1 % (c) 2009-2024 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
5 :- module(ctl,[ctl_model_check/4, ctl_model_check_with_ce/6, ctl_model_check_with_ast/6, tcltk_play_ctl_counterexample/2]).
7 /* SICSTUS Libraries */
8 :- use_module(library(avl)).
10 /* ProB Libraries */
11 :- use_module(probsrc(error_manager)).
12 :- use_module(probsrc(state_space), [set_max_nr_of_new_impl_trans_nodes/1,
13 current_state_id/1, not_all_transitions_added/1,
14 transition/4]).
15 :- use_module(probsrc(tools),[print_size_of_table/1]).
16 :- use_module(probsrc(tools_printing), [print_error/1]).
17 :- use_module(probsrc(debug)).
19 :- use_module(probltlsrc(ltl)).
20 :- use_module(probltlsrc(ltl_propositions), [trans/3, check_transition/4, check_ap/2]).
22 :- use_module(probsrc(module_information),[module_info/2]).
23 :- module_info(group,ltl).
24 :- module_info(description,'This module provides CTL model checking on models.').
26 :- meta_predicate printtime(0).
28 /* CTL Model Checker */
30 /* sample formula: ef(e(b(stop_Moat/0))) */
32 sat(true,_E,T,R) :- !, T=[], R=true.
33 sat(false,_E,T,R) :- !, T=[], R=false.
34 sat(not(F),E,T,Res) :- !, sat(F,E,T,Res1), negate_result(Res1,Res).
35 sat(ap(P),E,[],Res) :- !, (check_ap(P,E) -> Res=true ; Res=false). /* elementary atomic proposition */
36 sat(action(OpSpec),E,T,Res) :- !, /* transition proposition */
37 (trans(E,E2,Act),
38 check_transition(OpSpec,Act,E,E2)
39 -> Res=true, T=[E2]
40 ; Res=false, T=[]).
41 sat(and(F,G),E,T,Res) :- !,
42 sat(F,E,T1,Res1),
43 (Res1=false -> Res=false,T=T1
44 ; sat(G,E,T,Res)).
45 sat(or(F,G),E,T,Res) :- !,
46 sat(F,E,T1,Res1),
47 (Res1=true -> Res=true,T=T1
48 ; sat(G,E,T,Res)
49 ).
50 sat(implies(A,B),E,T,Res) :- !, sat( or(not(A),B),E,T,Res).
51 sat(equivalent(A,B),E,T,Res) :- !, sat( and(implies(A,B),implies(B,A)),E,T,Res).
52 sat(an(F),E,T,Res) :- !, sat(not(en(not(F))),E,T,Res).
53 sat(en(F),E,T,Res) :- !, /* exists next */
54 (trans(E,E2,_),
55 sat(F,E2,T2,true)
56 -> Res=true, T=[E2|T2]
57 ; Res=false, T=[]).
58 sat(action(OpSpec,F),E,T,Res) :- !,
59 /* exists next with predicate on transition; ena renamed to action by preprocess_formula2 */
60 (trans(E,E2,Act),
61 check_transition(OpSpec,Act,E,E2),sat(F,E2,T2,true)
62 -> Res=true, T=[E2|T2]
63 ; Res=false, T=[]).
64 sat(eu(F,G),E,T,Res) :- !, /* exists until */
65 sat_eu(E,F,G,T,Res).
66 sat(ef(F),E,T,Res) :- !, /* exists future */
67 sat(eu(true,F),E,T,Res).
68 sat(ag(F),E,T,Res) :- !, sat(not(ef(not(F))),E,T,Res).
69 sat(af(F),E,T,Res) :- !, sat(not(eg(not(F))),E,T,Res).
70 sat(eg(F),E,T,Res) :- !, sat_eg(E,F,T,Res).
71 sat(X,State,T,R) :- add_internal_error('Uncovered CTL Formula: ',sat(X,State,T,R)),fail.
73 negate_result(true,false).
74 negate_result(false,true).
75 negate_result(incomplete,incomplete).
77 :- dynamic sat_eg_table/3.
78 % TO DO: also use Ids generated by formula_to_id to store in sat_eg_table
79 % TO DO: try and use mutarry or mutdict from SICStus 4.7
80 sat_eg(E,F,[],R) :-
81 sat_eg_table(E,F,Res),!,
82 R=Res. % loop found
83 sat_eg(E,F,[],R) :- sat(F,E,_T,false),!,
84 assertz(sat_eg_table(E,F,false)),
85 R=false.
86 sat_eg(E,F,[E2|T],R) :- %print(true(E,F)),nl,
87 assertz(sat_eg_table(E,F,true)),
88 trans(E,E2,_Act),
89 (\+ (trans(E,E3,_), E2 \= E3) % deterministic transition: extend counter example; no need to backtrack
90 -> %!, % this cut causes to recognise already visited states as the begining of a loop
91 % since it skips the retracting-clause of sat_eg
92 sat_eg(E2,F,T,R)
93 ; sat_eg(E2,F,T,true),!,R=true
94 ).
95 sat_eg(E,F,T,R) :- retract(sat_eg_table(E,F,_)),assertz(sat_eg_table(E,F,false)),
96 T=[],R=false.
99 reset_ctl :-
100 retractall(sat_eg_table(_,_,_)),
101 retractall(sat_eu_table(_,_,_,_,_)),
102 retractall(formula_registry(_,_)),
103 retractall(next_id(_)),
104 assertz(next_id(0)).
106 % to minimize storage used for sat_eu_table and speedup lookup: we store formulas/subformulas with ids
107 % TO DO: sat_eu_table : store formula ids using term_hash
108 :- dynamic formula_registry/2, next_id/1.
109 next_id(0).
111 formula_to_id(Formula,Id) :- formula_registry(Formula,R),!,R=Id.
112 formula_to_id(Formula,Id) :- retract(next_id(R)),
113 R1 is R+1, assertz(next_id(R1)),
114 assertz(formula_registry(Formula,R)),
115 Id = R.
118 :- dynamic sat_eu_table/5.
119 sat_eu(E,F,G,T,R) :- formula_to_id(F,Fid), formula_to_id(G,Gid),
120 sat_eu1(E,F,Fid,G,Gid,T,R).
121 sat_eu1(E,F,Fid,G,Gid,T,R) :-
122 empty_avl(Computing), %print(start_eu(E,F,G,T,R)),nl,
123 sat_eu2(E,F,Fid,G,Gid,Computing,OutComputing,T,Res), % print(res(Res)),nl,
124 ( Res = computing ->
125 % we found only false and computing (i.e. cycles) nodes,
126 % there is no true node to encounter
127 assertz(sat_eu_table(E,Fid,Gid,[],false)),
128 % we know that all visited nodes must be false, too
129 mark_all_computing_nodes_as_false(Fid,Gid,OutComputing),
130 R=false
131 ;
132 R = Res).
133 % sat_eu2/9 is used recursively to find a reachable node where G is true
134 % A set of elements that have already been checked is passed (InComputing and
135 % OutComputing)
136 sat_eu2(E,_F,_,_G,_,InComputing,OutComputing,T,R) :-
137 % the node has already been checked, Result is "computing"
138 avl_fetch(E,InComputing),!,R=computing,T=[],OutComputing = InComputing.
139 sat_eu2(E,_F,Fid,_G,Gid,InComputing,OutComputing,T,R) :-
140 % the value for this node has already been computed
141 sat_eu_table(E,Fid,Gid,TT,Res),!, %print(sat_eu_table(E,F,G,TT,Res)),nl,
142 R=Res,T=TT,OutComputing=InComputing.
143 sat_eu2(E,_F,Fid,G,Gid,InComputing,OutComputing,T,Res) :- % print(sat_eu_eval(E,F,G)),nl,
144 % the goal is true in this node
145 Res=true,
146 /* exists until */
147 sat(G,E,T,true),!,
148 % print(set_eu_g_true(G,T)),nl,
149 assertz(sat_eu_table(E,Fid,Gid,T,true)),
150 %% assertz(sat_eu_table(E,Fid,Gid,[],true)),
151 InComputing = OutComputing.
152 sat_eu2(E,F,Fid,G,Gid,InComputing,OutComputing,T,Res) :- /* exists until */
153 % the goal is not true
154 % sat(not(G),E,_), /* added to avoid extra answers */
155 sat(F,E,T1,Res1),
156 % print(sat_eu_loop(E,F,T1,Res1)),nl,
157 (
158 Res1=true ->
159 avl_store(E,InComputing,true,Computing),
160 sat_eu_step(E,F,Fid,G,Gid,Computing,OutComputing,T2,Res2),
161 ( Res2 = true ->
162 % we found a node with the goal, mark this as true
163 assertz(sat_eu_table(E,Fid,Gid,T2,true)), %% < ------------- T2
164 Res=true, T=T2
165 ; Res2 = computing ->
166 Res=computing, T=[]
167 ;
168 % we found only false or incomplete nodes, mark this as false / incomplete
169 assertz(sat_eu_table(E,Fid,Gid,[],Res2)),
170 Res=Res2, T=[]
171 )
172 ; /* Res1 = false or incomplete */
173 % if F is false the result is false anyhow - we do not have to look into the future
174 assertz(sat_eu_table(E,Fid,Gid,[],Res1)),
175 Res=Res1, T=T1, OutComputing=InComputing
176 ).
177 sat_eu_step(E,F,Fid,G,Gid,InComputing,OutComputing,T,R) :-
178 findall(N,trans(E,N,_),Nexts), % Nexts can be [] when max_nr_of_new_nodes reached; TO DO: catch error occuring in decrease_max_nr_of_new_nodes and set Result to incomplete
179 (Nexts = [], not_all_transitions_added(E) -> InResult=incomplete ; InResult = false),
180 sat_eu_step2(Nexts,F,Fid,G,Gid,InComputing,OutComputing,T,InResult,R).
181 sat_eu_step2([],_F,_,_G,_,InComputing,OutComputing,T,In,Out) :- !,In=Out,T=[],InComputing=OutComputing.
182 sat_eu_step2([Next|Nrest],F,Fid,G,Gid,InComputing,OutComputing,T,In,R) :-
183 sat_eu2(Next,F,Fid,G,Gid,InComputing,Computing,_T2,Res),
184 ( Res=true -> R=true, T=eu(Fid,Gid,Next), % --> we now store link to next node and not full trace: T=[Next|T2],
185 OutComputing=Computing
186 ;
187 combine_result(In,Res,New),
188 sat_eu_step2(Nrest,F,Fid,G,Gid,Computing,OutComputing,T,New,R)).
189 combine_result(false,false,R) :- !,R=false.
190 combine_result(incomplete,_,R) :- !,R=incomplete.
191 combine_result(_,incomplete,R) :- !,R=incomplete.
192 combine_result(_,_,computing).
194 expand_trace([],R) :- !, R=[].
195 expand_trace([H|T],[H|ET]) :- !, expand_trace(T,ET).
196 expand_trace(eu(Fid,Gid,Next),[Next|ET]) :- !,
197 sat_eu_table(Next,Fid,Gid,T,_),
198 expand_trace(T,ET).
199 expand_trace(T,R) :- add_internal_error('Unknown trace: ',expand_trace(T,R)), T=R.
201 mark_all_computing_nodes_as_false(Fid,Gid,Computing) :-
202 avl_member(E,Computing),
203 assertz(sat_eu_table(E,Fid,Gid,[],false)),
204 fail.
205 mark_all_computing_nodes_as_false(_F,_G,_Computing).
208 % check CTL formula for all initial States (or for a single given start state)
209 % (Note: a model/transition system satisfies a CTL formula iff the formula holds in all initial states.)
210 ctl_sat_for_all(Formula,States,Trace,Res) :-
211 length(States,Len),
212 (Len>1 -> formatsilent('Checking CTL formula for ~w initial states~n',[Len]) ; true),
213 % one can also use Mode=specific_node(NodeID), but then Len=1
214 ctl_sat_for_all2(States,Formula,[],unknown,Trace1,Res1),
215 (Res1 = unknown -> Res=true, Trace=[] ; Res=Res1, Trace=Trace1).
216 ctl_sat_for_all2([],_Formula,Trace,Res,Trace,Res).
217 ctl_sat_for_all2([State|Srest],Formula,PrevTrace,PrevRes,Trace,Res) :-
218 sat(Formula,State,Trace1,Res1),
219 debug_format(19,'CTL result for state ~w: ~w~n',[State,Res1]),
220 NewTrace = [State|Trace1],
221 ( Res1=false ->
222 % Counter-example found, use it and stop
223 Res=false, Trace=NewTrace
224 ; Res1=incomplete ->
225 Res=incomplete, Trace=NewTrace
226 ; PrevRes=unknown ->
227 % First witness found, store and continue
228 ctl_sat_for_all2(Srest,Formula,NewTrace,true,Trace,Res)
229 ;
230 % Another witness found, ignore it and use the old
231 ctl_sat_for_all2(Srest,Formula,PrevTrace,true,Trace,Res)).
234 :- use_module(probsrc(tools),[retract_with_statistics/2]).
235 ctl_model_check2(Formula,Mode,InitStates,Res) :-
236 reset_ctl,
237 debug_println(4,ctl_preprocessing),
238 ltl: preprocess_formula(Formula,PFormula),
239 debug:debug_println(5,starting_ctl_model_check(PFormula,Mode,InitStates)),
240 ( printtime(ctl_sat_for_all(PFormula,InitStates,Trace,Res)),
241 debug_format(9,'CTL internal trace: ~w~n',[Trace]),
242 Trace = [Initstate|_] ->
243 ( Mode=init -> ltl: set_trace_to_init(Initstate) % we need to go to the initialised state
244 % before the counterexample itself is shown
245 ; Mode = specific_node(NodeID) -> ltl: set_trace_to_init(NodeID)
246 ; true),
247 expand_trace(Trace,ETrace), %debug_println(4,expanded(ETrace)),
248 print_trace(Res,ETrace),
249 ltl: executetrace(ETrace),
250 (debug_mode(off)
251 -> reset_ctl
252 ; reset_ctl_with_stats
253 )
254 %,(formula_registry(F,Id),format('Formula ~w = ~w~n',[Id,F]),fail ; true)
255 %, nl, findall(T,sat_eu_table(_,_,_,T,_),Ts), lists:max_member(Mx,Ts), print(max_trace_length(Mx)),nl
256 %, (sat_eu_table(E,Fid,Gid,T2,R), print(sat_eu_table(E,Fid,Gid,T2,R)),nl,fail ; true)
257 ;
258 add_internal_error('CTL model check failed: ',PFormula),
259 print_size_of_table(ctl: sat_eu_table/5),fail
260 ).
262 reset_ctl_with_stats :-
263 print_size_of_table(ctl: sat_eg_table/3),
264 print_size_of_table(ctl: sat_eu_table/5),
265 print_size_of_table(ctl: formula_registry/2),
266 retract_with_statistics(ctl,[sat_eg_table(_,_,_),sat_eu_table(_,_,_,_,_)]).
268 print_trace(_,_) :- silent_mode(on),!.
269 print_trace(Res,Trace) :-
270 (length(Trace,Len) -> true ; Len=0),
271 ( Res = true -> format('CTL Witness of length ~w found~n',[Len])
272 ; Res = false -> format('CTL counterexample of length ~w found~n',[Len])
273 ; format('Could not decide CTL property, checking result: ~w~n',[Res])
274 ),
275 (debug_mode(on) -> format('Trace: ~w~n',[Trace]) ; true).
277 :- use_module(ltl_tools,[temporal_parser/3]).
279 ctl_model_check(Formula,MaxNodes,Mode,Res) :-
280 (temporal_parser(Formula,ctl,Ctl) -> true ; add_error(ctl,'CTL Parser failed: ',Formula),fail),
281 set_max_nr_of_new_impl_trans_nodes(MaxNodes),
282 select_ctl_mode(Mode,Ctl,Startnodes,Ctl2),
283 ctl_model_check2(Ctl2,Mode,Startnodes,Res).
285 :- use_module(probsrc(state_space),[find_initialised_states/1]).
287 select_ctl_mode(starthere,Ctl,[Startnode],Ctl) :-
288 !, current_state_id(Startnode),
289 debug_format(19,'Checking CTL formula from current state: ~w~n',[Startnode]).
290 select_ctl_mode(init,Ctl,Startnodes,Ctl) :-
291 !, find_initialised_states(Startnodes),
292 debug_format(19,'Checking CTL formula from all initial states: ~w~n',[Startnodes]).
293 select_ctl_mode(specific_node(Startnode),Ctl,[Startnode],Ctl) :-
294 !,
295 debug_format(19,'Checking CTL formula from specific state: ~w~n',[Startnode]).
296 select_ctl_mode(Mode,Ctl,[],Ctl) :-
297 add_error(ltl,'Internal error: Unexpected mode', Mode),
298 fail.
300 /* --------------------------- */
302 :- use_module(probsrc(debug),[formatsilent/2]).
303 printtime(C) :-
304 statistics(runtime,[Start|_]), statistics(walltime,[StartW|_]),
305 (call(C) -> Res=ok ; Res=failure),
306 statistics(runtime,[End|_]), statistics(walltime,[EndW|_]),
307 T is End - Start, TW is EndW - StartW,
308 formatsilent('CTL check took ~3d seconds walltime (~3d seconds runtime) ~n', [TW,T]),
309 Res=ok.
311 :- public parse_and_pp_ctl_formula/2.
312 parse_and_pp_ctl_formula(FormulaAsAtom,Text) :-
313 temporal_parser(FormulaAsAtom,ctl,Ctl),
314 ( ltl: pp_ltl_formula(Ctl,Text)
315 -> true
316 ; add_error_fail(ctl, 'Failed to pretty print CTL formula: ', Ctl)
317 ).
319 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Used for the CSP-M Assertions Viewer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
320 :- dynamic ctl_counter_examples_cache/4.
322 :- use_module(probsrc(user_interrupts),[catch_interrupt_assertion_call/1]).
323 :- use_module(extension('user_signal/user_signal'), [user_interruptable_call_det/2]).
324 interruptable_ctl_model_check_with_ce2(Proc,Formula,Mode,InitStates,Res,CE) :-
325 user_interruptable_call_det(catch_interrupt_assertion_call(ctl: ctl_model_check_with_ce2(Proc,Formula,Mode,InitStates,Res,CE)),InterruptResult),
326 (InterruptResult=interrupted ->
327 Res=interrupted
328 ; real_error_occurred ->
329 print_error('% *** Errors occurred while CTL model checking ! ***'),nl,nl,fail
330 ; formatsilent('CTL assertion check completed.~n',[])
331 ).
333 :- public ctl_model_check_with_ce2/6.
334 ctl_model_check_with_ce2(Proc,Formula,Mode,InitStates,Res,CE) :-
335 reset_ctl,
336 ltl: preprocess_formula(Formula,PFormula),
337 ( printtime(ctl_sat_for_all(PFormula,InitStates,Trace,Res)) ->
338 ( Res = true -> CE=none, printsilent('Witness found: '),nls
339 ; Res = false -> print('CTL counterexample found: '),nl, convert_ctl_trace(Proc,PFormula,Mode,false,Trace,CE)
340 ; CE=unexpected_result, print('Could not decide property: '), print(Res), print(': '),nl),
341 (debug_mode(on) -> print(Trace),nl ; true),
342 (silent_mode(on) -> reset_ctl
343 ; reset_ctl_with_stats
344 )
345 ;
346 add_internal_error('CTL model check failed: ',PFormula),
347 print_size_of_table(ctl: sat_eu_table/5),fail
348 ),nl.
350 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Used by ProB2 Interface %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
351 interruptable_ctl_model_check_with_ce3(Proc,Formula,Mode,InitStates,Res,CE) :-
352 user_interruptable_call_det(catch_interrupt_assertion_call(ctl: ctl_model_check_with_ce3(Proc,Formula,Mode,InitStates,Res,CE)),InterruptResult),
353 (InterruptResult=interrupted ->
354 Res=interrupted
355 ; real_error_occurred ->
356 print_error('% *** Errors occurred while CTL model checking ! ***'),nl,nl,fail
357 ; formatsilent('CTL assertion check completed.~n',[])
358 ).
360 :- public ctl_model_check_with_ce3/6.
361 ctl_model_check_with_ce3(Proc,Formula,Mode,InitStates,Res,CE) :-
362 reset_ctl,
363 ltl: preprocess_formula(Formula,PFormula),
364 ( printtime(ctl_sat_for_all(PFormula,InitStates,Trace,Res)) ->
365 ( Res = true -> CE=none, printsilent('Witness found: '),nls
366 ; Res = false -> format('CTL counterexample found (~w)~n',[Mode]),
367 convert_ctl_trace(Proc,PFormula,Mode,true,Trace,CE)
368 ; CE=unexpected_result, print('Could not decide property: '), print(Res), print(': '),nl),
369 (debug_mode(on) -> print(Trace),nl ; true),
370 %expand_trace(Trace,ETrace), print(expanded(ETrace)),nl,
371 (silent_mode(on) -> reset_ctl
372 ; reset_ctl_with_stats
373 )
374 ;
375 add_internal_error('CTL model check failed: ',PFormula),
376 print_size_of_table(ctl: sat_eu_table/5),fail
377 ),nl.
381 :- use_module(probsrc(eventhandling),[register_event_listener/3]).
382 :- register_event_listener(reset_specification,reset_ctl_ce_cache,
383 'Reset CTL Counterexamples Cache.').
384 :- register_event_listener(reset_prob,reset_ctl_ce_cache,
385 'Reset CTL Counterexamples Cache.').
387 reset_ctl_ce_cache :-
388 retractall(ctl_counter_examples_cache(_,_,_,_)).
390 % TODO: for returning action traces of CTL counter-examples more
391 % information is needed for determinig the entry loop
392 convert_ctl_trace(Proc,Ctl,Mode,UseTransitionIDs,Trace,CE) :-
393 expand_trace(Trace,Result),
394 %% convert_ctl_trace1(ETrace,Result),
395 (ctl_counter_examples_cache(Proc,Ctl,Mode,_) -> true; assertz(ctl_counter_examples_cache(Proc,Ctl,Mode,Result))),
396 (UseTransitionIDs = true -> get_event_trace_transitions(Mode,Result,EventTrace)
397 ; get_event_trace(Result,EventTrace)),
398 CE=ce(EventTrace).
400 get_event_trace(Trace,ETrace) :-
401 get_event_trace1(Trace,Res),
402 tools: ajoin_with_sep(Res,' -> ',ETrace).
404 :- use_module(probsrc(translate),[translate_event/2]).
405 get_event_trace1([],['']).
406 get_event_trace1([_NodeID],['']).
407 get_event_trace1([Src,Dest|Rest], [Event|Res]) :-
408 transition(Src,Op,_OpId,Dest),
409 translate_event(Op,Event),
410 get_event_trace1([Dest|Rest],Res).
412 :- use_module(probsrc(specfile),[get_operation_name/2]).
413 % for ProB2-UI
414 % TODO: the counter example is just a list of state ids, not the transition ids
415 % for some counter examples it could be useful to actually enforce the right transitions to be used EX with action,...
416 get_event_trace_transitions(init,[StartNode|T],CE) :-
417 (transition(root,_,_,StartNode) ->
418 get_event_trace_transitions2([root,StartNode|T],CE)
419 ; transition(root,_,_,N1), transition(N1,_,_,StartNode) -> % setup constants first
420 get_event_trace_transitions2([root,N1,StartNode|T],CE)
421 ;
422 get_event_trace_transitions2([root,StartNode|T],CE)).
423 get_event_trace_transitions(specific_node(Start),Trace,CE) :- % do we need a trace from root to Start ?
424 get_event_trace_transitions2([Start|Trace],CE).
425 get_event_trace_transitions2([], Res) :- !, Res=[].
426 get_event_trace_transitions2([_NodeID],Res) :- !, Res=[].
427 get_event_trace_transitions2([Src,Dest|Rest], [transition(OpId,OpName,Src,Dest)|Res]) :-
428 transition(Src,Op,OpId,Dest),!,
429 get_operation_name(Op,OpName),
430 get_event_trace_transitions2([Dest|Rest],Res).
431 get_event_trace_transitions2([Src,Dest|_],[]) :-
432 add_error(ctl_model_check,'Cannot replay counter example, no transition for:',(Src,Dest)).
435 tcltk_play_ctl_counterexample(Proc,Ctl) :-
436 ctl_counter_examples_cache(Proc,Ctl,Mode,ETrace),
437 ETrace = [Initstate|_],
438 ( Mode=init -> ltl: set_trace_to_init(Initstate)
439 ; Mode = specific_node(NodeID) -> ltl: set_trace_to_init(NodeID)
440 ; true),
441 ltl: executetrace(ETrace).
442 tcltk_play_ctl_counterexample(Proc,Ctl) :-
443 add_error_fail(ctl_counter_example, 'Internal error: No counterexample has been asserted for the following configuration: ',(Proc,Ctl)).
445 ctl_model_check_with_ce(Proc,Formula,MaxNodes,Mode,Res,CE) :-
446 (temporal_parser(Formula,ctl,Ctl) -> true ; add_error_fail(ctl,'CTL Parser failed: ',Formula)),
447 set_max_nr_of_new_impl_trans_nodes(MaxNodes),
448 select_ctl_mode(Mode,Ctl,Startnodes,Ctl2),
449 interruptable_ctl_model_check_with_ce2(Proc,Ctl2,Mode,Startnodes,Res,CE).
452 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Used by ProB2 Interface %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
453 ctl_model_check_with_ast(Proc,Ctl,MaxNodes,Mode,Res,CE) :-
454 set_max_nr_of_new_impl_trans_nodes(MaxNodes),
455 select_ctl_mode(Mode,Ctl,Startnodes,Ctl2),
456 interruptable_ctl_model_check_with_ce3(Proc,Ctl2,Mode,Startnodes,Res,CE).