1 % (c) 2009-2024 Lehrstuhl fuer Softwaretechnik und Programmiersprachen,
2 % Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf
3 % This software is licenced under EPL 1.0 (http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html)
5 :- module(kernel_cardinality_attr,[finite_cardinality_as_int_wf/3,
6 finite_cardinality_as_int_with_type_wf/5,
7 clpfd_card_domain_for_var/3
8 ]).
10 :- use_module(module_information,[module_info/2]).
11 :- module_info(group,kernel).
12 :- module_info(description,'This module provides operations for cardinality of sets, storing them as attributes.').
15 :- use_module(custom_explicit_sets,[explicit_set_cardinality_wf/3, is_interval_closure/3]).
16 :- use_module(kernel_waitflags,[add_wd_error/3, add_wd_error_span/4, add_abort_error_span/5]).
17 :- use_module(kernel_objects,[empty_set_wf/2, max_cardinality/2,
18 disjoint_sets/3, add_new_element_wf/4, not_element_of_wf/3,
19 exhaustive_kernel_check_wf/2]).
20 :- use_module(library(clpfd)).
21 :- use_module(clpfd_interface,[clpfd_max_bounded/1]).
22 :- use_module(self_check).
23 :- use_module(tools_portability, [exists_source/1]).
27 /*
28 Examples:
29 x<:1..200000 & card(x) = 2*card(y) & card(y):3..44 & x/\y = {} & card(x) = 130-card(y)
30 3.8 seconds before, now 1 ms to detect failure
31 card(x) : 10..200 & card(y) : card(x)..300 & card(y)+card(x) = 500 & x : POW(1..10000) & y: POW(1..10000)
32 now solved much faster 1 second vs ???
35 TO DO: replace cardinality_as_int in kernel_objects completely and add version here that returns inf/...
36 TO DO: call finite_cardinality_as_int_with_type_wf if possible
37 TO DO: Test 1631 NBishops has become slower (943d37585be8eeac46c93705d51c2392fde0fda3)
39 failed tests:
40 ** Failed tests:
41 33 without SMT mode
42 x:POW(7..8) & card(x)=1 & x /= {7} --> no longer deterministically sets x={8} with SMT=FALSE
43 calls: kernel_objects:not_equal_explicit_set/2: AVL{int(7)}: VARIABLE: _17573
45 now fixed:
46 1627
47 1828 Check card operator does not generate solutions with repeated entries
48 union(s) = {} & x<:INTEGER & x:s & card(s)=2 succeeds
49 union(s) = {} & x<:INTEGER & x:s & card(s)=2 succeeds
50 38 -> probably we need to set up list skel before infinite enumeration
51 223 -> overflow
52 496 Many explicit computations which check that all operators work as expected on various concrete data.
53 1187 Ensure proper enumeration of sequences (CLPFD=FALSE).
54 1418 Test this is solved quickly using new ordered_value check for card.
55 card(x)=10 & !y.(y:x & y<50 => y+1:x) & x<:1..50
56 1419 Test this is solved quickly using new ordered_value check for card & avoid bug in expand all quantifeir.
57 1611 Ensure proper enumeration of sequences (CLPFD=TRUE).
58 1625 Check card of interval propagates
59 568 ProZ test
60 1540 Test Integer Z laws and that the division semantics of Z is preserved.
61 1850 Test loading .tex file works
62 1776 Check compilation of while with op call and inner while works
63 */
66 % Portable attributed variable handling.
67 % Use SICStus-style library(atts) and verify_attributes/3 if available,
68 % otherwise the SWI/hProlog-style attr builtins and attr_unify_hook/2.
69 :- if(\+ exists_source(library(atts))).
71 get_kernel_card_attr(Var,Card,WF) :- get_attr(Var,kernel_cardinality_attr,kernel_card_attr(Card,WF)).
72 put_kernel_card_attr(Var,Card,WF) :- put_attr(Var,kernel_cardinality_attr,kernel_card_attr(Card,WF)).
74 :- use_module(library(lists), [maplist/2]).
75 attr_unify_hook(kernel_card_attr(Card,WF),Value) :-
76 update_card(Value,Card,Goal,WF),
77 maplist(call, Goal).
79 :- else.
81 :- use_module(library(atts)).
83 :- attribute kernel_card_attr/2.
85 get_kernel_card_attr(Var,Card,WF) :- get_atts(Var,+kernel_card_attr(Card,WF)).
86 put_kernel_card_attr(Var,Card,WF) :- put_atts(Var,+kernel_card_attr(Card,WF)).
88 % Attribute unification:
89 % verify_attributes is called whenever a variable Var that might have attributes is about to be bound to Value (it might have none).
90 % verify_attributes/3 may invoke arbitrary Prolog goals, but Var should not be bound by it.
91 % verify(VariableBeforeUnification, ValueWithWhichVariableUnifies, GoalWhichSICStusShouldCallAfterUnif)
92 verify_attributes(ThisVar,Value,Goal) :-
93 get_atts(ThisVar,+kernel_card_attr(Card,WF)),!,
94 update_card(Value,Card,Goal,WF).
95 verify_attributes(_, _, [] ).
97 :- endif.
100 finite_cardinality_as_int_with_type_wf(Set,ObjectType,Info,int(Card),WF) :-
101 ? max_cardinality(ObjectType,MaxCard),
102 %format('card with type=~w, maxcard=~w, Info=~w~n',[ObjectType,MaxCard,Info]),
103 %tools_printing:print_term_summary(Set),
104 ? finite_card_wf(Set,0,MaxCard,Info,[],Card,WF).
105 % print('card = '),tools_printing:print_integer(Card),nl,print(set(Set)),nl,nl.
108 :- assert_must_succeed((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(Y,int(X),_WF), Y = [fd(1,'Name'),fd(2,'Name')],X==2)).
109 :- assert_must_succeed(exhaustive_kernel_check_wf(kernel_cardinality_attr:finite_cardinality_as_int_wf([int(2),int(4),int(1)],int(3),WF),WF)).
110 :- assert_must_succeed((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(Y,int(2),no_wf_available), Y = [fd(1,'Name'),fd(2,'Name')])).
111 :- assert_must_fail((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(Y,int(3),no_wf_available), Y = [fd(1,'Name'),fd(2,'Name')])).
112 :- assert_must_succeed((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(Y,int(X),no_wf_available),
113 Y = [H1|YY], YY=[H2], X==2, H1=int(0), H2=int(3) )).
114 :- assert_must_succeed((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf([A|Y],int(3),no_wf_available),
115 Y = [B|YY], YY=[C], kernel_objects:equal_object([A,B,C], [int(1),int(3),int(2)])
116 %,A=int(1),B=int(3),C=int(2) not possible because of ordered list skeleton setup below
117 )).
118 :- assert_must_succeed((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(Y,int(1),no_wf_available), Y = [fd(1,'Name')])).
119 :- assert_must_succeed((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(Y,int(0),no_wf_available), Y = [])).
120 :- assert_must_succeed((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(X,int(3),no_wf_available), kernel_objects:equal_object(X,global_set('Name')))).
121 :- assert_must_fail((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(Y,int(X),no_wf_available), Y = [fd(1,'Name'),fd(2,'Name')],dif(X,2))).
122 :- assert_must_succeed_any((preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false) ;
123 finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(S,int(C),no_wf_available), clpfd_interface:force_post_constraint('#='(C,2)), nonvar(S),S=[A|T],nonvar(T),A=int(1),T=[int(2)])).
124 % does not work yet:
125 %:- assert_must_succeed_any((preferences:preference(use_clpfd_solver,false) ;
126 % finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(S,int(C),no_wf_available), clpfd_interface:force_post_constraint('#>='(C,2)), nonvar(S),S=[_|T],nonvar(T))).
127 :- assert_must_succeed((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf([int(1)|avl_set(node(int(3),true,0,empty,empty))],int(2),no_wf_available))).
128 :- assert_must_succeed((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf([int(1)|avl_set(node(int(3),true,0,empty,empty))],X,no_wf_available),X==int(2))).
129 % check that we deal with repeated elements, in case no other predicate sets up a list !
130 :- assert_must_fail((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf([int(1),int(1)],int(2),no_wf_available))).
131 :- assert_must_fail((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf([int(1),int(1)],_,no_wf_available))).
132 :- assert_must_fail((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(X,int(2),no_wf_available),X=[int(1),int(1)])).
133 :- assert_must_fail((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf([int(3)|avl_set(node(int(3),true,0,empty,empty))],_,no_wf_available))).
134 :- assert_must_fail((finite_cardinality_as_int_wf([X|avl_set(node(int(3),true,0,empty,empty))],int(2),no_wf_available),X=int(3))).
136 :- assert_must_succeed(( finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(V,int(X),no_wf_available), X in 1..5, finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(V,int(X2),no_wf_available), X2 in 5..10, X2==5 , V=[int(1),int(2),int(3),int(4),int(5)])).
137 :- assert_must_succeed(( finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(V,int(X),no_wf_available), X in 1..5, finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(V,int(X2),no_wf_available), X2 in 5..10, V=[_A,_B,_C,_D,_E|T], T==[],
138 V=[int(1),int(2),int(3),int(4),int(5)])).
141 finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(Set,int(Card),WF) :-
142 finite_card_wf(Set,0,inf,[contains_wd_condition],[],Card,WF).
144 finite_card_wf(Var,Acc,MaxCard,_Info,ElementsSoFar,Card,WF) :- var(Var),
145 !,
146 Card #= VCard+Acc,
147 card_for_var(Var,VCard,ElementsSoFar,WF),
148 check_no_duplicates(Var,ElementsSoFar,WF),
149 restrict_card(Card,MaxCard).
150 finite_card_wf([],Acc,_,_Info,_,Card,_WF) :- !, Card=Acc.
151 finite_card_wf([H|T],Acc,MaxCard,Info,ElementsSoFar,Card,WF) :- !, A1 is Acc+1,
152 check_and_add_new_element(H,ElementsSoFar,ElementsSoFar2,WF),
153 finite_card_wf(T,A1,MaxCard,Info,ElementsSoFar2,Card,WF).
154 finite_card_wf(CS,Acc,MaxCard,Info,ElementsSoFar,Card,WF) :-
155 ? explicit_set_cardinality_wf(CS,CSCard,WF), %print(cs_card(Acc,CSCard)),nl,
156 add_cs_card(CS,CSCard,Acc,MaxCard,Info,Card,WF),
157 disjoint_sets(ElementsSoFar,CS,WF).
159 :- block check_no_duplicates(-,?,?).
160 check_no_duplicates([],_,_) :- !.
161 check_no_duplicates([H|T],ElementsSoFar,WF) :- !,
162 check_and_add_new_element(H,ElementsSoFar,ElementsSoFar2,WF),
163 check_no_duplicates(T,ElementsSoFar2,WF).
164 check_no_duplicates(CS,ElementsSoFar,WF) :-
165 disjoint_sets(CS,ElementsSoFar,WF).
166 % we have to check here that the list is really a set if we return cardinality
167 % sometimes the outer predicates do not ensure this
168 % e.g. for test 1828 we have that union(s) = {} & x<:INTEGER & x:s & card(s)=2 may otherwise succeed
169 % and generate a list with two identical elements: [ [], [] ]
170 % ideally the rest of the kernel should ensure that such lists are not generated; we may generate some redundant work here
171 check_and_add_new_element(H,ElementSoFar,SoFar2,WF) :-
172 not_element_of_wf(H,ElementSoFar,WF),
173 add_new_element_wf(H,ElementSoFar,SoFar2,WF).
175 card_for_var(Var,Card,_ElementsSoFar,_WF) :- get_kernel_card_attr(Var,StoredCard,_), % could be other WF !
176 !,
177 Card=StoredCard.
178 card_for_var(Var,Card,ElementsSoFar,WF) :- Card #>= 0, put_kernel_card_attr(Var,Card,WF),
179 force_empty_and_set_skel(Card,Var,ElementsSoFar,WF).
181 % Note : it is important to not instantiate variables or trigger co-routines which could instantiate top-level Variable
182 update_card(Value,Card,Goal,WF) :- var(Value),!,
183 (get_kernel_card_attr(Value,Card2,_) % could be other WF
184 -> Goal = [Card=Card2]
185 ; put_kernel_card_attr(Value,Card,WF), Goal=[]
186 ).
187 update_card([],Card,Goal,_WF) :- !, Goal=[Card=0].
188 update_card([_|T],Card,Goal,WF) :- !, get_list_tail(T,1,Tail,Delta),
189 % calling the following directly resulted in errors for test 402 (co-routines not being activated)
190 (number(Card)
191 % optimisation is important for performance of test 32 (SETUP_CONSTANTS)
192 -> C1 is Card-Delta,
193 (C1=0 -> Goal = [empty_set_wf(Tail,WF)]
194 ; C1<0 -> %print(inconsistent_card(Card,Delta,C1)),nl, fail,
195 Goal =[fail] % it seems ok to call fail directly; occurs in tests 974, 1962
196 ; update_card(Tail,C1,Goal,WF)
197 )
198 ; Goal = [Card #= C1+Delta, C1 #>= 0, force_empty(C1,Tail,WF) |TGoal],
199 update_card(Tail,C1,TGoal,WF)
200 ).
201 update_card(CS,Card,Goal,WF) :-
202 Goal = [safe_explicit_set_cardinality_wf(CS,Card,WF)].
205 get_list_tail(Tail,Acc,Tail,Res) :- var(Tail),!,Res=Acc.
206 get_list_tail([_|T],Acc,Tail,Res) :- !, A1 is Acc+1, get_list_tail(T,A1,Tail,Res).
207 get_list_tail(Tail,Acc,Tail,Res) :- !,Res=Acc.
209 :- block force_empty(-,-,?).
210 force_empty(Card,Set,WF) :- %print(emp(Card,Set)),nl,
211 Card==0,
212 !,
213 empty_set_wf(Set,WF).
214 force_empty(_,_,_).
217 :- use_module(kernel_waitflags,[get_wait_flag/4]).
218 % wake up if Card is set and then force empty set or setup list skeleton
219 :- block force_empty_and_set_skel(-,-,?,?).
220 force_empty_and_set_skel(Card,Set,_ElementsSoFar,WF) :- % print(force_empty_and_set_skel(Card,Set)),nl,
221 Card==0,
222 !,
223 empty_set_wf(Set,WF).
224 force_empty_and_set_skel(Card,Set,ElementsSoFar,WF) :- var(Set), number(Card),
225 !,
226 (preferences:preference(use_smt_mode,true)
227 -> Prio is Card*2 % instantiate skeleton earlier, relevant for propagation in test 33
228 ; Prio is Card*100),
229 get_wait_flag(Prio,allow_reuse(force_empty_and_set_skel(Set,Card)),WF,LWF2),
230 % we allow reuse as instantiate_set does not create a choice point itself: it just instantiates the set skeleton
231 % and we just delay this as it can be counter-productive (leading to multiple solutions in different order)
232 % see tests 33, 34 where multiple calls to force_empty_and_set_skel are made
233 instantiate_set(Set,Card,ElementsSoFar,LWF2,WF).
234 force_empty_and_set_skel(_,_,_,_). % note hat verify_attributes will call update_card and check cardinality!
237 % instantiate a variable
238 :- block instantiate_set(-,?,?,-,?).
239 instantiate_set(Var,Card,ElementsSoFar,LWF2,WF) :- %print(instantiate_set(Var,Card,ElementsSoFar,LWF2)),nl,
240 var(Var),!,
241 (Card>1
242 -> instantiate_var_set(Var,Card,ElementsSoFar,LWF2,WF)
243 ; Var = [H],
244 not_element_of_wf(H,ElementsSoFar,WF)). %, print(instantiated_set(Var,Card,LWF2)),nl.
245 instantiate_set([H|T],Card,ElementsSoFar,LWF2,WF) :- !,
246 (Card>1
247 -> check_and_add_new_element(H,ElementsSoFar,ElementsSoFar2,WF),
248 C1 is Card-1,
249 instantiate_set(T,C1,ElementsSoFar2,LWF2,WF)
250 ; empty_set_wf(T,WF)).
251 instantiate_set(_,_,_,_,_WF). % TO DO: what if we have an open list skeleton? should we instantiate end?
252 % note hat verify_attributes will call update_card and check cardinality!
254 instantiate_var_set(VarSet,Card,ElementsSoFar,_LWF2,WF) :-
255 kernel_objects:unbound_variable_for_card(VarSet),
256 !,
257 kernel_objects:setup_ordered_list_skeleton(Card,Skel,closed,WF),
258 disjoint_sets(ElementsSoFar,Skel,WF),
259 %print(skel(Card,Skel)),nl,
260 VarSet = Skel. % bypass equal_object: assign variable in one-go
261 instantiate_var_set(VarSet,Card,ElementsSoFar,LWF2,WF) :-
262 C1 is Card-1, VarSet = [H|TVar],
263 check_and_add_new_element(H,ElementsSoFar,ElementsSoFar2,WF),
264 instantiate_set(TVar,C1,ElementsSoFar2,LWF2,WF).
266 :- public safe_explicit_set_cardinality_wf/3.
267 safe_explicit_set_cardinality_wf(CS,Card,WF) :-
268 explicit_set_cardinality_wf(CS,CSCard,WF), % TO DO: use finite version which itself raises WD error when inf and use clpfd addition
269 add_cs_card(CS,CSCard,0,inf,[contains],Card,WF).
272 add_cs_card(_CS,CSCard,Acc,_MaxCard,_Info,Res,_WF) :- number(CSCard),!,
273 Res is Acc+CSCard.
274 add_cs_card(CS,CSCard,Acc,MaxCard,Info,Res,_WF) :-
275 (clpfd_max_bounded(CSCard)
276 ; var(CSCard),
277 (nonmember(contains_wd_condition,Info)
278 ; is_interval_closure(CS,_,_) % checks if the closure is guaranteed to be finite; relevant for test 1625
279 )),
280 !,
281 % no risk of CLPFD error with inf -> we can unify straightaway; better for propagation
282 % We could also look at CS itself: e.g., interval closure: no risk of infinite card
283 Res #= Acc+CSCard,
284 restrict_card(Res,MaxCard).
285 add_cs_card(CS,CSCard,_Acc,_MaxCard,Info,_Res,WF) :- CSCard == inf,!,
286 add_wd_error_span('card applied to infinite set, cardinality not representable in ProB: ',CS,Info,WF).
287 add_cs_card(CS,CSCard,_Acc,_MaxCard,Info,_Res,WF) :- CSCard == inf_overflow,!,
288 add_abort_error_span(card_overflow_error,
289 'card applied to very large set, cardinality not representable in ProB: ',CS,Info,WF).
290 add_cs_card(CS,CSCard,Acc,MaxCard,Info,Res,WF) :-
291 Res #>= Acc,
292 restrict_card(Res,MaxCard),
293 block_add_cs_card(CS,CSCard,Acc,Info,Res,WF).
295 :- block block_add_cs_card(?,-,?,?,?,?).
296 block_add_cs_card(_CS,CSCard,Acc,_,Res,_WF) :- number(CSCard),!,Res #= Acc+CSCard.
297 block_add_cs_card(CS,CSCard,_Acc,_,_Res,WF) :- CSCard == inf, !,
298 add_wd_error('card applied to infinite set: ',CS,WF).
299 block_add_cs_card(CS,_,_Acc,Info,_Res,WF) :- % inf_overflow
300 add_abort_error_span(card_overflow_error,
301 'card applied to very large set, cardinality not representable in ProB: ',CS,Info,WF).
303 :- use_module(tools,[max_tagged_integer/1]).
304 % restrict Card to be smaller or equal to MaxCard
305 restrict_card(Card,MaxCard) :- var(Card),
306 number(MaxCard),
307 max_tagged_integer(Max), MaxCard =< Max, % check if CLP(FD) overflow would occur when posting constraint
308 !,
309 Card #=< MaxCard.
310 restrict_card(_,_).
314 /*
315 | ?- finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(Var,C,WF), Var=[a,b,c|T], finite_cardinality_as_int_wf(T,CT,WF), C=int(3).
316 update([b,c|_1241],_1241,3)
317 emp([a,b,c|_3493],_2855)
318 emp(0,_3493)
319 Var = [a,b,c],
320 C = 3,
321 T = [],
322 CT = 0 ?
323 yes
326 */
329 :- use_module(clpfd_interface,[clpfd_domain/3]).
331 % obtain the CLP(FD) variable bounds for a cardinality variable
332 clpfd_card_domain_for_var(Var,MinCard,MaxCard) :-
333 var(Var),
334 (get_kernel_card_attr(Var,StoredCard,_)
335 -> clpfd_domain(StoredCard,MinCard,MaxCard) %, print(clpfd_domain(Var,MinCard,MaxCard)),nl
336 ; (MinCard,MaxCard) = (0,sup)
337 ).
339 % -----------------
341 % to do: implement and ensure that it also works for infinite sets
342 %not_empty_set_wf(X,WF) :- var(X), !,
343 % card_not_empty_set(X,WF).
344 %not_empty_set_wf([_|_]).
346 :- use_module(library(clpfd),[fd_min/2]).
347 % check if a variable is annotated with cardinality which implies that the set is not empty
348 clpfd_card_is_gt0_for_var(Var) :- var(Var),
349 get_kernel_card_attr(Var,StoredCard,_),
350 fd_min(StoredCard,Low),
351 number(Low), Low>0.
353 card_not_empty_set(Set,WF) :- var(Set),
354 card_for_var(Set,Card,[],WF),
355 Card #>0.
357 reify_empty_set_test(Set,PredRes,WF) :- var(Set),
358 card_for_var(Set,Card,[],WF),
359 (Card #> 0) #<=> R01,
360 b_interpreter_check:prop_pred_01(PredRes,R01).
362 % ----------------------