1 % (c) 2009-2024 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
6 :- module(kernel_waitflags,
7 [init_wait_flags/1, init_wait_flags/2,
8 waitflag0_is_set/1,
9 get_wait_flag_infos/2, get_wait_flag_info/2, is_wait_flag_info/2,
10 add_wait_flag_info/3, portray_wait_flag_infos/1,
11 push_wait_flag_call_stack_info/3, opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info/3, debug_opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info/3,
12 opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_quantifier_info/6,
13 copy_wait_flag_call_stack_info/3,
14 init_quantifier_wait_flag/6, init_wait_flags_and_push_call_stack/3,
15 init_wait_flags_with_call_stack/2,
16 add_call_stack_to_span/3,
17 add_error_wf/5, add_warning_wf/5, add_message_wf/5, add_internal_error_wf/5,
18 add_state_error_wf/5,
19 portray_call_stack/1, get_call_stack/2,
20 get_wait_flag/3, get_wait_flag/4,
21 get_bounded_wait_flag/4, get_bounded_priority/2,
22 block_get_wait_flag/4,
23 get_wait_flag0/2,
24 get_wait_flag1/2, get_wait_flag1/3, % deterministic wait flag
25 get_last_wait_flag/3,
26 get_idle_wait_flag/3,
27 get_binary_choice_wait_flag/3,
28 get_pow2_binary_choice_priority/2,
29 get_binary_choice_wait_flag_exp_backoff/3, get_binary_choice_wait_flag_exp_backoff/4,
30 %refresh_wait_flag/4,
31 add_fd_variable_for_labeling/3, add_fd_variable_for_labeling/2, add_fd_variables_for_labeling/2,
32 get_new_subsidiary_wait_flag/4,
33 update_waitflag/4,
34 ground_constraintprop_wait_flags/1,
35 check_is_wait_flag/1,
36 no_pending_waitflags/1,
37 create_inner_wait_flags/3, copy_wf01e_wait_flags/2,
38 copy_wfe_from_inner_if_necessary/2,
39 %copy_wf_start/2,
40 copy_wf_start/3,
41 copy_wf_finish/2,
42 copy_waitflag_store/2,
44 clone_wait_flags_from1/3, clone_wait_flags_from1_finish/3,
45 ground_wait_flag0/1,
46 %create_wdguarded_wait_flags/4,
47 get_large_finite_wait_flag/3,
48 get_enumeration_starting_wait_flag/3,
49 %get_enumeration_almost_finished_wait_flag/3,
50 get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag/2, % get_wfe
51 grd_ef/1, % ground enumeration finished waitflag
52 get_integer_enumeration_wait_flag/3,
53 ground_det_wait_flag/1, ground_wait_flag_to/2,
54 ground_wait_flags/1, ground_inner_wait_flags/1,
55 ground_inner_wait_flags_in_context/2,
56 start_attach_inner_abort_errors/1, re_attach_pending_inner_abort_errors/2,
57 deref_wf/2,
59 add_abort_error_span/5,
60 add_wd_error_span/4,
61 add_wd_error/3, add_wd_error_set_result/6,
62 pending_abort_error/1, pending_abort_error/4,
63 get_wait_flags_context_msg/2,
64 add_wd_error_span_now/4,
65 assert_must_abort_wf/2,
67 get_minimum_waitflag_prio/3,
68 portray_waitflags/1, quick_portray_waitflags/1, quick_portray_waitflags_store/1,
69 get_waitflags_phase/2,
70 find_waitflag_info/4,
72 integer_priority/1, large_finite_priority/1, integer_pow2_priority/1, last_priority/1,
74 my_get_kodkod_predicates/3, my_add_predicate_to_kodkod/3,
75 my_get_satsolver_predicates/3, my_add_predicate_to_satsolver/3,
77 get_wf_dynamic_info/3, put_wf_dynamic_info/3, % these infos are stored together with the Kodkod preds
78 % they can always be added and do not require updating the WF term like add_wait_flag_info does
79 % add_wait_flag_info are static/lexical scoping infos; these are dynamic infos
81 set_silent/1]).
82 /* File: kernel_waitflags.pl */
83 /* Created: 17/3/06 by Michael Leuschel */
85 :- meta_predicate assert_must_abort_wf(0,*).
86 %:- meta_predicate assert_must_abort2_wf(0,-).
88 /*
89 Phases of the ProB Kernel:
91 -> all Waitflags unbound
93 * Phase 0: propagation of completely known ground values in a deterministic fashion
95 -> WF0 is bound (first to s(VAR) and then to s(0))
96 when WF0 is not ground one knows that the WF0 phase is still ongoing
97 (relevant for getting 1.0 waitflag)
99 * Phase 1: deterministic propagation (not necessarily of completely known full values)
101 -> WF1 is bound (1.0)
103 * Phase 2: boolean propagation (e.g., P or Q will now try P or Q)
105 -> WF2 is bound
107 * Phase 3: non-deterministic propagation (e.g, x: {1,2,3})
109 -> Enumeration Starting WF is bound
111 * Enumeration Phase: (later to be split into enumeration of finite and infinite types (e.g., integer)
113 -> Enumeration Finished Waitflag bound
115 * Error Generation Phase: errors for, e.g., division by zero, f(x) with x outside domain of f,... are generated
116 * This phase should not create choice points and should not detect failure
117 (e.g., in the
118 case of negated existential quantifiers the Enumeration Finished Waitflag will be set outside of delay_not)
121 We now distinguish
122 - Enumeration Wait Flags for Decision Variables with estimated enumeration domain size as priority
123 - Binary Choice Point Wait Flags (stemming e.g. from disjunctions)
125 Note: all floats like 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 ... are dealt with before all integers (even 1) !
127 There are three ways to create a waitflag store:
128 - init_wait_flags : to create a fresh empty store
129 - create_inner_wait_flags: the inner WFE should not be instantiated and will be instantiated from the outside
130 useful for a nested quantifier where well-definedness errors should only be raised when the outer quantifier
131 is set and where you want to enumerate the inner quantifier in isolation (e.g., for exists to be able to use the Prolog cut)
132 - copy_wf_start to create a temporary copy with WF0 unset, which will be unified with copy_wf_finish
133 useful for adding a new predicate to the constraint solver and ensure that WF0 is not set until
134 predicate has been fully interpreted, to avoid enumerations/inefficient computations (e.g., there
135 could be an obvious inconsistency at the end of the predicate)
136 */
138 :- use_module(error_manager).
139 :- use_module(self_check).
140 :- use_module(typechecker).
141 :- use_module(library(clpfd),[fd_size/2, fd_degree/2, (in/2)]).
142 :- use_module(tools).
143 :- use_module(tools_portability, [exists_source/1]).
144 :- use_module(covsrc(coverage_tools_annotations),['$NOT_COVERED'/1]).
145 :- use_module(preferences,[preference/2, get_preference/2]).
146 :- use_module(debug,[debug_format/3]).
148 :- use_module(module_information,[module_info/2]).
149 :- module_info(group,kernel).
150 :- module_info(description,'This module manages the various choice points and enumerators of ProB, by maintaining the kernel Waitflags store.').
152 :- type wait_flag +--> (var ; wfx(simple,mutable,simple,list(any)) ; no_wf_available).
153 % a mutable either contains:
154 % wfm_store(AVLWaitflagHeap,NewFDVARS,KodSatPredicateList)
155 % wfm_ref(Mutable) a reference pointing to another Mutable which should be used to store waitflags
157 :- use_module(library(lists),[is_list/1, delete/3, last/2]).
158 :- use_module(library(avl)).
160 % -------------- ATTRIBUTES ------------------
162 % Portable attributed variable handling.
163 % Use SICStus-style library(atts) and verify_attributes/3 if available,
164 % otherwise the SWI/hProlog-style attr builtins and attr_unify_hook/2.
165 :- if(\+ exists_source(library(atts))).
168 is_wf_abort_pending(Var) :- get_attr(Var,kernel_waitflags,wf_abort_pending).
169 is_not_wf_abort_pending(Var) :- \+ get_attr(Var,kernel_waitflags,wf_abort_pending).
170 put_wf_abort_pending(Var) :- put_attr(Var,kernel_waitflags,wf_abort_pending).
172 attr_unify_hook(wf_abort_pending, Value) :-
173 % we are unifying the EWF enumeration finished waitflag, not the store
174 (nonvar(Value) -> true % EWF bound, enumeration finished
175 ; get_attr(Value,kernel_waitflags,wf_abort_pending) -> true % other EWF Value already has same attribute
176 ; put_attr(Value,kernel_waitflags,wf_abort_pending)
177 ).
179 :- else.
181 :- use_module(library(atts)).
182 :- attribute %wf_store/1,wf_fdvars/1, wf_kodkod/2, wf_satsolver/2, % now stored in mutable
183 wf_abort_pending/0.
185 is_wf_abort_pending(Var) :- get_atts(Var,+wf_abort_pending).
186 is_not_wf_abort_pending(Var) :- get_atts(Var,-wf_abort_pending).
187 put_wf_abort_pending(Var) :- put_atts(Var,+wf_abort_pending).
189 % verify_attributes is called whenever a variable Var that might have attributes is about to be bound to Value (it might have none).
190 % verify(VariableBeforeUnification, ValueWithWhichVariableUnifies, GoalWhichSICStusShouldCallAfterUnif)
191 verify_attributes(Var, Value, [] ) :- get_atts(Var,+wf_abort_pending),!,
192 % we are unifying the EWF enumeration finished waitflag, not the store
193 (nonvar(Value) -> true % EWF bound, enumeration finished
194 ; get_atts(Value,+wf_abort_pending) -> true % other EWF Value already has same attribute
195 ; put_atts(Value,+wf_abort_pending)
196 ).
197 verify_attributes(Var, Value, [] ) :-
198 (nonvar(Value) -> print('Trying to unify WFE flags'),nl
199 ; print(verify_attributes(Var,Value)),nl).
200 % The SICStus documentation is not entirely clear: it seems we only have to copy attributes from Var to Value, not the other way around
202 :- endif.
204 % -------------- MUTABLES ------------------
206 % Should we use several mutables?
207 put_mutable_other_attr(Store,wf_preds(ID,Type,PredList)) :- !,
208 get_mutable_store_for_update(Store,S,FD,KodSat,StoreToUpdate),
209 update_preds(KodSat,ID,Type,PredList,KodSat2),
210 update_mutable(wfm_store(S,FD,KodSat2),StoreToUpdate).
211 put_mutable_other_attr(Store,wf_info(ID,Val)) :- !, % Store other infos in the wf_preds list
212 get_mutable_store_for_update(Store,S,FD,KodSat,StoreToUpdate),
213 (select(wf_info(ID,_),KodSat,Rest) -> true ; Rest=KodSat),
214 update_mutable(wfm_store(S,FD,[wf_info(ID,Val)|Rest]),StoreToUpdate).
215 put_mutable_other_attr(Store,New) :-
216 add_internal_error('Uncovered put_mutable_other_attr',put_mutable_other_attr(Store,New)).
218 % update AVL WF heap in WF Store
219 % faster version of put_mutable_attr(Store,wf_store(NewHeap))
220 put_mutable_wf_store_attr(Store,NewHeap) :-
221 get_mutable_store_for_update(Store,_,FD,KodSat,StoreToUpdate),
222 update_mutable(wfm_store(NewHeap,FD,KodSat),StoreToUpdate).
224 % update FD Variables List in WF Store
225 % faster version of put_mutable_attr(Store,wf_fdvars(NewFDVARS))
226 put_mutable_wf_fdvars_attr(Store,NewFDVARS) :-
227 get_mutable_store_for_update(Store,Heap,_,KodSat,StoreToUpdate),
228 update_mutable(wfm_store(Heap,NewFDVARS,KodSat),StoreToUpdate).
230 % TO DO: improve my_get_wf_store_fdvars_atts / put_mutable_attr pairs of calls to make them more efficient
232 % update Kodkod or Satsolver predicates attached in store:
233 update_preds([],ID,Type,PredList,[wf_preds(ID,Type,PredList)]).
234 update_preds([wf_preds(ID,Type,_)|T],ID,Type,PredList,Res) :- !,
235 Res = [wf_preds(ID,Type,PredList)|T].
236 update_preds([H|T],ID,Type,PredList,[H|RT]) :-
237 update_preds(T,ID,Type,PredList,RT).
239 % a utility predicate that always returns a mutable with wfm attribute
240 get_mutable_store_for_update(Store, S,FD,KodSat, MutableToUpdate) :- mutable(Store),!,
241 get_mutable(MutableInfo,Store),
242 (get_mutable_infos__for_update_aux(MutableInfo,S,FD,KodSat,Store,MutableToUpdate) -> true
243 ; add_internal_error('get_mutable_infos__for_update_aux failed for:',Store),fail).
244 get_mutable_store_for_update(Store, S,[],[], Res) :- var(Store),!, Res=Store,
245 empty_avl(S),
246 create_mutable(wfm_store(S,[],[]),Store).
247 get_mutable_store_for_update(Store, _,_,_, _) :-
248 add_internal_error('get_mutable_store_for_update failed for:',Store),fail.
250 get_mutable_infos__for_update_aux(wfm_store(S,FD,KodSat),S,FD,KodSat,Store,Store).
251 get_mutable_infos__for_update_aux(wfm_ref(OuterStore),S,FD,KodSat,_,MutableToUpdate) :-
252 get_mutable_store_for_update(OuterStore,S,FD,KodSat,MutableToUpdate).
254 % follow links of wfm_ref to get access to proper mutable store to update
255 deref_store(Store,MutableToUpdate) :- mutable(Store), !,
256 (Store=wfm_ref(Store2) -> deref_store(Store2,MutableToUpdate)
257 ; MutableToUpdate=Store).
258 deref_store(Store,MutableToUpdate) :- var(Store),!, MutableToUpdate=Store,
259 empty_avl(S),
260 create_mutable(wfm_store(S,[],[]),Store).
261 deref_store(Store, _) :-
262 add_internal_error('deref_store failed for:',Store),fail.
264 % get the associated infos for a mutable store; follow chain of wfm_ref's:
265 get_mutable_infos(S,FD,KodSat,Store) :- mutable(Store),
266 get_mutable(MutableInfo,Store),
267 get_mutable_infos_aux(MutableInfo,S,FD,KodSat).
268 get_mutable_infos_aux(wfm_store(S,FD,KodSat),S,FD,KodSat).
269 get_mutable_infos_aux(wfm_ref(OuterStore),S,FD,KodSat) :- get_mutable_infos(S,FD,KodSat,OuterStore).
271 my_get_wf_store_att(Store,Heap) :- get_mutable_infos(S,_,_,Store),!,
272 Heap=S.
273 my_get_wf_store_att(_,E) :- empty_avl(E).
275 my_get_wf_preds_att(Store,ID,Type,PredList) :- get_mutable_infos(_,_,KodSat,Store),!,
276 (member(wf_preds(ID,Type,R),KodSat) -> PredList=R).
278 my_get_wf_info_att(Store,ID,Value) :- get_mutable_infos(_,_,KodSat,Store),!,
279 (member(wf_info(ID,V),KodSat) -> Value=V).
281 my_get_all_wf_info_atts(Store,List) :- get_mutable_infos(_,_,KodSat,Store),!,
282 findall(wf_info(ID,V),member(wf_info(ID,V),KodSat),List).
283 my_get_all_wf_info_atts(_,List) :-
284 %init_wait_flags/1 will not initialise a mutable and get_mutable_infos will fail
285 List=[].
287 my_get_fdvars_att(Store,FDList) :- get_mutable_infos(_,FD,_,Store),!,
288 FDList=FD.
289 my_get_fdvars_att(_,[]).
291 my_get_wf_store_fdvars_atts(Store,Heap,FDList) :- get_mutable_infos(S,FD,_,Store),!,
292 Heap=S, FDList=FD.
293 my_get_wf_store_fdvars_atts(_,E,[]) :- empty_avl(E).
295 % Mutable store should now point to another mutable store (OuterStore)
296 % ensures that calls which add waitflags to Store now get-redirected to OuterStore
297 set_mutable_ref(Store,OuterStore) :- mutable(Store),
298 !,
299 update_mutable(wfm_ref(OuterStore),Store).
300 set_mutable_ref(Store,OuterStore) :- % not instantiated yet, we can simply unify
301 Store=OuterStore.
304 % -------------------------
306 % the Call must succeed and generate one abort_error
307 assert_must_abort_wf(M:Call,WF) :- assert_must_succeed_any(M:(kernel_waitflags:assert_must_abort2_wf(M:Call,WF))).
309 :- use_module(tools_printing,[format_with_colour_nl/4]).
310 assert_must_abort2_wf(_,_) :-
311 get_error(well_definedness_error,M),
312 add_internal_error('Abort error prior to call in assert_must_abort: ',M),fail.
313 assert_must_abort2_wf(Call,WF) :-
314 (real_error_occurred -> RE=true ; RE=false),
315 init_wait_flags(WF,[assert_must_abort2_wf]),
316 call(Call),
317 (ground_wait_flags(WF)
318 -> add_internal_error('Call did not fail after grounding WF: ',assert_must_abort2_wf(Call,WF)),fail
319 ; get_error(well_definedness_error,_), % we have 1 abort_error
320 format_with_colour_nl(user_output,[blue],'Got expected well-definedness error',[]),
321 (RE=false -> reset_real_error_occurred ; true)
322 ).
325 :- assert_must_succeed(( kernel_waitflags:init_wait_flags(WF), kernel_waitflags:check_is_wait_flag(WF) )).
327 check_is_wait_flag(WFX) :- var(WFX),!,
328 add_internal_error('Variable as waitflag: ',check_is_wait_flag(WFX)).
329 check_is_wait_flag(no_wf_available) :- !.
330 check_is_wait_flag(WFX) :-
331 WFX = wfx(WF0,Store,WFE,Infos)
332 -> (get_mutable_infos(_,_,_,Store)
333 -> true
334 ; print('WF does not yet contain heap: '), print(WFX),nl),
335 %add_internal_error('WF does not contain heap: ',check_is_wait_flag(WFX)))
336 (var(WF0) -> true ; WF0 = s(WF00), \+compound(WF00) -> true
337 ; compound(WF0) -> add_internal_error('WF0 is compound: ',WF0) ; true
338 ),
339 (compound(WFE) -> add_internal_error('WFE is compound: ',WFE) ; true),
340 (nonvar(Infos),is_list(Infos) -> true ; add_internal_error('WF Infos not list: ',Infos))
341 ; add_internal_error('Illegal WF Format: ',check_is_wait_flag(WFX)).
344 % initialise a new waitflag store
345 init_wait_flags(WF,Info) :-
346 (nonvar(Info) -> true ; add_internal_error('Illegal WF Format: ',init_wait_flags(WF,Info))),
347 init_debug_wait_flag_info(Info,Infos),
348 WF=wfx(_,_Store,_,Infos).
349 init_wait_flags(wfx(_,_Store,_,[])). % no_expansion_context_available
350 init_wait_flags_with_infos(wfx(_,_Store,_,Infos),Infos). % infos copied as is without checking
351 init_wait_flags_with_sd_infos(wfx(_,Store,_,StaticInfos),StaticInfos,DynamicInfos) :-
352 init_wait_flags_store_with_dynamic_infos(Store,DynamicInfos).
354 %init_wait_flags(wfx(_,Store,_,[])) :- init_wait_flags_store(Store).
355 % we no longer do this because of performance, (see, e.g., LotsOfInvariants.mch) :
356 init_wait_flags_store(Store) :- empty_avl(Heap),
357 create_mutable(wfm_store(Heap,[],[]),Store).
358 init_wait_flags_store_with_dynamic_infos(Store,KodkodDynInfos) :- empty_avl(Heap),
359 create_mutable(wfm_store(Heap,[],KodkodDynInfos),Store).
360 %init_wait_flags_store(Store) :-
361 % empty_avl(Heap),
362 % put_atts(Store,wf_store(Heap)),
363 % put_atts(Store,wf_fdvars([])).
366 :- assert_must_succeed(( kernel_waitflags:init_wait_flags(WF),
367 kernel_waitflags:ground_wait_flag0(WF), kernel_waitflags:waitflag0_is_set(WF) )).
368 :- assert_must_fail(( kernel_waitflags:init_wait_flags(WF), kernel_waitflags:waitflag0_is_set(WF) )).
369 waitflag0_is_set(wfx(WF0,_Store,_EF,_INFOS)) :- ground(WF0).
370 waitflag0_is_set(no_wf_available).
372 get_new_subsidiary_wait_flag(OldWF,Info,WFX,NewWF) :-
373 (ground(OldWF) /* then we have created a choice point with the old WF: double new WF prio */
374 -> double_prio(OldWF,NewPrio), get_wait_flag(NewPrio,Info,WFX,NewWF)
375 ; NewWF = OldWF
376 ).
378 double_prio(OldPrio,NewPrio) :- number(OldPrio),!, NewPrio is OldPrio*2.
379 double_prio(s(_),2) :- !. % for things like s(0) created for WF0
380 double_prio(Old,New) :- add_internal_error('Unknown priority: ',double_prio(Old,New)), New=2.
382 % not used at the moment:
383 %refresh_wait_flag(OldWF,Info,WFX,NewWF) :-
384 % (ground(OldWF) /* then we have created a choice point with the old WF: double new WF prio */
385 % -> get_wait_flag(OldWF,Info,WFX,NewWF)
386 % ; NewWF = OldWF
387 % ).
389 :- volatile silent/0.
390 :- dynamic silent/0.
391 set_silent(true) :- !,(silent -> true ; assertz(silent)).
392 set_silent(false) :- retractall(silent).
393 %waitflag_not_init :- silent -> true ; print('waitflag-store not initialised'),nl, '$NOT_COVERED'('This should not happen').
395 :- use_module(eventhandling,[register_event_listener/3]).
396 :- register_event_listener(start_unit_tests,set_silent(true),'Allow wf not to be set up without printing a warning').
397 :- register_event_listener(stop_unit_tests, set_silent(false), 'Printing wf warnings again').
399 :- use_module(library(lists),[maplist/2]).
400 add_fd_variables_for_labeling(Vars,WF) :- WF==no_wf_available,!,
401 add_internal_error('Cannot add FDVars to waitflag store: ',Vars).
402 add_fd_variables_for_labeling(Vars,WF) :-
403 WF=wfx(_,Store,_EnumFinished,_INFOS),
404 !,
405 my_get_fdvars_att(Store,FDVARS),
406 l_add_fd_var_to_FDVARS(Vars,FDVARS,NewFDVARS),
407 put_mutable_wf_fdvars_attr(Store,NewFDVARS).
408 add_fd_variables_for_labeling(Vars,WF) :-
409 add_internal_error('Illegal waitflag store: ',add_fd_variables_for_labeling(Vars,WF)).
411 l_add_fd_var_to_FDVARS([],Acc,Acc).
412 l_add_fd_var_to_FDVARS([Var|VT],FDVARS,NewFDVARS) :-
413 (nonvar(Var) -> F2=FDVARS; add_fd_var_to_FDVARS(Var,FDVARS,F2)),
414 l_add_fd_var_to_FDVARS(VT,F2,NewFDVARS).
416 % adds a CLP(FD) variable with given domain Size, will be enumerated by labeling (even if clpfd_solver preference is false !)
417 % Size could be computed by fd_size(FDVariable,Size)
418 add_fd_variable_for_labeling(FDVariable,WF) :-
419 add_fd_variable_for_labeling_aux(FDVariable,WF).
420 add_fd_variable_for_labeling(FDVariable,Size,WF) :- Size = not_used_anymore,
421 add_fd_variable_for_labeling_aux(FDVariable,WF).
424 add_fd_variable_for_labeling_aux(FDVariable,_WF) :- nonvar(FDVariable),!.
425 add_fd_variable_for_labeling_aux(FDVariable,WF) :-
426 % otherwise: store the FDVariable in the separate list of FD Variables (all mixed together)
427 WF=wfx(_,Store,_EnumFinished,_),
428 my_get_fdvars_att(Store,FDVARS),
429 add_fd_var_to_FDVARS(FDVariable,FDVARS,NewFDVARS),
430 %% fd_size(FDVariable,Size),print(added(FDVariable,Size,NewFDVARS,old(FDVARS))),nl,
431 %% print(added_fd_variable(FDVariable,_Size,NewFDVARS)),nl,portray_waitflags_store(Store),nl,nl,%%
432 put_mutable_wf_fdvars_attr(Store,NewFDVARS).
434 add_fd_var_to_FDVARS(FDVariable,FDVARS,NewFDVARS) :-
435 %print_term_summary(add_fd_var_to_FDVARS(FDVariable)),nl,
436 %(fd_size(FDVariable,Sz), Sz=sup -> trace ; true),
437 (FDVARS=[HH|_],HH==FDVariable -> NewFDVARS = FDVARS % variable already in list [cheap check at front]
438 ; NewFDVARS = [FDVariable|FDVARS]). %% this adds new variables at front; will be given priority over older ones
439 %% add_fd_var(FDVARS,FDVariable,NewFDVARS), %% this adds new variables at the end and does more thorough duplicate check
442 % a bit like append: but cleans up list: removes numbers + checks if var already in list
443 % runtimes for tests: 349 stays at 220ms, test 1088 4660 -> 5040ms
444 %add_fd_var([],Var,[Var]).
445 %add_fd_var([V|T],Var,Res) :-
446 % (V==Var -> Res = [V|T] %,print(dup(V)),nl,
447 % ; nonvar(V) -> add_fd_var(T,Var,Res) %,print(nonvar(V)),nl
448 % ; Res = [V|RT], add_fd_var(T,Var,RT)).
451 :- use_module(library(random),[random_select/3]).
452 % reverse the list at each step; alternating taking from end and front; makes no sense with randomise_enumeration_order
453 %my_get_next_fdvar_to_enumerate_rev(FDVARS,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS) :- lists:reverse(FDVARS,RevFDVARS),
454 % my_get_next_fdvar_to_enumerate(RevFDVARS,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS).
456 my_get_next_fdvar_to_enumerate([],_NextFDVar,_RemainingFDVARS) :- !,fail.
457 my_get_next_fdvar_to_enumerate([V1|FDVARS],NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS) :-
458 nonvar(V1),
459 !, % skip over non-variables (numbers); clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label does not delete variable from list and may crash with leading non-variable terms !
460 my_get_next_fdvar_to_enumerate(FDVARS,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS).
461 my_get_next_fdvar_to_enumerate(FDVARS,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS) :-
462 preferences:preference(randomise_enumeration_order,true),
463 !,
464 get_min_fd_size_elements(FDVARS,MinFDVars),
465 random_select(NextFDVar,MinFDVars,_),
466 %print(random_enum(NextFDVar,FDVARS,MinFDVars)),nl,
467 RemainingFDVARS=FDVARS. % still contains variable; but no problem as it will be discarded later
468 my_get_next_fdvar_to_enumerate(FDVARS,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS) :-
469 %clpfd_interface:clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label_ffc(FDVARS,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS).
470 clpfd_interface:clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label(FDVARS,NextFDVar),
471 % print(enumerating(NextFDVar,FDVARS)),nl, maplist(tools_printing:print_arg,FDVARS),nl,
472 RemainingFDVARS=FDVARS.
473 % ((FDVARS=[H|T],H==NextFDVar) -> RemainingFDVARS=T ; RemainingFDVARS=FDVARS).% does not seem to buy any speed
475 get_min_fd_size_elements([V1|FDVARS],MinFDVars) :- clpfd_size(V1,Size),
476 get_min_aux(FDVARS,Size,[V1],MinFDVars).
478 get_min_aux([],_,MinFDVars,MinFDVars).
479 get_min_aux([V1|FDVARS],Size,MAcc,MinFDVars) :- number(V1),!,
480 get_min_aux(FDVARS,Size,MAcc,MinFDVars).
481 get_min_aux([V1|FDVARS],Size,MAcc,MinFDVars) :-
482 clpfd_size(V1,Size1),
483 (lt_size(Size1,Size)
484 -> get_min_aux(FDVARS,Size1,[V1],MinFDVars)
485 ; Size1=Size -> get_min_aux(FDVARS,Size,[V1|MAcc],MinFDVars)
486 ; get_min_aux(FDVARS,Size,MAcc,MinFDVars)
487 ).
489 lt_size(X,Y) :- number(X),(Y=sup -> true ; X<Y).
491 % -------------
493 % using this is relevant for e.g. tests 415, 416, 1096 : to give variables without frozen goals a lower priority
494 % TO DO: we could filter out those before we call clpfd_get_next_variable_to_label !?
495 fd_priority_leq_limit(FDVAR,Prio,Limit) :-
496 clpfd_size(FDVAR,Size),
497 number(Size), % not =sup or =inf
498 geq_limit(Limit,Size), % the calculation below will only increase the Size
499 (Size < 2 -> Prio = Size
500 ; geq_limit(Limit,Size*4) -> Prio = Size % avoid calling frozen and fd_degree, Priority only used for warnings and bisect decisions
501 ; (enumeration_only_fdvar(FDVAR) -> Prio is Size*4, Prio =< Limit
502 ; Prio = Size)
503 ).
505 gt_limit(inf,_) :- !.
506 gt_limit(inf_overflow,_) :- !.
507 gt_limit(sup,_) :- !.
508 gt_limit(X,Limit) :- X > Limit.
510 geq_limit(inf,_) :- !.
511 geq_limit(inf_overflow,_) :- !.
512 geq_limit(sup,_) :- !.
513 geq_limit(X,Limit) :- X >= Limit.
517 % -------------
520 enumeration_only_fdvar(FDVAR) :- var(FDVAR),fd_degree(FDVAR,D),!,
521 D=0,
522 frozen(FDVAR,Goal), % print(frozen(FDVAR,D,Goal)),nl,
523 enum_only_frozen_goal(Goal,FDVAR).
524 enumeration_only_fdvar(_).
526 % TO DO: maybe use enumeration_only_goal in b_enumerate
527 enum_only_frozen_goal((A,B),Var) :- !, enum_only_frozen_goal(A,Var), enum_only_frozen_goal(B,Var).
528 enum_only_frozen_goal(true,_).
529 enum_only_frozen_goal(Module:Call,Var) :- enum_only_frozen_goal_m(Module,Call,Var).
531 enum_only_frozen_goal_m(clpfd,_,_) :- !.
532 enum_only_frozen_goal_m(kernel_objects,G,V) :- !, enum_only_frozen_goal_k_obj(G,V).
533 enum_only_frozen_goal_m(b_interpreter_components,observe_variable_block(_,_,_,_,_),_).
534 enum_only_frozen_goal_m(b_interpreter_components,observe_variable1_block(_,_,_,_),_).
535 enum_only_frozen_goal_m(custom_explicit_sets,block_copy_waitflag_store(_,_,_,_,_),_).
537 enum_only_frozen_goal_k_obj(safe_less_than_equal(_,X,Y),_) :- (number(X);number(Y)), !.
538 enum_only_frozen_goal_k_obj(call_enumerate_int(X,_,_,_),Var) :- Var==X,!.
539 enum_only_frozen_goal_k_obj(enumerate_int_wf(X,_,_,_,_),Var) :- Var==X,!.
540 enum_only_frozen_goal_k_obj(true,_).
543 % get a wait-flag that will be triggered first next time;
544 % can be used to ensure that all pending co-routines complete
545 get_idle_wait_flag(Info,wfx(WF0,Store,EnumFinished,_),LWF) :- !,
546 (var(WF0) -> LWF=WF0
547 ; WF0=s(WF00), var(WF00) -> LWF=WF00
548 ; nonvar(EnumFinished) -> LWF=1 % waitflag store already grounded to completion; nobody may drive it anymore
549 ; get_waitflag_from_store(0.9,Info,Store,LWF)
550 ).
551 get_idle_wait_flag(_Info,no_wf_available,1).
554 get_wait_flag(Prio,Store,WF) :- get_wait_flag(Prio,'??',Store,WF).
555 get_wait_flag(Prio,_Info,wfx(WF0,_Store,EnumFinished,_),WF) :- (Prio=0 ; ground(EnumFinished)),
556 !, % if EnumFinished is ground nothing will drive the Waitflag store anymore
557 % WF0 can be set to a variable by clone_wait_flags_from1
558 WF=WF0.
559 get_wait_flag(1.0,Info,wfx(WF0,Store,_EnumFinished,_),WF) :-
560 % WF for deterministic computations, not guaranteed to generate efficient representations
561 % (those are triggered in WF0 phase)
562 !,
563 %used to b: (var(WF0) -> get_waitflag_from_store(1.0,Info,Store,WF) ; WF=1).
564 (ground(WF0) % if WF0 is ground the WF0 phase is completed fully;
565 -> WF=1 % we can return this waitflag immediately;
566 % good idea also if we are already in the later stages of propagation
567 % so as not to delay the attached deterministic propagations (see test 383, SudokuHexAsConstant.mch)
568 ; get_waitflag_from_store(1.0,Info,Store,WF)).
569 get_wait_flag(Prio,Info,wfx(_,Store,EnumFinished,_),WF) :- !,
570 (ground(EnumFinished) -> WF=Prio /* enumeration has finished: return a ground WF */
571 ; get_waitflag_from_store(Prio,Info,Store,WF)).
572 get_wait_flag(Prio,Info,Store,WF) :- check_is_wait_flag(Store),
573 (Store=no_wf_available -> WF=Prio ;
574 Store=none -> print(get_wait_flag_deprecated(Prio,Info,Store,WF)),nl, WF=Prio ;
575 add_internal_error('Illegal call: ',get_wait_flag(Prio,Info,Store,WF))).
577 :- use_module(kernel_card_arithmetic,[is_inf_or_overflow_card/1]).
578 % get Waitflag with Priority Prio, additional information Info from Store
579 get_waitflag_from_store(Prio,Info,Store,WF) :-
580 % print(get_waitflag_from_store(Prio,Info,Store,WF)),nl,
581 (is_inf_or_overflow_card(Prio) -> integer_priority(RealPrio)
582 ; RealPrio=Prio),
583 my_get_wf_store_att(Store,Heap),
584 (avl_fetch(RealPrio,Heap,wf(WFs,_OldInfo)) %,print(fetch(RealPrio,WFs,_OldInfo)),nl
585 -> ((RealPrio < 2 %is_finite_priority(RealPrio)
586 ; Info = allow_reuse(_))
587 %RealPrio < 100000 % TO DO: investigate performance if reduce the threshold
588 % here we re-use the waitflag instead of storing a new one
589 -> (var(WFs) -> WF1 = WFs %, print(reusing_wf(RealPrio,WF1,Info)),nl
590 ; WFs = [WF1|_]-_ -> true % add_wf has constructed a difference list
591 ; print(wf_already_grounded(Prio,Info,WFs)),nl,
592 WFs = WF1
593 )
594 ; push_waitflag(WFs,WF1,WFs2) ->
595 % poses problems for 1003, possibly 1194; keep WFs as a FIFO stack to have localised enumeration
596 %(RealPrio<100000 -> test_runner:inc_test_target_coverage ; true),
597 avl_store(RealPrio,Heap,wf(WFs2,Info),NewHeap),
598 put_mutable_wf_store_attr(Store,NewHeap)
599 ; add_internal_error('Pushing waitflag failed:',RealPrio:WFs)
600 )
601 ; avl_store(RealPrio,Heap,wf(WF1,Info),NewHeap), % print(storing_fresh_wf(RealPrio,WF1,Info)),nl,
602 put_mutable_wf_store_attr(Store,NewHeap) % put_atts seems to be expensive
603 ),!,
604 WF=WF1.
605 get_waitflag_from_store(Prio,Info,Store,WF) :-
606 add_internal_error('Error getting Waitflag: ', get_waitflag_from_store(Prio,Info,Store,WF)),fail.
608 % ----------------
610 % utilities for managing difference lists of waitflag variables for a particular priority:
612 % for each priority we store wf(WFQueue,Info)
613 % WFQueue is either a free variable (aka waitflag), or a difference list of free variables (waitflags)
615 % push new waitflag NextWF onto an existing WF list for a priority
616 push_waitflag(WFs,NextWF,NewWFs) :- var(WFs),!, NewWFs = [WFs,NextWF|TAIL]-TAIL. % create difference list
617 push_waitflag(Head-TAIL,NextWF,NewWFs) :- !, TAIL = [NextWF|NewTAIL], NewWFs = Head-NewTAIL.
618 push_waitflag(WFs,_,WFs) :- add_internal_error('Illegal waitflag list:',WFs).
620 % pop the next waitflag NextWF from a list of waitflags associated with some priority
621 pop_waitflag(WFs,NextWF,Tail) :- var(WFs),!, NextWF=WFs,Tail=[].
622 pop_waitflag(Head-Tail,NextWF,NextTail) :- Head \== Tail, % should always succeed
623 !,
624 Head = [NextWF|NextHead],
625 (NextHead==Tail -> NextTail=[] ; NextTail = NextHead-Tail).
626 pop_waitflag(WFs,_,_) :- add_internal_error('Illegal waitflag list, cannot pop:',WFs),fail.
628 % merge_waitflag_queues(InnerWF,OuterWF,MergedWF)
629 merge_waitflag_queues(WF1,WFs,MergedWFs) :- var(WFs),!,
630 push_waitflag(WF1,WFs,MergedWFs).
631 merge_waitflag_queues(WF1,Head2-Tail2,MergedWFs) :- var(WF1),!,
632 MergedWFs = [WF1|Head2]-Tail2. % add WF1 at front
633 merge_waitflag_queues(Head1-Tail1,Head2-Tail2,MergedWFs) :- !, % concatenation of difference lists
634 Tail1=Head2,
635 MergedWFs = Head1-Tail2.
636 merge_waitflag_queues(WF1,WFs,MergedWFs) :-
637 add_internal_error('Illegal WF list:',merge_waitflag_queues(WF1,WFs,MergedWFs)),
638 MergedWFs = WFs.
641 % ------------------------
643 % a version which delays getting a waitflag until the Prio is known:
644 :- block block_get_wait_flag(-,?,?,?).
645 block_get_wait_flag(Prio,Info,WFX,WF) :- get_wait_flag(Prio,Info,WFX,WF).
647 % check if there are no waitflags and no FD variables; note: there could be pending co-routines on WF0
648 no_pending_waitflags(no_wf_available).
649 no_pending_waitflags(wfx(_WF0,Store,_WFE,_)) :-
650 my_get_wf_store_fdvars_atts(Store,Heap,FDList),
651 FDList=[], % no FD Variables
652 empty_avl(Heap). % no waitflags pending
653 % Note grounding could still be in progress
654 % TO DO: we could add attribute before grounding and remove after grounding !?
657 % -------------------
659 % storing Predicates for Kodkod external function:
660 my_get_kodkod_predicates(wfx(_,Store,_,_),ID,PredicateList) :- my_get_wf_preds(Store,ID,kodod,PredicateList).
661 my_get_wf_preds(Store,ID,Type,PredicateList) :-
662 (my_get_wf_preds_att(Store,ID,Type,PredicateList)
663 -> true
664 ; PredicateList = []
665 ).
666 %my_store_wf_kodkod(Store,ID,PredicateList) :- put_atts(Store,+wf_kodkod(ID,PredicateList)).
667 my_add_predicate_to_kodkod(wfx(_,Store,_,_),ID,Predicate) :-
668 my_add_predicate_aux(wfx(_,Store,_,_),ID,kodod,Predicate).
669 my_add_predicate_aux(wfx(_,Store,_,_),ID,Type,Predicate) :-
670 my_get_wf_preds(Store,ID,Type,PredicateList),
671 %length(PredicateList,Len), format('Adding pred to ~w of len ~w~n',[ID,Len]),
672 put_mutable_other_attr(Store,wf_preds(ID,Type,[Predicate|PredicateList])).
674 % -------------------
676 % storing Predicates for external function calling satsolver:
677 my_get_satsolver_predicates(wfx(_,Store,_,_),ID,PredicateList) :-
678 my_get_wf_preds(Store,ID,satsolver,PredicateList).
679 my_add_predicate_to_satsolver(wfx(_,Store,_,_),ID,Predicate) :-
680 my_add_predicate_aux(wfx(_,Store,_,_),ID,satsolver,Predicate).
682 % -------------------
684 % allow to store and update other information entries
685 % they are mixed in with the Kodkod predicate list
687 get_wf_all_dynamic_infos(no_wf_available,[]).
688 get_wf_all_dynamic_infos(wfx(_,Store,_,_),List) :- my_get_all_wf_info_atts(Store,List).
690 get_wf_dynamic_info(wfx(_,Store,_,_),ID,Val) :- my_get_wf_info_att(Store,ID,Val).
692 put_wf_dynamic_info(no_wf_available,_,_).
693 put_wf_dynamic_info(wfx(_,Store,_,_),ID,Val) :- put_mutable_other_attr(Store,wf_info(ID,Val)).
695 % -------------------
698 ground_wait_flag0(wfx(WF0,_,_,_)) :- grd_wf0(WF0).
700 ground_wait_flags(wfx(WF0,Store,EnumFinish,WFInfos)) :- !,
701 ? grd_wf0(WF0),
702 deref_store(Store,DStore),
703 init_wf_infos_for_grounding(WFInfos,WFInfos2),
704 %nl,print(' ground_wait_flags:'),nl,portray_waitflags_store(Store), portray_call_stack(wfx(WF0,Store,EnumFinish,WFInfos)),nl,
705 ? ground_waitflags_store_clpfd(DStore,WFInfos2),
706 grd_ef(EnumFinish).
707 ground_wait_flags(no_wf_available) :- !.
708 ground_wait_flags(W) :-
709 add_internal_error('Waitflags in wrong format: ',ground_wait_flags(W)).
711 grd_wf0(E) :- %print(start_grd_wf0(E)),nl,
712 (var(E) ->
713 E=s(E2), % first make nonvar, and then ground (separate call to avoid merging unifications)
714 ? grd_wf01(E2) %%,print(grd_wf0_done),nl
715 ; E=s(E2) -> (nonvar(E2),E2 \== 0 -> add_internal_error('Illegal WF0 Waitflag value: ',grd_wf0(E))
716 ; grd_wf01(E2))
717 ; add_internal_error('Illegal WF0 Waitflag value functor: ',grd_wf0(E))
718 ).
719 grd_wf01(0).
721 grd_ef(E) :- var(E) -> E=0
722 ; ((E==0;E==wd_guarded) -> true ; add_internal_error('Illegal EF Waitflag value: ',grd_ef(E))).
724 /* currently unused:
725 create_wdguarded_wait_flags(wfx(WF0,Store,EnumFinish,Info),Res,Expected,
726 wfx(WF0,Store,LocalEnumFinish,Info)) :-
727 %% if Res=Expected then the computations of the inner waitflags should be well-defined;
728 %% otherwise they may not
729 copy_wfe(EnumFinish,Res,Expected,LocalEnumFinish).
730 :- block copy_wfe(-,?,?,?), copy_wfe(?,-,?,?).
731 copy_wfe(EnumFinish,Res,Expected,LocalEnumFinish) :-
732 (Res==Expected -> LocalEnumFinish=EnumFinish
733 ; LocalEnumFinish=wd_guarded %% branch is pruned by well-definedness condition
734 ).
735 */
737 % ground_constraintprop_wait_flags will not ground WFE flag
739 :- load_files(library(system), [when(compile_time), imports([environ/2])]).
740 :- if(environ(prob_safe_mode,true)).
741 ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(W) :- check_is_wait_flag(W),fail.
742 :- endif.
743 ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(wfx(WF0,Store,_WFE,WFInfos)) :-
744 %% print(ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(WF0,Store,_WFE)),nl, %%
745 ? !,grd_wf0(WF0),% print(finished_grounding_wf0),nl,portray_waitflags_store(Store),
746 deref_store(Store,DStore),
747 init_wf_infos_for_grounding(WFInfos,WFInfos2),
748 ? ground_waitflags_store_clpfd(DStore,WFInfos2).
749 ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(no_wf_available) :- !.
750 ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(W) :-
751 add_internal_error('Waitflags in wrong format',ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(W)).
755 :- use_module(clpfd_interface,[clpfd_in_domain/1, clpfd_labeling/2]).
756 :- use_module(library(lists),[reverse/2]).
758 % deprecated:
759 ground_wf(Prio,WF) :-
760 (var(WF) -> WF=Prio ; if(WF=Prio,true,add_internal_error('Illegal waitflag: ',ground_wf(Prio,WF)))).
762 :- if(environ(debug_waitflags,true)).
763 % provide feedback about waitflag grounding
764 init_wf_infos_for_grounding(Infos,NewInfos) :-
765 %print(start_wf_grounding(Infos)),nl,
766 ord_add_element(Infos,wf_indent(_),NewInfos).
768 % provided indentation to see scope of grounding
769 indent_wf(WFInfos) :- member(wf_indent(Var),WFInfos),!,indent_var(Var).
770 indent_wf(_).
771 % indent based upon a shared variable and increment it
772 indent_var(X) :- var(X),!, X=s(_).
773 indent_var(s(X)) :- !,print('.'), indent_var(X).
774 indent_var(_) :- print('***').
776 :- use_module(library(terms),[term_hash/3]).
777 ground_prio(Prio,WFMin,Info,WFInfos) :- WFInfos \= '$debug_done',
778 (member(IM,WFInfos),get_info_context_description(IM,Msg) -> true ; Msg=''),
779 nl,indent_wf(WFInfos),
780 term_hash(Info,[if_var(ignore)],Hash),
781 format(' -> ~w --> #~w# ~w :: ~w ~w~n',[Prio,Hash,Info,WFMin,Msg]),
782 !,
783 ground_prio(Prio,WFMin,Info,'$debug_done'). % recursive, but this time normal clauses will apply
784 :- else.
785 init_wf_infos_for_grounding(I,I).
786 :- endif.
787 ground_prio(Prio,WF,Info,WFInfos) :- %print(ground_prio(Prio,WF,Info)),nl,
788 nonvar(WF),!,
789 (WF=[H|T] -> % we used sometimes to have a list of waitflags; ground one-by one;
790 add_internal_error('Deprecated grounding of lists:',ground_prio(Prio,WF,Info,WFInfos)),
791 reverse([H|T],Ls),
792 maplist(ground_wf(Prio),Ls)
793 ; ground(WF) -> true % already grounded by somebody else
794 ; add_internal_error('Waitflag already partially grounded: ',ground_prio(Prio,WF,Info))).
795 %ground_prio(Prio,WF,Info,WFInfos) :- get_debug_kernel_waitflags(Cntr),!,
796 % print(ground_prio(Cntr,Prio,WF,Info)),nl, WF=Prio, print(grounded_prio(Cntr,Prio,WF,Info)),nl.
797 ground_prio(Prio,WF,_Info,_WFInfos) :-
798 %external_functions:indent_format(user_output,'~w (~w)~n',[Prio,Info],no_trace),portray_attached_goals(WF),nl,
799 %% (debug:debug_mode(on) -> external_functions:indent_format(user_output,'~w (~w)~n',[Prio,Info],no_trace) ; true),
800 % print(ground(Prio,WF,Info)),nl, translate:print_frozen_info(WF),nl,
801 WF = Prio. % ground waitflag
802 % print(grounded(Prio,Info)),nl,nl, %%
804 %:- use_module(kernel_objects,[enum_warning_large/3]).
805 label_clpfd_variable(Variable) :- label_clpfd_variable(2097153,Variable).
806 label_clpfd_variable(Prio,Variable) :-
807 %print(label_clpfd_variable(Prio,Variable)),nl,
808 (gt_limit(Prio,2097152), % note Prio > test also works with float(X) terms !
809 check_if_labeling_domain_large(Variable,2097152,Size,RANGE) % {x|x:1..2**23 & x mod 2 = x mod 1001} takes about 2 minutes; {x|x:1..2**21 & x mod 2 = x mod 1001} takes about 30 seconds; 2**21 = 2097152, 2**23 = 8388608
810 -> %kernel_objects:enum_warning_large(Variable,'INTEGER VARIABLE',RANGE), % could in principle also be enumerated set; but extremely unlikely given size; enum_warning will generate virtual time-outs, ... -> we no longer do this; for AMASS scheduler.mch there is a time-out after step 301 otherwise
811 performance_messages:perfmessage(enumerating_large_integer_variable(RANGE)),
812 (number(Size)
813 -> clpfd_labeling([Variable],[bisect]) % ffc no longer required: just a single variable
814 ; add_warning(label_clpfd_variable,'Trying to enumerate FD Variable with infinite domain (possibly due to WD error) ',RANGE)
815 % or due to clpfd_tables element/3 adding unbounded variables for labeling (add_fd_variables_for_labeling)
816 )
817 % we use bisecting rather than default enumeration; e.g., x:1..8388610 & y:1..8388610 & x*x*x = y*y + y + 10 is relatively quickly determined to be unsatisfiable (380 ms)
818 % Note: test 1099 tests this
819 % TO DO: investigate whether it makes sense to use bisect for smaller values already
820 ? ; preferences:preference(randomise_enumeration_order,true) -> clpfd_interface:clpfd_randomised_in_domain(Variable)
821 ? ; clpfd_in_domain(Variable)). % TO DO: use random ?
823 :- use_module(clpfd_interface,[ clpfd_size/2]).
824 check_if_labeling_domain_large(H,Limit,Size,Res) :-
825 clpfd_size(H,Size),
826 gt_limit(Size,Limit),
827 clpfd_interface:clpfd_domain(H,From,To),
828 Res=From:To.
830 %check_if_labeling_domain_finite(H) :-
831 % clpfd_size(H,Size), number(Size).
833 % mix ProB labeling with CLP(FD) labeling
834 ground_waitflags_store_clpfd(Store,WFInfos) :-
835 my_get_wf_store_fdvars_atts(Store,Heap,FD),!,
836 ? ground_waitflags_store_clpfd_aux(Store,Heap,FD,WFInfos).
837 ground_waitflags_store_clpfd(Store,WFInfos) :-
838 add_internal_error('Illegal Waitflag: ',ground_waitflags_store_clpfd(Store,WFInfos)),fail.
840 ground_waitflags_store_clpfd_aux(Store,Heap,FDVars,WFInfos) :- FDVars \= [],
841 %my_get_fdvars_att(Store,FDVars),
842 %get_atts(Store,wf_fdvars(FDVars)), % there is a list of FD vars available
843 !,
844 ( avl_del_min_waitflag(Heap,Prio,wf(WFMin,Info),NewHeap)
845 -> % we have non-ground waitflags with a matching priority
846 (my_get_next_fdvar_to_enumerate(FDVars,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS),
847 fd_priority_leq_limit(NextFDVar,FDPrio,Prio)
848 ? -> enum_fd_variable_store(FDPrio,Store,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS,WFInfos)
849 ; put_mutable_wf_store_attr(Store,NewHeap), % write the modified heap back
850 % debug:hit_counter(XXX),print(grounding(XXX,Prio,_Info)),nl, (XXX=16556->trace ; true),
851 ? ground_prio(Prio,WFMin,Info,WFInfos),
852 ? ground_waitflags_store_clpfd(Store,WFInfos) % continue recursively
853 )
854 ; % there are no pending waitflag
855 (my_get_next_fdvar_to_enumerate(FDVars,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS)
856 -> enum_fd_variable_store(Store,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS,WFInfos)
857 ; true % heap and FDVars list is empty, nothing more to do
858 )
859 ).
860 ground_waitflags_store_clpfd_aux(Store,Heap,[],WFInfos) :- % no FDVars are available to enumerate
861 avl_del_min_waitflag(Heap,Prio,wf(WFMin,Info),NewHeap),
862 !,
863 put_mutable_wf_store_attr(Store,NewHeap), % write the modified heap back
864 % debug:hit_counter(XXX),print(grounding(XXX,Prio,_Info)),nl, (XXX=16556->trace ; true),
865 ? ground_prio(Prio,WFMin,Info,WFInfos), % ground waitflag
866 ? ground_waitflags_store_clpfd(Store,WFInfos). % continue recursively
867 ground_waitflags_store_clpfd_aux(_Store,_Heap,[],_). % heap and FDVars list is empty, nothing more to do
869 %:- use_module(library(lists),[exclude/3]).
870 enum_fd_variable_store(Store,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS,WFInfos) :-
871 %exclude(nonvar,RemainingFDVARS,RemainingFDVARS2),
872 put_mutable_wf_fdvars_attr(Store,RemainingFDVARS),
873 %% print(labeling(NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS)),nl, portray_fd_vars([NextFDVar|RemainingFDVARS]),nl,nl,
874 label_clpfd_variable(NextFDVar),
875 ground_waitflags_store_clpfd(Store,WFInfos).
876 % a version of the above where we know the priority
877 enum_fd_variable_store(FDPrio,Store,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS,WFInfos) :-
878 %exclude(nonvar,RemainingFDVARS,RemainingFDVARS2), % does not seem to buy a lot
879 put_mutable_wf_fdvars_attr(Store,RemainingFDVARS),
880 %% print(labeling(NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS)),nl, portray_fd_vars([NextFDVar|RemainingFDVARS]),nl,nl,
881 ? label_clpfd_variable(FDPrio,NextFDVar),
882 ? ground_waitflags_store_clpfd(Store,WFInfos).
884 :- if(false).
885 % small utility to trace through waitflag enumeration
886 :- dynamic spying_on/1.
887 spying_on(1).
888 spy_waitflags(_,_) :- \+ spying_on(_) , !.
889 spy_waitflags(Msg,Store) :- retract(spying_on(Nr)),print(Msg),nl,
890 (Nr=1
891 -> assertz(spying_on(Nr)),
892 print(' (j,t,p,q) ==> '),read_term(T,[]),
893 action(T,Store)
894 ; N1 is Nr-1, assertz(spying_on(N1))
895 ).
896 action(t,_Store) :- !,trace.
897 action(p,Store) :- !,portray_waitflags_store(Store), spy_waitflags('',Store).
898 action(q,_Store) :- !,retractall(spying_on).
899 action(Nr,_) :- number(Nr),!, retractall(spying_on(_)), assertz(spying_on(Nr)).
900 action(_,_).
901 :- endif.
903 :- assert_must_succeed(( kernel_waitflags:init_wait_flags(WF), kernel_waitflags:portray_waitflags(WF),
904 kernel_waitflags:get_wait_flag(2,'Test',WF,WF2), when(nonvar(WF2),print(wf2)),
905 FD in 1..2,kernel_waitflags:add_fd_variable_for_labeling(FD,WF),
906 kernel_waitflags:portray_waitflags(WF), kernel_waitflags:ground_wait_flags(WF) )).
907 % PORTRAYING Waitflags
908 portray_waitflags(wfx(WF0,Store,WFE,Infos)) :- flush_output,
909 delete(Infos,call_stack(_),Infos2),
910 print('*WAITFLAG STORE: '),print(wfx(WF0,'STORE',WFE,Infos2)),nl,
911 portray_wait_flag_infos(Infos),nl,
912 (var(WF0) -> print('> WF0 :: '), portray_attached_goals(WF0),nl ; true),
913 portray_waitflags_store(Store),!,
914 (var(WFE) -> print('> WFE :: '), portray_attached_goals(WFE),nl ; true),
915 print('*END WAITFLAG STORE'),nl.
916 %my_portray_avl(Heap),nl.
917 portray_waitflags(none) :- !, print('*WAITFLAG STORE: none'),nl.
918 portray_waitflags(no_wf_available) :- !, print('*WAITFLAG STORE: none'),nl.
919 portray_waitflags(Store) :-
920 add_internal_error('Illegal Waitflag: ',portray_waitflags(Store)),flush_output.
922 portray_fd_vars([]) :- !, '$NOT_COVERED'('This is debugging code!').
923 portray_fd_vars([V|T]) :- print('> '), print(V), nonvar(V),!, nl,
924 portray_fd_vars(T), '$NOT_COVERED'('This is debugging code!').
925 portray_fd_vars([V|T]) :- clpfd_size(V,Size), !, print(' : '), print(Size),
926 portray_attached_goals(V),
927 portray_fd_vars(T),
928 '$NOT_COVERED'('This is debugging code!').
929 portray_fd_vars(X) :- print('> *** UNKNOWN FDVARS: '), print(X), nl,
930 '$NOT_COVERED'('This is debugging code!').
932 portray_waitflags_store(Store) :-
933 my_get_fdvars_att(Store,FDList),
934 (FDList=[] -> true ; print('FDVARS:'),nl,portray_fd_vars(FDList),nl),
935 my_get_wf_store_att(Store,Heap),
936 avl_to_list(Heap,List), portray_avl_els(List).
938 portray_avl_els([]).
939 portray_avl_els([Prio-wf(LWF,Info)|T]) :-
940 print('> '),print(Prio), print(' : '), print(LWF), print(' : '), portray_info(Info),nl,
941 portray_attached_goals(LWF),
942 portray_avl_els(T).
944 portray_info(label_clpfd_vars(Vars)) :- print('label_clpfd_vars :: '),
945 translate:l_print_frozen_info(Vars).
946 portray_info(I) :- print(I).
948 portray_attached_goals(V) :- V==[],!.
949 portray_attached_goals(LWF) :- nonvar(LWF),LWF=[H|T],!,
950 portray_attached_goals(H),
951 portray_attached_goals(T).
952 portray_attached_goals(LWF) :- frozen(LWF,Goal), print(' :: '), portray_goal(Goal),nl.
954 :- use_module(tools_printing,[print_term_summary/1]).
955 portray_goal((A,B)) :- !, portray_goal(A), print(','), print(' '), portray_goal(B).
956 portray_goal(A) :- print_term_summary(A).
959 :- public my_portray_avl/1.
960 my_portray_avl(V) :- var(V), !, add_internal_error('Variable: ',my_portray_avl(V)).
961 my_portray_avl(V) :- portray_avl(V).
964 quick_portray_waitflags(wfx(WF0,Store,WFE,_)) :-
965 my_get_wf_store_fdvars_atts(Store,Heap,FDList),
966 avl_domain(Heap,List),
967 format('% Waitflags-Store WF0=~w,WFE=~w, Flags=~w, FDVars=~w~n',[WF0,WFE,List,FDList]).
968 quick_portray_waitflags(no_wf_available) :-
969 format('% Waitflags-Store no_wf_available~n',[]).
970 quick_portray_waitflags_store(Store) :-
971 my_get_wf_store_fdvars_atts(Store,Heap,FDList),
972 avl_domain(Heap,List),
973 format('% Waitflags-Store Flages=~w, FDVars=~w~n',[List,FDList]).
975 % get information about the phase a Waitflag store is in
976 get_waitflags_phase(no_wf_available,Phase) :- Phase=no_wf_available.
977 get_waitflags_phase(wfx(WF0,_,WFE,_),Phase) :-
978 (var(WF0) -> Phase=phase0
979 ; \+ ground(WF0) -> Phase=phase1
980 ; ground(WFE) -> Phase=enumeration_finished
981 ; Phase = grounding). % TODO: get avl_min
983 :- assert_must_succeed(( kernel_waitflags:init_wait_flags(WF),
984 kernel_waitflags:get_wait_flag1(WF,WF1), when(ground(WF1),X=a),
985 kernel_waitflags:ground_wait_flags(WF), X==a )).
987 % create a copy of the waitflags with WF0 and WFE as variable; should be finished with copy_wf_finish
988 % can be used if you temporarily want to disable non-deterministic enumeration, ...
989 % This is typically used within e.g., a local scope where a conjunction of predicates is added
990 % we start 1) by doing copy_wf_start(OuterWF,LocalWF), 2) assert all predicates,
991 % and then 3) call copy_wf_finish at the end of the block
992 % This ensures that during assertion of the predicates only efficient deterministic computations occur
993 copy_wf_start(wfx(_,WFStore,_,Infos),Info,wfx(_,WFStore,_,NewInfos)) :-
994 add_debug_wait_flag_info(Infos,wf_copy(Info),NewInfos).
995 copy_wf_start(no_wf_available,_,no_wf_available).
997 % just copy WF0 and WFE over to new waitflag
998 copy_wf_finish(wfx(WF0,_,WFE,_),wfx(WF0,Store,WFE2,Info)) :-
999 ? (var(WFE) -> WFE2 = WFE
1000 ; % the outer WF is already fully grounded and will not be driven anymore
1001 % so now we ground all the constraints that have been set-up since copy_wf_start
1002 ground_wait_flags(wfx(WF0,Store,WFE2,Info))
1003 ).
1004 copy_wf_finish(no_wf_available,no_wf_available).
1007 /* create a copy where the enumeration_finished waitflag is shared;
1008 the inner enumeration_finished wait flags should normally not be grounded */
1009 create_inner_wait_flags(wfx(_,OuterStore,WFE,Infos),Info,wfx(_WF0Inner,S,WFEInner,NewInfos)) :-
1010 add_debug_wait_flag_info(Infos,Info,NewInfos),
1011 copy_wfe_to_inner(WFE,WFEInner),
1012 my_get_all_wf_info_atts(OuterStore,DynInfos), % copy dynamic wf_infos from outer to inner store
1013 init_wait_flags_store_with_dynamic_infos(S,DynInfos).
1015 create_inner_wait_flags(no_wf_available,_,no_wf_available).
1017 % was using: get_inner_enumeration_over_wait_flag/get_enumeration_almost_finished_wait_flag
1018 %:- block copy_wfe_to_inner(-,?,?).
1019 %copy_wfe_to_inner(_,WFE,WFE).
1021 :- block copy_wfe_to_inner(-,-).
1022 copy_wfe_to_inner(WFE,_) :- var(WFE),!. % inner was grounded before outer
1023 copy_wfe_to_inner(WFE,WFE).
1024 % copy enumeration finished waitflag from inner computation if WFE was not grounded there
1025 % assumes inner WF enumeration is finished
1026 copy_wfe_from_inner_if_necessary(wfx(_,_,WFEInner,_),wfx(_,_,WFE,_)) :- var(WFEInner),!, WFE=WFEInner.
1027 copy_wfe_from_inner_if_necessary(_,_).
1029 % is very similar to ground_constraintprop_wait_flags, but will also ground EF if no abort is pending
1030 ground_inner_wait_flags(WF) :-
1031 ? ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(WF),
1032 ground_ef_wait_flag_unless_abort_pending(WF).
1034 % copy WF0 and WFE, set up a new store for the rest
1035 copy_wf01e_wait_flags(wfx(WF0,WFX,WFE,Infos),wfx(WF0,S,WFE,Infos)) :-
1036 init_wait_flags_store(S),
1037 get_waitflag_from_store(1,copy_wf01e,WFX,WF1), % now ground wait flag 1 if it is grounded in the orginal WF store
1038 copy_wf01e_wait_flags_aux(WF1,S).
1039 copy_wf01e_wait_flags(no_wf_available,no_wf_available).
1041 :- block copy_wf01e_wait_flags_aux(-,?).
1042 copy_wf01e_wait_flags_aux(_,S) :-
1043 ground_waitflags_store_up_to_no_clpfd(1,S,[]). % no CLPFD - labeling required until prio 1
1045 %--------------
1047 % the following is useful when new predicates are checked during enumeration
1048 % creates a copy of the wait_flags, except for WF0; this needs to be grounded separately with grd_wf0/1 or clone_finish
1049 % thanks to the copy, WF0 is a variable again and we give priority to propagations that create avl_sets
1050 clone_wait_flags_from1(wfx(_WF0,S,WFE,Infos),Ground,wfx(_NewWF0,S2,NewWFE,Infos)) :-
1051 (nonvar(WFE)
1052 -> Ground=ground_upon_finish,
1053 add_debug_message(clone_wait_flags_from1,'Cloning WF store whose enumeration is finished: ',Infos)
1054 ; Ground=no_grounding,
1055 NewWFE=WFE % waitflag store still being driven by enumerator, no need to ground/enumerate afterwards
1056 ),
1057 deref_store(S,S2).
1058 clone_wait_flags_from1(no_wf_available,no_grounding,no_wf_available).
1060 % call after clone_wait_flags_from1, after you have set up all predicates/constraints
1061 clone_wait_flags_from1_finish(wfx(WF0,_,_,_),Ground,wfx(WF0,S2,NewWFE,Infos)) :- % finish copying by copying over WF0
1062 ? (Ground=no_grounding -> true
1063 ; ground_wait_flags(wfx(WF0,S2,NewWFE,Infos)) % the cloned store is not being enumerated anymore; do it ourselves
1064 ).
1065 clone_wait_flags_from1_finish(no_wf_available,_,no_wf_available).
1067 %--------------
1069 get_wait_flag0(wfx(WF0,_,_,_),WF0).
1070 get_wait_flag0(no_wf_available,0).
1072 %get_wait_flag0(WFX,WF0) :- get_wait_flag(0,WFX,WF0). /* when this is ground you can do det. propagatons */
1073 get_wait_flag1(WFX,WF1) :- get_wait_flag(1.0,WFX,WF1). /* when this is ground you can do det. propagatons */
1074 get_wait_flag1(Info,WFX,WF1) :- %print(getwf1(Info)),nl, portray_waitflags(WFX),nl,
1075 get_wait_flag(1.0,Info,WFX,WF1).
1077 get_binary_choice_wait_flag(_,no_wf_available,WF2) :- !, WF2=2.
1078 get_binary_choice_wait_flag(Info,WF,WF2) :- get_preference(data_validation_mode,true),!,
1079 get_binary_choice_wait_flag_exp_backoff(1048576,Info,WF,WF2).
1080 % in DV mode we do not want to enumerate bool(.) or similar; we want to wait for data enumeration to decide those
1081 % prio was 1048576, caused slowdown for TYPES_AUTORISES_RVF3_GEN__MRGA.mch before improvement to b_check_exists_wfwd
1082 get_binary_choice_wait_flag(Info,WFX,WF2) :- !, get_binary_choice_wait_flag_exp_backoff(4,Info,WFX,WF2).
1083 %get_binary_choice_wait_flag(Info,WFX,WF2) :- % use 3 rather than 2 to give priority over enumeration choicepoints
1084 % get_wait_flag(4,Info,WFX,WF2). /* when this is ground you can do binary propagatons */
1086 %get_middle_wait_flag(Info,WFX,WFn) :- get_wait_flag(10,Info,WFX,WFn).
1088 ?get_last_wait_flag(Info,WFX,Res) :- last_finite_priority(P), get_wait_flag(P,Info,WFX,Res).
1090 % ------------------------
1091 get_wait_flag_infos(wfx(_,_,_,Infos),Infos).
1092 get_wait_flag_infos(no_wf_available,[]).
1094 portray_wait_flag_infos(wfx(_,_,_,Infos)) :- !, portray_wait_flag_infos(Infos).
1095 portray_wait_flag_infos(no_wf_available) :- !.
1096 portray_wait_flag_infos(List) :- maplist(portray_wait_flag_info,List).
1098 portray_wait_flag_info(call_stack(CallStack)) :- !, translate_call_stack(CallStack,TS), write(TS).
1099 portray_wait_flag_info(X) :- write(X),nl.
1102 :- use_module(library(ordsets),[ord_member/2,ord_add_element/3]).
1103 get_wait_flag_info(wfx(_,_,_,Infos),Info) :- member(Info,Infos).
1105 % use if the Info field is known, requires ordered/sorted Infos list
1106 % used for wfx_no_enumeration information, see test 1368
1107 is_wait_flag_info(wfx(_,_,_,Infos),Info) :-
1108 (nonvar(Infos) -> ord_member(Info,Infos) ; print(var_waitflag),nl,fail).
1110 %set_wait_flag_infos(wfx(WF0,Store,WFE,_),Infos,wfx(WF0,Store,WFE,Infos)).
1111 %set_wait_flag_infos(no_wf_available,_,no_wf_available).
1113 % add new Info entry to WF store's info list
1114 add_wait_flag_info(wfx(WF0,Store,WFE,Infos),Info,wfx(WF0,Store,WFE,NewInfos)) :-
1115 (ord_add_element(Infos,Info,NewInfos) -> true %, print(added_wf_infos(NewInfos)),nl
1116 ; add_internal_error('Could not add_wait_flag_info:',(Info,Infos)),
1117 NewInfos = [Info|Infos]).
1118 add_wait_flag_info(no_wf_available,_,no_wf_available).
1121 % CALL STACK related predicates
1122 % --------------
1123 :- use_module(tools_lists,[ord_update_nonvar/4]).
1124 % push call stack information into the WF info field
1125 push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(no_wf_available,_,WF2) :- !, WF2=no_wf_available.
1126 push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(wfx(WF0,Store,WFE,Infos),CallInfo,wfx(WF0,Store,WFE,NewInfos)) :-
1127 ord_update_nonvar(call_stack(Stack),Infos,call_stack([CallInfo|Stack]),NewInfos),!,
1128 %print(push_call_stack(CallInfo,Stack)),nl,
1129 (var(Stack) -> Stack=[] % no call stack available yet
1130 ; true).
1131 push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,CallInfo,WF) :- add_internal_error('Pushing call stack failed: ',CallInfo).
1133 % only push in TRACE_INFO mode to avoid performance hit in regular mode
1134 opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,_,WF2) :- preference(provide_trace_information,false),!, WF2=WF.
1135 opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,CallInfo,WF2) :-
1136 push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,CallInfo,WF2).
1138 debug_opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,CallInfo,WF2) :-
1139 (debug_mode(off) -> WF2=WF
1140 ; opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,CallInfo,WF2)
1141 ).
1143 :- use_module(tools_lists,[ord_member_nonvar_chk/2]).
1144 add_call_stack_to_span(Span,wfx(_,_,_,Infos),NewSpan) :-
1145 (var(Infos) -> write(illegal_wfx),nl,fail ; true),
1146 ord_member_nonvar_chk(call_stack(CallStack),Infos),
1147 !,
1148 (Span = pos_context(Span1,call_stack(Stack1),Span2), % we already have a call_stack
1149 last(CallStack,LNew), last(Stack1,L1),
1150 LNew \== L1, % check that we have not already merged in the new call stack
1151 append(Stack1,CallStack,NewStack)
1152 -> NewSpan = pos_context(Span1,call_stack(NewStack),Span2)
1153 ; % we do not already have merged in a call-stack
1154 NewSpan = pos_context(Span,call_stack(CallStack),unknown)
1155 ).
1156 add_call_stack_to_span(Span,_,Span).
1158 % a variation of add_error/4
1159 add_error_wf(Src,Msg,V,Span,WF) :-
1160 add_call_stack_to_span(Span,WF,NewSpan),
1161 add_error(Src,Msg,V,NewSpan).
1163 add_internal_error_wf(Src,Msg,V,Span,WF) :-
1164 add_call_stack_to_span(Span,WF,NewSpan),
1165 add_internal_error(Src,Msg,V,NewSpan).
1167 % a variation of add_error/4
1168 add_warning_wf(Src,Msg,V,Span,WF) :-
1169 add_call_stack_to_span(Span,WF,NewSpan),
1170 add_warning(Src,Msg,V,NewSpan).
1172 % a variation of add_message/4
1173 add_message_wf(Src,Msg,V,Span,WF) :-
1174 add_call_stack_to_span(Span,WF,NewSpan),
1175 add_message(Src,Msg,V,NewSpan).
1177 :- use_module(translate,[translate_call_stack/2]).
1178 portray_call_stack(Var) :- var(Var),!,
1179 add_internal_error('Illegal var WF:',portray_call_stack(Var)).
1180 portray_call_stack(wfx(_,_,_,Infos)) :-
1181 ord_member_nonvar_chk(call_stack(CallStack),Infos),!,
1182 translate_call_stack(CallStack,TS),!,write(TS),nl.
1183 portray_call_stack(_) :- write(no_call_stack_available),nl.
1185 % copy call stack info from one wait flag to another
1186 copy_wait_flag_call_stack_info(wfx(_,_,_,FromInfos),wfx(WF0,Store,WFE,Infos),wfx(WF0,Store,WFE,NewInfos)) :-
1187 ord_member_nonvar_chk(call_stack(CallStack),FromInfos),!,
1188 ord_add_element(Infos,call_stack(CallStack),NewInfos).
1189 copy_wait_flag_call_stack_info(_,WF,WF).
1191 % get call stack, empty list if none available
1192 get_call_stack(wfx(_,_,_,FromInfos),Stack) :-
1193 ord_member_nonvar_chk(call_stack(CallStack),FromInfos),!,
1194 Stack=CallStack.
1195 get_call_stack(_,[]).
1197 :- use_module(library(lists),[select/3]).
1198 init_quantifier_wait_flag(OuterWF,_QK,Paras,ParaValues,Pos,WF) :-
1199 ? select(QK,Pos,Pos1),
1200 detect_quantifier_kind(QK,QuantKind),!, % see if we have position infos which indicate the origin of the comprehension_set / quantifier
1201 simplify_span(Pos1,SPos),
1202 init_wait_flags_and_push_call_stack(OuterWF,quantifier_call(QuantKind,Paras,ParaValues,SPos),WF).
1203 init_quantifier_wait_flag(OuterWF,QuantKind,Paras,ParaValues,Pos,WF) :-
1204 simplify_span(Pos,SPos),
1205 init_wait_flags_and_push_call_stack(OuterWF,quantifier_call(QuantKind,Paras,ParaValues,SPos),WF).
1207 % check grounding of WFE flag occurs after everything else
1208 :- public observe_wait_flags_wfe/1. % debugging utility
1209 observe_wait_flags_wfe(wfx(WF0,WFX,WFE,Infos)) :- !, obs(WF0,WFX,WFE,Infos).
1210 observe_wait_flags_wfe(_).
1211 :- block obs(?,?,-,?).
1212 obs(WF0,WFX,WFE,Infos) :-
1213 add_message_wf(kernel_waitflags,'WFE grounded:',WFE,unknown,wfx(WF0,WFX,WFE,Infos)),
1214 var(WF0),!,
1215 add_error_wf(kernel_waitflags,'WF0 not grounded before WFE:',WF0,unknown,wfx(WF0,WFX,WFE,Infos)).
1216 obs(WF0,WFX,WFE,Infos) :- my_get_fdvars_att(WFX,FDList), FDList \= [], !,
1217 add_error_wf(kernel_waitflags,'FDVars not grounded before WFE:',FDList,unknown,wfx(WF0,WFX,WFE,Infos)).
1218 obs(WF0,WFX,WFE,Infos) :- my_get_wf_store_att(WFX,Heap), avl_to_list(Heap,List), List \= [], !,
1219 add_error_wf(kernel_waitflags,'Waitflags not grounded before WFE:',List,unknown,wfx(WF0,WFX,WFE,Infos)).
1220 obs(_WF0,_WFX,_WFE,_Infos).
1222 % a version of opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info for quantifiers
1223 opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_quantifier_info(WF,_,_,_,_,WF2) :-
1224 preference(provide_trace_information,false),!, WF2=WF.
1225 opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_quantifier_info(no_wf_available,_,_,_,_,WF2) :- !, WF2=no_wf_available.
1226 opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_quantifier_info(WF,QuantKind,Paras,ParaValues,Pos,WF2) :-
1227 simplify_span(Pos,SPos),
1228 opt_push_wait_flag_call_stack_info(WF,quantifier_call(QuantKind,Paras,ParaValues,SPos),WF2).
1230 detect_quantifier_kind(prob_annotation('LAMBDA'),lambda).
1231 detect_quantifier_kind(quantifier_kind(QK),QK).
1233 %init_wait_flags_and_push_call_stack(_,_,WF) :- !, init_wait_flags(WF). % comment in to disable tracking quantifiers
1234 % makes a difference for memoize test 1968 with recursive calls
1235 init_wait_flags_and_push_call_stack(OuterWF,CallStackTerm,WF) :-
1236 get_call_stack(OuterWF,OuterCallStack),
1237 %print(init_quantifier(QuantKind,Paras,OuterCallStack)),nl,
1238 CallStack = [CallStackTerm|OuterCallStack],
1239 get_wf_all_dynamic_infos(OuterWF,DynInfos),
1240 init_wait_flags_with_sd_infos(WF,[call_stack(CallStack)],DynInfos).
1241 %portray_call_stack(WF).
1243 init_wait_flags_with_call_stack(WF,CallStack) :-
1244 init_wait_flags_with_infos(WF,[call_stack(CallStack)]).
1246 % --------------
1248 :- if((environ(prob_safe_mode,true) ; environ(prob_src_profile,true) ; environ(prob_profile,true))).
1249 % TODO: should this be controlled also by prob_profiling_on preference
1250 add_debug_wait_flag_info(Infos,Info,NewInfos) :- ord_add_element(Infos,Info,NewInfos).
1251 init_debug_wait_flag_info([],Infos) :- !, Infos=[].
1252 init_debug_wait_flag_info([H|T],Infos) :- !, Infos=[H|T].
1253 init_debug_wait_flag_info(Info,[Info]).
1254 :- else.
1255 add_debug_wait_flag_info(Infos,_,Infos).
1256 init_debug_wait_flag_info(_,[]).
1257 :- endif.
1258 % ------------------------
1262 :- use_module(tools,[max_tagged_pow2/1]).
1263 % last power of 2 exponent that is still a finite priority
1264 last_finite_pow2_prio_exponent(Lim) :- max_tagged_pow2(Pow),
1265 Lim is Pow-1. % stay below last_finite_priority, i.e., max_tagged_integer-1024
1267 % utility to get power of two priority:
1268 get_pow2_binary_choice_priority(Exp,Prio) :- last_finite_pow2_prio_exponent(Lim),
1269 (Exp =< Lim -> Prio is floor(2**Exp)
1270 ; Prio is floor(2**Lim)).
1272 % get a binary choice wait flag, start with 2 but for every further call double the priority (exponential backoff)
1273 % idea: give priority to data enumerations when too many choice points arise
1274 % TO DO: when triggering: keep the WF info with an empty trigger or store in separate info field
1275 get_binary_choice_wait_flag_exp_backoff(Info,WFX,WF2) :-
1276 get_binary_choice_wait_flag_exp_backoff(2,Info,WFX,WF2).
1277 get_binary_choice_wait_flag_exp_backoff(_,_Info,no_wf_available,WF2) :- !, WF2=2.
1279 % StartPrio should normally be a power of 2:
1280 get_binary_choice_wait_flag_exp_backoff(MinPrio,Info,wfx(WF0,Store,WFE,_II),WF2) :-
1281 (nonvar(WFE) -> add_message(kernel_waitflags,'Getting waitflag from grounded store: ',Info),
1282 % probably a good idea to use clone_wait_flags_from1 if this happens
1283 WF2=WF0 % use at least WF0 for WF2, maybe it is still being enumerated
1284 ; my_get_wf_store_att(Store,Heap),
1285 large_finite_priority(Lim), % avoid creating too big numbers and stay in finite area
1286 (MinPrio < 1 -> StartPrio=1 ; StartPrio=MinPrio),
1287 get_bin_aux(StartPrio,Lim,Info,Heap,NewHeap,WF2),
1288 put_mutable_wf_store_attr(Store,NewHeap)
1289 ).
1291 % to do : maybe store attribute of current exponential ??
1292 get_bin_aux(Prio,Lim,Info,Heap,NewHeap,WF2) :-
1293 avl_fetch(Prio,Heap,wf(WFs,OldInfo)),
1294 !,
1295 (%Prio >= Lim -> pop_waitflag(WFs,WF2,_), % should we get last waitflag or simply push
1296 % NewHeap=Heap ; /* for large finite priorities single waitflag stored */
1297 Prio<Lim, OldInfo = '$binary'(_)
1298 -> double_prio(Prio,P2), get_bin_aux(P2,Lim,Info,Heap,NewHeap,WF2)
1299 ; push_waitflag(WFs,WF2,WFs2),
1300 avl_store(Prio,Heap,wf(WFs2,'$binary'(Info)),NewHeap) % just update Info; so that next time we double
1301 ).
1302 get_bin_aux(Prio,_,Info,Heap,NewHeap,WF2) :- % we have found an unused power of 2
1303 avl_store(Prio,Heap,wf(WF2,'$binary'(Info)),NewHeap).
1305 % ------------------------
1307 get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(wfx(_,_,WFE,_),Res) :- !,Res=WFE.
1308 get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(no_wf_available,WFE) :- !,WFE=1.
1309 get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(W,E) :-
1310 add_internal_error('Waitflags in wrong format: ',get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(W,E)).
1313 ground_det_wait_flag(wfx(WF0,Store,_,WFInfos)) :- !, %% print(ground_det_wait_flag),nl,
1314 ? grd_wf0(WF0),
1315 deref_store(Store,DStore),
1316 init_wf_infos_for_grounding(WFInfos,WFInfos2),
1317 ground_waitflags_store_up_to_no_clpfd(1,DStore,WFInfos2). % no CLPFD labeling required for prio until 1
1318 ground_det_wait_flag(no_wf_available) :- !.
1319 ground_det_wait_flag(W) :-
1320 add_internal_error('Waitflags in wrong format: ',ground_det_wait_flag(W)).
1322 ground_wait_flag_to(wfx(WF0,Store,_,WFInfos),Limit) :- !,%% print(ground_det_wait_flag),nl,
1323 grd_wf0(WF0),
1324 deref_store(Store,DStore),
1325 init_wf_infos_for_grounding(WFInfos,WFInfos2),
1326 ? ground_waitflags_store_clpfd_up_to(Limit,DStore,WFInfos2).
1327 ground_wait_flag_to(no_wf_available,_) :- !.
1328 ground_wait_flag_to(W,Limit) :-
1329 add_internal_error('Waitflags in wrong format: ',ground_wait_flag_to(W,Limit)).
1331 useless_wait_flag(treat_next_integer(_VarID,Val,Rest)) :- Rest==[],
1332 kernel_tools:ground_value(Val).
1333 useless_wait_flag(tighter_enum(_VarID,Val,_Type)) :- %ground(Val).
1334 kernel_tools:ground_value(Val).
1335 %nonvar(Val), quick_ground(Val).
1336 %quick_ground(int(N)) :- integer(N).
1337 %quick_ground(string(S)) :- atom(S).
1339 % show which waitflags are actually useless
1340 % TODO: think about pruning the WF store; e.g., when calling deref_store ??
1341 :- public portray_useless_waitflags_in_store/1.
1342 portray_useless_waitflags_in_store(Store) :-
1343 my_get_wf_store_att(Store,Heap),
1344 avl_member(AMin,Heap,wf(_,Info)),
1345 useless_wait_flag(Info),
1346 format(' useless waitflag ~w --> ~w~n',[AMin,Info]),
1347 fail.
1348 portray_useless_waitflags_in_store(_).
1352 ground_waitflags_store_up_to_no_clpfd(Prio,Store,WFInfos) :- % print(prio(Prio)),nl,
1353 my_get_wf_store_att(Store,Heap), % portray_waitflags_store(Store), %
1354 ( avl_min(Heap,Min,_) -> % heap is non-empty, first element is WF with priority Min
1355 ( Min =< Prio -> % we have non-ground waitflags with a matching priority
1356 (avl_del_min_waitflag(Heap,AMin,wf(WFMin,Info),NewHeap),AMin==Min % remove the first element
1357 -> true
1358 ; add_internal_error('Could not remove min. in ground_waitflags_store_up_to_no_clpfd: ',Min:Info:Heap), fail
1359 ),
1360 put_mutable_wf_store_attr(Store,NewHeap), % write the modified heap back
1361 %% print(grounding2(Prio,_Info)),nl, %%
1362 ground_prio(Min,WFMin,Info,WFInfos),
1363 ground_waitflags_store_up_to_no_clpfd(Prio,Store,WFInfos) % continue recursively
1364 ; % no more matching waitflags present
1365 true) % stop here
1366 ; % heap is empty, nothing more to do
1367 true). % stop here
1369 ground_waitflags_store_clpfd_up_to(Limit,Store,WFInfos) :-
1370 my_get_wf_store_fdvars_atts(Store,Heap,FDVars),
1371 !,
1372 ( avl_del_min_waitflag(Heap,Prio,wf(WFMin,Info),NewHeap),
1373 Prio =< Limit
1374 -> % we have non-ground waitflags with a matching priority
1375 ( my_get_next_fdvar_to_enumerate(FDVars,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS),
1376 fd_priority_leq_limit(NextFDVar,FDPrio,Limit)
1377 -> (FDPrio > Limit -> true
1378 ? ; enum_fd_variable_store(FDPrio,Store,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS,WFInfos))
1379 ; put_mutable_wf_store_attr(Store,NewHeap), % write the modified heap back
1380 ? ground_prio(Prio,WFMin,Info,WFInfos), % ground waitflag
1381 ? ground_waitflags_store_clpfd_up_to(Limit,Store,WFInfos) % continue recursively
1382 )
1383 ; % no pending waitflag
1384 my_get_next_fdvar_to_enumerate(FDVars,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS),
1385 fd_priority_leq_limit(NextFDVar,FDPrio,Limit)
1386 -> enum_fd_variable_store(FDPrio,Store,NextFDVar,RemainingFDVARS,WFInfos)
1387 ; true % heap and FDVars list is empty, nothing more to do
1388 ).
1389 ground_waitflags_store_clpfd_up_to(Limit,Store,WFInfos) :-
1390 add_internal_error('Illegal Waitflag: ',ground_waitflags_store_clpfd_up_to(Limit,Store,WFInfos)),fail.
1392 % --------------------
1394 :- assert_must_succeed(( kernel_waitflags:init_wait_flags(WF),
1395 kernel_waitflags:get_wait_flag(10001,test1,WF,WF1),
1396 kernel_waitflags:get_wait_flag(10001,test2,WF,WF2),
1397 check_eq(WF,wfx(_,Store,_,_)),
1398 kernel_waitflags:my_get_wf_store_fdvars_atts(Store,Heap,_FDVars),
1399 kernel_waitflags:avl_del_min_waitflag(Heap,Prio1,wf(WFMin1,_Info1),Heap2),
1400 check_eqeq(Prio1,10001), check_eqeq(WFMin1,WF1),
1401 kernel_waitflags:avl_del_min_waitflag(Heap2,Prio2,wf(WFMin2,_Info2),_),
1402 check_eqeq(Prio2,10001), check_eqeq(WFMin2,WF2)
1403 )).
1405 % a conditional version of avl_del_min: where we either delete or update the minimal element
1407 :- if(current_prolog_flag(dialect, swi)).
1408 avl_del_min_waitflag(AVL0, Key, wf(NextWF,Info), AVL) :-
1409 avl_del_min(AVL0,Key,Val0,AVL1),
1410 Val0 = wf(WFMin,Info),
1411 pop_waitflag(WFMin,NextWF,RemainingWFMin),
1412 (RemainingWFMin==[] -> AVL=AVL1
1413 ; avl_store(Key,AVL1,wf(RemainingWFMin,Info),AVL)
1414 ).
1416 :- else.
1417 % optimized code to delete and update in one traversal; requires access to inner predicates of library(avl)
1419 avl_del_min_waitflag(AVL0, Key, Val, AVL) :-
1420 avl_del_min_wf_aux(AVL0, Key, Val, AVL, _).
1422 avl_del_min_wf_aux(node(K,V,B,L,R), Key, Val, AVL, Delta) :-
1423 ( L == empty ->
1424 Key = K,
1425 V = wf(WFMin,Info),
1426 pop_waitflag(WFMin,NextWF,RemainingWFMin),
1427 Val = wf(NextWF,Info),
1428 (RemainingWFMin==[] -> % single waitflag
1429 %print(single_wf(Key,WFMin,Info)),nl,
1430 AVL = R, Delta=1 % we delete the minimal element
1431 ; % there are multiple waitflags for the same priority
1432 % print(multiple_wf(Key,WFMin,Info)),nl,
1433 AVL = node(K,wf(RemainingWFMin,Info),B,L,R), % update AVL with remaining waitflags
1434 Delta = 0 % we do not delete the node, but update it
1435 )
1436 ; avl_del_min_wf_aux(L, Key, Val, L1, D1),
1437 B1 is B+D1,
1438 avl:avl(B1, K, V, L1, R, AVL),
1439 avl:avl_shrinkage(AVL, D1, Delta)
1440 ).
1442 :- endif.
1444 % -------------------
1446 update_waitflag(Prio,CurrentWaitflag,NewWaitFlag,WF) :-
1447 /* if the CurrentWaitflag is already ground and now a new WF with lower priority has been added to the store:
1448 create a new non-ground waitflag to give priority to new WF with lower priority value */
1449 (var(CurrentWaitflag) -> NewWaitFlag=CurrentWaitflag
1450 ; WF=wfx(_WF0,Store,_,_),my_get_wf_store_att(Store,Heap),
1451 (avl_min(Heap,Min,wf(_NewerWF,_Info)),
1452 (is_inf_or_overflow_card(Prio) ; Min<Prio)
1453 -> get_waitflag_from_store(Prio,updated_wf,Store,NewWaitFlag) % could be optimized
1454 % ,print(updating_wf(Prio,CurrentWaitflag,NewWaitFlag,Min)),nl
1455 ; fdvar_with_higher_prio_exists(Store,Prio) -> get_waitflag_from_store(Prio,updated_wf,Store,NewWaitFlag)
1456 ; NewWaitFlag=CurrentWaitflag
1457 )
1458 ).
1460 fdvar_with_higher_prio_exists(Store,Limit) :-
1461 my_get_fdvars_att(Store,FDVars),
1462 my_get_next_fdvar_to_enumerate(FDVars,NextFDVar,_),
1463 fd_priority_leq_limit(NextFDVar,_,Limit).
1465 % get the minimum waitflag, if it exists
1466 get_minimum_waitflag_prio(wfx(WF0,Store,_,_),MinPrio,Info) :-
1467 (var(WF0) -> MinPrio=0, Info=wf0
1468 ; WF0=s(WF00), var(WF00) -> MinPrio = 1, Info=wf0_nonvar
1469 ; my_get_wf_store_att(Store,Heap),
1470 avl_min(Heap,MinPrio,wf(_LWF,Info))).
1473 add_wd_error(Msg,Term,WF) :-
1474 try_extract_span(Term,Span), % try extract span if possible;
1475 % e.g., for {x|x>10 } = res & card(res)=10 we have a closure/3 as Term
1476 add_wd_error_span(Msg,Term,Span,WF).
1478 try_extract_span(closure(_,_,B),Span) :- !, Span=B.
1479 try_extract_span(b(_,_,Infos),Span) :- !, Span=Infos.
1480 try_extract_span(_,unknown).
1482 add_wd_error_set_result(Msg,Term,Result,ResultValue,Span,WF) :-
1483 is_wd_guarded_result(Result), % just dummy co-routine to detect variables which have WD assignments pending on them; should not be enumerated
1484 % add well-definedness error but also set Result Variable to ResultValue to trigger pending co-routines if wd_guarded
1485 add_abort_error7(well_definedness_error,Msg,Term,Result,ResultValue,Span,WF).
1487 add_wd_error_span(Msg,Term,Span,WF) :-
1488 add_abort_error_span(well_definedness_error,Msg,Term,Span,WF).
1489 % the same but adding a WD error directly, without any delay:
1490 add_wd_error_span_now(Msg,Term,Span,WF) :-
1491 add_abort_error2(true,well_definedness_error,Msg,Term,0,0,Span,WF).
1493 :- block is_wd_guarded_result(-).
1494 is_wd_guarded_result(_).
1496 add_abort_error_span(ErrType,Msg,Term,Span,WF) :- add_abort_error7(ErrType,Msg,Term,0,0,Span,WF).
1499 :- use_module(probsrc(debug), [debug_mode/1]).
1500 add_abort_error7(_ErrType,_Msg,_Term,_Result,_ResultValue,_Span,_WF) :-
1501 preference(disprover_mode,true),
1502 !, % When Disproving we can assume well-definedness of the PO; sometimes the relevant hypotheses will be filtered out
1503 fail.
1504 add_abort_error7(ErrType,Msg,Term,Result,ResultValue,Span,WF) :-
1505 preference(raise_abort_immediately,F), F \= false,
1506 !,
1507 (F=full -> AWF=1 % really raise immediately; may entail more spurious messages, particularly in WF0
1508 ; get_idle_wait_flag(add_abort_error7,WF,AWF), %get_wait_flag0(WF,AWF),
1509 (var(AWF),debug_mode(on) ->
1510 (pending_abort_error(WF)
1511 -> format(user_output,'Additional WD Error pending:~n',[]) % TODO: no use in calling add_abort_error2 below
1512 ; true),
1513 add_message(wd_error_pending,Msg,Term,Span)
1514 ; true),
1515 mark_pending_abort_error(WF,Msg,Term,Span)
1516 ),
1517 %when(nonvar(AWF),
1519 %(tools_printing:print_error('Raising error immediately without checking rest of predicate for unsatisfiability (because RAISE_ABORT_IMMEDIATELY set to TRUE): error could be spurious!'),true)),
1520 string_concatenate('Raising error immediately without checking rest of predicate for unsatisfiability (because RAISE_ABORT_IMMEDIATELY set to TRUE or full): error could be spurious!\n! ',Msg,NewMsg),
1521 add_abort_error2(AWF,ErrType,NewMsg,Term,Result,ResultValue,Span,WF).
1522 add_abort_error7(ErrType,Msg,Term,Result,ResultValue,Span,WF) :-
1523 %add_message_wf(add_abort_error,'Possible WD Error: ',Term,Span,WF), % happens a lot in test 1886
1524 mark_pending_abort_error(WF),
1525 get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(WF,AWF), % infinite enumeration will never result in failure ? and thus never discard a WD error ? --> better to activate WD/abort error earlier, but the following does not fully work:
1526 %integer_priority(P), get_wait_flag(P,add_abort_error7,WF,AWF), % causes problem for test 1122
1527 add_abort_error2(AWF,ErrType,Msg,Term,Result,ResultValue,Span,WF).
1530 :- use_module(error_manager,[add_new_event_in_error_scope/1]).
1531 :- use_module(state_space,
1532 [store_abort_error_for_context_state_if_possible/4]).
1533 :- block add_abort_error2(-,?,?,?,?,?,?,?).
1534 add_abort_error2(wd_guarded,_Err,_Msg,_Term,Result,ResultValue,_Span,_WF) :- !,% ignoring error message; no-wd problem
1535 % set Result to default ResultValue; useful to get rid of pending co-routines; result will not be used
1536 (Result=ResultValue -> true ; print(add_abort_error_failure(Result,ResultValue)),nl).
1537 add_abort_error2(_AWF,ErrType,Msg,Term,_,_,Span,WF) :-
1538 add_call_stack_to_span(Span,WF,Span2),
1539 (register_abort_errors_in_error_scope(Level)
1540 -> (get_preference(provide_trace_information,false)
1541 -> format('Registering WD Error in error scope (~w): ~w~n',[Level,Msg])
1542 ; add_message_wf(wd_error,'Registering WD Error in error scope: ',Msg,Span,WF)
1543 ),
1544 assert(pending_inner_abort_error(Level,ErrType,Msg,Term,Span2))
1545 % ,trace,write(level(Level,ErrType)),nl,get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(WF,WFE), when(nonvar(WFE),(write(abewf(Level,Msg)),nl,trace))
1546 % add_new_event_in_error_scope(abort_error(ErrType)) % do not register as error yet; we will copy it to the outer WF
1547 ; store_abort_error_for_context_state_if_possible(ErrType,Msg,Term,Span2)
1548 -> true
1549 ; add_error(add_abort_error2,'Could not store error: ',(Msg,Term),Span2)),
1550 % TODO: think about: throw(enumeration_warning('WD ERROR',ErrType,'','',throwing)), % TODO: throw and recognise as special error and treat e.g., in Keeping comprehension-set symbolic messages
1551 fail.
1553 :- dynamic register_abort_errors_in_error_scope/0, pending_inner_abort_error/5.
1556 :- use_module(eventhandling,[register_event_listener/3]).
1557 :- register_event_listener(clear_specification,reset_waitflags, 'Reset kernel_waitflags.').
1559 reset_waitflags :-
1560 retractall(register_abort_errors_in_error_scope),
1561 retractall(pending_inner_abort_error(_,_,_,_,_)),
1562 bb_put(wf_findall_nesting_level,0).
1564 % clear pending inner abort errors
1565 % there is still a potential issue if a time-out appears just in the middle
1566 start_attach_inner_abort_errors(NewLevel) :-
1567 (bb_get(wf_findall_nesting_level,L) -> Level=L ; Level=0),
1568 NewLevel is Level+1,
1569 bb_put(wf_findall_nesting_level,NewLevel),
1570 retractall(pending_inner_abort_error(NewLevel,_,_,_,_)).
1572 % succeeds when abort errors should be asserted for later copying (at the end of a findall) to the outer WF
1573 register_abort_errors_in_error_scope(Level) :-
1574 register_abort_errors_in_error_scope,
1575 get_wf_findall_nesting_level(Level).
1577 get_wf_findall_nesting_level(L) :-
1578 (bb_get(wf_findall_nesting_level,L) -> Level=L
1579 ; write(missing_wf_findall_nesting_level),nl, Level=0).
1581 % extract all pending inner abort errors and attach them to the outer WF store
1582 % should be called after ground_inner_wait_flags_in_context
1583 re_attach_pending_inner_abort_errors(Level,OuterWF) :-
1584 get_wf_findall_nesting_level(L),
1585 (Level=L -> true
1586 ; write(unexpected_wf_findall_nesting(L,expected(Level))),nl
1587 % could happen if a time-out occured in middle of updating wf_findall_nesting_level info
1588 ),
1589 LL1 is Level-1, bb_put(wf_findall_nesting_level,LL1),
1590 findall(pending(ErrType,Msg,Term,Span),
1591 retract(pending_inner_abort_error(Level,ErrType,Msg,Term,Span)), PendingList),
1592 maplist(re_add_pending_aux(OuterWF),PendingList).
1594 re_add_pending_aux(WF,pending(ErrType,Msg,Term,Span)) :-
1595 format('Reattaching error ~w in outer WF~n',[ErrType]),
1596 add_abort_error_span(ErrType,Msg,Term,Span,WF).
1599 % add abort / state error directly (now), but do not fail unlike add_wd_error_span_now
1600 add_state_error_wf(ErrType,Msg,Term,Span,WF) :-
1601 add_call_stack_to_span(Span,WF,Span2),
1602 (store_abort_error_for_context_state_if_possible(ErrType,Msg,Term,Span2) -> true
1603 ; add_error_wf(ErrType,Msg,Term,Span2,WF)
1604 ).
1607 % ground enumeration finished waitflag unless abort is pending
1608 % useful inside of exists, ... to complete all pending co-routines
1609 ground_ef_wait_flag_unless_abort_pending(wfx(_WF0,_WFX,WFE,_)) :-
1610 var(WFE), %print(check_abort_pending(_WF0,_WFX,WFE)),nl,
1611 is_not_wf_abort_pending(WFE),
1612 !, %print(grd_ef(WFE)),nl,
1613 grd_ef(WFE).
1614 ground_ef_wait_flag_unless_abort_pending(_).
1616 % special grounding of inner waitflags taking context (all_solutions, positive, negative) into account
1617 % one should call re_attach_pending_inner_abort_errors on the OuterWF after the forall/negation
1618 % in order to retract pending_inner_abort_error and re-attach the WD errors to the OuterWF
1619 ground_inner_wait_flags_in_context(all_solutions,WF) :-
1620 WF = wfx(_WF0,_WFX,WFE,_),!,
1621 ? ground_constraintprop_wait_flags(WF),
1622 (var(WFE),
1623 is_wf_abort_pending(WFE)
1624 -> !, % cut, we have found a WD error, whole findall result is useless anyway; cut
1625 % happens in tests 629, 1921, 1966, 2224
1626 debug_format(19,'WD Error(s) pending, could be spurious ~n',[]),
1627 assert(register_abort_errors_in_error_scope),
1628 call_cleanup(grd_ef(WFE), % will not raise WD errors but store them for OuterWF
1629 retract(register_abort_errors_in_error_scope))
1630 ; grd_ef(WFE)
1631 ).
1632 ground_inner_wait_flags_in_context(negative,WF) :-
1633 ? ground_inner_wait_flags_in_context(all_solutions,WF).
1634 ground_inner_wait_flags_in_context(_,WF) :-
1635 ground_wait_flags(WF). % TODO: do not ground WFE, ensure it is shared;
1636 % but currently positive context only used in external funs with wf_not_available
1639 % try and get a user-readable description of the context in which the WF store was created
1640 get_wait_flags_context_msg(wfx(_WF0,_WFX,_WFE,Infos),Msg) :-
1641 member(Info,Infos),
1642 get_info_context_description(Info,Msg).
1644 :- use_module(bsyntaxtree, [get_texpr_ids/2]).
1645 get_info_context_description(call_stack(CS),Msg) :- translate_call_stack(CS,Msg).
1646 % TODO: do we need expansion_context anymore?
1647 get_info_context_description(expansion_context(Type,Parameters),Msg) :-
1648 (Parameters=[b(identifier(_),_,_)|_]
1649 -> get_texpr_ids(Parameters,Ids),
1650 get_msg_aux(Type,Ids,Parameters,Msg)
1651 ; get_msg_aux(Type,Parameters,[],Msg)
1652 ).
1653 get_info_context_description(expansion_context_with_pos(Type,Parameters,Info),Msg) :-
1654 get_msg_aux(Type,Parameters,Info,Msg).
1655 % also deal with : check_element_of_function_closure_nowf(MemoID)
1657 get_msg_aux(Type,Parameters,Info,Msg) :-
1658 extract_span_description(Info,PosMsg),!, % we could do this only if preference trace_info set ?
1659 ajoin_with_sep(['expanding', Type, 'at', PosMsg, 'over ids'|Parameters],' ',Msg).
1660 get_msg_aux(Type,[],_Info,Msg) :- !,
1661 ajoin(['expanding ', Type],Msg).
1662 get_msg_aux(Type,Parameters,_Info,Msg) :-
1663 ajoin_with_sep(['expanding', Type, 'over ids'|Parameters],' ',Msg).
1666 % check whether an abort error is pending.
1667 pending_abort_error(wfx(_WF0,_WFX,WFE,_)) :- var(WFE),
1668 is_wf_abort_pending(WFE). %print(got_abort_pending),nl.
1669 % succeed once for every pending abort error in Waitflag store
1670 pending_abort_error(wfx(_WF0,_WFX,WFE,_),Msg,Term,Span) :- var(WFE),
1671 is_wf_abort_pending(WFE),
1672 frozen(WFE,Goal), %print(goal(Goal)),nl,
1673 pending_abort_error_aux(Goal,Msg,Term,Span).
1675 pending_abort_error_aux(kernel_waitflags:add_abort_error2(_,_ErrType,Msg,Term,_Result,_ResultValue,Span,_), Msg,Term,Span).
1676 pending_abort_error_aux(add_abort_error2(_,_ErrType,Msg,Term,_Result,_ResultValue,Span,_), Msg,Term,Span).
1677 pending_abort_error_aux(kernel_waitflags:mark_pending_abort_error2(_,Msg,Term,Span), Msg,Term,Span).
1678 pending_abort_error_aux((A,B),Msg,Term,Span) :-
1679 (pending_abort_error_aux(A,Msg,Term,Span) ;
1680 pending_abort_error_aux(B,Msg,Term,Span) ).
1682 % explicitly mark that an abort error is pending
1683 mark_pending_abort_error(wfx(_WF0,_WFX,WFE,_)) :- !, % print(mark_abort_pending(_WFX)),nl,
1684 (var(WFE) -> put_wf_abort_pending(WFE)
1685 ; true).
1686 mark_pending_abort_error(no_wf_available).
1688 % explicitly mark that an abort error is pending with storing information
1689 mark_pending_abort_error(wfx(_WF0,_WFX,WFE,_),Msg,Term,Span) :-
1690 (var(WFE) -> put_wf_abort_pending(WFE),
1691 mark_pending_abort_error2(WFE,Msg,Term,Span)
1692 ; true).
1693 mark_pending_abort_error(no_wf_available,_Msg,_Term,_Span).
1695 :- block mark_pending_abort_error2(-,?,?,?).
1696 mark_pending_abort_error2(_,_,_,_).
1697 % ---------------------------------------------
1700 get_large_finite_wait_flag(Info,WFX,WF2) :-
1701 large_finite_priority(P),
1702 get_wait_flag(P,Info,WFX,WF2).
1704 get_enumeration_starting_wait_flag(Info,WFX,WF2) :-
1705 last_finite_priority(P),
1706 get_wait_flag(P,enumeration_starting(Info),WFX,WF2).
1707 %get_enumeration_almost_finished_wait_flag(Info,WFX,WF2) :-
1708 % tools:max_tagged_integer(P), % largest tagged value
1709 % get_wait_flag(P,enumeration_starting(Info),WFX,WF2).
1712 get_integer_enumeration_wait_flag(Info,WFX,WF2) :-
1713 integer_priority(Prio),
1714 get_wait_flag(Prio,Info,WFX,WF2).
1716 % A few hardcoded priorities
1717 large_finite_priority(P) :- integer_priority(I), P is I-1000.
1718 last_finite_priority(P) :- integer_priority(I), P is I-2. % Note: enumerate_integer_with_min_range_wf did set its priority to I-1
1719 %integer_priority(10000000). % old value
1720 integer_priority(Prio) :- % priority for X : INTEGER enumerations
1721 tools:max_tagged_integer(P),
1722 Prio is P - 1024.
1723 % note inf_type_prio sets some priorities such as seq(INTEGER) ... higher
1725 % priority for sets of infinite type (POW(INTEGER)...)
1726 integer_pow2_priority(Prio) :- % was 10000010
1727 integer_priority(P), Prio is P+10.
1729 last_priority(P) :- % was 10000010
1730 tools:max_tagged_integer(P).
1732 % ensure that we do not exceed priority of type enumeration or use too big numbers
1733 get_bounded_wait_flag(Prio,Info,WF,LWF) :-
1734 get_bounded_priority(Prio,P),
1735 get_wait_flag(P,Info,WF,LWF).
1737 get_bounded_priority(Prio,P) :- number(Prio),
1738 Prio>268435452, % 268435455 is max_tagged_integer on 32 bit platforms
1739 last_finite_priority(MAX),
1740 Prio>MAX,
1741 !, P=MAX.
1742 get_bounded_priority(P,P).
1744 % -------------
1746 % copy waitflags from one waitflag store to another; warning: can ground WF0 from outer store
1747 % the assumption is that the outer store will be grounded/enumerated
1748 % the inner store 1 will now point to the outer store 2 in case some co-routines still add waitflags
1749 copy_waitflag_store(wfx(WF0,Store1,WFE1,_),wfx(WF0,Store2,WFE2,_Info2)) :-
1750 %print(copy_wf(WF0,Store1,Store2,WFE1,WFE2)),nl,
1751 my_get_wf_store_fdvars_atts(Store1,Heap,FDList1),
1752 (FDList1 = [] -> true
1753 ; my_get_fdvars_att(Store2,FDList2),
1754 %append(FDList1,FDList2,NewFDList), % used to be like this
1755 append_wf(FDList2,FDList1,NewFDList), % now we add inner FD variables to end
1756 put_mutable_wf_fdvars_attr(Store2,NewFDList)
1757 ),
1758 avl_to_list(Heap,WF_List),
1759 %print(copying(FDList1,WF_List)),nl,
1760 my_get_wf_store_att(Store2,Heap2),
1761 add_wf(WF_List,Heap2,NewHeap2),
1762 put_mutable_wf_store_attr(Store2,NewHeap2),
1763 set_mutable_ref(Store1,Store2),
1764 % ensures that calls which add waitflags now get-redirected to waitflag store 2
1765 % get_ef from Store2 and add trigger to enumerate Store1?
1766 %portray_waitflags(wfx(WF0,Store2,WFE2,Info2)),
1767 WFE1=WFE2.
1769 append_wf([],FDL,FDL).
1770 append_wf([H|T],FDL2,Res) :-
1771 (ground(H) -> append_wf(T,FDL2,Res) ; Res=[H|RT], append_wf(T,FDL2,RT)).
1773 % Note: add_wf will construct multiple WF variables also for finite_priorities,
1774 % get_waitflag_from_store will only keep multiple entries for infinite ones
1775 add_wf([],Heap,Heap).
1776 add_wf([Prio-wf(WF1,Info)|T],Heap,NewHeap) :-
1777 % purpose: copy waitflag WFlag to WF store; if same priority exists it will be appended at end
1778 P=Prio,
1779 (avl_fetch(P,Heap,wf(WFs,_OldInfo))
1780 -> % priority waitflag(s) exist; add inner store WF1 at end
1781 merge_waitflag_queues(WF1,WFs,MergedWFs), % TO DO: just unify WF 1 and 0.9 or smaller ?
1782 avl_store(P,Heap,wf(MergedWFs,Info),Heap2)
1783 ; % this priority does not yet exist in outer store
1784 avl_store(P,Heap,wf(WF1,Info),Heap2)
1785 ),
1786 add_wf(T,Heap2,NewHeap).
1789 % try and find an exact match for a waitflag info; this is linear in size of waitflag store !
1790 find_waitflag_info(wfx(_WF0,Store,_WFE1,_),Info,Prio,WF1) :-
1791 my_get_wf_store_att(Store,Heap),
1792 avl_member(Prio,Heap,wf(WF1,Info)).
1794 % dereference the waitflag store, see SICStus for SPRM-20503
1795 % should be called e.g., in WHILE loops of interpreter to prevent degradation of put_atts performance
1796 deref_wf(wfx(WF0,S,EF,I),R) :- !, R=wfx(WF0,S2,EF,I), deref_store(S,S2).
1797 deref_wf(WF,WF).
1799 % D is the dereferenced value of V.
1800 % see email by SICStus for SPRM-20503; gets rid of variable chains; was useful for old Waitflag store with attributes
1801 %deref(V,D) :- var(V), !, D = V.
1802 %deref(X,X).
1804 % --------------------------
1807 % you also need to comment in code above using it
1808 /*
1809 :- dynamic debug_kernel_waitflags/1.
1810 set_debug_kernel_waitflags :- (debug_kernel_waitflags(_) -> true ; assertz(debug_kernel_waitflags(0))).
1812 % the counter allows to set trace points
1813 get_debug_kernel_waitflags(Counter) :- retract(debug_kernel_waitflags(C)), C1 is C+1,
1814 assertz(debug_kernel_waitflags(C1)), Counter=C1.
1816 get_debug_info(Info,Res) :- debug_kernel_waitflags(Counter),!,
1817 (Counter==39 -> trace ; true),
1818 Res=info(Counter,Info).
1819 get_debug_info(Info,Info).
1820 */
1822 % check that a WF is grounded before EWF is grounded:
1823 :- public check_grounding/3. %debugging predicate
1824 check_grounding(WF,Info,LWF) :- get_enumeration_finished_wait_flag(WF,EWF), check_grounding_of_wf(WF,Info,LWF,EWF).
1825 :- block check_grounding_of_wf(?,?,-,-).
1826 check_grounding_of_wf(_,_,LWF,_) :- nonvar(LWF),!.
1827 check_grounding_of_wf(WF,Info,LWF,_EWF) :- add_internal_error('Waitflag not grounded: ',check_grounding(WF,Info,LWF)),
1828 portray_waitflags(WF),nl.
1830 % --------------------------
1832 :- assert_must_succeed(( kernel_waitflags:test_waitflags(1) )).
1833 :- assert_must_succeed(( kernel_waitflags:test_waitflags(2) )).
1835 test_waitflags(1) :-
1836 init_wait_flags(Waitflags,[test_waitflags]),
1837 get_wait_flag(10,Waitflags,WF1),
1838 when(nonvar(WF1),print('WF1 - Prio 10\n')),
1839 get_wait_flag(5,Waitflags,WF2),
1840 when(nonvar(WF2),(print('WF2 - Prio 5\n'),
1841 get_wait_flag(6,Waitflags,WF4),
1842 when(nonvar(WF4),print('WF4 - Prio 6\n')),
1843 get_wait_flag(2,Waitflags,WF5),
1844 when(nonvar(WF5),print('WF5 - Prio2\n')))),
1845 get_wait_flag(5,Waitflags,WF3),
1846 when(nonvar(WF3),print('WF3 - Prio 5\n')),
1847 ground_wait_flags(Waitflags),nl.
1849 test_waitflags(2) :-
1850 init_wait_flags(Waitflags,[test_waitflags]),
1851 get_wait_flag(10,Waitflags,WF1),
1852 when(nonvar(WF1),print('WF1 Prio 10\n')),
1853 get_wait_flag(5,Waitflags,WF2),
1854 when(nonvar(WF2),(print('WF2 - Prio 5\n'),
1855 get_wait_flag(6,Waitflags,WF4),
1856 when(nonvar(WF4),print('WF4 - Prio 6\n')),
1857 get_wait_flag(2,Waitflags,WF5),
1858 when(nonvar(WF5),print('WF5 - Prio2\n')))),
1859 get_wait_flag(5,Waitflags,WF3),
1860 when(nonvar(WF3),print('WF3 - Prio 5\n')),
1861 ground_wait_flags(Waitflags),nl.
1864 /*
1866 bench_waitflags(N) :-
1867 statistics(walltime,[Tot1,_]),
1868 init_wait_flags(Waitflags),
1869 getwf(N,Waitflags),
1870 ground_wait_flags(Waitflags),nl,statistics(walltime,[Tot2,_]), Tot is Tot2-Tot1,
1871 format('Waitflag test for size ~w : ~w ms walltime (wf=~w)]~n',[N,Tot,Waitflags]).
1872 getwf(0,_).
1873 getwf(N,Waitflags) :- N>0, N1 is N-1, get_wait_flag(N,bench(N),Waitflags,_), getwf(N1,Waitflags).
1875 % old attribute based:
1876 | ?- kernel_waitflags:bench_waitflags(1000).
1878 Waitflag test for size 1000 : 37 ms walltime (wf=wfx(0,_205205,0,[]))]
1879 yes
1880 | ?- kernel_waitflags:bench_waitflags(10000).
1882 Waitflag test for size 10000 : 5859 ms walltime (wf=wfx(0,_2512071,0,[]))]
1883 yes
1885 % new mutable based:
1886 | ?- kernel_waitflags:bench_waitflags(1000).
1888 Waitflag test for size 1000 : 4 ms walltime (wf=wfx(0,$mutable(wfm_store(empty,[],[]),3008),0,[]))]
1889 yes
1890 | ?- kernel_waitflags:bench_waitflags(10000).
1892 Waitflag test for size 10000 : 24 ms walltime (wf=wfx(0,$mutable(wfm_store(empty,[],[]),30008),0,[]))]
1893 yes
1894 | ?- kernel_waitflags:bench_waitflags(100000).
1896 Waitflag test for size 100000 : 497 ms walltime (wf=wfx(0,$mutable(wfm_store(empty,[],[]),9),0,[]))]
1897 yes
1899 */