | is_lambda_result_id(Arg1), %get_texpr_id(Arg1,'_lambda_result_'), % ensure we have not renamed it to was_lambda_result ? |
704 | | !, % this is an equality for the result of a lambda abstraction; only evaluate at the end |
705 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), % this is the lambda result identifier _lambda_result_ |
706 | | %get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(WF,EWF), |
707 | | %get_wait_flag(10000,lambda_result,WF,EWF), |
708 | | % compute deterministic parts of Arg2 in wf0 phase: avoid computing this stuff over again |
709 | | %print('DELAY: '), translate:print_bexpr(Arg2),nl, |
710 | | kernel_waitflags:copy_wf01e_wait_flags(WF,WF2), b_compute_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,SV2,WF2), |
711 | | get_last_wait_flag(lambda_result,WF,EWF), |
712 | | ground_value_check(SV2,G2), |
713 | | when((nonvar(G2);nonvar(SV1);nonvar(EWF)),b_lambda_result_equal_boolean_expression(SV1,SV2,WF,EWF,WF2)). |
714 | | b_test_atomic_equal_boolean_expression(Arg1,Arg2,Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
715 | | (LocalState = [] |
716 | | -> true % only check if we are at the outer level |
717 | | % (not inside a quantifier,...) or if we have CSE introduzed lazy_lets: |
718 | | ; preferences:preference(use_common_subexpression_elimination,true) |
719 | | % TO DO: check that we have only added @nr to local state from lazy_let; ADD INFO FIELD |
720 | | ), |
721 | | get_texpr_type(Arg1,Type1), is_set_type(Type1,SetType1), |
722 | | % previously we required SetType1 = couple(_,_) |
723 | | get_texpr_id(Arg1,ID), |
724 | | % we could check: \+ get_texpr_id(Arg2,_), we do not need to treat simple equations like ID=ID2; unless for memo? |
725 | | (abstract_constant(ID,_) % check if ABSTRACT_CONSTANT |
726 | | -> Kind=abstract, |
727 | | kernel_objects:max_cardinality(Type1,MaxCard1), |
728 | | (number(MaxCard1) % check that type is large enough to warrant recursive or symbolic treatment |
729 | | -> (MaxCard1>100 -> true ; constant_variable_marked_as_memo(ID)) |
730 | | ; true) |
731 | | ; %fail, |
732 | | concrete_constant(ID,_) |
733 | | -> Kind=concrete, |
734 | | (constant_variable_marked_as_expand(ID) |
735 | | -> true % note: we also check for expand annotation in store (expand_closure_value), |
736 | | % but it is useful to expand ID already here to ease checking PROPERTIES |
737 | | ; constant_variable_marked_as_memo(ID)) |
738 | | %; b_is_unused_constant(ID) -> ABSTRACT=true % TO DO: check if ID not used somewhere else in Properties ??!! |
739 | | ), |
740 | | % in future: we may do size change analysis, or something like that to check that we have properly defined |
741 | | % recursive function |
742 | | debug_format(19,'Equation defining ~w constant: ~w~n',[Kind,ID]), |
743 | | !, |
744 | | (constant_variable_marked_as_expand(ID) -> SymArg2 = Arg2 ; mark_bexpr_as_symbolic(Arg2,SymArg2)), |
745 | | b_add_constant_definition(Kind,ID,Info,Arg1,SetType1,SymArg2,LocalState,State,WF). |
746 | | b_test_atomic_equal_boolean_expression(Arg1,Arg2,Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
747 | | constants_profiling_on, |
748 | | get_texpr_id(Arg1,ID),b_is_constant(ID), !, |
749 | | % Note: does not yet keep track of arithmetic equalities above |
750 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
751 | | push_constant_def_equality_call_stack(WF,ID,Info,WF2), |
752 | | start_profile(ID,T1), |
753 | | b_compute_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,SV2,WF2), |
754 | | get_waitflags_phase(WF,Phase), |
755 | | stop_constant_profile(SV2,Phase,ID,[],T1), % normal constant, not symbolic, memoized or recursive |
756 | | start_propagation_profile(ID,T2,CstL1), |
757 | | kernel_call_predicate_equal_object_optimized(SV1,SV2,WF), |
758 | | stop_propagation_profile(SV2,ID,T2,CstL1). |
759 | | b_test_atomic_equal_boolean_expression(Arg1,Arg2,_Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
760 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
761 | | b_compute_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,SV2,WF), |
762 | | kernel_call_predicate_equal_object_optimized(SV1,SV2,WF). |
763 | | |
764 | | |
765 | | |
766 | | % treat equality ID = Symbolic Function (or relation/set) |
767 | | b_add_constant_definition(Kind,ID,Info,Arg1,SetType1,SymArg2,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
768 | | % observe CTRL-C: e.g., in data validation models these abstract functions can be very large and costly to compute |
769 | | observe_user_interrupt_signal(computing_value_for_abstract_constant(ID),SymArg2, |
770 | | b_add_constant_definition_aux(Kind,ID,Info,Arg1,SetType1,SymArg2,LocalState,State,WF)). |
771 | | |
772 | | :- use_module(runtime_profiler,[start_profile/2, |
773 | | stop_constant_profile/5, constants_profiling_on/0]). |
774 | | b_add_constant_definition_aux(Kind,ID,_Info,Arg1,SetType1,SymArg2,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
775 | | (preference(use_function_memoization,true), Kind=abstract ; |
776 | | constant_variable_marked_as_memo(ID)), % description(memo) as info field using @desc memo pragma; see |
777 | | !, |
778 | | start_profile(ID,T1), |
779 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), % the identifier |
780 | | (SymArg2 = b(recursive_let(TID,Body),_,_) |
781 | | -> get_texpr_id(TID,RecID), |
782 | | b_compute_expression(Body,[bind(RecID,RedIDVal)|LocalState],State,SV2,WF), |
783 | | RecValue='$recursion_value'(RedIDVal), IDInfo = [recursive_memo] |
784 | | ; b_compute_expression(SymArg2,LocalState,State,SV2,WF), |
785 | | RecValue='$no_recursion', IDInfo = [memoized] |
786 | | ), |
787 | | get_waitflags_phase(WF,Phase), stop_constant_profile(SV2,Phase,ID,IDInfo,T1), |
788 | | (nonvar(SV2), SV2 \= closure(_,_,_) |
789 | | -> % value fully computed; no need to memoize |
790 | | debug_println(19,not_memoizing(ID)), |
791 | | kernel_call_predicate_equal_object_optimized(SV1,SV2,WF) |
792 | | ; (nonvar(SV2) -> mark_closure_as_symbolic(SV2,SV3) ; SV3=SV2), |
793 | | memoization:register_memoization_function(ID,SV3,SetType1,RecValue,MEMOID,SV4), |
794 | | debug_println(19,marking_for_memoization(ID,MEMOID)), |
795 | | kernel_call_predicate_equal_object_optimized(SV1,SV4,WF) |
796 | | ). |
797 | | b_add_constant_definition_aux(_Kind,ID,Info,Arg1,_,SymArg2,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
798 | | start_profile(ID,T1), |
799 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), % the identifier ID |
800 | | push_constant_def_equality_call_stack(WF,ID,Info,WF2), |
801 | | b_compute_expression(SymArg2,LocalState,State,SV2,WF2), |
802 | | (constant_variable_marked_as_expand(ID) |
803 | | -> IDInfo = [marked_as_expand], |
804 | | b_expand_compute_comprehension_set(SV2,Info,SV3,WF) |
805 | | ; definitely_expand_this_explicit_set(SV2) % check for a few patterns which should definitely be expanded; |
806 | | % in case user puts a set accidentally into the ABSTRACT_CONSTANTS section |
807 | | -> IDInfo = [automatic_expand], |
808 | | b_expand_compute_comprehension_set(SV2,Info,SV3,WF) |
809 | | ; var(SV2) -> IDInfo = [], SV3=SV2 |
810 | | ; IDInfo = [], % it is from ABSTRACT_CONSTANTS, but this info is already stored |
811 | | mark_closure_as_symbolic(SV2,SV3) |
812 | | ), |
813 | | get_waitflags_phase(WF,Phase), stop_constant_profile(SV3,Phase,ID,IDInfo,T1), |
814 | | start_propagation_profile(ID,T2,CstL1), |
815 | | kernel_call_predicate_equal_object_optimized(SV1,SV3,WF), |
816 | | % profile propagation time and what constants are grounded |
817 | | stop_propagation_profile(SV3,ID,T2,CstL1). |
818 | | |
819 | | push_constant_def_equality_call_stack(WF,ID,Pos,WF2) :- |
820 | | (constants_profiling_on |
821 | | -> push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF, |
822 | | id_equality_evaluation(ID,constant,Pos),WF2) |
823 | | ; WF2=WF). |
824 | | |
825 | | start_propagation_profile(ID,T1,CstL1) :- |
826 | | (constants_profiling_on -> findall(Cst1,det_solution_for_constant_was_stored(Cst1),CstL1) ; CstL1=[]), |
827 | | start_profile(ID,T1). |
828 | | stop_propagation_profile(SV3,ID,T1,CstL1) :- |
829 | | (constants_profiling_on |
830 | | -> findall(Cst2,det_solution_for_constant_was_stored(Cst2),L2), |
831 | | append(CstL1,New,L2), debug_format(9,'Propagation of value for ~w instantiated ~w~n',[ID,New]), |
832 | | IDInfo2 = [instantiates(New)] |
833 | | ; IDInfo2 = []), |
834 | | stop_constant_profile(SV3,propagate_value,ID,IDInfo2,T1). |
835 | | |
836 | | % treat not(Arg1 = Arg2) predicates |
837 | | b_test_atomic_not_equal_boolean_expression(Arg1,Arg2,_Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
838 | | get_texpr_type(Arg1,boolean),!, % special treatment : not_equal_object has no type information |
839 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,B1,WF), |
840 | | b_compute_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,B2,WF), |
841 | | negate(B1,B2). % from bool_pred |
842 | | b_test_atomic_not_equal_boolean_expression(Arg1,Arg2,_Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
843 | | get_texpr_type(Arg1,integer), |
844 | | preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,true), |
845 | | %\+ member(no_clpfd_arith_integer_expression,Info), |
846 | | !, |
847 | | % Note: calling b_compute_arith_expression will also instantiate a variable to at least the int(_) skeleton; thereby enabling propagation |
848 | | % this is potentially better than calling the default versions of the predicates, which may wait until the int(_) skeleton is set up before propagation |
849 | | b_compute_arith_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,CLPFD_Expr1,WF), |
850 | | b_compute_arith_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,CLPFD_Expr2,WF), |
851 | | clpfd_interface:clpfd_neq_expr(CLPFD_Expr1,CLPFD_Expr2). |
852 | | b_test_atomic_not_equal_boolean_expression(Arg1,Arg2,_Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
853 | | b_compute_expression_symbolic(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
854 | | b_compute_expression_symbolic(Arg2,LocalState,State,SV2,WF), |
855 | | kernel_call_predicate_not_equal_object(SV1,SV2,WF,not_equal(Arg1,Arg2)). |
856 | | % Note: symbolic case occurs for symbolic abstract constants f when using DOUBLE_EVALUATION |
857 | | % in the evaluation view which are defined by f = %x... when checking f /= |
858 | | |
859 | | % a version of b_compute_expression which does not try to expand comprehension sets |
860 | | % TODO: deal with other constructs which merit symbolic treatment; union of comprehension sets, ... |
861 | | % (see line 147 in AMASS_mchs/oriented_abscissa.mch) |
862 | | b_compute_expression_symbolic(Arg,LocalState,State,Val,WF) :- |
863 | | (Arg = b(comprehension_set(PP,CC),_,InfoCS) % second arg is a comprehension set; |
864 | | -> % print(symbolic(PP)),nl, |
865 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_symbolic(PP,CC,InfoCS,LocalState,State,Val,WF) |
866 | | ; b_compute_expression(Arg,LocalState,State,Val,WF) |
867 | | ). |
868 | | |
869 | | simple_expression(b(A,_,_)) :- simple_expression_aux(A). |
870 | | simple_expression_aux(boolean_true). |
871 | | simple_expression_aux(boolean_false). |
872 | | simple_expression_aux(empty_set). |
873 | | simple_expression_aux(empty_sequence). |
874 | | simple_expression_aux(integer(_)). |
875 | | simple_expression_aux(max_int). |
876 | | simple_expression_aux(min_int). |
877 | | simple_expression_aux(string(_)). |
878 | | simple_expression_aux(value(_)). |
879 | | |
880 | | |
881 | | is_lambda_result_id(b(identifier('_lambda_result_'),_,_)). |
882 | | % at the moment we only detect those identifiers; the info field is currently not updated for _was_lambda_result_ |
883 | | % and not available in other treatmens of _lambda_result_ (in b_enumerate) |
884 | | %is_lambda_result_id(b(identifier(X),_,Info)) :- |
885 | | % memberchk(lambda_result,Info). |
886 | | % (X=='_lambda_result_' -> (memberchk(lambda_result,Info) -> true ; format('~n*** _lambda_result_ without info: ~w~n~N',[Info])) ; memberchk(lambda_result,Info)). |
887 | | |
888 | | %:- block b_lambda_result_equal_boolean_expression(-,?,?, -,?). % we now use when above |
889 | | % only compute lambda result when finished finding domain element, i.e., _EWF is grounded |
890 | | b_lambda_result_equal_boolean_expression(SV1,SV2,WF,EWF,WF2) :- |
891 | | kernel_call_predicate_equal_object_optimized(SV1,SV2,WF), |
892 | | % print(' LAMBDA : '), print((SV1,_EWF)),nl, |
893 | | % the inner waitflags are for evaluating the lambda_result Expression; unless there is a WD issue this should |
894 | | % never fail; we can delay the enumeration as much as possible |
895 | | % NOTE: even if SV2 is ground, Arg2 may not be (e.g., if Arg2 = prj2(..,..)(NotGr,Ground)) |
896 | | blocking_ground_copied_wait_flags(WF2,EWF). % without when we will ground WF0 which is shared with outer WF-store |
897 | | :- block blocking_ground_copied_wait_flags(?,-). |
898 | | blocking_ground_copied_wait_flags(WF2,_) :- |
899 | | ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(WF2). % do not ground EF flag, as shared with outer WF and WF2 is copied |
900 | | |
901 | | % TO DO: add avl_set+closure expansion |
902 | | %b_test_member_expression(Expr,El,_Set,_LocalState,_State,_WF) :- |
903 | | % print('test member: '),print_bexpr(Expr),nl,fail. |
904 | | b_test_member_expression(TElem,b(Set,Type,Info),LocalState,State,WF) :- |
905 | | b_test_member_expression2(Set,Type,Info,TElem,LocalState,State,WF). |
906 | | |
907 | | % new profiler |
908 | | %:- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler.pl'). |
909 | | %:- use_module('../extensions/profiler/profiler_te.pl'). |
910 | | %:- enable_profiling(b_test_member_expression2/7). |
911 | | |
912 | | % old profiler |
913 | | %:- use_module(covsrc(hit_profiler)). |
914 | | |
915 | | b_test_member_expression2(comprehension_set(Par,Cond),_Type,_Info,El,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
916 | | % used to call in next clause below: b_generate_closure_if_necessary(Par,Cond,LocalState,State,SetValue,WF) /* will not expand closure */ |
917 | | /* optimized case for dealing with comprehension_set ; however, does not seem to buy anything over older version with b_generate_closure_if_necessary in test 1079 */ |
918 | | /* new version buys about 6 % for {x| x:1..400000 & x:{n|n >= 9000 & n<= 600000 & n mod 100 = 0}} (Sep 3 2014) */ |
919 | | set_up_typed_localstate(Par,ValueList,_TypedVals,LocalState,NewLocalState,positive), |
920 | | !, |
921 | | convert_list_into_pairs(ValueList,ElementVal), |
922 | | b_compute_expression(El,LocalState,State,ElementVal,WF), |
923 | | b_test_boolean_expression(Cond,NewLocalState,State,WF). |
924 | | b_test_member_expression2(SymbolicSetConstant,_Type,_Info,El,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
925 | | %hit_profiler:add_profile_hit(SymbolicSetConstant), |
926 | | cst_in_boolean_type(SymbolicSetConstant,Module:Kernel_predicate),!, % two cases : string_set and integer_set |
927 | | b_compute_expression(El,LocalState,State,ElValue,WF), |
928 | | functor(KernelCall,Kernel_predicate,2), |
929 | | arg(1,KernelCall,ElValue), |
930 | | arg(2,KernelCall,WF), |
931 | | % print_message(cst_in_boolean_type_call(KernelCall)), |
932 | | kernel_call_predicate(KernelCall,Module,WF,SymbolicSetConstant). % should be member(... SymbolicSetConstant) |
933 | | b_test_member_expression2(Expression,_Type,Info,El,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
934 | | functor(Expression,BOP,2), |
935 | | binary_in_boolean_type(BOP,Module:Kernel_predicate),!, |
936 | | b_compute_expression(El,LocalState,State,ElValue,WF), |
937 | | arg(1,Expression,Arg1),arg(2,Expression,Arg2), |
938 | | (binary_in_definitely_true(BOP,ElValue) |
939 | | -> % no need to compute arguments; unless required for WD: |
940 | | check_well_defined(Arg1,LocalState,State,WF), |
941 | | check_well_defined(Arg2,LocalState,State,WF) |
942 | | ; b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
943 | | b_compute_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,SV2,WF), |
944 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,b_operator_call(member,[ElValue,b_operator(BOP,[SV1,SV2])],Info),WF2), |
945 | | % for constant profiling: we could catch partial/total_fun checks here translate:print_bexpr(El),nl,translate:print_bexpr(b(Expression,_Type,Info)),nl,nl, |
946 | | binary_in_kernel_call(Module,Kernel_predicate,ElValue,SV1,SV2,WF2,Expression) |
947 | | ). |
948 | | b_test_member_expression2(Expression,_Type,Info,El,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
949 | | functor(Expression,UnOP,1), |
950 | | unary_in_boolean_type(UnOP,Module:Kernel_predicate),!, |
951 | | b_compute_expression(El,LocalState,State,ElValue,WF), |
952 | | arg(1,Expression,Arg1), |
953 | | (unary_in_definitely_true(UnOP,ElValue) |
954 | | -> % no need to compute arguments; unless required for WD: |
955 | | check_well_defined(Arg1,LocalState,State,WF) |
956 | | ; b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
957 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,b_operator_call(member,[ElValue,b_operator(UnOP,[SV1])],Info),WF2), |
958 | | unary_in_kernel_call(Module,Kernel_predicate,ElValue,SV1,WF2,Expression) |
959 | | ). |
960 | | b_test_member_expression2(SetExpression,Type,Info,El,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
961 | | b_compute_expression2(SetExpression,Type,Info,LocalState,State,SetValue,WF), |
962 | | (always_well_defined_or_disprover_mode(El) |
963 | | -> SetValue \== [] % if we have the empty set: check_element will always fail |
964 | | ; true % we could check SetValue \== [] if find_abort_values=false ?? |
965 | | ), |
966 | | b_compute_expression(El,LocalState,State,Element,WF), |
967 | | Span = El, % Info is quite often the empty list |
968 | | (not_invertible(El) % then no sense in setting up member constraint f(...) : SetValue ; |
969 | | % we cannot used the info anyway; but we could enumerate |
970 | | -> % we wait until Element is fully known before doing the check |
971 | | ground_value_check(Element,GrEl), |
972 | | when(nonvar(GrEl),kernel_call_predicate_check_element_of_wf(Element,SetValue,WF,Span)) |
973 | | ; kernel_call_predicate_check_element_of_wf(Element,SetValue,WF,Span)). |
974 | | |
975 | | :- use_module(external_functions,[external_fun_can_be_inverted/1]). |
976 | | not_invertible(b(E,_,_)) :- not_inv_aux(E). |
977 | | not_inv_aux(external_function_call(FunName,_Args)) :- \+ external_fun_can_be_inverted(FunName). |
978 | | % TO DO: capture other cases like function applications |
979 | | % TO DO: also do this in b_interpreter_check ? |
980 | | % TO DO: We should compute this information in ast_cleanup; e.g., what if we do STRING_TO_INT(s)+1 : SET |
981 | | |
982 | | % TO DO: >>> 2:{x,v} --> special case for set_extension([b(identifier(x),integer,[nodeid(none)]),b(identifier(v),integer,[nodeid(none)])]) --> 2=x or 2=v --> evaluate [x,v] -> sort and then use list member (or should b_ast_cleanup do this) ? |
983 | | |
984 | | :- use_module(kernel_lists,[not_element_of_list_wf/3]). |
985 | | b_test_notmember_expression(set_extension(Ex),El,_Set,_,LocalState,State,WF) :- !, |
986 | | b_compute_expressions(Ex,LocalState,State,ExValueList,WF), |
987 | | b_compute_expression(El,LocalState,State,ElementVal,WF), |
988 | | not_element_of_list_wf(ElementVal,ExValueList,WF). |
989 | | b_test_notmember_expression(SymbolicSetCst,El,_Set,_,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
990 | | kernel_mappings:cst_not_in_boolean_type(SymbolicSetCst,Module:Kernel_predicate),!, |
991 | | b_compute_expression(El,LocalState,State,ElValue,WF), |
992 | | functor(KernelCall,Kernel_predicate,1), |
993 | | arg(1,KernelCall,ElValue), |
994 | | % debug_print(cst_not_in_boolean_type(9,KernelCall)), |
995 | | kernel_call_predicate(KernelCall,Module,WF,SymbolicSetCst). |
996 | | b_test_notmember_expression(Expression,El,_Set,Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
997 | | functor(Expression,BOP,2), |
998 | | kernel_mappings:binary_not_in_boolean_type(BOP,Module:Kernel_predicate),!, |
999 | | b_compute_expression(El,LocalState,State,ElValue,WF), |
1000 | | \+ binary_in_definitely_true(BOP,ElValue), |
1001 | | arg(1,Expression,Arg1),arg(2,Expression,Arg2), |
1002 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
1003 | | b_compute_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,SV2,WF), |
1004 | | % KernelCall =.. [Kernel_predicate,ElValue,SV1,SV2,WF], |
1005 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,b_operator_call(not_member,[ElValue,b_operator(BOP,[SV1,SV2])],Info),WF2), |
1006 | | kernel_call_predicate3(Kernel_predicate,ElValue,SV1,SV2,Module,WF2,Expression). |
1007 | | b_test_notmember_expression(Expression,El,_Set,Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
1008 | | functor(Expression,UnOP,1), |
1009 | | unary_not_in_boolean_type(UnOP,Module:Kernel_predicate),!, |
1010 | | b_compute_expression(El,LocalState,State,ElValue,WF), |
1011 | | \+ unary_in_definitely_true(UnOP,ElValue), |
1012 | | arg(1,Expression,Arg1), |
1013 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
1014 | | %KernelCall =.. [Kernel_predicate,ElValue,SV1,WF], |
1015 | | %kernel_call_predicate(KernelCall,Module,WF,Expression). |
1016 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,b_operator_call(not_member,[ElValue,b_operator(UnOP,[SV1])],Info),WF2), |
1017 | | kernel_call_predicate2(Kernel_predicate,ElValue,SV1,Module,WF2,Expression). |
1018 | | b_test_notmember_expression(Expr,Elem,Set,_Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
1019 | | (Expr=comprehension_set(Par,Cond) |
1020 | | -> b_generate_closure_if_necessary(Par,Cond,LocalState,State,SetValue,WF) /* will not expand closure */ |
1021 | | ; b_compute_expression(Set,LocalState,State,SetValue,WF) |
1022 | | ), |
1023 | | (SetValue == [] |
1024 | | -> /* nothing can be member of empty set */ |
1025 | | check_well_defined(Elem,LocalState,State,WF) |
1026 | | % we could disable this check if find_abort_values=true |
1027 | | ; b_compute_expression(Elem,LocalState,State,ElemValue,WF), |
1028 | | %kernel_call_predicate2(not_element_of_wf,ElemValue,SetValue,kernel_objects,WF,Expr) |
1029 | | %kernel_call_predicate(not_element_of_wf(ElemValue,SetValue,WF),kernel_objects,WF,Expr) |
1030 | | kernel_call_predicate_not_element_of_wf(ElemValue,SetValue,WF) |
1031 | | ). |
1032 | | |
1033 | | :- block block_test_implication(?,?,?,?,?,-). |
1034 | | block_test_implication(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,_WF2) :- |
1035 | | b_test_inner_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF), |
1036 | | b_test_inner_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,WF). |
1037 | | block_test_implication(LHS,_RHS,LocalState,State,WF,_WF2) :- |
1038 | | b_not_test_inner_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF). |
1039 | | |
1040 | | |
1041 | | b_test_equivalence(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
1042 | | copy_wf_start(WF,equivalence,CWF), |
1043 | | if(b_check_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,CWF,PredRes,Ai,Aii), |
1044 | | (b_check_test_equivalence(PredRes,LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,CWF,Aii,Ao), |
1045 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF)), |
1046 | | (% check LHS fails, We could check if RHS can be checked with b_check_boolean_expression |
1047 | | Ai=Ao, get_binary_choice_wait_flag(equivalence,WF,WF2), |
1048 | | b_enum_test_equivalence(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,WF2,Ai))). |
1049 | | b_not_test_equivalence(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
1050 | | copy_wf_start(WF,not_equivalence,CWF), |
1051 | | if(b_check_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,CWF,PredRes,Ai,Aii), |
1052 | | (negate(PredRes,NegPredRes), % from bool_pred |
1053 | | b_check_test_equivalence(NegPredRes,LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,CWF,Aii,Ao), |
1054 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF)), |
1055 | | (% check LHS fails, We could check if RHS can be checked with b_check_boolean_expression |
1056 | | Ai=Ao, get_binary_choice_wait_flag(not_equivalence,WF,WF2), |
1057 | | b_enum_not_test_equivalence(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,WF2,Ai))). |
1058 | | b_check_test_equivalence(PredRes,LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii,Ao) :- |
1059 | | % print('checking <=> '), print_bexpr(LHS), print(' '), print(PredRes),nl, |
1060 | | (var(PredRes),b_check_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes2,Aii,Ao) % TO DO <---- REPLACE CUT |
1061 | | -> /* also propagate from right to left */ |
1062 | | equiv_bidrectional_test_boolean_expression(PredRes,PredRes2,LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF) |
1063 | | ; Aii=Ao, |
1064 | | equiv_test_boolean_expression(PredRes,pred_true,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii) |
1065 | | ). % should we also add a binary choice flag ?? what about a=2 <=> b/=3 ?? |
1066 | | |
1067 | | :- block b_enum_test_equivalence(?,?,?,?,?,-,?). |
1068 | | b_enum_test_equivalence(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,_WF2,Ai) :- |
1069 | | b_test_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Aii), % TO DO: we could call b_test_inner_boolean_expression with Ai |
1070 | | b_test_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii,_). |
1071 | | b_enum_test_equivalence(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,_WF2,Ai) :- |
1072 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Aii), |
1073 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii,_). |
1074 | | |
1075 | | %enumerate_bool(X,WF) :- !. |
1076 | | enumerate_bool(X,Prio,WF) :- (nonvar(X) -> true /* already set */ |
1077 | | ; get_wait_flag0(WF,WF0), |
1078 | | enumerate_bool0(X,Prio,WF,WF0)). |
1079 | | |
1080 | | :- block enumerate_bool0(?,?,?,-). |
1081 | | enumerate_bool0(X,Prio,WF,_) :- (nonvar(X) -> true /* already set */ |
1082 | | ; %print(enum_bool(X)), translate:print_bexpr(LHS),nl, |
1083 | | % get_binary_choice_wait_flag(enumerate_bool,WF,WF2), |
1084 | | get_wait_flag(Prio,enumerate_bool,WF,WF2), % what priority should we use ?? give time for other enumerators to decide the lhs of the disjunct; actions_cbtc is slower to setup with low priority |
1085 | | enumerate_bool_aux(X,WF2)). |
1086 | | :- block enumerate_bool_aux(-,-). |
1087 | | %enumerate_bool_aux(P,WF) :- var(P),print(forcing_bool(P,WF)),nl,fail. % |
1088 | | enumerate_bool_aux(pred_true,_). |
1089 | | enumerate_bool_aux(pred_false,_). |
1090 | | |
1091 | | :- block b_test_disjunction(?,?,?,?,?,-,?). |
1092 | | b_test_disjunction(LHS,_RHS,LocalState,State,WF,_WF2,Ai) :- |
1093 | | b_test_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,_). |
1094 | | b_test_disjunction(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,_WF2,Ai) :- |
1095 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Aii), |
1096 | | b_test_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii,_). |
1097 | | |
1098 | | :- block b_not_test_conjunction(?,?,?,?,?,-,?). |
1099 | | b_not_test_conjunction(LHS,_RHS,LocalState,State,WF,_WF2,Ai) :- |
1100 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,_). |
1101 | | b_not_test_conjunction(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,_WF2,Ai) :- |
1102 | | b_test_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Aii), |
1103 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii,_). |
1104 | | |
1105 | | :- block b_enum_not_test_equivalence(?,?,?,?,?,-,?). |
1106 | | b_enum_not_test_equivalence(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,_WF2,Ai) :- |
1107 | | b_test_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Aii), % we could call b_test_inner_boolean_expression with Ai |
1108 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii,_). |
1109 | | b_enum_not_test_equivalence(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,_WF2,Ai) :- |
1110 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Aii), |
1111 | | b_test_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii,_). |
1112 | | |
1113 | | |
1114 | | |
1115 | | /* --------------------------------------*/ |
1116 | | /* b_not_test_boolean_expression */ |
1117 | | /* --------------------------------------*/ |
1118 | | |
1119 | | b_not_test_list_of_boolean_expression([],_,_,_WF). |
1120 | | b_not_test_list_of_boolean_expression([B1|T],LS,S,WF) :- |
1121 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(B1,LS,S,WF), |
1122 | | b_not_test_list_of_boolean_expression(T,LS,S,WF). |
1123 | | |
1124 | | :- assert_pre(b_interpreter:b_not_test_boolean_expression_cs(E,LS,S,_,_), |
1125 | | (bsyntaxtree:check_if_typed_predicate(E),type_check(LS,store),type_check(S,store))). |
1126 | | :- assert_post(b_interpreter:b_not_test_boolean_expression_cs(_,_,_,_,_), true). |
1127 | | |
1128 | | |
1129 | | % a version where we can provide an initial call stack entry for context |
1130 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression_cs(E,LS,S,PredKind,Nr) :- |
1131 | | init_wait_flags_cs(E,PredKind,Nr,b_not_test_boolean_expression_cs,WF), % TODO: we could register negation info |
1132 | | % TO DO: call b_trace_test_components ? |
1133 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(E,LS,S,WF), |
1134 | | ground_wait_flags(WF). |
1135 | | |
1136 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(E,LS,S,WF) :- |
1137 | | empty_avl(Ai), b_not_test_boolean_expression(E,LS,S,WF,Ai,_). |
1138 | | |
1139 | | :- assert_pre(b_interpreter:b_not_test_boolean_expression(E,LS,S,WF), |
1140 | | (type_check(E,boolean_expression),type_check(LS,store),type_check(S,store), type_check(WF,wait_flag))). |
1141 | | :- assert_post(b_interpreter:b_not_test_boolean_expression(_,_,_,_), true). |
1142 | | |
1143 | | :- if(environ(prob_debug_watch_flag,true)). |
1144 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(b(Expr,_,Infos),LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
1145 | | (waitflag0_is_set(WF) |
1146 | | -> debug:watch(400,b_interpreter:b_not_test_boolean_expression2(Expr,Infos,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao)) |
1147 | | ; debug:watch_det(400,b_interpreter:b_not_test_boolean_expression2(Expr,Infos,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao)) ). |
1148 | | :- else. |
1149 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(b(Expr,Type,Infos),LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
1150 | | (preference(smt_supported_interpreter,true) |
1151 | | -> b_not_test_boolean_expression2(Expr,Infos,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao),create_negation(b(Expr,Type,Infos),Neg), |
1152 | | get_wait_flag1(smt_call,WF,BeforeEnumWF), |
1153 | | gensym:gensym(smt_assertion_name,Symbol), |
1154 | | smt_add_predicate(BeforeEnumWF,Neg,LS,S,Symbol) |
1155 | | ; b_not_test_boolean_expression2(Expr,Infos,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao)). |
1156 | | :- endif. |
1157 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(E,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
1158 | | add_internal_error('Boolean (not) expression not properly wrapped: ', |
1159 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(E,LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao)), |
1160 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression2(E,[],LS,S,WF,Ai,Ao). |
1161 | | |
1162 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression2(truth,_,_,_,_WF,_Ai,_Ao) :- !,fail. |
1163 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression2(falsity,_,_,_,_WF,Ai,Ao) :- !,Ai=Ao. % NOT COVERED (2) |
1164 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression2(negation(BExpr),_,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
1165 | | b_test_boolean_expression(BExpr,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao). |
1166 | | % following makes test 349 fail: |
1167 | | %b_not_test_boolean_expression2(conjunct(LHS,RHS),Infos,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
1168 | | % nl, print(' NOT: '),translate:print_bexpr(b(conjunct(LHS,RHS),pred,Infos)),nl, |
1169 | | % create_negation(LHS,NegLHS), % TO DO: avoid this construction by generalising code for disjunct |
1170 | | % create_negation(RHS,NegRHS), |
1171 | | % b_test_boolean_expression2(disjunct(NegLHS,NegRHS),Infos,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao). |
1172 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression2(conjunct(LHS,RHS),Infos,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
1173 | | b(conjunct(LHS,RHS),pred,Infos) = Conj, |
1174 | | copy_wf_start(WF,not_conjunct,CWF), |
1175 | | if(b_check_boolean_expression(Conj,LocalState,State,CWF,PredRes,Ai,Ao), |
1176 | | (PredRes=pred_false, |
1177 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF) |
1178 | | ), |
1179 | | if(b_check_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,CWF,LHSPredRes,Ai,Ao), % some redundant work with call above: TODO: avoid ! |
1180 | | (copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF), |
1181 | | get_last_wait_flag(not_conjunct_rhs,WF,WF2), % before starting to enumerate infinite types: better try both possibilities: |
1182 | | b_not_test_conjunction_rhs(LHSPredRes,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,WF2) |
1183 | | ), |
1184 | | (Ai=Ao, |
1185 | | get_priority_of_boolean_expression2(disjunct(LHS,RHS),StartPrio), |
1186 | | %get_wait_flag(Prio,not_conjunct,WF,WF2), |
1187 | | get_binary_choice_wait_flag_exp_backoff(StartPrio,not_conjunct,WF,WF2), |
1188 | | % TO DO: we could check if LHS or RHS are registered in Ai as pred_true/pred_false ?? |
1189 | | b_not_test_conjunction(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,WF2,Ai)) |
1190 | | ) |
1191 | | ). |
1192 | | |
1193 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression2(implication(LHS,RHS),_,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
1194 | | b_test_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Aii), |
1195 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii,Ao). |
1196 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression2(equivalence(LHS,RHS),_,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
1197 | | b_not_test_equivalence(LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao). |
1198 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression2(disjunct(LHS,RHS),_,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
1199 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Aii), |
1200 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Aii,Ao). |
1201 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression2(lazy_let_pred(Id,AssignmentExpr,Expr),_I,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
1202 | | add_lazy_let_id_and_expression(Id,AssignmentExpr,LocalState,State,NewLocalState,WF,Ai), |
1203 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(Expr,NewLocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao). % we could use Ai,Ao version as lazy lets never interfere with each other and never invalidate existing expressions |
1204 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression2(lazy_lookup_pred(Id),_Info,LocalState,_State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, Ai=Ao, |
1205 | | lookup_value_for_existing_id_wf(Id,LocalState,(Trigger,Value),WF), % should normally only occur in LocalState; value introduced by lazy_let |
1206 | | (Trigger,Value) = (pred_true,pred_false). % force evaluation |
1207 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression2(value(PredVal),_Info,_LocalState,_State,_WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, % this can occur when lazy_lookup_pred gets compiled by b_compiler |
1208 | | is_pred_false(PredVal),Ai=Ao. |
1209 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression2(Expr,Info,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
1210 | | % TO DO: we could put some of the operators into the Ai store (comparison operators) |
1211 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(Expr,Info,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao). |
1212 | | |
1213 | | % Other boolean expressions, not involving boolean connectives |
1214 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(exists(Parameters,RHS),Infos,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
1215 | | /* #ID.(RHS) */ |
1216 | | Ai=Ao, |
1217 | | b_not_test_exists(Parameters,RHS,Infos,LocalState,State,compile,WF). |
1218 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(forall(Parameters,LHS,RHS),Infos,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
1219 | | /* !ID.(LHS => RHS) */ |
1220 | | Ai=Ao, |
1221 | | safe_create_texpr(negation(RHS),pred,Negation), |
1222 | | conjunct_predicates_with_pos_info(LHS,Negation,Condition), |
1223 | | % conjunct_predicates merges the used_ids Info in Condition |
1224 | | b_test_exists(Parameters,Condition,Infos,LocalState,State,WF). |
1225 | | /* TODO(DP, 2.8.2008): Extension for Z: a let-statement as predicate */ |
1226 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(let_predicate(Ids,AssignmentExprs,Pred),Infos,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
1227 | | !,Ai=Ao, % any expression inside the LET cannot be safely reused |
1228 | | set_up_localstate_for_let(Ids,ParaValues,AssignmentExprs,LocalState,State,LetState,WF), |
1229 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_quantifier_info(WF,let_quantifier,Ids,ParaValues,Infos,WF2), |
1230 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(Pred,LetState,State,WF2). % NOT COVERED (10) |
1231 | | /* TODO(DP, 2.8.2008): */ |
1232 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(freetype_case(Freetype,Case,Expr),_,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
1233 | | !,Ai=Ao,b_compute_expression(Expr,LocalState,State,freeval(Freetype,RealCase,_),WF), |
1234 | | dif(RealCase,Case). % NOT COVERED (11) |
1235 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(finite(SetExpr),_,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
1236 | | !, Ai=Ao,b_compute_expression(SetExpr,LocalState,State,Value,WF), |
1237 | | kernel_call_predicate(is_infinite_set_wf(Value,WF),kernel_objects,WF,finite(SetExpr)). |
1238 | | /* Extension for Kodkod */ |
1239 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(kodkod(ProblemId,_),_,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
1240 | | !,Ai=Ao,get_wait_flag1(kodkod_negative_call,WF,WF0), |
1241 | | kodkod_request(ProblemId,neg,LocalState,State,WF0). % NOT COVERED (12) |
1242 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(partition(LHS,RHS),Info,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- !, |
1243 | | b_interpreter_check:register_predicate(partition(LHS,RHS),Info,pred_false,Reused,Ai,Ao), |
1244 | | (Reused==true -> true |
1245 | | ; b_compute_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
1246 | | l_compute_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,SV2,WF), % RHS is Prolog list of expressions |
1247 | | kernel_call_predicate(not_partition_wf(SV1,SV2,WF),kernel_objects,WF,partition(LHS,RHS)) |
1248 | | ). |
1249 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(external_pred_call(FunName,Args),Info,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
1250 | | !, Ai=Ao, |
1251 | | (do_not_evaluate_args(FunName) -> EvaluatedArgs=[] |
1252 | | ; b_compute_expressions(Args, LocalState,State, EvaluatedArgs, WF)), |
1253 | | push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,external_call(FunName,EvaluatedArgs,Info),WF2), |
1254 | | call_external_predicate(FunName,Args,EvaluatedArgs,LocalState,State,pred_false,Info,WF2). |
1255 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(Pred,Info,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,Ao) :- |
1256 | | b_interpreter_check:register_predicate(Pred,Info,pred_false,Reused,Ai,Ao), |
1257 | | (Reused==true |
1258 | | -> %% print('REUSED (not): '), translate:print_bexpr(Pred),nl, |
1259 | | true |
1260 | | ; b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression3(Pred,Info,LocalState,State,WF)). |
1261 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression3(Expression,Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
1262 | | functor(Expression,BOP,2), |
1263 | | kernel_mappings:negate_binary_boolean_operator(BOP,NBOP), |
1264 | | arg(1,Expression,Arg1),arg(2,Expression,Arg2),!, |
1265 | | NExpression =.. [NBOP,Arg1,Arg2], |
1266 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(NExpression,Info,LocalState,State,WF). |
1267 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression3(Expression,Info,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
1268 | | functor(Expression,BOP,2), |
1269 | | kernel_mappings:negate_binary_boolean_operator_swap(BOP,NBOP), |
1270 | | arg(1,Expression,Arg1),arg(2,Expression,Arg2),!, |
1271 | | NExpression =.. [NBOP,Arg2,Arg1], |
1272 | | b_test_atomic_boolean_expression2(NExpression,Info,LocalState,State,WF). |
1273 | | b_not_test_atomic_boolean_expression3(E,_,_,_,_WF) :- |
1274 | | add_internal_error('Uncovered boolean expression (not): ',E), |
1275 | | print_functor(E),nl,fail. |
1276 | | |
1277 | | |
1278 | | % test RHS of not-conjunction depending on outcome of LHS |
1279 | | :- block b_not_test_conjunction_rhs(-,?,?,?,?,?,-). |
1280 | | b_not_test_conjunction_rhs(pred_false,_RHS,_LocalState,_State,_WF,_Ai,_LWF). |
1281 | | b_not_test_conjunction_rhs(pred_true,RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,_LWF) :- |
1282 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,_). |
1283 | | |
1284 | | /* -----------------------------*/ |
1285 | | /* b_compute_expression */ |
1286 | | /* -----------------------------*/ |
1287 | | |
1288 | | |
1289 | | |
1290 | | :- assert_must_succeed((b_interpreter:b_compute_expression(b(pow_subset( |
1291 | | b(identifier(nm),set(integer),[])),set(set(integer)),[]), |
1292 | | [], [bind(nm,[])],R,_WF), |
1293 | | nonvar(R), custom_explicit_sets:expand_custom_set_to_list(R,[[]]))). |
1294 | | :- assert_must_succeed((b_interpreter:b_compute_expression(b(pow_subset( |
1295 | | b(identifier(nm),set(boolean),[])),set(set(boolean)),[]),[], |
1296 | | [bind(nm,[pred_false /* bool_false */])],R,_WF), |
1297 | | nonvar(R), custom_explicit_sets:expand_custom_set_to_list(R,ER), |
1298 | | kernel_objects:equal_object(ER,[[pred_false /* bool_false */],[]]))). |
1299 | | |
1300 | | :- assert_pre(b_interpreter:b_compute_expression(Exp,LS,State,_Val,WF), |
1301 | | (nonvar(Exp), |
1302 | | bsyntaxtree:check_if_typed_expression(Exp), |
1303 | | type_check(LS,store),type_check(State,store), type_check(WF,wait_flag))). |
1304 | | :- assert_post(b_interpreter:b_compute_expression(_E,_LS,_State,Val,WF), |
1305 | | (b_interpreter:value_type(Val), type_check(WF,wait_flag))). %, nonvar(Val) |
1306 | | |
1307 | | b_compute_expression_nowf(E,LS,S,R) :- |
1308 | | b_compute_expression_nowf(E,LS,S,R,none,0). |
1309 | | |
1310 | | b_compute_expression_nowf(E,LS,S,R,FormulaKind,Nr) :- |
1311 | | get_texpr_info(E,Info), |
1312 | | b_compute_expression_nowf(E,LS,S,R,FormulaKind,Nr,Info). |
1313 | | b_compute_expression_nowf(E,LS,S,R,FormulaKind,Nr,Span) :- |
1314 | | %add_message(b_compute_expression,'Called Version wo WFLAGS: ', b_compute_expression(E,LS,S,R)), |
1315 | | (FormulaKind = none -> init_wait_flags(WF,[b_compute_expression_nowf]) |
1316 | | ; CallStackEntry = prob_command_context(eval_expr_command(FormulaKind,Nr),Span), |
1317 | | init_wait_flags_and_push_call_stack(no_wf_available,CallStackEntry,WF) |
1318 | | ), |
1319 | | b_compute_expression(E,LS,S,R,WF), |
1320 | | ground_wait_flags(WF), % this will add abort errors and fail before enumerating the result: |
1321 | | init_wait_flags(WF2,[b_compute_expression_nowf2]), |
1322 | | get_texpr_type(E,Type), |
1323 | | b_enumerate:b_tighter_enumerate_single_value(R,Type,Span,b_compute_expression_nowf,WF2), %should rarely be necessary |
1324 | | % a non-ground result only occurs when WD error appears and in this case ground_wait_flags will fail after |
1325 | | % adding the abort error (and thus no value is returned) |
1326 | | % exceptions are test 1066 with a complicated set comprehension used in a function application |
1327 | | % test 1861 relies on two phase enumeration |
1328 | | ground_wait_flags(WF2). |
1329 | | |
1330 | | l_compute_expression([],_LS,_S,[],_WF). |
1331 | | l_compute_expression([H|T],LS,S,[CH|CT],WF) :- |
1332 | | b_compute_expression(H,LS,S,CH,WF), |
1333 | | l_compute_expression(T,LS,S,CT,WF). |
1334 | | |
1335 | | :- if(environ(prob_debug_watch_flag,true)). |
1336 | | b_compute_expressiond(b(Expr,Type,Info),LS,S,R,WF) :- !, |
1337 | | ((ground(Type), Type \== pred, Type \== subst) -> true |
1338 | | ; add_error_wf(b_compute_expression,'Expression has illegal type: ',b(Expr,Type,Info),WF)), |
1339 | | check_value(R,b(Expr,Type,Info)), |
1340 | | b_compute_expression2(Expr,Type,Info,LS,S,R,WF). |
1341 | | :- block check_value(-,?). |
1342 | | check_value(pred_true,_) :- !. check_value(pred_false,_) :- !. |
1343 | | check_value(string(_),_) :- !. |
1344 | | check_value([],_) :- !. |
1345 | | check_value([H|T],E) :- !, check_value(H,E), check_value(T,E). |
1346 | | check_value((A,B),E) :- !, check_value(A,E), check_value(B,E). |
1347 | | check_value(fd(N,T),E) :- !, (nonvar(T) -> check_fd(N,T,E) ; check_err(fd(N,T),E)). |
1348 | | check_value(global_set(GS),E) :- !,(nonvar(GS) -> true ; check_err(global_set(GS),E)). |
1349 | | check_value(avl_set(AS),E) :- !,((nonvar(AS),AS=node(_,_,_,_,_)) -> true ; check_err(global_set(AS),E)). |
1350 | | check_value(int(X),E) :- !,check_int(X,E). |
1351 | | check_value(closure(P,T,B),E) :- !, |
1352 | | (ground(P),ground(T),nonvar(B) |
1353 | | -> (same_length(P,T) -> bsyntaxtree:check_ast(B) ; check_err(closure_not_same_length(P,T))) |
1354 | | ; check_err(closure(P,T,B),E)). |
1355 | | check_value(rec(_),_) :- !. %TODO: check |
1356 | | check_value(X,E) :- check_err(uncovered(X),E). |
1357 | | % TO DO: add records + more thorough checking of global_set and closures and avl_sets |
1358 | | :- block check_int(-,?). |
1359 | | check_int(X,E) :- (number(X) -> true ; check_err(int(X),E)). |
1360 | | :- block check_fd(-,?,?). |
1361 | | check_fd(X,T,E) :- (number(X),b_get_fd_type_bounds(T,Low,Up),X>=Low,X=<Up -> true ; check_err(fd(X,T),E)). |
1362 | | |
1363 | | check_err(V,E) :- add_internal_error('Illegal value when computing expression: ',V:E). |
1364 | | b_compute_expression(E,LS,S,R,WF) :- !, |
1365 | | (waitflag0_is_set(WF) |
1366 | | -> debug:watch(100,b_interpreter:b_compute_expressiond(E,LS,S,R,WF)) |
1367 | | ; debug:watch_det(100,b_interpreter:b_compute_expressiond(E,LS,S,R,WF))). |
1368 | | :- else. |
1369 | | b_compute_expression(b(Expr,Type,Info),LS,S,R,WF) :- !, |
1370 | | ((ground(Type), Type \== pred, Type \== subst) -> true |
1371 | | ; Type==pred -> add_internal_error_wf(b_interpreter,'Expected expression, not predicate: ',b(Expr,Type,Info),Info,WF) |
1372 | | ; Type==subst -> add_internal_error_wf(b_interpreter,'Expected expression, not substitution: ',b(Expr,Type,Info),Info,WF) |
1373 | | ; add_internal_error_wf(b_interpreter,'Expression has non-ground type: ',b(Expr,Type,Info),Info,WF) |
1374 | | ), |
1375 | ? | b_compute_expression2(Expr,Type,Info,LS,S,R,WF). |
1376 | | :- endif. |
1377 | | b_compute_expression(Expr,LS,S,R,WF) :- |
1378 | | add_internal_error('Expression not properly wrapped: ',b_compute_expression(Expr,LS,S,R,WF)), |
1379 | | b_compute_expression2(Expr,unknown,[],LS,S,R,WF). |
1380 | | |
1381 | | |
1382 | | :- use_module(bsyntaxtree,[get_texpr_set_type/2]). |
1383 | | |
1384 | | %:- use_module(b_global_sets,[b_type2_set/2]). |
1385 | | %b_compute_expression2(V,T,I,LS,S,R,_WF) :- nonvar(R), print('result_instantiated: '(R:V)),nl,fail. |
1386 | | b_compute_expression2(value(Val),_T,_I,_LS,_S,V,WF) :- !, equal_object_wf(Val,V,WF). %Val=V. |
1387 | | b_compute_expression2(boolean_true,_T,_I,_LState,_State,Res,_WF) :- !, Res = pred_true /* bool_true */. % for simple types we can use ordinary unification |
1388 | | b_compute_expression2(boolean_false,_T,_I,_LState,_State,Res,_WF) :- !, Res = pred_false /* bool_false */. |
1389 | | b_compute_expression2(integer_set(NSET),_T,_I,_LState,_State,Res,WF) :- !, equal_object_wf(Res,global_set(NSET),WF). %Res = global_set(NSET). |
1390 | | b_compute_expression2(bool_set,_T,_I,_LState,_State,Res,WF) :- !, % b_type2_set(bool,Res). |
1391 | | equal_object_wf(Res,avl_set(node(pred_false,true,1,empty,node(pred_true,true,0,empty,empty))),WF). |
1392 | | % was equal_object(Res,[pred_true /* bool_true */,pred_false /* bool_false */]) % changing this to avl used to break test 800 Bosch Deadlock v9; probably because of identity closure detection instantiation |
1393 | | b_compute_expression2(float_set,_T,_I,_LState,_State,Res,WF) :- !, equal_object_wf(Res,global_set('FLOAT'),WF). |
1394 | | b_compute_expression2(real_set,_T,_I,_LState,_State,Res,WF) :- !, equal_object_wf(Res,global_set('REAL'),WF). |
1395 | | b_compute_expression2(string_set,_T,_I,_LState,_State,Res,WF) :- !, equal_object_wf(Res,global_set('STRING'),WF). |
1396 | | % was all_strings(Res). %% NOT COVERED (6) |
1397 | | b_compute_expression2(string(S),_T,_I,_LState,_State,Res,_WF) :- !, |
1398 | | % TODO(ML,26.8.2008): Check if we should use a different functor for syntax tree vs data |
1399 | | Res = string(S). |
1400 | | b_compute_expression2(typeset,Type,_I,_LState,_State,Res,WF) :- !, |
1401 | | is_set_type(Type,ElType), % we could generate global_set('STRING'),... for certain types |
1402 | | equal_object_wf(Res,closure('_zzzz_unary',[ElType],b(truth,pred,[])),WF). |
1403 | | b_compute_expression2(empty_set,_T,_I,_LState,_State,Res,_WF) :- !, empty_set(Res). |
1404 | | b_compute_expression2(empty_sequence,_T,_I,_LState,_State,Res,_WF) :- !, empty_sequence(Res). |
1405 | | b_compute_expression2(event_b_identity,EType,_I,_LState,_State,Res,WF) :- |
1406 | | get_set_type(EType,couple(Type,Type)),!, |
1407 | | event_b_identity_for_type(Type,Res,WF). |
1408 | | b_compute_expression2(integer(Val),_T,_I,_LocalState,_State,Res,_WF) :- !, Res = int(Val). |
1409 | | b_compute_expression2(max_int,_T,_I,_LS,_S,Res,_WF) :- |
1410 | | preferences:get_preference(maxint,CVal),!, Res = int(CVal). |
1411 | | b_compute_expression2(min_int,_T,_I,_LS,_S,Res,_WF) :- |
1412 | | preferences:get_preference(minint,CVal),!, Res = int(CVal). |
1413 | | b_compute_expression2(identifier(Id),Type,Info,LocalState,State,Res,WF) :- !, |
1414 | | lookup_value_in_store_and_global_sets_wf(Id,Type,LocalState,State,Value,Info,WF), |
1415 | | equal_object_wf(Res,Value,WF). |
1416 | | b_compute_expression2(lazy_lookup_expr(Id),_Type,_Info,LocalState,_State,Res,WF) :- !, |
1417 | | lookup_value_for_existing_id_wf(Id,LocalState,(Trigger,Value),WF), % should normally only occur in LocalState; value introduced by lazy_let |
1418 | | Trigger = pred_true, % force evaluation |
1419 | | equal_object_wf(Res,Value,WF). |
1420 | | b_compute_expression2(lazy_let_expr(Id,AssignmentExpr,Expr),_T,_I,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1421 | | !, |
1422 | | add_lazy_let_id_and_expression(Id,AssignmentExpr,LocalState,State,NewLocalState,WF), |
1423 | | %Trigger = pred_true, % expressions cannot be delayed !? (TO DO: more refined check) |
1424 | | %block_lazy_compute_expression(Trigger,_,AssignmentExpr,LocalState,State,IdValue,WF,Ai), |
1425 | | b_compute_expression(Expr,NewLocalState,State,Value,WF). |
1426 | | b_compute_expression2(real(Atom),_T,_I,_LocalState,_State,Res,_WF) :- !, construct_real(Atom,Res). |
1427 | | b_compute_expression2(rec(Fields),_T,_I,LocalState,State,Record,WF) :- !, |
1428 | | l_compute_field(Fields,LocalState,State,FieldValues,WF), |
1429 | | construct_record_wf(FieldValues,Record,WF). |
1430 | | b_compute_expression2(record_field(RecEx,Name),_T,_I,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- !, |
1431 | | b_compute_expression(RecEx,LocalState,State,RecValue,WF), |
1432 | | access_record_wf(RecValue,Name,Value,WF). |
1433 | | b_compute_expression2(freetype_set(Id),_T,_I,_LState,_State,Val,_WF) :- !, Val=freetype(Id). %% NOT COVERED (17) |
1434 | | b_compute_expression2(function(Function,FunArg),Type,Info,LocalState,State,Res,WF) :- !, |
1435 | | b_compute_expression_function(Function,FunArg,Type,Info,LocalState,State,Res,WF). |
1436 | | b_compute_expression2(card(b(Arg1,Type,Info)),integer,OuterInfo,LocalState,State,Card,WF) :- !, |
1437 | | b_compute_card(Arg1,Type,Info,OuterInfo,LocalState,State,Card,WF). |
1438 | | b_compute_expression2(max(b(Arg1,Type,Info)),integer,_I,LocalState,State,Max,WF) :- !, |
1439 | | b_compute_max(Arg1,Type,Info,LocalState,State,Max,WF). |
1440 | | b_compute_expression2(min(b(Arg1,Type,Info)),integer,_I,LocalState,State,Min,WF) :- !, |
1441 | | b_compute_min(Arg1,Type,Info,LocalState,State,Min,WF). |
1442 | | b_compute_expression2(set_extension(Ex),Type,_I,LocalState,State,Res,WF) :- !, |
1443 | | b_compute_expressions(Ex,LocalState,State,ExValue,WF), |
1444 | | kernel_call(b_interpreter:convert_list_of_expressions_into_set_wf(ExValue,ValueSet,Type,WF),ExValue,WF, set_extension(Ex)), |
1445 | | equal_object_wf(Res,ValueSet,WF). |
1446 | | %kernel_call_convert_list_of_expressions_into_set_wf(ExValue,ValueSet,Type, WF). |
1447 | | %b_compute_expression('ListTermes'(ListOfEx),LocalState,State,ValueSet,WF) :- !, |
1448 | | % /* convert list of expressions of CASE statement into set of elements */ |
1449 | | % b_compute_expression(ListOfEx,LocalState,State,Value,WF), |
1450 | | % init_wait_flags(WF),convert_list_of_expressions_into_set_wf(Value,ValueSet,set(any),WF),ground_wait_flags(WF). |
1451 | | b_compute_expression2(sequence_extension(Ex),_T,_I,LocalState,State,ValueSeq,WF) :- !, |
1452 | | b_compute_expressions(Ex,LocalState,State,Value,WF), |
1453 | | kernel_call(b_interpreter:convert_list_of_expressions_into_sequence(Value,ValueSeq),Value,WF,sequence_extension(Ex)). |
1454 | | b_compute_expression2(convert_bool(PRED),_T,_I,LocalState,State,Val,WF) :- !, /* B bool(.) operator */ |
1455 | | b_convert_bool(PRED,LocalState,State,WF,Val). |
1456 | | b_compute_expression2(couple(El1,El2),_T,_I,LocalState,State,Result,WF) :- !, Result = (Val1,Val2), |
1457 | | b_compute_expression(El1,LocalState,State,Val1,WF), |
1458 | | b_compute_expression(El2,LocalState,State,Val2,WF). |
1459 | | b_compute_expression2(comprehension_set(Parameters,Condition),_T,Info,LocalState,State,Result,WF) :- !, |
1460 | | b_compute_comprehension_set(Parameters,Condition,Info,LocalState,State,Result,WF). |
1461 | | b_compute_expression2(recursive_let(TId,TSet),OrigType,OrigInfo,LocalState,State,Result,WF) :- !, |
1462 | | % LET TId = TSet in TSet |
1463 | | ( get_texpr_expr(TSet,comprehension_set(Parameters,Condition)) -> |
1464 | | true % if the argument TSet is a comprehension set, |
1465 | | % we just add a recursive parameter |
1466 | | ; get_texpr_set_type(TSet,Type) -> |
1467 | | % if not, we construct a new comprehension set {x | x:TSet} |
1468 | | unique_typed_id("_tmparg_",Type,TArg), |
1469 | | Parameters=[TArg], |
1470 | | safe_create_texpr(member(TArg,TSet),pred,Condition) |
1471 | | ; |
1472 | | add_internal_error('Expected set as argument to recursive_let', |
1473 | | b_compute_expression2(recursive_let(TId,TSet),OrigType,OrigInfo,LocalState,State,Result,WF)),fail |
1474 | | ), |
1475 | | % Generate closure where the references to the recursion are kept |
1476 | | % add recursion ID to parameters to prevent removal of references during compilation |
1477 | | generate_recursive_closure(TId,recursion,[TId|Parameters],Condition,LocalState,State,Closure1,WF), |
1478 | | % add_message(b_interpreter,'Recursive Let for: ',TId,TId), |
1479 | | % remove recursion ID from parameters after compilation |
1480 | | Closure1=closure([_|P],[_|T],Cond),RClosure=closure(P,T,Cond), |
1481 | | % Generate closure where the references to the recursion are kept |
1482 | | generate_recursive_closure(TId,RClosure,Parameters,Condition,LocalState,State,Result,WF). |
1483 | | b_compute_expression2(general_sum(Ids,Condition,Expression),Type,Info,LocalState,State,SumResult,WF) :- !, |
1484 | | b_general_sum_or_mul(Ids,Condition,Expression,Type,Info,LocalState,State,SumResult,WF,sum). |
1485 | | b_compute_expression2(general_product(Ids,Condition,Expression),Type,Info,LocalState,State,MulResult,WF) :- !, |
1486 | | b_general_sum_or_mul(Ids,Condition,Expression,Type,Info,LocalState,State,MulResult,WF,mul). |
1487 | | /* Begin: Extensions for Z */ |
1488 | | b_compute_expression2(if_then_else(If,Then,Else),T,_I,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- !, |
1489 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,b_expr_call(if_test,If),WF2), |
1490 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_wf(If,LocalState,State,WF2,PredRes), |
1491 | | (var(PredRes), can_get_full_fd_value(T), preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,true), |
1492 | | always_well_defined(Then), always_well_defined(Else) |
1493 | | % Note: always_well_defined_or_disprover_mode probably not ok, as we evaluate the expressions unconditionally |
1494 | | -> b_clpfd_if_then_else(PredRes,T,Then,Else,LocalState,State,Value,WF) |
1495 | | ; b_compute_if_then_else(PredRes,Then,Else,LocalState,State,Value,WF) |
1496 | | ). |
1497 | | b_compute_expression2(let_expression_global(Ids,AssignmentExprs,Expr),_T,Info,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1498 | | debug_println(4,global_let(Ids,Info)), |
1499 | | % store variables globally (not in LocalState) to be visible to subsidiary operation_calls |
1500 | | !, set_up_localstate_for_global_let(Ids,AssignmentExprs,LocalState,State,LetState,WF), |
1501 | | b_compute_expression(Expr,LocalState,LetState,Value,WF). |
1502 | | b_compute_expression2(let_expression(Ids,AssignmentExprs,Expr),_T,_I,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1503 | | !, set_up_localstate_for_let(Ids,_ParaValues,AssignmentExprs,LocalState,State,LetState,WF), |
1504 | | b_compute_expression(Expr,LetState,State,Value,WF). %% NOT COVERED (30) |
1505 | | b_compute_expression2(freetype_constructor(Id,Case,Expr),_T,_I,LocalState,State,FreeValue,WF) :- |
1506 | | !, FreeValue = freeval(Id,Case,Value), |
1507 | | b_compute_expression(Expr,LocalState,State,Value,WF). %% NOT COVERED (32) |
1508 | | b_compute_expression2(freetype_destructor(Id,Case,Expr),_T,Info,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1509 | | !, b_compute_expression(Expr,LocalState,State,freeval(Id,VCase,VValue),WF), |
1510 | | check_freetype_case(Id,Case,VCase,VValue,Value,Info,WF). |
1511 | | /* End: Extensions for Z */ |
1512 | | b_compute_expression2(assertion_expression(Cond,ErrMsg,Expr),T,Info,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- !, |
1513 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF, |
1514 | | span_predicate(b(assertion_expression(Cond,ErrMsg,b(value(string('')),string,[])),T,Info),LocalState,State),WF2), |
1515 | | % should we use another term for call stack? |
1516 | | (get_preference(disprover_mode,true) -> PredRes = pred_true ; true), % in Disprover mode we know Cond must be true |
1517 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_no_enum_wf(Cond,LocalState,State,WF2,PredRes), % DO NOT ENUM, unless we cannot reify |
1518 | | % does not make sense to enumerate PredRes as with pred_false we get no value anyway |
1519 | | % however, we may get pending co-routines if Cond cannot be reified |
1520 | | ( PredRes==pred_false -> |
1521 | | translate_bexpression_with_limit(Cond,100,CS), |
1522 | | add_wd_error_span(ErrMsg,CS,span_predicate(Cond,LocalState,State),WF2), |
1523 | | get_last_wait_flag(assertion_expression,WF2,WFC), |
1524 | | when(nonvar(WFC), |
1525 | | (ground_value(Value) -> true % we have a WD Error, any Value goes |
1526 | | ; b_compute_expression(Expr,LocalState,State,Value,WF2) % compute Value; avoid infinite enumeration of possible values; useful e.g. for prj1/prj2 assertion expressions |
1527 | | )) |
1528 | | ; b_compute_expression(Expr,LocalState,State,Value,WF), |
1529 | | add_wd_error_if_false(PredRes,ErrMsg,Cond,span_predicate(Cond,LocalState,State),WF2) |
1530 | | ). %% NOT COVERED (34) |
1531 | | b_compute_expression2(multiplication(Arg1,Arg2),integer,Info,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1532 | | same_texpr(Arg1,Arg2), !, % is less useful when CLPFD is already turned on, calls square(Arg1,Value,WF) |
1533 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
1534 | | unary_kernel_call(kernel_objects,square,SV1,Value,WF,multiplication(Arg1,Arg1),integer,Info). |
1535 | | b_compute_expression2(image(Relation,Set),_EType,_Info,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1536 | | special_operator_for_image(Relation,Kind,Args), |
1537 | | % we have closure1(Rel)[Set] or similar -> avoid computing full closure |
1538 | | !, |
1539 | | b_compute_expression(Set,LocalState,State,SV,WF), |
1540 | | b_compute_expressions(Args,LocalState,State,EArgs,WF), |
1541 | | kernel_call(bsets_clp:image_for_special_operator(Kind,EArgs,SV,Value,WF),[SV|EArgs],WF,image(Relation,Set)). |
1542 | | b_compute_expression2(external_function_call(FunName,Args),EType,Info,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1543 | | !, |
1544 | | b_compute_expressions(Args, LocalState,State, EvaluatedArgs, WF), |
1545 | | push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,external_call(FunName,EvaluatedArgs,Info),WF2), |
1546 | | call_external_function(FunName,Args,EvaluatedArgs,Value,EType,Info,WF2). |
1547 | | b_compute_expression2(Expression,EType,Info,LocalState,State,Res,WF) :- |
1548 | | is_set_type(EType,Type), |
1549 | | /* avoid evaluating certain expensive expressions: |
1550 | | convert them into symbolic closures and expand only if really required */ |
1551 | | functor(Expression,UnOp,1), |
1552 | | symbolic_closure_unary_operator(UnOp), |
1554 | | arg(1,Expression,BType), |
1555 | | !, %preferences:get_preference(convert_types_into_closures,true),!, |
1556 | | % print_message(delayed_un_op(UnOp,BType)), |
1557 | | b_compute_expression(BType,LocalState,State,ArgValue,WF), |
1558 | | ( do_not_keep_symbolic_unary(UnOp,ArgValue), unary_function(UnOp,Module,KernelFunction) -> |
1559 | | /* special treatment for empty set: no need to keep symbolic */ |
1560 | ? | unary_kernel_call(Module,KernelFunction,ArgValue,Res,WF,Expression,EType,Info) |
1561 | | ; |
1562 | | get_texpr_type(BType,ArgType), |
1563 | | create_texpr(value(ArgValue),ArgType,[],TValue), |
1564 | | ClosureSetExpression =.. [UnOp,TValue], |
1565 | | construct_member_closure('_zzzz_unary',Type,Info,ClosureSetExpression,Value), |
1566 | | (unop_to_be_marked_as_symbolic(UnOp,ArgValue) -> |
1567 | | mark_closure_as_symbolic(Value,SValue), |
1568 | | equal_object_wf(Res,SValue,WF) |
1569 | | ; equal_object_wf(Res,Value,WF)) |
1570 | | |
1571 | | ). |
1572 | | b_compute_expression2(Expression,EType,Info,LocalState,State,Res,WF) :- |
1573 | | is_set_type(EType,Type), |
1574 | | /* avoid evaluating certain expensive expressions: |
1575 | | convert them into symbolic closures and expand only if really required */ |
1576 | | functor(Expression,BinOp,2), |
1577 | | arg(1,Expression,BType1), |
1578 | | arg(2,Expression,BType2), |
1579 | | kernel_mappings:symbolic_closure_binary_operator(BinOp), |
1580 | | !, |
1581 | | %preferences:get_preference(convert_types_into_closures,true),!, |
1582 | | b_compute_expression(BType1,LocalState,State,ArgValue1,WF), |
1583 | | (binary_arg1_determines_value(BinOp,ArgValue1,DetResult) |
1584 | | -> /* print(det(BinOp,ArgValue1)),nl, */ |
1585 | | equal_object_wf(Res,DetResult,b_compute_expression2(BinOp),WF) |
1586 | | ; b_compute_expression(BType2,LocalState,State,ArgValue2,WF), |
1587 | | % print_message(delayed_bin_op(BinOp,ArgValue1,ArgValue2)), |
1588 | | (is_definitely_empty(BinOp,ArgValue1,ArgValue2) |
1589 | | -> empty_set(Res) |
1590 | | ; if(do_not_keep_symbolic(BinOp,ArgValue1,ArgValue2,ERes,WF), |
1591 | | % then: |
1592 | | equal_object_wf(Res,ERes,b_compute_expression2(BinOp),WF), |
1593 | | % else: |
1594 | | (get_texpr_type(BType1,TypeArg1), create_texpr(value(ArgValue1),TypeArg1,[],TArg1), |
1595 | | get_texpr_type(BType2,TypeArg2), create_texpr(value(ArgValue2),TypeArg2,[],TArg2), |
1596 | | ClosureSetExpression =.. [BinOp,TArg1,TArg2], |
1597 | | construct_member_closure('_zzzz_unary',Type,Info,ClosureSetExpression,Value), |
1598 | | % print('Constructed Symbolic Closure : '), translate:print_bvalue(Value),nl, |
1599 | | (binop_to_be_marked_as_symbolic(BinOp,ArgValue1,ArgValue2) -> |
1600 | | mark_closure_as_symbolic(Value,SValue), |
1601 | | equal_object_wf(Res,SValue,WF) |
1602 | | ; equal_object_wf(Res,Value,WF)) |
1603 | | ) |
1604 | | ) % if |
1605 | | ) |
1606 | | ). |
1607 | | b_compute_expression2(Expression,Type,Info,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1608 | | functor(Expression,Op,1), |
1609 | | unary_function(Op,Module,KernelFunction), |
1610 | | arg(1,Expression,Arg1),!, |
1611 | | %opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,b_operator_arg_evaluation(Op,1,[SV1],Arg1),WF1), |
1612 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
1613 | | unary_kernel_call(Module,KernelFunction,SV1,Value,WF,Expression,Type,Info). |
1614 | | b_compute_expression2(Expression,Type,Info,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1615 | | functor(Expression,Op,2), |
1616 | | binary_function(Op,Module,KernelFunction), |
1617 | | arg(1,Expression,Arg1), |
1618 | | arg(2,Expression,Arg2),!, |
1619 | | %opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,b_operator_arg_evaluation(Op,1,[SV1,_],Arg1),WF1), |
1620 | | b_compute_expression(Arg1,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
1621 | | (binary_arg1_determines_value(Op,SV1,Result) % we could disable this if find_abort_values=true or if SV1 not guaranteed to be wd |
1622 | | -> |
1623 | | equal_object_wf(Value,Result,b_compute_expression2(Op),WF) |
1624 | | ; b_compute_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,SV2,WF), |
1625 | | binary_kernel_call(Module,KernelFunction,SV1,SV2,Value,WF,Expression,Type,Info) |
1626 | | ). |
1627 | | b_compute_expression2(operation_call_in_expr(Operation,Parameters),_T,Info,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1628 | | !, def_get_texpr_id(Operation,op(OperationName)), |
1629 | | % TODO: check that this is a query operation; probably done in type checker |
1630 | | b_execute_operation_in_expression(OperationName,LocalState,State,Parameters,Value,Info,WF). |
1631 | | b_compute_expression2(E,T,Info,_L,_S,_R,_WF) :- |
1632 | | (T==pred -> add_internal_error('Uncovered expression; looks like a predicate in the wrong place: ',b(E,T,Info)) |
1633 | | ; T==subst -> add_internal_error('Uncovered expression; looks like a substitution in the wrong place: ',b(E,T,Info)) |
1634 | | ; add_internal_error('Uncovered expression: ',b(E,T,Info)) |
1635 | | ), |
1636 | | print_functor(E), print(' : '), print(T),nl,fail. |
1637 | | |
1638 | | make_couplise([A],R) :- !,R=A. |
1639 | | make_couplise([A,B],R) :- !,R=(A,B). |
1640 | | make_couplise([A,B|Rest],Result) :- !, |
1641 | | make_couplise([(A,B)|Rest],Result). |
1642 | | make_couplise(A,_) :- add_internal_error('Illegal operation call result:',A),fail. |
1643 | | |
1644 | | % --- |
1645 | | |
1646 | | |
1647 | | % check if a symbolic_closure_unary_operator result should be marked with prob_annotation(SYMBOLIC) |
1648 | | % because direct sub-args are marked SYMBOLIC |
1649 | | unop_to_be_marked_as_symbolic(UnOp,Value) :- nonvar(Value), |
1650 | | to_be_marked_as_symbolic_aux(UnOp,Value). |
1651 | | to_be_marked_as_symbolic_aux(struct,rec(Fields)) :- !, |
1652 | | member(field(_,SymbolicClosure),Fields), |
1653 | | is_symbolic_closure(SymbolicClosure). |
1654 | | %to_be_marked_as_symbolic_aux(pow_subset,SymbolicClosure) :- is_symbolic_closure(SymbolicClosure). |
1655 | | %to_be_marked_as_symbolic_aux(pow1_subset,SymbolicClosure) :- is_symbolic_closure(SymbolicClosure). |
1656 | | to_be_marked_as_symbolic_aux(_,SymbolicClosure) :- is_symbolic_closure(SymbolicClosure). |
1657 | | |
1658 | | % check if a symbolic_closure_binary_operator result should be marked with prob_annotation(SYMBOLIC) |
1659 | | % because direct sub-args are marked SYMBOLIC |
1660 | | binop_to_be_marked_as_symbolic(interval,_,_) :- !, fail. |
1661 | | %binop_to_be_marked_as_symbolic(overwrite,_,_) :- !, true. % TO DO: fix by detecting infinite <+ closures |
1662 | | binop_to_be_marked_as_symbolic(set_subtraction,ArgVal1,_) :- !, is_symbolic_closure(ArgVal1). |
1663 | | binop_to_be_marked_as_symbolic(intersection,ArgVal1,ArgVal2) :- |
1664 | | (finite_reasonably_sized_set(ArgVal1) ; finite_reasonably_sized_set(ArgVal2)), !, |
1665 | | fail. % intersection is finite and reasonably sized |
1666 | | binop_to_be_marked_as_symbolic(_,ArgVal1,_) :- is_symbolic_closure(ArgVal1). |
1667 | | binop_to_be_marked_as_symbolic(_,_,ArgVal2) :- is_symbolic_closure(ArgVal2). |
1668 | | % --- |
1669 | | |
1670 | | % check if we have a finite known set that can be reasonably represented |
1671 | | % see small_known_set/1 is kernel_mappings |
1672 | | finite_reasonably_sized_set(AVL) :- nonvar(AVL), AVL=avl_set(_). % already expanded; so it can be represented in memory |
1673 | | finite_reasonably_sized_set(Closure) :- nonvar(Closure), |
1674 | | custom_explicit_sets:is_interval_closure(Closure,From,To), integer(From), integer(To), |
1675 | | 1+To-From < 250000. % what value should we use here? |
1676 | | |
1677 | | lazy_compute_expression(TRIGGER,AssignmentExpr,LocalState,State,IdValue,WF,Ai) :- |
1678 | | get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(WF,F), |
1679 | | block_lazy_compute_expression(TRIGGER,F,AssignmentExpr,LocalState,State,IdValue,WF,Ai). |
1680 | | |
1681 | | :- block block_lazy_compute_expression(-,-,?,?,?, ?,?,?). |
1682 | | block_lazy_compute_expression(TRIGGER,_F,_AssignmentExpr,_LocalState,_State,_IdValue,_WF,_Ai) :- |
1683 | | var(TRIGGER),!. |
1684 | | block_lazy_compute_expression(pred_true,_,AssignmentExpr,LocalState,State,IdValue,WF,Ai) :- |
1685 | | AssignmentExpr = b(Expr,Type,Infos), |
1686 | | (Type \== pred -> b_compute_expression2(Expr,Type,Infos,LocalState,State,IdValue,WF) |
1687 | | ; IdValue == pred_true -> b_test_boolean_expression2(Expr,Infos,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,_) |
1688 | | ; IdValue == pred_false -> b_not_test_boolean_expression2(Expr,Infos,LocalState,State,WF,Ai,_) |
1689 | | ; b_check_boolean_expression(AssignmentExpr,LocalState,State,WF,PredVal,Ai,_) -> IdValue = PredVal |
1690 | | ; % reification of check_boolean_expression failed: |
1691 | | b_try_check_failed(AssignmentExpr,LocalState,State,'$ENUMERATION',WF,IdValue,'$GENERATE_ON_DEMAND') |
1692 | | ). |
1693 | | block_lazy_compute_expression(pred_false,_,_AssignmentExpr,_LocalState,_State,[],_WF,_Ai). % maybe generate any value ?? |
1694 | | |
1695 | | % --- |
1696 | | |
1697 | | :- block add_wd_error_if_false(-,?,?,?,?). |
1698 | | add_wd_error_if_false(pred_true,_,_,_,_). |
1699 | | add_wd_error_if_false(pred_false,ErrMsg,Cond,Span,WF) :- |
1700 | | translate_bexpression_with_limit(Cond,100,CS), |
1701 | | %(Span=span_predicate(P,LS,State) -> tcltk_interface:write_dot_file_for_pred_expr_and_state(P, LS, State,'/tmp/prob_wd_error.dot') ; true), |
1702 | | add_wd_error_span(ErrMsg,CS,Span,WF). |
1703 | | |
1704 | | % --- |
1705 | | |
1706 | | |
1707 | | :- use_module(kernel_tools,[ground_value/1]). |
1708 | | % compute function application: |
1709 | | b_compute_expression_function(Function,FunArg,Type,Info,LocalState,State,Res,WF) :- |
1710 | | preferences:preference(find_abort_values,false), % the treatment below will not check, e.g., if the set extension is really a function |
1711 | | is_extension_function(Function,FInfo,ExFun), !, |
1712 | | /* a set extension applied to an argument: in some cases we can can first evaluate the argument, |
1713 | | and then avoid having to compute the set_extension for all non-matching args */ |
1714 | | b_compute_expression(FunArg,LocalState,State,ArgValue,WF), |
1715 | | % TO DO : should we only do this if ArgValue is known ?? otherwise the standard treatment is better ?? |
1716 | | % Note: b_compiler has a special rule to not remove this optimisation |
1717 | | Span = span_predicate(b(function(Function,FunArg),Type,Info),LocalState,State), |
1718 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,function_call(Function,ArgValue,Info),WF2), % small performance hit; hence we only push onto call_stack in TRACE_INFO mode |
1719 | | ((memberchk(contains_wd_condition,FInfo) ; % relevant for test 1302; but machine seems to contain real WD error |
1720 | | preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false) ; |
1721 | | ground_value(ArgValue)) |
1722 | | -> b_apply_function_set_extension(ExFun,ArgValue,LocalState,State,Res,WF2,Span) |
1723 | | ; /* the standard treatment can infer information about the result,... in clpfd_mode */ |
1724 | | b_compute_expression(Function,LocalState,State,FValue,WF), |
1725 | | get_texpr_type(Function,FunctionType), |
1726 | | kernel_call_apply_to(FValue,ArgValue,Res,FunctionType,Span,WF2)). |
1727 | | %b_compute_expression_function(b(comprehension_set(Parameters,Condition),_,SInfo),Arg,Type,Info,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- !, |
1728 | | % b_compute_comprehension_set_symbolic(Parameters,Condition,SInfo,LocalState,State,FValue,WF), |
1729 | | % b_compute_expression(Arg,LocalState,State,ArgValue,WF), |
1730 | | % Span = span_predicate(b(function(Function,Arg),Type,Info),LocalState,State), |
1731 | | % get_texpr_type(Function,FunctionType), |
1732 | | % kernel_call_apply_to(FValue,ArgValue,Value,FunctionType,Span,WF). |
1733 | | b_compute_expression_function(Function,FunArg,_Type,Info,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1734 | | special_operator_for_image(Function,Kind,Args),!, % detect e.g. iterate(rel,k)(x) |
1735 | | b_compute_expression(FunArg,LocalState,State,SV,WF), |
1736 | | b_compute_expressions(Args,LocalState,State,EArgs,WF), |
1737 | | kernel_call(bsets_clp:apply_fun_for_special_operator(Kind,EArgs,SV,Value,WF,Info), |
1738 | | [SV|EArgs],WF,function(Function,FunArg)). |
1739 | | b_compute_expression_function(Function,Arg,Type,Info,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1740 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,function_call(Function,ArgValue,Info),WF2), |
1741 | | b_compute_expression(Function,LocalState,State,FValue,WF2), |
1742 | | b_compute_expression(Arg,LocalState,State,ArgValue,WF2), |
1743 | | Span = span_predicate(b(function(Function,Arg),Type,Info),LocalState,State), |
1744 | | get_texpr_type(Function,FunctionType), |
1745 | | % TODO: do we still need the span predicate when we have the function_call call_stack infos? |
1746 | | kernel_call_apply_to(FValue,ArgValue,Value,FunctionType,Span,WF2). |
1747 | | |
1748 | | |
1749 | | :- use_module(bsyntaxtree,[get_set_type/2,is_set_type/2]). |
1750 | | :- use_module(kernel_cardinality_attr,[finite_cardinality_as_int_with_type_wf/5]). |
1751 | | b_compute_card(Arg1,Type,Info,OuterInfo,LocalState,State,Card,WF) :- |
1752 | | b_compute_card2(Arg1,Type,Info,OuterInfo,LocalState,State,Card,WF), |
1753 | | % maybe we should move this code below inside kernel_objects ?? |
1754 | | (ground(Card) -> true |
1755 | | ; get_set_type(Type,SetElType), % TO DO: only needed for cardinality_of_set_extension_list |
1756 | | kernel_objects:max_cardinality(SetElType,MaxCard), % this could be precomputed statically |
1757 | | (number(MaxCard) -> kernel_objects:in_nat_range(Card,int(0),int(MaxCard)) |
1758 | | ; kernel_objects:greater_than_equal(Card,int(0)) % not sure this is required |
1759 | | ) |
1760 | | ). |
1761 | | b_compute_card2(set_extension(Ex),_,_,_,LocalState,State,Card,WF) :- !, |
1762 | | b_compute_expressions(Ex,LocalState,State,ExValue,WF), |
1763 | | kernel_objects:cardinality_of_set_extension_list(ExValue,Card,WF). |
1764 | | b_compute_card2(range(F),_,_,_,LocalState,State,Card,WF) :- !, |
1765 | | b_compute_expression(F,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
1766 | | kernel_objects:cardinality_of_range(SV1,Card,WF). |
1767 | | b_compute_card2(comprehension_set(Parameters,Condition),Type,Info,OuterInfo,LocalState,State,Card,WF) :- !, |
1768 | | get_set_type(Type,SetElType), |
1769 | | % ensure that we keep the closure and don't expand it: |
1770 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_symbolic(Parameters,Condition,Info,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
1771 | | kernel_mappings:must_succ_kernel_call( |
1772 | | kernel_cardinality_attr:finite_cardinality_as_int_with_type_wf(SV1,SetElType,OuterInfo,Card,WF),SV1,WF,card). |
1773 | | % TO DO: treat comprehension set + things like card({x|x>1 & x<2**e & x mod 2 = 0}) = 0 |
1774 | | b_compute_card2(Arg1,Type,Info,OuterInfo,LocalState,State,Card,WF) :- |
1775 | | get_set_type(Type,SetElType), |
1776 | | b_compute_expression2(Arg1,Type,Info,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
1777 | | kernel_mappings:must_succ_kernel_call( |
1778 | | kernel_cardinality_attr:finite_cardinality_as_int_with_type_wf(SV1,SetElType,OuterInfo,Card,WF),SV1,WF,card). |
1779 | | |
1780 | | b_compute_max(set_extension(Ex),_,Info,LocalState,State,Max,WF) :- !, |
1781 | | b_compute_expressions(Ex,LocalState,State,ExValue,WF), |
1782 | | kernel_objects:maximum_of_set_extension_list(ExValue,Max,Info,WF). |
1783 | | b_compute_max(Arg1,Type,Info,LocalState,State,Max,WF) :- |
1784 | | b_compute_expression2(Arg1,Type,Info,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
1785 | | kernel_mappings:must_succ_kernel_call(kernel_objects:maximum_of_set(SV1,Max,Info,WF),SV1,WF,max). |
1786 | | b_compute_min(set_extension(Ex),_,Info,LocalState,State,Min,WF) :- !, |
1787 | | b_compute_expressions(Ex,LocalState,State,ExValue,WF), |
1788 | | kernel_objects:minimum_of_set_extension_list(ExValue,Min,Info,WF). |
1789 | | /* doesnot really buy a lot: */ |
1790 | | /*b_compute_min(union(Arg1,Arg2),_,Info,LocalState,State,Min,WF) :- |
1791 | | Arg1 = b(set_extension(Ex),Type1,Info1), |
1792 | | !, |
1793 | | b_compute_min(set_extension(Ex),Type1,Info1,LocalState,State,Min1,WF), |
1794 | | b_compute_expression(Arg2,LocalState,State,SV2,WF), |
1795 | | b_compute_min2(SV2,Min1,Min,Info,WF). |
1796 | | :- block b_compute_min2(-,?,?,?,?). |
1797 | | b_compute_min2([],Min1,Res,_,_WF) :- !, Res=Min1. |
1798 | | b_compute_min2(SV1,Min1,Res,Info,WF) :- |
1799 | | kernel_mappings:must_succ_kernel_call(kernel_objects:minimum_of_set(SV1,Min2,Info,WF),SV1,WF,min), |
1800 | | min(Min1,Min2,Res). |
1801 | | min(int(A),int(B),int(Res)) :- kernel_objects:minimum(A,B,Res). */ |
1802 | | b_compute_min(Arg1,Type,Info,LocalState,State,Min,WF) :- |
1803 | | b_compute_expression2(Arg1,Type,Info,LocalState,State,SV1,WF), |
1804 | | kernel_mappings:must_succ_kernel_call(kernel_objects:minimum_of_set(SV1,Min,Info,WF),SV1,WF,min). |
1805 | | |
1806 | | generate_recursive_closure(TRecId,RecValue,Parameters,Condition,LocalState,State,Result,WF) :- |
1807 | | get_texpr_id(TRecId,RecId), |
1808 | | add_var_to_localstate(RecId,RecValue,LocalState,State1), |
1809 | | debug_println(9,generating_recursive_closure(RecId,Parameters)), |
1810 | | b_generate_rec_closure_aux(RecId,Parameters,Condition,State1,State,RClosure1,WF), |
1811 | | mark_closure_as_recursive(RClosure1,RClosure2), |
1812 | | mark_closure(RClosure2,[recursive(TRecId)],Result), |
1813 | | ( debug_mode(off) -> true |
1814 | | ; ground_value(Result) -> true |
1815 | | ; term_variables(Result,TV), |
1816 | | add_message(b_interpreter,'non-ground closure generated: ',TV:Result,Condition) |
1817 | | ). |
1818 | | % a variation of b_generate_closure |
1819 | | b_generate_rec_closure_aux(RecId,Parameters,Condition,LocalState,State,Result,WF) :- |
1820 | | split_names_and_types(Parameters,Names,Types), |
1821 | | construct_closure(Names,Types,ClosurePred,Result), |
1822 | | % now add RecId to parameters to prevent looking up recursive calls |
1823 | | b_compiler:b_compile(Condition,[RecId|Names],LocalState,State,ClosurePred,WF). |
1824 | | |
1825 | | % check if a freetype value has the expected case, if not |
1826 | | % generate a WD-error |
1827 | | check_freetype_case(Id,Case,VCase,Inner,Value,Info,WF) :- |
1828 | | get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(WF,F), |
1829 | | check_freetype_case2(Id,Case,VCase,Inner,Value,Info,F,WF). |
1830 | | :- block check_freetype_case2(?,?,-,?,?,?,-,?). |
1831 | | check_freetype_case2(Id,Case,VCase,Inner,Value,Info,_F,WF) :- |
1832 | | ( nonvar(VCase) -> |
1833 | | ( Case=VCase -> equal_object_wf(Inner,Value,check_freetype_case2,WF) |
1834 | | ; |
1835 | | ajoin(['cannot apply destructor for data type ',Id, |
1836 | | ', expected constructor ',Case,', but got: '],Msg), |
1837 | | add_wd_error_set_result(Msg,VCase,Inner,Value,Info,WF)) |
1838 | | ; % the computation has finished without value, |
1839 | | true). % just drop the check |
1840 | | |
1841 | | % check if we have a set_extension argument representing an explicit function |
1842 | | % {a |-> f1, b |-> f2, ...} or [f1,f2] |
1843 | | is_extension_function(b(A,_,Info),Info,C) :- is_extension_function_aux(A,C). |
1844 | | is_extension_function_aux(set_extension(Ex),CaseList) :- is_set_extension_function(Ex,CaseList). |
1845 | | is_extension_function_aux(sequence_extension(Ex),CaseList) :- is_sequence_extension_function(Ex,1,CaseList). |
1846 | | is_set_extension_function([],[]). |
1847 | | is_set_extension_function([b(Couple,TC,_)|T],[case(A,B)|ST]) :- is_couple(Couple,TC,A,B), |
1848 | | is_set_extension_function(T,ST). |
1849 | | is_sequence_extension_function([],_,[]). |
1850 | | is_sequence_extension_function([B|T],Nr,[case(b(value(int(Nr)),integer,[]),B)|ST]) :- N1 is Nr+1, |
1851 | | is_sequence_extension_function(T,N1,ST). |
1852 | | |
1853 | | is_couple(couple(A,B),_,A,B). |
1854 | | is_couple(value((VA,VB)),couple(TA,TB), b(value(VA),TA,[]), b(value(VB),TB,[])). |
1855 | | |
1856 | | :- use_module(kernel_equality,[equality_objects_wf/4]). |
1857 | | b_apply_function_set_extension([],FunArgVal,_LocalState,_State,_Res,WF,Span) :- |
1858 | | add_wd_error_span('Function applied outside of domain (#8): ','@fun'(FunArgVal,[]),Span,WF). |
1859 | | b_apply_function_set_extension([case(A,B)|T],FunArgVal,LocalState,State,Res,WF,Span) :- |
1860 | | b_compute_expression(A,LocalState,State,AVal,WF), |
1861 | | equality_objects_wf(AVal,FunArgVal,EqRes,WF), |
1862 | | % TO DO: if Res is known, we can call equality_objects(BVal,Res,ResEqRes) |
1863 | | b_apply_function_set_extension_aux(EqRes,B,T,FunArgVal,LocalState,State,Res,WF,Span). |
1864 | | |
1865 | | :- block b_apply_function_set_extension_aux(-,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?). |
1866 | | b_apply_function_set_extension_aux(pred_true,B,_T,_FunArgVal,LocalState,State,Res,WF,_Span) :- |
1867 | | b_compute_expression(B,LocalState,State,BVal,WF), %print(value(BVal)),nl, |
1868 | | equal_object_wf(BVal,Res,b_apply_function_set_extension_aux,WF). |
1869 | | b_apply_function_set_extension_aux(pred_false,_B,T,FunArgVal,LocalState,State,Res,WF,Span) :- |
1870 | | b_apply_function_set_extension(T,FunArgVal,LocalState,State,Res,WF,Span). |
1871 | | |
1872 | | |
1873 | | % --------------------- SIGMA & PI ------------------------ |
1874 | | :- use_module(bsyntaxtree,[is_membership_or_equality/3,same_id/3]). |
1875 | | /* first clause: try to do a specific treatment for formulas of the form SIGMA(ID).(ID:SET|EXPR) */ |
1876 | | /* Advantage: will not delay as long before computing comprehension_set SET ; see test 1312 */ |
1877 | | b_general_sum_or_mul([TID],Condition,Expression,Type,_Info,LocalState,State,SumResult,WF,SUMorMUL) :- |
1878 | | is_membership_or_equality(Condition,MID,SET), |
1879 | | same_id(TID,MID,_),!, |
1880 | | b_compute_expression(SET,LocalState,State,SETResult,WF), |
1881 | | b_general_sum_or_mul_over_set([TID],SETResult,Expression,Type,LocalState,State,SumResult,WF,SUMorMUL). |
1882 | | b_general_sum_or_mul(Ids,Condition,Expression,Type,Info,LocalState,State,SumMulResult,WF,SUMorMUL) :- |
1883 | | b_compute_comprehension_set(Ids,Condition,Info,LocalState,State,SETResult,WF), |
1884 | | (var(SETResult) -> perfmessagecall(sigma_pi_not_expanded_or_reified(SUMorMUL), |
1885 | | translate:print_bexpr(Condition),Condition) ; true), |
1886 | | b_general_sum_or_mul_over_set(Ids,SETResult,Expression,Type,LocalState,State,SumMulResult,WF,SUMorMUL). |
1887 | | |
1888 | | |
1889 | | :- block b_general_sum_or_mul_over_set(?,-, ?,?,?,?, ?,?,?). |
1890 | | b_general_sum_or_mul_over_set([TID],SETResult,Expression,Type,_LS,_S,SumResult,WF,SUMorMUL) :- |
1891 | | Type=integer, % TO DO: also for real |
1892 | | get_texpr_id(Expression,ID), % check if we just sum the elements of the list SIGMA(x).(x:S|x) |
1893 | | get_texpr_id(TID,ID), |
1894 | | sum_or_mul_of_explicit_set(SETResult,SUMorMUL,R),!, |
1895 | | equal_object_wf(SumResult,R,b_general_sum_or_mul_over_set,WF). |
1896 | | b_general_sum_or_mul_over_set(IDs,SETResult,Expression,Type,LocalState,State,SumResult,WF,SUMorMUL) :- |
1897 | | expand_custom_set_to_list_wf(SETResult,ESETResult,_Done,b_general_sum_or_mul_over_set,WF), |
1898 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list(ESETResult,IDs,Expression,Type,LocalState,State,SumResult,WF,SUMorMUL). |
1899 | | |
1900 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list(L,IDs,Expr,Type,LS,State,Result,WF,SUMorMUL) :- |
1901 | | get_acc_base(SUMorMUL,Type,Acc), |
1902 | | (Type = integer -> get_wait_flag0(WF,WF0) ; true), % for real: delay until values known |
1903 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_acc(L,IDs,Expr,Type,LS,State,Acc,Result,WF,SUMorMUL,WF0). |
1904 | | |
1905 | | :- block b_sum_or_mul_over_list_acc(-, ?, ?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?). |
1906 | | % better if list is fully known: no constraint propagation performed during computation ! |
1907 | | % for example: SIGMA(x).(x:{-1} \/ 1..30000|x+1) goes down from 2050 ms to 1210 ms |
1908 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_acc([],_,_,Type,_,_,Acc,Result,_WF,_SUMorMUL,_) :- |
1909 | | get_acc_result(Type,Acc,Result). |
1910 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_acc([H|T],IDs,Expr,Type,LocalState,State,Acc,Result,WF,SUMorMUL,WF0) :- |
1911 | | add_typed_vars_to_localstate(IDs,H,LocalState,NewLocalState), |
1912 | | b_compute_expression(Expr,NewLocalState,State,HExprVal,WF), |
1913 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_acc2(HExprVal,T,IDs,Expr,Type,LocalState,State,Acc,Result,WF,SUMorMUL,WF0). |
1914 | | |
1915 | | :- block b_sum_or_mul_over_list_acc2(?,-, ?, ?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?), |
1916 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_acc2(?,?, ?, ?,?,?,?,-, ?,?,?,-), |
1917 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_acc2(-,?, ?, ?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,-). % wait until T nonvar and either Acc & HExprVal known or WF0 set |
1918 | | % purpose: try and remain in non-CLPFD mode as long as possible to avoid overflows,... (see eg. test 1642, 1708) |
1919 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_acc2(HExprVal,T,IDs,Expr,Type,LocalState,State,Acc, Result,WF,SUMorMUL,WF0) :- |
1920 | | (nonvar(T),nonvar(Acc),ground(HExprVal) |
1921 | | -> % we can continue computing the system without constraint propagation; is faster |
1922 | | get_value(Type,HExprVal,HVal), |
1923 | | compose_acc(SUMorMUL,Acc,HVal,NewAcc), |
1924 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_acc(T,IDs,Expr,Type,LocalState,State,NewAcc,Result,WF,SUMorMUL,WF0) |
1925 | | ; T==[], number(Acc), get_acc_base(SUMorMUL,Type,Acc) -> |
1926 | | /* we have just a single element left and no operator has to be applied -> no need for clpfd treatment */ |
1927 | | equal_object_wf(HExprVal,Result,b_sum_or_mul_over_list_acc) |
1928 | | ; Type=real -> % no CLP(FD) treatment possible yet |
1929 | | when(ground(HExprVal), |
1930 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_acc2(HExprVal,T,IDs,Expr,Type,LocalState,State,Acc, Result,WF,SUMorMUL,WF0)) |
1931 | | ; init_clp_acc(SUMorMUL,HExprVal,int(Acc),CLPAccumulator), |
1932 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_clp(T,IDs,Expr,LocalState,State,CLPAccumulator,Result,WF,SUMorMUL) |
1933 | | ). |
1934 | | |
1935 | | % add set comprehension solution ValueForTypedIDs as individual values for every TypedIDs to LocalState |
1936 | | add_typed_vars_to_localstate(TypedIDs,ValueForTypedIDs,LocalState,NewLocalState) :- |
1937 | | (flatten_pairs(TypedIDs,ValueForTypedIDs,ValAsList), |
1938 | | add_typed_vars_to_localstate_aux(TypedIDs,ValAsList,LocalState,R) |
1939 | | -> NewLocalState = R |
1940 | | ; add_internal_error('Call failed: ',add_typed_vars_to_localstate(TypedIDs,ValueForTypedIDs,LocalState,NewLocalState)), |
1941 | | fail |
1942 | | ). |
1943 | | % set comprehension results for {a,b,c|P} are nested like this ((a,b),c) |
1944 | | % first argument only used for length (to know how deep the pairs are nested) |
1945 | | flatten_pairs(L,Pairs,FlatList) :- flatten_pairs(L,Pairs,FlatList,[]). |
1946 | | flatten_pairs([_],A) --> !, [A]. |
1947 | | flatten_pairs([_|T],(A,B)) --> flatten_pairs(T,A) ,[B]. |
1948 | | add_typed_vars_to_localstate_aux([],_,LS,LS). |
1949 | | add_typed_vars_to_localstate_aux([TID],[H],LocalState,NewLocalState) :- !, |
1950 | | get_texpr_id(TID,ID), get_texpr_type(TID,TYPE), |
1951 | | add_typed_var_to_localstate(ID,H,TYPE,LocalState,NewLocalState). |
1952 | | add_typed_vars_to_localstate_aux([TID1|Ids],[H1|Hs],LocalState,NewLocalState) :- !, |
1953 | | get_texpr_id(TID1,ID1), get_texpr_type(TID1,TYPE), |
1954 | | add_typed_var_to_localstate(ID1,H1,TYPE,LocalState,LS1), |
1955 | | add_typed_vars_to_localstate_aux(Ids,Hs,LS1,NewLocalState). |
1956 | | |
1957 | | |
1958 | | :- block b_sum_or_mul_over_list_clp(-, ?, ?,?,?, ?, ?,?,?). |
1959 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_clp([],_, _,_,_, Acc, Result,_WF,SUMorMUL) :- |
1960 | | finalise_clp(SUMorMUL,Acc,Result). |
1961 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_clp([H|T],IDs,Expr,LocalState,State,Acc, Result,WF,SUMorMUL) :- |
1962 | | add_typed_vars_to_localstate(IDs,H,LocalState,NewLocalState), |
1963 | | b_compute_expression(Expr,NewLocalState,State,HExprVal,WF), |
1964 | | compose_clp(SUMorMUL,HExprVal,Acc,NewAcc), |
1965 | | b_sum_or_mul_over_list_clp(T,IDs,Expr,LocalState,State,NewAcc,Result,WF,SUMorMUL). |
1966 | | |
1967 | | :- use_module(kernel_reals,[is_real/2]). |
1968 | | get_acc_base(sum,integer,R) :- !, R=0. |
1969 | | get_acc_base(sum,real,0.0). |
1970 | | get_acc_base(mul,integer,R) :- !, R=1. |
1971 | | get_acc_base(mul,real,1.0). |
1972 | | get_acc_result(integer,Nr,int(Nr)). |
1973 | | get_acc_result(real,Nr,Real) :- is_real(Real,Nr). |
1974 | | get_value(integer,int(Val),Val) :- !. |
1975 | | get_value(real,Real,Nr) :- is_real(Real,Nr). |
1976 | | |
1977 | | compose_acc(sum,A,B,C) :- C is A+B. |
1978 | | compose_acc(mul,A,B,C) :- C is A*B. |
1979 | | init_clp_acc(sum,int(A),int(B),Res) :- (B==0 -> Res=[A] ; Res=[A,B]). % A always not ground |
1980 | | init_clp_acc(mul,A,B,C) :- times(A,B,C). |
1981 | | compose_clp(sum,int(A),Acc,NewAcc) :- NewAcc = [A|Acc]. |
1982 | | compose_clp(mul,A,B,C) :- times(A,B,C). |
1983 | | :- use_module(clpfd_interface,[clpfd_sum/2]). |
1984 | | finalise_clp(sum,Acc,int(Result)) :- |
1985 | | clpfd_sum(Acc,Result). % using clpfd_sum can be much more efficient: no intermediate variables set up |
1986 | | finalise_clp(mul,int(Acc),int(Acc)). |
1987 | | |
1988 | | /* for if-then-else in Z: compute Then or Else, |
1989 | | depending on the outcome of the predicate */ |
1990 | | :- block b_compute_if_then_else(-,?,?,?,?,?,?). |
1991 | | b_compute_if_then_else(pred_true,Then,_Else,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1992 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,b_expr_call(if_then_body,Then),WF2), |
1993 | | b_compute_expression(Then,LocalState,State,Value,WF2). |
1994 | | b_compute_if_then_else(pred_false,_Then,Else,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
1995 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,b_expr_call(if_else_body,Else),WF2), |
1996 | | b_compute_expression(Else,LocalState,State,Value,WF2). |
1997 | | |
1998 | | :- use_module(clpfd_interface,[clpfd_if_then_else/4]). |
1999 | | % a more sophisticated treatment, can also work backwards forcing PredRes |
2000 | | % examples: |
2001 | | % x = IF a<10 THEN 0 ELSE 5 END & x:6..10 & a:1..23 |
2002 | | % see must_fail_clpfd_det 132 and 133 |
2003 | | % problematic if Else contains recursion; but then we should have WD condition |
2004 | | b_clpfd_if_then_else(PredRes,Type,Then,Else,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
2005 | | get_wait_flag0(WF,WF0), |
2006 | | b_clpfd_if_then_else_block(PredRes,WF0,Type,Then,Else,LocalState,State,Value,WF). |
2007 | | :- block b_clpfd_if_then_else_block(-,-,?,?,?,?,?,?,?). |
2008 | | b_clpfd_if_then_else_block(PredRes,_,Type,Then,Else,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- var(PredRes),!, |
2009 | | get_full_fd_value(Type,Value,FDValue), |
2010 | | b_compute_expression(Then,LocalState,State,ThenValue,WF), |
2011 | | get_full_fd_value(Type,ThenValue,FDThenValue), |
2012 | | b_compute_expression(Else,LocalState,State,ElseValue,WF), |
2013 | | get_full_fd_value(Type,ElseValue,FDElseValue), |
2014 | | % TO DO: catch CLPFD overflow and use equality_objects |
2015 | | clpfd_if_then_else(PredRes,FDThenValue,FDElseValue,FDValue). |
2016 | | b_clpfd_if_then_else_block(pred_true,_,_Type,Then,_Else,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
2017 | | b_compute_expression(Then,LocalState,State,Value,WF). |
2018 | | b_clpfd_if_then_else_block(pred_false,_,_Type,_Then,Else,LocalState,State,Value,WF) :- |
2019 | | b_compute_expression(Else,LocalState,State,Value,WF). |
2020 | | |
2021 | | :- use_module(b_global_sets,[get_global_type_value/3]). |
2022 | | % try and get full_fd_value; true if full value can be translated to CLP(FD) value |
2023 | | get_full_fd_value(global(T),FY,X) :- get_global_type_value(FY,T,X). |
2024 | | get_full_fd_value(integer,int(X),X). |
2025 | | get_full_fd_value(boolean,B,FD) :- kernel_equality:prop_eq_01(B,FD). |
2026 | | % record with single field ? |
2027 | | |
2028 | | can_get_full_fd_value(global(_)). |
2029 | | can_get_full_fd_value(integer). |
2030 | | can_get_full_fd_value(boolean). |
2031 | | |
2032 | | % a slightly improved version over set_up_localstate (not sure it is really much faster): |
2033 | | add_lazy_let_id_to_local_state(b(identifier(ID),_,_),Trigger,IdValue,LocalState,NewState) :- |
2034 | | % should we delete any old occurence of ID in LocalState? |
2035 | | NewState = [bind(ID,(Trigger,IdValue))|LocalState]. |
2036 | | |
2037 | | add_lazy_let_id_and_expression(Id,IdExpr,LocalState,InState,NewLocalState,WF) :- |
2038 | | empty_avl(Ai), |
2039 | | add_lazy_let_id_and_expression(Id,IdExpr,LocalState,InState,NewLocalState,WF,Ai). |
2040 | | add_lazy_let_id_and_expression(Id,IdExpr,LocalState,InState,NewLocalState,WF,Ai) :- |
2041 | | add_lazy_let_id_to_local_state(Id,Trigger,IdValue,LocalState,NewLocalState), |
2042 | | lazy_compute_expression(Trigger,IdExpr,LocalState,InState,IdValue,WF,Ai). |
2043 | | |
2044 | | /* for let-statements in Z and now in B: expand localstate by new variables and assign |
2045 | | values to them ; |
2046 | | now Expressions are evaluated in state *with* the new identifiers ! |
2047 | | */ |
2048 | | %set_up_localstate_for_let_no_reuse(Ids,Exprs,LocalState,State,LetState,WF) :- |
2049 | | % set_up_localstate(Ids,Vars,LocalState,LetState), |
2050 | | % compute_let_expressions(Exprs,Vars,LocalState,State,WF). |
2051 | | set_up_localstate_for_let(Ids,Vars,Exprs,LocalState,State,LetState,WF) :- |
2052 | | set_up_localstate(Ids,Vars,LocalState,LetState), |
2053 | | %external_functions:observe_variables(Ids,Vars), |
2054 | | compute_let_expressions(Exprs,Vars,LetState,State,WF). |
2055 | | compute_let_expressions([],[],_,_,_). |
2056 | | compute_let_expressions([Expr|RestExprs],[Var|RestVars],LocalState,State,WF) :- |
2057 | | b_compute_expression(Expr,LocalState,State,Value,WF), |
2058 | | equal_object_optimized(Var,Value,compute_let_expressions), |
2059 | | compute_let_expressions(RestExprs,RestVars,LocalState,State,WF). |
2060 | | |
2061 | | set_up_localstate_for_global_let(Ids,Exprs,LocalState,State,LetState,WF) :- |
2062 | | set_up_localstate(Ids,Vars,State,LetState), |
2063 | | compute_let_expressions(Exprs,Vars,LocalState,LetState,WF). |
2064 | | |
2065 | | |
2066 | | l_compute_field([],_LS,_S,[],_WF). |
2067 | | l_compute_field([Field|T],LS,S,[FVal|CT],WF) :- |
2068 | | b_compute_field(Field,LS,S,FVal,WF), |
2069 | | l_compute_field(T,LS,S,CT,WF). |
2070 | | |
2071 | | b_compute_field(field(Name,TypeOrVal),LocalState,State,field(Name,TypeOrFieldValue),WF) :- |
2072 | | b_compute_expression(TypeOrVal,LocalState,State,TypeOrFieldValue,WF). |
2073 | | |
2074 | | |
2075 | | |
2076 | | :- use_module(b_compiler). |
2077 | | |
2078 | | /* :- type bsets_closure +--> closure(list(type(variable_id)), |
2079 | | list(type(basic_type_descriptor)),type(boolean_expression)). */ |
2080 | | |
2081 | | :- assert_pre(b_interpreter:b_compute_comprehension_set(Parameters,Cond,_Info,LS,State,_R,_WF), |
2082 | | (ground_check(Parameters), |
2083 | | bsyntaxtree:check_if_typed_predicate(Cond),type_check(LS,store),type_check(State,store)) ). |
2084 | | |
2085 | | :- assert_post(b_interpreter:b_compute_comprehension_set(_P,_C,_Info,_LS,_State,Val,_WF), |
2086 | | (b_interpreter:value_type(Val))). %, nonvar(Val) |
2087 | | |
2088 | | |
2089 | | |
2090 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_symbolic(Parameters,Condition,Info,LocalState,State,Result,WF) :- |
2091 | | % a version which never expands the generated closure |
2092 | | b_generate_closure_if_necessary(Parameters,Condition,LocalState,State,CResult,WF), |
2093 | | (member(prob_annotation('SYMBOLIC'),Info) |
2094 | | -> mark_closure_as_symbolic(CResult,CRS),Result=CRS |
2095 | | ; Result=CResult). % TODO: check if we need definitely_expand_this_explicit_set |
2096 | | % we could catch Parameters = [TID], Condition = b(member(b(identifier(ID),_TYPE,_),SET) |
2097 | | b_compute_comprehension_set(Parameters,Condition,Info,LocalState,State,Result,WF) :- |
2098 | | b_generate_closure_if_necessary(Parameters,Condition,LocalState,State,CResult,WF), |
2099 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_aux(CResult,Info,Result,WF). |
2100 | | |
2101 | | :- use_module(clpfd_interface,[catch_clpfd_overflow_call2/2]). |
2102 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_aux(CResult,_,Result,_WF) :- |
2103 | | (var(CResult) ; \+ functor(CResult,closure,3) ),!, |
2104 | | Result=CResult. |
2105 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_aux(CResult,Info,Result,_WF) :- |
2106 | | member(prob_annotation('SYMBOLIC'),Info),!, |
2107 | | mark_closure_as_symbolic(CResult,CRS),Result=CRS. |
2108 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_aux(CResult,_Info,Result,_WF) :- |
2109 | | (preferences:get_preference(convert_comprehension_sets_into_closures,true), |
2110 | | \+ definitely_expand_this_explicit_set(CResult) |
2111 | | ; |
2112 | | dont_expand_symbolic_explicit_set(CResult)),!, |
2113 | | Result=CResult. |
2114 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_aux(CResult,Info,Result,WF) :- |
2115 | | b_expand_compute_comprehension_set(CResult,Info,Result,WF). |
2116 | | |
2117 | | b_expand_compute_comprehension_set(CResult,Info,Result,WF) :- |
2118 | | % using just get_wait_flag1(b_compute_comprehension_set,WF,WF0), makes many benchmarks faster ; but e.g., test 268 fails; maybe we sholud pre-compute bexpr_variables ? and pass this to expand_only_custom_closure_global |
2119 | | (preferences:preference(use_smt_mode,false) |
2120 | | -> get_wait_flag(1000,b_compute_comprehension_set,WF,WF0) % ideally we should say WF0 = _ ; but for some benchmarks Rule_DB_SIGAREA_0024_ori.mch this is important to avoid expanding closures before other stuff fails |
2121 | | % only in SMT mode can there be any benefit in expanding a non-ground closure (when it is a lambda closure) |
2122 | | % => hence delay expansion longer, possibly detecting enumeration warnings while expanding |
2123 | | % TO DO: for lambda closures with known domain: expand earlier ! |
2124 | | ; get_wait_flag(2,b_compute_comprehension_set,WF,WF0)), |
2125 | | kernel_objects:mark_as_to_be_computed(Result), % avoid that we instantiate this set (e.g., in check_element_of_wf: we will get a full description of the set later; see test 1353 |
2126 | | (var(WF0),var(Result) -> ground_value_check(CResult,CGr) ; true), |
2127 | | block_compute_comprehension_set_aux(CResult,Info,Result,WF,WF0,CGr). |
2128 | | |
2129 | | :- block block_compute_comprehension_set_aux(?,?,-,?,-,-). |
2130 | | block_compute_comprehension_set_aux(CResult,Info,Result,WF,_WF0,_CGr) :- |
2131 | | ( |
2132 | | nonvar(Result) |
2133 | | -> equal_object_wf(CResult,Result,WF) % this may expand CResult or do other tests; |
2134 | | % like emptyness test or symbolic equality; |
2135 | | % if Result=[_|_] then the closure needs to be expanded anyhow, so need to try and keep symbolic |
2136 | | ; |
2137 | | catch_clpfd_overflow_call2( |
2138 | | on_enumeration_warning_with_continue(expand_only_custom_closure_global(CResult,Expansion,check_no_inf,WF), |
2139 | | % check_no_inf: we know it is not definitely infinite; and we do not want warnings for virtual time-outs |
2140 | | % an enumeration warning occured in the expansion scope: keep closure symbolic after all |
2141 | | % NOTE: for this detection to work it is better to delay until the body is ground (CGr) |
2142 | | % and not use a priority too low for WF0, otherwise Expansion will be var and enum warning may occur later |
2143 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_sym_msg(CResult,Info,Result,WF) % Backup Call in case of enum warning |
2144 | | , |
2145 | | equal_object_wf(Result,Expansion,WF) % TrueContinuation |
2146 | | % instantiating Result can trigger other code which fails and confuses on_enumeration_warning |
2147 | | ), |
2148 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_sym(CResult,Result,WF) |
2149 | | ) % catch_clpfd_overflow_call2 |
2150 | | ). |
2151 | | |
2152 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_sym_msg(CResult,Info,Result,WF) :- CResult = closure(P,_T,B), |
2153 | | silent_mode(off), |
2154 | | % TO DO: should we check that this closure has not been constructed by ProB, e.g., for UNION ?? |
2155 | | % e.g., P = ['__RANGE_LAMBDA__'] what about '_zzzz_unary', '_zzzz_binary', '_prj_arg1__', ... |
2156 | | % also: what if the enumeration warning has a pending_abort_error |
2157 | | !, |
2158 | | Msg = 'Keeping comprehension-set symbolic (you may want to use the /*@symbolic*/ pragma to prevent this message, unless it was due to a WD-Error), identifiers: ', |
2159 | | (contains_info_pos(Info) -> Span=Info ; Span=B), |
2160 | | add_message(b_compute_comprehension_set,Msg,P,Span), |
2161 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_sym(CResult,Result,WF). |
2162 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_sym_msg(CResult,_,Result,WF) :- |
2163 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_sym(CResult,Result,WF). |
2164 | | |
2165 | | |
2166 | | b_compute_comprehension_set_sym(CResult,Result,WF) :- |
2167 | | mark_closure_as_symbolic(CResult,CRS), % prevent doing the same mistake again |
2168 | | equal_object_wf(Result,CRS,b_compute_comprehension_set_sym,WF). |
2169 | | |
2170 | | |
2171 | | :- use_module(closures,[construct_closure_if_necessary/4]). |
2172 | | b_generate_forall_closure(Parameters,Condition,LocalState,State,Result,WF) :- |
2173 | | split_names_and_types(Parameters,Names,Types), |
2174 | | construct_closure(Names,Types,ClosurePred1,Result), |
2175 | | (LocalState==[],State==[] |
2176 | | -> ClosurePred = Condition % no lookups can be performed anyway; no need to compile |
2177 | | ; b_compiler:b_compile(Condition,Names,LocalState,State,ClosurePred,WF) ), |
2178 | | add_texpr_infos(ClosurePred,[quantifier_kind(forall)],ClosurePred1). % info for call_stack |
2179 | | |
2180 | | |
2181 | | |
2182 | | b_generate_closure_if_necessary(Parameters,Condition,LocalState,State,Result,WF) :- |
2183 | | split_names_and_types(Parameters,Names,Types), |
2184 | | b_compiler:b_compile(Condition,Names,LocalState,State,ClosurePred,WF), |
2185 | | %print('COMPILED: '),translate:print_bexpr(ClosurePred),nl, |
2186 | | construct_closure_if_necessary(Names,Types,ClosurePred,Result). |
2187 | | |
2188 | | |
2189 | | :- public convert_list_of_expressions_into_sequence/2. |
2190 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_sequence(List,SeqValue) :- |
2191 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_sequence(List,1,Seq), |
2192 | | equal_object_optimized(Seq,SeqValue,convert_list_of_expressions_into_sequence). |
2193 | | |
2194 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_sequence([],_,[]). |
2195 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_sequence([H|T],Cur,[(int(Cur),H)|ConvT]) :- |
2196 | | C1 is Cur+1, |
2197 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_sequence(T,C1,ConvT). |
2198 | | |
2199 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_set_wf(ListOfElements,Set,Type,WF) :- |
2200 | | list_of_expressions_is_ground(ListOfElements,Ground,OrderedListOfElements), |
2201 | ? | convert_list_of_expressions_into_set1(Ground,OrderedListOfElements,Set,Type,WF). |
2202 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_set1(true,ListOfElements,Set,_Type,WF) :- %var(Set), |
2203 | | \+ (ListOfElements = [H|_], is_symbolic_closure(H)), % list contains symbolic closures, do not try to expand to avl |
2204 | | % see should_be_converted_to_avl_from_lists ? |
2205 | | !, construct_avl_from_lists_wf(ListOfElements,AVLSet,WF), |
2206 | | equal_object_wf(AVLSet,Set,convert_list_of_expressions_into_set1,WF). |
2207 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_set1(_,Seq,Set,Type,WF) :- |
2208 | ? | kernel_objects:max_cardinality(Type,TypeMaxCard), |
2209 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_set2(Seq,1,[],Set,TypeMaxCard,WF). |
2210 | | |
2211 | | % TO DO: sort elements : ground elements first |
2212 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_set2([],_,Set,Res,_,WF) :- |
2213 | | equal_object_wf(Set,Res,convert_list_of_expressions_into_set2,WF). |
2214 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_set2([H|T],MaxSze,SetSoFar,OutSet,TypeMaxCard,WF) :- |
2215 | | %kernel_objects:basic_type_set(Type,IntSet,MaxSze), |
2216 | | check_set_lists_bounded(IntSet,TypeMaxCard,MaxSze), |
2217 | | % TO DO: optimize; avoid traversing or typing elements over and over again |
2218 | | % maybe add a max. sze argument to add_element |
2219 | | add_element_wf(H,SetSoFar,IntSet,WF), % print(add_el(H,SetSoFar,IntSet)),nl, |
2220 | | % TO DO: check if H in OutSet and keep track of which elements have already been covered in OutSet |
2221 | | %check_element_of_wf(H,OutSet,WF), makes tests 114, 115, 118-120, 1063 fail ! % we could also call lazy_try_check_element_of if this turns out to be too expensive |
2222 | | kernel_objects:lazy_try_check_element_of(H,OutSet,WF), |
2223 | | M1 is MaxSze+1, |
2224 | | convert_list_of_expressions_into_set2(T,M1,IntSet,OutSet,TypeMaxCard,WF). |
2225 | | |
2226 | | |
2227 | | :- use_module(inf_arith). |
2228 | | |
2229 | | % check that a set does not exceed a certain bound (to prevent infinite |
2230 | | % or overeager enumeration of sets); Warning: will not check custom_explicit_set sizes |
2231 | | check_set_lists_bounded(Set,TypeMaxCard,Bound) :- |
2232 | | inf_arith:infmin(TypeMaxCard,Bound,Card), |
2233 | | (is_inf_or_overflow_card(Card) -> true |
2234 | | ; Card<1 -> empty_set(Set) |
2235 | | ; check_set_bounded_aux(Set,Card)). |
2236 | | |
2237 | | :- block check_set_bounded_aux(-,?). |
2238 | | check_set_bounded_aux(CustomSet,_) :- is_custom_explicit_set(CustomSet,check_set_bounded_aux),!. |
2239 | | check_set_bounded_aux([],_). |
2240 | | check_set_bounded_aux([_|T],Card) :- |
2241 | | C1 is Card-1, |
2242 | | (C1=0 -> empty_set(T) ; check_set_bounded_aux(T,C1)). |
2243 | | |
2244 | | |
2245 | | |
2246 | | % check if the list can be converted into AVL form; if not: re-order list so that ground elements are present first |
2247 | | list_of_expressions_is_ground([],true,[]). |
2248 | | list_of_expressions_is_ground([E|T],Ground,ResList) :- |
2249 | | (should_be_converted_to_avl(E) -> ResList=[E|RT], list_of_expressions_is_ground(T,Ground,RT) |
2250 | | ; Ground=false, |
2251 | | bring_ground_elements_forward(T,[E],ResList) |
2252 | | ). |
2253 | | |
2254 | | bring_ground_elements_forward([],Acc,Acc). |
2255 | | bring_ground_elements_forward([H|T],Acc,Res) :- |
2256 | | (should_be_converted_to_avl(H) -> Res=[H|RT], bring_ground_elements_forward(T,Acc,RT) |
2257 | | ; bring_ground_elements_forward(T,[H|Acc],Res)). |
2258 | | |
2259 | | :- use_module(kernel_card_arithmetic,[is_inf_or_overflow_card/1, safe_mul/3]). |
2260 | | % compute cardinality of a list of parameters, such as for forall |
2261 | | parameter_list_cardinality([],1). |
2262 | | parameter_list_cardinality([b(identifier(_),BasicType,_)|T],Res) :- |
2263 | | parameter_list_cardinality(T,TCard), |
2264 | | (is_inf_or_overflow_card(TCard) -> Res=TCard |
2265 | | ; kernel_objects:max_cardinality(BasicType,Card), |
2266 | | safe_mul(Card,TCard,Res) |
2267 | | ). |
2268 | | % see also basic_type_list_cardinality, now moved to custom_explicit_sets |
2269 | | |
2270 | | b_for_all(Parameters,Infos,LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
2271 | | get_wait_flag1(for_all(Parameters),WF,LWF), % hack: give total_function,... priority to set up domain/range |
2272 | | b_for_all_aux(LWF,Parameters,Infos,LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF). |
2273 | | |
2274 | | :- block b_for_all_aux(-,?,?,?,?,?,?,?). |
2275 | | b_for_all_aux(_,Parameters,Infos,LHS,RHS,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
2276 | | split_names_and_types(Parameters,Names,Types), |
2277 | | b_compile(LHS,Names,LocalState,State,CLHS,WF), |
2278 | | b_compile(RHS,Names,LocalState,State,CRHS,WF), |
2279 | | b_for_all_aux2(Parameters,Names,Types,Infos,CLHS,CRHS,WF). |
2280 | | |
2281 | | :- use_module(kernel_tools,[ground_bexpr/1, ground_bexpr_check/2]). |
2282 | | b_for_all_aux2(_,_,_,_,LHS,RHS,_) :- |
2283 | | (is_falsity(LHS) ; is_truth(RHS)), |
2284 | | !. % quantifier always true |
2285 | | b_for_all_aux2(Parameters,CParameters,CParameterTypes,Infos,LHS,RHS,WF) :- |
2286 | | ground_bexpr(LHS), |
2287 | | \+ obvious_enumeration(LHS,CParameters), % if we have an obvious (small) enumeration in the LHS it is often better simply to enumerate and check the RHS for every instance |
2288 | | ground_bexpr(RHS), %print(not_exists_forall(Parameters,LHS,RHS)),nl, |
2289 | | !, |
2290 | | b_for_all_find_counter_example(Parameters,CParameters,CParameterTypes,Infos,LHS,RHS,WF). |
2291 | | b_for_all_aux2(Parameters,CParameters,CParameterTypes,Infos,LHS,RHS,WF) :- |
2292 | | parameter_list_cardinality(Parameters,ParCard), |
2293 | | peel_implications(Parameters,ParCard,LHS,RHS, LHS2,RHS2), |
2294 | | b_for_all_aux3(Parameters,ParCard,CParameters,CParameterTypes,Infos,LHS2,RHS2,WF). |
2295 | | |
2296 | | b_for_all_aux3(Parameters,ParCard,CParameters,CParameterTypes,Infos,LHS,RHS,WF) :- |
2297 | | %large_domain(Parameters,ParCard,LHS), |
2298 | | is_infinite_or_very_large_explicit_set(closure(CParameters,CParameterTypes,LHS),10000000), |
2299 | | % the domain is so large that we cannot possibly check all instances |
2300 | | % in this case: we prefer to look for a counter example in the hope that the constraint solver can narrow down the search by combining LHS and not(RHS) |
2301 | | !, |
2302 | | perfmessage(forall,'Large forall domain: ',ParCard,Infos), |
2303 | | ground_bexpr_check(LHS,LG), |
2304 | | ground_bexpr_check(RHS,RG), |
2305 | | when((nonvar(LG),nonvar(RG)), |
2306 | | b_for_all_find_counter_example(Parameters,CParameters,CParameterTypes,Infos,LHS,RHS,WF) |
2307 | | ). |
2308 | | b_for_all_aux3(Parameters,ParCard,_CP,_,Infos,LHS,RHS,WF) :- |
2309 | | if(expand_forall_quantifier(Parameters,LHS,RHS,Infos,WF,ReificationVariable), |
2310 | | ( |
2311 | | perfmessage(good(forall),'Reified forall by expanding into conjunction: ',LHS), |
2312 | | ReificationVariable=pred_true), |
2313 | | ( % print(normal_forall(Parameters)),nl, |
2314 | | b_generate_for_all_list_domain1(Parameters,ParCard,LHS,RHS,[],[],AllSolList,NewRHS,WF), |
2315 | | expand_forall1(AllSolList,NewRHS,Parameters,WF) |
2316 | | )). |
2317 | | |
2318 | | |
2319 | | % a treatment of for all where we look for counter examples satisfying LHS & not(RHS) |
2320 | | b_for_all_find_counter_example(Parameters,CParameters,CParameterTypes,Infos,LHS,RHS,WF) :- |
2321 | | % if LHS is Parameters: avl_set(V) then we probably should not apply this rule ? |
2322 | | create_negation(RHS,NegRHS), |
2323 | | conjunct_predicates_with_pos_info(LHS,NegRHS,Pred0), |
2324 | | % format('looking for: ~w ',[CParameters]), translate:print_bexpr(LHS),nl, translate:print_bexpr(NegRHS),nl, |
2325 | | perfmessage(good(forall),translating_forall_into_not_exists(CParameters),LHS), |
2326 | | add_texpr_infos(Pred0,[quantifier_kind(forall)],ClosureBody1), % for call_stack |
2327 | | init_quantifier_wait_flag(WF,not(forall),Parameters,ParValues,Infos,LocalWF), % relevant for test 1904 |
2328 | | not_with_enum_warning_and_possible_delay( |
2329 | | (custom_explicit_sets:b_test_closure(CParameters,CParameterTypes,ClosureBody1,ParValues,negative,LocalWF), |
2330 | | perfmessage_bexpr(forall,forall_counter_example(CParameters,ParValues),LHS) |
2331 | | ),LocalWF, WF, forall(CParameters), Infos). |
2332 | | |
2333 | | :- use_module(library(timeout),[time_out/3]). |
2334 | | not_with_enum_warning_and_possible_delay(C,WF,OuterWF,PP,Span) :- |
2335 | | get_preference(disprover_mode,true), |
2336 | | % in disprover mode we do not track WD errors, no need to start_attach_inner_abort_errors |
2337 | | !, |
2338 | | % delay potentially expensive quantifications in the hope of finding other contradictions earlier |
2339 | | if( (time_out(not_with_enum_warning(C,WF,PP,Span),20,TRes),TRes \== time_out), |
2340 | | copy_wfe_from_inner_if_necessary(WF,OuterWF), |
2341 | | (get_wait_flag(2,not_with_enum_warning_and_possible_delay,OuterWF,LWF), % which priority to use ?? |
2342 | | debug_println(19,delay_not_in_disprover_mode), |
2343 | | not_with_enum_warning_delay(C,LWF,WF,OuterWF,PP,Span))). |
2344 | | not_with_enum_warning_and_possible_delay(C,WF,OuterWF,PP,Span) :- |
2345 | | start_attach_inner_abort_errors(Level,not_with_enum_warning), |
2346 | | call_cleanup(not_with_enum_warning(C,WF,PP,Span), |
2347 | | re_attach_pending_inner_abort_errors(Level,OuterWF,_)), |
2348 | | copy_wfe_from_inner_if_necessary(WF,OuterWF). |
2349 | | |
2350 | | |
2351 | | :- block not_with_enum_warning_delay(?,-,?,?,?,?). |
2352 | | not_with_enum_warning_delay(C,_,WF,OuterWF,PP,Span) :- |
2353 | | debug_println(19,trigger_not_with_enum_warning_delay), |
2354 | | not_with_enum_warning(C,no_wf_available,PP,Span), |
2355 | | copy_wfe_from_inner_if_necessary(WF,OuterWF). |
2356 | | |
2357 | | :- use_module(avl_tools,[quick_avl_approximate_size/2]). |
2358 | | obvious_enumeration(LHS,[Id]) :- % TO DO : allow multiple ids |
2359 | | % TO DO: unify with is_for_all_set_membership_predicate code below |
2360 | | TLHSMembership = b(LHSMembership,_,_), |
2361 | | member_conjunct(TLHSMembership,LHS,_), |
2362 | | obvious_enum_aux(LHSMembership,Id). |
2363 | | |
2364 | | obvious_enum_aux(member(TID,b(value(VAL),_,_)),ID) :- get_texpr_id(TID,ID), |
2365 | | nonvar(VAL), VAL = avl_set(AVL), % TO DO: also support interval closures ? |
2366 | | quick_avl_approximate_size(AVL,Size), |
2367 | | Size<256. |
2368 | | %obvious_enum_aux(equal(LHS,RHS),ID) :- % stillposes problem for test 231, investigate |
2369 | | % ( get_texpr_id(LHS,ID) -> get_texpr_expr(RHS,value(_)) |
2370 | | % ; get_texpr_id(RHS,ID) -> get_texpr_expr(LHS,value(_))). |
2371 | | % % TODO: do we need to accept integer(.),... literals? |
2372 | | |
2373 | | % expands forall quantifier and thus enables that we also propagate from right to left |
2374 | | % This helps for test 1397 (HandshakeSimple_TotFun) |
2375 | | % TO DO: directly call the code which tries to expand a forall quantifier |
2376 | | expand_forall_quantifier(Parameters,LHS,RHS,Infos,WF,ReificationVariable) :- |
2377 | | (preferences:preference(use_smt_mode,true) -> true |
2378 | | ; preferences:preference(solver_strength,SS), SS>9), % sometimes contrapositive checking maybe not useful; see test 1368 |
2379 | | % TO DO: investigate and provide more principled heuristic |
2380 | | b_interpreter_check:b_check_forall_wf(Parameters,LHS,RHS,Infos,[],[],WF,ReificationVariable). |
2381 | | |
2382 | | % rewrite !(x,..).( TRUTH => (LHS2 => RHS2)) into !(x,...).(LHS2 => RHS2) |
2383 | | peel_implications(Parameters,ParCard,LHS,RHS, NewLHS,NewRHS) :- |
2384 | | %print(forall),nl, print(Parameters),nl,print(LHS),nl, |
2385 | | % this patterns occurs often in Event-B translations to classical B |
2386 | | LHS=b(truth,_,_), |
2387 | | RHS=b(implication(LHS2,RHS2),_,_), % TO DO: maybe also accept nested forall and then add to Parameters? |
2388 | | (is_inf_or_overflow_card(ParCard) -> true ; ParCard>50), |
2389 | | % larger bound than below: maybe user explicitly wants to expand it |
2390 | | !, |
2391 | | peel_implications(Parameters,ParCard,LHS2,RHS2, NewLHS,NewRHS). |
2392 | | peel_implications(_,_,LHS,RHS, LHS,RHS). |
2393 | | |
2394 | | b_generate_for_all_list_domain_nolwf(Parameters,LHS,RHS,LS,S,ForAllDomain,NewRHS,WF) :- |
2395 | | parameter_list_cardinality(Parameters,ParCard), |
2396 | | peel_implications(Parameters,ParCard,LHS,RHS, LHS2,RHS2), |
2397 | | b_generate_for_all_list_domain1(Parameters,ParCard,LHS2,RHS2,LS,S,OForAllDomain,NewRHS,WF), |
2398 | | optlist_to_list(OForAllDomain,ForAllDomain). % resolve any optional_value/2 items |
2399 | | |
2400 | | % generate the domain of a Universally Quantified Formula as a list |
2401 | | b_generate_for_all_list_domain1(Parameters,_ParCard,LHS,RHS,LS,S,ForAllDomain,NewRHS,WF) :- |
2402 | | % optimized treatment for formulas of the form !x.(x:S => RHS) or !(x,y).(x|->y:S => RHS) |
2403 | | % to do: expand to more formulas, such as !(x,y).(x:S & y:T => RHS) |
2404 | | % or !y.(y:1..(n-1) & f(y)=TRUE => f(y+1)=TRUE) --> !y.(y:1..(n-1) => (f(y)=TRUE => f(y+1)=TRUE)) |
2405 | | % or we could try and reify set membership for small domains and trigger implication |
2406 | | is_for_all_set_membership_predicate(LHS,Parameters,Set,Pattern,ParameterValues),!, |
2407 | | perfmessages_bexpr_call(good(forall),['Detected forall set membership over ',Ps,': '], |
2408 | | LHS,bsyntaxtree:def_get_texpr_ids(Parameters,Ps)), |
2409 | | NewRHS=RHS, |
2410 | | b_generate_set_for_all_domain(Set,LS,S,Pattern,ParameterValues,ForAllDomain,WF). |
2411 | | b_generate_for_all_list_domain1(Parameters,ParCard,LHS,RHS,LS,S,ForAllDomain,NewRHS,WF) :- |
2412 | | b_generate_forall_closure(Parameters,LHS,LS,S,Closure,WF), % POSSIBLY NO NEED TO COMPILE |
2413 | | b_generate_for_all_domain2(Closure,Parameters,ParCard,LHS,RHS,ForAllDomain,NewRHS,WF). |
2414 | | |
2415 | | b_generate_for_all_domain2(Closure,_Parameters,_,LHS,RHS,ForAllDomain,NewRHS,WF) :- |
2416 | | (LHS=b(truth,pred,_) ; ground_value(Closure)), |
2417 | | !, NewRHS=RHS, % nl,print('FORALL EXPAND: '),(ground_value(Closure) -> print(ground(_Parameters)),nl, print_bexpr(LHS),nl ; print('NONGROUND!!'),nl,print_bexpr(RHS),nl), %% |
2418 | | b_expand_closure_forall_to_list(Closure,ForAllDomain,WF). |
2419 | | b_generate_for_all_domain2(_,Parameters,_,LHS,RHS,ForAllDomain,NewRHS,WF) :- |
2420 | | is_a_conjunct(LHS,_,_), % otherwise we have already checked for set_membership above ! |
2421 | | LHS_Membership = b(member(_,_),_,_), % TO DO: also allow conjuncts |
2422 | | member_conjunct(LHS_Membership,LHS,RestLHS), |
2423 | | % !(x). ( x:Set & RestLHS => RHS) ---> !(x).(x:Set => (RestLHS => RHS)) |
2424 | | is_for_all_set_membership_predicate(LHS_Membership,Parameters,Set,Pattern,ParameterValues), |
2425 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion(Set,100,[],[]), % TO DO: simplify LS,S argument <---- |
2426 | | !, |
2427 | | % as we expand Set without RHS predicate, check if this is ok |
2428 | | % indeed maximum cardinality of Set could be infinite !! !x.(x:NATURAL1 & x<N => P) |
2429 | | % print('Splitting for all conjunct: '), print(Parameters),nl, print_bexpr(LHS_Membership),nl,print_bexpr(RestLHS),nl, %% |
2430 | | perfmessage_bexpr(good(forall),'Splitting LHS of forall: ',LHS), |
2431 | | NewRHS = b(implication(RestLHS,RHS),pred,[]), % TO DO: extract & join info |
2432 | | b_generate_set_for_all_domain(Set,[],[],Pattern,ParameterValues,ForAllDomain,WF). |
2433 | | b_generate_for_all_domain2(Closure,_Parameters,ParCard,LHS,RHS,ForAllDomain,NewRHS,WF) :- |
2434 | | (is_inf_or_overflow_card(ParCard) -> true ; ParCard>8), |
2435 | | !, |
2436 | | NewRHS=RHS, |
2437 | | perfmessage_bexpr(forall,'No optimisations applicable to forall (will delay until all variables are bound): ',LHS), % maybe we should generate this message only if ForAllDomain is var ? |
2438 | | b_expand_closure_forall_to_list(Closure,ForAllDomain,WF). |
2439 | | b_generate_for_all_domain2(_Closure,Parameters,ParCard,LHS,RHS,ForAllDomain,NewRHS,WF) :- |
2440 | | NewLHS=b(truth,pred,[]), NewRHS=b(implication(LHS,RHS),pred,[]), |
2441 | | b_generate_forall_closure(Parameters,NewLHS,[],[],Closure,WF), |
2442 | | perfmessages_bexpr(good(forall),['Expanding forall with finite parameter type, card = ',ParCard,': '],LHS), |
2443 | | b_expand_closure_forall_to_list(Closure,ForAllDomain,WF). |
2444 | | |
2445 | | % code to decide whether a for all should be expanded if the |
2446 | | % predicate contains a set membership predicate : !x.( (P & x:S & P') => Q) |
2447 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion(b(Expr,Type,_Info),Limit,LS,S) :- % which value to choose for Limit ?? |
2448 | | kernel_objects:max_cardinality(Type,TypeCard), |
2449 | | ( (number(TypeCard),TypeCard =< Limit) -> true ; |
2450 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(Expr,Limit,TypeCard,LS,S)). |
2451 | | |
2452 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(b(E,_,_),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- |
2453 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(E,Limit,TC,LS,S). |
2454 | | |
2455 | | :- use_module(custom_explicit_sets,[efficient_card_for_set/3]). |
2456 | | |
2457 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(set_extension(E),Limit,_TC,_,_) :- !, length(E,Len), Len =< Limit. |
2458 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(interval(Up,Low),Limit,_TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2459 | | get_integer(UpI,Up,LS,S), get_integer(LowI,Low,LS,S), |
2460 | | UpI-LowI<Limit. |
2461 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(integer_set(GS),Limit,_TC,_LS,_S) :- !, b_global_set_cardinality(GS,Card), |
2462 | | number(Card), Card =< Limit. |
2463 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(set_subtraction(A,_),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2464 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(A,Limit,TC,LS,S). |
2465 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(image(RelA,_),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2466 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(RelA,Limit,TC,LS,S). |
2467 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(function(_RelA,_),_Limit,_TC,_LS,_S) :- !, |
2468 | | fail. % TO DO: we should look at the size of the range elements |
2469 | | % max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(_RelA,_Limit,_TC,_LS,_S). |
2470 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(intersection(A,B),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2471 | | (max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(A,Limit,TC,LS,S) -> true ; max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(B,Limit,TC,LS,S)). |
2472 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(union(A,B),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2473 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(A,Limit,TC,LS,S), max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(B,Limit,TC,LS,S). |
2474 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(range(A),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2475 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(A,Limit,TC,LS,S). |
2476 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(domain(A),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2477 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(A,Limit,TC,LS,S). |
2478 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(domain_restriction(_A,B),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2479 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(B,Limit,TC,LS,S). % note: finite A does not guarantee finite result |
2480 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(domain_subtraction(_A,B),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2481 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(B,Limit,TC,LS,S). |
2482 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(range_restriction(A,_B),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2483 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(A,Limit,TC,LS,S). % note: finite B does not guarantee finite result |
2484 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(range_subtraction(A,_B),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2485 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(A,Limit,TC,LS,S). |
2486 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(direct_product(A,B),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2487 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(cartesian_product(A,B),Limit,TC,LS,S). |
2488 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(parallel_product(A,B),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2489 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(cartesian_product(A,B),Limit,TC,LS,S). |
2490 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(cartesian_product(A,B),Limit,TC,LS,S) :- !, |
2491 | | ILimit is Limit//2, ILimit>0, %use sqrt ? |
2492 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(A,ILimit,TC,LS,S), |
2493 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion1(B,ILimit,TC,LS,S). |
2494 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(value(S),Limit,_TC,_LS,_S) :- !, |
2495 | | get_max_card_for_value(S,MaxCard), |
2496 | | MaxCard =< Limit. |
2497 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(identifier(_ID),_Limit,TC,_LS,_S) :- !, number(TC). |
2498 | | % TO DO: check if ID is fully defined; if so use card else accept as it will |
2499 | | % probably be represented by a list and the forall constraints could be useful in finding ID's value |
2500 | | % we have to store/compute ID anyway (could be infinite closure; hence check that TC is a number); a bit of a hack; is there a more principled way? |
2501 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(external_function_call(_,_),_,_,_,_) :- !,fail. |
2502 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(lazy_lookup_expr(_),_,_,_,_) :- !,fail. |
2503 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(record_field(_,_),_Limit,_TC,_LS,_S) :- !, fail. |
2504 | | max_cardinality_ok_for_expansion2(E,Limit,TC,_LS,_S) :- functor(E,F,N), |
2505 | | print(unknown_max_card(F/N,Limit,TC)),nl,fail. |
2506 | | |
2507 | | |
2508 | | :- use_module(kernel_cardinality_attr,[clpfd_card_domain_for_var/3]). |
2509 | | |
2510 | | get_max_card_for_value(S,MaxCard) :- var(S), !, |
2511 | | clpfd_card_domain_for_var(S,_,Max), number(Max), |
2512 | | MaxCard=Max. |
2513 | | get_max_card_for_value([],R) :- !, R=0. |
2514 | | get_max_card_for_value([_|T],R) :- !,get_max_card_for_value(T,TMax), R is TMax+1. |
2515 | | get_max_card_for_value(S,Card) :- efficient_card_for_set(S,Card,C),!, |
2516 | | call(C), number(Card). |
2517 | | |
2518 | | |
2519 | | get_integer(X, b(Expr,integer,_),LS,S) :- get_integer2(Expr,X,LS,S). |
2520 | | get_integer2(integer(X),X,_,_) :- number(X). |
2521 | | get_integer2(identifier(Id),Val,LS,S) :- lookup_value(Id,LS,S,int(Val)), number(Val). |
2522 | | |
2523 | | member_conjunct(Predicate,Conjunction,Rest) :- |
2524 | | conjunction_to_list(Conjunction,List), |
2525 | ? | select(Predicate,List,RestList), |
2526 | | conjunct_predicates(RestList,Rest). |
2527 | | % member_conjunct(Conj,Conj,b(truth,pred,[])). covered by case above |
2528 | | |
2529 | | b_generate_set_for_all_domain(Set,LS,S,Pattern,ParameterValues,ForAllDomain,WF) :- |
2530 | | b_compute_expression(Set,LS,S,EvSet,WF), |
2531 | | expand_custom_set_to_list_wf(EvSet,ESet,_Done,b_generate_set_for_all_domain,WF), |
2532 | | filter_and_convert_list_to_parameter_tuples(ESet,Pattern,ParameterValues,ForAllDomain). |
2533 | | |
2534 | | |
2535 | | % check if it is a predicate of the form x:S or x:Sx & y:Sy ... which we can optimize |
2536 | | % (i.e. compute SET before all values inside it are fully known) |
2537 | | is_for_all_set_membership_predicate(LHS,Parameters,Set,Pattern,ParameterValues) :- |
2538 | | % print('CHECK FORALL : '), translate:print_bexpr(LHS),nl,nl, |
2539 | | get_texpr_ids(Parameters,ParIDs), % TO DO: call get_texpr_ids before |
2540 | | same_length(ParIDs,ParameterValues), |
2541 | | is_for_all_set_membership_predicate2(LHS,ParIDs,ParIDs,UnmatchedParIDs,Set,Pattern,ParameterValues,_UPV), |
2542 | | UnmatchedParIDs=[]. |
2543 | | |
2544 | | % TODO: maybe also deal with existential quantifiers #x.(x|->y:Set) -> in Pattern x becomes free var |
2545 | | is_for_all_set_membership_predicate2(LHS,All,ParIDs,UnmatchedParIDs,Set,Pattern,ParameterValues,UPV) :- |
2546 | | is_member_test(LHS,Element,Set), |
2547 | | !, |
2548 | | identifiers_not_used_in_bexp(All,Set), |
2549 | | convert_to_prolog_pattern_match(Element,ParIDs,UnmatchedParIDs,Pattern,ParameterValues,UPV). |
2550 | | % TO DO: also allow failing pattern matches ?!; at least when splitting |
2551 | | is_for_all_set_membership_predicate2(LHS,All,ParIDs,ParIDs2,Set, |
2552 | | (Pat1,Pat2),ParameterValues,UPV) :- |
2553 | | is_a_conjunct(LHS,LHS1,LHS2), % we could have something of the form x:Sx & y:Sy ... |
2554 | | Set = b(cartesian_product(Set1,Set2),couple(T1,T2),[]), |
2555 | | is_for_all_set_membership_predicate2(LHS1,All,ParIDs, ParIDs1,Set1,Pat1,ParameterValues,PV1), |
2556 | | get_texpr_type(Set1,T1), |
2557 | | !, |
2558 | | is_for_all_set_membership_predicate2(LHS2,All,ParIDs1,ParIDs2,Set2,Pat2,PV1,UPV), |
2559 | | get_texpr_type(Set2,T2). |
2560 | | |
2561 | | % TO DO: maybe use a more general test to be reused in other places |
2562 | | is_member_test(b(P,_,_),Element,Set) :- is_member_test_aux(P,Element,Set). |
2563 | | is_member_test_aux(member(Element,Set),Element,Set). |
2564 | | % also detect equalities: important for tests 28,29 after b_compiler can introduce equalities for singleton set memberships |
2565 | | is_member_test_aux(equal(Element,SetVal),Element,Set) :- % TO DO : also other direction + other kinds of values ? |
2566 | | SetVal = b(value(SV),T,I), |
2567 | | Set = b(value([SV]),set(T),I). |
2568 | | |
2569 | | identifiers_not_used_in_bexp(IDList,Expr) :- |
2570 | | find_identifier_uses(Expr,[],Used), |
2571 | | id_check(IDList,Used). |
2572 | | id_check([],_). |
2573 | | id_check([ID|T],Used) :- |
2574 | | nonmember(ID,Used), !, |
2575 | | id_check(T,Used). |
2576 | | |
2577 | | % check if an expression can be converted to a Prolog linear unification/pattern match |
2578 | | % give an list of free identifiers IDS |
2579 | | convert_to_prolog_pattern_match(b(E,_,_),IDS,OutIDS,Pattern,VarsIn,VarsOut) :- |
2580 | | convert_to_prolog_pattern_match2(E,IDS,OutIDS,Pattern,VarsIn,VarsOut). |
2581 | | |
2582 | | convert_to_prolog_pattern_match2(identifier(ID),IDsIn,IDsOut,PatVariable,VarsIn,VarsOut) :- |
2583 | | % check that the identifier is in the list of quantified variables and thus unbound |
2584 | | !, |
2585 | | (nth1(Nr,IDsIn,ID,IDsOut) |
2586 | | -> nth1(Nr,VarsIn,PatVariable,VarsOut) % put fresh PatVariable in the Pattern |
2587 | | ),!. |
2588 | | convert_to_prolog_pattern_match2(couple(ID1,ID2),IDS,OutIDS,Pattern,VarsIn,VarsOut) :- |
2589 | | Pattern = (Pat1,Pat2), |
2590 | | convert_to_prolog_pattern_match(ID1,IDS,RemIDS,Pat1,VarsIn,VarsInt), |
2591 | | convert_to_prolog_pattern_match(ID2,RemIDS,OutIDS,Pat2,VarsInt,VarsOut). |
2592 | | convert_to_prolog_pattern_match2(value(V),IDsIn,IDsOut,Pattern,VarsIn,VarsOut) :- |
2593 | | can_be_used_for_unification(V), % check if we can use Prolog unification for equality |
2594 | | !, Pattern=V, IDsOut=IDsIn, VarsIn=VarsOut. |
2595 | | % TO DO: records? |
2596 | | |
2597 | | % a pattern match code to be used with above; ensure we do not instantiate values |
2598 | | pattern_match(PatVar,Val,Res) :- var(PatVar),!,PatVar=Val, Res=pred_true. % we have a free pattern variable |
2599 | | pattern_match((Pat1,Pat2),(V1,V2),Res) :- !, |
2600 | | pattern_match(Pat1,V1,R1), conjoin_simple(R1,R2,Res), |
2601 | | pattern_match(Pat2,V2,R2). |
2602 | | pattern_match(GroundPatVal,Val,Res) :- % we have a value that can_be_used_for_unification |
2603 | | when( ?=(GroundPatVal,Val), (GroundPatVal=Val -> Res=pred_true ; Res=pred_false)). |
2604 | | |
2605 | | :- block conjoin_simple(-,?,?). % TO DO: also allow second arg to unblock |
2606 | | conjoin_simple(pred_true,X,X). |
2607 | | conjoin_simple(pred_false,_,pred_false). |
2608 | | |
2609 | | % similar to get_template(V,T,[]) |
2610 | | % but more restricted; we only accept those values where equality corresponds to Prolog unification |
2611 | | % get_template is different and can assume normalized values, e.g., for empty set |
2612 | | can_be_used_for_unification(V) :- var(V),!,fail. |
2613 | | can_be_used_for_unification(int(V)) :- nonvar(V). |
2614 | | can_be_used_for_unification(string(S)) :- ground(S). |
2615 | | can_be_used_for_unification(fd(S,T)) :- ground(S), ground(T). |
2616 | | can_be_used_for_unification(pred_false). |
2617 | | can_be_used_for_unification(pred_true). |
2618 | | |
2619 | | |
2620 | | |
2621 | | % take a list and a pattern and filter the values that do not match the Pattern |
2622 | | % Unification with the Pattern also instantiates the ParameterValues |
2623 | | % TODO: Instead of converting to a Prolog Unification we could use kernel_equality instead of pattern_match |
2624 | | % but this is not obvious, as the pattern contains free variables and equality would never return true |
2625 | | % we would need to apply kernel_equality only to the ground pattern parts |
2626 | | :- block filter_and_convert_list_to_parameter_tuples(-,?,?,?). |
2627 | | filter_and_convert_list_to_parameter_tuples([],_,_,[]). |
2628 | | filter_and_convert_list_to_parameter_tuples([H|T],Pattern,ParameterValues,Res) :- |
2629 | | copy_term((Pattern,ParameterValues),(CPat,CPV)), |
2630 | | pattern_match(CPat,H,PredRes), % check if pattern matches new element H in set; careful not to instantiate H |
2631 | | filter_and_convert_list_to_parameter_tuples_aux(PredRes,CPV,T,Pattern,ParameterValues,Res). |
2632 | | |
2633 | | :- block filter_and_convert_list_to_parameter_tuples_aux(-,?,-,?,?,?). |
2634 | | filter_and_convert_list_to_parameter_tuples_aux(PredRes,CPV,T,Pattern,ParameterValues,Res) :- |
2635 | | var(PredRes),!, % we cannot decide yet whether the optional value is to be used or not |
2636 | | Res = [optional_value(CPV,PredRes)|RT], % create constructor for map_optlist or similar |
2637 | | filter_and_convert_list_to_parameter_tuples(T,Pattern,ParameterValues,RT). |
2638 | | filter_and_convert_list_to_parameter_tuples_aux(PredRes,CPV,T,Pattern,ParameterValues,Res) :- |
2639 | | (PredRes = pred_true % we have a match, universal quantifier applies to H |
2640 | | -> Res = [CPV|RT] |
2641 | | ; % element of set does not match pattern; universal quantifier does not apply |
2642 | | % ProB used to only accept non-failing pattern matches; |
2643 | | % now we also accept tuples with static parts where Prolog unification can fail |
2644 | | Res=RT |
2645 | | ), |
2646 | | filter_and_convert_list_to_parameter_tuples(T,Pattern,ParameterValues,RT). |
2647 | | |
2648 | | :- use_module(tools,[map_optlist/2,optlist_to_list/2]). |
2649 | | :- use_module(library(lists),[maplist/3]). |
2650 | | expand_forall1(OList,RHS,Parameters,WF) :- |
2651 | | ground_bexpr(RHS), % because compiled this means we cannot do any constraint propagation on variables in RHS |
2652 | | optlist_to_list(OList,List), |
2653 | | ground_value(List), % ditto here: no variables on which we could do constraint propagation |
2654 | | %% preferences:get_preference(double_evaluation_when_analysing,false), % causes test 1112 to fail TO DO:fix |
2655 | | % otherwise we do not have a real redundancy wrt to not exists check |
2656 | | debug_println(15,ground_forall_translating_into_not_exists(Parameters)), |
2657 | | !, |
2658 | | %kernel_waitflags:init_wait_flags(LocalWF,[expansion_context(forall,Parameters)]), |
2659 | | init_quantifier_wait_flag(WF,forall,Parameters,ParResult,unknown,LocalWF), |
2660 | | % Advantage over treatment below: NegRHS is interpreted only once |
2661 | | % but we cannot provide any instantiations and there must not be any links with variables outside of the forall !! |
2662 | | create_negation(RHS,NegRHS), |
2663 | | not_with_enum_warning( ( |
2664 | | b_interpreter:test_forall_instance(NegRHS,Parameters,LocalWF,negative,ParResult), % can fail; if inconsistency detected in WF0 |
2665 | | kernel_waitflags:ground_det_wait_flag(LocalWF), |
2666 | | member(ParResultInList,List), % check the body for every solution |
2667 | | lists:maplist(kernel_objects:equal_object,ParResultInList,ParResult), % match parameters with the solutions of the domain |
2668 | | kernel_waitflags:ground_wait_flags(LocalWF) % do not ground EF? ground_constraintprop_wait_flags ground_inner_wait_flags |
2669 | | ), LocalWF, forall(Parameters), RHS |
2670 | | ). |
2671 | | expand_forall1(List,RHS,Parameters,WF) :- |
2672 | | map_optlist(b_interpreter:test_forall_instance(RHS,Parameters,WF,positive),List). |
2673 | | |
2674 | | |
2675 | | test_forall_instance(RHS,Parameters,WF,NegationContext,ParResult) :- |
2676 | | LocalState=[],State=[], |
2677 | | if(set_up_typed_localstate(Parameters,ParResult,_TypedVals,LocalState,NewLocalState,NegationContext), |
2678 | | true, |
2679 | | (nl,print(set_up_typed_localstate_failed(Parameters,ParResult,_,LocalState,NewLocalState)),nl, |
2680 | | % it can happen that ParResult has constraints on it and that setting up the typing info detects the error |
2681 | | % add_internal_error('Call failed: ', set_up_typed_localstate(Parameters,ParResult,_,LocalState,NewLocalState)), |
2682 | | fail)), |
2683 | | b_optimized_b_test_instance(RHS,NewLocalState,State,WF). |
2684 | | |
2685 | | reification_relevant_for_op(implication(_,_)). |
2686 | | reification_relevant_for_op(equivalence(_,_)). |
2687 | | reification_relevant_for_op(disjunct(_,_)). |
2688 | | % TODO: maybe check if a conjunct contains implication |
2689 | | % relevant for example for: n=2000 & f:1..n-->BOOL & !i.(i:2..n => (f(i)=TRUE =>f(i-1)=FALSE)) & f(1)=TRUE |
2690 | | |
2691 | | b_optimized_b_test_instance(RHS,NewLocalState,State,WF) :- |
2692 | | get_texpr_expr(RHS,RE), reification_relevant_for_op(RE), % we will attempt reification |
2693 | | attempt_reification, |
2694 | | \+ always_well_defined(RHS), % this will prevent reification |
2695 | | !, |
2696 | | % try and compile in the hope that now the WD issue disappears: |
2697 | | b_compiler:b_optimize(RHS,[],NewLocalState,State,NewRHS,WF), |
2698 | | b_test_boolean_expression(NewRHS,NewLocalState,State,WF). |
2699 | | b_optimized_b_test_instance(RHS,NewLocalState,State,WF) :- |
2700 | | b_test_boolean_expression(RHS,NewLocalState,State,WF). |
2701 | | % using b_test_inner_boolean_expression considerably slows down NQueens, Sudoku,... |
2702 | | % WF=InnerWF. /* give the boolean expression a chance to do ground propagations first */ |
2703 | | |
2704 | | |
2705 | | % use this when the test boolean expression could be called with WF0 already set |
2706 | | % give the inner expression a chance to do the deterministic stuff first |
2707 | | b_test_inner_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
2708 | | kernel_waitflags:clone_wait_flags_from1(WF,GroundUponFinish,WF2), |
2709 | | % set WF0 to variable to propagate deterministic infos first: |
2710 | | b_test_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,State,WF2), |
2711 | | kernel_waitflags:clone_wait_flags_from1_finish(WF,GroundUponFinish,WF2). |
2712 | | % the same for testing negation of a predicate: |
2713 | | b_not_test_inner_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
2714 | | kernel_waitflags:clone_wait_flags_from1(WF,GroundUponFinish,WF2), |
2715 | | % set WF0 to variable to propagate deterministic infos first: |
2716 | | b_not_test_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,State,WF2), |
2717 | | kernel_waitflags:clone_wait_flags_from1_finish(WF,GroundUponFinish,WF2). |
2718 | | |
2719 | | /* now the same as above; but without converting list of values into pairs */ |
2720 | | :- assert_pre(b_interpreter:b_expand_closure_forall_to_list(Closure,_Result,_WF), |
2721 | | (nonvar(Closure), custom_explicit_sets:is_closure(Closure,_Parameters,_ParameterTypes,ClosureBody), |
2722 | | nonvar(ClosureBody), |
2723 | | bsyntaxtree:check_if_typed_predicate(ClosureBody))). |
2724 | | :- assert_post(b_interpreter:b_expand_closure_forall_to_list(_Closure,Result,_WF), |
2725 | | b_interpreter:value_type(Result)). |
2726 | | b_expand_closure_forall_to_list(Closure,Result,WF) :- nonvar(Closure), |
2727 | | Closure = closure(Parameters,ParameterTypes,ClosureBody), |
2728 | | !, |
2729 | | % print('Expand closure forall: '), translate:print_bexpr(ClosureBody),nl, |
2730 | | % at the moment we may wait too long before expanding this closure |
2731 | | % what if we have f(1) in the ClosureBody: in principle we only need to wait until f(1) known or even f sekeleton set up ? compilation now solves this issue ? |
2732 | | (performance_monitoring_on, |
2733 | | term_variables(ClosureBody,Vars), |
2734 | | Vars \= [] |
2735 | | -> |
2736 | | perfmessagecall(delaying_forall(Parameters,vars(Vars),out(ParValues)), |
2737 | | translate:print_bexpr(ClosureBody),ClosureBody) |
2738 | | ; true), |
2739 | | ground_bexpr_check(ClosureBody,BodyGround), |
2740 | | add_texpr_infos(ClosureBody,[quantifier_kind(forall)],ClosureBody1), % for call_stack |
2741 | | delay_setof_list_wf( ParValues, |
2742 | | %% (print_bt_message(expanding_forall_closure(Parameters,ClosureBody,ParValues)), %% |
2743 | | custom_explicit_sets:b_test_closure(Parameters,ParameterTypes,ClosureBody1, |
2744 | | ParValues,all_solutions,WF) |
2745 | | %% ,print_bt_message(expanded(Parameters,ParValues)) ) %% |
2746 | | , |
2747 | | Result, |
2748 | | BodyGround,WF). |
2749 | | b_expand_closure_forall_to_list(Closure,Result,WF) :- |
2750 | | add_internal_error('Illegal Call: ', b_expand_closure_forall_to_list(Closure,Result,WF)), |
2751 | | fail. |
2752 | | |
2753 | | |
2754 | | :- assert_pre(b_interpreter:set_up_typed_localstate(V,S,_), (list_skeleton(V),list_skeleton(S))). |
2755 | | :- assert_post(b_interpreter:set_up_typed_localstate(_,_,R),list_skeleton(R)). |
2756 | | |
2757 | | set_up_typed_localstate(Identifiers,InState,OutState) :- |
2758 | | set_up_typed_localstate(Identifiers,_FreshVars,_TypedVals,InState,OutState,positive). |
2759 | | |
2760 | | :- use_module(b_enumerate,[construct_typedval_infos/4]). |
2761 | | set_up_typed_localstate([],[],[],State,State,_). |
2762 | | set_up_typed_localstate([Identifier|IdRest],[Val|ValRest],[typedval(Val,Type,Var,TINFO)|TRest], |
2763 | | % TO DO: add info field to typedval: source_span, and lambda_result/do_not_enumerate infos |
2764 | | InState,OutState,NegationContext) :- |
2765 | | % The other way round (first add Identfier, then IdRest) would be more efficient, |
2766 | | % but we do it this way to keep compatibility with a previous version. |
2767 | | % In specfile:compute_operation_effect, the arguments of an operation are in the same order than in the store |
2768 | ? | set_up_typed_localstate(IdRest,ValRest,TRest,InState,InterState,NegationContext), |
2769 | | def_get_texpr_id(Identifier,Var), get_texpr_type(Identifier,Type), |
2770 | | get_texpr_info(Identifier,Info), |
2771 | | triggers_enum_warning(Var,Type,Info,NegationContext,TriggersEnumWarning), |
2772 | | get_texpr_info(Identifier,Infos),construct_typedval_infos(Var,Infos,TriggersEnumWarning,TINFO), |
2773 | ? | add_typed_var_to_localstate(Var,Val,Type,InterState,OutState). |
2774 | | |
2775 | | % same version; but with list of atomic ids and list of types |
2776 | | set_up_typed_localstate2([],[],_,[],[],State,State,_). |
2777 | | set_up_typed_localstate2([Var|IdRest],[Type|TyRest],Infos,[Val|ValRest],[typedval(Val,Type,Var,TINFO)|TRest], |
2778 | | InState,OutState,NegationContext) :- |
2779 | | % The other way round (first add Identfier, then IdRest) would be more efficient, |
2780 | | % but we do it this way to keep compatibility with a previous version. |
2781 | | % In specfile:compute_operation_effect, the arguments of an operation are in the same order than in the store |
2782 | | set_up_typed_localstate2(IdRest,TyRest,Infos,ValRest,TRest,InState,InterState,NegationContext), |
2783 | | triggers_enum_warning(Var,Type,Infos,NegationContext,TriggersEnumWarning), |
2784 | | construct_typedval_infos(Var,Infos,TriggersEnumWarning,TINFO), |
2785 | | add_typed_var_to_localstate(Var,Val,Type,InterState,OutState). |
2786 | | |
2787 | | % possible values for NegationContext: positive, negative, all_solutions |
2788 | | triggers_enum_warning(Id,Type,Info,all_solutions,Res) :- !, |
2789 | | Res = trigger_throw(b(identifier(Id),Type,Info)). |
2790 | | %triggers_enum_warning(Id,_Type,Info,NegationContext,trigger_false(Id)) :- % no longer used |
2791 | | % NegationContext=positive, % when negated then success will occur if all possibilities have been tried out |
2792 | | % memberchk(introduced_by(exists),Info), |
2793 | | % %%((preferences:get_preference(disprover_mode,true),type_contains_unfixed_deferred_set(Type))-> fail % otherwise %finding a solution may depend on the size of the deferred set; true), |
2794 | | % %% The Disprover now checks whether unfixed_deferred sets were involved; keeping track of implicit enumerations of %deferred sets is just too difficult |
2795 | | % !. |
2796 | | triggers_enum_warning(Id,Type,Info,_,trigger_true(b(identifier(Id),Type,Info))). |
2797 | | |
2798 | | |
2799 | | add_typed_var_to_localstate(Var,Val,Type,InState,OutState) :- |
2800 | | add_var_to_localstate(Var,Val,InState,OutState), |
2801 | | %%when(ground(Val), (print(' ++ '),print(Var),print(' ---> '), print(Val),nl)), |
2802 | ? | kernel_objects:basic_type(Val,Type). %% ,print(ok(Val)),nl. |
2803 | | |
2804 | | /* |
2805 | | xxb_test_exists(Parameters,Condition,Infos,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
2806 | | b_check_boolean_expression(b(exists(Parameters,Condition),pred,Infos),LocalState,State,WF,NR), |
2807 | | get_exists_used_ids(Parameters,Condition,Infos,Used),lookup_values_if_vars(Used,LocalState,State,WaitVars), |
2808 | | \+ ground(WaitVars), |
2809 | | !, |
2810 | | debug_println(9,unfolding_exists(Parameters)), print(unfolding(Parameters)),nl, |
2811 | | %translate:print_bexpr(Condition),nl, print(State),nl, print(LocalState),nl,nl, |
2812 | | NR=pred_true. %, print(set_res(pred_true)),nl. |
2813 | | % if enabled it slows down: ./probcli examples/EventBPrologPackages/SET_Game/SET_GAM_Sym_NoSet20_mch.eventb -mc 10000000 -p SYMMETRY_MODE hash -p TIME_OUT 7000 -p CLPFD TRUE -df -goal "n=18" -p MAX_OPERATIONS 20 -strict -expcterr goal_found |
2814 | | */ |
2815 | | |
2816 | | b_test_exists(Parameters,Condition,Infos,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
2817 | | get_wait_flag0(WF,WF0), |
2818 | | b_test_exists(WF0,Parameters,Condition,Infos,LocalState,State,WF). |
2819 | | |
2820 | | :- block b_test_exists(-,?,?, ?,?,?,?). |
2821 | | b_test_exists(_LWF,Parameters,Condition,Infos,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
2822 | | if((attempt_reification, % what if there is a wd_condition attached to Condition? |
2823 | | b_interpreter_check:b_check_exists_wf(Parameters,Condition,Infos,LocalState,State,WF,ReificationVariable)), |
2824 | | % try and expand quantifiers of small cardinality; see also expand_forall_quantifier |
2825 | | % tested in test 1452 |
2826 | | (debug_println(9,expanded_exists(Parameters)), |
2827 | | ReificationVariable=pred_true), |
2828 | | b_test_exists_wo_expansion(Parameters,Condition,Infos,LocalState,State,WF)). |
2829 | | |
2830 | | %attempt_reification :- preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,true),!. % all tests seem to pass |
2831 | | attempt_reification :- preferences:preference(use_smt_mode,true),!. |
2832 | | attempt_reification :- preferences:preference(solver_strength,SS), SS>9. |
2833 | | % TO DO: maybe take context into account: setup constants, becomes such, ... allow_skipping_over_components/reset_component_info(true) |
2834 | | |
2835 | | :- use_module(kernel_tools,[bexpr_variables/2, value_variables/3]). |
2836 | | |
2837 | | % we treat the existential quantifier without expansion into a disjuncition aka reification |
2838 | | b_test_exists_wo_expansion(Parameters,Condition,Infos,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
2839 | | %print(test_exists(Parameters,Infos)),nl,portray_waitflags(WF),nl, |
2840 | ? | (preference(lift_existential_quantifiers,true) ; member(allow_to_lift_exists,Infos)), |
2841 | | !, % we enumerate the exists normally; treat it just like an ordinary predicate |
2842 | | % lifting may generate multiple solutions; but avoids delaying enumeration of quantified parameters |
2843 | | % print('*Lifting existential quantifier: '), translate:print_bexpr(Condition),nl, |
2844 | | set_up_typed_localstate(Parameters,ParaValues,TypedVals,LocalState,NewLocalState,positive), |
2845 | | copy_wf_start(WF,b_test_exists_wo_expansion,CWF), |
2846 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_quantifier_info(CWF,exists,Parameters,ParaValues,Infos,CWF2), |
2847 | | b_test_boolean_expression(Condition,NewLocalState,State,CWF2), |
2848 | | % often we do not need to enumerate TypedVals; they can be derived, but we could have #y.(y>x) and need to enum y |
2849 | | b_tighter_enumerate_values_in_ctxt(TypedVals,Condition,CWF2), |
2850 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF2). % moving this before tighter_enum may mean that we have more precise ranges; but this can be counter-productive (e.g., for test 1162 unless we strengthen the useless enum analysis) |
2851 | | b_test_exists_wo_expansion(Parameters,Condition,Infos,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
2852 | | get_exists_used_ids(Parameters,Condition,Infos,Used), |
2853 | | % IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE USED INFO IS CORRECT ; otherwise the WaitVars will be incorrect |
2854 | | % The used_ids info does not include the Parameters of the existential quantifier ! |
2855 | | set_up_typed_localstate(Parameters,ParaValues,TypedVals,LocalState,NewLocalState,positive), |
2856 | | lookup_values_if_vars(Used,LocalState,State,WaitVarsState), % TO DO: we could use b_compiler instead |
2857 | | % What if the Condition was compiled and now contains a previously used_variable inside a closure/value ? |
2858 | | %term_variables((Condition,WaitVarsState),WaitVars), % this can be expensive when we have large data values (see rule_RVF219/rule_RVF219_compo.mch) |
2859 | | bexpr_variables(Condition,CondVars), |
2860 | | value_variables(WaitVarsState,CondVars,WaitVars), |
2861 | | % now determine which WaitVars are really worth waiting for, e.g., do not wait for res in #x.(x:E & ... res=min(f(x))) |
2862 | | % relevant tests: 1868, 1194, 383, 1642, 1708, 1003, 1080, 1081, 1943 |
2863 | | (remove_ids_defined_by_equality(WaitVars,LocalState,State,Infos,RealWaitVars) -> RemovedVars=true |
2864 | | ; RealWaitVars = WaitVars, RemovedVars=false), |
2865 | | opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_quantifier_info(WF,exists,Parameters,ParaValues,Infos,WF2), |
2866 | | create_inner_wait_flags(WF2,expansion_context(b_test_exists,Parameters),LocalWF), % we are creating inner waitflags here as the exist will wait anyway; LocalWF shares just WFE flag with WF |
2867 | | b_test_boolean_expression(Condition,NewLocalState,State,LocalWF), /* check Condition */ |
2868 | | ground_det_wait_flag(LocalWF), % print('det no contradiction'),nl,flush_output, |
2869 | | b_tighter_enumerate_values_in_ctxt(TypedVals,Condition,LocalWF), % will not yet enumerate |
2870 | | (% we could treat allow_to_lift_exists also here by setting ESWF=1; but 1162 then fails |
2871 | | get_preference(data_validation_mode,true), |
2872 | | not_generated_exists_paras(Parameters) % generated exists, e.g., for relational composition can lead to virtual timeouts, cf Thales_All/rule_zcpa2.mch in test 2287 |
2873 | | -> get_wait_flag(50000,b_test_exists(Parameters),WF,ESWF) % 100000 sufficient for test 1945; 869 for rule_CHAMPS in private_examples/ClearSy/2023 |
2874 | | ; get_enumeration_starting_wait_flag(b_test_exists(Parameters),WF,ESWF)), %% TO DO: get flag when enumeration of infinite type starts; maybe if domain of exists is small we can start enumerating earlier ?? <-> relation with lifting exists in closure expansion heuristic |
2875 | | when((nonvar(ESWF);ground(RealWaitVars)),b_enumerate_exists(ESWF,RemovedVars,WaitVars,Parameters,Infos,LocalWF,WF)). |
2876 | | |
2877 | | not_generated_exists_paras([b(_,_,Infos)|_]) :- nonmember(generated_exists_parameter,Infos). |
2878 | | |
2879 | | :- use_module(tools,[remove_variables/3]). |
2880 | | :- use_module(kernel_tools,[value_variables/2]). |
2881 | | % if we have #x.( P & y = E(x)) we do not have to wait for y to be known |
2882 | | remove_ids_defined_by_equality(WaitVars,LocalState,State,Infos,RealWaitVars) :- WaitVars \== [], |
2883 | | memberchk(used_ids_defined_by_equality(Ideq),Infos), |
2884 | | Ideq = [ID1|_], % currently we only look at one used_id defined by equality, |
2885 | | % we could have #x.(P & y=E(z) & z=E(y)): TODO: improve computation in ast_cleanup |
2886 | | (memberchk(bind(ID1,VAL),LocalState) -> true ; memberchk(bind(ID1,VAL),State)), |
2887 | | value_variables(VAL,VARS), |
2888 | | remove_variables(WaitVars,VARS,RealWaitVars), |
2889 | | debug_println(9,removed_ids_def_by_equality(WaitVars,ID1,RealWaitVars)). |
2890 | | |
2891 | | |
2892 | | b_enumerate_exists(ESWF,RemovedVars,WaitVars,Parameters,Infos,LocalWF,WF) :- |
2893 | | %print(enum_exists(ESWF,RemovedVars,WaitVars,Parameters,LocalWF,WF)),nl, |
2894 | | ((RemovedVars=false,var(ESWF) ; % WaitVars guaranteed to be ground |
2895 | | ground(WaitVars)) % TODO: replace this by an optimised version of ground check |
2896 | | -> get_idle_flag(Parameters,WF,LWF), |
2897 | | /* allow all other co-routines waiting on WaitVars to complete */ |
2898 | | /* Note however: if WF grounding as triggered two non-deterministic co-routines this |
2899 | | will allow the other non-determinism to run first, duplicating the number of calls ! |
2900 | | This has been fixed by storing seperate waitflag variables for same prio in kernel_waitflags |
2901 | | TODO: However, for enumeration of FD variables this might still happen and lead to duplication of |
2902 | | calls to b_enumerate_exists_aux_ground |
2903 | | */ |
2904 | | %print(get_idle(Parameters,WaitVars)),nl, %kernel_waitflags:portray_waitflags(WF),nl,nl, |
2905 | | b_enumerate_exists_aux_ground(LWF,WaitVars,Parameters,Infos,LocalWF,WF) |
2906 | | ; debug_println(9,semi_lifting_exists(ESWF,Parameters)), |
2907 | | % add_message_wf(exists,'Semi-lifting exists:',Parameters,Parameters,WF),portray_waitflags(LocalWF),nl, |
2908 | | kernel_waitflags:copy_waitflag_store(LocalWF,WF) % outer WF will now drive enumeration |
2909 | | % Note: in case a LET has been moved inside and replaced this may lead to duplication |
2910 | | ). |
2911 | | |
2912 | | :- if(environ(prob_safe_mode,true)). |
2913 | | get_idle_flag(Parameters,WF,LWF) :- kernel_waitflags:get_idle_wait_flag(b_enumerate_exists(Parameters),WF,LWF), |
2914 | | (var(LWF) -> true ; add_internal_error('Illegal idle waitflag for exists:',get_idle_flag(Parameters,WF,LWF))). |
2915 | | :- else. |
2916 | | get_idle_flag(Parameters,WF,LWF) :- kernel_waitflags:get_idle_wait_flag(b_enumerate_exists(Parameters),WF,LWF). |
2917 | | :- endif. |
2918 | | |
2919 | | :- block b_enumerate_exists_aux_ground(-,?,?,?,?,?). |
2920 | | b_enumerate_exists_aux_ground(_,_WaitVars,Parameters,Infos,LocalWF,_WF) :- |
2921 | | /* Note: this does a local cut: so it is important |
2922 | | that all conditions are fully evaluated before performing the cut ; otherwise |
2923 | | solutions will be lost */ |
2924 | | % print_bt_message('ENUMERATE EXISTS'(_Parameters)),nl, % portray_waitflags(_WF), |
2925 | | if(ground_wait_flags_for_exists(Parameters,LocalWF),true, |
2926 | | (perfmessage(exists,'Late bound exists failed: ',Parameters,Infos),fail)). |
2927 | | |
2928 | | |
2929 | | ground_wait_flags_for_exists(Parameters,LocalWF) :- |
2930 | | \+ enumeration_warning_occured_in_error_scope, |
2931 | | get_current_error_scope(Level), |
2932 | | \+ error_manager:throw_error(Level,_,_), |
2933 | | !, % current scope is already clean, no need to enter a fresh one |
2934 | | ground_wait_flags_for_exists2(Parameters,LocalWF,Level). |
2935 | | ground_wait_flags_for_exists(Parameters,LocalWF) :- |
2936 | | enter_new_clean_error_scope(Level), |
2937 | | % Note: see {x|x:1..10 & #y.(y>x & y*y >10)} in test 2210: |
2938 | | % we do not want to throw enum warnings even if the outer scope does in case a solution is found |
2939 | | % NOTE: if this engenders an enumeration warning: it may have been better to enumerate the outer WF first ?! : but as WaitVars are ground, so only failure of outer WF could help us here in preventing enumeration warning |
2940 | | call_cleanup(ground_wait_flags_for_exists2(Parameters,LocalWF,Level), |
2941 | | exit_error_scope(Level,_,ground_wait_flags_for_exists)). |
2942 | | |
2943 | | ground_wait_flags_for_exists2(_Parameters,LocalWF,Level) :- |
2944 | | (ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(LocalWF) |
2945 | | -> % local cut: one solution is sufficient. |
2946 | | clear_enumeration_warning_in_error_scope(Level) |
2947 | | % ; %print(fail),nl, % do not clear enumeration warnings fail |
2948 | | ). |
2949 | | |
2950 | | |
2951 | | :- use_module(b_ast_cleanup,[check_used_ids_info/4]). |
2952 | | get_exists_used_ids(Parameters,Condition,Infos,Used) :- |
2953 | | preference(prob_safe_mode,true),!, |
2954 | | (select(used_ids(Used),Infos,Rest) |
2955 | | -> check_used_ids_info(Parameters,Condition,Used,exists), %% comment in to check used_ids field |
2956 | | (member(used_ids(_),Rest) |
2957 | | -> add_internal_error('Multiple used_ids info fields:',Parameters:Infos) ; true) |
2958 | | ; |
2959 | | add_internal_error( |
2960 | | 'Expected information of used identifiers in exists information',Parameters:Infos), |
2961 | | bsyntaxtree:find_identifier_uses(Condition, [], Used) |
2962 | | ). |
2963 | | get_exists_used_ids(Parameters,Condition,Infos,Used) :- |
2964 | | member(used_ids(Used),Infos) -> true |
2965 | | ; |
2966 | | add_internal_error( |
2967 | | 'Expected information of used identifiers in exists information',Parameters:Infos), |
2968 | | bsyntaxtree:find_identifier_uses(Condition, [], Used). |
2969 | | % what if we call test_exists for a negated universal quantifier ?? |
2970 | | |
2971 | | |
2972 | | |
2973 | | |
2974 | | :- use_module(kernel_tools,[ground_state/1]). |
2975 | | /* the following causes performance problems with examples/B/Mathematical/GraphIso/CheckGraphIsomorphism |
2976 | | and with lausanne.mch in SMT mode */ |
2977 | | b_not_test_exists(Parameters,Condition,Infos,LocalState,State,_,WF) :- |
2978 | | preferences:preference(use_smt_mode,true), |
2979 | | is_a_conjunct(Condition,LHS,RHS), |
2980 | | (\+ ground_state(LocalState) ; \+ ground_state(State)), |
2981 | | % TO DO: check if any of the variables in Condition are not ground |
2982 | | % TO DO: check if used_ids exist in Infos ? memberchk(used_ids(_),Infos), |
2983 | | !, |
2984 | | %print(translating_not_exists_into_forall),nl,print(' '),print_bexpr(LHS),nl, print('=> '),print_bexpr(RHS),nl, |
2985 | | (is_for_all_set_membership_predicate(RHS,Parameters,_Set,_Pattern,_ParameterValues), |
2986 | | \+ is_for_all_set_membership_predicate(LHS,Parameters,_,_,_) |
2987 | | -> LLHS=RHS, RRHS=LHS % swap LHS and RHS; TO DO: search for membership predicate inside LHS,RHS !! |
2988 | | ; LLHS=LHS, RRHS=RHS |
2989 | | ), |
2990 | | safe_create_texpr(negation(RRHS),pred,NegRHS), |
2991 | | b_for_all(Parameters,Infos,LLHS,NegRHS,LocalState,State,WF). |
2992 | | b_not_test_exists(Parameters,Condition,Infos,[],[],no_compile,WF) :- !, |
2993 | | % already compiled in is_empty_closure_wf |
2994 | | ground_bexpr_check(Condition,Ground), |
2995 | | b_not_test_exists_aux(Ground,Parameters,Condition, Infos, WF). |
2996 | | b_not_test_exists(Parameters,Condition,Infos,LocalState,State,_,WF) :- |
2997 | | % compile to remove dependency on unused parts of State+LocalState; will make it delay less below |
2998 | | def_get_texpr_ids(Parameters,ParaIDs), |
2999 | | %% print(b_not_test_exists(ParaIDs)),nl, print(state(LocalState,State)),nl, %% |
3000 | | b_compiler:b_compile(Condition,ParaIDs,LocalState,State,CompiledCond,WF), |
3001 | | (is_truth(CompiledCond) -> fail |
3002 | | ; is_falsity(CompiledCond) -> true |
3003 | | % TO DO: we could detect equalities that will always succeed (but be careful for WD issues) |
3004 | | ; ground_bexpr_check(CompiledCond,Ground), |
3005 | | b_not_test_exists_aux(Ground,Parameters,CompiledCond, Infos, WF) |
3006 | | ). |
3007 | | |
3008 | | :- block b_not_test_exists_aux(-,?,?,?,?). |
3009 | | b_not_test_exists_aux(_,Parameters,CompiledCond,Infos,WF) :- |
3010 | | % getting an idle waitflag considerably slows down test 1739; see also ClearSy/2019_Aug/call_residue/rule_erreur.mch |
3011 | | % slow down no longer the case with the new waitflag implementation |
3012 | | kernel_waitflags:get_idle_wait_flag(b_not_test_exists_aux(Parameters),WF,LWF), |
3013 | | % allow pending co-routines to complete |
3014 | | b_not_test_exists_aux2(LWF,Parameters,CompiledCond,Infos,WF). |
3015 | | :- block b_not_test_exists_aux2(-,?,?,?,?). |
3016 | | b_not_test_exists_aux2(_,Parameters,CompiledCond,Infos,WF) :- |
3017 | | % no need to create inner waitflag: we enumerate fully below: create_inner_wait_flags(WF,b_not_test_exists(Parameters),LocalWF), |
3018 | | %init_wait_flags(LocalWF,[expansion_context(b_not_not_test_exists,Parameters)]), |
3019 | | init_quantifier_wait_flag(WF,not(exists),Parameters,ParaResult,Infos,LocalWF), |
3020 | | not_with_enum_warning( |
3021 | | b_interpreter:b_not_not_test_exists_aux(Parameters,ParaResult,CompiledCond,LocalWF), |
3022 | | LocalWF, CompiledCond, % was not_exists(Parameters), the not_exists quantifier call is on call_stack now |
3023 | | CompiledCond), |
3024 | | copy_wfe_from_inner_if_necessary(LocalWF,WF). % for the case that the negated call has found abort errors and WFE was not grounded |
3025 | | b_not_not_test_exists_aux(Parameters,ParaResult,CompiledCond,LocalWF) :- |
3026 | | b_interpreter:set_up_typed_localstate(Parameters,ParaResult,TypedVals,[],NewLocalState,negated), |
3027 | | % delay generation of WD error messages until outer WFE flag set |
3028 | | b_interpreter:b_test_boolean_expression(CompiledCond,NewLocalState,[],LocalWF), % check Condition |
3029 | | b_tighter_enumerate_values_in_ctxt(TypedVals,CompiledCond,LocalWF), |
3030 | ? | ground_inner_wait_flags(LocalWF). % does not always ground WFE if abort is pending in which case not_with_enum_warning also does not fail and keeps the co-routines |
3031 | | % pending co-routines will be discarded by negation ! |
3032 | | |
3033 | | |
3034 | | /* --------------------------------- */ |
3035 | | |
3036 | | value_type(_X). % only used in post_conditions (assert_post) |
3037 | | /* |
3038 | | value_type(X) :- nonvar(X), |
3039 | | (X = value(_) ; X = global_set(_) ; |
3040 | | X = global_constant(_) ; X = term(_)).*/ |
3041 | | |
3042 | | |
3043 | | % look up identifiers in store, if the identifier |
3044 | | % is not in the store, assume it's a constant and ignore it |
3045 | | % used for determining wait variables for existential quantifier |
3046 | | % TO DO: better deal with CSE @identifiers ? |
3047 | | lookup_values_if_vars([],_,_,[]). |
3048 | | lookup_values_if_vars([Id|IRest],LocalStore,Store,Values) :- |
3049 | | ( lookup_value(Id,LocalStore,Store,Val) |
3050 | | -> (force_evaluation_of_lazy_value(Id,Val,RealVal) |
3051 | | -> Values = [RealVal|VRest] |
3052 | | ; Values = [Val|VRest]) |
3053 | | ; Values = VRest), |
3054 | | lookup_values_if_vars(IRest,LocalStore,Store,VRest). |
3055 | | |
3056 | | force_evaluation_of_lazy_value(Id,Value,RealVal) :- nonvar(Value), Value=(Trigger,RealVal), |
3057 | | var(Trigger), |
3058 | | get_preference(use_common_subexpression_elimination,true), |
3059 | | is_lazy_let_identifier(Id), |
3060 | | !, |
3061 | | Trigger=pred_true. % force evaluation, as the exists will otherwise delay/flounder |
3062 | | % Warning: this means that outer lazy_let_expressions inside an exists should be well-defined (WD) |
3063 | | |
3064 | | |
3065 | | /* will not generate error messages; used for CSP||B when we don't know if something is a B variable or not */ |
3066 | | /* TO DO: add peel_prefix for global_sets and constants ?? */ |
3067 | | try_lookup_value_in_store_and_global_sets(Id,State,Val) :- |
3068 | | (lookup_value(Id,State,RVal) -> RVal=Val |
3069 | | ; b_global_sets:lookup_global_constant(Id,VGC) -> Val = VGC |
3070 | | ; b_global_set_or_free_type(Id,_AnyType,Value) -> Val=Value /* global set evaluates to itself */ |
3071 | | ). |
3072 | | |
3073 | | |
3074 | | lookup_value_in_store_and_global_sets_wf(Id,Type,LocalState,State,Val,Span,WF) :- |
3075 | | (lookup_value_with_span_wf(Id,LocalState,State,RVal,Span,WF) |
3076 | | -> RVal=Val |
3077 | | ; lookup_value_in_global_sets_wf(Id,Type,Val,LocalState,State,Span,WF) |
3078 | | ). |
3079 | | |
3080 | | lookup_value_in_global_sets_wf(Id,Type,Val,LocalState,State,Span,WF) :- |
3081 | | (b_global_sets:lookup_global_constant(Id,VGC) |
3082 | | -> Val=VGC |
3083 | ? | ; (b_global_set_or_free_type(Id,Type,Value) |
3084 | | -> Val = Value /* global set evaluates to itself */ |
3085 | | ; ((member(bind(Id,_),LocalState) ; member(bind(Id,_),State)) |
3086 | | -> Msg1 = 'Cannot determine value for identifier ' |
3087 | | ; Msg1 = 'Cannot find identifier ' |
3088 | | ), |
3089 | | append(LocalState,State,LSS), |
3090 | | translate:translate_bstate_limited(LSS,StateInfo), |
3091 | | ajoin([Msg1,Id,':'],Msg), |
3092 | | add_error_wf(identifier_not_found,Msg,StateInfo,Span,WF), |
3093 | | fail % Val = term(Id) /* Val=fail */ |
3094 | | ) |
3095 | | ). |
3096 | | |
3097 | | :- use_module(probsrc(kernel_freetypes),[registered_freetype/2, registered_freetype_case_value/3]). |
3098 | ? | b_global_set_or_free_type(Id,_,global_set(Id)) :- b_global_set(Id). |
3099 | | b_global_set_or_free_type(Id,_,freetype(Id)) :- registered_freetype(Id,_). |
3100 | | b_global_set_or_free_type(Id,Type,Value) :- |
3101 | | registered_freetype_case_value(Id,Type,Value). % to instantiate the type parameters we also need the TypeId |
3102 | | % TODO: we could also register Event-B destructors and look them up here |
3103 | | |
3104 | | /* -----------------------------*/ |
3105 | | /* b_compute_expressions */ |
3106 | | /* -----------------------------*/ |
3107 | | |
3108 | | b_compute_expressions([], _, _, [],_WF). |
3109 | | b_compute_expressions([EXPRsHd|EXPRsTl],LocalState,InState,[ValHd|ValTl],WF) :- |
3110 | | b_compute_expression(EXPRsHd,LocalState,InState,ValHd,WF), |
3111 | | b_compute_expressions(EXPRsTl,LocalState,InState,ValTl,WF). |
3112 | | |
3113 | | % a variation of above that delays computing the expressions until Waitflag 1/2 is set |
3114 | | b_compute_assign_expressions_when(EXPRsTl,LocalState,InState,ValTl,WF,OR) :- |
3115 | | get_assign_expr_priority_wf(OR,WF,LWF), |
3116 | | b_compute_expressions_when2(EXPRsTl,LocalState,InState,ValTl,WF,LWF). |
3117 | | b_compute_expressions_when2([], _, _, [],_WF,_). |
3118 | | b_compute_expressions_when2([EXPRsHd|EXPRsTl],LocalState,InState,[ValHd|ValTl],WF,LWF) :- |
3119 | | b_compute_expression_when2(EXPRsHd,LocalState,InState,ValHd,WF,LWF), |
3120 | | b_compute_expressions_when2(EXPRsTl,LocalState,InState,ValTl,WF,LWF). |
3121 | | |
3122 | | % TO DO: add step number in OR |
3123 | | get_assign_expr_priority_wf(output_required,_WF,LWF) :- !, |
3124 | | % the Output of the statement is required; do not delay computing it |
3125 | | LWF=0. % this would delay computation until WF0 is set: get_wait_flag0(WF,LWF); cf. initialisation for test 2104 |
3126 | | get_assign_expr_priority_wf(_,WF,LWF) :- |
3127 | | % the Output is not directly required; compute it later (when we are sure that the statement actually succeeds) |
3128 | | (preferences:preference(use_smt_mode,true) |
3129 | | -> Prio = 2.0 % SMT Mode: we are probably doing CBC checking, we may have set up constraints on ValTl |
3130 | | ; Prio=4000), % unless the expression is inside an sequential composition: nothing can depend on ValTl; TO DO: check if we are inside a sequential composition; if not use inf priority; otherwise use 2.0 or 4 |
3131 | | get_wait_flag(Prio,get_assign_expr_priority_wf,WF,LWF). |
3132 | | |
3133 | | :- block b_compute_expression_when2(?,?,?,?,?,-). |
3134 | | b_compute_expression_when2(eval_must_not_fail(ErrMsg,EXPRsHd),LocalState,InState,Res,WF,_) :- !, |
3135 | | % catch failure; in case the interpreter fails to catch wd-error itself (e.g., try_find_abort is false) |
3136 | | if(b_compute_expression(EXPRsHd,LocalState,InState,ValHd,WF),equal_object_wf(ValHd,Res,WF), |
3137 | | (translate:translate_bexpression_with_limit(EXPRsHd,TS), |
3138 | | add_wd_error_span(ErrMsg,TS,span_predicate(EXPRsHd,LocalState,InState),WF))). |
3139 | | b_compute_expression_when2(EXPRsHd,LocalState,InState,ValHd,WF,_) :- |
3140 | | copy_wf_start(WF,b_compute_expression_when2,CWF), % not sure this is useful for expressions: |
3141 | | b_compute_expression(EXPRsHd,LocalState,InState,ValHd,CWF), |
3142 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF). |
3143 | | |
3144 | | |
3145 | | /* -----------------------------*/ |
3146 | | /* b_execute_statement */ |
3147 | | /* -----------------------------*/ |
3148 | | /* b_execute_statement(XMLStatements:input, StateofLocalVariables:input, |
3149 | | StateOfGlobalVariables:input, |
3150 | | ListOfUpdateBindingsForGlobalVariablesAndResultVariables:output) */ |
3151 | | |
3152 | | :- assert_pre(b_interpreter:b_execute_statement(Stmt,LS,IS,_OS,_WF,_Path,_OR), |
3153 | | (bsyntaxtree:check_if_typed_substitution(Stmt),type_check(LS,store),type_check(IS,store) )). |
3154 | | :- assert_post(b_interpreter:b_execute_statement(_Stmt,_LS,_IS,OS,_WF,_Path,_OR), |
3155 | | (type_check(OS,store))). |
3156 | | |
3157 | | b_execute_inner_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,output_required) :- |
3158 | | get_texpr_expr(Body,BE), |
3159 | | BE \= while(_COND,_STMT,_INV,_VARIANT), % also other non-det substitutions ?? |
3160 | | BE \= select(_), |
3161 | | BE \= select(_,_), |
3162 | | BE \= if(_), % case(_,_,_) statements are now translated to if-then-else in ast_cleanup |
3163 | | !, |
3164 | | get_wait_flag0(WF,WF0), |
3165 | | block_execute_statement(WF0,Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path). |
3166 | | b_execute_inner_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- |
3167 | | get_wait_flag(2,inner_stmt,WF,LWF), % was 2.0 |
3168 | | clone_wait_flags_from1(WF,GroundUponFinish,InnerWF), % copy everything but WF0 |
3169 | | b_execute_inner_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,GroundUponFinish,InnerWF,Path,LWF,OR). |
3170 | | |
3171 | | :- block block_execute_statement(-, ?,?,?, ?,?,?). |
3172 | | block_execute_statement(_,Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path) :- |
3173 | | b_execute_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,output_required). |
3174 | | |
3175 | | :- block b_execute_inner_statement(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,-,?). |
3176 | | b_execute_inner_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,GUF,InnerWF,Path,_,OR) :- |
3177 | | b_execute_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,InnerWF,Path,OR), |
3178 | | (GUF=ground_upon_finish -> ground_wait_flags(InnerWF) ; ground_wait_flag0(InnerWF)). |
3179 | | |
3180 | | :- use_module(source_profiler,[opt_add_source_location_hits/2]). |
3181 | | :- use_module(b_operation_guards,[get_substitution_enabling_condition/4]). |
3182 | | |
3183 | | |
3184 | | b_execute_statement_nowf(Subst,LS,S,OutS,Ctxt) :- |
3185 | | init_wait_flags_with_call_stack(WF,[prob_command_context(Ctxt,unknown)]), |
3186 | | b_interpreter:b_execute_statement(Subst,LS,S,OutS,WF,_Path), |
3187 | | ground_wait_flags(WF). |
3188 | | |
3189 | | b_execute_statement(Stmt, LS, S, OS, WF,Path) :- |
3190 | | b_execute_statement(Stmt, LS, S, OS, WF,Path,output_not_required). |
3191 | | b_execute_statement(b(Stmt,_,Infos), LS, S, OS, WF,Path,OR) :- !, |
3192 | | b_execute_statement2(Stmt, Infos, LS, S, OS, WF,Path,OR). |
3193 | | b_execute_statement(Stmt, LS, S, OS, WF,Path,OR) :- |
3194 | | add_internal_error('Statement not properly wrapped: ',b_execute_statement(Stmt, LS, S, OS, WF,Path,OR)), |
3195 | | b_execute_statement2(Stmt, [], LS, S, OS, WF,Path,OR). |
3196 | | |
3197 | | % blocks should be removed by type-checker |
3198 | | b_execute_statement2(block(Stmt),_,LS,IS,OS,WF,Path,OR) :- !, |
3199 | | b_execute_statement(Stmt,LS,IS,OS,WF,Path,OR). %% NOT COVERED |
3200 | | b_execute_statement2(assign(LHS,Exprs),Info,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,assign,OR) :- !, |
3201 | | /* Var1, ..., VarN := Expr1, ..., ExprN */ |
3202 | | /* also: Var1, fun1(arg), ... := Expr1, Expr2, ... */ |
3203 | | opt_add_source_location_hits(Info,1), |
3204 | | b_compute_assign_expressions_when(Exprs,LocalState,InState,VALs,WF,OR),% VALs - a list of computed values |
3205 | | b_assign_values_or_functions(LHS,VALs,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,OR). |
3206 | | b_execute_statement2(assign_single_id(IDE,Expr),Info,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,assign,_OR) :- |
3207 | | get_texpr_id(IDE,ID),!, |
3208 | | opt_add_source_location_hits(Info,1), |
3209 | | b_compute_expression(Expr,LocalState,InState,Value,WF), % b_compute_assign_expressions_when |
3210 | | %b_compute_assign_expressions_when([Expr],LocalState,InState,[Value],WF), |
3211 | | OutState=[bind(ID,Value)]. |
3212 | | b_execute_statement2(choice(ChoiceList),_,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- !, |
3213 | | /* CHOICE LHS OR RHS OR ... END */ |
3214 | | get_wait_flag(2,choice,WF,WFC), % % was 2.0, maybe use length of ChoiceList as Priority ?? |
3215 | | b_execute_choice(ChoiceList,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,WFC,OR). |
3216 | | b_execute_statement2(becomes_element_of(LHS,RHS), /* LHS :: RHS */ |
3217 | | Info,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,becomes_element_of,_OR) :- !, |
3218 | | % LHS must be of the form Var1,..,Vark where all variables are disjoint |
3219 | | opt_add_source_location_hits(Info,1), |
3220 | | b_compute_expression(RHS,LocalState,InState,ValueSet,WF), |
3221 | | check_element_of_wf(SingleValue,ValueSet,WF), |
3222 | | ground_det_wait_flag(WF), %% TODO: remove this |
3223 | | convert_pairs_into_list(LHS,SingleValue,ValList), |
3224 | | set_up_typed_localstate(LHS,ValList,TypedVals,[],OutState,positive), |
3225 | | b_tighter_enumerate_all_values(TypedVals,WF). |
3226 | | b_execute_statement2(becomes_such(Vars,Condition), /* Vars : Condition */ |
3227 | | Info,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,becomes_such,_OR) :- !, |
3228 | | opt_add_source_location_hits(Info,1), |
3229 | | b_execute_becomes_such(Vars,Condition,LocalState,InState,OutState,_,WF). |
3230 | | b_execute_statement2(sequence(Seq), /* LHS ; RHS */ |
3231 | | _,LocalState,InState,OutUpdates,WF,Path,OR) :- !, %pe_print(sequence(Seq,InState)), |
3232 | | b_execute_sequence(Seq,LocalState,InState,OutUpdates,WF,Path,OR). |
3233 | | b_execute_statement2(precondition(PreCond,Body),_,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- !, |
3234 | | %print('*** Non-outermost PRE construct'),nl, |
3235 | | Path=pre(PreRes,IPath), |
3236 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression(PreCond,LocalState,InState,WF,PreRes), |
3237 | | %used to be: ground_det_wait_flag(WF), |
3238 | | check_precondition_result(PreRes,PreCond,LocalState,InState,WF), |
3239 | | (PreRes == pred_true -> b_execute_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,IPath,OR) |
3240 | | ; PreRes == pred_false -> IPath = not_executed |
3241 | | ; b_execute_inner_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,IPath,OR) % with extra waitflag |
3242 | | ). |
3243 | | b_execute_statement2(assertion(PreCond,Body),_,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- !, |
3244 | | b_execute_assertion(PreCond,Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). |
3245 | | b_execute_statement2(witness_then(PreCond,Body),_,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- !, |
3246 | | b_test_boolean_expression(PreCond,LocalState,InState,WF), |
3247 | | b_execute_inner_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). |
3248 | | b_execute_statement2(select(Whens),_, LocalState, InState, OutState,WF,select(Nr,Path),OR) :- !, |
3249 | | get_texpr_expr(TExpr,select_when(PreCond, Body)), % info field not used for select_when |
3250 | | optimized_nth1(Nr, Whens, TExpr), % THIS IS A CHOICE POINT if length(Whens)>1 ! <-------- TO DO guard |
3251 | | b_test_boolean_expression(PreCond,LocalState,InState,WF), |
3252 | | %used to call: ground_det_wait_flag(WF), now execute inner statement delays |
3253 | | b_execute_inner_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). |
3254 | | b_execute_statement2(select(Whens,Else), Infos, LocalState, InState, OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- !, |
3255 | | ( |
3256 | | b_execute_statement2(select(Whens), Infos, LocalState, InState, OutState,WF,Path,OR) |
3257 | | ; % THIS IS A CHOICE POINT ! <-------- TO DO guard |
3258 | | findall(PC, |
3259 | | (member(SW,Whens),get_texpr_expr(SW,select_when(PC,_))), AllPreconds), |
3260 | | b_not_test_list_of_boolean_expression(AllPreconds,LocalState,InState,WF), |
3261 | | Path = select(else,IPath), |
3262 | | b_execute_inner_statement(Else,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,IPath,OR) |
3263 | | ). |
3264 | | b_execute_statement2(var(Parameters,Body), /* VAR _ IN _ substitution */ |
3265 | | _,LocalState,InState,NewOutState,WF,var(Path),OR) :- !, |
3266 | | /* introduces a new variable that can be assigned to */ |
3267 | | split_names_and_types(Parameters,Names,_), |
3268 | | delete_variables_from_state(Names,InState,InState1), % in case any local parameter name is also a constant/variable: remove it % but if we do an operation_call: we leave context and it becomes visible again !! |
3269 | | % otherwise we may think there are two updates, e.g., in WHILE loop; see Rule_DB_SIGAREA_0030 from test 1303 |
3270 | | set_up_undefined_localstate(Parameters,InState1,NewInState), |
3271 | | delete_variables_from_state(Names,LocalState,NewLocalState), |
3272 | | %check_valid_store(InState,var_in_state), check_valid_store(LocalState,var_local_state), |
3273 | | b_execute_statement(Body,NewLocalState,NewInState,OutState,WF,Path,OR), |
3274 | | % check_valid_store(OutState,var_out_state), |
3275 | | filter_results(Parameters,OutState,NewOutState,WF) |
3276 | | . |
3277 | | /* it can be ok not to assign to a local variable */ |
3278 | | |
3279 | | %TODO(DP, 5.8.2008): |
3280 | | b_execute_statement2(let(Parameters,Defs,Body), /* LET _ BE _ IN _ */ |
3281 | | _,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,let(Path),OR) :- !, |
3282 | | set_up_typed_localstate(Parameters,LocalState,NewLocalState), |
3283 | | b_execute_let_definitions(Defs,NewLocalState,InState,WF), |
3284 | | b_execute_statement(Body,NewLocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). |
3285 | | b_execute_statement2(lazy_let_subst(Id,IdExpr,Body),_,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,lazy_let(Path),OR) :- |
3286 | | !, |
3287 | | add_lazy_let_id_and_expression(Id,IdExpr,LocalState,InState,NewLocalState,WF), |
3288 | | b_execute_statement(Body,NewLocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). |
3289 | | b_execute_statement2(any(Parameters,PreCond,Body), /* ANY _ WHERE */ |
3290 | | Info,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF0,any(Bindings,Path),OR) :- !, %statistics(runtime,_), |
3291 | | %print('ANY: '), print_bexpr(PreCond),nl, %% |
3292 | | set_up_typed_localstate(Parameters,FreshVars,TypedVals,LocalState,NewLocalState,positive), |
3293 | | create_any_bindings(Parameters,FreshVars,Bindings), |
3294 | | push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF0,quantifier_call('ANY',Parameters,FreshVars,Info),WF), |
3295 | | b_test_inner_boolean_expression(PreCond,NewLocalState,InState,WF), /* check WHERE */ |
3296 | | %%observe_state(TypedVals,WF,0), b_tracetest_boolean_expression(PreCond,NewLocalState,InState,WF,one), %% comment in for debugging |
3297 | | b_tighter_enumerate_all_values(TypedVals,WF), % moved enumeration after test; in case WF already instantiated |
3298 | | %TODO: check if we can use b_tighter_enumerate_values_in_ctxt |
3299 | | b_execute_statement(Body,NewLocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). /* should we use b_execute_inner_statement/LWF here ?? */ |
3300 | | b_execute_statement2(skip, /* SKIP */ |
3301 | | Info,_LocalState,_InState,OutState,_WF,skip,_OR) :- !, |
3302 | | opt_add_source_location_hits(Info,1), |
3303 | | OutState = []. |
3304 | | b_execute_statement2(parallel(Statements), /* LHS || RHS */ %@@@ |
3305 | | _,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,parallel(Paths),OR) :- !, |
3306 | | b_execute_statements_in_parallel(Statements,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Paths,OR). |
3307 | | b_execute_statement2(init_statement(Stmt),_,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- !, |
3308 | | /* Like block: but |
3309 | | writes error messages if statement fails */ %@@@ |
3310 | | (preferences:get_preference(provide_trace_information,true) |
3311 | | -> nl,print(' =INIT=> '),translate:print_subst(Stmt),nl, flush_output(user_output), |
3312 | | statistics(walltime,[Tot1,_]) |
3313 | | ; true), |
3314 | | if(b_execute_initialisation_statement(Stmt,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR), |
3315 | | ( |
3316 | | (preferences:get_preference(provide_trace_information,true) |
3317 | | -> statistics(walltime,[Tot2,_]), Tot is Tot2-Tot1, |
3318 | | format(' [=OK= ~w ms]~n',[Tot]), flush_output(user_output) |
3319 | | ; true) |
3320 | | ), |
3321 | | ( translate:translate_substitution(Stmt,TStmtStr), |
3322 | | (bmachine:b_machine_temp_predicate(_TempPred) |
3323 | | -> Msg = 'INITIALISATION statement cannot be executed with extra predicate: ', |
3324 | | add_error_wf(initialisation_fails,Msg,TStmtStr,Stmt,WF) |
3325 | | % do not add as state error; user requested transition |
3326 | | ; Msg = 'INITIALISATION statement fails: ', |
3327 | | (get_substitution_enabling_condition(Stmt,SpanPred,_BSVars,_IsPreciseV) |
3328 | | -> %insert_custom_predicate_into_guard(EnablingCondition,TempPred,SpanPred), |
3329 | | ErrPos = span_predicate(SpanPred,LocalState,InState) % for visualising by user |
3330 | | % Note: user can also visualise by chooise execute by predicate (in TK) |
3331 | | ; ErrPos = Stmt |
3332 | | ), |
3333 | | % add as state error so that we can visualise span predicate |
3334 | | add_state_error_wf(initialisation_fails,Msg,TStmtStr,ErrPos,WF) % cf test 1736 and 278 |
3335 | | %add_error_wf(initialisation_fails,Msg,TStmtStr,ErrPos,WF) |
3336 | | ), |
3337 | | fail |
3338 | | ) |
3339 | | ). |
3340 | | b_execute_statement2(if(IfList),_,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,if,OR) :- !, |
3341 | | %LWF=1, |
3342 | | LWF='$GENERATE_ON_DEMAND', % |
3343 | | b_execute_else_list(IfList,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,LWF,OR). |
3344 | | b_execute_statement2(operation_call(Operation,Results,Parameters),Info,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF, |
3345 | | operation_call(OperationName,ParamValues,ResultValues,InnerPath),OR) :- !, |
3346 | | def_get_texpr_id(Operation,op(OperationName)), |
3347 | | b_execute_operation_with_parameters(OperationName,LocalState,InState,Results, |
3348 | | Parameters,OpOutState,ParamValues,ResultValues,InnerPath,Info,WF,OR), |
3349 | | split_names_and_types(Results,ResultingIDs,_), |
3350 | | store_values(ResultingIDs, ResultValues, ResultsOutState), |
3351 | | combine_updates(ResultsOutState,OpOutState,OutState). |
3352 | | |
3353 | | b_execute_statement2(while(COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT), |
3354 | | Info,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF0,while,_OR) :- !, |
3355 | | %hit_profiler:add_profile_hit(while(COND,WF),2), |
3356 | | % we may go around the loop many times: avoid carrying around unused variables |
3357 | | get_while_reads_write_info_and_filter_state(Info,LocalState,InState,LS,IS,ModVars), |
3358 | | push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF0,b_operator_call('WHILE',[],Info),WF), % TODO: provide subst. call stack entry |
3359 | | %print_message(execute_while(LocalState,InState)), |
3360 | | b_compiler:b_optimize(INV,ModVars,LS,IS,CINV,WF), |
3361 | | b_compiler:b_optimize(COND,ModVars,LS,IS,CCOND,WF), |
3362 | | b_compiler:b_optimize(VARIANT,ModVars,LS,IS,CVARIANT,WF), |
3363 | | %,b_compiler:b_compile(STMT,ModVars,LS,IS,CSTMT,WF) |
3364 | | % TO DO: maybe exclude in one go; use ordered approach ? |
3365 | | %exclude(unused_variable(ModVars),LS,LS2), % only keep modified vars; all other compiled |
3366 | | %exclude(unused_variable(ModVars),IS,IS2), % only keep modified vars; all other compiled |
3367 | | b_compute_expression(CVARIANT,LS,IS,VarVal,WF), |
3368 | | b_execute_while(CCOND,STMT,CINV,CVARIANT,ModVars,VarVal,LS,IS,OutState,WF). |
3369 | | b_execute_statement2(external_subst_call(FunName,Args),Info,LocalState,State,OutState,WF,external(FunName),_OR) :- |
3370 | | !, b_compute_expressions(Args, LocalState,State, EvaluatedArgs, WF), |
3371 | | push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,external_call(FunName,EvaluatedArgs,Info),WF2), |
3372 | | call_external_substitution(FunName,EvaluatedArgs,State,OutState,Info,WF2). |
3373 | | b_execute_statement2(E,I,LS,S,O,WF,Path,OR) :- |
3374 | | add_internal_error('Uncovered statement: ',b_execute_statement2(E,I,LS,S,O,WF,Path,OR)), |
3375 | | print_functor(E),nl,fail. |
3376 | | |
3377 | | % ------------------- |
3378 | | |
3379 | | b_execute_becomes_such(Vars,Condition,LocalState,InState,OutState,Values,WF) :- !, |
3380 | | % create the LHS variables in the local state |
3381 | | set_up_typed_localstate(Vars,Values,TypedVals,LocalState,TempLocalState1,positive), |
3382 | | get_texpr_ids(Vars,Ids), |
3383 | | % store those values also the outgoing state |
3384 | | store_values(Ids,Values,OutState), |
3385 | | % there might be some variables of the form x$0 to access the |
3386 | | % values before the substitution. We put them into the local state |
3387 | | insert_before_substitution_variables(Vars,LocalState,InState,TempLocalState1,TempLocalState), |
3388 | | b_test_inner_boolean_expression(Condition,TempLocalState,InState,WF), |
3389 | | b_tighter_enumerate_values_in_ctxt(TypedVals,Condition,WF). % moved enumeration after test, to avoid overhead in case Condition is deterministic (see e.g. WhileAssignTupleChoose_v2) |
3390 | | |
3391 | | |
3392 | | b_execute_sequence([],_LocalState,_InState,[],_WF,[],_OR). |
3393 | | b_execute_sequence([First|Rest],LocalState,InState,OutUpdates,WF,Path,OR) :- |
3394 | | (Rest == [] |
3395 | | -> b_execute_statement(First,LocalState,InState,OutUpdates,WF,Path,OR) |
3396 | | ; Path = sequence(Path1,RestPath), |
3397 | | b_execute_statement(First,LocalState,InState,LHSUpdates,WF,Path1,output_required), |
3398 | | ground_det_wait_flag(WF), % maybe better to delay next execute_statement ? TODO |
3399 | | store_intermediate_updates_wf(InState,LHSUpdates,IntermediateState,First,WF), |
3400 | | % TO DO: statically determine what the Rest can modify and copy over LHSUpdates not modified by Rest into OutUpdates |
3401 | | b_execute_statement_list_when_state_set(Rest,LocalState,IntermediateState, |
3402 | | LHSUpdates,OutUpdates,WF,RestPath,OR) |
3403 | | ). |
3404 | | |
3405 | | |
3406 | | :- block check_precondition_result(-,?,?,?,?). |
3407 | | check_precondition_result(pred_true,_,_,_,_). |
3408 | | check_precondition_result(pred_false,PreCond,LS,S,WF) :- |
3409 | | translate_bexpression(PreCond,PreString), |
3410 | | add_abort_error_span(precondition_error,'Precondition violated: ',PreString,span_predicate(PreCond,LS,S),WF). |
3411 | | |
3412 | | create_any_bindings([],[],[]). |
3413 | | create_any_bindings([Param|Prest],[Value|Vrest],[bind(Id,Value)|Brest]) :- |
3414 | | get_texpr_id(Param,Id), |
3415 | | create_any_bindings(Prest,Vrest,Brest). |
3416 | | |
3417 | | % insert the values of variables before the substitution under an |
3418 | | % alternative name. The alternative name is given as an optional extra |
3419 | | % information in the variable (see type-checking of becomes_such for |
3420 | | % details). Usually (i.e. always) the alternative name is x$0 for the variable x. |
3421 | | insert_before_substitution_variables([],_LocalState,_InState,State,State). |
3422 | | insert_before_substitution_variables([Var|VRest],LocalState,InState,StateA,ResultStateB) :- |
3423 | | get_texpr_info(Var,Infos), |
3424 | | ( member(before_substitution(_,Alternative),Infos) -> |
3425 | | def_get_texpr_id(Var,Id), |
3426 | | lookup_value_for_existing_id(Id,LocalState,InState,Value), |
3427 | | store_value(Alternative,Value,StateA,StateC) |
3428 | | ; |
3429 | | StateA = StateC), |
3430 | | insert_before_substitution_variables(VRest,LocalState,InState,StateC,ResultStateB). |
3431 | | |
3432 | | |
3433 | | |
3434 | | % treat the bool(.) operator |
3435 | | b_convert_bool(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes) :- |
3436 | | get_wait_flag0(WF,WF0), % first give a chance for PredRes to be instantiated |
3437 | | b_convert_bool_wf0(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes,WF0). |
3438 | | |
3439 | | :- block b_convert_bool_wf0(?,?,?,?,-,-). |
3440 | | b_convert_bool_wf0(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes,_) :- PredRes==pred_true,!, |
3441 | | %% print('bool(.)=TRUE '), translate:print_bexpr(Pred),nl, %% |
3442 | | b_test_inner_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,State,WF). |
3443 | | b_convert_bool_wf0(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes,_) :- PredRes==pred_false,!, |
3444 | | %% print('bool(.)=FALSE '), translate:print_bexpr(Pred),nl, %% |
3445 | | b_not_test_inner_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,State,WF). |
3446 | | b_convert_bool_wf0(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes,_) :- |
3447 | | %% print('bool(.) check : '), translate:print_bexpr(Pred),nl, % obsv(LocalState), |
3448 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_wf(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes ). |
3449 | | %% print('finished bool(.) check : '), translate:print_bexpr(Pred),nl,translate:print_bstate(LocalState),nl. |
3450 | | |
3451 | | % Additional time limit +TO in ms, e.g., used for CDCL(T). +TORes is time_out if a timeout occurred. |
3452 | | b_convert_bool_timeout(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes,TO,TORes) :- |
3453 | | get_wait_flag0(WF,WF0), |
3454 | | b_convert_bool_wf0_timeout(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes,WF0,TO,TORes). |
3455 | | |
3456 | | :- block b_convert_bool_wf0_timeout(?,?,?,?,-,-,?,?). |
3457 | | b_convert_bool_wf0_timeout(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes,_,TO,TORes) :- |
3458 | | PredRes == pred_true, |
3459 | | !, |
3460 | | safe_time_out(b_test_inner_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,State,WF), |
3461 | | TO, |
3462 | | TORes). |
3463 | | b_convert_bool_wf0_timeout(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes,_,TO,TORes) :- |
3464 | | PredRes == pred_false, |
3465 | | !, |
3466 | | safe_time_out(b_not_test_inner_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,State,WF), |
3467 | | TO, |
3468 | | TORes). |
3469 | | b_convert_bool_wf0_timeout(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes,_,TO,TORes) :- |
3470 | | safe_time_out(b_try_check_boolean_expression_wf(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes ), |
3471 | | TO, |
3472 | | TORes). |
3473 | | |
3474 | | %%obsv([]). |
3475 | | %%obsv([bind(Var,Val) | T] ) :- when(ground(Val), format("~w = ~w~n",[Var,Val])), obsv(T). |
3476 | | |
3477 | | % check boolean expression without enumeration predicate result (unless WFE is set) |
3478 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_no_enum_wf(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes) :- |
3479 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,'$NO_ENUMERATION',PredRes,_). |
3480 | | |
3481 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_wf(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,PredRes) :- |
3482 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,'$ENUMERATION',PredRes,'$GENERATE_ON_DEMAND' ). |
3483 | | % try to do check_boolean expression; if not possible create choice point if LWF is grounded |
3484 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF,DoEnumeration,PredRes,LWF) :- |
3485 | | b_compiler:b_optimize(Pred,[],LocalState,InState,CPRED,WF), % this increases chance that check can be applied+avoids multiple computations in two branches |
3486 | | % still: some computations may not be pre-computed, e.g., union of closures, ..., see Rule_DB_PSR_0003_C |
3487 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf_c(CPRED,LocalState,InState,WF,DoEnumeration,PredRes,LWF). |
3488 | | |
3489 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf_c(b(truth,_,_),_LocalState,_InState,_WF,_,PredRes,_LWF) :- !, |
3490 | | % typical case in e.g. IF-THEN-ELSE |
3491 | | PredRes= pred_true. |
3492 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf_c(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF,DoEnumeration,PredRes,LWF) :- |
3493 | | copy_wf_start(WF,try_check,CWF), |
3494 | | if(b_check_boolean_expression_with_enum(Pred,LocalState,InState,CWF,DoEnumeration,Res), |
3495 | | % Note: we do not use a cut here ! usually b_check will not enumerate; but on rare occasions it can (apply function in inverse,...) |
3496 | | (PredRes=Res, |
3497 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF) |
3498 | | ), |
3499 | | b_try_check_failed(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF,DoEnumeration,PredRes,LWF) |
3500 | | ). |
3501 | | b_try_check_failed(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF,DoEnumeration,PredRes,LWF) :- |
3502 | | % print(choice_point(LWF)),nl, translate:print_bexpr(Pred),nl, |
3503 | | perfmessagecall(choice_point,reification_of_check_predicate_failed,translate:print_bexpr(Pred),Pred), |
3504 | | (LWF=='$GENERATE_ON_DEMAND' -> get_binary_choice_wait_flag('$GENERATE_ON_DEMAND',WF,WF1) |
3505 | | ; var(LWF),DoEnumeration=='$NO_ENUMERATION' -> get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(WF,WF1) % nothing will enum LWF |
3506 | | ; WF1=LWF), |
3507 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf_block(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF,PredRes,WF1). |
3508 | | |
3509 | | % a version of b_check_boolean_expression which will enumerate its result as last resort |
3510 | | % should we only do this in SMT mode : preferences:preference(use_smt_mode,true) ? |
3511 | | b_check_boolean_expression_with_enum(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,DoEnumeration,Res) :- |
3512 | | b_check_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,State,WF,Res), |
3513 | | (nonvar(Res) -> true |
3514 | | ; DoEnumeration=='$NO_ENUMERATION' -> get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(WF,EWF), enum_pred_result(Res,EWF,WF) |
3515 | | ; get_wait_flag0(WF,LWF0), |
3516 | | enum_pred_result0(Res,LWF0,WF)). |
3517 | | |
3518 | | % first set up with wait_flag0: easy to get, avoid putting unnecessary waitflags into store |
3519 | | % relevant for DataValidationTest.mch with n>20000 |
3520 | | :- block enum_pred_result0(-,-,?). |
3521 | | enum_pred_result0(Res,_,WF) :- var(Res),!, |
3522 | | get_last_wait_flag(b_check_boolean_expression_with_enum,WF,LWF), |
3523 | | enum_pred_result(Res,LWF,WF). % before doing infinite enumerations: better do case-distinction here |
3524 | | enum_pred_result0(_,_,_). |
3525 | | |
3526 | | :- block enum_pred_result(-,-,?). |
3527 | | enum_pred_result(pred_true,_,_). |
3528 | | enum_pred_result(pred_false,_,_). |
3529 | | |
3530 | | :- block b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf_block(?,?,?, ?,-,-). |
3531 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf_block(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF,PREDRES,_) :- |
3532 | | PREDRES \== pred_false, |
3533 | | % print(' TRUE +++++> '), translate:print_bexpr(Pred),nl, |
3534 | | b_test_inner_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF), |
3535 | | PREDRES = pred_true. % set it only after we have actually checked the predicate; e.g., for IF we may execute rest of while loop etc... before actually having set up the constraint Pred; See Hansen23_WhilePerformance |
3536 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf_block(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF,PREDRES,_) :- |
3537 | | PREDRES \== pred_true, |
3538 | | % print(' FALSE +++++> '), translate:print_bexpr(Pred),nl, |
3539 | | b_not_test_inner_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF), |
3540 | | PREDRES = pred_false. |
3541 | | |
3542 | | % try to do check_boolean expression; if not possible create choice point *directly* |
3543 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF,PredRes) :- |
3544 | | b_compiler:b_optimize(Pred,[],LocalState,InState,CPRED,WF), % this increases chance that check can be applied+avoids multiple computations in two branches |
3545 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_c(CPRED,LocalState,InState,WF,PredRes). |
3546 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_c(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF,PredRes) :- |
3547 | | copy_wf_start(WF,try_check_c,CWF), |
3548 | | if(b_check_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,InState,CWF,Res), |
3549 | | (PredRes=Res,copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF)), |
3550 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_c2(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF,PredRes) |
3551 | | ). |
3552 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_c2(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF,pred_true) :- |
3553 | | %hit_profiler:add_profile_hit(b_try_check_failed(Pred),3), |
3554 | | b_test_inner_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF). |
3555 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_c2(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF,pred_false) :- |
3556 | | b_not_test_inner_boolean_expression(Pred,LocalState,InState,WF). |
3557 | | |
3558 | | |
3560 | | |
3561 | | :- if(environ(prob_noopt_mode,true)). |
3562 | | get_while_reads_write_info_and_filter_state(Info,LocalState,InState,LS,IS,ModVars) :- |
3563 | | member(modifies(ModVars),Info),!, |
3564 | | LS=LocalState, IS=InState. % do not filter state |
3565 | | :- endif. |
3566 | | get_while_reads_write_info_and_filter_state(Info,LocalState,InState,LS,IS,ModVars) :- |
3567 | | member(reads(ReadVars),Info), |
3568 | | member(modifies(ModVars),Info),!, |
3569 | | % we may go around the loop many times: avoid carrying around unused variables |
3570 | | ord_union(ReadVars,ModVars,ReadOrModVars), |
3571 | | filter_states(ReadOrModVars,LocalState,InState,LS,IS). |
3572 | | get_while_reads_write_info_and_filter_state(Info,LocalState,InState,LS,IS,ModVars) :- |
3573 | | add_internal_error('No reads & modifies info for while loop: ',get_while_reads_write_info_and_filter_state(Info,LocalState,InState,LS,IS,ModVars)), |
3574 | | ModVars=_, % all variables assumed to be modified |
3575 | | LS=LocalState, IS=InState. |
3576 | | |
3577 | | unused_variable(List,bind(Var,_)) :- |
3578 | | % b_is_variable(Var), % TO DO: also include constants in reads Info ? |
3579 | | ord_nonmember(Var,List). |
3580 | | unused_localvariable(List,bind(Var,Val)) :- ord_nonmember(Var,List), |
3581 | | (nonvar(Val),Val=(_,_) -> atom_codes(Var,Codes), Codes \= [64|_] % not a lazy_let ID starting with @ |
3582 | | % TO DO: either ensure lazy-let ids are also included in reads/writes ! or mark Val not as pair but using a special functor in add_lazy_let_id_to_local_state ? |
3583 | | ; true). |
3584 | | |
3585 | | filter_states(ReadOrModVars,LocalState,InState,LS,IS) :- |
3586 | | exclude(unused_localvariable(ReadOrModVars),LocalState,LS), |
3587 | | exclude(unused_variable(ReadOrModVars),InState,IS). |
3588 | | % TO DO: investigate whether we should use ord_intersect; ReadVars is already sorted |
3589 | | |
3590 | | :- block lazy_exclude(-,?,?). |
3591 | | lazy_exclude([],_,[]). |
3592 | | lazy_exclude([bind(Var,Val)|T],ModVars,Res) :- lazy_exclude_aux(Var,Val,T,ModVars,Res). |
3593 | | :- block lazy_exclude_aux(-,?,?,?,?). |
3594 | | lazy_exclude_aux(Var,Val,T,ModVars,Res) :- |
3595 | | (member(Var,ModVars) -> Res = [bind(Var,Val)|RT] |
3596 | | ; Res = RT), |
3597 | | lazy_exclude(T,ModVars,RT). |
3598 | | |
3599 | | |
3600 | | :- use_module(kernel_tools,[ground_state_check/2]). |
3601 | | % outermost while code:; at next iteration b_execute_while1 will be called. |
3602 | | :- block b_execute_while(?,?,?,?,?,-, ?,?,?, ?). % we block on Variant Value int(VarVal) |
3603 | | b_execute_while(COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,ModVars,int(VarVal),LocalState,InState,OutState,WF) :- |
3604 | | %kernel_waitflags:get_idle_wait_flag(b_execute_while,WF,LWF), |
3605 | | (number(VarVal),VarVal =< 50 |
3606 | | -> LWF=VarVal % we will wait anyway on GrInState below; no danger for WD issues in in b_optimize |
3607 | | ; no_pending_waitflags(WF) -> get_wait_flag0(WF,LWF) %important for e.g. PerformanceTests/While/LiftExec_LIM.mch |
3608 | | ; kernel_waitflags:get_last_wait_flag(b_execute_while1,WF,LWF) % to do: maybe get largest waitflag to avoid as much as possible that new choice points get enumerated before while triggers? |
3609 | | % see also tests 979, 981 |
3610 | | ), |
3611 | | % before entering while loop, we wait for co-routines to complete that may have activated b_execute_while |
3612 | | b_execute_while_idle(COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,ModVars,int(VarVal),LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,LWF). |
3613 | | |
3614 | | :- block b_execute_while_idle(?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?,-). % we block on enumeration starting wait_flag |
3615 | | b_execute_while_idle(COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,ModVars,int(VarVal),LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,_) :- |
3616 | | %ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(WF), |
3617 | | (number(VarVal), VarVal>50, preference(compile_while_body,true) |
3618 | | % if VarVal > 50 -> worthwhile to compile STMT |
3619 | | % TO DO: also take size of body into account, and what if only a small part of the body is reachable in each iteration |
3620 | | -> b_compiler:b_optimize(STMT,ModVars,LocalState,InState,CSTMT,WF), |
3621 | | % print(compiled_while(ModVars)),nl, translate:print_subst(CSTMT),nl, |
3622 | | OutState=WhileOutState, |
3623 | | exclude(unused_variable(ModVars),LocalState,LS), % only keep modified vars; all other compiled |
3624 | | exclude(unused_variable(ModVars),InState,IS) % only keep modified vars; all other compiled |
3625 | | ; CSTMT=STMT, LS=LocalState, IS=InState, |
3626 | | lazy_exclude(WhileOutState,ModVars,OutState) % only copy over those variables (potentially) modified by While loop |
3627 | | % Note: it is important that we only have one copy of each modified variable in OutState |
3628 | | ), |
3629 | | ground_state_check(InState,GrInState), |
3630 | | b_execute_while_loop_block(GrInState,COND,CSTMT,INV,VARIANT,none,VarVal,LS,IS,WhileOutState,WF). |
3631 | | |
3632 | | :- block b_execute_while_loop_block(-,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?). |
3633 | | b_execute_while_loop_block(_,COND,CSTMT,INV,VARIANT,none,VarVal,LS,IS,WhileOutState,WF) :- |
3634 | | b_execute_while_loop(COND,CSTMT,INV,VARIANT,none,VarVal,LS,IS,WhileOutState,WF). |
3635 | | |
3636 | | :- block b_execute_while1(?,?,?,?,?,-,?,?,?,?). |
3637 | | b_execute_while1(COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,PrevVariantValue,int(VarVal),LocalState,InState,OutState,WF) :- |
3638 | | % get_last_wait_flag(while(VarVal),WF,LWF), |
3639 | | deref_wf(WF,FreshWF), |
3640 | | %ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(FreshWF), % this is not a good idea, co-routine may be triggered while grounding WF; this subsidiary call will prevent grounding from completing and may trigger later waitflags before earlier ones are finished |
3641 | | % this can lead to enumeration warnings; the same applies to other calls to ground_constraintprop_wait_flags below |
3642 | | b_execute_while_loop(COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,PrevVariantValue,VarVal,LocalState,InState,OutState,FreshWF). |
3643 | | |
3644 | | % block on PrevVarVal and VarVal not yet needed here; but we need it for b_execute_while_body below |
3645 | | :- block b_execute_while_loop(?,?,?,?,-,?,?,?,?,?), b_execute_while_loop(?,?,?,?,?,-,?,?,?,?). |
3646 | | b_execute_while_loop(COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,PrevVarVal,VarVal,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF) :- |
3647 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_c(INV,LocalState,InState,WF,INVRes), |
3648 | | %ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(WF), % seems to slow down interpretation |
3649 | | b_check_execute_while_loop1(INVRes,COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,PrevVarVal,VarVal,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF). |
3650 | | |
3651 | | :- block b_check_execute_while_loop1(-,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?). |
3652 | | b_check_execute_while_loop1(pred_false,_COND,_STMT,INV,_VAR,_PrevVarVal,VarVal,LocalState,InState,_OutState,WF) :- |
3653 | | add_abort_error_span(while_invariant_violation, |
3654 | | 'While INVARIANT VIOLATED, current VARIANT value: ',VarVal,span_predicate(INV,LocalState,InState),WF). |
3655 | | b_check_execute_while_loop1(pred_true,COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,PrevVarVal,VarVal,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF) :- |
3656 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_c(COND,LocalState,InState,WF,CondRes), |
3657 | | %ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(WF), % seems to slow down interpretation |
3658 | | b_check_execute_while_loop2(CondRes,COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,PrevVarVal,VarVal,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF). |
3659 | | |
3660 | | :- block b_check_execute_while_loop2(-,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?). |
3661 | | b_check_execute_while_loop2(pred_false,_COND,_STMT,_INV,_VARIANT,_PrevVarVal,_VarVal,_LS,InState,OutState,_WF) :- |
3662 | | OutState=InState. % we copy over the while InState: the updates will be computed at the end of the while loop |
3663 | | b_check_execute_while_loop2(pred_true,COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,PrevVarVal,VarVal,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF) :- |
3664 | | |
3665 | | %hit_profiler:add_profile_hit(b_execute_while_body(STMT,VarVal,PrevVarVal,LocalState),2), |
3666 | | % TO DO: maybe only compute VARIANT now and not above ?? |
3667 | | % b_compute_expression(VARIANT,LocalState,InState,VarVal,WF), |
3668 | | % ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(WF), %% moved here because VARIANT computed later |
3669 | | b_execute_while_body(COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,PrevVarVal,VarVal,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF). |
3670 | | |
3671 | | %:- block b_execute_while_body(?,?,?,?,-,?,?,?,?,?), b_execute_while_body(?,?,?,?,?,-,?,?,?,?). |
3672 | | % we must ensure VarVal and PrevVaraintValue known |
3673 | | % the block declaration above for b_execute_while_loop already ensures this |
3674 | | b_execute_while_body(_COND,_STMT,_INVARIANT,VAR,_PV,VarVal,LocalState,InState,_OutState,WF) :- |
3675 | | VarVal<0, !, % more efficient than is_not_natural(int(VarVal)), |
3676 | | %ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(WF), |
3677 | | % add_abort_error_span will fail; hence no need to set _OutState |
3678 | | add_abort_error_span(while_variant_error,'While VARIANT not NATURAL:',VarVal,span_predicate(VAR,LocalState,InState),WF). |
3679 | | b_execute_while_body(_COND,_STMT,_INVARIANT,VAR,PrevVariantValue,VarVal,LocalState,InState,_OutState,WF) :- |
3680 | | % check no longer required VarVal>=0,%is_natural(int(VarVal),WF), |
3681 | | PrevVariantValue \= none, |
3682 | | PrevVariantValue =< VarVal, !, %less_than_equal(int(PrevVariantValue),int(VarVal)), |
3683 | | %ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(WF), |
3684 | | % add_abort_error_span will fail; hence no need to set _OutState |
3685 | | ajoin(['VARIANT = ',VarVal,', previous value = ',PrevVariantValue],Details), |
3686 | | add_abort_error_span(while_variant_error,'While VARIANT not decreasing:', |
3687 | | Details,span_predicate(VAR,LocalState,InState),WF). |
3688 | | b_execute_while_body(COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,_PrevVariantValue,VarVal,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF) :- |
3689 | | % check no longer required due to cuts above %VarVal>=0, %is_natural(int(VarVal),WF), |
3690 | | %(PrevVariantValue==none -> true ; less_than(int(VarVal),int(PrevVariantValue))), |
3691 | | %ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(WF), % seems to slow down interpretation |
3692 | | copy_wf_start(WF,while_body,CWF), |
3693 | | b_execute_statement(STMT,LocalState,InState,LHSUpdates,CWF,_Path1,output_required), |
3694 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF), |
3695 | | ground_det_wait_flag(WF), % TODO: remove this |
3696 | | store_intermediate_updates_wf(InState,LHSUpdates,IntermediateState,STMT,WF), |
3697 | | check_state_skeleton_bound(LHSUpdates,Bound), % otherwise variable lookups will cause problems; ensures IntermediateState skeleton bound |
3698 | | b_execute_while_when_state_set(COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,VarVal,LocalState,IntermediateState,OutState,WF,Bound). |
3699 | | |
3700 | | :- block b_execute_while_when_state_set(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,-). |
3701 | | b_execute_while_when_state_set(COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,PrevVariantValue,LocalState,State,Res,WF,_) :- |
3702 | | copy_wf_start(WF,while2,CWF), |
3703 | | b_compute_expression(VARIANT,LocalState,State,VarVal,CWF), |
3704 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF), |
3705 | | b_execute_while1(COND,STMT,INV,VARIANT,PrevVariantValue,VarVal,LocalState,State,Res,WF). |
3706 | | |
3707 | | % ------------- IF-THEN-ELSE |
3708 | | |
3709 | | :- block b_execute_else_list2(-,?,?,?, ?,?,?,-,?). % should we also unblock if LWF set ? needed for seq. composition to set up state ?? |
3710 | | b_execute_else_list2(PredRes,Body,Rest,LocalState,InState,OutState,InnerWF,LWF,OR) :- |
3711 | | %(var(PredRes) -> print('IF-THEN-ELSE ENUMERATION: '), translate:print_subst(Body),nl ; true), |
3712 | | b_execute_else_list3(PredRes,Body,Rest,LocalState,InState,OutState,InnerWF,LWF,OR). |
3713 | | |
3714 | | b_execute_else_list3(pred_true,Body,_,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,_,OR) :- |
3715 | | push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,b_expr_call(if_then_body,Body),WF2), |
3716 | | b_execute_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF2,_Path,OR). |
3717 | | b_execute_else_list3(pred_false,_Body,Rest,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,LWF,OR) :- |
3718 | | b_execute_else_list(Rest,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,LWF,OR). |
3719 | | |
3720 | | b_execute_else_list([],_,_State,[],_WF,_LWF,_OR). /* skip */ |
3721 | | b_execute_else_list([TExpr|Rest],LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,LWF,OR) :- |
3722 | | get_texpr_expr(TExpr,if_elsif(Test,Body)), % Info field not used |
3723 | | % get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(WF,LWF), |
3724 | | InnerWF=WF, %clone_wait_flags_from1(WF,InnerWF), |
3725 | | push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(InnerWF,b_expr_call(if_elsif_test,Test),WF2), |
3726 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf(Test,LocalState,InState,WF2,'$ENUMERATION',PredRes,LWF), |
3727 | | %ground_wait_flag0(InnerWF), |
3728 | | (nonvar(PredRes) -> b_execute_else_list3(PredRes,Body,Rest,LocalState,InState,OutState,InnerWF,LWF,OR) |
3729 | | ; (LWF == '$GENERATE_ON_DEMAND' -> |
3730 | | get_wait_flag0(WF,LWF1), |
3731 | | get_wait_flag_if_necessary(PredRes,LWF1,OR,WF,LWF2) |
3732 | | ; LWF2=LWF), |
3733 | | b_execute_else_list2(PredRes,Body,Rest,LocalState,InState,OutState,InnerWF,LWF2,OR) |
3734 | | ). |
3735 | | |
3736 | | % avoid calling get_wait_flag if possible (expensive) |
3737 | | :- block get_wait_flag_if_necessary(-,-,?,?,?). |
3738 | | get_wait_flag_if_necessary(PredRes,_,OR,WF,LWF2) :- var(PredRes), !, % we need waitflag |
3739 | | (preferences:preference(use_smt_mode,true) -> Prio = 2 % was 2.0 |
3740 | | ; OR == output_required -> Prio = 2000 |
3741 | | ; Prio = 200000 %last_finite_priority(Prio) |
3742 | | ), % TO DO: check if there is a guard inside; if not we can wait much longer; unless we are in CBC mode |
3743 | | get_wait_flag(Prio,if_else,WF,LWF2). |
3744 | | get_wait_flag_if_necessary(_,_,_,_,_). |
3745 | | |
3746 | | :- block b_execute_choice(?,?,?,?,?,?,-,?). |
3747 | | b_execute_choice(ChoiceList,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,choice(Nr,Path),_WFC,OR) :- |
3748 | | nth1(Nr,ChoiceList,Choice), |
3749 | | b_execute_statement(Choice,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). |
3750 | | |
3751 | | % execute ASSERT PreCond THEN Body |
3752 | | b_execute_assertion(_PreCond,Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- |
3753 | | preference(do_assert_checking,false), % ASSERT checking disabled |
3754 | | !, |
3755 | | b_execute_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). |
3756 | | b_execute_assertion(PreCond,Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- |
3757 | | b_try_check_boolean_expression_lwf(PreCond,LocalState,InState,WF,'$ENUMERATION',PredRes,WFC), |
3758 | | % enumeration of PredRes before WFE set make sense, Body can instantiate values |
3759 | | (var(PredRes) -> get_last_wait_flag(assertion,WF,WFC) ; true), |
3760 | | b_execute_assertion_block(PredRes,PreCond,Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). |
3761 | | |
3762 | | :- block b_execute_assertion_block(-, ?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?). |
3763 | | b_execute_assertion_block(pred_true,_PreCond,Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- |
3764 | | Path = assertion(IPath), |
3765 | | b_execute_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,IPath,OR). |
3766 | | b_execute_assertion_block(pred_false,PreCond,_Body,LocalState,InState,_OutState,WF,Path,_OR) :- |
3767 | | Path = assertion_violated, |
3768 | | translate_bexpression(PreCond,PreString), |
3769 | | add_abort_error_span(assert_error,'ASSERT violated: ',PreString,span_predicate(PreCond,LocalState,InState),WF). |
3770 | | |
3771 | | :- block check_state_skeleton_bound(-,?). |
3772 | | check_state_skeleton_bound([],true). |
3773 | | check_state_skeleton_bound([bind(Var,_)|T],Res) :- |
3774 | | check_state_skeleton_bound_aux(Var,T,Res). |
3775 | | |
3776 | | :- block check_state_skeleton_bound_aux(-,?,?). |
3777 | | check_state_skeleton_bound_aux(Var,T,Res) :- |
3778 | | (atomic(Var) -> true ; print('*** variable name not atomic: '), print(Var),nl), |
3779 | | check_state_skeleton_bound(T,Res). |
3780 | | |
3781 | | |
3782 | | b_execute_statement_list_when_state_set(StmtList,LS,State,USoFar,Res,WF,Path,OR) :- |
3783 | | check_state_skeleton_bound(State,Bound), % otherwise variable lookups will cause problems |
3784 | | b_execute_statement_when_state_set2(StmtList,LS,State,USoFar,Res,WF,Path,Bound,OR). |
3785 | | :- block b_execute_statement_when_state_set2(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,-,?). |
3786 | | b_execute_statement_when_state_set2(StmtList,LS,State,UpdatesSofar,Res,WF,Path,_,OR) :- |
3787 | | copy_wf_start(WF,while2,CWF), |
3788 | | b_execute_sequence(StmtList,LS,State,StmtUpdates,CWF,Path,OR), |
3789 | | copy_wf_finish(WF,CWF), |
3790 | | merge_updates(UpdatesSofar,StmtUpdates,Res). |
3791 | | |
3792 | | |
3793 | | store_values([], [], []). |
3794 | | store_values([IDsHd|IDsTl], [VALsHd|VALsTl], [bind(IDsHd,VALsHd)|OutStateTl]) :- |
3795 | | store_values(IDsTl, VALsTl, OutStateTl). |
3796 | | |
3797 | | |
3798 | | |
3799 | | |
3800 | | /* the B syntax does allow multiple definitions in a LET: */ |
3801 | | |
3802 | | b_execute_let_definitions(Pred,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
3803 | | is_a_conjunct(Pred,LHS,RHS),!, |
3804 | | b_execute_let_definitions(LHS,LocalState,State,WF), |
3805 | | b_execute_let_definitions(RHS,LocalState,State,WF). |
3806 | | b_execute_let_definitions(b(equal(LHS,RHS),_,_),LocalState,State,WF) :- !, |
3807 | | b_compute_expression(LHS,LocalState,State,LHSVal,WF), |
3808 | | b_compute_expression(RHS,LocalState,State,RHSVal,WF), |
3809 | | % TO DO: ideally we should check if LHS is a declared identifier and is only defined once |
3810 | | kernel_objects:equal_object_optimized(LHSVal,RHSVal,b_execute_let_definitions). |
3811 | | b_execute_let_definitions(b(lazy_let_pred(Id,AssignmentExpr,Body),_,_),LocalState,State,WF) :- !, |
3812 | | add_lazy_let_id_and_expression(Id,AssignmentExpr,LocalState,State,NewLocalState,WF), |
3813 | | b_execute_let_definitions(Body,NewLocalState,State,WF). |
3814 | | b_execute_let_definitions(P,_L,_S,WF) :- |
3815 | | add_internal_error_wf(b_interpreter,'Let contains a predicate which is not an equality: ',P,P,WF),fail. |
3816 | | |
3817 | | |
3818 | | /* -----------------------------------------*/ |
3819 | | /* b_assign_function */ |
3820 | | /* -----------------------------------------*/ |
3821 | | |
3822 | | b_assign_values_or_functions([],[],_LS,_S,[],_WF,_OR). |
3823 | | b_assign_values_or_functions([TExpr|ERest],[Value|VRest],LS,S,[bind(Id,New)|NRest],WF,OR) :- |
3824 | | get_texpr_expr(TExpr,Expr), |
3825 | | b_assign_value_or_function(Expr,Value,LS,S,Id,New,WF,OR), |
3826 | | b_assign_values_or_functions(ERest,VRest,LS,S,NRest,WF,OR). |
3827 | | |
3828 | | :- use_module(kernel_tools,[ground_value_check/2]). |
3829 | | :- use_module(kernel_records,[overwrite_record_wf/5]). |
3830 | | b_assign_value_or_function(identifier(Id),Value,_LS,_S,LHS_Id,FullValue,WF,_OR) :- !, |
3831 | | LHS_Id=Id, |
3832 | | equal_object_wf(FullValue,Value,b_assign_value_or_function(Id),WF). |
3833 | | b_assign_value_or_function(function(Fun,Arg),Value,LocalState,InState,Id,FullValue,WF,OR) :- !, |
3834 | | %b_compute_expression(Arg,LocalState,InState,ArgVal,WF), |
3835 | | %expand_global_sets_but_not_closures(ArgVal,EArgVal), |
3836 | | FunMNF = eval_must_not_fail('Assignment left-hand-side (or part thereof) could not be evaluated: ',Fun), % could be f(..)(..) |
3837 | | b_compute_assign_expressions_when([Arg,FunMNF],LocalState,InState,[ArgVal,FunVal],WF,OR), % or should we pass the OR info around ? |
3838 | | /* we do not examine local state: these vars cannot be modified by operations !? */ |
3839 | | (OR=output_required -> override(FunVal,ArgVal,Value,NewFun,WF) |
3840 | | ; ground_value_check((FunVal,ArgVal,Value),GRV), |
3841 | | % wait until all arguments known so that we can effiently compute override |
3842 | | blocking_override(GRV,FunVal,ArgVal,Value,NewFun,WF)), |
3843 | | get_texpr_expr(Fun,Lhs), |
3844 | | b_assign_value_or_function(Lhs,NewFun,LocalState,InState,Id,FullValue,WF,OR). |
3845 | | b_assign_value_or_function(record_field(RecordExpr,FieldName),Value,LocalState,InState,LHS_Id,FullValue,WF,OR) :- |
3846 | | !, |
3847 | | % we allow nested record assignments: x'Field1'Field2 := Value |
3848 | | b_compute_expression(RecordExpr,LocalState,InState,OldRecVal,WF), |
3849 | | overwrite_record_wf(OldRecVal,FieldName,Value,NewRecVal,WF), |
3850 | | get_texpr_expr(RecordExpr,Lhs), |
3851 | | b_assign_value_or_function(Lhs,NewRecVal,LocalState,InState,LHS_Id,FullValue,WF,OR). |
3852 | | b_assign_value_or_function(LHS,_Value,_LS,_InState,_Id,_FullValue,WF,_OR) :- |
3853 | | add_internal_error_wf(b_interpreter,'Illegal LHS for assignment (must be ID(.) or ID\'Field or ID): ',LHS,LHS,WF), |
3854 | | fail. |
3855 | | |
3856 | | :- block blocking_override(-,?,?,?,?,?). |
3857 | | blocking_override(_,FunVal,ArgVal,Value,NewFun,WF) :- override(FunVal,ArgVal,Value,NewFun,WF). |
3858 | | |
3859 | | |
3860 | | /* -----------------------------------------*/ |
3861 | | /* b_execute_statements_in_parallel */ |
3862 | | /* -----------------------------------------*/ |
3863 | | /* execute a parallel composition of statements */ |
3864 | | :- assert_pre(b_interpreter:b_execute_statements_in_parallel(Ss,LS,State,_Os,WF,_Paths,_OR), |
3865 | | (ground_check(Ss),type_check(LS,store), |
3866 | | type_check(State,store),type_check(WF,wait_flag))). |
3867 | | :- assert_post(b_interpreter:b_execute_statements_in_parallel(_Ss,_LS,_State,Os,WF,_Paths,_OR), |
3868 | | (type_check(Os,store),type_check(WF,wait_flag))). |
3869 | | |
3870 | | b_execute_statements_in_parallel([],_,_,[],_WF,[],_OR). |
3871 | | b_execute_statements_in_parallel([Stmt|TS],LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,[Path1|TPath],OR) :- |
3872 | | b_execute_statement(Stmt,LocalState,InState,OutState1,WF,Path1,OR), |
3873 | | combine_updates(OutState1,OutState2,OutState), /* merge updates */ |
3874 | | b_execute_statements_in_parallel(TS,LocalState,InState,OutState2,WF,TPath,OR). |
3875 | | |
3876 | | |
3877 | | %:- block combine_updates(-,-,?). |
3878 | | %combine_updates(A,B,C) :- (B==[] -> A=C ; combine_updates_aux(A,B,C)). |
3879 | | |
3880 | | % TO DO: investigate whether we could also unblock on second argument and copy it to result |
3881 | | :- block combine_updates(-,?,?). % can also be used to merge states |
3882 | | combine_updates([],X,R) :- !,R=X. |
3883 | | combine_updates([H|T],Y,Res) :- !, Res=[H|Z], combine_updates(T,Y,Z). |
3884 | | combine_updates(X,Y,Z) :- add_internal_error('Illegal call: ',combine_updates(X,Y,Z)),fail. |
3885 | | |
3886 | | |
3887 | | |
3888 | | b_execute_initialisation_statement(Stmt,LS,In,Out,_OUTERWF,Path,OR) :- |
3889 | | init_wait_flags(WF,[b_execute_initialisation_statement]), |
3890 | | % each initialisation can be executed in isolation (except in CBC mode) |
3891 | | b_execute_statement(Stmt,LS,In,Out,WF,Path,OR), |
3892 | | ground_wait_flags(WF). |
3893 | | |
3894 | | % replace certain parallels by init_parallel for better error reporting in INITIALISATION |
3895 | | % will not be used in CBC mode (by set_up_initialisation or tc_initialise) |
3896 | | translate_init_statements(b(Stmt,subst,I),b(TStmt,subst,I)) :- |
3897 | | tp2(Stmt,I,TStmt). |
3898 | | tp2(assign(LHS,RHS),I,parallel(S)) :- LHS=[_,_|_], |
3899 | | % translate multiple assignment into parallel assignments |
3900 | | maplist(generate_assignment(I),LHS,RHS,S), |
3901 | | !. |
3902 | | tp2(Stmt,I,init_statement(b(Stmt,subst,I))) :- %get_preference(provide_trace_information,true), |
3903 | | wrap_stmt(Stmt), |
3904 | | !. |
3905 | | % TO DO: cover WHILE |
3906 | | tp2(parallel(S),_,parallel(TS)) :- maplist(translate_init_statements,S,TS), |
3907 | | !. |
3908 | | tp2(sequence(A),_,sequence(LA)) :- !,maplist(translate_init_statements,A,LA). |
3909 | | tp2(if(A),_,if(LA)) :- !, maplist(translate_init_statements,A,LA). |
3910 | | tp2(if_elsif(Test,Body),_,if_elsif(Test,LBody)) :- !, |
3911 | | translate_init_statements(Body,LBody). |
3912 | | tp2(X,_,X). % :- functor(X,F,A), nl,nl,print(uncovered(F/A)),nl,nl. |
3913 | | |
3914 | | wrap_stmt(assign(_,_)). |
3915 | | wrap_stmt(becomes_element_of(_,_)). |
3916 | | wrap_stmt(becomes_such(_,_)). |
3917 | | wrap_stmt(assign_single_id(_,_)). |
3918 | | |
3919 | | generate_assignment(I,V,RHS,b(init_statement(b(Assign,subst,I)),subst,I)) :- |
3920 | | Assign = assign([V],[RHS]). |
3921 | | |
3922 | | |
3923 | | |
3924 | | /* ---------------------------------------*/ |
3925 | | /* b_execute_top_level_statement */ |
3926 | | /* ---------------------------------------*/ |
3927 | | |
3928 | | /* this is just like b_execute_statement with the |
3929 | | only difference that a PRE-condition is treated like |
3930 | | a select, i.e., it does not generate an abort if used |
3931 | | outside of its condition */ |
3932 | | b_execute_top_level_statement(TExpr,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- |
3933 | | get_texpr_expr(TExpr,Stmt), |
3934 | | b_execute_top_level_statement2(Stmt,TExpr,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). |
3935 | | b_execute_top_level_statement2(precondition(PreCond,Body),TExpr, |
3936 | | LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- |
3937 | | preferences:preference(treat_outermost_pre_as_select,true),!, |
3938 | | %debug_println(9,'Top level PRE treated as SELECT'), |
3939 | | preference(ltsmin_do_not_evaluate_top_level_guards,NO_EVAL), |
3940 | | (NO_EVAL=full -> |
3941 | | debug_println(9,pge_guard_will_not_be_evaluated) |
3942 | | ; NO_EVAL=true, % do not evaluate guards detected by guard splitting |
3943 | | get_texpr_info(TExpr,Info),member(prob_annotation('LTSMIN-GUARD'),Info) -> |
3944 | | debug_println(9,ltsmin_guard_will_not_be_evaluated) |
3945 | | ; b_test_boolean_expression(PreCond,LocalState,InState,WF) |
3946 | | ), |
3947 | | % b_tracetest_boolean_expression(PreCond,LocalState,InState,WF,one), % comment in for debugging |
3948 | | b_execute_statement(Body,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). |
3949 | | b_execute_top_level_statement2(lazy_let_subst(Id,IdExpr,Body),_, |
3950 | | LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,lazy_let(Path),OR) :- |
3951 | | !, |
3952 | | add_lazy_let_id_and_expression(Id,IdExpr,LocalState,InState,NewLocalState,WF), |
3953 | | b_execute_top_level_statement(Body,NewLocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). |
3954 | | b_execute_top_level_statement2(_,TExpr,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR) :- |
3955 | | b_execute_statement(TExpr,LocalState,InState,OutState,WF,Path,OR). |
3956 | | |
3957 | | |
3958 | | /* -----------------------------*/ |
3959 | | /* b_execute_operation */ |
3960 | | /* -----------------------------*/ |
3961 | | /* execute a single operation */ |
3962 | | |
3963 | | try_get_op_name(FullOperation,_Name) :- var(FullOperation),!. |
3964 | | try_get_op_name('-->'(FO,_),Name) :- !,try_get_op_name(FO,Name). |
3965 | | try_get_op_name(FullOperation,Name) :- functor(FullOperation,Name,_). |
3966 | | |
3967 | | |
3968 | | |
3969 | | :- assert_pre(b_interpreter:b_execute_top_level_operation_update(_Name,_FullOperation,InState,_NewState,_P), |
3970 | | (ground_check(InState),type_check(InState,store))). |
3971 | | :- assert_post(b_interpreter:b_execute_top_level_operation_update(Name,_FullOperation,_InState,NewState,_Path), |
3972 | | (type_check(NewState,store),ground_check(Name))). |
3973 | | |
3974 | | |
3975 | | b_execute_top_level_operation_update(Name,FullOperation,InState,Updates,Path) :- |
3976 | | b_execute_top_level_operation_update_wf(Name,FullOperation,InState,Updates,Path,WF), |
3977 | | ground_wait_flags(WF). |
3978 | | %store:store_updates_and_normalise(Updates,InState,NewState). |
3979 | | |
3980 | | |
3981 | | b_execute_top_level_operation_update_wf(Name,FullOperation,InState,Updates,Path,WF) :- |
3982 | | init_wait_flags(WF,[]), % now treated by call_stack: [expansion_context(op(Name),[])]), |
3983 | | % b_execute_operation2 below will push_wait_flag_call_stack_info |
3984 | | try_get_op_name(FullOperation,Name), b_top_level_operation(Name), |
3985 | | setup_result_input_values(Name,RIV), |
3986 | | Info=unknown, % Info extracted later for top_level |
3987 | | b_execute_operation2(Name,FullOperation,InState,Updates,_,RIV,_,true,Path,Info,WF,output_not_required). |
3988 | | |
3989 | | % set up value of read output variables *before* operation call to some dummy value |
3990 | | setup_result_input_values(Name,ResultInputValues) :- |
3991 | | (get_preference(allow_operations_to_read_outputs,true), |
3992 | | b_operation_reads_output_variables(Name,_Reads,TReadsInfo) -> |
3993 | | maplist(setup_read_output_variable,TReadsInfo,ResultInputValues) |
3994 | | %translate_bstate_limited(ResultInputValues,TS), |
3995 | | %ajoin(['Warning: setting read output variables in ',Name,' to default values: ',TS],Msg), |
3996 | | %add_warning(b_interpreter,Msg), |
3997 | | %store_error_for_context_state(eventerror(Name,event_other_error(Msg),[]),_Id) |
3998 | | ; ResultInputValues=[]). |
3999 | | |
4000 | | :- use_module(typing_tools,[any_value_for_type/2]). |
4001 | | setup_read_output_variable(reads_result(_,Name,Type),bind(Name,Val)) :- any_value_for_type(Type,Val). |
4002 | | |
4003 | | % for use by CBC: |
4004 | | b_execute_top_level_operation_wf(Name,FullOperation,ParaVals,ResultVals,InState,NewState,Path,WF) :- |
4005 | | try_get_op_name(FullOperation,Name), |
4006 | | if(b_top_level_operation(Name),true, |
4007 | | (add_internal_error('Unknown operation name for b_execute_top_level_operation_wf: ',Name),fail) |
4008 | | ), |
4009 | | % call before execute operation to copy over results immediately in case b_execute_operation2 generates choice points: |
4010 | | store_intermediate_updates_wf(InState,Updates,NewState,operation(Name),WF), % no normalising is better for constraint propagation |
4011 | | % TO DO?: copy over unmodified variables b_get_machine_variables(Variables),copy_unmodified_variables(Variables,OpName,InState,NewState) |
4012 | | setup_result_input_values(Name,RIV), |
4013 | | Info=unknown, % Info extracted later for top_level |
4014 | | b_execute_operation2(Name,FullOperation,InState,Updates,ParaVals,RIV,ResultVals,true,Path,Info,WF,output_required). |
4015 | | % we should ensure that Operation part is executed to instantiate NewOutState skeleton |
4016 | | |
4017 | | |
4018 | | |
4019 | | % Note : if the argument OR (OutputRequired) has value output_required this indicates that the output |
4020 | | % an operation or its effect is required (e.g., because of sequential composition) and the constraint solver |
4021 | | % should not delay computing the effect of the operation |
4022 | | % Atelier-B Handbook 6.16: [R <- op (E)]P = [X := E ; S ; R :=Y] P where op defined by X <- op(Y) = S |
4023 | | b_execute_operation_with_parameters(Name,LocalState,InState,Results,Parameters,OutState,ParamValues,ResultValues,Path,Info,WF,OR) :- |
4024 | | (b_is_operation_name(Name) |
4025 | | -> b_compute_expressions(Parameters,LocalState,InState,ParamValues,WF), |
4026 | | % TO DO : remove local vars from InState |
4027 | | (b_operation_reads_output_variables(Name,_Reads,TReadsInfo) |
4028 | | -> % format('Transferring outputs ~w ~w~n ~w~n',[Name,_Reads,TReadsInfo]), |
4029 | | maplist(output_parameters_value(LocalState,InState,Results,Info,WF),TReadsInfo,ResultInputValues) |
4030 | | ; ResultInputValues=[]), |
4031 | | call_b_execute_operation2(Name,InState,OutState,ParamValues,ResultInputValues,ResultValues,false,Path,Info,WF,OR) |
4032 | | ; add_internal_error('Unknown B operation, cannot call: ', |
4033 | | b_execute_operation_with_parameters(Name,LocalState,InState,Results,Parameters, |
4034 | | OutState,ParamValues,ResultValues,Path,Info,WF,OR)), |
4035 | | fail |
4036 | | ). |
4037 | | |
4038 | | |
4039 | | %b_execute_operation_in_expression(Name,_LocalState,_InState,_Parameters,_Value,Info,_WF) :- |
4040 | | % % This clause is disabled: sometimes variables are marked as read even though they are not: |
4041 | | % % the analysis is not precise due to sequential composition, CASE statements, ... |
4042 | | % b_operation_reads_output_variables(Name,_Reads,_TReadsInfo),!, |
4043 | | % add_error(b_interpreter,'Operation that reads output cannot be called in expression: ',Name,Info), |
4044 | | % fail. |
4045 | | b_execute_operation_in_expression(Name,LocalState,InState,Parameters,Value,Info,WF) :- |
4046 | | % TODO: check that this is a query operation; probably done in type checker |
4047 | | OR=output_required, % alternative: OR=output_not_required, |
4048 | | setup_result_input_values(Name,ResultInputValues), |
4049 | | b_compute_expressions(Parameters,LocalState,InState,ParamValues,WF), |
4050 | | b_get_operation_normalized_read_write_info(Name,Read,_Modified), % Modified should be [] |
4051 | | create_inner_wait_flags(WF,operation_call_in_expr,OpWF), |
4052 | | ground_value_check(ParamValues,ParaGround), |
4053 | | exclude(unused_variable(Read),InState,IS), |
4054 | | ground_state_check(IS,StateGround), |
4055 | | % TO DO: in case of recursion it may be good to delay executing sub-operation until some WF is set |
4056 | | call_b_execute_operation2(Name,IS,_OutState,ParamValues,ResultInputValues,ResultValues,false,_Path,Info,OpWF,OR), |
4057 | | ground_inner_wf(ParaGround,StateGround,OpWF), |
4058 | | make_couplise(ResultValues,Value). |
4059 | | |
4060 | | % ground inner waitflags when parameters and relevant read variables fully known |
4061 | | :- block ground_inner_wf(-,?,?), ground_inner_wf(?,-,?). |
4062 | | ground_inner_wf(_,_,WF) :- |
4063 | | ground_inner_wait_flags(WF). |
4064 | | |
4065 | | call_b_execute_operation2(Name,InState,OutState,ParamValues,ResultInputValues,ResultValues,false,Path,Info,WF,OR) :- |
4066 | | % TODO: insert operation call as additional error context; stack trace |
4067 | | runtime_profiler:profile_single_call(Name,unknownStateId, b_interpreter: |
4068 | | b_execute_operation2(Name,_,InState,OutState,ParamValues,ResultInputValues,ResultValues,false,Path,Info,WF,OR) |
4069 | | ). |
4070 | | |
4071 | | output_parameters_value(LocalState,InState,Results,_,WF,reads_result(Index,ID,_Type),bind(ID,Val)) :- |
4072 | | nth1(Index,Results,ReadResultTID),!, |
4073 | | def_get_texpr_id(ReadResultTID,ReadID), |
4074 | | (lookup_value_without_check(ReadID,LocalState,InState,Val) |
4075 | | -> true %check_not_undefined(Val,ReadID,ReadResultTID) |
4076 | | ; add_error_wf(output_parameters,'Could not obtain value for read output parameter: ',ReadID,ReadResultTID,WF), |
4077 | | Val = term(undefined)). |
4078 | | output_parameters_value(_LocalState,_InState,_Results,Info,WF,reads_result(_Index,ID,_Type),bind(ID,Val)) :- |
4079 | | add_error_wf(output_parameters,'Could not obtain value for read output parameter: ',ID,Info,WF), |
4080 | | Val = term(undefined). |
4081 | | |
4082 | | % TO DO: use this ? |
4083 | | %:- block check_not_undefined(-,?,?). |
4084 | | %check_not_undefined(term(undefined),ReadID,ReadResultTID) :- !, |
4085 | | % add_error(output_parameters_value,'Output parameter not assigned to: ',ReadID,ReadResultTID). |
4086 | | %check_not_undefined(_,_,_). |
4087 | | |
4088 | | % ResultInputValues: in Atelier-B result parameters can also be read ! |
4089 | | b_execute_operation2(Name,Operation,InState,Updates,ParaValues,ResultInputValues,ResultValues,_TopLevel,TransInfo,_,_WF,_OR) :- |
4090 | | ResultInputValues = [], % in this case the operation's behaviour also depends on current value of output variables |
4091 | | lookup_cached_transitions(Name,InState,Solutions),!, |
4092 | | member(transition(ParaValues,ResultValues,Updates,TransInfo),Solutions), |
4093 | | create_full_operation(Name,ResultValues,ParaValues,ResultValues,Operation). |
4094 | | |
4095 | | b_execute_operation2(Name,Operation,InState,NewOutState,ParaValues,ResultInputValues,ResultValues, |
4096 | | TopLevel,TransInfo,Info,WF,OutputRequired) :- |
4097 | | b_get_machine_operation_for_animation(Name,Results,Parameters,Body,OType,TopLevel,OpPos), |
4098 | | %% % we do not want skip the evaluation of a guard of an operation with parameters |
4099 | | %% (Parameters==[] ->true; retractall(pge_algo:do_not_evaluate_guard)), |
4100 | | (Info=unknown, TopLevel==true -> CallInfo=OpPos ; CallInfo=Info), |
4101 | | push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,operation_call(Name,ParaValues,CallInfo),WF2), |
4102 | | b_execute_operation3(OType,Name,Operation, |
4103 | | InState,NewOutState, |
4104 | | Body,Parameters,ParaValues,Results,ResultInputValues,ResultValues,TopLevel,TransInfo,WF2,OutputRequired). |
4105 | | |
4106 | | create_full_operation(Name,Results,ParaValues,ResultValues,FullOperation) :- |
4107 | | %length(ParaValues,Len),print(create_full_op(Name,Len)),nl, |
4108 | | Operation =.. [Name|ParaValues], % TO DO: catch if > 255 args (max_arity) |
4109 | | ( Results == [] -> /* we have an ordinary operation */ |
4110 | | FullOperation = Operation |
4111 | | ; FullOperation = '-->'(Operation,ResultValues) |
4112 | | ). |
4113 | | |
4114 | | b_execute_operation3(classic,Name,Operation,InState,NewOutState, |
4115 | | Body,Parameters,ParaValues,Results,ResultInputValues,NormalisedResultValues,TopLevel, |
4116 | | [], % [path(Path)], % as path is currently filtered out anyway and not stored ! |
4117 | | WF,OR) :- |
4118 | | %print('Attempting Operation ----> '),print(Name),nl, |
4119 | | empty_state(EmptyState), |
4120 | | set_up_typed_localstate(Parameters,ParaValues,ParamTypedVals,EmptyState,LocalState,positive), |
4121 | | l_expand_and_normalise_values(ParaValues,NormalisedParaValues,Parameters), % not useful for call_b_execute_operation2 |
4122 | | create_full_operation(Name,Results,NormalisedParaValues, % ditto |
4123 | | NormalisedResultValues,Operation), |
4124 | | set_up_undefined_localstate_with_predefined(Results,ResultInputValues,InState,NewInState), |
4125 | | /* to avoid error messages with sequential composition (store_intermediate_updates) */ |
4126 | | check_additional_guard(TopLevel,LocalState,NewInState,WF), |
4127 | | (TopLevel==true |
4128 | | -> b_execute_top_level_statement(Body,LocalState,NewInState,OutState,WF,_Path1,OR) |
4129 | | ; b_execute_statement(Body,LocalState,NewInState,OutState,WF,_Path2,OR) |
4130 | | ), |
4131 | | b_tighter_enumerate_all_values(ParamTypedVals,WF), % moved afer execute for performance reasons; see PerformanceTests/ParameterEnumeration.mch |
4132 | | % print_bt_message('Operation Successful ------> '), |
4133 | | (preferences:preference(treat_outermost_pre_as_select,true), |
4134 | | preferences:preference(require_operations_to_assign_all_outputs,true) |
4135 | | -> ReportError = true ; ReportError = false), |
4136 | | get_results(Results,OutState,NormalisedResultValues,NewOutState,ReportError,normalise_results,WF). |
4137 | | b_execute_operation3(eventb_operation(ChangeSet,ParaValues,Operation), |
4138 | | _Name,Operation, InState,Updates, |
4139 | | TBody,Parameters,ParaValues,[],[],[],true,TransInfo,WF,OutputRequired) :- |
4140 | | % TO DO: check if need to pass _OutputRequired to b_event |
4141 | | b_execute_event_with_change_set_wf(TBody,Parameters,ParaValues,InState,ChangeSet,Updates,TransInfo,WF,OutputRequired). |
4142 | | |
4143 | | :- use_module(b_global_sets,[add_prob_deferred_set_elements_to_store/3]). |
4144 | | % additional guards can be set by the user to constrain/direct the execution of operations |
4145 | | check_additional_guard(TopLevel,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
4146 | | (TopLevel==true, |
4147 | | bmachine:b_machine_temp_predicate(TempPred) |
4148 | | /* an additional precondition typed in by the user */ |
4149 | | -> check_state_skeleton_bound(LocalState,LB), |
4150 | | check_state_skeleton_bound(State,BB), |
4151 | | check_additional_guard_when_bound(LB,BB,TempPred,LocalState,State,WF) |
4152 | | ; true |
4153 | | ). |
4154 | | |
4155 | | :- block check_additional_guard_when_bound(-,?,?, ?,?,?), check_additional_guard_when_bound(?,-,?, ?,?,?). |
4156 | | check_additional_guard_when_bound(_,_,TempPred,LocalState,State,WF) :- |
4157 | | (debug_mode(on) -> print(check_additional_guard),nl, print_bexpr(TempPred),nl ; true), |
4158 | | add_prob_deferred_set_elements_to_store(State,BState1,visible), |
4159 | | b_test_boolean_expression(TempPred,LocalState,BState1,WF). |
4160 | | |
4161 | | % additional properties can either be set by user or by command-line or by VALUES clause |
4162 | | add_additional_properties(OldProperty,NewProperty) :- |
4163 | | (bmachine:b_machine_temp_predicate(TempPred) % this overrides additional property ! |
4164 | | -> conjunct_predicates([TempPred,OldProperty],NewProperty) |
4165 | | ; findall(AddPred,b_machine_additional_property(AddPred),L), |
4166 | | (L=[] -> NewProperty = OldProperty |
4167 | | ; conjunct_predicates([OldProperty|L],NewProperty) |
4168 | | ) |
4169 | | ). |
4170 | | |
4171 | | % get removes results from OutState |
4172 | | filter_results(Results,OutState,NewOutState,WF) :- |
4173 | | get_results(Results,OutState,_ResultValues,NewOutState,false,do_not_normalise,WF). |
4174 | | get_results(Results,OutState,ResultValues,NewOutState,ReportError,Normalise,WF) :- |
4175 | | (Results==[] -> (ResultValues,NewOutState) = ([],OutState) |
4176 | | ; get_results1(Results,OutState,ResultValues,NewOutState,ReportError,Normalise,WF)). |
4177 | | :- block get_results1(?,-,?,?,?,?,?). |
4178 | | get_results1([],OutState,[],OutState,_ReportError,_Normalise,_WF). |
4179 | | get_results1([R|Results],OutState,[NRV|ResultValues],NewOutState,ReportError,Normalise,WF) :- |
4180 | | def_get_texpr_id(R,ResultId), |
4181 | | lookup_and_delete_value(ResultId,RV,OutState,OutState2,ReportError,WF,Finished), |
4182 | | get_results2(Finished,R,Results,RV,NRV,OutState2,ResultValues,NewOutState,ReportError,Normalise,WF). |
4183 | | :- block get_results2(-,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?). |
4184 | | get_results2(_,R,Results,RV,NRV,OutState2,ResultValues,NewOutState,ReportError,Normalise,WF) :- |
4185 | | (Normalise==normalise_results -> normalise_value_for_var(R,true,RV,NRV) |
4186 | | ; |
4187 | | NRV=RV), % Maybe we should not normalise in CBC mode ? |
4188 | | get_results1(Results,OutState2,ResultValues,NewOutState,ReportError,Normalise,WF). |
4189 | | |
4190 | | |
4191 | | |
4192 | | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
4193 | | /* SET UP CONSTANTS */ |
4194 | | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
4195 | | |
4196 | | :- use_module(static_ordering). |
4197 | | |
4198 | | :- volatile no_solution_found_for_constants/0, properties_were_filtered/1, |
4199 | | unsat_properties_component/2, unsat_properties_enumeration_warning/1, unsat_properties_abort_error/1, |
4200 | | unsat_properties_conjunct_inside_component/4. |
4201 | | :- dynamic no_solution_found_for_constants/0, |
4202 | | properties_were_filtered/1, |
4203 | | unsat_properties_component/2, unsat_properties_enumeration_warning/1, |
4204 | | unsat_properties_abort_error/1, |
4205 | | unsat_properties_conjunct_inside_component/4. |
4206 | | |
4207 | | reset_unsat_component_infos :- |
4208 | | retractall(unsat_properties_component(_,_)), |
4209 | | retractall(unsat_properties_enumeration_warning(_)), |
4210 | | retractall(unsat_properties_abort_error(_)), |
4211 | | retractall(unsat_properties_conjunct_inside_component(_,_,_,_)). |
4212 | | |
4213 | | :- use_module(b_interpreter_components,[unsat_conjunct_inside_component/4, unsat_component_abort_error/1, |
4214 | | unsat_component_enumeration_warning/1]). |
4215 | | % store information about unsatisfiable components for later usage |
4216 | | % will only be called when no solution found for components |
4217 | | assert_unsat_component_infos(_) :- |
4218 | | unsat_component(X,FalseOrUnknown), % from b_interpreter_components |
4219 | | assertz(unsat_properties_component(X,FalseOrUnknown)),fail. |
4220 | | assert_unsat_component_infos(_) :- |
4221 | | unsat_component_enumeration_warning(X), % from b_interpreter_components |
4222 | | assertz(unsat_properties_enumeration_warning(X)),fail. |
4223 | | assert_unsat_component_infos(_) :- |
4224 | | unsat_component_abort_error(X), % from b_interpreter_components |
4225 | | assertz(unsat_properties_abort_error(X)),fail. |
4226 | | assert_unsat_component_infos(_) :- |
4227 | | unsat_conjunct_inside_component(X,BE,Status,Reason), % from b_interpreter_components |
4228 | | assertz(unsat_properties_conjunct_inside_component(X,BE,Status,Reason)),fail. |
4229 | | assert_unsat_component_infos(Status) :- |
4230 | | (unsat_conjunct_inside_component(_,_,false,_) -> Status = false |
4231 | | ; unsat_component(X,false), \+ unsat_component_abort_error(X) -> Status = false % what about enumeration warnings? |
4232 | | ; Status=unknown). |
4233 | | |
4234 | | |
4235 | | all_unsat_components_marked_prob_ignore :- |
4236 | | unsat_properties_conjunct_inside_component(_,_,unknown,'prob-ignore'), % at least one prob-ignore was used |
4237 | | !, |
4238 | | \+ non_ignore_unsat_component. |
4239 | | |
4240 | | non_ignore_unsat_component :- |
4241 | | unsat_properties_conjunct_inside_component(_,_,Status,Reason), |
4242 | | \+ (Status = unknown, Reason = 'prob-ignore'). |
4243 | | |
4244 | | tcltk_unsatisfiable_components_exist :- unsat_or_unknown_component_exists,!. |
4245 | | |
4246 | | %tcltk_unsatisfiable_components(list(UnsatComponents)) :- |
4247 | | % findall(C,unsat_properties_component(C),UnsatComponents), UnsatComponents\=[]. |
4248 | | |
4249 | | get_property_components(Components) :- |
4250 | | b_machine_has_constants_or_properties, |
4251 | | b_get_properties_from_machine(Properties), |
4252 | | add_additional_properties(Properties,NewProperty), |
4253 | | bsyntaxtree:predicate_components(NewProperty,Components),!. |
4254 | | get_property_components([]). |
4255 | | |
4256 | | :- dynamic uses_implementable_integers/0. |
4257 | | :- dynamic min_max_integer_value_used/2. |
4258 | | |
4259 | | |
4260 | | tcltk_quick_describe_unsat_properties(list(FullDescr),STATUS) :- |
4261 | | retractall(uses_implementable_integers), |
4262 | | retractall(min_max_integer_value_used(_,_)), assertz(min_max_integer_value_used(none,none)), |
4263 | | get_property_components(Components), |
4264 | | (unsat_properties_conjunct_inside_component(_,_,false,_) |
4265 | | -> STATUS='FALSE' |
4266 | | ; all_unsat_components_marked_prob_ignore |
4267 | | -> STATUS = 'prob-ignore' |
4268 | | ; STATUS='UNKNOWN' |
4269 | | ), |
4270 | | findall(TP, (unsat_properties_conjunct_inside_component(CompNr,P,_Status,_ReasonMsg), % find individual conjuncts |
4271 | | % Status can be false or unknown |
4272 | | nth1(CompNr,Components,component(FullPred,_Vars)), |
4273 | | check_uses_implementable_integers(FullPred), % for the min-max one may need to look at the entire component ! |
4274 | | translate_bexpression_with_limit(P,TrP), |
4275 | | get_component_enum_warning_message(CompNr,EnumWarningAbortMsg), |
4276 | | (EnumWarningAbortMsg = '' -> Prefix = '' ; Prefix = '\n '), |
4277 | | get_span_msg(P,'\n ',SpanMsg), |
4278 | | ajoin([' * ',TrP,Prefix,EnumWarningAbortMsg,SpanMsg,'\n'],TP)), |
4279 | | D1), |
4280 | | findall([Msg1,PS|DescrVars], |
4281 | | (get_unsat_component_description(Components,CompNr,MaxCompNr, |
4282 | | Size,PS,DescrVars,EnumWarningAbortMsg,SpanMsg), |
4283 | | ajoin([' * Predicate Component ',EnumWarningAbortMsg,CompNr,'/',MaxCompNr, |
4284 | | ' (with ',Size,' conjunct(s))',SpanMsg, ':'],Msg1)), |
4285 | | UC), |
4286 | | append(UC,UCL), % join all component descriptions |
4287 | | (D1=[] |
4288 | | % TO DO: adapt message for enumeration warning |
4289 | | -> Descr = D2, |
4290 | | (UCL=[] -> D2 = ['The properties were satisfiable'] |
4291 | | ; D2 = ['No solution found for the following predicates: '|UCL] |
4292 | | ) |
4293 | | ; Descr = ['The following properties prevented finding a solution:\n'|D12], |
4294 | | % Comment: the predicate can trigger the computation of another earlier registered predicate |
4295 | | % Example f = {1|->2} & f: A --> B & A = 1..5; A=1..5 triggers the check for f |
4296 | | (UCL=[] -> D2=[] |
4297 | | ; D2 = ['\nIn addition no solution was found for the following predicates: '|UCL] |
4298 | | ), |
4299 | | append(D1,D2,D12)), |
4300 | | findall(W,other_warning(W),Warnings), |
4301 | | (Warnings = [] -> FullDescr=Descr ; append(Descr,['\nWARNINGS/MESSAGES:'|Warnings],FullDescr)). |
4302 | | |
4303 | | % called by predicate_debugger: |
4304 | | get_unsat_component_predicate(CompNr,Predicate,Vars) :- |
4305 | | unsat_properties_component(CompNr,_FalseOrUnknown), |
4306 | | get_property_components(Components), |
4307 | | nth1(CompNr,Components,component(Predicate,Vars)). |
4308 | | |
4309 | | get_unsat_component_description(Components,CompNr,MaxCompNr,Size,PS,DescrVars,EnumWarningAbortMsg,SpanMsg) :- |
4310 | | unsat_properties_component(CompNr,_), |
4311 | | \+ unsat_properties_conjunct_inside_component(CompNr,_,_,_), % we have not yet dealt with this component in first findall above |
4312 | | nth1(CompNr,Components,component(Pred,Vars)), |
4313 | | length(Components,MaxCompNr), |
4314 | | size_of_conjunction(Pred,Size), |
4315 | | describe_constants(Vars,DescrVars), |
4316 | | check_uses_implementable_integers(Pred), % store information in case it does use implementable integers for later user messages |
4317 | | (debug_mode(on) -> Lim = 1500 ; Lim = 250), |
4318 | | translate_bexpression_with_limit(Pred,Lim,PS), |
4319 | | get_component_enum_warning_message(CompNr,EnumWarningAbortMsg), |
4320 | | % note: sometimes we have a conjunction with empty span info, but different conjuncts (possibly from different files): |
4321 | | get_span_msg(Pred,'\n ',SpanMsg). |
4322 | | |
4323 | | get_span_msg(Pred,Prefix,SpanMsg) :- |
4324 | | (extract_span_description(Pred,SpanStr) -> ajoin([Prefix,SpanStr],SpanMsg) ; SpanMsg = ''). |
4325 | | |
4326 | | get_component_enum_warning_message(CompNr,EnumWarningAbortMsg) :- |
4327 | | (unsat_properties_enumeration_warning(CompNr) |
4328 | | ->(unsat_properties_abort_error(CompNr) |
4329 | | -> EnumWarningAbortMsg = '[** with Enumeration Warning and WD-ERROR **] ' |
4330 | | ; EnumWarningAbortMsg = '[* with Enumeration Warning *] ') |
4331 | | ; (unsat_properties_abort_error(CompNr) |
4332 | | -> EnumWarningAbortMsg = '[** with WD-ERROR **] ' |
4333 | | ; EnumWarningAbortMsg = '') |
4334 | | ). |
4335 | | |
4336 | | describe_constants([],R) :- !,R=[]. |
4337 | | describe_constants(Vars,['* over identifiers : '|Vars]). |
4338 | | |
4339 | | check_uses_implementable_integers(_) :- specfile:eventb_mode,!. % cannot use implementable integers |
4340 | | check_uses_implementable_integers(_) :- uses_implementable_integers,!. % no need to check another component |
4341 | | check_uses_implementable_integers(Pred) :- |
4342 | | (uses_implementable_integers(Pred) |
4343 | | -> assertz(uses_implementable_integers), |
4344 | | retract(min_max_integer_value_used(Min,Max)), |
4345 | | min_max_integer_value_used(Pred,Min,Max,NewMin,NewMax), |
4346 | | assertz(min_max_integer_value_used(NewMin,NewMax)) |
4347 | | ; true). |
4348 | | |
4349 | | other_warning(W) :- uses_implementable_integers, |
4350 | | preferences:get_preference(minint,MININT), |
4351 | | preferences:get_preference(maxint,MAXINT), |
4352 | | min_max_integer_value_used(Min,Max), |
4353 | | ( (number(Min),Min<MININT ; number(Max),Max>MAXINT) |
4354 | | -> ajoin(['\n MININT...MAXINT only set to ',MININT,'..',MAXINT,' but integers used at least from ',Min,'..',Max],W) |
4355 | | ; (MAXINT < 127 ; MININT > -128) |
4356 | | -> ajoin(['\n MININT...MAXINT possibly too small: ',MININT,'..',MAXINT],W)). |
4357 | | % TO DO: we could also extract explicit integer values used in the component and compare them against MININT/MAXINT |
4358 | | other_warning(W) :- bmachine_eventb:deferred_set_equality_without_enumeration_axioms(X,_Set), |
4359 | | translate_bexpression_with_limit(X,XS), |
4360 | | ajoin(['\n Set not recognized as enumerated: ',XS],W). |
4361 | | % TO DO: generate warning if MAXINT/MININT small and NAT,NAT1 or INT was used in component(s) above |
4362 | | |
4363 | | % call if tcltk_quick_describe_unsat_properties fails: |
4364 | | % TODO: maxint warning above |
4365 | | generate_unsat_properties_warnings :- uses_implementable_integers, |
4366 | | preferences:get_preference(minint,MININT), |
4367 | | preferences:get_preference(maxint,MAXINT), |
4368 | | min_max_integer_value_used(Min,Max), |
4369 | | (number(Min),Min<MININT ; number(Max),Max>MAXINT), |
4370 | | ajoin(['MININT...MAXINT only set to ',MININT,'..',MAXINT,' but integers used at least from ',Min,'..',Max],Msg), |
4371 | | add_warning(setup_constants_unknown,Msg), |
4372 | | fail. |
4373 | | generate_unsat_properties_warnings :- |
4374 | | bmachine_eventb:deferred_set_equality_without_enumeration_axioms(X,Set), |
4375 | | translate_bexpression_with_limit(X,TX), |
4376 | | Eq = b(equal(X,Set),pred,[]), |
4377 | | ajoin(['Deferred SET ',TX,' was not recognized as an enumerated set, you may want to use partition instead of the equality: '],Msg), |
4378 | | add_warning(setup_constants_unknown,Msg,Eq,X), |
4379 | | fail. |
4380 | | generate_unsat_properties_warnings. |
4381 | | |
4382 | | % ------------- |
4383 | | |
4384 | | % Complete is either complete_properties or partial_properties if properties were marked as ignore |
4385 | | b_set_up_concrete_constants(NormalisedConstantsState,Complete) :- |
4386 | | reset_unsat_component_infos, |
4387 | | retractall(properties_were_filtered(_)), |
4388 | | (no_solution_found_for_constants -> true ; assertz(no_solution_found_for_constants)), |
4389 | | % preference(allow_incomplete_partial_setup_constants,AllowSkipping), |
4390 | | reset_component_info(true), |
4391 | | b_machine_has_constants_or_properties, |
4392 | | b_get_machine_constants(UnsortedConstants), |
4393 | | !, |
4394 | | silent_mode(SilentMode), |
4395 | | (SilentMode=on -> true ; bt_start_ms_timer('SETUP_CONSTANTS')), % TO DO: store time for unsat core |
4396 | | b_get_properties_from_machine(MProperties), |
4397 | | (get_preference(use_ignore_pragmas,true) % filter out prob-ignore predicates here |
4398 | | -> conjunction_to_list(MProperties,LMP), % TO DO avoid this conversion and back |
4399 | | exclude_count(predicate_has_ignore_pragma, LMP,LMP2,Excluded), % exclude props marked as prob-ignore |
4400 | | conjunct_predicates(LMP2,MProperties2), |
4401 | | %format('FILTERED (~w): ',[Excluded]),translate:print_bexpr(MProperties2),nl, |
4402 | | (Excluded=0 -> Complete=complete_properties |
4403 | | ; assertz(properties_were_filtered(Excluded)), Complete=partial_properties) |
4404 | | ; MProperties2=MProperties, |
4405 | | Complete=complete_properties |
4406 | | ), |
4407 | | add_additional_properties(MProperties2,Properties), |
4408 | | project_onto_static_assertions(Properties,UnsortedConstants,PProperties,PUnsortedConstants), |
4409 | | solve_properties(PProperties,PUnsortedConstants,ConstantsState), |
4410 | | (SilentMode=on -> true ; bt_stop_ms_timer('SETUP_CONSTANTS')), |
4411 | | normalise_store(ConstantsState,NormalisedConstantsState), |
4412 | | retractall(no_solution_found_for_constants). /* ensure that b_partial_set_up_concrete_constants fails */ |
4413 | | b_set_up_concrete_constants([],complete). |
4414 | | |
4415 | | |
4416 | | % solve already projected and filtered properties and constants, return state with solution for constants |
4417 | | % cbc_solve_timed almost does what we want; but looks at current state; see solve_free_aux |
4418 | | % TODO: move this to a separate module and add cdclt |
4419 | | solve_properties(PProperties,PUnsortedConstants,ConstantsState) :- |
4420 | | get_preference(use_solver_on_load,Solver), |
4421 | | solve_properties(Solver,PProperties,PUnsortedConstants,ConstantsState). |
4422 | | |
4423 | | solve_properties(sat,Properties,_TypedConstants,ConstantsState) :- !, |
4424 | | b2sat:solve_predicate_with_satsolver_free(Properties, ConstantsState,Result,[]), |
4425 | | Result=solution(_). |
4426 | | solve_properties('sat-z3',Properties,_TypedConstants,ConstantsState) :- !, |
4427 | | b2sat:solve_predicate_with_satsolver_free(Properties, ConstantsState,Result,[use_satsolver(z3)]), |
4428 | | Result=solution(_). |
4429 | | solve_properties(cdclt,Properties,_TypedConstants,ConstantsState) :- !, |
4430 | | cdclt_solver:cdclt_solve_predicate(Properties, _,Result), |
4431 | | Result=solution(ConstantsState). |
4432 | | solve_properties(kodkod,PProperties,PUnsortedConstants,ConstantsState) :- !, |
4433 | | solve_properties(prob,PProperties,PUnsortedConstants,ConstantsState). % Kodkod processing is done elswehere |
4434 | | solve_properties(prob,PProperties,PUnsortedConstants,ConstantsState) :- !, |
4435 | | (preferences:preference(use_static_ordering,true) |
4436 | | -> sort_ids_by_usage(PUnsortedConstants,PProperties,Constants,no_warnings), % no_warnings as Ids could be used in operations, assertions, ... |
4437 | | set_up_typed_localstate(Constants,_FreshVars,TypedVals,[],SortedState,positive), |
4438 | | reorder_state(PUnsortedConstants,SortedState,ConstantsState) |
4439 | | ; Constants = PUnsortedConstants, |
4440 | | set_up_typed_localstate(Constants,_FreshVars,TypedVals,[],ConstantsState,positive) |
4441 | | ), |
4442 | | % now try and load saved constants from file for sub-machines when -cache is used: |
4443 | | load_partial_constants(ConstantsState,PProperties,LPProperties), % Note: this can backtrack |
4444 | | reset_component_info(true), % reset in case load_partial_constants backtracks! relevant for test 2112 |
4445 | | b_global_sets:static_symmetry_reduction_for_global_sets(ConstantsState), |
4446 | | b_trace_test_components_full(LPProperties,ConstantsState,TypedVals). |
4447 | | solve_properties(SolverName,Properties,_TypedConstants,ConstantsState) :- |
4448 | | temporary_set_preference(z3_solve_for_animation, true,Chng), |
4449 | | call_cleanup(smt_solvers_interface:smt_solve_predicate_free(SolverName, Properties, ConstantsState), |
4450 | | reset_temporary_preference(z3_solve_for_animation,Chng)). |
4451 | | |
4452 | | |
4453 | | b_trace_test_components_full(LPProperties,ConstantsState,TypedVals) :- |
4454 | | init_wait_flags_and_push_call_stack(no_wf_available,operation_call('SETUP_CONSTANTS',[],unknown),WF), |
4455 | | b_trace_test_components_wf(LPProperties,ConstantsState,TypedVals,WF), |
4456 | | ground_wait_flags(WF), % WF is just a dummy waitflag to pass call stack info |
4457 | | (unsat_or_unknown_component_exists -> (!,fail) ; true). % otherwise some expressions were skipped; use partial_set_up |
4458 | | |
4459 | | :- volatile project_properties_on_identifiers/1. |
4460 | | :- dynamic project_properties_on_identifiers/1. |
4461 | | set_projection_on_static_assertions(ALL) :- |
4462 | | % set interpreter in mode which projects out all constants not needed |
4463 | | % for static assertion checking; all variables are also projected out |
4464 | | retractall(project_properties_on_identifiers(_)), |
4465 | | (b_get_assertions(ALL,dynamic,[]) -> true |
4466 | | ; nl,print('*** WARNING: DYNAMIC B ASSERTIONS NOT EMPTY'),nl,nl), |
4467 | | b_get_assertions(ALL,static,L), |
4468 | | (L=[] -> nl,print('*** WARNING: NO STATIC B ASSERTIONS ***'),nl,nl ; true), |
4469 | | conjunct_predicates(L,Conj), |
4470 | | (debug_mode(on) -> print('Static Assertion: '),translate:print_bexpr(Conj),nl ; true), |
4471 | | bsyntaxtree:predicate_identifiers(Conj,IDs), |
4472 | | (debug_mode(on) -> print('IDS: '), print(IDs),nl ; true), |
4473 | | assertz(project_properties_on_identifiers(IDs)). |
4474 | | |
4475 | | % optionally project properties onto those required for checking assertions |
4476 | | project_onto_static_assertions(Properties,Constants,NewProperties,NewConstants) :- |
4477 | | %% set_projection_on_static_assertions(main), %% main or all %% set by probcli if we_need_only_static_assertions |
4478 | | project_properties_on_identifiers(ProjIDs), |
4479 | | bsyntaxtree:project_predicate_on_identifiers(Properties,ProjIDs,NewProperties,PIDs,_), |
4480 | | sort(PIDs,SIPDs), |
4481 | | debug_println(9,projecting(SIPDs)), |
4482 | | include(keep_constant(SIPDs),Constants,NewConstants),!. % Constants is a typed identifier list. |
4483 | | project_onto_static_assertions(Properties,Constants,Properties,Constants). |
4484 | | |
4485 | | keep_constant(SIPDs,TypedID) :- get_texpr_id(TypedID,ID),ord_member(ID,SIPDs). |
4486 | | |
4487 | | |
4488 | | |
4489 | | /* can be called if b_set_up_concrete_constants failed; will partially set up the state using values found in first ground value propagation phase */ |
4490 | | :- use_module(specfile,[get_specification_description/2]). |
4491 | | b_partial_set_up_concrete_constants(NormalisedConstantsState) :- |
4492 | | assert_unsat_component_infos(Status), % Status is false or unknown |
4493 | | no_solution_found_for_constants, |
4494 | | (b_partial_set_up_concrete_constants2(NormalisedConstantsState,Status) |
4495 | | -> generate_unsat_properties_warnings |
4496 | | ; generate_unsat_properties_warnings,fail). |
4497 | | |
4498 | | b_partial_set_up_concrete_constants2(NormalisedConstantsState,Status) :- |
4499 | | b_get_machine_constants(Constants), |
4500 | | Constants \= [], |
4501 | | (det_solution_for_constant_was_stored(Cst1) -> true), % we have found a solution for at least one constant |
4502 | | %set_up_typed_localstate(Constants,[],ConstantsState), -> can create call_residue due to typing fd/2 values |
4503 | | findall(bind(ID,_),(member(TID,Constants),def_get_texpr_id(TID,ID)),ConstantsState), |
4504 | | formatsilent('SETUP_CONSTANTS not successful, but solutions were found for some constants (e.g., ~w):~n',[Cst1]), |
4505 | | (fill_in_det_solutions(ConstantsState,FC) |
4506 | | -> All=all, TMSG = [')'] |
4507 | | ; All=some, TMSG = [', e.g., ',Cst1,')'] |
4508 | | ), |
4509 | | (preference(allow_incomplete_partial_setup_constants,true) |
4510 | | -> true |
4511 | | ; % fill_in_det_solutions will fail if not all constants valued and |
4512 | | % if allow_incomplete_partial_setup_constants is false |
4513 | | get_specification_description(properties,PS), |
4514 | | % TO DO: determine if time-out occurred or not |
4515 | | (Status=false |
4516 | | -> ajoin([PS,' are unsatisfiable (but ',All,' CONSTANTS valued'|TMSG],Msg), |
4517 | | add_error(setup_constants_inconsistent,Msg) |
4518 | | ; unsat_properties_abort_error(_) |
4519 | | -> ajoin([PS,' are unknown due to well-definedness error(s) (but ',All,' CONSTANTS valued'|TMSG],Msg), |
4520 | | add_error(setup_constants_unknown,Msg) |
4521 | | ; unsat_component_enumeration_warning(_) |
4522 | | -> ajoin([PS,' are unknown due to enumeration warning(s) (but ',All,' CONSTANTS valued'|TMSG],Msg), |
4523 | | add_error(setup_constants_unknown,Msg) |
4524 | | ; all_unsat_components_marked_prob_ignore |
4525 | | -> ajoin([PS,' are unknown due to prob-ignore pragmas (but ',All,' CONSTANTS valued'|TMSG],Msg), |
4526 | | add_message(setup_constants_unknown,Msg) |
4527 | | ; |
4528 | | ajoin([PS,' are unknown (but ',All,' CONSTANTS valued'|TMSG],Msg), |
4529 | | % typical message: but some CONSTANTS valued |
4530 | | add_error(setup_constants_unknown,Msg) |
4531 | | ), |
4532 | | All=all % only continue if all constants valued |
4533 | | ), |
4534 | | normalise_store(FC,NormalisedConstantsState). |
4535 | | |
4536 | | |
4537 | | :- use_module(store,[no_value_for_variable/2]). |
4538 | | fill_in_det_solutions([],[]). |
4539 | | fill_in_det_solutions([bind(Var,Val)|T],[bind(Var,FVal)|FT]) :- |
4540 | | (det_solution_for_constant(Var,Val) |
4541 | | -> (silent_mode(on) -> true ; write(' --det--> '),print_term_summary(bind(Var,Val))), |
4542 | | FVal=Val |
4543 | | ; %format('No (deterministic) solution was found or stored for constant: ~w~n',[Var]), % message printed by det_solution_for_constant |
4544 | | (preference(allow_incomplete_partial_setup_constants,true) |
4545 | | -> no_value_for_variable(FVal,Var) |
4546 | | ; format('Aborting SETUP_CONSTANTS (set preference ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_SETUP_CONSTANTS to TRUE to allow ProB to proceed without having values for all CONSTANTS)~n',[]), |
4547 | | fail |
4548 | | ) |
4549 | | ), |
4550 | | fill_in_det_solutions(T,FT). |
4551 | | |
4552 | | |
4553 | | |
4554 | | /* --------------------------------- */ |
4555 | | |
4556 | | :- use_module(b_state_model_check, [b_check_valid_state/1]). |
4557 | | |
4558 | | % note: set_up_initialisation for CBC checks does not use this predicate |
4559 | | b_initialise_machine(ConstantsState,NormalisedInitialVarsState,FullInitialState,Path) :- |
4560 | | if(b_initialise_machine2(ConstantsState,NormalisedInitialVarsState,FullInitialState,Path), |
4561 | | true, |
4562 | | (\+ logged_error(initialisation_fails,_,_,_), % we have already provided a more precise error message |
4563 | | \+ abort_error_exists_in_context_state(initialisation_fails), % ditto as a state error |
4564 | | (bmachine:b_machine_temp_predicate(TempPred) |
4565 | | -> add_message(initialisation_fails,'INITIALISATION FAILS with provided predicate: ',TempPred,TempPred) |
4566 | | ; b_get_initialisation_from_machine(Stmt,_OType), |
4567 | | add_error(initialisation_fails,'INITIALISATION FAILS','',Stmt) |
4568 | | ), |
4569 | | fail) |
4570 | | ). |
4571 | | |
4572 | | b_initialise_machine2(ConstantsState,NormalisedInitialVarsState,FullInitialState,Path) :- |
4573 | | /* InitialVarsState is an ouput */ |
4574 | | b_get_initialisation_from_machine(InitStatement,OType), |
4575 | | ( InitStatement=[] -> |
4576 | | Path = [], |
4577 | | add_message(b_initialise_machine,'Machine has no INITIALISATION statement(s)!'), |
4578 | | NormalisedInitialVarsState = [], |
4579 | | FullInitialState = ConstantsState |
4580 | | ; OType == classic -> |
4581 | | Path = [path(PathInfo)], |
4582 | | b_get_machine_variables(DeclaredVars), |
4583 | | set_up_undefined_localstate(DeclaredVars,ConstantsState,NewInState), |
4584 | | /* this is if the INITIALISATION has a sequential composition; to avoid error messages */ |
4585 | | get_texpr_info(InitStatement,PosInfo), |
4586 | | init_wait_flags_with_call_stack(WF,[operation_call('INITIALISATION',[],PosInfo)]), |
4587 | | (bmachine:b_machine_temp_predicate(_) |
4588 | | -> InitStatement2=InitStatement /* avoid enumerating each init statement in parallel in case additional guard links them */ |
4589 | | ; translate_init_statements(InitStatement,InitStatement2) |
4590 | | ), |
4591 | | check_additional_guard(true,InitialVarsState,ConstantsState,WF), |
4592 | | b_execute_statement(InitStatement2,[],NewInState,InitialVarsState,WF,PathInfo), |
4593 | | % Warning: in Z mode (e.g. test 565) the variable skeleton may not yet be set up ! |
4594 | | sort_variable_binding(InitialVarsState,NormalisedInitialVarsState), |
4595 | | append(NormalisedInitialVarsState,ConstantsState,FullInitialState), % put constants at end to make sharing of complete tail-list easier for successor states; should be compatible with order in expand_const_and_vars |
4596 | | split_names_and_types(DeclaredVars,DeclaredNames,DeclaredTypes), |
4597 | | ground_wait_flags(WF), |
4598 | | |
4599 | | b_enumerate_values_in_store(DeclaredNames,DeclaredTypes,_,InitialVarsState,WF) %% MOVED HERE TO AVOID that target values are enumerated before initialisation effect computed |
4600 | | ; OType = eventb_operation(_ChangeSet,ParaValues,_Operation) -> |
4601 | | prepare_eventb_initialisation(ConstantsState,InitialVarsUnNormState,FullInitialUnNormState), |
4602 | | get_texpr_expr(InitStatement, |
4603 | | rlevent(_Name,_Sec,_Stat,Parameters,_Grd,_Thm,_Act,_VWit,_PWit,_Unmod,_AbsEv)), |
4604 | | b_execute_event('initialisation',InitStatement,Parameters,ParaValues,ConstantsState,FullInitialUnNormState,Path), |
4605 | | normalise_store(InitialVarsUnNormState,NormalisedInitialVarsState), |
4606 | | normalise_store(FullInitialUnNormState,FullInitialState) % a bit of redundant work here; we do the work twice and try to normalise constants again ! |
4607 | | ), |
4608 | | b_check_valid_state(FullInitialState). |
4609 | | |
4610 | | % ensure that the variables always appear in the same order as reported by b_get_machine_variables: |
4611 | | % this is important for e.g., state_packing TO DO: we could sort them according to the variable names, but would there be a gain ?? |
4612 | | sort_variable_binding(Store,SortedStore) :- %print(sort_variable_binding(Store,SortedStore)),nl, |
4613 | | b_get_machine_variables(Variables), |
4614 | | sort_aux(Variables,Store,[],SortedStore). |
4615 | | sort_aux([],S,Acc,NormRes) :- reverse(Acc,Res), |
4616 | | normalise_store(Res,NormRes), |
4617 | | (S=[] -> true ; add_internal_error('Unknown variable bindings: ',S)). |
4618 | | sort_aux([TVar|T],Store,Acc,Res) :- def_get_texpr_id(TVar,ID), |
4619 | | bselect(ID,Val,Store,Rest), |
4620 | | sort_aux(T,Rest,[bind(ID,Val)|Acc],Res). |
4621 | | |
4622 | | :- block bselect(?,?,-,?). % in Z mode (e.g. test 565) the variable skeleton may not yet be set up ! |
4623 | | bselect(ID,Val,[bind(ID1,Val1)|T],Rest) :- % we assume ID1 is nonvar |
4624 | | (ID=ID1 -> Val=Val1,T=Rest |
4625 | | ; Rest = [bind(ID1,Val1)|RT], |
4626 | | bselect(ID,Val,T,RT)). |
4627 | | |
4628 | | prepare_eventb_initialisation(ConstantsState,InitialVarsState,FullInitialState) :- |
4629 | | b_get_machine_variables(Variables), |
4630 | | empty_state(Empty), |
4631 | | set_up_typed_localstate(Variables,_,_,Empty,InitialVarsState,positive), |
4632 | | % NormalisedInitialVarsState = InitialVarsState, % TO DO : check that b_event normalises this |
4633 | | combine_updates(InitialVarsState,ConstantsState,FullInitialState). |
4634 | | % put constants at end, to be compatible with b_initialise_machine2 and expand_const_and_vars order and e.g. ltsmin |
4635 | | |
4636 | | |
4637 | | |
4638 | | reset_b_interpreter :- |
4639 | | %reset_partial_evaluator, |
4640 | | retractall(project_properties_on_identifiers(_)), |
4641 | | reset_unsat_component_infos, |
4642 | | retractall(no_solution_found_for_constants). |
4643 | | |
4644 | | :- use_module(eventhandling,[register_event_listener/3]). |
4645 | | :- register_event_listener(clear_specification,reset_b_interpreter, |
4646 | | 'Reset B-Interpreter Memo Table & Unsat Components.'). |