2.9.5 The Celebrity algorithm
We will now take a brief tour through the model to see how the problem and algorithm are specified. The celebrity problem itself is described in the context Celebrity_c0. There are three constants.
is the set of persons, each represented by a number,
is the celebrity we are looking for and
is the “knows” relation between the persons. The axioms encode the properties about the “knows” relation that we stated above.


In the most abstract machine Celebrity_0 we specify what the algorithm should do. The variable
can be any person initially and the event celebrity finds the celebrity in one step. After the event celebrity has occurred,
contains the result of the algorithm. You might then wonder why there is a problem if you can just pick the celebrity and assign it to the result. This is because we defined our problem in such a way so that we are certain a celebrity
exists and the algorithm simply returns it. Later in the refinement, we will model how to find the celebrity without using
. Because of the refinement relation, we know that the algorithm works correctly.


- Initialisation
- begin

- end
- Event
- begin

- end
So let’s have a look at the first refinement Celebrity_1. A variable
is introduced which contains a subset of the persons, the potential celebrities. We start with
being all persons. Two new events, remove_1 and remove_2, are added to remove people from
who cannot be the celebrity. remove_1 removes a person that knows somebody while remove_2 removes a person that is not known by any other person. An invariants states that the celebrity is always in
. When there is just one person left in the set, we know that this is the celebrity.
The second refinement, Celebrity_2, then splits the potential celebrities
into one arbitrary person – the candidate
– and the “rest”
. remove_1 then removes a person
. remove_2 checks if there is a person
that does not know the candidate. If found,
is the new candidate
and is removed from the rest
. If
is empty, we know that the candidate is the celebrity. (We do not show the machine here because it simply takes up too much space — please consult the project that you imported earlier to inspect the model.)
The third refinement then makes some more assumptions about the given problem. The context Celebrity_c1 extends Celebrity_c0 and states that there are
persons with the numbers


Instead of having an abstract data structure like a set, the third refinement just introduces an index variable
that points to the first person of
, which is the group of people who have not yet been checked. Instead of taking an arbitrary element from
as in the second refinement, the remove events just takes the first element
is then removed from
by increasing it by one. When
is larger then
is empty and
contains the result.
This last refinement works only on the following three integer variables: The index
, the candidate
and the result
. Each event is deterministic and in every step only one event is enabled. The events together can be interpreted as an implementation of the algorithm:
// initialisation act1 |
// initialisation act2 |
// initialisation act3 |
while do |
// guard in remove_1 and remove_2 |
if then |
// guard in remove_1 and negated in remove_2 |
// action in remove_1 |
else |
//  |
// action act1 in remove_2 |
// action act2 in remove_2 |
end if |
end while |
// action in celebrity |